Siobhan Fox Head of Music
Lauren Heasman Class Teacher Samantha Holman Class Teacher Maggie Hong Teaching Assistant
Emma Austin Class Teacher
Danielle Barr Year 5/6 Phase Leader
Academic Staff
School Executive Group
Aimee Gibbons Head of MFL Denise Hall Teaching Assistant
Gemma Jamieson EYFS Teacher
Ruth Bannon Deputy Head - Learning and Teaching
Tanya Mawanda Head of Early Years Alys Netherway Assistant Head - Operations School Office
Nikki Snelgrove Deputy Head - Learning Senior School
Natalie Craigie KS2 Teacher
Natasha Edwards Class Teacher David Edwards Class Teacher
Sarah Pain Deputy Head - Pastoral
Kim Keen Junior School Registrar
Jackie Cufley JS Secretary and First Aider
Stuart Harris Class Teacher
Chris Hutchinson Headmaster John Evans Headmaster of Junior School
John Janowski Class Teacher Caroline King Class Teacher
Neil Cufley Director of Operations and Finance
Nathalie Hart Deputy Head - People Senior School
Karen Dapson Class Teacher Katy Dickinson EYFS Teacher
Chris Lottering Head of Science Stephanie McDonnell KS2 Teacher
Junior School Staff
To contact any member of the Junior School Senior Leadership Team or Junior School Staff, please call 020 8651 5884. To report an absence please call 020 8651 5884 or email
Leadership Team
Victoria Deadman Gatt Director of Marketing, Admissions and Engagement
Yoyo Ikeda Teaching Assistant
Emma Lagartixa Class Teacher
Teresa Bridgewater Teaching Assistant Adele Cane Teaching Assistant Cristina Ciccone Head of Art and Design
John Evans Headmaster of Junior School
Titia Lewer Junior School Secretary
Melanie Jones PA to Junior School Headmaster
Rebecca Cooper Year 5/6 Phase Leader
Phase Leader Steve Urie Class Teacher Jan Vallance Teaching Assistant Tyler
ICT Teacher Gemma
Teacher Kyla
Class Teacher Claire
Peter Dobson Post Graduate Sports Coach Boys Doyle Assistant Sports Coach Knight Sports Coach Martin-Clark Sports Coach Girls Ransom Sports Coach Girls Swann Sports Coach Boys
Lunchtime Supervisors Joanne O'Gorman Prep and Tea Coordinator Anne-Marie Nile Lunchtime Supervisor Cynthia Nwosu Lunchtime Supervisor Créche Claudine Pettitt Créche Assistant
Teacher Ceri
Teaching Assistant Kelly
EYFS Class Teacher Emma Roberts KS2 Teacher
Assistant Anne
Jozie Quinn Raveney
Bethan Parkin Parsons Payne Teaching
EYFS Class Teacher Jessica
Lucy Summers-Spriggs Sydney-Ford EYFS Tunmore 1/2 Ward Class Warner Class Webster Teaching Willis Teaching Assistant Sport Staff
Cathy Blundell Sports Coach Girls
Sharmaine Nemar Teaching Assistant
Laura Lloyd Head of Junior School Sport, Health and Fitness
Head of Drama Laura Pasquel Class Teacher Karen
Nathalie Hart Deputy Head – People
Senior School Staff
Ed Hutchinson Head of Pastoral Care
Business Studies and Economics
Sinthuja Yogachandrabose Art Technician
Christine Rodney Head of Business ad Economics
Julie Prendergast Teacher of Art and Design
Careers Education
To contact any member of the Senior Leadership Team or Senior School Staff, please call 020 8657 4433. To report an absence please email absence@royalrussell.co.uk.
