05.1960 LDL

Page 1

In fhe Long Run it's the New

laog Dacanr* y'a7 VOL.5

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MAY 1960

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Toronto-osNAl,J4 J,r M1Iâ‚Ź,ratk.

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$iirli3,l;i::i i:tii:,:i: ii:i;:,::, ffm{rsdi,li:frHHilli:: runne!' has u;rre'r"d




o.,r,.e ;,fi":i?:.'*

:':" " iii::#il.i*:+ii:dii;iiJ"+*' ;:;ri,'i,t:; ("o-r,nued nef,r iaeel 7.lr njjes over \orrh a-a -

+#,:g1*; iors tun

cou.se. Sponsored

!v rhe sar Frarcisco

to continue ]ta!.athon career) is giving it to the ollalic rather tha! ihe Clonet Fund. n,tye,r say3 Jock Senple, his i:ralne! and corfidant. 'Act in haste, repert at lelsu!€l' A!!11 23- Queens-Iona Relays at DomKetley blisteled badly halfway thtu lne Sradtun on Randalls Islandr [.Y. ihe lt]{ 26 nile ensaaenent and--fo! ln cooliEh but tai! h'earher on a lasr the tirst tlne--failed io flnleh. Tie track, tive ol the seven EJor co1re1€ door to Rone, ard the Otlaplcs, slan- lelav !eco!d6 rele broken. ned in b1. tAce. 4-Mtle Relay: 1. .Y.Lr, (cene semer:r-, rJo) --y cen 6!lL1 rie tne olrrpi" faZI.-Tf-T?oq . 4: .0., ! . o,r 'ordsn, reaa,tr e-rLu3ed sedple. ,'Perll have a qar! -i.-, 4:_8.-, a:1o.1) l?:2._ (l,jeer mrk. otd reco.d 17:27.5 bv lrcou!1e of oorths to slalren up his Epeed for 10,000 neiers. H€ could turn Johnrs, 1955.); 2. ceolsetoMi l. 3r,. out to be ou! No. l an at the distance. Johnrsi /+. fordhan; 5. Syracuse. The distance 1s roushty 6t nil€s. It (Ths violetis won by 50 yards frod ui_- 1ot escape thc r€co_l.c' iors o' C-orPer oo, rnose Eol Vinron .rr LavLL" lnder 6nerpiee inis mars:;r kith a L: 17 an"hor _ile. ftl1es lhe Ho]'aa had 1ed on tne fi.st e*Joeeed under l0 nlnutes lor slx on 6 bjLLy flve-lap'r-ck ta Ea dolph, chcnse,on a 4:19 1ee by Iranl Trau'le:n, bL' boss"d don in belFen.i It we had an 1d[e1ltsEnr abbroach to fistance Medlel: 1. ceorqetoh lcar-os lhe :l}'Dpics, F.ic; 1; dlslaice nnToa .jaileJ, tsob Ji'. nlrs re do not, [eIley s@1d be !.onpt- tor) 10:16,1 ([1R, old mr!, 10:19, 5t. ly lelnetated a3 a n4.arhoD candidare. Johr's, 1959)i 2. Nwi l. llanhattani Ite n16s-and-out m.atho! tryout !u1e3 l+. Iordlrami 5. Sgacuse. (ceors€toh, ale not only arbi'rary, bur rldlc-Io-s, shead aL evert Fxchsre4r Lu-ad Lhe I\rno