RR Auction: Fine Autographs and Artifacts

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Fine Autographs and Artifacts Wednesday, April 12, 2023 www.RRAuction.com


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CONTENTS Presidents and First Ladies 2 Notables 19 Military 50 Aviation 55 Space 59 Art, Architecture, and Design 65 Comic Art and Animation 74 Literature 76 Music 93 Classic Entertainment 136 Sports 153 Conditions of Sale 156 View 650+ Additional Lots online at www.RRAuction.com! Bob Eaton CEO, Acquisitions bob.eaton@rrauction.com Carla Eaton Owner, Auctioneer carla.eaton@rrauction.com Bobby Livingston Executive Vice President, Public Relations bobby.livingston@rrauction.com Bobby Eaton VP, Business
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presidents and first ladies


signed “Go: Washington,” one page both sides, 7.75 x 12.5, March 31, 1781. Letter to Admiral Charles René Dominique Sochet, Chevalier Destouches, French commander of the Newport fleet who had just failed in his attempt to deliver troops to Virginia to oppose those of the recently-turned British general Benedict Arnold. The British Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot, stationed at Gardiner’s Bay, detected the French fleet and was able to pursue and outsail them—thanks to copperclad vessels and a favorable wind—to head them off at Cape Henry. Arbuthnot’s fleet gained control of the bay, at the mouth of the Chesapeake, forcing the French fleet to return to Newport and allowing the British to send reinforcements to Arnold. In this letter, Washington commiserates with Destouches over his failure.

In part: “I am obliged by the minute detail which you are pleased to give me on the Action of the 16th Inst. between the Squadron of his Most Christian Majesty under your command and that of the British under Admiral Arbuthnot. Tho you have not been able to accomplish the object which you had in view, you have merited the thanks of every American by the boldness of the attempt, and by the gallantry and good conduct displayed through the whole course of the engagement.—I will confess to you, Sir, I was

never Sanguine in my expectations after I saw the British Fleet follow you so closely from Gardiners Bay. I knew that the success of the expedition depended almost entirely upon your arrival in the Chesapeak before Admiral Arbuthnot—A circumstance in which the Winds and Weather had more influence than valour or skill—Had it depended upon the latter, I should have had perfect confidence, and the event has justified my opinion.” In fine condition.

Although Washington offers expressions of genteel sympathy in the present letter, he was highly displeased with the outcome of Destouches’ expedition. Writing in frustration to his cousin Lund at Mount Vernon, Washington placed blame on the French naval force’s slowness to act. The letter was intercepted during a British raid and subsequently published in Rivington’s Gazette, leading to a diplomatic incident between Washington and Rochambeau, the commander-inchief of the French Expeditionary Force.

Rochambeau wrote to Washington in protest, explaining the circumstances of any delays and demanding an answer with ‘all the candor which distinguishes your Character.’ The embarrassed Washington replied graciously, offering further reassurance of his ‘real esteem for, and confidence in the Chevalier Des Touches.’ A significant letter of the Revolutionary War era, signed by the general who would soon deliver victory at Yorktown. Starting Bid $5000

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George Washington Letter Signed to Admiral Destouches. Revolutionary War–dated LS
“I knew that the success of the expedition depended almost entirely upon your arrival in the Chesapeak before Admiral Arbuthnot— A circumstance in which the Winds and Weather had more influence than valour or skill”
Gen. Washington excuses a French admiral’s failure to destroy Benedict Arnold’s corps

Honoring the Revolution’s ‘Hero of Bennington’

2. James Madison Autograph Letter Signed as President. ALS as president, one page, 7.75 x 9.75, December 27, 1809. Letter to Reverend William Bentley, in part: “I have addressed the few lines enclosed to General Stark. If the possession of this sincere testimony of my esteem be entirely satisfactory, it may perhaps be as well that it should not be followed by a publication; the sole object being, to contribute in that form, whatever gratification may be afforded to him, by bearing the sentiments of one, of whom he has been pleased to think and to speak so favorably.” In fine condition, with all writing uniformly faded, and professionally cleaned and silked on both sides. Starting Bid $200

President and Secretary of State. Partly-printed vellum DS, signed “James Madison” as president and “Jas. Monroe” as secretary of state, one page, 10.75 x 15, February 14, 1815. Scalloped-top ship’s pass issued to the “Brig Avon, Joel Manlove master of commander…To Pass with her Company Passengers Goods and Merchandize without any hinderance seisure or molestation.” Signed at the conclusion by President Madison and Secretary of State Monroe. The white paper seal affixed to the lower left remains intact. Handsomely mounted, cloth-matted, and framed with portraits and engraved nameplates to an overall size of 30.5 x 21.5. In very good to fine condition, with overall wrinkling and rippling, and all of the handwriting a couple of shades light. Starting Bid $200


James Madison and James Monroe Document Signed as

5. James Monroe Document Signed as President. Partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 11 x 8.25, November 27, 1820. President Monroe grants “David Allen, late a Private in Voses Company of the fifth Regiment of Infantry, a certain Tract of Land, containing One Hundred and Sixty acres…in the Territory of Arkansas.” Boldly signed at the conclusion by President Monroe, and countersigned by Commissioner of the General Land Office Josiah Meigs. The white paper seal affixed to the lower left corner is partially intact, with the left edge trimmed. In very good to fine condition, with significantly trimmed edges (affecting part of Meigs’s signature), light soiling, and three binder dings to the top edge. Starting Bid $200

Press copy of a letter from Adams following his successful negotiations in the Treaty of Ghent

6. John Quincy Adams Press Copy Letter. Rare original press copy of an ALS by John Quincy Adams, one page, 7.5 x 9, February 15, 1815, addressed from Paris and sent to Under Secretary of State Henry Goulburn, referencing his departure from Ghent, where he had just negotiated the treaty that ended the War of 1812. In part: “Your obliging favour of 23d ulto. reached Ghent, some days after my departure from that place...Mr. Hughes was detained so long in descending the Garonne from Bordeaux, that Mr. Baker has probably arrived before him...Until we hear of the arrival of one of them, my own anxious wish has been and will be to hear no news from America. At least no news of military operations.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered small areas of paper loss due to ink erosion. Starting Bid $200

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7. Andrew Jackson Autograph Letter

Signed on Mudslinging in 1828. ALS, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, May 30, 1827. Handwritten letter to William Douglass, a friend and political supporter in Louisville, Kentucky, offering advice for his college-aged son and lashing out against libelous pamphleteers, slandering his good name in advance of the 1828 presidential election. In small part: “I have rec’d the news paper & pamphlet you have mentioned...These publications conclusively show the want of principle of the authors, & with what facility they can misrepresent things, & propagate falsehood, knowing it to be such...they will fight or lie for those who pay them best, & as long as their employers pay them well—poor men, I lament their want of principle & proper regard for truth—Truth is mighty and will ultimately prevail, when the slanders, propagated by these hired panders of power against me or my family, will recoil upon their own heads, & fall harmless at my feet—Under present circumstances, it is gratifying to me to be informed that I still retain the good opinion of your good Citizens, which is evidence that the tissue of slander and misrepresentations of my enemies, has had no injurious effect on your State—against me, & is recoiling upon the head on my slanderers.” Addressed on the integral leaf in Jackson’s own hand. In very good to fine condition, with minor paper loss along the edges, and old tape reinforcements to fold splits on the integral address leaf. Starting Bid $300


Andrew Jackson Document

Signed as President. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 19.25 x 13.75, February 9, 1933. President Jackson appoints J. B. Barton as “Surveyor for the District & Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Providence in the State of Rhode Island.” Signed prominently at the conclusion in ink by Andrew Jackson and countersigned by Secretary of State Louis McLane. In very good condition, with overall creasing, multiple folds, and short tears and chips to the edges. Starting Bid $200

Jackson responds to mudslinging pamphleteers prior to the 1828 election: “Truth is mighty and will ultimately prevail, when the slanders, propagated by these hired panders of power against me or my family, will recoil upon their own heads, & fall harmless at my feet”

10. James K. Polk Document Signed as Tennessee Governor. Partly-printed DS as governor of Tennessee, one page, 8 x 10, November 30, 1840. Governor Polk certifies that “Henry Hagen Esqr. whose name appears to the above certificate, is and was at the time of signing the same a Notary Public in & for the county…In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at the City of Nashville.” Signed at the conclusion by James K. Polk. The left side retains the original embossed state seal of Tennessee. In very good condition, with trimmed edges, creasing, wrinkling, and staining, none of which affects the signature. Accompanied by an engraved portrait bearing a facsimile autograph. Starting Bid $200

Polk’s final full day as an American president

9. James K. Polk Autograph Letter Signed as President. ALS as president, one page, 7.5 x 10, March 3, 1849. Addressed from Washington, a handwritten letter from James K. Polk sent to his Secretary of War, William L. Marcy, in full: “Will you without fail issue the cadets’ warrants today and transmit them as indicated in the paper I gave you. If you cannot get the Christian name of Stewart issue it blank and send it, to Mr. Rhett.” In very good to fine condition, with overall wrinkling, rippling, and slightly irregular toning. An appealing piece of correspondence from the president to a cabinet member, penned by Polk on the last full day of his presidency. Starting Bid $300

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1864 presidential document signed by Abraham Lincoln, recognizing a foreign diplomat amidst the Civil War

12. Abraham Lincoln Document Signed as President. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 19.75 x 13.75, September 30, 1864. President Abraham Lincoln officially recognizes the appointment of Friedrich Kuhne as “Consul of the Principality of Lippe, at New York,” declaring him free to exercise “such functions, powers and privileges as are allowed to Consuls by the Law of Nations or by the Laws of the United States.” Crisply signed at the conclusion by President Lincoln and countersigned by Secretary of State William H. Seward. The white paper seal to lower left remains intact. In fine condition, with some light blocks of toning not affecting either signature. A neat and boldly signed example of a Lincoln diplomatic document. Starting Bid $1000


Rare first printing broadside of two of President

Abraham Lincoln’s final three presidential proclamations


Proclamations. Rare printed broadside, one page, 8.25 x 13, containing two of President Lincoln’s final three presidential proclamations, issued three days before his assassination on April 11, 1865. The first is headed, “[Closing Certain Ports, April 11, 1865],” pertaining to the Union blockade of southern ports; and the second is headed, “[Port of Key West to Remain Open, April 11, 1865].” In fine condition, with light toning, and small chips, to the edges.

Lincoln’s 128th presidential proclamation, concerning equal rights among all maritime nations, was his last. It too was issued on the same day, April 11th, that Lincoln issued these two proclamations. Also on this day Lincoln gave his last public speech, which advocated extending the vote to AfricanAmerican citizens and veterans. Both John Wilkes Booth and his co-conspirator, Lewis Powell, were in the crowd that heard the speech. Booth reportedly quipped to Powell: ‘That is the last speech he will ever make.’ Starting Bid $500

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Abraham Lincoln Rare Printing of Last

1860 Republican nomination

11. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Letter Signed as Pres. Nominee. Significant ALS signed “A. Lincoln,” one page, 5.25 x 8, June 4, 1860. Addressed from a Springfield, Illinois, a handwritten letter from Abraham Lincoln to Thomas W. Sweney, assessor of Internal Revenue at Philadelphia, in full: “Pressed as I now am I can not do more than say your letter of the (no date) is received, and for which I thank you; and that your regards, together with the speeches, shall be tendered to Mr. Hawley, as you request.” In fine condition, with some faint, scattered adhesive residue, visible only at an angle and affecting nothing. Accompanied by an engraved portrait with a facsimile autograph. Roughly a month before this letter was penned, Lincoln was nominated as his party’s candidate at the Republican National Convention on May 18, 1860. Five months later, Lincoln, despite having been left off ballots in 10 slave states, emerged as the winner of the United States presidential election, a victory that triggered Southern secession and served as a catalyst for the Civil War. Starting Bid $1000

“Pressed as I now am,” Lincoln responds to a well-wisher 17 days after his

Bold presidential autograph by Abraham Lincoln, signed just 18 days after issuing the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

Plaque. Massive cast bronze plaque produced by the Gorham Company circa 1916, featuring the text of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address raised in relief, measuring 28.5˝ x 21.5˝ with an approximate weight of 43 lbs, featuring an inset 7˝ medallion with Lincoln’s portrait by Victor David Brenner, designer of the Lincoln cent. The facsimile signature of Abraham Lincoln is incised at lower left. The plaque has mounting holes at its four corners, and a narrow shelf across the top. The plaque maintains its original patina, with overall tarnishing. Starting Bid $200

14. Abraham Lincoln Signature. Bold ink signature as president, “A. Lincoln, Oct. 10, 1862,” on an off-white 3.25 x 1 slip. Handsomely double-matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 16 x 21.5. In fine condition. President Abraham Lincoln had issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation just a few weeks earlier, on September 22, 1862, announcing that slaves in the rebellious states would be freed on January 1, 1863. A crisp and desirable signature from a definitive moment in American history. Starting Bid $500

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16. Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address Large Bronze

15. Abraham Lincoln Early Autograph Document

Signed (1836). Early ADS, signed “Lincoln,” one page, 6.75 x 5.5, no date but circa 1836–1837. Handwritten legal brief in the case of “Beverly Allen, assignee &c vs. Alexander Lindsay, Morris Lindsay & Isaac Lindsay,” heard before the “Sangamon Circuit Court,” in a case of “Trespass on the case on promises.” In addition to the heading, Lincoln writes, in full: “It is agreed between the parties that this suit be dismissed at the cost of the defendant Alexander Lindsay.” Neatly signed at the conclusion by Lincoln, and endorsed below by Lindsay. Along the bottom, Judge James H. Matheny pens a caption, dated November 3, 1880: “The above is one of Mr. Lincoln’s first papers as an attorney at law, about the year 1836.” Handsomely matted and framed with a portrait and descriptive plaque to an overall size of 26 x 21. In fine condition, with light creasing and toning.

James H. Matheny (1818-1890) was admitted to the Illinois bar in 1836 and soon after opened a legal practice in Springfield. When Lincoln arrived in Springfield in 1837 to pursue his own legal career, the two rented office space in the same building, and their association as professional colleagues soon grew into a close friendship. Lincoln’s regard for Matheny was such, in fact, that Matheny served as best man at Lincoln’s wedding to Mary Todd on November 4, 1842, and he later became Lincoln’s manager as the Great Emancipator embarked on his political career. Matheny’s reminiscences, later recorded by biographer Ward H. Lamon, provide an essential understanding of Lincoln, particularly in regard to his views on spirituality. The confluence of factors in the present document—a relic from the dawn of Lincoln’s career, combined with first-person documentation from a close personal friend—make for an item of exceptionally historic interest and rarity. Starting Bid $500

“One of Mr. Lincoln’s first papers as an attorney at law, about the year 1836”—a rare and remarkable early legal brief by Abraham Lincoln

17. Andrew Johnson Signature. Ink signature, “Andrew Johnson, Brig. Genl,” on an off-white 8 x 1.5 sheet clipped from the close of a document. In fine condition, with light creasing to the left side. Johnson’s first tenure in the Senate came to a conclusion in March 1862 when Lincoln appointed him military governor of Tennessee. The Senate quickly confirmed Johnson’s nomination along with the rank of brigadier general. Starting Bid $200



list by Woodrow Wilson, one page, 4.25 x 6.5, Shoreham Hotel letterhead, no date but circa March 1913. Wilson lists the names of his original cabinet secretaries, in full: “State: William Jennings


Bryan, Neb., Treas: William Gibbs McAdoo, N.Y., War: Lindley

M. Garrison, N.J., Just: James Clark McReynolds, Tenn., P.O.: Albert Sidney Burleson, Tex., Int: Franklin Knight Lane, Cal., Navy: Josephus Daniels, N.C., Agri: David Franklin Houston, Mo., Com: William C. Redfield, N.Y., Lab: William Bauchop Wilson, Pa.” The page is annotated in type at the bottom: “Original list of Prest. Wilson’s Cabinet in his handwriting, as handed by him to his Secretary, Mr. Tumulty for official announcement at the Shoreham Hotel, on March 3rd, 1913, and given by Mr. Tumulty

on March 4, 1913.

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18. Theodore Roosevelt Signature. Crisp ink signature, “Theodore Roosevelt,” on an off-white 4 x 2.25 card. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200 Woodrow Wilson written List of Cabinet Secretaries. handwritten to Gen. Collins on evening of March 5th, 1913.” Wilson would be inaugurated as president Handsomely double-matted and framed with an original photograph to an overall size of 15.75 x 12.75. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200
Original handwritten list of President Wilson’s cabinet secretaries, “handed by him to his Secretary, Mr. Tumulty for official announcement at the Shoreham Hotel”

20. Warren G. Harding Signed White House Card. Soughtafter White House card, 4.25 x 2.25, signed neatly in fountain pen by Warren G. Harding. In fine to very fine condition, with small mounting remnants to the corner tips on the back. Starting Bid $200

21. Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter

Signed as President (from Dog’s Perspective). TLS as president, signed “FDR,” one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, December 23, 1940. Letter to Rip Patterson in New Jersey, written from the perspective of Fala, FDR’s Scottish terrier. In full: “My master was delighted when I read your note to him. He laughed and his joy was great, particularly when you mentioned certain newspaper and editorial pages, and suggested a way for me to use them. I hope you hear him on the radio tomorrow evening. He has promised me that he will put forth his best efforts to make this ‘Christmas a happier occasion.’ With much too much of this world trying to destroy itself, it is difficult to say Merry Christmas, but let us hope our future Christmases will be merrier and happier.” In very good condition, with overall foxing affecting only appearance. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. One of the most famous presidential pets, Fala became the subject of nationwide popularity—as evidenced in this letter, Fala even received ‘fan mail’ from other dogs around the country.

The letter closes on a more somber note, with the observation that the world is “trying to destroy itself”—referring to the conflict in Europe, one year before America’s entry into World War II. It also alludes to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous radio addresses—his ‘Fireside Chats’—in which he communicated self-assurance during times of despair and uncertainty. December 29, 1940, marked the occasion of one of his more significant radio addresses, in which argued that the best way to stay out of the war and preserve national security was to aid the Allied forces, establishing the United States as the ‘arsenal of democracy.’ Starting Bid $300

FDR writes on behalf of Fala, his Scottish terrier— a rare letter from the presidential pet

22. Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed on Prohibition. TLS, one page, 6.75 x 9.75, personal Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland letterhead, September 7, 1928. Letter to Frank C. Stewart on prohibition, in part: “I cannot agree with you that the only way to end the occupation of the bootlegger is to remove all restrictions on the sale of intoxicating liquor...There are thousands of so-called drys in this section of the country who are voting for Governor Smith because they find present conditions intolerable and do not believe that Mr. Hoover, if elected, would do much tampering with the Republican political machine which goes under the name of the Volstead Law Enforcement Division.” Matted with a portrait to an overall size of 14 x 11. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

23. Harry S. Truman Autograph Letter Signed. Rare ALS signed “Harry,” three pages, 5 x 7.5, United States Senate letterhead, April 1, 1935. Handwritten letter to John Snyder, later his Secretary of the Treasury. In part: “The Senate is in session and talking as usual. We were supposed to consider the Pure Food draft as submitted by the M.D. Senator from New York, Royal S. Copeland. Instead of discussing the matter under discussion we are hearing all sorts of oratory about the work relief bill. You never can tell what the Senate will talk about or what it’ll do after it talks. When I listened to all the talk on it when under consideration I thought it was lost but it carried 73 to 16 so you see conversation in the Senate is for publication not for voting purposes.” Beautifully double-matted and framed to an overall size of 23.5 x 14. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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FDR on prohibition, battling bootleggers, and why “thousands of so-called drys” will vote Smith over Hoover
“You never can tell what the Senate will talk about or what it’ll do after it talks...conversation in the Senate is for publication not for voting purposes”

24. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed as President. TLS as president, one page, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, May 12, 1952. Letter to Wellington Wales, editor of the Citizen-Advertiser of Auburn, New York, in part: “I was pleased to learn that the Auburn Citizen-Advertiser has been selected for the ‘Most Valuable Citizen to the Community’ award of Auburn, New York. When our forefathers established special guarantees for the freedom of the press, they did so not for the personal aggrandizement of the publishers, but to serve the public. The award that has come to you is a gratifying demonstration of the true role of a newspaper in a democratic society.” Matted and framed to an overall size of 11 x 13. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

25. Jacqueline Kennedy Autograph Letter Signed Twice.

ALS signed twice as “Jackie,” five pages, 5.25 x 7.5, personal 1040 Fifth Avenue letterhead, no date (November 1974). Handwritten letter to artist and needlepoint designer Leslie Tillett, in part: “I would like Ethel Kennedy to arrive at the museum before we do. Nov. 29 with Tom Johnston, we are trying to work out the most spectacular way she can arrive there, maybe with Teddy, maybe Mayor [John] Lindsay, Frank Thomas. Anyway, it must be her day, & not yours & mine...He will try to arrange a grand entry for Ethel...

Once Ethel, (because after all, Bedford Stuyvesant was Bobby’s idea)—has had her fare, then you can dash over to my house, one black away, & bring me...I want it to be her evening, not mine. So we must adapt our actions to that....Please call Nancy Tuckerman about lists, if you need more people...I know it will turn out as we hope, but there are nuances, & I think it so important they work out well too—thanks.” Jackie signs for a second time following a postscript on the last page. In fine condition, with some trivial light stains. Accompanied by the original envelope hand-addressed by Jackie, who writes in the lower left, “By Hand.” Starting Bid $200

President Truman applauds a New York editor for demonstrating “the true role of a newspaper in a democratic society”
“It must be her day, & not yours & mine”—
Jackie honors Ethel Kennedy with a Met art exhibit for RFK’s Bed-Stuy community project

26. John F. Kennedy Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “Jack Kennedy,” one page, 7.25 x 10.5, North Ocean Boulevard, Palm Beach letterhead, December 9, 1946. Letter to Bill Kelly in Boston, in part: “I received your letter in regard to the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the first Branch Library in the United States...As you know, for the last year or so this Kennedy family has been channeling all its resources into the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, which gave its first donation to the Archbishop last August and will give a large gift to some organizations every year on the anniversary


of my brother’s death. For this reason, I have been forced to turn down most requests because I think it more important to help the Foundation on a few big projects...However, because I recognize that this district has in it the first Branch Library, which is certainly something which we should all be proud of, I shall be glad to make some personal contribution to the project. If you will tell me how much you are planning to pay for the victrola, I will work out some sort of contribution which I hope will be helpful.” In fine condition, with two file holes to the top edge. Starting Bid $300

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One month after winning his first election, the 29-year-old “Jack Kennedy” pledges to donate to the East Boston Branch of the Boston Public

28. Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Autograph Letter

Signed. Scarce ALS as president signed “Bill,” “and We hope to see you soon-Hillary,” and “Chelsea Clinton,” one page, 6.75 x 9, White House letterhead, August 29, 1993. Letter to former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. In full: “I can’t thank you and your family enough for opening your homes to us. We never needed a vacation more or enjoyed one more-I hope you’ll return the favor by coming and staying with us at the White House. Thanks again.” McNamara lightly added the year of the letter next to the date. In fine to very fine condition. Letter originates from the estate of Robert McNamara. Clinton is scarce in autograph letters as president, with this example enhanced by its connection to the past Democratic administrations of JFK and LBJ-under whom McNamara served as Secretary of Defense-as well as the addition of the Hillary and Chelsea Clinton signatures. Starting Bid $300

27. President Jimmy Carter Appoints a Spinal Cord Specialist. Rare partly-printed DS as president, one page, 17.25 x 13.25, January 18, 1981. President Carter appoints Paul R. Meyer, of Illinois, as “a Member of the President’s Council on Spinal Cord Injury.” Signed boldly at the conclusion in black felt tip by Jimmy Carter, and countersigned by Secretary of State Edmund S. Muskie. The lower left corner retains the original large white wafer seal. Nicely triple-matted and framed to an overall size of 24.25 x 20.25. In very fine condition. Oversized presidential commissions from Jimmy Carter are seldom offered at auction. Starting Bid $200

From Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea:
“I hope you’ll return the favor by coming and staying with us at the White House”
President Carter appoints a pioneer in the treatment of spinal cord injury

Declaration of Independence

Benjamin Franklin autograph with handwritten valediction

104. Benjamin Franklin Signature and Handwriting. Ink signature of Benjamin Franklin, who includes a handwritten valediction, “[with] great Respect we are, Sir, Your most obed’t hum’l Serv’ts, B. Franklin,” on an off-white 5 x 1.75 sheet clipped from the close of a handwritten letter. Matted and framed with an illuminated color portrait to an overall size of 11 x 15.5. In very good condition, with overall soiling and small areas of paper loss, none of which affects the signature itself. Starting Bid $500

105. Elbridge Gerry Document Signed as Massachusetts Governor.

Partly-printed DS as governor of Massachusetts, signed “E. Gerry,” one page, 9.25 x 14.75, February 21, 1811. Governor Gerry appoints Sherman Leland of Eastport “to be one of our Justices of the Peace, within and for the County of Washington for and during the term of seven years.” Signed in the left margin by Elbridge Gerry as governor and countersigned below by Benjamin Homans as Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth. The upper left corner retains the original embossed state seal. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Twice-signed legal document from the New Jersey patriot

106. Richard Stockton Autograph Document Signed Twice. Signer of the Declaration of Independence from New Jersey and delegate to the Continental Congress (1730–1781). Rare ADS signed twice as “Rich’d Stockton, Atty” and “Richard Stockton,” one page, 7 x 11, no date (after 1761). Handwritten legal document in the hand of Stockton as an attorney representing Richard Cary and Edmund Trowbridge, executors of the estate of John Alford, in their lawsuit with John Brookfield, of Morris County, New Jersey, over a debut of “One hundred & sixty Pounds Sterling money of Great Britain which from them he unjustly retains.” Signed twice at the conclusion by Stockton, the second example of which is in the third person. The concealed reverse is also attested to have been penned by Stockton, who provides a lengthy passage concerning the lawsuit’s debut obligation, which Jacob Moor has endorsed at its conclusion. Matted and framed (sans glass) with a portrait to an overall size of 23 x 18.5. In fine condition, with a small area of missing paper. In his 1995 reference History Comes to Life, Kenneth Rendell places Stockton’s autograph material into the ‘very rare’ category among the Signers—an echelon second only to that occupied by the virtually unobtainable Gwinnett and Lynch. Starting Bid $300

American Politicians and Leaders

107. Henry Clay Autograph Letter Signed. ALS signed “H. Clay,” one page both sides, 8 x 10, July 10, 1842. Handwritten letter to Indiana Senator Oliver H. Smith, in part: “I am delighted to hear of the fine speeches which prevail among the Whigs in Congress, notwithstanding the perfidy of the President. His last silly veto must open all eyes, even the blind…I sincerely hope…whether laws shall emanate from Congress, or from Mr. Tyler—our Georgia friends will rally around the Independence of the Legislature…I think Congress ought not to adjourn until it passes a Tariff, or demonstrates to the Country that it cannot pass one without a surrender of its Constitutional independence.” In fine condition, with scattered small stains, and seal-related paper loss to the integral address leaf. Starting Bid $200

20 | April 12,
Clay attacks President Tyler:
“His last silly veto must open all eyes, even the blind”

Boldly signed 1791 letter from Hamilton as Treasury Secretary, reproaching a Maine collector for lack of procedure

108. Alexander Hamilton Letter Signed as Treasury Secretary. LS as secretary of the treasury, one page, 6.25 x 8, October 21, 1791. Written from the Treasury Department, a letter from Alexander Hamilton, ostensibly sent to Jeremiah Hill, the collector of customs at Biddeford and Pepperellborough in Maine. In full: “I received with your letter of the 8th instant, among other papers, a paid draught of the Treasurer, No. 852, for one hundred and thirty eight dollars. It has heretofore been directed in cases where bills are usually drawn on the Collectors, that receipts should be endorsed on them by the persons who receive the payments—which, in this instance, was omitted.” Showing his annoyance, Hamilton has directed the close of the letter to be underlined. Affixed to a slightly larger sheet and in very good to fine condition, with trimmed edges, and light show-through (and small tears) from mounting at the back corners. Boasting a bold ink signature, this handsome document dates to the close of the American Revolution and just three months before the ratification of the Bill of Rights, which Hamilton famously opposed for its inherent ambiguities. Starting Bid $1000

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Beautiful handwritten military document from Paul Revere as commander of Boston Harbor’s Castle Island

Castle Island, during which She behaved like a prudent good Woman.” Signed crisply at the conclusion by Revere. In fine condition, with light wrinkling, and archival repairs to split folds. This beautifully penned document dates to less than a year before the signing of the Treaty of Paris (September 3, 1783) and the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War.

