365 days wasted on and wandered around UBU
Roy Voragen
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Spectral Canon for Conlon Nancarrow by James Tenney http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/tenney_james/selected/tenney_james02_spectral_canon_for_conlon_nancarrow.mp3 - #ubu day365 & last day‌
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Pandemonium (2005) by Janet Cardiff http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/cardiff_janet/pandaemonium/CardiffJanet_pandaemonium.mp3 - #ubu day364 - yes, one more day...
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Only Talking Machine of its Kind in the World by Alvin Lucier - http://www.ubu.com/sound/lucier_talking.html #ubu day363
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Jack Goldstein (1945-2003) http://www.ubu.com/sound/goldstein.html - #ubu day362
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Statements by Bernar Venet http://www.ubu.com/papers/venet_statements.html - #ubu day361
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: E U N O I A by Christian Bök http://www.ubu.com/sound/bok.html - #ubu day360
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Noise in the Channel, or I Really Don’t Have Any Paper: an antifesto by Darren Wershler-Henry http://www.ubu.com/papers/ol/dwh.html - #ubu day359
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Poem as Functional Object by Eugen Gomringer - http://www.ubu.com/papers/gomringer04.html - #ubu day358
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Typography in the Visual Poem by Marry Ellen Solt - http://www.ubu.com/papers/solt/typo.html - #ubu day357
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: I.B.M. 7090 - Music From Mathematics http://www.ubu.com/outsiders/365/2003/260.shtml - #ubu day356
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Loop by John Cale http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/aspen/mp3/loop.mp3 - #ubu day355
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Le chemin du chaman (1998) by Lionel Marchetti https://media.sas.upenn.edu/pennsound/authors/Marchetti/MarchettiLionel_Le-chemin-du-chaman_1990.mp3 - #ubu day354
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Blank on Blank, conversation between Weiss and Gregory Whitehead http://www.ubu.com/sound/whitehead/blank.pdf - #ubu day353
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: What Words Want by Gregory Whitehead https://mediamogul.seas.upenn.edu/pennsound/authors/Whitehead/Gregory_ Whitehead-What_Words_Want_1984.mp3 - #ubu day352
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Indonesian Ketjak, The Ramayana Monkey Chant - http://www.ubu.com/ethno/soundings/ketjack.html ‌ - #ubu day351
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: One Million Years by On Kawara http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/kawara_on/Kawara-On_One-MillionYears.mp3 - #ubu day350
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Throbbing Gristle http://ubu.com/sound/tg.html - #ubu day349
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Kurt Schwitters http://www.ubu.com/historical/schwitters/index.html - #ubu day348
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Artsounds http://www.ubu.com/sound/artsounds.html - #ubu day347
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Stay at Home/Go Home by Seth Price http://www.ubu.com/papers/Price-Seth_Go-Home.pdf - #ubu day346
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Conspiracy of Women by Lydia Lunch http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/lunch_lydia/Lunch-Lydia_Conspiracyof-Women.mp3 - #ubu day345
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Guns by Don Joyce (1944-2015) http://www.ubu.com/sound/joyce_don.html - #ubu day344
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Advertising Secrets by Negativland http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/negativland/negativland_advertising_se crets_1991.mp3 - #ubu day343
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Broken Music by Milan Knížák http://www.ubu.com/sound/knizak.html - #ubu day342
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Sentences on Conceptual Art (1968) by Sol Lewitt - http://www.ubu.com/papers/lewitt_sentences.html - #ubu day341
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Neighborhood Rhythms (Patter Traffic) (1984) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/nabe.html - #ubu day340
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Poème Electronique by Edgard Varèse http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/electronic/07-03-Edgard-VaresePoeme-Electronique_1958.mp3 - #ubu day339
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Walter Smetak (1913-1984) http://www.ubu.com/sound/smetak.html - #ubu day338
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: English As A Second Language (Talking Package) (1983) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/esl.html - #ubu day337
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: In S.Mencken, Christ & Beethoven there were men & women by R.Ashley http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/ashley_robert/Ashley-Robert_In-SaraMencken.mp3 - #ubu day336
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Piece for Cello and Saxophone by Moorman & Jennings http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/moorman_charlotte/MoormanCharlotte_05_Piece-For-Cello.mp3 - #ubu day335
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Secrets by Douglas Huebler http://www.ubu.com/concept/secrets.pdf - #ubu day334
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The #xenotext Experiment by @christianbok http://www.ubu.com/ubu/unpub/Unpub_022_Bok_Xenotext.pdf - #ubu day333
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Notes Toward a Potential Robopoetics by @christianbok - http://www.ubu.com/papers/object/03_bok.pdf ‌ - #ubu day332
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The tapeworm foundry by @alienated http://www.ubu.com/ubu/pdf/wershler_tapeworm.pdf - #ubu day331
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: HOW TO WRITE/HOW TO EDIT by @derekbeaulieu - http://www.ubu.com/ubu/unpub/Unpub_034_Beaulieu.pdf #ubu day330
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The first 1000 numbers classified in alphabetical order by C.Closky http://www.ubu.com/concept/Claude_Closky_1000.pdf - #ubu day329
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nico Vassilakis http://www.ubu.com/contemp/vass/index.html - #ubu day328 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Henry Rollins http://ubu.com/sound/rollins.html - #ubu day327
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Seth Price's fashion show soundtrack http://ubu.com/sound/price.html - #ubu day326
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Bauhaus: The Face of the 20th Century (1994) - http://ubu.com/film/bauhaus_doc.html - #ubu day325
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: On the Passage of a few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time - http://www.ubu.com/film/si.html - #ubu day324
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Futurism, Modernism, and 'The Art of Noises' by Robert P. Morgan - http://www.ubu.com/papers/morgan.html #ubu day323
