What makes Royal Russell special? It is a good question and one that I am always asked by those visiting the School for the first time. It is a good question because it has a simple answer: our children. It is our children who make the School special; they are the School.
Within this group of amazing young people, it is you, our Year 6 cohort, who have been fabulous role models as you have given of yourselves to our School, making it a very special place indeed. Some of you have been here with us since you were only three years old, and some of you have just joined us this year. No matter the point that you joined us at, it is important that you know how distinctive you have been, just how much vibrancy you have brought to our Junior School community and how much the other children look up to you.
Most of us will never really know the impact that we have on others, the hundred tiny ways in which we can have a positive influence on those around us, which is why it is so important that we keep being as positive as possible. As Maya Angelou said:
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
You have the ability to make people feel fantastic. My visits to Year 6 are characterised by the huge sense of enjoyment and purpose that you show in all that you do, and I would urge you to never lose the ability to enthuse and inspire those around you.
I am grateful for the impact you have had on our School, grateful for the way in which you have led, supported and grown during your time with us, and I am proud of the wonderful young people that you have become. All of us in the Junior School wish you the very best for a bright future.
Mr EvansIt has been an absolutely wonderful year teaching you all. You have all flourished this year and are ready to fledge the primary nest and spread your wings as you head off to Senior School. I look back to the beginning of the year, when we all went on our trip to Portland, and remember thinking what an incredible bunch of pupils we had to teach this year. Your maturity, independence and kindness towards each other left me with no doubts that this was going to be a great year, and it has been.
Over the past ten months, I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you: discovering your passions, talents and seeing you use your resilience to overcome any trials and tribulations, which has helped you grow as individuals. It has been a pleasure and honour to teach such an enthusiastic and joyful group of pupils who have demonstrated an eagerness to learn, who have tried their best and made me laugh on many occasions. I will look back fondly on the 2022-2023 year.
Your contribution across the whole school has been amazing; you have received many accolades from staff, parents and visitors, all who have sung your praises. When you look back at your time at Royal Russell, I hope you will recall the wonderful relationships you have formed, opportunities you have been provided and memories you have made.
So, it’s farewell for now but I hope that you will pop back for a visit from time to time to share what exciting things you have been getting up to.
I wish you the BEST of luck! Enjoy your holidays and come back to see me soon!
Miss BarrThis year has flown by so quickly, and I cannot believe how much you have all grown since I first met you. Though I am new to Royal Russell this year, you have all welcomed me with open arms and shown me just how special this school is.
It has been a joy to work with Year 6 and to get to know you. You are hardworking, resilient in the face of challenges and embody the moral compass values in all areas of school life. Whenever parents are touring the school, I am always thrilled to hear how you speak with such excitement about school life and the experiences you have had here, whether it be just for this year or if you have been at Royal Russell since you were a toddler. There have been so many highlights of this year that I can’t even begin to list them.
I know I have said many times, ‘next year, when you’re in secondary…’ and yet it seems difficult to believe that time has finally come! I am so sad to say goodbye to you all but wish you nothing but the very best in the next step of your journey as you move into Year 7. I am also happy knowing that you are more than ready for it. Nevertheless, please don’t be a stranger or feel to cool to come by and pay us a visit; we will love to hear how you are getting on.
I’ll leave you with a quote from Martin Luther King Jr: ‘Intelligence plus character – that is the true goal of education.’ If that be the case, I like to think we’ve done a good job in teaching you!
Wishing you all the best.
Miss RobertsIt’s been a pleasure to watch you grow and change this year and, after teaching you all in Year 4 as well, I can certainly see development both academically and socially. Our Year 6 journey kicked off with our amazing trip to Portland, which gave us all an opportunity to get to know the new children who joined us and challenge us all in taking on new adventures.
In the classroom, I am so proud of your dedication, hard work and enthusiasm to share your ideas. Our English sessions have enabled us to produce and share some fantastic writing, make exciting and creative videos and take part in dramatic performances. I have also enjoyed our maths investigations - especially sharing songs to help us remember tricky maths concepts - mainly the '180 song' for angles.
