RR Auction: Fine Autographs and Artifacts

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Fine Autographs and Artifacts | April 17, 2024 | www.RRAuction.com


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2 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS
Image larger than actual size.

Presidents and First Ladies

Scarce Potomac Company

financial document, neatly endorsed by George Washington as he aimed to promote early American infrastructure

1. George Washington Document Signed for the Potomac Company. DS, signed “Go: Washington,” one page, 4.25 x 7.75, January 22, 1787. Potomac Company financial receipt, neatly endorsed on the reverse in ink by George Washington, George Gilpin, and John Fitzgerald as directors. The front, signed by James Smith, reads, in full: “Alexandria, January 22d 1787. Received of Wm. Hartshorne, Treasurer of the Potomac Company Ten pounds Four shillings on acco’t.” Impressively mounted, cloth-matted, and framed with a color copy of the front, a color portrait of Washington, and a biographical caption to an overall size of 30 x 28. In fine condition. George Washington’s bold, crisp autograph is an ideal example.

One of George Washington’s greatest interests in the period between the end of the Revolutionary War and the start of his presidency was the development of the picturesque Potomac River as a navigable inland transportation route. The Potowmack Company, formed to accomplish this task using a series of locks and canals, was formed in 1785 and Washington was named the company’s president. The company’s 1785 charter provided ‘liberal wages’ for ‘any Number not exceeding one hundred good Hands with provisions and a reasonable Quantity of Spirits.’ During this period, James Smith was serving as an assistant manager; in June 1788, he would be promoted to manager of the project.

With an eye toward the greater good of the nation, Washington’s ambitions surpassed those of the ordinary businessman—he

believed that improved infrastructure would strengthen the fledgling United States, with the Potomac Canal forming a literal link from east to west and binding together territories in a ‘chain which could never be broken.’ The project was beset by constant difficulty: insufficient funding and constant legal trouble contributed to the company’s ineffectiveness and eventual failure. A significant document associated with a major early American infrastructure project. Starting Bid $1000

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Revolutionary War–dated free frank by Gen. George Washington to his first aide-de-camp

2. George Washington Revolutionary War-Dated Signed Free Frank (1778). Revolutionary War-dated full free frank, measuring 13 x 8 unfolded with a 6.75 x 3.25 center panel, addressed in another hand, “To Colonel Baylor, 3d Reg’t Dragoons, Fredericksburg, Virginia,” and franked in the lower left, “Go: Washington.” Docketing to the upper right reads, “On public service, Free,” and along the left edge, “Aug’t 3d 1778.” In very good to fine condition, with professionally repaired separations to expected folds, scattered staining, and repaired paper loss to upper panel from seal removal.

George Baylor (1752-1784) served throughout the Revolutionary War, his first position being aide-de-camp to George Washington. He served with distinction in the famous Battle of Trenton that followed the crossing of the Delaware, and Washington granted him the privilege of delivering news of

the American victory and the captured Hessian flag to the Continental Congress in Baltimore. For his efforts Baylor was promoted to colonel and given command of the newly formed 3rd Continental Light Dragoons, which he was still leading when Washington sent him this.

A letter from Washington to Baylor from this date, August 3, 1778, appears in Washington’s collected writings, presumably that which this free frank enclosed; in it, he directs Baylor to desist in his efforts to purchase more horses due to their exorbitant price, and asks that he come immediately with his men to the newly established camp in White Plains, New York. An extremely desirable war-dated piece from the first commander-in-chief, with an important connection to one of his most trusted officers. Starting Bid $1000

4 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

Circa 1776

envelope panel containing 16 words in the hand of George Washington

3. George Washington Hand-Addressed Envelope Panel. Extremely desirable envelope panel addressed entirely in the hand of George Washington, 6.25 x 3, no date but circa 1776, in full: “To the Hon. Ab’m Yates Esq’r, Presid’t of the Congress of the State of New York.” Affixed to a slightly larger sheet which bears a notation on the reverse by autograph dealer Walter R. Benjamin certifying the authenticity of the piece. In fine condition. Accompanied by an engraved portrait with facsimile signature and a one-page ALS from Abraham Yates, signed “Abm. Yates, Jr.,” June 1, 1788, which contains “notes that I made this morning in Congress.” Abraham Yates became president of the New York Congress on August 28, 1776, and served in that role for only a month, presumably dating this piece to that historic year. Starting Bid $500

Adams endorses a plea in a 1768 land dispute

6. John Adams Autograph Endorsement Signed. Handwritten endorsement, signed “John Adams,” on the reverse of a partial manuscript document, one page, 7.5 x 10.5, circa December 1768, ordering the Sheriff to “Attach the Goods of Estate of Jeremiah Russell of Boston,” regarding a piece of land from the estate of John Osborne. On the reverse Adams writes, “and the Pttf agreeing to the within Reservation say the said…plea is not sufft, and the said Jeremiah says his Plea is sufficient.” In very good condition, with light soiling, toning along the folds, and archival repairs to splitting to the lower horizontal fold. Adams had been serving as a lawyer for the past 10 years, and at the time of this endorsement, was a fierce opponent of the Stamp Act, having published several anonymous articles as well as drafting the Braintree Instructions. Starting Bid $200

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Recognizing his “love of Country,” Adams presents a new volume to one of America’s most voracious readers

4. John Adams Autograph Letter Signed to a Reverend, Acknowledging His “Love of Country”. ALS, one page, 7.5 x 9.5, June 30, 1813. Handwritten letter to Reverend William Bentley in Salem, in full: “Well knowing your love of your Country, and your judicious discrimination in the choice of measures to promote its Interest: I presume you will not be displeased with inclosed Volume. Be so good as to accept it, as a very small expression of gratitude for the many civilities I have received from you. At the same time your Situation may afford Opportunities of improving the Work and extending its Circulation.” Impressively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 30 x 27. In fine condition.

The recipient, Rev. William Bentley (1759–1819), was a Unitarian minister, scholar, and polymath, said to have possessed the second best personal library in the United States—surpassed only by that of Thomas Jefferson. He must have looked fondly upon Adams’s gift of a new volume with high esteem, and—as he was an indefatigable reader—perused it with pride and satisfaction. He kept detailed diaries recording current events, and, beginning in 1794, produced a weekly news summary of world events for the Salem Gazette. Starting Bid $500

6 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS
Four-language ship’s pass signed by President John Adams—a relic of the rice trade between the Carolinas and Cowes

5. John Adams Signed

Four-Language Ship’s Passport as President.

Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 18 x 15, March 18, 1797. Four-language ship’s pass issued to “John Moulton, master or commander of the Brig called Nancy…lying at present in the port of Charleston, bound for Cowes & a Market, and laden with Rice.” Neatly and prominently signed at center in ink by President John Adams, and countersigned by Secretary of State Timothy Pickering. The affixed white paper seals remain intact. Handsomely archivally double-matted and framed with an engraved portrait (bearing a facsimile signature) to an overall size of 29 x 20. In fine condition, with multiple intersecting folds.

During the 18th century, Cowes, seaport town on the Isle of Wight, became the main entry port for rice shipments between the British colony of Carolina and the rest of Europe—a trade that came to a crashing halt with the onset of the American Revolution. As evidenced by this 1797 ship’s passport, the rice trade between the Carolinas and Cowes had resumed by the turn of the century. Starting Bid $500

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President Jefferson appoints a fellow founder as “Commissioner of Loans for the United States”

8. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Document

Signed, Appointing a Founder as Commissioner of Loans. Vellum manuscript DS, signed “Th: Jefferson” as president and “James Madison” as secretary of state, one page, 15 x 12.5, November 22, 1804. Unusual manuscript document by which President Jefferson appoints a fellow Founding Father to a federal post. In part: “Know ye, that reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Integrity, Diligence and Ability of William Few, of New York, I have nominated, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint him Commissioner of Loans for the United States.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by President Thomas Jefferson, and countersigned by Secretary of State James Madison. The white paper seal affixed to the lower left remains intact. Handsomely cloth-matted and framed with two portraits to an overall size of 37 x 22.5. In very good to fine condition, with multiple folds, a light stain, and all of the handwritten portions (including the signatures) light but legible.

William Few (1748–1828) was a statesman who served as a delegate from the state of Georgia at the Constitutional Convention and signed the U.S. Constitution, then became one of Georgia’s first United States Senators, serving in Congress from 1789 to 1793. He moved to Manhattan in 1799 and embarked on yet another career of public service, serving as a representative in New York’s state assembly, as inspector of prisons, and as United States Commissioner of Loans—an appointment made by President Jefferson with this document. Starting Bid $500

8 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

Superb presidential free frank by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to a War Department clerk

7. Thomas Jefferson Signed Free Frank as President. Full hand-addressed free frank, as president, measuring 10 x 8 unfolded with a 5.25 x 3.5 center panel, addressed in Jefferson’s hand to “The first Clerk of the Department of War, Washington,” and franked in the upper left “Free, Th: Jefferson, Pr. US.” Docketed along the edge of the lower panel in another hand: “The President of U.S.A., Monticello, Aug’t 25, 1804.” In fine condition, with archival tape repairs to the back of short fold splits. A crisply penned, highly desirable free frank from the United States of America’s third president. Starting Bid $300

First Lady Dolley Madison pens an original poem on the power of music: “Can dying love with vital breath inspire”

9. Dolley Madison Autograph Poem

Signed. Handwritten poem by Dolley Madison, signed “D. P. Madison,” one page, 7 x 3.25, no date. Madison pens an interesting poem on the power of music. Read full poem online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

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10. James Madison Signed

Check as President. Office of Pay and Deposit of the Bank of Columbia ‘private account’ check, 7 x 2.5, filled out and signed by Madison as president, “James Madison,” payable to Butler & Co. for $353.59, August 9, 1813. In very good to fine condition, with light overall creasing. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Starting Bid $300

President Madison appoints the USS Constitution’s sailmaker

11. James Madison Document Signed as President, Appointing the Sailmaker of the USS Constitution. Partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 11.5 x 7.75, June 20, 1812. President Madison appoints William Widgeon as “a sailmaker in the Navy of the United States.” Signed at the conclusion by President James Madison and countersigned by Secretary of the Navy Paul Hamilton. Handsomely archivally matted and framed with two images and a caption to an overall size of 19.25 x 24.25. In very good to fine condition, with light soiling and trimmed edges. Widgeon was assigned to the USS Constitution, serving as its sailmaker from July 3, 1812–June 22, 1815. He was one of the few members of Constitution’s War of 1812 crew who served during all of the ship’s battles: he was on board Old Ironsides during her engagements with HMS Guerriere on August 19, 1812, with HMS Java on December 29, 1812, and with HMS Cyane and HMS Levant on February 20, 1815. Starting Bid $200

10 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

12. James Madison Autograph Letter

Signed. ALS, one page, 7.5 x 9.5, October 30, 1828. Handwritten letter to Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, written by Madison from his Montpelier home. In full: “I have received yours of the 25th and have the pleasure of inclosing a copy of the paper which is the subject of it. Permit me to accompany it with renewed assurances of my great & cordial esteem, and the sincere return from Mrs. Madison of your kind remembrances.” Gorgeously cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 26.25 x 25. In fine condition, with a small area of restored paper loss to the lower blank area. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau (1760–1844) was a FrenchAmerican linguist, philosopher, and jurist who emigrated to America to serve in the Revolutionary War, later making major contributions to the study of Native American languages and the understanding of written Chinese. Starting Bid $200

Rare check signed by President Jackson in 1835, paying for the training of a ‘filly’ horse

13. Andrew Jackson Signed Check as President for Horse Training. Bank of the Metropolis check, 5.25 x 2.5, filled out and signed by Jackson as president, “Andrew Jackson,” payable to John L. Brightwell for $17, June 6, 1835. In fine condition. This payment is documented in a manuscript receipt held by the Library of Congress, on which Jackson notes the payment of a $17.00 balance due to John L. Brightwell ‘for keeping filly’ through June 6, 1835. The receipt itemizes sums for ‘Linen dress and Sheet,’ ‘3 weeks Training B. filly,’ and ‘boy’s wages & rubber’; photocopies of the receipt accompany the check. President Jackson bred horses at his home, The Hermitage, near Nashville, Tennessee, and kept a racing stable at the White House. An interesting piece related to the president’s equestrian activities. Starting Bid $300

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President Polk introduces Mississippi’s emissary to the United Kingdom, with a reference to senator Jefferson Davis

14. James K. Polk Autograph Letter Signed as President, Mentioning Jefferson Davis and Mississippi’s Foreign Debt. Scarce ALS as president, one page, 8 x 10, December 10, 1847. Handwritten letter to George Bancroft, United States minister to the United Kingdom, referring to Senators Jefferson Davis and Henry S. Foote of Mississippi. In part: “Thomas E. Robins, Esqr. the gentleman who will hand you this letter, has been intrusted to me by…Davis and…Foote, members of the Senate of the United States from the State of Mississippi—and I take pleasure in commanding him to your kind attentions. Mr. Robins’ visit to Great Britain, with a view if possible, to arrange the public debt of that state, with the foreign creditors—I am not informed of the extent of his powers, but that, as well as the object he desires to accomplish, he will explain to you.” Beautifully cloth-matted and framed with an engraved portrait and caption to an overall size of 26.25 x 24. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

15. James K. Polk Document Signed as President. Partlyprinted vellum DS as president, one page, 13.25 x 16, February 13, 1846. President Polk appoints William Chapman as “Captain in the Fifth Regiment of Infantry in service of the United States.” Signed at the conclusion by James K. Polk and countersigned by Secretary of War William L. Marcy. The upper left retains the original white War Office seal. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

12 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

16. Zachary Taylor Letter Signed. LS signed “Z. Taylor, Lt. Col., 1st Regt. U.S. Infy., Comd’g,” one page, 7.75 x 9.5, May 1, 1828. Letter to Adjutant General Roger Jones in Washington, D.C., sent from Taylor’s headquarters at New Orleans. In full: “I have the honor to enclose herewith muster rolls of the four companies of the 1st Regt. at the post under my command for the months of March & April last.” In fine condition. Taylor served in the US Army from 1808 until 1849, rising to the rank of Major General. He was stationed in New Orleans in early 1827, in Baton Rouge that summer, and back in New Orleans that fall. This letter was written the very day Taylor left New Orleans headed northward to command Fort Snelling for a year in what would later be Saint Paul, Minnesota. Starting Bid $200

Colonel Taylor approves office supplies for Fort Crawford in late 1832

17. Zachary Taylor Document Signed - Fort Crawford Supplies Requisition. Manuscript DS, signed “Z. Taylor, Col., 1st Regt. U.S. Inf Comdr,” one page, 8 x 9.75, December 1832. Request for stationery and writing supplies at Fort Crawford, in part: “Requisition for Stationery for the use of a Regimental Court Martial convened at Fort Crawford December 1832- 2. Two quires writing paper, 18. Eighteen Quills, 24. Twenty four wafers. The Capt. Quarter Master, Lt. B. W. Stockton will issue agreeably to the above requisition.” Signed below by Zachary Taylor with his rank and title. Countersigned by a 1st Infantry lieutenant who confirms receipt of the order on December 8, 1832. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Superlative check signed by Abraham Lincoln to a Springfield book publisher, who he approached about publishing his historic debates with Stephen Douglas

18. Abraham Lincoln Signed Check - PSA MINT 9. Highly desirable Springfield Marine and Fire Insurance Company check, 7.5 x 2.75, filled out and signed by Lincoln, “A. Lincoln,” payable to Johnson & Bradford for $72.10, February 16, 1859. In very fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “MINT 9.”

Lincoln, while campaigning in 1858 for Illinois’ Senate seat, kept a scrapbook with newspaper clippings reporting his debates with Stephen Douglas. His performance against the better known incumbent had been well received, and he realized that his speeches would have a larger audience if he could distribute them outside Illinois. Printer William Ross had written Lincoln about publishing the speeches, and Lincoln had approached local Springfield publishers Johnson & Bradford about the project. On March 21, 1859, Johnson & Bradford wrote to Lincoln: ‘We have concluded not to print the Debates, you can tell the other man to go ahead.’ A desirable Lincoln check written and signed as his political career picked up momentum. Starting Bid $1000

14 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS
Incredibly bold signature of Abraham Lincoln, who pens the address of Radical Republican abolitionist Charles Sumner

Image larger than actual size.

20. Abraham Lincoln Signature with Handwritten Address for Charles Sumner. Exceptionally bold ink signature, “A. Lincoln,” on an off-white 3.25 x 2 clipped slip, with the address of Senator Charles Sumner penned below in Lincoln’s hand: “Hon. Charles Sumner, 212 F Street, bet. 14 & 15.” In fine condition, with some small stains, not affecting the choice signature.

The leader of the ‘Radical Republican’ faction, the ardently abolitionist Sumner criticized President Abraham Lincoln’s policies toward the South as too moderate. Sumner’s residence on F Street—a short walk from the White House—is documented in the Washington Post’s ‘A History of the City of Washington, Its Men and Institutions,’ edited by Allan B. Slauson: ‘Senator Sumner, whose first lodgings were on E street, just above Sixth, found, upon his return, just before the war, an abiding place on F street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, where he remained for many years.’ A superb Civil War association piece. Starting Bid $1000

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16 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

Superb war-dated commission for a U.S. Navy Lieutenant

19. Abraham Lincoln Naval Document Signed as President (1861). Civil War-dated partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 14.5 x 17.75, August 5, 1861. President Lincoln appoints Henry W. Miller as “Lieutenant in the Navy.” Boldly signed at the conclusion by President Lincoln and countersigned by Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles. The light green Navy Department seal remains affixed at the bottom vignette. In very good to fine condition, with creasing to the edges, and several light vertical folds.

Henry William ‘Harry’ Miller (1836-1904), a Civil War Naval Officer, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1857. He served on the USS Minnesota and USS Mohican, patrolling against pirates and slave traders, and was appointed as a U.S. Navy Lieutenant just six days after the Civil War began. While on the Mohican, Miller was cited for bravery in leading a small boat crew to rescue 26 men from the Union transport Peerless sinking off the North Carolina coast. A fantastic, boldly signed Lincoln appointment for a notable figure in the history of the U.S. Navy. Starting Bid $1000

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President Lincoln generously pardons a Navy officer convicted for leading a

mutiny that left one man dead

21. Abraham Lincoln Document Signed as President, Pardoning a Mutiny Leader. Civil War–dated partly-printed DS as president, signed “Abraham Lincoln,” one page, 8 x 10, September 12, 1861. President Lincoln orders the Secretary of State “to affix the Seal of the United States to the President’s Warrant for the pardon of Robert Craig.” Signed at the conclusion in full by President Abraham Lincoln. In fine condition, with faint toning to the edges and folds, and a couple tiny edge tears.

Born in Philadelphia to Scottish and Irish immigrants, Robert Craig served on board the ship William F. Storer as it began its journey to Liverpool in 1860. While docked in the North

River before departure, eight men, led by Craig, conducted a mutiny on board, gathering tools from the deck and beating steward Andrew Mitchell to death. Quickly arrested by Harbor Police, the men were tried and found guilty; Craig bore the brunt of the responsibility and was sentenced to seven years in prison. After reviewing the case—just one of over 1600 cases of military justice that landed on his desk during his presidency—Lincoln granted a pardon to Craig, who then returned to the Navy where he remained active until his discharge in October of 1865. A handsome example of Lincoln’s liberal use of presidential pardons, giving a second chance to a Navy officer who would remain loyal for the duration of the Civil War. Starting Bid $500

18 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

22. Andrew Johnson

Civil War-Dated Autograph

Letter Signed on a Colonel’s Appointment. Civil War-dated ALS, one page, 5 x 8, January 9, 1862. Handwritten letter to Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas regarding an appointment, written from the “Senate Chamber.” In part: “Will Genl. Thomas be kind enough to send me a copy of the letter addressed to Col. Carter of the 20 Regiment of Tennessee Vol. in regard to his appointment of Col. Hon. Horace Maynard and myself consulted you and the Secretary of War on Saturday last in reference to it &c. I sent one of the pages with a letter to you on Monday last for a Copy, but presume it has been overlooked or your answer misplaced.” Handsomely cloth-matted and framed with an engraved portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 21.5 x 24.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

President Grant battles the Ku Klux Klan in South Carolina

23. U. S. Grant Document Signed as President to End Ku Klux Klan Violence. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8.5 x 11, October 12, 1871. President Grant directs the Secretary of State to “affix the Seal of the United States to my Proclamation of the twelfth of October, 1871.” Signed neatly at the conclusion by U. S. Grant. In very good to fine condition, with light soiling to the bottom blank area, and a tear to the top edge.

The document represents President Grant’s early response to Klan violence in the state of South Carolina, which had been increasing since the election of Republican Governor Robert Kingston Scott in 1868. Subsequent federal investigations uncovered evidence of hundreds of whippings and dozens of racially motivated murders in South Carolina between 1870 and 1872. Convinced that Klan activities in South Carolina amounted to warfare, on October 12th, Grant ordered all persons to ‘disband and disperse’ from the ‘unlawful combinations and conspiracies’ commonly known as the Ku Klux Klan and to hand over their weapons and disguises to federal marshals. After receiving no such compliance, on October 17th, Grant issued another proclamation declaring nine counties in active rebellion and suspended habeas corpus. Starting Bid $200

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President Grant congratulates Queen Victoria on her new granddaughter, the future Queen of Norway

24. President U. S. Grant Sends a Congratulatory Letter to Queen Victoria. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8.5 x 11, January 11, 1870. President Grant directs the Secretary of State to “affix the Seal of the United States to an envelope containing a Congratulatory letter to Her Majesty, the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.” Signed crisply at the conclusion by U. S. Grant. Affixed inside a presentation folder, which also bears a descriptive statement in an unknown hand: “Jan. 11th, 1870, Answer to a letter of Her Majesty Queen Victoria announcing the Birth of Princess to the Princess of Wales.” In fine condition, with a few small spots of foxing.

Grant’s letter was sent to congratulate the birth of Maud of Wales (Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria), the youngest daughter of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra of the United Kingdom, who was born on November 26, 1869. She was known as Princess Maud of Wales before her marriage to King Haakon VII, after which she became the Queen of Norway. Starting Bid $200

President Grant’s handwritten telegram from Washington, D.C. to his son in New York City

25. U. S. Grant Autograph Telegram

Signed as President. Autograph telegram as president, signed “U. S. Grant,” one page, 7 x 4, Franklin Telegraph Company letterhead, January 27, 1875. Handwritten telegram from “Washington, D.C.,” penned by Grant during his presidency, to his son, “Col. F. D. Grant,” in part: “Steamer Balhi now at Sandy Hook, coming up. Be sure and meet your sisters at launching about ten thirty.” In very good to fine condition, with haloing to the handwritten text, and small areas of paper loss affecting none of Grant’s handwriting. An interesting handwritten piece by President Grant as he tends to both family affairs and matters of state. Starting Bid $200

20 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

26. U. S. Grant Document Signed as President. Desirable partlyprinted DS as president, signed “U. S. Grant,” one page, 15 x 18.5, January 5, 1870. President Grant appoints Witts W. Leggett as “Second Lieutenant in the Eighth Regiment of Cavalry.” Neatly signed at the conclusion in ink by President Ulysses S. Grant, and countersigned by Secretary of War William W. Belknap. The blue seal affixed at the upper left remains fully intact. Impressively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 35 x 30. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

28. U. S. Grant Document Signed. Partly-printed DS, signed “U. S. Grant,” one page, 13.75 x 16.75, August 28, 1865. Blank membership certificate for the Soldiers Monument Association, neatly signed at the conclusion by Ulysses S. Grant as the association’s president. The eye-catching document features several vignettes including Abraham Lincoln surrounded by clouds, rays of light, US flags, and six tattered banners, crowned by an eagle with a scroll in its beak. In fine condition, with central vertical and horizontal folds, one with a small edge separation.

The association is named in honor of Joseph Hamilton Daviess, a Kentucky lawyer, who had volunteered to serve in the Indiana militia in 1811. He was put in command of two companies of dragoons and all the cavalry in Governor William Henry Harrison’s army, and was mortally wounded on November 6, 1811, in the Battle of Tippecanoe. Starting Bid $200

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Rare presidential commission by James A. Garfield, signed just 16 days before he was shot by Guiteau

29. James A. Garfield Document Signed as President. Rare partly-printed DS as president, one page, 16.5 x 13.5, June 16, 1881. President Garfield appoints Daniel P. Foley as “Third Lieutenant in the Revenue Service of the United States.” Boldly signed at the conclusion by President James A. Garfield and countersigned by Secretary of the Treasury William Windom. Archivally double-matted and framed with an engraved portrait (featuring a facsimile signature) to an overall size of 31 x 20. In fine condition, with faint staining toward the top.

Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA, a print of Garfield’s ‘Lawnfield’ home, and a copy of a letter regarding the document by Garfield’s biographer, John M. Taylor, in part: “I think that commissions such as yours are one of the rarest forms of Garfield’s presidential autograph. If you recall, the Senate was at loggerheads with Garfield for most of his brief term, so little was acted on which required Senate consent.” Unlike most Garfield documents signed as president (which are postal commissions and do not require Senate approval), this is the much rarer type of document which required Senate confirmation for the appointment. A very scarce presidential autograph signed by Garfield just weeks before he was shot by Charles Guiteau. Starting Bid $500

22 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

30. James A. Garfield Signed Photograph. Distinguished 4.25 x 6.5 cabinet photo of James A. Garfield by Harroun and Bierstadt of New York, boldly signed across the bottom of the image in black ink, “J. A. Garfield.” Blindstamped in the lower right corner by the studio. In fine condition, with some light rubbing and soiling to the image. Starting Bid $200

Massive portrait of the president-elect

31. Benjamin Harrison Signed Oversized Portrait Photograph as President-Elect. Huge sepia-tone 10 x 15.5 portrait of Harrison taken in 1888 by George Prince, affixed to its original 11 x 17.25 mount, signed on the mount in black ink as president-elect, “Benj. Harrison.” Archivally double-cloth-matted and framed. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. Three weeks after Harrison was elected president in November 1888, the Washington Post reported that local photographer George Prince, whose studio was on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 11th Street, had gone to Indianapolis and ‘made a large photograph of General Harrison.’ A highly presentable presidential showpiece that is assuredly one of the largest signed portraits of Harrison extant. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 23
24 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS
Extensively hand-corrected article by Theodore Roosevelt on the history of the Progressive Party, containing a profound pronouncement of his ideals and values

32. Theodore Roosevelt Signed and Hand-Edited Manuscript: “The Progressive Party; A movement to relate Democratic Government to the economic and social needs of a Democracy”. Exceptional typed manuscript draft for an article by Theodore Roosevelt, titled and signed at the head in pencil, “The Progressive Party; A movement to relate Democratic Government to the economic and social needs of a Democracy, By Theodore Roosevelt,” 25 pages, 8.5 x 10.5, no date but circa 1913. A forceful article attacking the Republican Party and the decisions made at the 1912 Republican National Convention, also outlining the history, purpose, and ideals of his newly formed Progressive Party—popularly nicknamed the ‘Bull Moose Party.’ Roosevelt makes extensive corrections to the text in pencil, adding and deleting words, phrases, and complete sentences; only one page remains unamended. The article was ultimately published in London’s The Hibbert Journal (Vol. XII, No. 1).In small part: “The movement that resulted in the formation of the Progressive Party of the United States had in it much that was analogous to the movement that resulted in the formation of the Republican Party. But such movements are never mere repetitions of what has gone before, and this particular one had in it much to which there is no analogy in previous American history. The Republican Party was founded on one definite issue—the restriction of the area of slavery in the United States. By its mere entering into power it achieved this purpose, and the issue, in disappearing, created a new crisis. The party found itself faced by a totally distinct task, two-fold but equally definite, that is the preservation of the Union, and, after a year or two, the abolition of slavery. There were thus in succession three sharply defined principles of overmastering importance as to which there was intense and open antagonism between the Republicans and their party opponents. As regards the Progressive Party the course of affairs has been different. The causes of revolt against the dominant political and industrial forces are as grave and the signs of revolt as widespread; but the evils are much more diffuse, much less susceptible of sharp distinction, and the

“The principles laid down were really merely the principles of Abraham Lincoln applied to present day needs”

remedies demanded are far more numerous and far less patent and striking in character.The immediate cause of the break was the action of the machine bosses, and their masters, allies and tools at the Republican National Convention of June 1912, in swindling the rank and file of the Republican Party out of their right to choose their own platform and nominate their own candidate. It was such barefaced and insolent wrongdoing that in any event it would have forced a party bolt, and would not merely have justified but have rendered imperatively necessary the refusal of honorable men to take further part in or with the Republican Party until the dishonesty had been acknowledged and atoned for, and the dishonest agents expelled from the party leadership…Among the delegates to the First National Convention of the Progressive Party were women as well as men, one of them, Jane Addams, one of the leading personages in the convention, seconded my nomination...The principles laid down were really merely the principles of Abraham Lincoln applied to present day needs...These principles in their essence are simple. First and foremost we believe in making the people really sovereign…The Progressive proposal is to restore the sovereign power to the people where it rightfully belongs…We hold that the Constitution belongs to the people. They made it, and they fought for it. They paid for it with their blood in time of war, they supported it by their money and their effort in times of peace. Theirs is the right after due deliberation ultimately to decide what it shall be held to mean in any given case where the legislature and the court conflict as to a law being constitutional…We simply desire to restore or re-assert the right of the people themselves ultimately to decide between the two governmental agencies, in the event that they differ as to their interpretation of what the people meant when they made the Constitution.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a photocopy of the article as published in The Hibbert Journal: A Quarterly Review of Religion, Theology, and Philosophy. A remarkable explication of Theodore Roosevelt’s progressive ideals and values, written with the power and ability for which he is known.Starting Bid $1000

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Letter Signed. ALS, one page, 5 x 3, March 10, [no year]. Handwritten letter from Albany, in full: “I am very glad you have written to the Colonel; I shall do all I can to help you, send up a concise memorandum of the

things you

done, to the committee,

soon as possible.” Handsomely mounted, suede-matted, and framed with a portrait and engraved plaque to an overall size of 27 x 25. In very good to fine condition, with old tape stains to the upper left corner, which was apparently once clipped off and the reattached. Starting Bid $200

Outstanding dual-signed 1941 Christmas portrait from the Roosevelts—an official White House gift from the president and first lady

34. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Signed Photograph as President and First Lady - a rare dual-signed 1941 Christmas portrait from the White House. Scarce vintage matte-finish 10 x 8 photo of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt relaxing at a patio table with a book and knitting, an image originally taken on the south porch at Hyde Park on July 4, 1941, signed in fountain pen as president, “Franklin D. Roosevelt,” and as first lady, “Eleanor Roosevelt,” with “Christmas 1941” added in calligraphy as originally produced for the White House and President Roosevelt in 1941. Reverse bears an Associated Press credit stamp. In very good to fine condition, with scattered creasing and faint silvering. Starting Bid $200

26 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS
33. Theodore Roosevelt Autograph exact want as
FDR plans for war with Mexico: “Am in touch with all preparations on Pacific coast. Everything is in first class shape”

35. Franklin D. Roosevelt Autograph Letter Signed on Potential War with Mexico. ALS signed “Roosevelt,” two pages, 8 x 10, no date but April 21, 1914. Handwritten draft of a letter to Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels. In full: “Am in touch with all preparations on Pacific coast. Everything is in first class shape condition and only need is additional officers and men. Ships not Vessels in reserve should be placed in full commission and twenty five hundred additional men should be recruited for this purpose as a reserve force. In addition to this there should be 600 or 700 more marines to bring total to 2000 for active service. This necessary because of length of West Mexican Coast. I would be grateful I should be I should be glad to see Colonel Waller ordered to Mexico. He is anxious to go. Magdalena Bay can should be taken and used as calling port for ships going North and South. A few marines with station ship and coal can hold it without opposition. Will leave for Washington Thursday morning unless

you want me to go to San Diego to conduct general work on Pacific Coast. Please wire answer at once.” A pencil notation in another hand to the reverse of the second page reads: “Bremerton, April, 1914—On verge of war with Mex. I sent this in ‘cipher.’” In fine condition.

Following a series of diplomatic incidents that strained American relations with Mexico, President Wilson learned of an illicit arms shipment from Germany due at the port of Veracruz on April 21, 1914. In response to this violation of an arms embargo, Wilson ordered the blockade and seizure of the port. At this time Roosevelt was serving as assistant secretary of the Navy, and received news of the action while inspecting the US shipyard at Bremerton in Washington state; he sent this message via telegram from the shipyard. FDR was prepared to elevate the crisis into war, and it did indeed leave the United States and Mexico on the brink in the following years. Starting Bid $300

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28 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS
Interrupting a vacation cruise, FDR focuses on protecting Americans amidst the Second Italo-Ethiopian War: “If Ethiopia had a single submarine in the Mediterranean we would not hesitate a moment. Period. But submarines are not the sole causes of danger to American lives and interests”

36. Franklin D. Roosevelt (3) Autograph Letters

Signed as President to Cordell Hull on the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. Three ALSs in pencil as president, all signed “Roosevelt,” totaling five pages, 5 x 8, no dates but circa 1935. All are retained drafts of telegrams written to Secretary of State Cordell Hull while traveling onboard the USS Houston during his ‘second presidential cruise’ in 1935, containing FDR’s reactions to developments in the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.

The first, in full: “It is my judgment that proclamation issue immediately in view of the undoubted state of war and without waiting League action. I entirely approve the suggested statement to be given out at same time as proclamation”

The second, in part: “Approve issuance proclamation and also statement to accompany. Period. Agree…that further action relating to publicity of names and manifests be held up for further study and recommendation by you.

The third, in part: “Americans sailing on belligerent ships may repeat may jeopardize peace or endanger lives or effect commercial interests or security of U.S. In other words if in this specific case Americans continue to patronize Italian ships there may very easily occur some untoward episode either to or by an individual American or through some commercial transaction which violates the spirit of the arms and munitions proclamation. Period. In other words if Americans travel on Italian ships there is that much more danger of some

episode, whereas if the proclamation under section six is issued Americans will do that travelling only at their own risk. Italy can find no affront in this as it carries out what I believe to be the intent and the spirit of the law. Period. The clinching argument is that if Ethiopia had a single submarine in the Mediterranean we would not hesitate a moment. Period. But submarines are not the sole causes of danger to American lives and interests.”

In overall very good to fine condition, with staining to each piece, not affecting any readability. Accompanied by a program from the U.S.S. Houston for FDR’s cruise, listing the presidential party and destinations.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s ‘second presidential cruise’ aboard the U.S.S. Houston began on October 3, 1935, bound for a wide-ranging list of destinations including San Diego, the Cerros Islands, Magdalena Bay, Cocos Island, Balboa, Cristobal, Porto Bello, and Charleston, South Carolina. On the same day, the Second Italo-Ethiopian War broke out when a force of 200,000 soldiers of the Italian Army commanded by Marshal Emilio De Bono attacked Ethiopia without prior declaration of war. The Ethiopian counteroffensive managed to stop the Italian advance for a few weeks, but the superiority of the Italians’ weapons soon overwhelmed the Ethiopian defenses. Roosevelt’s real-time reaction to the crisis—centered on protecting American citizens and interests—offer fascinating insight into his leadership as America’s commander-in-chief. Starting Bid $300

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“We Americans will always be eager to develop in our own lives the same ideals of human dignity and individual freedom we are so vigorously defending on behalf of the United Nations”

37. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter

Signed as President on Racial Integration in the Military and the Korean War. TLS as president, one page, 6.75 x 10, White House letterhead, September 21, 1950. Letter to Dwight R. G. Palmer, president of the General Cable Corporation, commenting on racial integration and the role of the United States in the Korean War. In part: “Last May, the President’s Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services presented a report to me, and I read with much interest and satisfaction of the progress toward equal opportunity that is being made in the Armed Services...I was deeply impressed with its search for ways and means to bring about equality of treatment and opportunity throughout the three Services.

Since the Report was submitted, the Armed Services have been called upon by the United Nations to defend the right of small nations to be free from aggression, and they have made a demonstration of improved military efficiency.

The people of our country have shown that they are united in their willingness to accept this grave responsibility, and are enthusiastic in their devotion to the integrity of the United Nations. We Americans will always be eager to develop in our own lives the same ideals of human dignity and individual freedom we are so vigorously defending on behalf of the United Nations.” In fine condition, with lightly trimmed edges, and complete professional backing. Starting Bid $200

30 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

Early ALS from Jimmy Carter, from the year he became governor

38. Jimmy Carter

Signed (February 1970). ALS signed “Jimmy,” one page, 7.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, February 27, 1970. Handwritten letter to “Mike,” in part: “I want you to work for me full time this summer, coordinating the work among young people throughout Georgia...It sounds as though Bob Macalister can be of great help to us & I look forward to meeting him. Congratulations on your research project! I’m really proud of Claude, and am writing to congratulate him. He is a wonderful young man with a bright future, & I see your helpful hand in his election.” In fine condition, with some faint stains in the margins. Starting Bid $200

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Early Autograph Letter
President Obama comments on the “toxic political environment,” “tea-baggers,” and “the health care reform bill” in a rare handwritten letter

39. Barack Obama Rare Autograph Letter Signed as President on the “toxic political environment”. Superb ALS as president, signed “Barack Obama,” written on both sides of a 6.5 x 4.25 White House stationery card, no date. Handwritten letter to “Mr. Ritter,” in full: “I received your letter, and appreciate your concerns about the toxic political environment right now. I do have to challenge you, though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been ‘targeted and ridiculed,’ or that I have ‘made fun’ of tea-baggers. I think a fair reading is that I have gone out of my way to listen to legitimate criticism, and defend strongly the rights of everyone to speak their mind—including those who routinely call me ‘socialist’ or worse. I sincerely believe that the health care reform bill was the right thing to do for the country. It certainly wasn’t the smart ‘political thing!’ And I hope that in the months to come, you will keep an open mind and evaluate it based not on the political attacks but on what it does or doesn’t do to improve people’s lives.” In very fine condition. Accompanied by the blank original White House envelope.

President Obama thoughtfully responds to a fifth-grade teacher from Texas, who had written to express his dismay over the Affordable Health Care Act and lament the toxic state of the nation’s politics. Though he admits that passing health care reform was not the “smart ‘political thing’” to do, Obama expresses hope that it will improve people’s lives on both sides of the aisle. A significant autograph letter embodying the struggles and triumphs of the Obama era. Starting Bid $1000

32 | April 17, 2024 | PRESIDENTS

Rare Donald Trump personal check with a “GEM MINT” autograph

40. Donald Trump Signed Check

- PSA GEM MINT 10. Rare personal check, filled out in type and signed by Donald Trump, payable to Steiner Sports Memorabilia Inc. for $909.99, August 17, 2011. Encapsulated by PSA/DNA, with the perfect signature graded “GEM MT 10.” In very fine condition.

An avid New York Yankees fan, Donald Trump likely added to his collection of baseball memorabilia with this check. On this date, he appeared on Good Morning America and published four tweets: one critical of President Obama, one denouncing the war in the Middle East, and two promoting his recent television interviews, where he complained about Obama’s vacationing habits and weighed in on the field of Republican candidates for the 2012 election. Though firmly planted in the political arena, Trump was not yet taken seriously as a future candidate; however, he continued to capitalize on his presence in traditional and social media, and on June 16, 2015, he formally announced his candidacy for the next presidential election. Checks signed by US presidents remain scarce and very desirable, and, in some instances, are completely unattainable. Certain modern president checks, such as Lyndon B. Johnson, have sold for well over $10,000, with this Trump check—just the third example we have offered—existing as a sought-after and stand out piece of American popular culture and presidential history. Starting Bid $1000

41. Four Presidents Signed Photograph (Taken at White House Before Anwar Sadat’s Funeral). Color satin-finish 8 x 10 photo of Presidents Nixon through Reagan gathered at the White House before departing for Anwar Sadat’s funeral in 1981, signed in the lower border in blue felt tip, “Ronald Reagan” and “Richard Nixon,” and in black felt tip, “Gerald R. Ford” and “J. Carter.” In very fine condition. The consignor notes that the Reagan signature was obtained in person at Paramount Studios in the spring of 1991, thanks to a scheduled meet-up arranged by studio producer A. C. Lyles, a longtime friend of the Reagans. Starting Bid $300

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Declaration of Independence

Massachusetts 1797 militia commission with a bold Samuel Adams signature

139. Samuel Adams Document Signed. Sought-after partly-printed DS, signed “Samuel Adams,” one page, 14.5 x 8.75, January 23, 1797. As governor of Massachusetts, Samuel Adams appoints Ebenezer Nichols as “Lieutenant of a Company in the First Regiment, (First Brigade), Third Division, of Militia of this Commonwealth.” Neatly signed in the upper left, below the embossed seal of Massachusetts, by Governor Samuel Adams, and countersigned at the conclusion by Secretary John Avery. Gorgeously cloth-matted and framed with an engraved portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 32 x 22.5. In fine condition, with a tiny stain touching one letter of the signature. An ideal, boldly signed military document from the Revolutionary leader. Starting Bid $200

34 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

140. Josiah Bartlett Document Signed. Physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence from New Hampshire (1729-1795) who served as that state’s governor from 1790 to 1794. Partly-printed DS, one page, 14.5 x 12.25, November 17, 1793. As governor of New Hampshire, Josiah Bartlett appoints William Brown as “Captain of the eighth company in the fifth Regiment of Militia, in the said State of New-Hampshire.” Boldly signed at the conclusion by Governor Josiah Bartlett, and countersigned by Secretary Joseph Pearson. Also endorsed in the left margin in 1799 by a captain general, accepting Brown’s resignation. The embossed paper seal affixed to the upper left remains fully intact. Impressively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 33 x 24.5. In very good to fine condition, with splitting to the folds apparently repaired on the reverse (not examined out of the frame). Starting Bid $200

142. Robert Morris Autograph Letter Signed. Important financier (17341806) who signed the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution.


War-dated ALS signed “Rob’t Morris,” one page, 7.25 x 8.5, August 5, 1777. Handwritten letter from Philadelphia, in part: “I have the repeated honor of returning my thanks for your care & trouble in forwarding the sundry letters which I received with your favour of 28 June. I sent forward the several letters for other places.” Beautifully cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 25.5 x 23. In fine condition, with apparent complete backing, and minor paper loss to the bottom edge. Starting Bid $200

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During the Revolutionary War, Governor Hancock commissions a first lieutenant in the Massachusetts militia

141. John Hancock Revolutionary-War Dated Signed Militia Commission. Revolutionary War–dated partly-printed DS, one page, 11 x 12.5, July 1, 1781. As governor of Massachusetts, Hancock appoints Nahum Ward as “first Lieutenant of the fifth Company commanded by Captain Thomas Marshall Baker of the third Regiment of Militia in the County of Worcester whereof Nathan Tyler Esq. is Colonel.” Boldly and prominently signed at the conclusion in ink by Governor John Hancock, and countersigned by Secretary John Avery. Also endorsed in the margin by Col. Nathan Tyler, certifying that Ward “took the Oath required by the Constitution relative to his Office.” The white paper seal affixed to the upper left remains intact. Attractively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 31 x 29. In fine condition, with a few tiny areas of paper loss. Starting Bid $300

36 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

American Politicians

“I am very sorry for the men on trial out there. It is strange how cruel society can be”

144. Clarence Darrow Autograph Letter Signed: “I am very sorry for the men on trial out there”. Famed defense attorney (1857–1938) noted for his role in the Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trial and the Leopold-Loeb thrill-killing case. ALS, one page both sides, 8.5 x 11, Darrow, Baily & Sissman letterhead, October 12, [no year]. Handwritten letter to an associate, in part: “Today I sent you a book The Life of the Fly by Fabre the eminent French naturalist. I have been charmed with all his work…Mrs. Schmidt the sister of the poor fellow on trial leaves tonight for LA…I hope you will give her any help you can. I am very sorry for the men on trial out there. It is strange how cruel society can be. I know they are idealists, those men. It doesn’t seem to me that there is much love in the world or much hope in humanity. It is not alone the terrible war but the daily acts of men—their coldness and lack of charity that makes life seem so helpless. Well there are some who…least of all have the right to complain that men and women have been unkind. Any how I hope that as long as I live I shall remember the goodness of others to me & try to help the unfortunate who come my way.” In fine condition. Darrow seems to make reference to the trial of the “idealists” Eugene V. Debs and Victor L. Berger, who had been indicted under the Espionage Act in February 1918. Starting Bid $200

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“I have been a freethinker nearly all my life but that in no way effects my feeling toward those of all or no religious beliefs”

145. Clarence Darrow Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, one page, 7.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, October 10, 1932. Handwritten letter to “Mrs. Preble,” in full: “Thank you very much for your beautiful letter and your thoughtfulness in sending it. The Farmington of my book is the place where I was born and lived for twenty five years of my life. Its name is Kinsman and is located in North-Eastern Ohio. Scribner’s has just brought out a new edition. A few months ago they published my autobiography. Referring to the debate: It is very common for people to believe that the representative of their side won. It is possible that he did, but I don’t know how one could tell. I have been a freethinker nearly all my life but that in no way effects my feeling toward those of all or no religious beliefs. I hope you will not think less of me or my book after knowing this.” He adds a handwritten postscript, signed “C.D.,” in full: “My health did not seem to be affected by the Honolulu case.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Darrow’s hand. Starting Bid $200

Desirable free frank from Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton to a political rival

146. Alexander Hamilton Signed Free Frank. Full free frank, measuring 8.75 x 7.75 unfolded with a 5.25 x 3 center panel, addressed in another hand to “Melancton Smith, Esq, New York,” and franked in the lower left, “Free, A. Hamilton.” Hamilton’s office, “Treasury Department,” is penned in the upper right in another hand, and the panel bears ‘Free’ and ‘Dec 29’ stamps. A date notation to another panel indicates the year as 1791. In very good condition, with creasing, toning, and old repairs and reinforcements to tears and seal-related paper loss.

New York merchant Melancton Smith was Hamilton’s primary debate rival during the New York state Constitutional ratification convention; once the Constitution was ratified and Hamilton became the first secretary of the Treasury, he arranged commercial relationships with Smith on behalf of the new federal government. Starting Bid $200

38 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
Rare 1774 document signed by Virginia statesman George Mason, the ‘father’ of the Bill of Rights

147. George Mason Third-Person Autograph

Document Signed. American patriot and statesman (1725–1792) who, with James Madison, is considered the ‘father’ of the Bill of Rights. Extremely rare third-person ADS, one page, 7 x 4.75, March 11, 1774. Legal document regarding a financial transaction penned in the hand of George Mason, incorporating his name within the text. In full: “I, Samuel Boone, of Frederick County in the Province of Maryland do promise to pay or cause to be paid unto George Mason of Fairfax County in the Colony of Virginia, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns on or before the first Day of March next…the sum of three pounds eight shillings & two pence sterling Money of Great Britain for Value received.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by Samuel Boone, and countersigned by two witnesses; docketed on the reverse in another hand. Impressively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 24.25 x 22.25. In fine condition. Starting Bid $500

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William Penn conveys

“five hundred Acres of Land”

in Pennsylvania

148. William Penn Document Signed. Englishborn Quaker (1644–1718) and founder of the colony that became the State of Pennsylvania. Partly-printed vellum DS, signed “Wm. Penn,” one page, 18 x 13, July 20, 1682. Impressive land grant document conveying “five hundred Acres of Land” in Pennsylvania, signed at the foot in ink by William Penn. Impressively mounted, cloth-matted, and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 40 x 29.5. In fine condition, with small areas of minor vellum loss. Starting Bid $300

149. Philadelphia Revolutionary War-Era Map by Matthew Albert Lotter (1777). Stunning hand-colored map entitled “A Plan of the City and Environs of Philadelphia,” engraved and published by Matthew Albert Lotter in 1777, measuring 19.5 x 23.5, a Revolutionary War–era reissue of the famous ‘Scull and Heap’ plan of 1752. The large map centers on Thomas Holme’s 1682 urban grid plan for the city, situated between the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers, with numerous outlying ‘county seats’ placed and named, and the city’s primitive road system indicated. A detailed engraving of the Pennsylvania State House—today known as Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776—features at the bottom of the plan. Gorgeously cloth-matted and framed to an overall size of 29.5 x 34. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

40 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

Oversized Brady albumen portrait signed by the British high commissioners of the 1871 Treaty of Washington

150. Treaty of Washington (1871) Oversized Album Photograph by Mathew Brady, Signed by All (6) British High Commissioners. Rare oversized 16.5 x 13.5 albumen photograph of the six British high commissioners to the important 1871 Treaty of Washington, originally taken by famed Civil War-era photographer Mathew Brady, whose name and studio address are annotated directly below the image on the original 22.5 x 19.75 studio mount, “M. B. Brady, 627 Penn. Ave. Wash’n D.C.” The mount also bears bold ink signatures of the six pictured commissioners: Lord Tenterden, Sir Stafford Northcote, Earl de Grey (Marquess of Ripon), Sir Edward Thornton, Mountague Bernard, and Canadian Prime Minister John A. Macdonald. In very good to fine condition, with tears, dampstaining, and corner damage to the mount, all of which could be matted out to produce a striking display. An extremely scarce photo and signature presentation from the studio of Mathew Brady, celebrating the historic and successful Washington Treaty negotiations.

The Treaty of Washington, signed in 1871, was a landmark agreement between the United States and Great Britain that resolved several long-standing disputes between the two nations. Most notable of these were the Alabama Claims, which stemmed from the actions of Confederate naval vessels built and outfitted in British ports during the American Civil War. These ships, particularly the CSS Alabama, inflicted significant damage on Union shipping. The Treaty of Washington established a tribunal to settle the claims, which ultimately awarded the United States $15.5 million in damages and addressed other contentious issues, including the boundaries between the United States and British North America (Canada). The treaty inaugurated permanent peaceful relations between the United States and Canada, and also with the United Kingdom. Starting Bid $200 Image is shown cropped in size.

