Sixth Form

The family school of choice
We are Royal Russell
I am delighted that you have expressed an interest in joining our Sixth Form.
Royal Russell is different by design. We are a family school, which means we value the things which make each of us distinctively brilliant. Royal Russell’s school motto is ‘non sibi sed omnibus’ which translates as ‘not for oneself, but for all’. Our commitment to each other is to help every member of our community strive for their vision of success. Our happy, vibrant and ambitious atmosphere provides our pupils with an exceptional educational experience; with the pupil right at the heart.
Royal Russell’s school motto is ‘non sibi sed omnibus’which translates as ‘not for oneself, but for all.’

Whether you are moving up from our Senior School, or joining us for the first time, you will find our Sixth Form full of exciting opportunities and welcoming staff and pupils.
You will be given the trust and independence to balance your studies, co-curricular activities and social life, and be responsible for your own actions. In return for your effort and commitment, we will give you all the support, inspiration and guidance you need.
Pupils at Royal Russell are ambitious and aiming at the best universities and a diverse range of careers. Whatever you aspire to do, we will help you get there. We will guide you through your choices and equip you with the skills you need to succeed.
If you have enthusiasm for learning, intellectual curiosity, a willingness to push your limits and a desire to get involved, you will thrive at Royal Russell.
I look forward to welcoming you.
Chris Hutchinson Headmaster
A University Style Campus
Our stunning university-style campus, set in 110 acres of beautiful woodland provides a calm yet stimulating environment for our pupils. Our extensive and impressive on-site facilities and state-of-the-art technology blend with original architecture and plenty of green space.
The Library and Sixth Form Centre provide the focus for academic life and quiet study for pupils in a well-resourced and modern environment.
The campus is fully Wi-Fi enabled, allowing for the use of all devices wherever you choose to study.

Our Sixth Form Café, Drapers’, is a lively social space for relaxation during breaks and lunch and for independent or collaborative study during free periods.

The Sixth Form at Royal Russell is a vibrant community with a full curriculum and a lively pupil body. A wide range of A Level and BTEC courses are offered, and we recommend that pupils select subjects that they enjoy, succeed in, and that enable them to achieve their future career aspirations.
We know that at Royal Russell, the best learning takes place with young people working together, problem-solving together and benefiting from different interpretations, perspectives and learning styles. Emphasis is placed strongly on effort, both academic and in the wide range of co-curricular activities on offer to enrich learning. Hard work and commitment are expected, recognised and rewarded.
Small class sizes, taught by highly engaging and talented staff, allow for group debate and the free flow of ideas and opinions, promoting intellectual curiosity and independent thinking. Pupils thrive in the subjects they have chosen and are inspired and enthused.
We want all our pupils to leave us with the best possible exam results to thrive in a competitive world. Our pupils aim high and leave us for highly competitive university courses including medicine, engineering, business and veterinary science, as well as gaining apprenticeships or employment in prestigious organisations.

Pupils thrive in the subjects they have chosen and are inspired and enthused.
Sixth Form
Years 12 and 13 A Level
Years 12 and 13 BTEC
Option Subjects
Art and Design
Computer Science
Design and Technology
Drama and Theatre Studies
English as an Additional Language
Option Subjects

During their time in our Sixth Form, pupils will have plenty of opportunities to develop their skills in public speaking, time management and leadership. We encourage our pupils to show initiative, motivate others and take the lead.
Sixth Formers hold important positions of responsibility as Prefects, Sport and House Captains and Curriculum Ambassadors, acting as role models and mentors for younger pupils throughout the School.
Our Sixth Form Committee works with our Headmaster and his Leadership Team across all aspects of school life. They make a valuable contribution to the running of the School and organise and run House and Sixth Form events.
In the Sixth Form, pupils have greater responsibility for organising their time and enjoy a wide range of privileges, including access to trips and exclusive events such as the Sixth Form Summer Ball.
The development of social skills, confidence, leadership and resilience cannot be achieved through a purely academic curriculum. We encourage a healthy balance of academic rigour and co-curricular participation, where pupils can try something new, explore alternative interests and unearth hidden talents.
We run an exciting programme of over 100 enriching clubs and activities, in which all pupils are encouraged to participate, to enhance their studies, learn new skills, extend their friendship groups or simply just have fun and relax at the end of a busy school day. There is something for everyone, from creative and expressive clubs to physical and mentally challenging clubs.

