RR Auction: Fine Autographs and Artifacts

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Fine Autographs and Artifacts January 10, 2024



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CONTENTS Presidents and First Ladies.................................................................................................................... 2 Notables............................................................................................................................................... 27 Military................................................................................................................................................. 68 Aviation ................................................................................................................................................ 80 Art, Architecture, and Design................................................................................................................ 82 Comic Art and Animation...................................................................................................................... 84 Literature.............................................................................................................................................. 87 Music.................................................................................................................................................... 96 Classic Entertainment ....................................................................................................................... 120 Conditions of Sale ............................................................................................................................. 128

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Robert S. Eaton Sr. 1940–2001

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presidents and first ladies

President George Washington approves passage for “the Ship called the James,” bound for Belgium 1. George Washington Document Signed as President - Three-Language Ship’s Papers for a Trade Voyage. Highly desirable partly-printed DS as president,

signed “Go: Washington,” one page, 12.75 x 16.25, July 7, 1794. Three-language ship’s papers issued to “William Wells, master or commander of the Ship called the James…lying at present in the port of New York, bound for Ostend, and laden with Pork, Beef, and Barrel Staves.” Prominently signed in the center by President George Washington and countersigned by Secretary of State Edmund Randolph; additionally endorsed twice by Mayor Richard Varick of New York City. The white paper seal affixed to the left side remains fully intact, as does the seal of New York suspended below by a light blue ribbon. In fine condition, with scattered light foxing. When France declared war on England in February of 1793, the US was put in a precarious position, proclaiming neutrality but still formally allied with France under the treaty of 1778. Both sides harassed and seized American ships. Used to establish proof of nationality and guarantee protection for ships, these documents were signed in bulk by Washington and Randolph, then forwarded to the collectors of customs at different ports for distribution. There, local officials would confirm the legitimacy of the vessels, their cargo, and their

personnel. In this case, that official was NYC Mayor Richard Varick, who had been Washington’s secretary during the Revolutionary War. Starting Bid $1000

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Contemporary manuscript of John Adams’s proclamation restoring trade with Hispaniola

2. John Adams: Proclamation Restoring Trade with Hispaniola. Contemporary manuscript copy of a presidential

proclamation, featuring clerical signatures of President John Adams and Secretary of State John Marshall, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 8 x 9.75, September 6, 1800. Following Toussaint Louverture’s success in taking control of SaintDomingue during the War of the Knives, President Adams restores commercial relations with the island of Hispaniola. In part: “Whereas by an act of the Congress of the United States passed on the 27th day of February last, entitled ‘An act further to suspend the commercial intercourse between the United States and France and the dependencies thereof,’ it is enacted ‘that at any time after the passing of the said act it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, by his order, to remit and discontinue for the time being, whenever he shall deem it expedient and for the interest of the United States, all or any of the restraints and prohibitions imposed by the said act in respect to the territories of the French Republic, or to any island, port, or place belonging to the said Republic with which, in his opinion, a commercial intercourse may be safely renewed, and to make proclamation thereof accordingly;’ and it is also thereby further enacted that the whole of the island of Hispaniola shall, for the purposes of the said act, be considered as a dependence of the French Republic; And

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whereas the circumstances of the said island are such that, in my opinion, a commercial intercourse may safely be renewed with every part thereof, under the limitations and restrictions hereinafter mentioned: Therefore I, John Adams, President of the United States, by virtue of the powers vested in me as aforesaid, do hereby remit and discontinue the restraints and prohibitions imposed by the act aforesaid in respect to every part of the said island, so that it shall be lawful for vessels of the United States to trade at any of the ports and places thereof, provided it be done with the consent of the Government of St. Domingo; and for this purpose it is hereby required that such vessels first clear for and enter the port of Cape Francais or Port Republicain, in the said island, and there obtain the passports of the said Government, which shall also be signed by the consul-general of the United States, or their consul residing at Cape Francais, or their consul residing at Port Republicain, permitting such vessels to go thence to the other ports and places of the said island. Of all which the collectors of the customs and all other officers and citizens of the United States are to take due notice and govern themselves accordingly.” In fine condition, with some minor paper loss along the hinge. Starting Bid $200

President Monroe calls to convene the Senate on the inauguration of John Quincy Adams

3. James Monroe Letter Signed as President, Calling to Convene the Senate on Adams’s Inauguration Day. Important LS as president, one page, 8 x 10, January

19, 1825. Letter to Senator David Holmes of Mississippi, in full: “Certain matters touching the public good, requiring that the Senate of the United States should be convened on Friday, the fourth day of March next, you are desired to attend at the Senate chamber, in the City of Washington, on that day: then and there to receive and deliberate on, such communications as shall be made to you.” In very good to fine condition, with

scattered staining, affecting only appearance. The 19th United States Congress convened on March 4, 1825, the day of the inauguration of John Quincy Adams as president. As Adams took the oath of office, he departed from tradition by placing his hand on a book of constitutional law instead of on a Bible. Tying himself to the Constitution and its principles, Adams promised an era of post-partisanship dedicated to the American people, rather than party-building and politics. Starting Bid $500

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Sought-after signed Nathaniel Dearborn portrait engraving of John Quincy Adams – a seldom-seen presidential rarity

4. John Quincy Adams Signed Engraving by Nathaniel Dearborn - the earliest known signed image of any president. Exceedingly rare 2.5 x 4 engraved portrait of Adams by Nathaniel Dearborn, signed across the

top in black ink using his full name, “John Quincy Adams.” The lower border bears a preprinted facsimile signature. Handsomely double-matted and framed to an overall size of 12 x 13.5. In fine condition, with trimmed edges. Adams is known to have ordered some of his portraits from Dearborn, a fellow Bostonian, around 1842, and other signed examples of this engraving are known but hardly ever appear. These are the earliest known signed images of any president and thus hold substantial historical value. Starting Bid $500

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“I held the Office of Secretary of State of the United States, during the whole administration of James Monroe” 5. John Quincy Adams Autograph Letter Signed: “I held the Office of Secretary of State of the United States, during the whole administration of James Monroe”.

ALS, one page, 8 x 10, February 24, 1838. Handwritten letter to G. W. Davis, in full: “I held the Office of Secretary of State of the United States, during the whole administration of James Monroe, that is from March 1817 to March 1825.” In very good to fine condition, with easily repairable nearly complete separations along the intersecting folds. Writing post-presidency during his return to government as a congressman from Massachusetts, John Quincy Adams recalls his influential and productive period as Secretary of State. In that role, Adams negotiated the Adams–Onís Treaty, which provided for the American acquisition of Florida, and also helped formulate the Monroe Doctrine, which became a key tenet of U.S. foreign policy. Starting Bid $200

Early military requisition for “paper inkstand and quills” issued by Maj. Zachary Taylor at Fort Howard 6. Zachary Taylor Document Signed. Manuscript DS, signed “Z. Taylor, Maj Comg,” one page, 7 x 4.5, December 18, 1817. Taylor approves a request for ten quires of writing paper, one ink stand, and fifty quills. In part: “The Q Master will furnish the paper inkstand and quills agreeable to the above requisition.” In fine condition, with closely trimmed edges. After distinguishing himself in the War of 1812, Taylor was given command of Fort Howard from 1817 to 1819. Starting Bid $200

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“His death is a great national calamity”— a resolution remembering President Taylor 7. Zachary Taylor: Manuscript Resolution on the Death of President Taylor. Manuscript document on

the death of President Zachary Taylor, one page both sides, 8 x 12.5, no date but circa July 1850. Handwritten resolution on the death of President Taylor, who passed away on July 9, 1850. In part: “Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in His Infinite Wisdom to remove from us by the hand of Death, Zachary Taylor, President of the United States…By the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State, and National Law School, in Congress assembled. Bet it resolved that, for the purpose of expressing our respect for the memory and our heartfelt sorrow for the death of our late President, we wear the usual badge of mourning, upon the left arm (as for the death of one of our own members) for thirty days. Resolved, that in the discharge of the duties of his office, our late President has fully proved to the American people that their confidence was not misplaced, and that his death is a great national calamity. Resolved, that we deeply, and most sincerely sympathize with the afflicted family and friends of the illustrious dead, in this, their sad bereavement.” Signed at the conclusion in ink, “Wm. C. Bull,” “E. C. Moulton,” and “J. H. C. Boulton.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Buchanan signs the first-ever presidential memoir, defending his administration on the eve of the Civil War 8. James Buchanan Signed Book - Mr. Buchanan’s Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion (First Presidential Memoir).

Signed book: Mr. Buchanan’s Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. First edition. NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1866. Hardcover, 6 x 9.5, 296 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in ink, “W. W. Brown Esquire, from his friend James Buchanan, 30 November 1865.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG-/None, with cracked hinges, wear and some splitting to spine cloth at joints, bumped corners, and rubbing to boards. Accompanied by a custom-made clamshell case. In 1866, Buchanan published this book—the first-ever presidential memoir—through New York’s D. Appleton and Company. In his typical lawyerly fashion, Buchanan offers a vigorous defense of his presidency in an attempt to rehabilitate his reputation after being blamed for failing to prevent the Civil War. A highly desirable signed book that kickstarted the tradition of the presidential memoir. Starting Bid $200

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President Lincoln summons a Republican Senator to the White House in late 1864

Image larger than actual size. 9. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Note Signed as President, Summoning a Supporter to the White House. Civil War–dated ANS as president signed “A. Lincoln,” on a 3 x 1.75 off-white card, December 12, 1864.

Handwritten note to Indiana Senator Henry S. Lane, in full: “Will Senator H. S. Lane please call and see me at once.” Affixed to a larger off-white card and in fine condition, with uniform toning and faint soiling. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA, as well as an albumen photo of an illustrated portrait of President Lincoln.

This note is published in The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 8. Its recipient, Senator Henry S. Lane of Indiana, was an early and influential leader in the Republican Party: he served as president of the first party convention in 1856, delivering its keynote address, and became a vocal supporter in the nomination of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. He remained an ardent supporter of President Lincoln’s policies throughout the Civil War, as a pro-Union advocate, abolitionist, and promoter of the war effort to end the rebellion. A fantastic Civil War-dated autograph from Lincoln’s presidency. Starting Bid $1000

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President Lincoln commissions a loyal West Virginian as “Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, with the rank of Captain” in March 1864—he would be killed at the Battle of Cedar Creek a mere seven months later

10. Abraham Lincoln Document Signed as President for an Assistant Adjutant General Killed in Action at Cedar Creek. Partly-printed vellum DS as president, one

page, 15.75 x 19, March 4, 1864. President Lincoln appoints Philip G. Bier as “Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, with the rank of Captain, in the service of the United States.” Neatly signed at the conclusion in ink by President Abraham Lincoln, and countersigned by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Mounted, matted, and framed to an overall size of 23.5 x 27.5. In very good to fine condition, with overall rippling, and minor loss along the side edges.

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Capt. Philip G. Bier enlisted as a private in Company D, Twelfth Regiment, West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and was killed at the Battle of Cedar Creek, October 1864, at which time he was captain in the United States Volunteers and acting as assistant adjutant general on the staff of Major General Crook. The ‘Contemporary Biography of West Virginia’ says: ‘While endeavoring to rally the retreating Union troops near Middletown, about thirteen miles from Winchester, October 19, 1864, he was mortally wounded and died from the effects of the wound the same day.’ Starting Bid $1000


Unusual “Secretary of War” envelope endorsed by Lincoln and Stanton

11. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Endorsement Signed as President. Autograph endorsement signed

with his initials as president, “Please see Mr. Goggin, A. L.,” on a 9 x 3.5 envelope imprinted “The Secretary of War, Washington,” bearing an affixed three-cent postage stamp. The envelope has also been annotated by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton: “Mr. Goggin, Application to bring person from Richmond.” Handsomely mounted, matted, and framed with a large portrait of Abraham Lincoln to an overall size of 15.75 x 24.25. In fine condition, with three vertical folds. William L. Goggin, a Whig politician and lawyer from Virginia, had served in congress with Lincoln from 1847 to 1849. Provenance: from the estate of Senator Carl Levin. A lifelong Democrat, ardent advocate for civil rights, and staple of the United States Senate from 1979 to 2015, Senator Levin was also a longtime client of RR Auction. As a collector, he favored his political heroes—Harry S. Truman, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King, Jr.—as well as those figures emblematic of the American spirit, like Robert Frost, Joe Louis, and Helen Keller. Starting Bid $300

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Bloodstained bandage from the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

Image larger than actual size. 12. Abraham Lincoln: Bloodstained Bandage Which Bound the Dying President’s Wounds. Section of bloodstained bandage attributed to that which bound the wounds of President Abraham Lincoln as he lay dying at the Petersen House on April 14–15, 1865. The swatch measures approximately 2.25˝ x 1˝, and was cut from a larger piece originating from the renowned collection of Dr. Gerald McMurtry, who built exceptional collections of Lincolniana for Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee, and at the Lincoln Life Insurance Company in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The cloth’s pattern matches similar samples held by the Chicago Historical Society and the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection. The large swatch from McMurtry’s collection was sold by Skinner’s in 2002, and subsequently dissected and sold piecemeal; this example was sold by Heritage in 2019. A remarkable blood relic from the Lincoln assassination. Starting Bid $200

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President Johnson ratifies an 1868 convention with Mexico, “Concerning Citizenship” 13. President Andrew Johnson Ratifies a “Convention with Mexico, Concerning Citizenship”. Partly-printed DS

as president, one page, 8.5 x 11, January 27, 1869. President Johnson authorizes and directs the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to “the Ratification (Original Copy) of the Convention with Mexico, Concerning Citizenship.” Signed in bold black ink at the conclusion by Andrew Johnson. In fine condition, with some light creasing and soiling in the blank areas. Starting Bid $200

A presidential letter of condolence to the Queen of England 14. President U. S. Grant Sends a Letter of Condolence to Queen Victoria. Partly-printed DS as president,

one page, 7.75 x 9.75, July 6, 1876. President Grant directs the Secretary of State to “affix the Seal of the United States to a letter of condolence addressed to Her Majesty Queen Victoria.” Signed boldly at the conclusion by U. S. Grant. Affixed by the left edge to a larger backing sheet and in fine condition. President Grant sent this letter of condolence in response to the death of Prince Harald, the infant son of Princess Helena, the third daughter and fifth child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Harald was born on May 12, 1876, but tragically died just eight days later. Starting Bid $200

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15. U. S. Grant Signature. Exemplary ink sig-

nature, “U. S. Grant,” on an off-white 4 x 2.5 card, handsomely mounted, suede-matted, and framed with an engraved portrait to an overall size of 20.75 x 17. In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Attractive presidential pardon from U.S. Grant for a Union Army major 16. U. S. Grant Document Signed as President.

Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 7.75 x 9.75, October 2, 1876. President Grant directs the Secretary of State to “affix the Seal of the United States to a Warrant for the pardon of William J. Bodenhamer.” Signed nicely at the conclusion by U. S. Grant. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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President Arthur thanks an Omani Sultan for transporting “distressed seamen from the wrecked American whaling vessel ‘Minerva’” 17. Chester A. Arthur Document Signed as President.

Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 10, September 28, 1883. President Arthur directs the Secretary of State to “cause the Seal of the United States to be affixed to an “envelope containing my letter addressed to His Highness Bargasch ben Said thanking him for the free transportation of distressed seamen from the wrecked American whaling vessel ‘Minerva.’” Signed neatly at the conclusion by Chester A. Arthur. In fine condition. Sayyid Barghash bin Said al-Busaidi (born 1836) was an Omani Sultan and the son of Said bin Sultan, was the second Sultan of Zanzibar. He ruled Zanzibar from October 7, 1870, until his death on March 26, 1888. Starting Bid $200

Massive portrait of the president-elect 18. Benjamin Harrison Signed Oversized Portrait Photograph as President-Elect. Huge sepia-tone 10 x 15.5 portrait of Harrison taken

in 1888 by George Prince, affixed to its original 11 x 17.25 mount, signed on the mount in black ink as president-elect, “Benj. Harrison.” Archivally double-cloth-matted and framed. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. Three weeks after Harrison was elected president in November 1888, the Washington Post reported that local photographer George Prince, whose studio was on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 11th Street, had gone to Indianapolis and ‘made a large photograph of General Harrison.’ A highly presentable presidential showpiece that is assuredly one of the largest signed portraits of Harrison extant. Starting Bid $200

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President Harrison proclaims Washington an American state 19. President Benjamin Harrison Approves Statehood for Washington in 1889. Partly-printed DS as president, signed

“Benj. Harrison,” one page, 8 x 10, November 11, 1889. President Harrison directs the Secretary of State to “cause the Seal of the United States to be affixed to my Proclamation announcing the admission of the State of Washington into the Union.” Signed neatly at the conclusion by Benjamin Harrison. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

20. Benjamin Harrison Signed Photograph. Uncommon 4.25 x 6.5 cabinet photo of Benjamin Harrison by C. M. Bell of Washington, neatly signed on the mount in ink, “Benj. Harrison.” Encapsulated in a Beckett authentication holder, and double-matted and framed to an overall size of 13 x 16. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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President McKinley schedules an extra session in Congress, leading to the tariff-raising Dingley Act of 1897 21. President William McKinley Calls a Special Session of Congress Two Days After His Inauguration. Partly-

printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 10, March 6, 1897. President McKinley directs the Secretary of State to “cause the Seal of the United States to be affixed to my proclamation convening the Congress of the United States in Extra sessions on March 15, 1897.” Signed neatly at the conclusion by William McKinley. In fine condition. Accompanied by an original print of McKinley’s referenced proclamation. Starting Bid $200

Youthful 1903 signed portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt 22. Theodore Roosevelt Signed Photograph as President. Terrific sepia-tone 5.5 x 8.75 portrait photo of Theodore Roosevelt in a handsome three-quarter-length pose, signed in the upper right in fountain pen as president, “Theodore Roosevelt, Feb. 2d 1903.” Archivally double-matted and framed to an overall size of 13.75 x 16.75. In fine condition, with lightly trimmed edges. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. An uncommon signed pose of Theodore Roosevelt, who signed this picture at the age of 44, some 16 months after becoming the youngest person to become U.S. president. Starting Bid $200

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Presidential passport applications— Wilson prepares for his trip to France, England, and Italy to negotiate an end to World War I 23. Woodrow and Edith Wilson (2) Signed Passport Applications - Preparing for the Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles. Historic pairing of official United States passport applications, both filled out entirely in the hand of President Woodrow Wilson, signed “Woodrow Wilson” and “Edith Bolling Wilson,” each one page both sides, 8.5 x 13.75, no date but circa October–December 1918 (based on the ages given, “61” and “46”). Preparing for his trip to Europe in late 1918, President Wilson fills out passport applications for himself and the first lady. In all, there are over fifty words in the hand of the president, with the name “Wilson” or “Woodrow Wilson” appearing five times in the text. Within these autobiographical documents, “Woodrow Wilson” swears that he is a citizen of the U.S., born in “Staunton, Va. the 28th day of December, 1856,” that his father “Joseph R. Wilson” was born in “Steubenville, Ohio,” and is now “dead,” adding that his present address is in “Washington,” where holds the occupation of “President of the United States.” His intention is to have the passport issued for “Official” business travel in “France, England, Italy”—representing his trip abroad to the Preliminary to the Paris Peace Conference in France (December 14–25, 1918), meeting with Prime Minister Lloyd George and King George V in London (December 26–31,

1918), return to Paris (December 31–January 1), and meeting with King Victor Emmanuel III and Prime Minister Orlando in Italy (January 1–6, 1919). These meetings preceded his attendance at the Paris Peace Conference (January–February and March–June, 1919), which resulted in the conclusion of the Treaty of Versailles, the peace treaty that ended World War I. At the bottom, President Wilson signs an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and on the reverse he supplies his complete physical description: “Age: 61, Statures: 5 feet 10 1/2 inches tall, Forehead: Square, Eyes: Grey, Nose: Prominent, Mouth: Small, Chin: Long, Hair: Grey, Complexion: Ruddy, and Face: Long.” He has similarly completed Mrs. Wilson’s application, indicating that their traveling party shall depart from the port of “New York.” In overall fine condition. An accompanying past auction description notes that these historic documents are from the estate of White House Chief Usher Ike Hoover; interestingly, Hoover accompanied Wilson on his trip to France for peace negotiations at the end of World War I, controlling the staff and household operations in the palaces where Wilson stayed. A remarkable, one-of-a-kind pairing of presidential documents, representing Wilson’s greatest international achievement. Starting Bid $200

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“I should like to be known as a former President who tries to mind his own business”— Calvin Coolidge’s draft for “Reflections from Private Life,” published by Cosmopolitan in 1930 24. Calvin Coolidge Autograph Manuscript Signed for “Reflections from Private Life” - “I should like to be known as a former President who tries to mind his own business”. AMS in pencil, signed and in-

scribed on the cover sheet, “The Original Draft of Reflections, etc., Affectionately Inscribed to Richard H. Waldo By Calvin Coolidge,” totaling 23 pages, no date but circa May 1930. Coolidge’s handwritten draft for “Reflections from Private Life,” as published in Hearst’s International Combined with Cosmopolitan Magazine, May 1930; an original copy of the complete magazine is included. Reflecting on American life and policy upon his retirement from the presidency, Coolidge comments on prohibition, the market, tariffs, and the possibility of another term. In part: “When I left the White House a year ago my main desire was to get home where I hoped again to have the enjoyments of private life…Although I was in excellent health, and felt greatly relieved at my freedom from governmental responsibilities, I found I was both physically and mentally considerably exhausted.” He discusses drafting his autobiography and his disinclination to comment on public affairs: “When I left Washington it was because I believed my work in government service was done. I decided to withdraw from it entirely…I have no special knowledge of the facts concerning most current events, which would enable me with any degree of certainty to discuss them. I have been unwilling, therefore, in these early days of my retirement to give interviews, make speeches, or write extensively about them because I wished to avoid being an officious intermeddler.” Coolidge goes on to assert that he has no desire to return to public office: “In the companionship of my house, with my fish

pole, my dogs, my books and my friends, I find I am extremely content…When I left Washington I left public office. It is an incomprehensible relief and I have no intention of returning to it.” Commenting on his own presidency and the election of Herbert Hoover, he writes: “I sought to provide a period of tranquility, certainty, and economy, under which the Country could recover from the exhaustion of the world war…the people turned to an efficiency engineer who is thoroughly equipped to guide them in such a movement.” Discussing the dilemma of Prohibition, Coolidge observes: “So long as the human appetite for stimulants on one side, and for money on the other side, remain what they are, there are likely to be some violations of a prohibition law…It seems to me the Country can get considerable assistance by recalling the attitude of Lincoln in all his discussion of the slavery issue… [he] did not recognize any abuse so great, not even human slavery, that he was willing to try to remedy it by a violation of the law of the land…we have a well defined constitutional method of changing our statutes and our fundamental law… so long as the Constitution and the laws remain, the duty of all people [is] to observe them in good faith.” Following a lengthy discussion of the tariff, he concludes: “It provides us with indispensable safeguards to liberty and security which it would be unwise to sacrifice for the sake of expedition.” In closing, ‘Silent Cal’ reiterates his opening paragraphs: “I should like to be known as a former President who tries to mind his own business.” In overall fine condition. Provenance: The Forbes Collection of American Historical Documents, Christie’s, October 9, 2002. Starting Bid $300

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President Eisenhower supports Detroit as host for the Summer games: “I assure you that the American people are vitally interested in the Olympic movement and would welcome to this country with warmth and cordiality the XVIII Olympiad in 1964”

25. Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed as President to International Olympic Committee, Supporting Detroit as Host for the 1964 Summer Olympics. TLS as president, one page, 7 x 10.25, White House letterhead, March 25, 1959. Letter to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), in part: “I wish to join with all of our people in inviting you to celebrate the XVIII Olympiad at Detroit in 1964. I am informed that the United States Olympic association has selected Detroit as its recommended site for the Olympic Games, and I am sure you would find that city at once a splendid host and ideal location for the Games. I have always been an ardent devotee of amateur sports and have followed…the splendid work of the International and National Olympic Committees. Indeed, the Olympic movement has

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become a powerful international force in the most constructive sense, since the resurgence of the modern Olympic Games in 1896 as directed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. It has been a good many years since an Olympiad has been celebrated in the United States. I assure you that the American people are vitally interested in the Olympic movement and would welcome to this country with warmth and cordiality the XVIII Olympiad in 1964.” Stapled to the upper left are unsigned translations of into Spanish and French, on the same White House letterhead. In very fine condition. Detroit was the officially supported U.S bid of the U.S. Olympic Committee from 1952 to 1972, but was never selected to host the Olympics. Despite Ike’s personal entreaty, Motown lost its bid for the 1964 Summer Games, which would be held in Tokyo instead. Starting Bid $200


26. John F. Kennedy Signed 1960 Presidential Campaign Brochure. Circa 1960 presidential

campaign brochure for Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy, 3.75 x 9, signed on the front panel in green ink by Kennedy. Produced by the Wisconsin Volunteers for Kennedy, the pamphlet proclaims: “A time for greatness, U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy for President,” with an image of Kennedy looking towards the beckoning White House. Matted and framed to an overall size of 10.75 x 16. In fine condition, with slight overall fading. Starting Bid $200

27. John F. Kennedy Signed Book. Signed book: Profiles in Courage. Later printing. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1956. Hardcover, 6 x 8.5, 266 pages. Signed and inscribed on the half-title page in blue ballpoint, “To Joyce—Best regards, John Kennedy.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG/None, with edgwear, rubbing to boards, and a gift inscription to first free end page. Consigned by the granddaughter of Governor John A. Notte, Jr., of Rhode Island, and accompanied by modern prints of three photographs of JFK visiting with Gov. Notte. Starting Bid $200

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“I hereby consent to be the nominee of the Liberal Party for election to the public office of Vice-President of the United States” 28. Lyndon B. Johnson Document Signed Accepting Nomination as Vice-President (1960).