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Supreme Court

Jay writes from London two weeks after his historic negotiations with Great Britain, references his unfinished portrait by Gilbert Stuart

151. John Jay Autograph Letter Signed as Chief Justice - Written from London Two Weeks After the Signing of the Jay Treaty. ALS as Chief Justice of the United States, signed “J. J.,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 8.75, December 5, 1794. Handwritten letter to his wife, Sally, addressed from London, England, where he had recently negotiated the Jay Treaty, in part: “As yet I have not had Time to sit for the Picture you request—but as (the Treaty being finished) I hope soon [to] have Leisure for the purpose. and but It will I assure you give me more pleasure to present to you the original than the Picture. I hope next Spring to do both. Continue to make applications frequently and pleasantly to Stewart. They will succeed at last.” In fine condition, with a tear to the blank lower right corner of the final page. Accompanied by an engraved portrait bearing a facsimile signature.

The “Stewart” mentioned in this letter is the painter Gilbert Stuart, famous for his portraits of George Washington (especially the unfinished one). In late 1792 or early 1793, Stuart returned to America from England. John Jay was the first American statesman of international reputation whom Stuart ever painted.

In 1794 the United States faced its most important foreign crisis since the Revolution, and as Chief Justice, John Jay was selected by George Washington to negotiate a settlement with Great Britain. The result of his work, the Jay Treaty, which was signed on November 19th, created a system to settle financial claims between the two nations, provided for the removal of British troops from the Northwest Territory, established commissions to settle boundary disputes on the northern frontier, and extended free trade and navigation guarantees to the English on the Mississippi River. Starting Bid $200

42 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

Handwritten recommendation by Chief Justice Marshall for a midshipman-to-be

152. John Marshall Autograph Letter Signed. ALS signed “J. Marshall,” one page, 6.5 x 8, November 2, 1821. Handwritten letter of recommendation, in part: “Young Mr. Gibson, who applies for a warrant as a midshipman, will probably be the bearer of this letter. He is a young gentleman with whom I am not personally acquainted, but who maintains a very fair reputation, of which you will, I doubt not, receive testimonials from those who know him.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered light foxing and staining, affecting only appearance. Written in his own hand while serving as chief justice, this letter demonstrates Marshall’s influence in all types of governmental affairs. Starting Bid $200

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World Leaders

Signed Churchill portrait by Vivienne of London, presented in its original studio folder

Vivienne (1889–1982) was a leading society portrait photographer who began as an assistant to her husband Ernest and their son, Antony. In 1949, Antony, by then making a career photographing actors in Hollywood, married Churchill’s daughter Sarah, an actress. Both families became friends and Vivienne made many portraits of Churchill. This is one of her most enduring images. Starting Bid $300

44 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
153. Winston Churchill Signed Photograph by Vivienne of London. Iconic vintage matte-finish 3.75 x 4.5 portrait of Winston Churchill by Vivienne of London, affixed to its original 5.5 x 7.5 mount, which is signed in fountain pen, “Winston S. Churchill.” Affixed inside its original studio presentation folder, the reverse of which bears a “Vivienne, 20th Century Studios Limited” copyright stamp. In fine condition, with toning from prior display, and toned taped remnants to the inner cover of folder.

Churchill contributes to a top secret report on German military might

154. Winston Churchill Typed Letter Signed on Weakness in German Strategy. TLS signed “Winston S. Churchill,” one page, 7.5 x 9.5, Chartwell letterhead, January 3, 1947. Letter to Major-General Sir L. C. Hollis. In full: “The Prime Minister very kindly sent me a copy of C. O. S. Committee paper entitled SOME WEAKNESSES IN GERMAN STRATEGY AND ORGANISATION. I have read it carefully and made a lot of notes upon it. I wonder if it would be convenient to you to let me have a spare copy which I should like to send to General Pownall. If not, I can send him mine. It gives me much pleasure to see you in your great new position.” Churchill has also handwritten the letter’s greeting, “My dear Hollis,” as well as the closing, “All good luck, Yours, sincerely.” In fine condition, with a thin strip of mounting remnant along the back top edge.

In 1946, Britain’s highest intelligence body, the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), created the top secret document referenced by the former Prime Minister in this letter written to Hollis, secretary to the Chiefs of Staff Committee. In conducting their report, the JIC interviewed and solicited feedback from all those familiar with the inner workings of the war effort to ‘set down certain aspects of the War whilst there are still sources available who were closely connected with the events described.’ Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 45
Signed first edition of The Gathering Storm, the first volume of Churchill’s acclaimed The Second World War book series

155. Winston Churchill Signed First Edition Book - The Gathering Storm. Signed book: The Second World War: The Gathering Storm. First edition. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1948. Hardcover with dust jacket and a custom clamshell case, 6 x 8.75, 784 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in fountain pen, “From Winston S. Churchill, to Mrs. R. E. K. Hill, 1948.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG/G, with losses and repaired edge tears to the dust jacket. Housed in a handsome navy blue clamshell case, lettered in gilt on the morocco spine. Starting Bid $200

Scarce handwritten letter by the namesake of the ‘guillotine’

156. Joseph Guillotin Autograph Letter Signed. French physician and politician (1738-1814) whose name became synonymous with the ‘humane’ instrument of execution whose use he proposed to the government during the French Revolution. Scarce ALS in French, signed “Guillotin,” one page, 6.75 x 8.5, February 26, 1779. Untranslated handwritten letter by Joseph Guillotin, containing medical advice. In very good to fine condition, with scattered staining, light creasing, and some short edge tears. Starting Bid $200

46 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

Herzl writes in London after the Fourth Zionist Congress

157. Theodor Herzl Handwritten Note at London, Following the Fourth Zionist Congress. Hungarian-born Austrian founder of Zionism (1860–1904). Handwritten note in German on both sides of an off-white 3.75 x 2.25 visiting card, imprinted with his name “Dr. Theodor Herzl.” Herzl writes a brief untranslated note in pencil, dated at London, August 20, 1900. In fine condition, with a light paperclip impression.

Herzl was in London to attend the Fourth Zionist Congress, held in the city from August 13–16, 1900. The previous Congresses had been held in Basel, Switzerland; London was chosen as host for the Fourth Congress in order to affect public opinion in England in sympathy with the Zionist idea. Reflecting on the event while on the boat from Dover to Calais on August 20th, Herzl wrote: ‘The Fourth Zionist Congress is closed. Much noise, perspiration and the beating of drums. Of course no ‘work’ was done, but the result was splendid just the same. We staged a demonstration in the presence of the English world, and note was taken of it. On the whole the English Press had just the kind of reports we could and would use.’ Starting Bid $200

“The time for peace has come,” historic signed typescript of Rabin’s address from the 1993 Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine— “We hope to embark on a new era in the history of the Middle East”

158. Yitzhak Rabin Signed Official Typescript Copy of His IsraelPalestine Peace ‘Oslo I Accord’ Address. Official typescript copy of “The address of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on the occasion of The signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles,” also known as the Oslo I Accord, which occurred in Washington, D.C., on September 13, 1993, two pages, 8.25 x 11.75, embossed Prime Minister letterhead, signed in the upper left of the first page in blue ink, “Y. Rabin.” The speech reads, in part: “Let me say to you, the Palestinians: We are destined to live together, on the same soil in the same land…We say to you today in a loud and clear voice: Enough of blood and tears…We hope to embark on a new era in the history of the Middle East…the time for peace has come.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a 1994 transmittal letter from the Prime Minister’s Office, public affairs department. Starting Bid $200

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Leon Trotsky publishes his crowning achievement, The History of the Russian Revolution, with Boni and The Saturday Evening Post

159. Leon Trotsky Document Signed for Publishing

‘The History of the Russian Revolution’ - Initialed 14 Times!. DS, three pages, 8.5 x 14, September 16, 1931. Publishing agreement between Leon Trotsky and Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., by which he “assigns the sole and exclusive right to publish in book form a work now entitled ‘The History of the Russian Revolution.’” The document outlines the advances and royalties due to Trotsky, and clarifies: “It is understood and agreed that this contract settles all differences and claims made by the Author because of the changes in the text of the first volume, made by the Saturday Evening Post, and that, inasmuch as the text of the second volume will be delivered directly to the Saturday Evening Post by Max Eastman on behalf of the Author, the Publisher assumes no liability in regard to its correct reproduction by the Saturday Evening Post. In the event, however, that there shall be any misuse of

the text by the Saturday Evening Post, the Publisher agrees that it will join with the Author in any suit for damages which he may bring.” Signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by Leon Trotsky, Albert Boni, and Max Eastman as a witness. The document has also been initialed 14 times by Trotsky (“L.T.”) and Boni (“A.B.”), approving amendments made to the text. In fine condition.

Leon Trotsky wrote prolifically while in exile, completing his lengthy History of the Russian Revolution in 1930. Max Eastman translated the work into English, and—through a deal brokered by Charles Boni—it appeared in the Saturday Evening Post as a series of six articles entitled ‘The Russian Revolution’ between April 25 and May 30, 1931. In spite of this publishing contract, Boni never published the work in book form. Starting Bid $1000

48 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

Rare signed portrait of the ‘Fairy Tale King’

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 49
160. King Ludwig II of Bavaria Rare Signed Photograph. King of Bavaria (1845-1886) known as the ‘Swan King’ or ‘Fairy Tale King,’ whose extravagant tastes led him to commission lavish artworks and architecture, including Neuschwanstein Castle, the basis for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Rare 4.25 x 6.75 cabinet portrait of the youthful King Ludwig II by Joseph Albert of Munich, boldly and prominently signed on the reverse in ink, “Ludwig.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $500


Baron portraits of the Queen and Her Prince from 1962, formerly displayed in the “The Officer’s Mess, Royal Canadian

Air Force”

Raphael Tuck


and a Lesser George at the waist, and

in a

in his military uniform. Both are elaborately and individually framed to an overall size of 21 x 26.5,

for Canada,”

bearing an affixed label from the “Office of The High Com-

Mess, Royal Canadian Air Force, St. Hubert, Quebec.” In overall fine condition. Starting Bid $200

50 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
161. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip (2) Signed Oversized Photographs by Baron Studios (1962). Marvelous pair of vintage oversized 17 x 22.25 portrait photographs of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, originally taken by Baron Studios (Sterling Henry Nahum) and subsequently published in England by & Sons, both individually signed in the lower border in fountain pen, “Elizabeth R., 1962” and “Philip, The photographs depict the queen wearing a lovely gown with the Riband and Star of the Order of the Garter, a brooch on the shoulder, the prince handsome three-quarter-length pose the reverse of each frame backing missioner issuing the portraits to “The Officer’s

Activists and Social Leaders

“Dear Sister”—a handwritten letter by Mohandas Gandhi to an American admirer

163. Mohandas Gandhi Autograph Letter Signed. ALS signed “M. K. Gandhi,” one page, 6.5 x 4, February 15, 1940. Handwritten letter to an American admirer, in full: “Dear sister, I thank you for your letter and the sentiments expressed therein.” Gandhi has struck through “Maganwadi” in the letterhead and written “Segaon” above. In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, with “Passed by Censor” label and Indian postage stamps, addressed in another hand to Mrs. McMillan Seely of Seattle, Washington; this was likely Harriet McMillan Seely, the granddaughter of Minnesota Senator Samuel J. R. McMillan, an autograph collector. Housed in a handsome custommade clamshell box with slipcase. Starting Bid $500

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 51
“It is unfortunate that in our great nation the citadels of higher learning are still the targets of defamation and segregationists”

165. Martin Luther King, Jr. Typed Letter Signed on Segregation in Higher Education. TLS signed “Martin L. King, Jr.,” one page, 7.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, January 24, 1961. Letter to George Blau in Tennessee, in part: “It is unfortunate that in our great nation the citadels of higher learning are still the targets of defamation and segregationists. Education, the very cornerstone of our great nation, is sometimes halted by this kind of action and feeling. Thank you very much for offering to assist with clearing away entry requirements for interested students. It is this kind of sincere assistance that serves an important need. I will feel free to call on you when the occasion demands.” In fine condition. The recipient of this letter, George Blau, was a fierce supporter of MLK’s cause; he participated in many sit-ins in diners while at Vanderbilt and printed the underground newspaper, The Great Speckled Bird, in his basement in Atlanta.

In the wake of the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, which ruled racial segregation in public schools as unconstitutional, civil rights activists turned their efforts toward the desegregation of colleges and universities. A major victory came on January 6, 1961—mere weeks before this letter by MLK Jr.—when U.S. District Court judge William Bootle ordered the admission of Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to the University of Georgia, bringing 160 years of segregation at UGA to an end. James Meredith would soon follow suit in Mississippi, finally enrolling—after riots and a legal case rising to the United States Supreme Court—in October 1962. A significant letter on a historic issue from a momentous period within the Civil Rights Movement. Starting Bid $500

52 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

166. Malcolm X Signed Page for Alex Haley’s 1963 Playboy Interview: “The Civil War’s been over a hundred years, and there is not freedom for black men yet”. Page six from the original typescript of Alex Haley’s 1963 interview of Malcolm X for Playboy magazine, one onionskin page, 8 x 10.75, signed “Malcolm X” in the bottom margin (with a marginal line indicating his approval of the contents). In the interview, Malcolm X comments on segregation within American society and the lack of economic aid for black Americans. In part: “The Civil War’s been over a hundred years, and there is not freedom for black men yet. That’s practical? On record for integration you’ve got the President, Congress, the Supreme Court—show me your integration, where is it? The churches—the most segregated morning in America is Sunday morning. The labor unions? The NAACP just got thrown out of the back door for daring

“The Civil War’s been over a hundred years, and there is not freedom for black men yet”

to question the lily-white policy. Mr. Muhammad teaches us to be for what’s practical, really practical—and that’s separation. It’s also more natural than integration. Just like it’s no more unnatural for us to be given some land of our own than plenty of other things the white man has done—for practical reasons. Five years ago, who could you have told that they’d give Latin America twenty billion dollars? Billions more to India, to Africa—neutralists! Even to Communist countries, your avowed enemies, Yugoslavia, Poland. Billions more to your competitors in Europe. You mean this great, fine, good white man in North America is so rotten that he gives king’s ransoms to everybody else in the world and will still quibble about giving some land to the twenty million black men who have been so faithful?” Nicely cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 25.5 x 24.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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Gillette approves the transfer of stocks for his nephew

167. King Gillette Signed ‘Assignment of Stock’ Document. American businessman (1855–1932) who invented a best-selling version of the safety razor and is widely credited with inventing the so-called razor and blades business model. Partly-printed DS, signed “King C. Gillette,” one page, 8.25 x 4.5, no date. An ‘Assignment of Stock’ document transferring a total of 477 shares of capital stock to Elmon C. Gillette. Signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by King Gillette and family trustee Edwin B. Root. Signed below the Gillette signature by nephew George Trofast Gillette, who writes: “The above signature guaranteed.” The certificate’s recipient, Elmon C. Gillette, has signed above. Although unstated, this document is very likely transferring stocks from the Gillette Safety Razor Company; that Root is involved suggests that the stocks are possibly set to transfer from the estate of a deceased relative. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Important Standard Oil stock certificate issued to a trust organizer, signed by Rockefeller, Flager, and Bostwick

168. John D. Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, and Jabez A. Bostwick Signed Standard Oil Stock Certificate. Partly-printed DS, one page, 11.5 x 7.75, April 5, 1882. Stock certificate for 500 shares in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust issued to W. G. Warden, signed at the conclusion by John D. Rockefeller as president, Henry M. Flagler as secretary, and Jabez A. Bostwick as treasurer. The original receipt, signed by Warden, remains affixed at the left edge. In fine condition, with the signatures lightly canceled and binding holes/threads along the left edge. Starting Bid $200

54 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

Scientists and Inventors

Rare 1834 Babbage letter

acquiescing to a showing of “the Calculating engine,” a reference to his Difference engine, an early precursor to modern computers

170. Charles Babbage Autograph Letter

Signed on His “Calculating engine”. ALS signed “C. Babbage,” one page, 5 x 8, May 30, 1834. Handwritten letter to Dunbar James Douglas, 6th Earl of Selkirk (1809-1885), in full: “Having learned from the Duke of Somerset that you have a great desire to see the Calculating engine I am happy to offer you an opportunity which will I hope be interesting. Lord and Lady Lansdowne and a very small party are coming to my house tomorrow evening at half past nine and Dr. [Dionysius] Lardner has sent his drawings and will give us a popular explanation of it. If Lady Selkirk and your sister will do me the honor of accompanying you I shall have much pleasure in seeing them at my house.” In fine condition.

This rare handwritten letter finds the father of computing making a last-ditch attempt to drum up aristocratic support, presumably for the doomed Difference Engine No. 1, with the project months away from its final collapse. The manufacturing engineer Joseph Clement had ceased work on the project in March 1833 following a financial dispute. He had, however, succeeded by 1832 in producing a fully functioning demonstration piece representing about one-seventh of the whole machine, which as the first known automatic calculator ‘ranks among the most celebrated icons in the prehistory of computing’ (ODNB). Babbage himself published little on the design of either his difference or analytical engines, but he received prominent support from the Irish scientific writer Dionysius Lardner who, in 1834, delivered a series of lectures on the difference engine and contributed a lengthy article on the subject, titled ‘Babbage’s Calculating Engine,’ to the Edinburgh Review. Starting Bid $1000

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56 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
While compiling “the new English edition of The Origin,” Darwin considers translating “The Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle” and other works

172. Charles Darwin Letter Signed on “the new English edition of The Origin”. LS signed “Ch. Darwin,” five pages on three sheets, 5 x 8 (last page slightly smaller), personal letterhead, April 4, 1866. Letter to Rudolf Suchsland, the son of German publisher Friedrich Emil Suchsland, in full: “I have not heard from Mr. Schweizerbart so cannot give a definitive answer to your father; but the more I think on the subject the more I feel that I am bound not in any way to support another edition. For this reason alone I am sorry to say that I cannot offer to send clean sheets of the new English edition of The Origin as they are printed off; and the corrections & additions are so numerous that they c’d be sent in no other way. With respect to your enquiry about my other works; in your list you give the same book twice over with different titles.

My Journal of Researches &c was translated in 1844 into German by Dr. Diefenbach (Viewig & Sons Braunschweig) but the translation was made from the first English edition. The 2nd Ed. was considerably condensed & improved & was published under the above title of ‘Journal of Researches’ & has had so very large a sale in English (viz. 10,000 copies) that it might possibly be worth re-translating into German.

The Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle is a very large book with most expensive illustrations. My work on Cirripedia consists of 2 thick Vols with numerous illustrations. It is obviously out of the question to think of translating either of these works.

My geological works consist of 3 thin Vols, now I believe always sold by Smith & Elder bound together in one thick Vol. These consist of ‘The Structure & distribution of Coral Reefs.’ This is a work of some interest, & if my name had formerly been known in Germany and have been worth translation. The other two parts consist of ‘Geological observe. on Volcanic Island’

& ‘Geolog. Observ. on South America.’

My work on the contrivances by which orchids are fertilized has been translated into German-at towards the close of last year I published in the Journal of the Linnean Soc. & separately a little book on the ‘Movements & habits of Climbing Plants,’ of which I send you a copy. I cannot suppose that this w’d be worth translation, although formerly 2 little books appeared in Germany on this subject, & I may add that this treatise has been highly spoken of by Botanists. If it were translated, which I repeat I do not think w’d answer, it might be worth while to add three papers by me published in the Linnean Journal on a very curious subject namely Dimorphism & Trimorphism in plants & which has been a good deal discussed in German scientific periodicals. I will write again as soon as I hear from Mr. Schweizerbart but I have hardly any doubt that he will agree to my proposals.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered light foxing and toning, and a tear to top of the trimmed, loose final page.

At this time Darwin was preparing his fourth English edition of Origin of Species at the request of his publisher, which was significantly revised from the original and published in November 1866. After first publishing it in 1859, Darwin’s concepts and personal renown had spread worldwide throughout both the scientific and lay communities. His work was hotly debated throughout Germany, and Suchsland wrote to Darwin to suggest that he authorize a renewed translation—the last German version of Origin of Species having been published in 1863—as inaccuracies in the text led some of his theories to be widely misunderstood. This letter reveals both the diversity of scientific subjects in Darwin’s corpus and his business acumen in discussing the commercial viability of his own work. Starting Bid $1000

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matte-finish 7 x 9.5


George Washington Carver in a handsome bust-length pose, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To my friend, Mr. W. D. Moss, Jr., G. W. Carver, 1929.” In very good to fine condition, with trimmed edges, a couple of small creases, and light silvering to the darker areas of the image. Carver is decidedly scarce in signed photographs, with this being the only example we have ever offered. Starting Bid $200

Edison.” Archivally matted and framed to an overall size of 14.5 x 17. In fine condition, with a light stain along the bottom edge of the mount. Starting Bid $300

58 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
171. George Washington Carver Signed Photograph. vintage photo of 174. Thomas Edison Signed Photograph by Pach Brothers. Vintage matte-finish 4 x 5.75 Pach Brothers photo of Thomas Edison in a seated pose with a book on his lap, affixed to its original 6.5 x 9 studio mount, which is signed in fountain pen with his classic ‘umbrella’ signature, “Thomas A.

Rare signed Edison Phonograph Works stock certificate, issued

to the inventor’s biographer

173. Thomas Edison Signed Stock Certificate for Edison Phonograph Works. Rare partly-printed DS, signed “Thos. A. Edison,” one page, 14 x 5.5, May 12, 1888. Stock certificate for five shares in Edison Phonograph Works issued to “Alfred O. Tate,” signed at the conclusion by Thomas Edison as president, and countersigned by Alfred O. Tate as treasurer. Retains the receipt on the left side. Gorgeously cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 29.75 x 21. In fine condition. Alfred O. Tate was Edison’s associate and private secretary; he published a biography of the great inventor, Edison’s Open Door: The Life Story of Thomas A. Edison, in 1938.

In 1877, when Edison invented the phonograph, the first device for recording and playing back sound, he thought that its main use would be to record speech in business settings, which could then be played back and transcribed. Beginning to improve upon the phonograph and recording media in the 1880s, Edison pioneered the use of wax cylinders as a means of sound recording and reproduction. Edison’s phonograph would eventually be adopted primarily for entertainment purposes, bringing music into millions of American households. A holder of over 1,000 patents, Edison considered the phonograph to be his favorite invention. Starting Bid $300

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175. Thomas Edison Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “Thos. A. Edison,” one page, 8.25 x 10.75, From the Laboratory of Thomas A. Edison letterhead, September 3, 1890. Letter to George Richards, declining to engage in a real estate deal. In full: “I have considered the offer you have made of $100,000 for the whole property, or $75,000 for the property minus the Pardee Shoot, and I have concluded not to accept. My parties know nothing of shoots and do not want any liens or unknown future complications which might seriously affect a future sale of the property. I am willing to pay $75,000 for the whole thing and at that rate for a majority of the stock, and I am willing to be bound to purchase the whole at the same price so the minority may be protected.” In fine condition, with short splits to the fold ends. An interesting piece of correspondence from the notoriously frugal inventor. Starting Bid $200

Edison recognizes an honorary degree granted to fellow industrialist Owen D. Young, founder of RCA

176. Thomas Edison Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “Thos. A. Edison,” one page, 7.25 x 9, From the Laboratory of Thomas A. Edison letterhead, November 7, 1928. Letter to Dr. Frank Pierrepont Graves, in full: “It is gratifying to learn from your letter of October 30, that the Regents of The University of the State of New York have conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon our distinguished fellow citizen, the Honorable Owen D. Young. I shall act upon your suggestion and write to Mr. Young a word of greeting and welcome to our little circle.” Beautifully cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 24 x 24.5. In fine condition. Owen D. Young was an industrialist known for founding the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Starting Bid $200

60 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

Magnificent signed limited first edition of Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, the classic 7th Volume from the Library of Living Philosophers book series

179. Albert Einstein Signed Book - PhilosopherScientist: Volume VII of the Influential Library of Living Philosophers Book Series. Rare signed book: Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Volume VII of the Influential Library of Living Philosophers book series, edited by Paul Arthur Schlipp. Limited first edition, numbered 158 of 750 subscription copies. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University, 1949. Chocolate-brown leatherette hardcover with slipcase, 6.75 x 9.75, 781 pages. Signed neatly on the colophon in black ink, “Albert Einstein, 49.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition:VG/None in a G- slipcase, with the frontispiece portrait of Einstein by Yousef Karsh (with facsimile signature) detached but present; the slipcase is reinforced with tape on the edges and exhibits some staining.

