The Scroll Senior Edition 2018

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The Senior Edition By Sunset Scroll Staff posts




Letter From The Editors Dear Sunset Seniors, We c u r r e n t l y d o n ’ t k n o w h o w t o f e e l . T h i s is our last published (and first of the year… oops) edition of the Scroll as editors. There have been so many lasts in the previous 9 months that we both agree it is time for some firsts in the next chapter for each and every one of you, whatever and wherever that might be. Wr i t i n g s e r i o u s c o n t e n t i s n o t f o r t h e weak. The stories we have told have churned around in controversy and contempt at times. But we feel that our responsibility as the future journalism to embrace all sides of the world we live in, and make sure to find the g l o w i n g m o m e n t s o f l i f e a l o n g t h e w a y. It has been our privilege to write for and guide the Scroll. What we’ve built did not start h e r e a n d i t d o e s n ’ t e n d h e r e . Wr i t e o n A p o l los. S i n c e r e l y, The Editors, A l a y n a C o n n o r, B r i d g e t t e S k i b a , L a u r e l H e n n i g #outofhere



page of memes instead of a table of contents (you’re welcome) by abigail mcilraith

Teachers React: You

A bigail McIlraith and Alayna Connor

E very stude nt lik ely has r eser vations about their te a c h e r s , but with increasing s t r e s s e s in school life, studen t s h a v e turned to the internet t o v e n t . R ateMyTe ac he r s.c om l et s st udents leave ratings a n d r e v i e w s fo r th eir te ac he r s, the l at t er often a h ilariously ente r t a i n i n g , rag e-i ns pir e d ja b borne of st ud en ts’ fr us tr ations . H e r e a r e yo u r te ac he r s’ r e ac tions t o r ead ing their reviews.


Tara Slaughter

# e n g l i s h d e p a r tm e n t # wr i ti n g r o c k s # h i p s te r l i fe # c o ffe e


Daniel Neeway

# ra te my te acher s #sunset scr ol l #r ea d i n g me a n c o mme n t s # n e ws paper #doubl et r uck #bet t e rt h a n y e a rb o o k


Kristin Lowery

# s c ie nc e depar t m ent

#anat om yr ock s # v o l l e y b a l l ro c k s

# ma t h d e p a r tm e n t # tr a c k a n d fi e l d r o c k s # d r p e p p e r



Diana Perez

#wo r ld lan gua ge de pa r tme nt



Korin Riske

# e s pa Ăą olrocks #t aekw ondo

Dennis McClain

#sciencedepartment #chemistryrocks #fasttalkerslowgrader

Want to see your teachers reacting in real-time? Scan the QR c ode to w atc h the w hol e v i deo!

S pec i al thank s to K enny Loggi ns for fi l mi ng!

#so cialstudi e s de pa r tme nt # hi s tor y rocks #ilovelect ures

Where in the World

By Alayna C

Jolien DeBoutte From exo t i c co l l e g e lo c ations t o ep i c g ap y e a r a dventur es S u n s e t s e n i o r s a r e sprea d i n g t h e i r w i n g s f a r a nd w i d e af t er g ra d u a tio n . Check out some highlights!

After liviing in five countries, Jolien is making the move back to her native Belgium to attend the Catholic University of Leuven. As he Dad works for Nike, they have lived all over the globe throughout her childhood, so Jolein is an experienced world traveler. She is planning on majoring in XXX and most excited for XXX.

Jill Makin Sophie Rupp Sophie Rupp, an IB diploma candidate, is taking her life abroad after graduation. Originallly from the United Kingdom, Sophie is hoping to study psychology at the University of Scotland-Glasgow after a gap year volunteering in Africa, South American, and Asia to “gain some life experience”. She is looking forward to pschology as a profession to help others with “science that truly deals with the problems all of us face in our daily lives”.