dd- ier? !.blFs on \Y by 20 yards. Ia1 g.v" a trI llnia te1l you,n !ep11ed Jock s€n- 2-loot lead to tle Horas on tbe p1e. nf dolrt knor. None ot rn€ runners lead-off 880. tl stae!1e! opened a know. f donrt enen kno{ rho ls on rhe yard advelrege ln the 44O, Trertlein 011eplc @lathon selectlon comitteeextended 1t to 7 yards agaldst Dougan, Dorralo/a oa_r_nc tle fdd "rte o. and VtrLon, rumlng l:19, r.ldened Lhe js calrfornla rhe ch-tr--.r ea! aqalnrL leltn.l (Fd: 28:60 ts Eoina ro o" ha-d fo! E3b: I. lon ltlmhv. \1\c; ?. ltte _ and an one-else rhe loyo 6-rof-.s. l|yA.;_]: tran{ Todeo, lord "eflel should .ry Jo! the !lne eo.e evenjng n"ni /,. Cd x:ruok, l:wAC. l:tl.? (r'{-rph/ .ol.lmd \:6 usual romra. tn May rhen weather i3 cooll ) --___:------___-_-____The io;elfuI Fl4nhattan s.aduate tra11_ ed Mlke calafi:is. a NIIC ted-@te \oPFoIh PUN RFcocD sFr l\orfol , F1aEs., rnroLAh a.3,5 tirs! quader, @d. 4!rl- 19r Col-eg" rumers dob'rat"d hjs:ove on r,he bac's .etch and w.rr Caraftis by A the l6'h annual lunnlns oI Lhe Norfolr hlnzina Dsv th;ee-nrle load /arq-s. -rre!i{ _oDoo. rordhaDls lteshrace hrous Lne 5i,!ee!. of RoAurr ;an prodley, Ms lhjrd, anolher 10 a3 Lhev sw€Dt Lla flsr n1tre oobitlotrs, €rds back.) l. Dav; Balch. ui it!... 1):ri.3 SDrint r4€dlcy: 1. Morsan Sl,ste (Nlcr (cou'ee Fecoi)i 2. F!a;cr! Parjllo. fTffi-FA;fTlnder, ou sattb, t€\odheasrern \t..1rr56.8i 3. Par sLew- !/larrin) 3:22.1 Ifi, .Id @ll:24'l by Art, Provldence Collose, 16106.0;4. villano6, 1917;2. va.}atlani I' vJlI(en OtBrten. U. Mar... l6:07.01 5. Douq lanovei a. Fordhami 5 st. rohnts. McQurl., 6o.!on Colleee, 1.:02.0; - rllct .llls s6nt rlorsan Siati orJ Ejnsins rith a L7.3 44o r,har op€ned 6. paul uoodl&nd. lrEi 7. John Hu.tey. a lO yald aap o! Fon Collno ot l|anBCi 6. Deml3 Boean, NEi Q. Halry g!!hattan. lee i{art 14 h6rc o! !o a , .on, lJ, llas!.i 10. csolge conJr.y, souih shor6 1.c. t€ld load rlth a 1:50.3 aeatlst arr. Evans blatlm l:50.r. bY inclres.l rdtll cloney, the Bosron varathoD rqce 2-tr4lle R6lav: I. !n'!i-2. vll1anoEi dllcctor, rcn ihe prels-hus pool (i13) l. llenheitani L. on ihe Er.thon, nelns only tlve off on rlMer l(ort1.rr Llne o' 2:2o.t4. N,wv ardl. ped -_^-^rr- ]!ili rh. luss tlock or 11,t1u ^-- r:i,r_- 1:'i6u"iifu ii Ju. tl::3"1;t, hoEver, cAn k1s6 th" '-) ps. 9oyas. KeI16y

