1 minute read
Bubble Trouble JB
i, . ..::;_ In bow-tie Allen 'rOUt-r; ARPS. past Cteirman Tonbridge C.C.
scene a, the Saturday Dinner table,John Bardsley Hon FRPS in listening mood with Allen Young ARPS.who with Clive Tanner entertained the Group withwhat has to be a milestone in Audio-Visual presentation.
~ilverprint Liaited aay lie.contacted on 01-480 6625, & they opperate an efficient mail-order service should you wish to purchase photo paper~, mounting.boards, chemicals or sundries. Clive Tanner then continared th~ afternoon with a selection of superb 6cm x 6cm colour transparancies of Cathedrals. These were first class, & lastly, John Adams talked on Roiaenesque& PreRoaenesque Churches in Northern Spain. John Adalls has aade a study of these Churches which date from the 9th & 10th Century A.D. & ve were shovn some colour prints of various examples. The aeeting was closed with a cup of tea & a chat, & the consensus of opinion was that we had had a superb Conference. Our siacere thanks to Victor J.Hepplethwaite, A.R.P,S., Conference organiser, Group Chairman, & Editor of "The Proof", The 1987 Confereace will again be held at Crystal Palace, on the weekend of 29th to 31st May 1987, So make a note in your
diary nowl
John Walden, L.R.P.S,
My ½sec @f1•2 finds Gwyll ver¥ active in the darkened con erence hall.(phsyche too) Gwyll 01,0n advocate of the phsyche,advances a very deep theory on · ~he shape of the cup?
available light shot of John Bardsley with his folder,survivor of many battles.