Historic partly-printed DS, one page, 8 x 12.75, September 14, 1960. Document submitted to the “Secretary of State, Division of Elections, Albany, New York,” accepting his nomination for vice president. In part: “I, Lyndon B. Johnson, the undersigned, residing at The LBJ Ranch in the City or Town of Stonewall, in the County of Gillespie, State of Texas, having been nominated as the candidate of the Liberal Party for election to the public office of Vice-President of the United States, in the general election to be held on November 8, 1960, do hereby certify that I have accepted and by these presents, do accept the said nomination tendered to me and I hereby consent to be the nominee of the Liberal Party for election to the public office of Vice-President of the United States as aforesaid.” Signed at the conclusion in blue ballpoint by Lyndon B. Johnson, and notarized below. Archivally mounted, matted, and framed with a plaque and photo of LBJ taking the Oath of Office on Air Force One to an overall size of 30 x 23.5. In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. This document presents an interesting bit of history from the 1960 presidential election: the John F. Kennedy–Lyndon B. Johnson ticket was not endorsed just by the Democratic Party, but also by the then-powerful Liberal Party of New York. Kennedy gave an address on this date, September 14th, accepting the Liberal Party’s nomination and outlining his progressive goals: ‘I am proud to be the only candidate in 1960 with the nomination of two political parties…We had an interesting convention at Los Angeles, and we ended with a strong Democratic platform which we called the rights of man…I do not regard the title of liberal as an honorary degree; I regard it as a license to preach the gospel of liberalism across this country…The final proof is the old political adage that you can tell a friend by the

enemies that he makes; and by this standard, you and I are the closest of friends. For Mr. Nixon and Mr. Dirksen and Mr. Mundt and Mr. Goldwater don’t like my liberal policies, I’m glad to say, any more than they do yours. They are fighting a rear guard action against the 20th century, and they fear that our time is coming and theirs is going. I do not mean to say that the fight is wholly between the Democratic and the Republican Parties. Those of you who are here tonight are proof of the fact that some of the best friends that the Democrats have are not in the Democratic Party.’ The Liberal Party’s endorsement in New York proved to be a tipping point for the Kennedy–Johnson ticket, as they received 3,423,909 Democratic votes to Nixon’s 3,446,419 Republican votes. The 406,176 votes cast under the Liberal Party banner made the difference, securing New York’s 45 electoral votes for Kennedy–Johnson. A remarkable document from the 1960 presidential campaign. Starting Bid $200

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Nixon’s notes for his last address of the historic 1960 presidential campaign: “My prayer & hope is that whoever is next president will be a worthy successor & will be worthy of the American people”

29. Richard Nixon Handwritten Notes for Last 1960 Campaign Speech: “That hour of decision has arrived”. Richard Nixon’s handwritten notes in pencil for his

last public address of the 1960 presidential campaign, two pages, 8.5 x 13.25, delivered from CBS Studios in Chicago on November 7, 1960, the day before the election. Nixon writes of the historic televised debates between himself and Senator John F. Kennedy, the future of the country, the fateful choices facing the man who will be elected, and the goodness of the American people. In part: “Tonight marks the end of a long journey—1. It took us to all 50 states—the 1st in History. 2. It has been an unforgettable experience, it has reminded us what a great & good country this is. This has been historic—never have issues been debated by 2 candidates—never have so many seen & heard them. Now that hour of decision has arrived…Shall we go forward & build on policies of Ike—or shall we turn away to new policies. I urge only: This is a fateful choice—The man elected will make decisions which decide war & peace…It is a decision too important to be based on

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party label or other affiliation—1. The best man regardless of party must be chosen—It is a decision that should be made by all our people—I urge you to vote—let this be the voice of America truly speaking…My prayer & hope is that whoever is next president will be a worthy successor & will be worthy of the American people.” He also expresses gratitude for serving as vice president, declaring it his “last time as V.P.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a 1997 letter from the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace about the manuscript, noting that “the hand is that of Richard Nixon, and they appear to be notes for the address he delivered to the nation from CBS Studios in Chicago, Illinois, on Monday, November 7, 1960.” A remarkable presidential manuscript with significant content, marking the close of the 1960 presidential campaign. In the election on November 8th, Kennedy would win a 303-to-219 Electoral College victory over Nixon, with a 0.17% edge in the popular vote. Although Nixon’s presidential aspirations had to be put on hold, he would emerge victorious in 1968. Starting Bid $200


notables Declaration of Independence Benjamin Franklin signs a pension document for a Revolutionary War veteran, wounded at the Battle of the Brandywine in 1777

102. Benjamin Franklin Document Signed for Revolutionary War Veteran’s Pension. Superior partly-printed DS, signed “B. Franklin,” one page, 7.75 x 9.5, September 22, 1785. Pay order to Treasurer David Rittenhouse, in part: “Pay to Adam Christ Invalid, or Order, the Sum of Two pounds being due to him for one Quarter’s Pension, according to the Comptroller General’s report, and an Act of Assembly dated the twenty-second Day of September, 1785.” Boldly signed in ink by Franklin as president of the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and countersigned in the left margin by Comptroller General John Nicholson. Handsomely mounted and matted with an engraved portrait of Franklin to an overall size of 22.5 x 14.5. In fine condition, with some scattered faint staining. The act of September 22, 1785, provided for pensions to invalid veterans of the American Revolution, as well as war widows. Adam Christ, a sergeant, was wounded in the Battle of the Brandywine on September 11, 1777. A spectacular, boldly signed Benjamin Franklin document. Starting Bid $1000 Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 27

Highly displayable 1788 judicial appointment from Governor John Hancock

103. John Hancock Document Signed as Governor of Massachusetts - appointing a noted Bay State physician. Partly-printed DS as

governor of Massachusetts, one page, 11.5 x 17.25, September 18, 1788. Governor Hancock appoints “Samuel Mather of Westfield to be one of the Justices to keep the peace in our county of Hampshire for the term of seven years, if during that time he shall behave while in the said office.” Signed prominently below the large paper seal by John Hancock, and countersigned below by John Avery as secretary. In very good to fine condition, with irregular light toning, and old tape repairs on the back of fold separations. A particularly attractive ‘Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ document boasting a large, clean Hancock signature — moreover, this commission dates to just seven months after Massachusetts was admitted into the Union. Starting Bid $500

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American Politicians and Leaders

The writer of the ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ speculates on real estate: “There can be no doubt but that the canal...will raise the price of those lands very considerably”

105. Francis Scott Key Autograph Letter Signed. Baltimore lawyer (1779–1843) who was inspired to write the ‘StarSpangled Banner’ after he witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British in 1814. ALS signed “F. S. Key,” one page both sides, 8 x 10, September 26, 1827. Handwritten letter to a gentleman in Augusta, Georgia. In part: “Capt. W— called on me this evening with the letter from Shaw to you about your…land. As we are all determined here to have the canal, I concurred with Capt. M— in thinking that you ought not to sell. There can be no doubt but that the canal, even before it is begun, as soon as it is plainly seen that it will be done, will raise the price of those lands very considerably. I suppose you got the 50$ & the letter I last wrote you. I shall go to Annapolis next month & will see if Mr. H— is prepared to pay & if the tables are sold.” Addressed in another hand on the integral leaf. In very good condition, with light splitting and toning along the folds, and old tape repairs to the last page. Accompanied by an unsigned transcript, penned in another hand, of a legal document related to a case in which Key was involved as attorney. Starting Bid $1000

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World Leaders

Rare handwritten letter in German by Catherine the Great, cautioning against a measles outbreak

109. Catherine the Great Rare Handwritten Letter in German on a Measles Outbreak. Unsigned handwritten

letter in German by Catherine the Great, one page, 7.25 x 8.75, April 14, 1784. One of Catherine’s rare letters in the German language, to princess von Lieven—born von Gaugreben—the governess of Catherine’s granddaughters, telling her how happy she was that the children had not to came down with measles and should now be brought to the countryside for the town itself was still contaminated with measles and pox. In fine condition. Starting Bid $500

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Churchill coordinates international munitions during World War I: “Let me know if you can supply the 10,000 tons of shipping required for the supplies to the French whose need of this quantity is pressing”

110. Winston Churchill Partial Typed Letter Signed on WWI Munitions. TLS signed “Yours sincerely, Winston S.

Churchill,” one page, 7.25 x 5.5, Ministry of Munitions of War letterhead, no date but circa 1917–1919. Conclusion of a letter to Joseph P. Maclay of the Ministry of Shipping, in full: “into the matter personally and to let me know if you can supply the 10,000 tons of shipping required for the supplies to the French whose need of this quantity is pressing.” Nicely matted and framed with a portrait and nameplate to an overall size of 23 x 15.5. In fine condition. The British government created the Minister of Munitions position during the First World War to oversee and coordinate the production and distribution of munitions for the war effort; Churchill served in the role from July 17, 1917 to January 10, 1919. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 31

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Sun Yat-sen corrects a unique English version of his autobiography: “At last in thirty years my determination of restoring China and of establishing a Republic succeeded” 112. Sun Yat-sen Hand-Annotated Typed Manuscript: “How China Was Made a Republic”. Founding father and

first president of the Republic of China (1866-1925). Important carbon typescript draft of Sun Yat-sen’s autobiographical essay, “How China Was Made a Republic,” extensively annotated and corrected in Sun’s hand, totaling 43 pages, 8 x 10.5, bound into a hardcover book and originating from the collection of Paul Myron Wentworth Linebarger, an American lawyer and legal adviser to Sun Yat-sen (1907-1925), and to the Chinese Nationalist Government (1930-1937). A prefatory note signed by his son, Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, describes the piece: “This is the carbon copy of Dr. Sun’s autobiography, Sun Wen Hsueh She, in an English translation. The mss. has corrections in the handwriting of Dr. Sun himself, and was presented to my father, Dr. Paul Linebarger. Judge Linebarger wanted to use it in his biography of Dr. Sun, Sun Yat-sen and the Chinese Republic, but was unable to arrange to do so… To my knowledge, this is the only copy of this English version, which differs radically from the translation by Prof. Hsu…and may very well be a re-working of the materials in the Sun Wen Hsueh She.” The important manuscript is dated at the end in Sun’s hand, “Shanghai, August 12, 1919,” and boasts Sun’s ink emendations on every pages—sometimes simply striking through errant letters or making minor spelling corrections, and other times adding complete sentences or clarifying remarks. The essay begins: “In starting the revolution that finally converted China from a Monarchy into a Republic, I have been fortunate enough in the destructive portion of my program. Although the constructive phase has yet to be attained, my faith in the complete attainment of my purpose and aim strengthens with years.” He goes on to document his early life and the beginning of the revolutionary movement, the First China–Japan War in

1894, his time abroad in America, Europe, and Japan, the Boxer Rebellion, the Wuchang Uprising, and international relations. In the passage discussing the First China–Japan War, he corrects the name “Dong Yung Nam” to “Dang Yin Nan,” and notes that he “went to and fro between Canton and” Hong Kong. Some of the lengthiest notations come on pages 13–14, as he revises a passage about his overseas activities (Sun’s handwritten amendments in brackets): “I sent Chen Sa[u] Pak to Hongkong to establish a revolutionary newspaper, directed Sze [Chien] Y[i] to the Yangtze region to untie [the] members [of the Hung League] and asked Chen Se Liang to establish a headquarter at Hongkong [to connect all the] members [of the secret society in South China. Thus we succeeded in amalgamating the Hung League of Kwangtung, Kwangsi, and Fukien, commonly known as the Triad Society, and the Hung League of the Yangtse Valley, commonly known as Kolao Hui, into the Hsing Chung Hui, for united action.]” Closing the essay, Sun Yat-sen reports: “An election was held at Nanking b[y] representatives from [the eighteen] provinces and I was elected Provisional President. On January 1, 1912 I took my oath of inauguration and issued a mandate christening China as ‘The Chung Hwa Min Kuo’ and changed the calendar from the Lunar into the Solar System, thereby making that year the first year of the Republic of China. At last in thirty years my determination of restoring China and of establishing a Republic succeeded.” The manuscript itself is in fine condition; it is custom-bound along with Linebarger’s introductory letter and a prefatory page into a quarter-leather hardcover book, which had a cracked front hinge and detached spine. Starting Bid $2500

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113. Leon Trotsky Signed Candid Photograph to His Personal Secretary. Rare vintage glossy 4 x 2.75 candid

photo of the Russian revolutionary smiling and seated next to his personal secretary, Bernard Wolfe, for whom this photo is signed in black ink on the reverse, “Bernie Wolfe and I, Leon Trotsky, Coyoacan, 11/IX 1937.” In fine condition, with some creases and surface impressions to the image. Bernard Wolfe was a novelist and writer (1915-1985) who served as Leon Trotsky’s personal secretary for eight months in 1937. He became a close confidant of Trotsky who was in exile in Coyoacán, a suburb of Mexico City. In 1959 Wolfe published The Great Prince Died: A Novel about the Assassination of Trotsky, a lyrical, fictionalized account of Trotsky’s assassination as witnessed through the eyes of an array of characters. Starting Bid $200

“Few topics, if any, have been agitated in Parl’t which have been productive of more uneasiness than this” 114. William Wilberforce Autograph Letter Signed. British politician, evangelist,

and philanthropist (1759-1833) who played an important role in the movement to abolish slavery. ALS signed “W. Wilburforce,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 9, April 17, 1789. Addressed from London, a handwritten letter from William Wilburforce to an unidentified recipient, in part: “A letter was put into my hands the day before yesterday relative to the proposed application to parliament for the repeal of the corporation and test acts… What I have to say shall be comprised in few words indeed. I rather rejoice that I have not leisure to enter into that full discussion of the business in question, without which in a matter of this importance and extent it is better not to discuss at all. Few topics, if any, have been agitated in Parl’t which have been productive of more uneasiness than this…I will speak openly to you: I trust, which way so ever I shall decide, I shall continue to enjoy the good opinion and support of you and your family: yet were I sure these were at stake, I would not suffer them to weigh a feather in the balance. The Protestant dissenters have a right to require of me (and their claim comes strongly enforced by your joining in preferring it) that I should carefully reconsider the affair. This I will do with all seriousness and impartiality.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200 34 |

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Royalty A Christmas greeting from Prince Charles as commander of the coastal minehunter HMS Bronington 116. King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1976).

Royal Christmas card from 1976 embossed on the front with the Prince of Wales’s feathers and Order of the Garter motto, measuring 9.5 x 7.25 open, featuring an affixed photo of the Prince of Wales on board the HMS Bronington, wearing his naval uniform and sporting a full beard, signed and inscribed on the adjacent page in blue felt tip, “Aunt Triny and Uncle George, and much love from, Charles.” In fine condition. Charles served in the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy. He spent his last 10 months of active service in the Navy commanding the coastal minehunter HMS Bronington, beginning on February 9, 1976. Starting Bid $200

Decades after the Revolutionary War, King George III appoints his ambassador to “Our Good Friends the United States of America” 117. King George III Appoints His Ambassador to the United States of America. Manuscript DS, signed “George R,” one page

both sides, 8 x 12.5, July 7, 1809. Document addressed John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, directing him to affix the Great Seal to an instrument “containing our Full Power to Our Right Trusty and Wellbeloved Francis James Jackson Esquire, Our Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Our Good Friends the United States of America, authorizing and empowering him to treat and agree with any person or persons duly authorized thereunto on the part of our said good Friends.” Signed at the head by King George III, and countersigned at the conclusion by Foreign Secretary George Canning. A four-page true copy of the instrument is annexed to the document, bound together with a purple silk ribbon. The white paper seal, affixed below King George III’s signature, remains intact. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Scarce document signed by King James V, the father of Mary, Queen of Scots 118. King James V Document Signed.

King of Scotland (born 1512) from 1513 until his death in 1542. Known for his intolerance of heresy which resulted in the executions of such prominent church reformers as Patrick Hamilton, James fathered not only his successor, Mary, Queen of Scots, but as many as nine illegitimate children. Scarce manuscript DS, signed “James,” one page, 10.25 x 11, 1581. Untranslated official document signed at the conclusion by King James V of Scotland. In good condition, with splits to folds, heavy creasing and soiling, small areas of paper loss, and complete backing. Starting Bid $200

119. King James VI and I Document Signed.

The son of Mary, Queen of Scots, who succeeded to the Scottish throne as James VI in 1567 and ruled England and Ireland as James I from 1603 until his death in 1625. Manuscript DS, signed “James R,” one page, 10 x 11, 1581. Untranslated document, neatly signed at the conclusion by King James. Affixed to a slightly larger sheet and in very good condition, with heavy creasing and edge wear, light staining and soiling, and a small area of paper loss impinging on the end of the signature. Starting Bid $200

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120. Princess Diana and King Charles III. Appeal-

ing Christmas card from 1985, embossed on the front with the Prince of Wales’s feathers and Order of the Garter motto and the Spencer family arms, measuring 10.25 x 7.25 open, featuring an affixed color portrait of the royal family with Prince Harry and Prince William riding a pony, signed and inscribed inside in fountain pen, “Mrs. Daniels—from Charles and” and “Diana.” In fine condition, with a few small, trivial stains. Starting Bid $200

121. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1987). Royal Christmas card from 1987 embossed on the front with the Prince of Wales’s feathers and Order of the Garter motto and the Spencer family arms, measuring 16 x 6 open, featuring an affixed color photo of the royal couple posing with their young sons William and Harry, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “Dearest Aunt Triny + Uncle George, and much love from, Charles and” and “Diana.” In very fine condition, with a tiny brush to the inscription. Starting Bid $200

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Before Buckingham Palace, the soon-to-be Queen Mother sends a “very poor drawing’ made by her young daughter, Princess Elizabeth, to the creator of Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie

122. Early original sketch from young Queen Elizabeth II, forwarded by the Queen Mother to Peter Pan creator J. M. Barrie. Incredibly early original sketch from

a young Elizabeth II, which is accompanied by an ALS from her mother, the Duchess of York, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who is forwarding her daughter’s sketch to the acclaimed Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan. Although both sketch and letter are undated, it’s strongly believed that they date to the early 1930s, when Princess Elizabeth was between the ages of four and six. The unsigned sketch, which is accomplished in red crayon on an off-white 5 x 8 sheet of 145 Piccadilly (Duke of York monogram) letterhead, is thought to be Elizabeth’s depiction of a proposed new building at the Great Ormond Street Hospital; the building in question, which features a smoking chimney and a roof with an array of windows, is likely either the Nurses Home, which was completed in 1937, or the Southwood Building, which opened in 1938. The handwritten four-page letter from the Duchess of York, signed “Elizabeth,” is also penned on 145 Piccadilly letterhead,

indicating that both sketch and letter were very likely dispatched from the family’s London townhouse before King Edward VIII abdicated the throne in 1936. The letter reads: “My dear Sir James, I am so sorry that I did not realize that you were making your speech tonight, I am hurriedly sending round a very poor house I fear. Elizabeth insisted on putting in a roof with lots of little windows for the nursery maids. Please Sir James will you not appeal in her name at all, as I have such difficulties over it, and I am not sure what it is that you wish to say. It is not that I would not feel proud to have her name mentioned by you, only I have had trouble keeping her name apart from charities etc. But I expect that you only wish to say that she drew a picture for you of what the hospital should look like. Please forgive me for saying all this, but you can imagine what troubles I get into! However, I hope that this very poor drawing may be of some little use. I write this in great haste after having met Cynthia [Lady Asquith] who told me that your dinner is tonight.” A postscript on the third page reads: “If you can manage it – will you not let the Press photograph this.” Includes the original hand-addressed mailing envelope. In overall fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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123. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card. Fantastic

royal Christmas and New Year’s card from 1956, with a giltembossed crown on the front, measuring 13.75 x 9.75 open, featuring a wonderful image of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip posing with their two young children on the deck of the HMY Britannia, signed in fountain pen, “Elizabeth R, 1956” and “Philip.” In fine condition, with light irregular toning to the front cover, and some trivial scattered light foxing inside. Starting Bid $200

