Social Report 2012

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Maintaining values in turbulent times

Social Annual Report 2012



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Foreword Developments




Social involvement


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Research by Nyenrode Business University

both turnover and existing customers. The main concerns

indicates that there are at least 260,000 family

were laws and legislation and the resultant administrative

firms in the Netherlands, who are jointly

pressure, pricing and margin pressure, debtor risks and

responsible for more than 49% of employment

liquidity, availability of bank financing and the availability

and nearly 53% of the Gross National Product.

of suitable personnel.

Nyenrode concludes that the family firm is the spine of the Dutch economy, and remains a

We are convinced that we will come out of this crisis

stable employer and reliable business relation

stronger, thanks to the specific properties of a family firm.

also in times of economic decline.

And especially thanks to our long-term vision and the dedication and efforts of our employees. It is this dedication

Royal Wagenborg looks for a balance between ensuring

which translates into a team feeling, the “Wagenborg”

continuity of the company and the creation of added

feeling. We have a stable culture with short lines, allowing

value through the provision of logistics services. In order

decisions to be taken efficiently. Employees know who

to achieve this, we work with employees from various

they’re working for.

backgrounds, and with various capacities and personal objectives. Employees who work together to achieve the

In times of crisis, it all comes down to character traits,

Wagenborg targets.

which we have expressed in our “Sign of Solutions”

The greatest challenges in ensuring the continuity of

slogan: enterprising business, solution-based behaviour

Wagenborg over the past year concerned the retention of

and willingness to cooperate with colleagues, customers


and authorities. This is what makes each employer a true

Board of Royal Wagenborg B.V.

Wagenborg man or woman. That certainly applies to the members of the various works councils. Their co-management position is not a simple one in times of uncertainty regarding available work. The trust relationship developed over the years now plays an important role in an effective and constructive consultation with personnel representatives in order to negotiate our way

Drs. E. Vuursteen

through the crisis.

Drs. G.R. Wagenborg

In this Social Annual Report, we provide a summary of the various market developments, and describe the actions taken to have sufficient qualified, motivated, healthy and dedicated employees at our disposal. In tough economic times in particular, it is essential to make the correct considerations in the knowledge that the limited Euros can only be spent once, and that “human capital� is increasingly important. We would like to thank our employees for their hard work and dedication.




2 7


This section describes the developments within the various

form the basis for reinforcement of our position in this

companies despite or precisely as a result of these turbulent

region, including Belgian and Germany. A new branch


also opened in Akersloot at the end of May. These new branches will allow our clientèle to benefit from shorter

Royal Niestern Sander produced three ships in 2012,

service times and therefore quicker assistance.

the Eeborg and the Sanaborg and Serkeborg offshore vessels. The two ice breakers are proof that we can also

In the maritime sector in Kazakhstan, Wagenborg

construct specialist vessels for the oil and gas industry. There

Offshore was faced with delayed decision-making by

was sufficient repair work nearly all year round, thanks to a

oil companies regarding conclusion of the first production

large variety of projects. However, shipowners are tending

phase and initiation of the second phase, which would at

to delay repair/replacements. The focus lay on winning a

least double the production volume. With a view to the

number of assignments/projects from the offshore industry.

high oil prices, which is troublesome for Reining, Nedlift

Successful refurbishment of the Rottum ferry of Wagenborg

and Shipping, we actually require a faster decision-making

Passenger Services proved that we can successfully

process on a quick start of phase two. It is unclear when

conclude such projects on time and within budget.

and how long the pause will last between phases one and two, and we must therefore take account of all possible

Wagenborg Nedlift was kept well afloat in 2012, in the

scenarios, including that of a period of little work. This also

field of special transport, cranes, installation and project-

influences the cooperation agreement with our Kazakhstan

based activities.

partner, who can play an important role in acquiring future

Warehousing and logistics services were offered as a

work. The uncertainty has resulted in extra contracts being

combined service for work in the oil and gas industry,

entered into for vessels, barges and floatels for a shorter

making use of the Reining sites. We are very satisfied with

period than was originally expected. The fleet has been

the effective cooperation between our German and Dutch

extended to include Sanaborg and Serkeborg, and now


comprises 28 ships. The market uncertainty resulted in HR having to regularly devise what if scenarios.

As of 1 March, we have established a branch on the

In doing so, account was taken of the possible

Chemelot Industrial Park in Sittard-Geleen, which will

decommissioning of ships and barges. This requires a

critical look at the retention of quality in relation to an

Efficiency was achieved by improving the quality of drivers,

adequate number of Kazakhstan employees.

through training (e.g. in order to drive more economically). Further savings were realised through the replacement of a

The land activities within Offshore have been successful

number of NL drivers (from 40 to 17) by Hungarian drivers.

and are developing well. Foxdrill has had a steady clientèle

Of those 17, three were deployed as work coordinators

for many years and is growing step-by-step. Our branch in

together with the drivers’ mentor in order to improve the

the Middle East also made a good contribution in 2013.

return on Hungarian drivers. The mentor is also responsible

Wagenborg Oilfield Services (WOS) began its activities

for testing new drivers, determining the operational

in Siberia to the east of the Ural, but is now working more

requirements of customers, and translating these into

and more in Eastern Europe. Many oil and gas companies

working instructions for drivers. Reorganisation took place

are increasingly demanding Western quality, which

in Tilburg due to the loss of a regular customer. Alongside

offers opportunities for WOS. The package of services

transport and warehousing, forwarding is becoming

is expanding to include the supply of drilling pipelines,

increasingly important.

the modification of screw thread of pipes and the lease of various drilling equipment, including tools for fishing

Wagenborg Passenger Services is the most crisis-

equipment out of the drilling well.

proof division of the Wagenborg group. Passengers still come to enjoy Ameland and Schiermonnikoog.