cro."",", ".

Bl:j:?j":. iici'E;e:ior:*,


Quantlco, va., 4!111 15-15- The Q!anilco Relay! @"e coniest€d t! 9o-degree reEtho! at Butler stadim. The |1a2tn6 lunsnlne-a Ehar! contralt to the heaq ra1n. tlat tuf!.d th6 tbrse prevlous Quantlco neleF lnio 6a{mins a6€t3dde the .edold parede '!hat occuled po3slb1e.,{ler BleckeFldae iunad u! for the Bolton Me.Athon by t.klng the 10,000 aetels !r oYe. loo rard. ln ,0:t4.5..fhe 880 lost i star wlen Manhatraa Er4d ToE I'larpny lresaed ofi Flth d 'tytng€' ln h!6 leg. Wltbout i4upht to wly aboui, !{.d lork ACrg u1l6 claftls 1ed &od th€ ltart to b€4t i1tr.d!. Fra* Flnnerty-by trc y4rds in 1:51,2. trrnk T@oo" Fordh& Irorh. tlrt.!.d inlld. 0.ors6 Katt.Mn, the exi P.hn rt{!, iqn a adprllh€Iy stlo.g foulth 1n 1153.1 & tdlueo iJeean, Iilalnetlen l.orh fiol.hed flfih..ld l,toran, fo@e. l.nn State caplalI, :)at o! . !h@ in th. cl!} dlstance h.dicy on lrid.y aa ne raD the enchoi Dtli for rh. NYAC tn 4:43,2. iunlcq a lr-r^.d d.fleli rnto a 4o-4rd rh over Qua.tt.o" Pet€ c10.€. I!1d.v'! Sv.Dtrl ,-ll1l. R61a?: 1" Ba1!rror._ clrrpro chE-felf-Efiia, 64 . 2 , 6r.8, 6).9, 67.2-4rl?.7| rftd rll.sins Lr23-3 -2 7d3- bacl. .ft.r {ood tled i.r the l.adi Aryrnt Hood, 4:20.6- Ilt by 10o Frd!; Ioa Rodd., 62,5, 66,7, 65.9, 61.4*rr:16.5-I.l by 1t0 yd!,) 2. tm,! 3. urD!et!.!i 4. n6, Iork lct t. !o!d!!e. Tt!!r 17:17"z (M.ot lec6dt old !.cord, 17t29.4, by P6E sl.te,r59). 10.00ou: 1. AIor B!cck.r1d!e. oubtlco ?lIi6iEc roae, For? l€c, te:i 3. vlc Zvol*! quanticoi 4. Joln Doooau, NTtc. 30:54.5 {r@; o1d r6co!d, 32r19.?, bt I'!€!t Xer, l.e Si.t., 19591, tL!taD.. li.dl.y i.f8r {Club & S.rylc.l 1ock.rb1., P.i.i xcardl., 6d i{or.n} i 2. Qu.rt1.o i[.!in !i ], B.It{x6!. oct 4. P.m lci 5. Phu.. Ptola.r clu!. 9155,0 !1r!. Med1.t R.bY, D171!lob f- 1. D\tk. rc;_TeEA6., .EE- rons!, cNy rte1!Is.r, J.!ry l,Iou!.) 10:02.2i 2. Iltchlean Stetei 3, Pem stslei 4. {Yoi 5, ?l11e-

,1!t. ihdl.v BeLy; Dly.z- 1. st. Jo!-

;'F'TTE;;E6;I;I;-!1e!, r,yncb, m.ls) lo!?8.?i 2. xort! c.roltd Jrtr,i l. Irs.u.i 4. {1111a! & i{a!y. Srtudat - Ed $o!an ianad tn oE ol th. fa.t.si outdoo! n1l.a .T.r !.co!d.d on .! t!rt.!D trrck io nn .fty froo a odloc!. fl.td tn 4!04.6. Aut olrr th.