The seventh volume in the classic The Library of Living Philosophers series, Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist is a tribute volume with essays by some of the most important scientists of the era reflecting on the importance of Einstein’s work. Contributors include: Wolfgang Pauli, Louis de Broglie, Max Born, Arnold Sommerfeld, Georges Lemaitre, Kurt Gödel, and many more. Of particular note are the first and last chapters, ‘Autobiographical Notes’ and ‘Remarks to the Essays Appearing in this Collective Volume,’ which serve as important biographical references; per physicist and science historian Abraham Pais, the ‘Autobiographical Notes’ is the ‘closest Einstein ever came to writing an autobiography.’ An exceptional ‘must-have’ volume for the serious Einstein collector. Starting Bid $500

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62 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
Einstein on the 1952 ‘flying saucer’ phenomenon: “Having no experience and only superficial knowledge in the field I regret not to be able to comply with your request”
—one of two known Einstein ‘UFO’ letters

178. Albert Einstein Typed Letter Signed on the Topic of ‘Flying Saucers’ – one of two known ‘UFO’ letters from the theoretical physicist. TLS signed “A. Einstein,” one page, 5.25 x 6.25, The Institute for Advanced Study letterhead, November 12, 1952. Letter to Albert K. Bender, president of the International Flying Saucer Bureau, in full: “Having no experience and only superficial knowledge in the field I regret not to be able to comply with your request.” Double-matted and framed with the original mailing envelope, a descriptive plaque, and an image of Einstein and a UFO to an overall size of 17.5 x 11.5. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

UFOs were a hot topic in the U.S. during the early 1950s. But not for Einstein, a champion of scientific curiosity, who was patently indifferent. Roughly four months earlier on July 23, 1952, Einstein responded to a letter from Reverend Louis A. Gardner on the legitimacy of flying saucers. Einstein’s short response: ‘Those people have seen something. What it is I do not know and am not curious to know.’ That letter, and the letter offered here, are the only two known examples of Einstein offering his written thoughts on the existence of UFOs. Starting Bid $1000

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64 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
Einstein comments on experiments to prove his Special Theory of Relativity, citing “the assumption of the constancy of the speed of light”

177. Albert Einstein Autograph Letter Signed on the Special Theory of Relativity. ALS in German, signed “E,” one page, 8.5 x 11.25, March 29, 1953. Handwritten explanation relative to the “constancy of the speed of light” and “rotation of the Earth” in experimental proofs of his Special Theory of Relativity, penned below an inquiry sent to him by George Aristotle Solounias. In concluding his letter, Solounias asks: “Dear Professor, Since Michelson-Morley experiment accepts—as I have proved—a newtonian explanation and consequently, it may be considered as proving directly the addition of the velocity of light to that of the source, and since Your Special Theory of Relativity is based essentially on this experiment, contrarily explained by You, the necessity of performing of a direct experiment is imperative. For this aim, I hope that my present proposition will probably help the solution of the problem.”

Below, Einstein writes (translated): “The experimental arrangement proposed here is not useful in that the light emitted from an extended light source in opposite directions cannot be brought to a state of interference due to the difference in light paths. Apart from that, the experiment agrees with that carried out by Sagnac, which allows the experimental result to be calculated correctly based on the assumption of the constancy of the speed of light (with reference to the inertial system) (see Laue’s book). Compare it also with the ingenious experiment of Michelson, which needs the rotation of the Earth.”

He cites the referenced book below: “M. v. Laue, The Theory of Relativity, J. Friedr. Vieweg & Son, Brunswick, 1952.” In fine condition, with light intersecting folds. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

In his letter to Einstein, Solounias evidently proposed an experiment to determine whether “the velocity of light is independent, or not, of the velocity of the source.” He mentions the ‘Michelson–Morley experiment,’ conducted in 1887, which was an attempt to measure the motion of the Earth relative to the ‘luminiferous aether,’ a permeating space then thought to carry light waves. The experiment found exactly nothing—the two light beams, as measured by a sensitive interferometer, took precisely the same time to arrive at their destination. This result was the first strong evidence against some aether theories, and initiated a line of research that eventually led to Einstein’s development of special relativity in 1905. He also references experiments performed by French physicist Georges Sagnac, who lent his name to the ‘Sagnac effect’ in 1913: a phenomenon that manifests itself when a beam of light is split and the two beams follow the same path in opposite directions, displaying interference when recombined. Sagnac concluded from his experiments that light propagates at a speed independent of the speed of the source, which is consistent with Einstein’s theory of relativity. German physicist Max von Laue, also referenced here by Einstein, had predicted the Sagnac effect theoretically in 1911. Starting Bid $1000

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Choice autograph of Albert Einstein, the 20th century’s greatest genius

180. Albert Einstein Signature. Choice vintage fountain pen signature, “Albert Einstein,” on an off-white 1.75 x .75 slip, handsomely matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 9 x 12. In very fine condition. A magnificent, ideal example of Einstein’s full autograph. Starting Bid $500

A message of appreciation from 75-year-old Albert Einstein

181. Albert Einstein Signed Appreciation Card - The Theoretical Physicist Celebrates

His 75th Birthday. Scarce 5 x 3.25 printed appreciation card from Albert Einstein, sending thanks to a well-wisher for remembering his recent 75th birthday, signed in black ink, “A. Einstein, 54,” who also adds a handwritten sentiment in German, “Thanks for the kind letter and best wishes back to you.” The card’s printed message reads: “May I send you my warm thanks for your gracious message of congratulation on the occasion of my birthday. It was most thoughtful of you to remember me.” In very fine condition. Einstein celebrated his 75th birthday on March 14, 1954; he died a month after his 76th birthday on April 18. Starting Bid $300

66 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
The 70-year-old Einstein sends thanks for a birthday gift of a “pretty astronomic atlas”

182. Albert Einstein Typed Letter Signed, Sending

Thanks for an “Astronomic Atlas”. TLS in German, signed “A. Einstein,” one page, 8.5 x 11, blindstamped personal Princeton letterhead, March 24, 1949. Letter to Mr. And Mrs. Paul Falkenberg. In full (translated): “I was very pleased to receive the pretty astronomic atlas and indeed touched by the money you sent for charitable purposes. On receipt, the funds

were immediately directed towards the intended use. Thanking you from the bottom of my heart for your birthday wishes, I remain with best regards.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. One can imagine that Einstein was inundated with gifts relating to the cosmos throughout his years, given his monumental work in observing and defining the universe. Starting Bid $200

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Robert Fulton outlines the construction of his “Submarine Vessel” in 1804, promising a new era of warfare that will “totally annihilate the existing military marine system and give liberty to the seas”

183. Robert Fulton Autograph Manuscript Signed on Submarine Construction and Warfare. American inventor, engineer, and entrepreneur (1765–1815) best known for designing the first commercially successful steamboat. Important autograph manuscript signed twice, “Robt. Fulton” and “Robert Fulton,” fifteen pages on eight leaves, 8 x 12.5, June–July 1804. Fulton pens a summary of his submarine experiments, headed: “Notes on the Submarine Vessel, the last and and most perfect of my drawings on this subject, drawn London, June the 12th 1804 to the 20th.” The text of this document is designed to accompany seven plates (not present), and it is a direct forerunner of Fulton’s later manuscript discussion of his work, ‘On Submarine Navigation,’ completed in August 1806; the descriptions of the plates in this manuscript are closely comparable to those in the 1806 manuscript, but by no means identical—Fulton’s revisions reflect changes in nomenclature for devices described and findings from experiments conducted in the interim two-year period.

The text begins with a description of the submarine vessel, in part: “The incompressible part of this vessel in which the men are when it descends is supposed to be composed of brass cylinders cast 6 feet diameter 6 feet long and about one inch thick, three or more of those may be screwed together at the flanges—to make a length of 16 or 24 feet. The ends…part of a sphere to resist the pressure of the Water in all directions. The dome where the men enter may be 3 feet diameter and 3 high with a smaller dome in the lid through which to make observations when just rising above the surface of the water.” He goes on to present a list of “different parts” of a submarine vessel, noting that “any mechanic can trace their movements and uses.” Among the items listed are “the Bow anchor,” “the plunging flyers,” “the Bow cable,” “a small safety pump to drive the water out of the ballancing chest,” “a pipe and cock to let the water into the ballancing chest,” “a movement to work the rudder while under water,” “the crank of the stem flyers,” and “a screw movement to hoist the stern flyers out of gear…and out of water when the vessel is under sail.” The manuscript goes on to describe several of these parts with greater specificity.

Concluding the manuscript, Fulton writes: “These seven drawings with this discription will enable any able mechanician to construct and perform the experiments of a plunging

Vessel—This vessel is not intended to be brought under a ship which is to be attacked. All that can be expected of a vessel of this kind is to hide herself if pursued or lie under the water during the day approaching the harbours or fleets in the night and there depositing her cargo of submarine bombs anchor them or have them to the tide or use them by any other means which time and practice may point out. This engine pursued to perfection will to a certainty totally annihilate the existing military marine system and give liberty to the seas and more permanent peace to nations. It is a great agent in promoting liberty and the friends of man by curing the madness of stupid politicians—it is worthy [of] the genius and utmost care of the United States, as it will guard that young and prosperous republic…I have taken precaution to secure it to my country least any accident should happen to me in my present enterprise to introduce a new mode of destroying fleets into effect which if successful will never stop till the ocean is swept clean and commerce enjoy her rights.”

Fulton signs at the conclusion in full, “Robert Fulton, London, July the 26th 1804,” adding: “A number of drawings and papers on this subject will be found among my possessions gone from France to America.” In fine condition, with some slightly irregular light toning. Accompanied by a custom-made presentation folder and slipcase, lettered in gilt on the maroon morocco spine.

Fulton had arrived in London from France in the spring of 1804 to offer the British his services in developing submarine weapons, having recently designed the ‘Nautilus’ submarine in France under a grant from Napoleon Bonaparte. The English initially offered Fulton £800 to develop a second Nautilus for the Royal Navy; however, after their victory over Napoleon’s fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, the work was deemed unnecessary and progress came to a halt. Frustrated at being sidelined, Fulton made the decision to return to the United States in 1806, where he presented his ideas on submarines and naval warfare to the United States government, believing that the advent of submarine defenses would bring a “more permanent peace to nations.” An important autograph manuscript offering a fascinating record of the evolution of Fulton’s work in submarines. Ex. Sotheby’s, 1987. Starting Bid $1000

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184. Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon Autograph Letter Signed. Important French naturalist, mathematician, and author (1707–1788). ALS in French, signed “Buffon,” one page, 6 x 8, April 26, 1776. Untranslated handwritten letter by the Comte de Buffon. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

185. Giovanni Battista Morgagni Autograph Letter Signed. Italian anatomist (1682-1771) celebrated as the father of modern anatomical pathology. Rare ALS in Italian, signed “Giambatista Morgagni,” one page, 7 x 9.5, March 7, 1760. Untranslated handwritten letter by Giovanni Battista Morgagni. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

70 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
Two months after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Oppenheimer commends the efforts of a Los Alamos ‘Explosives Division’ supervisor, stressing that his role “must remain a secret of the U.S. Government”

186. Robert Oppenheimer

Typed Letter Signed to a Manhattan Project Employee in the ‘Explosives Division’ - “Your personal accomplishments must remain a secret of the U.S. Government”. TLS signed “J. R. Oppenheimer,” one page, 7.25 x 9.25, P.O. Box 1663, Santa Fe, New Mexico letterhead, October 1, 1945. Letter to Louis N. Handlin, in full: “This letter is to acknowledge your contribution to the work of the Los Alamos Bomb Project. Your group leader has asked me to commend you for your work in the Explosives Division of this Project. The excellent manner in which you shouldered the responsibilities of Shift Supervisor contributed in no small degree to the successful accomplishment of our task. Your ability to secure the co-operation of the men working for you even when it meant working long hours per week and much overtime at regular army pay enabled the project to maintain its tight time schedule. We regret that a description of your precise job and details of your personal accomplishments must remain a secret of the U.S. Government. However, this in itself is an indication of the importance of your contribution to the project.” Matted and framed to an overall size of 11.75 x 13.75. In fine condition, with light handling wear. An exceptional letter from the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory, dated two months after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and a month after the close of World War II. Starting Bid $500

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Presented by Professor Malthus to an outstanding student of history

187. Thomas Robert Malthus Signed Book - Burnet’s Own Time. Exceptionally rare signed book: Bishop Burnet’s History of His Own Time, Volume I. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1823. Hardcover bound in brown calf with gilt “East India College” device on the front board, 5.5 x 8.75, 601 pages. Signed and inscribed on an East India College partly-printed bookplate affixed to the front pastedown in black ink, “Awarded to Gilbert Malcolm as first of his class in History, T. Rob’t Malthus, Prof’r,” and dated 1830. Autographic condition: fine, with mild scattered toning to the bookplate. Book condition: VG/None (with repaired hinges).

Malthus taught as a professor of history and political economy at East India College from 1805 until his death in 1834, where his students affectionately referred to him as ‘Pop,’ a nickname derived from his controversial 1798 essay on population growth. Gilbert Burnet began writing A History of My Own Time in 1683, with the final work covering the period from the English Civil War to the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. This would have indeed been an appropriate gift for a scholar who finished with the highest rank in his history class. Starting Bid $300

72 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES
Schopenhauer hopes for “the propagation of truth & the abolition of error, in both hemispheres”

188. Arthur Schopenhauer Autograph Quotation

Signed on “the propagation of truth & the abolition of error”. Exceptional AQS on a light blue 5.5 x 8.75 sheet, signed at the conclusion, “Arthur Schopenhauer, Frankfurt am Main, June 12th 1855.” Schopenhauer pens an optimistic philosophical quote, in full: “Let us hope for the propagation of truth & the abolition of error, in both hemispheres.” In fine

condition, with a central horizontal fold. An extraordinarily influential philosopher, Schopenhauer’s ideas resonated with such diverse scientific and cultural figures as Charles Darwin, Gustav Mahler, Albert Einstein, and Dylan Thomas. Schopenhauer is extremely scarce in autographic material.

Starting Bid $1000

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Burton drafts a tale for ‘Vikram and the Vampire,’ his retelling of an ancient Sanskrit story

189. Richard Francis Burton Handwritten Manuscript

Draft for ‘Vikram and the Vampire’. English explorer, translator, writer, soldier, and diplomat (1821-1890) renowned for his travels and explorations within Asia and Africa, as well as his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures.

Partial handwritten draft manuscript by Richard Francis Burton for a tale from ‘Vikram and the Vampire,’ totaling nine complete pages plus some attached (and detached) fragments, 6 x 7.75, with the title amended from “How a woman once told the truth” to “How a woman was once made to tell the truth,” being a story supposedly told to Rajah Vikram by a demon. The manuscript begins: “In the City of Dharmapur was a physician Manka by name, a man renowned for the art of healing as Chanaka himself. How he acquired his reputation it is difficult

to say, for he has entrusted most of his difficult cases to assistants, called in the barber when bleeding was necessary, left bone setting to the herdsman…But he invariably dosed his patients with arsenic or arsenious acid which according to him were panaceas. When anyone died of the remedy which not infrequently happened, he quoted a versicle from Sasratas infallible work, proving that the man ought not to have died, at least just then. And when anyone was cured he paraded the case and boasted of it to such an extent that—one lie breeds a score—in a short space of time it became as good as twenty cures.” In overall good to very good condition, with fragile repaired tears, chipping and paper loss to edges, and one page just a fragment. Starting Bid $200

74 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

Burton comments on his “ideal of translation” for indecent passages in the Arabian Nights

190. Richard Francis Burton Autograph Letter Signed on Translating the Arabian Nights. English explorer, translator, writer, soldier, and diplomat (1821-1890) renowned for his travels and explorations within Asia and Africa, as well as his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures. ALS signed “R. F. Burton,” four pages on two adjoining sheets, 5 x 4, October 8, 1884. Handwritten letter to Dr. Rost, chief librarian of the India Office, discussing his work on the lyrics of Camoens and The Book of a Thousand and One Nights, in part: “The Nights are well forward; about half finished. Payne’s excellent work wants one requisite and that is explanation of many passages which must greatly puzzle the English reader; such as the eunuch who enjoys his mistress till the day of her death. I shall be careful that the notes are in most guarded language, a contrast with the extreme ‘breadth’ of the text. And in the latter I shall simply give the English equivalent, however ‘low’ or ‘vulgar.’ Such is my ideal of translation.” In very good to fine condition, with some slight edge chipping, and a few small repairs to split folds.

Ex. The Enys Collection of Autograph Manuscripts, Bonhams, September 28, 2004. Starting Bid $300

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American West





certificate supporting the Revolution, signed by ‘Father of Texas’ Stephen Austin

192. Stephen F. Austin Document Signed. Partly-printed DS, signed “S. F. Austin,” one page, 8.25 x 10.25, January 11, 1836. Ornate financial document headed “Texian Loan,” in part: “Received of James M. McCulloch & Co. Thirty-two Dollars, the First Installment on a Loan of Three Hundred and Twenty Dollars, made by him this day to the Government of Texas for Five Years.” Boldly signed at the conclusion by Stephen F. Austin and countersigned by two other commissioners, Branch T. Archer and William H. Wharton. Impressively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 26 x 23.5. In fine condition, with a diamond-shaped area of paper loss at the center, affecting a few words of text.

Stephen Austin’s provisional government issued these certificates to raise money to finance the ongoing Texas Revolution. January 11, 1836, is the earliest known date for these Texian Loan documents, coming just six weeks before the infamous Battle of the Alamo. These ‘loans’ were essentially land purchase contracts redeemable at fifty cents per acre, a cheap price designed to attract large investments. As a document representing the Revolution and foundational stages of the state’s government, this is of the utmost desirability. Starting Bid $300

76 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES

193. Pat Garrett Document Signed. New Mexico lawman (1850–1908) who killed his former gambling partner, the fabled outlaw Billy the Kid, in 1881. Partly-printed DS, signed “P. F. Garrett,” one page, 10 x 7.75, December 12, 1899. Stock certificate for 100 shares of capital stock in the Alabama Gold and Copper Mining Company issued to D. M. Goodrich, signed at the conclusion by Garrett as the company’s secretary. The gold foil seal affixed at the lower left corner remains intact. Nicely clothmatted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 25.5 x 20.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Sam Houston directs the delivery of “my Speeches when they are completed”

194. Sam Houston Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, one page, 8 x 6.5, September 30, 1850. Boldly penned handwritten letter from Washington while serving as a United States Senator, in full: “Mr. Forney or Mr. Anderson of the Senate—Will deliver to John H. Houston my Speeches when they are completed.” Handsomely mounted, cloth-matted, and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 26 x 24. In fine condition. John H. Houston was a first cousin of Sam Houston who lived in Washington, D.C. Houston’s autograph is incredibly large and bold—a superior example. Starting Bid $200

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Notorious Figures

Certified “official copy” of the wanted notice for Lincoln assassination conspirator Lewis Powell, the would-be assassin of William Seward

195. Lincoln Assassination: Original Manuscript Wanted Notice for Conspirator Lewis Powell. LS prepared by a clerk and certified as an official copy by “Jacob S. Strech, Capt.,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 10.25, April 15, 1865. Period manuscript copy of a telegraph dispatch from U.S. Provost Marshal General Noah L. Jeffries to Major Julius Hayden in Philadelphia, certified as an “official copy” by Hayden’s aide, Captain Jacob S. Stretch. The dispatch contains a description of assassination conspirator Lewis Powell, who had made an attempt on the life of Secretary of State William H. Seward. Initially unsure of Powell’s whereabouts or the direction of his escape, acting U.S. Provost Marshal General Noah L. Jeffries sent arrest-on-sight telegrams to nearby cities both north and south of Washington in an effort to widen the federal dragnet. Philadelphia, where Major Julius Hayden was provost marshal, was one of those cities. The description of Powell that Jeffries sent was related by William Bell, Seward’s butler, who had answered the door of the Seward home on that fateful night.

In full: “The following is a description of the assassin of the

Honor. W. H. Seward, Secy. of State, and the Honor. Frederick Seward, Asst. Secy. You will use every exertion in your power and call to your aid the entire force under your control to secure the arrest of the assassin. Height Six and One Twelfth feet (6 1/12) Hair black, thick, full, and straight, no beard, no appearance of beard, cheeks red, the jaws, face moderately full. Twenty-two (22) or twenty-three (23) years of age. Eyes color not known, Large eyes not prominent, brows not heavy but dark face not large but rather round, complexion rather swarthy, nose straight and wellformed, medium sized mought, small lips, thin upper lip, protruded when he talked, chin pointed and prominent, head of medium size, neck short and of medium length, Hands soft small and fingers tapering, showed no signs of hard labor, Broad shouldered, Taper Waist, straight figure, strong looking man, manner gentlemanly but vulgar. Double breasted, collar, mixed of pink and gray spots, small was a sack over coat, pockets in side and one on the breast, with lappells on flaps, pants black common stuff, new heavy boots, voice small thin and inclined to tenor.” In fine condition, with faint toning to the edges and repaired folds. Starting Bid $200

78 | April 17, 2024 | NOTABLES


327. USS Constitution Wooden Relic Box. Handsome display box constructed of wood removed from the hull of the USS Constitution during the frigate’s historic 1927 restoration, measuring approximately 7.25˝ x 4.25˝ x 2.5˝, with the box front bearing the original bronze plate, which reads: “This material was taken from the original hull of the U.S. Frigate Constitution, Keel laid 1794, Rebuilding 1927.” The attractive box lid features a 2.5? diameter bronze emblem with embossed image of “Old Ironsides” with its sails up, with raised text below: “Launched 1797, 1804 Tripoli, 1812 Guerriere, Java, 1813 Cyane, Levant, U.S. Frigate Constitution.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Oliver Hazard Perry transmits signal instructions prior to the Battle of Lake Erie: “On falling in with a strange vessel in the night hoist one light and hail”

329. Oliver Hazard Perry Signed Orders During War of 1812. American military officer (1785–1819) who served in the War of 1812 and earned the title ‘Hero of Lake Erie’ for leading American forces in a decisive naval victory at the Battle of Lake Erie. War-dated manuscript DS signed “O. H. Perry,” one page, 6.25 x 7.5, August 21, 1813. Manuscript orders to the U.S. Schooner Scorpion, issued “off Sandusky,” in full: “Signal—on the appearance of one of the U.S. Vessels of war off this Place, she will hoist her ensign at mast head, and fire one gun, after an interval of ten minutes she will fire two guns.” Perry signs below, adding three lines in his own hand: “The Senior officer (should there be two or more) will always make the signal.” Below (and continuing onto the reverse), in another hand, are instructions for other encounters: “On falling in with a strange vessel in the night hoist one light and hail—the vessel to windward will first answer ‘Jones.’ The other when hailed will answer ‘Madison.’ On falling in with a strange vessel in the day time, those who have a set of signals will add 5 to the day of the month, and make the number with the numerical Signal.” In fine condition, with light soiling and a few small stains. The Battle of Lake Erie would take place just twenty days later on September 10, 1813. Starting Bid $200

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80 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY
“Whenever learned and well meaning Europeans visit the U.S. because they cannot but be struck with admiration for the state of the country in every respect”

326. Marquis de Lafayette Autograph Letter Signed to Justice Story, Praising America’s Social and Political Institutions. ALS signed “Lafayette,” one page, 7.75 x 10, May 28, 1827. Handwritten letter to Joseph Story, an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. In full: “I am happy in every opportunity to remind you of a friend who feels himself under most pleasing obligations to you. This letter will be delivered by Mr. Guillet, formerly a Secretaire Interprite to the Department of Foreign Affairs, a scientific gentleman who is going to visit the U.S. with a view to collect informations and probably to publish them. He has requested me to send to him at New York these introductory lines. I am pleased whenever learned and well meaning Europeans visit the U.S. because they cannot but be struck with admiration for the state of the country in every respect and for the institutions to which all political, social, and personal blessings are so eminently to be attributed. Present my affectionate respects around you, to family and friends, namely to my old companion in arms Mr. Pickering.” Addressed on the integral leaf to “Honble. Judge Story, Salem, Massachusetts, favored by Mr. Guillet.” In fine condition, with seal-related paper loss to the integral address leaf.

Revered in the United States as a hero of the Revolutionary War, the Marquis de Lafayette had made a triumphant return to the United States in 1824 at the invitation of Congress and President James Monroe. He toured all 24 states in the union and was met with a rapturous reception at every stop. On Lafayette’s visit to Salem, Massachusetts, on August 31, 1824, native son Joseph Story—a noted legal author and

associate justice of the Supreme Court—addressed the esteemed guest, praising his character and accomplishments:

‘You have been not merely the friend of America, but that of France, and of Liberty throughout the World. During a long life in the most trying scenes, you have done no act for which virtue need blush or humanity weep. Your private character has not cast a shade on your public honors. In the palaces of Paris and the dungeons of Olmutz, in the splendor of power, and the gloom of banishment, you have been the friend of justice, and the asserter of the rights of man. Under every misfortune, you have never deserted your principles. What earthly prince can afford consolation like this? The favor of princes and the applause of senates, sink into absolute nothingness, in comparison with the approving conscience of a life devoted to the good of mankind.’