Reining still has its shoulder to the grindstone. There is

After 25 years of faithful service, it was decided to

constant pressure on prices, and the diesel price is high.

rigorously refurbish the m.s. Rottum, in order that it would

Customers are very alert to their own finances and the

comply with current and future requirements in terms of

decisions regarding parties to whom logistics services are

safety, environment and comfort. Thanks to a unique

contracted are therefore subject to greater competition.

cooperation between WPS and KNS, the specifications

The year 2012 was all about cost savings and increasing

were drawn up and all preparations jointly executed for

turnover. The Reining turnover has increased versus 2011.

engineering and purchasing.

It has been possible to compensate increasing costs through

The “Rottum” was fully dismantled at KNS. The base of

the keen purchase of fuel, wage cost savings and efficiency

the ship’s hull was replaced by a double walled version


in order to increase safety. The engines were replaced by



modern, economical and clean diesel engines of a modified

the contracting of larger and smaller package cargoes.

capacity, based on the actual capacity requirements

Despite the high fuel prices levelling out slightly, this has

measured on board. The navigation bridge was replaced

had little or no influence on the still very low cargo prices.

by a larger bridge with new operating consoles and

Costs needed to be saved in order to compensate lower


cargo income, by delaying and limiting maintenance to

The water taxis play an important role in increasing the

that which was absolute essential, for example. We took

customer service.

an even more critical look at orders, with less attention for

The use of the online reservations system has been extended

preventative maintenance and the emphasis on corrective

to include a web shop and a new, more user-friendly

maintenance. Periodic maintenance was delayed where

parking system.


Holwerd now has Wagenborg Plaza: a modern passenger

As far as the crew was concerned, they therefore needed to

terminal with extra waiting space but also more facilities for

be even more alert to possible warnings of malfunction. In

passengers and visitors. In Lauwersoog, investments were

order to reduce the costs, the office concentrated attention

made to refurbish the office, establish a shop, improve the

on the sailing behaviour (routing and capacity), the aim

parking systems and adapt the access gates for e-tickets.

being to increase crew awareness of their influence on the

A great deal of work was required in order to implement

fuel consumption. This awareness was further extended with

these changes in the reservation and payment system, and

the possibility of monitoring sailing behaviour in the office,

in ticket control. It made great demands of our employees,

using measuring instruments. These instruments are to be

but has prepared us well for the future.

installed on four ships in 2013.

Wagenborg Shipping is faced with a tough cargo

The Wagenborg Towage fleet has been extended with

market. Our customers are struggling with disappointing

two new pontoons. The port towage fleet was extra busy

sales figures, so that the volumes to be transported were

providing assistance to tankers accessing the Eemshaven

lower than expected. Besides the transatlantic routes, the

to stock oil storage tanks. While the work on the Bard

South American and African markets have become more

project continues, a new client was found in GeoSea, for

important. Distribution, ship size, sailing area and the

the transport of wind turbine components. Finally, we bade

limited age of the fleet has ensured a good position for us in

farewell to the “Waterpeil� after 30 years of service, and

celebrated the fact that the “Waterpoort” has been part of the Wagenborg Towage fleet for 50 years. Wagenborg Stevedoring can look back on a busy year. The storage warehouses were well filled. Contrary to all expectations, a great deal of paper was loaded in our ships to Philadelphia. There was continuity and even improvement in most of the cargo flows. Together with Nedlift, Projects and Logistics, Shipping, Towage and the Agency department, 2012 was a busy and successful year for the offshore wind industry. The “Sign of Solutions” philosophy works optimally here and forms a good basis for future projects. Our quaysides were well filled and we needed to lease extra sites. A wind turbine was erected at our location in the Eemshaven, for RWE. It is a small but welcome contribution to sustainable energy.







3 14 In order to ensure the continuity of our high-quality services

company training� on Strategic Personnel planning for HR

in a safe and economically justifiable manner, we must

employees in 2012. Its purpose was to apply a consistent

continually have sufficient availability of qualified personnel.

method of personnel planning at all the Wagenborg

This section gives an idea of the complement of personnel

companies. Quantitatively speaking, we have mapped out

as of 31 December, as well as the inflow and outflow

the availability well. Our efforts were aimed at gaining a

of employees. We can predict the natural outflow due

better picture of our qualitative complement. Spearheads

to pensioning, on the basis of the age composition. The

were the introduction of competence management at

degree of availability is also determined by the ratio of

WPS, Reining, Wagenborg Towage and KNS, and the

employees with regular and temporary contracts. It is very

automation of the assessment cycle on board the fleet. The

difficult to keep sufficient numbers of employees available

implementation of competence management within Offshore

without offering employment terms in keeping with the

is planned for 2013.

market standard. This information helps us draw up a strategic personnel plan. We therefore organised an “in-

Numbers employed per division Wagenborg Shipping Wagenborg Offshore Wagenborg Passenger Services Wagenborg Reining Wagenborg Nedlift Royal Niestern Sander Total





1376 305 113 515 444 211

1442 272 119 618 436 203

1473 421 103 625 405 181

1557 401 115 612 469 176

2964 3090 3208 3330

Age composition as of 31 December Numbers employed per age 2012 <25 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years >65 years TOTAL Wagenborg Shipping 140 472 431 348 159 Wagenborg Offshore 43 139 115 79 25 Wagenborg Passenger Services 8 15 31 36 25 Wagenborg Reining 23 113 218 178 79 Wagenborg Nedlift 45 114 130 95 81 Royal Niestern Sander 11 26 39 49 51

