RGJ Ezine Sep 2009

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Newsletter Title The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association Ezine Joe Burr

Oct 08


15 Sept 2009

Ezine Page Summary


Volume 1, Issue 2


1. Forward . Contents List . Oxford Reunion Details 2.The Rifles Salamanca Day Awards Dinner . City of London Corporation Honours The Rifles 3. A letter from Afghanistan . Ezine contact details . Photograph - The old team . News Flash John Helbert 4. The North East branch . The Rfn, H4H and the Choir 5. HM The Queen honours John Powell RVM . The run to Pegasus Bridge . North West branch update 6. Oxford branch update . An ex Rfn is appointed by HHT Service Charity . News Flash Lou Costello 7. Band Memorial Service . News Flash Piers Reinhold . Green Jacket Engineer . All our yesterdays 8. Winchester H4H Concert 9. Billy Hughes on H4H . Mike Leavy needs your help 10. The Museum at Winchester . Winchester branch update

Welcome to the second edition of the RGJRA Ezine Newsletter published on 15 of September. This publication is only circulated to RGJRA members who have a registered email address on the Database. Make sure you keep your email address up to date and empty your mailbox frequently. Current distribution is to 2785 of 5446 database users.


Welcome to the second edition, of the RGJRA Ezine Newsletter. The response to the last edition was very positive and my thanks go to all those of you who took the trouble to write to me to register your approval. Something that I have to mention is that the web site team is now actively recruiting new members who will eventually take over from them when they finally become too old or infirm to carry on with their present responsibilities. If there is

The Oxford reunion for this year will be held at Edward Brooks Barracks, Cholswell Rd, Shippon, Abingdon, OX13 6HW The timings for the reunion are as follows; 19.00 Bars open

12. F/cast of Events Sept-Dec . Cenotaph Parade 2009

20.45 Public Address

13. A letter from the President

00.30 Bars close

14. Journal Advertising Application

01.00 TAVR Centre closes


the Association family for this very worthy cause is impressive to say the least. The next Ezine edition will be th published on or after 15 December when Christmas will be upon us. That will be followed in February by the next issue of Swift and Bold which this year regrettably, will only go out to paying members of the Association. Best wishes to all. Ken Ambrose

The Oxford Reunion 7th November 2009

11. Milton Keynes branch update . Her Majesty`s Bodyguard of Gentlemen at Arms

Swift and Bold

anyone out there with a genuine enthusiasm for all things IT would they please contact me ASAP? Some skills will be an advantage but are not strictly necessary as full training will be provided. Now, you can see from the page summary on the left that there has been lots of activity over a wide front in the last three months. I am pleased to note that the Association`s support for Help for Heroes continues to increase and details of the amount of money raised by individual and group effort from within

The advantages of full membership are listed below. 

Free entry to the Winchester and Oxford reunions

Full access to the Association Database and a free Association email address on application

A free Association annual magazine

Free entry to the Museum for the Winchester reunion weekend and half price entry for the remainder of the year

The book Swift and Bold – A Portrait of the RGJ 1966 – 2007 is sold at half price (£16.50) to members

20.15 Band Programme Commences

21.00 Curry Buffet available on repayment

If you are not already a paying member of the Association there will be a £10 admission charge which you can convert to a one year membership subscription by completing an application form available at the gate. There is also an option to pay future subscriptions by standing order or purchase a lifetime membership for a one off payment of £100.

Newsletter Title “A full report containing details of the Salamanca awards will be published in the 2009 edition of the RGJR Association Journal, Swift and Bold due out in February 2010”.

Prince Philip, Lt Gen Sir N Parker and Lt Col J PooleWarren. Photograph By Maj. J Pearson, Rifle RHQ.

The Rifles` Salamanca Day Awards Dinner 22 Jul 2009 The Rifles` Salamanca Day Awards Dinner was held in the TA Centre of F Company 7 RIFLES at Davies Street, London W1, on 22 July 2009. Two hundred people attended, who ranged from Rifleman to Field Marshal, representing the 4 Pillars of the Regiment (Regulars, TA, Cadets and our forming Regiments’ Associations). We were honoured by the presence of our Colonel-inChief, HRH Field Marshal The Duke of Edinburgh and six of our seven Royal Colonels of our Regular and TA Battalions. The evening concluded with the presentation of Regimental Awards for both 2008 and 2009.

On arrival the Royal Colonels were all greeted by a Bugle Guard and Fanfare under command of Colour Serjeant (Bugle Major) Steven Sullivan. The bugle echoes could be heard up most of Oxford Street and all the way down to Berkley Square creating a certain amount of interest and enquiries from the envious passing public. Unusually positive comments were heard from passing London Cabbies, one of whom actually got out of his taxi to applaud. At the conclusion of dinner the Colonel Commandant, Lieutenant General Sir Nick Parker, gave an update on the Regiment since formation in 2007. The commanding

officers of 1, 5 and 6 Rifles then presented the Operational Perspective of the Regiment from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan and finished with an overview of the Rifles TA contribution to operations. The presentation of the Regimental Awards to individuals followed. A full report containing details of the Salamanca awards will be published in the 2009 edition of the RGJR Association Journal, Swift and Bold due out in February 2010.

The City of London Corporation Honours The Rifles 23 Jul 2009 th

On the occasion of the 150 Anniversary of the London Rifle Brigade

Band and Bugles of The Rifles Sounding Retreat as the rain falls in the Guild Hall yard. Photograph by Peter Holland Photographic Services.


