Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit
Rev. Yangsun Yi 0151 633 2753
Day off: Monday (please honour)
Superintendent Minister:
Rev. Heather Cooper
0151 648 8780 email: Day off: Saturday (please honour)
Church Leadership Team Church Family & Community:
Mission & Outreach:
Jean Brookes
648 1130
Lynne Cowell
648 4447
Calvin Wood
648 4466
Angela James
648 2900
Barbara Wood
648 4466
Liz Newton
648 6641
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Other Roles Church Worship Leaders:
Church Admin Contact:
Angela James
648 2900
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Dear sisters and brothers
Graham Griffiths email:
648 2233
Church Treasurer
Ian Hall
648 3344
Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators
Ruth Brabin
648 1069
Alison Fisher
648 7671
Booking Secretary
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Hymnal Plus
Angela James
648 2900
Funday Sunday Leader:
Linda Renmans
648 7652
Newsletter Editor
Roy Fisher
648 7671
& Church website:
Representatives to Circuit Meeting
Liz Newton
648 6641
Angela James
648 2900
A week ago I went to Liverpool city centre by train. Even though it was a bit early in the morning every corner of the streets and shops were busy with packed people. Some of them were eating sandwiches while some of them were doing shopping. Like me, a stranger, department stores are safe places to visit, for there are everything what I need. Again, I found there were lots of people from the ground floor to the top floor. It seems that they were shopping for Christmas. One of the group of many were gathered in the floor where Christmas tree decorations are on sale. And another group of many were in the area where Christmas cards are displayed. I assumed they probably they are preparing to decorate their houses to make Christmas atmosphere for themselves and for their visitors and to send Christmas cards to their family members and friends. Christmas holiday is one of the very good opportunities for the family reunion and for connecting with people especially with those who have not spoken or lost their contacts for a while or whom they want to build and develop their relationship by sending and receiving Christmas cards which contain messages. If I am honest it is sad, for it is hard to find Christmas cards which celebrates Jesus’ birth but Santa, snowman, reindeer or others in shops. However, this is the good time and season for those who wish to reunite, restore or begin and develop relationship with one another with messages of love and care and forgiveness. In the same reason, I believe, YHWH which is a proper name of our God, has also sent his messages to each one of us to reunite, restore his relationship with us or to begin and develop his relationship with us. He did not send the fancy Christmas cards that we have today but sent His only Son Jesus Christ as a child to the world in which we live to reunite us with Him purely because He loves each one of us. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” (John 3:16). I pray you all receive the message of the love of God in this Christmas! With every blessing.
Irby Methodist Church
Dear friends, Here we are again at the beginning of December in the season of Advent. It may have a lot to do with many years working with very young children but, in spite of a very full diary, I never fail to get excited about the prospect and the joy of Christmas. For some communities at this time, though, there are other pressing concerns. November brought our coldest weather so far this year and for some folk in towns and villages our wettest with flooded land and inundated homes and businesses. We remember in our prayers those people affected and give thanks for all the agencies bringing help to them. We spent a week with family in Derbyshire and joined an anxious wait as rain fell heavily on already saturated ground but fortunately were spared the worst effects. During the month of November our worship began with the welcome return of Ms Veronica Frances. The retelling of the story of Zacchaeus reminding us that none of us are beyond the love of God. That evening Mrs Pam Simms, a trainee local preacher, led our Group 4 united service. Our service for Remembrance Sunday was led by Mrs Linda Renmans and our young people. Although I was away for the service, before I left, I did see the wonderful pennants on display on the communion rail created by our guides which complemented the displays of previous years from rainbows and brownies. Thank you all for your hard work. On 17th November Rev Yangsun Yi led our worship including the dedication of Love in a Box shoeboxes full of gifts for children overseas. Thank you, Jean, for covering so many boxes and co-ordinating the collection and thank you everyone for your generosity in filling the boxes. That service was followed by a faith lunch and meeting led by Rev Yangsun concerning “God in Love Unites Us”. This report on marriage and relationships was received by the Methodist Conference last summer and has been sent out to the Church for study and prayerful discussion.