7 1557 0 401 0 115 1 612 4 469 0 176

Total 270 879 964 785 420 12 3330

Percentages employed per age 2012 <25 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years >65 years TOTAL Wagenborg Shipping 9,0% 30,3% 27,7% 22,4% 10,2% Wagenborg Offshore 10,7% 34,7% 28,7% 19,7% 6,2% Wagenborg Passenger Services 7,0% 13,0% 27,0% 31,3% 21,7% Wagenborg Reining 3,8% 18,5% 35,6% 29,1% 12,9% Wagenborg Nedlift 9,6% 24,3% 27,7% 20,3% 17,3% Royal Niestern Sander 6,3% 14,8% 22,2% 27,8% 29,0%

0,4% 100,0% 0,0% 100,0% 0,0% 100,0% 0,2% 100,0% 0,9% 100,0% 0,0% 100,0%

Total 8,1% 26,4% 28,9% 23,6% 12,6% 0,4% 100,0%

Inflow and outflow The cooperation with recruitment agent CORS has ended, due to this organisation being unable to comply with the wishes of Wagenborg Offshore in terms of qualitative and quantitative personnel. This year’s focus was therefore on investment in the personal growth of Kazakhstan employees, in order to even better comply with our customers’ requirements. Due to the Reining focus being on increasing turnover, among other things, there was a vacancy for a salesperson. The opening hours of the reservations department were extended in order to enhance the customer orientation at Wagenborg Passenger Services. New team members were required for this purpose. The Wagenborg Shipping fleet has grown over the past year. Eight newbuilding vessels were delivered and three ships sold. The number of seafarers therefore grew by approximately 50 crew members. A universal working method was employed at all agencies, in order to further professionalise the inflow of foreign

seafarers. This policy was supported by audits, and the opening of an own agency office in St. Petersburg. There are plans to also open an own agency in Manila in 2013, which will be known as Wagenborg South East Asia. The extra pressure on the employment market for seafarers was striking during the summer period, with relatively little personnel available from Eastern Europe at that time. Unlike other years, these seafarers preferred to take a longer summer holiday. This change in terms of the work/private life balance had until recently only been seen among their Dutch colleagues. Wagenborg Shipping employed eight new office staff in 2012, two of whom replaced colleagues who were leaving. Six new employees were taken on in the harbour, two of whom are employed by the Agency department and the rest in forwarding. KNS consciously deployed few temporary employees, as the number of planned working hours could be carried out by the own complement of personnel. The flexible shell which was in place in 2011 was completely removed in


Ratio of regular and flexible employment contracts Percentages employed per contract form 2012

Numbers employed per contract form 2012

Regular Temporary Total

Wagenborg Shipping Wagenborg Offshore Wagenborg Passenger Services Wagenborg Reining Wagenborg Nedlift Royal Niestern Sander Total

764 383 82 572 380 168 2349

793 18 33 40 89 8

1557 401 115 612 469 176

981 3330

Regular Temporary Total

Wagenborg Shipping Wagenborg Offshore Wagenborg Passenger Services Wagenborg Reining Wagenborg Nedlift Niestern Sander Royal

49,1% 50,9% 100,0% 95,5% 4,5% 100,0% 71,3% 28,7% 100,0% 93,5% 6,5% 100,0% 81,0% 19,0% 100,0% 95,5% 4,5% 100,0%



29,5% 100,0%

16 Direct and indirect personnel per division 2012

Percentage of direct and indirect per division 2012

Direct Indirect Total

Wagenborg Shipping




Wagenborg Offshore




Wagenborg Passenger Services Wagenborg Reining Wagenborg Nedlift Royal Niestern Sander

67 498 361 148

48 114 108 28

115 612 469 176



665 3330

Direct Indirect Total

Wagenborg Wagenborg Wagenborg Wagenborg

Shipping 82,9% Offshore 74,8% Passenger Services 58,3% Reining 81,4%

17,1% 100,0% 25,2% 100,0% 41,7% 100,0% 18,6% 100,0%

Wagenborg Nedlift Royal Niestern Sander

77,0% 23,0% 100,0% 84,1% 15,9% 100,0%



20,0% 100,0%

Direct and indirect personnel per division 100% 90%









70% 60% 50% 40%









20% 10% 0%

Wagenborg Shipping

Wagenborg Offshore

Wagenborg Passenger Services

Wagenborg Reining

Wagenborg Nedlift

Royal Niestern Sander


2012. The regular/flex ratio at KNS has proven its value ,

All other employees have individual employment contracts

in times when assignments are scarce.

which refer to specific company schemes. This applies at

Reining worked mainly with flexible foreign contracts for

Wagenborg Offshore, Towage, Stevedoring and the office

drivers, which allowed us to react more quickly to changing

personnel at Wagenborg Shipping. These employment

market circumstances.

terms are assessed annually according to the employment market developments. They are then annually adjusted to

During the peak season, WPS deployed 31 staff on call-up

the developments in consultation with the Works Council.

contracts, as well as using a freelance machine operator at

Wagenborg Offshore has drawn up a new employment

Lauwersoog for an 80-day period.

contract for all seafarers in Kazakhstan, in line with the

Terms of Employment

changing Kazakhstan legislation. The main change was the transition from a fixed monthly salary to a salary based

Terms of employment are never the sole deciding factor

on an hourly rate. Kazakhstan has very limited maritime

when choosing an employer. However, it is important to

legislation, so that the general laws and legislation for

offer terms in keeping with market standards, in order to

office personnel must also be applied to their seafaring

attract employees.

colleagues. In the end, virtually all seafarers signed the

All operational personnel at Wagenborg Passenger

new employment contract. Competitive employee benefits

Services has a specific CLA (collective labour agreement).

therefore remain important in this region in order to recruit

The office personnel adopts the trend of this CLA. Sales

and retain sufficient personnel.

staff at Wagenborg Plaza are covered by the CLA for retail food. The captains of Wagenborg Water taxi adopt the

Strategic personnel planning

CLA for Rhine and inland shipping.

