Irby Methodist Newsletter Nov 2018

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A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit Ministers:

Rev. Kim Goh

tel: 0151 739 8525

Day off: Monday (please honour) email: Rev. Vivienne Gasteen - Pastoral care 0151 648 2637


Day off: Friday (please honour)

Superintendent Minister:

Rev. Ann Rigby-Jones

tel: 0151 342 6324 Day off: Fridays (please honour) Church Leadership Team Community:

Jean Brookes

648 1130


Calvin Wood

648 4466

Angela James

648 2900

Sylvia Gaskell

648 7905

Barbara Wood

648 4466

Liz Newton

648 6641


Graham Griffiths

648 2233

Young People & Families:

Lynne Cowell

648 4447

Mission & Outreach:


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Other Roles Church Worship Leaders:

Angela James

648 2900

Church Admin Contact:

Graham Griffiths

648 2233

email: Church Treasurer Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators

Ian Hall

648 3344

Ruth Brabin

648 1069

Alison Fisher

648 7671

Booking Secretary

Graham Griffiths

648 2233

Hymnal Plus

Angela James

648 2900

Funday Sunday Leader:

Linda Renmans

648 7652

Newsletter Editor

Roy Fisher

648 7671

& Church website:


Following the Harvest Festival Service George and I took the fresh produce to the Charles Thompson Mission in Birkenhead. Here’s the letter of thanks from the centre Manager. - Beryl Goodall

Dear Friends, This month I want to share with you the story below. A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert like island. The two survivors, not knowing what else to do, agree that they had no other recourse but to pray to God. However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island. The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the land, and he was able to eat its fruit. The other man's parcel of land remained barren. After a week, the first man was lonely and he decided to pray for a wife. The next day, another ship was wrecked, and the only survivor was a woman who swam to his side of the land. On the other side of the island, there was nothing. Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes, more food. The next day, like magic, all of these were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing. Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning, he found a ship docked at his side of the island. The first man boarded the ship with his wife and decided to leave the second man on the island. He considered the other man unworthy to receive God's blessings, since none of his prayers had been answered. As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from heaven booming, "Why are you leaving your companion on the island?" "My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one who prayed for them," the first man answered. "His prayers were all unanswered and so he does not deserve anything." "You are mistaken!" the voice rebuked him. "He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of my blessings." "Tell me," the first man asked the voice, "what did he pray for that I should owe him anything?" "He prayed that all your prayers be answered." For all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of another praying for us. This is too good not to share. With obedience come blessings. My prayer for you today is that all your prayers are answered. Be blessed. "What you do for others is more important than what you do for yourself." I hope you will share this with your friends and loved ones - it's a message we all need to hear and understand. God bless.





Irby Methodist Church

Dear Friends, We are well and truly into Autumn now and it is a little scary to discover that, when you read this, we are only 4 weeks away from the beginning of Advent and even less to our Church Christmas Fair on November 24th. We are once again doing a Hope Journey, meeting the Characters from the Christmas Story together with young people from Irby Primary School, if you can help in any way on our Hope Journey, whether as guide or supervising simple craft do please have a word with Barbara Wood. We are already seeing the steady flow of appeals through our mailboxes from all the National and Local Charities as well as our own Methodist organisations and our monthly Charity Appeal in addition to our usual seasonal support for Forum Housing through our Harvest Festival and Christmas Boxes, our Toy Service when the toys which are given are passed to Charles Thompson’s Mission in Birkenhead to provide a Christmas Gift for those children of families who are much less fortunate than our ourselves, and the “Love in a box” scheme. Together with our own family preparations there are a lot of demands placed on our resources as we approach this season, let us pray for calmness and God’s guidance in our thinking and actions November of course is also the season of Remembrance and this year we commemorate the centenary of the ending of “ The war to end all wars” I personally much appreciated the informative contributions from Marjorie Reid and from Calvin in last months Newsletter. In my own family there is my mother’s “ favourite” brother, Cpl John Thomas Allen, 1st Battalion the Border Regt. who was killed on the first day of The Somme in July 1916 and who is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial. As well as the usual red poppy I wear a poppy pin made of brass from a shell case and inscribed “Somme 2016” which contains in its centre a few grains of earth from the battlefield. Sadly our human failings have ensured that “the war to end all wars” proved to be anything but. Indeed we are facing a time of uncertainty, division and conflict across the world at present when there is an apparent lack of trust and respect in political leadership generally. Please pray for all those in Government and authority at this time. We would like to welcome Lynne Cowell to the Church Leadership Team and to say thank you to Sylvia Gaskell who has decided that health issues mean she needed to stand down. Lynne will bring to the Leadership Team valuable input from the young people and mums in the church. We wish Sylvia all the best and look forward to her continuing fellowship with us. We celebrated our Harvest Festival on 2 October, ably led by Linda Redmans in which the theme was Rainbows. The church was, as usual, beautifully decorated with floral arrangements