The gold crested, gold edged and copper plate engraved invitations from the City of London Corporation “requested the honour of the company” of some 450 London based Riflemen both regular and TA, ACF and CCF seniors, London area members of our forming and antecedent regiments’ associations including City Livery Companies with Rifles connections, TA employers, family members of Riflemen on operations, friends of The Rifles and a 70 strong contingent of veterans of The London Rifle Brigade to “an Early Evening Reception followed by a Sounding Retreat by the massed Bands and Bugles of The Rifles to coincide


with the 150 Anniversary of the founding of the London Volunteer Rifle Brigade, rd Guildhall Thursday, 23 July 2009”. The magnificence of the Guildhall, the generosity of the champagne reception, the excellence of the food and the truly warm welcome of the Lord Mayor Locum Tenens, Aldermen, Sheriff, Chief Commoner and Officers of the City of London Corporation was a true testament to the support the City give to the Services and The Rifles in particular who are a “privileged” Regiment of The City of London. This th “privilege” the 150 anniversary of which coincided with the reception which originally was granted to the London Rifle Brigade in 1859 and carried forward

to The Rifles by the Royal Green Jackets and their various London antecedents. Even the torrential downpour which required Bugle Major Steve Flavin to take a command decision at the “double” and in front of at least two Field Marshals, to foreshorten a truly spectacular Sounding Retreat in Guildhall Yard by the combined bands of The Rifles from Winchester and the Salamanca Band of the Rifles from Exeter and Buglers from all seven battalions, could not dampen the spirit of camaraderie of all those present. Full details of the Dinner with additional photographs will be published in the next issue of the Association Journal, Swift and Bold in late February 2010.

A Letter from Afghanistan Afghanistan has been the home of the Rifles in 2009, with 1 Rifles starting the year here, followed by all of 2 Rifles and most of 4 with the end of the year seeing 3 Rifles and the remainder of 4 arrive. In addition a large number of Riflemen from 6 and 7 Rifles have also joined the regulars out here. 5 Rifles found themselves to be the last UK battalion in Iraq. Former Green Jackets are in all battalions with the majority of 2 and 4 full of those who joined as Green Jackets but we also have a large contingent of ex Green Jackets in private security here. Green Jackets are with the company that runs Camp Bastion; Major General Pringle even came out as a director of that firm. A number of ex Green Jackets with the boys from Hereford and even ex 1 RGJ Officer, now journalist, Ant Lloyd joining 2 Rifles on patrol. The fighting has been fierce, I first thought of it from my earlier military days as taking South Armagh and placing it in the jungle but CO 2 Rifles had a better description, it was a mix of the fiercest fighting from D Day combined with street fighting on the Ardoyne in the early 70’s. For 2 Rifles it has been a very hard tour with 22 deaths in the Battle Group and still just less

than 2 months to go, of those 22, 12 were Rifles cap badge. Those 12 included, Officers, SNCO’s, JNCO’s and Riflemen. Casualties have also been high and a number with single, double and even triple amputations. There has been criticism of the military hospitals closing but to be fair there is no place better in the world than Selly Oak for treating these traumatic injuries. We have given as good as we got, we have over 200 confirmed insurgents KIA, found over 200 IED’s, one Company found 32 in one day, and one Rifleman alone has found over 16. The Taliban learn fast, and are now afraid of taking us on in a fire fight, so for them their favoured weapon is the IED, bringing back more similarities to Northern Ireland. Election day has just finished, and the Taliban threw everything at us, over 22 Russian rockets aimed at us but we returned 7.62 and .50 cal by the thousand plus 9 javelin missiles, on top of that we had 105mm Artillery, Apache and AIO firing so for all the Taliban effort, some of the people of Sangin were still brave enough to vote. The Rfn would also like to

Newsletter Title thank all the support from

home, especially that from the RGJ Association, with their attendance at Wootton Bassett, and the funerals of the young Rfn. The funeral Of Rfn Sheldon in Mansfield saw him laid to rest near a Rfn who had been murdered by the IRA. Selly Oak has seen numerous visits from ex Rfn, and even Prince Charles visited plus the Page 3 girls but the best visit the Rfn appreciated was from Field Marshall Bramall, who spent ages talking to them. One of the young Officers who had lost a leg, told the Field Marshal that he hoped to soldier on, FM Bramall said he would not be the first officer to do so as th his first Adjutant in the 60 only had one arm, he also lost it in Asia but not to the Taliban – his was eaten by a Tiger!! Thank you for all your support and the welfare parcels, I am sure you will give 3 Rifles as much support as you have the men and women of 2 and 4 Rifles Battle Groups. These modern Riflemen are as ‘Swift and Bold’ as we or those before us ever were.

Rifles on patrol

“For 2 Rifles it has been a very hard tour with 22 deaths in the Battle Group and still just less than 2 months to go, of those 22, 12 were Rifles cap badge. Those 12 included, Officers, SNCO’s. JNCO’s and Rifleman.”

All photographs by Michael Yon 2009

News Flash John Helbert would like to thank all those who so generously sponsored him, John Asbury and Pete Manning to complete the 3 Peaks Challenge in the Brecon Beacons on 20th July. A total of £1615 was raised for the H4H Charity.

RGJRA Ezine Newsletter Contact the Editor TELEPHONE: 01296 711967 E-MAIL: ken.ambrose1@btinte rnet.com

Editors Notes

Please remember that this publication is only intended for on screen viewing and that attempts to print out these pages are not likely to be successful.


The Old Team still Together Alasdair Ross, Graham Simpson and Leo Healey. All ex 3RGJ, met up in Sangin, Afghanistan. August 2009

The North East Branch is back!

