AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND’S DIFFICULT HISTORIES How do New Zealanders remember and forget difficult events in the colonial past? Why are some conflicts publicly remembered while others are forgotten or overlooked? And who decides? These are the central questions of ‘He Taonga Te Wareware? Remembering and Forgetting Difficult Histories in Aotearoa New Zealand’ (a.k.a. the Difficult Histories project). Led by Professor Joanna Kidman of Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka and Dr Vincent O’Malley of HistoryWorks, the Difficult Histories project examines the different ways in which the nineteenth-century New Zealand Wars have been remembered and forgotten and how they continue to shape identities today. It has proven to be a timely research project. What began as a much smaller study examining responses to the 2015 Ōtorohanga College petition calling for a national day of commemoration for the New Zealand Wars became even more topical with the announcement that New Zealand history will be taught in all schools from 2022. It was further amplified in 2020 with the Black Lives Matter protests following the killing of George Floyd by US police, and the toppling or removal of statues around the world (including Captain John Fane Charles Hamilton in the Waikato city named after him). All of a sudden, the past and who and how we remembered and commemorated, became matters of great import and interest to a large number of people.
For the large, multi-disciplinary research team, many of whom have ties to iwi attacked during the New Zealand Wars, it has been an exciting time to be involved in such a project. Despite Covid-19 disruptions to fieldwork, data collection and archival research and analysis continued apace, much of it online. Fieldwork in Northland in February 2020 has been followed by work in Taranaki, Tauranga and Waikato. Some of the former battle sites are relatively well preserved, with Ruapekapeka and Rangiriri standing out. At other places, members of the team find nothing at all to mark spots where acts of great violence were committed. Sometimes just finding them is challenging. And this kind of fieldwork can be especially gruelling when you know what happened at these places. Karakia and other rituals help keep the team safe.