When Isidore Guillet, formerly an interpreter for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, decided to visit America in 1826 to conduct research for a book, he reached out to Lafayette for introductions to distinguished Americans—among them Supreme Court justice Joseph Story, Harvard professor George Ticknor, and Congressman Stephen Longfellow, the father of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Like Lafayette, Guillet hoped that France would follow the American example and become a democracy. In this fascinating letter, Lafayette fulfills his friend’s request and reveals his broad sense that the American Revolution—and the freedoms it established—have resulted in social, political, and personal happiness. Starting Bid $1000

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82 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY View additional images online at www.RRAuction.com

Rare 1820s naval requisition book for the USS Constitution and USS Brandywine, signed a remarkable 24 times by Matthew C. Perry

328. Matthew C. Perry Multi-Signed (24x) USS Constitution and USS Brandywine Requisition Book. American naval officer (1794-1858) who took a leading role in the establishment of international trade with the formerly insular nation of Japan. Unique manuscript requisition book signed throughout 24 times by Matthew Calbraith Perry, “M. C. Perry,” 24 pages, 7.75 x 12, captioned on the front cover: “U. S. Ship Constitution Requisitions, From the 24th Oct. 1825 to the 1st Jan’y 1826, U. S. Ship Brandywine Requisitions, From the 6th Dec’r 1825 to the 25th Jan’y 1926.” The unusual naval folio contains sixteen requisition orders for the USS Constitution—nicknamed ‘Old Ironsides’ and perhaps the most famous of all early American ships—and sixteen requisition orders for the USS Brandywine, during its refitting at Port Mahon, Minorca, often with multiple orders to a page.

Among the supplies listed are various foodstuffs such as beef, pork, beans, flour, raisins, cheese, molasses, vinegar, bread and butter, clothing for crews, carpenter and surgeon

supplies, money for the purser’s department, and general supplies for the ships (including a “23-inch new hemp cable” and “six barrels of tar” for the Constitution). Perry signs 24 times as “superintending the duties of Capt’n of the Fleet,” while serving as the Executive Officer of the USS North Carolina, the flagship of the Mediterranean Squadron. In fine condition, with light soiling to the covers. Accompanied by a handsome custom-made blue cloth presentation folder, lettered in gold.

Perry served as a longtime aide to Commodore John Rodgers, acting as fleet captain for Commodore Rodgers in 1826–1827. Interestingly, Perry would assume command of the USS Brandywine in 1832 for a diplomatic voyage to Naples, as documented in Matthew Calbraith Perry: A Typical American Naval Officer by William Elliot Griffis. However, he is most celebrated for his diplomatic exploits of the 1850s—remembered as the ‘Perry Expedition’—which opened diplomatic contact with isolationist Japan, establishing a new era of international trade. Starting Bid $1000

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330. African-American Civil War Memorial: ‘Spirit of Freedom’ Sculpture by Ed Hamilton. Magnificent cast bronze sculpture by Ed Hamilton entitled ‘Spirit of Freedom,’ measuring approximately 8˝ x 13˝ x 6˝, mounted on a polished black marble base, measuring 10.5˝ in diameter and 2˝ tall, and weighing about 40 lbs. The work portrays three African-American soldiers and a sailor on one side; the opposite side shows a family with small children, with an older boy leaving to join the Union soldiers in the fight for freedom. In this way, the sculpture honors the stories of Black Civil War infantry and sailors, as well as the families that they had to leave behind. Hamilton’s signature is incised in one corner of the sculpture, and his business card is affixed to the bottom of the marble base.

An enlarged, nine-foot-tall version Hamilton’s ‘Spirit of Freedom’ is central to the African-American Civil War Memorial in Washington, D.C., with a base that reads: ‘Civil War to Civil Rights and Beyond: This Memorial is dedicated to those who served in the African American units of the Union Army in the Civil War. The 209,145 names inscribed on these walls commemorate those fighters of freedom.’ Encircling the granite-paved plaza are walls honoring the names of 209,145 United States Colored Troops who served in the Civil War, whose service helped to end a war and free a people. Starting Bid $200

Scarce Civil War–dated executive dispatch by Jefferson Davis to the Confederate House of Representatives, amidst a “secret session”

331. Jefferson Davis Civil WarDated Letter Signed. LS, one page, 7.5 x 9.75, September 16, 1862. Letter from the “Executive Mansion, Richmond,” to the “House of Representatives, Confederate States,” marked “Confidential.” In full: “I transmit herewith for the information of the House in secret session the report prepared by the Secretary of State in response to the resolution of the House adopted on the 1st instant.” Impressively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and biographical caption to an overall size of 25 x 25. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

84 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY

Rare signed portrait of General Robert E. Lee— the only full-length example from the Civil War

“R. E. Lee.” Published in 1864 by Vannerson & Jones of Richmond, Virginia. Archivally


of 9 x

Of the eight photographs of Lee known to have been taken during the Civil War, the present is the only full-standing portrait. ‘The standing view is especially notable in that Lee is wearing both his military sash and his dress sword—the only time he was ever photographed in his sash’ (Meredith, The Face of Robert E. Lee, p. 40). An impressive image of Lee that dates before the start of Grant’s bloody spring offensive in 1864. Starting Bid $500

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332. Robert E. Lee Signed Photograph - Rare FullLength Pose Dated to the Civil War. Rare original 2.5 x 4 carte-de-visite portrait of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in a full-length pose, dressed in his military uniform, with his DeVisme presentation sword (given to him by the ladies of Baltimore) in one hand and his gloves in the other, signed neatly in ink, mounted framed to an overall size 10.5. In fine condition, with a few light creases. Image shown larger than actual size.

333. Robert E. Lee Signature. Huge ink signature, “R. E. Lee,” on an off-white 4.75 x 2 clipped slip. In fine condition. A choice, crisp autograph by the commander of the Confederate States Army. Starting Bid $200

335. Eddie Rickenbacker’s Signed Passport (1923). Desirable passport of the United States of America granted to “Edward V. Rickenbacker,” two pages, 8.75 x 12.25, issued on September 13, 1923. The passport allows Rickenbacker to visit “All Countries” for “Travel,” and notes that “his wife, Adelaide” is accompanying him. Rickenbacker’s glossy passport photograph is stapled to the lower right, signed in fountain pen, “Edward V. Rickenbacker”; his personal details are filled out in the lower right. Also bears the facsimile signature of Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes. A similar passport photo of his wife, Adelaide, is affixed to the reverse. The passport bears visa stamps from Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. Folded and held within its original cardstock folder, imprinted on the front cover with a “Passport / United States of America” seal. In very good to fine condition, with vertical creases to both photos, expected wear from use, and a cancelation cut to the left edge. Starting Bid $200

86 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY
“We did not dream in 1865, that we would have to apologize for our conduct in the War... we must meet this new issue and fight it out on paper—far easier than by bullets”

334. William T. Sherman Autograph Letter Signed: “We did not dream in 1865, that we would have to apologize for our conduct in the War”. ALS signed “W. T. Sherman,” four pages both sides, 5.75 x 9.5, New Hotel Lafayette letterhead, May 5, 1887. Lengthy handwritten letter to his former aide, Colonel John Eaton Tourtellotte, informing the colonel that he sent him a copy of the American Review containing his answer to Lord Wolseley. In part: “I sent you a copy of the American Review…containing my answer to Lord Wolseley, which has brought on me a flood of letters highly entagonistic [sic], but I must expect the reflex from the South… but I will not police them. Everybody in New York came to me and said that somebody must answer Lord Wolesley so his assertions would not be accepted by history; that nobody was willing to undertake it and I must. At last I consented and you have the result. We did not dream in 1865, that we would have to apologize for our conduct in the War, but so it is. We won the aggression, we devastated places occupied by women

(husbands & sons absent fighting with Lee & Johnston). We conquered by sheer force of brute courage, not by skill & scientific campaign & c & c. Well! We must meet this new issue and fight it out on paper—far easier than by bullets.” In fine condition, with two small file holes to the left edge. The letter is housed in a handsome custom red linen portfolio, with tan morocco lettering piece on its spine.

Two decades after the war, Sherman faced a new battle—defending the Union’s actions in light of a Macmillan’s Magazine article by British General Lord Wolseley in his review of Robert E. Lee’s memoirs. Wolseley’s closing line in his article: ‘When Americans can review the history of their last great rebellion with calm impartiality, I believe all will admit that General Lee towered far above all men on either side in that struggle.’ Sherman’s rebuttal was published in the May 1887 issue of North American Review. Superlative content revealing Sherman’s thoughts on the Civil War. Starting Bid $200

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“Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. A great victory has been won”

336. Douglas MacArthur Signed Typescript of Remarks on the Japanese Surrender, Given Aboard the USS Missouri. Souvenir typescript of Douglas MacArthur’s address given aboard the USS Missouri upon Japan’s signing of their unconditional surrender to end World War II, four pages, 8.5 x 11, signed on the first page in fountain pen, “Douglas MacArthur.” The historic speech begins: “Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. A great victory has been won. The skies no longer rain death—the seas bear only commerce—men everywhere walk upright in the sunlight. The entire world lies quietly at peace. The holy mission has been completed. And in reporting this to you, the people, I speak for the thousands of silent lips, forever stilled among the jungles and the beaches and in the deep waters of the

Pacific which marked the way. I speak for the unnamed brave millions homeward bound to take up the challenge of that future which they did so much to salvage from the brink of disaster.

As I look back on the long, tortuous trail from those grim days of Bataan and Corregidor, when an entire world lived in fear, when democracy was on the defensive everywhere, when modern civilization trembled in the balance, I thank a merciful God that he has given us the faith, the courage, and the power from which to mould victory. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph, and from both we have learned there can be no turning back. We must go forward to preserve in peace what we won in war.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $1000

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MacArthur pens his soldier’s creed: “The soldier who is called upon to offer and to give his life for his country, is the noblest development of mankind”

337. Douglas MacArthur Autograph Manuscript

Signed: “The soldier who is called upon to offer and to give his life for his country, is the noblest development of mankind”. Autograph manuscript, signed “Douglas MacArthur, General, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army,” on both sides of a 7 x 8.75 vellum sheet, September 1935. General MacArthur pens his creed for soldiers everywhere, in full: “The Lord Almighty, merciful and all wise, does not absolutely protect those who unreasonably fail to contribute to their own safety. But he does help those who to the limit of their understanding and ability help themselves. The Military Code has come down to us from even before the age of Knighthood and chivalry. It embraces the highest moral laws and will stand the test of any ethics or philosophies ever promulgated for the uplift of

mankind. Its requirements are for the things that are right and its restraints are from the things that are wrong. Its observance will uplift everyone who comes under its influence. The soldier, above all other men is required to perform the highest act of religious teaching sacrifice. In battle and in the face of danger and death he discloses those divine attributes which his Maker gave to him. He created man in his own image. No physical courage and no brute instinct can take the place of the divine annunciation and spiritual uplift which will alone sustain him. However horrible the incidents of war may be, the soldier who is called upon to offer and to give his life for his country, is the noblest development of mankind.” In fine condition. A remarkable MacArthur manuscript, outlining his beliefs on the ethics and mission of the soldier. Starting Bid $300

90 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY
“When the German Commander demanded our surrender, I replied ‘Nuts’ because I thought he was bluffing and we were winning the fight for Bastogne. I was right”

338. Anthony C. McAuliffe Autograph Letter Signed: “I replied ‘Nuts’ because I thought he was bluffing...I was right”. ALS signed “A. C. McAuliffe,” one page, 8.5 x 11, March 7, 1972. Handwritten letter to “Mr. Bean and Friends,” explaining the origin of his famous nickname. In part: “The Battle of the Bulge was the last, dying effort of Hitler, the German dictator, to avoid defeat. But the American suffered almost 80,000 casualties, the most costly battle in our history. When the German Commander demanded our surrender, I replied ‘Nuts’ because I thought he was bluffing and we were winning the fight for Bastogne. I was right.” In fine condition.

In December 1944, during the Battle of the Bulge—part of the Allied invasion of Northwest Europe—American forces defended the small French town of Bastogne, a vital road junction, against Hitler’s Ardennes offensive. Acting American divisional commander of the 101st Airborne Division, Brigadier General Anthony C. McAuliffe, without higher orders, made the decision to hold the town against the powerful German advance. On December 22, 1944, the German commander wrote to McAuliffe, demanding that he give up: ‘There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A. troops from total annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town.’ McAuliffe’s fearless reply—’Nuts!’—followed by the 101st Airborne’s masterful defense of Bastogne has become the stuff of legend. Starting Bid $300

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McAuliffe’s 1942 promotion to “a Brigadier General in The Army of the United States”

339. Anthony C. McAuliffe’s Promotion to Brigadier General. World War II–dated partly-printed DS, one page, 8 x 10.5, August 17, 1942. Significant wartime document promoting McAuliffe to brigadier general, in part: “Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and abilities of Anthony Clement McAuliffe, I have nominated and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint him, temporarily, a Brigadier General in The Army of the United States.” Stamped at the conclusion with Secretary of War Henry Stimson’s facsimile signature, and signed in fountain pen by Adjutant General James Alexander Ulio. In fine condition.

McAuliffe was originally commissioned as an artillery officer, and following this promotion, was assigned to serve as Gen. Maxwell Taylor’s artillery commander in the 101st Airborne Division. He parachuted with the division into Normandy on D-Day, coordinated the final assault on Carentan, participated in Operation Market Garden, and gained fame for his stubborn, unyielding reply to the German commander who demanded the surrender of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge: ‘Nuts!’ Immediately after Bastogne, McAuliffe was promoted to major general and given command of the 103rd Infantry Division on January 15, 1945, his first divisional command assignment. Starting Bid $200

340. Montgomery of Alamein Signed Typescript of ‘The Struggle to Rehabilitate Germany’. Souvenir typescript of “The Struggle to Rehabilitate Germany,” an excerpt from The Memoirs of Field Marshal Montgomery, eight parchment pages, 8.5 x 11, signed at the bottom of the first page in fountain pen, “Montgomery of Alamein, F.M.” Offering a fascinating account of Field Marshal Montgomery’s year in Germany at the end of World War II, the piece begins: “In the middle of July 1945, SHAEF was disbanded, but Eisenhower remained as C.-in-C. and Military Governor of the American Zone. I have always considered this to have been a major error on the part o£ the Western Allies. The whole of eastern Germany was one zone controlled by one man (Zhukov); we split western Germany into three separate zones, each controlled by a separate Military Governor. I hold the view that Eisenhower should have been left in overall control of the western half of Germany; we would then have confronted the Russians with a united front. We were to pay the penalty for this nationalistic self-importance.” In fine condition, with mild mottled toning. Starting Bid $200

92 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY
“His Royal Highness should know that I disobeyed orders in not sending the original to Eisenhower’s H.Q.”

341. Montgomery of Alamein Autograph Letter Signed - “There are times when one disobeys orders!”. Magnificent ALS, one page, 8 x 10, personal Isington Mill letterhead, April 20, 1968. Handwritten letter to “Hawkins,” in full: “Please thank the Duke of Gloucester for telling you to write to me about my gift to the Imperial War Museum of the original copy of the Luneburg Heath surrender document. His Royal Highness should know that I disobeyed orders in not sending the original to Eisenhower’s H.Q.—as I was told to do. If I had sent it, it would now be in the United States. I sent Eisenhower photostat copies. There are times when one disobeys orders! As a C-in-C in the field in war time one is in a strong position. When I was a junior officer it was generally advisable to do as one was told—but in my case, not always!!” In fine condition, with some light creasing to the bottom blank area.

On May 4, 1945, at Lüneburg Heath, south of Hamburg, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery accepted the unconditional surrender of the German forces in the Netherlands, northwest Germany, including all islands, in Denmark, and all naval ships in those areas. The surrender preceded the end of World War II in Europe and was signed in a carpeted tent at Montgomery’s headquarters on the Timeloberg hill at Wendisch Evern. Starting Bid $200

French military document boldly signed by Napoleon Bonaparte as “Général en chef de l’Armée de l’Intérieur”

344. Napoleon Document Signed.

Manuscript DS in French, signed “Buonaparte,” one page, 6.75 x 8.75, Republique Francaise letterhead, August 29, 1796.

Untranslated military document issued by Napoleon Bonaparte as “Général en chef de l’Armée de l’Intérieur,” boldly signed at the conclusion in ink. Beautifully cloth-matted and framed with a color portrait to an overall size of 24 x 17.75. In fine condition. Napoleon’s strong autograph is a particularly full, legible example—supremely desirable as such. Starting Bid $200

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Financing the French Empire

342. Napoleon Letter Signed - Estimating Stock

Values of the Bank of France. Important LS in French, signed “Nap.,” one page, 7.25 x 9, July 16, 1810. Letter to Minister of the Public Treasury Nicolas Francois, Count Mollien, written amidst the Peninsular War. In part (translated): “I estimate that Bank shares have the following values: primitive funds, 1000 francs, reserve 220 fr. which makes 1220 francs, the right on the establishment belonging to the Bank I estimate at three million, 33 f = the intrinsic value is thus 1253 fr. on July 1. That being the case, on July 15, we must add 3 fr. to

the active part of the dividend, which makes 1256, we must add 3 f. on July 30, which brings the share to 1259 f. In this state of things, I want you to activate, in the easiest way possible, 4000 shares, but without surpassing their real value, that is, 1252 francs for intrinsic value, and 6 francs per month after July 1, for interest.” Napoleon makes one handwritten correction to the text, changing the month “January” to “July.” In fine condition. A desirable letter illustrating Bonaparte’s impressive grasp of economics—a necessity for financing his empire-building. Starting Bid $1000

94 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY

Writing during his exile on Elba, Napoleon relays instructions for building a fort




LS in French, signed “Nap,” one page, 7.25 x 9, September 26, 1814. Interesting letter from Napoleon’s early exile on the island of Elba, in part (translated): “Count Drouot, the engineering officer from Pianosa, lacks experience, and the works have been poorly conducted. However, one must accept things as they are. Instruct him to finish the vante of the guardhouse and to bring it to the same level as the fort with embankments of earth. As it is on the vante of

small mortar behind in a way that it can also be fired in all directions. It will be positioned at the very end of the fort. On the sea side, a small iron piece, caliber 6 to 12, and as short as possible will be placed. It will also be arranged to be fired in all directions and on…It will be necessary to build a small wall that encloses in the fort a cave very well situated to make an oven and stores. Give the order to restore the 3 houses that were used to lodge the garrison when the English took possession of the fort. It is estimated that no more than 600 francs are needed for this. On this note, I pray to God that He watches over you.” In fine condition. Significant content from the celebrated French leader. Starting Bid $300

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343. Letter Signed from on Construction. this guardhouse that the 3 cannon pieces will be placed, the platform will be made so that these pieces can, as needed, be fired to the right and left, forward and backward. Place the

Colt Model 1849 pocket revolver belonging to the first chief of the U.S. Army Signal Corps

346. Albert James Myer’s Colt Model 1849 Pocket Revolver. Surgeon and United States Army general (1828–1880) who is known as the father of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, as its first chief signal officer just prior to the American Civil War, the inventor of wig-wag signaling (or aerial telegraphy), and also as the father of the U.S. Weather Bureau. Albert James Myer’s Colt Model 1849 pocket revolver, Serial #28353, .31 Caliber, 4” octagon barrel with a good bore that has light pitting within the grooves. This revolver was made in 1852 and has all matching numbers, including the cylinder, loading lever, wedge, and arbor. The metal retains 90-92% of a later, added blue finish on the cylinder and frame, while the barrel assembly has an overall plum-brown patina with fading along the high edges, and areas of pinprick pitting along both sides; some further pitting is present on the edge of the recoil

shield on the left side, as well as some areas of gray fading on the cylinder. The walnut grip is in very good shape with a few minor handling marks in the excellent, reapplied varnish finish. The grip-straps retain about 60-70% of the original silver plate finish, with a pale yellow-ochre patina to the exposed, underlying brass on the balance. The backstrap is engraved in flowing script, “Col. A.J. Myer S.C.” (Signal Corps). The revolver is tight and the lock-up is good with the action functioning flawlessly. A small and attractive pre-war Colt, which has ties to one of the most important figures in the history of the US Army Signal Corps, and would make a splendid addition to any collection. Accompanied by a printed copy of Myers’s Medical Officer File (1851-1859) from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Starting Bid $300

96 | April 17, 2024 | MILITARY

Art, Architecture, and Design

Centennial celebration of the Art Institute of Chicago, signed by Chagall, Miro, Albright,

and de Kooning

582. Artists: Marc Chagall, Joan Miro, Ivan Albright, and Willem de Kooning Signed Book - The Art Institute of Chicago: 100 Masterpieces. Exquisite multi-signed book: The Art Institute of Chicago: 100 Masterpieces. First edition, first printing. Chicago, Illinois: Rand McNally & Company / Printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons and Lakeside Press, 1978. Bound in fine dark red Morocco leather with gilt titling to the spine, and accompanied by its matching red leather clamshell presentation box with a large gold lion on the front lid, 12 x 15.5, 159 pages. Signed inside on separate pages in ballpoint by adored artists Marc Chagall, Joan Miro, Ivan Albright, and Willem de Kooning. In fine to very fine condition, with some wear to the clamshell case. Starting Bid $200

583. Henri Matisse Signed Photograph. Rare vintage 8.5 x 12.25 paperstock book portrait of Matisse wearing his eyeglasses, dressed in a tie and tweed jacket, nicely signed and inscribed in the lower border in fountain pen, “A Monsieur Chlomoriten, Henri Matisse, 28/7 39.” In fine condition, with trimmed edges, and a short tear to the upper right border. Signed portraits of the great French visual artist are scarce in general, especially in this larger size—a marvelous piece. Starting Bid $300

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Frank Lloyd Wright initials a hand-drawn design of the “Usonian House for Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Wheeler’

584. Frank Lloyd Wright Signed Plan for a Usonian House. Hand-drawn design of the “Usonian House for Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Wheeler” in Hinsdale, Illinois, executed under Wright’s oversight at his studio, one page, 36 x 30, with the inside of the hand-drawn red ‘Taliesen’ box at the bottom signed in pencil by Frank Lloyd Wright, “FLLW, Jan. 20/48.” Accomplished in ink, graphite, and colored pencil, and identified as “Sheet 3, Mat Plan, Concrete & Masonry Work,” the plan shows a detailed overhead view of the house, identifying the terrace, living room, bedrooms, shop, bathroom, carport, fireplaces, chimneys, and other areas, all labeled with comprehensive details pertaining to the concrete and masonry work involved in their creation. On the right side is a large cross-section of the “studio fireplace.” At the top is a lengthy passage headed “Masonry Work,” detailing the contractor’s responsibilities for completing the work. Starting Bid $500

98 | April 17, 2024 | ART, ARCHITECTURE, AND DESIGN

Comic Art and Animation

Disney and his wife divide and transfer their holdings of Walt Disney Productions

599. Walt Disney Document Signed - The Disneys Split Their Walt Disney Productions Shares.

DS, signed “Walter E. Disney,” two pages, 8.25 x 11, September 30, 1942. Agreement between Disney and his wife Lillian by which they “mutually desire to terminate the community property” and divide between them their 213,000 shares of the common capital stock of Walt Disney Productions, with the couple transferring to each other 106,500 shares. Boldly signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by Walt Disney and countersigned by Lillian Bounds Disney. In fine condition. A significant Disney document boasting a large, beautiful signature. Starting Bid $500

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portrait signed by the animation innovator

600. Walt Disney Signed Photograph. Exceptional vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Disney in a suit and tie, signed prominently in fountain pen, “Walt Disney.” In fine to very fine condition. Archivally cloth-matted and framed under Tru Vue UV protective glass to an overall size of 17 x 8.75. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. A beautiful signed example of a classic Disney portrait. Starting Bid $500

601. Walt Disney Signed Program. Program from the “People to People Tenth Anniversary Conference,” held at the Continental Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, on October 6–8, 1966, six pages, 5.5 x 8, signed on the front cover in ink by Walt Disney. On October 8th, Walt Disney, Bob Hope, and DeWitt Wallace were honored as special guests at the banquet, and were awarded with Distinguished Service Awards. In very good to fine condition, with toning and discoloration to the cover, rusted binding staples leading to somewhat loose inner pages, and various notations made by the attendee within.

Established during the Eisenhower administration in 1956, the People to People Student Ambassador Program was a cultural exchange program that offered domestic and international travel opportunities to middle and high school students. Walt Disney was one of the founding directors of People to People and later drew inspiration from the initiative to create the ‘It’s a Small World’ attraction at Disneyland in 1964. Starting Bid $300

100 | April 17, 2024 | COMIC ART AND ANIMATION


“See if this will do to fill a narrow corner in the holiday number”—

Mark Twain submits to Harper’s Magazine

606. Samuel L. Clemens Autograph Letter Signed, Submitting to Harper’s Magazine.

ALS signed “S. L. Clemens,” one page, 5.5 x 7.75, May 11, 1891.