Our Duke of Edinburgh training represents significant personal challenge, with regular Bronze, Silver and Gold expeditions.
Our Sixth Formers also lead on the delivery of our Senior and Junior Russell Talks, sharing their independent research in TED Talk style, lunchtime lectures.
Our Model United Nations (MUN) programme is second-to-none in the UK and our own annual conference, held in October, has an international reputation for excellence.
We have an active Combined Cadet Force (CCF) who train weekly in Army and RAF sections. Our cadets attend prestigious leadership courses and travel to many residential camps at military bases throughout the year.

We encourage our pupils to set clear goals, work hard and take full advantage of the many co-curricular opportunities available, often taking leadership roles in these activities.
Bespoke careers advice, including timetabled careers lessons, encourages pupils to aim higher and choose a rewarding career. The Head of Sixth Form, Head of Careers, Heads of Year, tutors and subject teachers all play an important role in providing appropriate advice and guidance in supporting each pupil’s academic and personal progress. Our Assembly Programme features guest speakers who inform and inspire our pupils across a diverse range of careers. Sixth Formers are also supported in finding work experience and benefit from our regular Career Breakfasts and annual Higher Education and Careers Fairs. The Footsteps to Futures Programme also helps to prepare pupils for life beyond Royal Russell.
Our pupils are successful in securing places at a wide range of top universities and highly competitive courses. In addition to the extensive careers support offered for all Sixth Formers, bespoke guidance and preparation are provided for pupils applying to Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science courses. We are also highly successful in preparing pupils for degree apprenticeships with companies such as PwC; and have seen a number of them gain places on international university courses in Europe and the United States.
Sixth Formers are also supported in finding work experience and benefit from our regular Career Breakfasts and annual Higher Education and Careers Fairs.
Sixth Form | Royal Russell School

University Destinations

Year 13 pupils successfully secure positions at their preferred universities, obtain coveted apprenticeships, or enter the workforce in their chosen career fields.
Here is a list of universities that pupils have moved on to over the past few years.

Mechanical Engineering
Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Business and Management
Business and Management

Economics and Finance with Industrial Experience


Human Geography

Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
Biology foundation year then Genetics
Sustainability and Environmental Management
Computer Science
Politics and International Business
Computer Science with Software Development with a Year in Industry

Biomedical Sciences with Industrial / Professional Experience (4 years)
Politics and International Relations with a Placement Year Politics (with foundation year) Economics (SocSci) Electronic engineering

Science with Foundation
(Integrated Honours Programme) Pharmacy
Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology Finance

It is of paramount importance to us that our pupils are happy, feel supported and valued and form warm and trusting relationships with teaching staff.
Our approach to individual care and attention is highly valued by our pupils and their parents. The majority of our pastoral care centres on our unique House and Tutor system. Pupils will have a personal tutor who will get to know them well and understand their interests, needs, aspirations and concerns. Tutors work with pupils on an individual level to inspire, motivate and encourage, and ensure that their progress always remains on track.
Our pupils deserve to achieve the very best exam results they can, but they also deserve to enjoy school, make lifelong friends and future connections and leave us with fond memories of their time here.
Many of our pupils return to us regularly as Old Russellians to take part in reunions or to give guest lectures to pupils who will follow in their footsteps.