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Vérité by Michael Scharf http://www.ubu.com/ubu/pdf/scharf_verite.pdf - #ubu day322
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Das Kapital (2009) by Rainer Ganahl http://ubu.com/film/ganahl_daskapital.html - #ubu day321
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nurse With Wound http://ubu.com/sound/nww.html - #ubu day320
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: De Stijl Magazine, edited by Theo van Doesburg - http://www.ubu.com/historical/de-stijl/index.html - #ubu day319
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Pipe, Recent Czech Concrete Poetry, 1973 - http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/text/vp/nichol_the_pipe_1973.pdf #ubu day318 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Diagrammatic Writing by Johanna Drucker http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/text/vp/drucker_diagrammatic_writing_2013.p df - #ubu day317 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: All the Catalogues by Penelope Umbrico http://www.ubu.com/contemp/umbrico/AllCatalogs/index.html - #ubu day316
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Study by Erica Baum http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/text/vp/013_Baum_Study_2011.pdf #ubu day315 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle by d.a. levy - http://www.ubu.com/vp/Oracle.html - #ubu day314 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: 24 typewriter visual poems by Nico Vassilakis http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/text/vp/033_Vassilakis_24_Typewriter_Visual _Poems_2011.pdf - #ubu day313 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Konkret journal http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/text/vp/konkret_vol1no1_1979.pdf #ubu day312 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Mit Schreibmaschine by H.N. Werkman http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/text/vp/020_Werman_Mit_Schreibmaschine_2 007.pdf - #ubu day311 #visualpoetry
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: François Bayle, composer of Musique concrète or acousmatic music - http://www.ubu.com/sound/bayle.html #ubu day310
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Onan the Illiterate by Stephen Dirle http://www.ubu.com/ubu/unpub/Unpub_006_Dirle_Onan.pdf - #ubu day309
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nationalist Assholes for Xenophobic Idiocy, a poem by Nari Naxi http://www.ubu.com/contemp/warnell/files/naxi2.htm - #ubu day308
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: HOW IT IS, in Common Tongues is an artwork by thereadersproject.org http://www.ubu.com/contemp/cayley/Cayley-Howe_How-It-Is-In-CommonTongues.pdf - #ubu day307
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Le Xerox et L'Infini (2009) by Jean Baudrillard - http://ubu.com/sound/plu_baudrillard.html - #ubu day306
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: poetry by Jean Baudrillard http://ubu.com/sound/baudrillard.html - #ubu day305
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Minutes LTM V:XV - an Homage to Burroughs (1987) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/ltm_burroughs.html #ubu day304
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Electronic Sound Patterns (1962) by Daphne Oram - http://ubu.com/sound/oram.html - #ubu day303
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: THE WEEPING WALL INSIDE US (2010) by Karl Holmqvist - http://ubu.com/sound/holmqvist.html ‌ - #ubu day302
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Crispin Hellion Glover http://ubu.com/sound/glover.html - #ubu day301
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Wonder Waif Meets Super Neuter Catherine Lord on Solanas http://www.ubu.com/historical/solanas/lord_on_solanas.pdf - #ubu day300
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Edison Effect: A Listener's Companion by Paul DeMarinis - http://ubu.com/sound/demarinis.html #ubu day299
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: To The Young Model, Name Unknown by Gerard Malanga - http://ubu.com/sound/malanga.html … - #ubu day298
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Art is Either a Complaint or Do Something Else (1989) by John Cage - http://ubu.com/sound/cage_complaint.html #ubu day297
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: J.G. Ballard (1930-2009) http://ubu.com/sound/ballard.html - #ubu day296
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nam June Paik (1932-2006) http://ubu.com/sound/paik.html - #ubu day295
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Rainer Werner Fassbinder http://ubu.com/sound/fassbinder.html … - #ubu day294
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Textures (1989) by Brian Eno http://ubu.com/sound/eno_textures.html - #ubu day293
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Reflections on Cyberpoetry by @bstefans - http://www.ubu.com/papers/ol/stefans.html - #ubu day292
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: A Soldier's Story by David Soldier & Kurt Vonnegut - https://media.sas.upenn.edu/pennsound/authors/Soldier/SoldierVonnegut_Soldiers-Story.mp3 - #ubu day291
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Chance Imagery by Brecht http://www.ubu.com/historical/gb/brecht_chance.pdf - #ubu day290
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Angel Island and the Poetics of Error by Yunte Huang - http://www.ubu.com/ethno/discourses/huang.pdf #ubu day289
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Tomoko Minami http://www.ubu.com/concept/38.pdf - #ubu day288
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nurse With Wound http://ubu.com/sound/nww.html - #ubu day287
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Zeitgenössische Musik für Bläser (1969) http://www.ubu.com/sound/zeitgenossische_blaser.html - #ubu day286
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: selected writings by Yves Klein http://www.ubu.com/historical/klein/klein_selected.pdf - #ubu day285
My pick of the day from @ubuweb Vers: Une Architecture by A.S. Bessa http://www.ubu.com/papers/bessa_vers.pdf - #ubu day284
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Requiem für einen jungen Dichter by Bernd Alois Zimmermann - http://www.ubu.com/sound/zimmermann.html #ubu day283
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nova Musicha n.1 (1974) by John Cage http://www.ubu.com/sound/cage_nova.html - #ubu day282
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) http://www.ubu.com/sound/mcluhan.html - #ubu day281
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Saturday Morning Doze by Ernest Hood http://ubu.com/sound/hood.html - #ubu day280
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: From (Command) Line to (Iconic) Constellation by @kg_ubu http://www.ubu.com/papers/goldsmith_command.html - #ubu day279
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Brazil by Mary Ellen Solt (from Concrete Poetry: A World View) - http://www.ubu.com/papers/solt/brazil.html #ubu day278