In our topic sessions we have explored a great deal of the world (and the school grounds) with maps, created group presentations about the different Biomes and explored how crime and punishment was dealt with in the different eras. In RE, we took world suffering to the next level by leaving a class tomato to 'suffer' and watch the consequences. We also created some exciting and interactive Minecraft places of worship. This term, we had mind blowing discussions around the creation of the universe, and answering the question - 'Why we are all here?' When I teach, I also learn, and I’ve learned so much from you - especially creative ways on how to act out the creation of the world! Thank you for your hard work this year and best of luck with your future studies.
It has been really rewarding watching all of you develop your personalities over the course of the year. I know you will continue to achieve great things. Stay true to yourself and reach high.
Mr UrieCrazy Cheeky Fun
My proudest achievement
Getting a Headmaster's merit.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be a footballer or a banker.
Funniest moment
Mr Urie hitting the griddy!
A place where I can share fun times while learning.
Remember when...
Staying up till midnight on the Bowles trip!
Taking part in the triathlon and coming almost last but having fun the whole time.
My proudest achievement was winning Russell's Got Talent two years in a row.
To be a doctor and pop star.
When I was in year two my shoe broke then I went to a swimming lesson. My tooth fell out and got lost in the pool.
I was crying my eyes out because I thought I wasn’t going to get a gift from the tooth fairy. Every time I think of it, I laugh because it wasn’t that big.
Remember when...
I enjoyed Bowls. I particularly enjoyed the high ropes.
I enjoyed going to my trampolining competition and getting an award.
A place for me to achieve my goals for the future.
Crazy Confident Caring
My proudest achievement
Getting into the school netball A team.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To become an artist.
Funniest moment
When Evie and I went to get a drink in the sports hall and saw Mr Ward do a knee slide with a hockey stick in his hands pretending to be a guitar!
What Royal Russell means to me
Royal Russell is my train to success, with all my friends on board!
Remember when...
Portland - drinking hot chocolate on the beach.
Netball - singing in the minibus on the way to our tournament.
Sporty Funny Kind
My proudest achievement
Being awarded a sports and academic scholarship.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To represent England in sport.
Funniest moment
When I accidentally made Miss Holman jump out of her skin in Year 5.
What Royal Russell means to me
Royal Russell means to me friends, fun, family, kindness, happiness and family.
Remember when...
In Year 5 at Bowles when my favourite instructor Phil stamped lots of stamps in my book.
In Year 5 we did a Mayan play and I was a Rockstar it was such fun!
My proudest achievement
Mountain bike drop.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I’d like to be an Architect or a Basketball player.
Funniest moment
Trying to kick a football but I fell over.
to me
The World.
Remember when...
Portland - I survived it! Winning basketball matches.
My proudest achievement
A team sports member.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Architect, maybe.
Funniest moment
When Zayan was dangling at Bowles.
Remember when...
Bowles - I was in between Mr Dobson and someone else and they started shaking the go Ape rope.
Playing SO much sport and winning tournaments.
What Royal Russell means to me
A second family.
Becoming a Prefect.
I want to get better and better at all the sports I play and have lot of fun with my friends in senior school.
At Bowles I accidentally skied into Mrs Holman!
Royal Russell is a very special place as it has allowed me to try lots of different things and I have made lots of amazing friends.
Remember when...
Bowles when it was Freya E’s birthday and we decorated the room.
I love all the sports and love the matches - being a ball girl at the Boodles Cup was amazing.
My proudest achievement
To play in the spring concert.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be a professional sports player. On crazy hair day.
Funniest moment
What Royal Russell means to me
My hopes and dreams for the future are to either become a professional artist or singer.
When I was able to teach our geography lesson!
To me, Royal Russell isn't just a school, it's a place where I can make new friends and make memories with my friends.
Remember when...
My favorite school trip was definetley Portland. The activities were really fun and the food was amazing. The Year 5's are in for a treat!
Being in the top group for everything. Being in the A team for hockey. Having a good reputation. My hopes and dreams for the future
I want to have a good job and live well.
I want to be a psychologist.
Funniest moment
It is hard to choose because I have a lot of them.
Remember when...
I had fun at Bowles when it was a scary atmosphere and I started flickering my light and I jumped out and scared my friends.
