Irby Methodist Newsletter - February 2020

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Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit


Rev. Yangsun Yi 0151 633 2753


Day off: Monday (please honour)

Superintendent Minister:

Rev. Heather Cooper

0151 648 8780 email: Day off: Saturday (please honour)

Church Leadership Team Church Family & Community:


Mission & Outreach:


Jean Brookes

648 1130

Lynne Cowell

648 4447

Calvin Wood

648 4466

Angela James

648 2900

Barbara Wood

648 4466

Liz Newton

648 6641

Graham Griffiths

648 2233


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Other Roles Church Worship Leaders:

Angela James

648 2900

Sylvia Gaskell

648 7905

Graham Griffiths

648 2233

Dear Friends

Church Admin Contact:


Church Treasurer

Ian Hall

648 3344

Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators

Ruth Brabin

648 1069

Alison Fisher

648 7671

Booking Secretary

Graham Griffiths

648 2233

Hymnal Plus

Angela James

648 2900

Funday Sunday Leader:

Linda Renmans

648 7652

Newsletter Editor

Roy Fisher

648 7671

& Church website:


Representatives to Circuit Meeting

Liz Newton

648 6641

Angela James

648 2900

De�� F���nds,

This is the first Newsletter of 2020, and no doubt the year will present many challenges and many opportunities for the Nation, the church and for each of us, as families and individuals. As I prepare this letter, we are just a few days away from 31 January, when we officially leave the EU. I'm quite sure that there will be many challenges during the negotiations of trade and other arrangements which must be completed by the end of the transition period, 31 December 2020, and yet we must be optimistic to the new opportunities that lay ahead. The Methodist Church has some difficult issues to address on policy, on staffing, on looking at new ways to proclaim the Gospel message to those who do not yet believe. On 12th January, the Methodist Circuit held a meeting at Greasby, to discuss 'God in love unites us' a report on Same-Sex marriage and relationships, as we, at Irby, had a discussion on the same report in November. Our views will go to the Synod meeting in the Spring and a decision will be taken by Conference in June. All ready this year, many of our own members are struggling with illness and tragedy, and as a church family we must be here to support and comfort them. Included in our service on 2nd February, was the Pastoral Visitor's Dedication Service. Our thanks to the Pastoral Visitors who go to those are unable to get to church, whether at home, or hospital. If friends cannot get to church then we must take church to them.

Th��k y�� f�� y�ur �l���r� �n� c�rd�. Mu�� �p��e�ia�e� af��� �y �i�e �n ho�pit�l.

And so in this New Year, even if there are times when the going seems tough, hold fast to your faith, don't give up, and remember the Lord is always with you.

L��� Every blessing M�rj�r�� R�i�



Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

life. They work with young people between the ages of 16 - 30 who find themselves homeless or living on the streets.

Dear Friends, This is the first letter of the New Year 2020 and the first of the new decade. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

The children who attend Funday Sunday will take the proceeds of the sale of the Christmas cards they made, to the local Foodbank. They are demonstrating their faith in a practical way as they recognise that people locally experience difficulties in providing foods and other essentials for their families. Last October we purchased multi-media equipment allowing us to use visual images in or worship, enriching the message. A small dedicated group provide

Our first service of the New Year was our Covenant Service to which we welcomed our friends from St. Chad’s and St. Bart’s. The service was led by the Rev. Jane and Calvin. Each New Year we dedicate ourselves through our service and the promise of new life in Christ. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year message was to encourage us to reach out to the stranger with love and friendship and to those we may have lost touch with. Our troubled and divided world needs uniting in love and unity. This theme has been repeated in subsequent sermons over the past few Sundays. One way to show our love and concern for others is through our charitable giving, helping to make a difference in people’s lives and giving hope. Our charity for January was for the Ark in Birkenhead which provides support, accommodation and the opportunity to learn skills to lead a more independent


the visuals each week and thank you to them for giving the time to enrich the worship experience for all of us. I am sure they would welcome additional help. If you think that you would like to help please contact Naomi or Lynn. As many of you know our cooker of many years expired and a new one had to be purchased. The Lunch Club was unable to meet for several weeks as a result. However they managed to provide Christmas Dinner with the helpers between them cooking it at home. Our new cooker has been installed and Lunch Club can provide


