RR Auction: Fine Autographs and Artifacts

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Fine Autographs and Artifacts

February 14, 2024 | www.RRAuction.com | Boston, MA

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Presidents and First Ladies.................................................................................................................... 2 Notables............................................................................................................................................... 42 Military.................................................................................................................................................. 61 Aviation and Space .............................................................................................................................. 64 Art, Architecture, and Design................................................................................................................ 66 Comic Art and Animation...................................................................................................................... 69 Literature.............................................................................................................................................. 72 Music.................................................................................................................................................... 82 Classic Entertainment ......................................................................................................................... 94 Sports .................................................................................................................................................. 98 Conditions of Sale ............................................................................................................................. 100

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Robert S. Eaton Sr. 1940–2001

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Feburary 14, 2024


Presidents and First Ladies From Washington to JFK, a signature collection of the first 35 American Presidents 1. American Presidents Signature Collection (35)—complete from George Washington to John F. Kennedy. Meticulous signature collection of the first 35 Presidents of the United States of America, starting with George Washington and ending with John F. Kennedy, signed primarily on clipped slips and cards ranging in size from 1.75 x .75 to 8 x 5.25. Highlights include ink signatures of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and U. S. Grant, and an ALS from Andrew Jackson to his daughter. In overall very good to fine condition, with professional repairs to several vertical separations on the Jackson, and a small pinhole of paper loss to a single letter of Fillmore’s last name. An impressive collection that contains all of the most desirable and elusive presidential names. Starting Bid $2500

A more detailed listing can be found in our online description 1. George Washington (Ink signature)

8. Martin Van Buren (Ink signature)

15. James Buchanan (ALS)

22. Grover Cleveland (Ink signature)

29. Calvin Coolidge (Ink signature)

2. John Adams (Ink signature)

9. William Henry Harrison (Ink signature)

16. Abraham Lincoln (Ink signature)

23. Benjamin Harrison (Ink signature)

30. Herbert Hoover (Ink signature)

17. Andrew Johnson (Ink signature)

24. William McKinley (Ink signature)

18. U.S. Grant (Ink signature)

25. Theodore Roosevelt (Ink signature)

31. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Ink signature)

3. Thomas Jefferson (Ink signature) 4. James Madison (Ink signature as president) 5. James Monroe (Ink signature) 6. John Quincy Adams (Ink signature) 7. Andrew Jackson (Partial ALS)

10. John Tyler (Ink franking signature) 11. James K. Polk (Ink signature as president) 12. Zachary Taylor (Manuscript DS) 13. Millard Fillmore (Ink signature) 14. Franklin Pierce (Ink signature)

19. Rutherford B. Hayes (Ink signature) 20. James A. Garfield (Hand-addressed and free-franked mailing envelope) 21. Chester A. Arthur (Ink signature as president)

26. William H. Taft (Ink signature) 27. Woodrow Wilson (Ink signature) 28. Warren G. Harding (Ink signature)

32. Harry S. Truman (Ink signature) 33. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Felt tip signature) 34. John F. Kennedy (Ballpoint signature)

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Feburary 14, 2024


During the War of 1812, John Adams writes to the Secretary of the Navy to recommend a naval surgeon who “served under the old Congress under President Washington and all the subsequent administrations, with Manly, Whipple, Barry, Talbot, Prebble at Tripoli” 2. John Adams Autograph Letter Signed to the Secretary of the Navy, Recommending a Naval Surgeon Who Served “Under President Washington”. Significant ALS, one page, 7.75 x 9.75, September 24, 1812. Handwritten letter to Secretary of the Navy Paul Hamilton, written from Quincy, Massachusetts, amidst the War of 1812. In full (translated): “Having never had the honour of any personal acquaintance with you, I may commit an indiscretion, in writing concerning any thing in your offices, but as nothing but a simple regard to Merit and Services is my motive, you will no doubt accept this as my apology. Dr. Peter St. Medard of Boston, has served under the old Congress under President Washington and all the subsequent administrations, with Manly, Whipple, Barry, Talbot, Prebble at Tripoli, and I know not exactly how many others. He has served as Physician and Surgeon to the Town of Boston in their Almshouse, and now holds a place in the Navy Yard at Charleston by a temporary appointment. He is a Member of our Massachusetts Society of Medical Gentlemen, and has invariably maintained a fair character, and a reputation for Skill, Industry and Fidelity. I inclose a Letter from Dr. Hill a gentleman of high consideration in this State, and an invariable Friend and Supporter of the present and preceding administrations, who I am confident has no motive but regard to public and private Justice, which are the only

motives.” In fine condition, with a few tiny professional repairs. Born in France, Dr. Peter St. Medard spent his early years on slave trading voyages from La Rochelle to Africa and the West Indies. Captured by the Royal Navy during the American Revolution, he spent time on the infamous British prison ship Jersey at New York. Released from captivity to Boston in 1778, he embraced the newly formed United States as his home and joined the Continental Navy as a surgeon. He spent his post-Revolution years in private practice in Boston. As the Quasi-War with his native France escalated, St. Medard once again returned to service: in 1799, President John Adams commissioned him as a surgeon in the United States Navy and assigned to the newly launched frigate U.S.S. Constitution, where he served from 1799 to 1802, becoming the first surgeon to complete a full tour of duty on ‘Old Ironsides.’ Adams makes note of St. Medard’s distinguished service, evoking the names of the important, early captains and commodores under whom he served: among them John Manley, Abraham Whipple, John Barry, Silas Talbot, and Edward Preble. In 1805, citing exhaustion from a long life at sea, St. Medard obtained an appointment at the Charlestown Navy Yard as a recruiting officer. Starting Bid $1000

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Feburary 14, 2024


Amidst war and religious persecution in 1799, President John Adams declares a national day of thanksgiving and prayer 3. John Adams Broadside for Presidential Proclamation of a Day of Fasting, Free Franked by Timothy Pickering. Rare original broadside issued by

President John Adams for a proclamation of a day of solemn fasting, one page, 8.25 x 13.25, March 6, 1799. Featuring the printed signatures of President John Adams and Secretary of State Timothy Pickering, the broadside proclaims April 25th as a fast day due to religious persecution in Europe and the naval war with France. In part: “As no truth is more clearly taught in the volume of inspiration, nor any more fully demonstrated by the experience of all ages, than that a deep sense and a due acknowledgment of the governing providence of a Supreme Being and of the accountableness of men to Him as the searcher of hearts and righteous distributor of rewards and punishments, are conducive, equally, to the happiness and rectitude of individuals and to the well being of communities; as it is, also, most reasonable in itself, that men who are made capable of social acts and relations, who owe their improvements to the social state, and who derive their enjoyments from it, should, as a society, make their acknowledgments of dependance and obligation to Him who hath endued them with these capacities, and elevated them in the scale of existence, by these distinctions; as it is, likewise, a plain dictate of duty, and a strong sentiment of nature, that in circumstances of great urgency and seasons of imminent danger, earnest and particular supplications should be made to Him who is able to defend or to destroy; as, moreover, the most precious interests of the people of the United States are still held in jeopardy, by the hostile designs and insidious arts of a foreign nation,

as well as by the dissemination among them of those principles subversive of the foundations of all religious, moral and social obligations, that have produced incalculable mischief and misery in other countries; and as, in fine, the observance of special seasons for public religious solemnities, is happily calculated to avert the evils which we ought to deprecate, and to excite to the performance of the duties which we ought to discharge,—by calling and fixing the attention of the people at large to the momentous truths already recited, by affording opportunity to teach and inculcate them, by animating devotion and giving to it the character of a national act:—For these reasons, I have thought proper to recommend, and I do hereby recommend accordingly, that Thursday, the 25th day of April next, be observed, throughout the United States of America, as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting and prayer.” Free franked on the reverse in ink by Secretary of State Timothy Pickering, “T. Pickering,” with a portion of the address erased. In very good condition, with seal-related paper loss to the upper blank area, splitting to the ends of the horizontal folds, and complete (repairable) separation to the central horizontal fold. Starting Bid $500

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Feburary 14, 2024


Thomas Jefferson entrusts a lottery for Monticello to his grandson: “Its scheme and administration are equally unknown to me” 4. Thomas Jefferson Autograph Letter Signed with Free Frank on Monticello Lottery. ALS signed “Th:

Jefferson,” one page, 7.75 x 9.5, March 2, 1826. Handwritten letter from Monticello to Thomas Shore, responding to an offer of assistance related to the crushing debt that Jefferson struggled under toward the end of his life. In 1817, the great statesman had turned the financial management of his estate over to his eldest grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, who ultimately devised a lottery scheme as a fundraiser: the idea was to sell low-cost lottery tickets with land from Jefferson’s vast Monticello acreage as the prize. In February 1826, he successfully applied to Virginia’s General Assembly to hold a public lottery—however, the motion required that Jefferson sell the entire plantation, rather than bits and pieces, which meant that the entirety of Monticello would pass out of his family. Thomas Jefferson’s death on July 4, 1826, ended the lottery scheme, and left his estate encumbered with over $100,000 in debts and far fewer assets. His daughter, Martha Jefferson Randolph, retained Monticello until 1831, when she sold the property for $7,500. In part: “I thank you, kind sir, for your very friendly letter of Feb. 22. it supposes in me claims on the attentions of my country to which I have no pretensions. I happened to be born in times which required, from all its citizens, every aid they could render, and gave full value to even the smallest which any could render. those within the reach of my faculties have been fully remunerated by the honors and compensations

which my fellow citizens have bestowed on me. A refusal of my late request would have been that of a favor only, not of a debt; and so I should have viewed it. the granting it has conferred on me a benefit which I shall ever be bound to acknolege [sic] with gratitude. Disabled by age and ill health from all attention to my affairs, I committed the whole of them, some time since, to my grandson Th: J. Randolph. the management of the lottery with which I am indulged has been solely left to him; insomuch that its scheme and administration are equally unknown to me. the offer you have been so good as to make of services in your neighborhood, I immediately communicated to him, and whether the arrangements he has made will admit his availing himself of it, or not, it is too kind not to entitle you to my sincere thanks, which I accordingly pray you to accept. I well remember the two calls which your father was so kind as formerly to favor me with, and I have continued thro’ life to retain for him the most friendly…recollections. permit me to assure you that I feel your title to succeed to them, and that they are tendered with sincerity and truth.” Addressed on the integral leaf in Jefferson’s hand to “Mr. Thomas Shore, Post Office, Petersburg, Va.,” and franked in the upper left, “free, Th: Jefferson.” In very good condition, with fold separations and seal-related paper loss inexpertly repaired with old tape. Starting Bid $2500

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President Jefferson orders payment to his White House butler

5. Thomas Jefferson Autograph Letter Signed as President, Paying His White House Butler. ALS as

president, signed “Th: Jefferson,” one page, 7.25 x 5, November 30, 1801. Handwritten letter to “Mr. John Barnes” ordering payment to his trusty White House butler, Etienne Lemaire. In full: “Pay to Mr. Lemaire or order one hundred & eight dollars seventy five cents for value received on account.” Jefferson adds the dollar and pound total to the left side. In fine condition, with complete professional backing and subtle repairs. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Jefferson hired Etienne Lemaire as his second White House maître d’hôtel, or ‘steward,’ in late 1801, charging him with the

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management of the domestic staff, supervision of the dinner service and dessert, handling of household accounts, and shopping for groceries and other provisions. Upon parting ways with Jefferson’s retirement to Monticello in 1809, he wrote Lemaire to express ‘the sense of my attachment to you & satisfaction with your services. They were faithful, & skilful, and your whole conduct so marked with good humour, industry, sobriety & economy as never to have given me one moment’s dissatisfaction: and indeed were I to be again in a situation to need services of the same kind, yours would be more acceptable to me than those of any person living.’ Starting Bid $1000


President Madison reflects on his imminent departure from the presidency, mentioning naval hero Commodore Stephen Decatur

7. James Madison Autograph Letter Signed as President, Reflecting on the End of His Term and Mentioning Commodore Stephen Decatur. ALS as

president, one page both sides, 7.5 x 9.75, February 20, 1817. Letter to Professor James Kidd, thanking him for books. In part: “I received some months ago your letter of 29th March last, with the books which accompanied it. I delayed an acknowledgement of those favors in the hope that I might find time to look into works, the subjects of which are so well calculated to excite attention. In this hope I have been disappointed by a crowd of public occupations greater than was foreseen. And as the Epoch approaches wh[en I s]hall exchange my public for a private character, I think it p[roper n]o longer to postpone my thanks for the enlightened reflections and friendly counsels addressed to me in the former. The warm interest you take in the welfare of my Country, augments greatly the obligations of which I am sensible. I have had no opportunity of seeing any of the persons to whom you refer, as among your American

acquaintances, except Commodore Decatur. He recollects you well, and speaks of you in terms which would ensure the respect due to your character.” In fine condition, with trimmed edges, professionally flattened intersecting folds, and an area of expertly repaired circular paper loss affecting a few words (transcribed in brackets). Written less than two weeks before concluding his term as president, this letter offers a wonderful glimpse into Madison’s sense of duty to the nation-he was so busy tending to matters of the state that he had not yet had time to read the books received from Kidd nearly a year earlier. He mentions Commodore Stephen Decatur, who played a key role in the War of 1812 during his presidency. After leaving office Madison retired to Montpelier, his tobacco plantation in Virginia, and experienced financial collapse under mounting debt. Superior content from the ‘Father of the Constitution’ as his prolific career in public office came to an end. Starting Bid $300

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President Monroe recommends a Revolutionary War veteran to be “marshall for W. Tennessee” 8. James Monroe Autograph Letter Signed as President, Recommending a Revolutionary War Veteran for a Frontier Post. ALS as president, one

page, 7.75 x 5.75, October 20, 1819. Boldly penned handwritten letter to a gentleman, written from his Oak Hill plantation. In part: “I return to the dept., the communication lately received from Mr. Forsyth, with some other papers, on which I have made the notes which appeared to be proper. I lately sent the recommendations in favor of persons who were candidates for the office of marshall for W. Tennessee…I am inclined to think that Gen’l Purdy has the strongest claim.” The closing line refers to “the arrival of Mr. Adams,” a reference to John Quincy Adams, who was Secretary of State in Monroe’s cabinet. In fine condition. Robert Purdy, a veteran of the Revolution and War of 1812, was indeed appointed as marshal for the Western District of Tennessee, and confirmed by the Senate on October 22, 1819. Starting Bid $300

Adams reports on nuisance news from the French minister: “It will not set fire to the Potowmack, the Seine or the Thames” 9. John Quincy Adams Autograph Letter Signed on News from the French Minister. ALS, one page, 7.25 x 9,

September 9, 1817. Handwritten letter to Richard Rush, marked “Private.” In part: “I am stepping into the Carriage on my way to Washington, and have scarcely a moment to acknowledge the receipt of your two favours…If the Communication from the French Minister is as important as that which Lord Castlereagh took so much trouble to transmit, it will not set fire to the Potowmack, the Seine or the Thames.” Gorgeously mounted, matted, and framed with an engraved portrait to an overall size of 22.5 x 17. In fine condition, with intersecting folds (one vertical fold passing through a single letter of the signature). Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

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Feburary 14, 2024


In a handwritten presidential letter to the Secretary of the Navy, Tyler oversees a contract dispute “relative to the building ‘The Cob Wharf’ in New York” 10. John Tyler Autograph Letter Signed as President to Secretary of the Navy.

ALS as president signed “J. Tyler,” one page both sides, 7.75 x 10, October 11, 1844. Handwritten letter marked “Private,” to Secretary of the Navy John Young Mason. In full: “I receive information from a private source of much complaint existing in New York and some trouble being likely to arise from the desperation made of the contract relative to the building ‘The Cob Wharf’ in New York. The facts as stated to me are that an order for a public advertisement for terms was issued here as orders to be made, and that a man of the name of Griffin backed by perfect security, was the lowest bidder. I learn also that this bid has been set aside by the Bureau here and that the construction of the wharf is devolved upon Capt. Stringham. Will you please look into this matter if your attention has not been heretofore particularly given to it. I cannot believe that Griffin would have been set aside without ample cause—and if it has been done upon your own view of the case I am sure it is right.” In fine condition, with writing showing through from opposing sides. Starting Bid $200

“My dear wife is no more” 11. Millard Fillmore Autograph Letter Signed on the Death of the Former First Lady: “My dear wife is no more”. ALS, one page, 5.25 x

8.25, April 3, 1853. Four weeks after leaving the presidency, Fillmore informs his brother of the death of his wife. In part: “My Dear Brother Charles, My dear wife is no more. She died at Washington on Wednesday the 30th ult. and we left with her remains the next day for this place, and arrived here night before last, and she was buried yesterday. Her disease was inflammation of the lungs arising from a severe cold…which soon terminated in a dropsy of the lungs. She bore all her sufferings with uncomplaining fortitude…without a struggle or a groan. The rest of my family are here, and as well as could be expected, but as are all saddened with grief.” In very good to fine condition, with a repaired area to the body, and a corner crease passing through the last name of the signature. Fillmore married Abigail Powers in 1826 and she served as an assistant throughout his political career. At Franklin Pierce’s inauguration, she caught a cold. She died three weeks after Fillmore retired from the presidency and is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo. A significant, intimate Fillmore family letter. Starting Bid $200

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Exceptional, lengthy autograph letter by Franklin Pierce to his former White House secretary

12. Franklin Pierce Autograph Letter Signed to His Former White House Secretary. ALS, twelve pages on three sets of adjoining sheets, 5.25 x 8.25, June 25, 1858. Letter to Sidney Webster, his former private White House secretary, written from Lisbon, Portugal. Pierce discusses his past and future travels throughout Europe, and makes reference to several notable figures of the day, including writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jefferson Davis, columnist John L. O’Sullivan, and naval officer Charles Stewart McCauley. In small part: “After leaving Gibraltar we shall proceed almost directly to Vevey and remain there perhaps till October. I believe that [Nathaniel] Hawthorne is to pass the summer at Pisa and hence we shall probably not meet until he returns to Rome next winter. I think there is little doubt that we shall meet Gov. Fish an family somewhere this summer. I received a letter from Genl. Davis three weeks since but it was dated in April & in the hand of his wife. It was a warm, interesting letter and altho’ written by another hand than his own could have been dictated by nobody else.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300 14 |

Feburary 14, 2024


President Lincoln endorses the promotion of a wounded captain, who raised a volunteer company when “the first gun was opened on Fort Sumpter”

14. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Endorsement Signed as President Promoting a Wounded Captain. Historic autograph endorsement signed

as president, “A. Lincoln,” originally penned on the reverse of a letter written to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and signed by more than 30 officers of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, two pages both sides, 7.5 x 12, June 24, 1864. President Lincoln endorses the promotion of a captain in the 82nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Lincoln writes, in full: “Capt. Griffith served about three months in the Creek War in 1836, in the Mexican War through its whole duration, rising from a private to a Lieut., and now in this war, from July 1861 till now, rising from a Lieut. to a Capt. He now desires to be an Assistant Quarter Master, or Commissary of Subsistence, & if his service in that line can be now useful let him be appointed.” The letter to Stanton, written from Cadwalader Barracks in Philadelphia on June 18, 1864, describes Captain O. B. Griffith’s career of service and recommends his promotion: “When the first gun was opened on Fort Sumpter, Capt. Griffith immediately started a company for the war. He joined the 82nd Penna. Vols., and has proved himself a soldier on many a hard fought field. At the battle of Fredericksburg, in charging Marye’s Heights, Capt. Griffith was highly complimented upon the battle-field, amid a shower of bullets, by his Colonel, for his bravery. As the Captain is now unable to perform duty with his company, owing to his wound, the undersigned officers, respectfully ask that he be commissioned Assistant Quartermaster, or Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, as a reward for his long and faithful services.” In fine condition, with a tiny hole at the bottom of the first page. Accompanied by color copies of the reverse of each page. A superb, highly desirable presidential endorsement in support of a Civil War hero. Starting Bid $1000

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Feburary 14, 2024


‘Bring him in here’ – a bloody swatch from the head bandage of President Abraham Lincoln, procured by Petersen House lodger Henry S. Safford 13. Abraham Lincoln Swatch of Bloodstained Bandage from the Petersen House, Obtained by War Department Employee Henry S. Safford. Bloodstained

fabric swatch from the head bandage of President Abraham Lincoln, which was obtained by Henry S. Safford, a 25-year-old War Department employee and tenant at William Petersen’s boardinghouse, where Lincoln was transported and died following his assassination at Ford’s Theatre on April 14, 1865. The swatch, 2.5˝ x 2˝, set against a fabric 42-star American flag, includes a one-page ALS from Safford, signed “H. S. Safford,” penned on Ordnance Office, War Department letterhead, dated May 3, 1865, and addressed to T. J. Deuscher. The letter reads: “I send you enclosed a piece of cloth stained with the blood of our late President Abraham Lincoln. It is a piece of the bandage that was placed around his head. I procured it from the room in which he died. I reside in the same house.