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Speaking About Genre: the Case of Concrete Poetry by Victoria Pineda - http://www.ubu.com/papers/pineda.html #ubu day277
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Concrete Historical by Roland Greene - http://www.ubu.com/papers/greene.html - #ubu day276
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Imperative of Invention, Braz.Concrete Poetry&Intersemiotic Creation - http://www.ubu.com/papers/perrone.html #ubu day275
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: From Dante to the Post-Concrete, Interview w/ A. de Campos by Greene http://www.ubu.com/papers/greene02.html - #ubu day274
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: an intolerable piece of writing, pedagogy as performed absence http://www.ubu.com/ubu/unpub/Unpub_008_Morris_Intolerable.pdf #ubu day273
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Women In Electronic Music 1938-1982 http://ubu.com/sound/leidecker.html - #ubu day272
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Tinguely http://www.ubu.com/sound/tinguely.html - #ubu day271
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Flux de Bouche by Jaap Blonk http://ubu.com/sound/blonk_flux.html - #ubu day270
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) http://www.ubu.com/sound/schaeffer.html - #ubu day269
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Airwaves (1977) http://www.ubu.com/sound/airwaves.html - #ubu day268
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Futurism and Musical Notes by Daniele Lombardi - http://www.ubu.com/papers/lombardi.html - #ubu day267
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: F.T. Marinetti (1876-1974) http://www.ubu.com/sound/marinetti.html - #ubu day266
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ballet MĂŠcanique by George Antheil (1900-1959) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/antheil.html - #ubu day265
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Symphony of Psalms & Canticum Sacrum by Igor Stravinsky - http://www.ubu.com/sound/agp/AGP149.html #ubu day264
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Lipstick Traces http://www.ubu.com/sound/lipstick.html - #ubu day263
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Challenging Works (1976) by Aaron Copland (1900-1990) - http://ubu.com/sound/copland.html - #ubu day262
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: CUT AND PASTE: COLLAGE AND THE ART OF SOUND by Kevin Concannon http://www.ubu.com/papers/concannon.html - #ubu day261
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Manifesto for Concrete Poetry (1952-55) by Öyvind Fahlström - http://www.ubu.com/papers/fahlstrom01.html #ubu day260
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Concrete Mass http://www.ubu.com/sound/concretemass.html - #ubu day259
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Concrete Poetry (Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1970) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/question.html - #ubu day258
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Audio Selections from the Sackner Archive - http://www.ubu.com/sound/sackner.html - #ubu day257
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Toward a Definition of Concrete Poetry by Jon M. Tolman - http://www.ubu.com/papers/tolman.html - #ubu day256
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: DRONE TONES AND OTHER RADIOBODIES - http://www.ubu.com/sound/whitehead/drone.pdf #ubu day255
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Thanatopsis (1991) by Beth B&Lydia Lunch - http://www.ubu.com/film/b_than.html - #ubu day254
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Dialogue avec Bernard Noël by Georges Perec (1936 - 1982) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/perec.html - #ubu day253
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Malfunctions and Dysfunctions of an FM exciter - http://www.ubu.com/papers/migone_headhole.pdf - #ubu day252
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: LADY/APPLICANT, ON THE LAZARUS PROBLEM, collage poem by Chris Girard http://www.ubu.com/contemp/girard/Girard-Chris_Lady-Applicant.pdf #ubu day251
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Steve McCaffery's Visual Errata by Peter Jaeger - http://www.ubu.com/papers/jaeger.html - #ubu day250
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Residents http://ubu.com/sound/residents.html - #ubu day249
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Electronic Poetics by Bruce Andrews http://www.ubu.com/papers/andrews_electronic.html - #ubu day248
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Electronic Panorama: Paris, Tokyo, Utrecht, Warszawa (1970) http://www.ubu.com/sound/electronic_panorama.html - #ubu day247
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: PAUL D. MILLER, aka DJ SPOOKY on Radio Radio - http://www.ubu.com/sound/radio_radio/miller.html #ubu day246
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Jerome Rothenberg & Charlie Morrow http://www.ubu.com/sound/roth_morrow.html - #ubu day245
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Aaron Copland (1900-1990) http://ubu.com/sound/copland.html - #ubu day244
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Hippys Are Living Proof by Jim Roche http://www.ubu.com/sound/roche.html - #ubu day243
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: musique concrète composer Pierre Henry - http://www.ubu.com/sound/henry.html - #ubu day242
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Alphonse Allais' completely silent musical composition - http://www.ubu.com/historical/allais/index.html - #ubu day241
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Grids by Rosalind Krauss http://ubu.com/papers/krauss_grids.html - #ubu day240
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Tod Dockstader (1932-2015) http://ubu.com/sound/dockstader.html - #ubu day239
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ready-Made Artist and Human Strike by Claire Fontaine - http://www.ubu.com/papers/Fontaine_Readymade.pdf #ubu day238
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Impossible Voices, Unmakeable Beings by Gregory Whitehead - http://www.ubu.com/sound/whitehead/impossible.pdf #ubu day237
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: PhonoStatic 4: The Persistence of Hearing (1986) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/tape_beatles_phono_04.html #ubu day236
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Loop #1-23 by Richard Foreman http://ubu.com/sound/foreman.html - #ubu day235
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Toshi Ichiyanagi (b. 1933) http://ubu.com/sound/ichiyanagi.html - #ubu day234
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Composing Motion: The Sound of Tangible Motion Sculpture by Len Lye - http://ubu.com/sound/lye.html #ubu day233
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Poetry in Motion by Ron Mann http://ubu.com/film/mann_ron_poetry.html - #ubu day232
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Just Another Asshole #5 (1981) http://ubu.com/sound/asshole.html - #ubu day231
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Early Japanese Tape Music (1953-1956) http://ubu.com/sound/japan_tape.html - #ubu day230