Newsletter Title our permanent base of

North East Branch members inaugural meeting 7th April 2009

“Brigadier Prideaux has agreed to become the branch President and will be attending our next major North East event which is the remembrance evening dinner at The Puffin Billy th restaurant on Saturday 7 2009”

Earlier this year, John (Jake) Cheetham contacted a number of RGJ personnel living in the North East of England with the object of reforming the North East branch. We decided to arrange an inaugural meeting on the 7th April 2009. This was held in Durham companions Club, with an attendance of 26 former Riflemen. We set-up the committee and Jake was elected Chairman to oversee the running of the branch. A th second meeting on June 10 was held at the Durham ACF H.Q, Londonderry Hall, South Shields. We agreed we would use this venue as

operations. Although there were a number of apologies it was still well attended by over 20 members. The next meeting date is confirmed as 12 September. The latest news is that Brigadier Prideaux has agreed to become the branch President and will be attending our next major North East event which is the remembrance evening dinner at The Puffin Billy th restaurant on Saturday 7 November, followed by the remembrance parade at Sunderland Cenotaph on the th Sunday 8 , which incidentally is the largest

parade outside of London. We hope to continue to grow in numbers and a recruiting drive is currently underway. If you would like to join our branch or know of anyone living in the North East area who would, please contact either Jake or I at the following e-addresses malcolm.donnison@btintern et.com or RGJ.north.east@btinternet.c om. So, as you can see we have achieved quite a lot for our first year and providing we continue to get support from our members I see no reason why we cannot continue to grow. Celer et Audax. Don Donnison

A RIFLEMAN WITH THE ROYAL TUNBRIDGE WELLS ORPHEUS MALE VOICE CHOIR—HELPING H4H IN CONCERT “The Choir had been going for 70 years, helping local churches and charities raise money throughout the years; to me it was unthinkable that it should be in trouble after such a record. So I volunteered for the job, and was therefore in an excellent position to propose that our 2008 Summer Gala Concert should support Help for Heroes”.

The Royal Tunbridge Wells Orpheus Male Voice Choir.


Thanks to the RGJ Regimental network, I learnt about Help for Heroes not many months after Bryn & Emma Parry set it up in late 2007. Like so many others I was appalled at the lack of some facilities for those injured in Afghanistan and Iraq, and resolved to help H4H raise funds for their goals. After retiring from DTI in 2006, I decided to join the Royal Tunbridge Wells Orpheus Male Voice Choir as a bass singer to pursue an interest I had never properly explored before. There was always a warm welcome, great camaraderie and much joking and leg-pulling as old friends caught up with their news before rehearsal started. Then Richard our Musical Director took control, and a transformation happened. Laughter and hubbub gave way instantly to concentration, total focus and the beautiful

harmonies of 30 (now 50) blokes singing in four sections. It was a dramatic moment for me, as I struggled to follow my line of the music among the several different ones on the page, learn the notes, and pick out the words on another line entirely. I learnt quickly that being familiar with the tunes of many of the pieces did not help when you have to sing the bass lines which harmonise below them. Come the AGM, the call goes up for a business manager to get more concerts, as the finances were getting in a parlous state. The Choir had been going for 70 years, helping local churches and charities raise money throughout the years; to me it was unthinkable that it should be in trouble after such a record. So I volunteered for the job, and was therefore in an excellent position to propose that our 2008

Summer Gala Concert should support Help for Heroes. Planning for the annual June Gala concert started in January. With the help of H4H’s Kent representative and the H4H website, we publicised our aim on posters and press releases. The 2008 concert was a great success both musically and financially. The short H4H film we showed was moving and extremely effective. Our audience was generous, and together with the donation of a share of the Choir’s profit on the night, the contributions amounted to £660. We repeated that for our 2009 concert, bringing the total raised for H4H to over £1,300. A small sum in the scheme of things maybe, but it shows how wide the support is for our blokes in the dangerous jobs they are doing to secure our safety. John Cohen, 4RGJ 1966-1977

Her Majesty the Queen honours former Bugle Major Newsletter Title It was announced in the New Years Honours List 2009 that former Bugle Major John (Johnny) Powell (RGJ) has been honoured with the Royal Victorian Medal (silver) for services to HM the Queen. The notification appeared in the Daily Telegraph on 31st December 2008 and read: RVM Silver John Daniell Powell, Yeoman Bed Goer, Queen’s Body Guard of the

Yeoman of the Guard. Queen Victoria established the Royal Victorian Medal in April 1896 as a reward for personal service to the Sovereign or the Royal Family, and as a mark of royal esteem. The Medal is conferred upon civilians and non-commissioned military personnel. Although the Medal is related to the Royal Victorian Order, It differs in

appearance and in the way it is worn. For those who are not aware John sadly died after a short and very sudden illness on th January 8 2009 only about a week after his award was published in the New Years Honours list. His wife Jenny was presented with his medal by the Princess Royal at Buckingham Palace on th 24 June 2009.

65 Mile Run to Pegasus Bridge, 4th-6th June 2009: The Story It was a great run, there were a few casualties, mainly blistered and mangled feet, some exhaustion and dehydration but everyone made it to Pegasus Bridge. On arrival at Tarrant Rushton airfield which is located on a hill (so everything else must be downwards?) everybody registered, filled out next of kin details (!!??), topped up with food, water and spare socks and then waited for the big off. After the band had played "God Save The Queen", there were prayers from the padre and the Battle of Britain flight saw us off for a circuit of the airfield (3miles) and then it was off into the lanes of Dorset and heading for the Ashurst Hotel near Lyndhurst

I arrived at Ashurst at approx 21:00 and instantly felt the cold as body temperature and air temperature plummeted. It was quickly on with layer after layer to keep warm and then stoke up with some much needed food. I left Ashurst at midnight and within a mile was tearing off the layers of clothing as body temperature rose. Absence of signs caused the slight navigational error which may have added a mile to the journey. The signs had been removed by students short on entertainment. Then it was the final twelve or so miles to the ferry terminal at Portsmouth arriving about 09:00. On arrival in France, we

formed up in our glider groups, having been issued with Project 65 t-shirts, each bearing the name of one of the members of the original Coup-de-Main force. I represented Lt Fox who captured Horsa Bridge over the Orne River slightly further east. We marched and jogged to Pegasus Bridge to arrive at exactly 00:16 on 6th June and coinciding with the time of the first glider crashing into the barbed wire defences in 1944. Later in the day there was an unveiling ceremony of a memorial to all those who took part in the capture of the bridges, conducted by General Sir Richard Dannatt, the memorial stones being unveiled by veterans of the operation.

