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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Volume 7 Issue 2



December 2015


Brigadier Hugh Willing CBE Chairman of the RGJ Association

As you would expect, we have had a busy summer of organised activities both in the Branches countrywide and centrally. Major Roy Stanger, Captain John Fitz-Domeney and his Winchester Branch team again organised our Winchester Gathering superbly. And in perfect weather over seven hundred former Rifl emen and their families enjoyed a range of activities and displays at Sir John Moore Barracks, as well as an excellent Sounding Retreat by the Rifl es Band and Bugles supported by some of our Association’s retired buglers. As General Sir Robert Pascoe said to me afterwards, there is no better way of keeping the spirit alive than by watching a superb Sounding of Retreat. So let me remind you that next summer on the nights of 2nd and 3rd June 2016, there will be a Sounding Retreat on Horse Guards in London of Massed Rifl es Bands which will include the Band and Bugles of the Brigade of Gurkhas. More details will follow on how to purchase tickets but it will be a splendid event not to be missed. Well done, also, to the Central England Branch for organizing another excellent ‘Greenstock’ in August which was very well attended by our many Rifl emen who live north of Watford.We also had strong representation at the Northern Ireland Veterans’ Association Service of Remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum in September.This is now an annual event in which you are very much encouraged to participate.

Planning for next summer’s Veterans’ DayGathering at Winchester to mark the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Regiment, which takes place on Saturday 9th July 2016, is well under way. Our Deputy Chairman, Simon Booth-Mason, and his organising committee have put together a really exciting programme for the whole day and have already done lots of good work. This will begin with a special service of Turning The Pages in Winchester Cathedral before moving up to Sir John Moore Barracks for an afternoon of re-enactments and activities before a massed band Sounding Retreat at which we will be addressed by General Sir Nick Carter, the Chief of the General Staff and our most senior serving Rifl eman. Food and drink will be available late into the evening, so please make a very special effort to attend.

There have been a number of departures and changes over the summer within the Association which I would like to record. General Wallace will be handing over his position as Chairman of Trustees for the RGJ (Rifl es) Museum, after 16 years in the Chair to Brigadier Vere Hayes. General Wallace rightly deserves the immense thanks of the Association for the outstanding work and clear direction which he has brought to that appointment during his long tenure, and during times of signifi cant change. It is certainly one of the country’s fi nest Military museums thanks to the hard work of the committee and the volunteers who provide the day-to-day staff. They always need more volunteers to man the museum, especially former Rifl emen, so if you are interested in volunteering please contact the museum to offer your services. Brigadier James Plastow has stood down as President of the South East Kent Branch after three years and Brigadier Nicholas Prideaux has handed over the North East England Branch Presidency to Colonel James Ramsbotham. Also we were very saddened to hear of the death of Brigadier Peter Lyddon in October, President of the Yorkshire Branch for many years. All of them have given up so much time to their Branches, and have provided that encouragement and support in the front line, which helps to maintain a healthy interest in our old Regiment and those who served in it.

My very best wishes to all our fellow Rifl emen and I look forward to seeing you at Winchester on 9th July 2016.

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