I’m sorry I cannot send you a bigger piece.” Both items are matted and framed with the letter’s original mailing cover, a dried floral element, and a portrait of Abraham Lincoln to an overall size of 25˝ x 15˝. In fine condition, with some irregular light toning to the matted display. Henry S. Safford (1839–1917) worked in the War Department during the Civil War and was lodging at the Petersen House in 1865 at the time of the assassination. Numerous accounts indicate it was Safford who, upon seeing the chaos in the street, offered one of the Petersen’s bedrooms to the fading Lincoln. A lithograph by Albert Berghaus titled ‘The Dying Moments of President Lincoln, at Washington, Saturday Morning, April 15,’ depicts Safford as one of the onlookers at Lincoln’s deathbed. Starting Bid $2500

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Feburary 14, 2024


President Lincoln appoints a captain in the same week that he would replace his Secretary of War, confront General McClellan, and mourn the tragic loss of his son 15. President Abraham Lincoln Signed Document, Dating to His Issuance of General War Order No. 1 and the Advancement of All Land and Sea Forces. Civil

War-dated partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 13.5 x 17.5, February 27, 1862. President Lincoln appoints Silas Crispin as a “Captain in the Ordnance Department.” Signed neatly at the conclusion by President Abraham Lincoln and countersigned by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. The blue War Department seal remains affixed to the upper left portion. The document is affixed to a backing board and attractively gilt-framed to a slightly larger size. In fine condition, with scattered light soiling, and possible mounting (not examined out of the frame). This commission dates to a significant and somber period of Lincoln’s presidency. On January 20, 1862, he restructured the War Department, deemed ‘the lunatic asylum,’ by appointing Edwin M. Stanton as the new Secretary of War. Then, four

days later, Lincoln and his wife attended the funeral service for their 11-year-old son, Willie, in the East Room of the Executive Mansion. On the day of this appointment, January 27, 1962, Lincoln issued General War Order No. 1, ordering all land and sea forces to advance on February 22, 1862. When General-inChief George B. McClellan received this order, he rushed to the White House and objected to an overland advance with a 22-page proposal to move the Potomac army by water down the Virginia coast. A back-and-forth ensued before Lincoln reluctantly agreed. He had finally got McClellan to divulge his plans. But that was the only tangible result that came from his two orders because, for the most part, the Federal armies in the field remained stationary. On March 11, 1862, Lincoln removed McClellan as general-in-chief, leaving him in command of only the Army of the Potomac. Starting Bid $1000

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Monumental Hesler-Ayres portrait of presidential hopeful Abraham Lincoln

16.Abraham Lincoln Massive Hesler-Ayres Portrait Printed From an Original Negative. Rare and magnifi-

cent oversized 20.5 x 26.5 half-length portrait photograph of a beardless Abraham Lincoln printed by George B. Ayres from an original negative by Alexander Hesler, who photographed Lincoln in his Springfield studio on June 3, 1860. The resulting image is identified as O-26 in Lincoln in Photographs: An Album of Every Known Pose by Charles Hamilton and Lloyd Ostendorf. The lower left corner is blindstamped, “G. B. Ayres, Copyright, 1897,” and the photo is affixed to a same-size cardstock mount, the reverse of which is annotated in ink, “Copyright, 1897, George B. Ayres, Artist, Philadelphia, Print No. 272, 1905.” In fine condition. Springfield, Illinois photogra-

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pher Alexander Hesler, or Hessler, took several photographs of Lincoln in June 1860. The photos were used in the campaign for president—with one of his portraits used extensively in the 1860 presidential campaign on medals and ribbons—but were in little demand once Lincoln was elected and grew a beard. The 16th president was said to have enjoyed his photo session with Hesler, noting of one image, ‘That looks better and expresses me better than any I have ever seen; if it pleases the people I am satisfied.’ Following the close of the Civil War, George Ayres acquired two of Hesler’s original negatives and made a living selling prints of them from the 1880s through the turn of the century. Rarely, if ever, do large examples such as this appear on the market. Starting Bid $500


Invitation to Congress for a White House party: “The President and Mrs. Lincoln. At home, Tuesday Evening, March 1, 1864” 17. Abraham Lincoln: White House Invitation for Congressional Party on March 1, 1864, the day he filed for Grant’s promotion. Engraved presidential invitation to

the White House, 5.25 x 2.5, reading: “The President and Mrs. Lincoln. At home, Tuesday Evening, March 1, 1864, From 9 until 12 o’clock.” Complete with an unaddressed envelope. In fine condition, with staple holes to the upper left corner. On March 1st, the newspaper the ‘Daily National Republican’ reported: ‘This evening the President and Mrs. Lincoln will entertain at the Executive Mansion the members of Congress and their families…no cards of invitation have been issued to any other person.’ Earlier in the day, President Lincoln submitted the nomination papers for Grant’s promotion to lieutenant general to the Senate. Starting Bid $300

“Abraham Lincoln at Home” – rare oversized photo of the future American president at his Springfield residence

18. Abraham Lincoln Rare Oversized Albumen Photograph at His Springfield Home (Summer 1860). Large matte-finish 13.25 x 10.5 albumen photograph of Abraham Lincoln standing in front of his Springfield home with two of his sons in the summer of 1860, an image originally taken by John Adams Whipple of Boston. The photo is affixed to its original 19.25 x 14 presentation mount with lower caption text, “Abraham Lincoln at home.” Below this, the mat errantly notes that the photo shows Lincoln delivering his “Farewell Address to his Old Neighbors, Springfield, February 12, 1861.” Published by Charles Desilver of Philadelphia. In very good to fine condition, with areas of scuffing and wear to the left side, and scattered marks to the mat. Accompanied by a signed letter of authenticity from Lincoln collector Joseph Garrera, who states that the photograph was formerly owned by the notable Lincoln collector Valentine Björkman. Starting Bid $300

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The hands of an American president – amazing lifelike plaster casts of Abraham Lincoln’s left and right hands, with provenance from the son of the sculptor

19. Abraham Lincoln Plaster Casts of His Left and Right Hands, Made by Sculptor Leonard Volk. Extremely

rare pair of plaster-cast hands of Abraham Lincoln, produced from the originals made by Leonard Volk shortly after the former’s nomination to the presidency in May of 1860. Lincoln’s right hand, 6˝ x 4.5˝ x 2.75˝, grasps a cylinder, with the wrist base embossed with text, “Abraham Lincoln, From the Life Cast by L. W. Volk, 1860,” and the back of the hand, with visible mounting wires, features a handwritten label from the sculptor’s son, “Made in Springfield, Ill. The Sunday following his nomination, at Lincoln’s home by L. W. Volk, To Mr. Whitehead, from Douglas Volk, 1931.” The left hand, 7˝ x 4.25˝ x 3˝, shaped in the form of a gently knocking fist, bears a slightly glossy coat and a small embedded loop that juts from the wrist. In overall fine condition. Accompanied by a signed letter of provenance from Lincoln collector Joseph Garrera, who states that the hands derive from the Lincoln collection of Valentine Bjorkman (1874-1939) and that they were once owned by Benjamin S. Whitehead (18581940), a wealthy New Jersey businessman and cofounder of Whitehead & Hoag. Starting Bid $200

“His Imperial Majesty Abdul Aziz Khan, Padischah of the Empire of the Ottoman Family” 21. President U. S. Grant Writes to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8

x 10, July 8, 1870. President Grant directs the Secretary of State to “affix the Seal of the United States to the envelope of my letter to His Imperial Majesty Abdul Aziz Khan, Padischah of the Empire of the Ottoman Family (Mr. Morris’ recall).” Signed nicely at the conclusion by U. S. Grant. In fine condition, with faint toning to the edges and folds. Abdulaziz (1830–1876) was the sultan of the Ottoman Empire from June 25, 1861, to May 30, 1876, when he was overthrown in a government coup. Born at Eyüp Palace, Constantinople (Istanbul), Abdulaziz received an Ottoman education but was nevertheless an ardent admirer of the material progress that was being achieved in the West. He was the first Ottoman sultan who traveled to Western Europe, visiting several important European capitals including Paris, London, and Vienna in the summer of 1867. Starting Bid $200

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“The enemy attacked a port of the 2d Corps and were handsomely repulsed” — two months before war’s end, General Grant updates his Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, on casualties during the latter stages of the Petersburg siege

20. U. S. Grant Writes Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, Sending a Petersburg Casualty Report Two Months Before Lee’s Surrender. Civil War-dated ALS

signed “U. S. Grant, Lt. Gen.,” two pages, 7.75 x 10, Head Quarters Armies of the United States letterhead, February 6, 1865. Addressed from City Point, Virginia, a handwritten letter to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, in part: “In the affair of yesterday when the enemy attacked a port of the 2d Corps and were handsomely repulsed, leaving a part of their dead for us to bury, our losses were three officers & eighteen men killed, eleven Officers & ninety-two men wounded and twenty-two

men missing…This afternoon the 5th Corps advanced and drove the enemy back on to this Artillery, probably into this intrenchments, beyond Dabney’s Mill. Here the enemy was reinforced and drove Warren back. Our troops are still out and will not be returned to their old position unless driven to it by the difficulty of supplying them. The casualties for to-day I will report as soon as learned.” In fine condition, with a small stain to the top edge of the first page. A detailed letter of loss from late in the Civil War — Lee’s surrender came just two months after General Grant penned this letter. Starting Bid $300

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 23

Ultra-rare Civil War–era signed portrait of Brig. Gen. Hayes

Image larger than actual size. 22. Rutherford B. Hayes Rare Civil War-Era Signed Photograph. Extremely rare 2.5 x 4 carte-de-visite photo of Rutherford B. Hayes in uniform during the Civil War, nicely signed in ink, “R. B. Hayes, Brt. Maj. Gen’l Vols.” The reverse, which bears an affixed two-cent revenue stamp, features a backmark that reads, “Photographed by Ewing & Co., Cumberland, MD.” In very good to fine condition, with some light soiling, and the lower corner of the image missing. The stamp allows us to date the CDV to circa 1864–1866, when the ‘Sun Picture Tax’ was in effect—passed by Congress as a means to finance the ongoing war between the states. A hugely desirable, Civil War–era signed portrait of the future commander-in-chief. Starting Bid $300

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Presidential commission by James A. Garfield, signed during his Post Office reformation campaign

23. President James A. Garfield Appoints a Maine Postmaster - Exceedingly Rare Presidential Document. Rare partly-printed DS as president, one page, 16 x 12.75, April 5, 1881. President Garfield appoints Henry Little as “Postmaster at Auburn, in the County of Androscoggin, State of Maine.” Crisply signed at the conclusion by James A. Garfield and countersigned by Postmaster General Thomas L. James. The gold foil seal and red ribbon affixed at the lower left remain intact. Handsomely matted and framed to an overall size of 22.5 x 19.5. In fine condition. Accompanied by

a full letter of authenticity from JSA. When President Garfield took office, the Post Office Department was the largest in the federal government and highly prone to corruption. He made purging the Post Office of malfeasance a primary focus of his administration, leading to the dismissal and appointment of new postmasters around the United States. Because of Garfield’s brief tenure in the White House — he would be shot within three months of signing the present document — his presidential documents are exceedingly scarce. Starting Bid $1000

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 25

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Lincoln’s generals, including Brig. Gen. James A. Garfield, are duly impressed during Porter’s controversial court-martial following the disaster at Second Manassas 24. James A. Garfield Civil War-Dated Document Signed for Fitz John Porter’s Court Martial. Civil War–

dated manuscript DS, signed by ten including “J. A. Garfield, Brig. Gen. Vols.,” one page, 8 x 12.5, January 10, 1863. In part: “The undersigned members of the General Court Martial for the trial of Maj. Gen. F. J. Porter, take pleasure in testifying their entire satisfaction with the manner in which W. P. Lord Esqr has reported the voluminous proceedings of this Court. He has made a complete & accurate verbatim report taking with perfect correctness every sentence as rapidly as it was uttered by the witness, we are convinced that the ends of justice are fully as well…its administration much more facilitated by the employment of such a stenographer as Mr. Lord. We take great pleasure also testifying our high appreciation of Mr. Lord as a gentleman, and, tendering him our thanks for the efficient manner in which he has discharged his duty.” The document concludes with the signatures of the nine generals and the judge advocate, presented in two columns. The signing members are: “E. A. Hitchcock, Maj. Gen. Vol” (West Point 1817); “B. M. Prentiss, Brig. Gen. Vol” (captured at Shiloh); “James B. Ricketts, Brig. Gen. Vol” (West Point 1839, wounded and captured at 1st Manassas, wounded at Cedar Creek); “N. B. Buford, Brig. Gen. Vo” (West Point 1827); “Jno. P. Slough Brig. Gen. Vol” (killed, at Santa Fe, N. M., on Dec. 16, 1867, in a personal attack over politics); “D. Hunter, Maj. Gen.” (West Point 1822, served as president of this court martial, served as commission president of the Lincoln conspirators trial); “Rufus King, Brig. Gen. Vol” (West Point 1833); “Silas Casey, Brig. Gen. Vol” (West Point 1826); “J. A. Garfield, Brig. Gen. Vols.” (future president); and “J. Holt, Judge Advocate” (conducted the trial of Porter and the Lincoln conspirators). In fine condition, with several horizontal folds, some light brushing to last two lines of text, and a few other trivial brushes to text.

Porter commanded the V Corps in the disastrous Battle of Second Bull Run. During the battle, Porter received contradictory and unclear orders from his superiors as he attempted to command his troops based on Confederate positions. In the aftermath of the battle, Major General John Pope blamed Porter for the defeat, claiming that Porter had been insubordinate. After Porter’s friend Major General George McClellan was disgraced during the Antietam crisis in the fall of 1862, Porter could no longer seek political protection and Pope preferred court-martial charges against him. The charges were based in politics more than fact. The administration sought to protect itself by absolving Pope, Lincoln’s hand-picked commander. In addition, Porter’s ties to McClellan and his open criticism of Pope made him a political target. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton—a McClellan opponent—picked the members of the court personally. Porter’s court-martial was heard November 1862 through January 1863, and was considered a major event in the war. The trial was covered closely by the press and Porter became a scapegoat as other officers sought to clear their own names. This document was signed by the members of Porter’s courtmartial days before they reached a verdict. Porter was found guilty of disobedience and misconduct in front of the enemy. He was dismissed from the army on January 21, 1863. Delivered in the midst of further military setbacks and political upheaval, the verdict deeply disturbed the public’s confidence in the army and the administration. Porter struggled for years to clear his name. Eventually the court-martial was found to be unjust and overturned, but Porter would not receive an official pardon until twenty years later during the Cleveland administration. A document from an important trial that stressed political and military fault lines in the Union at a critical point in the war. Starting Bid $300

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 27

25. Theodore Roosevelt Signed Original Sketch by Robert Kastor.

Exceptional original sketch of Theodore Roosevelt by noted portrait artist Robert Kastor, accomplished in ink on an off-white 7.75 x 10.75 sheet, which is signed below in ink, “Theodore Roosevelt.” Signed discretely near Roosevelt’s left shoulder by the artist. In fine condition, with some fading to the signature. Starting Bid $200

“I have sympathized with you greatly in the embarrassing position in which you find yourself with respect to Mr. Roosevelt and me” 26. William H. Taft Typed Letter Signed as President on Controversy with Theodore Roosevelt. TLS as president, signed “Wm. H. Taft,” one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, July 31, 1912. Letter to William Loeb, Jr., Collector of Customs in New York City. In full: “I have yours of July 29th. I am glad to have it, and to have an opportunity of saying to you that I appreciate the great work you have done in the Custom House, and also the fact that it has called down upon you a good many enmities and a good many criticisms by persons whose toes have been stepped on by you in the necessary discharge of your duty. I have sympathized with you greatly in the embarrassing position in which you find yourself with respect to Mr. Roosevelt and me, and I think you have conducted yourself with wonderful poise under circumstances that might have led a man of less common sense into great difficulty. I haven’t a word of complaint to utter in respect to your attitude, and I certainly would not [and] have [not] asked you to take part in the unpleasant controversy which has been forced upon me.” Taft makes two handwritten additions to the text, denoted here by brackets. In fine condition. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

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Amidst the Great Depression, Hoover warns the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York: “I can see a rising tide towards the banks which is going to be perfectly disastrous” 27. Herbert Hoover Typed Letter Signed as President with Rare Autograph Postscript: “I can see a rising tide towards the banks which is going to be perfectly disastrous”. TLS,

one page, 7 x 9, White House letterhead, April 26, 1932. Letter to George L. Harrison, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in part: “I am sending you herewith a few letters which came in to me this morning through Senator Capper. I am being deluged with similar correspondence from all over the country. I can see a rising tide towards the banks which is going to be perfectly disastrous unless we can secure some better cooperation.” He adds a handwritten postscript: “I would like these letters back after you have seen them!” In very good to fine condition, with a file hole and paperclip impressions to the top edge. Hoover’s autograph letters as president are excessively rare—he’s said to have penned just four—making this typed letter with autograph postscript an appropriate stand-in within any presidential collection. That the content pertains to the nation’s bank crisis amidst the Great Depression makes it exceptionally desirable. Starting Bid $200