John Powell Divisional Sergeant Major QBG

The unabridged version of this article will appear in the Association Journal to be published in February 2010. `Ham & Jam`

“You can still visit my Just Giving page & donate online! (Its open until September): www.justgiving.com/davedee or send a cheque, payable to "Project 65" to: 28 Furzedown Road, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5QE Say whether you are a UK taxpayer, it makes a difference.”

An Update from the North West Branch Hoping that this finds you all in good health. The Liverpool Military rd Show was held on 23 th th 24 and 25 May in Walton Hall Park. This year the Band of the Rifles performed a sounding of retreat. A reception was held by Lieutenant General Nick Parker before the event where a number of local dignitaries introduced


themselves to the riflemen who attended. We were very grateful when Tom and Sue Fairclough invited us all to their home, conveniently at the back of Walton Hall Park for a buffet and drinks. Be careful Tom, this could be a regular venue. Thanks again Tom and Sue for your hospitality. The show itself was a great success with a number of side shows and

performances by various military organisations in the central arena. On the same day a new Rifles detachment of Merseyside ACF was officially opened by Lieutenant General Nick Parker. We do plan to hold an annual dinner on the last weekend in November this year. More on that in the September

Lieutenant General Nick Parker with Ray Gerrard (Centre) and Gareth Dixon at the Liverpool Military

“The Official Seal of Approval

has at last been given to this fine new Barracks. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester GCVO performed the ceremony on Saturday 18 July 2009. It was a great day with all resident units being represented.”

The official opening of the new Edward Brooks Barracks at Abingdon by HRH The Duchess of Gloucester, 18 July 2009.

The Oxford Branch Update Newsletter Title The Oxford Branch remains in good health with 145 members on the books and is now properly installed into the new Edward Brooks Barracks as a meeting place for all members of the Branch and the wider RGJ Family. It is a sad fact that being evicted from Slade Park as the TA Centre closed in November2008, and with the subsequent delay in the completion of the new centre until April 2009, our activities and meetings were curtailed somewhat. However, the new TA Centre – Edward Brooks Barracks is now fully functional and the aim is to restore our regular Thursday evening gatherings and additional socials. The Official Seal of

approval has at last been given to this fine new Barracks. Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester GCVO performed the ceremony on Saturday 18 July 2009. It was a great day with all resident units being represented. The weather gods smiled down upon us too. It has been a long time coming and there have been plenty of problems along the way. But now we have a superb new TA centre as the headquarters and meeting place for the Oxford Branch. The first Band Concert here on 14 Jun was also a great success. We had more visitors than for many years and it was good to see so many officers taking an interest too. Long may it continue and we look

forward to next year’s concert on 6 June 2010. Branch Events


Please note that the Oxford branch Ladies Supper Night will now be rd held on the 3 October 2009.

. The Oxford RGJ Reunion will be held on Saturday, 7 November 2009.


. The AGM will be held at EBB on 3 December 2009. Bar opens at 19.30. Please attend if you can. A new Chairman will be elected.

. And finally…After nearly 44 years Peter CassonCrooke has retired from the Army at the end of August 2009. Please join me in wishing him a long and happy retirement. Ed`

Ex Rifleman Appointed by HHT Service Charity “Haig Homes new sister charity, Haig Housing Trust, aims to assist ex-Servicemen and their families in other ways including transitional arrangements and housing solutions tailored for the needs of Service personnel…..”

News Flash On 14 May Richard (Lou) Costello attended the talk given by Bryn Parry on fund raising for H4H. Lou then had the idea of getting the Golf Club Pro` shops in his local area (Berkshire) to sell the H4H wrist bands. When last checked they were selling very well!


Steve Palmer who served as both a Regular and TA Green Jacket, and still serves as a Rifles Army Cadet Adult Instructor, has recently been appointed as Estates Surveyor for Haig Homes, the Ex Services Housing Charity. Steve has indicated that he is happy to act as an initial contact for any former, or soon to be former, Riflemen with a housing need. Haig Homes is the leading UK provider of rental housing for ex-Service people, including officers and other ranks, Ex Regular, TA, or National Servicemen. Haig Homes has over 1,300 properties situated on small well managed estates ranging in size from about six houses up to the largest estate in Morden of over 270 homes. The properties, a mix of family-sized houses,

maisonettes and flats, are spread throughout the United Kingdom in 47 different local authorities. The properties are for rental only. Haig Homes does not have any sheltered, residential or nursing homes. The majority of homes are suitable for families and only a small number of properties are available for a single occupancy at Bristol, Haslemere (Hampshire), Morden and Woolwich (London). Some properties are suitable for the frail, elderly and people with disabilities. Haig Homes new sister charity, Haig Housing Trust, aims to assist ex-Servicemen and their families in other ways including transitional arrangements and housing solutions tailored for the needs of Service personnel

wounded or disabled as a result of their Service. More information is available on http://www.haighomes.org. uk and http://www.haighousingtrus t.org.uk or if you want to make an informal enquiry by speaking to Steve he can be contacted during office hours on 020 8685 5777.