Home to a fort protecting Boston Harbor, Castle Island had been the last British stronghold in Boston during the Revolution, held until the evacuation following General Washington’s fortification of Dorchester Heights in March 1776. Though the British troops burned down the fort on their way out, the Continental Army quickly rebuilt it to be used as a crucial outpost in the defense of the harbor, where at times it was commanded by Revere. In 1785, the state legislature designated the fort as a prison, and, for the first time in Massachusetts, required that prisoners perform hard labor; they were chiefly occupied by making nails, and by 1792 there were 77 prisoners employed at the craft. A beautifully penned document from one of the Revolution’s most storied patriots. Starting Bid $2500

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109. Paul Revere Autograph Document Signed on Castle Island. Magnificent ADS, one page, 8 x 4.75, August 5, 1784. Addressed from Boston and penned entirely in the hand of Paul Revere during his time stationed as commander of Castle Island in Boston Harbor. In full: “I certify that John Webster Diamond Served in the State Regiment of Artillery as a Sargent three years, to acceptance, & that the most part of the Time his Wife was with him at

World Leaders and Politicians

110. George Carteret Document Signed. Royalist statesman in Jersey and England, who served in the Clarendon Ministry as Treasurer of the Navy (c. 1610–1680); as one of the original lords proprietors of the former British colony of New Jersey, he is considered a founder of that state. Manuscript DS, signed “G. Carteret,” one page, 9.25 x 14, December 2, 1664. Document issued at the Court at Whitehall by the “Privy Council for the Affairs of the Admiralty & Navy,” regarding “the revoking and taking off the present Embargo & Restraint on all Ships & Vessels, except Dutch, within the severall ports of this Kingdom.” Signed at the conclusion by several members of the Privy Council, including George Carteret. In fine condition, with some darker toning affecting only several words of text. Starting Bid $200

Scarce 1964 New Year’s card signed by Ho Chi Minh

112. Ho Chi Minh Signed New Year’s Card. Highly desirable New Year’s card from 1964, measuring 12.5 x 4 open, featuring a colorful floral image inside, signed below the gilt-embossed New Year’s greeting in fountain pen, “Ho Chi Minh.” The front of the card is embossed with the emblem of Vietnam. In fine condition. Consignor notes that the card originated from the estate of Nikolai Shvernik, a Soviet politician who served as titular Soviet head of state from 1946 to 1953. Starting Bid $500

Hundreds more items listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 23

111. Madame Chiang Kai-shek Typed Letter Signed

to Pearl

TLS signed “Mayling Soong Chiang,” two pages, 8 x 10.5, Headquarters of the Generalissimo letterhead, November 3, 1941. Letter to celebrated author Pearl Buck (Mrs. Richard J. Walsh), who had received the 1938 Nobel Prize in Literature ‘for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China’ in books such as The Good Earth. In part: “There was some unaccountable delay in the arrival of the Book of Hope, but on my return from the Hunan front on October 27th, I found the Book had been sent to me…I sent you a cablegram as follows: ‘Delighted to find beautiful Book of Hope awaiting me upon return yesterday from Hunan front. Book is most unique touching tribute and will always be treasured memorial of deepening sympathy between women of our sister nations’...

My visit to the Hunan front was partly to take comforts and funds for the wounded soldiers. As you will have learnt from the newspapers, our troops in the Hunan areas have very effectively repulsed the Japanese attacks made in great force and after months of preparation. Our successes could not be made the fullest use of, owing to our weakness in the air and

our lack of sufficient artillery. Were it not for our deficiency in these respects, we know from actual experience that sufficient air reinforcement would enable us to stage counter-attacks that, with air support, could be driven right home. Adequate air support means that the strength and effectiveness of land forces are not merely increased but actually multiplied.

The spirit of the people and the army in all the regions that I visited was admirable. To you it will be no surprise to hear that the Chinese people still face all the horrors of war with the same dogged courage that they have always shown, as you have so forcibly described in their struggle against flood and famine.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

The ‘Book of Hope’ was a campaign led by Buck in 1940 to raise $100,000 for medical relief in China by soliciting $100 a piece from 1,000 American women; among the early contributors were Eleanor Roosevelt, Mary Pickford, and Katharine Cornell. An important association piece—the most famous woman of non-Communist China writing to the celebrated author who so aptly described the nation and its spirit. Starting Bid $200

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Madame Chiang writes to Pearl Buck on the Second Sino-Japanese War: “The Chinese people still face all the horrors of war with the same dogged courage that they have always shown, as you have so forcibly described in their struggle against flood and famine”


Dr. Stephen Lushington (1782-1873), a noted judge, Member

Parliament, and a radical for the abolition of slavery. ??In part: “You may remember that about 4 years ago, an Act of Parliamt. was passed, empowering certain Parliamentary Commissions for building new churches and chapels…no sooner had the Act passed than I proceeded to avail myself of it…I scarcely need say that it is a sad disappointment to me to find myself mistaken in the hope I had indulged, that I should have no more to pay for my chapel…Really my dear Dr. if you could put me in the way of getting my chapel business completed with’t much farther expense, you would oblige & serve me very greatly.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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113. Jawaharlal Nehru Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 4 x 5.5 head-and-shoulders photo of India’s first prime minister, signed in fountain pen, “Jawaharlal Nehru, 1952.” Matted and framed to an overall size of 7.25 x 9. In fine condition, with light silvering to the darker areas of the image and the signature a shade light. Starting Bid $200 114. William Wilberforce Autograph Letter Signed. British politician, evangelist, and philanthropist (1759–1833) who played an important role in the movement to slavery. ALS signed “W. Wilberforce,” four pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 9, July 30, 1832. Handwritten letter to of
Wilberforce on the difficulties of completing his chapel, St. Paul’s Church, Mill Hill: “I scarcely need say that it is a sad disappointment to me to find myself mistaken in the hope I had indulged”



Important, one-of-a-kind original painting entitled ‘Zelenskyy,’ created by American artist Oleg Jones in 2022, accomplished in mixed media—mainly acrylic paints in blue and yellow, coated in resin sprinkled with glass ‘diamond dust’—on a 40 x 24 wooden panel, signed at the bottom in blue paint pen by Ukraine’s heroic president, “Zelenskyy, Glory to Ukraine,” and also signed in the lower left corner by the artist. Symbolizing struggle, victory, and love for Ukraine, the piece features the image of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy against the background of the Ukrainian flag. Raised stars in the form of a heart surround the gold trident of Ukraine’s national coat of arms, giving the work an element of three-dimensionality. Portraying the national symbols that evoke the courage and stability of Ukraine, and the unity of its people and president, this work concentrates on the historical

memory of heroic achievements and victories in the struggle for freedom on the way to the liberation of Ukraine. The painting is in very fine condition, and is accompanied by four images of Volodymyr Zelenskyy signing it in his office.

This piece is being sold to benefit the Dmytro Kasyanenko International Charitable Foundation via The Power of a Dream Foundation. The funds received by the Dmytro Kasyanenko International Charitable Foundation from the sale of this painting will be used to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, to purchase medical equipment, tools and drugs that can save the lives and health of its people and wounded soldiers, as well as to the reconstruction of Ukraine. All auction proceeds will be transferred directly to The Power of A Dream Foundation Inc. which is a Connecticut non-profit with 501(c)(3) status. Starting Bid $50,000

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy Signed Original Painting Oleg Jones.
“Zelenskyy, Glory to Ukraine”— significant original painting signed by the Ukrainian president, sold for the benefit of his nation

116. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Autograph

Letter Signed. Uncommon ALS signed “Elizabeth,” three pages on two sheets, 4.75 x 7.75, January 19, 1931. Letter to “Doctor Still,” hoping to schedule a check-up for the ill four-month-old Princess Margaret. In part: “I wonder whether you could very kindly look in & see the baby. She has got rather a nasty cough, and as I ought to go away tomorrow for a few days, I would so like to know that you had seen her. I expect that you are very busy, but 10 o’clock or 10.30 tomorrow morning, for between five & 6.30 this evening she will be awake I am sure. She sleeps alright except for a cough now & then, which chokes her a little.” She goes on to reference the four-year-old future queen, calling her “Lilibet,” in the last paragraph. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

117. King Louis XV Document Signed. Ineffectual King of France from 1715 to 1774 who was dominated by his strong-willed and unscrupulous mistress, Madame de Pompadour. Manuscript DS, signed “Louis,” one page, 9.5 x 14.25, October 1, 1762. Royal Treasury document granting a pension of 150 pounds to Anne Papel, a “new Catholic,” for one year. Signed on the left side by King Louis XV, with the “Louis” on the right side done in a secretarial hand. In fine condition, with a vertical tear to the bottom edge. A beautiful document authentically signed by the French king, which is quite rare. Starting Bid $200

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The Queen Mother cares for the infant Princess Margaret in a letter to her doctor:
“I wonder whether you could very kindly look in & see the baby. She has got rather a nasty cough”

118. Marie Antoinette Handwritten Letter. Unsigned handwritten letter in French, one page, 3.75 x 6, December 10, [no year]. Untranslated seven-line handwritten letter by Marie Antoinette, with reference to a bishop. In fine condition, with scattered light foxing and toning. This unsigned letter is typical of those that Marie Antoinette penned to people close to her; an extremely scarce format, we have offered only one other autograph letter by Marie Antoinette. Starting Bid $1000

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Striking oversized photogravure signed by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

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119. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Signed Photogravure. Regal matte-finish 11.25 x 15.75 photogravure portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip together, taken by Anthony Buckley and printed by Raphael Suck & Sons of England, signed in the lower border in fountain pen, “Elizabeth R, 1970” and “Philip.” Beautifully matted and framed to an overall size of 18.5 x 23.5. In very fine condition. Starting Bid $500
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Religious Figures

Historic letter by Brigham Young to New Hampshire’s governor, requesting asylum for the Latter-Day Saints after the murder of Joseph Smith

In part: “It is not our present design to detail the multiplied and aggravated wrongs that we have received in the midst of a nation that gave us birth. Some of us have long been loyal citizens of the state over which you have the honor to preside, while others claim citizenship in each of the states of this great confederacy. We say we are a disfranchised people... You are, doubtless, somewhat familiar with the history of our extermination from the state of Missouri, wherein scores of our brethren were massacred, hundreds died through want and sickness, occasioned by their unparalleled sufferings; some millions of our property were confiscated or destroyed; and some fifteen thousand souls fled for their lives to the then hospitable and peaceful shores of Illinois...But, Sir, the startling attitude recently assumed by the State of Illinois, forbids us to think that her designs are any less vindictive than those of Missouri. She has already used the Military of the State, with the Executive at their head, to coerce and surrender up our best men to unparalleled murder, and that too under the most sacred pledges of protection and safety. As a salvo for such unearthly perfidy and guilt, she told us, through her highest Executive officer, that the laws should be magnified, and the murderers brought to justice…Will it be too much for us to ask you to convene a special session of your State Legislature, and furnish us an asylum, where we can enjoy our rights of conscience and religion unmolested?...Or, will you favor us by your personal influence, and by your official rank? Or, will you express your views concerning what is called the ‘Great Western measure,’ of colonizing the Latter Day Saints in Oregon, the Northwestern Territory, or some location remote from the states, where the hand of oppression shall not crush every noble principle, and extinguish every patriotic feeling?… We sincerely hope that your future prompt measures towards us will be dictated by the best feelings that dwell in the bosom of humanity, and the blessings of a grateful people, and of many, ready to perish shall come upon you.” In fine condition, with a seal-related tear and associated minor loss.

Includes Governor Steele’s handwritten draft of his reply, four pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 10, no date. In small part: “To Brigham Young President of the Latter day saints & his associates. Gent—Your letter dated April 24 was duly received & while I join you most heartily in denouncing the atrocious conduct of those who laid violent hands on your late leader, Joseph Smith & his brother Hiram, you will permit me to say that I am by no means prepared to say admit that all the troubles & trials through which your sect has passed, or is likely to pass, were entirely undeserved. I do not say this with any reason or even thoughts of excusing much less justifying your persecutors.” Brigham Young made this appeal to Governor of New Hampshire, John H. Steele, just nine months after the founder and prophet of the Mormon movement, Joseph Smith, and his brother Hyrum were shot and murdered in a Carthage, Illinois jail by an angry mob of antagonized followers. Brigham Young, one of the chosen “Quorum of the Twelve Apostles” of the Church, learned of the murders while on a mission in Peterborough, New Hampshire. In August of 1844, Young reached Nauvoo, Illinois, the home of the Mormons, finding the Church in a panic. On August 8th, Young was chosen as Smith’s successor. In January of 1845, Illinois repealed the charter of Nauvoo, leaving the city of 20,000 without legal means to protect its inhabitants or property. It is because of these circumstances that Young and his General Council set out to find a new home for the faithful. They planned a letter campaign to President James A. Polk and to every governor of the Union with the exception of Illinois and Missouri. Brigham Young, in a later speech celebrating ‘Pioneer Day,’ recorded in the ‘Millennial Star’ of October 4, 1862, stated that he only received five replies to the campaign—all of them rejections.

In the present letter, Young uses the term “the Great Western Measure” to refer to this whole idea of moving west and asks for Steele’s opinion. In closing his reply, Governor Steele weighs in: “My advice…is that you seek some spot of earth where you will at least, for years, be free from contact with those who are of a different faith…I know that it is hard & even would seem to be cruel to advise any set of men to abandon their hearths & seek a home in the wild uninhabited wilderness, yet there is no alternative left—except it be an abandonment of your peculiar faith & this I am not weak enough to recommend.”

Forced to leave Nauvoo and head westward, Brigham Young would lead the first wagons of Mormon pioneers across the plains and entered the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. Starting Bid $5000

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120. Brigham Young and LDS Leaders Letter Signed to Gov. Steele. LS signed “Brigham Young, President,” “Willard Richards, Clerk of the Quorum of Twelve,” “N. K Whitney,” and “George Miller,” three pages, 8 x 13, April 24, 1845. Letter to Governor John H. Steele of New Hampshire, sent as part of a campaign pleading for assistance against anti-Mormon violence less than a year before their migration to Utah. Writing just nine months after the murder of Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, Young seeks asylum for the persecuted Latter-Day Saints prior to their journey West.

Activists and Social Leaders

Exceedingly rare 1944 Swedish Red Cross

‘protection letter’ from Valdemar Langlet, the inspiration for Raoul Wallenberg

121. Valdemar Langlet Signed 1944 Red Cross ‘Protection Letter’. Swedish publisher and an early Esperantist (1872-1960) who, with his wife Nina Borovko-Langlet, in Budapest, is credited with saving many Jews from the Holocaust, by providing Swedish documents saying that people were waiting for Swedish nationality. Raoul Wallenberg was inspired by Langlet and used the same method to save Jewish people when he came to Budapest. Amazing World War II-dated ‘Protection Letter’ or ‘Schutz Pass’ passport booklet produced by the Swedish Red Cross and signed by Valdemar Langlet. The cloth-bound hardcover passport, 4.25 x 6, eight pages, numbered “KM 107/944,” was issued to Arpad Rotter and his wife Ilona of Budapest on August 8, 1944. The document, with text in both Hungarian and German, reads, in part: “We confirm that Arpad Rotter and his wife have Swedish interests. We draw the attention of the six-members that the above-named is under the protection of the Swedish Red Cross.” Signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by Langlet. The second page features two side-by-side photographs of the Rotters, which have been stamped and embossed by the Red Cross. The fourth page also features the couple’s personal information such as birthdates, residency, height, and hair and eye color. The protection letter expires on April 8, 1945. In fine condition, with wear to the covers and splitting to the spine, not affecting the interior pages. Starting Bid $500

32 | April 12, 2023 | NOTABLES

old day of standing in fear and trembling of the almighty white man is gone”

122. Malcolm X Signed Page for Alex Haley’s Playboy Interview. Page 14 from the original typescript of Alex Haley’s 1963 interview of Malcolm X for Playboy magazine, one onionskin page, 8.5 x 11, signed “Malcolm X” in the bottom margin (with a marginal line indicating his approval of the contents). In full: “[Malcolm X] Ten years ago a destroyer would have been sent to Cuba to quell a revolution. Ten years ago you couldn’t have paid a Southern Negro to defy Southern customs. The British Lion’s tail has been snatched off in Black Africa. The Indonesians have booted out the would-be imperialists such as the Dutch. The French who felt for a century that Algeria was theirs have had to run for their lives back to France. Sir, the point I make is that all over the world the old day of standing in fear and trembling of the almighty white man is gone.” In fine condition. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Starting Bid $500

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123. Nelson Mandela Signed Book. Signed book: Long Walk to Freedom. First edition. Randburg, South Africa: Macdonald Purnell, 1994. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6.5 x 9.5, 630 pages. Signed and inscribed on the half-title page in black ballpoint to a noteworthy Dubai businessman and public official, “H. E. Humad bin Drai, Director, Prime Minister & President’s Office. Compliments & best wishes to a remarkable public figure of whom we have the greatest respect. N. Mandela, 13.10.95.” In fine condition.

Starting Bid $200

124. Booker T. Washington Autograph Quotation Signed on Education. AQS on an off-white 8 x 5 sheet of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute letterhead, January 16, 1895. Booker T. Washington pens a significant quote on the value of an education: “Education is only valuable in proportion as it is used.” In very good to fine condition, with faint staining and soiling, and several vertical folds. Starting Bid $200

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“Education is only valuable in proportion as it is used”

Henry Ford on the Model T and interchangeable parts—a rare letter regarding a “replacement upon the model T radiator”

126. Henry Ford Typed Letter Signed. Scarce TLS, one page, 8.25 x 7.25, Ford Motor Company letterhead, October 30, 1912. Letter to Mr. C. D. Geist, in part: “Supplementing our letter of the 28th inst. regarding a shipment of parts which you recently sent us for replacement upon the model T radiator removed from car serial No. 144595 and credit memorandum covering our allowance will go forward to you under separate cover.” In fine condition, with some light creasing, and a trimmed bottom. Ford’s iconic Model T automobile had been introduced just four years earlier, on October 1, 1908. The vehicle revolutionized both the automobile industry—with its pioneering, assembly line manufacturing process—and day-to-day life, as its affordability made car travel available to middle-class Americans. To have Ford himself commenting on one of the car’s important qualities—interchangeable parts—on ornate Ford Motor Company letterhead, is exceedingly desirable. Starting Bid $200

127. Howard Hughes Document Signed On His Circumnavigation Flight. DS in Russian, signed “Howard R. Hughes,” one page, 8.5 x 11, Amtorg Trading Corporation letterhead, July 9, 1938. In part (translated): “The bearer of this [letter]...the pilot Mr. Howard Hughes, during his around-the-world flight is going to fly over the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with stops in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Yakutsk. Mr. Howard Hughes and his team require that fuel, aircraft oil, water, food products, dry ice, hot coffee, sterilized milk, cable expenses, postage stamps and other services be provided. We ask all organizations of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics where Mr. Howard Hughes applies to receive the above mentioned services to provide him with all necessary items and to recoup their costs from Mosamtorg, Sovietskaya Ploschad No. 1.” In fine condition, with a bit of scattered light soiling and an impressed Amtorg seal to lower right. Accompanied by a 12 x 8 silk American flag attested to as having accompanied Hughes on this historic flight. Starting Bid $300

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“The pilot Mr. Howard Hughes, during his around-the-world flight is going to fly over the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with stops in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Yakutsk”
36 | April 12, 2023 | NOTABLES

Spectacular business and finance correspondence by John Jacob Astor, America’s first multimillionaire

125. John Jacob Astor Archive of (14) Letters and Documents. Important collection of 14 letters and documents, 13 of them signed by John Jacob Astor, amounting to 20 pages total, dating from 1802 to 1827. The archive is housed in a handsome custom-made three-quarter morocco case with engraved frontispiece portrait of Astor, featuring his facsimile signature.

John Jacob Astor, founder of the Astor business dynasty, was the first American multimillionaire. In his time he was ‘the richest and most powerful of American businessmen. He came to personify nineteenth-century American business leadership, and he became a favorite subject for both capitalism’s apologists and detractors’ (Haeger).

Astor began trading furs in the 1780s. By 1808, the year of the founding of his American Fur Company, he had become the leading American fur merchant. In the following years Astor made fortunes in the China trade and in New York real estate. He was by far the wealthiest person in American history before the railroad era.

This remarkable collection documents Astor’s wide-ranging contributions to American business and financial history. These letters track the growth of Astor’s enterprises and his vast ambition. In an 1802 letter he asks a merchant in Schenectady for 100 bear skins and names the prices he will pay for various furs. By 1812 Astor is trading gold and paper money with the state bank of New York. Just five years later Astor, having helped to establish the Second Bank of the United States, is shaping its activities to his purposes. Astor also made a fortune in the China trade, a fact reflected in the letter to his longtime partner N. C. Ogden (1776-1823). Ogden handled Astor’s affairs in Canton, the two doing business on a stupendous extent. In a document dated 1823 Astor buys nearly 150,000 muskrat skins! By 1827, when he begins doing business with Poland & Son in London, he is a giant of the fur trade, dictating terms and doing business on a vast scale.

A highlight of the collection is the run of seven Astor letters to London fur merchant Peter R. Poland & Son. The file begins

with Astor accepting, on a trial basis, Poland’s offer to act as his agent in London. In the ensuing letters Astor objects to Poland’s fees, addresses market conditions, discusses the difficulties of transatlantic business communications, specifies the animal furs he seeks and the quality he requires, and haggles over terms and prices. Astor’s intimate familiarity with the fur market is on full display in this correspondence.

Ultimately Astor piles on additional orders, doing business on a staggering scale amounting to many hundreds of thousands of furs in the first year alone. The letters to P. R. Poland & Son are marked “duplicate,” yet they bear stamps and seals indicating that they traveled across the Atlantic. It is evident that Astor sent two copies of each letter, using different packet ships, to ensure that his communications reached Poland in a timely manner. In the fur business timing was everything, “it being important to have early information,” as Astor writes.

Another highlight is the outstanding pair of letters written by Astor in 1817 to the head of the Bank of the United States concerning financial matters. In 1815 Astor had joined with several other prominent men, including banker Stephen Girard and Senator John C. Calhoun, to establish the Second Bank of the United States. Anti-Federalist sentiment had killed Alexander Hamilton’s Bank of the United States by 1811. Astor and the other founders saw a national bank as essential for a stable supply of money and credit, economic growth, and westward expansion. William Jones, installed as the first president of the Bank, exacerbated financial tensions with his inept handling of its affairs, driving the country into recession. In these letters to Jones, Astor expresses his frustration with the Bank’s policies and with the money market and attempts to reshape them.

This important collection documents Astor’s unparalleled activities at the dawn of American large-scale capitalism. Complete transcripts of the archive are available online at RRAuction.com. In very good to fine condition, with toning and dampstaining to most of the letters, and occasional tears and fold separations. Starting Bid $5000

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128. J. Pierpont Morgan Signed Bond Certificate. Financier and banker John Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) is remembered for dominating corporate finance on Wall Street throughout the Gilded Age as head of the banking firm now known as J.P. Morgan & Co. Partly-printed DS, signed “Pierpont Morgan,” one page, 17.25 x 9, July 12, 1888. A certificate issued by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company to Kuhn, Loeb and Company and Drexel, Morgan and Company for “Ten of its First Mortgage Extension and Collateral Bonds.” Endorsed on the reverse by J. P. Morgan as a trustee. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

129. John D. Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, and Jabez A. Bostwick Document Signed. Partly-printed DS, one page, 11.5 x 7.75, April 5, 1882. Stock certificate for 1,000 shares in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust issued to William Rockefeller, signed at the conclusion by John D. Rockefeller as president, Henry M. Flagler as secretary, and Jabez A. Bostwick as treasurer. Also endorsed on the original receipt and on the reverse by William Rockefeller. The receipt remains affixed at the left edge. In fine condition, with the signatures lightly canceled. Starting Bid $200

38 | April 12, 2023 | NOTABLES
Significant Standard Oil stock certificate issued to a Rockefeller co-founder, signed by Rockefeller, Flager, and Bostwick

Scientists and Inventors

Rare letter by the pioneering Dutch geneticist who defined ‘mutation’



(1848–1935) known for suggesting the concept of genes, rediscovering the laws of heredity (unaware of Mendel’s work), and for introducing the term ‘mutation’ into the scientific lexicon. Exceedingly rare ALS, one page, 3.5 x 5.5, April 20, 1891. Handwritten letter to English botanist and taxonomist Maxwell T. Masters, in part: “A year ago you had the kindness to ask for some seeds of Dipsacus sylvestris…I had then not the occasion to send you any, but am happy now to offer you the seeds, which will produce 10% of twisted stems, and in the other individuals, after cutting the young stem, twisted and other curiously changed branches. The seeds should be sown in place…distance of the specimens at least 30-40 cm.” In fine condition.

Starting Bid $200

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130. Niels Bohr Signed Photograph - PSA GEM MINT 10. Vintage matte-finish 4.5 x 6.25 head-and-shoulders photo of the Nobel Prize–winning physicist, perfectly signed in fountain pen, “Niels Bohr.” Reverse bears a Juncker-Jensen credit stamp. In very fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “GEM MT 10.” Starting Bid $200 Hugo de Vries Autograph Letter Signed. Dutch botanist pioneering geneticist

The “flattered” Einstein signs for the wife of his friend and fellow Jewish-German emigrant

The subject and recipient of the photograph, Alice ‘Lili’ Loewy Kahler, was the wife of Erich Kahler, a literary scholar, author, and professor. Like Einstein, Erich Kahler had fled Nazi Germany and emigrated to the United States, where he became Einstein’s colleague as a member of the Institute for Advanced

Study. The Kahlers met in Princeton and were friends with Albert Einstein.

The photographer, Trude Fleischmann, had a studio in Vienna before moving to the United States—also under pressure from world affairs—to open a studio in New York City. Her work spanned celebrity portraits and fashion photography (most notably for Vogue), with some of her famous subjects including Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Oskar Kokoschka, and Arturo Toscanini. A highly desirable association piece that reveals an element of Einstein’s playful personality in the flirty “flattered” comment. Starting Bid $2500

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132. Albert Einstein Signed Photograph. Vintage mattefinish 7 x 9.25 photo of Albert Einstein beside Alice ‘Lili’ von Kahler, taken by Trude Fleischmann, displayed in its original 9.75 x 11.75 mat, signed and inscribed on the mat in fountain pen, “Fur Frau Lili, A. Einstein, (Flattered).” Also signed by the photographer in pencil, “Trude Fleischmann, New York.” Framed to an overall size of 10.75 x 12.75. In fine condition.

Einstein comforts the family of his personal physician, who he saved from the Nazis in 1939


from Nazi persecution by securing the distinguished 60-year-old gastroenterologist a position at NYU’s Bellevue Medical Center. With warmth and friendship, Einstein thanks the Ehrmanns for their gift and then commiserates with Frau Erhmann on their moving to a new home.

In full (translated): “Both touched and abashed I thank you for the precious gifts with which you honored me and my woman folk. Your remark, dear Mrs. Ehrmann, filled me with consternation, because it sounded like, a) your entry into the home has not been confirmed, and b) because it tells me that you look toward this undertaking with fear rather than with a feeling of liberation. I am firmly convinced that you will see things differently, and better, once the time has come. I can even imagine that having more leisure there, you will immortalize in a diary all the comical aspects that co-existence with totally different contemporaries lays bare.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $1000

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133. Albert Einstein Autograph Letter Signed to Personal Doctor. ALS in German, signed “A. Einstein,” one page both sides, 5 x 3, January 1951. Handwritten letter to the “Ehrmanns,” his personal physician, Dr. Rudolph Ehrmann, and his wife Käte Pollack Ehrmann. In 1939, Einstein intervened to save Ehrmann
42 | April 12, 2023 | NOTABLES

135. Nikola Tesla Typed Letter Signed on Inventions.

TLS signed “N. Tesla,” one page, 8 x 10, illustrated “Tesla Laboratory” letterhead portraying Wardenclyffe Tower, February 27, 1909. Letter to Anita Drysdale Hawkins (1874-1957), a friend and employee at his Wardenclyffe plant, discussing the departure of a troublesome guest and commenting on his innovative work. In part: “I was very much astonished to learn from your letter just received that the leaving of our friend was attended to with such difficulties. However, if he intended to avoid them he has received just what he deserved and I am glad that he is gone. His stay there has called for considerable sacrifices on my part which I should not have made. Time and time again in my life I have made such mistakes and I always propose myself not to try to help others when in so doing I imperil myself, but it seems I am incorrigible.

