RR Auction: The Presidential Collection of Everett Fisher

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The Presidential Collection of Everett Fisher MARCH 17, 2016

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Established in 1980


The Presidential Collection of

EVERETT FISHER Auction closes March 17, 2016


verett Fisher was a lifelong student and lover of history. A graduate of Yale and Yale Law School, a Navy veteran, and a dedicated trust and estate attorney from Greenwich, Connecticut, he never retired. Driven by his passion for historical autographs, he spent decades compiling one of the finest presidential collections in private hands. He was an enthusiastic golfer, fly fisherman, world traveler, and volunteer. Widely respected for his scrupulous integrity and devotion to his community, he worked tirelessly to improve the lives of those with few opportunities and was associated with numerous charitable organizations. In recognition of his contributions, Governor Jodi Rell declared his 90th birthday, May 23, 2010, as ‘Everett Fisher Day’ throughout the state of Connecticut. On a personal level, he enjoyed sharing his passion for autographic material by gifting friends and family items signed by their favorite figures—a testament to his thoughtful generosity.

Fisher began seeking out presidential autographs in the 1970s and purchased exclusively top-notch items, partnering with only the most reputable dealers and auction houses to find what he was looking for. His patience and discriminating taste resulted in a complete collection—from Washington to Clinton— of items signed as president, remarkably well preserved and boasting absolutely fascinating content. Whether it be through humor, rich detail, or untold stories, Fisher was always searching for items that offered new perspectives on events or historical figures, treasuring pieces that revealed their legendary subjects as actual people. A true historian, he thoroughly understood each piece within the context of American history, and was forever expanding that knowledge. So thoughtful in his purchases and so engrossed in each item, Fisher rarely sold anything; many of these have been off the market for decades.

We are honored to present this amazing selection of items, undoubtedly the finest presidential collection we have ever had the privilege of offering. Enjoy!


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Disdainful of those monetizing his likeness, Washington resolves to “sit no more” 5001 George Washington Estimate $25,000+

ALS as president signed “G. Washington,” one page both sides, 7.25 x 8.75, July 3, 1792. Letter to Virginia Governor Henry Lee, in full: “Your letter of the 20th Ulto. was presented to me yesterday by Mr. [William A.] Williams—who, as professional man, may or may not be, for ought I know to the contrary, a luminary of the first magnitude. But to be frank, and I hope you will not be displeased with me for being so, I am so heartily tired of the attendance, which from one cause or another, I have bestowed on these kind of people, that it is now more than two year since I have resolved to sit no more, for any of them; and have adhered to it; except in instances where it has been requested by public bodies, or for a particular purpose (not of the Painters) and could not, without offence, be refused. I have been led to make this resolution for another reason besides the irksomeness of sitting, and the time I loose by it—which is, that these productions have, in my estimation, been made use of as a sort of tax upon individuals, by being engraved—and that badly—and hawked, or advertised for Sale.” Addressed on the reverse of the second

integral page in another hand. In fine condition, with professional repairs and reinforcement to areas of paper loss. Despite initially refusing to sit for American artist William Joseph Williams in July of 1792, Washington finally agreed at the behest of officers at the Alexandria Masonic Lodge No. 22, where Washington served as Charter Worshipful Master. In a 1793 letter, officials affirmed that the portrait would be ‘a source of the most refined gratification the tracing out and contemplating the various ornaments of his character in the resemblance of his person.’ Completed in 1794, Williams’s depiction remains lauded for its careful representation of Washington as a Virginia past master. In addition to the adorned Masonic regalia and jewels, Williams captured the president’s likeness down to the smallest detail, such as the scar on his left cheek, the assorted smallpox scars on his nose and cheeks, and the mole below his right ear.

“these productions have, in my estimation, been made use of as a sort of tax upon individuals, by being engraved —and that badly— and hawked, or advertised for Sale”

Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, January 13, 1976; sale 836, lot H-732.

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Confronting the Constitution and powers of the presidency 5002 John Adams Estimate $25,000+

Rare ALS as president, one page both sides, 8.25 x 10.25, March 29, 1799. Letter to Attorney General Charles Lee, regarding the fractured Federalist party and the nomination of William Vans Murray as minister to France. In part: “The nomination of Murray has had one good effect at best. It has shewn to every observing and thinking Man, the real Strength, or Weakness of the Constitution and where one part of that Weakness resides. It has also produced a display of the real Spirit of the Parties in this country, and the object they have in view. To me, it has laid open Characters. Some of these will do well, to Study, a little more maturely the Spirit of their Stations. But Vanity has no Limits. Arrogance shall be made to feel a Curb. If any one entertains the Idea that, because I am a President of three votes only, I am in the Power of a Party, they shall find that I am no more so, than the Constitution forces upon me. If Combinations of Senators Generals and Heads of Departments, shall be formed such as I cannot resist, and Measures are demanded of me that I cannot adopt, my Remedy is plain and certain. I will try my own strength at Resistance first however. This is free and entre nous.” In very good to fine condition, with splits along folds resulting in a couple of areas of paper loss at left edge.

Purchased in 1976, this letter has been off the market for forty years. Adams shocked the political establishment in February 1799 when he appointed William Vans Murray as a commissioner to negotiate peace with France without first consulting his cabinet. So frustrated by Alexander Hamilton’s overbearing influence and his disagreeable cabinet that he had threatened to resign, Adams decided to exclude them from the appointment process all together. This was a major political risk, as it split the Federalist party and made Adams vulnerable in the upcoming 1800 election. Murray did find success in his peace mission and negotiated the end of the ‘Quasi War’ with France, which proved popular among the public; however, Federalist disunity stemming from this political infighting indeed contributed to Adams’s slim loss to Thomas Jefferson in the presidential election. Adams’s strength of character is demonstrated in his action: despite the political backlash, he made the decision he believed best for the nation. More importantly, this was one of the earliest tests of presidential authority under the Constitution and helped to define the role of the office.

“I am a President of three votes only, I am in the Power of a Party, they shall find that I am no more so, than the Constitution forces upon me”

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Defending her husband’s handling of the XYZ affair 5003 Abigail Adams Estimate $4,000+

ALS, one page, 8 x 9.75, April 12, 1798. Letter to Moses Black concerning the XYZ Affair and defending her husband’s actions in the diplomatic crisis with France, in full: “I herewith send you the dispatches from The Envoys to the French republic, and their instructions. The publick will judge upon them, with respect to the Intentions, there has not a person yet, been hardy enough to say, that they are not as liberal as their utmost wishes. Nothing more can have been conceded, consistant with the honor of the Nation, and the Independence of our Country, the publishing them, is like to produce here, a most desirable effect, that of union and harmony. I sincerely wish it may become general, that if we are necessitated to take up Arms in self defence, it may be as one people having one common interest at stake.” Addressed on the reverse of the second integral page in Adams’s own hand. In fine condition, with seal-related paper loss to left edge and a clipped portion to the second integral page.

strong opinions on political and social affairs— especially those that involved her husband. In July of 1797, three of President Adams’s envoys to France were turned away by Foreign Minister Talleyrand’s agents who, on his behalf, refused to acknowledge them unless the US agreed to pay an exorbitant amount of money. While John Marshall and Charles Pinckney asked to return home right away, Elbridge Gerry remained for several months to build relations with Talleyrand. After redacting and replacing the names of the three French agents with the letters X, Y, and Z, Adams made the incident public in his report to Congress, opening America’s eyes to France’s offense and turning the spotlight on pro-French Republicans in Congress. Enraged by the entire situation, casting blame at Congress and Republicans alike for their galling French sympathies, Abigail Adams advocated for the nation to unite and be prepared for war. Touching on this important incident from the start of her husband’s presidency, and wonderfully capturing her fiery voice, this is an exceptional letter from the nation’s second First Lady.

“Nothing more can have been conceded, consistant with the honor of the Nation”

One of the most outspoken women to serve as First Lady, Abigail Adams was known for her

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Commending the Quakers’ efforts to peacefully ‘civilize’ Native Americans, without “grafting bigotry or ignorance & setting them to tomahawking & burning old women & others as witches” 5004 Thomas Jefferson Estimate $25,000+ Extraordinary ALS as president signed “Th: Jefferson,” one page, 7.75 x 9.75, November 16, 1807. Letter to Quaker leader Isaac Pemberton regarding progress on ‘civilizing’ Native American tribes. In part: “I thank you for the communication of the Report of the Committee of friends, it gives me great satisfaction to see that we are likely to render our Indian neighbors happier in themselves and well affected to us; that the measures we are pursuing are prescribed equally by our duty to them and by the good of our country. It is a proof the more of the indissoluble alliance between our duties & interest, which if ever they appear to lead in opposite directions we may be assured it is from our own defective views. It is evident that your society has begun at the right end for civilizing these people. Habits of industry, easy subsistence, attachment to property are necessary to prepare their minds for the first elements of science & afterwards for moral & religious instruction. To begin with the last has ever ended either in effecting nothing, or in grafting bigotry or ignorance & setting them to tomahawking & burning old women & others as witches, of which we have seen a commencement among them. There are two circumstances which have enabled us to advance the Southern tribes much easier than the Northern. 1st they are larger and the agents & instructors therefore can extend their instructions & influence over a much larger surface. 2nd the

Southern tribes can raise cotton & immediately enter on the process of spinning & weaving so as to clothe themselves… The Northern tribes cannot cultivate cotton, nor can they supply it’s want by raising sheep because of the number of wolves. I see not how they are to clothe themselves till they shall have destroyed these animals, which will be a work of time. They should make this one of the principal objects of their hunts.” Retains the integral address leaf in Jefferson’s hand, franked in the upper left, “Free, Th: Jefferson Pr. US.” Also includes a manuscript copy of Pemberton’s one-page letter to Jefferson about his Quaker society “promoting the civilization of the Indian inhabitants on the borders of the United States.” In fine condition, with a small clipped portion of the address leaf. Accompanied by a custommade presentation folder.

“The measures we are pursuing are prescribed equally by our duty to them and by the good of our country”

As president, Jefferson practiced a two-fold ‘civilization program’ in regard to the Native American tribes, “prescribed equally by our duty to them and by the good of our country.” Addressing “our duties” with educational programs aimed at assimilating tribes into American culture, and pushing forward with “our interest” by expanding the new nation’s territory into their lands, his policies encouraged land treaties and open commerce. This autograph letter as president not only boasts outstanding content, but also features Jefferson’s franking signature on the address panel—an exceedingly desirable twice-signed piece. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, August 24, 1978.

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Stunning 1804 Jefferson–Madison ship’s pass 5005 Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Estimate $3,000+ Exceptional partly-printed vellum DS, signed “Th: Jefferson” as president and “James Madison” as secretary of state, one page, 11.75 x 17.75, February 10, 1804. Scallop-topped ship’s pass issued for “the Brig Patty of Rochester, Nathan Clark master or commander, of the burthen of one Hundred Twenty Nine tons or thereabouts, mounted with no guns, navigated with Eight men. To pass with her Company, Passengers, Goods and Merchandize, without any hindrance, seizure or molestation.” Signed at the conclusion by President Jefferson, Secretary of State Madison, and countersigned by Collector of the Port of New York David Gelston. The embossed brown seal affixed to the lower left remains intact. Framed and in fine condition. Descendant of Mayflower first mate Thomas Clark, commander Nathan Clark also served as a partial owner of the brig Patty, a two-masted merchant vessel registered in Rochester on January 3, 1804, when it made its maiden transatlantic voyage to Limerick, Ireland. Crowned by its beautiful engraving of a New England harbor and lighthouse, this is an exceptionally attractive dual-signed ship’s pass. Ex. Kelleher Auctions, March 11, 1982; sale 553, lot 106.

5006 James Madison and James Monroe Estimate $1,000+ Partly-printed vellum DS, signed “James Madison” as president and “Jas. Monroe” as secretary of state, three pages on two sheets, 11.5 x 14.25, February 2, 1814. A patent issued to Daniel Dod for “a new and useful improvement in Machinery for Steam Boats.” Signed at the conclusion by Madison and Monroe, and countersigned by Attorney General William Pinkney. The embossed white paper seal and white ribbons to the left side remain intact. The second page, still attached by the binding ribbon, contains Dod’s own description of the manufacturing techniques used in the construction of a boiler and a condenser consisting of pipes. In fine condition. Dod was a mathematician and a mechanical engineer who, after declining an appointment as a professor of mathematics at Rutgers, devoted his career to the construction of steam machinery. In 1819, he created the engine for the SS Savannah, the first steamboat to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Ex. Sotheby’s, December 6, 1977; sale 4058, lot 367.


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Just ten days after taking office, Madison addresses “the idea of going to war with France and of course taking sides with England”

5007 James Madison

taken now by your Legisi: to purge themselves of all intentions leading to a dissolution of the Union. I infer that such a scheme wd be unpopular with all parties.” In fine condition, with mounting traces along right edge of reverse.