Irby Methodist Church

the weekly lunch for the residents in our community who come to enjoy a hot meal and friendship. As a Church family we share each other’s joys and sorrows. At this time we think of our own minister, Rev. Yangsun Yi, currently with her family in South Korea Yangsun’s mother remains very poorly. We think of those in our congregation who are going through difficult times and need our prayers at this time. We ask the Lord’s Blessing on them.

Lord, help us to engage our faith. To be involved, not standing at a distance, But in participation with our neighbours That we may truly be, your Church Kneeling before our communities With humility and compassion Supporting the vulnerable Seeking the lost Welcoming the stranger With your transforming love. Amen

Irby Methodist Church

e�� L � M y � n � W m � r � s g n i � e G�� New Year greetings to all my Irby Methodist friends. Thanks to all of you who have written to me and sent some lovely photos of the Flower Festival. I was really sad to miss that and also the celebrations of 150 years of Methodism in Irby, but it was so nice to be kept in touch. The years I spent in Irby with Don were the happiest of my life and a good part of that was due to the warmth and fellowship I found in church. Because my father moved a lot with the Admiralty, my first husband with Shell, and I went to a Methodist boarding school in Devon, I belonged to, or had association with at least 10 churches but never one as loving and caring as Irby. I hope and pray that, in a New Year and with new leadership, the church will go from strength to strength and will continue to witness in Irby for many years to come. I do miss coming to church and chatting to friends – even washing up – I think about you all a lot, but life moves on and it is good to be with my family who are very kind and supportive. The permanent family now consists of Paul, my daughterin-law, Nelly – the loveliest daughter one could possibly wish for – Aimee (Nelly's mum) and most importantly (particularly in her own eyes) my five year old grand-daughter, Xaviera. She is an affectionate, exhaustingly lively and chatty and sometimes rather stubborn little girl who we all love to bits. Paul has bought an old farmhouse with several barns and some land. We are not isolated, we can see several farms, some within walking distance but they are far enough away that if we have a noisy outside party in summer, no one will be disturbed. The countryside is beautiful, views of fields, trees and distant hills from every window and I never tire of walking Holly, my little dog, (who regularly attended the Pet services) along the quiet country road with ever changing scenery in the fields, hedgerows and verges, and the marvellous sunsets (and sunrises which I occasionally see) certainly do reflect the glory of the Lord.

God Bless With warmest wishes and much love from France





Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Wives & Friends Society Our first meeting of the Wives and Friends Society for 2020 began with a social evening. Ruth opened the meeting wishing everyone a Happy New Year and the evening proceeded with some stationary fun games. It is surprising what we carry around in a handbag!! Following a break for refreshments it was time to catch with each other’s news since our last meeting in December. Ruth reminded everyone that the Wives’ Anniversary Service would now take place on Sunday 8th March and not March 1st as stated in the programme.

On behalf of Forum Housing Association and our young people, I would like to thank you for your kind donations that where so gratefully received towards our 2019 Christmas Appeal. This year, thanks to your gifts, the team here at forum were able to make up Christmas bags that were distributed out to over 300 young people who live with us. As you can imagine the Christmas period can be a particularly lonely and isolated time for some of our residents, with many of them spending it alone. As well as extra engagement activities taking place around our projects, your gifts helped make Christmas special.

Last year we decided not to hold our yearly Jumble Sale as it was getting increasingly difficult to obtain and sell items and also the problem of getting rid of unwanted items afterwards as there are fewer outlets willing to take items. It was decided to hold a musical evening instead. This has been arranged for Friday 28th February and will consist of various musical acts. Tickets are on sale at £5.00 each. Please support the evening and invite your friends. Refreshments are included in the price.