I have taken upon myself all of Mr. Warren’s obligations and your brother need not pay any attention to the bills which might be presented to him, and for which he is in no way responsible. You will be glad to know that all of my inventions are turning out to be a splendid success and I am positively expecting not only to resume the work on my plant very shortly, but also to bring it to completion, all from my own resources. You may

now expect from me favorable news at any moment.” In fine condition, with a small stain under the signature. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope and an unsigned letter drafted to Tesla on May 1, 1911, most probably by A. D. Hawkins.

Tesla sent this letter from his offices at 165 Broadway in New York City, although typed on Tesla Laboratory letterhead with a fine illustration of the iconic Wardenclyffe Tower at the top. An early experimental wireless transmission station, Tesla designed and built the tower on Long Island in 1901–1902, with famed financier J. P. Morgan as his key backer. From Wardenclyffe, Tesla intended to transmit messages, telephony, facsimile images, and even wireless electrical power across the globe. When Guglielmo Marconi’s wireless telegraphy system advanced beyond Tesla’s, he lost Morgan as an investor and was left to his own devices—hence the pecuniary concern demonstrated in the present letter. By this time in 1909, Tesla had been hounded by creditors for years and had turned to other projects—such as the bladeless turbine—in an effort to fundraise for the Wardenclyffe plant. In spite of these difficulties, Tesla remained energetic and optimistic, enthusiastically proclaiming that he found success with his inventions and that money will soon be a problem of the past. Starting Bid $5000

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Remarkable letter by Nikola Tesla: “All of my inventions are turning out to be a splendid success”

Merton pens the celebrated Black–Scholes model on receipt of the Nobel Prize in Economics

134. Robert C. Merton Autograph Manuscript Signed of BlackScholes Formula. Incredibly rare autograph manuscript signed, “Robert C. Merton,” one page, 5.75 x 8.25, Stockholm Grand Hotel letterhead, December 1997. Merton writes out the celebrated Black–Scholes (or Black–Scholes–Merton) formula for derivatives pricing, the basis for many of the great fortunes in finance. He adds an inscription at the top, “For Dan Maran,” and “Nobel Week” notation below—Merton wrote this manuscript while he was in Stockholm for the Nobel Prize ceremony. In very fine condition.

Merton’s collaborator, Myron Scholes, characterized the formula as ‘an equation that prices options on common stock and provides a methodology to value options on securities generally. It can be used to measure risk and transfer risk.’

Merton and Scholes shared the 1997 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences ‘for a new method to determine the value of derivatives’ (Black was not eligible, having died in 1995). ‘Such rapid and widespread application of a theoretical result was new to economics,’ the prize committee wrote. Thousands of traders and investors now use the formula every day, allowing businesses and individuals to hedge risks in an unprecedented way.

The insights of this model laid the foundation of modern trading in options and other derivatives. It thus has been the basis for the rise of numerous great fortunes in recent years. Black–Scholes ‘underpinned massive economic growth’ so that the ‘international financial system was trading derivatives valued at one quadrillion dollars per year’ by 2007, with the Black–Scholes equation being the ‘mathematical justification for the trading’ (Ian Stewart, In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World).

We find no other manuscripts of this landmark formula in the auction records or in the market. This manuscript, written when Merton received the Nobel Prize, is worthy of any great collection in economics and finance. Starting Bid $2500

44 | April 12, 2023 | NOTABLES


Herzen signs his commentary on the new phase of Russian literature

136. Alexander Herzen Signed Book. Russian writer and political thinker (1812–1870) whose work holds an important place in the great Russian literary canon. Signed book: Nouvelle Phase de la Litterature Russe. Bruxelles et Gand: C. Muquardt, 1864. Paperback, 6 x 8.75, 81 pages. Signed (in the third person as “The Author”) and inscribed on the title page in crisp ink, “Monsieur Acollas, Souvenir affect de la part

de l’Auteur, 13 Avril 1866, Geneva.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: G/None, with chips and small tears to edges, several sections detached from binding, and heavy wear to the blank wrappers. The recipient was likely French professor of jurisprudence Emile Acollas (1826–1891), one of the founders of the League of Peace and Freedom in 1867. A scarce and desirable literary autograph. Starting Bid $500

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Notorious Figures

139. John Dillinger Arrest Archive: Signed Affidavit and Witness Statements. Remarkable archive from the papers of attorney Frederick Steiger, who prosecuted John Dillinger after his first arrest in September 1924. Dillinger, with his accomplice Ed Singleton, had targeted a local grocer, Frank Morgan, to rob for some quick cash. In a sneak attack, Dillinger hit Morgan twice in the head with a bolt wrapped in a handkerchief. Morgan responded by grabbing the revolver that Dillinger pointed at him, and the gun discharged into the ground during the ensuing scuffle. Dillinger was arrested as a suspect at his father’s home the following day, and later admitted his guilt. The historic archive features John Dillinger’s signed affidavit detailing the crime, plus thirteen signed witness statements documenting his activities that day—including those of his wife Beryl, his accomplice Ed Singleton, and other acquaintances.

The highlight is a manuscript DS signed “John Herbert Dillinger,” three pages, 8.5 x 13, September 14, 1924. Dillinger’s sworn statement made subsequent to his arrest for assaulting grocery man Frank Morgan in Mooresville, Indiana, penned in the hand of prosecuting attorney Fred W. Steiger. In part: “I, John Dillinger being duly sworn upon my oath allege and say: That on Saturday night Sept. 6th, 1924, about 7 PM I went down with Ed Singleton to Ed’s house and I got my gun. It is a 32 Revolver. That about 10:00 PM on Saturday Sept. 6th 1924, Ed Singleton and I went down towards Mr. Frank Morgan’s store. When we got about to the store we saw him closing up. Then we turned around and went back up in town. After Mr. Morgan came up in town, we watched him and saw him go in the barber shop. We waited across the street in the stairway by Moore’s Restaurant till Mr. Morgan came out of

the barber shop, he crossed the street to Reese’s store then walked down Indiana St…When Mr. Morgan got to the back steps of the Christian church I stepped up behind Mr. Morgan and hit him twice with the large bolt which the prosecutor showed me since I have been in jail. Ed Singleton was supposed to help me, but failed to help me. After I hit Mr. Morgan with the bolt, which I had in my right hand, Mr. Morgan turned around and grabbed my left hand and in the scuffle the gun was discharged. Then I knew we might get caught, so we both run down to Broad Alley and run east…we exchanged hats and coats. When I hit Mr. Morgan I had on Ed’s cap and sweater and Ed had on my hat and coat. When we got to Indiana St. we turned north…We separated about this time. I don’t know where Ed went…Ed Singleton and I had decided about a week before we did this to rob Mr. Morgan and had talked it over 2 or three times. When we went down to Ed’s house, we had decided that we would rob Mr. Morgan that night. I kept the gun on me till I got home that night. After I got home I hid it in a pile of oats up stairs in my father’s house. It is there now in a sock, 2 extra cartridges and a skeleton key.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by Dillinger, and countersigned by Steiger.

The accompanying documents—similar signed witness statement affidavits, dating from September 8–15, 1924—establish the timeline of events on September 6th and trace Dillinger’s whereabouts that night. Remarkably, they encompass practically all witnesses and participants in the crime—including everyone from Dillinger’s accomplice, Ed Singleton, to Frank Morgan’s barber, W. E. Spoon—with the curious exception of Morgan himself. Put together, they provide a detailed chronology of the incident in question and represent the prosecution’s meticulous attention to detail in drawing up an airtight case.

Continued on page 48

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Historic prosecutor’s archive from John Dillinger’s first arrest, including thirteen witness statements and a signed admission of guilt: “We had decided that we would rob Mr. Morgan that night”

Signers and summaries of these affidavits:

- Ed Singleton, Dillinger’s accomplice also charged in the crime, first swearing on September 11th that “about 10:15 or 10:25 PM…John Dillinger told me he had Frank Morgan the west end grocery man spotted. He said he was going to sap him after a while. I told him he might knock him in the head and then get no money. He said he was going to take a shot at it. When Old Man Morgan came out of the barber shop, I saw him and John said well see you later.” He explains that they parted at that time. On September 14th, Singleton signs another affidavit, clarifying his remarks and further detailing his movements: “John…tried to rob Frank Morgan. From where I stood I heard the shot fired. After John did the work he came up by me and we both went up Broad Alley to Indiana…John separated from me at the Methodist Church…John told me the old man was a tough one and he never got anything.”

- Beryl Dillinger, John Dillinger’s wife, stating that she met John in Mooresville at about 8:15 PM on September 6th and walked down to the skating rink, where she saw him speak to just one person.

- Merrill Mills, an acquaintance of John Dillinger who he had tried to recruit as an accomplice, saying that about two weeks earlier Dillinger “mentioned holding up Frank Morgan” and asked whether he took the grocery’s money home or left it in the store. Mills also mentions running into Dillinger at the skating rink and, later, at a pool hall.

- Earl G. Smith, an acquaintance of Merrill Mills and John Dillinger, describing conversations he and Mills had about Dillinger, as well as the encounter between the three of them at the pool hall.

- Maxine Mills, who saw John Dillinger “at the rink about 8 or 8:30 PM.”

- May Hacker, who saw Merrill Mills and others at the skating rink.

- Harry Waltz, who saw Dillinger at the skating rink “about 8:30 or 9 PM.”

- Thelma Williams, who saw John and Beryl Dillinger at the skating rink “about 8:30 or 8:45 PM.”

- R. J. Wade, who witnessed John Dillinger “going west on Main Street” between 10:30 and 11:15 PM.

- W. E. Spoon, reporting that he “shaved Frank Morgan and also cut his hair” just before 11 PM.

- Kenneth Sheets, who saw Dillinger alone at the skating rink some time between 7 and 9:10 PM, noting: “I heard Wilford Pointer say he had a conversation with John Dillinger about 11 PM Sat. night and he acted very nervous.”

- Francis McKinley, who saw Dillinger on the train to Mooresville but did not see him or Beryl at the rink that night.

Additionally includes several pages of Steiger’s handwritten notes made while preparing the case—mostly quick jottings with names and summaries of conversations—and three typed affidavits filed in the Morgan Circuit Court, all signed by Morgan County Sheriff Lafayette Scott and prosecutor Fred W. Steiger, outlining the counts with which Dillinger was charged: conspiracy to commit a felony; assault and battery with intent to rob; and accessory before the fact. In overall fine condition.

Starting Bid $2500

48 | April 12, 2023 | NOTABLES

Gold coin interest note signed twice by Al

138. Al Capone Document Signed. Extraordinary partly-printed signed document, signed twice, “Alphonse Capone,” one page, 8.75 x 3, November 18, 1926. An interest note for “Loan No. 6223,” in part: “Due to the order of Ourselves…$45.00 in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness, on the 18th day of November A.D. 1930 without grace, at the office of Lawndale National Bank in the City of Chicago…with interest after maturity until paid, at the rate of seven percent, per annum, being for an installment of interest on our principal and note No. 6 being of even date herewith for the sum of $1500.00.” Signed at the conclusion by Al Capone, his mother Theresa Capone, and his wife Mae Capone, and also endorsed on the reverse by all three. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. In fine condition, with a small area of paper loss to the left edge.

Capone rose to prominence throughout the 1920s, making a name for himself as a leader of the Chicago underworld. Increasingly implicated in the corruption of political, law enforcement, and labor officials, he was convicted of income tax evasion in 1931 and sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment, serving part of his sentence on Alcatraz. His autograph is scarce in any format, and this remarkable twice-signed document would be the ‘kingpin’ of any collection of 20th-century Americana. Starting Bid $2500

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The treacherous Benedict Arnold arrives in England, carrying news of Charles Cornwallis and Henry Clinton


Arnold Autograph Letter Signed on Cornwallis and Clinton. Revolutionary War–dated ALS signed “B. Arnold,” one page both sides, 7.25 x 9, January 16, 1782. Handwritten letter from Penzance to a “Lord,” evidently Lord Germain, conveying dispatches from Henry Clinton, formerly the British Commander-in-Chief in North America who had secured Arnold’s treasonous alliance.

In full: “On the 15th Ulto. a Fleet of one hundred & twenty odd Merchantmen, under Convoy of the Robust & James, sailed from New York, for Portsmouth, a few days after the Fleet sailed most of the convoy parted in a gale of wind, on the 25th the Robust sprang a Leake & bore away for the West Indies. On the 27th Lord Cornwallis his suite, & a number of Officers who came Passengers in the Robust left her, when

Capt. Corby requested me to take charge of Sir Henry Clinton’s Dispatches for your Lordship, which Capt. Ramsey will have the honor to deliver, to whom I beg leave to refer your Lordship for particulars. Mrs. Arnold being with me & both her & myself much fatigued prevents my doing myself the honor of Delivering these Dispatches myself.” In fine condition.

After the failure of his plan to surrender West Point to the British, Benedict Arnold defected and was commissioned a brigadier general in the British army. He led marauding expeditions in Virginia and Connecticut in 1780–81, before sailing for England with his family as part of Lord Cornwallis’s convoy in mid-December 1781. This letter, written from the famous port city of Penzance in Cornwall, dates to just after his arrival in the United Kingdom. Starting Bid $2500

50 | April 12, 2023 | MILITARY

Regarding the Revolution’s most high-profile prisoner exchange, Cornwallis pleads with Laurens to expedite his release from parole

Autograph Letter Signed to Laurens


Revolutionary War–dated ALS signed “Cornwallis,” one page, 7.5 x 9.5, May 31, 1782. Handwritten letter to Henry Laurens, the former president of the Continental Congress, regarding his release from parole as a prisoner of war. In full: “My friend Major Ross having proposed to take a trip to Paris, I have desired him to wait upon you about a business, which you will easily believe I am very anxious to have accomplished, I mean my release. If you should have met with some difficulties, in your conversation with Dr. Franklyn, than you expected, he may perhaps propose some expedient that may remove them. Your endeavouring to facilitate this affair, with be considered by me as the strongest personal obligation.” Docketed on the reverse in Laurens’s hand: “Earl Cornwallis, 31st May 1782, delivered to me at

Hotel York in Paris by Mr. Oswald 9th Decemb. 1782, Answ’d immediately.” In fine condition.

Henry Laurens had been captured by the British during a diplomatic mission in 1780, charged with treason, and imprisoned in the Tower of London. With the assistance of Benjamin Franklin and his business partner, Richard Oswald, Laurens was released from the Tower of London on December 31, 1781, in anticipation of the release of Cornwallis. Although Cornwallis was returned to London as a prisoner of war on parole, he would not secure his complete freedom until the articles of peace were signed. A remarkable letter related to one of the most high-profile prisoner exchanges of the American Revolution. Starting Bid $1000

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Charles Cornwallis on POW Exchange.

265. Joshua Chamberlain Document Signed. Maine-born Union major general (1828-1914) who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his defense of Little Round Top at Gettysburg. Partly-printed DS, signed “J. L. Chamberlain,” one page, 5 x 7.5, July 1, 1874. Official Bowdoin College document, in full: “Be it known, that E. M. Cousins a member of the Freshman Class, having passed a satisfactory examination before the Faculty and a Committee of the Trustees and Overseers, is adjudged to be qualified to join the Sophomore Class at the next Commencement.” In fine condition, with several horizontal folds. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Starting Bid $200



ing. After WWII, MacArthur’s headquarters were located in Tokyo, where he helped Japan to rebuild itself following the devastation of war; overseeing this redevelopment, MacArthur was effectively the interim leader of Japan from 1945 until 1948. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $200

52 | April 12, 2023 | MILITARY
Douglas MacArthur Signed Photograph. tage glossy 8 x 10 head-and-shoulders photo of General MacArthur in uniform, signed in fountain pen, “Douglas MacArthur, Tokyo—1948.” Reverse is stamped: “U.S. Air Force Photo.” In fine condition, with scattered light creas-

A. Custer, Brig. Gen’l,” one page, 6.25 x 8, April 6, 1864.

Handwritten letter to Captain R. R. Moffatt, in full: “Having carefully examined your ‘Sabre Shield,’ and having considered its merits, as pertaining to my own branch of the service, I do not hesitate in pronouncing it a most invaluable acquisition to the cavalry arm of the service. I am firm in the belief that the possession of it by our cavalry would give confidence and increases courage to those wearing it. The trifling weight of the shield is such as to be almost unfelt by the wearer. I hope

it will be adopted at once.” In very good to fine condition, with light wrinkling and faint staining. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

Understandably, Custer took a keen interest in cavalry equipment, and had himself developed a saber attachment of his own before the start of hostilities. For cavalry units of the Civil War, however, sabers were proving no match for pistols in close combat. Nevertheless, Custer recognized that improved equipment made for braver soldiers, and advocated for the adoption of Moffatt’s sabre shield. Starting Bid $1000

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266. George A. Custer Autograph Letter Signed on Cavalry Sabre Shield. Civil War–dated ALS signed “G.
Custer advocates for an improved “Sabre Shield”—“The possession of it by our cavalry would give confidence and increases courage to those wearing it”

Wellington draws £63,000 to pay his troops

268. Duke of Wellington Document Signed. Manuscript DS, signed “Wellington,” one page, 8.25 x 12, November 25, 1809. Document issued during the Peninsular War, directing Deputy Paymaster General John Paramor Boys “to receive from John Murray Esqr. Commissary General the sum of Sixty Three Thousand Pounds Sterling for the ordinary services of the Forces under my Command.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered light foxing. Starting Bid $200

269. Isma’il Pasha of Egypt Autograph Letter Signed. Khedive of Egypt and conqueror of Sudan from 1863 to 1879, remembered for the modernization of Egypt through investments in industrial and economic development, urbanization, and the expansion of the country’s boundaries in Africa; in spite of overseeing the construction of the Suez Canal, severe debt resulting from his policies led to its sale to the British government. Uncommon ALS in French, one page, 5 x 8, ornate gilt-embossed personal letterhead, November 15, 1884. Untranslated handwritten letter to his son. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

54 | April 12, 2023 | MILITARY


Louis. Signed book: The Spirit of St. Louis. Presentation edition, number 630. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953. Hardcover with custom red cloth slipcase, 5.75 x 8.5, 561 pages. Signed on the colophon in fountain pen, “Charles A. Lindbergh.” Autographic condition: very fine. Book condition: VG+/None. An exquisite copy of this avidly collected book authored by the renowned aviator. Starting Bid $200

Brilliant signed photo of the famed Stork commander

Signed Photograph. The second highestscoring French fighter ace (1894–1917 MIA) who tallied 54 victories during World War I, and was a French national hero at the time of his death at the young age of 22. Rare vintage color matte-finish 3.5 x 5.25 French postcard photo of Georges Guynemer in flight uniform working on his SPAD aircraft with another gentleman, above is pictured a Valkyrie with shield and white text, “Oiseau de France!,” signed in fountain pen, “G. Guynemer.” In fine condition, with an unknown hand adding accents of red and blue color to the image. Starting Bid $300


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Charles Lindbergh Signed Book - The Spirit of St. Georges Guynemer 296. Amelia Earhart Signature. Vintage pencil signature, “Amelia Earhart,” on an off-white 3.25 x 2.5 sheet clipped from a notebook page. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

299. Joseph-Michel Montgolfier Autograph Letter Signed. French politician and pioneering aviator (1740–1810) best known for inventing, with his brother, Jacques-Etienne, the first successful hot-air balloon, ushering in the age of modern air travel. ALS in French, signed “J. Montgolfier,” one page, 7 x 9.5, February 7, 1791. Untranslated handwritten letter by Joseph-Michel Montgolfier. In fine condition. Accompanied by three other letters by Montgolfier family members regarding family affairs. Starting Bid $200

300. Charles Nungesser Signed Photograph. French pilot and WWI fighter ace (1892-1927) who mysteriously disappeared on an attempt to make the first non-stop transatlantic flight from Paris to New York. Vintage matte-finish 6.25 x 9.5 photo of Nungesser in uniform, signed and inscribed across the top in fountain pen, “A Monsieur J. Olyphant, entre freres…Ch. Nungesser, 1 Juin 1924.” Nicely matted and framed with a biographical card to an overall size of 13.25 x 18. In fine condition, with poor-to-moderate handwriting contrast against the dark background. Starting Bid $200

56 | April 12, 2023 | AVIATION
Scarce signed portrait of the French fighter ace— lost on his 1927 quest to make the first non-stop transatlantic flight

301. Orville Wright Typed Letter Signed. TLS, two pages, 7.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, October 19, 1937. Letter to Fred L. Black of the Edison Institute, in part: “I have not seen the book ‘Lost Flights of Gustave Whitehead,’ but I did see the story on the same subject printed in ‘Popular Aviation’ of January, 1935, and signed by Stella Randolph and Harvey Phillips. I have learned through a friend in Washington that Miss Randolph works in a doctor’s office in Washington; that she has no particular interest in aviation; that the Harvey Phillips whom she had not known before, induced her to collaborate with him in the preparation of the story. I suspect that, could it be traced, the idea for the book would be found to have

originated in the mind of A. F. Zahm, of whom you already know…In the case of Whitehead the design of the machine is in itself enough to refute the statements that the machine flew.” In fine condition, with a small tear to the bottom edge of the second sheet. Accompanied by a vintage 9 x 6.75 photo of a French exhibition showcasing Wilbur Wright’s record-setting airplane. Like Alberto Santos-Dumont of Brazil and Richard Pearse of New Zealand, Gustave Whitehead (1874-1927) was another intrepid aviation pioneer who claimed to have made several powered flights before the Wright Brothers lifted off from Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903. Starting Bid $1000

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“In the case of Whitehead the design of the machine is in itself enough to refute the statements that the machine flew”

Striking signed portrait of the elder Wright brother

Camp d’Auvours near Le Mans was a central location in the Wrights’ flying experience in France. It was where, two years previous, on December 18, 1908, Wilbur Wright soared to a height of 110 meters and set an epic new altitude record. For his achievement, he was given the Aero Club de la Sarthe prize. The 1910 date of this photo aligns with the 2nd Exposition Internationale Aéronautique (Salon de l’Aviation), which was held from October 15 to November 2, 1910, at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Signed photos of the elder Wright are extremely scarce, given his early death from typhoid fever in 1912. Examples as fine as this, with a crystal-clear image and impeccable signature, are highly sought-after and very rarely seen. Starting Bid $1000

58 | April 12, 2023 | AVIATION
302. Wilbur Wright Signed Photograph. Exceptionally rare vintage matte-finish 3.5 x 5.5 French postcard photo of the aviation pioneer in a handsome half-length and front-facing pose, signed neatly in the lower border in black ink, “Yours truly, Wilbur Wright.” The reverse bears collector’s notations, “Camp d’Auvours - Sarthe - Aout 1910,” and printed text in French, including: “Comptoir Photographique de l’Ouest. — Le Mans.” In fine condition, with some light soiling and silvering.

space exploration

18 astronauts lend their names to a two-dollar bill, including Armstrong, Collins, Young, and Duke

307. Apollo Astronauts (18) Multi-Signed Two-Dollar Bill. Series 1963 two dollar bill, signed on the portrait side in ballpoint and felt tip by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Donn Eisele, Rusty Schweickart, Wally Schirra, Dick Gordon, Charles Conrad, Walt Cunningham, Charles Duke, Dave Scott, Ken Mattingly, John Young, Tom Stafford, Paul Weitz, and Al Worden; and signed on the reverse in ink and felt tip by Alan Bean, Harrison Schmitt, and Don Lind. In fine condition, with three vertical folds. An impressive collection of astronauts, including six moonwalkers. Starting Bid $300

309. Roger Chaffee Signed Photograph. Naval pilot and astronaut (1935-1967) who was one of three crew members to perish in the Apollo 1 command module fire on January 27, 1967. Uncommon color vintage 8 x 10 NASA lithograph of Chaffee with an astronaut pin on his lapel, signed and inscribed in black felt tip, “To Michael Chenault, with best wishes, Roger B. Chaffee.” In fine condition, with a small stain in the top border, and small binder dings along the left edge. Starting Bid $200

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60 | April 12, 2023 | SPACE EXPLORATION
311. Gus Grissom Signed Photograph. Official color vintage 8 x 10 NASA lithograph of Grissom posing with a model rocket in a suit and tie, signed and inscribed in red felt tip, “Best wishes to Michael Chenault, Gus Grissom.” In very good to fine condition, with an old tape stain on the top edge. Starting Bid $200 310. Gus Grissom Oversized Signed Photograph. Scarce vintage glossy 11 x 14 silver gelatin photo of Gus Grissom peering out from under his Project Mercury helmet, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “Best wishes to Jackie, Virgil I. Grissom.” In fine condition, with light creasing to the corner tips. Grissom is very scarce in this oversized format. Starting Bid $200
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312. Gus Grissom Signed Check. National Bank of Fort Sam Houston check, 6.25 x 2.75, filled out and signed by Gus Grissom, “Virgil I. Grissom,” payable to Supt. of Documents for 95 cents, July 3, 1959. In fine condition, with a small area of surface loss to the left edge. Starting Bid $200 313. Edward H. White II Signed Photograph. Official color vintage 8 x 10 NASA lithograph of White posing with a model rocket in his silver space suit, signed and inscribed in bold black ink, “To Michael—Best wishes, Ed White.” In very good to fine condition, with an old tape stain the top edge and some surface loss to reverse. Starting Bid $200

one page,

no date. Handwritten letter to “Gordon,” in part: “Thank you very much for your continued support and interest in our space program. This may sound abrupt, but it is not meant to be mean. In private life now I don’t feel qualified nor do I want to be in a position of advising the careers of others. For 6 years now the media has been my main source of information. Perhaps NASA-JSC Houston TX 77058 could answer your question.” In fine condition. Starting


62 | April 12, 2023 | SPACE EXPLORATION
316. Neil Armstrong Signed Photograph. Sought-after color 8 x 10 NASA lithograph of Armstrong posing in his white space suit against a lunar backdrop, beautifully signed in blue felt tip. In very good to fine condition, with a full-length vertical bend that passes through Armstrong’s face and image. An attractive, uninscribed example of this iconic NASA portrait. Starting Bid $300 314. Buzz Aldrin Rare Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, 5.5 8.5, personal letterhead, Bid $200

Historic photograph of the American flag deployment at Tranquility Base, fully signed by the Apollo 11 crew

In very good to fine condition, with some creasing and foxing to the mount, and small scattered stains near Armstrong’s signature; the autographs of both Armstrong and Aldrin are clear and bold, while the Collins signature has faded to a somewhat indistinct orange color.

Very few photos of Neil Armstrong on the moon exist, as he was the chief photographer during the Apollo 11 EVAs—this remarkable image was taken by the 16mm Data Acquisition Camera that was mounted inside the Lunar Module. It is one of the iconic photographs of the 20th century, captured at the mission’s triumphant climax when the stars and stripes were first unfurled on another celestial body. Armstrong’s uncommon inclusion of the lunar time and place makes this example all the more remarkable. Starting Bid $1000

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315. Apollo 11 Crew-Signed Photograph. Amazingly rare and historic vintage matte-finish 9.5 x 7.5 photo of astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin raising the United States flag at the Apollo 11 lunar landing site, signed in felt tip by the entire crew: “Neil Armstrong, Tranquility Base, Moon Landing of Apollo 11, 20 July 1969,” “Buzz Aldrin,” and “M. Collins.” Affixed to an 11 x 11 cardstock mount, with affixed caption below.