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Sound Waves by Lucy Fischer http://www.ubu.com/papers/fischer.html - #ubu day229
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: "Light" "Sticks" (1985) by Michael Moschen, music by D. van Tieghem http://www.ubu.com/dance/moschen_light.html - #ubu day228
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Emotional Orchestra by Marina Rosenfeld (b. 1968) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/rosenfeld.html - #ubu day227
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Bridget O'Riley by Alan Licht (b. 1968) http://www.ubu.com/sound/licht.html ‌ - #ubu day226
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Sounds of Virtual Reality by Arthur Kroker - http://ubu.com/sound/kroker.html - #ubu day225
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: One Toss of the Dice Never Will Abolish Chance by Stéphane Mallarmé http://www.ubu.com/historical/mallarme/dice.html - #ubu day224
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Intonarumori Orchestra http://ubu.com/sound/intonarumori.html - #ubu day223
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Adonsim, Some Poems by Man Ray, 1914 [PDF] - http://ubu.com/historical/man_ray/index.html - #ubu day222
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Polish Futurist Poetry (1913-1933) http://ubu.com/sound/polish_futurism.html - #ubu day221
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Soundtrack of MoMA exhibition Useless Science (2000) - http://ubu.com/sound/pataphysics_useless.html #ubu day220
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Verbal Brainwash (1963-1977) by Åke Hodell (1919-2000) - http://ubu.com/sound/hodell.html - #ubu day219
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Hanatarash http://www.ubu.com/sound/hanatarash.html - #ubu day218
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Trans Trans (Transformers Transformed) by Bradley Eros & T.Geraghty http://www.ubu.com/film/eros_transformers.html - #ubu day217
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Morton Feldman (1926-1987) at Rothko Chapel (1971) - http://ubu.com/sound/feldman.html - #ubu day216
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Flight by Kurt Schwitters performed by conceptual poet @kg_ubu - http://www.ubu.com/film/goldsmith_flight.html #ubu day215
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Bad Boy Nietzsche, a rehearsal script by Richard Foreman http://www.ubu.com/contemp/foreman/foreman_nietzsche.pdf - #ubu day214
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: In Memory of John Cage (14:37) by Peter Van Riper (1940-1998) http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/van_riper/sustainable-music/Van-RiperPeter_Sustainable-Music_02-In-Memory-of-John-Cage-2.mp3 - #ubu day213
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Pentas for computer and 5 loud speakers (installation) by Sol LeWitt - http://www.ubu.com/sound/lewitt.html #ubu day212
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Bed-Bug, Love Buzz And Other Songs by Rodney Graham (b. 1949) - http://ubu.com/sound/graham_rodney.html #ubu day211
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Altagor (Jean Vernier) (1915-1992) http://ubu.com/sound/altagor.html - #ubu day210
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ne Me Quitte Pas (2010) [MP3] by Sean Landers - http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/landers_sean/LandersSean_Ne-me-quitte-pas.mp3 - #ubu day209
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Tibor Szemző performs Wittgenstein http://www.ubu.com/sound/szemzo.html - #ubu day208
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Music For The Amorphous Body Study Center by Charles Long&Stereolab http://www.ubu.com/sound/stereolab.html - #ubu day207
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Anamnesis by Frans Zwartjes http://www.ubu.com/film/zwartjes_anamnesis.html - #ubu day206
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Gwilly Edmondez - A Selection of 21st Century Works - http://www.ubu.com/sound/edmondez.html - #ubu day205
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Sound Experiments in The Russian AvantGarde (1908-1942) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/russian_avant.html #ubu day204
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Guy Debord, Situationisten, Double-7", Track C http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/debord_guy/situationisten/DebordGuy_Situationisten_C.mp3 - #ubu day203
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Tod Dockstader (1932-2015) http://ubu.com/sound/dockstader.html - #ubu day202
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Soundings by Suzanne Delehanty http://www.ubu.com/papers/delehanty.html - #ubu day201
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Group 180 (Hungary) http://www.ubu.com/sound/group_180.html - #ubu day200
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Live To Air: Artist's Sound Works http://www.ubu.com/sound/live_to_air.html - #ubu day199
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Scratch Orchestra http://www.ubu.com/sound/scratch.html - #ubu day198
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Stuhlgangblockade (1990) by Runzelstirn and Gurglestock - http://www.ubu.com/sound/runzelstirnandgurglestock.html #ubu day197
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ursonate by Kurt Schwitters, Live at Laterna, Tampere 11-02-2005 - http://www.ubu.com/sound/lin.html #ubu day196
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Uproar Tapes, Volume 1 (1986) http://www.ubu.com/sound/uproar.html - #ubu day195
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Lovely Little Records (1980) http://www.ubu.com/sound/lovely.html - #ubu day194
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Speechless, edited by @derekbeaulieu http://www.ubu.com/contemp/speechless/index.html - #ubu day193
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Audio Arts http://www.ubu.com/sound/audio_arts.html - #ubu day192
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: G-Man (1978) by Beth and Scott B http://www.ubu.com/film/b_g.html - #ubu day191
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Astronauts of Inner Space, Collection of Avant-garde Activity http://www.ubu.com/vp/Astronauts_of_Inner_Space.html - #ubu day190
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Fox - a journal of contemporary art http://ubu.com/historical/fox/index.html - #ubu day189
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: works by found poet Ben Porter http://www.ubu.com/historical/porter/index.html - #ubu day188
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Conceptual Art for Dummies by Christiaan Wikkerink - http://www.ubu.com/contemp/wikkerink/index.html … #ubu day187
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Cheap Imitation by John Cage http://www.ubu.com/concept/cage_cheap.html … - #ubu day186
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself by R. Serra - http://www.ubu.com/concept/serra_verb.html #ubu day185
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: History of Electronic / Electroacoustic Music (1937-2001) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/electronic.html - #ubu day184