Wonderful dual-signed 1941 Christmas portrait from the Roosevelts 28. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Signed Photograph as President and First Lady - a rare dual-signed 1941 Christmas portrait from the White House. Scarce

vintage matte-finish 9.5 x 7.5 photo of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt relaxing at a patio table with a book and knitting, an image originally taken on the south porch at Hyde Park on July 4, 1941, signed in fountain pen as president, “Franklin D. Roosevelt,” and as first lady, “Eleanor Roosevelt,” with “Christmas 1941” added in calligraphy as originally produced for the White House and President Roosevelt in 1941. Matted and framed to an overall size of 15 x 12. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 29

“Made from White House roof timbers”— extraordinary oversized relic frame with White House photograph, presented by President Truman to a fellow Missouri Democrat

30. Harry S. Truman Signed Photograph in White House Relic Timber Frame. Magnificent matte-finish 10

x 13 photo of the White House lawn from the South Portico, with the Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument in the distance, presented in its original 14.25 x 17.75 mat, signed and inscribed on the mat in fountain pen as president, “To my good friend Hon. Clarence Cannon, with kindest regards & best wishes, Harry S. Truman, White House, May 10, 1949.” Displayed in its original 16.5 x 20 wooden frame, identified on the mat by Architect of the White House Lorenzo S. Winslow: “This pine frame was made from White House roof timbers installed in 1817 and removed in 1927, L.S.W.” In

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fine condition, with a few small dings to frame. Accompanied by a transmittal letter from Winslow. Cannon was a longtime congressman from Missouri, serving from 1923 to 1964, who was chairman of the US House Committee on Appropriations throughout most of Truman’s term as president. Such large and impressive White House relics are rare and highly sought after. Also includes a letter of authenticity from historian and collector Wayne Smith, author of White House Renovation Souvenirs, certifying that “the autographs and White House pine frame are absolutely authentic and are an important piece of U.S. history.” Also includes a signed hardcover copy of Smith’s book. Starting Bid $300


One-of-a-kind guest book from the ‘Sacred Cow,’ Truman’s Air Force One

More images avialable online at www.RRAuction.com 31. Harry S. Truman Multi-Signed Air Force One Guest Book, with Truman, Hoover, Arnold, and Others. Leatherbound guest book from

Truman’s Air Force One plane nicknamed the ‘Sacred Cow,’ 8 x 11, signed on five detached interior pages by over seventy individuals, dated from 1945 to 1948, including: Harry S. Truman (4), Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, Herbert Hoover, Vice President Alben W. Barkley, Supreme Court Justice James F. Byrnes, Admiral William D. Leahy, Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Hap Arnold, and many others, including members of the Pendergast family. In very good condition, with scattered foxing and significant bleeding to some signatures (including one of Truman’s). Accompanied by two candid photos, one showing Truman boarding the plane and one of the plane from a distance. One of the Truman signatures is dated December 25, 1945, when he made a risky flight home to Missouri from Washington for Christmas during bad weather; all normal commercial flights had been canceled and Truman was widely criticized for making the trip. This guest book belonged to Hank Myers, the pilot of the ‘Sacred Cow,’ and is also accompanied by a copy of an article he wrote entitled ‘I Fly the President.’ A decidedly unique assemblage of autographs from a significant aircraft. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 31

“They are definitely fighting for those basic principles of human rights and dignity that are implicit in the teachings of Christianity”

32. Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed in Support of the Christian War Effort. World War II-dated TLS, one page, 7.5 x 9, personal Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force letterhead, July 15, 1944. Letter to Bennett H. McGee, in part: “I consider it a privilege to have the opportunity of sending through the pages of your magazine a message to the men that the East Glenville Methodist Church has sent to the fighting services. To each of them I should like to say that in this war they are definitely fighting for those basic principles of human rights and dignity that are implicit in the teachings of Christianity.” Matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 19.75 x 14.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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From his Allied Force Headquarters, Ike writes home to Mamie on New Year’s Day: “Last night I wrote you my final letter of 1942. This morning I’ve been fighting for the time to send you my first of 1943”

33. Dwight D. Eisenhower WWII-Dated Autograph Letter Signed to His Wife, Mamie. World War II–dated

ALS signed “As ever—yours, D.,” four pages, 8 x 10.25, January 1, 1943. Handwritten letter to his wife, Mamie, addressing her as “Darling Girl,” penned from his headquarters in Algiers on New Year’s Day, 1943. Without ever directly mentioning the war—or his secret location—Ike writes of day-to-day life, exposing his knack for tactics in a game of bridge, complaining about Army food, and expressing his love for his wife and family. In discussing his New Year’s Eve bridge game, we see Ike’s strategic mind at work; this same aptitude would serve him well when planning some of the most significant military operations of the 20th century. In small part: “Last night I wrote you my final letter of 1942. This morning I’ve been fighting for the time to send you my first of 1943. It is now lunch time—but I’m not hungry. Our mess here in the building is very bad, and for some reason (possibly a lack or fancied lack of time) we’ve never gotten into the habit of going home for lunch. Anyway there’s nothing appealing about the d— place. I think that if the season ever turns bright there may be a different atmosphere in the house. This morning I received a radio announcing Milton’s return. I was delighted to know he arrived there for the New Year. For

the first time here (and the second since leaving Washington) the household had a party last eve. 14 for dinner. Nine men and five ladies. The biggest incident, so far as I was concerned, was a bridge hand I held. We’d played about four rubbers and were finally on the last one; both vulnerable. I picked up—Hearts A, K, Q, J, xxxx, Spades A, K, Q, xx. After picking myself off the floor, where I promptly fell—I studied the matter over. I wanted to bid 7 hearts, finally, but wanted to get there so as to get doubled & give me a chance for redouble...Take good care of yourself, all year long, because when I come home I’m going to have so much time to make up in telling you what a wonderful person you are, that you’ll have to be in good condition to listen to all of it. And if you yawn!!! Look out! My love to all the folks—and please don’t forget me. Sometimes I feel so alone that I wonder just who and why this Ike E. is! But on the whole I keep plugging away rather optimistically, and I hope, effectively. The best of everything to you & our Son. Loads of special love for you alone.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original Allied Force Headquarters mailing envelope, addressed in type to Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower at Wardman Park in Washington, marked “Free” and stamped and initialed by a censor. Also includes a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 33

Hand-corrected draft of Ike’s final campaign speech: “Before all else, I am your President— responsible not to Republicans or Democrats, but to Americans”

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower Hand-Corrected Speech of Last 1956 Campaign Speech. Hand-corrected partial draft of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s last speech from his 1956 re-election campaign, two pages, 8 x 10.5, boasting nearly 50 words in Eisenhower’s hand with numerous underlines, cross-outs, and circled words. Eisenhower would deliver this address to his supporters at the Philadelphia Convention Hall on November 1, 1956. At the top, he writes: “Mr. Chairman - Sen. Duff & [My Fellow Penns., struck through], My fellow Americans.” He adds the word “political” to the first line, and scrawls a complimentary note about former US Senator James H. Duff, who escorted him to the platform at the Convention Hall. On the second page, Ike inserts “though I am a party member” when speaking to his responsibility to Americans of all parties, adds “and this Administration” to the middle of the page, replaces the word “personal” with “simple,” and writes “of which I speak to you tonight” at the bottom. In fine condition. Given just five days before the 1956 presidential election, these two pages represent the beginning of a longer speech discussing the achievements and challenges of the Eisenhower administration, international geopolitics, and Eisenhower’s personal commitment to America and the American way. As the incumbent president, he would go on to handily defeat Democrat Adlai Stevenson, commanding 57% of the popular vote en route to 457 electoral votes. Starting Bid $200

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Scarce 1961 presidential appointment signed by the Kennedy brothers, appointing a future senator and cabinet secretary as an “Attorney of the United States”

35. John and Robert Kennedy Document Signed, Appointing a United States Attorney. Scarce partly-

printed DS, signed “John F. Kennedy” as president and “Robert F. Kennedy” as attorney general, one page, 19.5 x 15.5, August 15, 1961. President Kennedy appoints Brockman Adams as “Attorney of the United States, in and for the Western District of Washington…for the term of four years.” Boldly signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by President John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. The crisply embossed gold foil Department of Justice seal affixed to the lower left remains intact. Framed to an overall size of 21 x 17 and in fine

condition, with some very faint unobtrusive staining. A veteran of the United States Navy, Brock Adams served as United States Attorney until 1964, when he was elected to the House of Representatives. He served in the House until 1977, when he resigned to become Secretary of Transportation in Jimmy Carter’s administration. He would go on to be elected to the Senate, serving from 1987 to 1993. Presidential appointments signed by both of the Kennedy brothers are quite scarce; we have offered only three similar examples. Starting Bid $1000

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 35

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President Kennedy presents a 1961 edition of Why England Slept to his former press secretary 36. John F. Kennedy Signed Book as President, Presented to His Press Secretary – Why England Slept. Signed book as president: Why England Slept. Later

printing. NY: Wilfred Funk, 1961. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6 x 8.5, 252 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in blue ballpoint to his former press secretary, “For Bob Thompson, with the high regards of his friend, John F. Kennedy. Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG+/ VG, with small nicks and edge tears to the jacket. Based on his Harvard thesis, Kennedy’s first book examines the years leading up to World War II and the measures taken—

or not taken—by England to extinguish the German threat before it developed into world war. First published in 1940, the book sold 80,000 copies in the United Kingdom and the United States and earned $40,000 in royalties. On Kennedy’s ascension to the presidency in 1961, the book was reprinted in New York by Wilfred Funk. Robert E. Thompson (1921–2003) was a top political writer and Washington journalist who worked as John F. Kennedy’s press secretary in the late 1950s, quitting just prior to the thenSenator’s presidential campaign. Starting Bid $500

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Reagan thanks Jonathan Winters, his former Dean Martin Show roaster, for his “generous words”

42. Ronald Reagan Autograph Letter Signed as President to Jonathan Winters. ALS as president, one

page, 6.75 x 9, White House letterhead, no date. Handwritten letter to actor Jonathan Winters, in full: “It was good to hear from you and I appreciate your generous words. Nancy sends her best and I’m happy to join your collection.” In fine condition, with light irregular toning.

Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Profiles in History affirming that the letter was obtained “directly from Jonathan Winters, to whom the letter was addressed.” Years before reaching the White House, California Governor Ronald

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Reagan appeared on The Dean Martin Show on September 13, 1973. As the celebrity guest of honor, Reagan was roasted by a series of personalities that included Jackie Vernon, Phyllis Diller, Dom DeLuise, Jack Benny, Don Rickles, and Nancy Reagan. Also among the lineup was Jonathan Winters, who proceeded to dress up as Miss Maude Frickert, the purported first-grade elementary teacher of Reagan, and a character he played frequently throughout his career. Over the course of the three-minute roast, Winters poked fun at Reagan for everything from his suspiciously youthful hair color to his decision to go to college in Eureka, Illinois. Starting Bid $300


Exceptionally rare Reagan gift watch, presented to his 1980 campaign donors and then recalled to avoid bad publicity 41. Ronald Reagan Limited Edition Wristwatch for 1980 Campaign Donors. Elegant limited edition wristwatch

watch produced in 1981 as a gift for donors who contributed to Reagan’s successful 1980 presidential campaign. The gold-plated timepiece, one of 1,000 custom-made by Time In Motion, Inc., features Ronald Reagan’s facsimile signature atop a dial embossed with the official Presidential Seal. In very fine condition, this watch features a black lizard-grain leather strap, beautiful German-made dial, and quartz movement. Included is the original leatherette presentation box and slip cover. These watches were approved for presentation to 1,000 supporters who made donations of $1,000 or more to the Republican National Committee during Reagan’s 1980 campaign. However, when news broke that White House National Security Adviser Richard V. Allen accepted a pair of watches valued at about $340 in November 1981, the plan was paused. White House officials are barred from accepting any gift worth more than $50, so to avoid further bad publicity, the decision was made to forego the distribution of more gift watches. A total of 950 Reagan watches were dismantled, and the dials were destroyed and returned to the White House. Only 50 watches had been given previously to diplomats and officials. Starting Bid $500

A handwritten congratulations from President Obama: “I’m sure the newest addition to your family will bring great joy!” 43. Barack Obama Autograph Letter Signed as President. ALS as president, one page, 6.5 x 4, embossed

White House stationery card, no date. Handwritten letter to Sean, in full: “Congratulations to you and Rachel on the birth of Patrick. I’m sure the newest addition to your family will bring great joy!” In very fine condition. Accompanied by the original White House envelope. Although unconfirmed, the “Sean” and “Rachel” mentioned in the letter are ostensibly Republican celebrity couple Sean and Rachel Duffy. The couple’s eighth child, Patrick, was born on May 29, 2016, a date that coincides both with Obama’s presidency and Sean’s tenure as a Wisconsin congressman. Starting Bid $500

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White House Wood The Baltimore-based architectural woodworking firm Knipp & Co. was chosen as a subcontractor for President Harry S. Truman’s renovation and restoration of the White House, which took place between 1948 and 1952. Their work is discussed in the article ‘White House ‘Contractor’s Salvage’ Revived’ by Barbara D. McMillan: “Knipp & Company was very much on the scene during the dismantling of the house. It hauled away moldings, architectural elements, wood floors, and even lath under the plaster for the general contractor, who began work on December 13, 1949…It was President Truman’s stated intention to save ‘all the doors, mantels, mirrors and things of that sort so that they will go back just as they were.’ Architect Lorenzo S. Winslow also ‘appreciated the old, and from the outset urged the careful conservation and reuse of paneling, window sash, molding and doors.’ These intentions, however, were not fully realized. Some of the wood was damaged upon removal, and some was stylistically inappropriate as Winslow tried to adapt the White House interior to the time of its original architect, James Hoban…Franklin Knipp, who became president of the firm in 1964, stressed that most of the removed millwork from the White House arrived to them unmarked, with nothing to indicate where it had come from, unless it was from a ‘primary’ room (a State Room) or one that was to be reconstructed, such as the State Dining Room.” As the White House renovations came to a close, the Commission on the Renovation of the Executive Mansion, with the approval of President Truman, established a ‘souvenir program’ to dispose of excess raw materials removed from the Executive Mansion, such as bricks, nails, plaster, and wooden relics. McMillan reports: “White House moldings that were not reused in the White House reconstruction but left stored with the Knipp firm were originally intended by the firm to be returned to the White House, until at last Major General Glen E. Edgerton, the government’s representative on the work, ordered Knipp to stop bringing back the old wood.” This ‘contractor’s salvage’ subsequently remained in Franklin Knipp’s custody for decades; he subsequently offered them as gifts to friends, and repurposed items for use in his own home on Maryland’s Gibson Island.

Well-documented White House doorway moldings with multi-layered paint—a view into the Executive Mansion’s decades of decoration

44. White House (2) Doorway Molding Sections.

Desirable pairing of decorative doorway moldings from the White House, measuring 13.25˝ x 5.25˝ x 1.25˝ and 28.25˝ x 8.5˝ x 3˝, both coated with several layers of paint, many of which are cracked and chipping; the outermost layer is a grayish off-white, which covers various hues of beige, white, and brown. The smaller piece has a central reeded section, and is annotated on the reverse in black felt tip by Franklin Knipp: “Section of door molding removed from White House during 1952 renovation, Franklin Knipp.” The larger transom piece features two reeded sections with a cornice-type edge. In good to very good condition, with age-related cracking and losses to paint, various nail holes, and partial horizontal cracks to boards; a sawtooth hanger has been applied to the back of the smaller piece. Accompanied by a letter of authenticity from historian and collector Wayne Smith, author of White House Renovation Souvenirs. Also includes a signed hardcover copy of the book. Starting Bid $300 40 |

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Doorway corner rosette molding from the White House interior, removed by Knipp & Co. during Truman’s renovation

45. White House Doorway Corner Molding. Desirable piece of

decorative doorway corner molding from the White House, measuring 9˝ x 9˝ x 3˝, featuring a plaster-cast flower in relief set into the center of a deep frame. Moldings in this style can be seen in numerous images of the White House interior taken during the first half of the 20th century, situated in the upper corners of doorways in the Green Room, Red Room, Blue Room, and elsewhere. This piece is coated with several layers of paint, many of which are cracked and chipping; the outermost layer is a pinkish white, which covers various hues of beige, white, and tan. In good to very good condition, with age-related cracking and peeling to paint and plaster, and some losses to the plaster flower ornament. Accompanied by a letter of provenance signed by Franklin Knipp, in part: “The doorway corner molding…was salvaged from the White House interior renovation which was done by Knipp and Company in 1952.” Also includes a letter of authenticity from historian and collector Wayne Smith, author of White House Renovation Souvenirs. Also includes a signed hardcover copy of the book. Starting Bid $300

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 41

Notables Declaration of Independence Signers The Pennsylvanian president assigns a justice to the county court of Cumberland

131. Benjamin Franklin Document Signed as President of Pennsylvania, Assigning a Justice to “the county court of Common Pleas”. Partly-printed DS, signed “B. Franklin, Presid’t,” one page, 14.5 x 12, February 28, 1786. As

president of the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin assigns “Alexander Murray Esquire of the County of Cumberland,” reposing special trust and confidence in his patriotism, prudence, integrity, and abilities, as “one of the Justices of the county court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Cumberland…to have and hold said power and authority for seven years.” Signed in the left border by Franklin underneath the large white seal and countersigned at the bottom by John Armstrong as secretary. Matted and framed to an overall size of 23 x 20.25. In very good condition, with toning along the trimmed edges, apparent overall backing, some tiny holes (one touching Franklin’s paraph), and staining to the slightly trimmed ornate seal. Starting Bid $1000 42 |

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American Politicians and Leaders “Twenty kegs of gin”—Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton rules in a case concerning import duties on distilled spirits

132. Alexander Hamilton Signed Document on the Import of Distilled Spirits. Manuscript DS, signed “Alexander

Hamilton, Secy of the Treasy,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 12.75, October 18, 1792. This document finds Hamilton making a formal finding in a case involving import duties on distilled spirits, with William Pierce Johnson, of Newbury Port, having appealed his forfeiture of “the Brigantine Sally and twenty kegs of gin.” Hamilton, after having “maturely considered the said statement of facts and petition,” grants Johnson’s petition, and orders that the forfeiture be suspended, while “Johnson [will] pay...the legal duties, and all reasonable costs and charges attending the proceedings...to be assessed by the Judge aforesaid.” Signed at the conclusion by Hamilton, and countersigned by Benjamin Lincoln as collector, James Lovell as a naval officer, and Thomas Melville as surveyor. Lincoln adds a five-line note, stating that “the importer...had no intention to defraud the Revenue.” The first page retains the original embossed paper seal. In very good condition, with light toning and creasing, small old repairs, and archival reinforcement along the hinge. Starting Bid $1000