Craving change and a different atmosphere, Jill Makin found her new home at Northeastern University in Boston. Pretty much as far away from Oregon as it gets, she is excited to experience and see a lot of 18th and 19th century history on the east coast and visit major cities like New York and Washington D.C that are close by on wekends. But mostly, there is a Dunkin Donuts on evry corner in Boston to get Jill through her studies in cell and molecular biology.

Are Our Seniors?

Connor, Editor

Christian Walker Christian Walker is taking his future to new heights... literally. He is enroling in the Hillsboro Air Academy where he will fly for a year and then become a flight instructor after two additonal years of training. In doing this, he has a guranteed job when he graduates from flight school. After retiring from a legendary swimming career in April, Christian found his new passion in becoming a pilot.

Ethan Tubby Ethan Tubby chose to go to University of Portland after a thorough college search throughout the Pacific Northwest. He plans to major in Psychology with a minor in social work to pursue a career in clinical psychology. He loves working with people would like to help over people overcome mental health obstacles in their life. In Ethan’s life, his biggest inspiration has been my mom. She passed away a year and a half ago but Ethan is living his life in order to fulfill her legacy. He draws upon that inspiration in multiple facets of my life, such as athletics, academics, and interactions with others. UP fulfilled all these areas of his life.

Calum Nguyen Leader of Portland’s “March For Our Lives” and science whiz kid Calum Nguyen earned a full scholarship next year to University of Southern California. An immigrant from Vietnam and learning English as a second language, Calum beat the odds through some tough family situations in high school to continue his education in California to pursue his dreams of being a neurosurgeon.

Nathan Smith Nathan Smith is going to Azusa Pacific University to study theatre and kinesiology with goals to be a physical therapist. Close to family, got a lot of money, and loved the campus when he visited. He is excited to live close to the beach and play beach volleyball.

Not in our District: Are our school administrators anti-undocumented? By Abigail McIlraith, Staff Writer





An incident of apparent racial prejudice occurred recently within the administrative body of the Beaverton School District; the addressing of which is essential to maintain a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. You might have heard within the past few weeks about a Deputy Superintendent resigning, maybe you read the tweet, or maybe you’ve heard nothing. To clear up the controversy, get the facts, and understand the future of our schools, read on.



Everything began on April 16th, when then-Deputy Superintendent Steve Phillips shared a tweet, non-factual and prejudiced in nature, from March 25th by a mother of a police officer killed in an auto accident involving an undocumented immigrant. BSD Stati s ti c s f o r s t u d e n t s , 2 0 1 7 -1 8 s c h o o l y e a r. S o u rc e : O D E O c t . 1 E n ro l l me n t C o u n t s .

You The controversial Retweet.

Soon after, Phillips deleted the tweet and his Twitter account. Within days, Superintendent Don Grotting released an apology to the community. “Today, I have accepted the resignation of Deputy Superintendent Steve Phillips, effective immediately...I want to reiterate my values, the values of our District and the Beaverton School Board. We recognize the value and worth of each and every one of our students we serve. We are committed to ensuring all students have every opportunity to reach their potential. We are committed to restoring trust in our community.” I sensed a bigger problem here. Maybe this wasn’t a single problem with one administrator. The Beaverton School District Equity policy, restated in 2016, said; “In order to break the predictive link between student demographics and student achievement, the District must apply the principle of equity to all policies, programs, operations, and practices and ensure all students have access and opportunity to high quality education.” I wanted to take a closer look at what this means for students, teachers, and administrators in the Beaverton School District, so what better place to start than at the top? I interviewed Superintendent Don Grotting, who has been the head of the district since 2016. With regards to the hiring process of Dpty. Superintendent Steve Phillips, Grotting admitted; “He was appointed by me. The reason he was appointed was trying to incorporate career technical education in the Measure 98 dollars that we had, and he’d had a great success in that area...he was appointed by me because of wanting to take the district and lead that career technical education.” Wherever the blame so lies, I wanted to know how well the Beaverton School District is actually handling the problem of inequality in our schools. One such issue is staff demographics, including teachers and administrators, that to the observational student, generally do not appear to be racially diverse.


