Be part of our future
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) is one of the UK’s finest cultural institutions, and since September 2021, I have had the pleasure and privilege of being its Music Director.
As the busiest and most prolific orchestra in the world, the RPO is known as much for the quality and diversity of its programming as it is for its impactful community and education work. Whether we are performing in the most famous concert halls in the world, or working in primary schools, care facilities, prisons, universities, or underground car parks, the Orchestra has always been at the forefront of the evolution of the art form.
We believe that access to excellent orchestral music should be a right for everyone, not a privilege for the lucky few. Therefore, our mission is simple: to share the joy of orchestral music with the widest possible audience. We need your help to do this.
As we look ahead to the RPO’s 80th anniversary in 2026, we are embarking on an exciting journey to rewrite the narrative of what an orchestra can do and achieve. I invite you to join us on that journey, and to help us inspire, connect, and enrich lives, now and long into the future.
I look forward to welcoming you into our supporter family and to meeting you at an RPO concert soon.

RPO Patrons
Becoming an RPO Patron allows you to forge a closer relationship with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Patrons gain access to exclusive supporter events and ‘behind-the-scenes’ insights into the work of the RPO.
• Four tickets to London own-promotion concerts per season
• Complimentary concert programmes
• Invitations to pre-concert and interval receptions
• Invitations to open rehearsals
• Invitations to RPO Insights events*
• Acknowledgement of your support, online and in selected programmes
• Opportunity to meet players and soloists
• Priority booking via the Development team
To become an RPO Patron, we ask that you make a minimum donation of £550 per year, with the option to pay monthly.
The commercial value of RPO Patrons benefits is up to £373 including VAT. The balance is a suggested voluntary donation and is therefore eligible for Gift Aid. Please call us if you would like to purchase the benefits package separately.
*Subject to an additional cost.

RPO Chair Patrons
Becoming a Chair Patron allows you to build a closer relationship with a musician from the RPO, and to uncover unique insights into our broader programme of activity.
• Invitations to pre-concert and interval receptions
• Invitations to attend open rehearsals
• Invitations to RPO Insights Events*
• Priority booking for annual RPO Gala*
• Complimentary concert programmes
• Invitation to join International Patrons Trips*
• Acknowledgement of your support, online and in selected programmes
• Priority booking via the Development team
(incl. VAT)
*Subject to an additional cost. **This is a suggested voluntary donation and is therefore eligible for Gift Aid. Please call us if you would like to purchase the benefits package separately. † Optiontopaymonthly.

RPO Benefactors
Becoming an RPO Benefactor gives you the freedom to build a relationship with the RPO that is unique to you and your interests. As a Benefactor, you will enjoy a bespoke package of benefits, all tailored to your individual preferences. You can also choose what your gift will support. Programme areas include our community and education work, artistic programming, talent development projects, and equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Including but not limited to:
•Tickets to London ownpromotion concerts
• Complimentary concert programmes
• Invitations to pre-concert and interval receptions
• Invitations to attend open rehearsals
•Invitations to RPO Insights Events*
• Priority booking via the Development team
•Priority booking for annual RPO Gala*
•Opportunity to engage a chamber ensemble for private performances*
• Opportunities to meet musicians, conductors, and soloists
• Opportunity to meet our Music Director, Vasily Petrenko
• Exclusive invitations to RPO Benefactors Events*
• Opportunity to visit outreach programmes
• Invitation to join International Patrons Trips*
• Acknowledgement of your support, online and in selected programmes
To become an RPO Benefactor, we ask that you make a minimum donation of £5,000 per year, with the option to pay monthly.
*Subject to an additional cost.
To find out more about supporting the RPO, please contact:
David Sutherland
Head of Development
Mobile: +44 (0)7704 338 400
Email: SutherlandD@rpo.co.uk
Henry Purser
Individual Giving Manager
Mobile: +44 (0)7731 515 616
Email: PurserH@rpo.co.uk
Join the journey
Visit: rpo.co.uk/support-us