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Concrete Poetry & Conceptual Art: A Spectre at the Feast? by Powell - http://www.ubu.com/papers/powell.html #ubu day183
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Sonata for Hitler (1979-1989) by Alexander Sokurov (b. 1951) - http://ubu.com/film/sokurov.html - #ubu day182
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Orchid Gardener (1977) by Lars von Trier - http://www.ubu.com/film/trier_orchid.html - #ubu day181
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Space Poetry by Sun Ra (1914-1993) http://www.ubu.com/sound/ra.html - #ubu day180
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Lumière et compagnie by @DAVID_LYNCH - http://ubu.com/film/lumiere_lynch.html - #ubu day179
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Duplex Planet (David Greenberger, b. 1954) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/duplex.html - #ubu day178
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Any Moment by Victor Burgin http://www.ubu.com/concept/burgin_moment.html - #ubu day177
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nine Variations on a Dance Theme (1966) - http://www.ubu.com/film/harris_9-variations.html - #ubu day176
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Six Colorful Tales: From the Emotional Spectrum by Baldessari - http://www.ubu.com/film/baldessari_six.html #ubu day175
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: November by @HitoSteyerl http://www.ubu.com/film/steyerl_november.html - #ubu day174
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Vertical Roll (1972) by Jonas http://www.ubu.com/film/jonas_vertical.html - #ubu day173
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Conceptualism and the Economy (Sp&Eng) - http://www.ubu.com/papers/cuy_conceptualism-economy.pdf #ubu day172
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: CITY OF WEBS by Michael Basinski http://www.ubu.com/contemp/basinski/webs.html - #ubu day171
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: How to Improve the World, You Will Only Make Matters Worse by J.Cage http://www.ubu.com/aspen/aspen4/diary.html - #ubu day170
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Twenty Twisted Questions (1972-1991) by The Residents - http://www.ubu.com/film/residents_twenty.html - #ubu day169
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Momus (Nick Currie) (b. 1960) http://www.ubu.com/sound/momus_tender.html - #ubu day168
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Tabula Plena, sound poetry by Lily Greenham - http://ubu.com/sound/greenham.html - #ubu day167
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Tellus #22 'False Phonemes' (1988) http://ubu.com/sound/tellus_22.html - #ubu day166
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Broken Music by Milan Knížák http://www.ubu.com/sound/knizak.html - #ubu day165
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Monotone Symphony [MP3] by Yves Klein - http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/klein_yves/KleinYves_Monotone-Symphony_Excerpt.mp3 - #ubu day164
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Schoenberg is Dead by Pierre Boulez http://www.ubu.com/papers/Boulez-Schoenberg+Is+Dead.pdf - #ubu day163
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Crux, a journal for conceptual writing, vol.4 - http://www.ubu.com/concept/Crux-4.pdf - #ubu day162
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Crux, a journal for conceptual writing, vol.3 - http://www.ubu.com/concept/Crux-3.pdf - #ubu day161
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Crux, a journal for conceptual writing, vol.2 - http://www.ubu.com/concept/Crux-2.pdf - #ubu day160
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Crux, a journal for conceptual writing, vol.1 - http://www.ubu.com/concept/Crux_Conceptual-Journal_1_web.pdf #ubu day159
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: READING LANGUAGE, READING GERTRUDE STEIN by Bruce Andrews http://www.ubu.com/papers/andrews_stein.html - #ubu day158
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Whitehouse http://www.promptfile.com/l/8CC3055B14-8D19AC67AB - #ubu day157
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Music of Verbal Space: John Cage's "What You Say" by Perloff - http://www.ubu.com/papers/perloff02.html #ubu day156
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: right to be myself, as if I were a sound: Music of Cage by Perloff - http://www.ubu.com/papers/perloff_nancy.html #ubu day155
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: unheard music, Dworkin on Cage http://www.ubu.com/papers/dworkin_unheard.pdf - #ubu day154
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: An Interview with John Cage by John Held Jr. - http://www.ubu.com/papers/cage_held_interview.html - #ubu day153
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: John Cage at Seventy: An Interview by Stephen Montague - #ubu day152
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Edward Ruscha Discusses His Perplexing Publications (1965) - http://www.ubu.com/papers/ruscha_publications.html #ubu day151
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Fat Worm of Error http://www.ubu.com/sound/fatworm.html - #ubu day150
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Flux Tellus http://www.ubu.com/sound/flux_tellus.html - #ubu day149
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Raiding the 20th Century by DJ Food http://www.ubu.com/sound/dj_food.html - #ubu day148
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Voice of New Music by Tom Johnson - http://ubu.com/ubu/unpub/Unpub_023_Johnson.pdf - #ubu day147
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Sonic Arts Union http://www.ubu.com/sound/sau.html - #ubu day146
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Lovely Little Records (1980) http://www.ubu.com/sound/lovely.html - #ubu day145
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: I don't know, conversation between Cornelia Sollfrank & Andy Warhol http://ubu.com/film/sollfrank_warhol.html ‌ - #ubu day144
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Structural Film Anthology by Peter Gidal http://www.ubu.com/historical/gidal/Gidal-Peter_Structural-FilmAnthology.pdf - #ubu day143
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Stan Brakhage Lectures http://www.ubu.com/historical/brakhage/brakhage_lectures_revised.pdf #ubu day142
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Stockhausen serves imperialism by Cornelius Cardew (PDF) http://www.ubu.com/historical/cardew/cardew_stockhausen.pdf - #ubu day141
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: of confinement & infinity (history of unsound art) by C.Migone - http://www.ubu.com/papers/migone_volume.pdf #ubu day140
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: How It Is, cited from digitally inscribed writings by Cayley & Howe - http://www.ubu.com/contemp/cayley/CayleyHowe_How-It-Is-In-Common-Tongues.pdf - #ubu day139
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: artist books by Hans-Peter Feldmann http://www.ubu.com/historical/feldmann/index.html - #ubu day138