Andrew Kay Head of Design and Technology
Christopher Chapman Teacher of Design and Technology
Chris Hutchinson Headmaster
Louise Dye Teacher of Business Studies
Clare Tovey Assistant Head - Upper School
Computer Science
Lynne Faulkner Exams Officer, Cover Manager and Teacher of Business
Jenny Harris Head of Careers
Alex Stathopoulos Assistant Head Co-Curricular and Head of Computer Science
Stella Voniatis Teacher of Computer Science
Nikki Snelgrove Deputy Head – Learning
Debbie Baldwin Teacher of Art and Photography
Morna Harrison Teacher of Design and Technology
Leadership Team
Tim Cook Design and Technology Technician
Jordi Major Assistant Head - Middle School
Design and Technology
Michelle Lewry Art Technician
Karan Allan Teacher of Business and Economics
David Turner Head of Digital Learning Art and Photography
Lucy Blaquiere Teacher of Art and Photography
Denise Bob-Jones Teacher of Business and Economics
Ellie Bonner Teacher of BTEC and Business Studies
Anne Mawer Assistant Head - Lower School
Steve Whiteley Teacher of Business Studies
Catherine Walton Teacher of Computer Science
Sophia Bosscher Ahmad Teacher/Technician (Art)
Cassy Lands Head of Art and Photography
Alex Stathopoulos Assistant Head Co-Curricular
Katherine Buadi Teacher of BTEC and Business Studies
Marianne Etheridge Teacher of English and Drama
English as an Additional Language
Mary Colyer Librarian Nikki Wood Library Assistant
Olesia Sava Teacher of EAL Food Preparation and Nutrition
Jon Edwards Drama Technician
Dominic Dureau Teacher of English
Alex Sternfeld Head of EAL
Saira Dean Teacher of Mathematics
Michele Worsfold Head of History
Kerry Evans Teacher of English
Cathi Allison English Advisor
Michael Stanley Head of Mathematics
Karen Muldoon Drama Support Assistant English
Donna Pepperdine Teacher of English
David Grindrod Teacher of Geography
Georgina Chandler Teacher of History
Melanie Davies Teacher of Drama
David Macfadyen Head of English
Michelle Saunders Head of Food Preparation and Nutrition
Kate Tanswell Head of Learning Enrichment
Claudia Maggiorelli Teacher of EAL
Sue Lower Learning Support Consultant
Peter Cook Teacher of Mathematics
Ed Hutchinson Head of Pastoral Care & DDSL and Teacher of History
Julie Lombard Teacher of Food Preparation and Nutrition
Carmen Au Teacher of Mathematics
Alvina Benjamin-Taylor Head of Geography
Kate Larkin Teacher of English
Mario Valerio Director of Drama
Holly Jassi Food Preparation and Nutrition Technician
Learning Support
Sarah Bannister Teacher of Geography
Gemma Collier Teacher of English
Ruth Pringle Teacher of English
Celia Roe Teacher of EAL
Mayuran Rajgobal Teacher of Mathematics
Sophie Ellis Teacher of Psychology PSHE
Alba Conde del Rio Teacher of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Chris Byrne Teacher of Japanese
Nicolas Curror Teacher of Music and Music Technology
Lisa Ford Teacher of Music Politics
Geeta Missan Garcia Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Joanna Brown Head of PSHE/RSE
Sandrine Calvet Teacher of Modern Languages (French)
Olga Moser Teacher of Russian Sue Su Teacher of Chinese Maria Wade Language Assistant (Spanish)
Adam Tansley Teacher of Mathematics
Julie Wong Teacher of Mathematics Media Studies
Christina Adu Teacher of Media Studies
Helen White Teacher of Religious Studies
Sean Watkins Teacher of Mathematics
Robert Grehan Teacher of Mathematics
Anna Witherow Teacher of Modern Languages (French/German)
Colin Dear Teacher of Media Studies
Modern Foreign Languages
Natxo Bueno Barbolla Teacher of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Samuel Marlow Head of Politics
Amy Mathieson Teacher of Media Studies
