ANO 25.
5th Extract Dear
a letter
The Executive Committee of the Society has asked me to drop you~ line on the matter of your Group Newsletter. The Comm-ittee is most anxiuos that the Newsletters published by Groups should be a credit to the Society and, although it fully appre-iates the enormous amount of effort which must go into the prod-uction of "Proof", quite frankly it does not think that the publication befits a learned Society. I am sure you are very much aware that the Archaeology and Heritage Group was launched on a very high plain, with the opening ceremony performed by Sir Mortimer Wheeler, and whilst the Executive would in· no way wish to stifle the enjoyment which members of the Group obviosly get from the Group's activities, it would like to see articles of which the Royal Photographic Society - remembering that it is a Learned Society - can be proud. I think if you were to examine the membership of the Arch·-aeology and Heritage Group it might become apparent that many of the renown Archaeologists who were originally members of the Group are no longer and one wonders wether this could be that their reputations might be adversely affected if they were known to be associated with the Groups present activities. I hope very much that you will not take offence at these remarks, but in view of the discussion at the Executive Committee, it is only right that you should know of the views expressed. Surely there is no reason why just as much fun and lighthearted content cannot be included in your Group's newsletter whils.t at the same time catering for the more learned aspects of the branch of photog-raphy with which the Group is concerned.