advisor's Booklet 2022

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40th RRSIMUN Conference

Advisor’s Booklet 2022

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1 | Page Advisor’s Booklet 2022 Index Page 2-3 Letter to Advisors / Wifi details Page 4 Approval panel times Page 5-6 Programme for Conference Page 7 Approval Panel Procedure Page 8-10 Agenda, List of Advisors, Officers Page 10 13 Committee chairs, Countries and schools Page 13 Fire Procedure, Wifi details Page 14 Headmaster’s invitation Page 15 Site Map Page 16 Fire Assembly Points map October 2022

Dear Advisor

A very warm welcome to the 40th Royal Russell School International Model United Nations Conference. There will be a meeting in the Advisors’ room for all Advisors at 15.15 on Saturday which I hope you will be able to attend. Along with other information I have enclosed a copy of the welcome letter to the delegates and the Approval Panel assignments. My thanks to Alex Porter, Olesia Sava and Sam Marlow for helping to organise the running of the Approval Panel and if you need to change your assignment, please see them in room C2.

I would like to draw your attention to both the Fire Procedure and Restricted entry to the Opening Ceremonies. Please see the Fire procedure details and map There will be a practice during the weekend. This year we are restricting entry to the Opening ceremony to 2 delegates and 2 extra tickets for the balcony. I would recommend that the extra tickets are given to students but if you wish to use one yourself that is of course perfectly fine. Each lead Advisor will have the balcony tickets (two per delegation) in their pack. Meanwhile we will be live streaming the General Assembly in the PAC (and on YouTube). Please follow signs to the PAC.

Please make use of the Common Room facilities where there will be the usual supply of tea and coffee. TingTing Wang will be on hand if you have any concerns. I have also provided bottles of wine, beer and soft drinks. Please make use of the “honesty box”.

Please feel free to visit all the committee rooms, including the ICJ and Security Council during the conference. If at any stage you need to leave the campus during the day could you please leave your mobile number in the Advisor’s room so that we can contact you if needed. Mobile phone numbers for Royal Russell staff for emergencies will be posted in the Advisors room. Please note that there should always be an Advisor from each school on site.

I would appreciate very much your presence at some stage during the evening entertainment on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (see rota attached), if your delegates are attending, and also the supervision of your students in their accommodation at night. Following the evening entertainment delegates are required to return to their accommodation quickly and to stay in their houses and keep noise to a minimum (please be aware that some Royal Russell staff live in the boarding houses and will be around during the conference) For school staying in local hotels, it is essential that Advisors accompany their delegates if leaving the Campus. This year we are again employing external security and no student will be allowed to enter or re enter the Disco after 10.00pm. In my letter to delegates I have informed them that after 10.00pm they will only be allowed into the evening entertainment if accompanied by their Advisor.

Disco rota:

21.00 21.30

21.30 22.00

22.00 22.30

Saturday Sunday Monday

Laura Morrissey (NC)

Hannah Saunders (R)

Rob Micallef (StA)

Manatsu McCluskey (FI)

Florina Ruse (GCHS)

Amy Cox (HCS)

John McCarthy (NC)

Gary Quinn (StA)

Julie Fitssimons (BC)

Sylvia Martinez (CA)

Jon Stark (CSC)

Allison Delort (StV)

Graham Quinn (TC)

Liam Boland (StG)

Laura McCall (StI)

Eleni Samiou (StJ)

Daniel Ross (StV)

Sandra Jones (SP)

Brendan Tiernan (TC)

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22.30 23.00 Niamh Scallan (StG)

Aaron Wheatley (StI)

Melp. Tagiou (St.J)

Tara Sharkey (WC)

Mark Smyth (BC)

Eliz. Ann Boyle (CA)

23.00 23.30

23.30 24.00

Sarah Magnard (CSC)

Rhonna Jessome (FI)

Alexandru Faciu (GCHS)

Alice O’Shea (StA)

Theodora Mitrop. (StJ)

Michael Ferraris (FI)

Caoimhe Shan. (StA)

Dimitios Karav. (StJ)

Lucy Dooley (StA)

Geert v d Meer (FI)

Stephen O’Brien (R)

Tim Sheehan (SP)

Again this year, we will be showing a film and some videos made by our Media Team on Sunday night.

Committee Chairs Meeting .Thank you for your recommendations for Committee Chairs. There will be a meeting for all Committee Chairs on Saturday at 1.15pm in the Library.