8!n-ten lotlon 6e1€34en {ou!d up rith snlles a. t]lc fouth Quantlco Relays set a 1oce1 !6co!d bY leconlns tl:e fhst o!€ ro ftntsh rltnout e drop of ratr..The day E3nrtnaqulte as blieht ior llox4n, eho €. Uttle dlsappolnred,n I! n 6 !ace, He falled to break 4r02r the olFptc atancerd es he took ihe lead on the eecond 1ap afte! e 6ion t1!st ouarte! thai sDoll€d hls chance3. 8e pul1ed a€y fivD the lr€]C elth a ?:02.1 helf and a 3:0J.8 l/4 a flnlrhod iore tlPn io rards adead ol ex-si. Jornr3 d1ler Pete close. liora.ts .Locktnc Es the foffil best ot hlr .ar.€!. r1s b€rt ls 4:01.7, Ellant 1'lood, Boc, tinlshed t!1rd 1n 4:13,4 & Mlke llalpln loatrrofrc r,"l & laste S{eei, (gorm11" lI.Y.) io.k tne charlec ileae.n) Jones, lhe €a:io'd su43 lrd a l9t6 clYn?1ar. iook ]:hr lot0d ct8oprechase bt lo Xerd: in { 3.-sr 9:12.,,. Q.ant1co,6:lc zrolsk rlr{ll.rad 1n ;Lir 13ei la! io take 2nd !la.e lray fr: r IrJ eili 1ke :,{aazs. SOCts sl'etr !r.C a Joln Cltrec:ri flnlshed !n\ i 5rh b.th cloeked 1n 9:58. i{1.h19atr sta'rEt3 tio-r11€ leleX n.d 'lrote tts om Eeot rccold rlth e 7rll.2 sttr oeGr P6B stat€ s3 u111te att6r!€!ry lan a i151.2 an.ho! ]ulf, tenn strto c!6cb chlck Ylern6! berched teah caltaln ,1cl rn(]eh.lh.k. vho 100ked vsiy b.d hlday. €rn6r used so?h i{1ke ul11€i ar h1. tyo-mi1a archor frt 1tdt€ad and ih6 lld trh6d i! a stlong 1:t1., na1f:.o sAln Escohd plac6. l. ml! 4. !{anhatt.!i 5. st, JohnrE, ctub 3D!1nt ModleYr t. r'YAc; 2, !0C {FoTJa-E-f6-n'-7-7d; iD Ju.t nr! r41k6 II.EIns o! Qusntlco for 2nd. H€ tdn !:5/+.t)i 3, Quanrlcoi l. Piila. Pton.i 5. shldirn cC. )126,3 lBac-)t24.2) ouantlco lloicr: Th. .Frer1lnE l,tsrlre drt;. to sks ti. foulih Q. R.leys 4 .B.hl!g lrcc..6. V13lt1ng nes!4P6tden- *lred end ctn.d 1n strl€ and cqU.d i!l!n by nrjo.s, Gd6 bantrl notca ro B.dd th6tr 30nr to auantlco...lltrlt1u .th1.t€6. f.d u tho !..! halt & hou..d {n h.+r.ks that rhook.lae1be1y €v.ry tli. I t!.tn roarod by rb. ylndor, to6r.d.od tuln€d 1D th.1. u!r.! Qu.ltlco nr _d.!ilerrtu rnd d.ctd.d a_ !lec. to l..re to t!€ l4a!1Ae!. 9;etr b6io!€ oD€lalton Thtnclad! ltaried. hosv... rt n. obelou that th1. The tun 6' va; a ,..}o;d for !.cerd!' .h1nl4El .!d U !€ao!d. t'rs 'D!'