Irby Methodist Church
The service on 24th November was an own arrangement Advent Reflections on favourite hymns and readings chosen by our church family and led by Mrs Linda Renmans. Thank you to everyone who, by way of introduction, told us why their chosen hymn was so special to them. Events in November also included the Christmas Fair on Saturday 23rd Thank you Linda for organising /co-ordinating this. It was good to welcome so many familiar and new friends and visitors. From the buzz of conversation at the sales tables and over cups of tea and coffee it was clear this is a popular social occasion in the village. Thanks to all who helped and came to support. Over £750 was raised for church funds. A special thankyou to our young friends of Funday Sunday who sold hand made cards and gift tags and raised an impressive £60 to buy food which they will take to Wirral Food Bank. What an amazing initiative. Well done. As this letter goes to print, on Monday 25th November, with members from Irby, Greasby and West Kirby, we look forward to saying thank you to Rev Viv Gasteen at a farewell afternoon tea held at Greasby church. We really appreciate all the pastoral care she has provided as she assisted the ministries of Rev Kim and Rev Yangsun especially visiting housebound members and friends. Rev Viv remains in the area but will take pastoral charge at Claremount Church Wallasey. On Friday 29th November the village will welcome the arrival of Father Christmas with the Christmas Lights Switch On. Our church will be open that evening to offer refreshments and enable visitors to see the Christmas floral decorations including the Christmas Tree. Our Advent calendar begins with the Toy Service on 1st December led by Mrs Linda Renmans and Rev Yangsun Yi. At that service gifts of new, not wrapped toys will be received and dedicated before being taken to Charles Thompson Mission for distribution to families in need in Birkenhead at Christmas. That evening at 6.30 p.m. the Group 4 churches united service at Greasby Church will be led by Rev Yangsun Yi. Please note that the Lunch and Church Party planned for that afternoon has now been postponed until the New Year when we hope our replacement cooker will be available.
Irby Methodist Church
A word of thanks to Joyce and her lunch club helpers team who at very short notice were able to provide food for the members in the week when the aged, existing cooker failed. Although the lunch club has had to close for a few weeks, I take my hat off to the group who are determined that the Lunch Club Christmas dinner will go ahead as planned on the 6th December. At Christmas time we share many celebrations with our friends and neighbours. On Monday December 2nd we welcome Year 2 children from Irby Primary School. They come to church as part of the “Hope Journey” to meet members and friends of church in the guise of the Christmas Characters as we retell the events of the first Christmas. Please remember this special outreach work in your prayers. On Sunday December 8th Calvin will be leading our worship as we dedicate Christmas gift bags/boxes containing toiletries, mugs, sweets, hats, gloves, scarves etc for homeless young people in our local area who are supported by Forum Housing. There is still time to support this with an individual bag or small gift. We hope to arrange to sing carols to our friends at Ridgewood Court residential home in Pensby on Tuesday 17th December at 6 p.m. Please join us if you can. On Sunday December 22nd our friends at St Bartholomew’s will be hosting our ecumenical united Carol Service. Please note that this service will start at 3 p.m. and speak to a member of the leadership group if you require transport. At 11.15p.m. on 24th December we are invited to share the Christmas Eve Communion Service with our friends at Greasby Methodist Church. On Christmas Day at 10.15 a.m. and on Sunday 29th December at 9.30 a.m. we are invited to share worship with our friends at St Chad’s. There will be no services at Irby on those dates. So we move into the start of a new year and all that 2020 can offer. The first service of the New Year at Irby on Sunday 5th January 10.30 a.m. will be the Covenant Service led by Rev Yangsun Yi and our friends from St Chad’s and St Bart’s are invited to join us.
Irby Methodist Church
Monday evenings throughout January at 7.30p.m. there will be a series of Circuit Bible Study meetings at Wirral Methodist Centre, Thingwall entitled “Little Books of the Bible”. All are welcome. On Sunday 12th January from 3.30 – 5.30 p.m. at Greasby Methodist Church, there will be a special meeting for all churches in the Circuit. This District resourced conversation/consultation will focus on the report and resolutions to the Methodist Conference “God in love unites us” mentioned earlier in this letter. A copy of the full report and a collection of associated leaflets are available in the foyer to take, study prayerfully and return. Please make use of them and the Methodist Church website. The Conference last summer passed a number of provisional resolutions relating to co-habitation and same sex marriage which will be considered by the Spring District Synod who will take any decisions to Conference in July 2020. The meeting at Greasby will enable Synod members to hear views of church members in Wirral before they meet in Spring. It has been emphasised that no church or individual minister will be required to make any decisions until after Conference makes its decision in July. Apologies that this letter is a something of a diary list; a lot of events where you will receive a warm welcome and have opportunity to share in the message of Christmas. In church this morning I appreciated Jill’s reading that reminded us to “take time” to appreciate the special significance of Christmastide and resist the temptation to be carried away by the “busy ness” of it all. I close with best wishes for a blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. I found the following prayer in a Church of England publication I was given last year entitled “Follow the Star- A journey through the 12 days of Christmas.”