317. Apollo




Bill with Crew-Signed Statement. Flown Series 1953B two-dollar bill, serial number A70489369A, carried into lunar orbit during the Apollo 15 mission, signed on the reverse in black felt tip by Dave Scott, Al Worden, and Jim Irwin. Includes a statement of authenticity that reads, in part, “This two dollar federal reserve note, serial number A70489369A, was carried aboard Apollo 15,” and is signed below by the Apollo 15 crew. Double-matted and framed to an overall size of 13.5 x 14.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

318. Space Shuttle (5) Multi-Signed Bank Notes. Five bank notes of 1-dollar and 2-dollar denominations, individually signed in ink or felt tip by crew members from four different Space Shuttle missions: STS-33 (John Blaha, Fred Gregory, and Story Musgrave; no Sonny Carter and Kathryn Thornton), STS-35 (2: Vance Brand, Guy Gardner, Jeffrey Hoffman, John Lounge, Robert Parker, Samuel T. Durrance, and Ronald Parise), STS-45 (Charles Bolden, Brian Duffy, Kathryn Sullivan, David Leestma, Michael Foale, Dirk Frimout, and Byron K. Lichtenberg), and STS-50 (Richard Richards, Ken Bowersox, Bonnie Dunbar, Ellen Baker, Carl Meade, Larry DeLucas, and Eugene Trinh). In overall fine condition. Starting Bid $200

64 | April 12, 2023 | SPACE EXPLORATION

art, architecture, and design

Letter Signed. ALS in French, signed “Degas,” one black-bordered page, 4.25 x 6.75, no date. A handwritten letter to Nicolas, in full (translated): “You did not come this morning. Will you not come this afternoon? I am hurriedly going to lunch and shall be back at the atelier at 2 p.m. See you soon.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

ently repaired on the back. Dior is a rare autograph in general, and even more so in signed photographs. A great association piece from the world of fashion. Starting

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364. Christian Dior Signed Photograph. Scarce vintage glossy 6 x 8.25 photo of Christian Dior working at his desk, signed and inscribed in the lower border in fountain pen to fashion designer Joan Simpson Raines, “To Miss Joan Simpson, with my warmest greetings and affection, Tian Dior.” Matted and framed to an overall size of 10.25 x 12.25. In very good condition, with scattered light creasing, a tape stain to the bottom edge, a short tear to the right edge and a much heavier tear to the left side, appar- Bid $200 363. Edgar Degas Autograph

ALS in


part (translated): “2 words in a hurry…. I have, it is true, more than need of money at the moment, but I have credit. I cannot accept the press, feeling obliged with a knife at my throat, it would be a deplorable example! Besides that, I can’t make a deal without talking to Van Gogh, who keeps the prices higher.” He discusses the difficulty of making profitable deals in the present art market (“I therefore write to him for a deal of (200 Francs less commission less frame is equal to almost zero) he will have to deal that with him”) and mentions that he cannot fulfill a request as he does not have 40 francs (“What a nightmare to be held back by trifles every time it comes to work”). In fine condition. A painter, art teacher, and collector—most notably one of Van Gogh’s earliest collectors—Emile Schuffenecker was one of Gauguin’s closest friends, and an outspoken supporter of

his artistic career. He was also responsible for proposing the important 1889 exhibition at the Volpini Gallery, which became a key moment in Gauguin’s career, expanding his influence on young painters. In late 1887 or early 1888, Gauguin traded his canvas ‘On the Shore of the Lake, Martinique’ to Vincent Van Gogh in exchange for two small paintings of sunflowers that the great Dutchman had completed the previous summer. Gauguin hung them above his bed when he lived in Paris on Rue Boulard with Emile Schuffenecker, and they remained there during his voyages in the South Seas. Desperate for money by 1896, Gauguin decided to finally part with these prized possessions; they were ultimately purchased by the art dealer Ambroise Vollard for 225 francs a piece. Today, one of the canvases resides in the collection of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. A rare and significant association piece connecting several important artistic figures of the Post-Impressionist movement. Starting Bid $2500

66 | April 12, 2023 | ART, ARCHITECTURE, AND DESIGN
365. Paul Gauguin Autograph Letter Signed. French, signed “P. G.,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 4 x 6, no date but circa Handwritten letter to painter, art teacher, and collector Emile Schuffenecker, in
Desperate for money, Gauguin turns to friends for help: “I can’t make a deal without talking to Van Gogh, who keeps the prices higher”

366. Keith Haring Signed Report. Desirable limited edition spiral-bound 1987 Martin Lawrence Limited Editions annual report, 24 pages, 11 x 11, numbered 78/5500, signed on the colophon in black felt tip, “K. Haring.” The front cover depicts an untitled artwork by Haring, commissioned for the cover of the report. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200


Drawings. Original drawings by caricaturist Al Hirschfeld of Rat Pack entertainers Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis, Jr., accomplished in graphite and black ink on individual off-white sheets of artist paper measuring 8 x 9.25 and 11.25 x 9, both signed in the lower right corner, “Hirschfeld.” Both drawings were originally published in Collier’s on April 29, 1955, and on October 28, 1955, respectively. Both are individually matted and framed to overall sizes of 18.5 x 20.5 and 22.5 x 20.75. Includes a deluxe limited first edition of Hirschfeld: On Line, numbered 432/550, signed on the colophon in black ink, “Hirschfeld.” In overall fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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367. Al Hirschfeld: Sinatra and Sammy Davis, Jr.
Hirschfeld’s original Collier’s caricatures of Rat Pack members Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis, Jr.

368. Rene Lalique Autograph Letter Signed. French Art Nouveau jeweler, medallist, and glass designer (1860–1945) celebrated for his creations of glass art, perfume bottles, vases, chandeliers, clocks, and automobile hood ornaments. Rare ALS in French, signed “R. Lalique,” one page, 5.25 x 7, 40 Cours-la-Reine letterhead, August 27, 1907. Untranslated handwritten letter by Rene Lalique. In fine condition, with some trivial toning to the upper right edge. Starting Bid $200

369. Maximilien Luce Autograph Letter Signed with Sketches. Prolific French neo-impressionist artist (1858–1941) known for his work in both the Impressionist and Pointillist modes. ALS in French, signed “Luce,” one page, 4.25 x 6.5, January 1, 1918. Untranslated handwritten letter by Luce, with two fabulous original ink sketches drawn on the reverse: one of a landscape scene, and one of several figures together. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

68 | April 12, 2023 | ART, ARCHITECTURE, AND DESIGN

Signed with Sketch. Prolific French neo-impressionist artist (1858–1941) known for his work in both the Impressionist and Pointillist modes. Desirable ALS in French, signed “Luce,” one page, 4 x 5.25, no date. Addressed to “Eliza,” an untranslated handwritten letter from Maximilien Luce, who adds an intricate landscape sketch on the reverse of the integral second page. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Letter Signed. Belgian artist (1898–1967) best known for his paintings in a surrealist, humor-tinged style, often incorporating such trademark elements as bowler hat-wearing men, windows, eyes, and female torsos. ALS in French, one page both sides, 5.25 x 8.5, personal letterhead, December 15, 1961. An untranslated and neatly penned handwritten letter from Rene Magritte to his cousin. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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371. Rene Magritte Autograph 370. Maximilien Luce Autograph Letter


which the paintings to exhibit. In part (translated): “Would you be so kind as to send me a note to let me know the deadline for the catalogue?...I would absolutely like to finish one or two paintings which I am currently working on. If possible, I would like to go back to Paris only the day before the pictures are hung, that is to say at the last minute. But how to decide which paintings will be yours?...I will be much pleased to have your opinion as to which things should be exhibited.” In fine condition, with a short tear to the edge of the first page. Starting Bid $300

70 | April 12, 2023 | ART, ARCHITECTURE, AND DESIGN
372. Jean-Francois Millet Autograph Letter Signed. French painter (1814–1875) known as one of the founders of the Barbizon school. ALS in French, signed “J. F. Millet,” one page, 5 x 8, no date. Untranslated handwritten letter by Millet. In fine condition, with small tape stains to the top and bottom edges. Starting Bid $200 373. Claude Monet Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, three pages on two sheets, 4.5 x 7, April 26, 1887. Handwritten letter by Claude Monet to gallery owner Georges Petit, sent two weeks before the opening of the 6th International Exhibition at Georges Petit’s gallery. Monet asks for regarding
Monet prepares to exhibit at George Petit’s gallery: “I would absolutely like to finish one or two paintings”

Scarce original sketch by Picasso for his bullfighting friend

with a faint central horizontal fold, and

Pablo Picasso was fascinated by bullfights and regarded them as inherent to the Spanish psyche. He said to Andre Malraux: ‘The life of the Spanish consists of Mass in the morning, the bullfight in the afternoon, and the whorehouse at night. What element do they have in common? Sadness.’ Steeped in drama, these events also represented the ultimate avenue for artistic possibility. Bullfights—and bulls themselves—are frequent subjects in Picasso’s works, including the iconic ‘Guernica.’ A remarkable association piece, boasting a wonderful original sketch by the abstract master. Starting Bid $1000

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374. Pablo Picasso Signed Sketch. Original ink sketch of two intertwined hands accomplished by Pablo Picasso on a 10.75 x 8.75 program for a bullfight on July 12, 1953, signed and inscribed in ink to one of the participating matadors (translated): “For Domingo Tormo, for you from your friend Picasso, here in Arles on 24 July 1953.” One of the hands shows the lower part of the sleeve of a matador’s suit, symbolizing the artist’s friendship with the bullfighter. The front of the program features a color print of bullfighting artwork by Carlos Ruano Llopis. In fine condition, old tape stains along the edges.

375. Pablo Picasso Signed Envelope. Hand-addressed and signed mailing envelope, 5.75 x 4.5, addressed by Picasso to “Madame Ines Sassier, 7 R. des Grands Augustins, Paris 6e As.,” and signed as part of the return address on the flap: “Envoi Picasso— Mougins, A.M.” Postmarked at Cannes in 1962. In very good to fine condition, with light overall creasing. Starting Bid $200

377. Auguste Rodin Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, signed “Rodin,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 4 x 5.25, no date. An untranslated handwritten letter to his friend, the art critic Maurice Guillemot. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

378. Gustave Verbeek (5) Original Sketches. Dutch-American illustrator and cartoonist (1867–1937) known for his word play and visual tricks; he may be best known for his ‘Upside Down’ series, in which the artwork showed two different images depending on its orientation. Five original pen-and-ink sketches by Gustave Verbeek, accomplished on off-white sheets ranging in size from 5.5 x 7 to 8 x 9.5, highlighted by a “Lines to Autumn” illustration, which is especially interesting as the word “Autumn” appears to read “Gustave” when turned upside down. Other images show two boys crawling through a window, three men in a doorway, an Arab with a ook tucked under his arm, and a young boy being paddled. Only the last cartoon is signed by the artist, signed in the lower right corner, “Verbeek.” In overall very good to fine condition, with scattered soiling, light staining, and tiny tack holes. Starting Bid $200

72 | April 12, 2023 | ART, ARCHITECTURE, AND DESIGN

Pissarro writes to Monet

Elusive signed copy of Warhol’s erotic masterpiece, Blue Movie

complete script as well as numerous photo stills from the film. In fine condition. A rare and attractive unread copy of Warhol’s controversial screenplay for Blue Movie, the first adult erotic film depicting explicit sex to receive a wide theatrical release in the United States. Starting Bid $300

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376. Camille Pissarro Autograph Letter Signed to Claude Monet. Untranslated ALS in French, signed “C. Pissarro,” one page both sides, 4 x 5, May 19, 1884. Addressed from Paris, a handwritten letter to fellow painter Claude Monet. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200 379. Andy Warhol Signed Book. Highly rare signed book: Blue Movie. First edition, first printing. NY: Grove Press, 1970. Softcover with blue clamshell box custom made by the Dragonfly Bindery Studio, 4.75 x 8, 128 pages. Signed on the title page in black felt tip by Andy Warhol. The book contains the film’s

402. Al Capp (3) Li’l Abner Comic Strips and an Original Sketch. Four Li’l Abner original artwork pieces by cartoonist Al Capp, consisting of three original hand-drawn Li’l Abner comic strips dating to 1941, 1962, and 1970, and a large ink and graphite sketch of Li’l Abner Yokum, accomplished on an off-white 6.5 x 10.25 sheet of clipped cardstock, depicting the brawny hillbilly as a bellhop carrying luggage, signed boldly below by Capp. The three comic strips range in size from 19.75 x 6.25 to 22.75 x 6.25 and are each signed in the last panel in black ink by Capp. The 1941 comic strip is affixed to a 24 x 7.5 cardstock mount. In overall fine condition. Starting Bid $200

74 | April 12, 2023 | ANIMATION AND COMIC ART
403. Walt Disney World 15-Year Service Award. Handsome Walt Disney World 15-year service award trophy featuring a three-dimensional metal sculpture of Disney World’s Cinderella Castle set upon a wooden base, measuring approximately 6.5˝ x 3.75˝ x 9.5˝, with engraved plaque on the front: “Walt Disney World, Betty M. Leach, Fifteen Years of Service.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200
animation and comic art

404. Bud Fisher and Al Smith (9) Mutt and Jeff Comic Strips. Impressive collection of nine original Mutt and Jeff comic strips dating between 1913 and 1955, eight drawn by Bud Fisher and one drawn by Al Smith. The comic strips, each rendered in graphite and ink, range in size from 19.5 x 5.75 to 26 x 17.5 and are all but one signed in a final panel by either Fisher or Smith. Moreover, Fisher incorporates his autograph into the hand-annotated margins of seven comic strips. In overall very good to fine condition, with some light toning and soiling to most of the strips, and repaired tears and some surface loss to the 1913 strip. Provenance: Lewis Wayne Gallery, 2008. Starting Bid $200

405. Charles Schulz Original Sketch of Snoopy. Original sketch by Charles Schulz of

Brown’s pet

Snoopy, showing the iconic Peanuts canine standing in a full-length pose wearing a chef’s hat bearing the name ‘Steve,’ accomplished in black ink on an off-white 3 x 5 sheet that is signed and inscribed, “For Steve—Charles M. Schulz, 8-8-87 Soly-mar.” The sketch is affixed to a slightly larger sheet and is in fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $200


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406. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Production Layout Drawing. (Walt Disney Studios, 1937) Original production layout drawing for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs featuring the dwarfs’ forest cottage, showing the cozy cabin in its woodland clearing, surrounded by trees. Accomplished in graphite on an off-white 11 x 8.25 sheet. In fine condition. large and attractive drawing from Disney’s first animated feature film. Starting Bid $200 Charlie dog View all images online.

422. Albert Camus Autograph Letter Signed. Uncommon ALS in French, one page, 8.25 x 10.5, no date. Untranslated handwritten letter by Albert Camus. In fine condition. A desirable autograph letter by the important French writer-philosopher. Starting Bid $200

Rare quote from Crane’s final, unfinished work:

423. Stephen Crane Autograph Quote Signed. Incredible AQS on an off-white 4.75 x 4.75 sheet of Brede Place, Northiam, Sussex letterhead, signed at the bottom, “Stephen Crane,” who adds the date above, “England, March 15, ‘00.” The quote, in full: “‘When I misunderstand you don’t enlighten me for I find these explanations very hard to bear.’ Last words written today on ‘The O’Ruddy.’” In very good to fine condition, with trimmed edges, scattered light staining, and light toning from prior display. A rare quotation from Crane’s last, and ultimately unfinished, work. Starting Bid $300

76 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE
“Last words written today on ‘The O’Ruddy’”

Philosophical letter by Philip K. Dick:


Signed. TLS signed “Love, Phil,” adding a heart with arrow, three pages, 8.5 x 11, February 13, 1981. Lengthy philosophical letter to science fiction author Patricia Warrick, in small part: “So for Plato, the universalis (Forms) are not merely a way of looking at reality, a way of arranging it and structuring it, but, rather, are a way that is congruent with the essential nature (einai) of that reality itself. In the sense that Wittgenstein speaks of, then, the inner analog or picture of reality is that the percipient possesses is congruent with the reality itself—if the Forms are used and if Plato is right. What Plato is saying is that despite the fact that out percept-systems report the flux world that Heraclitus speaks of, in actual fact the only true reality out there consists of the eternal Forms, and we are not seeing reality until we apperceive these Forms.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $200

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Philip K. Dick Typed Letter 425. Charles Dickens Signed Check. Coutts & Company bank check, 7 x 3.25, filled out and signed by Charles Dickens, payable to the Piccadilly department store Fortnum Mason & Co. for £24.8, February 19, 1863. Affixed to a same-size cardstock mount and in fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA, which grades the autograph as an “8.” Starting Bid $200
“So for Plato, the universalis (Forms) are not merely a way of
of arranging it and structuring it, but,
rather, are a way
that is congruent with the essential nature (einai) of that reality itself”

427. Gustave Flaubert Autograph Letter Signed. Celebrated French novelist (1821–1880) best known for his classics Madame Bovary, Salammbo, and A Sentimental Education. ALS in French, signed “G. F.,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 5.25 x 8.25, [annotated 1878]. Lengthy, untranslated letter by the prodigious French novelist. In fine condition, with small repaired splits to folds. Starting Bid $200

426. T. S. Eliot Typed Letter Signed on Ezra Pound. Sought-after TLS, one page, 8 x 10, Faber and Faber Limited letterhead, May 22, 1951. Letter to Alan Neame of Cheltenham College, in part: “I am interested to hear of the work that you have undertaken on explanatory of Ezra Pound’s Cantos…I saw Mr. Pound in November, and thought him in moderately good health, though I think it would be better if he could take more exercise. He certainly seemed as well as he had been two years before, but he tires easily in conversation, and an hour is about as much as a visit should last.” In fine condition. A decidedly important letter that links two of the 20th century’s greatest poets. Starting Bid $200

78 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE
“I am interested to hear of the work that you have undertaken on explanatory of Ezra Pound’s Cantos”

428. Maxim Gorky Signed Photograph. Important Russian writer (1868–1936) who was a founder of the socialist realism literary method. Outstanding vintage circa 1906 matte-finish 5 x 7 photograph of Maxim Gorky on the deck of a ship with his wife Maria Andreyeva, boldly signed in Cyrillic in ink, “M. Gorky.” Reverse is imprinted with an advertisement for the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Große. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

430. Victor Hugo Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, one page, 4.75 x 7.25, November 11, 1859. Handwritten letter from Hauteville House, the Guernsey mansion where he lived during his exile from France. In full (translated): “My son, who translates Shakespeare, has read to me your translation of ‘The Poor People’. I found it excellent and congratulate you for it. I will be quite pleased to read the article which you are announcing to me, and very happy to be understood and liked by a high intelligence such as yours. What you tell me about the success of ‘The Legend of the Ages’ in England moves me greatly. I have in my soul a deep feeling of brotherhood for the great and free English people.” In fine condition, with some minor edge wear. Starting Bid $200

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“My son, who translates Shakespeare, has read to me your translation of ‘The Poor People.’ I found it excellent and congratulate you”
Rare and beautiful signed portrait of the Russian realist and his wife
80 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE

429. Ernest Hemingway Signed Book and Autograph

Letter Signed. Remarkable archive including an ALS, a signed book, and a telegram by Ernest Hemingway, plus an ALS by his wife Mary. All were sent to Harvey Meyerson, a journalism student who interviewed Hemingway at his Ketchum home in 1959. The interview was originally conducted as part of a project sponsored by Reader’s Digest, and Hemingway complimented and edited the piece himself. Ultimately, Meyerson’s professor gave the assignment a poor grade when he refused to make revisions, and the piece was published in his hometown paper, the Honolulu Advertiser, on May 3–4, 1959. Meyerson’s interview was one of the last ever conducted with Ernest Hemingway. Includes:

ALS, signed “Ernest Hemingway” and “E.H.,” one page both sides, 8.5 x 11, Finca Vigia letterhead, April 7, 1959. In part: “I made the additions and corrections you asked for. Was in Hawaii on way out to China and Borneo after I’d finished For Whom the Bell Tolls and on the way home. Flew home on plane from Guam…fished at Guam and Wake Island…Your piece is excellent—written well and clearly and with talent. Mary and I were sure you had the stuff after the first day and you kept on making a better impression all the time…You are a good kid Harvey and I am sure you will be a good newspaper man and a good writer.” He adds a postscript: “You can use the piece wherever you wish.” Below, in red pencil, his wife Mary writes: “Harvey—please look on back of picture for names and essential photo credits.” In fine condition, with intersecting folds and show-through from writing to opposing sides. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Ernest Hemingway’s hand.

Signed book: The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. Later printing. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953. Hardcover, 5.75 x 8.5, 499 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in fountain pen, “To Harvey Meyerson, best luck always, from his friend, Ernest Hemingway, Ketchum, 1959.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG-/None, with a cracked front

hinge and some staining/soiling to boards.

Western Union telegram assenting to the interview, one page, 8 x 5.75, February 8, 1959. In full: Please make interview will keep in touch best regards, Hemingway.” In fine condition, with a missing corner tip.

ALS by his widow, signed “Mary H.,” one page both sides, 5.25 x 7.5, April 26, 1966. Mary Hemignway writes to Meyerson about his misrepresentation in A. E. Hotchner’s book, Papa Hemingway: A Personal Memoir, in which he was clearly represented by the character ‘Mervyn Harrison.’ In part: “My lawyer says that, since Hotchner used a false and different name for you, you wouldn’t have much chance of success in a suit for libel. I hope he’s wrong. The quotation of you is severely libelous.” She goes on to provide Hotchner’s address in Westport, Connecticut, and contact information for his lawyer. In fine condition.

Additionally includes an interesting eight-page article by Meyerson, detailing his experiences with Hemingway and Hotchner’s slander. Starting Bid $1000

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“You will be a good newspaper man and a good writer”— rare Hemingway autographs for a student journalist

431. Victor Hugo: Juliette Drouet Autograph Letter Signed. French actress (1806-1883) who abandoned her career after becoming the mistress of Victor Hugo, to whom she acted as a secretary and traveling companion. ALS in French, signed “Juliette,” four pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.75 x 7.5, October 3, 1848. Handwritten letter to illustrious French writer Victor Hugo by his lifetime lover, allowing one to glimpse their daily life and bearing witness to Juliette Drouet’s amorous devotion. In part (translated): “I shall not see you tonight, my beloved. This thought weights as heavily as a piece of lead upon all the hours before tomorrow, and makes me find them fatally heavy, slow, monotonous and gloomy. However, I am doing what I can to make time pass, but while I make various exercises with my feet, hands and eyes, my thoughts and my soul are counting second after second every hour of absence with a painful impatience. O, how much I would like to be dead, so as not to leave you again. God knows how much I would suffer, should I see you love another woman.” In fine condition, with a tiny loss to the corner tip, affecting the last letter of her signature. Starting Bid $200

432. Henry James Typed Letter Signed. TLS, four pages, 6.75 x 9, personal letterhead, June 23, 1913. Letter to his cousin Louise Walsh, in part: “Forgive my use of this cold-blooded machinery-I absolutely have in these days to depend on it; without it I should be able, through physical unfitness, to answer but one letter in twenty…I rejoice that my fat book—really such an impudent attempt to interest my public, such as it is, in my little affairs between the ages of two and fifteen and sixteen—appealed to you and struck old chords of memory.” James has also made a few minor handwritten emendations to the text. In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $200

82 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE
Love letter to Victor Hugo: “I have so many sweet things to tell you, so many kisses to give you and so much love to teach you”
“I rejoice that my fat book...appealed to you and struck old chords of memory”

Superlative oversized portrait of the Jungle Book author

433. Rudyard Kipling Signed Oversized Photograph. Distinguished vintage matte-finish 5.5 x 7.5 portrait of Rudyard Kipling in profile, affixed to its original 9.25 x 12.5 J. Russell photographer’s mount, signed on the mount in fountain pen by Kipling. In fine condition, with the mount edges slightly trimmed. Kipling is scarce in signed photos of any type, and this is by far the largest we have ever offered. Starting Bid $200

434. T. E. Lawrence Autograph Letter Signed. Superb ALS, one page, 7 x 4.5, November 18, 1922. Handwritten letter to “Gore,” in full: “Congratulations, first on getting in, second on getting the C.D. The circumstances will make your position in the latter more effective than it usually is. I hope you’ll be able to save some of the pieces from the press wolves: but it will be difficult & not pleasant for you. Those poor Eastern creatures are so impossibly ungracious towards help—and so unable to dispense with it. Be kind to their follies, to the limit of your patience. The practise gained from them will benefit you as it benefited me.” In fine condition, with scattered light foxing, and a central vertical fold. Starting Bid $300

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“Those poor Eastern creatures are so impossibly ungracious towards help— and so unable to dispense with it”

436. Ira Levin Signed Book and Typed Letter Signed. Sought-after signed book: Rosemary’s Baby. First edition, first printing. NY: Random House, 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket, 5.75 x 8.5, 245 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in black felt tip, “To Matt Stiller, With all good wishes, Ira Levin, 11/1/91.” The Dr. Nicholson J. Eastman epigraph on the page adjacent to the copyright page has been struck through. Includes a TLS from Levin, November 1, 1991, explaining why “someone crossed out the epigraph in this copy of RB.” In overall fine condition, with slight wear to dust jacket, mainly to edges and spine. Starting Bid $200

435. Ira Levin Signed Book and Typed Letter Signed. Signed book: A Kiss Before Dying. First edition. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1953. Hardcover with professionally restored dust jacket by the Dragonfly Bindery Studio, 5 x 7.75, 244 pages. Signed and inscribed on the title page in black ink, “To Matt Stiller, With best wishes—45 years after the fact, Ira Levin, 1/15/98.” Includes a TLS from Levin, one page, 8.5 x 11, personal letterhead, January 15, 1998, in part: “I’m glad to oblige—just sorry that Simon & Schuster didn’t use better paper!” In overall fine condition, with toning to the pastedowns and page edges. Starting Bid $200

84 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE

is rare in signed photographs of any size. Starting Bid $200


American writer of Western and post-apocalyptic genres (born 1933) who is widely regarded as one of the greatest contemporary American writers. He is the recipient of the National Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction. Many of his works have been adapted for film, including The Road and No Country for Old Men, the latter of which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Scarce signed book: The Stonemason. Limited first edition, numbered 118/350. New Jersey: Ecco Press, 1994. Hardcover with slipcase, 6 x 9, 133 pages. Signed on the colophon in black ink by Cormac MacCarthy. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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439. Yukio Mishima Signed Photograph. Japanese author (1925–1970) whose works remain some of the most significant of the 20th century; he committed ritual suicide to protest the Westernization and military weakness of postwar Japan. Rare vintage glossy 3.75 x 5.5 postcard photo of the controversial Japanese author in a head-and-shoulders pose, signed in red felt tip, “Yukio Mishima.” In fine condition, with light edge silvering, and a faint postal impression to the upper right corner. Mishima Cormac McCarthy Signed Book.

Melville sends a story to his publisher, George Putnam: “Re-enclosed is the proof”

Melville writes from Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where he had purchased a farmhouse, ‘Arrowhead,’ in 1850. He lived, farmed, and wrote there during his most productive literary period, penning such acclaimed works such as Moby-Dick, The ConfidenceMan, and Israel Potter. The date of the letter can be narrowed definitively to the period 1852-1855, during which time Putnam occupied quarters at “No. 10 Park Place, New York,” the address that Melville has penned at the foot. The periodical Putnam’s Monthly, launched by the publisher in 1853, served as the outlet for many of Melville’s works over the next several years: including Bartleby the Scrivener (1853), The Encantadas, or: Enchanted Isles (1854) and Benito Cereno (1855). A boldly penned, highly sought American literary autograph. Starting Bid $1000

86 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE
438. Herman Melville Autograph Letter Signed to George Putnam. Rare ALS signed “H. Melville,” one page, 5 x 7.75, January 27, [no year, but circa 1852–1855]. Handwritten letter to his publisher, George P. Putnam, in New York City. In full: “Re-enclosed is the proof. Very truly yours.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

440. Flannery O’Connor Typed Letter Signed. Georgia-born American writer (1925–1964), best known for her quintessentially ‘Southern Gothic’ stories and novels, who died of lupus at the age of 39. TLS, one page, 8.5 x 11, January 20, 1964. Letter to Esquire fiction editor Robert Brown, in full: “Thank you for your note of December 30. I hadn’t made any definite arrangement with Mr. Gills about my story and after completing it, I decided I’d prefer to have it in a Southern publication. I’ll hope to send you another one sooner or later.” In fine condition, with some light creasing and faint toning. Starting Bid $200


Signed Book. Signed book: The Red Pony. First edition, limited issue, numbered 658/699. NY: Covici Friede, 1937. Hardcover (with rare original glassine dust jacket) and slipcase, 7 x 10.25, 81 pages. Signed on the colophon in bold fountain pen. Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG+/None, in VG slipcase. Starting Bid $200

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John Steinbeck
The ‘Southern Gothic’ storyteller rebuffs an Esquire editor:
“I decided I’d prefer to have it in a Southern publication”

Rare custom-bound first printing of Harry

Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, limited to 3 deluxe copies

441. J. K. Rowling: Rare Presentation First Edition of ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. Ultra-rare, deluxe unsigned first edition book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling. First edition, first printing. London: Bloomsbury, 1997. Custom-bound as a deluxe hardcover in full maroon calf with gilt-stamped spine and title, 5.25 x 8, 223 pages. A calligraphic presentation slip bound into the volume reads: “Presentation copy of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Made exclusively in 3 copies, 1/3.” The front board boasts the “Harry Potter” title in its traditional stylized font, and features a fine ‘magic wand’ emblem. The book corresponds with all first printing points of issue, with the copyright page containing a “1” in the number line, author’s full name in the copyright (“Joanne Rowling”), lack of a space between Thomas Taylor and the copyright date (“Taylor1997”), duplication of “1 wand” on page 53, and Bloomsbury logo on title page. Book condition: VG/None, with light toning to textblock and some soiling throughout. Highly sought-after as the book that began one of today’s most popular fiction franchises, this is a uniquely presented deluxe edition of a modern classic. Starting Bid $1000

88 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE

443. Hunter S. Thompson Signed Book. Signed book: The Great Shark Hunt. First edition. NY: Rolling Stone Press / Summit Books, 1979. Hardcover with dust jacket and custom-made clamshell box from the Dragonfly Bindery Studio, 7.25 x 10.5, 602 pages. Signed and inscribed on an opening page in blue ballpoint, “To Tony, Happy birthday + thanx for the whiskey…see you in Idaho Springs. Be careful, yr. friend, Hunter S. Thompson, San Francisco, July 19, 84.” In fine condition.