Estimate $10,000+ ALS as president, one page both sides, 8 x 9.75, March 14, 1809. Letter to Elbridge Gerry, the recently unseated governor of Massachusetts. In part: “In the other parts of the Union particularly the Southn. & Western, the estimate which seems to prevail of the comparative wrongs of the two great Belligerents is not favorable to the idea of going to war with France and of course taking sides with England. The honest impression seems to be that the latter is the prior as well as the greater aggressor, and consequently entitled to an equal degree at least of forbearance. The surprise is equally sincere that the calculating & commercial spirit of N. England, should not be more alive to the disadvantage of renouncing the trade with all the world beside G. B. for the portion which her single market would afford. The time certainly has been when the Eastern interest was viewed in a very different light. I see with pleasure that pains are

Madison took office amidst ongoing conflict at sea with Great Britain and France, and as a result Congress had passed the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 which continued the embargo of American shipping bound for British or French ports. The embargo affected different parts of the country in different ways—for example, it especially hurt New England as it was a center of the American shipping industry. Gerry’s letter to Madison had forwarded resolutions put forth at a meeting in Cambridge supporting the embargo, declaring that raising the embargo would inevitably lead to war. The Republicans put forth these resolutions, but the Federalists voted them down. Gerry would later become Madison’s vice president in his second term, making this an even more interesting letter. Ex. Joe Rubinfine, November 13, 1984; sale 79, lot 16.

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To General Andrew Jackson upon his unauthorized invasion of Spanish Florida 5008 James Monroe Estimate $8,000+ ALS as president, one page both sides, 8 x 9.75, October 20, 1818. Letter to General Andrew Jackson regarding affairs in Florida. In part: “I was sorry to find that you understood your instructions, relative to operations in Florida, differently from what we intended. I was satisfied, however, that you had good reason for your conduct, and I have acted in all things on that you did proceed on your own responsibility alone, in which knowing the purity of your motion, I have done all that I could to justify the measure. I well knew also the misconduct of the Spanish authorities in that quarter, not of recent date only. Finding that you had a different view of your power, it remains only to do justice to you on that ground. Nothing can be further from my intentions, than to expose you to a responsibility in any sense which you did not contemplate. The best course to be pursued seems to me to be for you to write a letter to the Dept. of War, In which you will state, that having reason to think that a difference of opinion existed between you and the Executive, relative to the extent of your powers you thought it just to yourself to state your views of them, and on which you acted. This will be answered, so as to explain ours, in a very friendly manner by Mr. Calhoun, who has very just and liberal sentiments on the subject.” In very good to fine condition, with slight splitting along bottom hinge affecting the “r” in “Monroe.” President Monroe had ordered Jackson to the Florida border to fend off incursions into American territory by Seminole and Creek Indians. Liberally interpreting these instructions, Jackson launched an invasion into Florida and captured a Spanish fort at St. Marks, took control of Pensacola, and deposed the Spanish governor. News of Jackson’s exploits caused a stir in Washington and many called for official censure of his actions; a Constitutional controversy also ensued over the question of whether President Monroe had authorized an act of war without the approval of Congress. After much debate the House of Representatives voted down all resolutions condemning Jackson, implicitly endorsing Monroe’s actions and leaving the issue surrounding the role of the executive with respect to war powers unanswered. Ex. Sotheby’s Parke-Bernet, January 30, 1979; sale 4210, lot 132.


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5009 James Monroe and John Quincy Adams Estimate $2,000+ Manuscript DS, signed “James Monroe” as president and “John Quincy Adams” as secretary of state, one page, 9.75 x 16, March 30, 1820. President Monroe issues a pardon to the US Marshal of Vermont stating that “Benjamin Heartt…now held in actual confinement in the jail of said Middlebury upon an execution for a debt due to the United States…be immediately discharged from his imprisonment.” Signed at the conclusion by President Monroe and Secretary of State Adams. The white paper seal affixed to left side remains intact. Framed and in very good to fine condition, with overall wrinkling and intersecting folds.

Written from Quincy, President Adams reflects on his summer journey from the capital 5010 John Quincy Adams Estimate $2,000+ ALS as president signed “J. Q. Adams,” one page, 7.75 x 9.75, August 13, 1827. Letter to Secretary of the Treasury Richard Rush, forwarding three presidential documents and two letters, in part: “My journey from Washington was rendered somewhat tedious by the excessive heat of the weather, and the dust of the Roads at the Land Passages—The heat by day has scarcely abated since my arrival here—But we have cool nights, and I find the Sea–breeze has not lost its refreshing properties for me. Present my friendly respect to the Members of the Administration and other friends with you, and accept them from your faithful friend.” Docketing on reverse in another hand. In fine condition, with offsetting due to its previously folded state. Ex. Charles Hamilton, May 8,1975; sale 87, lot 9.

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A meticulous religious history of his father, John Adams 5011 John Quincy Adams Estimate $15,000+ ALS, four pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, November 13, 1833. Letter to Reverend Bernard Whitman concerning the religious beliefs of his father, John Adams. In part: “In the year 1779, in the midst of the War of the American Revolution my father was sent by Congress to Europe with a Commission negotiating Peace with Great Britain...He was conducted by the Archbishop himself, a man of elegant and polished manners, over his apartments... and he caused to be exhibited to him the more precious though less costly Relics belonging to the Church. Upon the exposition of one of these...the Archbishop, and every other person of the Catholic Commission present, bowed their heads, and made...the Sign of the Cross. The keeper of the Relics, perceiving that my father did not join in this act of devotion turned pale and looking at my father with intense earnestness said in French…‘Is the Gentleman not a Christian?’ The Archbishop without waiting for my father to answer instantly said, smiling…‘Yes—after his own manner’...to the question, whether he was a Christian the only answer I can give at this day, is that with which the sound sense and true Christian Spirit of the Spanish Archbishop, quieted his inquisitive subordinate— ‘Yes—after his own manner.’


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My father’s father was a rigid Calvinist...[and] prevailed upon my father to go to College, against his inclination, with the view of fitting him for the Ministry...He persisted in the intention about one year after he left College and while keeping School at Worcester. He then renounced that purpose, and devoted himself to the Study and practice of the Law, from a conscientious conviction that he could not believe, or honestly preach the Calvinistic doctrines...He changed his projected profession for the express purpose or preserving the Independence of his religious opinions... He was through life a Religious and a pious Christian—He believed Christianity to be the best system of morals that has ever been inculcated upon man, and he venerated its founder—But had had no faith In Creeds—He did not believe In Transubstantiation—in the Trinity—In the Godhead of Jesus—nor In the Atonement, as preached by Calvinistic Divines—He not only rejected those Doctrines, but had an aversion to them, believing them positively pernicious—He had read much of the rankest infidelity...and he detested the Irreligion of Tom Paine, not less than his Politics... With regard to the religious opinions of the other persons named in your letter, I possess no peculiar information, and believe that their sentiments must be gathered by those who wish to ascertain them, from what they themselves thought proper to communicate to the world of their Faith. I have always understood that tho Samuel Adams was a fervent, though not intolerant Calvinist, Washington was a sincere, conforming member of the Episcopal Church, probably not deeply read or ever much troubled with Ecclesiastical History of Theological Controversy. I would rather you should collect the opinions of Franklin and Jefferson from their own writings and sayings than from my perhaps erroneous commentary...I rejoice to learn that you are preparing to meet them as a champion for the cause of truth and morals.” Retains the integral address leaf in Adams’s hand,

franked in the upper right, “J. Q. Adams.” Integral address leaf is professionally inlaid into a slightly larger sheet. In fine condition, with professional repairs to the integral address leaf. Accompanied by a custom-made presentation folder. The recipient of this incomparable letter, Reverend Bernard Whitman, was an outspoken and well-known figure in New England’s developing religious landscape. Though identified as a Unitarian, he opposed sectarian names and ardently promoted practical religion above all else—making John Adams, as described by his son, an inspiring figure with whom Whitman shared the deepest of beliefs. John Quincy’s in-depth evaluation of his father’s religion is very much in line with the ideas set forth by later biographers; David McCullough identifies John Adams as ‘both a devout Christian, and an independent thinker,’ two qualities made plain in this letter. His independence is found in the opening anecdote—“Yes—after his own manner”—and in his abandoning the ministerial vocation to study law, thereby “preserving the Independence of his religious opinions.” In 1796, Adams denounced his political opponent Thomas Paine’s deistic criticisms of Christianity in The Age of Reason, as mentioned in this letter. Whitman had written to several people with direct connections to the Founding Fathers in hopes of learning more about their personal beliefs and practices. Beyond the phenomenal explanation of his own father’s religion, Adams also gives brief comments on George Washington and Samuel Adams—a “sincere and conforming” Episcopalian and a “fervent, though not intolerant Calvinist”—and defers comment on Franklin and Jefferson to their own words and writings. Adding that to the already unsurpassable content about his father, this is an absolutely extraordinary letter. Ex. Sotheby’s Parke-Bernet, March 20, 1973; sale 3481, lot 2.

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5012 Andrew Jackson Estimate $2,500+ ALS, one page, 8 x 9.75, March 25, 1832. Letter to Mr. Pisioles, in full: “I directed my son to say to you, when he was in Philadelphia the other day to send on the carriage & pair of horses, you had the goodness to engage for me—that in answer you replied. They were all ready and should be here by the first of April next. My son now only awaits their arrival to set out for the Hermitage, that he may be there In due time to aid in the arrangements of the farm for a good crop, should the season prove favorable—and only awaits their arrival to set on his journey. I pray you therefore, to send them on as early as you can, and on the receipt of this, advise me, what day they will be here that I may have him ready to set out immediately. If it should not be convenient for you to be here, draw upon me for the amount, which will be paid—you know I wish to settle matters as they occur—I then know my means and will live within them.” In fine condition, with tape repairs to three small edge tears (one of which passes through his first name). Ex. James Lowe, October 1977.

5013 Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren Estimate $1,000+ Manuscript DS as president, signed “Andrew Jackson” as president and “M. Van Buren” as secretary of state, one page, 10.25 x 17.25, March 27, 1829. In pursuance to the recently passed “An Act concerning the government and discipline of the Penitentiary in the District of Columbia,” President Jackson appoints “Henry Ashton, Thomas Carbery and William Oneal of the City of Washington, Thomson F. Mason of Alexandria and James Dunlop of George Town…Inspectors of the Penitentiary in the District of Columbia.” Signed at the conclusion by Jackson and Van Buren. The white paper seal remains affixed to the lower left. Framed and in fine condition. Ex. Sotheby’s Parke-Bernet; sale 3266, lot 202.


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President Van Buren informs Attorney General Butler that Grundy will be his successor

5014 Martin Van Buren Estimate $2,000+

ALS as president signed “M. Van Buren,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, July 5, 1838. Letter to former Attorney General of the United States Benjamin F. Butler concerning his eventual successor, Felix Grundy, in full: “I have this morning nominated Mr. Grundy, & to give him an opportunity to arrange his affairs preparatory to a removal to this place, & you to wind up your unfinished concerns leisurely, I have made his nomination take effect on the 1st of September. To this I hope you will make no objections, as you can continue to do the business at N. York as you have lately done. It was quite reasonable to Mr. G. though his salary would not commence until he could enter upon the duties of the office [Attorney General] in earnest. I think the appointment will upon the whole take well & do well. I write to Mrs. Butler about our visit to the Virginia Springs. Recent decisions & votes upon the finance question have kept our friend in the highest spirits & proportionately depressed the opposition. The session must I think wind up quite as well as could have expected. Mr. [Silas] Wright has added much to his reputation, great as it was.” Van Buren adds a postscript at the conclusion, “The Cherokee affair may be considered as finished & the Maine question has taken a decidedly favorable turn.” Addressed on the reverse of the second integral page in Van Buren’s own hand. In very good condition, with seal-related paper loss to the adjoining fold. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, October 23, 1979.

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Exceedingly rare 1841 appointment by President Harrison 5015 William Henry Harrison Estimate $75,000+

Rare partly-printed vellum DS as president, signed “W. H. Harrison,” one page, 15.5 x 10.5, March 15, 1841. President Harrison appoints Henderson Taylor as “Attorney of the United States in & for the Western District of Louisiana.” Boldly signed at the conclusion by President Harrison and countersigned by Secretary of State Daniel Webster. The white paper seal affixed to the lower left remains fully intact but for a trivial chip to one point. In very good to fine condition, with two tiny areas of paper loss, intersecting folds, overall wrinkling, and scattered light toning; Harrison’s signature is a choice, dark example. Accompanied by a custom-made presentation folder. Anything signed by Harrison during his presidency is extremely rare, as he passed away just one month into his term. Appointments such as these are undoubtedly the most desirable presidential autographs and very rarely surface—this example has been in a private collection for over forty years. This appointment is also in better condition than usual and features an ideal, bold signature from the rarest president. A superb piece and cornerstone of any presidential collection. Ex. Sotheby’s, June 11, 1974; sale 3655, lot 286.

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5016 William and Anna Harrison Estimate $1,000+ Two items: an ALS signed “Anna Harrison,” one page, 7.75 x 9.75, December 30, 1845. Letter to J. Harrison Hedges, in part: “Haveing received your letter some weeks ago I should have answered it sooner…Haveing so often been applied to for Autographs of my lamented Husband & in every instance I have complyed except in one the cause of that was the Gentleman’s letter got mislaid or lost & I did not know to whom or whare to direct but now I am obliged to have recourse to cutting them out of Books.” Included is the promised ink signature, “Willm. Henry Harrison,” on an off-white 3.75 x .75 slip clipped from a book. The letter is addressed on the reverse of the second integral page in Anna’s own hand. In overall fine condition, with partial wax remnants, the free frank clipped from the address panel, and some seal-related paper loss.