Irby Methodist Church representing the colours of the rainbow and challenged to see ourselves as part of the whole team of Christian witness in our community just as these individual colours go together to make the whole white light. Margaret Fletcher lead our worship on the following Sunday and, referring to our upcoming anniversary, we were delighted to learn of the proposal that we have a Flower Festival as part of our celebrations next year when it will be the 150th Anniversary of Methodist Worship and Witness in Irby. Our Church Anniversary this year was celebrated the following Sunday with John Crowther. John’s theme was Living Stones with the story of Jacob’s ladder from Genesis and the passage from the 1 Peter Ch.2 that we are the stones built into a spiritual house founded on the cornerstone that is Jesus Christ. John challenged us to look forward a hundred years and having the vision of the church being here to celebrate the 249th Anniversary of Witness and Worship in Irby, to have that vision and faith that was present in that farmhouse kitchen in the mid 19th Century - some prospect you will agree, it would be a very different church and a very different community to today’s of course. It was a delight, as ever, to welcome George Palmer to lead our service on the last Sunday in October, George inspired us with his story of how he became a Christian and set out upon a lifetime of Christian work, taking words from Phillipians 4v13 “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me” Talking of future, most will be aware that the Circuit of which we are part is facing many challenges and changes if we together are to be true to our stated Missional Priorities in Discipleship & pastoral Care, Areas of Deprivation, and Children & Youth Work. On 29th September the Circuit held an “ away day” at Barnstondale Centre which is summarised in the current issue of the “”Good News round up. As we discussed at our recent Church Council meeting there was one element of the away day which seemed particularly relevant to how we see our mission and outreach to our community under the heading of “Know Your Church, Know your Neighbourhood ( KYCKYN for short). This is a facilitated process to help churches think about themselves in relation to the community they seek to serve and to make prayerful; and informed decisions about their mission in their locality. You may recall our ”Vision Day” when Rev Kim first joined us, as a leadership Team we feel it is appropriate to re-visit and refresh our thoughts from that and we will be further exploring the possibilities of KYCKYN. Finally, a few Property related items for your information. The week commencing November 12 will see work starting on re-painting the sanctuary area in the church, we are keeping as close as possible to the existing colour scheme. Church Council also asked me to re-open enquiries into the feasibility of acquiring projection equipment which would offer options for different worship styles and lead to improvement in the quality of our worship. In the coming weeks we shall also be making alterations and improvements in signing and lighting of the various emergency exits from the building With every Blessing - Graham


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Wives & Friends Society

Weekly Activities


Morning Worship

10.30 - 11.30


Funday Sunday - (2nd & 4th or 3rd & 5th of month) Rainbows

10.30 - 11.30 18.00 - 19.00


19.00 - 20.30

Toddlers (School term time)

09.30 - 12.00

Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)

14.00 - 16.00


20.00 - 22.00

Toddlers (School term time)

09.30 - 12.00


18.30 - 20.00


Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer. Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)

10.00 - 11.00 20.00 - 22.00


Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar)

11.00 - 15.00

Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)

20.00 - 22.00





Thursday, November 8th at 7.0 pm Cost - £10 entertainment by


Tickets available from Wives’ Committee Please join us for a great evening of entertainment Vegetarian option available



Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church


Wives & Friends Society Our last meeting was held on 11th October and Sarah Bennett, the Area Manager of the Cheshire Wildlife Trust came to give an illustrated talk on the work of the trust. The Wildlife Trust is country-wide covering forty-seven areas throughout the country. Seven nature reserve sites are situated on the Wirral. These areas include New Ferry Butterfly park, the Dibbinsdale Woodland focusing on plants and trees and West Kirby beach and Red Rocks. The organisation is made up of paid professionals and local volunteers. The work focuses on maintaining eco-systems and preventing tree encroachment which would lead to loss of heathers and scrubland which native species of small animals and flowers depend upon for survival. Much of the work locally is on protecting reed beds and sand dunes and ensuring maintenance of rock pools on which rare toads depend. Volunteers also help with fund-raising activities, although the organisation receives grants, donations and legacies.

At our recent Church Council meeting in early October the accounts for the year to the end of August were approved. They showed there was a surplus of £1800, a very successful year and a big thank you to everybody for their generous giving of time and talents. The new financial year has not started so well. Two of our regular Hall users have indicated that they will no longer be meeting, though we hope one of the users is only on an “Extended break” The financial impact of this is a loss of about £1500 in income over the full year. For some years we have stated our aim is to try to collect through the Sunday offertory together with Gift Aid sufficient to meet the Circuit Assessment which broadly covers the costs of Ministry. In the last year the Sunday offering totalled £23800 compared with a Circuit Assessment of £25300, a shortfall of £1500 equal to nearly 7% We realise that many members of the congregation are on relatively fixed incomes but any increase in the weekly offering at least in line with general inflation would be greatly appreciated. Don’t forget you can also cover your weekly offering by setting up a Standing Order and we can provide a form of mandate if you wish to use this means Ian Hall

Following the talk and refreshments the raffle was drawn. Ruth reminded everyone that our next event is our Hot Pot Supper followed by entertainment from Tennessee Waltz. We hope to see as many of you as possible on the 8th of November on what promises to be an enjoyable evening. Angela


Lesley and Mark Fenton have moved to Greasby and their new address is: 6 Droitwich Avenue Greasby CH49 2QR Tel: 605 1880


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Bible usage can be habit forming. Regular reading of the Bible can cause loss of Our November meetings have got a Christmas theme. Tuesday, Nov 13th - Christmas Flower Arranging by Sylvia Gaskell, providing she is not in hospital.

ANXIETY and FEAR; decrease appetite for LYING, CHEATING,STEALING, HATING, ANGER, ENVY and LUST. Symtoms include: increased sensation of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, COMPASSION

Tuesday, November event in December.


- Advent Readings in preparation for the big

and CONTENTMENT. I dare you to come along to our next Bible Study and Fellowship on 11th

Tuesday December - We will be holding our Carol Service in Church. Do come and join us. They are very meaningful services.

Tuesday – 6 November at 2.30 pm in the Church Lounge


God Bless Jean, President

enquiries – contact Calvin on 648 4466


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY November 2018 We honour the faithfulness Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship Prayer focus


“The Lord will judge between the nations and settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war any more.” ( Isaiah 2:4) As we rightly remember the awfulness of the First World War and the courage of so many, do we, as Christians, share the continuing pride of many political leaders in more sophisticated (sic) weapons and billions of pounds earned by arms exports?

1st On All Saints Day we remember the courage of martyred Christians and thank God for the impact of Little Neston Lego Church.

2 Ask God to bless the Liverpool Male Voice Choir at St Andrew’s New Brighton 7.30 concert commemorating the end of World War I.

3rd Thank God for the faithful witness of all at Woodchurch M.C., their Fayre today and the work of Colin Harris (Centre Manager).

4th Thank God for LEP Anniversary at TPG Rev Nigel Adkinson; Group 4’s 6.30 p.m. service at West Kirby and Hope Farm New Song 7 p.m. 11th Armistice Day: ask God to bless Messy Church at Claremount and 7 pm Remembering loved ones at Trinity (EP).

5th Ask God to bless Remember Me for Elleray Park PS and New Brighton PS at St Andrew’s (2nd – 5th) and overworked Emergency services. 12th Thank God for all who work for peace, all who are casualties of wars and those who seek to help them.