Every blessing Liz
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Wives & Friends Society On November 14th the Wives and Friends Society held their annual Hot Pot Supper. We were pleased to welcome 51 members and guests and on a cold autumn evening a hearty hot pot was most welcome. Thanks to Rob who provided such delicious food. Following the main course there was a choice of cake to accompany the tea and coffee. The cakes had been made by the Wives Committee. The evening’s musical entertainment was provided by Gerry Ffrench and Harry. The programme of original songs was inspired by Gerry’s memories of Merseyside and reminded her audience of the rich heritage of the local area. At the end of the evening the raffle was drawn and Ruth thanked everyone for attending and making it such an enjoyable evening. Our next Wives and Friends meeting our is our Annual Carol Service. As the church hall will be in use as a polling station on 12th December, please note that our carol service will now be held on December 19th.
Brian Jones Family & Friends Friday 20th December at 7.30pm Moreton Methodist Church CH46 7TT Tickets £6 including refreshments
On behalf of the Committee we hope to see as many of you as are able to attend. Angela
from Helen Sheppard — 07421 354990 Proceeds to Claire House & Leprosy Mission
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY December 2019 We honour the faithfulness Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship
Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities.
Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light for our paths each day.
Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus.
1st On Advent Sunday, ask God to bless the double baptism at Neston M.C. and Toy Services at Little Sutton (and elsewhere). May children without toys find unexpected joy.
2nd Pray for blessing for all through the Hope Journey Meet the Characters of the Nativity (MTC) day at Little Neston M.C. Pray for parents unable to have children of their own.
3rd Ask God to bless all who are involved in the ecumenical presentation to children and teachers of Meet the Characters of the Nativity at Willaston today.
4t h Thank God for showing the meaning of Hope and Joy through Meet the Characters of the Nativity at Heswall M.C. today. Pray for all involved to feel a sense of blessing.
5th Ask God to bless Moreton M.C. ‘s Meet the Characters of the Nativity; Lego Church at Little Neston; Action for Children Concert; our Circuit Consultation on Discerning the Way Forward (7.30 p.m.)
6th Pray for blessing through Meet the Characters of the Nativity at Bromborough, Greasby and Little Sutton today and also Ron Barber’s Gideons assembly at St John Plessington, Bebington.
7th Thank God for Sing Me Merseyside Choir at St Luke’s Saturday Club (2.30 p.m.) and for West Kirby M.C.’s Christmas Medley Concert (7.30 p.m.) giving joy to very many people.
Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith
8th Pray for blessing through worship on this Second Sunday in Advent, including Messy Church (4 p.m.) at Claremount M.C. in Wallasey.
9th Pray for all who share their love of Jesus with fostered or adopted children and for those children to learn to trust and truly love in return.
10th Pray for blessing through the Neston High School Gideons themed assemblies for Year 8 (today) for Year 7 (on Thursday).
11th Ask God to bless all the Christian service – and mid-week services – at our Circuit Centre including the Angels dedication service at 1 p.m. today.
12th Pray for Meet the Characters at Woodchurch and (p.m.) at Greasby and Lego Church at Neston and a high voter turn-out in our General Election.
13th Ask God to bless the Christian witness of all involved in the Meet the Characters of the Nativity day at Hope Farm M.C. and in the new parliament.
14th Thank God for Neston Women’s Breakfast, Little Sutton Toddlers and Messy Church Party, Toasty Church and Late Night Lock-In at Bromborough.
Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action
15th Pray for health and strength for all ministers, lay pastors, preachers and worship leaders at this busy time and blessing from Carols at Burleydam.
16th Pray for children who have lost (one or both) parents and for singleparent families to know that we reach out to them with love.
17th Ask God to bless grandparents who look after grandchildren and children who care for their parents or grandparents.