5017 John Tyler Estimate $1,500+ ALS signed “J. Tyler,” one page, 4.5 x 7, May 1, 1843 (year in another hand). Letter to [John Canfield] Spencer, in full: “Permit me to introduce to you Mr. Faulkner the Editor of the Norwich News a friendly paper of Connecticut, who desires to hold some conversation with you in relation to some matters there which it is important to know.” In fine condition. Ex. Robert Batchelder, November 16, 1988; sale 68, lot 260.


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5018 John Tyler Estimate $1,500+ Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 7.75 x 10, December 7, 1843. President Tyler directs the Secretary of State to affix the seal of the United States to “a full power, to Henry Wheaton, to treat with the King of Prussia, and the other German States associated.” Signed at the conclusion by President Tyler. In fine condition, with old mounting and adhesive remnants to two edges of reverse. Ex. Sotheby’s, February 24, 1976; sale 3841, lot 363.

5019 Sarah Polk Estimate $1,000+ ALS signed “Mrs. James K. Polk,” one page, lightly-lined, 7.75 x 9.75, July 28, 1865. Written from “Polk Place,” a letter to Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles, seeking a pardon for a Confederate relative, in part: “Will you be pleased to excuse me for taking the privilege of addressing you this letter & enclosing one to the President [Andrew Johnson]. I have recently applied to the President for a pardon to the application of Genl J. C. Brown of Tenn., who is a relative & special friend...To avoid having my letter put on file with many hundred that mean nothing, I have presumed on the remembrance & acknowledge of your high character to hope to be excused & to have your interest in behalf of my petition for the pardon of Genl. Brown. In my retirement it will be grateful to my feelings to know that I am not forgotten by you & others.” In fine condition, with intersecting folds.

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Anticipating the annexation of Texas in a letter to his mentor, President Jackson 5020 James K. Polk Estimate $15,000+

ALS as president, four pages on two adjoining sheets, 8 x 10, June 5, 1845. Letter to the retired Andrew Jackson at his Hermitage estate. In part: “Mr. [Edward] Everett ought to be recalled and will be as soon as I can find a suitable man to succeed him. In the existing state of our relations with England it is of great importance that the U.S. should be represented at that Court, by one of our ablest citizens and one possessing Diplomatic experience and thoroughly informed upon the question at issue between the two countries...I rejoice that all is well in Texas.—I hope her Congress and Convention may accept our proposition without change or modifications. If the times are not so liberal to Texas—as the friends of annexation in this country desired, or as Texas—expected,—It should be remembered that it was with great difficulty that my proposition—could be passed through Congress last winter.—If Texas accepts our proposition, she may confidently rely upon having full justice done to her in the next Congress. I have no hesitation in saying that I will recommend and urge such a course, and I have not the slightest doubt that Congress will cooperate with me.—I will maintain too her boundary; to the extent to which she claims it.—Our old friend [Sam] Houston from whom I have just received a letter,—is probably now with you, as he writes me that he would leave New Orleans in a day or two—to visit the Hermitage. You can assure him of the liberal aims which I entertain toward Texas, in the event of her acceptance of our propositions without modifications or change.

The crowd of office-seekers—who have besieged me for the last three months—has greatly diminished, and I begin to have some quiet and repose, and more time to attend to my more important duties. I am much gratified to your opinions that the administration is getting on well. I hope it may be so thought by the country. Mrs. Polk desires me to present to you her kind regards and sincere wishes for your welfare and our joint prayer is that your life may be prolonged and that you may be blessed with happiness in this life and that which is to come.” Affixed at the left edge to a slightly larger sheet. In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope addressed to Jackson in Polk’s hand. A long piece of correspondence from one president to another, Polk describes his first months in office as a busy time sorting through official appointments and contemplating the future of Texas. Polk was elected to the presidency in part because of his determination to annex Texas, which he made part of his campaign platform. When writing this letter the process had already begun: the US Congress had passed a joint resolution for the annexation of Texas, and on June 23 the Texan Congress accepted. By the end of the year it was officially admitted as one of the Union’s states. Given Polk’s adherence to Jacksonian Democracy, this is an especially desirable letter. Ex. Charles Hamilton, February 24, 1977; sale 103, lot 214.

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“I share with the Nation in the sentiments of sorrow and grief, which have been excited by the sudden and unexpected death of an eminent Citizen”

5021 Henry Clay Estimate $5,000+

ALS signed “H. Clay,” one page, lightly-lined both sides, 7.75 x 9.75, July 19, 1850. Letter to E. Delafield Smith, concerning the death of Zachary Taylor and Clay’s support of the new president, Millard Fillmore, in part: “I share with the Nation in the sentiments of sorrow and grief, which have been excited by the sudden and unexpected death of an eminent Citizen, greatly distinguished in the service of his Country. And I deeply sympathise, with his afflicted widow and family, on account of the severe and irreparable loss which they have sustained. United with the Committee, represented by you, in their high appreciation of the patriotism, the character and the qualification of the present President of the U. States, I concur also with them in hoping his Administration may receive a fair candid and impartial consideration; and that, under his auspices, all sources of discord in our Country may be dried up, all division and dissentions may be healed, and that, all impediments to the onward march of the Nation being removed, it may proceed, with fresh energy and renewed vigor, in its glorious career with honor, happiness and prosperity.” In fine condition. Topped only by William Henry Harrison and James Garfield for the shortest duration in office, Zachary Taylor succumbed to a mysterious intestinal ailment after serving a little over a year and four months. Taylor’s vice president and eventual replacement, Millard Fillmore, would serve the remainder of the term before losing out to Winfield Scott for the Whig nomination in 1852. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, January 31, 1975; sale 838, item I-47.


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Rare explanation of his unbiased appointment process 5022 Zachary Taylor Estimate $15,000+ ALS as president signed “Z. Taylor,” one page, 5 x 8, June 21, 1849. Letter concerning political appointments. In full (spelling and grammar retained): “Your letter of the 19th, inst, asking to be employed in some capacity as clerk or messenjir in some of the public officers or departments at this plac, was duly recd and I have to inform you in the appointments referred to, I do not meddle or interfere they are made by the heads of the departments or bureaus to which they appertain, and I have also to state there is now no vacancy of any kind in my gift of any offic which I can bestow.” In fine condition. Accompanied by an engraved portrait bearing a facsimile signature. Handwritten letters from Taylor’s presidency are rare, as he passed away just sixteen months into his term and wrote little during that time, possibly owing to his poor spelling abilities. He had only recently become a national hero for his success in the Mexican-American War and reluctantly entered the 1848 presidential race, winning the election despite his unclear platform. Like most presidents he was inundated with office-seekers, but he was careful and considerate in all appointments. Despising patronage and political games, Taylor created a cabinet that represented the diversity of the United States and bypassed obvious selections like Henry Clay. Representing his firm stance against patronage appointments, this is an exceptionally desirable autograph letter as president. Ex. Christie’s, December 19, 2002; sale 1060, lot 337.

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Keeping his enemies close, President Fillmore welcomes a former peer to the Senate 5023 Millard Fillmore Estimate $3,000+ ALS as president, one page both sides, 6.75 x 8.5, March 19, 1851. Letter to newly elected Senator Hamilton Fish. In full: “The telegraph has just brought the gratifying intelligence that you are elected Senator from N. York. I congratulate the State and the country upon the result. The news came while we were in cabinet council, and diffused a general joy. For myself I feel greatly relieved and highly gratified. I know not what influences have prevailed to effect this desired object, but I took the responsibility of sending your letters to me, to Mr. [George] Babcock, expressing a confident belief that you would if elected give a fair support to my administration, & I can not doubt that it must have produced some effect. I know that in my course I have differed from many friends, but I am sure that time will show that my confidence was not misplaced.” In fine condition. Despite the kind overtures in this letter, Fillmore and Fish were enemies within their Whig Party. They had both developed their careers under the auspices of Thurlow Weed and his political machine in New York, but Fillmore had split with the party boss in the mid 1840s. At the same time that Fillmore was vice president, Fish was the governor of New York, and the two clashed strongly over the question of patronage appointments; Fillmore thought that his office would hold great influence, but Fish disregarded his recommendations and listened to Weed instead. An interesting, seemingly conciliatory letter within the subtext of party intrigue.

5024 Franklin Pierce Estimate $500+ Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 10, March 3, 1855. President Pierce directs “the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to the pardon granted to John McCormick.” Crisply signed at the conclusion by President Pierce. In fine condition. Ex. Charles Hamilton, June 12, 1975; sale 88, lot 275.


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Dashed off to Sam Houston, jointly honoring veterans of the War of 1812 5025 Franklin Pierce Estimate $5,000+ ALS signed “Fr. Pierce,” one page, 5.25 x 8, January 8, [1855]. Letter to Generals Sam Houston and Thomas Jefferson Rusk, both senators from Texas. In full: “The soldiers of the War of 1812 now in this City propose to call on me at 1 o’clock today—Your presence on the occasion would be gratifying to them & myself.” In very good to fine condition, with a professionally repaired tear to the central horizontal fold. Washington hosted a convention of veterans of the War of 1812 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, the decisive battle of the conflict. President Pierce welcomed them at the White House, and the next day they received the unprecedented honor of an invitation to occupy seats upon the floor of the Senate without the bar. Houston himself was a veteran of the conflict, having seen action at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend under Andrew Jackson’s command before being injured in a skirmish with Creek Indians; he spent the remainder of the war recuperating in a New Orleans hospital while Jackson led his troops to victory. An uncommon format boasting excellent political and military associations, this is an especially rare and desirable piece. Ex. Sotheby’s, October 26, 1988; sale 5759, lot 142.

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“The Black Republicans in the Senate, as you will have perceived, disclaim all idea of interfering with Slavery in the States”

5026 James Buchanan Estimate $5,000+

ALS as president-elect, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 6.5 x 8, December 29, 1856. Letter to Hon. Peter D. Vroom. In part: “I think there is a pretty general acquiescence on my election throughout the Country. The Black Republicans in the Senate, as you will have perceived, disclaim all idea of interfering with Slavery in the States; & such a disclaimer from such a source is not without meaning. Commodore Stockton has done all the mischief he could to the party in New Jersey. It was his influence, I believe, which defeated Col. Alexander & he is now exerting himself against the re-election of John R. Thomson to the Senate. I hope his efforts will prove to be a failure. With you I sincerely regret the defeat of Mr. Wall, but for him, there’s a better time a coming!” In fine condition. Buchanan had won the 1856 presidential election as the Democratic nominee, defeating the anti-slavery Republican John C. Fremont in the election. Slavery was a key issue in the campaign, and Democrats began using the term “Black Republican” as an epithet to emphasize their anti-slavery views. Their tactic worked, and despite carrying eleven northern states Fremont was walloped in the south by Buchanan. The fractured geography of America was laid bare in this election, and over the course of Buchanan’s four years, the rift would grow markedly deeper, pushing the nation towards civil war.


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Lincoln’s birthday wish: a promotion for colonels of the Irish Brigade 5027 Abraham Lincoln Estimate $20,000+ ALS signed “A. Lincoln,” one page, 5 x 8, February 12, 1863. Letter to General Henry W. Halleck. In full: “Gen. Meagher, now with me, says the Irish Brigade has had no promotion; and that Col. Robert Nugent & Col. Patrick Kelly, both of that Brigade have fairly earned promotion. They both hold commissions as Captains in the regular Army. Please examine these records with reference to the question of promoting one or both of them.” In very good to fine condition, with a mounting strip along the top edge, and a piece of tape removed from left margin resulting in slight surface paper loss, affecting no writing. Lincoln, writing on his third-to-last birthday, discusses three soldiers of note in the famed Irish Brigade. Irish immigrant Thomas Francis Meagher began raising troops as soon as the war began, and soon found himself in charge of the ‘Irish Brigade’ that saw action at Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. He resigned his commission shortly after meeting with Lincoln. Patrick Kelly replaced him as commander and led the depleted Irish troops at the Battle of Gettysburg in July; he was later killed in action during the Siege of Petersburg before ever officially being promoted. Nugent was the last commanding officer of the Irish Brigade, and was finally brevetted brigadier general until March 13, 1865. An excellent wartime letter by President Lincoln with a fine association to this well-known brigade. Ex. Sotheby’s, February 24, 1976; sale 3841, lot 278.

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Just days away from his reelection, Lincoln appoints a consul to Siam

5028 Abraham Lincoln Estimate $10,000+

Civil War-dated partly-printed DS as president, one page, 20 x 15.5, October 25, 1864. President Lincoln requests “His Majesty the King of Siam” to accept his appointment of Amzi Wood as “Consul of the United States of America at Bangkok.” Signed at the conclusion by President Lincoln and Secretary of State William H. Seward. Embossed in the lower left with the presidential seal. Framed and in very good to fine condition. Allies since 1818, the US and Siam strengthened their relationship further in 1856 with the signing of the Harris Treaty, promoting free trade and imbuing both countries with favored nation status. His attention firmly focused on the Civil War and his own reelection campaign, Lincoln trusted Secretary of State Seward to handle nearly all appointments and foreign policy matters at this time. With the fall of Atlanta at the hands of Sherman in early September, and Grant’s victory at Cedar Creek on October 19th finally ending the Valley Campaigns, Lincoln earned a landslide victory in the presidential election only two weeks after signing this document. Ex. Scriptorium, August 15, 1988.