6th Pray for all who are involved in the Navigating Change (6-7 Nov) conference to feel uplifted by God clearly speaking.

7th Ask God to bless all who are involved in Worship Leaders Training at 5 p.m. at the Circuit Centre.

8th Thank God for the blessing felt by attendees at Singing Café at St Luke’s, Hoylake (10.30 a.m.).

9th Thank God for the continuing witness of the Shoppers’ Service & Welcome Cafe at Neston M.C. each Friday.

10th Pray for Moreton Leadership Team (away day at Circuit Centre) and for St Luke’s Armistice Celebration (2 p.m.).

13th Pray for blessing through the example of those who attend Weekly Prayers for Others at Greasby 11 a.m.

14th Thank God for the time of prayer and reflection at Moreton M.C. each Wednesday morning.

15th Ask God to bless Heswall M.C.’s Hope Journey Remembering and the Ladies’ Weekly Bible Study Fellowship at the Beacon(10 a.m.).

16th Ask God to bless the Sung Communion service at Little Sutton M.C. (7.30 p.m.) and all who attend for worship.

17th Ask God to bring blessing through Trinity EP’s Autumn Fair and St Luke’s Tearfund Big Quiz (7 p.m.).

Counting the blessings individuals bring to others

18th Ask God to bless Group 5 together at Little Neston (6.30) and Look Deeper at Hope Farm (7 p.m.).

19th Ask God to bless all involved in the weekly Heswall Orion Club activities (7.15 – 8.45 p.m.).

20th Pray for all the Ordained Staff, including Rev Ann (just returned from Jerusalem) and better health for Rev Steve.

21st Ask God to bless the Ordained Staff Time Away Together on retreat (20th - 22nd) with a sense of shared spiritual refreshment.

22nd Pray for blessing for all involved in Neston M.C. Lego Church and the families of the children who attend.

23rd Ask God to bless all involved with 3Generate at Pontins Southport (23-25 Nov) especially the 1100+ children and young people attending.

24th Circuit Prayer breakfast; Mothers & Peace Conference today in Liverpool with Ecumenical Service 3 p.m. Sunday.

Making a difference through serving others

25th Thank God for Bromborough 90th Anniversary (Rev Peter Powers) and Group 3 Communion at Hope Farm 10.30.

26th Pray for our Schools and Children’s Work team members Emma, Nicola L-M, Nick J and Rachel.

27th Pray for the Lay Staff Management Group meeting at 7.30 p.m. and for the Lay Staff managed by them.

28th Ask God to bless our Circuit Meeting members in prayer from 7 p.m. at Claremount M.C.

29th Thank God for the dedication of our local preachers (LP Meeting 7.30 p.m.).

30th As the hours of darkness lengthen …. … are we ready for Advent and celebrating the coming of the Prince of Peace?

Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action




Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus. Friday

Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith


Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light for our paths each day. Thursday

Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus


Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities.

Please note the unusually early closing date for sending prayer requests for the December Prayer Diary to is Sunday, 18th November.


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

Love in a Box All the boxes and spare goods will be dedicated and collected to go to the warehouse ready for sorting on Sunday 18th November. I thank you in anticipation for your support. This event is so important especially when you see films of the children receiving their boxes.

Monthly Charity Appeal Raised in October - £215

Thank you Jean Brookes …. Co-ordinator

1 CORINTHIANS 13 REVISITED Though I have all science and all technology and have not considered the ethical ends to which they might be put…… Though I have all keyboard skills and have not reflected on the uniqueness of my existence…. Though I know all the Continents, Rivers and Capitals and have not faced the question of my share of responsibility for the creation…. Though I could list all the drugs, their uses and their side effects and have not been given access to any visions of the good life…. Though I know all the physiological details of sex, yea even within the context of family life and have never countenanced the idea of the sacredness of the human body……

November Charity of the Month

Ronald McDonald House provides free 'home away from home' accommodation for families with children in hospital.