18th Thank God for all who have led prayers, midweek worship and meditations and Bible studies during the course of 2019.
19th Pray for all parents who find it a struggle to feed their children in school holidays and cannot afford presents for them for Christmas.
20th Ask God to bless Welcome Café carols at Neston M.C. (10 a.m.) and Sung Communion at Little Sutton M.C. (7.30 p.m.) and invitations to more to join in.
21st Thank God for all who work with children and young people in our churches, including uniformed organisations and youth groups.
Counting the blessings individuals bring to others
22nd Pray for a rediscovery of the real meaning of Christmas for many people attending our Carol Services in response to invitations.
23rd Pray for parents who have lost children and for children who have lost siblings to find comfort through love shown them to lessen their sorrow.
24th Thank God for Christmas Eve Holy Communion Services with their reminder of the true source of love, joy, hope and peace for us all.
25th On Christmas Day we celebrate the birth of Jesus with families able to be together and recognise the sorrow of those who feel lonely.
26th On St Stephen’s Day remember all Christians facing persecution and even death in many African / Middle East / Asian countries.
27th Give thanks for all who have had to work during the Christmas period, especially all who work in the NHS, the Fire and Rescue Service and the police.
28th Thank God for all who volunteer to do cleaning and maintenance jobs in our church premises (often doing so every week) and deserve our appreciation.
Making a difference through serving others
29th Ask God to bless the Group 3 morning service (10.30) at Trinity E.P. and also Lego Church at Hope Farm M.C. (4 p.m.). Pray that we will all open our hearts to be Spirit filled.
30th As the long Christmas holiday period nears its end, pray for families who have not been able to be together and for those who feel far distant from loved ones.
31st New Year’s Eve is Watchnight – a time to watch and pray, for celebration and confession, for renewal of our commitment to lead God-centred lives.
As we sing Come Lord Jesus, come and make our hearts your home! Come and make this world your own, let us take to heart our responsibilities to help others to encounter Jesus through our daily witness for Him and to pray for blessing for all involved with our churches’ Hope Journey Meet the Characters of the Nativity days supported by the Circuit Schools and Children’s Team as well as our carol singing, Carol Services, Christingles, Christmas Eve Communion Services and Christmas Day celebrations.
Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus
Please note the closing date for sending prayer requests for the January Prayer Diary to is Monday, 16th December.
Irby Methodist Church
x o B a n i e v o L I am very pleased to report that 20 boxes and loads of individual items have gone to the warehouse in Birkenhead ready for the last leg of their journey to those children who have so little, not just at Christmas but throughout the year. Thank you to all who contributed to this appeal. I would like to share the poem which was read out at the latest meal gathering of helpers, written by a member from West Kirby Methodist Church. God Bless - Jean (Co-ordinator)
Angels 52 angels have flown from Irby Methodist Church to the Hub in Thingwall and met up with angels from the other churches in the Circuit. Once they are dedicated at a service to be held on Wednesday 11th December at 1.30 pm they will be distributed to each church. From there the angels will be hung around the district for people to find sending a message of love and hope from our churches. Thank you to all who have been busy knitting. 38 angels are also being given to the children of Coombe Road Primary School when they visit for the Hope Journey. God Bless - Jean
Irby Methodist Church
LOVE IN A BOX - The Christmas Child is waiting Some say it is only A “humble shoebox” for sure,
Our love and care to a child
Containing a few bits and pieces
Whose name we will never know,
But … No! It is so much more!
Will tell them they are very special, Their small faces will be aglow!
For it doesn’t seem fair, It doesn’t seem right
So what will it mean to us,
That so many children here
No ‘pat on the back’ for sure!
Have the best things in life!
Just knowing we did God’s will, He could not ask us for more!
And there are so many others, Thousands who live in lands afar
So now we have filled our shoeboxes
Who would find it useless
We have done so with love not pride,
To even ‘wish upon a star!’
We have not counted the cost, But have let our heart be our guide!
We can’t change the world With its famine and greed
Each individual contribution
But we can do our bit
Is fulfilling God’s mission on earth,
To cheer, clothe and feed!
No matter what it contains, No matter what it is worth!
Each box is packed With love flowing through
So is it just a “humble shoebox”
All the toys, cuddlies, sweets,
I ask you, is it though?
Pencils, books, mittens too!
Or is it rather, God’s people Being God’s hands down here below.