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Robert Todd Lincoln’s brass bifocal glasses, presented by his wife to their family photographer—from the Lincolniana collection of Dr. John K. Lattimer

133. Robert Todd Lincoln’s Brass Bifocal Glasses - From the Collection of Dr. John K. Lattimer. Son

of President Abraham Lincoln (1843-1926) who served as secretary of war in the Garfield and Arthur administrations. Historic pair of brass bi-focal glasses “identified and attributed to Robert Todd Lincoln by Mr. James Hickey, retired Lincoln Curator of the Illinois State Historical Society,” per an accompanying copy of an affidavit by David Rowland, noting that they were received from Robert Todd Lincoln’s wife, Mary Harlan Lincoln, on or before February 26, 1894, and remained in his family’s possession until 1985. Complete with a dark leather case with gilt-stamped retailer’s label, “Charles Waldin, Jeweler and Optician, 305 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa.” The optician’s location is noteworthy, as Mount Pleasant, Iowa—hometown of Mary Harlan Lincoln—is a mere 30 miles west of Burlington. Robert Todd Lincoln and his family would spend summers in Mount Pleasant with Mary’s family, with Robert making occasional train trips back to Chicago for business. These simple, wire-framed brass bifocal glasses were

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subsequently part of the collection of Dr. John K. Lattimer, a prolific collector and researcher of the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations. The accompanying affidavit traces the lineage of the glasses back to Rowland’s great-great-grandfather, Joseph Leisenring, a photographer of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, who was a neighbor and friend of the Harlan family. Leisenring took several of the known, youthful photographs of the Lincolns’ children, Mamie and Jack. Also part of the Leisenring collection, and also owned by Dr. Lattimer and described in the affidavit, were a pair of President Abraham Lincoln’s glasses, which realized $179,250 in the sale of Lattimer’s collection of Lincolniana. Provenance: The John Lattimer Collection of Lincolniana, Heritage Auctions, November 20, 2008. Includes copies of the original auction description and introductory letters by Tom Slater and Evan Lattimer, discussing the history of Lattimer’s comprehensive collection. Starting Bid $500

134. William Paterson Document Signed as Governor of New Jersey.

New Jersey statesman and a signer of the United States Constitution (1745–1806) who was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court and the second governor of New Jersey. Rare partly-printed DS as governor of New Jersey, signed “Wm. Paterson,” one page, 13.25 x 8.5, Burlington, New Jersey, February 2, 1792. Governor Paterson approves the authenticity of “the last Will and Testament of John Wilkins late of the City of Burlington.” Signed at the conclusion by Paterson. The upper left corner with the embossed seal is folded over. Attached to the document is a manuscript copy of Wilkins’ will dated at Burlington on February 20, 1786. In very good to fine condition, with light stains and edge wear. William Paterson is one of the rarest signers of the United States Constitution, and this is a fine example of his autograph. Starting Bid $200

World Leaders

136. Jiang Zemin Signed Photograph. Chinese

politician (1926–2022) who served as president of the People’s Republic of China from 1993 to 2003, overseeing substantial economic development and reforms. Color glossy 9.5 x 7 photo showing Jiang Zemin on his state visit to Germany in 1995 with the then Chancellor Helmut Kohl, signed in black felt tip by both world leaders. Reverse bears a typed caption in German and an affixed copyright label. In fine condition, with a minor smudge to Kohl’s signature. Starting Bid $300

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Royalty A hand-drawn Christmas card from “Lilibet” to “Crawfie,” the trusted governess of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret 139. Queen Elizabeth II Hand-Drawn and -Colored Christmas Card for Her Governess, Marion Crawford . Wonderful handdrawn and -colored Christmas card from a young Queen Elizabeth II that she sent to her governess Marion Crawford in the 1930s. The inside of the card, which measures 10 x 4 open, is signed and inscribed in black ink, “To Crawfie, From Lilibet.” The adjacent page features a drawing of a golden horseshoe wrapped with holly, and the front of the card bears a Christmas tree design pattern that the princess has traced and colored with crayons. In fine condition, with scattered light foxing, and two light old tape stains to the top edge of the signed panel.

Elizabeth was given the nickname “Lilibet” as a young child, and it was essentially only her immediate family members who were permitted to use it. The exception to the rule, of course, was if you were Marion Crawford, the Scottish-born childhood tutor of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, whom they affectionately called ‘Crawfie.’ Crawford served in the royal household from 1932 to 1947 but purportedly fell out of favor with the family after the release of her 1950 book The Little Princesses: The Story of the Queen’s Childhood by Her Nanny, Marion Crawford. Starting Bid $500

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140. Queen Elizabeth II Signed Portrait Photograph by Dorothy Wilding. Marvelous

vintage matte-finish 8.75 x 11.5 portrait of Queen Elizabeth II wearing her glimmering crown jewels, taken by Royal Court photographer Dorothy Wilding, signed nicely on the original mount in fountain pen, “Elizabeth R, 1953.” Affixed to its original 13 x 19 presentation mount, the reverse of which bears Wilding’s studio label. In fine condition, with some light creasing in the bottom border. An exquisite image of the beloved British monarch. Starting Bid $300

141. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Signed Photograph. Attractive vintage 8 x 7 photo of Queen

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip standing with their two children on a Buckingham Palace balcony, an image removed from an official Royal 1954 Christmas card, signed below in black ink, “Elizabeth R, 1954” and “Philip.” Regally matted and framed to an overall size of 14 x 13.5. In fine condition, with a couple of small spots of foxing. Starting Bid $200

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Religious Figures

142. Pope Paul V Letter Signed. Born Camillo Borghese

in Rome in 1550, Paul V reigned as pope from 1605 until his death in 1621. He financed the completion of St. Peter’s Basilica, and in 1611 he honored Galileo Galilei as a member of the Papal Accademia dei Lincei and supported his discoveries. Rare LS in Italian, signed “Paulus Papa V,” one page, 7.75

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x 10.25, November 12, 1613. Addressed from Rome, an untranslated letter from Pope Paul V, who bestows an apostolic blessing. In very good to fine condition, with scattered soiling and small stains, and a small tear to the lower blank area. Starting Bid $300

Activists and Social Leaders Malcolm X on early “dark-skinned people”– “these people had mastered agriculture, when white people in Europe were still eating weeds”

143. Malcolm X Signed Page for Alex Haley’s 1963 Playboy Interview – Discussing European Thievery of African Culture (PSA NM-MT 8). Page 36 from the

original typescript of Alex Haley’s 1963 interview of Malcolm X for Playboy magazine, one onionskin page, 8.5 x 11, signed “Malcolm X” in the bottom margin (with a marginal line indicating his approval of the contents). In part: “[Malcolm X] The Incas, the Mayans, the Aztecs, all dark-skinned people, Indians, had a highly developed culture here in America, what is now Mexico and Northern South America. At the time when

the white people up in Europe still were living in mud huts, these people had mastered agriculture, when white people in Europe were still eating weeds. Sir, you don’t have to take my word. Your readers don’t have to take my word. Let them read for themselves. As a matter of fact one of the best sources I know is put out by the United Nations. Read the Unesco Courier special edition of October 1959. Let them read any books about ancient Egypt.” In fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “NM-MT 8.” Starting Bid $500

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Buisnessmen Scarce signed SpaceX photo of Elon Musk and NASA head Charles Bolden 144. Elon Musk and Charles Bolden Signed Photograph. Color satin-finish 14 x 11

photo of Elon Musk and and NASA Administrator Charles Bolden speaking to employees at SpaceX headquarters in 2012, with the DragonRider spacecraft capsule behind them, signed in blue felt tip, “Elon Musk” and “Charles Bolden, Jr., NASA Administrator.” In very fine condition, with a JSA label affixed to the reverse. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from JSA. A scarce and remarkable oversized signed photograph that represents the important public-private partnership between NASA and Elon Musk’s SpaceX. Starting Bid $500

145. John D. Rockefeller and Henry M. Flagler Signed Stock Certificate for the Standard Oil Trust. Partlyprinted DS, signed “John D. Rockefeller” and “H. M. Flagler,” one page, 15.75 x 7.75, December 12, 1883. Rare stock certificate for 120 shares of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio issued to senior executive H. A. Hutchins, signed on the front in ink by John Rockefeller as president, Henry M. Flagler as secretary, and Jabez A. Bostwick as treasurer; endorsed on the reverse by Hutchins. The original receipt remains affixed at the left edge. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Scientist and Inventors

Limited edition signed portrait of Albert Einstein by a noted Jewish artist

148. Albert Einstein Signed Limited Edition Etching.

Magnificent limited edition etching of Einstein in near profile, 9 x 11, numbered 89/100, signed in the lower right in pencil, “Albert Einstein.” Also signed in the lower left by the artist, “Hermann Struck.” In fine condition, with scattered light foxing, and Einstein’s signature quite light but fully legible. Struck was a German Jewish artist and passionate Zionist known for his etchings; he created portraits of several distinguished subjects including Einstein, Freud, Nietzsche, and Ibsen. A superb autographed etching from the revered genius. Starting Bid $500

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 51

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Einstein sends a gracious letter of thanks for a gift of honey, references one of his last and closest companions 149. Albert Einstein Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “A. Einstein,” one page, 8.5 x 11, blindstamped personal letterhead, November 11, 1948. Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, in full: “I was very much touched by your kindness to send me the wonderful honey. Mrs. Fantova described how the business of filling the honey into the glasses has been performed and how much fun it was for the laborers. With my very best thanks and kind regards.” In fine condition. Johanna Fantova, a former Princeton librarian, met Einstein in the 1920s in Europe and then renewed their friendship in the United States during World War II. Fantova, who many around campus believed was Einstein’s last girlfriend, compiled notes from their conversations into a 62-page manuscript, covering the period from October 1953 to Einstein’s death in April 1955. The manuscript contained Einstein’s musings on subjects, profound and mundane, from physics and current events to the tribulations of growing old. In their conversations, Einstein and Fantova often discussed the many old friends, acquaintances, and strangers who visited the Einstein household, including Robert Oppenheimer, who directed the Institute for Advanced Study where Einstein worked. Oppenheimer, whom Einstein held in high regard, had led the U.S. effort to build the atomic bomb but was later persecuted by Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee. In Fantova’s accounts, the McCarthy hearings were a frequent subject of conversation: ‘This political persecution of his associate was a source of bitter disillusionment.’ Starting Bid $1000

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Exceptional profile pose of Einstein, signed in 1948

150. Albert Einstein Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-

finish 6.75 x 4.75 photo of Albert Einstein seated in a wonderful profile pose, signed and inscribed in bold ink, “To Mr. & Mrs. Bryan, A. Einstein, 48.” In fine condition, with faint silvering to the dark background. An uncommon signed portrait of the revered theoretical physicist. Starting Bid $1000

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151. Louis Pasteur Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French,

signed “L. Pasteur,” one page, 5.25 x 8, April 2, 1886. Untranslated handwritten letter by Pasteur. In very good to fine condition, with some light creasing, and a thin strip of staining along the left edge. Starting Bid $200


152. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Handwritten Manuscript Page. Important Swiss-French philosopher and writer (1712-1778) who held that the individual is essentially good but usually corrupted by society. Rare autograph manuscript in French, unsigned, no date, penned boldly by Jean-Jacques Rousseau on an offwhite 7.25 x 10 sheet. The page derives from his unpublished work relating to the history of women which he prepared between 1746-51 for his benefactress Louise Marie Madeleine Dupin. The untranslated text contains an interesting reference to Louis II of Hungary and his queen, Mary of Austria. In the upper left corner, Rousseau has added “Barre L. 8. p. 197.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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American West Buffalo Bill presents a cane to his East Coast cousin – “To My Little friend, from, W. F. Cody, Buffalo Bill”

155. William ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody 1873 Walking Cane and Handwritten Note, Presented to His Cousin, George R. Guss. William F. ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody’s walking cane that he presented to his cousin George R. Guss in 1873. The wooden

cane, 36.5˝ in length, features an elaborately filigreed gold-finish handle, which bears an engraved calligraphic inscription to the top and side: “Will Cody to” and “Geo. R. Guss.” Included is a handwritten presentation note from Cody, who writes: “To My Little friend, from, W. F. Cody, Buffalo Bill, June 25th /73.” The note, penned on an off-white 4.5 x 3.25 sheet, is displayed within a period gilt frame to a slightly larger size. In fine condition, with blotting to a few words of the inscribed slip, and light scattered wear to the cane.

In 1872, William F. Cody made his way from New York City to Westchester, Pennsylvania, where he would first meet his relatives, the Guss family. In 1873, Cody’s first as an actor, he returned to Westchester and stayed with the Gusses for most of the summer until moving on to Rochester, New York. According to leading Cody scholar Paul Fees, it was most likely then that he gave his Medal of Honor to either Gen. Guss, or to Lizzie, and this offered cane to George. Starting Bid $500

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Lifelike limited edition bronze sculpture of Buffalo Bill 156. William F. ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody: Mark Hopkins Limited Edition Bronze Sculpture. Magnificent limited

edition solid bronze sculpture of Old West legend William F. ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody by sculptor Mark Hopkins, numbered 23/50, 12˝ x 19.75˝ x 11˝, 36 pounds, displaying the head and hands of the fabled American frontiersman and impresario; Cody’s handsome likeness features his iconic mustache and goatee, and his long hair is topped by a cowboy hat with a turned-up brim; his hands float below, the left holding the reins of his horse, the right grasping the grip of a ??Remington revolver. The reverse of the rein is engraved with the artist’s signature and the edition number. In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the sculptor. Starting Bid $300

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“I am broke right now but just you wait untill I get out”

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Notorious Figures John Dillinger, America’s future ‘Public Enemy No. 1,’ writes to his niece while inside Indiana’s correctional system 157. John Dillinger Autograph Letter Signed from Prison: “I am broke right now but just you wait untill I get out”. ALS signed “Love, Johnny” and “John Dillinger #13225,” one page both sides, 8.5 x 11, October 19, 1930. Handwritten letter to his niece, Mary Hancock, written from the state prison in Michigan City, Indiana. In full: “Received your sweet letter Tuesday eve but I think you ought to be ashamed for thinking I probably wouldn’t care to receive it. I think you are letting your imagination run away with you the idea of hurting my little niece. Honey I thought I wrote to you either right before your visit or the Sunday after honest ingun. Gee all the subjects you are taking this year I ought to have a pretty smart niece, but all that studying will be mighty hard on you all winter and you ought to drop one of them don’t you think so dear? I don’t want to see you hurt your health by over studying.

All those books you have to carry I can’t understand, for as sweet as you are there ought to be half a dozen young fellow hanging around willing to carry them for the pleasure of your company. Ha! Ha! Use your head for something besides a hat rack. Ha! Ha! Sweetheart I haven’t been mad at you really I haven’t, I was just kinda sour on everything for a while and I didn’t realize that it had been so long since I had written to you, believe me I just couldn’t get mad at you; no, not even for putting me on the pan for being mean to Sis. You know honey that I just couldn’t get along without your sweet letters no siree, so whenever you think it is your turn for a letter just threaten to stop writing. No one ever wrote and told me whether Fred received the letter I wrote him or not I asked Sis when she came to visit me but she didn’t know. As if I would ever give you notice to stop writing to me, young lady if I was out I would sure give you a good spanking and then a lot of kisses to take the sting out of that spanking. You tell her that red headed Sis of mine she had better not quit writing or I really will get mad at her I’ve only been peeved at her so far but that will make me mad an no fooling Dog gone it can’t a fellow chew the rag at his sister. I ask you what chance has a mere man got when, if I get sarcastic with one of you I have both of you on top of me ‘poor Emmett I feel so sorry for him’ Ha! Ha! Thanks for the handkerchiefs and send me some more soon also a fine tooth comb. If Sis has used up what money she had of mine write and let me know and I will send her some more. Margaret got married so if Sis doesn’t hear from I will have Roscoe write to her about the eighth of next month and

you can get that straightened out then. Say I thought by now you would surely have found that sweet little girl for me, you have well then why don’t you sent me her picture? Gee nearly fifteen years old my! my! I would sure like to buy you something nice but I am broke right now but just you wait untill I get out. Tell Hubert never mind about the handkerchiefs for I don’t want him to use the last fifteen dollars I sent him I will write him soon and tell him what I want him to do with it. Honey I could just write a whole book to you this morning and here I have both pages full and I’ve hardly started. I sure hope this pleases you so when you write again you can say ‘I just know my Uncle Johnny loved me to death.’ Give my love to Sis and the kiddies and just lots to you.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered staining, not affecting readability. In 1924, John Dillinger was convicted of assaulting a grocer during a holdup, and expected to receive a light sentence by pleading guilty—only to be slapped with a stiff 10–20 years upon sentencing. His accomplice, an ex-convict and distant cousin named Ed Singleton, was sentenced to just two years for his role in the robbery. During Dillinger’s nine-year stint in the Indiana Correctional System, he met and befriended a number of hard-core criminals who would later become part of his gang: Harry Pierpont, John Hamilton, Homer Van Meter, Fat Charley Makley, Russell Clark, and Walter Dietrich. Dillinger was released in May 1933, after a petition bearing the signatures of almost 200 residents from his adopted hometown of Mooresville, Indiana—including that of his grocer victim—was presented to the governor. Embittered with the criminal justice system for having served what he felt was an unjust term, Dillinger quickly resumed a life of crime with his prison friends, whom he helped escape in a spectacular and well-planned breakout. He and the gang embarked on a bank robbing spree, conducting a dozen separate heists between June 21, 1933, and June 30, 1934—to the tune of well over $300,000. In 1934, when J. Edgar Hoover named Dillinger ‘Public Enemy Number 1,’ Indiana Governor Paul V. McNutt’s secretary, Wayne Coy, observed: ‘There does not seem to me to be any escape from the fact that the State of Indiana made John Dillinger the Public Enemy that he is today. The Indiana constitution provides that our penal code shall be reformative and not vindictive… Instead of reforming the prisoner, the penal institutions provided him with an education in crime.’ Starting Bid $2500

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“I got married, my wife is nineteen years old,” Oswald updates his estranged brother on his new life in the Soviet Union, “one of the most interesting country’s I have seen in my travels”

158. Lee Harvey Oswald Typed Letter Signed on Life in the Soviet Union and His New Wife. Rare ALS signed

“Lee,” two pages, 5.5 x 8, May 5, 1961. Addressed Minsk, a handwritten letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to his estranged brother, Robert. After nearly a year of silence, Oswald updates his brother on his arrival in the city and his recent marriage and alludes to his potential disillusionment with Soviet Russia. In part: “I have been working at the local radio-television plant as a metalsmith. On April 30 of this year, I got married, my wife is nineteen years old, she was born in the city of Leningrad, which is the second largest city in the U.S.S.R…We have a small flat near my factory and are living nicely. In general I have found the living conditions here to be good but there is a lot of things still to be done. I hope to send you somethings [sic] from here if you like. The Soviet Union is one of the most interesting country’s [sic] I have seen in my travels. You should try to visit us some time I sometimes meet American tourist [sic] here especially in the summer.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $500