Update Information – Regents Park Band Memorial Service Please be aware that until further notice the London Branch will be arranging a small gathering each year on the CLOSEST SUNDAY to the 20th July, this will enable those people that wish to attend, but cannot on the actual day, to do so.

For more information please contact Gary Driscoll on 07949040744 or Email Gary at Messengers@jssldn.co.uk Or Contact the Band & Bugles Reunion Secretary David Timms on 07850 163548 or email David at secretary@rgjband.com

Newsletter Title

Members of 1RGJ Band, and a few others will, while able to do so, attend the th Bandstand on the 20 July each year to pay there respects; we meet at the Café around 1000hrs. We will when possible also attend on the Sunday. More details from the B&B secretary. Dave Timms

News Flash Piers Reinhold, (RMO 3RGJ, 1972-76), recently took part in a Norfolk Dog Day in support of H4H. It was a great success with Bryn Parry, Kate Adie and General Sir Richard Dannatt in attendance not to mention a smattering of RGJ. The turnout was staggering and over 70k was raised on the day

From RGJ to Royal Engineer TA In August 1992 I left the army and started working as a lorry driver for a recycling company. I am now in th my 17 year as a lorry driver but I started to miss the army after only a couple of months. I decided to carry on my civvy life in Germany, what a fool I was. Jump forward in time to 2004, I had then been away from the army for 12 years and I missed it badly. About September time whilst driving in my Truck and listening to BFBS I hear a recruiting advert for a Royal Engineer TA unit here in Germany.

That is how I became a member of 412 Amphibious Engineer Troop (V). We are the only TA unit based outside the UK. 98% of the Troop is ex regular in a similar position to me in that they miss the Army. Now there are 3 ex RGJ. Ian Holgate, who joined 2RGJ in 1980 and left in 1991 and also Tony Snell, who served in 3RGJ in Celle. The troop is always looking for new recruits so if there is are any British Nationals living in Germany who are interested in joining get in touch with the troop in Hameln. The Troop is part of 23

Amphibious Engineer Squadron and use the M3 Rig which is an amphibious vehicle which is able to drive on the roads when the vehicle is closed up. This time the regiment have only asked for a few volunteers to be mobilised to accompany 23 Squadron to Afghanistan on OP Herrick. I and Ian Holgate are 2 of 7 who have volunteered to go. Before I sign off they tell us we are now part of the Royal Engineers, we just reply sorry, once a Rifleman always a Rifleman. Dave Thornton Celer et Audax

Dave Thornton, (author) right and Ian Holgate ready for Afghanistan tour

“They tell us we are not Green Jackets anymore and that we are now part of the Corps of Royal Engineers, we just reply sorry, once a Rifleman always a Rifleman Celer et Audax”

All Our Yesterdays – Can you fill in the missing names and the year?

M3 Amphibian on the move

Can you put the missing names to faces Left to Right Back Row ………………....? ………………... ? A/Cpl L Turner Rfn P Stocking ………………... ? ………………... ? Rfn P Margrain ………………... ?


Middle Row Rfn ……………..? Rfn R Brennan Rfn ……………..? Cpl J Matthews Rfn ……………..? Rfn W D`Cruze A/Cpl G Netzler

Front Row Rfn P Jackson Rfn ……………. Sgt J Beerman CSMI …………? Lt Col …………? Capt A Duncan Cpl …………….? Rfn Treacy

Newsletter Title WINCHESTER ROTARY is proud to present a Charity Concert in aid of


Saturday 26th September 2009 7.30pm featuring the


BAND OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL’S CORPS Introduced by Kate Adie O.B.E. Tickets available from 15th June at Cathedral Box Office, at The Visitor Centre Tel: 01962.857275 or book on line at: www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk/booking Prices: £50, £35, £20, £15, £10. Further Information from: Concert Organiser, David Farthing, Tel: 01962.856038 or e-mail: david-farthing@sky.com

Winchester Rotary Club Trust Fund Charity No. 283632


Help for Heroes Charity No. 1120920

Billy Hughes on Help for Heroes

Newsletter Title

Charity events are happening all over the UK in support of H4H. Ordinary folk doing sometimes ordinary things and some not so ordinary. It is impossible to put here all the events. Go to www.helpforheroes.org.uk In Dorset we have just held the Bournemouth Air Festival 1.5 million visitors and the money raised is all going to H4H. Events bring out other business to do things to raise money. For example one large Restaurant with space for 200 people has offered its events and food; 3 course meal which the owner will Sponsor. Watch this space. I will be planning an event soon

needed. Again we need to raise the money. They cost approx £6m - £7m per project so we need more activities, people please get your thinking caps on and raise as much as you can. However, H4H is struggling to identify a Volunteer Co-ordinator in the Dover area. I have mentioned this on the RGJA web site before. I know there is a large RGJ contingent down there. It doesn’t have to be a former RGJ. There are lots of other Regiments who served there, Paras, etc. It also doesn’t have to be ex-forces, just someone who can give their spare time freely.