Committees will begin this year at 2.00pm on Saturday with policy statements for all students followed by resolution construction. This year we want to try and get the best possible resolutions so we would like you to encourage

1) any student who has come with their own well researched resolution to main submit their original resolution

2) any student who has come with a few clauses or no resolution to join a group working on resolution construction, which a group of students can submit. Students bringing their own resolution should join a resolution construction group on a different topic to the resolution they have written.

Official Lobbying will only begin at 16.15hrs. Co submitting forms will be distributed in the Committee Rooms at this time. Delegates can sign to co submit two resolutions on each topic, one a constructed resolution and the other an individual delegate’s resolution. Please see separate sheet “Guidelines for Delegates for Submitting Resolutions”.

Ambassadors Meeting. There will be a meeting for all Ambassadors at 17.30 on Saturday in the Library. I will speak to them about the appropriateness of Opening Speeches and consequences for them and their delegation of making an inappropriate opening speech. (Note guidelines in invitation booklet)

Chapel Service. All teachers and delegates, of any religion or none, are welcome to attend the United Nations chapel service at 9.15am in the school chapel on Sunday. Medical Centre: Please be aware that there will be a nurse on site day and night.

On site accommodation: our visitors will be accommodated in all our boarding houses, Queen’s, Hollenden, Oxford, Cambridge, Latessa and old Queen’s (Victoria). I would be grateful if you could remind your students that it is important to respect these facilities and inform them that no food should be consumed in the bedrooms.

Finally, I hope that the conference runs smoothly for you, but please do see me if you have, or indeed anticipate, any problems.

Yours sincerely,


MUN Director

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Approvals Panel Times 2022:

With our enormous thanks in advance for your support with the Approvals Panel. We look forward to working with you on this crucial aspect of the conference. Particular thanks to Sam Marlow and Olesia Sava for their support with the Approvals Panel.


Sunday 1500 1630 Saturday 1915 2045

Sunday 1000 1115

Ms Shahnaz Malik Ms Elizabeth Ann Boyle

Mr Jason Zettler

Mr Jon Stark

Mr Graham Ryan Mrs Sarah Magnard

Mr Lewis Newburn

Ms Manatsu McCluskey

Miss Jess Gray Ms Rhonna Jessome

Ms Julie Fitzsimmons

Mr Geert van der Meer

Mr Mark Smith Mr Michael Ferraris

Mrs Guppy Kumar Florina Ruse

Mrs Judith Shand

Mr Alexandru Fâciu

Mrs Lesley Fowler Ms Jessica Weeks

Mr David Barnett Mr Chris Coles

Mr Ramzi Darwazeh

Ms Lucy Dooley

Ms Sylvia Martinez Ms Niamh Scallan

Ms Alice O‘Shea

Ms Caoimhe Shanahan McCauley

Sunday 1115 - 1230

Ms Olga Leontiou

Ms Kate Lewis

Ms Amy Cox

Approval panel meets in Mr Kieran Dymond

Ms Andie Fullalove

Mr Kent Li

Mr John Remmell

Ms Tessa Fleming

Mrs Michelle Lencioni

Mr Huw Peach

Ms Rebecca Stockburn

Mr William Hehir

Mr Gary Quinn

Mr Rob Micallef

Mr Liam Boland

Mr Aaron Wheatley

Mrs Laura McCall

Sunday 1630 - 1730

To be confirmed any volunteers welcome!

Room C2 up the stairs

Mr Kieran Nash from the Advisor's Room Miss Natalie Coogans

Mr David Connolly

Reserve List Mrs Angela Alexander

Mrs Melpomeni Tagiou

Sunday 1330 - 1500Mrs Eleni Samiou

Mrs Theodora


Ms Ashleigh Halling Brown

Mr Dimitrios Karavasilis Mrs Sarah Hammond

Dr Georgia Panitsa Mrs Alison Van der Merwe

Mrs Allison Delort

Mr Will Rennie

Dr Daniel Ross Mr John McCarthy

Mr Tim Sheehan

If you wish to swap please

Ms Laura Morrissey see ALEX PORTER

Ms Sandra Jones Ms Ana Santos up in Mr Graham Quinn Miss Gillian Aldcroft the Approvals Panel Room

Mr Brendan Tiernan Mr Stephen O'Brien

Ms Tara Sharkey Ms Hannah Saunders

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Programme for 40th Annual Conference

SATURDAY 15th October 2022

11.00 12.45

Arrival registration and room allocation.