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Military Retiring from the battlefield in 1864, Bragg commends the medical director of hospitals in Atlanta: “The operations of the Hospital department of our Army of Tenn., especially since systemized by you, I have always claimed as perfect” 247. Braxton Bragg Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed on Chickamauga and Confederate Hospital System. Civil War-dated ALS, three pages on two adjoining

sheets, 5.5 x 9, January 2, 1864. Handwritten letter to surgeon S. H. Stout, the medical director of hospitals in Atlanta. In part: “To have secured the good will and esteem to those who have suffered most in our cause, and of their humane and self-sacrificing… whose only return is a consciousness of duty well done, is no small reward to one whose stern discharge of duty more often offended than propitiated…The operations of the Hospital department of our Army of Tenn., especially since systemized by you, I have always claimed as perfect, so far as our means allowed. And I have every reason to believe it is considered by our government as superior to any in the country. I hope you will find it agreeable to continue your service, so grateful to the soldier and so beneficial to the army. Rest assured, Doctor, that one of the most pleasant associations of my official life has been with that of you and your corps…In this connection I enclose you a short extract from my report at Chickamauga.” In fine condition, with tiny old tape repairs along the central horizontal fold. Starting Bid $200

Pendleton approves the findings of six Confederate court martials 248. Sandie Pendleton Signed Court Martial Document. Confederate officer (1840–1864) on the staff

of Generals Thomas J. Jackson, Richard S. Ewell, and Jubal A. Early, who was killed in action following the Third Battle of Winchester. Rare Civil War-dated manuscript DS, signed “A. S. Pendleton,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 12, March 21, 1863. General Orders No. 20, issued from headquarters of the “2nd Army Corps,” which summarizes the findings of six Confederate courtmartials for charges that include desertion, looting of liquor from a private home (for which the offender received six months of hard labor with a ball and chain), and conduct to the prejudice of good order. Signed at the conclusion by Sandie Pendleton, “By command of Lt. Gen. Jackson.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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249. Samuel K. Zook Autograph Letter Signed. Union general (born 1821) who led troops at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, where he was wounded on the second day of fighting (July 2, 1863) and died on the following day. Civil War-dated ALS signed “S. K. Zook, Col. 57th N.Y.V.,” 8 x 10, engraved State of New York, Quartermaster General’s Department letterhead, January 13, 1862. Handwritten letter to Surgeon General S. O. Vanderpool, in full: “My Major writes me that Dr. Leach has resigned his position as Surgeon of my reg’t. I also hear that Col. Weeks’ reg’t is to be consolidated with the 12th Vols. which will release his Surgeon, Burky. In that case I should feel very greatly obliged if you could possibly appoint Burky as Surgeon of the 57th.” Zook adds a postscript and initials at the conclusion: “I am here on sick leave – having had another attack of rheumatism. S. K. Z.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Scarce specially printed ‘I Shall Return’ book from General MacArthur 250. Douglas MacArthur Specially Printed ‘I Shall Return’ Book - presented as a gift to staff members during the Philippines Campaign. Extremely rare book entitled ‘I Shall

Return,’ specially ordered for print by General Douglas MacArthur, who presented copies to the immediate members of his staff stationed in the Philippines. Printed in Manila in an unknown quantity, the unsigned book, 8.25 x 11, 60 pages, no date [circa 1946], is bound in soft green boards with gilt titling to the front cover. The book lists the command staff and maps for all major Philippine campaigns between October 20, 1944, and July 5, 1945, in addition to battle plans that were prepared but not executed during the Philippines Campaign. Starting Bid $200

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Napoleon orders the protection of French waters whilst setting sights on the Spanish throne

251. Napoleon Letter Signed, Establishing a Battery to Protect France’s Coastal Shipping. LS signed “Nap,”

one page, 7 x 8.5, March 19, 1808. Addressed from Paris, Napoleon sends a letter to General Clarke, in part (translated): “Issue orders that a battery established at Coubre Point on the right bank of the Gironde, in order to protect coastal shipping.” Signed prominently at the conclusion by the French Emperor. Attractively double-matted and gilt-framed with an oval portrait to an overall size of 18 x 14.25. In fine condition, with scattered spots of foxing. With one eye on the defense of French coastlines, Napoleon trained his other on the ongoing father-son conflict of the Spanish kingdom. By June 6, 1808, Napoleon has convinced Charles IV and Ferdinand VII to renounce the throne, which he then delivered to his brother, Joseph Bonaparte. Starting Bid $200

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274. Amelia Earhart Signed Photograph. Appealing 5 x 8 book photo used as the frontispiece in her 1932 autobiography The Fun of It, nicely signed below the image in fountain pen, “Amelia Earhart.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

275. Orville Wright Signed Photograph of Man’s First Flight. Attractive 4.5 x 3.25 book photo of the Wright Brothers’ first flight above an information caption, signed nicely in fountain pen by Orville Wright, who is shown watching his brother pilot the aircraft. The caption reads, in part: “This cut shows the first plane on its initial flight at Kill Devil Hills, near Kitty Hawk, N. C.” Double-matted and framed to an overall size of 10.25 x 8.25. In fine condition. A desirable display piece boasting a clean signature of the famed aviation pioneer. Starting Bid $500

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Space Fantastic limited edition ‘Moonwalkers’ print, signed by 11 including Aldrin, Shepard, and Young

281. Moonwalkers (11) Signed Limited Edition Lithograph by Ron Lewis. Coveted limited edition color 31 x 25

lithograph entitled ‘Moonwalkers,’ numbered 242/1000, signed in felt tip by eleven of the twelve moonwalkers: Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Charles Conrad, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, Jim Irwin, Dave Scott, Charlie Duke, John Young, Gene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt. Also signed by the artist, Ron Lewis. Rolled and in very fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Novaspace. A very difficult-to-obtain collection of sought-after astronaut signatures on a single, limited edition item. Starting Bid $300

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Art, Architecture, and Design Towering portrait of Gustave Eiffel, unheard of in this size and quality

363. Gustave Eiffel Rare Oversized Signed Photograph. Amazing oversized 11 x 16 albumen portrait of Gustave

Eiffel in a three-quarter-length pose by E. Chesnay of Dijon, affixed to its original 16.25 x 21 mount, neatly signed and inscribed on the mount in ink, “A M. A. Truchetet en souvenir du banquet du 1e Fevrier 1890, G. Eiffel.” Displayed in its original frame to an overall size of 18.5 x 23. In fine condition, with chipping to the frame’s ornamental veneer (most noticeably to top corners). Around this time Eiffel would have been celebrating the one-year anniversary of the completion of his masterpiece, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, which opened on March 31, 1889. Signed photographs of Eiffel are scarce in any size, and virtually unheard of in this massive format. Starting Bid $300

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Rare oversized 19th century portrait of the pivotal Barbizon landscape painter 362. Camille Corot Oversized Signed Photograph. French landscape painter (1796-

1875) identified with the Barbizon School. Rare 8 x 10 albumen photo of Corot posing with his palette, brush in hand, affixed to its original 10.75 x 14.25 mount, signed and inscribed on the mount in ink, “A mon ami Diaz, C. Corot.” In very good to fine condition, with some light scuffing and soiling. Extremely rare in this format, this is the only signed photograph of Corot that we have ever offered; its imposing size makes it all the more desirable. Starting Bid $200

365. Andy Warhol ‘Tate Gallery’ Exhibition Book, Signed on the Marilyn Monroe Front Cover. Signed

book: Warhol: The Tate Gallery, 17 February – 28 March 1971, by Richard Morphet. First edition. London: Tate Gallery, 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket, 8.5 x 8.5, 100 pages. Signed vertically on the front cover in black felt tip by Andy Warhol. In very good to fine condition, with fading to the signature, and rippling to the dust jacket, from one time exposure to moisture. A considerably scarce first edition hardcover catalog of the historic Andy Warhol retrospective at the Tate Gallery in 1971 — Warhol signatures on images of his adored 1964 Marilyn Monroe silkscreen painting are rare and highly coveted. Starting Bid $200

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Picasso poses with a portrait of an old friend — a gift to his trusted housekeeper

364. Pablo Picasso Signed Oversized Photograph to Housekeeper. Vintage matte-finish 9.5 x 11.75 half-length

photo of Pablo Picasso holding up his 1901 portrait of Spanish sculptor and writer Jaume Sabartes, signed and inscribed in black ink, “Pour Ines Sassier, Picasso, le 10. 5. 68.” Pencil notation on the reverse indicates that the photo was originally taken by Jacqueline Roque, Picasso’s second wife. In fine condition, with very light edge wear. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Picasso met Ines Sassier while vacationing in Mougins in 1936 and, delighted by her charm, promptly welcomed both her and her sister to the staff at his Rue de Boétie apartment. She remained Picasso’s close friend, advisor, cook, and confidante for more than three decades. Picasso first met Sabartes in 1899 when they were both just 18 years old and began a lifelong friendship. Sabartes initiated the establishment of the Museu Picasso in Barcelona with the donation of his personal collection, which consisted of nearly six hundred of Picasso’s works. A wonderful photograph boasting great personal associations. Starting Bid $500

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Comic Art and Animation Cartoons collide! Original artist sketches of Ziggy, Batman, Snoopy, and the Pink Panther

375. Cartoonists: Schulz, Kane, Freleng, and Wilson Original Sketches. Wonderful original sketches of Ziggy, Batman, Snoopy, and the Pink Panther, accomplished in black ballpoint or felt tip on the same off-white 7.5 x 6.75 sheet by their respective legendary cartoonist — Tom Wilson, Charles Schulz, Bob Kane, and Friz Freleng — with each artist signing below their character, with Schulz signing his last name only and Kane adding “‘Bats wishes…‘93.” In very fine condition. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Starting Bid $200

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376. Walt Disney Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Disney holding a book and posing with his adorable miniature poodle, Lady, prominently signed and inscribed in bold black ink, “To Mary, my best, Walt Disney.” In fine condition, with some light edge rippling and a couple of small creases. Lady sometimes appeared with Disney in the introductions of his weekly television show, from which this image was undoubtedly taken. According to Disney: ‘Before Lady, we owned a large-sized standard poodle and I used to think she was the only female in my family that really understood me. [Lady’s] small but she’s easy on the brick and brack. Round the house, she is a personality in her own right.’ Starting Bid $500

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Fantasia’s mushroom dancers from the ‘Nutcracker Suite’

378. Mushroom dancers production cel from Fantasia’s ‘Nutcracker Suite’ segment (Walt Disney Studios, 1940). (Walt Disney Studios, 1940) Uncommon original production cel featuring the dancing mushrooms

from the ‘Nutcracker Suite’ segment of Fantasia, showing a total of seven mushrooms in a synchronized dancing pose, with the small baby mushroom in front. The cel has been trimmed and applied to an airbrushed background as prepared by Courvoisier Galleries for sale; the lower left of the background bears a small “WDP” stamp. Total mushroom image measures 5.25 x 4.5 (including bubble effects), with a mat opening of 6.75 x 6.25. Framed to an overall size of 15.5 x 14. The frame backing bears the original Walt Disney Productions label. In fine condition, with some toning to the mat. A wonderful piece from the pioneering Disney feature that paired classical music with modern, innovative visuals. Starting Bid $300

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Literature Pulp fiction letter archive of Dwight V. Babcock, corresponding with his Black Mask editor, Joseph ‘Cap’ Shaw

392. Dwight V. Babcock: Black Mask Magazine Correspondence Archive with Editor Joseph Shaw.

Fascinating correspondence archive between writer Dwight V. Babcock and Joseph ‘Cap’ Shaw, the editor of Black Mask, an influential pulp magazine that launched the hardboiled crime subgenre of mystery fiction and published now-classic works by Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Erle Stanley Gardner, Cornell Woolrich, Paul Cain, Carroll John Daly, and others. The archive contains 11 TLSs from Shaw, each signed “Joseph T. Shaw,” the majority on Black Mask letterhead dated between 1933 and 1936, with the bulk of the content featuring Shaw’s encouraging words and his candid editorial suggestions. Also 72 |

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included is a five-page handwritten outline for a letter sent by Babcock to Raymond Chandler biographer Frank MacShane, which includes Babcock’s thoughts on his experiences with Chandler, two TLSs from Dime Detective Magazine editor Kenneth White, a TLS from Shaw’s Black Mask successor Fanny Ellsworth, a somber TLS from writer Norbert Davis (four days before his death), and an assortment of other letters, documents, and Christmas cards from Babcock’s publishers and fellow writers. In overall very good to fine condition. Highlighted passages from many of the letters can be found in our online description. Starting Bid $200

“God, I am tired. But this line of reasoning is very important”—Philip K. Dick promotes the “harmonizing of science and theology” 393. Philip K. Dick Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed

“Love, Phil,” who adds a small heart with arrow, four pages, 8.5 x 11, January 26, 1981. Lengthy letter to science fiction author Patricia Warrick, in part: “This may prove to be an important letter. I had a great flooding in of insight into Spinoza’s system. First of all, from a scientific standpoint total reality would have to differ in some way from the normal model of objective science – that is, a view of matter and energy which is lawful but not sentient, that does not possess the attribute of mind — for Spinoza’s system to be entertained… God, I am tired. But this line of reasoning is very important.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

Starting Bid $200

394. Charles Dickens Filled Out and Signed Check. Coutts & Company bank check, 7 x 3, filled out and signed by

Charles Dickens, payable to “Self” for £5, January 24, 1859. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Double-matted and framed with a carte-de-visite portrait photo of Dickens to an overall size of 20.5 x 12.5. In very good to fine condition, with overall light creasing and wrinkling. Starting Bid $200

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Arthur Conan Doyle’s handwritten notebook on spiritualism—notes on spirits and the afterlife, physical mediums, and an unfinished Dickens novel completed by ‘spirit writing’ 395. Arthur Conan Doyle Handwritten Notebook on Spiritualism - 30+ Pages on Seances, Mediums, Dickens and Automatic Writing. Arthur Conan Doyle’s handwritten notebook on spiritualism, totaling 34 handwritten pages by Doyle, 6.5 x 8, bound in stiff moiré wrappers. For many of his later years, Doyle intensely pursued his interest in paranormal phenomena, and by the end of World War I he identified himself as a Spiritualist, believing in a spirit world and the ability to communicate with those beyond the grave. He established the specialized Psychic Bookshop in 1925, devoted entirely to the sale of spiritualistic and psychic books; he later formed a small museum in the basement, showcasing various objects relevant to ghosts and the spirit world. In this extensive manuscript, Doyle documents various experiences with spirits and séances, and pens excerpts from various contemporary and historical works on those subjects.

Doyle’s notebook begins with “Experiences of Mrs. Robertson, British Columbia.” In part: “Her results were got first from table messages & then from writing done while the circle was sitting. The first good test was she got the title of the Marquis of Durat as the ancestor of her friend. This proved correct. A Mrs. Willett joined her who also had writing power. Mrs. Willett got written messages for Kathleen a young friend from her fiancé Tom Barry killed in the war, getting the name correct though he was a stranger to her. Extract from Tom Barry: ‘There is a beauty here beyond your wildest dream. Great many coloured mountains & rushing streams & fields of waving green, wandering away towards sunsets and sunrises.’” The notebook continues with a passage headed “Information from ‘Stella Sketchley,’” with details on the famed Italian Spiritualist physical medium Eusapia Palladino, known for her claims of an ability to levitate objects and communicate with spirits. In part: “’Eusapia,’ Born 1854 near Naples. Marked depression in her head from an early fall. Cool wind issues from this in trance. 1884—Chiaia investigated her. Lombroso & Flammarion in 1891 with Prof. Gigli & others Flammarion says: ‘When we were taking leave the medium being still seated and bound and all of us standing round the table conversing we heard noises in the alcove and saw the round table slowly advancing. This was in a local hotel. On seeing this strange phenomenon in full light we were all stupefied with

amazement. M. Bianchi & Lombroso’s nephew dashed into the alcove—There was no one there, and under their very eyes the table continued to glide over the floor in the direction of the medium.’ Lombroso afterwards wrote, ‘I regret that I combatted with so much persistence the possibility of the facts called spiritualistic.’ At Milan sittings were held in the private home of M. Finzi under control of Lombroso…They photographed the levitated tables & got prints of hands on smoked paper though no grime appeared on Eusapia’s hand…’Spiritualistic phenomena are authentic’ says Lombroso. ‘I have attended 100 séances. I am perfectly convinced of the authenticity of the phenomena produced by the medium Eusapia.’” Doyle continues to chronicle various famous spiritualistic occurrences: “The novel of Edwin Drood left incomplete by Dickens was finished by the 14-yr old medium James, a mechanic and almost unable to read. He did not believe in Spiritualism, but was besought by Dickens to continue the novel under his dictation. It is interesting to note that the orthography is English & not America, and to observe the frequent passing from the past tense to the present—a special peculiarity of Dickens’ style. James entered into a trance and saw Dickens fix him with his glance. He did not know what he was writing but when he awoke found the floor littered with unnumbered manuscript slips, and on every page the writing was larger than on the one that preceded it.” He goes on to transcribe several excerpts from Cesare Lombroso’s “After Death—What?,” recording further observations from séances with Eusapia and other commentary on mediums. Doyle then records a prescient address given by W. T. Stead at an event with clairvoyant Mrs. Foster-Turner from “February 1914, before there was a whisper of the War,” in part: “To prove that spirit return is a great reality I will give some warnings and prophecies. Before this year (1914) has run its course Europe will be deluged in blood; Great Britain will be involved in the most awful war the world has ever known; Germany will be the greatest antagonist; crowned heads will disappear; the Austrian Throne & Empire will totter to their ruin; millions of lives will be sacrificed; but our beloved nation will conquer.” In very good to fine condition, with heavy wear to the spine and covers; interior pages are clean and fine. Starting Bid $1000

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“One day James Bond must emulate that exploit”—Fleming thanks a fellow author for his “bed of roses story,” later featured in From A View To A Kill

396. Ian Fleming Typed Letter Signed - “James Bond must emulate that exploit”. TLS signed “Yours ever,

Ian,” one page, 8 x 10, Kemsley House letterhead, May 2, 1957. Letter to fellow author R. W. Thompson, in part: “What an extraordinary kind thought to have written such a warm and splendid letter…it was intoxicating stuff to find on my same old desk in W.C.l. on a dull Thursday morning. I do hope all goes well with you and that being a writer in your own time and not a hireling has proved the right choice. I am sure it was. Your wine is far too new for the aged fiascos of Fleet Street. I shall never forget that bed of roses story about you — in Belgium I think it was — at the end of the war. One day James Bond must emulate that exploit.” Fleming adds the salutation in his own hand: “My dear Tommy.” In very good to fine condition, with a short tear, and paper loss, to the upper right corner. A particularly warm letter of reply from Fleming, who, true to his word, would revisit “that bed of roses story” in From A View To A Kill, one of five short stories published in the 1960 book For Your Eyes Only. Fleming letters referencing his iconic James Bond character are especially scarce, with this particular example all the more desirable given its creative connection to a well-known 007 short story. Starting Bid $500