The increasing ageing and dejuvenation on the employment

The terms of employment for seafarers, drivers, crane

market will influence the availability of sufficient qualified

operators and all other employees in the road transport

personnel in the years to come. The decision was

sector are defined in CLAs for the sector. Wagenborg

taken to further professionalise our employment market

adopts these and only deviates from them if this benefits

communication in order to be prepared for the future. We

the employee. Adopting a sector CLA and having specific

have initiated a project which must result in a more effective

company CLAs in place guarantees terms of employment in

recruitment website over the course of 2013.

accordance with the market.

In order to get a better idea of the quantitative and



qualitative complement of offshore personnel, it was

experience how exciting the work can be in this sector. This

decided to purchase an HR system in 2013, in keeping with

exciting game allows the player to experience the work of

the wishes of the business and which can be integrated in

a crane operator who must tackle components of a wind

the corporate HR system.

turbine on board a ship.

Various ‘what if’ scenarios have been formulated due to the continuing economic crisis and the resultant possibility of ships and barges needing to be decommissioned. For HR and operations, this means a critical look at the complement of personnel and alertness in retaining quality and sufficient Kazakhstan employees (so-called local content). KNS has begun setting up a system for strategic personal planning. In order to gain better insight into the complement of personnel, a system has been developed for personal evaluation interviews. Such evaluations contribute to a better picture of the qualitative complement, and offer a guide for personal and organisational growth for the purpose of long-term planning. In order to guarantee the availability of crane operators for Nedlift in the longer term, a crane simulator game became available in May, thanks to a unique cooperation of Wagenborg with the Hanzehogeschool, the Alfa College and the Seaport Xperience Center (SXC). A team of eight students developed and produced the game. The purpose of SXC is to show the opportunities offered by the Eems Delta region for young people, job seekers or people looking to come to (and possibly stay in) this region to live and work. Using the crane simulator game, we wish to introduce people to the work concerned with offshore wind turbines in the Eemshaven, and let young people







The purpose of sustainable deployability is that healthy, motivated and competent employees contribute to the Royal Wagenborg targets for a length of time. A characteristic of our vision is that sustainable deployability is not only the responsibility of the organisation but also of the employee. This section describes what we have done in terms of personal development, through flow, functioning and assessment, safety and health in order to render this deployability as sustainable as possible.


Research into conditions for sustainable deployability In 2012, two students of the Hanzehogeschool cooperated with the ‘Sustainable HRM’ lectureship in Groningen to conduct research into the conditions which promote sustainable deployability of employees at Wagenborg. This research was conducted among employees of Wagenborg Shipping, Nedlift and Reining. They ascertained whether support, challenge, attention for talent and appreciation are conditions which contribute to the sustainable deployability at Wagenborg, and they identified the wishes and requirements of employees. One of the conclusions of the research was that employees felt appreciation to be most present and to contribute most to sustainable deployment at Wagenborg. The next two factors which were present and contributed to sustainable deployment were support and challenge. Attention for talent was felt to be least present and contribute least, according to the employees. The appreciation condition is essential in order to bind the organisation. Employees indicated a need for more feedback and a critical attitude by the management. The research found it to be striking that employees take the initiative with regard to personal development, but that the management takes little subsequent action. Regular consultation with the management regarding development wishes and development opportunities is therefore required. A sense of challenge ensures that employees remain stimulated

to try out other and new activities. This will prevent them becoming ‘stuck in a rut’ at work. A safe working environment is an important success factor in daring to take on new activities. Paying attention to talent increases the chance that employees will be in the right place. We therefore need to pay more attention to awareness and discovery of talent in the future.

Personal development Employees feel that tailor-made personal development, the balance of work and private life and health, and activities carried out throughout Wagenborg will all improve the sustainable deployability. This is important in order to enjoy the work and to make optimum use of available know-how and experience. The fact that we work at Management Development programmes, traineeships, training plans, Performance and Competence Management contributes to this. A further contribution is made by offering career perspectives, by developing and communicating career paths throughout the divisions. In 2012, a project group was compiled from the entire Wagenborg organisation, in order to create a platform which employees could approach with their career wishes. It was created on the assumption that all employees have talents and are willing, able and dare to develop them. A further condition is that people are allowed to develop their talents. The relationship between management and employees, based on trust and freedom, is therefore an important precondition. It is essential that management

creates a safe working environment and assigns priority to

Over the past year, training and development activities

development of the employee.

were limited to undertaking those courses required in order

Anyone wanting and daring to make the most of their

to comply with statutory obligations. Many Wagenborg

talent, will be encouraged and supported by Wagenborg.

customers set additional requirements in the field of training

As mentioned earlier, it is important that the employee

and qualifications. This often concerns the limitation of

accepts responsibility for working at his/her sustainable

risks and covering any liability issues (damage, accidents).