Handwritten letter to “Mr. Alden,” Henry Mills Alden, the editor of Harper’s Magazine, in full: “See if this will do to fill a narrow corner in the holiday number. It was told to Rev. Jo. Twichell here, years ago, by the English clergyman who figures in it, as a fact. He suppressed the name of the military hero, & of course I have been obliged to do the same.” Mounted and matted with a portrait to an overall size of 20 x 15. In fine condition, with light edge toning. Clemens refers to his close friend, Joseph Twichell, a writer and Congregational minister from Hartford, Connecticut; Twichell is believed to be the model for the character ‘Harris’ in Mark Twain’s A Tramp Abroad. Starting Bid $200

607. Charles L. Dodgson Autograph Note Signed. ANS signed “C. L. Dodgson, (curator),” one page, 7 x 4.5, February 19, [no year]. The handwritten note, in full: “Dear Steward, Why, certainly!” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Rolfe versus the head priest of Holywell: “We mean to prosecute…without ceasing until we obtain either our Rights or Excommunication”

608. Frederick Rolfe Autograph Letter Signed. English writer, artist, and photographer (1860–1913) who was perhaps better known as Baron Corvo. A rather obscure figure in modernist literature, his influence has been discerned in novels written by Henry Harland, Ronald Firbank, Graham Greene, and Alexander Theroux. His biography by A.J.A. Symons, The Quest for Corvo, is regarded as a minor classic in the field. Rare ALS signed “F. Austin,” three pages, 4.75 x 8, 1897. Addressed from Holywell in Wales, a handwritten letter to Father Flynn, in part: “The 18 counts of our indictment of Fr. Beauclerk, having passed the Vicar Apostolic & the Provincial S. J. are now being assiduously agitated in Rome where, & I can assure you, we mean to prosecute them without ceasing until we obtain either our Rights or Excommunication, but justice anyhow.” In fine condition.

In April 1895, Rolfe, then using the pseudonym ‘Mr Austin,’ arrived in Holywell to paint new banners for the town’s regular Catholic processions, work commissioned by Jesuit priest Charles Sidney Beauclerk. However, it was not long before Rolfe’s relations with the parish priest began to deteriorate and break down altogether when Beauclerk rejected Rolfe’s hefty payment request. Eventually, Rolfe agreed to a small fee of £50, but, as the editor and chief writer for the Holywell Record, Rolfe used his control of the publication to attack Beauclerk relentlessly. By early 1897 Rolfe used his myriad of Holywell acquaintances to join his feud with Beauclerk. The priest’s position ultimately became untenable and the Jesuit Provincial decided to transfer him. Starting Bid $300

102 | April 17, 2024 | LITERATURE
“I carry my adornments on my soul”— Rostand quotes from “Cyrano”

609. Edmond Rostand Autograph Manuscript

Signed. French poet and dramatist (1868-1918) best known for his play Cyrano de Bergerac. Autograph manuscript in French, signed “Edmond Rostand,” one page, 8.25 x 11.5, March 1898. Rostand pens a direct quotation from his famous play Cyrano de Bergerac, headed “Cyrano,” in full:

“Moi, c’est moralement que j’ai mes élégances. Je ne m’artiffe pas ainsi qu’un freluquet, Mais je suis plus soigné, si je suis moins coquet. Un affront pas très bien lavé, la conscience Jaune encor de sommeil dans le coin de son oeil, Un honneur chiffonné, des scrupules en deuil… Mais je marche, sans rien sur moi qui ne reluise, Empanaché d’indépendance et de franchise; Ce n’est pas une taille avantageuse, c’est Mon âme que je cambre ainsi qu’en un corset, Et tout couvert d’exploits qu’en rubans je m’attache, Retroussant mon esprit ainsi qu’une moustache, Je fais, en traversant les groupes et les ronds.

Sonner les vérités comme des éperons!”

As translated into English verse by Brian Hooker:

“I carry my adornments on my soul.

I do not dress up like a popinjay: But inwardly, I keep my daintiness.

I do not bear with me, by any chance,

An insult not yet washed away—a conscience

Yellow with unpurged bile—an honor frayed

To rags, a set of scruples badly worn.

I go caparisoned in gems unseen,

Trailing white plumes of freedom, garlanded

With my good name—no figure of a man,

But a soul clothed in shining armor, hung

With deeds for decorations, twirling—thus—

A bristling wit, and swinging at my side

Courage, and on the stones of this old town

Making the sharp truth ring, like golden spurs!”

On the reverse is an untranslated handwritten passage by the French literary critic Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, signed “Sainte-Beauve.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Salinger expresses his disdain for “the writer as interviewee”

610. J. D. Salinger Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “J. D. Salinger,” one page, 4.75 x 7, The New Yorker letterhead, May 12, 1957. Letter to Marilyn Schachter at Douglass College in New Brunswick, New Jersey, declining an interview. In the brief, apologetic letter, Salinger explains his disdain for “the writer as interviewee.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

Salinger’s reclusive behavior is the stuff of legend, and particularly his unwillingness to be interviewed by anyone, least of all a budding journalist. Marilyn Schachter was a student at Douglass College, graduating in 1959 with a degree in journalism. She went on to have a career as a writer and editor, in spite of Salinger’s polite snub. Starting Bid $300

104 | April 17, 2024 | LITERATURE
Wolfe sends thanks for admiring praise from “from one who has had experience in selling books as well as in reading them”

611. Thomas Wolfe Typed Letter Signed. TLS, one page, 8.5 x 11, June 2, 1933. Letter to Alice Steinlein of the Greenwood Book Shop, Wilmington, Delaware, commenting on his ongoing work on the manuscript for Of Time and the River, which would be published in 1935. In part: “I am sincerely grateful for what you say to me about my work and appreciate it all the more because it comes from one who has had experience in selling books as well as in reading them. I am working as usual, and this time I hope with the end—one end—in sight—on the manuscript of a very long book which, if I ever complete it, will be more of a trilogy of long books

than a single book, yet all belonging to a single theme. No part of it, I am glad to say, will be called K-19, which was never more than a minor section in it and which I mistakenly allowed a publicity man in Scribners to publicize about a year ago. Anyway I hope that it will be worth reading and that I will be able to feel some happiness for having written it. I see very few people and lead a very solitary life but I want you to know that it is a sincere satisfaction for me to know that there are some people who believe in what I write as you do.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $300

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Novello heads to “Germany for the purpose of obtaining authentic materials for my intended ‘Life of Mozart’”

635. Vincent Novello Autograph Letter Signed on His Proposed ‘Life of Mozart’. English musician (1781-1861) who was a composer of popular sacred music. ALS signed “V. Novello,” one page, 6.25 x 7.75, June 10, 1829. Handwritten letter to composer Thomas Attwood, who had been a student of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In part: “I have at last determined to on visiting Germany for the purpose of obtaining authentic materials for my intended ‘Life of Mozart’—and shall leave England at the end of this month. I was quite shocked to hear…that the sister of Mozart is now almost blind—nearly 80 years old—and ‘in distress.’ In consequence of this intelligence, it is my intention to make a little private Collection in her favor, amongst those of my musical friends who respect

the memory of her illustrious Brother—& to place whatever sum may be collected—in her own hands. I have already put down £10 myself…May I request the favor of a line of introduction from you to the Sister, as well as to the widow of Mozart—to whom, I, of course, intend to pay my respects.” He goes on to request introductory letters to “any of the Musical Cognoscenti at Vienna, or, Prague, who may have it in their power to assist my researches—or promoted the fulfillment of my wishes relative to the biography of Mozart.” In very good to fine condition, with a trimmed top edge, a light stain, and the second page affixed to a slightly larger piece of card stock. Starting Bid $200

106 | April 17, 2024 | MUSIC Music
‘We All Had a Glorious Time,’ Loewe’s original working song manuscript from Camelot

636. Frederick Loewe Autograph Musical Manuscript for ‘We All Had a Glorious Time,’ an Unpublished Song from Camelot. Sensational autograph musical manuscript by Frederick Lowe, containing a song entitled “We All Had a Glorious Time,” which was intended for Camelot but omitted from the published score, one page both sides, 9.5 x 12.5, unsigned, [1959], with the upper border marked in pencil, “We All Had a Glorious Time,” and Loewe writing eighteen lines of music to both sides of the sheet. In fine condition.

Based on the Arthurian legend and T. H. White’s The Once and Future King, Camelot opened on Broadway in New York on

December 3, 1960, and had a run of 873 performances over two years. Production was staged by Moss Hart, with Richard Burton, Julie Andrews, and Robert Goulet in the leading roles (Arthur, Guenevere, and Lancelot). Written in collaboration with Alan Jay Lerner, the musical symbolized to many Americans an ideal society during the presidency of John F. Kennedy. In fact, its admirers included President and First Lady Kennedy, whose White House circle was often likened to Camelot. A rare early draft of the melody and words from Loewe’s own personal archive, written during the creation of this remarkable classic musical. Starting Bid $200

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The Beatles play Blackburn to close their 1963 UK Tour with Roy Orbison

637. Beatles Signatures (June 9, 1963) – Obtained at King George’s Hall in Blackburn, Lancashire. Vintage red 1960s leather-bound autograph book, 5.25 x 4.25, signed inside on the same page in blue ballpoint: “Beatles, Paul McCartney,” “Ringo Starr,” “George Harrison,” and “John Lennon.” The adjacent page is signed by one-time touring partner Roy Orbison; the balance of the book contains autographs of Gerry Marsden, Freddie and the Dreamers, Billy J. Kramer, the 4 Pennies, the Undertakers, and Cilla Black. The consignor notes that the Beatles signatures were obtained at King George’s Hall in Blackburn, Lancashire, England on June 9, 1963, the final date in the Beatles’ UK tour with Orbison; incidentally, the lyric ‘4000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire’ was also part of the 1967 Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life,’ which appeared on the group’s 1967 album Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $1000

108 | April 17, 2024 | MUSIC

Uncommon fully signed group photo of the Fab Four

638. Beatles Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 6.25 x 4.75 photo of the Beatles seated and posing together outdoors, with the famous Liverpool landmark, the Royal Liver Building, visible in the background, signed and inscribed in black ballpoint “To Entie’s Kids, best wishes from the Beatles, George Harrison,” “Paul McCartney,” and “Ringo Starr,” and in red ballpoint, “John Lennon.” Mounted and framed to an overall size of 12 x 10.5. In good to very good condition, with creasing, heavy fading rendering the signatures difficult to make out, and a thin layer of shellac-like residue over most of the image. Flaws aside, this fully signed example depicts the band in an amusing semi-serious pose that is not typically seen. Starting Bid $200

“You were never any trouble – and we shall miss you!”—a gracious goodbye letter from Harrison to his retiring Friar Park gardener

639. Beatles: George Harrison Autograph Letter Signed to His Retiring ‘Friar Park’ Gardener - “You were never any trouble – and we shall miss you!”. ALS signed “George H.,” one page, 7.25 x 3.5, Friar Park Studio [HenleyOn-Thames, England] compliments slip, September 26, 1991. Handwritten letter to Geoff, a retiring gardener who was employed at Harrison’s Henley home, in full: “Thanks for all your work over the past years (16?) It has been good having you here Geoff, – you were never any trouble – and we shall miss you! Have a good time in the next 80 years, and if you get bored – give us a call!! All the best to you and your family.” Includes its original envelope, the front of which Harrison has written “Geoff.” In fine condition, with unobtrusive light ceasing. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $300

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640. Beatles: George Harrison Typed Note Signed on Astrology. TNS, one page, 5.75 x 3.75, Dark Horse Records letterhead, no date. A typed note from George Harrison: “The time of my birth was; Best wishes with your astrology project.” Harrison writes the answer in his own hand: “12:10 A.M., 25/2/43.” In very good to fine condition, with a central vertical fold, and an area of restored paper loss where, apparently, the recipient’s name had been clipped off. Starting Bid $200

Boldly signed candid photo of Lennon with a fan at his Kenwood home in spring 1968

641. Beatles: John Lennon Signed Candid Photograph (1968) – Pictured at His Kenwood Home. Vintage color glossy 3.5 x 3.5 candid photo of John Lennon posing with a female fan at his Weybridge, Surrey home, ‘Kenwood,’ in the spring of 1968, signed in bold blue ballpoint. The consignor notes that the photograph was taken (and the autograph collected) by an avid Beatles fan who visited their respective homes on several occasions in the late 1960s; the fan recalled that ‘they were pretty relaxed about posing for photographs on their own front doorsteps. The first time one of The Beatles opened their door I nearly fainted.’ Reverse is stamp-dated to April 1968. In fine condition, with slight surface impressions from another item that Lennon signed on top of this one. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $500

110 | April 17, 2024 | MUSIC

Dylan’s landmark heartbreak album, beautifully signed in silver

Many critics consider Blood on the Tracks to be Dylan’s finest work. With songs like ‘Tangled Up In Blue’ and ‘Shelter from the Storm,’ it is a gut-wrenching account of the dissolution of his marriage. Dylan has denied that the songs on the

are autobiographical, but it’s impossible not to hear his pain on tracks like ‘You’re a Big Girl Now’ and ‘If You See Her, Say Hello.’ The common thread throughout is the pain that comes when love dies. Blood on the Tracks endures as one of Dylan’s most honest and heartfelt recordings. An unbelievable example of one of Dylan’s greatest albums, signed in a controlled environment, for his trusted business manager of 30-plus years. An unprecedented event, especially for the ever-elusive Dylan. Starting Bid $500

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 111
642. Bob Dylan Signed Album - Blood on the Tracks. Blood on the Tracks album signed beautifully on the front cover in silver ink by Bob Dylan. In very fine condition. The record is included. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from REAL and a letter of provenance from Dylan’s manager, Jeff Rosen. album

The Times They Are a-Changin’ album

signed by Bob Dylan—a rare example of the folk singer’s masterpiece

643. Bob Dylan Signed Album - The Times They Are a-Changin’. The Times They Are a-Changin’ album signed on the front cover in black felt tip by Bob Dylan. In very fine condition. The record is included. Accompanied by a letter of provenance from Jeff Rosen, the president of the Bob Dylan Music Company, which reads: “I represent Bob Dylan and have done so for many years. In 2017 he signed a number

of individual albums on a rare and limited basis, including the album photographed here. I can say for certain that is Bob Dylan’s signature. The chain of custody is directly from Bob Dylan to myself.” A superior example of one of Dylan’s greatest albums, signed in a controlled environment, for his trusted business manager of 30-plus years. Starting Bid $500

112 | April 17, 2024 | MUSIC

Amazing, elusive full set of signed 1980 Queen promotional photos

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 113
645. Queen (4) Signed 1980 Promotional Photographs. Incredibly rare set of four glossy 6.5 x 8.5 Queen promotional photographs, individually signed in ink or felt tip by each pictured band member: Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon, and Roger Taylor. The consignor notes that the photographs and autographs date to circa 1980, and that they derive from the estate of a former employee of Queen. In overall very fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. An exquisitely rare quartet of beautifully signed Queen musician photos. Starting Bid $500

Sought-after example of the Eagles second studio album Desperado, signed by all four original band members

644. The Eagles Signed AlbumDesperado. Desperado album by the Eagles, signed on the front cover in blue felt tip by Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Bernie Leadon, and in black felt tip by Randy Meisner. Mounted and framed to an overall size of 16 x 16. In fine to very fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Early and fully signed Eagles albums are highly sought after, with this particular example being one of the finest signed Desperado albums we have seen. Starting Bid $300

Fully signed Stones promo card from 1964

646. Rolling Stones Signed Promotional Card (1964). Vintage 5.5 x 4.25 UK promotional card for the Rolling Stones, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Susan, Bill Wyman,” “Brian Jones,’ “Keith Richard,” “Mick Jagger,” and “Charlie Watts.” The consignor notes that the signatures date to 1964. Attractively mounted and framed to an overall size of 8.5 x 7.5. In very good to fine condition, with an old tape stain to the top edge, and a missing upper left corner tip. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $300

114 | April 17, 2024 | MUSIC

Multi-signed vintage Atlantic Records publicity photo of the Rolling Stones

647. Rolling Stones Signed Photograph.

Vintage glossy 9.5 x 7 Atlantic Records photo of the Rolling Stones from circa 1975, signed in ballpoint by Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman, Ronnie Wood, and Billy Preston. Mounted and framed to an overall size of 13.5 x 11. In fine condition, with scattered light surface creasing. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $200

Brian Jones to a young fan, sending love and discouraging “a horrible thought”

648. Rolling Stones: Brian Jones Autograph Letter

Signed. ALS, signed “Brian Jones, xxx,” one page, 5 x 8, October 9, 1964. Handwritten letter to “Valerie,” a young Rolling Stones fan in London, in full: “Thank you very much for your sweet letter. I don’t think you’re mad at all, as you feared I might think. – I think you are very sweet. There’s not really much I can say except thank you for liking us + supporting us. And don’t ever say things like committing suicide eh? I know you weren’t really serious – but it’s a horrible thought. Bye – Lots of Love.” In fine condition, with slightly irregular light toning. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and by a letter of provenance from the original recipient. Starting Bid $300

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Rare fully signed My Generation album, The Who’s historic debut

My Generation. My Generation album by The Who, signed on the reverse in blue ballpoint by Pete Townshend, Keith Moon, John Entwistle, and Roger Daltrey. In very good condition, with moderate creases and soiling, and several small areas of surface loss (not affecting signatures). The record is not included. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. This was The Who’s debut album and today is recognized as one of the most important rock albums of the era. An exceedingly desirable album, rarely found in this fully signed, uninscribed format. Starting Bid $1000

116 | April 17, 2024 | MUSIC
649. The Who Signed Album -

The Jackson 5 tour down under, a fully signed Skywriter album


Jackson 5 Signed Album - Skywriter (Obtained During Their 1973 Australian Tour). Australian vinyl pressing of the 1973 Jackson 5 album Skywriter, signed on the front cover in black ballpoint, “Love, Michael Jackson,” “Peace & Love, Jackie Jackson,” “Jermaine Jackson,” “Randy Jackson,” “Tito Jackson, Love always,” and “Love, Marlon.” The consignor notes that the album was signed for the president of the local Jackson Five Fan Club at the Park Royal Hotel in Brisbane, Australia, in late June 1973. This was not only the Jacksons’ first tour of Australia and New Zealand, but they were the first black artists to tour the countries and record concert attendance of over 2 million people. Between June 23 and July 5, the band played in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, and Sydney, Australia, and in Christchurch and Wellington, New Zealand. In fine condition. The record is included. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and by a letter of provenance from the father of the original recipient. Starting Bid $300

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651. Tupac Shakur Signature - PSA MINT 9. Uncommon felt tip signature, “Peace, 2Pac Shakur,” on a white 5 x 3 card, with a small portrait affixed at the lower right. In very fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/ DNA as “MINT 9.” Starting Bid $300

Classic Entertainment

‘Shooting breakdown’ production document for James Dean’s 1955 classic Rebel Without a Cause

753. James Dean: Rebel Without a Cause ‘Shooting Breakdown’ Production Document. Desirable ‘shooting breakdown’ document from the production of the classic 1955 teen drama Rebel Without a Cause, 51 pages, 8.5 x 11, March 9, 1955, directed by Nicholas Ray and starring James Dean, Natalie Wood, and Sal Mineo. The first page provides an index to the movie’s scenes, and each page offers a description of the scene as well as a comprehensive listing of actors, wardrobe, effects, stage construction, props, and other requirements for the filming of each scene. Among the “essential props” listed throughout the document are “cars to park,” “cars to drive,” “cigarettes,” “matches,” “hot rods,” and “motorcycles,” “Plato’s gun,” “switch knife”—all crucial elements to the iconic film. The working document features a few pencil annotations inside, and is in very good to fine condition, with the first page detached, and tape-stained repaired tears to the first three pages. Starting Bid $200

118 | April 17, 2024 | CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT

Rare original Eve Arnold candid photo of Clark Gable from The Misfits, presented to fellow Hollywood legend Marion Davies

production of the 1961 film The Misfits, an image published as the lead photo in LIFE magazine’s feature article on the film’s making. Signed and inscribed in the lower border in fountain pen, “December 1960, For you, Dearest Marion and Horace, All my love, Kathleen.” The reverse bears a scarce original credit stamp attributed to “Eve Arnold–Magnum, Magnum Photos, Inc.,” with caution stamp below, “Not For Reproduction.” In fine condition, with some rippling to the top and bottom edges.

Arnold presented this photograph to Gable and his wife Kay (Kathleen) after filming had wrapped and less than two weeks before Gable died on November 16, 1960. A month later, Gable’s widow gifted this photo to actress Marion Davies, her late husband’s old friend and 1930s Hollywood costar. Davies, who was then in ill health, died from cancer not long after. A superb, original one-of-a-kind Eve Arnold photograph from a particularly poignant Hollywood moment. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 119
754. Clark Gable: The Misfits Original Eve Arnold Photograph - Gifted to Marion Davies by Gable’s Widow, Kay Williams. Very rare original vintage matte-finish 11 x 14 candid-style photo of Clark Gable by pioneering photojournalist Eve Arnold, picturing the leading man in wardrobe holding his script during
D. W. Griffith assigns his life insurance policy to Lillian Gish, the ‘First Lady of Cinema’

755. D. W. Griffith Twice-Signed Document. Trailblazing filmmaker (1875-1948) who directed a number of important early classics, including Intolerance and the iconic Birth of a Nation. DS, signed twice, “David Wark Griffith,” one page, 8 x 12, November 8, 1944. An “Assignment Annuity Contract” filled out and signed by D. W. Griffith, assigning his benefit to his frequent leading lady, Lillian Gish. In part: “For value received I hereby assign Annuity Contract No. 760 A.B. issued by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on the life of David Wark Griffith with all the proceeds thereof and all sums of money, interest, benefits, rights, powers, privileges, and advantages whatsoever thereunder unto Lillian D. Gish, address: 430 East 57th New York, NY, creditor and to her executors, administrators, successors, or assigns.” In fine condition. Gish is especially associated with the films of D. W. Griffith—she appeared in more than 40 of his movies—including a leading role in the highest-grossing film of the silent era, The Birth of a Nation (1915). A unique piece of cinematic history connecting two of the great names of the silent era. Starting Bid $200

Stunning very early Hepburn portrait

756. Audrey Hepburn Early Signed Photograph. Vintage glossy 3.25 x 5.75 photo of a young Audrey Hepburn in a lovely up-close pose, signed in blue ink, “My very best wishes, Audrey Hepburn.” Reverse bears a Baron Studios photography stamp. In very good to fine condition, with light scuffing, and a light postal impression touching Hepburn’s nose, visible at an angle. One of the earliest Hepburn autographs we have ever offered; this image of Hepburn dates back to 1951, before her first starring role. Starting Bid $300

120 | April 17, 2024 | CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT

757. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph. Beautiful glossy 7 x 9.5 close-up photo of the screen icon, signed in black felt tip, “Best wishes, Audrey Hepburn.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

758. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph. Beautiful vintage glossy 8 x 10 Paramount Pictures photo of Hepburn as Jo Stockton for the 1957 film Funny Face, neatly signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Carl Skogholm, Sincerely, Audrey Hepburn.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered creasing, one of which touches Hepburn’s chin. Starting Bid $200

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Classic actress collection of over 60 portrait sketches, signed by legendary starlets like Vivien Leigh, Veronica Lake, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Ginger Rogers, and more

759. J. Fred Johnson Collection of (60+) Signed Classic Hollywood Actress Sketches. Collection of 67 original vintage portrait sketches by artist J. Fred Johnson of an array of classic actresses from the Golden Age of Hollywood, each accomplished in graphite and colored pencil on off-white sheets of drawing paper approximately 13.75 x 16.5, with the sketches dating between 1949 and 1970, the majority of which are inscribed to Johnson, who adds his artist signature to each portrait. The names include: Vivien Leigh, Veronica Lake, Jennifer Jones (Selznick), Joan Crawford (3), Bette Davis (2), Ginger Rogers, Gloria Swanson, Mae West, Lucille Ball, Eve Arden, Lauren Bacall, Tallulah Bankhead, Joan Bennett, Joan Blondell, Shirley Booth, Eileen Brennan, Carol Channing, Savannah Churchill, Claudette Colbert, Dagmar, Dolores Del Rio, Joan Fontaine, Eva Gabor, Betty Grable, Lee Grant, Dolores Gray (2), Joan Greenwood, Signe Hasso, June Havoc, Lena Horne, Josephine Hull, Marsha Hunt, Betty Hutton, Christine Jorgensen, Viola Keats, Nancy Kelly, Deborah Kerr (2), Dorothy Lamour, Angela Lansbury, Peggy Lee (2), Beatrice Lillie, Myrna Loy, Melina Mercouri, Agnes Moorehead, Patricia Neal, Janis Paige, Lilli Palmer, Rosalind Russell (2), Ann Sothern, Kim Stanley, Lili St. Cyr, Haila Stoddard, Margaret Sullavan (affixed clipped signature), Jessica Tandy, Nancy Walker, Nydia Westman, Estelle Winwood, and Fay Wray. Also includes signed portrait sketches of actors Frankie Avalon and Horst Buchholz, as well as a few unsigned sketches. Many of the sketches are presented in 16 x 20 mats. In overall very good to fine condition, with instances of paper loss and tears to corners from removal from original mounts. Starting Bid $300

122 | April 17, 2024 | CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT

Philosophical ‘Jeet Kune Do’ manuscript

commenting on “total awareness” and “disciplined stillness”