The consignor notes that the book derives from the collection of Maurice Neville, who spent time with Thompson when he was publishing the latter’s limited edition short-story collection Screw-Jack. Starting Bid $200

Twice-signed copy of Thurber’s classic Men, Women and Dogs

444. James Thurber Twice-Signed Book. Twice-signed book: Thurber’s Men, Women and Dogs. First edition. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1943. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6.5 x 9.5, 199 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in black ink, “For Harriet and Kisses, Jim, James Thurber,” who signs again upside down on the rear free end page, “For Harriet, with love, Jim, James Thurber.” In fine condition, with light wear to the dust jacket. Starting Bid $200

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Sought-after portrait of the revered Russian scribe

Signed Photograph (1906). Scarce and immensely desirable 4.25 x 6.5 Russian cabinet


a half-length pose with his


a date of October 26, 1906. Published by Scherer et Nabholz of Moscow in the early 1890s. Handsomely matted and framed to an overall size of 11.5 x 14.25. In very good to fine condition, with a vertical crease along the left side, just passing through the first letter of the signature. A tremendous portrait of the revered Russian novelist—this particular Scherer et Nabholz cabinet photo, desirable in its own right, is rarely signed by its influential subject. Starting Bid $1000

90 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE
Leo Tolstoy photo of Tolstoy dressed in a traditional belted tunic and in hands clasped signed in the lower border in black ink by Tolstoy, who adds

447. Voltaire Letter Signed. LS in French, one page, 7.25 x 9, July 11, 1764. Letter to Antoine Maillet du Clarion in Paris, thanking him for the work he sent. In part (translated): “It is filled with strong thoughts very successfully expressed; it is certainly an engineering work, and one can not read it without holding you in high esteem.” In very good to fine condition, with edge wear, including short edge tears. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

Voltaire sent this letter from Ferney, where he lived for the last 20 years of his life after moving away from Geneva due to its ban on theater. He decided to become the enlightened ‘patriarch’ of the little village, and initiated the development of pottery, watchmaking, and theater industries in the town; his influence was so profound that the community was renamed FerneyVoltaire after the French Revolution. Starting Bid $1000

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Voltaire comments on a literary work “filled with strong thoughts very successfully expressed”

Emile Zola’s handwritten manuscript for ‘La Reception de Jules Simon’

448. Emile Zola Handwritten Manuscript for ‘La Reception de Jules Simon’. Unsigned handwritten manuscript in French by Emile Zola, eight pages, 5.25 x 8.25, bound in green hardcover boards, gilt stamped on the spine: “1877 - Emile Zola - La Reception de Jules Simon - Manuscrit.” Consisting of two separate drafts headed “Notes parisiennes,” dated June 23 and 24, Zola’s manuscript pertains to the French statesman and philosopher Jules Simon. In very good to fine condition, with an old tape repair to a tear on the penultimate page. Starting Bid $500

92 | April 12, 2023 | LITERATURE


Rare handwritten letter by Ludwig van Beethoven, sending his ‘Missa Solemnis’ to London


invites him to lunch at his flat on Sunday, with his nephew Karl: the weather appears promising, and his presence would be a great pleasure for both of them. In full (translated): “My dear Kirchhoffer: If it is not possible to send a packet through the English embassy to London, please inquire. I will therefore tomorrow send an answer or if you think it is good for the occasion? On Sunday we will certainly see you, my Karl and I at table, the weather seems to be favorable again and it will be very pleasant for us both to have you here.” In very good condition, with professional repairs and restoration, including full backing.

Kirchhoffer served as cashier at the Hofmann & Goldstein Bank in Vienna. Several times in 1823 he helped Beethoven to send funds as well as music to their mutual friend Ferdinand Ries in London. The shipment of the “packet” in question is the just-completed Missa Solemnis, op. 123, for which Ries is to find a publisher. During Beethoven’s lifetime, the Missa Solemnis was widely considered his masterpiece. It was this work to which he dedicated the most time and intense effort, working on it over the course of four years. In a letter of 1819, Beethoven wrote, ‘The day when a High Mass of mine is performed in honor of the solemnities…will be the most delightful of my life,’ and in 1822 called the Missa Solemnis his ‘greatest work.’ The piece is even present in the most famous image of Beethoven, an 1820 portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler, which shows the composer holding a pencil above his notebook labeled ‘Missa Solemnis.’ A superb autograph letter by the revered composer. Starting Bid $10,000

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Ludwig van Beethoven Autograph Letter Signed on ‘Missa Solemnis’. ALS in German, signed “Beethoven,” one page, 9.5 x 8.25, circa September 1823. Letter to Franz Christian Kirchhoffer, concerning the sending of the ‘Missa Solemnis’ to London. He
94 | April 12, 2023 | MUSIC

Immensely rare church cantata fragment by Johann Sebastian Bach—a dark, dramatic meditation on human suffering

514. Johann Sebastian Bach Handwritten Musical Manuscript for Church Cantata. Remarkable autograph musical manuscript by Johann Sebastian Bach, one page both sides, 7.75 x 6.25, no date but circa 1728, being a fragment from the church cantata Ich habe meine Zuversicht (BWV 188). This section is the lower half of folio 17 of the original manuscript, comprising bars 59b-66 and 73-76 of the 4th movement, scored for alto with cello and organ obbligato, on four systems of four hand-drawn staves. The present fragment comprises 111⁄2 bars from the conclusion of the movement, including the words “…Seinen führt, unerforschlich ist die Weise, Wie der Herr die Seinen führt, unerforschlich ist die Weise, Wie…” The piece has been inlaid in a larger sheet and encapsulated in archival mylar; the lower stave is in very good condition with minor ink acidification, while the upper system is affected by heavy ink corrosion causing a number of cracks and losses, reinforced with early archival film (now toned). Displayed in a handsome custom-made blue morocco portfolio, with only the attractive lower half displayed.

Most likely composed for October 17, 1728 (or possibly November 6, 1729), BMV 188 is a cantata for the 21st Sunday after Trinity and uses text drawn from Picander. Bach wrote the piece in the key of E minor, which he frequently associated with the crucifixion. The ensemble is made up of four voices, two oboes, viola, organo obbligato and basso continuo. In the fourth movement, the dramatic heart of the cantata, the text “Unerforschlich ist die Weise” (“The ways of the Lord are past understanding,” a meditation on the cross and human suffering) is elaborated as a dark, expressive aria for alto voice set against a virtuoso organ obbligato.

Bach’s original manuscript for BMV 188 has suffered more vicissitudes than most, with the first 10 of the 18 leaves being lost at an early date (probably before the 1827 auction of the estate of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach), taking with them the great majority of the first movement. The remaining leaves are now

widely scattered, with four leaves being cut up (as here) into two or even three pieces. Although the resulting fragments are now located in ten holdings in eight countries, they are nevertheless sufficiently continuous to enable the 2nd to 5th movements to be reconstituted. The present fragment, which comprises the lower half of fol. 17, is identified in the “Kritischer Bericht” of the Neue Bach-Ausgabe [New Bach Edition] as A14 (“unbekannter Privatbesitz”). The same source notes that the marked ink acidification which has affected the upper half of the present fragment is typical of the dismembered leaves, and is in part a result of the dense compositional script of the composer, in this instance with many tripletised semi-quavers.

Provenance: The autograph score of BWV 188 is thought to have been among a group of manuscripts inherited by Bach’s impecunious eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann, and sold by him at auction in 1774. Parts of the Wilhelm Friedemann Bach estate were again auctioned in 1827, being acquired by the inventor and collector Carl Philipp Heinrich Pistor (1778-1847). Pistor’s manuscripts were inherited by his son-in-law, Adolf Friedrich Rudorff (1803-73), from whom they passed to the musicologist Friedrich Wilhelm Jähns (1809-88). The present leaf was one of four acquired from Jähns by the Viennese collector Gustav Petter (1828-68), who is thought to have been responsible for their dismemberment. The last owner of the present fragment traced by the “Kritischer Bericht” is Nora Kluge (née von Hase) of Lübeck, wife of the composer and musicologist Manfred Kluge (1928-71), probably inherited from her grandfather, Oskar von Hase (1846-1921), proprietor of the music publishers Breitkopf & Härtel. Sold at auction at Christie’s, 4 November 1981, lot 144, when it passed into the collection of the Canadian chemist and physician Frederick Lewis Maitland Pattison (1923-2010; his bookplate on the portfolio’s inside front cover); sold again at Christie’s, 20 May 2014, lot 15. See: Neue Bach-Ausgabe (1997), Kritischer Bericht, A14. Starting Bid $50000

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515. Samuel Barber Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Celebrated composer (1910–1981) whose Adagio for Strings is widely considered a masterpiece of modern classical music. Magnificent AMQS on an off-white 10 x 8 sheet, signed and inscribed below in fountain pen, “Greetings and congratulations to Marcel Cuvelier—very sincerely, Samuel Barber,” adding the place and date in the upper right, “Capricorn, Mt. Kisco, N. York, March 1952.” Barber pens a few bars from his “Sonata for Piano.” Gorgeously double-matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 27 x 17. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Exceedingly rare quote from Bellini’s Il Pirata

517. Vincenzo Bellini Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Italian opera composer (1801-1835) known for his extremely long, flowing melodic lines. Rare AMQS on an off-white 3.75 x 5 sheet, boldly signed at the conclusion, “V: Bellini, a Paris 8: Avril 1834.” Bellini pens eight bars of music and lyrics to his tenor aria ‘Ma nonffia sempre odiata,’ adding the title of the opera at the top, “Nel Pirata.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

Sung by the character Gualtiero, this piece comes from Act II, Scene 9, of the opera. Il Pirata was Bellini’s first major success, bringing him to international prominence with well-received performances in Milan, Vienna, and Naples in 1827-1828. A choice, rarely seen Bellini autographic example from one of his masterpieces. Starting Bid $500

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518. Vincenzo Bellini Autograph Letter Signed. Italian opera composer (1801-1835) known for his extremely long, flowing melodic lines. Third-person ALS in French signed within the text, “Mr. Bellini,” one page, 4 x 5.25, no date but circa mid-1830s. Untranslated letter to a woman at the Paris Hotel Lillois in search of his missing washer-woman. In very good condition, with central vertical and horizontal folds, light overall wrinkling, and scattered dampstaining. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

519. Alban Berg Autograph Letter Signed. Austrian composer (1885–1935) who produced compositions that combined Mahlerian Romanticism with a personal adaptation of Schoenberg’s twelve-tone technique. ALS in German, penned on the reverse of a 3.5 x 5.25 photo postcard, no date [circa 1928]. Handwritten letter from both Alban Berg and his wife Helene to Polish singer Marya Freund, with Alban adding the postscript (translated): “Dearest lady, would you be so kind as to forward the enclosed letter to Mme. Dubost. I mistakenly left her address in Vienna. Thank you very much.” Although undated, it seems very likely that it was written in 1928, as Berg refers to Mme. Dubost, who hosted a Berg concert in her home that year in midMarch. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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The freshman Leonard Bernstein reads Rolland’s masterpiece—the story of composer Jean-Christophe

520. Leonard Bernstein Autograph Manuscript

Signed. AMS signed “Leonard Bernstein” (once) and “Bernstein” (three times), seven pages on four sheets, 6.5 x 8.5, January 7, 1935. Handwritten essay by Leonard Bernstein entitled “Rolland: Jean-Christophe,” penned while a freshman at Harvard. Romain Rolland’s ten-volume novel centers on Jean-Christophe Krafft, a composer of genius whose life is depicted from cradle to grave—a fascinating topic for the young Bernstein to explore. He notes, in part: “’Jean-Christophe’ is my favorite book. It has every reason to be. Primarily, it harmonizes with my tastes and offers a character which I can understand and sympathize with. Secondly, the book is incomparably well written. The word-pictures and dissertations never tire one—a rare thing for long books… Rolland has an uncanny sense of human values and inner motives; and this, together with his extensive knowledge of music, well qualifies him to produce a ‘chef d’oeuvre’ such as this.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

10.25 x1 5.25. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

98 | April 12, 2023 | MUSIC
521. Georges Bizet Signature. French composer (1838–1875) whose operatic masterpiece, Carmen, was completed just before his untimely death from heart disease. Bold untranslated ink signature and inscription in French, signed “G. Bizet,” on an off-white 3.5 x 4 slip. Nicely archivally matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of
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522. Georges Bizet Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, one page, 5 x 6.25, no date. Handwritten letter to Henry Duvernoy, in part (translated): “I am playing your Serenade (Fleur d’Andalousie) Tuesday night at the Pleyel Hall. I am sending you a ticket and I hope you will come. Do please forgive me for not giving you a numbered seat, but it is a benefit performance and I have been unable to get a single reserved seat. Come early (at 8 o’clock). I am playing in the first part.” Includes the address panel, accomplished in Bizet’s hand. Handsomely double-matted and framed together with an engraved portrait to an overall size of 19.5 x 15.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200 523. Johannes Brahms Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in German, signed “J. Brahms,” one page on a 4.75 x 3.25 postcard, March 30, 1875. Untranslated handwritten letter by Brahms, addressed on the reverse in his hand. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200
Bizet invites a composer to his recital:
“I am playing your Serenade (Fleur d’Andalousie)
Tuesday night...I hope you will come”

524. Johannes Brahms Signature. Large and bold ink signature, “Johannes Brahms,” with date below, on an off-white 3.75 x 3 slip. Nicely archivally matted and framed with a portrait (featuring a facsimile signature) to an overall size of 10.25 x 15.25. In fine condition, with a central horizontal fold. Starting Bid $200

Brilliantly rendered self-portrait sketch

525. Enrico Caruso Signed Sketch. Exquisite original self-portrait sketch accomplished in ink by Caruso on an off-white 5 x 6.5 sheet, signed in the lower right corner, “Enrico Caruso, Munchen, 1912.” Handsomely archivally double-matted and framed with an original postcard photo to an overall size of 16 x 13. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

100 | April 12, 2023 | MUSIC

Signed. AMQS on an off-white 5.75 x 4.5 album page, signed below in fountain pen, “Aaron Copland, Rio—Sept. 1947.” Copland pens three chords from “El Salon Mexico,” symphonic composition in one movement. In fine condition, with scattered light foxing. Starting Bid $200

Debussy requests rehearsal time with his young soprano

527. Claude Debussy Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, two pages on two adjoining sheets, 4 x 5.5, no date but postmarked at Paris, August 7, 1900. Letter to Blanche Marot, in full (translated): “I infinitely regret not having been here this afternoon, believe me! Do you want to come tomorrow, Wednesday, at about 2 or Thursday at about 5. Choose which you like better and believe me completely favorably disposed [to you].” In fine condition, with splitting to the ends of the horizontal fold. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Debussy’s hand, and an unsigned photo of the composer. Blanche Marot proved herself a sensitive and accomplished soprano in several of Debussy’s works, most notably the Chansons de Bilitis and La damoiselle elue, her performance in which Debussy lauded as ‘one of the most profound musical experiences of my life.’ Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

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526. Aaron Copland Autograph Musical Quotation

529. Claude Debussy Signature. Important French composer (1862-1918) whose colorful, evocative works, particularly those for keyboard and for orchestra, exemplified the ‘impressionist’ style, and whose innovative use of harmonic and instrumental resources was a seminal influence on the emerging language of twentieth-century music. Uncommon pencil signature, “Claude Debussy, 1 Fev. 08,” on an off-white 4 x 2 slip. Handsomely doublematted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 13.5 x 16.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

528. Claude Debussy Autograph Letter Signed on Pelléas. ALS in French, one page, 4.25 x 5.5, May 23, 1903. Untranslated handwritten letter by Claude Debussy, including a reference to “Pelléas”—his celebrated five-act opera, Pelléas et Mélisande. In fine condition. Pelleas et Melisande was an opera in five acts that Debussy adapted from Maurice Maeterlinck’s Symbolist play of the same title. It is the only opera he ever completed, and is considered a landmark in 20th-century music. The opera debuted at the Opera-Comique in Paris in 1902. Starting Bid $200

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Debussy refers to his operatic masterpiece, “Pelléas”

530. Gaetano Donizetti Document

Signed. Italian composer (1797-1848) known as a leading composer of the bel canto opera style. Manuscript DS in Italian, one page, 8.25 x 5, March 29, 1845. Scarce document pertaining to music publishing, the first section penned in an unknown hand, with the last line filled out and signed by Donizetti: “qual’ora comperata ei l’abbia dai Sig. Escudiers editori in Parigi, 29 marzo 184cinque, Gaetano Donizetti.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

531. Antonín Dvorak Signed Photograph. Esteemed Czech composer (1841–1904) of orchestral and chamber music, best known for his Symphony No. 9, ‘From the New World.’ Rare 4 x 6.25 cabinet photo of Dvorak in a distinguished half-length pose by J. Mulac of Prague, signed and inscribed along the bottom in ink, “Pour B. de Vaskovi…Ant. Dvorak, 9/17/1903.” In very good to fine condition, with trimmed edges and mounting remnants to reverse. A crystal-clear image of the celebrated Czech composer, boasting his bold autograph. Starting Bid $300

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533. Edvard Grieg Signed Photograph. Important Norwegian composer and pianist (1843–1907) whose works, often with a strong nationalistic flavor, include such repertory staples as the ‘Piano Concerto in A minor,’ the incidental music to Peer Gynt, and the ‘Holberg Suite.’ Highly sought-after 4.25 x 6.5 cabinet photo of Grieg in a stylish suit, signed on the reverse in black ink. Published by Christensen & Morange of Copenhagen. Also bears a notation of the collector’s name on the reverse. In very good to fine condition, with light scuffing to the image, and some small stains and a corner crack to the signed side. Originates from the collection of American violinist and pianist Louis Persinger (1887–1966), who trained at the Leipzig Conservatory and later taught at Juilliard, mentoring the likes of Yehudi Menuhin, Ruggiero Ricci, and Isaac Stern. Starting Bid $200

532. Gabriel Faure Autograph Letter Signed. Influential French composer (1845–1924). ALS in French, seven pages two sets of adjoining sheets, 4.5 x 7, October 18, [no year]. Long untranslated handwritten letter to Winnaretta Singer, Princesse Edmond de Polignac, a famous patron of the arts. In fine condition, with two file holes which minimally affect some words of text. Starting Bid $200

104 | April 12, 2023 | MUSIC

534. Edvard Grieg Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in German, one page, 5.5 x 3.5, postcard letterhead, March 31, 1893. Untranslated handwritten letter to E. W. Fritzsch in Leipzig, addressed on the reverse in Grieg’s own hand. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200


535. Pietro Mascagni Autograph Letter Signed. Italian composer (1863–1945) whose 1890 masterpiece ‘Cavalleria rusticana’ takes a place among the most beloved staples of the operatic repertoire. ALS in Italian, signed “P. Mascagni,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 6 x 6, March 8, 1894. Handwritten letter to novelist Jules Claretie, in part: “I would be truly very happy to be able to work on an opera whose subject were inspired by you, but except for your best known and most appreciated novels, I do not know your literary work and I would be very grateful to you if you would direct me to a short and passionate story that could be turned into the scenario for a lyrical drama. But as for Cigarette, dear Sir, I read your letter with real disappointment: you know quite well that I cannot adopt the music that was already composed to a new topic…I would give authorization now without any difficulty to Mr. Massenet to use the same story line. We’ve seen this done recently with Cavalleria.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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handwritten letter by Mascagni on adapting stories for the opera, Massenet, and his “Cavalleria”

536. Pietro Mascagni Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Italian composer (1863–1945) whose 1890 masterpiece ‘Cavalleria rusticana’ takes a place among the most beloved staples of the operatic repertoire. AMQS on an off-white 6.25 x 4.25 sheet, signed and dated below in ink, “P. Mascagni, 15.IV.1925.” Mascagni pens four bars from “Cavalleria.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Mendelssohn asks for the return of “two books of Bach’s Organ-music”

537. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Autograph Letter Signed. Prodigiously gifted German Romantic composer (1809–1847) whose musical output represents virtually every form and genre of the era. ALS, one page, 4.25 x 4.5, July 2, 1844. Handwritten letter to a gentleman, in full: “Pray send me by bearer the two books of Bach’s Organ-music which I brought over for you & sent to you at the beginning of my stay here.” Handsomely triplematted and framed with a portrait (bearing a facsimile signature) to an overall size of 10.5 x 19. In fine condition. The music of Johann Sebastian Bach heavily influenced Mendelssohn’s own work, and his performances of Bach’s composition—most notably the St. Matthew Passion in 1829—revived interest in the great composer’s work. Extraordinary content from the hand of a Romantic master. Starting Bid $200

106 | April 12, 2023 | MUSIC

538. Saverio Mercadante Autograph Musical Manuscript. Italian composer (1795–1870) best known as a predecessor to Giuseppe Verdi and for operas such as Il Giuramento and Orazi e Curiazi. Autograph musical manuscript by Saverio Mercadante, 13.25 x 9.75, two pages both sides, signed and inscribed at the conclusion in Italian and dated 1843. Mercadante pens a lengthy excerpt from his three-act opera “Il Reggente,” writing the title at the top. In fine condition, with a central vertical fold. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $300

Archibald Billing

539. Niccolo Paganini Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in Italian, signed “N. Paganini,” one page, 4.25 x 6.75, June 10, 1832. Handwritten letter to one of his closest friends in England, Dr. Archibald Billing, explaining that rheumatic fever has kept him in bed for six days and rendered him unable to leave Paris for London. In part (translated): “Now that I am better I am disposed to leave next Wednesday or Thursday. I am anxious to embrace you and to tell you by word of mouth all that the pen can never express, sentiments of tenderness for you and all your excellent family… similar things I shall tell our beloved Mr. C.” Paganini hopes that Dr. Billing has withdrawn £3200 from a Mr. Heath, and asks him to recommend a good servant for his forthcoming stay in London. Addressed on the integral leaf in Paganini’s own hand. In very good condition, with light staining, paper loss (some of which has been restored), and old repairs to fold and hinge splitting. Paganini would leave Paris later in the week for Boulogne, where he gave a concert before the city’s Philharmonic Society. He proceeded to London, where he gave a series of twelve performances at Covent Garden between July 6th and August 17th. Starting Bid $200

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En route to London for a concert series, Paganini writes to his physician friend, Dr.

Letter Signed. ALS in Italian, signed “Giacomo,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 5.5 x 7.5, January 28, 1924. Handwritten letter regarding his work and business affairs, penned while working on his final, unfinished opera, Turandot. In part (translated): “I sent your sister the manuscript. Business… the first time didn’t go well. I did it over with Contorini and am waiting for a response and then I’ll let you know in detail. I fear a lawsuit…I am a martyr to my work—with an abundant dose of stamina. Here one is isolated, away from the world, and I hardly ever leave the house. Always at the desk!” In fine condition. A bold, well-preserved letter by Puccini with significant content on his life and work. Starting Bid $200

Puccini quotes from his iconic opera

Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Large and bold AMQS on an off-white 7.5 x 4.75 album page, prominently signed and dated below in ink, “Giacomo Puccini, Torre del Lago, 20.8.96.” Puccini pens a couple bars from his iconic opera “La Boheme,” writing the title above. Handsomely mounted, double-matted, and framed with an original postcard photo (bearing a facsimile signature) to an overall size of 13.75 x 18. In very fine condition. Based on a story by French writer Henri Murger set in 1840s Paris, La Boheme was Puccini’s first major success—making him rich and famous—and arguably his greatest work. After its 1896 debut in Turin, the piece was quickly adopted into the international repertory. Starting Bid $200

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540. Giacomo Puccini 542. Giacomo Puccini Autograph
“La Boheme”
“I am a martyr to my work”—the terminally ill Puccini writes while composing Turandot

541. Giacomo Puccini Signed Photograph. Vintage 8 x 10.75 paperstock portrait of the illustrious Italian opera composer, boldly signed and inscribed in ink, “Al Signor Renzo Rossi, G. Puccini, Roma, 908.” In very good to fine condition, with rough edges and several short edge tears, which could be matted out to make a highly attractive display. Starting Bid $200

543. Sergei Rachmaninoff Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “S. Rachmaninoff,” one page, 8.25 x 11, July 26, 1933. Letter to “Mnazelle,” in part: “I did not write you for a very long time. That is true and I am very sorry. But you can not imagine all the troubles, worries and disappointments a Swiss Bürger has. To understand is to forgive, so I hope you shall forgive me. As a reward I send you two pictures, one of my new grandson, and the other of my new house, which I hope you shall visit next year.” In fine condition, with three binder holes along the right edge. Starting Bid $200

544. Maurice Ravel Signed Photograph. Highly influential French composer (1875-1937) who remains unsurpassed in his imaginative use of instrumental color in his operas, brilliantly scored orchestral music, and virtuosic piano pieces. Scarce vintage glossy 4.25 x 6.25 photo of Ravel in profile, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Mr. Lucius Barnett, Maurice Ravel.” Handsomely triple-matted and framed with a program page for one of Ravel’s performances to an overall size of 19 x 15. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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Scarce signed photograph of the influential ‘Boléro’ composer

547. Gioachino Rossini Autograph

Letter Signed. Important Italian composer (1792-1868) who became one of the seminal figures in the history of opera with such repertoire staples as The Barber of Seville and William Tell. ALS in Italian, one page, 8.5 x 5.5, no date. Untranslated handwritten letter to an unidentified recipient regarding a pending financial matter. In fine condition, with a couple of small holes to the body. Starting Bid $200

545. Maurice Ravel Autograph Letter Signed. Highly influential French composer (1875-1937) who remains unsurpassed in his imaginative use of instrumental color in his operas, brilliantly scored orchestral music, and virtuosic piano pieces. ALS in French, one page, 4.75 x 8, no date. Untranslated handwritten letter listing some of his friends, including the playwright and critic Claude Roger-Marx, Surrealist artist and actor Max Morise, and director/producer Roland Tual. Archivally matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 10.25 x 19.25. In fine condition, with a few small repaired tears to the top edge. Starting Bid $200

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Rossini pens part of the piano/vocal score for ‘Mi lagnerò tacendo’

546. Gioachino Rossini Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Important Italian composer (1792-1868) who became one of the seminal figures in the history of opera with such repertoire staples as The Barber of Seville and William Tell. AMQS on an off-white 11.25 x 8.5 sheet, signed and dated at the conclusion in ink, “G. Rossini, Paris le 8 Fevrier 1859.” Rossini pens several bars of music and lyrics for the song ‘Mi lagnerò tacendo,’ comprising the vocal and piano parts. In fine condition. A gorgeous, boldly penned musical piece by the important composer. Accompanied by an unsigned postcard portrait of Rossini. Starting Bid $1000

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549. Anton Rubinstein Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. AMQS on an off-white 10 x 6.5 musically lined sheet, boldly signed at the conclusion in ink, “Ant. Rubinstein, Wien, 30 Janvier 1892.” Rubinstein pens four bars of music and lyrics from an untitled work, marked with a tempo of “Moderato.” In fine condition, with a central vertical fold. Starting Bid $200

548. Gioachino Rossini Autograph Letter Signed. Important Italian composer (1792-1868) who became one of the seminal figures in the history of opera with such repertoire staples as The Barber of Seville and William Tell. ALS in Italian, signed “Rossini,” one page, 6.75 x 8.5, June 5, 1868. Untranslated handwritten letter from Paris. Handsomely mounted, matted, and framed with a carte-de-visite portrait to an overall size of 11.5 x 21. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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550. Camille Saint-Saens Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. AMQS on an off-white 8.5 x 5.5 album page, signed below in ink, “Maggio 1896, C. Saint-Saens.” The celebrated French composer pens eight bars of double-stave music from his “2nd Trio.” In fine condition, with scattered faint foxing. A beautiful handwritten piece from one of the great figures of the Romantic era. Starting Bid $200

551. Erik Satie Autograph Letter Signed. Colorful French composer (1866–1925), who was one of the primary influences on the younger generation of avant-garde French composers in the early decades of the 20th-century. Though best known for his series of ‘Gymnopedies,’ Satie carved out a singular niche in the history of modern music for his enigmatic, witty, humor-tinged works bearing such titles as ‘Vexations’ and ‘Genuine Flabby Preludes for a Dog.’ Among his well-known eccentricities was an evident passion for umbrellas, which were found in great quantity in his lodgings after his death. ALS in French, two adjoining pages in a 5.75 x 4.5, ‘carte-lettre,’ postmarked September 3, 1918. Untranslated handwritten letter to the French poet Leon-Paul Fargue. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Incredibly scarce photo signed during Tchaikovsky’s first concert tour of Western Europe

552. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Signed Photograph. Rare and magnificent 4 x 6.25 cabinet bust portrait of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky by Muller & Pilgrim of Leipzig, signed and inscribed in the lower portion of the image in fountain pen in German (translated): “To my good friend Carl Armbrust, with fond memories, P. Tschaikowsky, 10 Feb. 1888.” Archivally mounted, matted, and framed to an overall size of 11.75 x 14.25. In fine condition, with lightly trimmed edges, and light overall soiling.