Hopefully with entertainment for October/November (Gary Driscoll I’m getting in touch!) H4H has currently raised £26m in 22 months. Over £18m has been committed and spent. There is a resettlement and rehabilitation Centre in Edinburgh that has just been built and commissioned. It costs a great deal of money to build and operate but this will prevent many service men from taking the long journey to Headley Court with more separation from family and friends. It is planned to have other similar centres in the UK located where they are

“However, H4H is struggling to identify a Volunteer Coordinator in the Dover area. I have mentioned this on the RGJA web site before. I know there is a large RGJ contingent down there. It doesn’t have to be a former RGJ. There are lots of other Regiments who served there, Paras, etc. It also doesn’t have to be ex-forces, just someone who can give their spare time freely”. The full article will appear in Swift & Bold 2009. Ed

Billy Hughes

Mike Leavy and the Chapel of St John in the Peninsula need your support The Association of the Friends of the British Cemetery was founded to undertake the maintenance of the neglected British Cemetery in Elvas, Portugal. In 2000 the Portuguese Army, as part of the project to install memorials to all the regiments that fought in the battles of Albuera and Badajoz, funded a major restoration of the Cemetery, which is now an attractive and peaceful place. The Friends of the British Cemetery provide for a caretaker and the Cemetery is open to the public. The long-term aim is to produce a fund that will ensure the Cemetery’s maintenance and protection in the future. The Association is a UK registered charity, no.1109395.


The British Cemetery at Elvas is one of the oldest British Military Cemeteries in existence. It holds only five known graves but two of these are the only marked graves of the thousands of British soldiers who fell at the battle of Albuera and another is the sole marked grave of the many thousands who fell in the three sieges of Badajoz. Throughout the history of Portugal, Elvas has been a key to its land defence. In 1811 it was the southern gateway to Spain, faced by Badajoz. In the north, Almeida facing Ciudad Rodrigo fulfilled the same role. Wellington was anxious to secure them both before advancing into Spain and chose to conduct the operations in the north himself, leaving

the Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army, in command of the southern operation. The British Cemetery occupies one of the bastions of the fortifications of Elvas and falls under the jurisdiction of the Portuguese Army. Until 1997 it was accessible only with difficulty. The Chapel of S. João da Corujeira, adjoining the British Cemetery, is the oldest chapel in Elvas and now in a state of disrepair. It was built in 1228 by the Knights Hospitallers on the taking of Elvas from the Moors. In 2005, after prolonged negotiations between the Friends of the British Cemetery and the Archdiocese of Évora, the Friends acquired the right of usage and the responsibility for the chapel’s restoration and maintenance.

“Mike Leavy, formerly RB and RGJ, is a Trustee of the Association of the Friends of the British Cemetery in Elvas. The Chapel of St John is undergoing restoration and will need a further £50,000 for completion in 2010. The Chapel and small cemetery are one of the few remaining monuments to our forebears who died in these battles. Please visit the web site at http://britishcemeteryelvas.org/cemetery.html and help if you can”.

Site of the only marked graves of the many British soldiers who died in the Peninsula War Battles of Albuera and Badajoz 1811-1912.

The Museum at Winchester The Museum has been a busy place over the last three months (June to August) with a temporary exhibition about prisonersof-war and another (ongoing) marking the 250th Anniversary of the battle of Quebec on 13 September 1759 – the first occasion on which two antecedent RGJ regiments, the 43rd and 60th (Royal Americans) fought side by side.

Illustration 1.

There has also been an There has also been an evening talk about Wellington’s return to Portugal and the battle of Talavera in 1809, and the second of this year’s ‘Fun for All’ days. The highlight of the last three months was undoubtedly the opening of the Museum’s new El Alamein display which traces what happened in

the Western Desert of North Africa (Egypt, Libya and Tunisia) between mid 1941 and 1943 and the part played by 1, 2, 9 and 11 KRRC and 1, 2, 7, 9 and 10 RB. The El Alamein display, in particular, features a model of 2 RB’s heroic action at ‘Snipe’ on 27 October 1942 during the battle of El Alamein, when at least 32 German and Italian tanks and three self-propelled guns were ‘knocked out’ by the gun crews of the Battalion’s six-pounder anti-tank guns. This action resulted in 21 members of the Battalion receiving gallantry awards. Seven of these awards are on display, including the VC awarded to Lt-Col Vic Turner, the DCMs awarded to Sgts Calistan and Swann, and the Bar to the MM awarded to Sgt Hine (which was purchased at auction last year after an appeal to which many Association members kindly contributed). Over 70 people attended the grand opening of the El Alamein display on 13 June, including five of the

Newsletter Title veterans of the battle – Maj (later Gen Sir Thomas) Pearson, Maj Tom Bird and Rfn Vic Gregg all of whom fought with 2 RB at ‘Snipe’, and Maj (later Sir Hereward) Wake and Lt Jimmy Stow who fought with 1 and 2 KRRC. So far this year, the number of

Illustration 2 Maj Tom Bird (left), who commanded S (Anti-Tank) Company, 2 RB at ‘Snipe’, examines the new ‘Snipe’ model with Gen Sir Thomas Pearson (right), who was Second-inCommand of 2 RB during the action.

visitors to the Museum has been almost identical to the number last year. We shall, however, soon be moving into the autumn and winter months when the tempo of activity dies down. We still, though, have three evening talks to come so why not come to one or more of them. Thursday 17 September “The Conquest of Canada and the Battle of Quebec, 1759”

Tuesday 13 October “In Love and War: the Lives of General Sir Harry and Lady Smith” Monday 16 November “Le Cateau, 1914” For further details see the Museum website www.rgjmuseum.co.uk And if you have not yet visited the Museum’s new El Alamein display, why not do so. Finally, Association members that, after a period of uncertainty following the creation of The Rifles on 1 February 2007, the Trustees decided on 26 June that the Museum would in future be titled “The Royal Green Jackets (Rifles) Museum”. In the Trustees’ view, the inclusion of the word “(Rifles)” neatly links the Regiment’s past with the present. Furthermore, in an era of emphasis on brand recognition, it will assist the future marketing of the Museum to the general public who, as a result of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, are increasingly hearing of The Rifles but, over time, will become less familiar with The Royal Green Jackets. Christopher Wallace