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In his poem ‘Expectancy,’ Lovecraft muses on “sunsets & strange city spires / Old villages & woods & misty downs / South winds, the sea, low hills, & lighted towns” 397. H. P. Lovecraft Original Handwritten Poem – ‘Expectancy’ – Sonnet 28 from Fungi from Yuggoth. Rare handwritten poem by H. P. Lovecraft entitled ‘Expectancy,’ one page, 6 x 9, no date, signed at the conclusion in fountain pen. The poem, written neatly on the reverse of a stationery sheet from Murphy’s Hotel in Richmond, Virginia, reads, in full: “I cannot tell why some things hold for me A sense of unplumbed marvels to befall, Or of a rift in the horizon’s wall Opening to worlds where only gods can be. There is a breathless, vague expectancy, As of vast ancient pomps I half-recall, Or wild adventures, uncorporeal, Ecstasy-fraught, & as a day-dream free. It is in sunsets & strange city spires, Old villages & woods & misty downs, South winds, the sea, low hills, & lighted towns, Old gardens, half-heard songs, & the moon’s fires. But though its lure alone makes life worth living, None gains or guesses what it hints at giving.” In fine condition, with light creasing, and a small chip to the right edge. ‘Expectancy’ served as Sonnet 28 of the sequence of 36 that comprised Lovecraft’s cosmic poetry collection Fungi from Yuggoth, which was written mostly between December 27, 1929, and January 4, 1930. Starting Bid $300

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Signed first edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 398. J. K. Rowling Signed First Edition Book - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Signed book: Harry Pot-

ter and the Goblet of Fire. First edition. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2000. Hardcover with dust jacket, 5.5 x 8.25, 636 pages. Signed and inscribed on the title page in black ballpoint, “To Minty, have a great time at N. F. L., love, J. K. Rowling.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG/VG, with an ownership inscription to the front pastedown. To promote the Goblet of Fire, Rowling chose to do a mere four-day book-signing tour of England. As a result, autographed first editions of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire are scarce and highly sought after. Starting Bid $200

The ever-reclusive Salinger declines an “ungossipy, unexploitative” interview 399. J. D. Salinger Typed Letter Signed, Shunning the Public Attention of an “Ungossipy, Unexploitative” Interview. TLS

signed “JDS—,” 8.5 x 11, December 4, 1977. Letter politely declining an interview, stating that he has no opinions to make public in spite of assurances that “the piece you have in mind…would be ungossipy, unexploitative, etc.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, postmarked at White River Junction, Vermont. A fantastic letter in which the famously reclusive author shies away from the public spotlight—he tried to escape public exposure as much as possible, granting interviews only sporadically: in 1974, he had broken a public silence of over 20 years when he spoke with the New York Times to denounce the publication of an unauthorized collection of his early works. Starting Bid $200

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400. George Sand Signed Photograph. Eminent French author

(1804-1876) born Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin, better known by the masculine pen name she adopted early in her career. Rare 2.25 x 4 carte-de-visite portrait of Sand in a three-quarter-length pose, signed and inscribed on the mount in blue ink, “A mon ami M…G. Sand.” Published by Nadar of Paris. The name of the recipient in Sand’s inscription scratched off, otherwise fine condition. Starting Bid $200

“Such communications give courage,” Stevenson writes in the wake of his father’s death 401. Robert Louis Stevenson Autograph Letter Signed on the Death of His Father – “Such communications give courage”.

ALS, one page, 5 x 8, black-bordered mourning stationery, no date but circa 1887. Handwritten letter to Edwin W. Carr, in full: “It is annoying to me that I should have left your really moving letter so long unanswered. Late as it is, let me thank you for it heartily; such communications give courage and refresh that sense of the thing being worth doing that so easily faints.” In fine condition, with a complete separation to the central horizontal fold repaired with archival tape on the reverse. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope addressed in Stevenson’s hand, affixed to the front pastedown of an 1887 hardcover second edition of Stevenson’s Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers. Starting Bid $200

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Scarce handwritten letter by Jules Verne, commenting on Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Seas and its crossover sequel, The Mysterious Island 402. Jules Verne Autograph Letter Signed - NM-MT 8.

ALS in French, signed “Jules Verne,” one page, 4 x 5.25, February 23, 1904. Handwritten letter to a gentleman, naming three of his novels: “Being very ill, I have not been able to answer your letter, and I can only do so briefly as my sight is very bad. Five Weeks in a Balloon [Cinq semaines en ballon] dates from 1863, my first novel… Regarding the discrepancy in dates between TwentyThousand Leagues Under the Seas [Vint mille lieues sous la mers] and The Mysterious Island [L’Ile mystérieuse], I have reason to believe that it is an error.” In fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “NM-MT 8.” Verne’s mention of his illness is significant—he suffered from chronic diabetes and would die from related complications the next year. Additonally, Verne’s letters mentioning his works are quite scarce, and this one is exceptionally desirable: he refers to his first novel, Five Weeks in a Balloon, as well as one of his most famous adventure stories, TwentyThousand Leagues Under the Sea. Starting Bid $300

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“I believe that the role of the poet is to give the musician a broad theme, where the general ideas, the great human feelings develop”—Zola defends the musical adaptation of “Messidor”

403. Emile Zola and Alfred Bruneau Autograph Manuscripts Signed - “Messidor”. Unique handwritten

manuscript in French by Emile Zola and Alfred Bruneau for their joint article “Messidor,” published in Le Figaro on February 20, 1897. The manuscript consists of fifteen pages penned by Zola, with headings “Messidor” and “Le Poeme,” boldly signed at the conclusion, “Emile Zola,” followed by nine pages penned by Bruneau, headed “La Musique,” signed at the conclusion, “Alfred Bruneau.” These sheets were prepared for publication with cuts (without loss) and notes in blue pencil, then mounted on tabs on strong paper sheets bound in a volume of red halfmorocco with corners, smooth spine with gilt title along with black leather border on the covers, gilt top edge, presented in a marbled slipcase. Zola writes, in part (translated): “I believe that the role of the poet is to give the musician a broad theme, where the general

ideas, the great human feelings develop. I have taken a burning subject that is very current, I have treated it in a simple and colorful environment, and, while making it take place in our days, I thought I had to include the legend. Véronique is the ancient faith, still so great, and which waits to be replaced by the new faith. At the denouement, when she sings of life and its fecundity, she indicates herself where faith goes. It is the ploughman Guillaume who triumphs, it is Hélène, the beloved, the necessary, who will give birth tomorrow. And, after the death of the destroyer Mathias, after the great black poetry of nothingness, it is the Shepherd who returns up there, in the light, to lead men to the great pure air of health and joy. I will be simply happy, if I gave the musician the opportunity to affirm this joy, this health, the eternal happy fertility, the great clear and powerful sun of our old land of France.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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Music “I was born for an extraordinary life”— Berlioz on the Prix de Rome, a new lover, and the premiere of his landmark ‘Symphonie fantastique’

420. Hector Berlioz Autograph Letter Signed: “I was born for an extraordinary life”. ALS in French,

signed “H. Berlioz,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.25 x 7, September 3, 1830. Handwritten letter to Edouard Rocher, ecstatically expressing his love for the pianist Marie ‘Camille’ Moke and the planned first performance of Symphonie Fantastique. Rocher has no doubt heard that Berlioz has won first prize in the Prix de Rome (translated): “I am now unburdened by any worries on that score; I have so many others; you can guess on what score. Yes my dear Edward all my worries are focused on her, on my ravishing sylph, my adored Camille. My parents as you perhaps know have consented to our marriage…Her mother is only temporarily opposed to our union; she wants at all costs for me to be further advanced in my career…But still, I see her 2 or 3 times a week, she loves me, she loves me. Can you believe it? I, who have never been

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loved by anyone!…Such an angel! A talent perhaps without equal in Europe!…If only you knew how this love began! You wouldn’t believe it; I was born for an extraordinary life; the unfortunate Smithson is still here and is sinking lower and lower. Oh my angel, my Camille!…I bless the moment when [our love] began.” Camille will come to a performance at the Théatre italien, “where they will perform a new composition that I am writing…On 21 November following I shall give my great concert to give a hearing to Simphonie Fantastique.” However, Berlioz needs money for all of this, and asks Rocher for a loan, which he can easily pay back once the Prix de Rome prize money comes through. Addressed on the integral leaf in Berlioz’s hand. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light foxing, and seal-related paper loss to the integral address leaf affecting a few words of text. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

421. Edward Elgar Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Impressive AMQS from Edward Elgar on an off-white 8.5 x 11.5 musically lined sheet, which is signed and inscribed below in fountain pen, “Edward Elgar, Feb 1928, for the Lewiston Boy Scouts.” Elgar adds six bars of music to the upper portion, which bears a “Pomposo” marking. In fine condition, with a single file hole to the left edge. Starting Bid $200

“Sad Memory”—lengthy musical manuscript by the young Pietro Mascagni, penned for his lover upon parting ways 422. Pietro Mascagni Autograph Musical Manuscript Signed: ‘Mesto Ricordo, Notturno per Pianoforte’.

Italian composer (1863–1945) whose 1890 masterpiece ‘Cavalleria rusticana’ takes a place among the most beloved staples of the operatic repertoire. Autograph musical manuscript, four pages on two sheets, 11.75 x 9, dedicated, titled, and signed on the cover sheet by the young composer: “Alla gentillissima signorina Carlotta Toccafondi - Mesto Ricordo - Notturno per Pianoforte, composto da Pietro Mascagni, alumno dell’ Istituto Musicale Cherubini, Livorno.” Mascagni again pens the dedication, title, and his name at the head of the piece, signing and dating it at the conclusion, “Livorno, 16 Settembre 1880, P. Mascagni.” Not yet 17 years old, the young composer pens 67 bars of music in E-flat for his lover, Carlotta Toccafondi, with whom he studied at the Cherubini Conservatory of Music. This is a special composition composed by Mascagni after graduating from the conservatory, while continuing his studies at the Milan Academy. In the piece, “Mesto Ricordo [Sad Memory],” he expresses the good times together and the sadness of separation upon parting from his lover. In fine condition, with hinge separation and scattered light foxing. Starting Bid $200

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Beatles signatures from the set of their first feature film, A Hard Day’s Night

424. Beatles Signatures (1964) - obtained on the set of A Hard Day’s Night. Vintage autograph book, 6.25 x 4.25, signed inside on the same off-white page in ballpoint by the Beatles: “John Lennon,” “Paul McCartney,” “George Harrison,” and “Ringo Starr.” The book also contains a smattering of other British musicians, in addition to Hard Day’s Night cast member Wilfrid Brambell. The covers of the album are worn and damaged, but the interior pages are fine, clean, and virtually flawless; it would be difficult to find a nicer set of uninscribed Beatles signatures! Accompanied by a letter of provenance from the son of the original recipient: “My Father, Leonard Davison (19111972) worked as an electrician at several UK film studios in the post-war years from 1947 through 1967…My Father first met the Beatles on the set of A Hard Day’s Night in 1964 and that is where he was able to obtain the autograph of each Beatle, together with that of Wilfrid Brambell.” Starting Bid $1000

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The Fab Four perform on ABC’s Big Night Out television show 423. Beatles Signed ‘Big Night Out’ ABC Television Program (September 1, 1963).

Exceptionally rare original program for the Beatles’ appearance on the ABC television show Big Night Out, four pages, 8 x 10, signed in the ‘Autographs’ section on the back cover in ballpoint by the Beatles: “John Lennon,” “George Harrison,” “Paul McCartney, xxx,” and “Ringo Starr, xxx.” The program is also signed by the show’s hosts Mike and Bernie Winters, and by Lionel Blair, who was a guest on the show. In very good to fine condition, with light creasing and intersecting folds. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and by a letter of provenance from the daughter of the original recipient: “I enclose the Beatles handwritten autographs on the ABC Television Big Night Out programme. My parents attended the event on 1st September 1963 and the Beatles signed the programme.” This was the Beatles’ first appearance on the show, with filming taking place at Studio One in Didsbury Studio Centre, Manchester, England, on the evening of September 1, 1963. In front of a studio audience of 600 spectators, the Beatles mimed three songs: ‘From Me to You,’ ‘She Loves You,’ and ‘Twist and Shout.’ The show was transmitted across the ITV network on September 7, 1963. Starting Bid $1000

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425. Beatles: George Harrison Signed ‘Apple Publishing Ltd.’ Check. Apple Publishing Ltd. business

check, 8 x 4, filled out in another hand and signed by George Harrison, payable to One Stop Records for £9.10.6, January 31, 1971. The lower left is signed by Apple staff member Peter Brown. In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. The check dates to the release day of Harrison’s debut single ‘My Sweet Lord,’ which hit the number one spot on the UK charts, where it remained for a total of five weeks. Starting Bid $200

426. Beatles: John Lennon and George Harrison Signed Promotional Card (circa 1962).

Vintage circa 1962 glossy 5.5 x 3.5 pre-Parlophone promotional photo card featuring a close-up image of John Lennon, signed and inscribed on the reverse in ballpoint, “Love to Marg, from, John Lennon, xxxx” and “To Marg, love from, George Harrison, xxxx.” The consignor notes that the signatures date to mid-1962 and were likely signed in the Liverpool area. In fine condition, with surface impressions on the photo side from the signatures on the back. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $300

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Complete Led Zeppelin autographs on rare Swan Song record display and Houses of the Holy album 428. Led Zeppelin Signed ‘Houses of the Holy’ Album and ‘Swan Song’ Record Display.

Two signed Led Zeppelin items: a UK vinyl pressing of the band’s fifth studio album, Houses of the Holy, which has been signed on the front cover in blue ballpoint by John Bonham; and a UK cardstock Swan Song record display, 12 x 12, which has been signed in blue ballpoint by Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, and John Paul Jones. In overall fine condition. The record is included. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks.

The consignor notes the Bonham signature was obtained at a launch party for the album in a nightclub in Studley, the Midlands, and the Swan Song display signatures were obtained by Dave Lewis, editor and founder of the Led Zeppelin fanzine ‘Tight But Loose,’ at London’s Heathrow Airport on May 17, 1977, when the group were flying to the USA for the final leg of their last American tour. Starting Bid $500

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Presley pays his hair stylist for ‘Barber & Scalp Treatments’ during the production of Easy Come, Easy Go

429. Elvis Presley Signed Check to His Spiritual Advisor and Personal Hairstylist . Personal check, 8.25 x 3, filled out in another hand and signed by Elvis Presley, “E. A. Presley,” payable to his spiritual advisor and personal hairstylist Larry Geller for $460.60, October 17, 1966. A notation to the left margin reads: “Barber & Scalp treatments for Elvis during ‘Easy Come – Easy Go,’ 10/10 – 10/16/66.” Endorsed on the reverse by Geller. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

430. Elvis Presley Signed Photograph. Excellent vintage glossy 8 x 10 promotional photo of Elvis Presley, signed on

the reverse in ballpoint, “Many thanks! That’s allright, Elvis Presley.” In very good overall condition, with moderate creasing, and some staining/soiling to the signed side. Starting Bid $200

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431. New Power Generation Hand-Painted Art Fabric. Gorgeous hand-painted New Power Generation fabric, 44 x 32, featuring a brilliant ‘pop art’ design of vibrant color and images of NPG band members. The fabric was created by an unknown studio commissioned by the PRN wardrobe department, which intended to use the piece as part of the ever-growing NPG wardrobe. The final result proved so impressive that Prince kept the fabric for himself and his then-girlfriend and future wife, Mayte Garcia, the fabric’s most prominent and beautiful subject. Included with the fabric are five original color glossy candid photos of the studio members hard at work creating the fabric. The photos are dated to March and April of 1993. In fine condition. The Prince Estate is not affiliated, associated, or connected with RR Auction or this auction, nor has it endorsed, authenticated or sponsored the items available for auction. Further, The Prince Estate has not licensed any of its intellectual property to RR Auction. Starting Bid $300

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The Black Album—a tremendously rare still-sealed example

432. Prince: The Black Album - Extremely Rare Sealed Example. Incredibly rare original 1987 U.S. first pressing

of The Black Album (Warner Bros. 1-25677) factory sealed in its original shrinkwrap, complete with affixed peach-and-black sticker on the front, “Explicit Lyrics, Parental Advisory, (1-25677),” and barcode/copyright information sticker on the back. This is one of five sealed copies of The Black Album recently discovered in the collection of former Warner Bros. Records executive Richard Wietsma. Prior to that discovery, only three copies of the original 1987 U.S. pressing had surfaced. The discovery of these albums became an international news story, covered by Rolling Stone, Spin, Vibe, and news outlets around the world. In mint condition. The Black Album, also known as The Funk Bible, was originally intended to be released on December 8, 1987, with an entirely black sleeve and no printed title or song credits. A week before its release date, Prince had the album withdrawn after having a spiritual experience that convinced him the album was ‘evil.’ Warner Bros. worked extremely hard to destroy all of the 500,000 copies that had been pressed—very few survived, making extant examples among the rarest records in the world. The Black Album was later released as a limited edition CD and cassette by Warner Bros. in 1994, and then digitally via Tidal in 2016—however, no U.S. vinyl version of the album was ever commercially released. Includes detailed letters of authenticity from Richard Wietsma and Jeff Gold, the owner of Recordmecca and a former executive vice president/general manager of Warner Bros. Records, who worked closely with Prince during the 1990s, and art directed numerous album covers for him, including ‘Diamonds & Pearls,’ ’Love Symbol,’ and ‘The Hits/The B-Sides.’ He writes, in part: “This example is one of five sealed copies discovered in December 2017, in the collection of a former Warner Bros. Records executive who worked on The Black Album.” Starting Bid $1000

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February 14, 2024 | MUSIC

Fully signed program from Queen’s epic 1975 ‘A Night at the Opera Tour’

433. Queen Signed Program: ‘A Night at the Opera’. Scarce original

program for the UK leg of Queen’s 1975 ‘A Night at the Opera Tour,’ 16 pages, 10.5 x 8.25, signed and inscribed on their respective musician pages in ballpoint, “Freddie Mercury,” “Brian May, to Kim” “To Kim with love, John Deacon, x,” and “Love to Kim, Roger Taylor.” The front cover is also signed by Elton John drummer Roger Pope and manager John Reid, and the last page of the program is signed by members of the supporting act, Mr Big. In very good to fine condition, with creasing and handling wear to the covers. To support their landmark fourth studio album, A Night at the Opera, Queen embarked on a massive 78-show world tour that began on November 14, 1975, and concluded on April 22, 1976. The tour, which marked the debut of the classic Queen rock epic ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ included a total of 26 shows in the United Kingdom that ran from midNovember to late December. Starting Bid $500

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“SIDE 1, Happy Little Day, Killer Queen, Leroy Brown” – Freddie Mercury jots down an early unfinished track listing for Queen’s breakthrough third album, Sheer Heart Attack 434. Queen: Freddie Mercury Early Handwritten Track Listing for Sheer Heart Attack . Handwritten notes by Queen’s