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Sounds Sculpture (PDF) http://www.ubu.com/historical/sound_sculpture/sound_sculpture.pdf #ubu day137
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Correspondences, an artist book by Matt Conners - http://www.ubu.com/contemp/connors/index.html - #ubu day136
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Four Events and Reactions, an artist book by John Baldessari - http://www.ubu.com/historical/baldessari/index.html #ubu day135
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: San Francisco Airport Rock (1996) by Jon Appleton (b. 1952) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/appleton.html - #ubu day134
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Music from Mills (1986) http://www.ubu.com/sound/mills.html - #ubu day133
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ten Monologues from the Lives of the Serial Killers by Ian Kerkhof - http://ubu.com/film/kerkhof_serial.html #ubu day132
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Broken Music by Milan Knížák (b. 1940) http://www.ubu.com/sound/knizak.html - #ubu day131
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) - String Trio, op. 45 (1946) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/agp/AGP150.html #ubu day130
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: TELLUS CASSETTOGRAPHY http://ubu.com/sound/tellus.html - #ubu day129
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Shut The Fuck Up (1984) http://www.ubu.com/film/general_idea_shut.html - #ubu day128
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Caged/Uncaged - A Rock/Experimental Homage To John Cage (1993) - http://ubu.com/sound/cage_uncaged.html #ubu day127
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Körper (2000), choreography by Sasha Waltz - http://ubu.com/dance/waltz_koerper.html - #ubu day126
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: News from the Near Future (2003) by Fiona Tan - http://www.ubu.com/film/tan_news.html - #ubu day125
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: JOHN CAGE CONCEPTUALIST POET by Marjorie Perloff - http://www.ubu.com/papers/perloff_cage_conceptualist.pdf #ubu day124
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: notes towards a concrete poetic by @derekbeaulieu http://www.ubu.com/papers/beaulieu_concrete_commentary.pdf #ubu day123
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Some Imaginary Far Away Type Things by Arthur Russell - http://ubu.com/film/russell_imaginary.html - #ubu day122
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: APPENDICES, ILLUSTRATIONS & NOTES by Gower and De La Torre http://www.ubu.com/ubu/pdf/gower_delatorre.pdf - #ubu day121
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Against Expression (PDF) edited by Craig Dworkin and @kg_ubu - http://www.ubu.com/concept/AgainstExpressionTOCEssays.pdf - #ubu day120
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Manifesto of Polypoetry by Enzo Minarelli - http://www.ubu.com/papers/min.html - #ubu day119
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: a short film by Jordan Wolfson (b. 1980) http://www.ubu.com/film/wolfson_chaplin.html - #ubu day118
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Andy Warhol - The Cars: Hello Again [Music Video] (1984) - http://www.ubu.com/film/warhol_cars.html #ubu day117
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Futurist Manifesto (aka The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism) - http://www.ubu.com/papers/marinetti_futuristmanifesto.html - #ubu day116
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts (19621965) - http://www.ubu.com/vp/FuckYou.html - #ubu day115
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Public Works - Numbers (2001) by The Tape-beatles - http://www.ubu.com/sound/tape_beatles_numbers.html … #ubu day114
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Punktefilm by Carsten Höller http://ubu.com/film/holler_punkte.html - #ubu day113
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Variations by Jon Leidecker (Wobbly) http://www.ubu.com/sound/leidecker.html - #ubu day112
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Seen of the Crime, Essay on Conceptual Writing by @derekbeaulieu - http://ubu.com/contemp/beaulieu/BeaulieuDerek_Seen-of-the-Crime.pdf - #ubu day111
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Static by Glenn Branca (b. 1948) http://www.ubu.com/sound/branca.html - #ubu day110
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Aesthetics of Noise by Torben Sangild - http://www.ubu.com/papers/noise.html - #ubu day109
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: J.Christie's Sampling Culture, Poetics of Plundergraphia & @kg_ubu - http://www.ubu.com/papers/kg_ol_christie.html #ubu day108
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Language of the Body by Kathy Acker (PDF) - http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/text/AckerKathy_The_Language_of_the_Body.pdf - #ubu day107
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Clair Obscur by Ton de Leeuw http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/wolffifth/54/Litany-of-our-time--Clairobscur_02_Ton-de-Leeuw_Clair-obscur.mp3 - #ubu day106
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Island (Sinfonie In 10 Satzen) and other works by Hermann Nitsch - http://www.ubu.com/sound/nitsch.html #ubu day105
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Musique Concrète, Soundtracks To Experimental Films (1956-1978) http://www.ubu.com/sound/concrete_film.html - #ubu day104
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Close Radio by Los Angeles Free Music Society - http://www.ubu.com/sound/lafms.html - #ubu day103
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Piece for Cello and Saxophone by Terry Jennings & Charlotte Moorman http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/moorman_charlotte/MoormanCharlotte_05_Piece-For-Cello.mp3 - #ubu day102
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: La Visite Guidée (1994) by Sophie Calle & Laurie Anderson - http://ubu.com/sound/calle.html - #ubu day101
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Little Frank and His Carp (2001) by Andrea Fraser - http://www.ubu.com/film/fraser_frank.html … - #ubu day100
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: TV Camera/Monitor Performance, 1970, by Dan Graham - http://www.ubu.com/papers/graham_tv_camera.html #ubu day99
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Checkup by Donald Burgy http://www.ubu.com/concept/burgy_checkup.html - #ubu day98
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: ART or BREND? (1968) by Henry Flynt http://www.ubu.com/papers/flynt_art-brend.html - #ubu day97
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: A Day in the Life of a Musician by Erik Satie - http://www.ubu.com/papers/satie_day.html - #ubu day96
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: an inadequate history of conceptual art by Silvia Kolbowski - http://www.ubu.com/papers/kowbalski_conceptual.pdf #ubu day95
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Situational Aesthetics (1969) by Victor Burgin - http://www.ubu.com/papers/burgin_situational.html ‌ - #ubu day94