12.00 - 13.15 Lunch available to all

From 12.30

Delegates to place individual resolutions on school computer system (Constructed resolutions to be placed on school system once completed)

13.15 14.00 Committee Chair Meeting in the Library (Sochum)


ALL delegates should be in their committee rooms. Committees will begin with Policy Statements.

From 14.45 Resolution construction begins

15.00 ICJ Workshop in Conference Room

15.15 Advisors’ meeting in the Advisors’ Room



Co submitting begins in Committee Rooms. All delegates to return to committee rooms for official LOBBYING.

APPROVAL PANEL open for submission of Resolutions.

17.00 18.30 Buffet meal available

17.30 Ambassadors’ meeting in Library (SOCHUM room)

18.30 21.00 General Assembly convenes in GA Opening Ceremonies and Opening Speeches TICKETS ONLY

Live Screening of GA in PAC (Special Committee room)

19.15 Security Council in session

19.15 20.50 Approval Panel in session

21.30 - 23.00 MUN Disco ‘Pyjamas’ theme

SUNDAY 16th October 2022

07.30 09.00 Breakfast

09.15 - 9.45 United Nations Day Service in School Chapel

10.00 18.30 Approval Panel meets

All Committees including the ICJ in session

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From 12.00

12.00 13.00

12.30 13.30

13.00 14.00

Staggered Lunch:

DISEC, SPECPOL 1 & 2 ONLY to lunch

Security Council and ICJ to lunch

All other committees to lunch

18.30 20.00 Supper

From 20.00 Media videos in PAC, followed by film

21.30 23.30 MUN DISCO ‘Après ski’ Theme

MONDAY 17th October 2022

07.30 08.45 Breakfast

09.00 12.00 All Committees in Session (Crisis committee to meet in A3)

12.00 - 13.30 Lunch

Publication of first resolution booklet

13.30 17.30 General Assembly Debates on Committee Resolutions

Security Council and ICJ in Session

17.30 19.00 Supper

19.00 21.00 General Assembly & Security Council in Session


RRSIMUN 2021 Headmaster’s Reception (Headmaster’s House)

21.00 24.00 MUN DISCO ‘8O’s’ Theme

TUESDAY 18th October 2022

07.30 08.45 Breakfast

Publication of Second Resolution Booklet

09.00 - 15.00 General Assembly and Security Council in Session

11.00 11.30 Advisors’ Meeting


President of ICJ to deliver judgment in Library (SOCHUM)

12.00 - 13.30 GA Staggered lunch

15.00 15.30 Closing Ceremonies

Advisor’s Booklet 2022

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Medical Centre: Please be aware that there will be a nurse on site day and night throughout the conference (contact number: +44 (0) 7547 053 368, to use only in case of emergency or if it is not possible to go there physically).

Approvals Panel Procedure 2022

Approval Panel

The Approval Panel works entirely digitally. When you have finished merging your resolution, you should upload it at resolutions

You will then need to lobby for your resolution. Your Chairs will give you a cover sheet. Get other delegates to sign your resolution. When you have got enough signatures, bring only the cover sheet to the Approval Panel. You do not need to bring a printed out copy of your resolution.

The Approval Panel will process your resolution. They will check it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting and compliance with the UN Charter. When you have handed in your cover sheet, you do not need to do anything.

Agenda for RRSIMUN 2022


A. The question of state sponsored espionage and cyber crime

B. The question of the expansion of NATO

C. The question of the conflict in South Sudan

D. The question of security in Eastern Europe


A. The question of state sponsored espionage and cyber crime

B. The question of the expansion of Russia

C. The question of the conflict in South Sudan

D. The question of a United Nations standing army


A. The question of taxation of global corporations

B. The question of fraud and regulation of cryptocurrencies

C. The question of energy security

D. The question of sustainable development


A. The question of use of GMOs as a means of preventing food poverty

B. The question of pollution caused by mineral mining for electric vehicles

C. The question of species extinction

D. The question of water rights in the context of climate change


A. The question of COVID recovery in LEDCs

B. The question of migration and rights for refugees

C. The question of the regulation of social media

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D. The question of climate change in LEDCs