Sixth Form | Royal Russell School
“I joined Royal Russell in Reception, and I can truly say I have enjoyed every minute of my time here. All the way from the Junior School through to Senior School I have met some of the most amazing people; my teachers always made every lesson fun to be in, and my friends made me laugh throughout the day. I have always enjoyed participating in various sports throughout my time here, and it has been the highlight of my journey to represent the School in so many different teams like Hockey, Netball and Football. Royal Russell will always be a place I’d want to come back to, and my education at Royal Russell was truly the best gift I could have; I will always look back at my time here and be grateful for all the memories I have been able to make.”

“I joined Royal Russell as a shy and anxious 9 year old, but immediately found my place in the Junior School and for the first time, I enjoyed coming to school! Nine years later, now in my final year, I have grown in confidence and am proud to be one of the Heads of School and a member of the fantastic Royal Russell community. The School has afforded me some amazing opportunities to develop personally and academically. I have been supported and encouraged by my teachers and tutors who have genuinely cared about me and prepared me for the next stage of my journey, which will hopefully be studying aerospace engineering at university. Some of my favourite memories have been supporting the fantastic drama productions and performing with the School’s incredible Music Department; it’s not often you get to sing in an 18th-century château! I will always consider myself part of the Royal Russell community and encourage all current and future Russellians to get involved and take advantage of the amazing opportunities on offer.”

The staff here make a difference with their kindness, enthusiasm and passion for their subjects.
“I joined Royal Russell in Year 6 and have enjoyed every second of it. Everyone is so warm and welcoming from the moment you arrive, and the family culture is evident throughout the School. The staff here particularly make a difference with their kindness, enthusiasm and passion for their subjects rubbing off in every lesson. I will definitely look back with many fond memories when my time here ends, with my personal highlight being the numerous sports and activities in which I have represented the School. I plan on studying History at St Andrews before pursuing my passion further as a teacher of History.”

“My journey at Royal Russell, despite being relatively short, has been profoundly fulfilling. Having been granted an academic scholarship, I was able to move across the globe and join Royal Russell in Year 12 as a full-time boarder. When I first joined, I felt very much out of place, but the kindness of other boarders and their willingness to show me the ropes helped me ease into an environment much different from anything I had ever known. Joining Royal Russell gave me the opportunity to create unforgettable memories with my newfound friends, friends I see almost every mealtime and consider family. I chose English, History and Religious Studies for my A levels and am eternally grateful for the dedication my teachers have in supporting me holistically. With their help, I have been able to pinpoint exactly where I can and should improve to excel in my studies.”

How to apply to Royal Russell Sixth Form

We recommend applying for your place at Royal Russell Sixth Form by the October of Year 11. Applications will be considered through to the end of March of Year 11. Entry requirements for Year 12
Our standard entry requirements are 36 GCSE points from 6 subjects, including English and Maths, along with good school reports, headteacher’s reference and attendance records. Alternative qualifications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Pupils wishing to start on 4 A levels need 5 subjects at grade 8, including each subject they will be studying.
Reaching a decision
We look carefully at all the information we have assembled before deciding whether to offer a pupil a place at Royal Russell. We send offers of places from the December of Year 11.
The waiting list
Places at Royal Russell Sixth Form are oversubscribed and we cannot, therefore, offer a place to all applicants. If we are not able to offer an immediate place, we may add a pupil’s name to the waiting list, should a place become available and will support you with the next steps.
Scholarships and Bursaries

Our Scholarships and Bursaries programme is aimed at encouraging excellence and supporting Russellian families.
A scholarship is awarded in recognition of a pupil’s merit and potential and is, as such, highly prized. Awards are determined by the achievement of pupils in their GCSE examinations or by performance in assessments and auditions relating to Art, Music, Drama and Sport and are awarded irrespective of financial means. Pupils can apply for up to a maximum of two scholarships in addition to being considered for an academic scholarship. The total financial value of a scholarship may be between 5% and 35%.
A bursary award is available to a small number of pupils who are offered a place but require financial assistance to be able to afford to accept it. Every bursary is meanstested and the value of the bursary is related to the income and financial resources of the pupil’s family. A pupil can hold both a bursary and a scholarship.
For more information regarding bursaries, please contact admissions@royalrussell.co.uk.