It means a lot because it has helped me develop my learning skills and get good at sports. I also have lots of friends.
My proudest achievement
Becoming a pupil parliament member, being in the Cricket A team and becoming a Hockey goalie.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To go to university, become a video game developer and to travel the world.
Funniest moment
Dancing on the ski slope at Bowles which was a challenge Mr Evans gave.
I've made some good friends at Royal Russell and have had some really cool experiences which I will never forget. I can't wait to go to the Senior School.
Remember when...
Sliding down the zip line at Bowles weirdly.
Getting the loudest laugh in the Year 6 production.
My proudest achievement
Going to the national trampoline final.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I would like to be a scientist or work in the anime industry.
Funniest moment
When my helmet was stuck between two rocks during the Portland trip and my friend had to pull me out of it.
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
Somenone saying during the Tower of London trip that the bloody tower sounds warm.
I was really happy and proud to know I would be able to go to a trampoline competition even if I have just started trampoline in September.
A friendly school where if I work hard I can achieve what I want.
Drama queen
Dare devil
My proudest achievement
Becoming a prefect.
My hopes and dreams for the future
West End Actress! One of the wives in Six.
Funniest moment
In my Percy Pig PJs in front of everyone on the Bowles trip!
What Royal Russell means to me Friendship.
Remember when...
Portland - cliff jumping in the sea.
Year 2 - part of the sheep dance in the nativity.
Smart Sporty Helpful
My proudest achievement
Getting gold in a memory skills championship and also getting into the English Schools Swimming Finals in Sheffield with the Year 6s last year (in Year 5).
My hopes and dreams for the future
To become a professional sportsman and a famous businessman.
Funniest moment
When Elliott accidentally fell into the pool at Bowles.
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
Doing orienteering for the first time at Portland.
Lancing college football tournament - winning the tournament and assisting in the last match was very fun. At the end we got miniature trophies and one big one too.
Having fun, learning hard, being my best self.
U11 football trophy.
To play professional football; to travel and explore Colombia.
Being Jesus in Easter play in Year 4.
A special place where I made great friendships and met wonderful children and teachers.
Remember when...
Bowles trip was a great experience for me - the rock climbing especially.
Participating in the cross country race was a great highlight for me.
Kind Happy Sporty
My proudest achievement
Getting better at sport.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be good at riding and to event.
Funniest moment
Walking into a wall.
What Royal Russell means to me indness and happiness.
Remember when...
At Portland I went Rock climbing.
The Christmas fair was amazing.
Scoring my first goal in football.
To be a farmer and feed lots f people and animals.
Walking into a pole in Year 2 a school trip.
Friends an
Doing the Year 5 assembly and being a guard.
Sporty Theatrical Funny
My proudest achievement
Drama Scholarship.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be an actress.
Funniest moment
Everyone dancing at the Ukelele performance for Mr. Hudson.
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
I have the opportunity to explore
Trampolining - I enjoyed challenging myself and seeing my school mates perform.
Summer SerenadePerforming with my fellow Ukelele group and seeing how much everyone enjoyed it.
My proudest achievement
Headmaster's Merit.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Professional footballer or cricketer.
Funniest moment
What Royal Russell means to me
My second home - with all my frien
Remember when...
Beating Whitgift 1 - 0 at football.
When I was a TV presenter in the Y5 assembly.
Footballer Funny Competitive
My proudest achievement
My sport scholarship.
To become a professional footballer and to play at Wembley.
Funniest moment
Whilst at the lunch table my friend accidentally spilled a jug of water all over the floor.
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
Portland - I really enjoyed kayaking it was nice to be on the water and play some fun games.
Silly hair day because I really enjoyed look at everyone’s silly hair.
A journey…but a fun journey.
Sporty Funny Kind
My proudest achievement
Competing against the whole of South of England in the regional trampoline championships.
My hopes and dreams for the future
My favourite sport is Football and I'd like to be a Footballer in the future.
Funniest moment
Waves at Portland!
What Royal Russell means to me
Amazing memories with great friends!
Remember when...
Year 4 Nativity - I sang a solo and played Mary.
Portland was amazing!