Personal development takes place either on own request

In order to encourage dialogue between employees and

thereby request of the employer.

management regarding careers opportunities, we facilitate

Sailors at WPS are encouraged to undertake a training

mutual contact through consultation between job relations,

course via the “Zoute Veere�, which can result in promotion

network meetings for Wagenborg young professionals and

to engineer or ship’s mate. Besides courses and training in

careers interviews with participants in the Management

the field of proficiency, safety and health, there was also

Development programme. These are the contact moments

training in how to conduct competence-based interviews.

at which an employee can indicate what he is able, willing

Nedlift employees can download the instructions of

and daring to do.

compulsory training courses via the Intranet from any

We have reached agreement on how the employee

location, and can take the appropriate tests. There is

potential can be determined and registered. This so-

automatic registration of who has undertaken which courses

called HR3P method has already been introduced in some

and training. Customers sometimes make use of these in

departments of Wagenborg Nedlift and Wagenborg

company training courses, because they believe them to be

Shipping by now. The idea is to eventually include the

of a better standard than the regular courses.

subject of career in assessment interviews. Research has been conducted into suitable interest and

Besides a variety of training courses in the field of

competence tests in order to gain better insight into the

proficiency and safety, we also organised three People

talents of employees. The intention is to offer these tests to

Management training courses for seafarers. Furthermore, a

any employee who has a career question, over the course

number of individual training courses were provided, aimed

of 2013. Six HR staff members within the various divisions

at development of the required Wagenborg competencies.

will be undertaking internal training as careers coaches,

In the ideal situation, we recruit new personnel from the

who will then be available to advise anyone with a career

ranks of the internally trained cadets. Internal promotion is

wish, as from the second half of 2013.

the ideal means of filling the higher ranks. We therefore



select and train cadets of various nationalities each year,

on the basis of competences, the target being to conduct

by means of our Cadet Training Programme. Cadets

a better quality interview. In 2012, the job descriptions

who apply are given information on Wagenborg as

have been provided with specific job competencies for the

a shipowner, and also on the ships, the cargo, career

office jobs and the “new” jobs at Wagenborg Plaza and

opportunities and the regions in which we sail. In order

Wagenborg Water taxi. All management will undertake

to introduce cadets to Wagenborg during their training,

a “conducting competence orientated interviews” training

schools are provided with study materials which are

course early in 2013. An information meeting is to be held

specifically orientated to the Wagenborg ships, their cargo

for all employees, in which they are provided with guides

and their sailing regions.

to exercising influence in the interview, along with an

Functioning and assessment

explanation of the new functioning/assessment form.

The Wagenborg competence management system has

Safety, health and welfare

been developed and implemented in the offices and on

Safety and health are preconditions in order to remain

the shipping fleet. The crewing agencies have also been

healthy. The vitality of our employees is important in order

rendered familiar with the system.

that they may function well until pensionable age. The

At KNS, we have also initiated functioning and assessment

active Wagenborg policy in the field of Safety, Health and

interviews on the basis of competences. These make use

Welfare is aimed at protecting that vitality.

of the same definitions as in other divisions, but have

All our activities centre on the employees. With the

been extended to include the specific KNS proficiency

assistance of our ships, cranes, transport units and other


equipment, it is they who provide solutions for our clients,

We wish to implement competence management as the

often under changeable and challenging conditions. We

functioning and assessment system at Wagenborg Offshore

therefore ensure good and safe working conditions, making

in 2013. Modification of the job descriptions was begun in

sure our people have the best equipment at their disposal

2012, in order that they be better geared to this system.

and handling working risks in a sound manner during all

Competence management has already been implemented

our activities. We encourage safety awareness in all layers

for all Reining employees in the Netherlands. The intention

of the organisation, with the aim of getting all employees

is to also apply this to the Hungarian employees.

back home in good health after their working day or their

WPS has begun to modify its personnel assessment system

time on board.

In order to guarantee good working conditions, the central

In the ports, attention was paid to increasing safety

Occupational Health coordinator makes an inventory and

awareness among employees by involving them in

reports on the working conditions arrangements, as well

workplace inspections. A Risk Inventarisation and

as any necessary changes. The Central Works Council

Evaluation was held for employees of Wagenborg Towage.

is involved in this process. Experiences are shared and knowledge exchanged during centralised consultation with

In order to promote employee health, Wagenborg offers all

all Occupational Health coordinators.

employees medical examinations and preventative testing,

Wagenborg Nedlift wishes to increase safety awareness

in order that they become more aware of their health.

when working at heights. Wagenborg Foxdrill has drawn

Besides attention for healthier eating and drinking, we

up a new Company Emergency plan and modified the

encourage employees to take more exercise.

Policy and practice are constantly geared to each other. By actively participating in various branch organisations and maintaining certification in the fields of quality, health, the environment and working conditions, Wagenborg remains alert and up to date on the latest developments.

Hazardous Substances

Plenty of attention is paid to physical aspects such as lifting,

cards. At Reining,

pushing, standing, monitor work and repetitive movements,

attention has been paid

by means of information, workplace inspections and

to increasing basic safety

modifications where necessary. Regular information and


training is provided in the field of ergonomics.

Wagenborg Passenger

We pay attention to the risks of physical loads, caused

Services has revised the

by the working climate, noise, vibrations, etc. These are

Company Emergency

limited by offering personal protection equipment (PPE)

plan. The QHSE manual

to the employees, including working clothes suitable for

has been modified within

various conditions and climates. All vessels and vehicles

the Offshore division, with

used by our employees have extensive safety equipment on

extra attention being paid

board, including excellent communications equipment and

to effective reporting and

extra clothing. These are the basic provisions with which to

classification of (near) accidents. For the fleet personnel, the

guarantee employee vitality.

spearheads in terms of quality, safety, health, welfare and the environment were on the MLC certification, including the

In order to prevent psychosocial pressures such as

updating of Risk Inventory and Evaluation based on MLC

workload, bullying, sexual intimidation and aggression,


confidential advisers have been appointed at each



company. We believe it’s important that employees always

All working locations have company emergency plans,

feel confident and safe while working.

and Occupational Health information and training is given

Accidents In the event of an emergency, all locations have certified

during introduction programme and Toolbox meetings. Accidents and near accidents are registered.