ITiS IIOT QI'!gIIOT O! SPEED {. cerutty F.b. 1950 B.!ke16v. C.Itl.- Sund.Y. }iilch 2?ic.od-dayrrldl scv. voi'pcarnruir nm;;!r D6D'r so you hav€ tun.d iorlyr 1na! :r looi_!; dohcrlt. rd car t..Et 1nrer65t1nei ase rten you ca! tun you drc troo Don f,slt.,.-ln Darrlcirl.r, n.1l.y. th6 Pry.i crr rdeft, oo 61aii vail., yourh !rtl!6 rn.t olrrptc Euif.lxr on6r,, Yno my even!n1.. o.LLer on--cunnhsr ar&enco ari,rrrnt. w ri@d h 60156 rihen @ hale bu1l! in a c.d.tn nuiii-iij-iri.i-i" ii. iicriic djocre: yhere be! ot d11e6, do m Ao fi'oE.!h.!.? tloni! O-tBDtc D.v.roD@!r run.! r Err lorr.you. ldns aft€! Dh. !ra. th.t it. .ctqauy tnhk ior.. 4it6r .11, .fl6cttr6 eftort lan lr.ola !11 !. ov€rlom dl.tancer--1t BDDtler to al1 iiiifiit"--:iiiiJii"a;ii-ifi;-;";;"ii* iL:::'.1"**L$::""il:.y'i:"i::ii facro rhe! e'6 va'rabr.eE. r puL ti xir,iiy'iei.i, iii,i"i-iiiia-5cfri-l"i"r, ^l: thlr Ey .1!c€ lt readr soodl qult€ ill .!"r ;f th€ r6-!a! ttlld-ltr e.ed.ntc 1r fact. C€t tt trlrt6d--Long !"J th6 AIV .v.!t, ';;"'i;dh;;;; D.lBLanc. loa fo! ln.r.!c.. An: Ehck ro pr_Al0 dl!L&c. nrorla th. ra.14b16!. Elfort th.t hB. to bs .usL.l'ed ilL (t) 0n conlt&t !r.ct1c.. Ift6r l!6nd1!s li*-l"ii!'ila"ll"'?H"!'iit'f,3 ;;;.d;he nn ii trc roae por.ut, y.ara to 1.a!n e 3k!11, furth.! ;ih;h. ;.;i tiet, tr,e rriis'travirplacilc€ t. !€€ded !o ultrratn 1r !.!rhs !b.! th.r Er. or to f€eD rt &t a.htsh isv.r..r.{.ny li.ii;Ji "i O.OoZ t.t iii-rliiii;. ir- il,'ro 1r tney ue pracllceo rcBucrry r.e. t€.! _ v€ry sootr, rnd€€d, 6.p.ch1t'' _he Behavlor 0f nanr by Solth snd xle" ,ou c6nira.i rh.t tir. .ihl.!.r' Jllrn, ay)o, p. 4.u,. . rlnd .nd r.1,.. 23 it.rt.!r, (2) 0! th. 51r€ and ator.g.r o! ih. 11v- buck.a ,intlherr. .r: Th. .tra rtrd pos! of th. l"."rl 16 omrn or tllvtsx, nlcl€r condtllon€d Lo p.rfom a i. rij"-iciiii. 'o*i:i..r,"a. santr c1.,. yv.' 60:56 c.rt.jn_.ffoft for,e siv.n tlr. 62139 i. rii iiii"l to rcar 3. ,rcirr !st'd, scYrv, 64:19 clnc. s!^ndl.!. Srn F!.r.lc 65109 (lI rn .p€cd rork--rh6 ablltry ro func- L. d L;.cffii;; sai;Yv, ti:,, ;' rlon on a d.croa..d oxre.tr .upplr e_ fi, xedd.r- Unirtlch.,i. 67r\t -un Eo tr. rork d6n.. ti' ec. tttjl iii""i-liiiaii-i I --' (L) t.chntqu.. rh1! 1l to litl1. und6Et- il ' j eailj Ali;;.-iiiiti"mi, s ood rb|t 11 13 . bts ru1abl.. I M s: -i::-";::_-;;g-; ri.s. n"irnos 6prii Eor. rh.n .e6r conylnoed !h.! the i; s;;";-t;;;;oil ..*.! of fr.! eurna in th. rutu€ ii ;;;-i'Eioiiiiii, u-tt., 'i\'ni iiijS s111 b. t1.d ut ylth b6it.! uov.r€!t! 'l?' b.lLer ro! .hort lburrt. rlnd .r Ao !111 l1::|"':-ilrc' lrigt '*1M th.i r s.t ord.r.a ii: jl#""iiiihil"iirc, d..pri. n.yer trsln. I rculd lot .r.r&9. 10 ii. *., i,Lhanlih..sruC,' ;Zi;i Z1146 rlt.. r ftak. Y.t I 1lft rlthout . ;;;i;.r1;_j*e i.;!.r!rd€ to 1r. '$i"jii! [:*:_H'F,l:&"* . rtrtd. o! 9r. ElJ,1ott c.Mot.qual ________--___ ^.8:;uiu By ?e!cy