Freddie Mercury, unsigned, no date, penned in blue ballpoint on a light blue 5.75 x 8.5 sheet of Elektra Records ‘Something Out of the Ordinary’ stationery, which contains an extremely early near-complete track list for the 1974 Queen album Sheer Heart Attack. Mercury’s handwritten track listing reads: “SIDE 1, Happy Little Day, Killer Queen, Leroy Brown, She Makes Me, Now I’m Here / SIDE 2, In the Lap of Gods I, Stone Cold Crazy, Leroy, Funster, Flick of the Wrist, Lilly of the Valley.” At the bottom of the page, Mercury has written, “Links, Backwards, Flick of Wrist,” and added a small doodle; he’s also added an outline to the Elektra butterfly. The order of this track list differs substantially from the final released version of the album: the song ‘Brighton Rock’ still has the very early working title of ‘Happy Little Day’; it appears that Mercury was unsure as to which side of the album ‘Bring Back Leroy Brown’ should be placed on; and there are three missing tracks from the released version: ‘Dear Friends,’ ‘Misfire,’ and ‘In the Lap of the Gods… Revisited.’ In very fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. The lyrics were previously sold as part of lot 136 from the Freddie Mercury: A World of His Own, On Stage sale held at Sotheby’s on September 7, 2023. Starting Bid $500

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February 14, 2024 | MUSIC

Fully signed debut record by ‘The Rolling Stones’

435. Rolling Stones Fully Signed Debut Album. Early Australian vinyl pressing for the Decca Records self-titled debut album by the Rolling Stones (LKA 4605), signed beautifully on the back cover in blue ballpoint by all five members: “Mick Jagger,” “Brian Jones,” “Bill Wyman,” “Love, Charlie Boy,” and “Keith Richard.” In very good to fine condition, with light scuffing and soiling, two short edge tears to the front cover, and partial separation along the spine. The record is included. A magnificent vintage band-signed example of their first major release. Starting Bid $300

436. Rolling Stones Vintage Signatures (1960s). Vintage 1960s ballpoint signatures of the Rolling Stones on three

album pages measuring 4.5 x 3.75 and 5 x 3, which are signed as follows: “To Christine, Mick Jagger, x”; “Bill Wyman” and “The Rolling Stones, Love Charlie Boy”; and “Brian Jones” and “Keith Richard.” In overall fine condition, with light creasing to the Jones/Richards page. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. An attractive display-ready set of the classic Stones lineup. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds more items listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 93


510. Charlie Chaplin Signed Photograph. Mattefinish sepia 8 x 10 photo of Chaplin in a waist-up pose, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To the Princess Sushita, with compliments and best wishes, Charlie Chaplin, Hollywood, 1934.” In fine condition, with light silvering to the edges. Starting Bid $200

511. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph. Gorgeous color glossy 10 x 8 photo of Audrey Hepburn from the ‘How to Steal a Million’ era, signed in blue felt tip. Beautifully triple-matted and framed to an overall size of 17.75 x 16.25. In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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February 14, 2024 | ENTERTAINMENT

512. Alfred Hitchcock Signed Oversized Photograph.

Large vintage semi-glossy 11 x 14 silver gelatin portrait photo of the influential filmmaker, signed in white grease pencil. In very good to fine condition, with creasing constrained to the edges and background, and some tiny surface impressions barely touching the signature. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope from Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions, Inc., postmarked October 7, 1976. Starting Bid $200

514. Laurel and Hardy Signed Photograph. Vintage sepia matte-

finish 10 x 8 photo of Hardy with his arm wrapped around his friend and partner Stan Laurel as they smile for the camera, signed and inscribed in fountain pen “Hello Paul! Stan Laurel” and “Oliver Hardy.” In fine condition, with light silvering to the darker areas of the image. Starting Bid $200

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“Harry Handcuff Houdini”

Image larger than actual size. 513. Harry Houdini Signed Postcard Photograph - “Harry Handcuff Houdini”. Outstanding vintage

glossy 3.5 x 5.5 British postcard photo of the master magician in a handsome three-quarter-length pose with his hands tucked in his pockets, prominently signed in fountain pen, “Harry Handcuff Houdini.” In very good to fine condition, with a diagonal bend touching the top of his head, and light surface scuffing. A great pose of the acclaimed escape artist and illusionist. Starting Bid $500

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February 14, 2024 | ENTERTAINMENT

Marilyn buys flowers two months after the release of Niagara, her first starring role

515. Marilyn Monroe Filled Out and Signed Check (1953). Desirable Bank of America Laurel-Sunset Branch

check, 6 x 2.75, filled out and signed by Monroe, “Marilyn Monroe,” payable to florist Bennie Franco for $5.50, March 23, 1953. In fine condition, with two strips of tape to reverse of check. A coveted example of a check filled out entirely in the hand of Marilyn Monroe during her rise to stardom: 1953 saw her first starring role in Niagara, followed by firstbilling in the comedies Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire. Starting Bid $500

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580. Lou Gehrig Signature. Vintage

fountain pen signature, “Lou Gehrig, July 24, 1928,” penned neatly at the top of a trimmed glossy 2.75 x 1.75 photograph, the bottom edge of which bears a small smiling image of the legendary baseball player. The photo is affixed to a slightly larger backing sheet and in fine condition, with a small stain to the top edge. Starting Bid $300

Image larger than actual size.

581. Thurman Munson Signed Baseball. Uncommon Official League

baseball, nicely signed and inscribed on a side panel in ballpoint, “To Laura, Best Wishes, Thurman Munson.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. A scarce and desirable single-signed format from the late Yankees captain, boasting a large, bold autograph. Starting Bid $200

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February 14, 2024 | SPORTS

“I am popularly known in the baseball world as ‘Babe’ Ruth” — the Yankees legend goes to court during his first season in New York

582. Babe Ruth Document Signed (1920) - the baseball great sues a film company during his first year with the NY Yankees. DS, signed “George H. Ruth,” two pages, 6.25 x 11.5, August 30, 1920. An injunction from Babe

Ruth concerning an ongoing legal dispute, in part: “I am the plaintiff herein and earn my livelihood as a professional baseball player and am a member of the New York American Baseball Club, popularly known as the ‘Yankees.’ I am popularly known in the baseball world as ‘Babe’ Ruth…The continuance by the defendants…would cause irreparable injury and damage to me.” Signed neatly at the conclusion in black ink by Babe Ruth. Archivally matted and framed with a photo of Ruth (bearing a faint facsimile signature) to an overall size of 19.75 x 15.5. In fine condition. In 1920, Babe Ruth, during his first season as a member of the New York Yankees baseball team, filed suit against Educational Films, Inc. for distributing two movies documenting his performance at the plate: ‘Babe Ruth, How He Knocks His Home Runs’ and ‘Over the Fence.’ Because both were released without his permission, Ruth filed suit in the New York Supreme Court seeking an injunction. The court ruled against him stating that the films were not a violation of Ruth’s civil rights since the original filming had the oral consent of the ballpark’s owners and even Ruth himself. Starting Bid $1000 Hundreds more items listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 99

6. Thomas Jefferson Signed Free Frank as President Starting Bid $300

38. Lyndon B. Johnson Typed Letter Signed as President to Defense Sec... Starting Bid $200

46. John Quincy Adams Letter Signed to Henry Dearborn, the New United... Starting Bid $200

47. President Chester A. Arthur Endorses the Protection of Submarine ... Starting Bid $200

48. President James Buchanan Ratifies a Treaty with the Tribes of Mid... Starting Bid $200

49. James Buchanan Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

50. George Bush Typed Letter Signed as Vice President on a Speech by ... Starting Bid $200

51. George Bush Signed Book - Speaking of Freedom: The Collected Spee... Starting Bid $100

52. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

53. Rosalynn Carter Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

54. Grover Cleveland Signed Oversized Photograph as President Starting Bid $200

55. President Grover Cleveland Summons Poet James Russell Lowell Home... Starting Bid $200

56. Grover Cleveland Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

57. Bill Clinton and James Patterson Signed Book The President's Da... Starting Bid $200

58. Calvin Coolidge Signed Presidential Foot Tracings Starting Bid $200

59. Calvin Coolidge Typed Letter Signed as President on 1924 Election... Starting Bid $200

60. Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower (2) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

61. Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed as "Uncle Ike" Starting Bid $200

62. Dwight D. Eisenhower Funeral Train - From the Family Collection o... Starting Bid $200

63. James A. Garfield Autograph Letter Signed (1864) Starting Bid $200

64. U. S. Grant Signature Pristine Example Starting Bid $200

65. Warren G. Harding Signed Check Starting Bid $200

66. President Benjamin Harrison Seeks to Halt Seal Slaughter in the B... Starting Bid $200

67. William Henry Harrison Document Signed for Whiskey Rations Starting Bid $200

68. William Henry Harrison Autograph Document Signed for Whiskey Rati... Starting Bid $200

69. Rutherford B. Hayes Signed Check Starting Bid $200

70. Rutherford B. Hayes Autograph Letter Signed: "For Auld Lang Syne" Starting Bid $200

71. Rutherford B. Hayes Autograph Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

72. Rutherford B. Hayes Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

73. Herbert Hoover Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

74. Andrew Jackson Lock of Hair Starting Bid $200

75. Andrew Johnson: Congressional Memorial Addresses Starting Bid $200

76. Andrew Johnson Cartede-Visite Starting Bid $100

77. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

78. John F. Kennedy Signature as a United States Senator Starting Bid $200

79. John F. Kennedy Presidential Inauguration Street Sign Starting Bid $200

80. John F. Kennedy 1960 Presidential Campaign Poster Starting Bid $100

81. Abraham Lincoln (3) Original 1865 Booklets on the Assassination Starting Bid $200

82. Abraham Lincoln 'Gettysburg Portrait' Photograph From an Original... Starting Bid $200

83. Abraham Lincoln: The Philadelphia Inquirer Newspaper from April 1... Starting Bid $200

84. Abraham Lincoln Etching by Otto Schneider Starting Bid $100

85. Abraham Lincoln: 1860 Campaign Biography Pamphlet by John Locke S... Starting Bid $200

86. Abraham Lincoln: Oversized Albumen Photograph of 'The Abraham Lin... Starting Bid $200

87. Abraham Lincoln (3) Magic Lantern Slides Starting Bid $100

88. Abraham Lincoln Cartede-Visite Starting Bid $100

89. Abraham Lincoln (2) Silhouettes Starting Bid $100

90. Abraham Lincoln (4) Prints and Ephemera Starting Bid $100

91. Abraham Lincoln (2) Sheet Music Booklets Starting Bid $100

92. Abraham Lincoln Assassination Newspaper Clippings Starting Bid $100

93. Abraham Lincoln Replica White House China Lot Starting Bid $100

94. Abraham Lincoln Photograph Starting Bid $100

95. Abraham Lincoln (3) Tickets and Currency Starting Bid $100

96. Abraham Lincoln Ephemera Starting Bid $100

97. Abraham Lincoln: Ford's Theatre Ephemera Starting Bid $100

98. Abraham Lincoln: Rutland Daily Journal from April 17, 1865, with ... Starting Bid $200

99. James Madison Ship's Papers Signed as President for a "Brig calle... Starting Bid $200

100. James Madison Autograph Letter Signed on Address at Yale College Starting Bid $200

101. President William McKinley Creates a Commission to Protect Fur Se... Starting Bid $200

102. William McKinley Civil War-Era Carte-de-Visite Photograph Starting Bid $200

103. James Monroe Document Signed as Governor of Virginia Starting Bid $200

104. James Monroe Signed Free Frank to His Physician, Dr. Charles Ever... Starting Bid $200

105. Richard Nixon Signed Book - RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon (Two... Starting Bid $200

106. Richard Nixon Photograph Starting Bid $200

107. Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter (3) Signed Books - A... Starting Bid $200

108. Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter (3) Signed Books - A... Starting Bid $200

109. Barack Obama's Personal "POTUS" Titleist Golf Ball Starting Bid $200

110. Barack Obama Signed Book Starting Bid $200

111. Barack Obama Handwritten Notes on 1996 Check Stub Starting Bid $200

112. Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen Signed Book – Renegades: Born ... Starting Bid $200

113. Ronald Reagan Signed Book - Speaking My Mind (Limited first editi... Starting Bid $200

114. Eleanor Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as First Lady Starting Bid $200

115. Eleanor Roosevelt Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

116. Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

117. Franklin D. Roosevelt Early Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

118. Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as Governor of New York Starting Bid $200

119. Theodore Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

120. Theodore Roosevelt Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

121. William H. Taft Autograph Letter Signed on Unauthorized Publicati... Starting Bid $200

122. William H. Taft (2) Signed Items as Chief Justice – TLS and Photo... Starting Bid $200

123. Zachary Taylor Signature Starting Bid $200

124. Zachary Taylor Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

125. Harry S. Truman: 'Dewey Defeats Truman' Chicago Tribune Newspaper... Starting Bid $200

126. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

127. Donald Trump Signed $100 Dollar Bill Starting Bid $200

128. John Tyler Autograph Letter Signed as a Virginia Senator, Sent to... Starting Bid $200

129. George Washington: Gazette of the United States from December 19,... Starting Bid $200

130. White House Wood: (3) Repurposed Relic Valances Starting Bid $500

137. William Wilberforce Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

159. 19th Century Notables (120+) Signatures Starting Bid $200

160. 19th Century Statesmen Collection of (12) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

161. 47th Congress Autograph Album with Civil War Officers Rosecrans, ... Starting Bid $200

162. Konrad Adenauer Signature Starting Bid $200

163. Susan B. Anthony Autograph Quote Signed Starting Bid $200

165. George Bancroft (2) Signatures Starting Bid $200

166. John Barrow (2) Documents Signed Starting Bid $200

167. William Bingham Signed Stock Certificate for the Philadelphia and... Starting Bid $200

168. Warren Buffett Signed 'Alfalfa Club' Program Starting Bid $200

169. Vint Cerf (3) Signed Items – Sketch, Photograph, and Business Car... Starting Bid $200

170. Henry Clay Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

171. Marquis Mills Converse and Hugh Bullock Signed Stock Certificate ... Starting Bid $200

172. Denton Cooley Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

173. Allan Roy Dafoe Signed Sketch and Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

174. Thomas Edison Document Signed Starting Bid $200

175. Alexander Fleming Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

176. Bill Gates Signed Book - presented to Massachusetts Governor Paul... Starting Bid $200

177. J. Paul Getty (2) Signed Checks Starting Bid $200

178. J. Paul Getty Signed Stock Certificate for the Oklahoma Oil Corpo... Starting Bid $200

179. Charles Guiteau Signature Starting Bid $200

180. John Hart Signature Starting Bid $200

181. Edmund Hillary Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

182. Edmund Hillary Signed 183. J. Edgar Hoover Signed Photograph Photograph Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

184. J. Edgar Hoover Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

185. Johns Hopkins Signed Stock Certificate (1858) Starting Bid $200

186. Alexander von Humboldt Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

187. Samuel Huntington Document Signed Starting Bid $200

188. Independence Hall Wood Relic Starting Bid $200

189. Kaiser Wilhelm II Document Signed Starting Bid $200

190. John F. Kennedy, Jr. (2) Autograph Letters Signed and an Early Ca... Starting Bid $200

191. King Charles III Autograph Letter Signed to Jimmy Savile: "Word h... Starting Bid $200

192. King Charles III Autograph Memo Signed to Jimmy Savile on Charity... Starting Bid $200

197. King Charles III Handwritten Envelope and Greeting Card to Jimmy ... Starting Bid $200

198. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

199. King George IV Document Signed Starting Bid $200

200. King George IV Signature Starting Bid $200

202. King George IV Signature Starting Bid $200

203. King Philip III Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

204. Martin Luther King, Jr.: March on Washington Pinback Button Starting Bid $200

205. Alfred Kinsey Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

206. Henry Kissinger Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

207. Ray Kroc Signed McDonald's Business Card Starting Bid $200

208. Herbert Marcuse Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

209. Thomas Mifflin Document Signed Starting Bid $200

210. Gordon Moore Signature Starting Bid $200

211. Robert Morris Signed Stock Certificate for the North American Lan... Starting Bid $200

212. Mother Teresa Autograph Quotation Signed: "Be Holy—because Jesus ... Starting Bid $200

213. Siddhartha Mukherjee Signed Book Starting Bid $100

214. Benito Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III Starting Bid $200

215. North Pole: Felix

216. Sandra Day O'Connor Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

217. Thomas Penn TwiceSigned Document Starting Bid $200

218. Politics (3) Limited Edition Signed Books with Ted Kennedy, James... Starting Bid $100

Riesenberg and Walter Wellman (2) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

219. Pope Benedict XVI Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

220. Pope John Paul II Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

221. Pope Leo XIII Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

222. Princess Diana Invitation to Sir Jimmy Savile Starting Bid $200

223. Princess Diana Original Honeymoon Photograph From the Collectio... Starting Bid $200

224. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1982) Starting Bid $200

225. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1983) Starting Bid $200

226. Princess Diana and King Charles III Birthday Telegram for Sir Jim... Starting Bid $200

227. Princess Diana and King Charles III Telegram to Sir Jimmy Savile,... Starting Bid $200

228. Princess Diana and King Charles III Original Honeymoon Photograph... Starting Bid $200

229. Prohibition: 1930 Liquor Prescription for Whiskey Starting Bid $200

230. David Provost Document Signed Starting Bid $200

231. Queen Elizabeth II Document Signed Starting Bid $200

233. Queen Victoria Signed Military Commission Starting Bid $200

235. Nathan Mayer Rothschild Signed Russian Imperial Bond Starting Bid $200

236. Jack Ruby Signed Check Starting Bid $200

237. Albert Schweitzer Signature Starting Bid $200

238. Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

239. Women of the Supreme Court Multi-Signed Photograph: Ginsburg, O’C... Starting Bid $200

240. Margaret Thatcher Collection of (7) Typed Letters Signed to Jimmy... Starting Bid $200

241. Margaret Thatcher Signed Book - Statecraft (Collector's Edition) Starting Bid $200

242. Titanic: Coal Piece Recovered from Wreck Site Starting Bid $200

243. Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Document Signed Starting Bid $200

244. William Wilberforce Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200

245. Bill Wilson: Alcoholics Anonymous (First Edition, Sixth Printing) Starting Bid $200

246. Zionist Leaders (10) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

253. John L. Burns Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

254. Civil War: Colton's United States Map, Shewing the Military Stati... Starting Bid $200

255. Civil War Generals (10) 256. George A. Custer Multi-Signed Letter of Original Brady's Photograph Recommendation, In... Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

257. John Ericsson Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

258. William F. Halsey Signature Starting Bid $200

259. Albert Sidney Johnston 260. Albert Sidney Johnston Excessively Rare Autograph and the West Point Class of Letter Signed 1826 Multi-Sig... Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