Winchester Branch Update Vic Osmand took part in the Project 65 mile run for the Winchester branch. His much abridged account is below. “Nineteen hours and eight minutes after the start I crossed the finish line to be met by a large group of family and friends, very emotional and very glad I was able to play my small part. On our arrival at the port of Ouistreham in th Normandy, late evening 5 June, we were formed up in our six glider groups and


set off for the final stage of the event I have been to Pegasus Bridge Museum many times and have always asked “Why haven't these men who did such a great job got a permanent

Brian Scott (left) Vic Osmand with Vic`s son centre.

memorial naming each and every one of them?" Well they have now and I am proud to be able to say "in a small way I helped it to happen" On 7 August 2009: The LI & RGJ Assn (Oswestry) Branch visited Winchester and joined members of the Winchester Branch in a social night at the ATR. This event occurred after the Oswestry Branch of the LI made contact and expressed a wish to visit the museums at Peninsula Barracks and also meet up with our branch members and although many

were away on holiday, plus work commitments, those members available made the effort to meet and socialise with our visitors. Mr B Fry made a presentation of a small plaque to the branch, which was greatly appreciated and accepted and in the near future, some of the LI accoutrements held by the ATR, will be loaned out to the Oswestry Branch.

Milton Keynes Branch News Update “Sadly there was no Joanna Lumley but on the plus side we had plenty of a Nepalese beer called Khukuri which was almost as deadly as its namesake.”

Some of our Gurkha friends from the Signals Regiment.


The 21 June saw branch members at Stoke Poges with the Gurkha Signals Regiment for what turned out to be a really good day, with Gurkha Pipers and dancers followed by a delicious curry. Sadly there was no Joanna Lumley but on the plus side we had plenty of a Nepalese beer called Khukuri which was almost as deadly as its namesake. In July we held our Quiz Night with the Royal Air

Newsletter Title Force Association which was organised by Sally and Rick Barry. A good night was had by all with the fly boys winning by one point and our local Hospice gaining £100. We paid a visit to the Arboretum in August to lay a wreath on our Memorial. The Arboretum has really grown in size over the last couple of years and you now need a full day to see everything. It is very well run by the volunteer staff and you can now even get

your veterans badge there. The one sad note in the last three months was that Bob Hobbs, formerly 4RGJ and Milton Keynes Branch th member, died on 12 June. Forthcoming social events

. 5 Dec – Christmas Draw . 30 Jan 2010 – Milton th


Keynes Reunion, more details in Decembers Ezine.

Paddy Proctor

Her Majesty's Body Guard of Gentlemen at Arms Quincentennial Her Majesty’s Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms was founded by Henry VIII on his accession in 1509 and thus th celebrated its 500 Anniversary this year. Since that time, while serving 22 Monarchs, its duties have evolved from being the Sovereign’s ‘Nearest Guard’ as a mounted, armed escort to the largely ceremonial duties which it conducts when escorting the Monarch on major State occasions today. Consisting of 5 Officers and 27 Gentlemen, all of whom except the Captain (who is exofficio the Government Chief Whip in the House of Lords) are retired Majors or above from the Army and Royal Marines, its members are eligible for selection from their th 50 birthday. They are appointed by Her


Photograph by The School Photography Company - www.tspc.biz TH

HER MAJESTY`S BODY GUARD QUINCENTENNIAL 4 JUNE 2009 Rear, left to right: Raymond Nelson, Julia Hopton, Elizabeth Gurney, Carol Gurney, Janie Strachan (formerly Cordon-Lloyd), Roger Ker. Centre Tessa Russell, Jilly Robertson, Jean Denham, Marion Chamberlin, Henrietta St Aubyn, Sally Browne, Rosie Ker. Front seated Jeremy Russell, Michael Robertson, Bertie Denham, Peter Chamberlin, Tommy St Aubyn, Peter Browne.

Majesty and serve until they retire at 70, when they become Honorary Members. The Quincentennial was celebrated at St James’s th Palace on 4 June 2009,

with a Thanksgiving Service in the Queen’s Chapel followed by a Parade in Colour Court at which The Queen made a unique presentation of a commemorative riband to be attached to the Standard.

This was followed by a Reception in the State Apartments and concluded with luncheon for 200 past and present members and their families, attended by The Queen and Prince Philip. Since there has always been significant Green Jacket representation in what might be thought to be more of a Guardsman’s element, those with Green Jackets links attending this unique occasion as seen left were photographed led by rd nd Lord Denham (43 & 52 ), who was Captain 19791991, with Tommy St Aubyn, Lieutenant 19901993, and 3 other Honorary members; Peter Chamberlin, the current Clerk of the Cheque & Adjutant (who much enjoyed drilling our Guardsmen brethren!) and 3 other serving Gentlemen, as well as 8 wives and 2 widows – an impressive turnout on a most memorable day. Peter Chamberlin

Obituary Notices Please click name for details

Forecast of Events September Newsletter Title– December 2009 Sept Sun 13


Rifles and former RGJ Officers Celer et Audax Stakes. Goodwood Racecourse. Details from Rifles Office Davies Street. 0207 491 4936

Lt Paul Mervis



Bob Hobbs



Arthur Martin



Wed 21

Ted Venn



Thurs 22

Madge Dobison



Rfn. D Hume



CGD Bond



Cpl. J Horne



Rfn. W Aldridge



Sun 8


RGJ Cenotaph Parade, see page 6 for details.

Rfn. J Backhouse



Sun 8


KRRC Cenotaph Parade, see KRRC Sec for passes.