CES (company emergency service) employees, who

Absenteeism due to illness

undertake a refresher course annually. On shore, many of

In the healthcare, there have been influential statutory

the company emergency service employees also have First

changes in recent years, such as the WIA (Work &

Aid and AED training.

Income Act), the Basic insurance and the reform of the

At Wagenborg Passenger Services, all harbour and office

Healthcare Act in 2012. Our policy continues to be aimed

staff have a first aid diploma and fire services certificate.

at preventing Wagenborg employees from enforced

Medical care on board Wagenborg Shipping and

unemployment through incapacitation.

Wagenborg Offshore is the responsibility of the first mate.

Due to the discontinuation of pre-pension and the increase

All other crew members have general emergency know-

in pensionable ages, it is important to have good conditions


in place in order to facilitate longer participation in the

At Nedlift, the efforts in terms of quality and safety resulted

employment process.

in lower accident statistics in 2012, versus 2011.

Good health insurance with extensive policy conditions is a

All CES organisations have regular practice drills.

precondition for sustainable deployability. This contributes

to individual reintegration and the financing of prevention


of long-term absenteeism through illness. We have concluded collective agreements with AZVZ/Zorg & Zekerheid, Achmea Zilveren Kruis and De Friesland, because of their added value for our company healthcare policy. We take a positive approach to absenteeism, by looking at the opportunities for a sick employee rather than the limitations or impossibilities. The frequent absenteeism at KNS has decreased, by introducing interviews to discuss absenteeism due to illness. The emphasis of these interviews is on the work of which someone is still capable, despite illness. KNS works together with the Arbo unie, Step and CCM. Absenteeism was lower than last year at Nedlift. This is mainly thanks to the reintegration efforts. A new absenteeism scheme was implemented at Reining in mid-2012. The absenteeism percentage was lower than previous years. Due to a number of interventions, employees had quicker access to quality health care. A PMA was organised for office staff older than 40 years, for

Absenteeism figures per division 2012


Wagenborg Shipping Wagenborg Offshore Wagenborg Passenger Services Wagenborg Reining Wagenborg Nedlift Royal Niestern Sander Total

1,4% 4,4% 2,6% 3,3% 3,7% 5,8%

19,0 2,8 14,9 7,2 9,1 7,9

0,25 0,22 0,68 0,46 0,72 1,85

2,3% 13,9 0,44

the first time. % AD AF

Absenteeism percentage, ratio between the total number of days sick and the days worked. Average duration of all cases of absenteeism in days Average frequency of sick leave per employee

5 28




Motivated employees are a precondition for a successful enterprise. Stimulation of involvement increases that motivation. In this section, we describe what efforts are made by Wagenborg in order to increase involvement. We invest in leadership and introduction programmes with an active management contribution. We encourage mutual consultation and sharing of know-how through the facilitation of cross-divisional meetings. Further, information is shared by a variety of forms of consultation, newsletters and Intranet applications. Finally, this section describes the main wage and pension developments within the Wagenborg companies.


Introduction 2012 saw extensive introduction days once again being organised for new Wagenborg employees. During these days, new employees could become acquainted with each other and with Wagenborg’s working style; how can you be cooperative, solution-oriented and enterprising? The purpose of this is to encourage mutual involvement and increase motivation.

Leadership development The management plays an important role in the motivation of employees. Wagenborg therefore invests a great deal in leadership development, for example during the coaching and development interviews for participants in the Management development programme. Managing officers receive training in “People Management”. Reining planning team leaders have also received training in the field of management. Wagenborg Young Management (WYM) was initiated by a number of staff members. This is an active network of young and enthusiastic employees up to the age of 35, who wish to be involved in developments within and around Wagenborg. They deal with a variety of themes, aimed at the business and at personal development. The Wagenborg vision on management is a central theme.

Extra involvement through consultation and communication Information on developments is discussed during various forms of consultation, such as toolbox meetings, management meetings, Operations Team meetings and departmental meetings. Effective consultation contributes greatly to involvement and motivation. The board also keeps the works councils continuously informed of any developments. We have supra-divisional consultations in the field of Occupational Health and absenteeism, Finance, Management Development, Sales, Purchasing, Communication and HR. Involvement is also increased via the newsletters with specific developments such as the “Week info” (WPS), “Niestern Sander News” (KNS) and the Wagenborg Times. Other divisions communicate their developments via the Intranet. One of the purposes of the Intranet is to inform employees more quickly, regardless of whether they are at work, at home or en route. It renders information centrally available at all times. The Intranet is also used in order to offer employees online courses and training. This will continue to be developed, due to the great opportunities offered by the Intranet.