A. The question of COVID recovery in LEDCs

B. The question of abortion rights

C. The question of the regulation of social media

D. The question of prisoners’ rights


A. The question of ensuring justice for war crimes

B. The question of the advancement of women

C. The question of ensuring free and fair elections

D. The question of global foreign aid provision


A. The question of ensuring justice for war crimes

B. The question of North Korea

C. The question of ensuring free and fair elections

D. The question of Jerusalem


A. The question of global health inequality in the delivery of treatment and resources for Covid 19

B. The question of patent waivers for medical treatments for Covid 19

C. The question of regulation of social media in relation to misinformation regarding vaccines and other relevant health resources

D. The question of preparedness for future global pandemics


A. The question of Israel Palestine

B. The question of NATO expansion in Europe

C. The question of reform of the Security Council

D. The question of reform of the ICC

List of Advisors attending the 2022 Conference


ACS Egham

ÅS Videregaende Skole

Bancroft's School

Ms Shahnaz Malik, Mr Jason Zettler

Ms Elisabeth Farstad

Ms Eleanor Burnside, Mr Lewis Newburn

Bishop Thomas Grant Miss Jess Gray

Blackrock College

Boxhill School

Ms Julie Fitzsimons, Mr Mark Smyth

Mrs Guppy Kumar, Ms Amanda Ayling

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Cheadle Hulme

Colegio Ayalde

Cours Saint Charles

Frankfurt Int'l School

George Cosbuc High School

Gordon's School

Mrs Judith Shand, Mrs Lesley Fowler, Mr David Barnett, Mr Ramzi Darwazeh

Ms Sylvia Martinez, Ms Elizabeth Ann Boyle

Mr Jon Stark, Mrs Sarah Magnard

Ms Manatsu McCluskey, Ms Rhonna Jessome, Mr Geert

van der Meer, Mr Michael Ferraris

Florina Ruse, Mr Alexandru Fâciu

Ms Jessica Weeks, Mr Chris Coles

Harris Academy, Bermondsey Ms Olga Leontiou, Ms Kate Lewis

Holy Child School, Killiney Ms Amy Cox

Hurstpierpoint College

Mr Kieran Nash, Miss Natalie Coogans, Mr Harry Fisher, Ms Rebecca Webber, Ms Cerys Jones

Institute of Education, Dublin Mr David Connolly

Kings Monkton School

Lingfield College

Lycée François 1ere

Mrs Angela Alexander, Mr Kieran Dymond, Mr Mike Nelson

Ms Ashleigh Halling Brown, Mrs Sarah Hammond, Mrs Alison Van der Merwe

Mr Will Rennie

Newpark Comprehensive Mr John McCarthy , Ms Laura Morrissey

North London Collegiate School Ms Ana Santos, Miss Gillian Aldcroft


Reigate Grammar School

Mr Stephen O'Brien, Ms Hannah Saunders

Ms Andie Fullalove, Mr Kent Li, Ms Jayne Byrne, Mrs Laura Stack, Mrs Clare Lutwyche

Royal Russell School

Santa Margarita Catholic HS


St Andrew's, Dublin

St Gerard's School

Ms Sandrine Calvet, Mr Adam Tansley, Mrs Lynda Burns, Ms Olesia Sava, Mr Sam Marlow, Mr Graham Moseley, Mrs Sue Tanner, Mr John Piggin, Mr Martin Tanner, Mr Colin Dear, Mr Jon Edwards, Mrs Ting Ting Wang, Mr Alex Porter

Mr John Remmell, Ms Tessa Fleming, Mrs Michelle Lencioni

Mr Huw Peach, Ms Rebecca Stockburn

Mr William Hehir, Mr Gary Quinn, Mr Rob Micallef, Ms Alice O‘Shea, Ms Caoimhe Shanahan McCauley, Ms Lucy Dooley