Margaret Griffiths


Irby Methodist Church

Dates for

Irby Methodist Church

Funday Sunday for the year

March 11th March 25th Palm Sunday - Messy Church - 10.30-12.30 app. (Change of time as families preferred the morning) April 22nd - All Age Service - Linda May 13th May 20th June 10th -Pet Service June 24th July 15th Summer Event (whatever that may be!!) September 9th September 23rd October 7th - Harvest Funday Sunday Anniversary/Church Parade October 21st November 11th - Remembrance Sunday /Church Parade November 25th December 2nd - Toy Service/Church parade (followed by Christmas lunch again??)

Some changes may be made if needed to "normal Funday Sunday" dates



Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

100 Days of Peace and Hope And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. (Rev 21 v 4) On 4th August 1918, King George V called a day of National Prayer and 100 days later, the war ended. On 11th November we shall commemorate 100 years since the end of that bloody war. In this, the third and final of our articles in which we have reflected on the courage and sacrifice of those who gave their life to secure our liberty, we pray for peace and reconciliation between all peoples. It's not natural to want to die – no matter how worthy the cause. The natural desire is about wanting to live. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of man and women put their life at risk in two world wars and in many other conflicts, that we may be free; free from tyranny, injustice and oppression – and to establish peace and freedom in our life and in our nation. We have already looked at two local heros, Frank Lester, VC and Wilfred Owen, MC. Our third hero is Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, affectionately known as 'Woodbine Willie.' Geoffrey, was born in Leeds in 1883 and was one of nine children. Educated at Leeds Grammar School, Trinity College, Dublin and Ripon Clergy College, he became a curate at St Andrew's Church, Rugby and in 1914, the vicar of St Paul's, Worcester. On the outbreak of World War 1, Kennedy volunteered as a chaplain to the army on the Western Front, where he gained the nickname, 'Woodbine Willie' for giving Woodbine cigarettes along with spiritual aid to injured and dying soldiers. In 1917, he was awarded the Military Cross. His citation read:- 'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He showed the greatest courage and disregard for his own safety in attending to the wounded under heavy fire. He searched shell holes for our own and enemy wounded, assisting them to the dressing station and his cheerfulness and endurance had a splended effect upon all the ranks in the front line trenches, which he constantly visited.,' After the war, Kennedy was given charge of St Edmund, King and Martyr in Lombard St. London. Having been converted to 'Christian socialism' (a movement founded in the mid 19th century to apply the social principles of Christianity to modern industrial life) he moved to work for the Industrial Christian Fellowship, for whom he went on speaking tours in Britain. He became a passionate advocate of social justice. He once said 'If finding God in our churches leads to us losing Him in our factories, then better we tear down those churches for God must hate the sight of them.' It was on one of these tours that he was taken ill. He died in Liverpool in 1929, exhausted at the age of 45. His funeral took place Worcester, to which the poor flocked to pay their respects. The Dean of Westminster refused burial at Westminster Abbey because of his 'socialist' beliefs.

….to come to a COFFEE MORNING at IRBY METHODIST CHURCH on SATURDAY 10th NOVEMBER at 10.30 am To honour and remember Irby’s Fallen Hero

Pte. FRANK LESTER V.C. Followed by unveiling of a Memorial Flagstone

by the MAYOR of WIRRAL

A hero on the battle fields and a hero in the factories.

at 80 MILL HILL ROAD the home Frank left

Prayer – Let there be respect for the earth Peace for its people Love in all our lives Forgiveness for past wrongs And from now on, a new start for us all. Amen



to go to War in 1916 Calvin

Admission at Church Hall - £3


Irby Methodist Church

Irby Methodist Church

THE GUNPOWDER PLOT Guy Fawkes and his friends meant to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605 but were caught and prevented. How many smaller words can you make from the letters in ‘The Gunpowder Plot?

2 letters

3 letters

4 letters

5 letters

6 letters

Can you find any words with more than 6 letters? List them here.