Funny Kind
My proudest achievement
Singing at the O2 for Young Voices.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Enjoying life and using my talents and skills to make people happy.
Funniest moment
When half the Year fell in water on the school trip to Horton Kirby.
Remember when...
Rock climbing at Bowles.
Trampoline & gymnastics clubs.
My proudest achievement
Passing my Grade 3 flute exam.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To fly to the moon.
Funniest moment
When I had my new pupil interview with Mr Hutchinson and we jumped a fence and I got stuck on top of it.
What Royal Russell means to me
A chance to try new things and make new friends.
Remember when...
When I went to Senior School to make potions for Harry Potter club.
Playing my flute for Music Café.
My proudest achievement
Becoming Prefect in Year 6
My hopes and dreams for the future
To continue at Royal Russell until the end and see where life takes me after that.
Funniest moment
When the teachers wore masks of the leaving teachers' faces!
What Royal Russell means to me
A place where I’ve made some
Remember when... Portland - coasteering.
My proudest achievement
Gaining a Drama Scholarship and attending Surrey’s Cross Country Training Programme. I was also thrilled to be made a Prefect in Year 6.
My hopes and dreams for the future
My hopes and dreams are to become a successful actress and lawyer.
Funniest moment
When I fell off the button lift during the 2022 Royal Russell Ski Trip to Sestriere, Italy.
I think of Royal Russell as part of family.
Remember when...
Coming 4th in the Croydon Schools Cross Country Competition in Year 5 and 2nd in the Oakwood School Cross Country Competition in Year 6.
My proudest achievement
My proudest achievements are my Art and Academic scholarships.
My hopes and dreams for the future
In the future I would love to be an actress or artist.
Funniest moment
I laughed so hard when Matilda woke me up at Bowles at 3 AM to put up Freya's birthday banner, it was super funny.
At Bowles when Zayan was dangling on the rope swing in the trees and I was laughing so hard, it was really funny.
Getting into the IAPS swimming gala finals.
I love Royal Russell and I have been here ever since nursery. The teachers and my friends are megafriendly and I can't wait to go to the
Friendly Funny Helpful
My proudest achievement
Scoring 1st in the OUCC in Year 6
My hopes and dreams for the future
To become an Astrophysicist.
Funniest moment
All of Mr Lottering's jokes in Science classes!
What Royal Russell means to me
Making good friends and grea memories. Had the best teachers and learnt a lot.
Remember when... Finding fossils at Portland. Getting my first belt in Taekwondo Club.
Playing piano pieces in assemblies and Music Café.
My proudest achievement was overcoming my fears at residential trips.
My hopes and dreams for the future are to work with animals and help them if they get hurt.
My funniest moment was at Bowles when we were doing a blindfolded obstacle course and I kept getting stuck on all of the obstacles.
Remember when...
I loved doing the young voices performance at the o2 because it was fun to be singing with my friends.
In Bowles it was really fun doing the high ropes.
Royal Russell is a school with kind teachers, fun lessons and amazing friendships.
My proudest achievement
Completing the Restless Triathlon 2022 held at Royal Russell.
I hope to be successful in senior school and beyond.
In the deforestation drama, I had to act out a scene where I pretended to chop down a tree which was someone pretending to be a tree with my foam axe.
Royal Russell has given me growth, opportunity and confidence.
Sporty Amazing Funny
My proudest achievement
Moving up in Maths.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be a footballer.
Funniest moment
When I was climbing at Bowles and my shorts fell down.
What Royal Russell means to me
A place where I have made lots of friends and also got smarter.
Remember when...
Late nights at Bowles.
Representing the school in football.
My proudest achievement
I am improving in my maths.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To pass all my tests and be top of class.
Funniest moment
My funniest moment was in Year 4 when Mr. Urie splashed a water balloon on me.
What Royal Russell means to me
Royal Russell is like family. Everyone is kind.
Remember when...
I loved football club, it is very fun.
I loved our Year 4 play where I was a sheep.
I liked the book fair. My favourite book is Tom Gates.
My proudest achievement
Making lots of new friends.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I hope to become a vet.
Funniest moment
There are loads!