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Fremont and President Lincoln face off over a “Proclamation of Emancipation” 5029 Abraham Lincoln: John C. Fremont Estimate $3,000+ ALS signed “J. C. Fremont,” one page, 7.75 x 8.5, September 10, 1880. Letter to Lt. Col. R. N Scott, addressed to the War Records Office, in full: “I have to thank you for your letter of yesterday and accordingly return enclosed copy of my Proclamation of Emancipation dated August 30, 1861, together with the President’s rejoinder ordering a modification of the proclamation. I ask of you the favor to have both documents placed on the files of the War Department and to incorporate them in the publication under your charge.” The enclosed copy is no longer present. In fine condition. Ex. Ken Rendell, January 25, 1980; sale 147, lot 43.

“I wish you to send me some pure whiskey” 5030 Andrew Johnson Estimate $3,500+ ANS, one page, 5.5 x 9, no date. Note to Sam Carter, in full: “I wish you to send me some pure whiskey. I have some which is not fit to drink yet it is called good by some.” In very good condition, with reinforcement to central fold and unrelated stray scribbling to lower portion. Ex. Sotheby’s Parke-Bernet, January 30, 1979; sale 4210, lot 105.

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5031 Andrew Johnson Estimate $400+ Partly-printed DS, one page, 8 x 10, August 1, 1868. President Johnson directs the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to “a Warrant for the pardon of John E. Tyler.” Signed at the conclusion by Johnson. In fine condition. Ex. Ken Rendell, May 19, 1975; sale 100, lot 141.

The advent of rapid rail transit 5032 U. S. Grant Estimate $4,000+ ALS as president, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 5.75 x 9, Long Branch, New Jersey letterhead, August 13, 1875. Letter regarding investment in rapid transit stock. In part: “On reflection I fear that I did not make my intentions clear in regard to the matter of ‘Rapid Transit’ stock...[If] the charter agreed upon is one you think favorably of, subscribe your $100,000.00 worth and I will take care of it for you. If Mr. G. [Rufus H. Gilbert] or any one else, will carry another similar amount for me then this the whole of the first will be for your benefit. Otherwise—if carry for you—we will divide what I carry. If you can carry for yourself then you keep the whole. I assure you that it would afford me much more pleasure to see you have one thousand shares—if it is the success I believe it will be—than to have it myself and you left out.” In fine condition, with show-through from writing to opposing sides. New York-born surgeon and transit expert Rufus Henry Gilbert had obtained a patent for an elevated railway using the principle of pneumatics in 1870 and was still acquiring sufficient capital to begin a project. Grant’s presidency was characterized by rapid industrialization and expanded rail transportation, making this an especially relevant letter. Ex. Charles Hamilton, January 23, 1975; sale 84, lot 182.


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“We have received the Turner water color” 5033 Rutherford B. Hayes Estimate $2,000+ ALS as president signed “R. B. Hayes,” one page, 4.5 x 6.75, Executive Mansion letterhead, May 4, 1878. Letter to Colonel A. D. Shaw, concerning a watercolor painting for the White House collection by English landscape painter J. M. W. Turner, in full: “We have received the Turner water color. It is more easily understood than I expected of one of T’s obscurities. It is really to be prized for itself—to say nothing of the pride one feels in a Turner.” In fine condition. Ex. Charles Hamilton, December 11, 1975; sale 93, lot 155.

5034 Rutherford B. Hayes Estimate $400+ Partly-printed DS, signed “R. B. Hayes,” one page, 7.75 x 9.75, April 2, 1878. President Hayes authorizes the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to “a warrant for the pardon of Adam A. Leck.” Signed at the conclusion by Hayes. In fine condition. Ex. Charles Hamilton, October 2, 1995; sale 91, lot 231.

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Supremely rare inaugural photograph signed March 11, 1881 5035 James A. Garfield Estimate $10,000+ Magnificent 9.75 x 8.25 mounted albumen photograph of Garfield giving his inaugural address on the east portico of the US Capitol on March 4, 1881, affixed to a 14 x 12 mount, signed and inscribed on the mount in black ink as president, “To Alex Campbell, Jr., With the compliments of J. A. Garfield, Washington, DC, March 11, 1881.” In very good condition, with scattered light staining affecting appearance but not handwriting legibility, and some cracks to mount reinforced with archival tissue on reverse. Accompanied by a letter from Williams College, Garfield’s alma mater, noting that this photograph is reproduced in the biography The Garfield Orbit by Margaret Leech. As Garfield’s tenure in office was cut short by an assassin’s bullet in early July, his autographs signed as president are extremely rare. This extraordinary photograph of a historic moment—a rarity on its own given its large size—is absolutely remarkable and likely unique. Garfield began preparing for his inaugural address in December, beginning by reading the speeches of his predecessors in chronological order. He found most of them—except Lincoln’s—to be ‘dreary reading,’ and expected his would be the same. After writing and revising over the course of months, he tore up the speech and rewrote it three days before the inauguration. Despite some of the soaring eloquence that made Garfield known as an inspiring speaker, his inaugural address was grounded in policy and focused on the nation’s issues in agriculture, commerce, currency, and civil service reform. Following the address, Chief Justice Morrison Waite administered the oath of office and Garfield was officially sworn in as the twentieth president of the United States. Ex. Charles Hamilton, March 1, 1979; sale 118, lot 107.


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President Garfield ratifies “a treaty relating to Chinese immigration” 5036 James A. Garfield Estimate $10,000+ Uncommon partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 10, May 9, 1881. President Garfield authorizes Secretary of State James G. Blaine to affix the Seal of the United States to “my ratification of a treaty relating to Chinese immigration into the U. S. signed at Peking, Nov. 17, 1880.” Signed at the conclusion by Garfield. In fine condition. With a decades-long influx of Chinese immigration, the economically strained American workforce’s antiChinese sentiment spiked throughout the 1870s. Under great pressure, President Hayes renegotiated the US’s terms with China at the close of his presidency, temporarily suspending immigration of Chinese laborers while still protecting the rights and privileges of those already present. The relationship between the two nations continued to develop as Garfield took office; the treaty referenced here promoted mutual commercial intercourse while also prohibiting the transportation and distribution of opium. Presidential documents issued by Garfield are quite rare, given his brief time in office.

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Less than two weeks after her husband’s shooting 5037 Lucretia Garfield Estimate $2,000+ ALS as first lady signed “Lucretia R. Garfield,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.5 x 7, Executive Mansion letterhead, July 14, 1881. Letter to J. H. Rhodes, in full: “Your letter with all its precious words of reminiscence and of tender sympathy is received and treasured in my heart. As soon as our dear good General is able I will read it to him, or let him read it. Now we have to be most careful of all our words to him. His weakness is so great that did he know a tithe of all that is said and felt by his friends and by the people of this great nation, he would be entirely overcome and his life put in jeopardy. With love to you all and a heart full of thankfulness.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Garfield’s own hand. J. H. Rhodes was a Cleveland lawyer and an old roommate of Garfield at Hiram College; he would later serve as secretary of the Garfield Memorial Monument Committee. Letters of First Lady Lucretia Garfield mentioning her dying husband remain exceptionally rare. Ex. Christie’s, December 9, 1994; sale 8088, lot 39.

5038 Charles Guiteau Estimate $2,000+

Two bright red passes headed “Guiteau Trial,” each one page, 6 x 3.5, December 1881. Both issued and signed by US District Attorney George B. Corkhill of the District of Columbia, one to “Hon. Wm. Riley, Jr., and friends” and the other to “Genl. W. W. Belknap and friends.” The latter is also noted “Good during trial.” Also includes one of Charles Guiteau’s business cards for a practice as “Attorney and Counselor.” In overall very good to fine condition, with surface loss to reverse of one ticket, and vertical creases and edge tears to business card. Ex. Sotheby’s Parke-Bernet, November 14, 1978; sale 4179, lot 416.


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Found in the assassin’s pocket just moments after shocking the nation 5039 Charles Guiteau Estimate $8,000+ ALS signed “Charles Guiteau,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 5 x 8, July 2, 1881. Letter addressed, “To the White House.” In full: “The President’s tragic death was a sad necessity, but it will unite the Republican party and save the Republic. Life is a flimsy dream and it matters little when one goes. A human life is of small value. During the war thousands of brave boys went down without a tear. I presume the President was a Christian and that he will be happier in Paradise than here. It will be no worse for Mrs. Garfield, dear soul, to part with her husband this way, than by natural death. He is liable to go at any time, any way. I had no ill will toward the President. His death was a political necessity. I am a lawyer, theologian, and politician. I am a stalwart of the Stalwarts. I was with General Grant and the rest of our men in New York during the canvass. I have some papers for the Press which I shall leave with Byron Andrews, and his co-Journalists, at 1420 NY are where all the reporters can see them. I am going to the jail.” In very good to fine condition, with intersecting folds. Guiteau, a deranged and disappointed office-seeker, shot President Garfield on the morning of July 2 at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington. He immediately surrendered to authorities, shouting, ‘I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts! I did it and I want to be arrested! Arthur is President now!’ This letter was found in his pocket and several similarly worded manifestos were discovered at his residence, including one addressed to Vice President Arthur informing him of his succession to the presidency and making recommendations for cabinet nominations. Arthur was at first regarded suspiciously under whispers of conspiracy, but it soon became clear that Guiteau’s emphatic political pronouncements were the ramblings of a madman. This letter, and the others, were read in court as evidence in the case against Guiteau. Despite a plea of insanity, Guiteau was convicted and sentenced to death in 1882. All together, this is an absolutely incredible piece—the admission of a presidential assassin, carried in his pocket while committing the dreadful act. Ex. Sotheby’s Parke-Bernet, November 14, 1978; sale 4179, lot 416.

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“My name will go into history, as a patriot, by the side of Washington & Grant” 5040 Charles Guiteau Estimate $9,000+ AMS signed “Charles Guiteau,” nine pages, 4 x 12, January 26, 1882. Guiteau’s open letter headed “To the American People,” written from jail on the day after his conviction. In part: “Twelve men say I wickedly murdered James A. Garfield. They did it on the false notion that I was a disappointed office seeker. My speech they say made no impression on them. I am not surprised at the verdict considering their class. They do not pretend to be Christian men & therefore, did not appreciate the idea of inspiration. They are men of the world & of moderate intelligence, & therefore, are not capable of appreciating the character of my defence. According to one of them, ‘We all had a grog at each meal & a cigar afterwards,’ which shows their style and habits. Men of this kind can not represent the great Christian Nation of America. Had they been high-toned Christian gentlemen their verdict would have been, ‘Not guilty, because of insanity’…I am God’s man in this matter just as truly as the ‘despised Galilean’ was God’s man…it seemed a small thing for his acquaintances to kill him but his death stirred the wrath of the Almighty, & he got even with them forty years later, at the destruction of Jerusalem AD 70, & He will View all nine pages at www.RRAuction.com get even with the American people if a hair of my head is harmed. God will vindicate me even if the nation rolls in blood! Mere physical death is nothing to me…I had rather be hung, so far as physical death is concerned, than die from a painful illness or meet with a railroad or steamboat accident. I hardly think I am destined to be hung, & therefore give myself no thought on that, but am anxious to have my character and inspiration vindicated. To that end I need help as herein mentioned. My friends need not be ashamed of me. Some people think I am the greatest man of his age, and that my name will go into history, as a patriot, by the side of Washington & Grant.” Each narrow page is affixed to a slightly larger card. In very good to fine condition. Accompanied by a large label apparently once used in an exhibition. Guiteau’s letter was published in several newspapers around the nation. A long, fascinating explanation and justification from the assassin himself. Ex. Charles Hamilton, June 29, 1981; sale 138, lot 97.


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5041 Chester A. Arthur Estimate $3,000+ Sought-after ALS as president, two pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.5 x 7, Executive Mansion letterhead, March 30, 1884. Letter to eye and ear specialist Dr. Cornelius Agnew, in full: “My good friend Mrs. Eugene Hale intends to call upon you on Tuesday morning to consult you in regard to her boys’ eyes. I think you know her husband Senator Hale of Maine—he went once to see you with a note of introduction from me.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Arthur’s own hand. An influential Republican senator from Maine, Eugene Hall declined cabinet appointments in both the Grant and Hayes administrations, opting instead to serve thirty years in the US Senate.

5042 Chester A. Arthur Estimate $1,000+ ALS as president, one page, 4.5 x 6.75, Impelle Obstantia letterhead, May 11, no year. Written from New York’s Fifth Avenue Hotel, a letter to Dr. Cornelius R. Agnew, in full: “Thank you for your kind invitation. I would be glad to go with you but I have another engagement to which I must keep.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, as well as by the personal calling card of Dr. Agnew, bearing a note to his nephew, “the autograph of our President.” Dr. Cornelius Agnew was a distinguished eye and ear specialist, as well as a professor at Columbia University’s medical school.

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5043 Chester A. Arthur Estimate $500+ Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 10, May 12, 1882. President Arthur directs the Secretary of State to affix the seal of the United States to “a warrant for the pardon of Benjamin F. King.” Signed at the conclusion by Arthur. In fine condition, with an area of discoloration along the top edge. Ex. Charles Hamilton, December 1, 1977; sale 109, lot 42.