A year after making his professional debut as a maestro in 1887, Tchaikovsky embarked on his first concert tour of

Western Europe as the conductor of his own works. He visited Hamburg in late January of 1888 where several musicians and critics (to quote his diary) ‘paid me flattering attention, awoke my warm sympathy, and thereby left me with indelible memories.’ One such person was the well-respected music critic and virtuoso organist at St. Peter’s Church Carl Armbrust, who made him feel quite at home there, and with whom he stayed in touch and held as a good friend upon his departure for Berlin in early February. A real music rarity, this handsome Tchaikovsky signed photo is one of just a handful that we have ever offered. Starting Bid $1000

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Scarce handwritten invitation to a “fancy Count’s dinner” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

553. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Autograph Letter Signed. Rare ALS in French, signed “P. Tchaikovsky,” one page, 5 x 5, no date. Handwritten letter by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, in part (roughly translated): “Don’t forget the fancy Count’s dinner. Do you want to take part in a party, at Jurgenson’s?” Handsomely matted and framed beside an engraved portrait (with facsimile signature) to an overall size of 16.75 x 12. In fine condition. Tchaikovsky is presumably referring to his friend and music publisher, Pyotr Jurgenson, who helped to launch his career and later managed his business affairs. Starting Bid $500

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554. Arturo Toscanini Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in Italian, signed “Arturo Toscanini,” one page, 7.25 x 11.5, December 2, 1900. Handwritten letter of recommendation, in full (translated): “The esteemed Prof. Eduardo De Angelis for whom I write this certificate, has been First Horn in the orchestra under my leadership of the Lyric Theatre as well as the Quartet Society of Milan in the Fall of 1900. He has shown to be an exceptional artist and performer to the point that I regret not being able to have him always as my precious colleague.” In very good to fine condition, with light soiling, slightly irregular light toning, and chipping to the edges. Starting Bid $200

555. Ralph Vaughn Williams Autograph Letter Signed. Influential English composer (1872–1958) of symphonies, chamber music, opera, choral music, and film scores. ALS signed “R. Vaughan Williams,” one page, 7 x 9, The White Gates, Dorking letterhead, October 16, 1930. Handwritten letter to Miss Colman, in part: “It is most extraordinarily kind of you to have sent an invitation…it is a great relief to my mind…I am busy all day & cannot arrive till the 7.55 tram.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Toscanini recommends his “First Horn”—“He has shown to be an exceptional artist and performer”

Rare and fantastic autograph musical quotation from Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Luisa Miller


Verdi Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Supremely desirable AMQS on an off-white 11.25 x 8.5 sheet, signed at the conclusion in ink, “G. Verdi,” and dated at Naples, December 12, 1849. Verdi pens nine bars of the music and lyrics to the song ‘Andrem, raminghi e poveri’ from his three-act opera Luisa Miller, which premiered at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples on December 8, 1849, just four days prior to this autograph. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA and an 1873 issue of Appletons’ Journal with a piece on Verdi.

Luisa Miller was Verdi’s 15th opera and it is regarded as the beginning of the composer’s ‘middle period.’ Giuseppe Verdi’s biographer, the Italian critic Gabriele Baldini, weighed in on the significance of the work: ‘In terms of artistic value the opera is comparable only to Nabucco, Ernani, and Macbeth. It is, in short, the fourth Verdi opera which may be taken completely seriously: and up to this point he had written fourteen.’ Starting Bid $2500

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557. Giuseppe Verdi Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in Italian, signed “G. Verdi,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 5.25 x 8, February 4, 1863. Untranslated handwritten letter by Giuseppe Verdi. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

558. Giuseppe Verdi Autograph Letter Signed. Italian composer (1813-1901) who was one of the most influential figures in the history of opera. ALS in Italian, signed “G. Verdi,” one page, 5 x 7.5, September 9, 1879. Untranslated handwritten letter by the celebrated composer. Archivally matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 16.25 x 12.75. In fine condition, with small rusty circular paperclip impression to the top edge. Starting Bid $200

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559. Pauline Viardot Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. French mezzo-soprano, pedagogue, and composer (1821–1910) romantically linked to the Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev. AMQS on an off-white 11 x 8.25 sheet, boldly signed at the conclusion in ink, “Dinard, 22 7bre, 1888, Pauline Viardot.” Viardot pens a length passage from “Gavotte,” one of her piano compositions. In fine condition. An uncommon and desirable autographic piece. Starting Bid $200

560. Louis Armstrong Autograph Letter Signed. ALS signed “Satchmo, Louis Armstrong,” one page on the reverse of an 8.5 x 11 ‘Lose Weight The ‘Satchmo’ Way’ flyer (featuring his facsimile signature), September 12, 1970. Handwritten letter to Danny J. Kruslak, in part (spelling and grammar retained): “I’ve just received your record, and will give it a big listening to when I return back home in Corona N.Y…I can’t play the record of yours’ otherwise-elsewhere because right now, I am as busy as a cat on a tin roof. Ya dig?” In fine condition, with light horizontal lines from onetime inclusion in a magnetic photo album. Starting Bid $200

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“I am as busy as a cat on a tin roof. Ya dig?”

561. Louis Armstrong Typed Letter Signed. TLS, three pages, 7.25 x 10.75, personal “Satchmo” letterhead, March 11, 1952. Letter to Ron Simon, sent from San Francisco, where he “just left the Air Port, getting off that very fine Plane—coming from Honolulu…where we played like-mad-for-those fine people and they-ate it up-yum yum.” Written in stylish, jazzy prose, Armstrong’s letter reads, in small part: “Man—you must be a Fortune Teller, or Physyic, or, ‘Sompn,’—to know the I—Louis ‘Satchmo’ Armstrong, and his ‘All stars; could stand a little drink, after such a long long trip from our fine land,—America….you ‘betcha’ma’life—we could…

After reading of you and your very fine deed, etc, it certainly was a drag to know that you don’t feel well….Of course, I’ve

not had heart troubles, other than trying to keep up with those no good wives, I’ve had in life…Wow…I’ve had four of them… And, anytime I should write a story of my life, why they will take up all the chapters in the book…But, very interesting, ha ha. Because, all four of them loved my dirty drawers…But, some how, some dog ass situation would raise its, ugly head, where they would, interfear with my trumpet, and would have to go—thats all.” He goes on to discuss a cure for some of his tummy troubles—Bis-Ma-Rex—and tells a crude joke about a porter and a doctor. Armstrong makes several handwritten corrections and emendations throughout the text. In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope and a transmittal letter from journalist Herb Caen. Starting Bid $300

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Satchmo comments on life, love, and health: “I’ve not had heart troubles, other than trying to keep up with those no good wives...Wow...I’ve had four of them...some how, some dog ass situation would raise its, ugly head, where they would, interfear with my trumpet, and would have to go—thats all”

Marvelous full-page musical manuscript from Aaron Copland’s score for The Red Pony

562. Aaron Copland Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Rare AMQS on an off-white 11 x 15 musically lined sheet, titled and signed at the head, “Children’s Suite from The Red Pony, Morning on the Ranch, Aaron Copland (1948), and inscribed at the foot to the conductor of the Houston Symphony, “Written out for Efrem Kurtz.” The impressive, boldly penned piece features four systems of a total 24 staves (including percussion), with tempo and expression markings. Affixed to a slightly larger cardstock sheet and in fine condition.

Copland’s The Red Pony was prepared as a score for the 1949 film using the John Steinbeck screenplay based on the 1937 book The Red Pony. “Morning on the Ranch” is the opening piece (of six) in the work; these are the first five bars of the full orchestral score. For the film, the entire composition was played by the Houston Symphony Orchestra, and the suite was premiered in Houston in 1948 in advance of the release of the film. Efrem Kurtz, the recipient of this manuscript was the conductor of the premier as well as the music director with the Houston Symphony from 1948 to 1954, part of a long and illustrious musical career. Clearly this was presented to Kurtz in appreciation of his world premier of the Suite. Starting Bid $200

Dancers by Davis—a wonderfully abstract work by the jazz icon

563. Miles Davis Signed Original Artwork. Soughtafter original artwork by Miles Davis on a white 12 x 16 canvas board, indistinctly signed along the bottom in pink, “Miles!” Accomplished in marker and watercolors, the piece is rendered in Davis’s typical abstract artistic style, portraying several dancers and wonderfully evoking their movements—perhaps to jazz or something more eclectic. Inscribed on the reverse by Davisin pink felt tip, “The best, Dr. Francis!” In fine condition, with some subtle light dampstaining. Starting Bid $500

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Rare Gershwin signed portrait with musical quotation from “Porgy & Bess”

564. George Gershwin Photograph with ‘Porgy and Bess’ AMQS. Sensational vintage 8.5 x 10.75 paperstock photo of the acclaimed composer and pianist, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “For Eliza—In happy remembrance of happy times together. With sincere admiration, George Gershwin,” who adds three bars of music from his classic 1935 opera “Porgy & Bess,” writing a tempo note above, “Andante Cantabile.” In fine condition, with some light creasing in the right border.

Starting Bid $300

Kern quotes from “The Last Time I Saw Paris”

565. Jerome Kern Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. World War II-dated AMQS on an off-white 8.5 x 11 sheet, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “For John Craven, from, Jerome Kern, October 1941.” Kern adds several bars of music to his immortal song ‘The Last Time I Saw Paris,’ with Kern adding a line above, “The Last Time I Saw Paris Her heart was warm and gay.” In fine condition. A superlative AMQS for a poignant and historically important award-winning song written by a truly genius composer.

Starting Bid $200

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566. B. B. King Signed Electric Guitar. Beautiful limited edition white-bodied Epiphone Junior Model double-horned electric guitar, signed prominently on the body in black felt tip by B B. King. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. Starting Bid $200

567. Liberace Autograph Letter Signed. Very rare ALS signed “Lee,” four pages on two sheets, 8.5 x 11, January 2, 1962. A lengthy handwritten letter from Liberace, addressed to his talent club president, Max Ducray, in part: “Yours is the first letter I am writing this year and probably the last, as I don’t write letters…I consider you a great friend but please don’t spoil it by demanding more of me than I am capable of giving—and that includes writing letters.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, the reverse flap of which has been addressed by Liberace in his own hand. Starting Bid $200

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“Yours is the first letter I am writing this year and probably the last, as I don’t write letters”

WWII-dated portrait of Django signed at his La Roulotte club in Paris

568. Django Reinhardt Signed Photograph. Striking vintage pearl-finish 7 x 9.25 portrait of the legendary jazz guitarist smoking a cigarette by Paris photographer Teddy Piaz, neatly signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “Pour Bob, Django Reinhardt.” In very good condition, with scattered light creasing, two light diagonal bends to the lower left, and silvering to the darker areas of the image. Accompanied by a small original 2.25 x 3 candid snapshot of the doorway of Reinhardt’s club La Roulotte (marked on the reverse “Paris France, 1943, Bob Klaiss”) and a letter of provenance from the former owner, noting that the signed photograph was “given to my father in Paris, France where he met Django at his club, La Roulotte, during WWII in 1943.” Starting Bid $500

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569. Patsy Cline Signed Photograph. Vintage glossy 8 x 10 full-length photo of Patsy Cline wearing a floral print dress and posing on a small set of stairs, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Johnny, My best wishes, Patsy Cline.” In fine condition, with scattered light creasing. A boldly signed and scarce pose of the country music legend. Starting Bid $200

Large set of pre-invasion signatures acquired as Beatlemania exploded

570. Beatles Signatures. Vintage circa mid-1963 ballpoint signatures, “Love from the Beatles, John Lennon xxx,” “George Harrison xxx,” “Ringo Starr xxx,” and “Paul McCartney xxx,” on an off-white 5.5 x 6 sheet. Sheet is affixed to a sheet of heavier cardstock and double-matted with a composite photo of the band to an overall size of 12 x 20. In very good condition, with overall creasing and multiple intersecting folds. Accompanied by a letter of authenticity from noted Beatles expert Frank Caiazzo, which dates the signatures to mid-1963. A visually-striking large and uninscribed set of signatures obtained as the band’s commercial success would soon bring them worldwide exposure. Starting Bid $1000

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Beatles autographs from the production of Help!

571. Beatles Signatures. Vintage ballpoint signatures of the Beatles—George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr—on an off-white 5.5 x 5 piece of heavyweight cardstock, the reverse of which bears a large number “3.” In fine condition, with faint soiling, and poor ink flow to Harrison’s first name. Accompanied by a letter of provenance from the daughter of the original recipient: “These were obtained by my father when the Beatles were filming ‘Help’ on Salisbury Plain and given to me 1965/1966, when I was 14 years old. He took the photographs. My father had a taxi business in Salisbury and transported the Beatles to the filming location.” Includes modern copies of the referenced photographs, which depict the Fab Four at Salisbury Plain, and a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $1000

Desirable John and Yoko signed Grapefruit book

572. Beatles: John Lennon and Yoko Ono Signed Book - Grapefruit. Signed book: Grapefruit. First Sphere Books edition. London: Sphere Books, 1971. Softcover, 5 x 5. Signed on the first free end page in ballpoint by John Lennon and in felt tip by Yoko Ono. In very good to fine condition, with wear and creasing to the covers, and toning to all interior pages. A sought-after dualsigned book with great cult appeal, the cover of this uncommon Sphere edition integrates the cheeky subject matter of Ono’s 1966 short film Bottoms. Starting Bid $500

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573. Beatles: John Lennon Signed Book with Original Sketch. Rare signed book: Grapefruit. First edition, first printing. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket, 5.75 x 5.5. Signed on the first free end page in black ink by John Lennon: “Thanks for the offer. Read this and join the living. Love and peace to you all. John + Yoko.” Lennon adds small portraits of himself and Yoko Ono, each with speech bubbles that read “You are here” and “this is not here.” Lennon adds a riddle postscript below, which reads: “P.S. ‘This is not here’ is here when this is not here is officially here, so until you hear this is not here, this is not here is not here.” The consignor notes that the book was signed on October 9, 1971, Lennon’s 31st birthday, on the opening night of Yoko Ono’s ‘This Is Not Here’ exhibition, which took place at the Everson Art Museum in Syracuse, New York. In fine condition, with some light wear and scuffing only to the dust jacket. Accompanied by modern photos from the exhibition, a certificate of authenticity from Tracks, and a letter of provenance from the original recipient. Starting Bid $1000

574. Beatles: Paul McCartney Signed 45 RPM Record Sleeve. A Swedish Parlophone 45 RPM record sleeve for the single ‘Yellow Submarine / Eleanor Rigby’ by the Beatles, signed on the front cover in blue ballpoint by Paul McCartney. The consignor notes that the signature dates to the 1980s. In fine condition, with a clipped-off area to the back of the sleeve, in no way affecting the front. The record is not included. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $200

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Grapefruit book signed by Lennon with original doodles: “Read this and join the living. Love and peace to you all”

576. Beatles: Ringo Starr

Engraved and Gifted Santos de Cartier Watch



Paul McCartney Signed Ticket Stub. Original 3.5 x 5.75 concert ticket stub for a Paul McCartney concert at Wembley Arena in London, England, on January 23, 1990, signed above his image in black felt tip by McCartney. In fine condition. Accompanied by a second ticket stub for the show, an information pamphlet for The Paul McCartney Tour of the UK and Europe in 1989 and 1990, a Friends of the Earth donation pamphlet, and a letter from the Friends of the Earth alerting the recipient that they “have won first place in our recent Paul McCartney ‘With a Little Help from Our Friends’ contest.” Starting Bid $200

. Elegant Santos de Cartier automatic wristwatch gifted by Ringo Starr to an associate in 1985, engraved on the caseback with a presentation inscription: “1985, Mike, Happy Jingles, Love R & B,” the initials referring to Ringo and his wife, Barbara Bach. The attractive steel-and-yellow gold timepiece features a white dial with black Roman numerals, metallic blue hands, and a date complication with the window at the three o’clock position. The watch remains on its original Cartier bracelet. In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and Beatles expert Perry Cox. Starting Bid $500

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Signed Album. Desirable UK Mono pressing of the Are You Experienced album (Track Record - 612 001), signed on the back cover in black ballpoint, “My Best Wishes, Mitch Mitchell.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered creasing. The records are included. This was both the debut album for the Jimi Hendrix Experience, and the first album released on the Track Record label. Starting Bid $200

Bold signatures of Jimi Hendrix and Noel Redding

577. Jimi Hendrix and Noel Redding (2) Signatures. Two sought-after signatures by icons of the Jimi Hendrix Experience: a vintage ballpoint signature and inscription, “To Jane, Love & Happiness, Jimi Hendrix,” on a pink 5.25 x 5 album page; and a ballpoint signature and inscription, “Best wishes to Robin, good luck, Noel R, UK, July 94.” In fine condition. A brief collector’s note indicates that the Hendrix signature was acquired at Bournemouth Winter Gardens in 1967. A superb pairing of bold, neatly penned autographs by two legendary guitarists. Starting Bid $500

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578. Jimi Hendrix Experience: Mitch Mitchell

579. Pink Floyd Signatures. Pink Floyd autographs from the 1970s, including: a 5.5 x 3.5 postal card signed on one side in green and black felt tip by Richard Wright and Nick Mason, and on the reverse by Roger Waters; and a 7.25 x 6.75 clipped magazine page signed in blue ballpoint by Dave Gilmour and Roger Waters. The consignor notes that the autographs on the postcard were obtained at the City Hallin Newcastle in the early 1970s, which is also the same time period for the magazine page signatures. In overall very good to fine condition, with corner tape stains to the postcard, and heavier tape stains to the magazine photo. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $200

580. Elvis Presley Signed Oversized Photograph from G.I. Blues . Extremely rare vintage matte-finish 11 x 14 Paramount Pictures promotional photo of Elvis Presley in his U.S. Army military uniform as Specialist 5 Tulsa McLean for the 1960 musical comedy film G.I. Blues, beautifully signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Jimmy, Many thanks! Elvis Presley.” Reverse is stamped: “Coming Soon: Elvis in ‘G. I. Blues,’ A Hal Wallis Production.” In fine condition.

The promotional department at Paramount Pictures released this publicity photograph in two sizes (8 x 10 and 11 x 14), and although both are extremely rare—with many fans not even aware of their existence—the larger version is the rarer of the two. In addition to its size, the photo’s imagery is also quite significant—Paramount’s promotional department pulled this version of the photo shortly after its distribution because it was decided that the portrait was not the best shot of Elvis, who is pictured looking down with a forlorn expression. When it was pulled, the department did not bother producing another, making this an extremely rare and highly sought Elvis Presley promo piece—even in unsigned examples. Starting Bid $1000

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Remarkably rare oversized ‘G. I. Blues’ promo portrait, prominently signed by Elvis Presley

Fully signed copy of Queen’s landmark album, A Night at the Opera

Album. A UK vinyl pressing of the 1975 Queen album A Night at the Opera, signed on the front cover by the group in pink felt tip by Freddie Mercury, Brian May, and John Deacon, and in blue ballpoint by Roger Taylor. The consignor notes that the autographs were obtained at the City Hall, Newcastle, England, on December 11, 1975, by the stage manager at the venue. In very good to fine condition, with overall soiling, and edge wear and toning (heaviest to the spine). The record is included. Accompanied by a letter of provenance from the original recipient, an original used backstage pass for the concert, a copy of the concert requirements on Mel Bush Organization letterhead, a handwritten set list for the show in an unknown hand on Newcastle City and Council letterhead, and a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $500

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581. Elvis Presley Signed Photograph. Vintage glossy 8 x 10 photo of Elvis in a classic outfit—white vest and open silk shirt—neatly signed and inscribed in black ballpoint, “To LaVern, from Elvis Presley.” Professionally rebacked and restored to very good to fine condition, with smoothed creases (including a vertical crease to the left of his face). Starting Bid $200 582. Queen Signed ‘A Night at the Opera’

Fully signed program from Queen’s epic 1975

‘A Night at the Opera Tour’

583. Queen Signed Program: ‘A Night at the Opera’. Scarce original program for the UK leg of Queen’s 1975 ‘A Night at the Opera Tour,’ 16 pages, 10.5 x 8.25, signed and inscribed on the front cover in ballpoint, “To Pauline, Freddie Mercury,” “Brian May,” “John Deacon,” and “Roger Taylor.” In fine condition, with light handling wear.

To support their landmark fourth studio album, A Night at the Opera, Queen embarked on a massive 78show world tour that began on November 14, 1975, and concluded on April 22, 1976. The tour, which marked the debut of the classic Queen rock epic ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ included a total of 26 shows in the United Kingdom that ran from mid-November to late December. Starting Bid $500

584. Rock and Roll Musicians (100+) Multi-Signed Book. Signed book: The Book of Rock. First edition. NY: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2001. Hardcover with dust jacket, 9.75 x 11.15, 512 pages. Signed inside in felt tip by over 100 rock and roll musicians, including: Tom Petty, Bono, Chris Cornell, Rod Stewart, Patti Smith, Leonard Cohen, Elvis Costello, Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Ian Anderson, Billy Joel, Susanna Hoffs, Greg Hawkes, Elliot Easton, Cliff Williams, Brian Johnson, Iggy Pop, Andy Summers, Sting, Bill Kreutzmann, Tom Constanten, Buddy Guy, Lemmy Kilmister, Leon Russell, Johnny Rotten, Steve Winwood, Thom Yorke, Chrissie Hynde, Martin Fry, Adam Ant, Tom Hamilton, Dickey Betts, Gerry Beckley, Dewey Bunnell, Levon Helm, Pete Best, Joan Armatrading, Ben Folds, Nina Persson, Jello Biafra, Dion, Michael McDonald, Steve Earle, Phil Everly, Peter Gabriel, Magic Dick, Emmylou Harris, Perry Farrell, Michael Anthony, Nils Lofgren, Aimee Mann, Moby, Randy Newman, Ted Nugent, Pat Smear, Graham Parker, and more. Also includes multi-signed band pages for acts like Prodigy, Rage Against the Machine, Cowboy Junkies, The Cranberries, ad Jefferson Airplane (without Grace Slick). In fine condition, with a tear to the back of the dust jacket. Starting Bid $200

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Over 100 rock and roll artists including Tom Petty, Bono, and Chris Cornell

Uninscribed debut Stones album with the full classic lineup

585. Rolling Stones Signed Debut Album. Sought-after Decca Records UK mono pressing (LK 4605) of the self-titled debut album by the Rolling Stones, signed on the back cover in black ballpoint, “Best wishes, Brian Jones,” “Charlie Boy,” “All the best, Bill Wyman,” “Mick Jagger,” and “Best wishes, Keith Richard.” In very good to fine condition, with light dampstaining and soiling, and partial delamination to the front cover. The record is included. A desirable uninscribed vintage-signed example of the Stones’ classic debut release. Starting Bid $500


Stones Signed 1976 European Tour Program. Rare program for the Rolling Stones’ ‘Black and Blue’ tour of the United Kingdom in 1976, 20 pages, measures 16.75 x 11.75 open, signed on the front cover in black ballpoint by Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, and Bill Wyman, and on the back cover by Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts. In very good to fine condition, with scattered spotty staining. Accompanied by a candid photo of Anita Pallenberg talking with Mick Jagger on the band’s European 1976 tour bus. The consignor notes that the program and the photo were obtained from the tour’s promoter. Starting Bid $200

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588. Rolling Stones Signatures. Sought-after vintage ballpoint signatures of Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman, Brian Jones, and Charlie Watts on two off-white 4.5 x 6.5 sheets of British European Airways (BEA) stationery. In fine condition, with some light creasing. Starting Bid $200

586. Rolling Stones Signatures (1964). Vintage ballpoint signatures of the Rolling Stones—Keith Richards, Bill Wyman, Mick Jagger, Brian Jones, and Charlie Watts—on an off-white 2.5 x 5.25 sheet. The consignor notes that the signatures were obtained backstage at the City Hall, Sheffield, England, on May 29, 1964. In fine condition, with a faint central horizontal fold. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $200

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590. The Clash Signed Ticket Stub - Locarno Ballroom 1982. Rare original ticket stub for a concert by The Clash at the Locarno Ballroom in Bristol, England, on May 18, 1982, 3 x 3.5, issued as No 1364, signed in ink or ballpoint by Mick Jones, Terry Chimes, Paul Simonon, and Joe Strummer. In fine condition, with toning along the right edge.

This original date of May 18th was rescheduled to August 3rd, due to the disappearance of Joe Strummer, who, quite impressively and, unbeknownst to his bandmates, dashed off to Paris where he proceeded to drink heavily and run the Paris Marathon. The band’s eventual gig at the Locarno turned out to be the last ever British appearance for the core of Simonon, Strummer, and Jones. Starting Bid $200

Crisp set of vintage Yardbirds signatures— featuring an early Eric Clapton autograph

589. The Yardbirds Signatures with Eric Clapton. Highly desirable vintage circa mid-1960s ballpoint signatures of Eric Clapton, Jim McCarty, Paul Samwell-Smith, Chris Dreja, and Keith Relf on a light blue 3.5 x 4.5 album page, with a collector’s notation along the top: “Il Rondo - Wed. 9th September ‘64,” and another at the bottom, with an arrow drawn to Relf’s autograph, “University Dome 20/2/65.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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731. Luis Bunuel Autograph Letter Signed. Highly influential Spanish-born filmmaker (1900–1983) remembered for making surrealism irresistible by mixing it with deft filmmaking techniques and suave direction of action. His Un Chien Andalou (1928) remains an icon of avant-garde cinema. ALS in French, signed “Bunuel,” one page, 8.25 x 10.5, February 5, 1964. Untranslated handwritten letter to French New Wave actor Andre Labarthe, who starred alongside Anna Karina in Jean-Luc Godard’s 1962 film Vivre sa vie. In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Bunuel’s own hand, incorporating his name (“L. Bunuel”) in the return address area. Starting Bid $200

732. Charlie Chaplin Signed Photograph. Glossy 5 x 6.75 photo of Charlie Chaplin seated as his iconic Tramp character, signed in black felt tip by. In fine condition, with two small creases, and a faint paperclip impression to the top edge. Starting Bid $200

733. Chico and the Man: Prinze and Albertson Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 14 x 11 Ray Fisher photo of the two lead actors from the influential sitcom Chico and the Man, signed and inscribed in thin black felt tip, “To Ray—’Looking good,’ Freddie Prinze” and “To Ray, with thanks Jack Albertson.” Reverse bears photography credit and copyright stamps. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/ DNA. Given his early death at the age of 22, Prinze remains scarce across all autographed formats. Starting Bid $200

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Mini Oscar statuette produced by Columbia to commemorate their 1935 Academy Award success

734. Columbia Pictures Award Statuette. Rare unofficial miniature Academy Award statuette produced by Columbia Pictures to honor the studio’s 15th anniversary and its success at the 1935 Oscars. The mini award measures 5.75˝ tall and is set upon a 2.5˝ diameter base, with engraved plaques on the front and back: “Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences First Award, Columbia Pictures, for the Best Picture of the Year” and “15th Anniversary, Columbia Pictures, 1920–1935.” In very good condition, with repairs at the statue’s feet and some overall tarnishing. At the 1935 Academy Awards, Columbia’s film It Happened One Night took home five Oscars—Best Picture, Best Actor in a Leading Role (Clark Gable), Best Actress in a Leading Role (Claudette Colbert), Best Director (Frank Capra), and Best Writing (Robert Riskin). A great piece of Hollywood history. Starting Bid $500


1976 Emmy award for the historically accurate Roosevelt biopic, Eleanor and Franklin

735. Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing (Eleanor and Franklin, 1976). Iconic original Emmy statuette awarded to screenwriter James Costigan, standing 15˝ tall with a base diameter of 7.5˝, engraved on the base: “1975-1976 Television Academy Awards, Outstanding Writing In A Special Program - Drama Or Comedy - Original Teleplay, James Costigan, Eleanor And Franklin, ABC Theatre, January 11 & 12, 1976, ABC.” In fine condition, with light overall wear and tarnishing. Accompanied by several items affiliated with the Eleanor and Franklin miniseries, a two-part, four-hour drama written by Costigan, starring starring Edward Herrmann as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jane Alexander as Eleanor Roosevelt: a color satin-finish photo of the stars in costume, signed in black felt tip, “With warmest thanks—Edward Herrmann” and “Dear James—God bless you! Jane”; two color glossy photos of the opening credits, matted and framed together to an overall size of 14.25 x 20.5; and a commemorative Lucite block advertising the 1977 sequel, Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years, containing postage stamps of FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt. Starting Bid $200

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736. Emmy Award: Miniature. Miniature Emmy statuette, standing 6.5˝ tall with a base diameter of 3˝, with an unengraved base. The miniature award takes the same form as the traditional Emmy, portraying a woman holding an atom, with “The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences” encircling the base. In fine condition, with light overall tarnishing to the finish, and some surface flaking around the woman’s feet. Starting Bid $200

Rare signed photograph of Gable as Gone With the Wind’s Rhett Butler

Accompanied by a letter of provenance from the original recipient, in part: “I had a very good friend who was cameraman on Gone With the Wind and being a fan of Clark Gable’s I asked his sister if he would send me a photograph autographed by Clark Gable personally—the attached note regarding the photograph will help to prove that the signature is Clark Gable’s authentic signature.” Also accompanied is the original note from the cameraman, in part: “Enclosed find Gable’s picture for Marie—I watched him endorse it.” Photos of Gable in character remain considerably rare, with this example being one of the finest we have ever offered.

