Introduction Introduction Welcome to Royal Russell School. We hope you will find this handbook a useful reference document as your child sets out on their Royal Russell Senior School journey. This parent and pupil handbook is assembled with your needs in mind but if you cannot find what you need here – or you have any other queries - please remember that your child’s Housemaster or Housemistress is always ready to hear from you and to help in whatever way they can. For those of you whose children are Boarders, you will also have a boarding booklet which is to be read in conjunction with this handbook. We hope you and your child enjoy the coming years with us. Royal Russell is a unique and wonderful learning environment, of which we are proud to be the Deputy Heads. This handbook is available electronically on Firefly. All School policies are available upon request. Please email: Core policies are also available on our School website:
Mrs Nathalie Hart Deputy Head, People PARENT & PUPIL HANDBOOK 2021/22
Ms Nikki Snelgrove Deputy Head, Learning PAGE 3