ISI Inspection Summary

Iamdelightedtosharewithyouthe outcomeoftheISIInspectionwhichtook placeinSeptember2022.
Iamincrediblyproudofthefindingsofthe Inspectionwhichreflectsowellonallofthe RoyalRussellpupilsandthewiderSchool Community.Mythankstothe607parents whoreturnedtheircommentsontheparent surveyandtoallstafffortheircommitment tothesuccessfuldevelopmentofourpupils, whichshonethroughduringourInspection.
Educational Quality Inspection
Royal Russell was judged as being ‘Excellent’ in all categories, including in the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements and in the quality of the pupils’ personal development. ‘Excellent’ is the highest rating that can be awarded at an ISI Inspection.

Regulatory Compliance Inspection
This section reports on the School’s compliance with the Independent Schools Standards and the National Minimum Standards for Boarding. The judgement here is either met or not met. Royal Russell was judged as having met all of the standards.
-MrChrisHutchinson,HeadmasterThe quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

Pupils make strong progress over their time in the school.
Pupils are excellent communicators (and) their communication skills are excellent. They speak fluently and confidently.
Pupils’ information and communication technology (ICT) skills are extremely highly developed.

Pupils demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning.
Pupils’ behaviour is excellent, and they show respect towards others in the school community.
Pupils demonstrate excellent levels of academic achievement as a result of the undoubted commitment of ils achieve