What Royal Russell means to me
Everything! I'm so glad that I came.
Remember when...
Bowles: getting over my fear of heights. Portland: Abseiling.
Participating in Hockey, Netball and Football matches.
My proudest achievement
Winning Silver in Maths Challenge in Year 5, and then Gold in Year 6!
My hopes and dreams for the future
To become a professional sports athlete in Table Tennis or Football or Cricket.
While walking back from tea one cold autumn evening, Kesi blurted out loudly to my friends and me, "Fine, I will tell you the secret!". Everybody looked at Kesi and burst out laughing!
Royal Russell means a lot to me as I started my schooling in Nursery here, and made many friends over the years - hopefully lifelong friendships!
Remember when...
Playing the Prince in Cinderella, and then watching Peter Pan's panto for 4 years !!! Seriously that was bemusing!
Fun Kind Happy
My proudest achievement
Stage 7 assignment maths.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Just wait and see.
Funniest moment
Too many.
Family and friends.
Remember when...
The Portland trip was fun. I loved the nativities.
My proudest achievement
Landing a 3-pointer in basketball.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be a successful businessman and a professional basketball player.
Funniest moment
My friend swinging the golf club and it flew out of his hands onto the green!
What Royal Russell means to me
A fun, safe e children arn freely.
Remember when...
Climbing the mountain at Bowles and the view of the ocean!
Saving a goal in hockey doing the splits!
Sporty Witty Kind
My proudest achievement
Surviving Year 6!
My hopes and dreams for the future
Become a Lincoln City Goalkeeper.
There are so many!
What Royal Russell means to me
Opportunities to get involved in so many sports and be part of great teams!
Remember when...
The Tower of London was really fascinating and had a great trip.
Against Elmhurst I had a great match as goalkeeper and making an epic save.
Fun Loyal Kind Remember
My proudest achievement
Creating Kevin the Whale.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I would like to be a vet and own 20 cats and 11 dogs.
Funniest moment
What Royal Russell means to me Friendship.
My proudest achievement
Y4 Victor Ludorum, Prefect and Sports Scholarship.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Go to university and continue to play sport at a higher level.
All the inappropriate Y6 jokes.
What Royal Russell means to me
Royal Russell has given me more than an education. It has given me confidence, opportunities to explore new things and many amazing friends.
Remember when...
Overcoming my fear of heights on the high ropes at Bowles and the endless games of chess at Portland.
My proudest achievement
Math certificates.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be a footballer and then a paleontologist.
Funniest moment
When we played football with a rock.
What Royal Russell means to me
Generosity, responsibility, kindness and independence.
My proudest achievement
I only joined Royal Russell at the start of Year 6, and have settled in really well. I really enjoy it. My hopes and dreams for the future
Be England's star bowler!
Funniest moment
Seb D walking into class and saying "Hi Guys!!"
What Royal Russell means to me
The opportunity to be the best I can be.
Remember when...
Portland - getting soaked at coasteering, and going to the beach, things I never thought I'd do with school!
Spraying my hair purple for crazy hair day!
To be in invited to the 2023 Oxford Computing Challenge.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I would like to become a dentist.
My raft capsized and left me hanging on the edge during our Portland Trip.
One of the happiest times in my schooling. I have made lots of new friends. Royal Russell has taught me lots of new things and helped me to achieve my proudest achievement.
Remember when... Jumping off a cliff at Portland.My proudest achievement
Obtaining Gold Award and passing Stage 7 in Maths 1.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I hope to be a professional tennis player or tennis coach .
Having Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows on the Beach at Portland.
Funniest moment
Kept sliding off the rocks back into the sea during Coasteering In Portland.
What Royal Russell means to me
It’s where I can have fun whilst learning new and harder things. The school is full of love and care.
When I won my first relay race with swim squad.
I want to be a doctor or a fashion designer when I’m older and a rugby player for Ireland.
When I was walking in Bowles tripped over a barbed wired fence and fell in a muddy puddle.
It means I get to see my friends and play lots of sports as the school grounds are amazing and there is loads to choose from.
Remember when...
Learning to kayak at Portland with my friends was really fun.