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Teaching and Learning as Performance Art - http://www.ubu.com/film/filliou_teaching.html - #ubu day93
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Name, a novel, by Toadex Hobogrammathon - http://www.ubu.com/ubu/toadex_name.html - #ubu day92
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: "What Do You Mean We" by Laurie Anderson - http://www.ubu.com/film/alive_j.html - #ubu day91
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: 1928 catalog of Machine Age exhibition http://www.ubu.com/historical/machine/index.html - #ubu day90
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nneng http://www.ubu.com/film/roulette_nneng_2000.html - #ubu day89
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Art Work by Robert Barry http://www.ubu.com/concept/barry_art.html - #ubu day88
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Furious Pig http://ubu.com/sound/furious_pig.html - #ubu day87
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Pond Way by Merce Cunningham (Music: Brian Eno/Decor: R.Lichtenstein) http://www.ubu.com/dance/cunningham_pond.html - #ubu day86
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Danse Serpentine (1896) http://www.ubu.com/film/lumieres_danse-serpentine.html - #ubu day85
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Hand Movie by Yvonne Rainer http://www.ubu.com/film/rainer_hand-movie.html - #ubu day84
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Last Performance by Jérôme Bel (http://jeromebel.fr/) - http://www.ubu.com/dance/bel_last.html - #ubu day83
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Destruction Theater Manifesto http://www.ubu.com/aspen/aspen6A/destruction.html … - #ubu day82
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Anthropophagite Manifesto http://www.ubu.com/papers/andrade_athropophagite.html - #ubu day81
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Dadaist Manifesto - http://www.ubu.com/papers/tzara_dadist-manifesto.html #ubu day80
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Auto-Destructive Art Manifesto (1960) by Gustav Metzger http://www.ubu.com/papers/metzger_auto-destructive.html - #ubu day79
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: S.C.U.M. Manifesto by Valerie Solanas http://www.ubu.com/historical/solanas/Solanas_SCUM.pdf - #ubu day78
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Enter Achilles by DV8 Physical Theatre http://www.ubu.com/dance/dv8_achilles.html - #ubu day77
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Cindy Sherman's Doll Clothes (1975, super-8 film) - http://www.ubu.com/film/sherman_doll.html - #ubu day76
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Paul McCarthy: Destruction of the Body (2001 docu) - http://www.ubu.com/film/mccarthy_destruction.html #ubu day75
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Mike Kelley (1954-2012) and Paul McCarthy (b. 1945) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/kelley-mccarthy.html #ubu day74
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Uncreative Manifesto http://www.ubu.com/contemp/way/Way-Nyein_TransNational.pdf #ubu day73
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: interview with Mike Kelley http://www.ubu.com/papers/bessa_kelley.pdf ‌ - #ubu day72
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Artists' book by Broodthaers http://www.ubu.com/historical/broodthaers/index.html - #ubu day71
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Nam June Paik - Zen For Film (1962-64) http://www.ubu.com/film/fluxfilm01_paik.html - #ubu day70
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: ART WHICH CAN'T BE ART by Alan Kaprow - http://www.ubu.com/papers/kaprow_art-which-cant.html #ubu day69
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: PEOPLE LIKE US http://ubu.com/plu.html - #ubu day68
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: First Manifesto of Surrealism (1924) [PDF, 1.3mb] - http://www.ubu.com/historical/breton/index.html - #ubu day67
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Junkopia http://www.ubu.com/film/marker_junkopia.html … - #ubu day66
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: painting with sounds, a portrait of Karel Appel by Ed van der Elsken - http://www.ubu.com/film/elsken_appel.html … #ubu day65
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: interview with Jeff Wall http://www.ubu.com/sound/wall.html - #ubu day64
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: A Statement by Luis Buñuel http://www.ubu.com/papers/bunuel_luis-statement.html … - #ubu day63
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Text of Light (1974) by Stan Brakhage - http://ubu.com/film/brakhage_light.html … - #ubu day62
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Rotary Action by Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane - http://www.ubu.com/dance/jones_rotary.html … - #ubu day61
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Manifestos (A Great Bear Pamphlet, Something Else Press, 1966) http://www.ubu.com/historical/gb/manifestos.pdf … - #ubu day60
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Serial Project #1 (1966) by Sol Lewitt http://www.ubu.com/aspen/aspen5and6/serialProject.html … - #ubu day59
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Blow Debris (2000) by Aitken http://www.ubu.com/film/aitken_blow.html … - #ubu day58
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ulay's Action in 14 predetermined Sequences: a Criminal Touch to Art - http://ubu.com/film/ulay_action.html … #ubu day57
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: RRRecords - 500 Locked Grooves (1998) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/rrr-records.html … - #ubu day56
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Not I by Samuel Beckett http://www.ubu.com/film/beckett_not.html … - #ubu day55
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ten Commandments for Gilbert and George - http://www.ubu.com/film/gg_ten.html … - #ubu day54
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Cybernetic Serendipity Music http://www.ubu.com/sound/cybernetic.html … - #ubu day53
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Helicopter String Quartet (1995) by Stockhausen - http://www.ubu.com/film/stockhausen_helicoptor.html … #ubu day52
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: A Study in Choreography for Camera (1945) - #ubu day51
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Aspen no3, The Pop Art issue http://www.ubu.com/aspen/aspen3/index.html … - #ubu day50
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Fluxfilm Anthology (1962-1970) http://www.ubu.com/film/fluxfilm.html … - #ubu day49
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Blindman (mag. edited by Marcel Duchamp and Henri-Pierre Roché) http://www.ubu.com/historical/blindman/index.html … - #ubu day48
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Carabosse by Larry Jordan http://ubu.com/film/jordan_carabosse.html … - #ubu day47
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Annika Eriksson's Staff at @ModernaMuseet - http://www.ubu.com/film/eriksson_museet.html … #ubu day46