We are also pleased to share with you that we had enough donations left over to provide toiletries for any new move-ins we have at the beginning of the New Year, in the majority of cases young people arrive with nothing. You have made it possible for them to have access to the necessary items to make them feel clean and welcome until they can financially afford to get up on their feet again.

Our next meeting is on Thursday February 13th when Sue Wood will tell us about hats and millinery. We look forward to seeing you then.

Kind regards


Once again thank you for your generosity, kindness and support.

Debbie Thompson Chief Executive



Irby Methodist Church


Irby Methodist Church


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Help is desperately needed at Toddlers. Jean needs an extra pair of eyes and help overseeing the children each Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8.30 am - noon. Women, men and children of all ages are called to 'Rise, take your mat and walk' to join this day of prayer. Women of Zimbabwe have prepared this year's service and they encourage us all to reflect on the difficulties and unrest that have plagued their country over many years. They share the challenges they have met and the hopes they have for the future. They encourage us to 'Rise, take your mat and walk' with them as they continue their often turbulent journey towards full reconciliation. World Day of Prayer is an international inter-church organisation which enables us to hear the thoughts of women from all parts of the world: their hopes, concerns and prayers. The preparation for the day is vast. An international committee is based in New York and there are national committees in each participating country. Regional conferences meet to consider the service and then local groups make their plans. Finally, at a church near you on Friday 6th March 2020, people will gather to celebrate the service prepared by the women of Zimbabwe.

We meet 32 weeks throughout the year. If someone could perhaps do the Tuesday and someone else do the Wednesday that would be a great help. For more information please contact Jean (not forgetting that Jean will be 80 this year!!) Please consider. Jean Brookes (Auntie)

The Day of Prayer is celebrated in over 170 countries. It begins in Samoa and prayer in native languages travels throughout the world – through Asia, Africa the Middle East, Europe and the Americas – before finishing in American Samoa more than 36 hours later.

World Day of Prayer - Friday, 6th March 2020 Afternoon Service 1.45 pm Heswall Methodist Church, Telegraph Road, Heswall Evening Service


7.30 pm Emmanuel Church, Pensby Road, Pensby


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Monthly Charity Appeal January - Happy New Year to everyone. Women’s Fellowship opened this New Year of 2020 with their usual get-together catching up with fellowship since our last meeting in December. We listened to the history of the wonderful kneelers we have in Church, giving the opportunity to look at the album. If you have not seen the album and would like to do so please see either Barbara or Jean.

£86 was raised in December for Action for Children

£208.50 was raised in January for Wirral ARK Project

The next meeting was chaired by Barbara who welcomed Rev. Margaret Fletcher who gave a wonderful talk.

February Charity of the Month

Dates for your diary Tuesday 4th February - 2.00 pm Ken Corker (MENCAP) Tuesday 18th February - 2.00 pm Rev. Yangsun Yi This is also our Soup Lunch - 1.00 pm

Methodist Women in Britain Liverpool District Project

Tickets £3.50. You will be most welcome. God Bless

Jean - President



Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Funday Sunday Dates for Sunday Funday 2020 Dates subject to change due to availability and school holidays January 12th January 26th

In Church for start then go to Aldi for food

February 9th

Start in Church

Emergency Food for people in Crisis supported by Trussell Trust Our vision: To end hunger and poverty in the UK. Our mission: Bringing communities together to end hunger and poverty in the UK by providing compassionate, practical help with dignity whilst challenging injustice. Our founding verse -We’re an anti-poverty charity founded on Christian principles.