r.ttfb.cL, abdoilF1t_p.oioril,.i EllroTr

.fu .ireneih. lh€ 1€g. look . and rtt.r tn.d!.lv.r. Th. upp.r bod, h.b! .rd J.rl. th. rho1. ov.! ih6 sroud e! do.r r lartlallt p.!a1tr6d ?euon Dovlla Vltnoui hla ctutch.3. lhsr€ yo! !Bv6 1t 1a plincipl..n * e!..!t Jlor . l.tt.. T.d Cofni,tt f!o! l.r. c.tuttv. t€c.1ved ^n

scoRlg DouBr,E



B6nd1so, AultraU., Iprj,l 2- H.d rlltoit rcor.d 4 douu€ rt 800 alri 5,000 EGt.!. tod.y 1n bl! nert-tolart connatlilv€ alo.sanco betor€ his t!1!_ ro tb6 unit.d stat.. h I'hv. Tlrld to i.i .a lit.. ot ho, hs voul.r d6 in Akt.ic6 r.c.!. Elllott rcn the

(Coltlnued oer.t

Pesr ,


'j$$;$:ili:*i;i:-:h:i 5000 on{iiliqa grasr i","... .:l1l.il:". !r- ror in. "ij;";;; boiI., t!aF, prtcf€r! t,;;t ;"-ri!-i"iJi" ;;";,:iii" prl!.ei.31rv€! 20 flnr"'i'6r film*.'*ii* :*!;1i:;r:i:;i#r" ;Fi*:!:q:di.r: l: S;.'|iSIiil:,'llli;'"iil"*'

iii:i "i#i:"igiiig"'1"1":::.:tl,i:i,'* :;;:;,:rrx.'r.+i.:nixn;i*:,i: i: Hi:i^:+lii:"i:r."8ild:i .., ;:;i; i!:ii i:!.i;"tl:g:i*djf.il-,:::ni"i$* i, i!i;:i::*irsl"inl!Ee, Pdt'r'

shana'an cc; ln -:::.zl aot ciil"".-vi;: 9' liu Lorla Jr,.ch.r-p ?i.r.rea u"iri"i,i irn.3.i6."ffHj.i.::f,lii; .i,iil ..., .n ealy vlcLoq ar 1r. John or c.iijiai6.,B:liil .tr.i3d,ff:i:,:" Penn ac. Llncoh, vho has b€.n 3elected on lot- "' u!al1.r! ol,rp'c te.b n.ubr6ct ,-.i;;;_ i?. Sliliiil i3: rr. Bruc; f;llli:g: 11td;, w. crtir."',i

va^ts b.ck




'u, i3:"91tiil;,T8;li"'Ar,

33iil o6iii lii?3






:eii6 ro:?.

i;: ;ff'"i;ii:;: ;:.,l"l8: :::!i cArRolL r{DEnsoN *rNs !r^-. Ric ro_rr* !!; Htr::i;ii.::T"}:: Z?iiZ ".. 3?i?; ii, #R:liri:ill":::i":"1h.' d#:i:#i:i:i:Tift.r'5ii.i3;"r'iiE., nlga rcnoof !ru, lodp€d hoEe an €a.v lls":"m:,je;dffir;:u:,:ti; 5ii,lifi".l-iii:"li"tll:

RtE! i$;Ti-"diil.";c, 3-t-6-1t". i"2.""li'ba p.n ,,:iz;';i!." ,.Jg: *;n:.;:i:":::ni#H;"il'1!._ i3;'",1#]!'.?; iiil?Lf ----------turcr.d .rl'l.te sliti I$f,llT:#":1"'




1.r!) ,ho pton6.! C1u!. r.pr.reDr! th6 ph11..!ftrt\ll look th. lea.l appro:antiri_it ii!'zl


cR4cxs JUrlIoR MIIE ilcORD

soins a*v ri r.'*ton, oni.!ro, u,*ch 10- ance ti:""ffyil:t.itli?fid rre;tt-ri;;1i-!i;-ii'ltafl e'! t1nrlh.c ** rrad' th' l5-t€ar-otd ro'onto atwrb