760. Bruce Lee Handwritten Manuscript on Jeet Kune Do Philosophy. Unsigned handwritten manuscript by Bruce Lee, one page, 7.25 x 9 TWA ‘In Flight’ letterhead, no date. Handwritten philosophical manuscript, possibly drafted while working on ‘The Ultimate Source of Jeet Kune Do.’ In full: “The ‘space’ created between ‘what is’ and what should be total awareness of the now and not the disciplined stillness. But can you neither condemn nor justify and yet be

extraordinarily alive as you walk on? You can never invite the wind but you must leave the window open.” In fine condition, with some light creasing. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by his widow, Linda Lee, noting that it is “a genuine article from his personal collection.” A stunning manuscript outlining some of the principles and observations that underpinned Bruce Lee’s martial arts philosophy. Starting Bid $500

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McQueen enters

his “1923

Indian” motorcycle at the 1975 CAMA Rally

761. Steve McQueen Twice-Signed Document - 1975 CAMA Rally Entry Form for His ‘1923 Indian’ Motorcycle. Twice-signed partly-printed DS, one page, 8.5 x 11, April 26, 1975. A vehicle entry form for the 1975 CAMA Rally (The Classic and Antique Motorcycle Association) that has been partially filled out in black felt tip by Steve McQueen, who adds his name (“Steve McQueen”) and address (“7134 Sunset, L.A., Calif., 90069”) to the upper portion, with another hand in green felt tip adding McQueen’s motorcycle, “1923 Indian.” McQueen has signed and dated at the conclusion. In fine condition, with some light creasing, and minor smudging to a couple of words. Starting Bid $300

763. Marilyn Monroe Signature. Sought-after vintage ballpoint signature and inscription, “To Janet, Best wishes, Marilyn Monroe,” on a light blue 5.25 x 4 album page. In fine condition. Starting Bid $500

124 | April 17, 2024 | CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT
Marilyn pays the gas allowance of her studio maid, Hazel Washington

762. Marilyn Monroe Signed Check. Marilyn Monroe Productions, Inc., business check, 8.5 x 3, filled out in type and signed by Monroe, “Marilyn Monroe,” payable to her studio maid, Hazel Washington, for $15, February 19, 1960, with a note that the payment is for a “Gas Allowance.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Spurred by her desire to have more control over her career, Monroe and business partner Milton Greene formed the independent film production company, Marilyn Monroe Productions, in 1955. The studio made two films—Bus Stop in 1956, and The Prince and the Showgirl in 1957—but folded soon thereafter. Starting Bid $500

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126 | April 17, 2024 | CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT View addtional images online at www.RRAuction.com


Peck’s heavily annotated script for Twelve O’Clock High, a role that earned him an Oscar nomination

764. Gregory Peck’s Hand-Annotated Script for Twelve O’Clock High. Gregory Peck’s extensively hand-annotated script for the 1949 war film Twelve O’Clock High, bound in the original Twentieth Century Fox paper wrappers, 137 pages, 9 x 11.5, January 10, 1949. On the first page, Peck amends the title in pencil to “The Story of the 918th,” and signs and inscribes with his initials in blue, “Elsa—the part is savage. G.P.”—a play on the name of his character, Brig. Gen. Frank Savage. He also adds a note pertaining to pace: “If tempo is wrong—visualize what you are talking about. Maybe it[s] too fast, when the director says it is too slow.” He continues to make pencil notes and changes throughout the entirety of the script, adding direction for emphasis and delivery, and amending some of the dialogue. In one early instance, he underlines a line of dialogue, writing: “Pause—the whole point. Not too slow, get to the point.” In another instance, he gives himself direction for both action and delivery, writing: “don’t move” and “not sentimental.” He deletes a line, writing: “Lose this—a little petty.” In all, Peck writes hundreds of words on dozens of pages, often using the reverse of the opposing page to extend his notes—offering fascinating insight into the actor’s dedication to his craft. In very good to fine condition, with expected overall wear from use. Starting Bid $300

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 127

765. Robert Redford Handwritten Manuscript - An Introspection on Himself, Media, Drugs, Health, Acting, and More. Handwritten manuscript by Robert Redford, unsigned, seven total pages, 8.25 x 11.75, no date (circa mid-to-late 1960s), containing the actor’s thoughts and feelings on several topics, including himself, friends, children, drugs, health and exercise, the news media, political causes, typecasting, acting, and philosophy. A sample of highlighted quotes:

“Love the grit & grime & excitement & pace of a city — London, Paris, N.Y….When all is said & done — I prefer the mountains of the West — I am truly at home there.”

“People become successful for the wrong reasons…Thus one reason why it is wise never to take oneself too seriously— i.e. Barefoot — I never thought much about it.”

“I find playing with and listening to children one of the most exciting and instructive things I know of.”

“I believe in perpetual motion as the great therapy — too much relaxing breeds indolence and fatigue — I get nervous lacking too much. I’m like a battery that re-charges itself — the more I do, the more I’m able to do…the more I want to do.”

“My problem and ‘slot’ is that I physically look like someone people stereotype as a guy who just stepped out of the California surf…It is my own grind to dodge this and do it successfully.” In fine condition, with trivial paper loss to left edges (the result of being removed from its original notebook). Starting Bid $200

766. Star Trek Phaser. An original Gene Roddenberry Star Trek phaser with body cast of epoxy resin, measuring approximately 8.5˝ by 5.5˝, handsomely mounted in a 16.5˝ x 14˝ shadowbox display. In fine condition.

Provenance: Lot 1181, Aurora Auctions, October 15, 2005; accompanied by a copy of the invoice and original description, noting that the phaser was “presented to the owner of the special effects company WonderWorks (Movie Miniatures) by Gene Roddenberry as reference to construct the new phasers for ‘Star Trek The Motion Picture.’” The lot originally included a copy of a letter by Roddenberry, which has been lost to time. Starting Bid $200

128 | April 17, 2024 | CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT


Extraordinary photograph of the ‘Fight of the Century,’ signed by heavyweight champ Jack Johnson

Exceptional vintage


Jack John

Jim Jeffries in the 15th round of their famous bout on July 4, 1910—the ‘Fight of the Century’—signed along the bottom in fountain pen, “Jack Johnson.” Beautifully corner-mounted, cloth-matted, and framed with a biographical caption to an overall size of 14 x 17. In very good to fine condition, with creasing to the corners, and the upper background.

The Johnson–Jeffries Prize Fight—known as ‘The Fight of the Century’—was a boxing match between the first black world heavyweight champion, Jack Johnson, and the previously undefeated world heavyweight champion, James J. Jeffries. on the Fourth of July, 1910, in Reno, Nevada. Jeffries—who boasted that he had never been knocked down in a fight—fell three times to Johnson’s punches, and was being counted out when his manager called the fight in the 15th round. Race riots broke out across the country over the following week, resulting in more than twenty deaths. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 129
878. Jack Johnson Signed Photograph of ‘The Fight of the Century’. glossy x 3.5 postcard photo of son knocking down
27. U. S. Grant Signature
Starting Bid $200
42. John Quincy Adams Document Signed as President
43. Chester A. Arthur Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed
44. President Chester A. Arthur and the Shufeldt Treaty - Korea's Fir... Starting Bid $200
45. Chester A. Arthur Document Signed as President Bid $200
46. Chester A. Arthur Document Signed as President
Starting Bid $200
47. James Buchanan Naval Document Signed as President
48. James Buchanan Document Signed as President
Bid $200
49. George W. Bush and Bob Beckwith Signed 9/11 Print
50. President Grover Cleveland Signed Document on Chinese Emigration
51. President Grover Cleveland Approves Statehood for Utah in 1896
52. Grover Cleveland Wedding Cake with Signed Box
Bid $200
53. Grover Cleveland Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200
54. Grover Cleveland Document Signed
Bid $200
55. Grover Cleveland (3) Autograph Letters Signed as President
Bid $200
56. Bill Clinton Signed Book - My Life
Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

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Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

57. Bill Clinton Signed Book - The President Is Missing 58. Bill and Hillary Clinton Signed Book - My Life 59. Bill and Hillary Clinton Signed Christmas Card (Circa 2016) 60. Calvin Coolidge Signed Book - Autobiography Starting Bid $200 61. Calvin Coolidge Document Signed as President 62. Calvin Coolidge Signed White House Card 63. Calvin Coolidge Signature 64. Dwight D. Eisenhower Document Signed as President 65. Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed as "Uncle Ike" 66. President Millard Fillmore Proclaims an 1851 Treaty with the Siou... 67. Millard Fillmore Autograph Letter Signed 68. Gerald Ford Signed Book Starting Bid $200 69. Warren G. Harding Signed Photograph by the Harris & Ewing Studio Starting Bid $200 70. Warren G. Harding Typed Letter Signed as President 71. Warren G. Harding Document Signed as President 72. President Benjamin Harrison and the Great Oklahoma Land Rush of 1... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $200

73. Benjamin Harrison Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200 74. Benjamin Harrison Autograph Letter Signed as President on Army Ap... Starting Bid $200 75. William Henry Harrison Document Signed, Requesting Rations for Sp... Starting Bid $200 76. Rutherford B. Hayes Autograph Letter Signed on Arthur St. Clair Starting Bid $200 78. President Rutherford B. Hayes Congratulates the New President of ... Starting Bid $200 79. Rutherford B. Hayes Signed Photograph 80. Rutherford B. Hayes Document Signed as President 81. Rutherford B. Hayes Partial Document Signed as President 82. Herbert Hoover Signed White House Card Bid $200 83. Andrew Jackson Document Signed as President 84. Andrew Jackson Document Signed as President 85. President Andrew Johnson Sends William H. Seward to Exchange Conv... Starting Bid $200 86. President Andrew Johnson Sends a Letter to the President of Peru Starting Bid $200 87. Andrew Johnson Document Signed as President Bid $200 88. Andrew Johnson Signature as Military Governor of Tennessee (1863) 89. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

90. Jacqueline Kennedy's Signed Presentation Copy of To Turn the Tide... 91. Jacqueline Kennedy Original Wire Photograph by Edith Glogau Starting Bid $200 92. John F. Kennedy (2) Campaign Handbills Starting Bid $200 93. Abraham Lincoln (3) Original Carte-de-Visite Photographs Starting Bid $200 94. James Madison Document Signed as President - Land Grant for Conti... Starting Bid $200 95. President William McKinley Suspends Hostilities with Spain 96. William McKinley Document Signed as President 97. William McKinley Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200 98. James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200 99. James Monroe Signed Free Frank to His Nephew, Lt. James Monroe 100. Richard Nixon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 101. Barack Obama Signed Book Starting Bid $200 102. Franklin Pierce Document Signed as President - Pardon for Mail Ro... Starting Bid $200 103. Franklin Pierce Signed Free Frank 104. Ronald Reagan Signed Photograph 105. Ronald Reagan Signed Book - Speaking My Mind

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $200

106. Ronald Reagan Signed Photograph 107. Ronald Reagan Signed Photograph and George Bush Autograph Note Si... 108. Eleanor Roosevelt Signed White House Card 109. Eleanor Roosevelt Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200 110. Eleanor Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed to Her Late Husband's Cousi... Starting Bid $200 111. Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as President on Anatomi... 112. Franklin, Eleanor, and Sara Roosevelt (3) Signed Items 113. Theodore Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as President: "There is no... Starting Bid $200 114. Theodore Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as President 115. Theodore Roosevelt Document Signed as President 116. Theodore Roosevelt Signature 117. William H. Taft Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 118. William H. Taft Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200 119. William H. Taft Document Signed as President 120. Harry S. Truman Signed One-Dollar Bill'The buck stops here!' 121. Harry S. Truman Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

Letter Signed as President

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

123. Harry S.

Signed First Day Cover

Starting Bid $200

127. John Tyler

Signed as President

Starting Bid $200

124. Harry S. Truman and Thomas E. Dewey Signatures

Starting Bid $200

128. John Tyler

Signed as President on the "Birth of a Princess...

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

125. John Tyler Autograph Letter Signed with FreeFranked Address Pane...

Starting Bid $200

129. Martin Van Buren

Signed as President

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

122. Harry S. Truman Typed Truman 126. John Tyler Document Signed as Governor of Virginia Document Letter Letter 130. Martin Van Buren Document Signed as President 131. Martin Van Buren Signature as President Starting Bid 132. George Washington's Secret Service (2) Documents Signed 133. [George Washington] Printed Proclamation of the Jay Treaty 134. Woodrow Wilson Typed Letter Signed as President, from the U.S.S. ... 135. Woodrow Wilson Document Signed as President 136. Woodrow Wilson Document Signed as President 162. Pope John Paul II Signed Time Magazine


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100


Starting Bid $200

164. Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Signed Photographs Bid $200 169. Apple iPhone (First Generation, Sealed 8GB) Starting Bid $1,000 196. 1851 Navy Colt Revolver Miniature Replica by the United States Hi... Starting Bid $200 197. 9/11: Capitol Flag Flown at Joe Biden's Request on September 11, ... Bid $200 198. Anheuser-Busch Document Signed 199. P. T. Barnum Document Signed 200. Henry Ward Beecher Signed Photograph 201. Alexander Graham Bell Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 202. David Ben-Gurion Signed Lithograph Starting Bid $200 203. Frederick Billings Document Signed Starting Bid $200 204. British Prime Ministers (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200 205. Richard E. Byrd Signed 'Little America' Airmail Envelope Bid $100 206. Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick (2) Typed Letters Signed 207. Whittaker Chambers Signed Book - Witness 208. Chief Red Fox Signed Postcard 209. Winston Churchill Typed Letter Signed with Original Photograph

Starting Bid $200














210. Henry Clews Document Signed 211. George Clinton Signature Bid $200 212. Colonial Currency (3) Notes (1776–1786) Bid $200 213. Dalai Lama Signed Photograph Bid $200 214. Dalai Lama Signed Photograph Bid $200 215. Charles de Gaulle Typed Letter Signed - An Invitation to Join the... Starting Bid $200 216. Grenville M. Dodge Typed Letter Signed Bid $200 217. Frederick Douglass Document Signed Bid $200 218. Frederick Douglass and Belva Lockwood Document Signed Bid $200 219. W. E. B. Du Bois Typed Letter Signed Bid $200 220. Jean-Baptiste Dumas (3) Autograph Letters Signed Bid $200 221. Henry A. DuPont Document Signed Starting Bid $200 222. Thomas Clark Durant Document Signed Bid $200 223. Thomas Edison Signature Bid $200 224. Albert Einstein: 1933 Royal Albert Hall Ticket Stub Bid $200 225. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1984) Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

226. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1955) 227. William Fargo Document Signed 228. Florida Territory: Early Real Estate Development Letter (1836) Bid $200 229. Sigmund Freud HandAddressed Envelope to His Translator Starting Bid $200 230. Milton Friedman (2) Signatures 231. Marcus Garvey Typed Letter Signed 232. Bill Gates Signed Photograph 233. Elbridge Gerry Document Signed 234. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Signed Book - Cornell University 1998 Yearboo... Bid $200 235. Charles Goodyear Signed Check 236. Mikhail Gorbachev Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 237. Jay Gould Document Signed Starting Bid $200 238. Benjamin Harrison V Revolutionary War-Dated Document Signed 239. Friedrich Hayek (2) Signatures 240. Peter Higgs and James Van Allen Signed First Day Cover 241. J. Edgar Hoover Signed Book

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

242. J. Edgar Hoover (3) Typed Letters Signed 243. Johns Hopkins Signed Stock Certificate 244. Joseph Hopkinson Document Signed 245. Collis P. Huntington Signed Stock Certificate Bid $200 246. Samuel Huntington Document Signed as Governor of Connecticut 247. Samuel Huntington Revolutionary War-Dated Document Signed 248. Independence Hall Wood Relic 249. Ted Kennedy Signed Book - My Senator and Me: A Dog's-Eye View of ... 250. King Charles III Typed Letter Signed 252. King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort Signed Christmas Card 253. King Charles III and Princess Anne Signatures 254. King Edward VIII Signed Christmas Card (1933) 255. King Edward VIII and King George VI Signatures 256. King George III Autograph Letter Signed on "Jane Gray" 257. King George III Document Signed 258. King George III Document Signed

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

259. King George III and Charlotte of MecklenburgStrelitz Signatures 260. King George IV Signature 261. King George V Autograph Letter Signed as the Prince of Wales 262. King Louis Philippe I Document Signed 263. King Umberto I of Italy Document Signed 264. King William IV Partial Autograph Letter Signed 265. King William IV Autograph Letter Signed 266. Martin Luther King, Jr.: March on Washington Pinback Button 267. Henry Kissinger (2) Autograph Letters Signed from China 268. John Lewis Signed Book - Walking with the Wind 269. John Lewis Signed Book - March (Vol. 1) Bid $200 270. London: Bond Street 1720 Document 271. Nelson Mandela Typed Letter Signed on the Future of South Africa 272. Andrey Markov Autograph Letter Signed 273. F. L. Maytag Typed Letter Signed 274. Thomas McKean Document Signed



275. J. Pierpont Morgan Document Signed Starting Bid $200 276. Robert Morris Document Signed Bid $200 277. Mother Teresa Signed Prayer Slip Starting Bid $200 278. Charles Munger Signed Annual Report Starting Bid $200 279. Benito Mussolini Oversized Signed Photograph Bid $200 280. John Nash Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 281. Solomon Northup: Twelve Years a Slave - First Edition, Fourth Pri... Starting Bid $200 282. Oregon Territory: Early Stock Certificate to Encourage Settlement... Starting Bid $200 283. Rosa Parks Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200 284. Henri Poincare Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 285. Pope Francis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 286. Pope John Paul II Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 287. Prince Andrew and Sarah, Duchess of York Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200 288. Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card (1965) Starting Bid $200 289. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1983) Starting Bid $200 290. Prohibition: 1933 Liquor Prescription for Whiskey Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

291. Queen Elizabeth II Signed Photograph 292. Queen Elizabeth II Signed Christmas Card (1954) 293. Queen Victoria Document Signed Bid $200 294. Queen Victoria Document Signed Starting Bid $200 295. Queen Victoria Signature Bid $200 296. Julius Rosenwald Document Signed Starting Bid $200 297. Nathan Mayer Rothschild Document Signed 298. Russell Sage (2) Autograph Letters Signed 299. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Document Signed 300. Seaman's Protection Certificate for an AfricanAmerican Sailor 301. Steamer Cherokee Cargo Receipt 302. Robert Stroud Autograph Letter Signed on His Biography 303. Roger B. Taney Autograph Document Signed 304. Roger B. Taney Document Signed Starting Bid $200 305. Margaret Thatcher Signed Book - The Downing Street Years Starting Bid $200 306. Matthew Thornton Autograph Document Signed Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

308. Titanic: White Star Line (9) Carbon Copy LettersRegarding Insu... Starting Bid $200

312. Titanic: Handwritten Letter from Bertram Vere Dean, Signed by His...

Starting Bid $200

309. Titanic: Court Document Between Survivor Antonine Marie Mallet an...

Starting Bid $200

313. Titanic: C. Emil Rönne Typed Letter Signed on America's Disaster ...

Starting Bid $200


310. Titanic: Packet of (6) 'Obstruction to Navigation' Reports - Deta... Starting Bid $200

314. Titanic Survivors (4) Signed Photographs: Beatrice Sandstrom, Edi... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

307. RMS Titanic: White Star Line Draft Letter - Titanic Operator 311. Titanic: Coal Piece Recovered from Wreck Site 315. Titanic: George Dunton Widener Document Signed 316. Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Document Signed Starting Bid 317. Booker T. Washington Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 318. Booker T. Washington Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 319. Booker T. Washington Typed Letter Signed 320. James D. Watson Signature with DNA Sketch 321. Daniel Webster Autograph Letter Signed with Free Frank Starting Bid $200 322. Elie Wiesel Signed Book Starting Bid $100

Signed - Bible Verse

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Signed Photographs

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

323. William Wilberforce Autograph Manuscript 324. William Williams Autograph Document Signed 325. Yale College Financial Document (1794) 347. P. G. T. Beauregard Signed Check 348. Hiram Berdan Civil War-Dated Document 349. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Autograph Letter Signed 350. Civil War Soldier Letter - Mentioning a Blockade of Gun Boats 'to... 351. Johann de Kalb Autograph Letter Signed 352. Stephen Decatur Autograph Letter Signed 353. James H. Doolittle and Eugene Fluckey (2) 354. Abner Doubleday and John Gibbon Autograph Endorsements Signed 355. James Gowers: Civil War Diary and Fatal Bullet Starting Bid $200 356. Benjamin Grierson Signed Photograph 357. Albert Gallatin Jenkins Carte-de-Visite Photograph 358. Marquis de Lafayette Letter Signed 359. Henry Lee Autograph Letter Signed

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Signed on "Genl....

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100


360. Benjamin Lincoln Document Signed 361. Abraham Lincoln: Soldier Letter on the 1860 Republican National C... Starting Bid $200 362. Anthony C. McAuliffe Signed First Day Cover: "'Nuts,' Dec. 22, 19... Starting Bid $200 363. George B. McClellan Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 364. James B. McPherson Carte-de-Visite Photograph 365. George G. Meade Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter 366. Michael R. Morgan Signed Photograph 367. Horatio Nelson: HMS Victory Wooden Artifact 368. John Newton Carte-deVisite Photograph Bid $100 369. Chester W. Nimitz Signed Photograph 370. George S. Patton (2) Original 'Type I' Photographs 371. Gideon Pillow Carte-deVisite Photograph 372. Leonidas Polk Cabinet Photograph 373. Thomas E. G. Ransom Signed Photograph 374. Robert Cumming Schenck Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed
Starting Bid $200
375. Franz Sigel Signed Photograph Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

376. Mexican-American War: Captain Joseph Rowe Smith's Official Army R... 377. Arthur St. Clair Autograph Document Signed Starting Bid $200 378. George Stoneman Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 379. USS Constitution 1927 Restoration Hull Wood Starting Bid $200 380. Earl Van Dorn Carte-deVisite Photograph Starting Bid $200 381. Orlando B. Willcox Signed Photograph and Unsigned Carte-de-Visite 382. Sgt. Alvin C. York Autograph Letter Signed on Running for Preside... 384. Hindenburg: Stamp Collector's Broadside for First Flight to Unite... Starting Bid $200 385. Charles Lindbergh Signed Book - We Starting Bid $200 386. Orville Wright Signed Check Starting Bid $200 387. Wilbur Wright Studio Portrait from Le Mans, France 388. Chuck Yeager Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 391. 2TV-1 Beta Cloth Patch Starting Bid $200 392. Gemini: Robert L. Adcock Retirement Award from 'The Titan Team' Starting Bid $100 393. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 394. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200




Starting Bid $200

395. Buzz Aldrin Signed SpaceShots Trading Card 396. Buzz Aldrin Autograph Quotation Signed
Starting Bid $200
397. Apollo 10 Signed 'Splashdown' Cover Bid $200 398. Apollo 11 Kapton Foil Starting Bid $200 399. Apollo 11 Flight Directors Signed Photograph 400. Apollo 11 Kapton Foil
Bid $200 401. Apollo 12 Signed 'Type 1' Insurance Cover 402. Apollo 12 Signed Commemorative Cover
Starting Bid $200
403. Apollo 12 Lunar Module Backup Kapton Foil Bid $200 404. Apollo 13: Lovell, Haise, and Kranz Signed Book 405. Apollo 13 LM 'Aquarius' Netting and Beta Cloth Bid $200 406. Apollo 14 Lunar Orbit Chart Bid $200 407. Apollo 15 Signed Cover Starting Bid $200 408. Apollo 15 Flown OPS Beta Cloth Swatch Display (Attested as Flown)
Starting Bid $200
409. Apollo 16 Crew Patch Bid $200 410. Apollo 17 Signed Photograph




Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $300


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200

411. Apollo 17 Signed 'Insurance Type' Cover Bid $200 412. Apollo 17 Lunar Module Kapton Foil 413. Apollo 17 Raytheon Mission Analyzer Bid $200 414. Apollo 9 Photo Map Checklist Page [Attested as Flown by Richard G... Starting Bid $200 415. Apollo 9 Landmark Map Checklist Page [Attested as Flown by Richar... Bid $200 416. Apollo 9 Signed 'Launch Day' Cover 417. Apollo Astronauts Signed Photograph 418. Apollo Command Module Mini Decals Lot of (20) 419. Apollo-era Communications Control Unit Adapter Cable Bid $200 420. Apollo-era Helmet Ventilation Port 421. Apollo-Soyuz MultiSigned Photograph Bid $200 422. Apollo-Soyuz CrewSigned Photograph Starting Bid $200 424. Apollo-Soyuz American Crew Signed Mission Insignia Sheet 425. Neil Armstrong Signed Photograph 426. Astronauts: Scott Carpenter, John Glenn, and Tom Stafford (3) Sig... 427. Alan Bean Signed Photograph Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


428. Alan Bean Signed Print
Starting Bid $200
429. Alan Bean Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
430. Alan Bean Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
431. Alan Bean Signed Limited Edition '40th Anniversary Man on the Moo... 432. Frank Borman Signed Photograph 433. Frank Borman Oversized Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
434. Vance Brand Signed Photograph 435. Paul Calle Signed Limited Edition Print - 'The Great Moment'
Starting Bid $200
436. Paul Calle Signed Limited Edition Print - 'First Step on the Moon...
Starting Bid $200
437. Paul Calle Signed Limited Edition Print - 'Buzz Aldrin'
Starting Bid $200
438. Paul Calle Signed Limited Edition Print - 'Neil Armstrong'
Starting Bid $200
439. Scott Carpenter Signed Photograph Bid $200 440. Scott Carpenter (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200 441. Scott Carpenter's (3) Signed 45 RPM Records
Starting Bid $200
442. Scott Carpenter Signed Oversized Photograph
Starting Bid $200
443. Gene Cernan Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200



444. Gene Cernan Signed Photograph 445. Gene Cernan Oversized Signed Photograph 446. Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt Signed Photograph 447. Gene Cernan and Tom Stafford Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 448. Gene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt, Charlie Duke, Fred Haise, and NASA... Starting Bid $200 449. Michael Collins Signed Photograph 450. Michael Collins Signed Book 451. Charles Conrad Signed Photograph 452. Charles Conrad Signed Photograph 453. Charles Conrad Signed Photograph 454. Charles Conrad Signed Photograph and Signature 455. Charles Conrad Signed Oversized Photograph Bid $200 456. Charles Conrad's Skylab 2 Flown 'CKW' Crew Patch Bid $200 457. Cosmonauts: Pavel Popovich, Gherman Titov, and Valentin Lebedev (... Starting Bid $200 458. Walt Cunningham Signed Photograph Bid $200 459. Walt Cunningham Signed Photograph Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

460. Walt Cunningham Signed Oversized Photograph
Starting Bid $200
461. Walt Cunningham Signed Limited Edition Print by Paul Calle Starting Bid $200 462. DC-X Delta Clipper Flight 6 Flown Patch Starting Bid $200 463. Charlie Duke Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 464. Early German Rocketry Concept Postcard (1899) 465. Yuri Gagarin Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
466. James Lovell and Owen Garriott Signed Limited Edition 'South Pole...
Starting Bid $200
467. Gemini 11 Crew Patch
Starting Bid $200
468. Gemini 5 Signed Photograph 469. Gemini 7 Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
470. Ed Gibson's Skylab 2 Robbins Medallion Starting Bid $200 471. Ed Gibson's Skylab 3 Robbins Medallion Starting Bid $200 472. John Glenn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 473. John Glenn Signed Photograph 474. John Glenn Signed Life Magazine Starting Bid $200 475. Richard Gordon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 476. Richard Gordon Signed Photograph Starting Bid
477. Richard Gordon Signed Photograph to Charles Conrad
Starting Bid $200
478. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 479. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 480. Fred Haise Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
481. Fred Haise Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
482. Fred Haise Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
483. Fred Haise Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
484. Fred Haise Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid
485. Fred Haise and Gene Kranz Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
486. Jim Irwin Signed Photograph Starting Bid
487. Jim Irwin Signature Starting Bid $200 488. ISS Flown Desiccant Bag Starting Bid $200 489. ISS Flown IBM Laptop PCMCIA Strain Relief Kits
(2) Starting Bid $200
490. Joe Kerwin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 492. Gene Kranz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

503. Liberty Bell 7 Flown 32Pin Electrical ConnectorFrom the Colle...

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

the Collection...