“I have never been so sure as now that there is a high and unseen Power”

5044 Grover Cleveland Estimate $2,000+

ALS as president, four pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.75 x 7.75, Executive Mansion letterhead, February 25, 1895. Letter to Commodore E. C. Benedict. In part: “I am thankful to you for the encouraging words you write me in regard to my cause in financial matters. Such expressions are my only comfort, except my wife and babies, in these turbulent perplexing days. The next week will be especially harassing and anxious and what will follow may add to my burdens. Do you know my dear Commodore that I have never been so sure as now that there is a high and unseen Power that guides and sustains the weak efforts of man? I feel it all the time and sometimes I have come to expect that I shall find the path of Duty and right, if I honestly and patriotically go on my way.” Signed vertically in the left margin of the first page. In fine condition, with a small separation to the central horizontal fold. The financial matter of “these turbulent perplexing days”—the Panic of 1893—was a depression caused by bad trade policy and monetary scarcity. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, April 23, 1980.


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5045 Grover Cleveland Estimate $2,000+ ALS, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 5 x 8, Executive Mansion letterhead, December 25, 1887. Letter to Samuel Budd, a tailor, regarding an appointment to fit his under-drawers, in part: “I have delayed writing you in regard to the pair of drawers you sent until I could see what the effects of wear and washing would have upon them…I think they should be a very little easier about the seat and hem the legs as far as the knees and a trifle smaller below the knees. So much of my comfort is…in the proper construction of ‘these limitations to Executive action’ that I think it would be well to send Mr. Stevenson here to fit them as you suggest.” In fine condition, with minor mounting remnants to reverse of second integral page. Ex. Charles Hamilton, December 1, 1977; sale 109, lot 80.

President Harrison seeks the history of election processes 5046 Benjamin Harrison Estimate $6,000+ Scarce ALS as president signed “Benj. Harrison,” one page, 4.5 x 6.75, Executive Mansion letterhead, October 13, 1891. Letter to Ainsworth Rand Spofford, the sixth Librarian of the United States Congress, in full: “I have occasion to consider the question of the manner of choosing electors of President & Vice President & would like to have the history of the matter, showing the methods used by the States in appointing Electors from the beginning. Can you put me in the way of getting it?” In fine condition. Ex. Charles Hamilton, February 24, 1977; sale 103, lot 102.

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5047 William McKinley Estimate $3,000+ ALS as president, 4.75 x 7.5, Executive Mansion letterhead, July 25, 1898. Letter to his pastor, Dr. Frank M. Bristol, in part: “You are preaching very remarkable sermons. They are helpful and inspiring. As I listened to you yesterday I felt that you were working too hard, and should take a vacation during this hot season. Can you do it? You will return for the…winter stronger & better.” In fine condition. Less than a month after McKinley’s tragic death, Dr. Bristol delivered an emotional panegyric at a memorial service held at Chase’s Theater on October 6, 1901. His eulogy closed with the following—‘William McKinley was first an American then a Republican as he was first a Christian then a Methodist.’ Ex. Charles Hamilton, March 1, 1979; sale 118, lot 132.

5048 Theodore Roosevelt Estimate $1,000+ Large engraved bust portrait of Roosevelt, 7.75 x 11, boldly signed in ink as president, “To Fred A. Emery, with the regards of Theodore Roosevelt, Nov. 23rd 1908.” Affixed to a slightly larger cardstock sheet. In very good to fine condition. Provenance: Joe Rubinfine, December 5, 1988; sale 99, lot 2.


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5049 Theodore Roosevelt Estimate $2,000+ TLS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, October 21, 1908. Letter to E. E. Clark, the Interstate Commerce Commissioner, in full: “I have your letter of the 20th, with enclosure, concerning Midshipman Connor. I greatly fear nothing can be done in the matter. For an officer to get drunk, and especially to get drunk when the whole fleet was on honor as it was in Australia, means, I fear, that to pardon the offense would be a very grave blow at the discipline of the navy. However, I will carefully look over the papers in the case.” Permanently affixed to a slightly larger cardstock sheet with an image of William H. Taft bearing a facsimile signature affixed to the reverse. In very good condition, with intersecting folds, and two filing holes along top edge. Ex. Sotheby’s Parke-Bernet, March 2, 1975; sale 156, lot 549.

5050 Theodore Roosevelt Estimate $500+ White House card signed as president in black ink, “Theodore Roosevelt.” In fine condition.

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5051 Theodore Roosevelt Estimate $1,500+ TLS, one page, 8.25 x 10.75, Metropolitan letterhead, September 24, 1916. Letter to George E. Vincent, the president of the University of Minnesota, in full: “I thank you for your courtesy, but it is not possible for me to undertake anything else at present. You may know that I sent a letter to the American Sociological Society last year. At that time it was dealing with pacifism; and I must say that I was rather unfavorably impressed with the society which although composed of those who should be wise leaders of thought, seemed to be almost as inane on the greatest question at issue as ordinary person who have had no chance to think over the matter at all. A Society which treats pacifism as debatable ought to treat adultery as debatable. Now, my dear Mr. Vincent, I wish I could see you personally. If you are in New York, do give me a chance to see you.” Roosevelt makes several emendations and adds two handwritten sentences. In very good to fine condition. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, March 22, 1974.

5052 Theodore and Edith Roosevelt Estimate $2,000+


Two ALSs, individually signed “Theodore Roosevelt” as president and “Edith Kermit Roosevelt” as first lady, both two pages on two adjoining sheets, White House letterhead, 4 x 5.25 and 5.25 x 6.75, dated November 10, 1902, and December 29, [1902]. Both letters are addressed to George von Lengerke Meyer, the ambassador to Italy. Theodore’s letter, in full: “This is to introduce my sister in law Miss Emily Caron—of whom I am very fond! She is to be in Rome this winter and I venture to commend her to your courtesy. With warm regards to Mrs. Meyer, believe me.” The Edith letter, in full: “It was most kind of you to allow my parcel a corner in the bag, particularly since it was rather a large one—Later in the winter I shall tuck a smaller package with the bag on my own account & ask you to see that my sister gets it. I wish I could visit her with it, for I miss her sadly this winter. With thanks and the President’s regards.” In overall fine condition, with an area of thinning paper to the second page of the Theodore letter.

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Just five days after losing the election of 1912, Taft celebrates his own small victory: “If we had not all gone in and worked as hard as we did, we might have allowed Roosevelt to be elected” 5053 William H. Taft Estimate $3,000+ TLS as president signed “Wm. H. Taft,” two pages, 8 x 10.5, White House letterhead, November 10, 1912. Marked “Personal” in the upper left corner, a letter to George R. Sheldon, expressing his relief that Teddy Roosevelt was not victorious in his campaign for president, in part: “If we had not all gone in and worked as hard as we did, we might have allowed Roosevelt to be elected. He came a great deal nearer success than I supposed was possible, and it now seems to me clear that he and his friends expected to sweep the country. We accomplished his defeat, and you and I, with our ideas of constitutional government and of what is valuable in our country’s constitution, must hold that to be worthy of any effort.” Taft adds a lengthy postscript, in full: “Don’t for a moment suppose that I am cast down or humiliated, or in any way am suffering from disappointment or mental disturbance. While as leader I had to express confidence and had to hope against hope, I am not in any different state of mind now from what I was three or four weeks ago. The truth is, I am glad it is all over. I think I shall be able to look back on my administration as one in which something of usefulness has been accomplished for the people of the country, and shall be able to rejoice that to me has been given the opportunity to exercise the highest office in the land, without reproach.” Both are affixed to slightly larger sheets. In very good condition, with the second page trimmed. During Taft’s administration, a deep rift between conservative and progressive Republicans split the party, leading Roosevelt to run against Republican nominee Taft on his newly created Progressive ticket. While Taft was unsuccessful in defeating Democrat Woodrow Wilson, he did take enough votes away from Roosevelt to prevent him from winning—a feat which he seems quite pleased with in this letter. Excellent content from just days after the election.

5054 William H. Taft Estimate $1,500+ ALS as president signed “Wm. H. Taft,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 5 x 6, Thirty-six West Forty-eighth Street letterhead, October 19, 1910. Letter to Kate Douglas Wiggin, the author of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, in full: “I have your kind note of Monday. Mrs. Taft and I greatly regret that our engagements prevent our accepting your kind invitation and seeing your play—I go back to Washington tonight—I hope, however, that the success of your play will keep it on the boards, so that when I come again to New York during the present season, I may have the pleasure of seeing it. With thanks from Mrs. Taft and myself for your courtesy and with the pleasantest recollection of our dinner together at the McKushans.” In fine condition, with a thin mounting strip along the interior hinge.

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“I’ll begin to swear unless I stop and profanity does not look well in ink” 5055 William H. Taft Estimate $800+ ALS signed “Wm. H. Taft,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 5 x 7.75, personal letterhead, December 24, 1916. Letter to Larz Anderson, in part: “Thank you and [Gretel] for your kind Holiday greetings to Helen and me. We reciprocate them. We are cheerful in spite of the election. It was pretty hard though. We can stand being thoroughly beaten but it is trying to feel that victory was in our hands and that we threw it away…If Hughes had made an effort to select the biggest dunderhead in the country to be the head of the campaign committee, he could not have been more successful than in his choice of Wilson…Wilson’s last peace note is to me perfectly dreadful. I don’t wonder that England is indignant. She has a right to be. However I’ll begin to swear unless I stop and profanity does not look well in ink.” In fine condition. During the Taft administration, Anderson served as the minister to Belgium and then, for a brief period, as the ambassador to Japan; Anderson resigned when Taft was replaced by Woodrow Wilson.

Taft counts a victory: the elimination of “Roosevelt as a spectre over the Republican Party” 5056 William H. Taft Estimate $1,500+ TLS signed “Wm. H. Taft,” one page, 7 x 9.25, personal letterhead, November 13, 1914. Letter to George R. Sheldon. In part: “The victory was a great satisfaction to me. It eliminated Roosevelt as a spectre over the Republican Party. I understand that Hilles is still so afflicted with the fear of him that he thinks the Progressive Party may vote to come into the Republican Party when they meet on the second of December, and that then Roosevelt will wish to be a candidate. This is so improbable that I wonder that Hilles suggested it. It makes very little difference in my judgment now whether Teddy stays in or stays out. I am very glad you enjoyed Mrs. Taft’s book…I am very busy with my University work at Yale, at Harvard, at the University of Chicago, the University of Virginia, the University of North Carolina, at Cornell, at Williams and at Oberlin, so you see I am going to the business of dealing with the next generation.” Taft also makes one handwritten correction to the letter and adds “My dear George” at the end. Affixed at the left edge to a slightly larger cardstock sheet. In fine condition.


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Stunning pair of signed 1913 inauguration photos

5057 William H. Taft and Woodrow Wilson Estimate $4,000+ Remarkable pairing of mattefinish 10 x 8 candid photographs of William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson in the presidential carriage at Wilson’s 1913 inaugural parade, individually signed in bold fountain pen near the bottom, “Wm. H. Taft” and “Woodrow Wilson.” In overall fine condition, with a missing corner tip to the Taft photo. These extraordinary images capture the essence of the procession as Taft turned the White House over to Wilson on March 4, 1913. Both presidents are visible in the two photos, as are American flags flying in the background. A wonderful pairing of rarely seen signed inauguration photos. Ex. Sotheby’s, December 4, 1981; sale 4748, lot 1338.

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Wilson delivers his 1917 ‘War Message’ to Congress: ‘The world must be made safe for democracy’

5058 Woodrow Wilson Estimate $5,000+


Historic matte-finish 13.75 x 10 photo of President Wilson’s address to Congress asking for a declaration of war against Germany on April 2, 1917, affixed to a 13.75 x 11.25 mount, signed on the mount in fountain pen by President Woodrow Wilson, Vice President Thomas R. Marshall, and Speaker of the House Champ Clark. In very good to fine condition, with light silvering to darker areas and a missing upper right corner tip. In his address, President Wilson famously asked Congress to declare war against Germany, saying, ‘The world must be made safe for democracy.’ Congress voted for the war declaration four days later to begin American involvement in World War I. This photograph not only portrays a critical moment of Wilson’s presidency but represents a significant turning point in the course of world history.

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5059 Woodrow Wilson Estimate $3,000+ ALS as president, two pages on two adjoining sheets, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, April 2, 1913. Letter to the newly appointed Secretary of War Lindley M. Garrison, who had recently toured areas of Ohio devastated by floodwater, in full: “May I not say to you, a little more formally than this afternoon, how sincerely and warmly I value and admire the services you rendered on your trip to Ohio? I do not see how the situation could have been better or more thoughtfully and wisely handled. I feel that you are to be congratulated on having been so soon tested and found to be the right man in the right place. May I not confess to a little pride that my judgment, so confidently expressed to you in my office at Trenton, should have been so soon vindicated? Will you not convey my warm greetings and thanks to the officers who are working with you to aid the authorities and help the people of the flooded districts?” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original White House Mailing envelope, addressed in Wilson’s own hand, “Hon. Lindley M. Garrison, Sec’y of War.” Ex. Sotheby’s, June 20, 1979; sale 4267, lot 864.

5061 Woodrow Wilson Estimate $2,000+

5060 Woodrow Wilson Estimate $2,000+ TQS as president, one page, 6.75 x 4.5, signed at the bottom in black ink. Wilson quotes from his inaugural address, in full: “This not a day of triumph; it is a day of dedication. I summon all honest men, all patriotic, all forward-looking men, to my side. God helping me, I will not fail them, if they will but counsel and sustain me.” In fine condition.