February 23rd March 8th

Start in Church

March 22nd

End in Church for Mothering Sunday

April 5th

Messy Church - Easter

April 12th

Bacon Butty Easter Breakfast after walk

April 26th

Start in Church

May 10th

(May Day Bank Holiday) to be confirmed

May 17th June 7th

Start in Church

June 21st

Fathers’ Day

July 5th

Start in Church

July 19th

Trip out

September 6th

Start in Church

September 20th October 4th

Harvest Festival

October 18th November 1st

Start in Church

November 8th

Remembrance Sunday

November 15th

Pizza Tea - 4 to 6 pm

December 6th

Toy Service

December 13th

Messy Church with Father Christmas 4 - 6 pm


We work with people of all faiths and none, and are founded by Jesus’ words;

Our Funday Sunday group chose to support the Foodbank because we know there are children and families on the Wirral who do not have enough to eat. We raised money by making Christmas Cards. We had an evening in Church with pizza and chips for our tea and a Sunday morning when we made them. We sold them at our Christmas Fair and at Church in the foyer. Thank you to everyone who supported this by buying our cards and generous donations. After raising approximately £100 from Christmas card sales the Sunday Funday kids and mums went to Aldi to spend the money. Linda contacted Birkenhead Food bank for a list of food that they were desperate for ranging from coffee, tinned fruit and vegetables, toiletries, cereals, pasta, milk and jam. We filled 2 trolleys full of stuff and took it back to church. We all agreed that we felt good about what we'd done but were sad that it was necessary to do. We all recognise that we are extremely lucky and wish everyone was too. We are taking all the food to the food bank during Half Term where we can see the difference that it makes. Thank you for helping us. Hannah Lois Ryan Orla Will Joseph and Nicole


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Items urgently needed by the Wirral Foodbank are: Tinned meat Tinned vegetables including potatoes Pasta sauce, Coffee Hot chocolate, Jam Tinned fruit Pkt soups, Sugar Instant mash UHT milk, Custard Squash/juice Toothpaste Washing up liquid

Refresher Course - April 22nd @ 6.30pm-9pm, Circuit Centre, Thingwall. Please contact Linda Renmans or Circuit direct to book on the course. Due to number you cannot just turn up on the night, you need to register on the course. There have been issued in the recent past where people did not book on the courses and there was insufficient uptake and the course was cancelled but several people turned up on the night and it could have then been run had they known about these people. The courses are few and far between at the moment due to lack of trainers



Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church









Morning Worship

10.30 - 11.30

Funday Sunday

10.30 - 11.30


18.00 - 19.00


19.00 - 20.30

Toddlers (School term time)

09.30 - 11.30

Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)

14.00 - 16.00


20.00 - 22.00

Toddlers (School term time)

09.30 - 11.30


18.00 - 19.30

Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer.

10.00 - 11.00

Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)

20.00 - 22.00

Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar 648-3431)

11.00 - 15.00

Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)

20.00 - 22.00



Irby Methodist Church

Intercessional Prayers for January

Let us give thanks for: Colin and Sue who celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary this week - Jan 31st

Irby Methodist Church

Forthcoming Preachers

Feb 2. - Rev Yangsun and Calvin Wood (Communion)

Feb 9. - Mrs Jean Knott Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved: Jean, Karen and family following the death of Nigel on Monday. Feb 16 - Mr Ian Jackson Glenice who is incapacitated with a very swollen leg. Feb 23 - Mrs Veronica Frances Roy in great pain with damaged hip/pelvis muscles resulting in a very swollen leg and now having to have more cancer treatment. Richard in hospital. Mar 1 - Mrs Beryl Goodall Please pray for: Joyce. Marjorie now back home after having had a heart attack. Pray for rain for those Australian states devastated by bush fires.

Mar 8 - Rev. Yangsun Yi / Wives & Friends ……. Communion


From the Editor:

Mar 22 - Rev. Vivienne Gasteen

As many of you will know my cancer has moved on to another stage. I have retired/resigned from a couple of other groups I am involved with but have opted to try to keep doing the Church Newsletter as long as I can. Depending how I feel or what stage my treatment is at, this may sooner rather than later. I think it would be wise for someone else who may have to take over from me to get involved now and can be ‘trained up’. If you think you would like to be involved with either or both of the Newsletter and website then please have a word with me.

Mar 29 - Rev. Sheila Prest

If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter it must get to me just after the service on the last Sunday of the month. Contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 )


United Service Feb 2 6.30 pm at Irby, Rev Heather Cooper


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