A 1952 Xmas card from “Lilibet” and “Philip” 124. Queen Elizabeth II (“Lilibet”) and Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card (1952). Royal Christmas and

New Year’s card from 1952, with a gilt-embossed crown on the front, measuring 13.5 x 8.5 open, featuring a charming photo of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip posing with their two young children in front of Balmoral Castle, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “Triny, George, and the family, and love from, Lilibet” and “Philip.” In very good to fine condition, with moderate soiling to the outside of the card. Starting Bid $200

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Religious Figures

Exceedingly rare 1849 Mormon currency signed by Brigham Young and two of his influential pioneers

Image larger than actual size. 126. Brigham Young Signed 1849 Mormon Currency. Rare partly-printed note of Mormon currency in the amount of two dollars, 3.75 x 2, filled out in another hand to N. K. Whitney, signed in ink by Brigham Young (“B. Young”) and countersigned by Thomas Bullock and Heber C. Kimball. Issued at Great Salt Lake City on January 20, 1849, the note is blindstamped with the seal of the Twelve Apostles. In fine condition. As there was no standard United States currency at the time, Brigham Young and his associates in the LDS Church established a mint in 1848 that produced coinage and currency backed by the church. The newly minted currency began to be issued in January 1849, with the bills bearing the January 20 date being the very first printing. Although over three thousand notes were printed in this run, when the church mint resumed coinage in the fall of 1849 the paper currency was redeemed and most of it was destroyed. Of the original 5,150 notes, only 184 notes, valued at $269.00 in total, were outstanding in May 1850. This particular bill is especially notable as it was issued to Newell K. Whitney, presiding bishop of the church. Kimball served as one of the original twelve apostles in the early Church of the Latter Day Saints, and Bullock was a fellow Mormon pioneer. A superb example of this exceedingly rare, historically significant banknote. Starting Bid $500

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Activists and Social Leaders “Non-violence has, it must be admitted, thoroughly vindicated itself as a most effective method of putting the enemies always in the wrong”

129. Mohandas Gandhi Signed ‘Bombay Congress Bulletin’ (1930): “Non-violence has, it must be admitted, thoroughly vindicated itself”. Scarce 8 x 12.5 double-sided typed newsletter from December 31, 1930, entitled “The

Bombay Congress Bulletin,” signed at the head in fountain pen, “Yours sincerely, M. K. Gandhi.” Published by Sjt. Mohanlal Thakkar for the Satyagraha Committee, Bombay, the bulletin served as a voice for the Indian independence movement and reaffirmed India’s resolve. The piece reads, in part: “British Exploitation in India reveals to the world the ugliest aspect of the modern civilization. Three hundred millions of people of this ancient land of unparalleled glory are reduced to the position of serfs in their own country…this exasperation expressed itself in the Independence Resolution passed last year at Lahore…. Non-violence has, it must be admitted, thoroughly vindicated itself as a most effective method of putting the enemies always in the wrong. In the last Nine months during which it has been practiced, it has succeeded in destroying completely in the eyes of the world, the prestige of Britain.” Double-matted with a color copy of the opposite side, and a portrait of Gandhi dressed in his dhoti, to an overall size of 30.5 x 19.25. In fine condition. Starting Bid $500

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MLK pens a near-mint signature at Stockholm University in the mid-60s 130. Martin Luther King, Jr. Signature - PSA NM-MT 8. Ex-

ceptional vintage ballpoint signature, “Best Wishes, Martin Luther King, Jr.,” on an off-white 5.75 x 4 card from Stockholm University. In very fine condition. The great leader of the Civil Rights Movement visited Stockholm in 1964 and 1966. A large, ideal autograph from the global icon. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “NM-MT 8.” Starting Bid $500

“For Freedom, E. Pankhurst” – rare signed portrait of the suffragette pioneer 131. Emmeline Pankhurst Signed Photograph. British political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement (1858-1928) who founded the Women’s Social and Political Union and helped women win the right to vote. Rare vintage matte-finish 3.25 x 4.75 oval portrait of Emmeline Pankhurst by Martin Jacobette, affixed to the original engraved 8.5 x 10.75 studio mount, which is signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “For Freedom, E. Pankhurst.” In very good to fine condition, with light staining and soiling to the wide borders. Only the second Pankhurst item we have ever offered. Starting Bid $200

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Brand new, factory-sealed example of the original iPhone 134. Apple iPhone (First Generation, Sealed 8GB). Unopened first

generation original Apple iPhone, Model A1203, Part No. MA712LL/A (8GB), Serial No. 7V7292ARWH8. The box features a life-size image of the iPhone with twelve icons on the screen, indicating that it is from the earliest production (2007); a 13th icon, for iTunes, came later in the year. In brand new, factory-sealed condition. ‘iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone,’ Steve Jobs said during his keynote speech that introduced the innovative product. He was right. Developed in secrecy, the original iPhone is the smartphone that transformed the industry, revolutionizing cellphone design as one of the first ‘slate’ form factor phones. The iPhone removed nearly all physical controls in favor of an easy-to-use capacitive touchscreen interface. It put the internet into our pockets with the first full-featured mobile web browser, and essentially launched the market for apps with the introduction of the App Store, making third-party applications easy to access and download. The iPhone ushered in the modern age of the smartphone and catapulted Apple to the top of the charts as one of the world’s most valuable companies. Starting Bid $1000

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Scientists and Inventors Curie mourns the untimely passing of Bertram Boltwood, a brilliant Yale physicist and radiochemistry pioneer “Please believe that I feel very keenly the loss of such a distinguished scholar” 135. Marie Curie Typed Letter Signed from the Radium Institute - offering her condolences on the passing of a radiochemistry pioneer. TLS signed “M.

Curie,” one page, 5.5 x 8.5, Science Faculty at the University of Paris (Radium Institute) letterhead, September 15, 1927. Letter to physicist Alois Francis Kovarik, a professor in the Sloane Laboratory at Yale University, in full (translated): “I have just received your letter about Professor Boltwood, whose sad end I was completely unaware of. I thank you very sincerely for the kind thought that you have written to me to inform me of the circumstances in which this misfortune occurred. Please believe that I feel very keenly the loss of such a distinguished scholar and that I realize how particularly sensitive this loss is for Yale University and for yourself. My daughter joins me in expressing her regrets. Please accept, Dear Sir, the assurance of my distinguished feelings.” Matted with a small portrait and the original mailing envelope to an overall size of 21 x 17.25. In fine condition. Bertram Borden Boltwood (1870–1927) was a pioneer of radiochemistry from New England, who attended Yale University, became a professor there, and in 1910 was appointed chair of the first academic department of radiochemistry. Starting Bid $500

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 45

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January 10, 2024


Unusual handwritten letter by Charles Darwin, along with an autograph tipped into his grandfather’s biography— once the property of Virginia Woolf 136. Charles Darwin Autograph Letter Signed and Signature in Book - once the property of Virginia Woolf. ALS signed “Charles Darwin,” one page both sides, 5 x 8, Down, Beckenham, Kent letterhead, January 13, 1881. Handwritten letter to the writer and critic Sir Leslie Stephen, responding to Stephen’s reassurances after having been attacked by the novelist Samuel Butler. In full: “Your note is one of the kindest which I have ever received, & your advice shall be strictly followed. It was very good of you, busy as you are, to take so much trouble for me; but your trouble will not be thrown away, in so far as when in the dead of the night the thought comes across me how I have been treated, I will resolutely try to banish the thoughts, & say to myself that so good a judge as Leslie Stephen thinks nothing of the false accusation. The Litchfields & some of my other children are intensely curious to read your judgment.” He adds a postscript: “I have written on opposite page my name if you think fit to paste it into the Life of E.D.; but I much wish that you would name one or more of the books, written wholly by myself, which I could treat in the same manner for you.” Indeed, the dedication, “From Charles Darwin, with kindest regards, Jan. 13th 1881,” has been cut out and mounted on the flyleaf of a biography of Erasmus Darwin by Ernst Krause, published in London by John Murray in 1879. The letter is folded and tipped in before the following page. Underneath the affixed signature, Sir Leslie Stephen has penned an explanation: “The letter upon the next page refers to a silly attack made upon Darwin by Butler of ‘Erewhon’ etc. I had given Darwin the obvious advice to take no more notice of the

creature, D. having already made a sufficient acknowledgment of a trifling error. For details see ‘Academy’ of the period. C.D. afterwards sent me the ‘Origin of the Species’ & the ‘Voyage of the Beagle.’ L.S.” Both pieces are inside a handsome edition of Erasmus Darwin, translated from the German by W. S. Dallas, with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. London: John Murray, 1879. Hardcover bound in full brown morocco with gilt edges, 5.25 x 7.5, 216 pages. The letter is folded at the edges and in fine condition; the signature is in fine condition, with some adhesive residue to edges; and the book is in very good condition, with wear to the hinges and edges. The physician Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802), Charles’s grandfather, espoused an early theory of evolution all his own, which he sketched, obliquely, in a question at the end of a long footnote to his popular poem ‘The Loves of the Plants’ (1789). Samuel Butler rejected Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. In his 1879 book ‘Evolution, Old and New’ he accused Darwin of having borrowed heavily from and distorted the Comte de Buffon, Erasmus Darwin, and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, trying to reinstate these earlier thinkers and with them, the design argument. Provenance: By descent to Leslie Stephen’s daughter, the writer Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), who left it to her husband, the writer Leonard Woolf (1880-1969). Woolf had the book auctioned at Sotheby’s a year before his death (sale of Feb. 29/20, 1968, lot 279); acquired by a northern Swedish collector, whose descendants returned it to the trade. Starting Bid $2500

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Exceedingly rare 1879 Charles Darwin check—just the second we’ve offered!

137. Charles Darwin Signed Check. Union Bank of London check, 7 x 3.25, filled out and signed by Darwin,

“Ch. Darwin,” payable to Mr. Payne for £25.4.0, May 15, 1879. Stamped “Paid” on May 20th. In fine condition. A tremendously scarce and sought-after format, this is just the second Darwin check we have ever offered. Starting Bid $1000

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January 10, 2024


Bold, full Charles Darwin autograph from the ‘Descent of Man’ period

138. Charles Darwin Signature. Bold ink signature, “Charles Darwin, March 25, 1870,” on an off-white 4 x 2 slip, handsomely matted and framed with a portrait and nameplate to an overall size of 21.75 x 17.75. In very good to fine condition, with edge creasing, light soiling, and a central vertical fold. During this period Darwin was working on The Descent of Man, published in 1871, which was the first work in which he used the term ‘evolution.’ Starting Bid $500

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January 10, 2024


Edison inspects a Canadian nickel mine while seeking raw material for automobile batteries: “We also took along our magnetic needles and made a rough survey of the mine” 139. Thomas Edison Autograph Letter Signed on Seeking Automotive Battery Material at a Canadian Nickel Mine. ALS in pencil, signed “Love from your con-

stant lover, TAE,” two pages both sides, 5.5 x 8.5, no date but circa August 1901. Handwritten letter to his second wife Mina Miller, here called “Billy,” about a strenuous field trip to Ontario to explore nickel reserves, involving an honorary reception by the city of Sudbury. Edison had developed an improved nickel–iron battery for automotive use, and traveled to Sudbury—a world leader in nickel mining—in search of raw materials as he began to scale his manufacturing operations. In part: “John writes you today & I assume tells you all about the trip in the woods—as I do not know what he told you I will recite all the events after you left. After the boys came from the Laboratory we took a carriage and 6 of us went out on the upper Wanatapae road to the Credyman mine…The mine is about 10 or 12 miles NE from Sudbury.

It has been cleared & exposed so we had a good chance to see the whole of the surface and the amount of nickel ore exposed. We also took along our magnetic needles and made a rough survey of the mine…This gave us lots of information which will be good for future use…Right near the mine we came onto a typical Canadian Lumber Camp. There was 5 low log cabins and 3 log stables, the latter containing about 30 horses…The strangest thing was that they had a railroad, a narrow gauge with regular steel rail, Locomotives & logging

cars…The Municipality of Sudbury gave me an address, which was read by the mayor…after it was over I asked several of the city fathers to come down stairs and have some lemonade, there were seven or eight and all took whisky instead of lemonade… We left Monday morning for Worthington…at this point we were to leave the Railroad & start south into the country which is very heavily wooded…we could only find swamp water which had the color of tea, this we boiled before drinking. We slept on the ground with a little hay upon which we laid our blankets. Towards morning it got very cold and a heavy fog settled down…we cooked breakfast & started out early for a lake to the south, the swamps, rocks, & fallen timber made progress very slow and very exhausting…I sprained my ankle slightly but the next morning it was ok. The guide preceded us and cut with an axe a bare spot on both sides of trees about 20 ft apart, we followed these spots very readily—it’s called ‘Blasing a trail.’ We came to a pretty fine lake & made camp…The last 2 days I have been in camp, the boys have been out hunting corners & yesterday for the 1st time tried a survey with their needles. Today is Sunday & we keep it holy, tomorrow I am going out with the boys & try a new plan to surveying from Diorite to Huronian instead of surveyors posts which it’s impossible to find.” In fine condition, with a few small edge chips and tears. Starting Bid $2500

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January 10, 2024


“Thomas Alva Edison” files to patent his “Improvement in Phonographs” in India 140. Thomas Edison Document Signed for Phonograph Patent (1890). Historic manuscript DS, signed “Thomas Alva Edison,” one page both sides, 8 x 13, January 14, 1890. In part: “I, Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park in the State of New Jersey in the United States of America, Electrician, the sole and original inventor of an invention which I have termed ‘Improvement in Phonographs’ do hereby appoint Robert Leycester Upton, William Kearnes Eddis, Henry Cooper Eggar and George William Frederick Buckland… jointly and severally my attornies and attorney in my name to apply in the Empire of India for the grant to me of the sole and exclusive privilege and right within the said Empire of making selling and using the said invention and of authorising others so to do.” Affixed below Edison’s signature are a notarized document certifying Edison as the signer, and a certification of the notary’s credentials.

Includes a manuscript “application of Thomas Alva Edison for leave to file a specification under Part I of the Invention and Designs Act in respect of an Invention for Improvements in Phonographs,” totaling eleven pages on six sheets, stamped at the head: “Received in the Office of the Secretary of the Government of India…on the 3 July 1890.” The manuscript describes Edison’s invention, designed to “increase the simplicity in construction and operation of the phonograph, by decreasing the number of parts of which the machine is composed, by lessening or avoiding the necessity for adjust-

ment of the various parts in practice and by increasing the convenience of manipulation of the machine.” The application is signed twice by Henry Cooper Eggar, “H. C. Eggar,” to whom Edison had granted power of attorney for this purpose. Includes two further pages of printed schematic diagrams for parts corresponding to those described in the application. In overall very good condition, with scattered soiling and staining (very heavy to the two printed diagrams), tears and creases to one of the notary certificates, and chipping to edges of the manuscript application. In 1877, when Edison invented the phonograph, the first device for recording and playing back sound, he thought that its main use would be to record speech in business settings, which could then be played back and transcribed. This patent application represents an early improvement in the area, simplifying and refining the machine. He made improvements upon the phonograph—and its recording media—throughout the 1880s, pioneering the use of wax cylinders as a means of sound recording and reproduction. Edison’s phonograph would eventually be adopted primarily for entertainment purposes, bringing music into millions of American households. The phonograph was considered the first great invention of Edison’s career, and remained his life-long favorite. A supremely desirable archive pertaining to Edison’s world-changing innovation. Starting Bid $1000

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January 10, 2024


Albert Einstein annotates a rare author’s presentation offprint of “The Formal Basis of the General Theory of Relativity” 141. Albert Einstein Hand-Annotated Presentation Offprint of “The Formal Basis of the General Theory of Relativity”.

Author’s presentation offprint of “Die formale Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie [The Formal Basis of the General Theory of Relativity]” from Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, XLI, 19 November 1914. Berlin: Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1914. Gr.-8vo. S. 1030-85. Bound in the original printed wrappers, 7 x 10, inscribed in Einstein’s hand, “Mit aller Hochachtung [With all respect],” over the imprinted text, “Überreicht vom Verfasser [Submitted by the Author].” On page 1069, Einstein adds a lengthy formula in his hand, and on page 1072 he writes: “Hier ist benutzt, dass auch das System K 2 dem invarianten [oder: unvariiertem] Felde angepasst ist [Here it is used that the system K 2 is also adapted to the invariant [or: unvarying] field].”. In fine condition, with a light central vertical fold, and soiling and handling wear to the covers. Accompanied by a letter of authentication from Viennese Antiquarian Book Dealer Ingo Nebehay, 1982. Starting Bid $10,000

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Einstein to the Modernist writer: “Your method brings the important object closer to understanding”

142. Albert Einstein Typed Letter Signed to Novelist Hermann Broch. TLS in German, signed “A. Einstein,” one page, 8.5 x 11, blindstamped Princeton letterhead, February 25, 1942. Letter to Austrian novelist Hermann Broch in New York, during the time that he was finishing his great book The Death of Virgil. In full (translated): “I have read your manuscript with great interest and truly believe that your method brings the important object closer to understanding. I will be glad if I have the opportunity to use your work through my judgment.” In very good to fine condition, with some light edge creasing, a paperclip impression to the top edge, and a few small edge stains.

One of the major Modernist writers, Broch fled Nazi Germany for New York. He was fascinated with Einstein’s theories, and incorporated modern physics into his literature—in one episode in The Guiltless, a stupid math teacher and future Nazi becomes involved in an absurd meeting held to protest Einstein’s theory of relativity. Similarly, a New York Times review of The Sleepwalkers describes the novel’s structure—a multiplicity of narratives featuring an essay-within-a-novel—and observes that ‘Broch sought to create an ‘absolute’ novel that, as in Einstein’s theory of relativity, contained its own observer within the field of observation.’ That two corresponded on these subjects—and that Einstein endorsed Broch’s “method”—makes this an extremely interesting letter that bridges the gap between the arts and sciences. Starting Bid $500

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January 10, 2024



“The difficulty of transposing into one language the spirit of another is a general difficulty” — ça gracious letter from Burke to the French translator of his brilliant 1796 retort, ‘Letter to a Noble Lord’

144. Edmund Burke Autograph Letter Signed on the French Translation of His Scathing ‘Letter to a Noble Lord’. ALS signed “Edm. Burke,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.5 x 9.5, March 17, 1796. Addressed from Beacons-

field, an interesting handwritten letter from Edmund Burke to Jean-Gabriel Peltier, the French translator of his famous work, ‘A Letter From the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a Noble Lord: On the Attacks Made Upon Him and His Pension, in the House of Lords by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale, Early in the Present Sessions of Parliament,’ one of his last significant works written in 1796, one year before his death. In this letter, Burke suggests some corrections and compares the possibilities of English vs French for expressing his ideas and style. In part: “As to what you say of the two languages, I believe you hardly do sufficient justice to your own, which as far as I am capable of judging, is equal to everything of which our language is susceptible. The difficulty of transposing into one language the spirit of another is a general difficulty. That part may be strong in one language which is weak in another, and this partial inequality is not sufficient to settle the balance in favour of any of them. Once more, Sir, permit me to thank you for the honour you have done me.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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“Your sonnet also once again shows that psychoanalysis does not always fantasize but often only discloses what was kept secret”

146. Sigmund Freud Autograph Letter Signed: “Psychoanalysis does not always fantasize but often only discloses what was kept secret”. ALS in German, signed “Freud,” one page both sides, 5.25 x 8.25, personal “Prof.