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

501. Liberty Bell 7 Flown 10Pin Electrical ConnectorFrom the Colle...

Starting Bid $200

505. Liberty

7 Flown Stainless Steel TubingFrom the Collection...

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

493. Gene Kranz Signed Photograph 494. Gene Kranz Signed Photograph 495. Gene Kranz Signed Photograph 496. Gene Kranz Signed Book - Tough and Competent 497. Gene Kranz and Sy Liebergot Signed Photograph 498. Sergei Krikalev's Expedition 11 (2) EVA Flown Patches 499. Alexei Leonov Signed Photograph 502. Liberty Bell 7 Flown 19Pin Electrical ConnectorFrom the Colle... 504. Liberty Bell 7 Flown Stainless Steel TubingFrom Bell 506. Liberty Bell 7 Flown Structural Bracket - From the Collection of ... 507. Liberty Bell 7 Flown Hydraulic Fitting - From the Collection of C... 508. Liberty Bell 7 Flown Elbow Fitting - From the Collection of Curt ... 509. Liberty Bell 7 Flown Quick Disconnect FittingFrom the Collecti...

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Signed Photographs: Carpenter, Cooper, Gle...

Starting Bid $200

510. Liberty Bell 7 Flown Aramid Honeycomb Section - From the Collecti... 511. Liberty Bell 7 Flown Aluminum ComponentFrom the Collection of 512. Yang Liwei Signed Postcard 513. Jack Lousma Signed Oversized Photograph 514. James Lovell Signed Photograph 515. James Lovell Signed Photograph 516. James Lovell Signed Apollo Oxygen Tank Schematic: "See You Next T... 517. James Lovell (2) Signed Holographic 'Earthrise' Trading Cards 518. Shannon Lucid's STS-2 Unflown Robbins Medallion 519. Shannon Lucid's STS -4 Unflown Robbins Medallion 520. Ken Mattingly Signed Photograph 521. Bruce McCandless Signed Oversized Photograph 522. Jim McDivitt Signed Limited Edition Print by Paul Calle 523. Jim McDivitt's Apollo 9 Flown Crew Patch 524. Jim McDivitt's Apollo 9 Flown Robbins Medallion 525. Mercury Astronauts (4)

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Signed Li...

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

526. Mercury Astronaut Candidates Signed BookSelecting the Mercury ... 527. Mission Control (4) Signed Photographs: Kranz, Griffin, Lunney, a... 528. Mission Control MultiSigned Photograph - (6) Flight Directors 529. Edgar Mitchell Signed Photograph 530. Edgar Mitchell Signed Photograph 531. Moonwalkers: Alan Bean, Gene Cernan, and Edgar Mitchell 532. Moonwalkers: Alan Bean, Gene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt Signed 533. Sally Ride Signed Photograph 534. Sally Ride Signed Photograph 535. Rocket Scientists: Debus, Oberth, Dannenberg, and Huzel (2) Signe... 536. Russian Space Station (4) Hatch Seal Napkins 537. Wally Schirra Signed Photograph 538. Harrison Schmitt Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
Bid $200
539. Dave Scott Typed
Starting Bid $200
540. Dave Scott Signed Apollo Sticker Sheet 542. Alan Shepard Signed Photograph

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

John Young ...

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

543. Alan Shepard Signed Photograph 544. Alan Shepard Signed Photograph 545. Alan Shepard Signed Photograph 546. Alan Shepard Signed Photograph 547. Alan Shepard Signature 548. Shuttle-Mir Flown Flag 549. Skylab Prime Crews Multi-Signed Photograph 550. Space Shuttle Astronauts Multi-Signed Photograph with 551. Space Shuttle EMU Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment Shell Sample 552. Space Shuttle PDIP2 Nomenclature Placard Kit 553. Space Shuttle Schneider Kreuznach CCTV Lenses (2) 554. Space Shuttle Spacehab Stowage Tray 555. Space Shuttle (2) Tile Samples 556. SpaceX Employee Medallion: 100th Merlin-D Vacuum Engine and 100th... 557. SpaceX Employee Medallion: 2022 Space Achievements 558. SpaceX 'Engineering the Future' Employee Medallion Set of (3)

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

559. SpaceX COTS Demo Flight 2 Employee Medallion 560. SpaceX Falcon Heavy Flown Thread Patch 561. Tom Stafford (2) Signed Photographs 562. Tom Stafford Signed Photograph 563. Tom Stafford Signed Commemorative Cover 564. Tom Stafford's Skylab 4 Robbins Medallion 565. STS-135 Flown Cargo Bay ID Card 566. Jack Swigert Signed 'Lunar Landing Cancelled' Cover 567. Valentina Tereshkova (3) Signed Items 568. Valentina Tereshkova Signed Photograph 569. United Technologies Satellite Propulsion Model 570. Paul Weitz's Apollo 11 Manned Flight Awareness Medallion 571. Guenter Wendt Signed Photograph Bid $200 572. Guenter Wendt Signed Photograph Bid $200 573. Guenter Wendt's Apollo 9 Crew-Presented Patch 574. Guenter Wendt's STS-1 Crew-Presented Patch

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200

575. Women in Space MultiSigned First Day Cover: Ride, Resnik, Seddon... 576. Al Worden Signed Photograph 577. Al Worden Signed Photograph 578. Al Worden Signed Photograph 579. Al Worden Signed Apollo 15 Parachute Segment [Attested as Flown] 580. John Young Signed Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Press Kit 581. John Young and Bob Crippen Signed Photograph 585. Ansel Adams Typed Letter Signed 586. Hubert de Givenchy Signed Photograph Bid $200 587. Karl Lagerfeld Signed Photograph 588. Nadar Autograph Letter Signed 589. LeRoy Neiman Signed Print Bid $200 590. LeRoy Neiman Signed Print Starting Bid $200 591. Pablo Picasso Signed Book - The Man with the Sheep by Andre Verde... 592. Norman Rockwell Signed Book - The Norman Rockwell Storybook 593. Norman Rockwell Signed Book Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Bid $200

Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

594. Norman Rockwell Signed Photograph 595. Nicholas Roerich Signed 'Cor Ardens' Leaflet 596. John Singer Sargent Autograph Letter Signed 597. Andy Warhol Signed Book to Imelda MarcosThe Philosophy of Andy... Starting 598. Andy Warhol Signed Interview Magazine 602. Walt Disney: Mickey Mouse Book - First Edition (1930) 603. Circus Band concept storyboard drawing from Dumbo 604. Matt Groening TwiceSigned Comic Book with (2) Homer Simpson Sket... Starting Bid $200 605. Chuck Jones Signed Book - Chuck Amuck 612. Katherine Lee Bates Signature 613. Ray Bradbury Original 'Cat' Sketch 614. Raymond Chandler Typed Letter Signed Starting 615. Noel Coward Signed Photograph 616. Philip K. Dick Autograph Letter Signed 618. Charles Dickens Signature 619. Robert Frost Signature

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

620. Zane Grey's Handwritten 1927 'Instruction' Notebook 621. Thomas Hardy (2) Signatures
Starting Bid $200
622. James Hilton Typed Letter Signed
Starting Bid $100
623. Julia Ward Howe Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 624. L. Ron Hubbard Typed Letter Signed 625. Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: Take Care of My Ghost, Ghost 626. Norman Mailer Signed Book - Of a Fire on the Moon 627. Cormac McCarthy (2) Signed Books - The Passenger and Stella Maris 628. Pablo Neruda Autograph Letter Signed 629. Romain Rolland Autograph Letter Signed 630. Georges Simenon Signed Photograph 631. H. G. Wells Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 632. John Greenleaf Whittier Autograph Quotation Signed 633. Kate Douglas Wiggin Signed Book with Handwritten Quote -
Starting Bid $100
634. Writers Multi-Signed (42) Book - Includes Capote, Vonnegut, Borge...
Starting Bid $200
652. Edvard Grieg Autograph Letter Signed

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

653. Jules Massenet Signature 654. Ginette Neveu Signed Program 655. Giacomo Puccini Autograph Letter Signed to Sister 656. Louis Armstrong Signed Photograph 657. Irving Berlin Signed Sheet Music 658. Eddie Boyd and T Bone Walker Signed Album - Praise to Helsinki 659. Big Bill Broonzy Signed 'Jazz Scene 1957' Program 660. Willie Dixon Signed Cassette Box Set 661. Benny Goodman Signed Al Hirschfeld Concert Poster 662. Lightnin' Hopkins Signed Album - Lightnin'! Starting Bid $200 663. Freddie King Signed Album - Getting Ready... Bid $200 664. Glenn Miller Signed Menu Bid $200 665. Edith Piaf Signature Starting Bid $200 666. Preservation Hall Jazz Band Signed Album - New Orleans Volume I 667. Jimmie Rodgers Signed Photograph 668. Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart Signed Contract with RKO Radio Pi...

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

669. John Denver Signed Photograph 670. Jim Reeves Signed Photograph 671. The Animals Signatures 672. B-52's Signed Album Flat - Time Capsule 673. Beatles: George Harrison Signed Limited Edition Book - Songs by G... 674. Beatles: Martin and Blake Signed Postcard 675. Beatles: Paul McCartney Signed Photograph 676. Beatles: Ringo Starr's Multi-Signed Clarence 'Frogman' Henry Sing... 677. Beatles: Ringo Starr Signed Photograph 678. Bee Gees Signed Photograph 679. Black Sabbath Signed 'Heaven and Hell Live 2007' Tour Poster 680. Blue Oyster Cult Signed Album - Cultosaurus Erectus 681. Bon Jovi Signed 2003 Bounce World Tour Program 683. Kate Bush Signed 45 RPM Record - 'Army Dreamers' 684. Kate Bush Signed Photograph 685. Kate Bush Signature Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Letter Signed

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

686. Cheap Trick Signed CD - Special One 687. Cheap Trick Signed Album - All Shook Up 688. Eric Clapton Signature 689. Eric Clapton Signed CD Cover - Slowhand Blues 690. Phil Collins Signed Photograph 691. Phil Collins Signed Album - No Jacket Required Alice Cooper (3) Signed Albums 693. Bobby Darin Signed Photograph 694. Devo Signed Poster 695. Dire Straits: Mark Knopfler Signed AlbumBrothers in Arms 696. The Doors: Manzarek, Krieger, and Densmore (2) Signed Books 697. Duran Duran Signed Photograph 698. Electric Light Orchestra Signed Album - Ole ELO 699. Fleetwood Mac: Christine McVie Typed 700. Foghat Signed AlbumRock and Roll Outlaws 701. Four Tops Signed Photograph

Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Take Polaroids'

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

702. Aretha Franklin Signed Poster 703. Freddie and the Dreamers Signatures 704. Peter Gabriel Signed Album - So Starting Bid $200 705. Peter Gabriel Signed Album - Plays Live Starting Bid $200 706. Heart Signed Mini Poster and Drum Head Bid $200 707. Incubus Signed Photograph 708. Japan Signed 45 RPM Single Record - 'Gentlemen 709. Jethro Tull: Ian Anderson Signed Flute 710. Jethro Tull: Ian Anderson and Martin Barre Signed Album - Aqualun... Bid $200 711. Elton John Signed 'A Single Man' Promotional Diary 712. Elton John SignaturePSA MINT 9 713. Led Zeppelin: Robert Plant Signed AlbumHouses of the Holy Starting Bid $200 714. Little Richard Signature Bid $200 715. Meat Loaf Signed Photograph 716. Meat Loaf Signed Album
Starting Bid $200
717. Freddie Mercury Signed 45 RPM Single for 'We Are the Champions / ...
Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

718. Moody Blues Signed Album - Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 719. Motown Musicians Multi-Signed Book with (30 +) Signatures 720. Rick Nelson Signed Photograph 721. The Osbournes Signed DVD 722. The Police 1983 Tangerine Bowl Concert Poster 723. The Pretenders Signed Debut Album 724. Rolling Stones: Mick Jagger Signature 725. Rolling Stones: Mick Jagger Signed Photograph 726. Rolling Stones: Keith Richards Signature 727. Rush: Geddy Lee and Neil Peart Signed Album - A Farewell to Kings 728. Carlos Santana Signed Photograph 729. Patti Smith Signed Album 730. Phil Spector (2) Signed Checks 731. Bruce Springsteen Signature 733. U2: Bono Signed Album - Under a Blood Red Sky 734. Van Halen Signed Photograph







Starting Bid $200



735. Tom Waits Signed Photograph Bid $200 736. The Who Signed Bootleg Album - Going Mobile Bid $200 737. The Who: Pete Townshend Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 738. Johnny and Edgar Winter, and Rick Derringer (2) Signed Albums Starting Bid $200 739. Woodstock Single-Day Admission Ticket (August 15, 1969) Bid $200 740. Yes Signed AlbumFragile Bid $200 741. Yes Signed AlbumGoing for the One 742. Warren Zevon Signed Album - Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School Bid $200 744. Ramones Signatures (3) - PSA NM-MT 8 and MINT 9 Bid $200 745. Andy Gibb Signed Photograph Bid $200 746. Whitney Houston Signed Album - Whitney Starting Bid $200 747. Madonna Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 748. Madonna Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 749. Madonna Signed Photograph - Obtained on the Set of Shanghai Surpr... Bid $200 750. George Michael Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 752. Taylor Swift Signed Print Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $100



Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

767. Amos 'n' Andy Signatures 768. Austin Powers: Verne Troyer Signed Photograph 769. Lauren Bacall Signed Photograph 770. Fay Bainter Signed Photograph 771. Tallulah Bankhead Document Signed 772. Theda Bara Signed Photograph 773. Brigitte Bardot (4) Signed Photographs 774. Ingrid Bergman Signed Photograph 775. Sarah Bernhardt Handwritten Manuscript and Signature Bid 776. Edwin Booth Autograph Pass Signed Bid 778. Edwin Booth Autograph Letter Signed Bid $200 779. Anthony Bourdain Signed Book - Medium Raw Starting Bid $200 780. William 'Hoppy' Boyd Signed Photograph 781. Billie Burke Signed Photograph 782. James Caan Signed Photograph 783. Johnny Carson Signed Photograph

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200

784. Sean Connery Signed Photograph 785. Gary Cooper Document Signed for "High Noon" 786. Tom Cruise Signed Photograph 787. Tom Cruise and Rebecca DeMornay Signed Photograph Bid 788. Tony Curtis Signed Photograph 789. Peter Cushing Signed Photograph 790. Daniel Day-Lewis Signed Photograph 791. Robert De Niro Signed Photograph 792. Leonardo DiCaprio Signed Photograph 793. Marlene Dietrich Signed Photograph 794. Marlene Dietrich Signed Photograph 795. Michael Clarke Duncan Signed Photograph Bid 796. Clint Eastwood Signed Photograph Bid $200 797. Clint Eastwood and Sondra Locke Signed Photograph 798. Farrah Fawcett Signed Photograph 799. Marty Feldman Signed Photograph


Starting Bid $200


800. Errol Flynn Autograph Letter Signed
Bid $200
801. Errol Flynn and Elizabeth Taylor Signatures
Starting Bid $200
802. Harrison Ford Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
803. Harrison Ford Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
804. Fried Green Tomatoes Signed Photograph 805. James Gandolfini Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
806. Ava Gardner Signed Photograph
Bid $200
807. Cary Grant Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
808. Fred Gwynne Signed Book - Ick's ABC
Starting Bid $200
809. Gene Hackman Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
810. Katharine Hepburn Handwritten Letter
Starting Bid $200
811. Philip Seymour Hoffman Signed Photograph
812. William Holden Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 813. Anthony Hopkins Signed Photograph
Starting Bid $200
814. Harry Houdini Signature
Starting Bid $200
815. Rock Hudson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


816. George Hurrell Signed Photograph: Bette Davis Starting Bid $200 817. George Hurrell Signed Photograph: Clark Gable Starting Bid $200 818. George Hurrell Signed Photograph: Tyrone Power and Loretta Young Starting Bid $200 819. Buster Keaton Document Signed Starting Bid $200 820. Kismet Original Production Costume Design Artwork (8 Paintings) 821. Veronica Lake Signature Starting Bid $200 822. Burt Lancaster Document Signed for "Trapeze" 823. Elsa Lanchester Signed Photograph Bid $200 824. Heath Ledger Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 825. Vivien Leigh Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 826. Ray Liotta Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 827. Sophia Loren (5) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200 828. Peter Lorre Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 829. Bela Lugosi Document Signed Starting Bid $200 830. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Document Signed with Legal Names Starting Bid $200 831. Chico Marx and Leo B. Gorcey Signatures Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

832. Elsa Maxwell Signed Photograph 833. Georges Melies Document Signed 834. Toshiro Mifune Signed Photograph Bid $200 835. Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller Original Photograph by Dezo Hoff... Bid $200 836. Brittany Murphy Signed Photograph 837. Paul Newman Signed Photograph 838. Olivia Newton-John Signed Photograph 839. The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Prop Skull 840. David Niven Signed Photograph 841. Rudolf Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn Signed Photograph 842. Warner Oland Signed Photograph 843. Al Pacino Oversized Signed Photograph Bid $200 844. Al Pacino Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 845. River Phoenix Signature - PSA GEM MINT
846. Pulp Fiction: Travolta and Thurman Oversized Signed Photograph 847. Christopher Reeve Signed Photograph

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

848. Alan Rickman Signed Photograph 849. Edward G. Robinson Document Signed 850. Robert Shaw and Mary Ure Signed Program 851. Sherlock Holmes: Dennis Hoey Signed Program - Great Expectations ... 852. Anna Nicole Smith Signed Photograph 853. Star Trek: William Shatner Signed Canvas Print 854. Star Trek: William Shatner Oversized Signed Photograph 855. Star Wars: Greg and Tim Hildebrandt Signed Poster 856. Star Wars: Carrie Fisher Signed Photograph 857. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signed Photograph 858. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signature 859. Star Wars: Mark Hamill Signed Photograph 860. Star Wars: Frank Oz Signed Photograph 861. Star Wars: Dave Prowse Signed Photograph 862. Elizabeth Taylor Early Original Publicity Photograph (1941) 863. Ernest Thesiger Autograph Letter Signed

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

864. Fred C. Thomson Signed Photograph 865. Howard Thurston Document Signed 866. Gene Tierney Signed Photograph 867. Christopher Walken Autograph Letter Signed 868. Paul Walker Signed Photograph 869. Wayne's World: Mike Myers and Dana Carvey Signed Photograph 870. Raquel Welch Signed Photograph 871. Raquel Welch Signed Photograph 872. Orson Welles Signature 873. Orson Welles and John Houseman Document Signed 874. Robin Williams Early Document Signed (1977) 875. Bruce Willis Signed Photograph 876. Fay Wray Signed Photograph 877. The X-Files: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson Signed Photograp... 879. Muhammad Ali Dual Signature as Cassius ClayPSA GEM MINT 10 880. Roger Bannister Signed Photograph

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

881. Baseball: No-Hitters (20) Multi-Signed Oversized Photograph 882. Roger Federer (4) Signed Promo Cards 883. Enzo Ferrari Typed Letter Signed 884. Golfers (13) Signed 1992 Masters Journal 885. Ben Hogan Typed Letter Signed 886. Jack Johnson Antique Biographical Print (1910) 887. Connie Mack Typed Letter Signed 888. Arnold Palmer Signed Photograph 889. Pele Signed Card 890. Jackie Robinson Signature 892. Mike Trout Signed 2011 All-Star Futures Game Locker Tag Name Plat... 893. Mike Tyson Signed Boxing Glove 894. Harry Wright HandFilled 1885 Scorecard

Conditions of Sale


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Section 9


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Section 10

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Section 11

Conducting the Auction

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Section 12

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Section 14


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Section 15

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Section 16

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Section 17

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Section 18


Headings are for convenience only and shall not be used to interpret the substantive sections to which they refer.

Section 19

Entire Agreement

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Section 20

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20.3 The Parties consent to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all claims between the Parties except as provided specifically herein and may seek confirmation of the decision in the Arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act in any Court of competent jurisdiction, including the courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. To the extent such is necessary under the law, RR Auction may enforce the Arbitration award against Bidder and any related Party

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20.4 Except as provided specifically in these Conditions of Sale in Bidder’s Remedies against RR Auction (along with its affiliates, directors, agents, officers, employees, and contractors) for any dispute, claim, cause of action related to or arising out of these Conditions of Sale or any other related agreement(s), brought by Bidder must be brought within the earlier of the Auction Date as it pertains to the item(s) at issue or no later than one (1) year of the acts, omissions or circumstances occurred giving rise to the alleged claim, without exception. This provision is intended as a full, complete and absolute bar to and release of any claims by Bidder initiated after one (1) year of such acts, omissions or circumstances. The Parties agree further that these waiver provisions are intended to be binding in the event of any dispute, specifically including but not limited to third party claims and cross-actions brought by Bidder. These provisions are consideration for the execution of these Conditions of Sale.

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20.7 Liquidated Damages for Specific Breaches

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Section 21: State-by-State Law Issues

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For Residents of California:


A written express warranty is provided with each autographed collectible, as required by law. This dealer may be surety bonded or otherwise insured to ensure the authenticity of any autographed collectible sold by this dealer.

Section 22

Glossary of Condition terms

Information provided to prospective Bidders with respect of any lot, including any pre-sale estimate, whether written or oral, and information in any catalogue, condition or other report, commentary or valuation, is not a representation of fact but rather a statement of opinion held by RR Auction.

Use of the following terms constitutes an opinion as follows:

VERY FINE describes an item believed to be in virtually flawless condition, and is used sparingly for items of exceptionally attractive appearance.

FINE is the most common statement of condition, and applies to most items that we offer. It describes items that we believe to show expected handling wear, generally acceptable random flaws (such as light creases, small bends, etc.), and an overall appearance that is pleasing to the majority of collectors.

VERY GOOD describes an item that we believe exhibits more moderate flaws (such as toning, light staining, professional reinforcements or repairs, etc.). Most collectors would be comfortable with items in very good condition, and this would be the expected condition for many formats (early presidential documents, for example).

GOOD describes an item which we believe to have obvious visible flaws, including heavy wear, missing portions, or repairs that affect appearance; generally items in this condition are offered only if an item is otherwise believed to be exceedingly rare or important.

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