In Memory of Joan Goodwin Joan, who died recently, was a much-loved member of Thingwall Methodist Church and on its closure, she and her husband, Ron, transferred their membership to Irby Church. Joan was born in Greasby, attended the local Primary School and moved on to Pensby Secondary School and later to Wirral Grammar School. It was whilst working in the offices at Smith Coggin that she met Ron. They were married in Frankby Church in March 1963, setting up home first in a flat in Oxton and then moving to Dorset Drive in Pensby where their children, Steven and Nicola were born. There was the loving support and encouragement throughout their early childhood years - happy memories of holidays in North Wales. Later, Sharon and terry were welcomed into the family and then the grandchildren, Alex, Bradley and Kirstie. Joan was a much-loved Nanny. Family life was so important to Ron and Joan. Indeed, Joan had many health problems but she was so ably supported by them and supremely ”. by Ron. He was - in Joan’s words - “

noticing that at the time when one needed God the most, there was only one set. Why was this? “

”, said God, “

This, Joan knew from her own experience and is her message to us today - that we might draw strength from it, in our own journey through life just as she did. Steven’s wife, Sharon, read it at her Service of Thanksgiving. “A life well-lived is a precious gift of hope and strength and grace from someone who has made our world a brighter, better place.” Thank you, Joan. We remember Ron, Steven and Sharon, Nicola and Terry, Alex, Bradley, Kirstie in our prayers. Beryl Goodall.

Joan was a dear friend to many - friends from over 50 years attended her ‘Service of Thanksgiving’. I have known her for over 30 years and it has been a tremendous privilege and joy to share in some small way in their family life. I recall some words which seem to sum up our friendship -

Joan had a deep faith in G. A copy of the well-known reflection ‘Footprints’ is on the wall in their home. It tells of one reflecting on one’s journey through life - two sets of footprints - and then



Saturday 24th November ….. 10.00am - 12 noon.

We will be opening from 5pm - 7pm for some refreshments and warmth sharing the experience of the Christmas spirit within our Church.

All welcome. Admission: Adults £1.50 Children 50p Refreshments included Raffle, Cakes, Cuddly Tombola, Gifts, Christmas cards and paper, Handmade crafts , Games and Grotto Fun for all the family

Sunday 2nd December

If you have anything for these stalls please bring along the week before and leave on the stage.

Christmas Toy Service

Toddlers - Cuddly Tombola Luncheon Club- Cakes

10.30am - 11.30am

Wives and Friends - Smellies and gifts Womens Fellowship - Christmas cards, Handmade crafts

This is a family service where we donate our toys for the Charles Thompson Mission in Birkenhead.

Badminton - Refreshments

Each group to provide a raffle prize please

It is a service with fun faith and friendship being at the heart of it as we continue to be excited by the birth of Jesus and all that it offers us if we choose to follow him.

Church open on Friday Nov 23rd ….. 4.30pm - 6pm to set up

All very welcome to come and share in this joyful service

Funday Sunday/Uniformed - Games and grotto



Intercessional Prayers – September/October

Let us give thanks for:

Forthcoming Preachers Nov 4th

Those who give freely of time, money, effort and care for the benefit of those most in need.

10.30 am Rev Kim Goh (Communion) 6.30 pm United Service at West Kirby Methodist

Nov 11th 10.30 am Remembrance – Mrs Linda Renmans

Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved:

Nov 18th 10.30 am Irby mum's

Ron Goodwin and family for the loss of his wife Joan. Wendy McLean and family for the loss of her husband Don.

Nov 25th 10.30 am Rev Ann Rigby-Jones

The Anstiss family on the loss of Rachel’s mum in Yorkshire. The Fraser family (friends of Barbara and Calvin) whose 8 week old grandson is having major eye surgery.

Dec 2nd

10.30 am Toy Service – Mrs Linda Renmans 6.30 am United Service – Rev Margaret Fletcher

Sylvia Gaskell due to go into hospital. Hazel Kirkpatrick (Wendy Cropper’s daughter) having repeated hospital stays. All services at 10.30 am unless stated otherwise Please pray for: Indonesia following the earthquake disaster. From the Editor: The families of those killed in the synagogue in Pittsburgh and for the return of civilised debate in public life and politics.



To all our readers out there, particularly those who are unable to attend Church for whatever reason, remember you are in our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter please contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 ) Roy


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