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Dictionary of Moscow Conceptualism http://www.ubu.com/historical/moscow/Esanu_Dictionary_Moscow_Conceptu alism.pdf … - #ubu day45
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Report from LA by David Byrne http://www.ubu.com/film/kitchen_byrne.html … - #ubu day44
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Heap of Language by Robert Smithson http://www.ubu.com/concept/smithson_heap.html … - #ubu day43
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Prisoner's Dilemma (1974) by Richard Serra - http://www.ubu.com/film/serra_prisoner.html … - #ubu day42
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Production of Meaning by Adbusters http://www.ubu.com/film/adbusters_meaning.html … - #ubu day41
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Death of the Author by Barthes http://www.ubu.com/aspen/aspen5and6/threeEssays.html#barthes … - #ubu day40
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Statements on Appropriation by M.Pichler - http://www.ubu.com/papers/pichler_appropriation.html … - #ubu day39
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Adorno's Punctuation Marks http://ubu.com/papers/Adorno-Theodor-W-Punctuation-Marks.pdf … - #ubu day38
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Aesthetics of Silence by Susan Sontag - http://www.ubu.com/historical/sontag/index.html … - #ubu day37
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: When Attitudes Become Form by Harald Szeemann - http://www.ubu.com/historical/szeemann/index.html … - #ubu day36
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: One Way Street: Fragments for Walter Benjamin (1993) - http://ubu.com/film/benjamin_fragments.html … - #ubu day35
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: A Crime against Art (curator&artist on trial at 2007 Madrid art fair) - http://ubu.com/film/vidokle_crime.html … #ubu day34
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Secret Files of Gilbert & George, a film by @HUObrist - http://www.ubu.com/film/gg_secret.html … - #ubu day33
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ballad of the Skeletons by Gus van Sant with Allan Ginsberg - http://www.ubu.com/film/ginsberg_ballad.html … - #ubu day32
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Plato's Cave by Mike Kelley and Sonic Youth - http://ubu.com/sound/sonicyouth.html … - #ubu day31
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: observation of observations of Don Van Vliet by Anton Corbijn (1993) - http://www.ubu.com/film/corbijn_yoyo.html … #ubu day30
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Born Into This, a docu on Charles (Hank) Bukowski - http://ubu.com/film/bukowski_born.html - #ubu day29
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: The Art of Performance (PDF), edited by Battcock and Nickas - http://www.ubu.com/historical/battcock/ - #ubu day27
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: A Brief History of Appropriative Writing by Rubinstein - http://www.ubu.com/papers/rubinstein.html - #ubu day28
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Butoh Dance by Sankai Juku http://www.ubu.com/film/juku_butoh.html - #ubu day26
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: conversation between contemporary choreographer & traditional dancer http://www.ubu.com/dance/bel_pichet.html … - #ubu day25
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: RMB City, A Second Life City Planning (2007) by Cao Fei - http://ubu.com/film/fei_rmb.html … #ubu day24
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: File (2003) by Donovan, inspired by Koolhaas’ concept of ‘junk space’ - http://ubu.com/film/donegan_file.html … #ubu day23
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Dark Empire (2003), film by John Pilson of the Empire State Building - http://ubu.com/film/pilson_empire.html … #ubu day22
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: a 1974 exhibition catalog by photographers Bernd and Hilla Becher http://www.ubu.com/historical/becher/index.html … - #ubu day21
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Manhatta (1921), a film by Paul Strand and Charles Sheeler - http://www.ubu.com/film/strand_manhattan.html … #ubu day20
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Hands by Ed van der Elsken http://ubu.com/film/elsken_handen.html … - #ubu day19
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: THE STEEL QIN: NEW OLD CHINESE MUSIC by Margaret Leng Tan http://www.ubu.com/film/roulette_lengtan.html … - #ubu day18
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Long Count (Thrilla in Manila) by Paul Pfeiffer - http://ubu.com/film/pfeiffer_count_manilla.html … #ubu day17
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: El mundo no escucha/The world won’t listen by Phil Collins - http://ubu.com/film/collins_mundo.html … #ubu day16
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Hostage: The Bachar Tapes by The Atlas Group/Walid Raad - http://www.ubu.com/film/raad_bachar.html … #ubu day15
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: De Certeau on everyday life http://www.ubu.com/papers/de_certeau.html … #ubu day14
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Architecture Versus Sound in Concrete Poetry by A.S. Bessa http://www.ubu.com/papers/bessa.html … #ubu day13
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: 5 Seconds 10 Minutes 24 Hours http://www.ubu.com/film/lenteng_5seconds.html … #ubu day12
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Politics of Rehearsal by Francis Alÿs http://www.ubu.com/film/alys_politics.html … #ubu day11
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: short docu on Situationist International http://www.ubu.com/film/si.html #ubu day10
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: selected works by Bas jan Ader http://www.ubu.com/film/ader_selected.html … #ubu day9
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle (1973) - http://www.ubu.com/film/debord_spectacle.html … #ubu day8
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Fatboy Slim’s Weapons of Choice (2011), directed by Spike Jonze - http://www.ubu.com/film/fatboy-slim_weapon-ofchoice.html … #ubu day7
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man (1999) by Phillippe Molins - http://www.ubu.com/film/borges_mirror.html … #ubu day6
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: I will not make any more boring art by John Baldessari - http://www.ubu.com/concept/bald_boring.html … #ubu day5
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: Ursonate (1922-32) by Kurt Schwitters http://www.ubu.com/sound/schwitters.html … #ubu day4
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: the journal by Internationale Situationniste - http://www.ubu.com/historical/si/index.html … #ubu day3
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: the 1979 film Pentimento by Zwartjes http://www.ubu.com/film/zwartjes_pentimento.html ‌
My pick of the day from @ubuweb: William Forsythe's 1997 Solo http://www.ubu.com/film/forsythe_solo.html ‌
Writer and curator Roy Voragen (https://twitter.com/royvoragen) is based in Bandung, Indonesia, since 2003.