Sporty Kind Funny
My proudest achievement
Swimming in my first swimming race.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I want to be a vet or a specialist effects makeup artist. I also want to play rugby for Ireland.
Funniest moment
When my kayak capsized on top of me in Portland.
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
Swim squad is my favourite club because I get to swim in the morning and do lots of galas with my friends.
The Young Voices concerts were amazing. .
Having amazing facilities with lots of sports to choose from and making lots of friends.
Qualifying for the Bebras OUCC challenge.
I hope to design a one of a kind Rollercoaster which runs through an alpine setting.
Almost throwing up over Mrs Pasquel in the middle of the night during our trip to Bowles.
Strong friendships, kindness and respect.
Remember when...
Trampolining in the national finals.
The Portland and Bowles trips were so fun.
My proudest achievement
The Season-Art House Competition.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To become and artist or an illustrator.
Funniest moment
I fell asleep in Miss Holman’s English class and screamed when Prince woke me up by tapping me on my chest!
What Royal Russell means to me al Russell gave me dreams to my future.
Remember when...
Portland-everyone celebrated my birthday on the last day of the trip.
Mayan Day-learning interesting facts and Mayan headdress.
My proudest achievement
Making best friends.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Keep my best friends forever.
Funniest moment
Dressing up as the BFG. A school!
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
Eating the best picnic in Portland.
Bubbly Adventurous Kind
My proudest achievement
Abseiling at Portland.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Good friends and being a jewellery maker!
Funniest moment
When I fell out of bed at Portland and woke up half my dorm!
What Royal Russell means to me
Good friendships!
Remember when...
Exploring walks with my friends at Portland.
I liked making the pot in the Greek dress up day.
Is when I found out that I had been awarded the Art Scholarship.
I hope that I enjoy Senior School as much as the Junior School and can play lots more basketball.
When we were at Bowles there was lots of laughter especially on the dry ski slope.
Remember when...
I love being picked to play in the Basketball team and really enjoy swim squad too.
It’s a place where I can spend time with my friends, do some things I really enjoy, learn new things and have fun.
The first time I did Young Voices was amazing.
Getting into the A’s in cricket.
My dream is to become intelligent and become an Astronomer or actor.
Having a football challenge in the Portland dorm (and winning).
Fun learning and safe place.
Remember when...
Bowles was so good especially the skiing.
The basketball Mach against Elmhurst was very fun and cool.
Sporty Funny Kind
Getting into the sports A team.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be an England football goal keeper.
When all the teachers joined in with a dance circle at the school disco.
Friendship, knowledge and sportsmanship.
Portland, when we had matching seaweed wigs.
In a netball tournament, when asked to collect 2nd place certificates- we all had big smiles on our faces!
Being Captain for a cricket match.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be a successful cricketer.
Seeing a Pikachu plush in a RR medic van on my way to breakfast club.
Remember when...
I still laugh when I think about Miss Holman jumpscaring Nikhil at a church on the Bowles trip.
It felt really good to complete the Restless Triathlon as part of a team.
My proudest achievement
Being a prefect and achieving a drama scholarship.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I hope to explore the world and become an actress one day.
Funniest moment
At Bowles when I went down the ski slope and it went really well all until I got to the bottom of the slope and fell over; I couldn't get up!
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
Making rafts at Bowles.
National Trampoline Finals and Skiing in Italy.
Royal Russell feels like a family to me as my friends are always by my side and they're so supportive. It has given me the opportunity to experience lots of new things.
Is being part of the swim squad and making it to Trampolining Nationals.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be an Olympian and an Actor.
Caught doing Cowgirl dancing in the girls toilet.
Royal Russell means a place where I can be safe, happy and has given me the opportunity to take part in lots of activities . It is place where I have great friends.
Remember when...
At Portland I loved abseiling because when I completed it I felt proud and brave.
Dressing up as world war 2 child evacuees.
My proudest achievement
Moving and settling into a new school.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Success in my career, happy family life and lots of animals.
Funniest moment
When I was caught doing Cowgirl dancing in the girls' toilet.
What Royal Russell means to me
It means a lot to me, helping me become the person I want to be while having fun.
Remember when...
Portland - Hot Chocolate on the beach with my friends.