Terms of Employment Terms of employment partly determine the degree of satisfaction, the quality of work and performance. In order to ensure the continuity of Wagenborg, we aim to provide remuneration in line with market standards, while it is important that wage costs remain manageable. The past year was characterised by a number of important changes in the provisions for old age. The first amendment to the AOW Pensions Act was implemented on 1 April 2012. From that date on, the state pension is no longer payable from the first day of the month in which pensionable age is reached, but on the actual birth date. This change already had far reaching consequences because various schemes needed to be adjusted. Take for example the termination date of employment: as of 1 April 2012, employment must end on the birth date. A further amendment was made to the AOW in 2012, resulting in the commencement date of pensionable age being increased in phases, to 66 years in 2019 and 67 years in 2023. Besides these statutory AOW changes, pension funds will also need to adjust the pensionable age to 67 years. Various pension funds are active within the Royal Wagenborg divisions. Those employees insured via the Wagenborg pension scheme and the Merchant Shipping pension scheme have not been affected by the issues surrounding the degree of cover. The employees of Wagenborg Towage who are insured via the pension scheme of the Company pension fund Foundation for Rhine and Inland shipping were faced with a temporary reduction in the accumulation percentage of their pension in 2012. The transport sector finds itself in stormy waters in terms of pensions. As far as the WPS, Reining, Nedlift and Foxdrill divisions were concerned, the premium accumulated

annually was insufficient to finance the new pension entitlements. Following consultation with the social partners, the board of the Transport pension fund has implemented a temporary measure whereby the pension premium for 2012 has been increased and the accumulation percentage of the pension reduced. KNS is insured via the Metalektro pension fund, which was forced to reduce the pensions of all participants as of 1 April 2013. This reduction of pension rights came to 5.1% in the end. Wagenborg Reining, Wagenborg Nedlift and Wagenborg Foxdrill have implemented a 1.5% salary increase as of 1 July 2012. This is part of the agreement reached between employers and employees in the transport sector. Employees at Wagenborg Passenger Services received a wage increase based on the developments in the CAO wages, as published by the Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS). Staff at Wagenborg Plaza are covered by the CAO for retail food. These employees received a 2% wage increase as of 1 July 2012. KNS adopted the CAO Metalektro increase of 1% as of 1 January 2012, followed by an increase of 1.1% as of 1 July 2012. The policy of reducing the administrative burden through further automation on board has been continued. This helps contribute to timely and correct payment of wages, better registration of performance, and the working/resting periods of seafarers.

Duration of employment Motivated and involved employees are less likely to change employers. The Wagenborg personnel policy is aimed at keeping know-how and expertise in house as long as possible. This policy must eventually lead to long-term employment relationships.



Numbers according to years in employment 2012

< 1 year

2-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years > 40 years TOTAL

Wagenborg Shipping 958 300 100 127 47 16 9 1557 Wagenborg Offshore 132 150 76 33 7 2 1 401 Wagenborg Passenger Services 23 26 11 30 8 17 0 115 Wagenborg Reining 104 335 128 32 11 2 0 612 Wagenborg Nedlift 51 158 70 89 61 35 5 469 Royal Niestern Sander 5 48 10 37 43 23 10 176 Total

1273 1017 395 348 177 95 25 3330

Percentages according to years in employment 2012

< 1 year

2-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years > 40 years TOTAL

Wagenborg Shipping 61,5% 19,3% 6,4% 8,2% 3,0% 1,0% 0,6% 100% Wagenborg Offshore 32,9% 37,4% 19,0% 8,2% 1,7% 0,5% 0,2% 100% Wagenborg Passenger Services 20,0% 22,6% 9,6% 26,1% 7,0% 14,8% 0,0% 100% Wagenborg Reining 17,0% 54,7% 20,9% 5,2% 1,8% 0,3% 0,0% 100% Wagenborg Nedlift 10,9% 33,7% 14,9% 19,0% 13,0% 7,5% 1,1% 100% Royal Niestern Sander 2,8% 27,3% 5,7% 21,0% 24,4% 13,1% 5,7% 100%


38,2% 30,5% 11,9% 10,5% 5,3% 2,9% 0,8% 100%



ENT 35



We conduct transport activities worldwide which

is the establishment of a bakery and a bread distribution

impact the environment. We have responsibilities

network using bread carts. The bakery project is

for the region in which we are active and

being developed together with the Kolkman bakery in

the population there. We therefore stimulate

Schoonebeek. Another new project is the development of

employment for the local population, and

a so-called glass bottomed boat. It can be built locally by

ensure that our work has as little effect on the

a shipyard on the shores of Lake Malawi, and will provide

environment as possible. This section describes

boat trips for tourists to enjoy the extremely clear and fish-

how we undertake social involvement by paying

rich waters of the enormous lake.

attention to people and the environment.

A large part of these projects is financed by or with the

Attention for people

aid of the Transport4transport foundation. This foundation receives most of its funding from the proceeds of the

The Wagenborg Store supports projects in Malawi.

Wagenborg store, the Internet store which sells scale

The Transport4Transport foundation is a foundation which

models of heavy transport combinations and Nedlift mobile

aims at improvement of transport in Malawi. What began

cranes, under the Wagenborg logo. All income from this

as a workshop for the production of bike ambulances in

Internet store is for the direct benefit of the foundation.

the impoverished African country of Malawi, has since

Besides the proceeds from the Wagenborg Store and gifts

developed to become an important supplier of this means

and donations from private parties and companies, the

of transport throughout the south of the country. From water

Wagenborg personnel associations also make regular

cart and mobile milk van to an ambulant mini shop and

direct contributions.

ideal cart for street waste collection. Approximately 900 bike ambulances have been produced locally by now.

Boat refugees saved

The latest project to which Transport4transport contributes

In the Gulf of Mexico, the m.s. “Marietje Marsilla� of the

Danser-Van Gent shipping company has saved 24 Haitian

Efficiency Management Plans. The results are presented in

boat refugees.

the Environmental Report.