261. Douglas MacArthur Twice-Signed Mailing Envelope Starting Bid $200

262. George B. McClellan Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

263. George G. Meade and O. O. Howard Civil WarDated Endorsements Starting Bid $200

264. Montgomery of Alamein Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

265. Montgomery of Alamein Signed V-E Day Anniversary Cover Starting Bid $200

266. Napoleon: Maps of the Battle of Waterloo and Italian Campaign (c.... Starting Bid $100

267. George S. Patton (2) Original 'Type I' Photographs Starting Bid $200

268. John Sedgwick Autograph Letter Signed with Original Photograph Starting Bid $200

269. Richard Varick Document Signed Starting Bid $200

270. WWII Aviators: Doolittle, LeMay, and Lawley Signed Print Starting Bid $200

271. WWII Aviators (4) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

272. WWII Heroes (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

273. WWII: Norman Rockwell 'Freedom from Fear' Poster Starting Bid $100

276. Jimmie Mattern Signature Starting Bid $100

277. Smithsonian Air & Space Museum Relic Prints (9) with Wright Bros.... Starting Bid $200

278. Voyager Flow Cover Signed by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager Starting Bid $200

279. Chuck Yeager Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

280. Chuck Yeager Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

283. Buzz Aldrin Signed Book - Return to Earth Starting Bid $200

284. Apollo 1-17 Lion Brothers Patch Set (13) Starting Bid $200

285. Apollo 11 Launch Badge Starting Bid $200

286. Apollo 11 NASA Manual - 'CSM Rendezvous Procedures, G1 Mission, P... Starting Bid $200

287. Apollo 11 Kapton Foil [Attested to as Flown by Ken Havekotte] Starting Bid $200

288. Apollo 12-15 and ASTP Launch Badges (5) Starting Bid $200

289. Apollo 13: Lovell and Haise Signed Book Starting Bid $200

290. Apollo 13: Lovell, Haise, Liebergot, and Lunney Signed Book Starting Bid $200

291. Apollo 13: Kranz and Liebergot Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

292. Apollo 16 Launch Badge and TRW Flight Data Book Starting Bid $100

293. Apollo 17 Launch and Rollout Badges (3) Starting Bid $200

294. Apollo 7-10 Launch Badges (7) Starting Bid $200

295. Apollo 8 Flown Heat Shield Ablator Starting Bid $200

296. Apollo 9 Photo Map Checklist Page [Attested as Flown by Richard G... Starting Bid $200

297. Apollo 9 Landmark Map 298. Apollo CSM/LM Checklist Page [Attested as Spacecraft Operational Data Flown by Richar... Book Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

299. Apollo Lunar Landing Mission Symposium (1966) Report Starting Bid $200

300. Apollo Program Kapton Display [Attested to as flown by M. J. Davi... Starting Bid $200

301. Apollo-Saturn Unmanned Launch Badges (5) Starting Bid $200

302. Neil Armstrong Signed Photograph Starting Bid $300

303. Neil Armstrong Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

304. Astronauts and Cosmonauts (38) Signed Bookplate Starting Bid $200

305. Frank Borman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

306. Scott Carpenter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

307. Michael Collins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

308. Michael Collins Signed Book - Carrying the Fire Starting Bid $200

309. Michael Collins Signed Book - Liftoff Starting Bid $200

310. Charles Conrad Signed 311. Cosmonauts (7) Signed Photograph Photograph Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

312. Cosmonauts: Gagarin, Titov, Nikolayev, and Popovich Signed Photog... Starting Bid $200

313. Cosmonauts (11) Signed Postal Cover Starting Bid $200

314. Charlie Duke Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

315. Yuri Gagarin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

316. Gemini 12: Aldrin and Lovell Signed Capsule Model Starting Bid $200

317. John Glenn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

318. Gus Grissom Signed MA-8 Report Starting Bid $200

319. Fred Haise Signed Souvenir Typescript Starting Bid $200

320. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

321. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

322. Gene Kranz Signed Commemorative Cover Starting Bid $100

323. Alexei Leonov Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

324. Alexei Leonov Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

325. Alexei Leonov Signed Print Starting Bid $200

326. Liberty Bell 7 Flown

327. Jim Lovell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

328. Lunar Module Pilots Handbook by Grumman Starting Bid $200

Film Starting Bid $200

329. Ken Mattingly Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

330. Bruce McCandless Signed Print Starting Bid $200

331. Bruce McCandless Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

332. Bruce McCandless Typed Letter Signed on Apollo 1 Starting Bid $100

333. Jim McDivitt Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

334. Mercury Astronauts (5) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

335. Edgar Mitchell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

336. Edgar Mitchell Signed Book - The Way of the Explorer Starting Bid $100

337. Moonwalkers (3) Signed Items: Charles Conrad, Charlie Duke, and J... Starting Bid $200

338. Northwest Africa (NWA) 11303 Lunar Meteorite Slice with Charlie D... Starting Bid $200

339. Project Apollo (7) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

340. Sally Ride Signed Photograph and Signed Book Starting Bid $200

341. Sally Ride Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

342. Elliot See Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

343. Deke Slayton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

344. Space Shuttle Astronauts (10) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

345. Space Shuttle 346. Space Shuttle 347. Space Shuttle EMU Suit Astronauts: Models Signed Challenger (7) Signed Items Lower Arm Assembly by Bob Crippen, Christoph... Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

348. Space Shuttle Glove Mold Starting Bid $200

349. Space Shuttle Launch 350. Space Shuttle Phase VI Vehicle Permits (3) with STS TMG Glove Bladder -1, STS-2, and S... Molded for Scott Paraz... Starting Bid $100 Starting Bid $200

351. Space Shuttle: Six Women Astronaut Candidates Signed Cover Starting Bid $200

352. Tom Stafford Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

353. STS-101 Flown Olympic “Houston 2012” Lapel Pin Starting Bid $200

354. STS-107 Space Shuttle Columbia Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

355. STS-41-D Signed Dollar Bill Starting Bid $200

356. Jack Swigert Signature Starting Bid $200

357. Valentina Tereshkova Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

358. Valentina Tereshkova Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

359. Valentina Tereshkova and Alexei Leonov Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

360. Edward H. White II Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

361. John Young Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

366. Francis Bacon Signature Starting Bid $200

367. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Autograph Note Signed on "the Statue o... Starting Bid $200

368. Peter Henry Emerson: Wild Life on a Tidal Water (Limited Edition) Starting Bid $200

369. Jean-Francois Millet Signature Starting Bid $200

370. Maxfield Parrish: The Knave of Hearts (First Edition) Starting Bid $200

371. Norman Rockwell Signed Book with Sketch Starting Bid $200

372. Norman Rockwell Signed Book - A Sixty Year Retrospective Starting Bid $200

373. Auguste Rodin Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

374. Andy Warhol TwiceSigned Book - Andy Warhol's Exposures Starting Bid $200

379. Bambi and mother concept watercolor painting from Bambi (Walt Dis... Starting Bid $200

382. Madame Upanova production cel from Fantasia (Walt Disney Studios,... Starting Bid $200

383. Matt Groening and Yeardley Smith Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

385. Hank Ketcham Original Sketch of Donald Duck and Dennis the Menace Starting Bid $200

404. Louisa May Alcott: Little Women (Early Printing) Starting Bid $200

405. Dale Carnegie Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

406. Raymond Chandler Typed Letter Signed on The Simple Art of Murder Starting Bid $200

407. Samuel L. Clemens Signature Starting Bid $200

408. Ellery Queen: Frederic Dannay (11) Signed Letters Starting Bid $200

409. Zane Grey Handwritten Diary Pages (10) from His 1920 Trip to New ... Starting Bid $200

410. Brothers Grimm: German Popular Stories (Vols. I and II), Illustra... Starting Bid $200

411. Nathaniel Hawthorne: Twice-Told Tales (First Edition) Starting Bid $200

412. Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book (Firs... Starting Bid $200

413. C. S. Lewis Autograph Letter Signed to Inklings Friend Hugo Dyson... Starting Bid $200

414. Henry W. Longfellow: First/Early Printings of 'The Waif,' 'The Be... Starting Bid $200

415. John Milton: Poems, &c. Upon Several Occasions (Second Edition, 1... Starting Bid $200

416. John Milton: Paradise Lost (Fourth Edition, First Illustrated, 16... Starting Bid $200

417. William Shakespeare: The Poems of Shakespeare (First American Col... Starting Bid $200

418. Upton Sinclair Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

419. Hunter S. Thompson Signed Chair from His Favorite Bar, The Woody ... Starting Bid $200

427. Beatles: John Lennon Signed 'Bag One' Lithograph Print 'Menage ... Starting Bid $300

437. The Who: Pete Townshend Collection of (8) Letters Starting Bid $200

438. Leonard Bernstein Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

439. Alexander Glazunov Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

440. Enrique Granados Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

441. Edvard Grieg Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

442. Victor Herbert Signed Sheet Music Booklet Starting Bid $100

443. Dinu Lipatti Typed Letter Signed on Concert Arrangements Starting Bid $200

444. Ella Fitzgerald Document Signed Starting Bid $200

445. Johnny Hodges Signature Starting Bid $100

446. Lightnin' Hopkins Signature Starting Bid $200

447. John Philip Sousa Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

448. Sonny Boy Williamson Signed Album - Down and Out Blues Starting Bid $200

449. Meredith Willson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

450. John Denver Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

451. 1960s Rock and Roll (4) Signed Items – The Kinks, Chick Graham, D... Starting Bid $200

452. Aerosmith Signatures Starting Bid $200

453. The Animals Signed Promotional Card Starting Bid $200

454. Beatles: Neil Aspinall Signed 'Apple Corps Ltd.' Check Starting Bid $200

455. Beatles: Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach Signed 45 RPM Record - 'Liv... Starting Bid $200

456. Beatles: Ringo Starr Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

457. Jeff Beck Document Signed Starting Bid $200

458. Bee Gees Signed Promotional Card Starting Bid $200

459. Blue Oyster Cult Signed Album Extraterrestrial Live Starting Bid $200

460. Booker T and the M. G.'s Signatures Starting Bid $200

461. Kate Bush Signed 45 RPM Record 'Babooshka' (demo) Starting Bid $200

462. Phil Collins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

463. Bobby Darin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

464. Dire Straits: Mark Knopfler Signed Album Love over Gold Starting Bid $200

465. The Doors Signed Album - Waiting for the Sun Starting Bid $200

466. Duran Duran Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

467. Rory Gallagher Signed Album - Live Taste Starting Bid $200

468. Gerry and the Pacemakers Signatures Starting Bid $200

469. Elton John Signed 1985 -1986 World Tour Program Starting Bid $200

470. Led Zeppelin: Robert Plant Signed One Dollar Bill Starting Bid $200

471. Graham Nash Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

472. Roy Orbison Signature with Original 1963 Ticket Stub Starting Bid $200

473. Roy Orbison Signed Album - The Orbison Way Starting Bid $200

474. Peter and Gordon Signatures Starting Bid $200

475. Tom Petty Signed 45 RPM Record - 'American Girl' Starting Bid $200

476. Tom Petty Signed 45 RPM Record - 'Listen to Her Heart' Starting Bid $200

477. Tom Petty's (5) 1991-92 Touring the Great Wide Open Baseball Caps Starting Bid $200

478. Tom Petty's 1991-92 Touring the Great Wide Open Shirt Starting Bid $200

479. Tom Petty's 1995 Dogs with Wings Tour Polo Shirt Starting Bid $200

480. Tom Petty's 1995 North 481. Tom Petty's Colorful American Tour Shirt Burmese Hat with Elephants Starting Bid $200 and Flowers Starting Bid $200

482. Prince: (2) Original Analog Reels for 'P Control' Starting Bid $200

483. Prince: (2) Original Analog Reels for 'The Most Beautiful Girl In... Starting Bid $200

484. Prince Voice Messages 485. Prince The Gold on Answering Machine Tape Experience Promo Keychain Starting Bid $200 by Arthus-Bertrand Starting Bid $200

486. Prince's Stage-Used Holographic 'Love Symbol' Guitar Pick Starting Bid $200

487. Queen: Brian May Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

490. Rolling Stones: Keith 491. Phil Spector (2) Signed Richards Signed CD Booklet Checks Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

488. Rolling Stones Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

489. Rolling Stones: Mick Jagger Signed EP Record 'Let's Work' (Prom... Starting Bid $200

492. Spirit Signed Album Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus Starting Bid $200

493. Dusty Springfield Signature Starting Bid $200

494. Bruce Springsteen Signature Starting Bid $200

495. Rod Stewart Signed Album - Every Picture Tells a Story Starting Bid $200

496. The Walker Brothers Signatures Starting Bid $200

497. The Who: Keith Moon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

498. Johnny and Edgar Winter, and Rick Derringer (3) Signed Albums Starting Bid $200

499. Woodstock Three-Day Admission Ticket PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $200

500. XTC Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

501. Frank Zappa Signed Check Starting Bid $200

502. Generation X Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

503. The Jam Signed 45 RPM Record - 'Absolute Beginners' Starting Bid $200

504. The Stranglers Signatures Starting Bid $200

505. Eminem Signed Album - Recovery Starting Bid $200

506. George Michael Signed Album - Faith Starting Bid $200

507. Taylor Swift Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

508. Wham! Signed MaxiSingle Album - 'The Edge of Heaven' Starting Bid $200

509. Wham! Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

516. All in the Family: Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton (2) Signed... Starting Bid $200

520. Mary Astor Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

517. Woody Allen Signature 518. Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle - PSA GEM MT 10 Signed Oversized Starting Bid $100 Photograph Starting Bid $200

521. Theda Bara Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

522. Barbarella (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

519. George Arliss Signed Oversized Photograph – Inscribed to Henry Fo... Starting Bid $200

523. Jean-Louis Barrault Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

524. Batman: Adam West and Burt Ward Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

528. Joe E. Brown Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $100

525. Frankenstein: John Boles Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $100

526. Ernest Borgnine (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

529. Chang and Eng Bunker 530. David Carradine Signed Signed Photograph Oversized Photograph from Starting Bid $200 Kung Fu Starting Bid $100

527. Clara Bow Signature Starting Bid $200

531. Madeleine Carroll Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $100

532. Claudette Colbert Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

533. Claudette Colbert Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

534. Bette Davis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

535. Diff'rent Strokes Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

536. Jeane Dixon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

537. Dracula: Christopher Lee and William Marshall Signed Book Starting Bid $100

538. Barbara Eden Signed Oversized Photograph (I Dream of Jeannie) Starting Bid $200

539. Leon Errol Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $100

540. Jane Fonda Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

541. Kay Francis Signed Oversized Photograph by Elmer Fryer Starting Bid $100

542. Annette Funicello Signature - PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $100

543. Ava Gardner Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

544. Betty Grable Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

545. Cary Grant Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

546. Bonita Granville Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $100

547. Gunsmoke: James Arness and Ken Curtis (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

548. Tippi Hedren Signed Oversized Photograph (The Birds) Starting Bid $200

549. Margaux Hemingway Signature - PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $100

550. Sonja Henie (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

551. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph as Eliza Doolittle from My Fair ... Starting Bid $200

553. Jon-Erik Hexum Signed 554. Hogan's Heroes: Photograph Werner Klemperer and Leon Starting Bid $200 Askin (2) Signed Photog... Starting Bid $200

555. William Holden Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

552. Audrey Hepburn Signature Starting Bid $200

556. William Holden Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

557. Boris Karloff Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

558. Richard Kiel Signed Photograph as Jaws (James Bond) Starting Bid $100

559. Sam Kinison Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

560. Burt Lancaster Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

561. Marx Brothers MultiSigned Book - "Groucho," "Harpo," "Chico," an... Starting Bid $200

562. Patrick McGoohan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

563. Philip Merivale Signed Oversized Photograph by Hal Phyfe Starting Bid $100

564. Roger Moore Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

565. Mr. Ed: Alan Young and Connie Hines Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

566. Rudolf Nureyev Signature - MINT 9 Starting Bid $100

567. S. J. Perelman Document Signed Starting Bid $100

568. Pink Panther: Peter Sellers and Herbert Lom (2) Signed Photograph... Starting Bid $200

569. Sidney Poitier Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

570. Robert Shaw Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

571. Frank Sinatra Signature Starting Bid $200

572. Red Skelton Signed Oversized Photograph as Freddie the Freeloader Starting Bid $200

573. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signed Photograph as Obi-Wan Kenobi Starting Bid $200

574. Star Wars: Peter 575. Star Wars: Peter Mayhew Signed Photograph Mayhew Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

576. Ed Sullivan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

577. Helen Westley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

578. Wizard of Oz: Ray Bolger Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

579. Loretta Young Signed Oversized Photograph by Elmer Fryer Starting Bid $100

583. AFL New York Titans and Buffalo Bills Signed Program Display Starting Bid $100

584. Muhammad Ali (3) Signed Pamphlets Starting Bid $200

585. Baseball Greats: Clemens, Rose, Glavine, Boggs, and Alomar Signed... Starting Bid $200

586. Baseball: The Saloon Keeper's Companion, with Baseball's Champion... Starting Bid $200

587. Boston Red Sox Stars (9) Signed Baseballs from the Personal Col... Starting Bid $200

588. Boston Red Sox: Yastrzemski, Evans, and Beniquez Starting Bid $100

589. Boston University (12) Vintage College Football Programs Starting Bid $100

590. Ty Cobb Signature Starting Bid $200

591. Johnny Damon GameUsed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $200

592. Fenway Park: Boston Red Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles Game-Used Base ... Starting Bid $200

593. Football Legends (14) Signed Neck Pads Starting Bid $100

594. Football Hall of Famers: Brown, Unitas, Shula, and Johnson (4) Si... Starting Bid $100

595. George Foreman Signed Boxing Trunks Starting Bid $100

596. Golf: Snead, Palmer, and Irwin (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

597. Braden Holtby Signed Hockey Jersey Starting Bid $200

598. Jack Johnson (2) Vintage Postcards Starting Bid $200

599. Jack Johnson (2) Vintage Items: 1911 Wills Scissors Cigarette Car... Starting Bid $200

600. Adam Jones GameUsed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $200

601. John J. McGraw Signed Menu Starting Bid $200

602. Joe Namath Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

603. NY Giants Vintage c. 1950s Used Football Jersey Starting Bid $100

604. NY Giants (2) MultiSigned Displays Starting Bid $100

605. Alex Ovechkin and Washington Capitals Signed Hockey Jersey Starting Bid $200

606. Alex Ovechkin Signed Photograph with Net Relic Starting Bid $200

607. Pele's Honorary Citizenship Diploma from the Municipality of Curi... Starting Bid $200

608. Johnny Pesky Signed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $100

609. Johnny Pesky Signed Baseball Bat and (2) Panoramic Prints - From ... Starting Bid $100

610. Manny Ramirez GameUsed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $200

611. Cal Ripken, Jr. Signed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $100

612. Kyle Rote NY Giants Vintage c. 1950s Used Football Jersey Starting Bid $100

613. Nolan Ryan Signed Baseball and Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

614. Sammy Sosa Signed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $100

615. Casey Stengel Signature Starting Bid $100

616. John L. Sullivan Signature Starting Bid $200

617. Jim Thorpe Signature Starting Bid $200

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Section 18

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T. 1976 ES






(603) 732-4280


Boston, Massachusetts

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