Trampolining - attending the southern regional finales was great fun.
Getting to the National finals in trampolining. My hopes and dreams for the future
I would love to travel the world with my friends and maybe become a scientist!
The dog chase after hockey club! I had to chase a puppy that had escaped from its lead!
Friends, fun, laughter and sports.
My proudest achievement was becoming a Prefect.
My hopes and dreams for the future are to pursue acting/performing art, law or business and continue netball.
My funniest moment was during Bowles trip when we were skiing.
Remember when...
My favourite memory is from Sports Day 2022, because I got a chance to run for my house in a big relay.
My favourite memory from Portland was when I did wheezling.
Royal Russell has allowed me to enhance new skills, find fun extra activities to join, and has given me an opportunity to have new goals and dreams.
My proudest achievement
Helping York win the Junior House Maths competition.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To go to university and start a successful career.
Funniest moment
Probably when I found out that Miss Roberts does not like ketchup!
What Royal Russell means to me
It means a lot to me: all my friends I have made, all the wonderful teachers I have met, they have all helped me achieve anything I can dream of.
Remember when...
I loved it when we crossed the bridge onto the Isle of Portland because everybody was singing a parody of Waka Waka about Portland.
I liked taking part in the Restless Triathlon because the activities were fun!
My proudest achievement
Becoming a goalie in hockey.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I would like to become an Ambassador.
Funniest moment
Doing tongue twisters at Tower of London trip.
t Royal Russell means to me Good place to be.
Remember when...
World War II and Egyptian days : loved learning about history.
Portland - loved hanging out in the room with mates on triple bunk bed.
Being a Chelsea supporter.
My hopes and dreams for the future
Anything to do with football.
Mr Urie getting sturdy at the school disco.
I've really enjoyed my first year. Everyone is super friendly and I've loved getting to play so much football.
Remember when...
I really enjoyed the rock climbing at Portland.
It was fantastic to win the cup at Lancing College.
Loyal Funny Kind
My proudest achievement
Performing a star role in the Year 6 production.
My hopes and dreams for the future
I'd like to be a teacher,
Funniest moment
Having lunch in Portland in my pyjamas and a hair towel.
What Royal Russell means to me
Remember when...
All the rehearsing for Mission Implausible. Late night chats at Portland.
Hard-working Determined Ambitious
My proudest achievement
Getting an academic scholarship.
My hopes and dreams for the future
To be a Brain Surgeon.
Funniest moment
When Zayan screamed EXACTLY In Year 5 English.
What Royal Russell means to me
It makes me feel comfortable and content.
Remember when... Bowles was my favourite mainly because of the activities.
Being a Judge in the Year two assembly.
Sebastian Austin
Zara Bennett
Nancy Blackwell
Lulu Bone
Sam Bradley
Matilda Brinin-Webb
Freya Bullock
Charlotte Cheng
Max Clements
Sebastian Danciu
Henry Deadman Gatt
Tristan Droux
Freya Emerson
Kesi Essel-Koomson
Sofyan Ghuwel
Chloe Godfrey
Harry Godfrey
Vivienne Goossens
George Gowland-Smith
Alara Harper
Bella Harvey
Prisca Hassan
Annabelle Heaven
Diya Hoyes
Paris Hussein
Maddy Janowski
Nikhil Jotangia
Ella Keers
Ayaan Khokhar
Maxi Kimber
Prince Kuenyehia
Anna MacEnhill
Raaj Neil Mathur
Jack McDowall
Ethan Melia
Idris Mitton-Richards
Oliver Morgan
Abi Muscat
William Norman
Sheyla Nunez Chata
Maximilian O'Neal
Ethan Pang
Daniel Pang
Freyja Patterson
Isobella Patterson
Ellis Pope
Oliver Pun
Thomas Raines
Katie Richards
Elliott Schoeb
Maran Selvam
Saffron Selvon-Bruce
Owen Sinclair
Emily Spriggs
Abi Sunesson
Izzy Taylor
Evie Thomas
Izzy Tokun
Arseniy Tšertkov
Vasily Van Vloten
Alex Waterton
Chloe Whyte
Isa Zubair