RGJ Ezine Sep 2009

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Her Majesty the Queen honours former Bugle Major Newsletter Title It was announced in the New Years Honours List 2009 that former Bugle Major John (Johnny) Powell (RGJ) has been honoured with the Royal Victorian Medal (silver) for services to HM the Queen. The notification appeared in the Daily Telegraph on 31st December 2008 and read: RVM Silver John Daniell Powell, Yeoman Bed Goer, Queen’s Body Guard of the

Yeoman of the Guard. Queen Victoria established the Royal Victorian Medal in April 1896 as a reward for personal service to the Sovereign or the Royal Family, and as a mark of royal esteem. The Medal is conferred upon civilians and non-commissioned military personnel. Although the Medal is related to the Royal Victorian Order, It differs in

appearance and in the way it is worn. For those who are not aware John sadly died after a short and very sudden illness on th January 8 2009 only about a week after his award was published in the New Years Honours list. His wife Jenny was presented with his medal by the Princess Royal at Buckingham Palace on th 24 June 2009.

65 Mile Run to Pegasus Bridge, 4th-6th June 2009: The Story It was a great run, there were a few casualties, mainly blistered and mangled feet, some exhaustion and dehydration but everyone made it to Pegasus Bridge. On arrival at Tarrant Rushton airfield which is located on a hill (so everything else must be downwards?) everybody registered, filled out next of kin details (!!??), topped up with food, water and spare socks and then waited for the big off. After the band had played "God Save The Queen", there were prayers from the padre and the Battle of Britain flight saw us off for a circuit of the airfield (3miles) and then it was off into the lanes of Dorset and heading for the Ashurst Hotel near Lyndhurst

I arrived at Ashurst at approx 21:00 and instantly felt the cold as body temperature and air temperature plummeted. It was quickly on with layer after layer to keep warm and then stoke up with some much needed food. I left Ashurst at midnight and within a mile was tearing off the layers of clothing as body temperature rose. Absence of signs caused the slight navigational error which may have added a mile to the journey. The signs had been removed by students short on entertainment. Then it was the final twelve or so miles to the ferry terminal at Portsmouth arriving about 09:00. On arrival in France, we

formed up in our glider groups, having been issued with Project 65 t-shirts, each bearing the name of one of the members of the original Coup-de-Main force. I represented Lt Fox who captured Horsa Bridge over the Orne River slightly further east. We marched and jogged to Pegasus Bridge to arrive at exactly 00:16 on 6th June and coinciding with the time of the first glider crashing into the barbed wire defences in 1944. Later in the day there was an unveiling ceremony of a memorial to all those who took part in the capture of the bridges, conducted by General Sir Richard Dannatt, the memorial stones being unveiled by veterans of the operation.

John Powell Divisional Sergeant Major QBG

The unabridged version of this article will appear in the Association Journal to be published in February 2010. `Ham & Jam`

“You can still visit my Just Giving page & donate online! (Its open until September): www.justgiving.com/davedee or send a cheque, payable to "Project 65" to: 28 Furzedown Road, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5QE Say whether you are a UK taxpayer, it makes a difference.”

An Update from the North West Branch Hoping that this finds you all in good health. The Liverpool Military rd Show was held on 23 th th 24 and 25 May in Walton Hall Park. This year the Band of the Rifles performed a sounding of retreat. A reception was held by Lieutenant General Nick Parker before the event where a number of local dignitaries introduced


themselves to the riflemen who attended. We were very grateful when Tom and Sue Fairclough invited us all to their home, conveniently at the back of Walton Hall Park for a buffet and drinks. Be careful Tom, this could be a regular venue. Thanks again Tom and Sue for your hospitality. The show itself was a great success with a number of side shows and

performances by various military organisations in the central arena. On the same day a new Rifles detachment of Merseyside ACF was officially opened by Lieutenant General Nick Parker. We do plan to hold an annual dinner on the last weekend in November this year. More on that in the September

Lieutenant General Nick Parker with Ray Gerrard (Centre) and Gareth Dixon at the Liverpool Military

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