So what will it mean When it is unfurled? To a child who has nothing,
Written by Gillian Kilshaw
It will mean the whole world!
5th September 2018
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Monthly Charity Appeal We will be having one meeting in December which will be on December 10th at 2.00 pm. It will be our Carol Service so if you have that afternoon free please do join us for this important meeting in our programme.
ÂŁ40 was raised in November for MacMillan Nurses
Toddlers’ Charity
Dates for your Diary Tuesday January 7th
December Charity of the Month We will celebrate the New Year with our annual party and a chance to catch up with what has happened since the last meeting. January 21st We welcome Rev. Margaret Fletcher and look forward to meeting with her.
January Charity of the Month
Jean - President
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Funday Sunday Many thanks to all who helped and contributed in anyway to our fair.
Coming Funday Sunday dates Total raised so far just over £755.00 + £83.00 for the children's food bank cards.
October 6th - Harvest October 20th - Quiet Zone & Card-making
November 10th - Remembrance November 17th - Craft Night & ‘Take Away’ November 23rd - Christmas Fair
December 1st - Toy Service December 14th December 24th - Breakfast with Santa
So please pray that our spiritual journey with the children will encourage other families to come along.
Fabulous amount and lovely to see many new faces coming as well as our old faithfuls!! Great team effort again.
Funday Sunday As many of you know the children have been busy making cards to sell to raise money to go and buy food for the foodbank. We had our usual Sunday morning and we did an evening 4.30 - 6.30 pm which included a pizza tea delivered on this occasion and we'll devoured !! They have really taken ownership of it which is great with great support from their parents.
We will be having "Breakfast with Santa" on Christmas Eve 8.30 am - 10.30 am hopefully a Christmas film. If anyone would like their families to come along too please let me know as soon as possible.
Linda, Lynne and Jenny Thanks to everyone for all your support.
Linda Renmans
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
My warmest thanks to you all at Irby for the way you made me welcome when I came to share with you all in worship and service last September. I have loved being with you in times of both joy and sorrow. Now I move on to Claremount. Reverend Yangsun Yi is indeed a blessing to you as you share together in witness and service. A special thank you for the lovely afternoon tea and cakes yesterday, the cards, flowers and the most generous gift of a garden voucher. I shall enjoy choosing some new plants in the spring. Thank you all and God bless you. Viv
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Morning Worship
10.30 - 11.30
Funday Sunday
10.30 - 11.30
18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.30
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 11.30
Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)
14.00 - 16.00
20.00 - 22.00
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 11.30
18.00 - 19.30
Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer.
10.00 - 11.00
Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)
20.00 - 22.00
Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar 648-3431)
11.00 - 15.00
Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)
20.00 - 22.00
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Forthcoming Preachers
Intercessional Prayers for November Dec. 1 Let us give thanks for:
Toy Service
Dec 8 - Calvin Wood Dec 15 - Rev. John Barnett Jan 12 - Mrs Judith Stelfox Jan 19 - Mr. Steve Cooper Jan 26 - Mrs Beryl Goodall Feb 2 - Rev. Yangsun
Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved: United Services Dec. 1
6.30 pm Rev Yangsun Yi at Greasby Methodist
Dec. 22 3.00 pm Rev Yangsun Yi - United Carol Service at St Bartholomew's Jan. 5
6.30 pm Rev Yangsun Yi at West Kirby
Feb 2 - 6.30 pm Rev Heather Cooper at Irby Please pray for: Christmas and New Year Tues. 10 Dec. 2.00 pm Women's Fellowship Carols Thurs. 12 Dec. 8.00 pm Wives and Friends Carols AND ALL OTHERS KNOWN TO US WHO NEED OUR PRAYERS AT THIS TIME
Tues. 24 Dec. 4.00 pm Christmas Eve Communion at West Kirby Tues. 24 Dec. 11.15 pm Christmas Communion at St Bartholomew's
From the Editor:
Wed. 25 Dec. No Service at Irby Methodist – we join St. Chad's at 10.30 am
If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter it must get to me just after the service on the last Sunday of the month. Contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 )
Sun. 29 Dec. No Service at Irby Methodist – we join St Chad's at 9.30 am
Sun. 5 Jan.
10.30 am Covenant Service (St Chad's will join us) Rev. Yangsun & Rev. Jane Turner