Dr. Freud” letterhead, April 21, 1912. Handwritten letter to the medical doctor, writer and poet Hugo Salus, in part (translated): “Accept our most sincere thanks for the kind reception of ‘Imago,’ which indeed requires sympathy to sustain itself in the hostile world. Your sonnet also once again shows that psychoanalysis does not always fantasize but often only discloses what was kept secret. However, please do not be displeased if I do not firmly commit to publishing it in Imago, where we currently lack the space for it. Rather, with your consent, I would prefer to transfer it to the Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse, which has been paying attention to confirmations of our propositions in poetic works for some time. As you know, it is the same publisher as Imago.” In fine condition, with a short split to the central horizontal fold. Accompanied by an export certificate from the French Ministry of Culture. A significant letter by Dr. Freud, acknowledging the adoption of his psychoanalytic practices by members of the arts community. In 1912, Salus’s sonnet ‘Der Knabe’ appeared in No. 12 of the Zentralblatt für Psychanalyse und Psychotherapie, a publication co-edited by Sigmund Freud. Starting Bid $1000

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January 10, 2024


“That ugly face looks about right” – an ‘out of focus’ portrait of Sigmund Freud

147. Sigmund Freud Signed Oversized Photograph – “That ugly face looks about right”. Marvelous vintage matte-finish 6 x 8.5 photo of Sigmund Freud in a distinguished bust-length pose, affixed to the original 12.5 x 16.25 mount, which is signed in German (translated), “That ugly face looks about right, Sigm. Freud, Tegel June 1930.” In fine condition, with scattered light staining to the mount. An exceptional display piece boasting a rather opaque inscription, one that could be interpreted as being an uncommon example of Freudian self-deprecation, or perhaps as a reference to the photo’s ‘out of focus quality’ and the studio’s ‘ugly’ product. Starting Bid $1000

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January 10, 2024


Freud explains his theory of Shakespeare’s authorship: “Lear could only be understood psychologically on the assumption that Oxford is the author” 148. Sigmund Freud Autograph Letter Signed on Shakespeare’s Authorship of King Lear. ALS in Ger-

man, signed “Freud,” one page both sides, 9 x 11, personal “Prof. Dr. Freud” letterhead, November 7, 1935. Handwritten letter to Percy Allen on the theory that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, was the true author of Shakespeare’s works. In full (translated): “I can only confirm what Mr. Bransom has told you of my correspondence with him. I wrote to him that Lear could only be understood psychologically on the assumption that Oxford is the author, and that I believe Edward de Vere to have been the creator of all the other genuine Shakespeare plays. At that time I had read the books of Looney, Ward and Rendall, and I am glad to learn from you what other books have been published relating to the Oxford-Shakespeare problem, and what progress has been made with the Oxford case. I am, of course, aware that numerous riddles still await solution and appreciate the difficulties which are in the ways of indirect proof. The value of identifications can easily be overrated, identifications being often misleading and distracting. Very strict scrutiny is necessary, and one must keep one’s critical faculties alive; one must be ready to meet sharp criticism, and to work against one’s own inclinations. Further, I will not withhold my own impression that the contents of your book, Anne Cecil Elizabeth and Oxford, appeared to me to be almost entirely fantastie. Like so many others, I have been accustomed to think of the Virgin Queen as incapable of bearing a child. With regard to the editions of your contributions, which concern Anne Cecil, Elizabeth, and Oxford, may I ask you to send me two of your books, The Case for Edward de Vere, and The Oxford-Shakespeare Case Corroborated. The pleasurably to be settled account I will let my son meet, as he lives in London. As to whether you should mention my favourable opinion, at

the meeting on the 24th. I have no reason for withholding my consent, but I do not think it will better the case, for I cannot claim to be an authority on these matters.” Housed in an elaborate black Moroccan folder (probably made by bookbinder Joanne Sonnichsen) in a plastic sleeve in a black buckram clamshell box. In very good to fine condition, with intersecting folds, light soiling, and creasing to the right edge. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Accompanied by a TLS by his daughter, Anna Freud, to Dr. Jerome Oremland, in part: “Thank you very much for your letter with the very interesting enclosure. I shall be very glad to see you and see the pictures which you have brought.” Freud was an ardent reader of Shakespeare throughout his life, and were central to the development of his psychoanalytic theories—according to the Freud Museum, ‘Shakespeare’s plays are part of the raw material from which Freud constructed psychoanalysis.’ For example, the psychoanalytic theory of the Oedipus complex is based in part on his interpretation of Hamlet. His later conviction that Shakespeare could not have been the author of the canon assigned to him was largely influenced by the theory of J. Thomas Looney (mentioned here) that Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, was the real author. Freud based this mainly on psychological reasons. He felt that (for example), echoing Hamlet’s family situation, de Vere’s father died when he was still young and his mother remarried hastily. King Lear, mentioned here, was another of Freud’s favorite plays. The letter’s recipient, Percy Allen, was a British journalist and an ardent supporter of Oxford University as the author of Shakespeare’s works, although his theory that de Vere had a child with Queen Elizabeth I was not very helpful to Freud: here, he expresses his belief that the ‘Virgin Queen’ was infertile. A fascinating, firsthand explication of Freud’s theories on Shakespeare and his writings—something that remains the subject of academic intrigue even today. Starting Bid $1000

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January 10, 2024


American West “I am now a resident of another Government”—on his arrival in Nacogdoches, Houston answers his brother: “You want to know, ‘what the Devil, I am going to do in Texas?’” 155. Sam Houston Autograph Letter Signed to Brother on His Arrival in Texas: “Texas is the finest portion of the Globe, that has, ever blessed my vision”. ALS signed “Sam Houston,” three pages on two adjoining sheets (split at the hinge), 8 x 9.75, July 3, 1833. Handwritten letter to “My dear Houston,” his brother John, in part: “Long has been, my silence, & many have been my wanderings, since we parted—When most distant, and estranged in person, my vagrant heart would recur, to scenes which I must always cherish,—those scenes, in which you, and your dear wife, and ‘Weans’ bore a part. I am now a resident of another Government, and in a few days expect to return to Nacogdoches in Texas, where I now am located… You want to know, ‘what the Devil, I am going to do in Texas?’— part I will tell you, and the balance you may guess at. I will practice law, and with excellent prospects of success. I have a retained fee, of two thousand a year—I have received fees, besides, amounting to 750$ and this in the course of a fortnight previous to my leaving Texas. With two other Gentlemen, (who furnish the capital), I have purchased about 140,000 acres of choice land, in which I am equally interested. Beside this I own, and have paid for, 10,000, that is, I think, the most valuable land in Texas: Several minor matters I am engaged in, and if I enjoy health I must make well out of them. Jack! Texas is the finest portion of the Globe, that has, ever blessed my vision. As I hope to see you in January, or February next, I will forbear any thing like a strained description of the country, nor will I point out its advantages. It will then be time enough, to interest you in its fate & mine—if you are not already, in the latter! You will have seen that I was a member of the Convention, in Texas, and put my name to the constitution, just one day, short of the anniversary, of my flogging Stanberry! The convention rose on the 13th day of April.” In a postscript on the address leaf, signed “Houston,” he inquires: “What has become of the fine against me, imposed by Cranche. Get that remitted by the old chief! Salute Major Lewis, and Overton, for me.” In very good to fine condition, with splitting to one of the folds, and some minor paper loss affecting a few words of text.

As Houston so cheerfully reflects upon in this letter, on the evening of April 13, 1832, on the streets of Washington, Houston thrashed Congressman William Stanbery of Ohio with a hickory cane. The assault resulted from a perceived insult by Stanbery over an Indian rations contract. Houston was soon arrested and tried before the House of Representatives. Francis Scott Key served as his attorney. The month-long proceedings ended in an official reprimand, and federal judge William Cranch ordered Houston to pay a $500 fine—the subject of the inquiry in his postscript. In mid-1832, Houston’s friends William H. Wharton and John Austin Wharton wrote to convince him to travel to the Mexican possession of Texas, where unrest among the American settlers was growing. Leaving his former life behind, Houston crossed the Red River into Mexican Texas on December 2, 1832, and began the most important phase of his career. Houston saw Texas as a ‘land of promise,’ representing a place for bold enterprise, rife with political and financial opportunity. He quickly became embroiled in the Anglo-Texans’ politics of rebellion. He served as a delegate from Nacogdoches at the Convention of 1833 in San Felipe, where he sided with the more radical faction under the leadership of William H. Wharton and drafted a state constitution to submit to the Mexican Congress. In September 1835 he chaired a mass meeting in Nacogdoches to consider the possibility of convening a consultation to investigate the issue with Mexico. By October, Houston had expressed his belief that war between Texas and the central government was inevitable. That month he became commander in chief of troops for the Department of Nacogdoches and called for volunteers to begin the ‘work of liberty.’ An incredible, and insightful correspondence from Houston, sharing with his brother his optimism and early contributions to the Anglo-Texas government. Sam Houston’s arrival in Texas during this turbulent period forever changed the course of its history. Starting Bid $500

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The famed ‘Lewis & Clark’ explorer certifies military rations during the War of 1812

154. William Clark Document Signed - Ten Years After the Famous ‘Lewis & Clark Expedition’. Soldier and

explorer (1770–1838) who, with Meriwether Lewis, undertook a two-year expedition in 1804 to discover a navigable route to the Pacific Ocean, in the process exploring and later describing much of the course along the Missouri River. Following the expedition, Clark resumed his military career, serving as agent for Indian affairs in St. Louis and leading a number of campaigns during the War of 1812. Manuscript DS, signed

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“Wm. Clark,” one page, 8.25 x 5.5, April 26, 1814. A receipt for military rations, in part: “Provisions return for four men of Capt. Yeiser Company for one day commencing today the 26 day of April 1814. The contractor will issue six complete rations agreeable to the above return.” Archivally mounted, matted, and framed with a portrait and biographical plaque to an overall size of 21 x 21. In fine condition, with some light toning along the folds. Starting Bid $200

Notorous Figures Lavish 24K gold trim ‘Royal Bavarian’ dinner plate from the estate of Al and Mae Capone

157. Al Capone’s Personally-Owned and -Used Hutschenreuther ‘Royal Bavarian’ 24K Gold Border Dinner Plate. Beautiful fine china dinner plate personally-

owned and -used by notorious Prohibition-era mobster Al Capone and his wife Mae Capone. The Hutschenreuther ‘Royal Bavarian’ dinner service plate, approximately 7.75˝ in diameter with a height of .75˝, features a classic white ground with an ornate 24K coin gold hand-engraved pattern with a 14K gold foliate border that adorns the attractive celadon rim. The underside is stamped with the maker’s mark and caratage.

In fine condition, with expected light surface wear, including light gilt loss and utensil marks consistent with occasional to moderately regular use. Accompanied by a photocopy of the Witherell’s catalog description, which was originally signed by Al Capone’s granddaughter, Barbara Mae Capone. Provenance: University Archives; Witherell’s Auction: ‘A Century of Notoriety: The Estate of Al Capone,’ October 8, 2021; Al Capone’s granddaughters; Albert Francis ‘Sonny’ Capone; Al and Mae Capone. Starting Bid $200

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Collection of nine Depression-era bank checks signed by Meyer Lansky

158. Meyer Lansky Collection of (9) Filled Out and Signed Checks. Rare collection of nine Manufacturer’s Trust Company bank checks, each 6.24 x 2.75, all filled out and signed by Meyer Lansky, dating from June 1 to September 24, 1936, with payees including Hospital for the Ruptured & Crippled, The Prudential Insurance Co. of America, Allied Cleaning Contractors, The Consolidated Edison Company of New York, the Treasury Department. One check made out to “Cash” for $600 on September 24th is endorsed on the reverse, “Meyer Lansky,” and the reverse of two other checks bear annotations by Lansky. Included is a Manufacturer’s Trust Company bank statement, one page, 6.75 x 11, issued to “Mr. Meyer Lansky, 115 Central Park West, New York, N. Y.,” which contains a list of deposits for September 1936; the statement lists a total balance of $1,315.41, which includes the aforementioned “Cash” check for $600 on September 24th. In overall fine condition, with some staining to the bank statement. Starting Bid $500

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January 10, 2024


Warren Commission Exhibit No. 294— the envelope of the first letter sent by Lee Harvey Oswald to his brother from the USSR

159. Lee Harvey Oswald Hand-Addressed and Signed Envelope from Russia (Warren Commission Exhibit No. 294). Hand-addressed airmail envelope, 6.5 x 3.75, addressed by Lee Harvey Oswald to his brother,

“Mr. R. Oswald, 7313 Davanport St., Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A.,” adding his name and return address at the Hotel Metropol, Moscow, in Russian in the upper left. The envelope bears two Russian stamps and a postmark on the front, and is annotated “Rec. 11-13-59” on the reverse. In fine condition, with expected edge tears from opening.

This was part of Warren Commission Exhibit No. 294, and is illustrated in the Warren Commission Hearings, Volume XVI. It contained a letter of November 8, 1959, sent shortly after Oswald’s arrival in the Soviet Union. In his testimony before Congress, Robert Oswald identified it as ‘the first letter Lee had written to me from Russia.’ In it, Lee Harvey Oswald chastised his brother for calling the decision a mistake, and declared his intention to remain in the USSR: ‘I have been told that I will not have to leave the Soviet Union if I did not care to. This then is my decision. I will not leave this country, the Soviet Union under any conditions. I will never return to the United States which is a country I hate. Some day perhaps soon and then again perhaps in a few years I will become a citizen of the Soviet Union, but it is a very legal process in any event. I will not have to leave the Soviet Union and I will never leave.’ In the proceedings of the Warren Commission, the letter was used as evidence of Oswald’s state of mind at the time of his defection. A remarkable and historically significant piece. Starting Bid $300

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military Lafayette and Bailly grant an ‘absolute leave’ from the Parisian National Guard 246. Marquis de Lafayette and Jean Sylvain Bailly Signed ‘Parisian National Guard’ Document. Rare

and attractive partly-printed DS in French, signed “Lafayette” and Bailly,” one page, 9.5 x 12.5, September 12, 1789. A handsomely engraved official military document from the Parisian National Guard issuing an ‘Absolute Leave of Absence” to a 25-year-old soldier named Charles Pelue. Signed at the conclusion by the Marquis de Lafayette as Commander of the Paris National Guard, and countersigned by Jean Sylvain Bailly as the company captain. The upper left retains the original red wax seal. In very good condition, with intersecting folds, staining and soiling, minor paper loss and short edge tears. Starting Bid $200

247. Marquis de Lafayette Autograph Letter Signed. Boldly penned ALS in French, signed “Lafayette,” one page, 6 x 2.5, no date. An untranslated handwritten letter from the Marquis de Lafayette. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Remarkable collection of nearly 300 Civil War signatures, with icons from North and South— highlighted by Grant, Doubleday, Davis, Mosby, Sherman, Beauregard, and many more!

248. Civil War Generals and Politicians (295+) Signatures with Grant, Doubleday, Davis, Mosby, Sherman, and More. Remarkable

oversized autograph book containing over 295 signatures on cards, predominantely comprising generals, admirals, and politicians of the Civil War, including some post-war figures as well. Each card is loosely held in place by slits in the scrapbook’s pages, allowing them to be easily removed. The impressive book, half-bound in brown calf with a gilt-stamped nameplate (“E. G. Reid”) on the cover, measures 11.5˝ x 11.5˝ x 3˝. The signatures are in overall fine condition, with the book in very good condition with edgewear, rubbing, and some fraying to boards.

Highlights include: Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, John S. Mosby, Abner Doubleday, James Longstreet, P. G. T. Beauregard, William T. Sherman, John Schofield, Joseph E. Johnson, Jubal A. Early, Joseph C. Breckenridge, Nathaniel P. Banks, Philip Sheridan, Winfield S. Hancock, John Bell Hood, George Dewey, Winfield Scott Schley, Ambrose E. Burnside, Nelson A. Miles, George B. McClellan, Fitz John Porter, Edmund Kirby Smith, D. H. Hill, Wade Hampton, David Dixon Porter, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Adolphus Greely and four survivors of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, and many more. Starting Bid $2500

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Choice, boldly signed ‘floppy tie’ portrait of Confederate General Robert E. Lee 249. Robert E. Lee Signed Photograph in Confederate Uniform. Exceptional 2.5 x 4 carte-de-visite photo of Robert E. Lee in a handsome bust-length pose, dressed in his Confederate uniform jacket with three stars on the lapels, boldly signed in ink, “R. E. Lee.” Reverse bears the backstamp of the Lee Photographic Gallery, Richmond, Virginia. In fine condition, with a block of toning to the image, a trimmed top edge, and two mounting strips on the reverse. A choice, highly appealing signed portrait of the Confederate general, boasting an immaculate autograph. Known as the ‘floppy tie’ portrait, this is one of the enduring images of Robert E. Lee. It was a favorite of both the general and his wife, recognizable by his tousled hair, close-shaven beard, and drooping tie. In the epic study ‘The Face of Robert E. Lee’ by Roy Meredith, the author observes: ‘In this picture Lee had begun to trim his beard shorter than had been his wont earlier in the war…Lee had worn a full beard for only three years…he seems to have come gradually to the habit of wearing it shorter…Throughout the rest of his life his beard will be seen much as it appears here.’ Starting Bid $500

250. Robert E. Lee Document Signed and Hair Strands. Partial

self-contained partly-printed DS, signed “R. E. Lee, Capt. Engrs.,” one page, 7.75 x 2, no date but circa 1838. Lee certifies the necessity of services rendered for the “Improvement of the Mississippi, above the Mouth of the Ohio.” Neatly signed at the conclusion in ink by Robert E. Lee. Includes a several strands of Lee’s hair, encapsulated in a plastic pouch and affixed to a notarized certificate documenting the provenance, as certified by famed autograph dealer Charles Hamilton. Impressively double-matted and framed together with images and a biographical plaque to an overall size of 32 x 18.5. In fine condition. At the time of the signature, Lee was a decade removed from graduating West Point as a lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. Between 1837 and 1842, he supervised the development of St. Louis harbor and the upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers, ultimately earning a promotion to captain for his work there. Starting Bid $300

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From 7th Cavalry headquarters at Fort Riley, Custer questions President Andrew Johnson’s pardoning of “lead rebels” and states that he would “grant the right of suffrage to the colored men”

251. George A. Custer Autograph Letter Signed on Andrew Johnson and Suffrage for “colored men”.

Rare ALS signed “G. A. Custer, Lt. Col. 7th Cav., Bvt. Maj. Gnl.,” four pages on two sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, December 26, 1866. Addressed from Fort Riley, Kansas, a handwritten letter to Republican Senator Jacob M. Howard of Michigan, in part: “I have never been the supporter of Mr. Johnson’s policy as represented on the country I have always condemned his…exercise of the pardoning power as well as the conferring of political power upon leading rebels. I attended the Phil. Convention not to support Mr. Johnson or his policy, but with the hope that there would be amassed a plan upon which Congress & the President might unite...It has been stated that the President gave me my appointment as Lt. Col. in the regular army. This is an error. I am indebted to Andrew Johnson for nothing. My appointment was decided upon by the Sec. of War and Genl. Grant without the knowledge or advice of the President and before I had taken any part in political affairs. This can be verified by the Sec. of War. I am opposed to the idea of general amnesty, believing amnesty should never be granted to the leaders, so far as political power is concerned. I would grant the right of suffrage to the colored men but would prefer the method of impartial suffrage rather than universal suffrage.” In fine condition, with pin holes to the upper left corner. Starting Bid $2500

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“Top Secret” map of Iwo Jima from October 1944, offering an alternate invasion route 253. Iwo Jima: Top Secret ‘Special Map’ for US Marine Invasion (1944).

Scarce World War II-dated ‘Special Map’ of Iwo Jima, headed “Top Secret,” 28 x 40, prepared for CINPAC-CINCPOA [Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet - Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas] by 64th Engr. Top. Bn. USAFICPA in October 1944. The map provides an overview of an alternate invasion route for the V Amphibious Corps, commanded by General Harry Schmidt, and is titled: “V Phib Corps Landing Force, Annex Easy, To Operation Plan No. 4-44, (Alternate Plan) 30 Oct. 1944, Operations Map.” Interestingly, this map provides for a landing on the west coast; ultimately, the Marines would land on the southeastern side of the island in February 1945. At a scale of 1:10,000, this “Special Air and Gunnery Target Map” identifies dozens of Japanese defense sites, using symbols described in a “Defense Symbol Key,” including coastal defense guns, anti-aircraft guns, foxholes, anti-tank guns, machine guns, water storage, blockhouses, radar, searchlights, observation towers, anti-boat barriers, radio towers, ammunition storage, and other structures, obstacles, and military installations. Further, the map notes that it is “printed on high wet strength paper (highly durable and moisture resistant)”—ideal for use in the field—and has a cautionary warning: “This map has been compiled from aerial photographs without advantage of ground control or reconnaissance; therefore azimuth and scale are not accurately determined.” Mounted and framed to an overall size of 33 x 44.5. In very good to fine condition, with scattered staining, primarily to the borders. This map demonstrates the intensive effort that went into planning the American invasion of Iwo Jima, which would begin three months later on February 19, 1945. In spite of some knowledge of the island’s heavy fortifications—some 30 distinct symbols representing the Japanese Army’s positions are used here—the density and capability of the Japanese defenses were still severely underestimated, resulting in some of the fiercest and bloodiest fighting of the Pacific War. Ultimately, the V Amphibious Corps—comprised of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions—succeeded in their mission, taking control of the island on March 26th. Starting Bid $200

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254. Chester W. Nimitz Signed Photograph.

Matte-finish 7.25 x 5.75 photo of Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz signing the Japanese surrender aboard the USS Missouri on September 2, 1945, signed in black ballpoint, “C. W. Nimitz, U.S. Representative,” who numbers the two men on the right side of the image and identifies them in the lower border, “23. Gen. Stilwell, 24. Gen. Krueger.” Double-matted and framed to an overall size of 16.75 x 15.25. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. Starting Bid $200

Superb portrait of the General, presented to the man who equipped the 3rd and 7th Armies 255. George S. Patton Signed Photograph - presented to the chief of staff of the Communications Zone in the European Theater. Imposing World

War II-era matte-finish 7.25 x 9.25 photo of Lieutenant General Patton in his military uniform, with the brights of his eyes shaded by the brim of his three-star helmet, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Gen. R. B. Lord, with warm thanks for much valuable assistance. G. S. Patton, Jr., Lt. Gen.” Attractively double-matted and framed to an overall size of 15 x 17. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. Starting Bid $500

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“It is senseless that among 3000 men, not one has a firearm”— Napoleon directs his Minister of War to arm regiments in Germany 256. Napoleon Letter Signed to Minister of War: “It is senseless that among 3000 men, not one has a firearm”. LS in French, signed “Np,” four pages on two

adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 9, October 23, 1811. Detailed letter to Minister of War general Henri-Jacques-Guillaume Clarke, reiterating his orders regarding the purchase of arms for the two divisions located in Cologne and Bonn. In part (translated): “It is probable that after I have seen the two divisions, I will send one to Erfurt, and I will keep the other in the Grand Duchy of Berg.—I have informed you of what each regiment of carabiniers and cuirassiers should have, that is, an ambulance wagon and a field forge. The divisions must have affairs of engineering, artillery, adjutants, and administrators in the proportion observed in previous campaigns…this must be done gradually throughout the year.—As for the artillery, it must be the subject of a separate report. I cannot recall what was done in my past campaigns; however, the simplest is to follow what has happened before. The batteries attached to the Cavalry fire a lot; therefore, they must be well supplied. In my past campaigns, I attached a reserve park to the divisions; one can always unite them with the general park of the divisions. There must be what is necessary to wage war, that is, a simple supply moving with the pieces, and a half-supply, according to what was practiced for the army in Poland, that is always at the park of each division. All this must exist in full in the places where I will winter these divisions so that if I am in a position to form a cavalry reserve, the assembly of the reserve artillery of the four divisions forms the reserve park. In this case, a general of artillery will be necessary to command this park, as has been practiced. If, on the contrary, I deem it appropriate to send these divisions into the army corps, they will take their artillery park with them, which will join the reserve park of the army corps.—It seems to me that I ordered each regiment of cuirassiers to have a certain number

of carbines. The regiments I have reviewed do not have any. Make me a report on this. It is senseless that among 3000 men, not one has a firearm. It seems to me that in the past, cuirassiers were armed with carbines. Let me know the orders I have given and what has been practiced in the last six years, and why the cuirassiers no longer have carbines today.” In fine condition. Superior military content from Napoleon as he seeks to bolster his troops throughout Europe. Accompanied by an export certificate from the French Ministry of Culture. Henri-Jacques-Guillaume Clarke, 1st Count of Hunebourg, 1st Duke of Feltre (1765–1818) was a French general and politician who made a career in the Revolutionary Army and under Napoleon. In 1793 he was promoted brigade general and commanded the vanguard of the Rhine Army. During the Reign of Terror, he fell under suspicion, was briefly arrested, and discharged. Lazare Carnot restored Clarke to his rank in 1794 and, in December 1795, he was made a general of division, serving under Napoleon in the Army of Italy for several years. During the War of the Third Coalition in 1805, Clarke was appointed governor of Vienna, and during the War of the Fourth Coalition in 1806 he served as governor of Erfurt and of Berlin. Napoleon called Clarke back to Paris in 1807 to serve as Minister of War, a difficult office that he administered with skill, but with a level of personal ambition that raised Napoleon’s suspicion from 1812. His opportunism became most evident at Napoleon’s fall in 1814, when Clarke voted to depose the emperor and was appointed Peer of France by Louis XVIII in return. Apart from the interruption of the Hundred Days from March to September 1815, Clarke served as Minister of War in the restored Bourbon Government until September 1817. Clarke was made Marshal of France on 3 July 1816 and, following the end of his term as minister, took command of the 15th Military Division until his death in 1818. Starting Bid $500

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Napoleon writes to his adopted son on the Italian Navy: “I am all the more aware of the importance of using ships to prevent the enemy from blocking the Gulf”

257. Napoleon Letter Signed to Adopted Son, Eugene de Beauharnais, on “the importance of using ships to prevent the enemy from blocking the Gulf”. LS

in French, signed “Nap,” one page both sides, 7.25 x 9.25, March 8, 1810. Letter to his adopted son Eugene, the son of Joséphine de Beauharnais. Eugene served as Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy under his Napoleon from 1805 to 1814, and commanded the Army of Italy during the Napoleonic Wars. In part (translated): “I have attentively read the account of the Italian Navy that you sent to me. I am all the more aware of the importance of using ships to prevent the enemy from blocking the Gulf with one or two frigates. I will wait for your report to know whether the ships of the line will be able to sail out. I see that the Rivoli and the Reginatore are not far from completion.