Rfn. J Murphy





Sun 8


Rfn. D Simpson

Rifle Brigade Memorial Service at Grosvenor Gardens, London.

Bill Fogg



Rfn. A Toge



Keith Jones



Harry Patch



GRP Maxwell J Gilmore

July 06

M Butler

Wed 14

Nov Thurs 5 Sat 7

Rifle Brigade Officers Club Dinner, Cavalry and Guards Club, London.


RGJ Officers Volunteers Dinner 4 & 5 (v) Battalions.


Celer et Audax Club Regimental Dinner, Cavalry and Guards Club, London.



Sat 28 Dec



Field of Remembrance – 10.30am Westminster Abbey, London. Oxford Reunion, 7pm at Edward Brooks Barracks, Cholswell Rd, Shippon, Abingdon, OX13 6HW. (See timings page 1)


Thurs 3



Tues 8


Fri 25


Rifle Brigade Association Dinner. Union Jack Club, bar opens 6pm Rifles and RGJ retired Officers Club Winter Cocktail Party, Davies St, 6.30pm F&G Coy 7 Rifles/RGJ Carol Service. 7pm for 7.30, St Georges Church, Hannover Square. King`s Royal Rifle Corps Regimental Birthday.

Aug Aug

D Seymour



Capt M Hale



Rfn D Wild



Mrs. Diana DaviesScourfield



Sjt P McAleese



C McArthur



The Cenotaph It is a fitting occasion to remember past friends and rekindle old friendships on a very special day.



Cenotaph Parade, Whitehall - Sunday 8th November 2009 Every year the London Branch organise, on behalf of the Association, the Royal Green Jackets contingent of marchers who parade and march past the Cenotaph in Whitehall on Remembrance Sunday. This event in the Association’s calendar is second only to the reunion held at Winchester, and all former Green Jackets are welcome. The numbers attending has steadily risen and currently the Association musters about 170 on parade. The day begins at 8am when the doors of the ‘Theodore Bullfrog pub’ open for tea or coffee, or even a brandy for a warmer in the bank. The ‘Theodore Bullfrog’ is only five minutes walk from the Horse Guards Parade

Square. Friends or families who do not march can remain in the comfort of the ‘Bullfrog’ and watch the parade on a large plasma screen. The service and the march past take place on Whitehall. Each year the President nominates a representative to carry and present the regimental poppy wreath. The parade itself is a friendly gathering of all service orientated people from the very old to the very young. There is a great sense of comradeship and pride for those taking part. Following the march past, a group photograph is taken of our marchers, and then we head back to the ‘Bullfrog’ for old friends to meet, to share stories,

down a couple of drinks and if hungry, try some of their bangers and mash. This event is growing in stature each year with numbers on parade ever increasing: we are only surpassed by the Parachute Regiment. All Royal Green Jackets are welcome, Riflemen and Officers. It is a fitting occasion to remember past friends and rekindle old friendships on a very special day. The London Branch welcomes you all and hopes to see you in the future. Please contact the London Branch Secretary for details on obtaining security passes. Gary Driscoll rgjldn@ntlworld.com

Newsletter Title RGJRA 2009 JOURNAL Dear Fellow Riflemen, You will recall that last year I sent out an appeal for financial support to fund our first RGJRA Journal “Swift and Bold”. This was due to the failure of our publisher to gain sufficient advertising revenue to cover the cost of production. At the time I thought that it was very important to get our first journal out, not least that the journal is a key benefit of RGJRA membership, and I hope that you were all impressed with the final product. I am immensely grateful to those individuals who gave financial support, you indeed saved the day, but we must ensure that future editions are properly funded. The 2008 Journal cost us approximately £8500 including postage, and we have therefore started to examine in detail how best to fund and in what format, future editions of the journal should be. The A4 glossy format used for the 2008 edition is the ideal, but we have to consider and cost alternative solutions such as the A5 format used by both the RB and 60th Associations. We are also looking at a variety of publishers and mailing organisations to get the best value we can, and initial quotes received show that we can reduce the previous cost by at least a third. We also plan to use RGJRA funds to fund the Journal, including £3 annually from each annual membership of £10 received. However the key to funding a quality journal, especially if we want to continue with the A4 glossy format, as well as reducing the impact where we can on our Association funds, is to try and maximise the amount of revenue that we can get from advertising. The aim of this letter is therefore to appeal to all of you who are in a position, either as individuals or as representatives of commercial and other organisations, to pay for an advert in the RGJRA Journal. I am sure that both as Royal Green Jackets and in your civilian capacity many of you will be in a position to get your organisation to sponsor an advert, and as you will have seen from last year, this does not need to be of a military nature. If you are able to help your Regimental Journal by sponsoring an advert, or indeed making a donation, I would be very grateful if you could complete and return the attached form with your payments by the 30th October, and we will then get in touch with you about the advertising detail you require. This will allow us to produce the next Journal at an affordable and cost effective price, free to all RGJRA members as a key part of their membership benefits, for dispatch in early 2010. Yours sincerely Jamie Balfour President RGJRA


Newsletter Title Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association RGJRA Journal 2009 - Application for Advertising & Donation Form

In support of the production and distribution of The Royal Green Jackets Association Journal (Swift and Bold) 2009 Please complete in block capitals

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Please make all cheques payable to: `The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association` Your personal donation or payment in respect of placement of your corporate advertisement in the RGJRA Journal 2009 edition should reach the address given below th by not later than 30 October 2009. Advertisers will be contacted in due course for their company or personal requirements.

RGJRA Journal Advertising Edward Brooks Barracks Cholswell Rd Shippon ABINGDON OX13 6HW


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