In-line skating for KIKA

Besides activities in terms of fuel saving, the so-called “environmental particulars” are registered, within the

A number of Wagenborg employees have participated in

scope of environment-friendly activities. Once every three

a 24-hour in-line skating marathon for the “KIKA” charity

months, any exceptions in consumption are discussed in

(children’s cancer). The target of this initiative is to collect

the ISO 14001 meeting. The environmental effect analysis

as much money as possible for research into this illness.

is published in the Shipboard Operation Manuals, in order

Participants found their own sponsors, who provided either

that everyone on board is informed.

financial support or equipment, and Wagenborg sponsored

In 2012, we began construction on a series of ships with

the clothing and helmets. A team of maximum six persons

a newly developed style of bows. The advantages offered

skated as many rounds of 2.2 kilometres as possible in a

by these bows are smoother sailing behaviour and lower

24-hour relay system. The grand total was approximately

resistance at various depths. The engine capacity can

90 kilometres per person, resulting in € 58,000 being

therefore be limited, resulting in much less fuel consumption.

collected for KIKA. There were special congratulations for the Wagenborg Team, for collecting the most money of all

Reining commissioned its second extra heavy and long truck

teams., thanks to the many sponsors and the ticket sales.

(LZV) early in September. This truck has a load capacity of no less than 54 Euro pallets, versus 34 Euro pallets in

Attention for the environment

a standard mega-trailer or 38 Euro pallets in a volume combination. This larger load capacity makes the LZV an

The fleet complies with the ISO 14001 standard. This

environment-friendly transport solution. The LZV also has

is an internationally accepted standard which indicates

an innovative fuel system, in which LPG and diesel are

the requirements for a good environmental management

combined. When maximum pulling power is required

system. This environmental management system is a part

(when accelerating, for example), the engine uses 100%

of our Table Quality Management System (TQMS) and is

diesel, while LPG is added for partial pulling power (e.g.

aimed at management and improvement of performance in

cruise control). The optimum balance of diesel and LPG

the environmental field. We aim for permanent improvement

is determined on the basis of parameters such as RPM,

of the environmental performance of our ships.

turbo pressure, amount of diesel injected, position of the

This performance is measured using the so-called Energy

accelerator and clutch, and the temperature of the cooling



water. This ratio is generally around 70% diesel and 30%

The process can be steered by means of a track and

LPG. This is an important next step in Reining’s aim for

trace system, which shows the location of a truck and the

sustainable logistics.

fuel level at that moment in time, as well as fuel station

We also limit CO2 emissions and fuel consumption, thanks

locations. The planner can therefore check where the driver

to the Shell Fuel Save Partner System. This system registers

can best refuel.

various values which are related to driving behaviour.

By adjusting the driving behaviour and monitoring the

These include the braking behaviour of the driver, the use

fuel, Reining hopes to realise a further 4% saving in fuel

of cruise control, the acceleration and allowing the truck to

consumption and CO2 emissions.

roll out. Shell converts these values into scores, which in turn give the driver score and the vehicle score. During driving

Regional involvement

training, it becomes clear why the driver has a particular

Wagenborg shows its regional involvement by supporting

driving style. He or she can then be provided with tips for

local initiatives and honouring a variety of community

more economical driving.

requests. When purchasing products and/or services, there


is preference for suppliers within the regions of the various branches. The same applies to support of projects in the field of culture, sport and education.







The developments within and around Wagenborg

survive in an ever more difficult employment market. This

described in this report, clearly show that the situation is still

is by no means simple. Succession planning requires the

turbulent. However, we have experienced enough turbulent

willingness of management to put a label on employees;

times during our 114 years, and have always been able to

does someone deserve promotion or not, and how do they

withstand such difficult periods.

function? The management must discuss such matters with the employees. They must be aware of the strengths and

In each era, we have held onto our Wagenborg values

weaknesses of themselves and of their teams, and must

which are so characteristic of a family firm and which are

discuss these. This requires managers to relinquish talents

aimed at continuity and sustainability in our relationships

or share them with other departments. Instead of aiming for

with employees and customers.

short term success, they must have an eye for the success of

The great loyalty of the board and employees enables us to

the organisation in 3 to 5 years’ time.

realise our long-term vision. This results in an “us” feeling among the employees, as is apparent from their pride and

There must be awareness that gaps will also be formed

loyalty towards the company.

at the management level if attention is not paid to the succession issue. Such a long-term vision of talent

These are turbulent times on the employment market too.

development, based on our core values, lays the basis for

The cabinet wants us to continue working longer in order

continuation of the success of our family firm.

to keep the ageing process affordable in the Netherlands. In turn, this requires us to apply a specific age-conscious

It is particularly our values which help us through these

personnel policy. This must be based on the unique

challenging times. They determine our course and help

capacities, wishes and needs of (older) employees. Flexible

reinforce our identity and strength, helping us remain

working hours and employment conditions have a strong

recognisable and formidable market players. “Maintaining

influence on sustainable deployability. The employer

the values in turbulent times” is vital particularly now.

and employees have a mutual interest in the health of

Because we believe in the fact that we can withstand the

the employee, in order that he or she remain capable of

current turbulent times, exactly by holding onto the typical

working until a more advanced age. An effective health

Wagenborg values.

policy at Wagenborg is a precondition for this. The ageing population will result in an increase in the

Bert Buzeman

number of succession years to come. A well devised

Personnel & Organisation Manager

succession system is an important precondition in order to


Wagenborg Shipping B.V. Marktstraat 10 P.O. Box 14 9930 AA Delfzijl The Netherlands

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