Lucie White Head of Media Studies
Charlie Lloyd-Quinnell Head of Psychology
Lauren Morris Teacher of Mathematics
Dave Jewiss Teacher of Mathematics
Music Jeremy Franklin Director of Music
Ruth Ebanks Teacher of Modern Languages (2iC)
Pascale Green Language Assistant (French)
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy
Joshua Skipworth Teacher of Religious Studies
Kirsten Byers Media Technician
Vicky Jones Head of Religious Studies
Lynda Burns Teacher of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Tingting Wang Teacher of Chinese
Lindsey Smith Teacher of Mathematics
Nicky Clarke Sports Coach (Netball)
Angela Hornby Teacher of Biology Sue Strutt Teacher of Biology
Ann Porteous Head of Science
Jo Barton Head of Biology
David Turner Teacher of Physics
Lee Smelt Goal Keeping Coach (Football)
Kirk Stoneham Lead Phase Coach of Girls' Football
Liz Smyth Science Technician Chemistry
Suzanne Wood Teacher of Chemistry
Esme Gudge Teacher of Biology
Lorraine Woodyer Sports Coach (Netball)
Paul Endersby Teacher of Physics Frances Simmons Teacher of Physics
Daniel Udall Sports Coach (Hockey & Cricket)
Liam Cassidy Teacher of PE Mark Simmons Teacher of PE & Head of Football
Juan Gomez Sanchez Head of Hockey
Fabio Camacho Saraiva Lead Phase Football Coach
Joe Healey Director of Sport, Health and Fitness
Emma Burgess Teacher of Biology
Alex Cook Science Technician Physics Sport
Thomas Rowbotham Sports Coach (Football)
Carl Bailey Lead Teacher for Sport BTEC
Stefan Steele Teacher of Physics
Elena Neagu Science Technician Biology
Brian Moore Head of Basketball
Pauline Semple Head of Chemistry
Tomasz Krzyzewski Teacher of Chemistry
Alice Johnson Head of Netball Megan Fitt Assistant Head Netball Chelsea Borrow Sports Coach (Netball)
John Davies Head of Games and Participation
John Sullivan Head of Physics
Support Staff To contact the Senior School or any member of our Support Staff, please call 020 8657 4433. Director of Marketing, Admissions and Engagement's Office Lauren Brockwell PA to Director of Marketing, Admissions and Engagement Julia Powell Old Russellians Correspondent David Young Development Director of Operation's Office Colin Leggatt Operations Manager Donna Moon PA to Director of Operations Headmaster's Office Lauren Wilson PA to Headmaster Senior School Office Loredana Delgrosso-Stevens Deputy Heads' Assistant Verity Hubbard Senior School Secretary/Attendance Officer Katie Smith Senior School Learning Administrator Admissions Graham Moseley Director of International Relations Kim Keen Junior School Registrar Nicola Pocock Senior School Registrar - Boarding Pupils Michele Stone Senior School Registrar - Day Pupils Boarding Taz Begum Assistant Housemistress Queens Pam Jeffree Assistant Housemistress Oxbridge Marion Lang Assistant Housemistress (Latessa) Catering Andrew Edwards Catering and Hospitality Manager Chris O'Connor Executive Head Chef Sylviana Driscoll Front of House Manager Maria Da Silva De Brito Moco Catering Supervisor Fritzroy Scott Catering Supervisor Elaine Yeatman Hospitality Supervisor Susan Robinson Functions and Events Catering Assistant Caz Nesta Head Chef Maria Mills Chef de Partie Nafie Saliho Chef de Partie Vlada Serebryanska Chef de Partie Shelly Cilia Pastry Chef Maggie Gomez Pastry Commis Chef Andy Barton Sous Chef Youcef Boufenchouche Sous Chef Alfonso Nesta Sous Chef Nikolay Nikolov Sous Chef Lili Diaz Junior Sous Chef
Tracy Rawlinson Cleaner Diane Robinson Cleaner
Zinatu Ahmed Cleaner Heather Allum Cleaner Wendy Alvarado Sandoval Cleaner Alba Barroso Leon Cleaner Rebecca Daniels Cleaner Rebecca Farley Cleaner Vanessa Graham Cleaner Tracy Henser Cleaner Maria Leon Perez Cleaner Kathy Murrell Cleaner