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The Favorite must be finished promptly. Once these frigates have been finished we can arm them with French crews from the three brigs that are in Venice. The frigate in Trieste could also join them which would make for a division of three frigates that could go to Ancona to join the frigate and brigs there and form a division capable of maintaining the mastery of the Gulf and which would oblige the enemy to keep warships there. I see Ancona not Venice, because Ancona has the advantage totally lacking to Venice, of our being able to enter or leave no matter what the winds…it is better to have brigs that can sail out and survey the Gulf without interruption.” In fine condition. A choice piece of military correspondence between members of the Bonaparte family. Starting Bid $300

Napoleon congratulates his brother, Joseph, on “the occasion of his accession to the throne of Spain and the Indies”

259. Napoleon Letter Signed to His Brother, Joseph Bonaparte, on His Accession to the Spanish Throne.

Historic LS in French, signed “Napole,” one page, 8 x 9.75, October 29, 1808. Letter addressed to “Monsieur mon Frere le Roi des Espagnes et des Indes,” his brother Joseph, expressing congratulations “on the occasion of his accession to the throne of Spain and the Indies.” Addressed on the integral leaf in another hand, and retains its original red wax seal with green silk ribbon. In very good to fine condition, with light creasing to the right side, and a somewhat rough bottom edge; large and bold, Napoleon’s signature is an ideal example.

During the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon Bonaparte made his older brother, Joseph, King of Naples (1806–1808), and then King of Spain and the Indies (1808–1813). Though popular in Naples, Joseph was met with heavy opposition in Spain: his arrival sparked a massive Spanish revolt against French rule and marked the beginning of the Peninsular War. Despite efforts to win popularity, Joseph would never be accepted as legitimate by the bulk of the Spanish people. After France’s defeat by a British-led coalition at the Battle of Vitoria in 1813, Joseph abdicated the Spanish throne and returned to France. Starting Bid $300

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Invitation to Napoleon’s historic coronation as Emperor of the French, signed by his key advisor H. B. Maret 260. Napoleon: Hugues-Bernard Maret Signed Invitation to Napoleon’s Coronation. French diplomat and advisor

to Napoleon; exiled after Waterloo, Maret returned to France in 1834 to assume the post of prime minister. Manuscript DS in French, signed “H. B. Maret,” one page, 8.25 x 12.25, November 15, 1804. Invitation to Napoleon Bonaparte’s coronation as Emperor of the French on December 2, 1804 (11 Frimaire XIII), bearing a secretarial signature of Napoleon, with Maret signing as secretary of state below. In part (translated): “Mr. Prud’homme, President of the Canton of Rosoy…the divine providence and the constitutions of the Empire having placed the hereditary imperial dignity in our family, we have chosen the 11th day of Frimaire [2d December 1804] for the ceremony of our consecration and coronation. We would have loved to be able, in this majestic circumstance, to gather in one single place all the citizens of the French Nation. As it is impossible to do what would have been so precious to our heart, we want the ceremonies to be glorious through the presence of the most distinguished citizens in order to take, in their presence, the oath to the French people, in accordance with the Article 52 of the Constitutions act from the 28th Floreal year 12. We are writing to you this letter for you to come to Paris, around the 7th of Frimaire and to let our Great Master of Ceremonies know about your arrival.” In fine condition. On May 4, 1804, Napoleon received the title of ‘Emperor of the French,’ which was then confirmed by the vote of French people: 99.9% in favor of the Empire. To make it a historic and symbolic moment, Napoleon decided to organize a ceremony at Notre-Dame in the presence of 12,000 guests, including Pope Pius VII, who would bless the new Emperor. Napoleon, though, refused to be crowned by the Pope and decided to crown himself. He crowned Josephine as well: this moment is represented in Jacques Louis David’s large painting ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon.’ The coronation lasted for five hours and is regarded as one of the most ostentatious ceremonies of the 19th century, contributing much to Napoleon’s legend. Starting Bid $200

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At the start of the Siege of Tarragona in 1811, Napoleon sends reinforcements to Catalonia 258. Napoleon Letter Signed to Minister of War on Troop Movements. LS in French, signed “Np,” one page,

7.25 x 9, May 4, 1811. Letter to Minister of War general HenriJacques-Guillaume Clarke, concerning a troop movement to Catalonia. In part (translated): “Let General Baraguey d’Hilliers know that he must inform the Plauzonne Division to come to Catalonia to help him.” In fine condition, with a light crease to the upper right edge. From May 5 to June 29, 1811, during the Peninsular War, Louis Gabriel Suchet’s French Army of Aragon laid siege to a Spanish garrison at Tarragona, Catalonia, led by Lieutenant General Juan Senen de Contreras. Emperor Napoleon offered Suchet a marshal’s baton if he could capture Tarragona, so the general pursued his goal vigorously, ultimately capturing the city while crippling the Army of Catalonia. Starting Bid $200

Wellington plans to celebrate “the Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo” 261. Duke of Wellington Autograph Letter Signed on the Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. Significant ALS signed “Wellington,” one

page, 4.75 x 7.5, May 28, 1820. Handwritten letter to a lord, in full: “I will dine with you on the 19th June with great pleasure unless the Duke of York should defer the Celebration of the Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo that day from Sunday which is just probable. If therefore Tuesday the 20th will suit you as well I should prefer it, as I am the more certain of being able to wait upon you.” In fine condition, with slightly irregular light toning. Wellington earned immortality for his stunning defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo on June 18, 1815; in this letter, he looks forward to celebrating the five-year anniversary of his historic victory. Starting Bid $200

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280. Charles Lindbergh Kidnapping Postal Service Reward Poster. Uncommon United States Postal Service reward poster offering

$25,000 for “information resulting in the apprehension and conviction of the kidnappers of Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr.,” 15.25 x 21.25, depicting hand-addressed envelopes and handwriting samples attributed to the kidnappers. Distributed as a “Confidential Notice to All Postal Employees,” the poster asks employees to report any instances of similar handwriting that they may find. Nicely double-matted and framed to an overall size of 27 x 32.75. In fine condition, with intersecting folds and some scattered creases. Starting Bid $200

The Wright Flyer takes off from Kitty Hawk 281. Orville Wright Signed Photograph of Man’s First Flight. Iconic 5.75 x 4.25

cardstock photo of the Wright Brothers’ first flight, captioned at the bottom “First Man-Flight, December 17, 1903, Kitty Hawk, N. C.,” signed in the lower left in fountain pen by Orville Wright, who is shown watching his brother pilot the aircraft. Nicely double-matted and framed to an overall size of 11.5 x 9.75. In fine condition, with some fading to the moderately contrasted signature. Starting Bid $300

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The Wright Brothers pay for B.F. Goodrich tires in early 1911 – only our second check signed by both Wilbur and Orville

282. Wilbur and Orville Wright Signed Check to B.F. Goodrich. The Wright Company business check (Winters

National Bank), 8.25 x 3, filled out in another hand and signed by the Wright brothers, “Wilbur Wright” and “Orville Wright, Vice Pres.,” payable to the B. F. Goodrich Company for $119.07, January 26, 1911. Mounted and cloth-matted with a photo of the Wright Flyer taking its first flight at Kitty Hawk to an overall size of 15 x 15. In very good to fine condition, with some light old adhesive stains to the edges.

In 1909, rubber manufacturers B.F. Goodrich approached the Wright brothers to supply them with tires for their airplanes. The Wright brothers agreed and the company began producing and supplying the Wright brothers with specially designed tires for their aircraft, namely the Wright Model B, a dedicated two-seater pusher biplane designed by the Wright brothers in 1910. The first of their designs to be built in quantity, and the last Wright model to have an open-frame tail, the Model B became widely used for both civilian and military purposes. The partnership between the Wright Brothers and B.F. Goodrich marked one of the earliest business collaborations between an aircraft manufacturer and a tire company. Starting Bid $1000

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art, architecture, and design Stunning limited edition print of Eisenstaedt’s enduring ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ 309. Alfred Eisenstaedt ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ Limited Edition Oversized Signed Photograph. Marvelous limited edition 13.5 x 19 silver gelatin print of Alfred Eisenstaedt’s iconic photograph entitled ‘V-J Day in Times Square,’ numbered 233/250, signed in the lower border in black felt tip by the photographer, “Eisenstaedt.” Annotated on the reverse in another hand in pencil: “Print made in Time Life photo lab, 1994, V-J Day, Times Square, New York City, 1945 by Alfred Eisenstaedt.” Handsomely matted and framed to an overall size of 25 x 30. In very fine condition.

Captured by Alfred Eisenstaedt with his beloved Leica amidst the jubilant V-J Day celebration in Times Square on August 14, 1945, this famous image has come to symbolize American victory in World War II. It was first published in a ‘Victory Celebrations’ montage in Life Magazine a week later, captioned: ‘In New York’s Times Square a white-clad girl clutches her purse and skirt as an uninhibited sailor plants his lips squarely on hers.’ The spontaneity of the scene led to the anonymity of the subjects—Eisenstaedt had no time to get their names and details. Although several men and women have claimed to be in the image, their identities have never been proven—resulting in one of the great mysteries in the history of American popular culture. Widely published and universally recognized, this is one of the enduring images of the 20th century. Starting Bid $1000

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311. Joan Miro Autograph Letter Signed. Boldly penned ALS in French,

signed “Miró,” one page both sides, 8.25 x 10.5, June 29, 1935. Untranslated letter written from the “Hôtel Recamier, 3 Place St.–Sulpice” in Paris. In fine condition.

During the first several months of 1935, Miró created a group of paintings on cardboard that he later described as a summary, or self-assessment, of his own career up to that point. The imagery of Person in the Presence of Nature, which was part of that series, expresses the artist’s response to impending civil war in Spain. Starting Bid $200

312. Claude Monet Autograph Letter Signed. Desirable ALS in French, one page both sides, 5 x 6.5, black-bordered Giverny par Vernon letterhead, no date. Untranslated handwritten letter to “Mon cher Albert.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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comic art and animation

Disney confirms the directors of WED Enterprises for the 1956 business year

330. Walt Disney Signed WED Enterprises Document - confirming the company’s 1956 board of directors.

DS, signed “Walter E. Disney,” two pages, 8.5 x 11, February 20, 1956. Document related to an “Annual Meeting of shareholders of WED Enterprises, Inc.,” held on February 20, 1956, confirming the unanimous “election of the directors of the Corporation for the ensuing year,” which includes Walter E. Disney, Loyd Wright, William H. D. Cottrell, Royal Clark, and Richard Irvine. Signed neatly at the conclusion in blue ink by Disney as ‘Chairman of the Meeting,’ and countersigned by Clark as the meeting’s secretary. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $500

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331. Walt Disney Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 7.5 x 9.25 photo of the smiling animation icon, nicely signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Mrs. John Noble, with best wishes, Walt Disney.” Nicely matted and framed with a plaque to an overall size of 14.25 x 17. In fine condition, with light rippling along the top edge. Starting Bid $500

332. Walt Disney Signed Photograph. Vintage mattefinish 8 x 10 photo of Disney wearing a cowboy hat and posing with two miniature Shetland ponies in a horse stable, prominently signed and inscribed in black felt tip, “To Roger, Best wishes, Walt Disney.” In very fine condition, with some light edge rippling. Starting Bid $500

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333. Walt Disney Signed Check. Personal check, 8.25

x 3, filled out in another hand and signed by Disney, “Walter E. Disney,” payable to the “Walt Disney – Special Account” for $350, March 3, 1949. Attractively triple-matted and framed with a large color photo of Disney to an overall size of 17 x 25. In very fine condition. Starting Bid $300

334. Walt Disney Signed World Premiere Program for Darby O’Gill and the Little People (also signed by Sean Connery). Scarce original

souvenir program for the world premiere of the Walt Disney film Darby O’Gill and the Little People at the Royal Theatre in Dublin on June 24, 1959, 24 pages, 8.5 x 11, signed on the back cover in black ballpoint by Walt Disney. The back cover is also signed by cast members Sean Connery, Jimmy O’Dea, J. G. Devlin, Kieron Moore (twice), and one other. In very good to fine condition, with light scuffing and handling wear. Starting Bid $200

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literature “Pat, I’ve got to rest; but this is it; put one way, this explains my encounter with and experience of VALIS” 342. Philip K. Dick Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “Love, Phil,” two pages, 8.5 x 11, April 16, 1981. Letter to science fiction author Patricia Warrick, in part: “Pat, I’ve got to rest; but this is it; put one way, this explains my encounter with and experience of VALIS both in my mind and in/as world; put another way, I have had an actual experience that confirms this model. Thus there is identity between my theoretical construct and my experience.” In fine condition, with light creasing and small stains to the upper left corner. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $200

Dumas prepares articles by “General Manhes” for publication in L’Indipendente 344. Alexandre Dumas, pere (2) Handwritten Manuscripts. Two hand-

written manuscripts in French by Alexandre Dumas, pere, totaling 13 pages, 8.5 x 11, no date but circa early 1860s. Dumas’s handwritten translations of two communications of General Manhes to be published in the Italian newspaper L’Indipendente, each signed at the conclusion in Dumas’ hand, “Manhes.” Dumas founded L’Indipendente in Naples in 1860, a daily newspaper which championed the cause of Giuseppe Garibaldi. Dumas, thanks to his experience in the world of French journalism, brought various editorial innovations to Naples, including the serialization of novels on the front page of the paper. He contributed to the newspaper almost daily—sometimes publishing multiple articles per day—until his return to France in April 1864. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | LITERATURE

Archive of Conan Doyle’s notes on séances and Spiritualism, with firsthand accounts of ‘spirit rapping,’ clairvoyance, and ‘spirit voices’ 343. Arthur Conan Doyle (8) Handwritten Manuscripts on Seances and Spiritualism. Archive of eight unsigned

handwritten manuscripts by Arthur Conan Doyle containing notes on séances and Spiritualism, totaling eleven pages on nine sheets, ranging in size from 3.5 x 5 to 8.25 x 10.5, most undated but circa 1920s. For many of his later years, Doyle intensely pursued his interest in paranormal phenomena, and by the end of World War I he identified himself as a Spiritualist, believing in a spirit world and the ability to communicate with those beyond the grave. He established the specialized Psychic Bookshop in 1925, devoted entirely to the sale of spiritualistic and psychic books; he later formed a small museum in the basement, showcasing various objects relevant to ghosts and the spirit world. In the following notes and manuscripts, Doyle documents his firsthand experiences with spirits and séances, recording specific instances of ‘spirit rapping,’ clairvoyance, and ‘spirit voices’ heard on the telephone. In overall fine condition. Highlights include: - A handwritten page headed “Seance with Mrs. Falconer, Feb. 2/22,” in part: “Clairvoyant who spoke sometimes thro’ her control—sometimes possessed. Lady came with flowers & love. Wallace (apparently) with congratulations…Prof. Simpson said I should uphold client. Judge Dewar said he was with his boy. Knew more than he did….Bonnie. Scotch girl who sang. Said I had a great Spirit escort with me.” In his 1926 book of essays, The History of Spiritualism, Doyle notes that ‘Mrs. Falconer, of Edinburgh, is…a trance medium of considerable power.’ The sheet is affixed to a larger scrapbook page, with a letter to Doyle by Spiritualist lecturer Horace Leaf affixed on the reverse. - A handwritten page headed “Seance with Mr. Love & Ness’ Circle in Glasgow. Feb. 8/22,” in part: “Lights the electric flasher. Voices on the telephone. Russell Wallace who belled me & said he would always be with us. K.C.P. who said he loved to come. Said he was always with me on the platform. That he adored Denis & would guard him. That he was happy. That he hoped I would see him soon…Scotch soldier…had 4 days of misery. ‘I am not an angel but am on my way to it.’ Caruso sang twice. Stead said a few words…Poor Russian came said ‘Poor mother! Poor mother! Starving in Moscow.’ Oscovitch or some such name.”

- A lengthy handwritten manuscript dated June 26, 1924, in part: “I had a sitting…at the Psychic College. I had made the appointment anonymously…She announced to me afterwards that she did not recognise me. The light was subdued. In any case she had no means of knowing my prophetic information. This is merely an extract. Her pride, White Hawk, speaking. A young Brave is here. Leslie. (Leslie was my brother in law killed in the war. What follows is so characteristic of my son that I think it is possible they were both present). He was connected with Mary on the earth plane. (Mary is my surviving elder daughter). He tell me that Mary very clever make harmony—music, you call it. (This is true. She composes brilliantly)…Leslie says, ‘Give out the message fearlessly. Tell them of the coming world changes. Prepare the way. They will listen to you. We are only at the beginning.’ (When will it come?)…You have a book—not what George wrote but what the old time people—yes, the Bible. You are told in the Revelations of the wrath to come. The first trial is past. The second is beginning and he tells me you will be interested.” - Handwritten notes on a sheet of Windlesham letterhead, in part: “The first night at Hydesville. Dr. Campbell’s narrative. ‘The neighbours called in others who after investigation were so much confounded as at first. The family being somewhat alarmed & much fatigued left the house for the night. It rapped the ages of every one present & the numbers of their children, which two girls of 9 and 7 could hardly know. William…went into the cellar with several others & made every one else leave the house in spite of which they had raps above them. He sent Stephen Smith up to confirm the fact that no one was above them. Mrs. Hardinge’s account…’As it was deemed best for Mrs. Fox & her children to seek the shelter of a neighbour’s house on the night of March 31, when they had departed Mr. Fox & his neighbours (70 or 80) remained to question the mysterious visitor by the knocks.’” - Handwritten notes on a sheet of Hotel Majestic letterhead, in part: “Have just had a remarkable sitting with Mrs. Stansfield of Bradford in the house of Mrs. Gould…There came raps on the floor. I asked if it was some one who died in France. Yes. Whom I know? No. Would it spell? Raymond. Did it know my son, my brother, Henry Irving. Yes. All 5 were happy. He would take my love to each. He knew that his father was doing great work in America.” Starting Bid $1000

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Autograph draft for Dumas’ article on the Italian clergy 345. Alexandre Dumas, pere Autograph Manuscript Signed. Uncommon

AMS in French, signed “Ale. Dumas,” five pages, 8 x 10.5, no date but circa early 1860s. Dumas’s untranslated manuscript for an article entitled “Le Haut et le Bas Clerge [The High and Low Clergy],” with a few deletions and emendations throughout. Intended for publication in one of the two newspapers managed by Dumas during his stay in Naples between 1861 and 1864, L’Indipendente and the Monte-Cristo, the article gives an uncompromising appraisal of the clergy in Italy, divided between high-ranking dignitaries and priests close to the common people, and offers his solutions. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

A rare poetic manuscript—Longfellow’s ode to Scottish poet Robert Burns 349. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Autograph Manuscript: “Robert Burns”. Unsigned autograph manuscript for the poem

“Robert Burns” by Henry W. Longfellow, one page both sides, 7.5 x 9.5, no date. Longfellow drafts an ode to his fellow poet, beginning: “I see amid the fields of Ayr / A ploughman, who, in foul and fair, / Sings at his task / So clear, we know not if it is / The laverock’s song we hear, or his, / Nor care to ask.” He makes several amendments to the fourth stanza, striking through several lines to arrive at the published version: “He sings of love, whose flame illumes / The darkness of lone cottage rooms; / He feels the force, / The treacherous under-tow and stress / Of wayward passions, and no less / The keen remorse.” The manuscript leaf is handsomely custom-bound into a full leather hardcover book with gilt-stamped titles, along with a presentation leaf signed and inscribed by three of Longfellow’s daughters: “For Ian Maclaren, in memory of the pleasant hours in the Glen. Alice M. Longfellow, Edith Longfellow Dana, Annie Longfellow Thorp.” In fine condition, with a stray blue ink spot to the poem and presentation leaf. A magnificent literary manuscript, connecting two of the premier Romantic poets of their respective eras. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | LITERATURE

Sending his “little book” in 1819, the important Italian poet hopes his cousin “will read my poor verses”

348. Giacomo Leopardi Autograph Letter Signed on Poems. Important Italian poet, essayist, philosopher, and philologist (1798-1837). Exceedingly rare ALS in Italian, one page, 4.25 x 5.75, March 15, 1819. Letter to his cousin, Conte Francesco Cassi, sending him a book. In part (translated): “On account of not trusting the mail, I waited a long time before I was offered an opportunity to send the little book that will be present with this…If you ever have this letter together with the booklet for a sign of confidence, and will read my poor verses, and reach the end, you have more friendship than I merit.” Affixed to a slightly larger card. In very good condition, with heavy overall foxing. It was around this period that Leopardi began writing his major works, beginning with the first poems of the Canti in 1818 and the Idylls in 1819. A fascinating and very early letter demonstrating Leopardi’s humility and admiration of his older cousin. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $1000

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Signed first edition of one of Hemingway’s masterpieces, For Whom the Bell Tolls

346. Ernest Hemingway Signed Book - For Whom the Bell Tolls. Signed book: For Whom the Bell Tolls. First edition. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1940. Hardcover with facsimile dust jacket, 6 x 8.5, 471 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in fountain pen, “To F. C. Cleary, with very best wishes, Ernest Hemingway.” Autographic condition: fine, with light toning to the edges of the signed page. Book condition: VG+/VG+, with sunning and rubbing to spine. An outstanding signed first edition of what is considered one of Hemingway’s finest works. Starting Bid $500

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January 10, 2024 | LITERATURE

Rare handwritten letter by revered 19th-century Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni

350. Alessandro Manzoni Rare Autograph Letter Signed. Italian poet, novelist and philosopher (1785–1873) who is famous for the novel The Betrothed, which is generally ranked among the masterpieces of world literature. ALS in Italian, signed “Alessandro Manzoni,” one page, 7.75 x 10.25, April 11, 1833. Handwritten letter to Angelo Bonuccelli, speaking of his philosophy regarding the meaning of providence as the right rule of life for all men—all of Manzoni’s works revolved around this concept. In part (translated): “I have received with your return and read with your admiration the ode that you have done me the honor of writing and communicating to me. The difficulty itself comes to its advantage, when it stops tasting in this way: And I mean the difficulty frankly; knowing full well that you did not already know of any good quality of the composition you have taken on to translate, telling the concepts of that so far from the meaning of the Latin language. Of which, as already of those pilgrim supporters, but with a completely different intention, one can say: Latinum Clarum......: And they carry it with such grace, that it makes me no wonder if the most demanding and expert interpreters of Latinity welcome them so gladly.” Addressed on the integral leaf in Manzoni’s hand. In good to very good condition, with scattered staining, wrinkling, tears, and paper loss, with some archival reinforcements and restorations. Starting Bid $500

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“A few lines from the father of Phileas Fogg”— Verne evokes Around the World in Eighty Days

355. Jules Verne Autograph Letter Signed: “A few lines from the father of Phileas Fogg”. ALS in French,

one page, 4 x 5.25, May 10, 1890. Handwritten letter to Nellie Joseph at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, in part (translated): “When one writes the French language as you do, you give the impression that you are of French origin. But if you are English, or rather American, as I believe you are, you should not have any difficulty at all in translating a French book into English, even vocally (from the page). I believe, therefore, that your letter has no other purpose than to receive a few lines from the father of Phileas Fogg which I hasten to send to you.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Verne’s own hand. A wonderful letter in which Verne identifies himself as the “father of Phileas Fogg”—the protagonist of his classic 1872 novel Around the World in Eighty Days. In the story, Fogg and his newly employed French valet Jean Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a wager of £20,000—half of Fogg’s fortune—set by his friends at the Reform Club. The two succeed in their effort in the nick of time, claiming their prize with minutes to spare. Around the World in Eighty Days is recognized as one of Verne’s greatest works, spawning dozens of real-life imitations, adaptations, and homages across all forms of media. Starting Bid $300

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January 10, 2024 | LITERATURE

Voltaire comments on a literary work “filled with strong thoughts very successfully expressed”

356. Voltaire Letter Signed on Literary Work. LS in French, one page, 7.25 x 9, July 11, 1764. Letter to Antoine Maillet du Clarion in Paris, thanking him for the work he sent. In part (translated): “It is filled with strong thoughts very successfully expressed; it is certainly an engineering work, and one can not read it without holding you in high esteem.” In very good to fine condition, with edge wear, including short edge tears. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Voltaire sent this letter from Ferney, where he lived for the last 20 years of his life after moving away from Geneva due to its ban on theater. He decided to become the enlightened ‘patriarch’ of the little village, and initiated the development of pottery, watchmaking, and theater industries in the town; his influence was so profound that the community was renamed Ferney-Voltaire after the French Revolution. Starting Bid $300

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music 399. Bela Bartok Autograph Letter Signed.