Starting Bid $300

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737. Clark Gable Signed Photograph as Rhett Butler. Immensely desirable vintage glossy 8 x 10 studio portrait of Gable as Rhett Butler from the 1939 classic Gone With the Wind, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Marie Lavoria, Kindest Wishes Always, Clark Gable.” In fine condition, with scattered light creasing.

Garbo seeks U.S. citizenship— the actress’ 1940 naturalization document and passport photo, boasting three signatures



fields like personal residence “165 Mabery Road, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Calif.,” occupation “motion picture actress,” age “35,” sex “female,” color “white,” complexion “light,” eye color “blue,” hair color “lt. Brown,” height “5´ 7˝,” weight “127 pounds,” race “Scandinavian,” and nationality “Swedish.” Garbo states that she was born in Stockholm, Sweden on September 18, 1905, and that she emigrated to San Diego aboard the SS Annie Johnson on April 30, 1933, with the name Greta Lovisa Garbo. Signed at the conclusion in bold black ink by Garbo. The affixed 2 x 2 passport photo of Garbo is signed twice by

the actress, “Greta Lovisa Grabo” and “Greta Garbo.” In fine condition.

Despite this preliminary declaration of her intention to become an American citizen in 1940, it was not until 1951 that Garbo finally received her citizenship. In 1941 she appeared in her final film, Two-Faced Woman—interestingly, an unsuccessful attempt to ‘Americanize’ Garbo—and retired from Hollywood to lead a famously reclusive life. A rare and unprecedented document package signed a total of three times by Garbo, including twice with her rare full signature.

Provenance: From the estate of Greta Garbo; Julien’s Auctions, Hollywood Legends, April 2014, Lot 860. Starting Bid $1000

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Greta Garbo Thrice-Signed Document and Passport Photo. DS, signed “Greta Lovisa Grabo,” with an affixed twice-signed passport photo, one page, 8.5 x 10.5, October 29, 1940. A “Declaration of Intention” to become a citizen of the States of America, filled out in type for

Lovely Wizard of Oz-era photo of the young starlet

739. Judy Garland Signed Photograph. Uncommon vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Garland from circa 1938-39, showing the emerging actress daydreaming in a sailor uniform, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “For Charlie—Lots of luck and best wishes, Judy.” In fine condition, with a few small creases, and tiny staple holes in the top border. Starting Bid $200

Sultry oversized photograph signed by Jean Harlow with a quote from Red Dust

741. Jean Harlow Oversized Signed Photograph. Magnificent vintage matte-finish 9.5 x 12.25 photo of Harlow leaning back in a skintight gown, signed and inscribed in fountain pen with a quote from the 1932 film Red Dust, “’E’s’ in the port cabin,’ Just Jean.” In fine condition, with light silvering along the trimmed edges. A stunning oversized image of the blonde bombshell, autographed with a desirable quote from a classic Harlow-Gable flick. Starting Bid $300

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5.5 x 8.5, New York Hippodrome letterhead, May 19, 1918. Letter to “William,” sent during his famous 19week engagement at the Hippodrome, during which he made an elephant disappear. In part: “Your Magazine has been handed Official paper of reporting S.A.M. meetings etc, at last Council meeting. It has been stated that your paper is out of existence, and I arose in due wrath and said you were publishing it right along…give me address where it is purchaseable in America…I told Martinka you were looking for his address, also Powers.” In very good to fine condition, with show-through at the top from old mounting remnants on the back.

Houdini’s 19-week run at the Hippodrome began on January 7, 1918, during which time he debuted his famed ‘vanishing elephant’ trick, making this letterhead especially significant. The letter also boasts ideal magic-world content on the subject of the Society of American Magicians (S.A.M.) and a reference to “Martinka,” founder of a famous magic company. Starting Bid $300

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742. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph. Semi-glossy 8 x 10 book photo of Audrey Hepburn dressed as Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady, showing the actress wearing her iconic ascot race dress and matching hat, signed in black felt tip. In fine condition, with lightly trimmed borders, and poor contrast to Hepburn’s last name against her dark blouse. Starting Bid $300 743. Harry Houdini Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed one page,
Houdini writes from the Hippodrome, where he debuted the famous ‘vanishing elephant’ trick

Scarce uninscribed first edition of The Unmasking of Robert–Houdin, ‘the first authentic history of magic ever published’

744. Harry Houdini Signed Book. Signed book: The Unmasking of Robert–Houdin. First edition. NY: The Publishers Printing Company, 1908. Hardcover, 5.75 x 8.25, 333 pages. Signed prominently on the first free end page in fountain pen by Harry Houdini. Additionally, the title page has been purportedly signed by the son of Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin. Autographic condition: fine, with scattered stains to the signed page. Book condition: VG-/None, with rubbing and light staining to boards. Houdini billed this controversial book as ‘the first authentic history of magic ever published,’ and contained within it an unflattering account of Houdini’s legendary predecessor and namesake Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin, alleging that he had taken undue credit for other magicians’ innovations. Starting Bid $300

The personal passport of a globe-trotting Hollywood legend

745. Rock Hudson’s Personal Passport. Rock Hudson’s personal United States of America passport, number G2565414, issued on November 29, 1976. Passport measures 3.75 x 6 and is filled out in ballpoint by Hudson on the inside front cover with his address, “9422 Beverly Crest, Beverly Hills, 90210.” His description page is signed “Rock Hudson,” as his affixed 3 x 3.25 passport photo. The passport includes several visa stamps for various international airports dating to 1977 and 1978. Includes an extra 2.5 x 2.5 passport photo of Hudson, as well as a glossy 8 x 10 promotional photo of the actor. In fine condition. Accompanied by certificates of authenticity from Hudson’s estate manager. Starting Bid $200

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Rare oversized studio photo of Jennifer Jones for Beat the Devil, signed for the film’s still photographer

Uncommon vintage matte-finish 11.25 x 14.5 promotional portrait photo of Jennifer Jones for the 1953 John Huston film Beat the Devil, signed and inscribed in fountain pen to Eric Gray, the film’s still photographer, “To Dear Eric, Always so kind and so patient, with gratitude from, the ‘blinking’ one, Jennifer.” The lower border is signed in red pencil by the photographer. In fine condition, with some trivial corner creasing. A very desirable signed portrait of the lovely leading lady; Jones remains quite rare in autographed photos, especially in examples of such large size. Starting Bid $200


Signed Photograph. Beautiful glossy 8 x 10 photo of Grace Kelly in her prime, resting a hand on her cheek in a glamorous reclined pose, signed in the lower right in black felt tip. Attractively cloth-matted and framed to an overall size of 11.5 x 13.5. In very good to fine condition, with faint discoloration, scattered light surface impressions, and a light diagonal bend. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from

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746. Jennifer Jones Signed Oversized Photograph. 747. Boris Karloff Signed Photograph. Vintage mattefinish 5 x 7 photo of the horror movie legend, signed nicely in fountain pen, “Sincerely, Boris Karloff.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200 Grace Kelly PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

749. Veronica Lake Signed Photograph. Vintage glossy 8 x 10 Paramount Pictures publicity photo of Veronica Lake as Nan Rogers for the 1946 film Miss Susie Slagle’s, signed boldly in bright blue fountain pen, “Best wishes, Veronica Lake.” Collector’s notation to reverse dates the autograph to June 28, 1951. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light creasing, and some discoloration along the side edges. An adorable photo of the young actress. Starting Bid $200

750. Laurel and Hardy Signed Photograph. Wonderful vintage matte-finish 7 x 10 full-length photo of the legendary comedic partners standing side-by-side in their trademark bowler hats, signed and inscribed vertically in fountain pen, “Here we are again, Claire! Stan Laurel, 1930” and “Oliver Hardy.” Reverse bears a Stax credit stamp. In fine condition. An uncommon signed pose of the iconic slapstick duo. Starting Bid $200

751. Laurel and Hardy Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 7 x 5 promotional photo of the legendary comedic duo without their trademark bowler hats in a handsome up-close pose, signed in the lower border in fountain pen, “Thanks! Stan Laurel” and “Oliver Hardy.” In fine condition, with light silvering along one small crease. Accompanied by the original Laurel and Hardy Feature Production envelope postmarked on May 9, 1944. Starting Bid $200

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Superior signed portrait of Leigh as Scarlett O’Hara


The musclebound Marx Brothers


Superb vintage

together with oversized dumbbells, signed by each in fountain pen, with a secretarial inscription to the upper left, “To Dolores, Merrily yours.” In fine condition, with light soiling, and a faint stain to the left edge. Accompanied by the original “Marx, MGM Studio” transmittal envelope postmarked at Culver City, California, on February 11, 1941. Starting Bid $200



Zeppo Marx,” “Chico Marx,” “Harpo Marx,” and “Groucho Marx,” on a single off-white 5 x 3.5 album page. In fine condition, with trivial soiling. A fantastic uninscribed example signed in an appealing uniform fashion. Starting Bid $200

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752. Vivien Leigh Signed Photograph as Scarlett O’Hara. Stunning vintage glossy 7.75 x 9.75 photo of Vivien Leigh in her enduring role as Scarlett O’Hara in the 1939 classic Gone With the Wind, signed in fountain pen. Reverse bears an affixed publicity caption. In very good to fine condition, with small areas of emulsion irregularity. Starting Bid $200 Marx Brothers Signed Photograph. matte-finish x 8 photo of the Marx Brothers—Groucho, Harpo, and Chico—posing Marx Brothers Signatures. Superlative vintage fountain pen signatures, Wishes,

Steve McQueen invests in real estate

“Steven T. McQueen,” two pages, 8.5 x 11, December 28, 1964. Document headed “Minutes of Special Meeting of Board of Directors of Solar Productions, Inc.,” relating to partnership agreement under the name ‘The Meribah CompanyCampbell’ “formed for the purpose of purchasing and developing certain property in Campbell, California,” and listing a proposed “capital investment in the partnership” of $300,000. Signed at the conclusion in blue ballpoint by McQueen. In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

all of the actors and actresses posing together in full costume, affixed to the original cardstock 12 x 14 presentation mount, which is signed in the bottom section in ink by all 19 pictured actors, including James Cagney, Mickey Rooney, Olivia de Havilland, Jean Muir, Joe E. Brown, Dick Powell, Ross Alexander, Anita Louise, Victor Jory, Ian Hunter, and more. The reverse is signed in pencil by

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755. Hattie McDaniel Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Hattie McDaniel smiling brightly in a lovely up-close pose, signed in fountain pen, “Best wishes from Hattie McDaniel, 45.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200 756. Steve McQueen Document Signed. DS, signed 757. A Midsummer Night’s Dream Cast-Signed Oversized Photograph. Impressive vintage matte-finish 9.25 x 7.5 photo of the cast of the 1935 film A Midsummer Night’s Dream, showing “Emmett,” ostensibly Emmett Emerson of the film’s props department. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200


signed portrait of Marilyn in her breakthrough year

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759. Marilyn Monroe Signed Photograph. Vintage glossy 8 x 10 photo of Monroe reclining on a pillow and wearing a low-cut dress and diamond jewelry, a pose from circa 1953, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Sandra, Warmest regards, Marilyn Monroe.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered creasing, some of which passes over Marilyn’s face. A classic, virtually pristine portrait of the blonde bombshell captured at the peak of her fame—in 1953, Monroe became a household name when she starred in three hit films: Niagara, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and How to Marry a Millionaire. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Starting Bid $1000

Green room ‘signature boards’ containing over 200 celebrity guests from The Late Show Starring Joan Rivers

761. Joan Rivers Late Show Guest Boards (200+)

Signatures. Collection of over 200 autographs from celebrity guests that appeared on The Late Show Starring Joan Rivers between December 1986 and June 1987, which coincides with the arrival of Arsenio Hall after Rivers’ firing in mid-May. The felt tip signatures appear on a total of 13 ‘signature boards,’ quarter-inch sheets of plywood, ranging in size from 33.5 x 35.25 to 48 x 40, which were placed in the Late Show green room roughly every few weeks and signed by the show’s guests before they went on air. Highlights include: George Michael, the Beastie Boys, Roy Orbison, Gene Hackman, Mel Gibson,

Danny Glover, Ian McKellen, James Taylor, Jim Varney, David Copperfield, Michael J. Fox, Jimmy Connors, Magic Johnson, Anthony Quinn, Roddy McDowall, Soupy Sales, John Waters, Whoopi Goldberg, The Commodores, Dick Clark, Meat Loaf, Jill Ireland, Jerry Mathers, Barbara Billingsley, Tony Dow, Ken Osmond, Vincent Price, Anthony Perkins, Malcolm Forbes, Dick Van Dyke, and more. In overall very good to fine condition, with somewhat expected light soiling, staining, and chipping.

A more detailed list of signers and additional images can be found in our online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

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764. Star Wars: Sculpting a Galaxy Signed Limited Edition Deluxe Book Set. Signed book: Sculpting a Galaxy: Inside the Star Wars Model Shop. First edition, limited issue, numbered 1836/3000. San Rafael, CA: Insight Editions, 2006. Hardcover with dust jacket, 9.5 x 13. Signed on the colophon in bronze ink by Lorne Peterson, and also signed and inscribed on the title page in black felt tip, “To Doug, Lorne Peterson, S.W. 1975–06.” Housed in its deluxe clamshell case, containing an additional DVD; collector’s booklet; and several models: a landspeeder with a base; Ben, Luke, R2-D2, and C-3PO figures; and seven model pieces of the Death Star surface. In very fine condition. A scarce and impressive deluxe edition chronicling the behind-the-scenes creation of one of the greatest entertainment franchises ever conceived. Starting Bid $200

763. Star Trek: William Shatner Autograph Manuscript on Nimoy. Autograph manuscript signed “William Shatner,” one page, 7.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, no date. Handwritten tribute to Leonard Nimoy’s acting skill in his portrayal of Star Trek’s Spock. In part: “Somehow Spock and Kirk were fighting and I was using my boxing and judo activities in dealing blows and subduing the enemies. At one point Leonard said, ‘Spock wouldn’t be fighting,’ and the director said, ‘What do you suggest,’ and Leonard said, ‘Well he’d do something like this,’ and he reached over and grabbed my shoulder and playing along I pretended to fall to the ground as immobile—I got up and we all laughed and Leonard had invented the Spock pinch—It was brilliant—He knew his character, he understood the philosophy by which Spock lived and flawlessly used it to invent a moment of action that was totally motivated by character…I don’t remember how live long and prosper was invented. I think it was a product of one of our writers but it was no doubt an inspiration given by the uniqueness of Leonard’s portrayal.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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Captain Kirk comments on Nimoy’s skill as Spock: “Leonard had invented the Spock pinch—It was brilliant’
Impressive deluxe limited edition of Sculpting a Galaxy, complete with Star Wars figurines and models

a few subtle areas of mild mottling, which in no way detract from the overall appeal of the beautiful image. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity

150 | April 12, 2023 | CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT
762. Frank Sinatra Signed Photograph. Fabulous vintage glossy 8 x 10 photo of the youthful Sinatra striking a wide smile, nicely signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To George—with fond regards, Frank Sinatra.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200 765. Elizabeth Taylor Signed Photograph. Elegant vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 MGM publicity photo of the young Oscar-winning actress, dressed in a dark dress and pearls and looking skyward, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Leo—Best wishes to you always, Elizabeth Taylor.” In fine condition, with from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200 766. Elizabeth Taylor Signed Photograph. Vintage glossy 8 x 10 photo of Taylor as Maggie in the 1958 screen adaptation of the classic Tennessee Williams play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Peter, Elizabeth Taylor.” Reverse bears a small affixed caption. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light creasing, and a stain in the upper border. A lovely pose from a popular film. Starting Bid $200

767. Edward Van Sloan Autograph Letter Signed. American character actor (1882–1964) best remembered for his roles in the Universal Studios horror films such as Dracula (1931), Frankenstein (1931), and The Mummy (1932). Rare ALS signed “Uncle Van,” penned on both sides of an unfolded 7.25 x 14 Christmas card, annotated 1958 in pencil. Handwritten letter to his nephew Bill and his wife Barbara, in part: “Here we spend our days in most unexciting ways, having arrived at the stage of the game when simple and prosaic things and pleasures suffice, and days follow one another in methodical and uneventful sequence. But that is satisfactory too…My chief relaxation is furniture making, and poor Myra has to live with them. And I read—oh all sorts of things—no method or program…all kinds of novels—Westerns—Easterns; and I’m often surprised at the quality some of these lesser literart lights have. This sounds a bit snobbish—not meant that way—simply my ignorance, as I never was much of a novel reader.” In fine condition, with a piece of old tape to the top edge. Starting Bid $200

Wayne’s galley proof copy of The Green Berets, the work that inspired his Vietnam-era war film

768. John Wayne’s Galley Proof of The Green Berets. John Wayne’s personally owned uncorrected galley proof of the 1965 book The Green Berets, presented to him by the book’s author, Robin Moore. The rivet-bound proof, 7 x 12, with original plain cardstock boards contains a total of 236 pages, with the top of the first page identified as “1—Crown (14010F) ‘The Green Beret’ 11-13 TR X25 No. 11—Hank(7) 2-26.” The front board bears a “Return Requested” Crown Publishers label. In overall fine condition, with light edge stains to front cover and opening pages, with the first page missing its lower right corner tip. Accompanied by a handwritten letter of provenance from Wayne’s granddaughter, Anita Swift. Starting Bid $500

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John Wayne Signed Oversized Photograph. Superb vintage matte-finish 11 x 14 studio photo of Wayne in a handsome seated pose staring directly into the camera, signed and inscribed in ballpoint, “Not our kind of corn, Golda, but it grinds better. John Wayne.” The consignor notes that this photograph was inscribed to a moonshiner near an Oklahoma ranch. In very good to fine condition, with silvering to the darker areas of the image, most noticeably in Wayne’s hair. Starting Bid $200

Orson Welles Signed Photograph. Superb vintage glossy 7.75 x 10 RKO Radio Pictures advance publicity photo of Orson Welles in a handsome pose from 1941, signed and inscribed in fountain pen “For Dick, Regards, Orson Welles.” Photo code inherent to lower right reads: “CK-Adv-53.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered light creasing, scuffing, and crazing. An exceptional portrait of Welles released for his magnum opus, Citizen Kane, widely considered to be one of the greatest films ever made. Starting Bid $200

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769. 770.
“Not our kind of corn, Golda, but it grinds better. John Wayne”

915. NY Yankees: 1971 Team-Signed Baseball w/ Munson. Official Wilson Prep League baseball signed in black ballpoint on the sweet spot and side panels by 31 members of the 1971 New York Yankees team. Signers include: Thurman Munson, Bobby Murcer, Ron Hansen, Mel Stottlemyre (ss), Fritz Peterson (ss), Jim Hardin, Mike Kekich, Frank Baker, Lindy McDaniel, Steve Kline, Ron Swoboda, Jake Gibbs, Gary Jones, Roy White, Jim Lyttle, and others. In fine condition, with fading to some of the lesser names and a felt tip identification notation near the manufacturer ’s logo. Starting Bid $200

Superb baseball signed by the iconic 1956 New York Yankees team, including Mantle, Ford, Berra, and Larsen

914. NY Yankees: 1956 Team-Signed Baseball w/ Mantle, Berra, Ford. Spalding ‘Official’ baseball signed in blue ballpoint on the sweet spot and side panels by 29 members of the 1956 World Series-champion New York Yankees team. Signers include: Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford, Yogi Berra (ss), Phil Rizzuto (ss), Elston Howard, Billy Martin, Don Larsen, Joe Collins, Jerry Coleman, Charlie Silvera, Frank Crosetti, Jim Konstanty, Tom Morgan, Irv Noren, Bill Hunter, Gerry Staley, Bill Skowron, Johnny Kucks, Gil McDougald, Bob Cerv, Ed Robinson, Hank Bauer, Tom Sturdivant, Bob Richardson, Bob Grim, Andy Carey, and more. In fine condition. A marvelous team-signed New York Yankees baseball, highlighted by a vintage Mickey Mantle signature and the autographs of the battery mates from the 1956 World Series’ perfect game—Don Larsen and Yogi Berra. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 153

913. NY Yankees: 1955 Team-Signed Baseball w/ Mantle, Ford, Berra. Spalding ‘Official’ baseball signed in ballpoint on the sweet spot and side panels by 26 members of the 1955 pennant-winning New York Yankees squad, including: Mickey Mantle (ss), Yogi Berra (ss), Whitey Ford, Hank Bauer, Andy Carey, Bill Hunter, Bill Skowron, Jerry Coleman, Tom Sturdivant, Joe Collins, Elston Howard, Tom Morgan, Bob Wiesler, Jim Konstanty, Johnny Kucks, Ed Robinson, Ed Lopat, Bob Grim, Gil McDougald, Irv Noren, Bob Turley, Charlie Silvera, Bob Cerv, Frank Leja, and others. In fine condition, with fading to Berra, Howard, and some of the lesser names. Starting Bid $200

912. NY Yankees: 1953 Team-Signed Baseball w/ Mantle, Ford, Berra. Spalding Official League baseball signed in blue ballpoint on the sweet spot and side panels by 26 members of the 1953 World Series-champion New York Yankees team. Signers include: Mickey Mantle, Casey Stengel (ss), Yogi Berra, Phil Rizzuto, Whitey Ford, Johnny Mize, Billy Martin, Hank Bauer, Vic Raschi, Gil McDougald, Jim McDonald, Bob Kuzava, Willy Miranda, Don Bollweg, Johnny Sain, Ed Lopat, Bill Renna, Andy Carey, Tom Gorman, Charlie Silvera, Gene Woodling, Ralph Houk, Joe Collins, and others. In very good to fine condition, with some light toning, soiling, and scuffing. A generally clean, boldly signed baseball boasting a sought-after early Mickey Mantle autograph. Starting Bid $200

154 | April 12, 2023 | SPORTS
Sought-after 1953 New York Yankees signed baseball, highlighted by Mantle, Ford, Berra, and Stengel

Boasting a super bold rookie-era Mickey Mantle autograph, a desirable 1952 Yankees team-signed baseball

