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From the Editor

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chasing pirates in

chasing pirates in

Welcome to the December issue of the E-Zine.

It does not seem that long ago I was writing my previous editorial and bemoaning the fact we, as a website team, had had such a poor 6 months. Since that time I am pleased to say that our database manager, Roy Baillie, is back on his foot, Mark Adams who looks after all guest books and bulletin boards and had severely cut his hand is now able to type with two lollipop sticks which is a defi nite improvement and I am recoveringwell from my back operation although with a few unexpected complications. I was also delighted to receive an email recently from Arne Bergsand saying he was once again well enough to re-join the team. Arne has been responsible for the building of this edition while Seamus Lyons, who has remained disgustingly well all year, has been concentrating on a complete rebuild of the main website.


The branch websites which we control have been given a completely new look and we have welcomed the Gosport and District branch into the fold. Seamus has now taken over responsibility for the maintenance of all the websites. There are plans to add another formerly independent website to the list of centrally run websites in the new year if things go according to plan.

Once again the e-zine contains a wide variety of articles in addition to branch reports. We always welcome the interest stories as they have a tendency to generate further stories as people think “I could write one of those”. Please keep them coming.

You should be aware by now that we have taken the decision to reduce the e-zine from 3 issues to 1 issue per year. In making this decision I have taken into account the fact that those who contribute are volunteers as are the website team and it can be very diffi cult to fi nd something to write about every 12 weeks. I have, however, decided we will produce 2 editions in 2014, the fi rst at the end of June and the second at the end of October meaning we can give full coverage and support to the museum in this very important year for them and also cover the reunions.

So as 2013 draws to a close and we begin to welcome in 2014 may I, on behalf of the website team, take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

Best wishes

(To be conƟ nued on next page) Kevin Stevens Website Manager RGJRA Editor E-Zine and Swift and Bold

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