Hungarian-born musician (1881–1945) who, through his far-reaching endeavors as composer, performer, educator, and ethnomusicologist, emerged as one of the most forceful and influential creative personalities of the 20th century. ALS in German, one page both sides, 5.75 x 7.5, December 11, 1929. Addressed from Berlin, an untranslated handwritten letter from Bela Bartok to his translator Michel Dimitri Calvocoressi. In very good to fine condition, with a thin strip of edge toning, and heavy overall foxing. Starting Bid $200

400. Vincenzo Bellini Autograph Letter Signed. Italian opera

composer (1801-1835) known for his extremely long, flowing melodic lines. Third-person ALS in French signed within the text, “Mr. Bellini,” one page, 4 x 5.25, no date but circa mid-1830s. Untranslated letter to a woman at the Paris Hotel Lillois in search of his missing washerwoman. In very good condition, with central vertical and horizontal folds, light overall wrinkling, and scattered dampstaining. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

401. Johannes Brahms Autograph Letter Signed to German Music Publisher Fritz Simrock.

Famed German composer (18331897) whose works in the classical spirit, written in the midst of the Romantic era, take a place among the most enduring music of the 19th century. ALS in German, signed “J. B,” penned on a 5.5 x 3.25 postal card, October 23, 1886. Untranslated handwritten letter by Johannes Brahms to noted German music publisher Fritz Simrock. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

402. Edvard Grieg Autograph Musical Quotation Signed from ‘Ballade, Op. 24’. Important Norwegian composer and pianist (1843-1907) whose works, often with a strong nationalistic flavor, include such repertory staples as the ‘Piano Concerto in A minor,’ the incidental music to Peer Gynt, and the ‘Holberg Suite.’ AQMS on an off-white 10.25 x 6.5 sheet, nicely signed and dated below in ink, “Edvard Grieg, Paris, 22/4/03.” Grieg pens several bars from his “Ballade, Op. 24,” writing the title at the top. In fine condition, with light edge toning. Grieg’s op. 24, Ballade in the Form of Variations on a Norwegian Folk Song, features fourteen themes and variations based on the Norwegian folk song ‘Den nordlanske bondestand [The Northland Peasantry].’ Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

Mahler regrets missing rehearsals for Strauss’s ‘Feuersnot’— “I know that ‘rehearsals’ are taking place this evening; it gives me an almost melancholic feeling that I am no longer a part of it” 403. Gustav Mahler Autograph Letter Signed on Rehearsals for Strauss’s ‘Feuersnot’. Austrian com-

poser (1860–1911) whose epic symphonies redefined the genre and assured him a place among the most important and influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. ALS in German, three pages on two adjoining sheets, January 21, 1902. Handwritten letter from Vienna to the piano manufacturer Friedrich Ehrbar, Jr., in part (translated): “I know that ‘rehearsals’ are taking place this evening; it gives me an almost melancholic feeling that I am no longer a part of it. One gets accustomed to beautiful things so quickly, and those rehearsals, in which I artistically joined with you after a long time, were such a beautiful experience.—So, it is—hopefully not forever—over again, and today all that remains for me, after this commendable achievement, is to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you for so much participation and actively successful collaboration. When I express to you that the Singakademie here in Vienna has become a closer musical home for me, I feel very well that you, too, gladly granted me a place among you and, if the opportunity arises again, will graciously allow it once more.—When you call me, I will be there.” Addressed on the reverse in Mahler’s hand. In fine condition. Friedrich Ehrbar, Jr., who took over the management of the piano factory of the same name from his father in 1898, was also the president of the Vienna Singakademie from 1900 until his death. The Vienna Singakademie was an important

institution in Vienna’s concert life. In 1862, young Johannes Brahms was brought to Vienna as a choir director. Over the years, the circle of conductors primarily working with the choir expanded, including notable figures such as Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, and Bruno Walter, who himself took over the choir leadership for several years. During the period mentioned in January, Mahler himself was heavily engaged: his Symphony No. 4 made its Vienna premiere on January 12, 1902, at the Großer Musikvereinsaal. Meanwhile, rehearsals for Richard Strauss’s ‘Feuersnot’ took place throughout the entire week of January 21st, with its premiere occurring on January 29. Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss first met in Leipzig in 1887 when they were both young conductors. Their correspondence extends from this point until Mahler’s death in 1911. From the 63 preserved letters, one can glean the mutual solidarity and understanding between the two artists: Strauss supported Mahler, assisting him in the premiere of his first symphony, while Mahler, in turn, fought for performances of works such as ‘Salome’ in Vienna and personally conducted ‘Sinfonia Domestica’ and the opera ‘Feuersnot.’ During the performance of ‘Feuersnot,’ the composers’ wives, Alma Mahler and Pauline Strauss-de Ahna, also got acquainted. While the two composers held each other in high esteem, the two women had little regard for each other. Starting Bid $2500

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Page from Puccini’s musical manuscript draft for ‘La fanciulla del West’

405. Giacomo Puccini Autograph Musical Manuscript from ‘La fanciulla del West’. Handwritten musical manuscript from Puccini’s draft of ‘La fanciulla del West [The Girl of the West],’ one page, 9.5 x 12, no date but circa 1908–1910. The page features numerous corrections, deletions, and additions, with twelve words written in Puccini’s hand. In very good to fine condition, with scattered small stains and light soiling, and several small pieces of old tape and short tears to the edges. Based on David Belasco’s play ‘The Girl of the Golden West,’ Puccini’s ‘La Fanciulla del West’ premiered at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York on December 10, 1910, conducted by Arturo Toscanini and featuring Enrico Caruso in the lead role of Dick Johnson. The opera remained popular through its first season, and continued to enjoy moderate success with premiers throughout Europe, Australia, and Argentina. This significant musical manuscript demonstrates Puccini’s energetic process of composition, with quick scrawls and rapid deletions, in addition to carefully crafted passages. A marvelous piece of opera history. Starting Bid $500

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

404. Saverio Mercadante Autograph Musical Manuscript. Italian composer (1795–1870) best known as a predecessor to Giuseppe Verdi and for operas such as Il Giuramento and Orazi e Curiazi. Autograph musical manuscript by Saverio Mercadante, 13.25 x 9.75, two pages both sides, signed and inscribed at the conclusion in Italian and dated 1843. Mercadante pens a lengthy excerpt from his three-act opera “Il Reggente,” writing the title at the top. In fine condition, with a central vertical fold. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

409. Maurice Ravel Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Highly influential French composer (1875-1937) who remains unsurpassed in his imaginative use of instrumental color in his operas, brilliantly scored orchestral music, and virtuosic piano pieces. Wonderful AMQS on a beige 4.75 x 7.5 album page, boldly signed and inscribed below in fountain pen, “a M. Marcel Durand, Maurice Ravel, 26/2/31.” Ravel pens a couple bars from one of his works. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Puccini writes on the Paris debut of Madama Butterfly: “It is the first opera ever performed in Japanese costumes at the Opera Comique”

406. Giacomo Puccini Autograph Letter Signed on Madame Butterfly: “It is the first opera ever performed in Japanese costumes at the Opera Comique”. ALS in Italian, signed “G. Puccini,” one page both sides, 5 x 3.5, Hotel

Westminster, Paris letterhead, September 13, 1906. Handwritten letter to Aldredo Vandini, in part (translated): “I have made definitive arrangements for Butterfly at the Opera Comique with Madame Carre and tenor Clement, under the baton of Maestro Luigini. The director of the Carre Company will stage it in a special and most original fashion. The opera will open at the end of October. It is the first opera ever performed in Japanese costumes at the Opera Comique.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Puccini’s hand.

Puccini’s masterpiece Madama Butterfly made its French premiere at the Opéra-Comique on December 28, 1906—the result of a close collaboration between the composer and Albert Carré, director of the famed Paris opera house. In Michele Girardi’s introduction to ‘Albert Carré’s Staging Manual for Madama Butterfly (1906),’ she observes: ‘Faithfulness to an ‘original’ Japanese setting was one of Carré’s objectives; to this end he researched the topic scrupulously, especially with respect to the costumes, and had his wife, Marguerite, who performed in the leading role, study with the famous actress Sada Yakko in order to learn to move and handle the fan like a geisha.’ Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

Rossini pens part of the piano/vocal score for ‘Mi lagnerò tacendo’

410. Gioachino Rossini AMQS from ‘Mi lagnerò tacendo’. Important Italian composer (1792-1868) who became one of the seminal figures in the history of opera with such repertoire staples as The Barber of Seville and William Tell. AMQS on an off-white 11.25 x 8.5 sheet, signed and dated at the conclusion in ink, “G. Rossini, Paris le 8 Fevrier 1859.” Rossini pens several bars of music and lyrics for the song ‘Mi lagnerò tacendo,’ comprising the vocal and piano parts. In fine condition. A gorgeous, boldly penned musical piece by the important composer. Accompanied by an unsigned postcard portrait of Rossini. Starting Bid $300

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Eight bars of music for the “Pianoforte” by Gioachino Rossini 411. Gioachino Rossini Autograph Musical Quotation Signed for Pianoforte. Scarce AMQS on an off-white

6.25 x 5 sheet, signed and dated at the conclusion in ink, “G. Rossini, Bologna, 27 Aprile 1843.” Rossini pens eight bars of music for solo piano, marked, “Pianoforte.” In very good to fine condition, with showthrough from several mounting traces on the reverse. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

Stravinsky at the brink of international fame, a handwritten letter penned two weeks after the first performance of The Firebird 412. Igor Stravinsky Early Autograph Letter Signed written shortly after the premiere of The Firebird. Very

early ALS in Russian, one page, 5 x 6.75, Grand Hotel de la Plage, La Baule letterhead, July 11, 1910. Handwritten letter to Mikhail Dmitrievich, in part (translated): “I beg you not to forget to send me at Stravinsky Chalet, Mauricette La Baule (Brittany) …my negatives and the issue of the magazine in which my portrait will be published. In anticipation of the fulfillment of your promise, I remain devoted to you.” In fine condition, with scattered light foxing. An exceptionally early letter from Igor Stravinsky penned just days after the first performance of The Firebird, which premiered on June 25, 1910. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

Tchaikovsky prepares to conduct Carnegie Hall’s first concert: “It’s from Le Havre (France) that I’ll embark for America...I hope to have the pleasure of making your acquaintance personally in New York” 413. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Autograph Letter Signed, Preparing to Conduct Carnegie Hall’s Inaugural Concert.

Esteemed Russian composer (1840-1893) whose colorful, dramatic, and expressive works represent the epitome of the Russian Romantic tradition and take a place among the most beloved staples of the concert repertory. ALS in French, signed “P. Tchaikovsky,” one page, 5.25 x 6.5, February 6, 1891. Handwritten letter to dramatic agent Edmund Gerson, regretfully declining an offer as he departs for America from Le Havre, making it impossible to accept. In full (translated): “It’s from Le Havre (France) that I’ll embark for America. Consequently I will not benefit this time from your offers. I thank you with all my heart.” He adds a postscript: “I hope to have the pleasure of making your acquaintance personally in New York.” Professionally inlaid into a slightly larger sheet and ion fine condition, with some ink erosion to the date. Accompanied by the original address panel, accomplished in Tchaikovsky’s own hand, as well as a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Tchaikovsky made his only visit of America in 1891, traveling to New York to inaugurate the opening of Carnegie Hall. On April 26th, he arrived in New York from Le Havre aboard the steamer La Bretagne. The primary purpose of his trip was to conduct the inaugural concert of Carnegie Hall on May 5, 1891, a performance of his ‘Coronation March’ by the New York Music Society’s orchestra. Starting Bid $500

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Rare and fantastic autograph musical quotation from Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Luisa Miller

415. Giuseppe Verdi AMQS from ‘Luisa Miller’. Supremely desirable AMQS on an off-white 11.25 x 8.5 sheet, signed at the conclusion in ink, “G. Verdi,” and dated at Naples, December 12, 1849. Verdi pens nine bars of the music and lyrics to the song ‘Andrem, raminghi e poveri’ from his three-act opera Luisa Miller, which premiered at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples on December 8, 1849, just four days prior to this autograph. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA and an 1873 issue of Appletons’ Journal with a piece on Verdi. Luisa Miller was Verdi’s 15th opera and it is regarded as the beginning of the composer’s ‘middle period.’ Giuseppe Verdi’s biographer, the Italian critic Gabriele Baldini, weighed in on the significance of the work: ‘In terms of artistic value the opera is comparable only to Nabucco, Ernani, and Macbeth. It is, in short, the fourth Verdi opera which may be taken completely seriously: and up to this point he had written fourteen.’ Starting Bid $1000

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

416. George Gershwin Signed 1936 Program. Vintage 6 x 11 pro-

gram for a concert by George Gershwin at the Seattle Civic Auditorium on December 15th, as part of the 1936-1937 season of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, signed nicely in black ink. The lower portion lists a concert by Sergei Rachmaninoff on January 23 [1937]. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

417. B. B. King Signed Electric Guitar. Beautiful Carlo Robelli thin semi-hollow body electric guitar with a red wine finish, signed prominently on the body in blue paint pen by B. B. King. In fine condition, with two missing strings, and a few slight scuffs to the body. Starting Bid $200

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Stunning Fab Four signatures on the back of a Dezo Hoffman-Topstars photo, dating to the close of their 1963 UK Tour with Roy Orbison

418. Beatles Signed Promotional Photograph - obtained at King George’s Hall in Blackburn, Lancashire, on June 9, 1963. Rare vintage glossy 5.5 x 3.5 Topstars promotional photo of the Beatles in their famous gray collarless

suits, a portrait taken in Dezo Hoffman’s studio on Wardour Street in London, England, in April 1963, signed beautifully on the reverse in clean black ballpoint by George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and John Lennon. The consignor notes that the autographs were obtained by a policeman at King George’s Hall in Blackburn, Lancashire, England, on June 9, 1963, dating to the last show of their UK tour with Roy Orbison; incidentally, the lyric ‘4000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire’ was also part of the 1967 Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life,’ which appeared on the group’s 1967 album Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. In fine condition, with surface impressions on the photo side from the signatures on the back. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and a letter from the daughter of the original recipient. Starting Bid $1000

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

The Fab Four sign at the Great White Horse Hotel, circa May 1963

419. Beatles Signatures (c. 1963). Vintage circa May 1963 ballpoint signatures, “Paul McCartney (Beatles),” “George Harrison,” “Ringo Starr,” and “John Lennon,” on an off-white 4.75 x 3.5 sheet of stationery from the Great White Horse Hotel (as imprinted on the reverse). Nicely corner-mounted, matted, and framed with an original ‘Love Me Do / P. S. I Love You’ single and picture sleeve to an overall size of 11.5 x 27. In very good to fine condition, with a slightly irregularly trimmed bottom edge, and an old tape along the right edge. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $1000

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“Hello Boy’s!” — a peaceful palm greeting from George Harrison 420. Beatles: George Harrison Signed Photograph. Excellent glossy 8 x 10 photo of George Harrison

that was taken in 1973, showing him with sunglasses, a denim jacket, and holding his left hand to the camera, signed and inscribed in black ink, “Hello Boy’s! George Harrison,” who adds an Ohm symbol to his open palm. The consignor notes that the signature dates to the late 1970s. In very good to fine condition, with creasing touching only Harrison’s raised hand. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $300

421. Beatles: John Lennon and Paul McCartney Signed Sketches.

Two original sketches, both done by an admirer, on individual off-white 8.5 x 11.5 sheets of sketch paper. One, a pencil sketch of Lennon sporting long hair and his trademark round glasses, signed in person vertically in blue ballpoint, “John Lennon,” adding a quick self-caricature under his signature; a pencil notation on the reverse (now obscured by the frame’s backing), states that Lennon’s signature was obtained at the “Carlyle Hotel, Sgt. Pepper Premiere Night, 1117-74.” Interestingly, the collector noted that Lennon said “you sketched me, I’ll sketch for you.” The other sketch, a pencil and ink sketch of a bearded McCartney, is signed in black ballpoint, “Paul McCartney.” The McCartney signature was obtained in person on November 23, 1974, at the Stanhope Hotel in New York City. Handsomely double-matted and framed together to an overall size of 24.5 x 18. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

423. Beatles: Original ‘Penny Lane’ Street Sign from Liverpool, England. Official painted “PENNY LANE, L18” cast iron street sign commissioned by the city of Liverpool, England. The white street sign, measuring 16˝ x 9˝ x .5˝ and weighing 15 pounds, features black text, “PENNY LANE,” and a red postal code, “L18,” set within a black border. The sign bears four mounting holes and the reverse is engraved: “LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND.” In very fine condition.

Situated south off the A562 road in the Mossley Hill suburb of Liverpool, England, the street Penny Lane has become synonymous with the legendary rock band the Beatles, who famously used the name as the title of a 1967 hit song released in conjunction with the single ‘Strawberry Fields Forever.’ The popularity of the song resulted in the street sign being stolen or vandalized on numerous occasions, which ultimately led Liverpool city officials to no longer commission the sign for manufacture. This unused example was one of an undisclosed number that was recovered from the foundry. Starting Bid $200

424. The Byrds Signed Album - Mr. Tambourine Man - our first fully signed example. Mr. Tambourine Man album

by The Byrds, signed on the back cover in ballpoint by Jim McGuinn, David Crosby, Chris Hillman, Michael Clarke, and Gene Clark, who adds the inscription “To Everglades.” In very good to fine condition, with some light toning and soiling. The record is included. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and a full letter of authenticity from REAL. Our first fully signed example of The Byrd’s influential debut studio album, a record that represented the first effective American challenge to the chart dominance of the Beatles and other British Invasion bands during the mid-1960s. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

Dylan writes out his most-performed song: “All along the watchtower princes kept the view / All the women came and went barefoot servants too” 425. Bob Dylan Handwritten and Signed Lyrics for ‘All Along the Watchtower’. Incredible handwritten lyrics

by Bob Dylan for his brilliant song, “All Along the Watchtower,” one page, 8.25 x 11.75, written in black ink and signed neatly at the conclusion, “Bob Dylan, 2013.” The lyrics, in full: “There must be some kind of way out of here said the joker to the thief There’s too much confusion and I can’t get no relief Businessmen they drink my wine and ploughmen dig my earth None of them along the line know what any of it is worth No reason to get excited the thief he kindly spoke There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke But you and I we’ve been through that and this is not our fate Let us not talk falsely now the hour is getting late All along the watchtower princes kept the view All the women came and went barefoot servants too

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl Two riders were approaching and the the wind began to howl” In very fine condition. Accompanied by a 2014 letter of authenticity from Jeff Rosen, president of the Bob Dylan Music Company, in full: “I represent Bob Dylan. This letter will certify that the hand-written lyrics to All Along the Watchtower, contained herein, is an authentic Bob Dylan manuscript, signed and dated in his own hand.” Written and recorded by Bob Dylan for his 1967 album John Wesley Harding, “All Along the Watchtower” has become one of the songwriter’s most enduring hits—it appears on most of his greatest hits compilations and has been performed in concert more than any of his other songs. It earned further acclaim with Jimi Hendrix’s recording on Electric Ladyland; of the cover, Dylan said: ‘I liked Jimi Hendrix’s record of this and ever since he died I’ve been doing it that way…Strange how when I sing it, I always feel it’s a tribute to him in some kind of way.’ Starting Bid $5000

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Buddy Holly signs his iconic hit single, ‘Peggy Sue’

426. Buddy Holly Signed 45 RPM Single Record for ‘Peggy Sue’. Sought-after Coral Records 45 RPM record for the Buddy Holly single ‘Peggy Sue / Everyday,’ signed on the orange label in black ballpoint by Holly. Professionally doublematted and framed with a vintage Bruno of Hollywood portrait photo of Holly to an overall size of 16 x 25.5. In fine condition. Only the third signed 45 RPM single record from Buddy Holly that we have offered, with this example particularly desirable for its lack of inscription and famous song title — released in 1957, ‘Peggy Sue’ has since become one of Holly’s most wellknown and enduring songs, despite only reaching number three on the Billboard Top 100 chart. Considered a pivotal track in the evolution of rock and roll music, ‘Peggy Sue’ was included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum’s list of ‘Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll,’ and, in 1999, was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame and featured as part of the NPR 100, a list of the ‘100 Most Important American Musical Works of the 20th Century.’ Starting Bid $500

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

Historic RCA Records document signed by Elvis Presley on the day he recorded ‘Heartbreak Hotel’

427. Elvis Presley Document Signed on the Day He Recorded ‘Heartbreak Hotel’. Important partly-printed DS, signed “Elvis Presley,” one page, 8 x 5, January 10, 1956. Incredibly historic Radio Corporation of America employee’s withholding exemption certificate filled out in another hand and signed at the conclusion in blue ballpoint by Elvis Presley. The document notes his full name, “Elvis Aron Presley” (the second ‘a’ crossed out—this version famously recorded on his birth certificate), his address at 1414 Getwell St. in Memphis, his social security number, and his number of withholding exemptions. In fine condition.