The district does publish statistics of student demographics on the main website, (see above), but as of May 2018 there are none for staff. Grotting reflected on the lack of a diverse workforce of teachers and administrators in the district that is not dissimilar to demographics of students. “When we’re talking about equity, I think diversifying the workforce is absolutely the direction we’re headed. That’s not gonna happen overnight, and that’s because some of those folks are not in the pipeline.” Grotting describes his hope to develop a pathway of students who train to become teachers themselves. “One of the things we are trying to do is start programs in our high schools that we could actually go up and encourage our diverse student population to want to be teachers.” As for why statistics for the demographics of district employees are not widely available, Grotting commented: “Actually, we do have those demographics for staff specifically… we are trying to get that component better refined into our school report cards. As far as the website, I can look into that, and find out why we don’t have it up there.” “Equity just isn’t the job of one person, it really includes all of us, engaging with our students. I know we have some great pockets of success in the district where it’s really happening with more fidelity than others. And the idea I think is really to find out where those good practices are taking place and be able to expand and have courageous confrontations and culturally responsive teaching practices in all of our work.” But are there really working programs in place? I would urge the district to be transparent with how it handles circumstances such as these, including hiring and training teachers in areas of equity, and and how it plans to ensure that all students have access and opportunity. I believe that it is also of extreme importance to raise student voices who have experience with discrimination to inform administrators of inequalities and hidden biases that are present in our schools. It is the obligation of those who are in power and those who are privileged to make a way for educational success for those who are not.

Special thanks to Lisa Bosworth for her exeptional knowledge and patient assistance that helped create this article.

Hip-Hop and Typeface: Miscellany from the Scroll Desk By Zane Cziske and Jackson Eubank,



Staff Writers



B e st Lyrics i n the Game

these fonts...

In 2 0 1 8 , H i p - h op has become the biggest g e n r e i n p o p

Most people reading this will immediately realize that this combination of fonts is way too cool. The sheer epicness of the fonts Papyrus and Comic Sans is immeasurable. Remember that cool movie with the blue people and the big tree, Avatar? Yeah it used Papyrus in its logo.

cu l t u r e . A c c o r ding to streaming stats, it h a s s u r p a s s e d ro c k a s t h e U S ’s most listened to genre. W i t h a g e n r e ce n t e r e d a r o u nd flowing lyrics, I want to t o u c h o n w h a t lyr i c s h i t y o u t he hardest, which ones pac k t h e m o s t me a n i n g , w h i c h lyrics are the deepest, an d a l l a r o u n d which r apper s hav e the bes t l y ri c i s m i n 2 0 1 8 . Fir s t l y, d e b a t a bly the best, is Lil Pump’s “ D R o s e ” . T h e so n g o p e n s w i th the chorus, which is “80 o n m y w r i s t , 1 0 0 on m y w r i s t ( x 8)” and “D Rose (x8)” twice e a c h . Yo u c a n fee l t h e m e a n i ng in this song right from t h e g e t - g o . H e sta r t s w i t h “ 8 0 on my wrist” to display his w e a l t h , w h i c h

Some people may bash on the fonts, saying they’re overused. Well how about this: If the fonts weren’t so radical, why would they be used so much? Nothing is more hype than getting an evite for the office party, coated in Comic Sans. Comics Sans is used everywhere even the damn President, Donald Trump, uses Comic Sans! What a guy!