dr' llt:v";*ii!r'.;ai#i:1.:f o"i.r'i3,


Eii"Ji"r."*e-i;l;.) .oi"ttrno r.prc.cnts qerr rhe Bolton ltt."."1ftnl_ iL:*.?i:LiT:!:":'il.ii":::1":i" i#* Tli"XiiliIiii...,"r""pu b,,e pro6p.ct i::l"iji-;*F.;j'ii:.i"r!i-lii:rili c'nada has p.oouced.' &ldd pdird.d srogreio" ,i;d-Doiiiriii,liii aldad b@l-rire tracr rn ldd-fo! rh€ ri$l iii iiilil iii "r" i;.n-j'..e l:19'93th6n13rcod.n, Llb' dE a tu11 second Buttlcll., P.nn lc nnn r vho.ded tro 'ii"'i'iir#. ra't'r thln !h' alnour? lecord and lrxth, !;€pped t.r iii]-i-

i::;:,_,:,t:"::".1""":ii:*,"j'"j:il" '+:s;;l"j:!r":ii;ii,*}:;i1." Ytth sh.dhEn cc dnnlns rdrn u. ml,rs. "iri;'.;h:siirar se"erat Juy.d . !rd_ diltance camaran rec6rag, capiiiea i;llu^;tli:t3:* xiEb It aDd Bost'a 4a dlo cordon tuls M'ior1e1 Tloihv tn supt' or rciir B1r1 tJ.sslra.! o""""or"a tht Ylnhlns thc loF Ia viarg & !D€ lrlt€! fofforle the !ao.. -i;"'i;i-";fii;;i#";;'*liJ"i,*s 'v€irt-.for .0.


tl,"'ilil;,l,lliTll fl!!,*'u't.'"

z (rluce rud - Contlnu.d) t.*lDB oy.r. dr86!y, Yho Clopp.d b.ck to thtld o! th. !.cond-h.t 1ab_ fastest Irv. .v6r tutr th. !11.. @t4rd. . treD.!d4. .ffort to catoh s; doore or lndoo$.tr RouAnt h rh. !r!.ich dllfti bor F! ! crowd of do!€ than 2,000 Yltn€lled by.bout on.-h.lf tt.D. It E! revelaI oth.! ouiltrdlrg r€cord aclrle- !.ctcn !o clo!€ rbt th.y br6 !orh- clock.d vereltB !y canadl.n and lnellcan et!at 4: Cx, . 7 . thll. Er1.! .d Dlatr@rh clock.d /ri10.1 end Arlo./,. E;D.criEToronto'! Ron waltlnsford broke hl! 1y. BrFn Chalr.!! 6f vld1EE- E. . C.mdlan natlve recold 1n th6 on.-Dll€ d1!t.Dt fitlh..S.D lodnlr! tl[D. nr op6! .u! rlth e 4314.' !e!fo!@nc. ald .9 !.c.. bert.! r,har rb. DFit@. lrrk anoth€r Torooto rone! lle$ L.!r, nnof 4:10.6 lct br 0ll nodd. o! Eo.F! nlng for the Unlv.r.1ty of Ulchlaan, .t li.rllton in I9/.7. nrybrouabr. tt4 brok€ the !enr! Csnadlan mt1v6 1.000 of /r:lo.L 1! . flttr. csddtir r.cod drk rlth a 2:16./+ 8hoe1ng. ar E le. 1! Eqllrh .Dd ortr ltudvtE Il6Ey Young of Home11, N.Y., ran tns at u.E. c. Juvenlle 880 ln 2:02,1 to r€sl.t.! an Th. tro dl.tEdc. ..c.r tcot .o@ ol th. gL!0! otf th. p.lfoluac. ol lit 600r I. 8111 Cloth.rs, U. of Toront,oi M.rldn of tlctdt.. rno n. tho orlv' ?, IranMnnerry. A1f!.d U, ! l. M. rlm6! 1n tlick .flnt!, rith !1cker3on, U, of lr{tchisan. T1m: I:1/r,0. doubl. Ytctorl.! ln th. 680 .nd ,00-i.rd 1.000r l. E. !ep6, Mlchtsani 2. sran .Ent!. [4.nld.nr. ttd o! lrt5.? o!tl{otsfold! E{rt York Tc; J. Jl' I!on!. rbllrh.d e !.co!d for tl. 88O 1! CrnTolonto Oc. T!ne: 2 ! 16.4. 1. Ror {e1l1leford, ?orontoi 2. Ul]!]i Pei.r Ada@, l4cCul, 4:19;3. Ed Utsor. Buffalo. Tld.: a:1/..J. Q. tlat F. y@ vl.E on or I!!.r4!!gi(19 end u!d.r) l. Bno. rldd, Errc, rd nunnlna .nd l|'tl.k !.thod. of 4:14.9i 2. J. SUldn, Ann tlloli 3. A. Mlddl. Dlrt.ncc t!.1a1.a? .!t.d o! A:d! Val.r. (cbt.f N.ttolal coch to