This document dates to one of Elvis’s most legendary recording sessions—on this day, January 10, 1956, he made his first recordings for RCA Records at The Methodist Television, Radio and TV Studios in Nashville. ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ was one of the songs recorded during this session, and released as a single just seventeen days later. The single topped the Billboard Top 100 for seven weeks and became Presley’s first record to reach a million sales. A remarkable document representing an important day in music history. Starting Bid $2500

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The King drums for a Blue Hawaii promo shoot 428. Elvis Presley Signed ‘Blue Hawaii’ Promotional Photograph. Fabulous vintage

glossy 8 x 10 promotional photo of Elvis wearing a tropical shirt and seated with bongo drums for the 1961 film Blue Hawaii, signed and inscribed in ballpoint, “To Myra and Bill, from, Elvis Presley.” In very good condition, with overall creasing, mostly constrained to the edges and background. A great promotional pose from the first of Elvis’ Hawaiian trilogy. Starting Bid $300

429. Rolling Stones Signed Photograph. Fabulous vintage 8 x 10.25 composite magazine photo of the Rolling Stones, signed in blue ballpoint by Mick Jagger (adding an inscription to “Hazel”), Keith Richards, Brian Jones, Bill Wyman, and Charlie Watts. Corner-mounted, double-matted, and framed with a plaque to an overall size of 15 x 21. In very good to fine condition, with creasing to the lower right corner. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

Ritchie Valens signs a 7-inch record of his biggest hit singles, ‘Donna / La Bamba’

430. Ritchie Valens Signed 45 RPM Record for ‘Donna / La Bamba’. Extremely rare Del-Fi Records 45 RPM record

for the single ‘Donna / La Bamba’ by Ritchie Valens, who has signed on the B-side label in blue ballpoint. In fine condition. Professionally double-matted and framed with a publicity photo of Valens with Bob Keane (who signs the photo) to an overall size of 17.5 x 23.75. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from REAL. Anything signed by Valens remains quite rare and collectible, with this 7-inch single record of his two biggest songs a true marvel of early rock and roll history. Starting Bid $500

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431. The Who Signed Photograph. Fantastic

vintage 9.5 x 12 German magazine photo of The Who, signed in blue ballpoint by Keith Moon, Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, and John Entwistle. Archivally doublematted and framed to an overall size of 15 x 18. In fine condition, with poor contrast to the Daltrey and Moon signatures. A highly desirable fully-signed piece from the iconic original lineup. Starting Bid $200

433. Who: Keith Moon Signed Album. The Story of the Who album insert booklet signed next to his portrait in ballpoint, “Keith Moon,” adding the word “idiot” along with several doodles on his face—including glasses and a goatee. Matted and framed with glass on both sides to an overall size of 30 x 18. In fine condition. The record is not included. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | MUSIC

434. The Yardbirds (5) Signed Promotional Photographs. Vintage set of five semi-glossy 7.25 x 9.5 promotional

photos of the Yardbirds, which have been individually by each pictured band member in ballpoint or ink: Jeff Beck, Jim McCarty, Chris Dreja, Keith Relf, and Paul Samwell-Smith. In overall very good to fine condition, with creasing to the Beck photo, passing through his hair. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and a letter of provenance from a Swedish fan who notes that he obtained the signatures “at their fan club office in June 1966.” Starting Bid $200

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entertainment “Good luck to my Chess Mate, Humphrey Bogart” 573. Humphrey Bogart Signed Oversized Photograph. Superb

vintage matte-finish 10.25 x 13.25 photo of Bogart in a handsome bustlength pose wearing a pinstripe suit against a large map background, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Ginny King, good luck to my Chess Mate, Humphrey Bogart.” Double-matted and framed to an overall size of 18 x 21. In fine condition, with slight fading to the handwriting. Bogart is quite scarce and very desirable in signed photos of this size. Starting Bid $300

574. Marlon Brando Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Marlon Brando as Napoleon Bonaparte in the 1954 historical romance film Désirée, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Sally, I was looking at it when they shot this picture, xxx, Marlon.” In very good to fine condition, with three small holes along the left edge. Reviewing the film, The Monthly Film Bulletin wrote: ‘As Napoleon, Marlon Brando is given little opportunity to do more than wear the uniforms and strike the familiar attitudes…although the performance is tentative and uneasy, he carries off some scenes with authority, a suggestion of muffled power, that perhaps indicates what he might have been able to make of the character in a film more ambitiously and imaginatively conceived.’ Costume designers Charles Le Maire and René Hubert received Oscar nominations for their impressive work on the film, as seen here in Brando’s finely detailed costume. Starting Bid $300

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January 10, 2024 | ENTERTAINMENT

Oscar certificate for Citizen Kane, “nominated for an Academy Award of Merit for Outstanding Achievement, Original Screenplay”

575. Citizen Kane: Academy Award Nomination Certificate for Best Original Screenplay. Rare and

historic Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences “Certificate of Nomination for Award” presented to screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz for Citizen Kane, 10 x 11.5, in full: “Be it known that Herman J. Mankiewicz was nominated for an Academy Award of Merit for Outstanding Achievement, Original Screenplay, ‘Citizen Kane,’ This judgment being rendered with reference to Motion Pictures First Regularly Exhibited in the Los Angeles district during the year ending January 12, 1942.” Signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by Walter Wanger as president of the Academy, and countersigned by Jane Murfin

as secretary. The gold foil seal affixed at the lower left remains intact. In fine condition. Given virtual carte blanche by RKO Studios to make the motion picture of his choice, the 25-year-old Orson Welles chose to collaborate on an original script by Herman J. Mankiewicz—this would become Citizen Kane, one of the most acclaimed films of the 20th century. Though nominated for nine Oscars, this— ’Best Writing, Original Screenplay’—was the only category in which it won, a prize shared by Welles and Mankiewicz. A superior piece of Hollywood history, representing the enduring success of Citizen Kane. Starting Bid $500

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Handwritten piano music for “A Poco No” from Citizen Kane 576. Citizen Kane: Handwritten Musical Score for ‘A Poco No’. Handwritten musical score for

“A Poco No,” as featured in the classic 1941 RKO film Citizen Kane, three pages, 9.5 x 13, comprising the piano part with trumpet solo indicated, marked “Piano” and “Citizen Kane” at the head. The song is featured in the scene where Jedediah Leland, played by Joseph Cotten, is in South America. In fine condition. Accompanied by a facsimile copy of the score. Directed by, produced by, and starring Orson Welles, the iconic film was nominated for Academy Awards in nine categories, including Best Sound Recording. Starting Bid $200

Image shown larger than actual size. 577. James Dean Signature. Sought-after vintage ballpoint signature, “James Dean,” on an off-white 3 x 1.5 slip bearing a collector’s date notation of 1955. Affixed to a same-size card and in very good condition, with soiling and old adhesive staining. Starting Bid $300

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January 10, 2024 | ENTERTAINMENT

Rare early portrait of Hepburn as a 17-year-old model 578. Audrey Hepburn Early Signed Photograph.

Extremely early vintage matte-finish 3.5 x 4.5 Dutch portrait photo of Audrey Hepburn from the spring of 1946, depicting the 17-year-old future Oscar-winner in a delicate bust-length pose with a floral hair ornament, signed in fountain pen, “With love, from, Audrey.” Affixed to its original studio mount, with the reverse bearing a copyright stamp from the Lotgering Photography Studio of Arnhem, Netherlands. In fine condition, with some faint staining, and light silvering to the darker areas of the image. Starting Bid $200

579. Alfred Hitchcock Signed Self-Portrait Sketch. Large original felt tip sketch of the director’s ever-recognizable self-portrait on an off-white 8 x 9.5 sheet, neatly signed below, “Alfred J. Hitchcock.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Houdini pays the way for a fellow magician: “Enclosed you will find my check for $15. which will pay your round trip fares”

583.Harry Houdini Typed Letter Signed to a Fellow Magician. TLS signed “Houdini,” one page, 8.5 x 11, May 17, 1917. Letter to Boston-area magician Edwin Fay Rice, in part: “As you may want to make your own arrangements I think it best for you to do as you like and enclosed you will find my check for $15. which will pay your round trip fares, parlour cars both ways…Mrs. Houdini and I sorely disappointed that Mrs. Rice will not be down here but such is life.” In fine condition, with some minor chipping to the top edge. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope and a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. A journalist for the Boston Daily Times, Edwin Fay Rice had a short but impactful career in the world of magic, and was a key figure in helping found the Mystics Circle of Boston as a member of the Society of American Magicians. Starting Bid $300

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January 10, 2024 | ENTERTAINMENT

Check filled out by Marilyn Monroe in her breakthrough year

580. Marilyn Monroe Filled Out and Signed Check (1953). Sought-after Bank of America Laurel-Sunset Branch check, 6 x 2.5, filled out and signed by Monroe, “Marilyn Monroe,” payable to Southern Cal. Edison Co. for $4.86, May 7, 1953. In fine condition. A coveted example of a check filled out entirely in the hand of Marilyn Monroe during her rise to stardom: 1953 saw her first starring role in Niagara, followed by first-billing in the comedies Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire. Starting Bid $500

582. John Wayne Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Wayne as Rooster Cogburn in the 1969 classic True Grit, signed and inscribed in black felt tip, “Eric—Good Luck, John Wayne.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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10-foot-long replica Star Trek bridge communication console, signed by Nichelle Nichols and three stars of The Next Generation

581. Star Trek: High-Quality 10-Foot-Long Replica Bridge Console Signed by Nichelle Nichols and (3) Next Generation Stars. High-

quality replica bridge communications console set inspired by Star Trek: The Original Series, with overall dimensions of approximately 119˝ x 78˝ x 42˝, prominently signed on the console in gold ink by Original Series cast member Nichelle Nichols (“Blessings, Nichelle Nichols & Uhura”) plus three stars of The Next Generation: “Go Boldly! Jonathan Frakes,” “Death to all who touches this, Michael Dorn, ‘Worf,’” and “Marina Sirtis.” The console features two large backlit gel display screens with the U.S.S. Enterprise and an intergalactic outer space scene, with colorfully lit panels and buttons below. The console was displayed at a convention as a set piece during a discussion with Nichelle Nichols, as seen in an accompanying image. All four autographs are extremely large and bold. The console replica is constructed primarily of plywood and dimensional lumber, and stabilized by two bricks in the rear. The backlighting is provided by strands of traditional white Christmas tree lights, which have some burnt out bulbs. A few of the bolts are stripped, and and the gel display screen featuring the U.S.S. Enterprise has some damage. All four autographs are extremely large and bold examples. Note: This piece will be crated and shipped from Minnesota; the buyer is responsible for all associated costs. The console itself weighs approximately 300 lbs, plus about 100 lbs for the stabilizing bricks. Starting Bid $200

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January 10, 2024 | ENTERTAINMENT

sports A reference letter for a veteran Ferrari mechanic 711. Enzo Ferrari Typed Letter Signed. TLS in Italian, signed “Ferrari,” one

page, 7 x 11, Ferrari Automobili letterhead, August 14, 1957. Letter to Francois Ferrario, in part (translated): “The bearer of this is the young Pedretti Alberto, who you certainly know because [he has] been my mechanic at the Modena workshop for years. At the end of August he finishes the motor specialization course at the Cecchignola Military Motorization School. His aspiration to be assigned to a workshop or military detachment, possibly in Emilia, is obvious and I therefore strongly recommend to your benevolent and authoritative interest.” In fine condition, with trimmed side edges. Starting Bid $200

Rare endorsed New York Yankees payroll check from New Year’s Day 1979—the last year of Thurman Munson’s life 712. Thurman Munson Signed 1979 New York Yankees Payroll Check. Fantastic New York Yankees payroll check, 7.5 x

3.5, filled out in another hand and made payable to Thurman Munson for $186,096.23, January 1, 1979, endorsed on the reverse in black ballpoint by Munson, “Thurman L. Munson, Deposit in Account only, 018 59548, United National Bank, Canton, Ohio.” Handsomely doublematted and framed with a full-length photo of Munson to an overall size of 14.75 x 23; the front of the check is displayed, with a window in the backing for viewing Munson’s endorsement. In fine condition. This check represents a massive payment to Munson at the beginning of 1979—the final year of his life, in which he was due to be paid a salary of $375,000. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

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31. John Quincy Adams Letter Signed as President, Calling to Convene ... Starting Bid $200

32. Chester A. Arthur Signature Starting Bid $200

33. Joe Biden Signature Starting Bid $200

34. James Buchanan Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

35. James Buchanan Signature Starting Bid $200

36. George Bush Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

37. George Bush Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

38. George Bush Signed Souvenir Inaugural Address (Rare Full Signatur... Starting Bid $200

39. George W. Bush (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

40. Grover Cleveland Document Signed as President, Sending Condolence... Starting Bid $200

41. President Grover Cleveland Convenes the Senate for the Inaugurati... Starting Bid $200

42. Grover Cleveland Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

43. Grover Cleveland Signature Starting Bid $200

44. Grover Cleveland Typed Letter Signed to the Uncle of Theodore Roo... Starting Bid $200

45. Bill Clinton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

46. Hillary Clinton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

47. Calvin Coolidge Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

48. Calvin Coolidge Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

49. Dwight D. Eisenhower Signed Book - presented to "one of the outst... Starting Bid $200

50. Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

51. President Millard Fillmore Sends a Letter of Ceremony to Isabella... Starting Bid $200

52. Millard Fillmore Signature Starting Bid $200

53. Gerald Ford Signed Souvenir Typescript on JFK Assassination Starting Bid $200

54. Gerald Ford Autograph Letter Signed on Death of Pearl Bailey Starting Bid $200

55. Gerald Ford Signed Limited Edition Book President John F. Kenne... Starting Bid $200

56. James A. Garfield Signature Starting Bid $200

57. James A. Garfield: James G. Blaine Signed Memorial Address Book Starting Bid $200

58. U. S. Grant Signature Starting Bid $200

59. Warren G. Harding Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

60. Benjamin Harrison Signature Starting Bid $200

61. President Rutherford B. Hayes Congratulates Queen Victoria on the... Starting Bid $200

62. Rutherford B. Hayes Signature as President Starting Bid $200

63. Herbert Hoover Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

64. Herbert Hoover Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

67. John F. Kennedy Photograph and Itinerary Collection from the Esta... Starting Bid $200

68. John F. Kennedy Family 69. John F. Kennedy: Cuban Newspaper (Boston Sunday Missile Crisis White House Globe, 1927) Press Release Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

71. William McKinley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

72. William McKinley Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

75. Richard Nixon American 76. Richard Nixon District of Bicentennial Administration Columbia Home Rule Act Bill Signing P... Bill Signing Pen Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

65. Andrew Jackson Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

66. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

70. Dolley Madison Autograph Letter Signed with Free Frank Starting Bid $200

73. James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

74. Richard Nixon Signed Mock Resignation Starting Bid $200

77. Richard Nixon Typed Letter Signed as President on 1972 Election: ... Starting Bid $200

78. Richard Nixon Typed Letter Signed to Congressman Dick Schulze Starting Bid $200

79. Barack Obama Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

80. Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen Signed Book Starting Bid $200

81. Ronald Reagan Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

82. Ronald Reagan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

83. Ronald Reagan Typed Letter Signed on 1976 Republican Primaries: "... Starting Bid $200

84. Eleanor Roosevelt Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

85. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

86. Franklin D. Roosevelt Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

87. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signed Print as President Starting Bid $200

88. Franklin D. Roosevelt Document Signed as Acting Secretary of the ... Starting Bid $200

89. Theodore Roosevelt Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

90. William H. Taft Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

91. William H. Taft Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

92. William H. Taft Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

93. Donald Trump Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

94. Donald Trump Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

95. Donald Trump Signed Campaign Sign Starting Bid $200

96. George Washington (2) 97. Woodrow Wilson Signed Early Publications: 'Farewell Photograph Address' and ... Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

145. Auguste Comte Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

98. Woodrow Wilson Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

101. Josiah Bartlett Autograph Document Signed Starting Bid $200

111. Giuseppe Mazzini Document Signed Starting Bid $200

149. Monaldo Leopardi Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

152. Titanic: Thomas Knowles Document Signed Starting Bid $200

161. Arthur James Balfour Signature and Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

162. Clara Barton Autograph 163. Clara Barton Autograph Letter Signed on the Red Letter Signed on a Portrait Cross and First-A... and Her Awards Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

164. L. L. Bean Signed Book Starting Bid $200

165. William Beebe Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

166. Alexander Graham Bell 167. Camilla, Queen Consort Typed Note Signed Signed Card Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

168. Vint Cerf Original Sketch of the 'Internet, ca. 1977' Starting Bid $200

169. Madame Chiang Kaishek Signature Starting Bid $200

170. Marquis Mills Converse and Hugh Bullock Signed Stock Certificate ... Starting Bid $200

171. Charles de Gaulle Typed Letter Signed to W. D. Ross Starting Bid $200

172. Georg Ebers Autograph 173. Thomas Edison Signed Note Signed Photograph by Falk of New Starting Bid $100 York Starting Bid $300

174. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200

175. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200

176. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1991) Starting Bid $200

177. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1984) Starting Bid $200

178. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200

179. Ernst Haeckel Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

180. Martin Heidegger Signature Starting Bid $100

181. J. Edgar Hoover (5) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

182. Johns Hopkins Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

183. Johns Hopkins Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

184. Wayne Huizenga Signed NHL Game Promotional Card Starting Bid $200

185. Samuel Huntington Document Signed Starting Bid $200

186. Indian Queen Tavern: 1809 Payment Receipt Issued to John Gadsby Starting Bid $100

187. Edward Jenner Signed Book Page Starting Bid $200

188. Barbara Jordan Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

189. Karl Kautsky Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

190. Robert F. Kennedy Typed Letter Signed - RFK reminds a White House... Starting Bid $200

191. Charles F. Kettering Signature Starting Bid $100

192. Francis Scott Key and

193. King Charles III Autograph Letter Signed to Jimmy Savile on Chari... Starting Bid $200

194. King Charles III Typed Letter Signed to Jimmy Savile Starting Bid $200

195. King Charles III Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

197. King George IV Autograph Letter Signed on Appointing Wellington a... Starting Bid $200

198. King George IV Appoints His Ambassador to China Starting Bid $200

199. King George V Document Signed Starting Bid $200

Roger B. Taney Document Signed Starting Bid $200

196. King George III Document Signed on a Treaty with the Russian Empe... Starting Bid $200

200. King Philip II of Spain Letter Signed on War in Flanders Starting Bid $200

201. King Umberto I of Italy Document Signed Starting Bid $100

204. Nelson Mandela Signed 205. Nelson Mandela Signed 1994 Election Ballot Inauguration Cover Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

202. King William IV Partial Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

203. King William IV Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

206. Maria I of Portugal Letter Signed to King George III Starting Bid $200

207. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex Signed Oversized 'Wedding Day' Photogra... Starting Bid $200

208. Gordon Moore Signature Starting Bid $200

209. Mother Teresa Signed Philatelic Souvenir Starting Bid $200

210. Benito Mussolini Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

211. Benito Mussolini Document Signed Starting Bid $200

212. Benito Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III Document Signed Starting Bid $200

213. Daniel O'Connell Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200

214. Andrew Oliver Document Signed Starting Bid $100

215. Park Chung-hee Signed Book - To Build a Nation Starting Bid $200

216. Louis Pasteur Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

217. Pope Benedict XV Signed and Handwritten Apostolic Benediction Starting Bid $200

218. Pope John Paul II Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

219. Pope Paul VI Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

220. Pope Pius X Signature Starting Bid $200

221. Pope Pius XII Signed Apostolic Blessing Starting Bid $200

222. Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card (1965) Starting Bid $200

223. Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card (1960) Starting Bid $200

224. Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card (1987) Starting Bid $200

225. Prohibition: 1930 Liquor Prescription Starting Bid $200

226. Queen Elizabeth II Document Signed Starting Bid $200

227. Queen Isabella II Document Signed Starting Bid $200

228. Queen Victoria Document Signed Starting Bid $200

229. Queen Victoria Signature Starting Bid $200

230. David Ricardo Signature Starting Bid $200

231. Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

232. Supreme Court (9) Autographs Starting Bid $200

233. Titanic Survivors (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

234. Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Document Signed Starting Bid $200

236. Hans Vaihinger Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

237. Cornelius Vanderbilt Signature Starting Bid $200

238. Vittorio Emanuele II Document Signed Starting Bid $200

239. Vittorio Emanuele II Document Signed Starting Bid $200

240. Chaim Weizmann Autograph Quotation Signed on the Foundation of Is... Starting Bid $200

241. Emma Willard Signature Starting Bid $200

242. Fitz-John Winthrop Document Signed Starting Bid $200

243. Oliver Wolcott Document Signed Starting Bid $200

264. Robert Anderson Civil War-Dated Autograph Quotation Signed: "God ... Starting Bid $200

265. George A. Custer: 'Last Stand' Newspaper Report (1876) Starting Bid $200

266. Jefferson Davis Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

267. Enola Gay: Tibbets, Ferebee, and Van Kirk Signed Navigator's Log ... Starting Bid $200

268. Enola Gay: Tibbets, Ferebee, and Van Kirk Signed Print Starting Bid $200

269. David G. Farragut Signature Starting Bid $100

270. Jedediah Huntington Revolutionary War-Dated Document Signed Starting Bid $100

271. Independence Day: 1813 Oration Pamphlet Starting Bid $200

272. George C. Marshall Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

273. John Nixon TwiceSigned Document Starting Bid $200

274. William T. Sherman Signature Starting Bid $200

275. World War II: Japanese Internment and Exclusion Order Broadsides ... Starting Bid $200

276. End of WWI: Aviation Celebration Original Photograph Starting Bid $100

277. End of WWI: Pershing's General Orders, Third Army Motorcycle Lice... Starting Bid $100

278. WWI: US Navy Books and Ephemera (8) Starting Bid $100

284. Felix Baumgartner Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

285. Hindenburg: Stamp Collector's Broadside for First Flight to Unite... Starting Bid $200

286. Lockheed SR-71 Habu Flown American Flag Starting Bid $200

287. Chuck Yeager Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

291. Buzz Aldrin Oversized Signed Photograph - From Aldrin's Personal ... Starting Bid $200

292. Buzz Aldrin Signature Starting Bid $100

293. Neil Armstrong Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

294. Neil Armstrong Signed Bar Napkin - From the Armstrong Family Coll... Starting Bid $200

295. Gene Cernan Typed Letter Signed - From the Armstrong Family Colle... Starting Bid $200

296. Charlie Duke (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

298. John Glenn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

299. Alexei Leonov Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

300. Mercury Astronauts (4) Signed FDCs - Carpenter, Glenn, Schirra, a... Starting Bid $200

301. Moonwalkers (4) Signed Photographs – Bean, Duke, Irwin, and Scott Starting Bid $200

302. Moonwalkers (4) Signed Photographs - Bean, Conrad, Irwin, and Sch... Starting Bid $200

303. Rusty Schweickart

304. Snoopy Astronaut Doll Starting Bid $100

305. Tom Stafford Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

306. Edward H. White II Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

307. John Young Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

310. Henri Matisse Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

314. Artists Equity Masquerade Ball: Improvisations 1954 Program Starting Bid $100

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

315. Margaret Bourke-White (2) Signed Checks Starting Bid $200

316. Salvador Dali Signed Lithograph Starting Bid $200

317. Salvador Dali Original 1934 Julien Levy Gallery Program Starting Bid $200

318. Salvador Dali Original 1936-1937 Julien Levy Gallery Program - ‘D... Starting Bid $200

319. Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel: Original 1930 Program for L'Age d'... Starting Bid $200