911. NY Yankees: 1952 Team-Signed Baseball w/ Mantle, Berra, Rizzuto. Official Reach American League (Harridge) baseball signed in fountain pen on the sweet spot and side panels by 26 members of the 1952 World Series-champion New York Yankees team. Signers include: Mickey Mantle, Phil Rizzuto (ss), Johnny Mize (ss), Yogi Berra, Billy Martin, Ray Scarborough, Loren Babe, Ewell Blackwell, Tom Gorman, Joe Collins, Irv Noren, Charlie Silvera, Joe Ostrowski, Vic Raschi, Bill Miller, Jim McDonald, Jim Brideweser, Ralph Houk, Gil McDougald, Ed Lopat, Johnny Sain, Hank Bauer, Allie Reynolds, Bob Kuzava, Frank Crosetti, In very good to fine condition, with uniform toning from a light coat of shellac, and some fading to a few of the lesser names. A fantastic team-signed baseball, boasting a remarkably bold, early Mickey Mantle signature. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 155
910. Enzo Ferrari Signed Photograph. Color semi-glossy 6 x 4 postcard photo of French racing driver Rene Arnoux posing with his Ferrari racecar, signed on the reverse in ink, “Ferrari.” The reverse also bears a typed sentiment in Italian dated to Modena on May 20, 1983. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200 29. John Quincy Adams Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200 30. James Buchanan Signature Starting Bid $200 31. George Bush Signed Book Starting Bid $200 32. George Bush Signed Book Starting Bid $200 33. George Bush Signature Starting Bid $200 34. George Bush Autograph Note Signed as President Starting Bid $200 35. George Bush Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 36. George W. Bush Signed Book Starting Bid $200 37. George W. Bush Signed Magazine Starting Bid $200 38. George W. and Laura Bush Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 39. Jimmy Carter Signed Book Starting Bid $200 40. Jimmy Carter Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200 41. Jimmy Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 42. Jimmy Carter Signature and Campaign Card Starting Bid $200 43. Jimmy Carter Signed Telephone Book Starting Bid $200 44. Jimmy Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 45. Jimmy Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 46. Jimmy Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 47. Jimmy Carter Signed Book Starting Bid $200 48. Jimmy Carter Signed Book Starting Bid $200 49. Jimmy Carter Signed Book Starting Bid $200 50. Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 51. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 52. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 53. Grover Cleveland Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200 54. Grover Cleveland Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 55. Bill Clinton Autograph Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200 56. Bill Clinton and James Patterson Signed Book Starting Bid $200 57. Dwight D. Eisenhower (5) Signatures Starting Bid $200 58. Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200 59. Dwight D. Eisenhower Signature Starting Bid $200 60. The Eisenhowers Signed 1952 'Homecoming' Menu Starting Bid $200 61. Millard Fillmore Autograph Endorsement Signed as President Starting Bid $200 62. Millard Fillmore Signature Starting Bid $200 63. Gerald Ford Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200 64. Gerald Ford Signed Book Starting Bid $200 65. Gerald Ford Signed Book Starting Bid $200 66. Gerald Ford Signed White House Engraving Starting Bid $200 67. James A. Garfield Inaugural Reception Invitation Starting Bid $200 68. James A. Garfield Signature Starting Bid $200 69. James A. Garfield Inauguration Cabinet Photo by Mathew Brady Starting Bid $200 70. Warren G. Harding Document Signed Starting Bid $200 71. Kamala Harris Signed Book Starting Bid $200 72. Benjamin Harrison Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200 73. Rutherford B. Hayes Document Signed as Governor Starting Bid $200 74. Herbert Hoover Signed Book Starting Bid $200 75. Herbert Hoover (2) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $200 76. Herbert Hoover Typed Letter Signed as PresidentElect Starting Bid $200 77. Herbert Hoover Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 78. Herbert Hoover Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 79. Lyndon B. Johnson Book Signed for Ted Kennedy Starting Bid $200 80. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 81. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 82. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Photograph Mount Starting Bid $200 83. Lyndon B. Johnson Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 84. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Book Starting Bid $200 85. Lyndon B. Johnson Typed Letter Signed as Vice President Starting Bid $200 86. James Madison and James Monroe Document Signed Starting Bid $200 87. James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200 88. Richard Nixon Signed Book Starting Bid $200 89. Richard Nixon Signed Presidential Inauguration Invitation Starting Bid $200 90. Richard Nixon Signed Book Starting Bid $200 91. Richard and Pat Nixon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 92. Barack Obama Signed Book Starting Bid $200 93. Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen Signed Book Starting Bid $200 94. Ronald Reagan Signature Starting Bid $200 95. Ronald Reagan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 96. Ronald Reagan Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 97. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signed Sketch Starting Bid $200 98. William H. Taft Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 99. William H. Taft Signature Starting Bid $200 100. Harry and Margaret Truman Signatures Starting Bid $200 101. Harry S. Truman Signed Stamp Sheet Starting Bid $200 102. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 103. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 137. Henry M. Stanley Autograph Quote Signed Starting Bid $200 140. 15th Century Gregorian Chant Leaf Starting Bid $200 141. Apple: Ronald Wayne Signed Apple-1 Circuit Board Replica Starting Bid $200 142. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 143. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 144. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 145. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne (2) Signed Floppy Disks Starting Bid $200 146. Apple: Steve Wozniak Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 147. Oswald Avery Typed Letter Extract Starting Bid $100 148. Abolhassan Banisadr Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 149. Edvard Benes Signed Stamp Starting Bid $200 150. Leonid Brezhnev Signed Greeting Card Starting Bid $200 151. Camilla, Queen Consort Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 152. Fidel Castro Document Signed Starting Bid $200 153. Vint Cerf Signed Sketch Starting Bid $100 154. Jacques-Joseph Champollion-Figeac Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 155. Chiang Ching-kuo Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 156. Chiang Ching-kuo Signature Starting Bid $200 157. Christ Pantocrator Hand-Painted Illumination Starting Bid $100 158. Schuyler Colfax (2) Autograph Letters Signed Starting Bid $200 159. Connecticut: Colt and Wadsworth (2) Documents Signed Starting Bid $100 160. Denton Cooley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 161. Richard Cardinal Cushing Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 162. Dalai Lama Signature Starting Bid $200 163. Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 164. Porfirio Diaz Document Signed Starting Bid $200 165. DNA: James Watson Signed Book Starting Bid $200 166. James Duane Document Signed Starting Bid $200 167. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1988) Starting Bid $200 168. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1981) Starting Bid $200 169. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1983) Starting Bid $200 170. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1961) Starting Bid $200 171. Jean-Henri Fabre Handwritten Notes Starting Bid $200 172. William Fargo Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200 173. Felix Frankfurter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 174. Indira Gandhi Signature Starting Bid $200 175. Mohandas Gandhi (2) Original Photographs Starting Bid $200 176. Mohandas Gandhi (2) Original Photographs Starting Bid $200 177. Bill Gates Signed Book Starting Bid $200 178. Bear Grylls Signed Photograph - PSA/DNA NMMT 8 Starting Bid $100 179. Bear Grylls Signed Photograph - PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $100 180. Edmund Hillary Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 181. Edmund Hillary Signed Book Starting Bid $200 182. Edmund Hillary Signature Starting Bid $200 183. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Starting Bid $200 184. Johns Hopkins Document Signed Starting Bid $200 185. Francis Hopkinson Bookplate Starting Bid $200 186. Alexander von Humboldt Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 187. Collis P. Huntington Document Signed Starting Bid $200 188. Boris Johnson Signed Book Starting Bid $200 189. Kaiser Wilhelm I Document Signed Starting Bid $200 190. Kaiser Wilhelm II Document Signed Starting Bid $200 191. Ted Kennedy Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 192. Ted Kennedy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 193. Kennedy Assassination: Clint Hill Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 194. Alexander Kerensky and Emmeline Pankhurst Signatures Starting Bid $200 195. King Charles III Signed Book Starting Bid $200 196. King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort Signed Xmas Card Starting Bid $200 197. King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort Signed Xmas Card Starting Bid $200 198. King Edward VII Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 199. King George I Signature Starting Bid $200 200. King George III Document Signed Starting Bid $200 201. King George III Document Signed Starting Bid $200 202. King George IV Document Signed Starting Bid $200 203. King George IV Signature Starting Bid $200 204. King George V Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 205. King Stanislaw I Leszczynski Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 206. King William IV Signature Starting Bid $200 207. V. K. Wellington Koo Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 208. Ferdinand de Lesseps Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 209. Abraham Lincoln: Supreme Court Nominees (11) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 210. March on Washington: Stephen M. Young Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 211. Ferdinand Marcos Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 212. Benito Mussolini Document Signed Starting Bid $200 213. Nicholas II Coronation Cup Starting Bid $200 214. Reinhold Niebuhr Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 215. Lord Henry Palmerston Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 216. Linus Pauling Typed Letter Signed on Greatest Scientific Discover... Starting Bid $200 217. Linus Pauling Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 218. Arno Penzias Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200 219. Pope Benedict XVI Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 220. Pope John XXIII Wooden Papal Crest Starting Bid $200 221. Potomac Company: Tobias Lear Document Signed Starting Bid $200 222. Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200 223. Princess Diana (3) Original Press Photographs Starting Bid $200 224. Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Starting Bid $200 225. Prohibition: 1930 Liquor Prescription Starting Bid $200 226. Melvin Purvis TripleSigned Mailing Envelope Starting Bid $200 227. Queen Victoria Document Signed (1854) Starting Bid $200 228. Queen Victoria Signature Starting Bid $200 229. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 230. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 231. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Document Signed Starting Bid $200 232. S/B Arrow Ship Model Diorama Starting Bid $200 233. Pierre Salinger Signature Starting Bid $100 234. Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin Signatures Starting Bid $200 235. Albert Schweitzer Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 236. Glenn T. Seaborg Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 237. Spanish Catholic Illuminated Manuscript Starting Bid $100 238. Francis Cardinal Spellman Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 239. Arthur St. Clair Document Signed Starting Bid $200 240. STS Salween Ship Model Diorama Starting Bid $200 241. Theodore Sutro (2) Documents Signed Starting Bid $200 242. Edward Teller Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 243. U Thant Signature Starting Bid $100 244. Margaret Thatcher Signed Book Starting Bid $200 245. Margaret Thatcher Signed Book Starting Bid $200 246. Margaret Thatcher Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 247. William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 248. Titanic: Millvina Dean Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 249. Titanic: Eva Hart Signed Book Starting Bid $200 250. Clyde W. Tombaugh Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $100 251. United States Capitol Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 252. Vittorio Emanuele II Document Signed Starting Bid $200 253. Waite Court Signatures Starting Bid $200 254. Robert J. Walker Letter Signed as Treasury Secretary Starting Bid $200 255. Elie Wiesel Signed Book Starting Bid $200 256. Harold Wilson Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 257. Duke and Duchess of Windsor Signatures Starting Bid $200 258. Wallis, Duchess of Windsor Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 259. Wallis, Duchess of Windsor Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 260. Oliver Wolcott, Jr. (2) Documents Signed Starting Bid $200 261. Philip K. Wrigley Signed Envelope - PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $100 262. Yang Chen-Ning Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 270. Omar Bradley Typed Letter Signed with First U.S. Army Patch Starting Bid $200 271. Benjamin Butler Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 272. George Dewey Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 273. Enola Gay (3) MultiSigned Japanese Government Bank Notes Starting Bid $200 274. Enola Gay and Bockscar: Ferebee and Beahan Signed Bank Notes Starting Bid $200 275. Flying Tigers MultiSigned Book Starting Bid $200 276. Ferdinand Foch Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 277. Wade Hampton Signature Starting Bid $200 278. Iwo Jima: Joe Rosenthal Signature Starting Bid $200 279. Kennedy PT-109: Katsumori Yamashiro (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 280. Kennedy PT-109: Katsumori Yamashiro Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 281. Chris Kyle Signed Patch Starting Bid $100 282. Henry Lee Document Signed Starting Bid $200 283. Montgomery of Alamein Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200 284. Mountbatten of Burma Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 285. Horatio Nelson: HMS Victory Wooden Artifact Starting Bid $200 286. Chester Nimitz Signed Book Starting Bid $200 287. Rob O'Neill Signed Currency Starting Bid $200 288. Rob O'Neill Signed Trading Card Starting Bid $200 289. Ernie Pyle Signed Moroccan Bank Note Starting Bid $200 290. Carl Spaatz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 291. Duke of Wellington Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200 292. Joseph Wheeler Signed Cabinet Photograph Starting Bid $200 293. World War II Aces: Foss and Ilfrey (2) Signed Posters Starting Bid $100 294. Sgt. Alvin C. York Signature Starting Bid $200 295. Sgt. Alvin C. York Signed Booklet Starting Bid $200 303. Charles Lindbergh Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 304. Charles Lindbergh Signed 'Short Snorter' OneDollar Bill Starting Bid $200 305. Thomas Sopwith Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 306. Orville Wright Signed Check Starting Bid $200 319. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photographic Print Starting Bid $200 320. Buzz Aldrin Signed Apollo 11 Beta Cloth Starting Bid $200 321. Buzz Aldrin Signed Book Starting Bid $200 322. Buzz Aldrin Signed Book Starting Bid $200 323. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 324. Apollo 12 Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 326. Apollo 14 Signatures Starting Bid $200 327. Apollo 15 Signed Commemorative Cover Starting Bid $200 328. Apollo 16 Prime and Backup Crews Signed OneDollar Bill Starting Bid $200 329. Apollo 17 Signed 'Launch Day' Cover Starting Bid $200 330. Apollo 9 Signed OneDollar Bill Starting Bid $200 331. Apollo Astronauts Multi-Signed Book Starting Bid $200 332. Apollo Astronauts (4) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 333. Apollo Astronauts (4) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 334. Apollo-Soyuz and Gerald Ford Signed Cover Starting Bid $200 335. Frank Borman Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 336. Gene Cernan Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 337. Gene Cernan TwiceSigned Photograph Starting Bid $200 338. Charles 'Pete' Conrad Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200 339. Walt Cunningham Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200 340. Walt Cunningham Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 341. Gemini 5 Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 342. Gemini Astronauts (4) Signed Book Starting Bid $200 343. Fred Haise Signed OnePound Bank Note Starting Bid $200 344. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 345. Alexei Leonov Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 346. Jack Lousma Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 347. James Lovell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 348. James Lovell and Gene Kranz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 349. Ken Mattingly Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 350. James McDivitt Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 351. Mercury Astronauts: Carpenter, Cooper, and Schirra Signed Photogr... Starting Bid $200 352. Edgar Mitchell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 353. Sally Ride Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 354. Alan Shepard Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 355. Alan Shepard Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 356. Skylab 3 Signed Cover Starting Bid $200 357. Skylab Project (3) Crew-Signed One-Dollar Bills Starting Bid $200 358. Space Shuttle (9) MultiSigned Bank Notes Starting Bid $200 359. Valentina Tereshkova Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 360. Valentina Tereshkova Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 361. John Young Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 362. John Young and Mike Smith Signed One-Dollar Bill Starting Bid $200 380. Ansel Adams Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 381. Ansel Adams Signed Book Starting Bid $200 382. Ansel Adams Signed Book Starting Bid $200 383. Charles Jay Connick Signed Original Painting Starting Bid $200 384. Salvador Dali Signed Postcard - PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $200 385. Alfred Eisenstaedt Signed Book Starting Bid $200 386. Erte Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 387. Hubert de Givenchy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 388. John La Farge: Original Stained Glass Painting Attributed to La F... Starting Bid $200 389. Dora Maar Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 390. Steve McCurry Signed Book Starting Bid $200 391. Grandma Moses Signature Starting Bid $100 392. Maxfield Parrish Signed Check Starting Bid $200 393. Norman Rockwell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 394. Norman Rockwell Signed Check Starting Bid $200 395. Norman Rockwell Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200 396. Norman Rockwell Signed Book Starting Bid $200 397. Norman Rockwell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 398. Carl Ruggles Signed Original Painting Starting Bid $200 399. John Singer Sargent Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 400. Charles Saxon Autograph Letter Signed with Sketch Starting Bid $200 401. Pierre Soulages Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 407. Carl Barks Signed Brochure Starting Bid $200 408. Mel Blanc Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 409. Disney: Mickey Mouse Get Well Card Starting Bid $200 410. Disney Animators Signed Retirement Card Starting Bid $200 411. Matt Groening Signed Book with Sketch Starting Bid $200 412. Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera Signed Production Cel Starting Bid $200 413. Bill Hanna, Joe Barbera, and Friz Freleng Signed Card Starting Bid $200 414. Bob Kane Signed Print Starting Bid $200 415. Walter Lantz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 416. Carl Lundgren Original Concept Artwork Starting Bid $100 417. Mickey Mouse HandPainted Cel Starting Bid $100 418. Clarence Nash Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 419. Milt Neil Signed Sketch Starting Bid $100 420. Star Wars: Skottie Young Signed Sketch Starting Bid $200 421. Bob Thaves HandInked Comic Strip Starting Bid $100 445. Alexis de Tocqueville Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 449. Emile Zola Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 450. Edward Albee (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 451. Paul Auster (3) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 452. James Baldwin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 453. Thomas Berger Signed Book and Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 454. Ray Bradbury Signed Book Starting Bid $200 455. Ray Bradbury and Eudora Welty (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 456. Pearl S. Buck Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 457. John Burroughs Document Signed (7x) Starting Bid $200 458. Truman Capote Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 459. Raymond Chandler Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 460. Leslie Charteris Signed Photograph with Sketch Starting Bid $100 461. Francois Rene de Chateaubriand Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 462. Jean Cocteau Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 463. Jean Cocteau Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200 464. Richard Condon Signed Book Starting Bid $200 465. Michael Connelly (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 466. Gabriele D'Annunzio Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 467. Lord Alfred Douglas Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 468. Alexandre Dumas, pere Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 469. Dick Francis Signed Book Starting Bid $200 470. Robert Frost Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 471. Robert Graves Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 472. Edward Everett Hale Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 473. Han Suyin Signature Starting Bid $200 474. Gerhart Hauptmann Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 475. Joseph Heller (2) Signed Items: Photograph and Program Starting Bid $200 476. Robinson Jeffers Autograph Letter Signed Twice Starting Bid $200 477. Stephen King Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 478. Ring Lardner Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100 479. Elmore Leonard (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 480. Elmore Leonard (4) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 481. Elmore Leonard Signed Book Starting Bid $200 482. Larry McMurtry: Lonesome Dove First Edition Book Starting Bid $200 483. James Michener (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 484. Arthur Miller Signed Book Starting Bid $200 485. Walter Mosley (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 486. Tim O'Brien Signed Book Starting Bid $200 487. John Boyle O'Reilly Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100 488. Joyce Carol Oates and Larry McMurtry (3) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 489. Otto Penzler (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 490. George Plimpton Signed Book Starting Bid $100 491. Terence Rattigan Signed Photograph by Angus McBean Starting Bid $200 492. Philip Roth Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 493. George Sand Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 494. William Saroyan Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100 495. Budd Schulberg Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 496. Sir Walter Scott Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 497. Richard Brinsley Sheridan Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200 498. Georges Simenon (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200 499. Neil Simon (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100 500. Madame de Stael Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 501. Tom Stoppard Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 502. Tom Stoppard Signed Broadside for 'The Real Thing' Starting Bid $100 503. Rex Stout (2) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $100 504. Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin Expense Account Starting Bid $100 505. August Strindberg Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 506. William Styron Signed Book Starting Bid $200 507. James Thurber Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 508. Anne Tyler Signed Book Starting Bid $100 509. Leon Uris Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 510. Joseph Wambaugh (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 511. Alec Waugh Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100 512. Eudora Welty Signed Book Starting Bid $200 513. William Wordsworth Signature Starting Bid $200 591. Adolphe Adam Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 592. Daniel Auber Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 593. Pierre Baillot Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 594. Bela Bartok Signature Starting Bid $200 595. Hector Berlioz Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 596. Hector Berlioz Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200 597. Hector Berlioz HandAddressed Mailing Panel to Felix Mendelssohn-... Starting Bid $200 598. Leonard Bernstein Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 599. Leonard Bernstein Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 600. Ernest Bloch Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 601. Francois-Adrien Boieldieu Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 602. François-Adrien Boieldieu Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 603. Nadia Boulanger Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 604. Pierre Boulez Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 605. Benjamin Britten Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 606. Charles Wakefield Cadman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 607. John Cage Autograph Noted Signed Starting Bid $200 608. Pablo Casals Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 609. Pablo Casals Signed Program Starting Bid $200 610. Aaron Copland Signed Book Starting Bid $200 611. Alfred Cortot Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100 612. Vincent d'Indy Signed Photograph with Musical Quotation Starting Bid $200 613. Theodore Dubois Autograph Musical Quotation Signed and Signed Pho... Starting Bid $200 614. Theodore Dubois Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 615. Paul Dukas Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 616. Marcel Dupre Signed Photograph and Autograph Musical Quotation Si... Starting Bid $200 617. Antonin Dvorak Original Portrait Starting Bid $200 618. Georges Enesco Signed Stamp Sheet Starting Bid $200 619. Gabriel Faure Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 620. Arthur Foote Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 621. Rudolf Friml Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 622. Ossip Gabrilowitsch Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 623. Umberto Giordano Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200 624. Charles Gounod Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 625. Charles Gounod Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 626. Andre Gretry Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 627. Edvard Grieg Signature Starting Bid $200 628. Alexandre Guilmant Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 629. Jascha Heifetz Signature Starting Bid $100 630. Dmitri Kabalevsky Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 631. Franz Lehar Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 632. Ruggero Leoncavallo Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 633. Ruggero Leoncavallo Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 634. Ruggero Leoncavallo Postcard Photograph Starting Bid $200 635. Franz Liszt: Bernhard Stavenhagen Autograph Musical Quotation Sig... Starting Bid $200 636. Bohuslav Martinu Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 637. Pietro Mascagni Signed Program Starting Bid $200 638. Jules Massenet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 639. Jules Massenet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 640. Darius Milhaud Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 641. Jacques Offenbach Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 642. Giovanni Pacini Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 643. Ignace J. Paderewski Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 644. Francis Poulenc Autograph Letter Signed to Alfred Cortot Starting Bid $200 645. Giacomo Puccini Signed Postcard Starting Bid $200 646. Maurice Ravel Signature Starting Bid $200 647. Maurice Ravel Signature Starting Bid $200 648. Max Reger Signature Starting Bid $200 649. Hans Richter Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 650. Ferdinand Ries Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 651. George F. Root Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 652. Miklós Rózsa Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 653. Anton Rubinstein Signature Starting Bid $200 654. Camille Saint-Saens Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 655. Pablo de Sarasate Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 656. Artur Schnabel Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 657. Alexander Siloti Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 658. Igor Stravinsky Signed Lyric Sheet Starting Bid $200 659. Igor Stravinsky Signed Mailing Envelope Starting Bid $200 660. Igor Stravinsky Signed Program (1940) Starting Bid $200 661. Alexander Tcherepnin Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $100 662. Arturo Toscanini Signed Program Starting Bid $200 663. Arturo Toscanini Photograph and Program Starting Bid $200 664. Arturo Toscanini Signed Appreciation Card Starting Bid $200 665. Joaquin Turina Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 666. Giuseppe Verdi Personal Calling Card Starting Bid $200 667. Eugene Ysaye Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 668. Louis Armstrong Document Signed (1970) Starting Bid $200 669. Louis Armstrong Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 670. Batman: Neal Hefti Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 671. Irving Berlin (2) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $200 672. Irving Berlin Signature Starting Bid $100 673. George Gershwin Signature Starting Bid $200 674. Dizzy Gillespie Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 675. Johnny Green Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $100 676. Marvin Hamlisch (2) Autograph Musical Quotations Signed Starting Bid $200 677. Lionel Hampton (5) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 678. W. C. Handy Signed Check Starting Bid $200 679. Coleman Hawkins Document Signed Starting Bid $200 680. Ray Henderson Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 681. Jerry Herman (2) Signed Items - Playbill and Photograph Starting Bid $100 682. Henry Mancini Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 683. Glenn Miller Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 684. Stephen Sondheim Signed Book Starting Bid $200 685. Stephen Sondheim Signed Book Starting Bid $200 686. Stephen Sondheim and Al Hirschfeld Signed Book Starting Bid $200 687. Sarah Vaughan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 688. Henry Clay Work Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 689. Aerosmith Signatures Starting Bid $200 690. Beach Boys: Brian Wilson Signed Book Starting Bid $100 691. Beatles 1966 Suffolk Downs Concert Ticket Starting Bid $200 692. Beatles Original 1963 Southport Handbill Starting Bid $200 693. Beatles: Pete Best Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 694. Beatles: Andy White Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 695. Chuck Berry Signature Starting Bid $200 696. Phil Collins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 697. Phil Collins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 698. Elvis Costello Signed Album Starting Bid $200 699. Culture Club Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 700. Neil Diamond Signed Album Starting Bid $200 701. Bo Diddley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 702. Fleetwood Mac: John McVie Bass Guitar Gig Bag Starting Bid $200 703. Foo Fighters Signed Album Flat Starting Bid $200 704. Bill Haley and the Comets Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 705. Billy Joel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 706. Elton John Signed 1985 -1986 Tour Program Starting Bid $200 707. Elton John Signature Starting Bid $200 708. Elton John Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 709. Led Zeppelin 1979 Knebworth Park Poster Starting Bid $200 710. Jerry Lee Lewis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 711. Little Richard Signature Starting Bid $200 712. Meat Loaf and Phil Rizzuto Signed Album Starting Bid $200 713. The Monkees (4) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 714. Moody Blues Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 715. Nirvana: Krist Novoselic Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $100 716. Nirvana: Krist Novoselic Signed CD Booklet Starting Bid $100 717. Carl Perkins Signed Pickguard Starting Bid $200 718. Pure Prairie League Signed Album Starting Bid $200 719. Rock an Rock Hall of Fame Signed Poster Starting Bid $200 720. Rock and Roll: 1960s Autograph Album Starting Bid $100 721. Dusty Springfield Signature Starting Bid $200 722. Thin Lizzy: Phil Lynott Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 723. Traffic Signed 45 RPM Record Sleeve Starting Bid $200 724. Uriah Heep Signatures Starting Bid $200 725. Gene Vincent Signature Starting Bid $200 726. Woodstock Three-Day Admission Ticket PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $200 727. Yes: Rick Wakeman Signed Poster Starting Bid $100 728. Michael Jackson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 729. Katy Perry Signed DVD Cover Starting Bid $200 730. Katy Perry Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 740. Cary Grant Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 771. Bud Abbott Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 772. Ursula Andress Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 773. Julie Andrews Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200 774. Jean Arthur Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 775. Richard Attenborough (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100 776. Brigitte Bardot (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200 777. Jean-Louis Barrault Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 778. Richard Barthelmess Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 779. Edgar Bergen Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 780. Ingrid Bergman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 781. Milton Berle Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 782. Bernardo Bertolucci Signed Book Starting Bid $200 783. Blue Velvet Collection of (30) Production Photographs Starting Bid $200 784. Blue Velvet Official Crew Shirt and Coffee Mug Starting Bid $200 785. Blue Velvet Official Film Crew Jacket Starting Bid $200 786. Beulah Bondi Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 787. Neville Brand Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 788. George Brent Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 789. Charles Bronson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 790. Clive Brook Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 791. Yul Brynner Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 792. Richard Burton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 793. Tim Burton Signed Lithograph Starting Bid $200 794. Tim Burton Signed Lithograph Starting Bid $200 795. James Cagney Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 796. Claudia Cardinale Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 797. Jeff Chandler Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 798. Maurice Chevalier Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 799. Charles Coburn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 800. Sean Connery Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 801. Sean Connery Signature Starting Bid $200 802. Richard Conte Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 803. Tex Cooper Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 804. Olivia de Havilland Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 805. Olivia de Havilland Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 806. Vittorio De Sica Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 807. Sergei Diaguilev Signed Mailing Envelope Starting Bid $200 808. Irene Dunne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 809. Robert Duvall Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 810. Sergei Eisenstein: Alexander Nevsky (1938) Original Poster Starting Bid $200 811. Federico Fellini Signed Book and Endorsed Check Starting Bid $200 812. Glenn Ford Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 813. Harrison Ford Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 814. Clark Gable Signed Check Starting Bid $200 815. Greer Garson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 816. Grease: Newton-John and Channing Signed Soundtrack Album Starting Bid $200 817. Fred Gwynne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 818. Larry Hagman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 819. Susan Hayward Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 820. Rita Hayworth Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 821. Ben Hecht Document Signed Starting Bid $100 822. Jim Henson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 823. Charlton Heston Signed Poster Starting Bid $200 824. Charlton Heston Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 825. Charlton Heston Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 826. Arthur Hiller Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200 827. Dennis Hopper Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 828. Dennis Hopper: Out of the Sixties First Edition Book Starting Bid $100 829. Dennis Hopper Photographs (One Signed) Starting Bid $100 830. Trevor Howard Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 831. Robert Mitchum Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 832. John Huston Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 833. John Huston Autograph Note Signed on Moby Dick Starting Bid $200 834. Walter Huston Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 835. Jacknife Official Film Crew Jacket Starting Bid $200 836. Emil Jannings (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200 837. Bob Kane, Ray Bradbury, and Batman Cast Multi-Signed Book Starting Bid $200 838. Elia Kazan Signed Book Starting Bid $200 839. Klaus Kinski Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 840. Otto Kreuger Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 841. Carl Laemmle Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 842. Veronica Lake Signature Starting Bid $200 843. Burt Lancaster Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 844. Stan Laurel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 845. Stan Laurel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 846. Jack Lemmon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 847. Sheldon Leonard Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 848. Joseph Losey Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 849. Chico Marx Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 850. Raymond Massey Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 851. Patrick McGoohan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 852. Victor McLaglen Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 853. Liza Minnelli (6) Signed Checks Starting Bid $200 854. Thomas Mitchell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 855. Maria Montez Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 856. Roger Moore Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 857. Yvonne Moray Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 858. Olivia Newton-John Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 859. Anna Q. Nilsson Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 860. Anna Q. Nilsson Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 861. David Niven Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 862. Peter O'Toole Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 863. Once Upon a Time in America Shooting Script Starting Bid $200 864. Maria Ouspenskaya Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 865. Jack Palance (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100 866. Anna Pavlova Signature Starting Bid $100 867. Gregory Peck Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 868. Gregory Peck Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 869. Dick Powell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 870. Claude Rains Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 871. Basil Rathbone Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 872. Jean Renoir Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 873. Natasha Richardson and Kenneth Branagh Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 874. Jerome Robbins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 875. Rocky Horror Picture Show: Richard O'Brien Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 876. Fred Rogers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 877. Will Rogers Signature Starting Bid $200 878. Robert Ryan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 879. Romy Schneider Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 880. Red Skelton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 881. Barbara Stanwyck and Frank Fay Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 882. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 883. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 884. Star Wars: John Williams and David Prowse Signed Poster Starting Bid $200 885. Star Wars: John Williams Signature Starting Bid $200 886. James Stewart (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 887. James Stewart Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 888. James Stewart Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 889. Gloria Stuart Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 890. Margaret Sullavan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 891. Irving Thalberg and Sam Wood Document Signed Starting Bid $200 892. Charlize Theron Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 893. Gene Tierney Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 894. Franchot Tone Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 895. Spencer Tracy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 896. Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn (2) Signed Items Starting Bid $200 897. Ben Turpin Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200 898. Alida Valli Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 899. Lee Van Cleef Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 900. Conrad Veidt Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 901. Martha Vickers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100 902. Erich von Stroheim Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 903. Eli Wallach Original Sketch of 'Tuco' Starting Bid $200 904. Orson Welles Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 905. Alice White Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 906. Wizard of Oz: Ray Bolger Signature Starting Bid $100 907. William Wyler Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 908. Bolo Yeung Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 909. Robert Young (2) Signed Oversized Photographs Starting Bid $200 916. Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 917. Muhammad Ali Signature Starting Bid $100 918. Auto Racing MultiSigned Photograph Starting Bid $200 919. Berlin 1936 Summer Olympics Athletics Ticket Stub - PSA VG-EX 4 Starting Bid $200 920. Boston Legends: Bird, Orr, and Williams Signed Photo Print Starting Bid $200 921. Wilt Chamberlain Signed Drink Coaster Starting Bid $200 922. Ezzard Charles Signature Starting Bid $200 923. Joe DiMaggio Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 924. Joe DiMaggio Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 925. Ben Hogan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 926. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Signed Fight Pass - PSA GEM MINT 10 Starting Bid $100 927. C. K. Nayudu Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 928. NY Yankees: 2000 Multi-Signed Photograph w/ Jeter, Rivera, Torre Starting Bid $200 929. Pele Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 930. Pele Signed Soccer Jersey Starting Bid $200 940. Star Trek Starting Bid $200

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Section 1

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Section 4


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Section 5

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Section 11

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Section 8

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Section 9


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Section 10

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Section 7 Sales Tax

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Section 12 RR

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Section 13


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Section 14


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Section 15

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Section 16

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Section 17

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Section 18


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Section 22 Glossary of Condition terms

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VERY GOOD describes an item that we believe exhibits more moderate flaws (such as toning, light staining, professional reinforcements or repairs, etc.). Most collectors would be comfortable with items in very good condition, and this would be the expected condition for many formats (early presidential documents, for example).

GOOD describes an item which we believe to have obvious visible flaws, including heavy wear, missing portions, or repairs that affect appearance; generally items in this condition are offered only if an item is otherwise believed to be exceedingly rare or important.

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