TLS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, embossed Presidential letterhead, May 28, 1919. Letter to his son-in-law and former Secretary of the Treasury William McAdoo, in full: “Your generous letter of May 12th has done me a lot of good. I have moments of deep anxiety over here, not only, but often of deep discouragement also, and such a warm message of confidence and approval acts like a tonic on me, coming from a man whose judgment and character I esteem as I do yours. Thank you with all my heart. The only thing that mars my pleasure in the letter is the news it contains of your having been knocked down by an automobile and injured. I am thankful that the injury was not serious and I hope with all my heart that by the time this reaches you will have recovered entirely.” In fine condition.

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5062 Edith Bolling Wilson Estimate $300+ TLS as first lady, one page, 5.25 x 6.75, White House letterhead, January 19, 1920. Letter to Kate Y. Remer, in full: “Your generous letter has touched me very deeply, and may I not thank you most warmly for it and for your solicitude about the President. Please forgive this typewritten letter, for in these busy days when I am with the President so constantly, all my letters must be dictated.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

“I hold you in high esteem for your services to state and nation as soldier and statesman” 5063 Warren G. Harding Estimate $4,000+ Scarce ALS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, September 28, 1921. Letter to James E. Campbell, the former governor of Ohio. In part: “I have seen your letter to Mr. Christian and am happy to comply. It is always agreeable to meet a request from you because I hold you in high esteem for your services to state and nation as soldier and statesman, and because I hold you in very high esteem personally…It is a fine thing to live and serve and note the ripening years continually bring added affection and esteem. You have my sincerest congratulations.” In fine condition.


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Henry Ford threatens Harding’s presidency 5064 Warren G. Harding Estimate $2,000+ TLS as president, two pages on two adjoining sheets, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, May 19, 1923. Letter to Charles C. Fisher about Henry Ford as a presidential candidate. In part: “I have your friendly note of May 10th, on which you express your interest concerning the development of a political following for Mr. [Henry] Ford, and your suggestion that I go to Ann Arbor in June and make an address in the hope of offering an antidote…the burden of speech-making which must accompany a trip across the continent have persuaded me that it would be no less than folly to take on any of the many engagements which are pressing…I doubt if any address that I could make at Ann Arbor would tend to check the popular feeling for Mr. Ford. If he is willing to consider the Democratic nomination I think he will be a very likely contender in the convention and I do not pretend at this time to make a prediction as to the support which he would enlist at the polls. The simple truth is I have had less anxiety and perturbation concerning presidential nominations and the election than probably anybody else in all the country. It has been my philosophy that if the present administration makes good there can not possibly be any doubt about re-nomination. If it does not make good there ought to be no re-nomination…It just occurs to me as I dictate that your nephew, Harry J. Fisher is to lunch with me today and play golf in the afternoon. I need not tell you that I am hoping to trim him.” In fine condition. A poll conducted by Collier’s magazine in the spring of 1923 had Henry Ford as the front runner for the 1924 election, leading all candidates including the incumbent President Harding. Ford appealed to several disparate political factions as a ‘self-made man’ and the ‘people’s tycoon,’ and he had only narrowly lost in 1918 when he ran for senator. Harding, of course, did not make it to the next election; he suddenly passed away during a trip to San Francisco on August 2, just a few months after writing this letter. Ex. Christie’s, November 15, 2005; sale 1685, lot 179.

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5065 Warren G. Harding Estimate $2,000+

Collection of eight TLSs by Harding, comprising two as senator and six as president, each one page, dated September 1920–June 1923. All are to Harry J. Fisher. One letter as president, from March 23, 1922, in part: “I have no doubt there is merit in your suggestion of making a public opinion by the process of a series of interviews with the Chief Executive, Chief of Staff, and others conspicuous in the government particularly those who were more closely related to the war service. Unfortunately it is a very poor policy for the President to venture upon the issue of interviews. The whole trouble with the bonus situation is that the vast majority of popular sentiment was permitted to crystallize in favor of its payment without any thought of the cost or the difficulty of doing so. Congressmen themselves have become committed who probably wish they were free to act according to their better judgment. I confess I do not know what the outcome will be. I am very sure, however, that the present bill has a difficult course to run before it becomes the law.” Another, November 16, 1922, in part: “In many respects I agree with your rather indefinite analysis of the election results. One thing seems to have been effective in one place and another thing in quite another, with no single outstanding thing being chargeable for the registered reversal of public sentiment. In a general way I think it was an expression or resentment and dissatisfaction which the country manifestly feels over existing conditions, the responsibility for which is not to be charged to any one thing nor to any one authority. The federal government has manifestly been dealing with a very difficult situation, and I had the impression that we were doing pretty well until the country registered so strongly in opposition. But we are coming out all right for the country, and it is not a very serious matter how the result affects the political fortunes of the present administration.” In the other letters, Harding discusses vacationing with Mrs. Harding, his health, the Federal Reserve Board, and an invitation to the Yale commencement. In overall fine condition. Accompanied by two secretarially signed letters and twenty-two letters by assistants and secretaries.


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Christmas greetings to a Boston monsignor 5066 Calvin Coolidge Estimate $4,000+ ALS as president, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 6 x 7.25, December 27, 1923. Letter to Monsignor J. P. E. O’Connell in Boston offering Christmas greetings. In part: “Curiously Mrs. Coolidge and I were speaking of you at Christmas and wondering where you were. I was glad to get your letter and she will be too. Our boys are at home now and Mr. & Mrs. Stearns are with us. When you come to Washington you must let us know in advance so we can have you to break bread with us. I am so pleased to know that your Father and Mother are well. A letter just came from my father saying he is well. He will be 79 next March. With all the greetings of the season to you and your people.” In fine condition. Autograph letters by Coolidge are uncommon, with this example featuring warm personal content from the typically reserved leader. Ex. Sotheby’s, October 31, 1985; sale 5379, lot 64.

President Coolidge congratulations the 1924 ‘Around the World Fliers’ 5067 Calvin Coolidge Estimate $1,500+ TLS as president, one page, 5.5 x 9.25, White House letterhead, August 15, 1924. “Aerogram” letter to six of the Army Air Service pilots who took part in the world’s first aerial circumnavigation, in part: “Your return to North American soil following circumnavigation of the earth by air is inspiration to the whole nation. Your history-making flight has been followed with absorbing interest by the people everywhere...Your countrymen are proud of you.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a letter of transmittal from Coolidge’s secretary. On April 6, 1924, four Douglas World Cruiser aircraft and eight US Army Air Service pilots and mechanics carried out the first aerial circumnavigation of the globe, completing the journey in 175 days after taking 74 stops and covering about 27,550 miles. Ex. Ken Rendell, January 10, 1978; sale 132, lot 19.

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5068 Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, and William H. Taft Estimate $1,500+ Fountain pen signatures of Herbert Hoover, Lou Henry Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, Grace Coolidge, William H. Taft, and Helen Taft on an off-white 7.5 x 6 mount bearing an affixed image of Hoover’s inauguration at the US Capitol on March 4, 1929. Affixed in turn to a larger 10 x 9 mount. In very good condition, with creasing and staining to the mount and some rippling to image. A rare combination of signers. Ex. Robert Batchelder, March 30, 1978; sale 21, lot 99.

5069 Herbert Hoover Estimate $300+ White House card signed as president in fountain pen by Hoover. In fine condition. A scarce format from the thirty-first president.

5070 Norman Thomas Estimate $500+ American Presbyterian minister(1884–1968) who was a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. TLS, two pages, 8.5 x 11, personal letterhead, January 25, 1966. Letter to Robert Marsel, concerning his appraisal of Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt, in part: “Mr. Hoover was a man of real ability and, according to his lights, of great public spirit. He returned his salary as president to the Treasury. He did a great many good things for which he was well fitted by temperament and ability, especially in the field of relief...He wasn’t responsible for the depression. No man was. But, psychologically and otherwise, he wasn’t the man to handle it. Roosevelt was, as he proved. I was and, in retrospect, still am, critical of some of his policies, primarily of their inadequacy. He didn’t really end the depression or the terrific unemployment. It was the war that radically changed the picture.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, April 5, 1995.


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The transfer of power from Hoover to FDR 5071 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover Estimate $4,000+ Exceptional matte-finish 9.25 x 7.25 photo of Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes administering the oath of office to Roosevelt on March 4, 1933, signed near the bottom in fountain pen by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Charles Evans Hughes, and Herbert Hoover. Matted and framed. In fine condition. This photograph depicts the moment that Roosevelt replaced Hoover in the White House, representing a turning point for America amidst the Great Depression. Roosevelt famously used his 17th–century Dutch family bible for the swearing-in ceremony and proceeded to deliver a moving inaugural address, best known for his declaration that there is nothing to fear but ‘fear itself.’

5072 Franklin D. Roosevelt Estimate $2,000+ Rare matte-finish 9.25 x 7.25 photo of Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes administering the oath of office to Roosevelt at his second inauguration on January 20, 1937, signed in fountain pen by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Charles Evans Hughes, John Nance Garner, and James Roosevelt, with all adding the date of the occasion. Matted and framed. In fine condition. Ex. Charles Hamilton, September 4, 1975; sale 90, lot 322.

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Rare presidential autograph letter to an essential New Dealer

5073 Franklin D. Roosevelt Estimate $6,000+

Scarce ALS as president, two pages on two adjoining sheets, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, [May 31, 1937]. Letter to Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes, who was recovering from a heart attack. In part: “I am too sorry to hear of the illness. But the Doctors all say it is just a question of absolute quiet for several weeks—& that there will be no permanent ill effects—I’m very glad you are going to Naval Hospital—& I will come to see you on Wednesday on my return—Be a good boy & do what they tell you and don’t worry.” In fine condition, with staple holes to top margin of second page. Though this letter is undated, the personal diaries of Harold L. Ickes, published posthumously, date this letter as May 31, 1937. Upon entering the White House in 1932, Roosevelt appointed Ickes secretary of the interior—the lone Republican in his Democratic cabinet. He was responsible for implementing the administration’s many New Deal policies and emerged from political obscurity to become a national figure. Handwritten letters by FDR as president are exceedingly rare, and as a get-well message to one of his most trusted domestic advisors, this example is of the utmost desirability. Ex. R. M. Smythe, March 21, 1996; lot 134.


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An international treaty for “avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion”

5074 Franklin D. Roosevelt Estimate $5,000+

DS, two pages, 8 x 12.5, August 31, 1944. Official cover sheet conveying an agreement between the United States and Canada to the Senate for approval. In part: “With a view to receiving the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification I transmit herewith a convention between the United States of America and Canada for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion in the case of estate taxes and succession duties, signed in Ottawa on June 8, 1944. The convention was negotiated and signed on behalf of the United States of America in pursuance of full powers issued by me to the American Ambassador. The convention has the approval of the Department of State and the Treasury Department.” Upper left corner of the first page bears an embossed presidential seal. In fine condition. Official documents between the president and the Senate rarely come on the market. Ex. Charles Hamilton, July 24, 1975; sale 89, lot 256.

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With the Yalta Conference in his wake, FDR embarks on his final trip abroad 5075 Franklin D. Roosevelt Estimate $3,000+ TLS as president signed “F. D. R.,” one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, February 26, 1945. Letter to Mrs. A. J. D. Biddle, in full: “It was grand to get your letter especially because I was at the moment in the somewhat lonely reaches of the Suez Canal. From all you say you must be extremely busy and I have heard from many people of the splendid work you are doing. Don’t acquire an English accent! We had a very successful party in the Crimea and Cathie Merriman was most helpful. Give Sally Gordon my love when you see her and, incidentally, do not work too hard yourself. I saw Gil Winant. He made the cruise with me from Alexandria to Algiers.” In fine condition. In mid-February of 1945, Roosevelt departed Crimea’s Yalta Conference and traveled to Egypt, France, and Algiers. In his final trip abroad, the president blended sightseeing with important diplomatic sessions, meeting with leaders like Egyptian King Farouk, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, Saudi Arabian King Ibn Saud, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Ex. Charles Hamilton, January 23, 1975; sale 84, lot 304.

From Communist China to Belgrade, Roosevelt reflects on “what a really foolishly divided world we live in” 5076 Eleanor Roosevelt Estimate $1,000+ TLS, two pages, 7.25 x 10.25, personal letterhead, July 9, 1953. Letter to Harry Hooker, FDR’s first law partner and Eleanor’s attorney, in part: “The five weeks in Japan were interesting and I was kept very busy…I think I did a perfectly good job there and I have sent home a couple of articles and hope to send some...in selling any of them...A British general took me to the Frontier and I looked over at the Communist Chinese guards on the other side of the bridge and thought what a really foolishly divided world we live in…In Athens we did a lot of sightseeing...I lunched with the King and Queen and dined at the Embassy and then we went on a motor trip to Delphu and Corinth…Sarajevo, where we are now, is a most interesting place with all kinds of influences from conquests and occupations making this a curious part of the world. We will be in Bryony with Tito by the 16th and we leave Yugoslavia on the 21st for Vienna.” Roosevelt makes a couple handwritten corrections. In fine condition, with splitting to fold above but not affecting signature. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs.