Ms Niamh Scallan, Mr Liam Boland

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St Ives School

St Joseph's, Athens

Mr Aaron Wheatley, Mrs Laura McCall

Mrs Melpomeni Tagiou, Mrs Eleni Samiou, Mrs Theodora

Mitropoulou, Mr Dimitrios Karavasilis

St Mary's, Cambridge Dr Georgia Panitsa

Ste Victoire Int'l School

Mrs Allison Delort, Dr Daniel Ross

Sutton Park, Dublin Mr Tim Sheehan, Ms Sandra Jones

Terenure College

Mr Graham Quinn, Mr Brendan Tiernan

Wesley College, Dublin Ms Tara Sharkey

Officers for RRSIMUN 2022

Secretary General and Head of MUN: Anastacia Allan Presidents of GA: CJ Coleman Benjamin, Katie Hamerton and Charlotte Mawer Presidents of Security Council: Miles King and Henry Steele Heads of Media: Oliver Brennan and Chloe Shields Head of Press: Sam Alfred and Ella Burrows Heads of Secretariat: Makaziwe Ansan, Caitlin Baron, James Cryer and Ria Patel

Committee Chairs 2022

DISEC 1 Patrick Mcilduff

Maroussia Noirot

Oscar Rink

DISEC 2 Vincent Lombardi

Maria Olaizola



St Andrew’s College

Ste Victoire International School


Ste Victoire International School

Colegio Ayalde

Theo Wild Shrewsbury

Samuel Charvet

Sarah Emerson

Minnie Mansfield

Bwalya Kalusa

Royal Russell School

St Andrew’s College

Holy Child School

Bishop Thomas Grant School

Sarah Brownlee St Andrew’s College

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Oscar Tobin Howes

Joseph Abdool

Angad Thethi

Vama Kothari

SOCHUM 2 Robert Ireton

Christopher Lane

Iris Nuredini


Amelia Mathur

Adam Nunan

Sarah Schonfield

SPECPOL 2 Ryan Dunning

Efe Akin

Lana Laxman

Special Committee (Covid 19)

Security Council

Margret Barrett

Alexander Fial

Urusharman Hemanth

Miles King

Henry Steele

Terenure College

Hurstpierpoint College

ACS Egham

Frankfurt International School

Royal Russell School

St Andrew’s College

Royal Russell School

North London Collegiate School

Wesley College

Lycée International François 1er

Royal Russell School

ACS Egham

North London Collegiate School

Hurstpierpoint College

Frankfurt International School

Royal Russell School

Royal Russell School

Royal Russell School

Countries and schools Royal Russell 2022

Afghanistan North London Collegiate School Latvia


Holy Child School, Killiney Algeria St Joseph's, Athens Libya Rathdown Australia Hurstpierpoint College Lithuania Lingfield College Belarus ACS Egham Malaysia Royal Russell School

Albania (SC) Terenure College Lebanon

Brazil (SC) Ste Victoire Int'l School Malta

St Joseph's, Athens Cambodia Lycée François 1ere Mexico (SC) Rathdown

Canada Hurstpierpoint College Morocco North London Collegiate School

Chile Boxhill School Myanmar Reigate Grammar School

China (SC) ACS Egham Nepal Sutton Park, Dublin Colombia Bancroft's School Netherlands Reigate Grammar School

Comoros Bancroft's School New Zealand St Joseph's, Athens

Congo Dep Rep Shrewsbury Norway (SC) Gordon's School

Costa Rica ACS Egham Oman Kings Monkton

Côte d'Ivoire Royal Russell School Pakistan Frankfurt Int'l School

Cuba Harris Academy, Bermondsey Poland Shrewsbury

Cyprus St Joseph's, Athens Portugal Gordon's School

Ecuador Newpark Comprehensive Qatar Gordon's School

Egypt Institute of Education, Dublin Russian Federation (SC) Hurstpierpoint College

Equatorial Guinea North London Collegiate School Rwanda

Bancroft's School

Estonia George Cosbuc High School Saudi Arabia Hurstpierpoint College

Ethiopia Newpark Comprehensive Senegal Rathdown

Fiji Newpark Comprehensive Serbia

Finland Cours Saint Charles Seychelles

France (SC) Frankfurt Int'l School Singapore

ÅS Videregaende Skole

St Gerard's School

Hurstpierpoint College

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Gabon (SC)