is a l a r g e f a c t or to his self-confidence. Th i s l i n e d i r e c t l y se g w a y s i n t o t he line after this: “D Rose, ” w h i c h i s s h o r t for D e r r i c k R o se, NBA player for Clevelan d C a v a l i e r s , w h o is a l s o v e r y w ealthy. He is comparing him s e l f t o D e r r i c k be c a u s e o f h i s worth and his wealth, but t h i s c o m p a r i s o n co u l d a l s o g o f urther. He may be compari n g h i s s t a t u r e to D e r r i c k ’s . A lthough Derrick is 6’3 and L i l P u m p i s 5 ’ 7 , it goes beyond phy s i c al pres entati on. Li l P u mp i s i mp l y ing h e ’s s p i r i t ually on a higher plain than m o s t . H e m a y be i m p l y i n g h e is, in fact, a god, similar t o t h a t o f D e r r i c k



Se c o n d l y, i s t h e deity himself, Lil Xan, an d h i s p r e m i e r e tra c k : “ B e t r a y e d.” After the first verse, his c h o r u s i s a s fol l o w e d : “ X a n s don’t make you, Xans go n ’ t a k e y o u , X a n s go n ’ f a k e y o u , And Xans gon’ betray you ( x 2 ) . ” I n t h i s ve r s e , “ X a n ” i s obviously referring to the p l a n t p i g m e n t xa n t h o p h y l l , w hich is what causes the lea v e s t o c h a n g e co l o r s i n A u t u mn. It would seem that Lil X a n i s i m p l y i n g tha t c h a n g e i s bad, despite his name bein g L i l X a n , w h i c h co uld be int er c hanged wi th “Li l Change” a f t e r t h i s o b s e r va t i o n . I f y o u t hink about it, homeless pe o p l e a r e o f t e n as k i n g f o r s p a re change, and they could a s k i n t h e f o r m of “ d o y o u h a v e a lil change?” Is Xan imp l y i n g t h a t t h e ho m e l e s s a r e out to get us and are bad b y s a y i n g t h e y ’ l l fak e y o u a n d betray you? It could be, Xan m a y k n o w so m et hing we don’ t. But how c oul d he, un l e s s h e i s h o me les s h i m s e l f . F rom this, we can definitely c o n c l u d e X a n i s a h o m e l e s s m an who bears the secrets o f a n e l i t e l e g i o n of hobos.

# l i l p u mp

# lilx a n


# h ip h o p

#sati re

Papyrus is a different story though, it accentuates how its hated by showing damage of its past. The tears in the letters. Scars. Battle scars, if you will, from all the graphic designers who abuse it and beat it down saying it so awful. However, Papyrus holds itself up and keeps going. It always prevails in the end, being used universally. Teachers nowadays may demand Times New Roman and Arial only for your fonts to be used in your papers, but you know deep down that they are inferior. Arial is a sad excuse for a sans-serif font (fonts without little frills) it is boring and lame. Meanwhile, Comic Sans maintains a calm composure, while still being spontaneous and silly! Times New Roman is arguably worse than Arial in terms of being able to look at it. Studies from Harvard show people who read text typed in Times New Roman will die at some point. This is a fact, and there is scientific evidence to back it. Papyrus is a powerful serif font (fonts with little frills), showing its imperfections with pride, asserting its dominance. Compared to Papyrus, Times New Roman is sad little excuse for a font. Hopefully this article has enlightened you. Next time your oppressive overlord of a teacher requires you give them an essay with an inferior font, pass on the knowledge. Neither Comic Sans or Papyrus is better than each other. They both reign alone at the top, Comic Sans dominating the sans-serif variants of fonts, and Papyrus, the serif counterparts. #papyrus #f ont s #gr aphic des ign #c om ic s ans #s at ir e

Spread by Abigail McIlraith

“These lights are better than sex.” -Mr. Allen

“Disregards all responsibility to go to sleep at 8:30.” -Riley Rasmussen

“Time you enjoy wasting is not time being wasted.” -Charlie Kawasaki

“This is nothing like High School Musical.” -Emily Botts

“What free time?” -Jasmine Thomas

“Don’t let your memes be your dreams.” -Louis Delelee

“Normalness leads to sadness.” -Phil Lester

Cover design by Abigail McIlraith

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