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The influential ‘Four Point’ inaugural 5077 Harry S. Truman Estimate $4,000+ Press release, five pages on four sheets, 8 x 14, January 19, 1949. Mimeographed press release of Truman’s inaugural address. In part: “Mr. Vice President, Mr. Chief Justice, and Fellow Citizens: I accept with humility the honor which the American people have conferred upon me. I accept it with a deep resolve to do all that I can for the welfare of this Nation and for the peace of the world. In performing the duties of my office, I need the help and prayers of every one of you. I ask for your encouragement and your support. The tasks we face are difficult, and we can accomplish them only if we work together...First, we will continue to give unfaltering support to the United Nations and related agencies, and we will continue to search for ways to strengthen their authority and increase their effectiveness...Second, we will continue our programs for world economic recovery...Third, we will strengthen freedom-loving nations against the dangers of aggression...Fourth, we must embark on a bold new program for making the benefits of our scientific advances and industrial progress available for the improvement and growth of underdeveloped areas...Events have brought our American democracy to new influence and new responsibilities. They will test our courage, our devotion to duty, and our concept of liberty. But I say to all men, what we have achieved in liberty, we will surpass in greater liberty. Steadfast in our faith in the Almighty, we will advance toward a world where man’s freedom is secure. To that end we will devote our strength, our resources, and our firmness of resolve. With God’s help, the future of mankind will be assured in a world of justice, harmony, and peace.” Signed at the conclusion in fountain pen. In fine condition. Known as the ‘Four Point Speech,’ Truman outlines American values against the scourge of communism and calls for Democrats and Republicans alike to assist people around the world struggling for freedom and human rights. This speech is generally regarded as the beginning of international development policy in relation to the Third World.

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“I have, therefore, relieved General MacArthur of his commands” 5078 Harry S. Truman Estimate $4,000+ Important press release, one page, 8 x 10.5, April 10, 1951. Mimeographed press release announcing his decision to relieve General Douglas MacArthur of command. In part: “With deep regret I have concluded that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is unable to give his wholehearted support to the policies of the United States Government and of the United Nations in matters pertaining to his official duties. In view of the specific responsibilities imposed upon me by the Constitution of the United States and the added responsibility which has been entrusted to me by the United Nations, I have decided that I must make a change of command in the Far East. I have, therefore, relieved General MacArthur of his commands and have designated Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway as his successor.” Signed at the conclusion in fountain pen. In fine condition. Following his success in World War II and in the rebuilding of Japan, MacArthur was made the commander of the forces defending South Korea in the Korean War. However, he disagreed with the way Truman was pursuing the war and continually made statements—public and private—that undermined the administration’s goals. Frustrated with this insubordination, Truman controversially chose to relieve MacArthur from duty for failing to respect the authority of the president. The move sparked controversy throughout the American public and cast a long shadow over American civil-military relations. Ex. James Lowe, August 4, 1976.


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Handwritten to his secretary of state, “the diplomat par excellence” 5079 Harry S. Truman Estimate $5,000+ ALS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, October 15, 1952. Letter to Secretary of State Dean Acheson. In full: “Matt handed me your note of the 13th. You are the diplomat par excellence. When I see you we’ll have a conversation about it all. I would be proud to appear anywhere with you from Yale to 1908 Main in Kansas City. (That’s the address of the Pendergast Club). Will see you when I get over the present political spasm. My best to Mrs. Acheson.” In fine condition. Truman’s mention of the “Pendergast Club” is particularly interesting as it refers to the organization of Missouri political machine boss Tom Pendergast, who had helped Truman launch his career; despite Truman’s honest integrity, this association was often a point of criticism early on in his public life. The “political spasm” he mentions must be a reference to the upcoming 1952 election in which Dwight Eisenhower, as predicted, swept to a commanding victory. Handwritten letters by Truman as president are rare, with this example improved by its notable political associations.

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President Truman’s farewell address

5080 Press release, three pages both sides, 8 x 14, January 15, 1953. Mimeographed press release Harry S. Truman of Truman’s farewell address. In part: “Next Tuesday, General Eisenhower will be inaugurated as Estimate $4,000+


President of the United States. A short time after the new President takes his oath of office, I will be on the train going back home to Independence, Missouri. I will once again be a plain, private citizen of this Republic. That is as it should be. Inauguration Day will be a great demonstration of our democratic process. I am glad to be a part of it—glad to wish General Eisenhower all possible success, as he begins his term—glad the whole world will have a chance to see how simply and how peacefully our American system transfers the vast power of the Presidency from my hands to his. It is a good object lesson in democracy. I am very proud of it. I know you are, too…When Franklin Roosevelt died, I felt there must be a million men better qualified than I, to take up the Presidential task. But the work was mine to do, and I had to do it. I have tried to give it everything that was in me. Through all of it, through all the years that I have worked here in this room, I have been well aware I did not really work alone—that you were working with me. No President could ever hope to lead our country, or to sustain the burdens of this office, save as the people helped with their support. I have had that help—you have given me that support—on all our great essential undertakings to build the free world’s strength and keep the peace. Those are the big things.” Signed at the conclusion in fountain pen. In fine condition. A wonderfully patriotic address by the outgoing president.

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5081 Dwight D. Eisenhower Estimate $6,000+ Scarce ALS as president signed “Ike,” one page both sides, 7 x 10.25, on his lesser-seen personal “DDE, The White House” letterhead, April 7, 1955. Letter to his wife Mamie. In full: “I hear a car is soon to leave here for the farm. Possibly the florist will be sending you flowers—but I want you to have these from my office so that they may help me say how much I miss you! I do hope you improve hourly, and are getting a real rest. When you feel like talking on the phone please call; I don’t want to bother you when you’re in bed. I hear from Howard about your physical condition; and he tells me something about the landscaping. Min and I had Ed & Suzy for dinner (upstairs) on Sun & Wed. On Mon. and Tues. we both went to bed by 7:00—and had our trays, each in his room. All my love—and my constant hope that you’re coming along splendidly.” In very good to fine condition. Accompanied by the original transmittal envelope addressed in his own hand, “M. D. E.—Farm.” Ex. Joe Rubinfine, June 8, 1999; sale 141, lot 20.

5082 Dwight D. Eisenhower Estimate $1,000+ TLS as president, one page, 7 x 10.25, White House letterhead, July 13, 1955. Letter to Alabama Governor James Folsom, in full: “I greatly appreciate your kindness in sending me a cordial invitation to attend the traditional Blue and Gray football game played in Montgomery on the last Saturday in December. Although I hope to be in your part of the South at the time, I have had to make a firm rule not to leave the Augusta National grounds during any of my visits there, in order that I may get the rest and complete relaxation that is so necessary for me. In view of the fact that there is no possibility of my accepting the suggestion, and because of my extremely heavy schedule at present, I have written to Mr. Brightwell personally to express my regret. A copy of my letter to him is enclosed.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. The Civil Rights Movement presented tense moments for both President Eisenhower and Governor Folsom, with the latter, a noted moderate on racial equality, facing the Martin Luther King, Jr.-orchestrated Montgomery Bus Boycott by year’s end. Ex. JFF Autographs, March 24, 1986; sale 4/86, lot 2.

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Boldly penned introduction to Schlesinger

5083 John F. Kennedy Estimate $4,000+


ALS as president, one page both sides, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, no date. Letter to Dr. Tagor. In full: “I regret very much that a Cabinet meeting and luncheon made it difficult for us to meet. I have asked Professor Schlesinger to talk with you and he will relay any message you might have.� In fine condition, with show-through from writing to opposing sides. Historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., served as special assistant to President Kennedy from 1961 to 1963, primarily focusing on Latin American affairs. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his biography of the Kennedy administration, A Thousand Days, in 1966. Autograph letters from Kennedy as president are quite scarce.

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5084 John F. Kennedy Estimate $3,000+ TLS as president signed “John Kennedy,” one page, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, May 1, 1962. Letter to the Mayor of Madrid, Spain, Jose Finat, in full: “It is a pleasure for me to send greetings to you through the newspaper boys representing The Washington Post and other newspapers all over the country. Your kindness in extending your hospitality to these youngsters is much appreciated as a further indication of the warm relationship between our countries. I send you my kindest personal regards.” In fine condition, with old mounting adhesive on reverse, not affecting overall appearance. Ex. Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, October 20, 1987; sale 922, lot 609.

Rare photo signed by JFK, RFK, LBJ, and the rest of the Kennedy cabinet 5085 John F. Kennedy and His Cabinet Estimate $4,000+ Sought-after glossy 13 x 7 photo of President Kennedy with his cabinet, signed in ink by all pictured, including John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Adlai Stevenson, Robert S. McNamara, Dean Rusk, Arthur J. Goldberg, J. Edward Day, Orville L. Freeman, Abraham A. Ribicoff, Luther H. Hodges, C. Douglas Dillon, and Stewart L. Udall. Matted and in very good condition, with scattered overall creasing and RFK’s signature several shades light. Featuring the scarce combination of the president and his full cabinet, this is a truly remarkable piece. Ex. Sotheby’s, June 20, 1979; sale 4267, lot 736.

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Get-well note to General MacArthur— an exceedingly rare format 5086 Lyndon B. Johnson Estimate $3,000+ ANS as president on a 4 x 2.25 gilt-edged card featuring an embossed presidential seal, no date but circa spring 1964. Note to General Douglas MacArthur, headed “Wednesday, 10 a.m.” in Johnson’s hand. In full: “General—We are so happy at your marvelous progress and pray for your Image larger than actual size complete recovery, Our best, Lyndon B. Johnson.” In fine condition, with mounting remnants to reverse. MacArthur had been admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center for liver problems and passed away on April 5, 1964. As White House cards signed by Johnson are virtually nonexistent, this example serves as a fine substitute and is especially desirable given its association with one of America’s greatest generals.

5087 Lyndon B. Johnson Estimate $500+ Semi-glossy 14 x 11 photo of President Johnson seated in a rocking chair, leisurely discussing state matters with Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Robert McNamara, and George Ball, signed and inscribed in the lower border in fountain pen to the under secretary of state, “To George Ball, May we always be this relaxed, Lyndon B. Johnson.” In fine condition, with irregular emulsion sheen to bottom edge. Ex. R. M. Smythe, October 11, 1995; sale 144, lot 208.


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A presidential promotion of natural beauty 5088 Lyndon B. Johnson Estimate $2,000+ TLS as president, one page, 7 x 10.25, White House letterhead, August 9, 1965. Letter to New York Congressman Seymour Halpern, in part: “I am sending you a brochure that presents, in summary form, the proceedings of the recent White House Conference on Natural Beauty. I thought that the recommendations would be of interest to you. The conference was planned, as you know, to discover and recommend ways to bring natural beauty into the daily lives of all Americans. It has been a source of pleasure and inspiration to me to see the great public interest developing in natural beauty. Several of our Governors have already scheduled conferences on natural beauty as I suggested in my remarks to the conference delegates here in Washington...Municipalities, school systems, private organizations, and individuals have written to tell of their projects and to offer their assistance in this national effort to improve the quality of our lives.” In fine condition. Ex. Charles Hamilton, February 24, 1977; sale 103, lot 125.

5089 Lady Bird Johnson Estimate $200+ Two items: a color matte-finish 9.5 x 7.5 photo of the President and the first lady greeting friends, signed and inscribed in black ink, “For Earl Collins—‘as we were years ago,’ All best wishes, Lady Bird Johnson”; and a TLS as first lady, one page, 6.25 x 9.5, White House letterhead, January 12, 1968. Letter to Mrs. Aymar Johnson, in full: “The President was deeply appreciative of your kind message. In these times, words of confidence from friends all over the country mean a great deal to us. I assure you that the President’s appeal for spiritual guidance is very often in his mind and on his heart, even if it doesn’t always find its way into print—although I feel you will find it is often publicly stated, from that very first day in November, 1963, to the rending hours of today. I was disappointed to miss the Prayer Breakfast this year. I always look forward to this inspirational gathering, but at the last moment I found it impossible to be in Washington—the first I’ve missed in years.” In overall very good condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

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Exceptionally rare handwritten letter from President Nixon to “a fine family in the service of the United States” 5090 Richard Nixon Estimate $8,000+ Excessively rare ALS as president, one page both sides, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, December 14, 1971. Letter to General and Mrs. Aldrich, thanking them for their hospitality. In full: “I want you to know how much I enjoyed staying in your delightful home. The Christmas decorations, the decor and particularly the charming family pictures (the wedding picture especially!) made me feel very much at home. I know our visit was a great inconvenience for your family and staff—give them my appreciation. A very happy Christmas to all of you. We are proud to have such a fine family in the service of the United States.” In fine condition, with trivial mounting remnants to upper corners. Air Force General Thomas A. Aldrich, stationed at Lajes Field in the Azores, hosted President Nixon from December 12–14 during his visit to the archipelago for a meeting with French President Georges Pompidou. The summit was convened for the two leaders to discuss monetary policy regarding systems of international exchange. The Nixon administration’s major economic goal was to halt inflation, and in order to do so the president made the decision to cancel the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold. Autograph letters signed by President Nixon are exceedingly rare, and with an association to one of the most influential changes in the economy in modern history this is an absolutely incredible example. Ex. Christie’s, December 19, 2002; sale 1060, lot 326.

5091 Richard Nixon Estimate $1,000+ TLS, one page, 7.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, October 31, 1980. Letter to Kevin Richard, in full: “This is the first opportunity I have had to tell you how much I appreciated your letter with regard to my attending the funeral of the Shah. I considered it not a duty but an honor to pay my respect to one who had been such a loyal friend and ally of the United States for over thirty years.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Ex. James Lowe, December 19, 1983.