320. Keith Haring Signed 'Radiant Baby' Catalog Page Starting Bid $200

321. Al Hirschfeld: Manhattan Oases, New York's 1932 Speak-Easies (Fir... Starting Bid $200

322. Roy Lichtenstein Signed Poster Starting Bid $200

323. Max Liebermann Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

324. Joan Miro Signed Sketch Starting Bid $200

325. Earl Moran Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

326. Alfred Stieglitz Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

327. Andy Warhol Signed Postcard of Mick Jagger Starting Bid $200

328. Andy Warhol Signed Dust Jacket - Andy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue ... Starting Bid $200

335. Herge Signed Book with Sketch of Tintin and Snowy - The Crab with... Starting Bid $200

337. Matt Groening Signed Calendar with Sketch presented to undergro... Starting Bid $200

338. Chuck Jones Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

339. Joe Shuster Signed Superman Print Starting Bid $200

340. Jerry Siegel Signed Superman Print Starting Bid $200

347. Victor Hugo Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

351. Silvio Pellico Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

352. George Sand Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

353. George Sand Autograph Letter Signed on Theater Starting Bid $200

354. Giuseppe Ungaretti Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

358. Samuel Beckett Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

359. Gabriele D'Annunzio Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

360. Alphonse Daudet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

361. Edmondo De Amicis Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

362. Charles Dickens Signature Starting Bid $200

363. Arthur Conan Doyle Signature Starting Bid $200

364. Alexandre Dumas, fils Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

365. Lion Feuchtwanger Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

366. Gustave Flaubert Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

367. Antonio Fogazzaro Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

368. Allen Ginsburg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

369. Nathaniel Hawthorne Partial Document Signed Starting Bid $200

370. John Hersey Signature Starting Bid $100

371. Paul von Heyse Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

372. Eugene Ionesco Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

373. Stephen King Autograph Letter Signed with Pen Starting Bid $200

374. Margaret Leech Signed Book Starting Bid $100

375. Giacomo Leopardi Postcard Starting Bid $100

376. Arthur Miller (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

377. Henry Miller Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

378. Anais Nin Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

379. Anais Nin Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

380. Eugene O'Neill Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

381. John Boyle O'Reilly Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

382. Edgar Allan Poe and Walt Whitman: First Printings of 'Mesmeric Re... Starting Bid $200

383. Edgar Allan Poe: First/Early Appearances of 'A Tale of the Ragged... Starting Bid $200

384. Edgar Allan Poe: The Poetical Works (1858) Starting Bid $200

386. Arthur Schnitzler (4) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

387. Upton Sinclair Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

388. Alexander Solzhenitsyn 389. William Makepeace Signed Souvenir Typescript Thackeray Autograph Letter Starting Bid $200 Signed Starting Bid $200

390. P. L. Travers Signed Book - Mary Poppins (First Edition) Starting Bid $200

391. Robert Penn Warren Signed Book Starting Bid $100

392. Eudora Welty (20) 393. Franz Werfel Autograph Signed Unused Book Pages Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

394. Cornell Woolrich Signed Program Starting Bid $200

395. Herman Wouk (5) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

396. Richard Wright Signed Book - Native Son Starting Bid $200

385. Victorien Sardou Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $100

407. Giacomo Puccini Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

408. Giacomo Puccini Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

414. Arturo Toscanini Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

422. Beatles: Paul McCartney Signed 45 RPM Single Record - 'Mull of Ki... Starting Bid $200

432. The Who Signed Photograph - an early example released by the band... Starting Bid $200

437. Leonard Bernstein Signed Album – Conducts New York Philharmonic: ... Starting Bid $200

438. Benjamin Britten Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

439. Luigi Cherubini Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

440. Fromental Halevy (2) Autograph Letters Signed Starting Bid $100

441. Engelbert Humperdinck (2) Autograph Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

442. Ruggero Leoncavallo Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

443. Ruggero Leoncavallo Postcard Photograph Starting Bid $100

444. Pietro Mascagni Signed Program Starting Bid $100

445. Jules Massenet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

446. Jules Massenet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

447. Musicians and Conductors Signed Programs Starting Bid $100

448. Opera: Rosa Ponselle and Lotte Lehmann (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

449. Ernst Toch Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

450. Arturo Toscanini Signed Program Starting Bid $100

451. Arturo Toscanini Photograph and Program Starting Bid $100

452. Tony Bennett Signed Album - The Art of Excellence (promotional) Starting Bid $200

453. Cab Calloway Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

454. Cab Calloway Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

455. George M. Cohan Autograph Manuscript Signed for "Hollywood" Starting Bid $200

456. John Lee Hooker Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

457. Thelonius Monk Quartet 1961 Stockholm Konserthuset Poster Starting Bid $200

458. Sonny Rollins Signed Sketch Starting Bid $100

459. Garth Brooks Signed Guitar Starting Bid $200

460. Willie Nelson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

461. Townes Van Zandt Signed Album - Self-Titled Starting Bid $200

462. 38 Special Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

463. AC/DC: Angus Young Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

464. Aerosmith Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

465. Amen Corner Signed Album - Round Amen Corner Starting Bid $200

466. Tori Amos Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

469. Beatles: Olivia Harrison 470. Beatles: Mike Autograph Letter Signed McCartney Signed Limited Starting Bid $200 Edition Photographic Print... Starting Bid $200

467. The Animals: Eric Burdon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

468. The Band: Robbie Robertson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

471. Beatles: Paul McCartney Signature Starting Bid $200

472. Beatles: Yoko Ono Signed Check Starting Bid $200

473. Bee Gees Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

474. Bee Gees Signed Book - The Legend: The Illustrated Story of the B... Starting Bid $200

475. Chuck Berry Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

476. David Bowie Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

477. James Brown Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

478. Kate Bush Signed 45 RPM Record - 'Running Up That Hill' Starting Bid $200

479. Kate Bush Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

480. Cheap Trick Signed Debut Album Starting Bid $200

481. Eric Clapton Signed 1983 Tour Program Starting Bid $200

482. Eric Clapton Signed CD Booklet - From the Cradle Starting Bid $200

483. Eric Clapton Signed RIAA Gold Sales Award for 'Crossroads' Starting Bid $200

484. Coldplay Signed Guitar Starting Bid $200

485. Phil Collins Signed 45 RPM Record - 'In the Air Tonight' Starting Bid $200

486. Phil Collins Signed Album - Face Value Starting Bid $200

487. Phil Collins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

488. Concert for New York City Poster Starting Bid $200

489. Alice Cooper (2) Signed Items - Album and Miniature Top Hat Starting Bid $200

490. Alice Cooper Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

491. Chris Cornell Signed CD - Scream Starting Bid $200

492. Cream: Ginger Baker Signed Debut Album from Blind Faith Starting Bid $200

493. Def Leppard Signed Promo Flyer for 'Make Love Like a Man' Starting Bid $200

494. Neil Diamond Signed Album - Hot August Night II (promotional) Starting Bid $200

495. Dire Straits Signed 45 RPM Record ExtendedancEPlay Starting Bid $200

496. Dire Straits: Mark Knopfler Signed Album Making Movies Starting Bid $200

497. Electric Light Orchestra Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

498. Emerson, Lake & Palmer Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

499. Everly Brothers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

500. John Fogerty Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

501. The Four Tops Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

502. Freddie and the Dreamers Signatures Starting Bid $200

503. Rory Gallagher Signed Taste Album - Live at the Isle of Wight Starting Bid $200

504. Generation X Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

505. Genesis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

506. Genesis Signed Album - Wind & Wuthering Starting Bid $200

507. Genesis Signed 1980 Tour Book Starting Bid $200

508. Gerry and the Pacemakers Signatures Starting Bid $200

509. Grateful Dead 1978 'Closing of Winterland' New Year's Eve Concert... Starting Bid $200

510. Guns n' Roses: Slash Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

511. Heart Signed Album Dog & Butterfly Starting Bid $200

512. Heart: Ann and Nancy Wilson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

513. Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin: 1969 Annual Northern California Fo... Starting Bid $200

514. Billy Idol Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

515. INXS Signed Sabian Crash Cymbal Starting Bid $200

516. Billy Joel Signed Album - Greatest Hits Volume I & Volume II Starting Bid $200

517. Elton John Signed Album - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Starting Bid $200

518. Elton John Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

519. Elton John Signed Album - Ice on Fire Starting Bid $200

520. Elton John 1973 Pittsburgh Civic Arena Poster Starting Bid $200

521. Elton John Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

522. The Killers Signed Guitar Starting Bid $200

523. Lenny Kravitz Signed Album - Let Love Rule Starting Bid $200

524. Jerry Lee Lewis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

525. Jerry Lee Lewis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

526. Little Richard Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

527. Van Morrison Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

528. Sinead O'Connor Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

529. Roy Orbison Signed Album - The Big O Starting Bid $200

530. Roy Orbison and Freddie and the Dreamers Signatures Starting Bid $200

531. Les Paul Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

533. Carl Perkins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

534. Tom Petty Signature Starting Bid $200

535. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 1977 Winterland Poster Starting Bid $200

536. Pink Floyd 1977 Soldier Field Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

537. The Police Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

538. Elvis Presley 1953 High School Class Photograph Starting Bid $200

539. The Pretenders Signed Debut Album Starting Bid $200

540. Radiohead Signed Album - The King of Limbs Starting Bid $200

541. Rolling Stones 1973 Australian Tour Poster Starting Bid $200

542. Rolling Stones: Mick Jagger Signature Starting Bid $200

543. Roxy Music Signed Album - Country Life Starting Bid $200

544. Phil Spector (2) Signed Checks Starting Bid $200

532. Pearl Jam: Eddie

Vedder Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

545. Phil Spector Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

546. Ronnie Spector Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

547. Cat Stevens Document Signed Starting Bid $200

548. Rod Stewart Signed Album - Every Picture Tells a Story Starting Bid $200

549. Rod Stewart Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

550. The Temptations Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

551. U2 1983 Portland Paramount Theatre Poster Starting Bid $200

552. The Walker Brothers Signatures Starting Bid $200

553. Woodstock Three-Day Admission Ticket PSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $200

554. Yes Signed 1973 UK Tour Program Starting Bid $200

555. Warren Zevon Signed Album - Excitable Boy Starting Bid $200

556. The Zombies Signatures Starting Bid $200

557. New York Dolls Signed Album - New York Dolls/Too Much Too Soon Starting Bid $200

558. ABBA Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

559. ABBA Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

560. Michael Buble Signed Guitar Starting Bid $200

561. Eminem Signed Album - Curtain Call: The Hits Starting Bid $200

562. Michael Jackson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

563. Norah Jones Signed Guitar Starting Bid $200

564. Lady Gaga RIAA Platinum Sales Award for 'The Fame' Starting Bid $200

565. Cyndi Lauper Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

566. Jennifer Lopez Signed Guitar Starting Bid $200

567. Sonny and Cher Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

568. Taylor Swift Signed Poster Starting Bid $200

569. Taylor Swift Signed CD Booklet: Folklore - PSA GEM MT 10 Starting Bid $200

584. Addams Family: Raul Julia and Anjelica Huston Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

585. Woody Allen Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

586. Josephine Baker Signature Starting Bid $200

587. Alec Baldwin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

588. Lucille Ball Signed Check Starting Bid $200

589. Drew Barrymore Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

590. Batman: Michael Keaton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

591. Batman: Adam West Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

592. Warren Beatty Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

593. Ingrid Bergman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

594. Beverly Hillbillies: Harriet MacGibbon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

595. Anthony Bourdain Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

596. Marlon Brando Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

597. Bride of Frankenstein: Elsa Lanchester Signature Starting Bid $200

598. Pierce Brosnan Signed Photographer Starting Bid $100

599. James Caan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

600. Michael Caine Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

601. John Candy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

602. Phoebe Cates Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

604. Charlie's Angels:

605. Kristin Chenoweth Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

606. George Clooney Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

603. Charlie's Angels Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Cheryl Ladd Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

607. Glenn Close, Dudley Moore, and Carroll O'Connor (5) Typed Letters... Starting Bid $100

608. Tim Cook: Ted Lasso Multi-Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

609. Creature From the Black Lagoon: Julie Adams Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

610. Dorothy Dandridge Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

611. Mickey Daniels Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

612. Olivia de Havilland Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

613. James Dean Original Photographic Print by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200

614. James Dean Original Photographic Print by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200

615. James Dean Original Photographic Print by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200

616. Bo Derek Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

617. Marlene Dietrich Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

618. Diff'rent Strokes Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

619. Morgan Fairchild Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

620. Federico Fellini Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

621. Albert Finney Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

622. Michael Flatley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

623. Bridget Fonda Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

624. Henry Fonda Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

625. Michael J. Fox Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

626. Frankenstein: Donnie Dunagan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

627. William Frawley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

629. Greta Garbo Original Photograph Starting Bid $200

630. Get Smart: Don Adams Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

631. Cary Grant Signature Starting Bid $200

632. Tom Hanks Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

633. Harry Potter: Michael Gambon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

634. Rutger Hauer Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

635. Rita Hayworth Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

636. Tippi Hedren Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

637. Tippi Hedren Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

638. Jim Henson Document Signed for Sesame Street Puppeteer Starting Bid $200

639. Katharine Hepburn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

640. Katharine Hepburn Typed Note Signed Starting Bid $100

641. Jon-Erik Hexum Signed 642. Dustin Hoffman Signed Photograph Photograph Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

643. Hogan's Heroes: John Banner Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

644. The Honeymooners Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

645. Bob Hope Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

646. I Dream of Jeannie: Barbara Eden Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

647. Jennifer Jones Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

648. Jennifer Jones Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

649. Tamara Karsavina Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

650. Nastassja Kinski Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

651. Tawny Kitaen Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

652. Stanley Kubrick Signature Starting Bid $200

653. Laurel and Hardy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

654. Laverne and Shirley: Cindy Williams and Penny Marshall Signed Pho... Starting Bid $100

655. George Lazenby Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

657. Jennifer Jason Leigh Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

658. Vivien Leigh Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

659. Vivien Leigh Signed Playbill – Tovarich (1963) Starting Bid $100

660. Jerry Lewis Typed Letter Signed to James Lipton Starting Bid $100

661. Lord of the Rings: Andy Serkis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

662. Lost in Space Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

663. Marcel Marceau Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

664. Married with Children Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

665. Midnight Cowboy: Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

666. The Mod Squad Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

667. Monty Python Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

668. Mary Tyler Moore Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

669. Roger Moore Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

670. Roger Moore Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

671. The Munsters Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

672. Olivia Newton-John Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

673. Kim Novak Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

674. Rudolf Nureyev Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

675. Sean Penn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

676. Matthew Perry Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

677. Christopher Plummer Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

678. Vincent Price Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

679. Anthony Quinn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

680. Gilda Radner Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

681. Molly Ringwald Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

682. Billie Ritchie Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

683. Rocky Horror Picture Show: Tim Curry Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

684. Rocky: Sylvester Stallone and Talia Shire Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

685. Omar Sharif Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

686. Sherlock Holmes: Dennis Hoey Signed Program – Great Expectations ... Starting Bid $100

687. Frank Sinatra Signature Starting Bid $200

688. Suzanne Somers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

689. Suzanne Somers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

690. Steven Spielberg Document Signed for Child Actors in E.T. the Ext... Starting Bid $200

691. Carroll Spinney Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

692. Star Trek: Leonard Nimoy Signed Photograph as Spock Starting Bid $200

693. Star Trek: Leonard Nimoy Signed Photograph as Spock Starting Bid $200

694. Star Trek: Leonard Nimoy Signed Photograph as Spock Starting Bid $200

695. Keystone Cops: Ford Sterling Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

696. James Stewart Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

697. Milburn Stone Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

698. Jessica Tandy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

699. Jacques Tati Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

700. Elizabeth Taylor Vintage Photograph Starting Bid $100

701. Elizabeth Taylor Limited Edition Oversized Photograph by Philippe... Starting Bid $100

702. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Gunnar

703. Thelma & Louise: Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

704. John Travolta Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

Hansen Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

705. Mark Wahlberg Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

706. The Walking Dead:

Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus (2) Signed Pho...

707. James Whale Signed Menu Starting Bid $200

708. Will and Grace Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

709. Robin Williams Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

714. Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

715. Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

716. Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

717. Muhammad Ali Signature Starting Bid $200

718. Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

719. Baltimore Orioles: 1969 Team-Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

720. Baseball: No-Hitters (20) Multi-Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

721. Baseball: Rookie of the Year Winners (34) MultiSigned Oversized ... Starting Bid $200

722. Boston Red Sox: 2004 Multi-Signed (27) Limited Edition Oversized ... Starting Bid $200

723. Tom Brady Signed 724. Tom Brady Signed Ticket for Super Bowl XXXVI Ticket for Super Bowl XLIX - PSA MINT 9 PSA NM-MT 8 Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

725. Tom Brady Signed Book Starting Bid $200

726. Earle Combs (3) Signed 727. Joe DiMaggio Items Oversized Signed Bachrach Starting Bid $200 Photograph Starting Bid $200

728. Football Hall of Famers (19) Multi-Signed Helmet Starting Bid $200

729. Wayne Gretzky Signed Ticket Stub from His Last Game Starting Bid $200

730. Derek Jeter Original Painting by Arthur K. Miller Starting Bid $200

731. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

732. Joe Louis Document Signed for Steve Allen Show Appearance Starting Bid $200

733. Mickey Mantle Signed Menu ("Best Meat in NYC") Starting Bid $200

734. Mickey Mantle Signed Promo Card Starting Bid $200

735. Mickey Mantle and Nat Fein Oversized Signed Photograph Display Starting Bid $200

736. John McEnroe Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

737. NASCAR Drivers (30) Multi-Signed Helmet Starting Bid $200

738. NY Giants: 1955 TeamSigned Baseball Starting Bid $200

739. NY Giants: 1987 TeamSigned Super Bowl Program Starting Bid $200

740. NY Mets: 1986 TeamSigned Baseball Starting Bid $200

741. NY Mets: 2000 TeamSigned Baseball Starting Bid $200

742. NY Yankees: 1984 Team-Signed Baseball from the Collection of Whit... Starting Bid $200

743. NY Yankees: 1999 Team-Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

744. NY Yankees: 2000 Team-Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

745. NY Yankees: 2014 Team-Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

746. Arnold Palmer Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

747. Pele Signed Book Why Soccer Matters Starting Bid $200

748. Max Schmeling Signed Boxing License Application for Joe Louis Fig... Starting Bid $200

749. Mike Trout Signed 2011 All-Star Futures Game Locker Tag Name Plat... Starting Bid $200

750. Tiger Woods Typed Letter Signed on Ken Venturi: "Golf lost a very... Starting Bid $200

751. Umberto II of Italy Document Signed Starting Bid $100

Conditions of Sale ANYONE EITHER REGISTERING TO BID OR PLACING A BID (“BIDDER”) ACCEPTS THESE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND ENTERS INTO A LEGALLY, BINDING, ENFORCEABLE AGREEMENT WITH R&R AUCTION COMPANY OF MASSACHUSETTS, LLC (“RR AUCTION”) TOGETHER WITH BIDDER, THE “PARTIES”). This Agreement contains important provisions that control rights and liabilities, and specifically has provisions governing how disputes are handled as well as LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY that can be imposed upon RR Auction, WAIVER OF JURY and ARBITRATION PROVISIONS. This acknowledgement is a material term of these Conditions of Sale and of the consideration under which RR Auction agrees to these terms. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. The following terms and conditions (“Conditions of Sale”) constitute the sole terms and conditions under which RR Auction will offer for sale and sell the property on its website, and/or described in the catalog of items for auction (the “Catalog”). These Conditions of Sale constitute a binding agreement between the Parties with respect to the auction in which Bidder participates (the “Auction”). By bidding at the Auction, whether in person, through an agent or representative, by telephone, facsimile, online, absentee bid, or by any other form of bid or by any other means, Bidder acknowledges the thorough reading and understanding of all of these Conditions of Sale, all descriptions of items in the Catalog, and all matters incorporated herein by reference, and agrees to be fully bound thereby.

Section 1 The Parties1.1 RR Auction and Auction This Auction is presented by RR Auction, a d/b/a/ of R&R Auction Company of Massachusetts, LLC, as identified with the applicable licensing information on the title page of the Catalog or on the www.RRauction. com Internet site. The Auction is conducted under these Conditions of Sale. Announcements and corrections from the podium at live auctions and those made through the Conditions of Sale appearing on the Internet at RRauction.com supersede those in the printed Catalog. 1.2 Bidder Bidder shall mean the original Bidder on the property offered for sale by RR Auction and not any subsequent owner or other person who may acquire or have acquired an interest therein. If Bidder is an agent, the agency must be disclosed in writing to RR Auction prior to the time of sale, otherwise the benefits of the warranty shall be limited to the agent and not transferable to the undisclosed principal. The rights granted to Bidder under these Conditions of Sale are personal and may not be assigned or transferred to any other person or entity, whether by operation of law or otherwise without the express written assent of RR Auction. Bidder may not transfer, assign, or otherwise convey these Conditions of Sale or any of the rights herein, and such purported transfer, assignment, or conveyance shall be null and void. No third party may rely on any benefit or right conferred on any Bidder by these Conditions of Sale, and no third party is intended as a beneficiary of these Conditions of Sale. Bids will not be accepted from minor persons under eighteen (18) years of age without a parent or legal guardian’s written consent containing an acknowledgment of the Conditions of Sale herein and indicating their agreement to be bound thereby on behalf of the Bidder. All Bidders must meet RR Auction’s qualifications to bid. Any Bidder who is not a client in good standing of RR Auction may be disqualified at RR Auction’s sole option and will not be awarded lots. Such determination may be made by RR Auction in its sole and unlimited discretion, at any time prior to, during, or even after the close of the Auction. RR Auction reserves the right to exclude any person from the Auction. If an entity places a bid, then the person executing the bid on behalf of the entity agrees to personally guarantee payment for any successful bid and

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Section 7 Sales Tax

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11.3 Reserves

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Section 18

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Section 19 Entire Agreement

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