Bishop Thomas Grant Slovakia

Germany Colegio Ayalde Somalia

Ghana (SC) St Gerard's School South Africa

Greece Royal Russell School South Sudan

Haiti Harris Academy, Bermondsey Spain

Hungary Frankfurt Int'l School Sri Lanka

St Ives School

Frankfurt Int'l School

Cheadle Hulme

Terenure College

St Joseph's, Athens

Lingfield College

Iceland Wesley College, Dublin St Lucia

Santa Margarita Catholic HS

Santa Margarita Catholic HS India (SC) ÅS Videregaende Skole Sudan

Indonesia Ste Victoire Int'l School Syria St Gerard's School

Iran Royal Russell School Thailand Newpark Comprehensive

Iraq Wesley College, Dublin Trinidad & Tobago St Andrew's, Dublin

Ireland (SC) Cheadle Hulme Tunisia

St Andrew's, Dublin

Israel Cheadle Hulme Türkiye St Andrew's, Dublin

Italy Colegio Ayalde Uganda St Andrew's, Dublin

Japan Colegio Ayalde Ukraine

St Andrew's, Dublin

Kenya (SC) St Ives School United Arab Emirates (SC) Blackrock College

Korea (Dem Rep) North Cours Saint Charles United Kingdom (SC) St Andrew's, Dublin Korea (Rep) South Hurstpierpoint College United States of America (SC) St Joseph's, Athens

Kuwait Ste Victoire Int'l School Viet Nam Kings Monkton Kyrgyzstan Bancroft's School Zimbabwe Colegio Ayalde

Schools and Countries– Royal Russell 2022


ACS Egham China (SC), Belarus, Costa Rica

ÅS Videregaende Skole India (SC), Serbia

Bancroft's School Comoros, Colombia, Rwanda, Kyrgyzstan Bishop Thomas Grant Gabon (SC)

Blackrock College United Arab Emirates (SC) Boxhill School Chile

Cheadle Hulme Ireland (SC), Israel, South Africa Colegio Ayalde Italy, Germany, Zimbabwe, Japan Cours Saint Charles Korea (Dem Rep) North, Finland Frankfurt Int'l School France (SC), Pakistan, Somalia, Hungary

George Cosbuc High School Estonia

Gordon's School Norway (SC), Qatar, Portugal Harris Academy, Bermondsey Cuba, Haiti Holy Child School, Killiney Lebanon

Hurstpierpoint College Russian Federation (SC), Australia, Canada, Korea (Rep) South Saudi Arabia, Singapore

Institute of Education, Dublin Egypt Kings Monkton Viet Nam, Oman

Lingfield College Sri Lanka, Lithuania Lycée François 1ere Cambodia

Newpark Comprehensive Ethiopia, Fiji, Ecuador, Thailand North London Collegiate School Equatorial Guinea, Afghanistan, Morocco

Advisor’s Booklet 2022

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Rathdown Mexico (SC), Latvia, Libya, Senegal

Reigate Grammar School Myanmar, Netherlands

Royal Russell School Iran, Malaysia, Côte d'Ivoire, Greece

Santa Margarita Catholic HS St Lucia, Sudan

Shrewsbury Poland, Congo Dep Rep

St Andrew's, Dublin United Kingdom (SC), Ukraine, Uganda, Türkiye, Tunisia, Trinidad & Tobago

St Gerard's School Ghana (SC), Syria, Seychelles

St Ives School Kenya (SC), Slovakia

St Joseph's, Athens United States of America (SC), Algeria, Cyprus, Malta, New Zealand, Spain

St Mary's, Cambridge ICJ only

Ste Victoire Int'l School Brazil (SC), Indonesia, Kuwait

Sutton Park, Dublin Nepal

Terenure College Albania (SC), South Sudan

Wesley College Iraq, Iceland


Day & Boarding

The Fire Procedure is that when the fire alarm sounds all students and staff should leave the building and meet at that building’s assembly point. Once the building has been checked and passed safe the alarm will be rung three times and then switched off. No students/advisors should return to the building until given the ALL CLEAR by Ms Calvet or another member of RRS teaching staff.


Please make sure you are aware of the assembly points for all buildings as indicated on the attached map to ensure that they know exactly where to meet should the Fire Alarm sound BEFORE you go to your accommodation This is extremely important


Please make sure that when you go to your accommodation you know the exit points from your room which take you out of the building. In the event of a fire alarm sounding at night students and staff should knock on the doors of the rooms either side of them to make sure the occupants are awake and then leave the building quickly and carefully going to their meeting points. No students/advisors should return to the building until given the ALL CLEAR by Ms Calvet. This will be indicated by the silencing of the Alarm. Students should check the maps so they are aware of the regulations.

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October 2022 Sandrine Calvet …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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16 | Page Advisor’s Booklet 2022 Fire Assembly points
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