Work Ethic Effort Grades: the grade descriptors below explain the grades awarded for effort in each School Grade Sheet or Written Report • Making accelerated progress in the subject due to their effort and engagement.
Exceeding expectation (++)
• Works highly effectively, both individually and collaboratively, and stands out as a leader or role model for classroom learning, discussion and activities. • Committed to challenging themselves to fulfil their potential as learners in this subject. • All tasks within the set work are submitted on time and are completed to a level which exceeds expectation. • Demonstrates very high standards of punctuality, focus, organisation and engagement.
• Making good progress in the subject due to their effort and engagement. Meeting expectation (+)
• Works effectively, both individually and collaboratively, and contributes positively to classroom discussion and activities. • Keen to challenge themselves in their learning of this subject. All tasks within the set work are submitted on time and to the expected standard. Demonstrates consistently good punctuality, focus, organisation and engagement. • Not making sufficient progress in the subject due to their effort and engagement.
Below expectation (-)
• Needs repeated teacher input in order to work effectively both individually and collaboratively, may need specific direction to contribute productively to classroom discussion and activities. • Reluctant to challenge themselves in their learning of this subject. • Not all tasks within the set work are attempted, some of those done fall short of the expected standard or are submitted late. • Needs improvement in punctuality, focus, organisation or engagement.