Trevor Brae General Catering Assistant
Zsolt Tarjanyi Kitchen Porter Fernando Reyes Storeperson
Maria Pina Nunes Cleaner
Natalia Drevinske General Catering Assistant
Angella Eccleston General Catering Assistant Amy Hill General Catering Assistant
Agnes Sannie General Catering Assistant Rayka Tsvetkova General Catering Assistant
Katarzyna Doda General Catering Assistant
Anita Deacon General Catering Assistant
Juan Clavijo Cleaner
Tushena Bingham General Catering Assistant
Charmaine Elliott Cleaner Selime Ismailova Cleaner Luis Moreno Loaiza Cleaner Michelle Phillips Cleaner
Trevvena Prince Cleaner Mercy Quaye Cleaner
Tracey Smith Cleaner
Thushara Mallikarachchi General Catering Assistant
Filipa Pipa Andre General Catering Assistant
Bea Boughey Kitchen Assistant
Lorraine Pomroy Laundry Assistant
Brian McCloskey General Catering Assistant
Sarah Imoiko General Catering Assistant Susan Kidd General Catering Assistant
Dorcas Kyei General Catering Assistant
Anna Zientera General Catering Assistant
Roberto Arminan Toro Assistant Storesperson/Kitchen Porter Domestic Services Jenny Diaz Franco Housekeeper Kelly Brixey Cleaner
Mariusz Morawiec General Catering Assistant
Maggie Steer Chef Faye Austin General Catering Assistant
Nicole Reynolds General Catering Assistant
Ewa Czerwiecka Kitchen Assistant
Estates and Facilities Management James Ward Estates Manager Claire Tree Estates Administrator Jason Bukin Estates Assistant Paul Brushett Senior Caretaker Andy Archer Caretaker Clem Leeatin Caretaker Colin Gibson Grounds Manager Matt King Deputy Grounds Manager Jake Cooper Grounds Person Luke Ellis Grounds Person Lascelle Gordon Grounds Person Frank Potter Projects and Maintenance Supervisor Ian Burtenshaw Skilled Tradesperson Nick Caiger Skilled Tradesperson Barry Cawley Skilled Tradesperson Andrew May Skilled Tradesperson Adam Potter Skilled Tradesperson David Rouse Skilled Tradesperson Finance Jigna Jotangia Finance Manager Nicky Skingley Deputy Finance Manager Natalie Gorton Accounts Payable Officer Julie Sheppard Fees and Credit Control Officer Dawn Lawrence Finance Assistant Health and Wellbeing Centre Hayleigh Schenk Lead Nurse Jordon Benney School Nurse Melanie Perry School Nurse Katie White School Nurse Janet Brockwell Healthcare Administrator Human Resources Tamasine Barrett HR Manager Emma Harrison HR Advisor Juliette Pigott Payroll and HR Advisor IT and Data Management Mark Hayden IT Manager Vicki Sinclair Data Manager Gerry Adefisayo-Otti Digital Technology Specialist Peter Lee 2nd Line IT Technician Hasan Akkas Junior IT Technician Jack Stone Junior IT Technician Aymerick Severin IT Apprentice
Lunchtime Supervisors Cheryl Larocque Lunchtime Supervisor Kay Rowbotham Lunchtime Supervisor Claire Thomas Lunchtime Supervisor Marketing and Communications Suzy Joseph Marketing & Communications Manager Carina Bryars Marketing & Communications Officer Music Jo Brown Music Administrator Ludwig Wong Musician in Residence Pool Annabel Shaw-Monson Commercial Manager Charlie Henson Deputy Commercial Manager Michael Herneman Senior Recreation Assistant James Johnson Senior Recreation Assistant Brad Pryde Senior Recreation Assistant Grace Rouse Senior Recreation Assistant Sharon Martina Swimming Teacher Kim Tomkins Swimming Teacher Rhys Daniels Lifeguard Tereza Francova Lifeguard Noor Jetha Lifeguard Pravin Mahendrakumar Lifeguard Alfie Shears Lifeguard Reception Sandra Noble Day Concierge Stacey Roff Day Concierge Security Duane Ballard Assistant Security Officer Ali Hurst Minibus Chaperone Sport Sian Owen Sports Administrator