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“In my years at Yale, as both a law student and football coach, I pursued the dual objective of ‘Scholarship’ and ‘Athletics’” 5092 Gerald Ford Estimate $1,500+ TLS signed “Gerald R. Ford,” two pages, 7 x 10.5, White House letterhead, October 4, 1974. Letter to Everett Fisher, intended to be used as a speech in Ford’s absence at an upcoming Yale alumni meeting, in part: “Because I am unable to attending this gathering, I would greatly appreciate it if you would extend to all the delegates of the Association of Yale Alumni my warmest best wishes from a fellow alumnus. I note from your agenda that you will be examining ‘Trends in Yale Athletics’...As you may know, in my years at Yale, as both a law student and football coach, I pursued the dual objective of ‘Scholarship’ and ‘Athletics.’ It is a search for the proper balance between these two which is the theme of your Assembly and an important consideration for Yale itself. The 90,000 of us who are constituents of the AYA count on you to translate our affection for Yale—the Yale we know and love and the Yale we believe in—into guidance for a university that must continue to provide leaders for our great country. I trust that the Assembly V will be most successful and highly productive.” In very fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, as well as a letter of transmittal from White House aide Frank Pagnotta.

Ford’s notable attempt to reduce Cold War tensions 5093 Gerald Ford Estimate $1,500+ Rare press release, seven pages on four sheets, 8.25 x 11.75, August 1, 1975. Mimeographed press release of the Ford’s remarks at the Helsinki Accords, the final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Helsinki, Finland, in part: “Our people want a better future. Their expectations have been raised by the very real steps that have already been taken—in arms control, political negotiations, and expansion of contact and economic relations. Our presence here offers them further hope. We must not let them down. If the Soviet Union and the United States can reach agreement so that our astronauts can fit together the most intricate scientific equipment, work together, and shake hands 137 miles out in space, we as statesmen have an obligation to do as well on earth. History will judge this Conference not by what we say today, but what we do tomorrow—not by the promises we make but by the promises we keep.” Signed as president on the first page in blue ink, “Gerald R. Ford.” In fine condition.

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Rare letter to his brother on alcoholism, Libya, Sadat, and Idi Amin 5094 Jimmy Carter Estimate $20,000+

ALS as president, one page, 7 x 10.5, White House letterhead, April 3, 1979. Warm letter to his brother Billy, who was undergoing treatment for alcoholism at the National Naval Medical Center. In full: “I’ll call you also, but wanted to give you my response to your question regarding a visit to Libya in the near future. It would create severe problems for us because of their threats against Sadat and because they are fighting in Uganda for Idi Amin. I just got you on the phone and am glad to know that you’re still doing so well. I’ll see Jack McGregor when he comes to the White House this week. All of us are very proud of you, & particularly your brother! You’ve had a rough time lately, I know, but you’ve really come through it with a lot of courage. Call me whenever I can help. I love you.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope and a letter from Billy Carter from the time it was originally sold. Autograph letters from the

Carter White House are scarce. The president’s boisterous younger brother had emerged as a national celebrity during the 1976 campaign for his sometimes outrageous antics. Cast as a harddrinking good ol’ boy Southerner, Carter famously endorsed ‘Billy Beer’ in one of his failed business ventures. Billy came under further scrutiny when he visited Libya three times in 1978 and 1979 in order to broker an oil deal. He eventually registered as a foreign agent of the Libyan government and received a $220,000 loan. This led to a Senate investigation into alleged influence peddling, and ‘Billygate’ cast a shadow over Carter’s 1980 reelection campaign. An intensely personal letter with important political and familial content.

Regarding a visit to Libya: “It would create severe problems for us because of their threats against Sadat”

Ex. Christie’s, October 16, 1996; sale 8490, lot 9.

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5095 Jimmy Carter Estimate $1,000+ TLS as president, one page, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, March 29, 1977. Letter to Albert Sherer, accepting his resignation as Deputy Representative to the United Nations Security Council, in full: “I have your letter of resignation as the Deputy Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations with the rank of Ambassador and I accept it, as you request, effective upon a date to be determined. During your service in the Security Council, you have carried out your challenging responsibilities with dedication and purpose. The interests of United States have been ably represented under your direction. I take this occasion to express my appreciation of the service you have rendered our country in this capacity.” In fine condition.

The actor-turned-president halfheartedly thanks co-star Barbara Stanwyck for “top billing” 5096 Ronald Reagan Estimate $4,000+ ALS as president signed “Ron,” one page, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, August 2, 1981. Letter to film actress Barbara Stanwyck, in full: “I’m very late in responding to your nice letter of June 17 and I’m sorry. Let me say however it isn’t all my fault. It sometimes is quite a spell before mail gets through the bureaucratic maze and lands on my desk. Nancy & I were happy to hear from you and wish we could have been at Lincoln Center. Nancy sends her love as do I and we were both delighted that you were honored. You deserve it. Incidentally I appreciate your willingness to give me top billing in the picture but it might have set me back—RR as…? Anyway thanks and from both of us, warmest regards.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, with Reagan adding Stanwyck’s name and his secretary filling out the address area. Reagan’s “top billing” comment is in reference to the 1954 film Cattle Queen of Montana, an action-adventure Western which co-starred Stanwyck as the heroine Sierra Nevada Jones and Reagan as Farrell, a hired gunman who helps protect her from Indians and a greedy rancher. An interesting letter showing Reagan’s attempt to separate his Hollywood persona from his political career. Ex. Scriptorium, May 21, 1990.


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Bush recalls his father’s glee club days 5097 George Bush Estimate $3,000+ ALS as president, one page both sides, 6.25 x 4.25, presidential Camp David stationery card letterhead, November 23, 1989. Letter to Everett Fisher, thanking him for a photograph of his father, Prescott S. Bush, Sr., singing with the Silver Dollars, in full: “Thanks for the picture of Dad’s Silver Dollar Quartet. You know I still miss my Dad every day­—and I wish he were here. I write this on Thanksgiving. We Bushs have a lot to be thakful [sic] for.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, as well as a copy of Fisher’s letter to Bush, in part: “The enclosed photograph shows several fellows in whom you have had more than passing interest. The Silver Dollar quartet earned the admiration and affection of all who were fortunate enough to hear them. This picture came to light among my brother Agnew’s dark room ‘archives’ after his death earlier this year. I am sure a better copy could be made, if you would like. Just give it back to Spike and I will make the arrangements. On the other band, if you would prefer just keep the original, although it seems somewhat scratched and brittle.” Before serving as a longtime senator of Connecticut, Prescott Bush tried his hand in a variety of successful business ventures, most notably as a board director at CBS, a manager at the United States Rubber Company, and as the head of the United States Golf Association. The founder of the Yale Glee Club, Bush often sang with various acapella groups as a hobby, performing up and down the East Coast with acts like the Silver Dollar Quartet.

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“I don’t like racists” 5098 George Bush Estimate $800+ TLS as vice president, one page, 6.25 x 4.25, embossed vice president stationery card, May 19, 1988. Letter to Everett Fisher, in full: “I don’t like racists; I don’t like discrimination; and I agree with your letter of May 11. Thanks so much for writing and for your support. I’m heading back to Washington after a week long trip to the west coast. I’m working hard—and more determined than ever.” In very fine condition.

Affectionate handwritten letter from President Clinton 5099 Bill Clinton Estimate $4,000+ Uncommon ALS as president signed “Bill,” one page, 6.25 x 8.5, White House letterhead, September 10, no year. Letter to his high school friend Kathy McClanahan, “I loved your letter though I can’t believe you saved all those old letters from me in England. When you described your family get together I was reminded of the times I came to see you when your family was at Lake Hamilton, so long ago but I recall them vividly. I admire your courage so much and am glad you felt like writing me when you were melancholy. Hang in there.” In very fine condition. Ex. R. M. Smythe, September 29, 1994; sale 130, item 59.


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Any Bidder may bid on any lot prior to 6 pm EST/EDT. At that time, an extended bidding period goes into effect. If Bidder has not bid on a lot before 6 pm EST/EDT, Bidder may not bid on that lot after 6 pm EST/EDT. Only those Bidders who have placed bids on a lot before 6 pm EST/EDT will be allowed to bid on that lot after 6 pm EST/EDT. If Bidder is the only Bidder on a lot at 6 pm EST/EDT, that lot is awarded to Bidder. During the extended bidding period, a lot will remain open only to those who bid on that lot prior to 6 pm EST/ EDT. All lots WITHOUT an opening bid at 6 pm EST/EDT will remain OPEN to ALL Bidders until 7 pm EST/EDT or until they receive their first bid. These lots will close immediately upon receipt of a bid or at 7 pm EST/EDT, whichever comes first. For all lots that are active after 7 pm EST/EDT, bidding will remain open until 30 minutes pass without a bid being placed on THAT lot (the “30 Minute Rule”). The 30 Minute Rule is applied on a PER LOT BASIS; each lot in the Auction closes individually based on bidding activity after 7 pm EST/ EDT. On a PER LOT BASIS, the 30 minute timer will reset each time a bid is placed after 7 pm EST/EDT. If Bidder is the high Bidder, raising Bidder’s maximum bid will NOT reset the timer. RR Auction reserves the right to close the Auction at any time at its sole discretion. Bidding - Internet – Live Auction: Bidder may open, monitor, and/or raise bids at any time before the close of a lot through www.rrauction.com. RR Auction offers a callback service the day of the Auction, but Bidder is responsible for supplying a correct telephone number(s) where Bidder can be reached until the Auction closes. Bidder must request this service in writing. RR Auction will make reasonable efforts to ensure that Bidders who request a callback are contacted if outbid; however, RR Auction does not guarantee this service and it is merely a courtesy and not an enforceable right. To ensure proper registration, those Bidders intending to bid via the Internet must visit www.RRauction.com and register accordingly at least one full day prior to the actual auction. Winning bidders will be notified by RR Auction. RR Auction is not responsible or liable for any problems, delays, or any other issues or problems resulting out of use of the Internet generally or specifically, including but not limited to transmission, execution or processing of bids. Property is auctioned in consecutive numerical order, as it appears in the catalog. The auctioneer will accept bids from those present in the salesroom or absentee bidders participating by telephone, internet or by written bid left with RR Auction in advance of the auction. The auctioneer may also execute a bid on behalf of the consignor to protect the reserve, either by entering a bid in response to salesroom, telephone or absentee bids. Under no circumstances will the auctioneer place any bid on behalf of the consignor above the reserve. The auctioneer will not specifically identify bids placed on behalf of the consignor to protect the reserve. During live Auctions, internet bids can be placed in real time through one or more of the following Third Party services: www.liveauctioneers.com, www.invaluable.com and www.icollector.com. RR Auction is not responsible or liable for any problems, delays, or any other issues or problems resulting out of use of the Internet generally or specifically, including but not limited to transmission, execution or processing of bids. RR Auction treats any third-party site bids as floor or telephone bids. Floor bids and telephone bids are always considered first over third party sites bids, and floor bids are considered earlier than telephone bids. All RR Auction lots purchased through the third party sites carry an additional Buyer’s Premium. Miscellaneous: Agreements between Bidders and Consignors to effectuate a nonsale of an item at Auction, inhibit bidding on a consigned item to enter into a private sale agreement for said item, or to utilize RR Auction’s Auction to obtain sales for non-selling consigned items subsequent to the Auction, are strictly prohibited. If a subsequent sale of a previously consigned item occurs in violation of this provision, RR Auction reserves the right to charge Bidder the applicable Buyer’s

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Glossary of Condition terms For decades, RR Auction has led the industry in providing an accurate and detailed condition statement for each item that we sell. Starting in 2016 we’ve decided to take a fresh approach to describing each item’s condition. As our website and catalog images continually improve, and bidders can see obvious details from those excellent images, we’ve decided to simplify things, using the same terminology to describe an item’s overall condition (on an ascending scale of 1 to 4: good, very good, fine, very fine), but only adding specific details, if any, that would not be obvious from the illustration. VERY FINE describes an item in virtually flawless condition, and is used sparingly for items of exceptionally attractive appearance. FINE is the most common statement of condition, and applies to most items that we offer. It describes items that show expected handling wear, generally acceptable random flaws (such as light creases, small bends, etc.), and an overall appearance that is pleasing to the majority of collectors. VERY GOOD describes an item that exhibits more moderate flaws (such as toning, light staining, professional reinforcements or repairs, etc.). Most collectors would be comfortable with items in very good condition, and this would be the expected condition for many formats (early presidential documents, for example). GOOD describes an item with obvious visible flaws, including heavy wear, missing portions, or repairs that affect appearance; generally items in this condition are offered only if an item is otherwise exceedingly rare or important. Of course we’re more than happy to provide more in-depth information about any item via phone or email. We hope this new system will make for easier reading and a more pleasant bidding experience.

It's worth more now than ever before!

SOLD FOR $126,179

SOLD FOR $114,700

SOLD FOR $275,625

Please contact our CEO, Bob Eaton, at Bob.Eaton@RRAuction.com to discuss submitting your items to our next Space Exploration auction.

Established in 1980


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Let’s make history—together For over 35 years, relationships have been the backbone of RR Auction. We have made it a priority to keep our consignors informed and involved, encouraging them to share their voices, to instill their knowledge, and to forge a partnership based on our shared passion for history. With a mutual desire to achieve greatness, these relationships are at the heart of our success.

This September we will be holding our third Remarkable Rarities auction, featuring the most treasured names and cornerstone pieces for all devoted collectors. If you are ready to sell and looking for a company that cares about your items as much as you do, call us. Please contact the auction's director, Tricia Eaton, at (603) 732-4280, or via email at Tricia@RRAuction.com.


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