1 minute read

Seeking Stability Antony Long


among all the images submitted, this is one that makes very effective use of the square format. and while the picture certainly carries immediate impact, its real power is more subtle. The combination of a simple, strong composition along with incredibly intricate detail make for a very compelling and interesting viewing experience. it’s the kind of photo that you can look at again and again, each time discovering something new.

The arrangement of the elements within the frame creates a nice layering effect with varying transparency and depth. The simple spiral shape strongly directs visual energy to the main focal point of the picture, guiding the eye and anchoring the composition, while the subtle hues in the background provide a lovely counterpoint to the overall monochrome appearance of the tiny droplets.

This image rides a fine line between abstraction and representation—we have a vague notion of what we’re looking at, but the true nature of the subject remains just out of reach. it’s a beautiful and expressive image, rich in artistic vision and creative intent as well as strong technical execution.

Nat Coalson aRPS

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