!. fl6 u!. hoth .'3t.u, tboEsh n do not ur. in. !e md.!. I thlnL th.r. ar. thr.. ry!6! o! t.ei.nlr8 f6 dt.tla1ntrip6g, c.mdr, Marcb 19- A CrMd1an (1) und.r d1!tanc., ln rhlch arcort tbee-ftll.r and an lDerlcr! !11.! .ha!.d rhort.!-th.D-r.cl,ng dlrtanc.. F. nn th. spot1laht tonlaht ar !1n€ t.oord! fart.., ..s., 40 io 50 r 60 ydr. r.r. !@!h.d .r thB c.nedlcn op.n lDdoo! duch ov.r dt.t!nc., rh.n mch-lotra.!l2l tleck &.fleld chenplonlh1pr ai tlDtpeE than lacln. dtrtanc.. rr. hn rt rtd!.6M..catgeryr! Doug &t16 rec.l€d a .r th.n lrains !p..d. {3) RhFhr statrdllg ov.tlotr fron the c.ord of about (or !ac.J 4nnlna. q.r. rc put th. ar h. sDrlntBd ro 5.000 the tldlh 11n€ on ecordlc.1 and rald.d nnof th. 33-1.p, rhr..-rtI€ .v.Dt in r.c- 6Epha!1! n1!9. Ior .ntrpl., lf . d! 1. .td!E od ttm or D.45.4..Ths lrtahtLy-bu1fr at tunnlnr 60 .... 116. rnd .t th. C.lg.rla! c11!p.d 6.8! off hl. om p!.- !.gtrn1nA-ot tr.tnlns can ohly tun ?O rlou6 c.mili.n !.cord & E. ody 19.2s tap!, h. 1111 a!.durlIt sot f.!toff th..11-t1oo b.3i ol 1l:26,2 (A1 kr- r€c. e! rt tr.ldle !rcc6.dr but hlr r.D!enc.)..If Ky1. had b€cr pr.!!ed- he leilon. or luininE rdlt .i.r th. !.D.. !!ob.bly rould h.v. had a mch bcttc! v€ llke ro thlnk-rh.r en.ihl€r. tlr6- be Iap!€d al1 op!on.ai!. ve.le. h1€ tralnlag fror tlu to !lo6 grpoll. 12. P.ul lihlt.I.y, St.t.; 3. 30 that .oi€ttr.r h. nne dfr! and g.nd.nIaul vrn.6uc.r.l .oE.tiDe. fa.t.r th.n r.clng tp..il. Molt thrllitns r.c. n. th. on6-b116 {6 do lot llk. to Elx th. tr.lrlDc ,on by llrchl. s.r Foflnl ol vlchltAl dullns.ry !.r!1or. If on. d.yr. t;ainX.near. in CaMdtrn !.cord ttn. 6f 1nC 1! und.! d1!tenc€, th.D olly undet 4:09.7 1! . ll.nk€i flnish !.tth RoD dl!t.nc. tratDlba r. c.trled outi lt or.soly ol Notr. DaE€, o.of,f !.1.. of t! lot niI.d Ylih .1.nr vo*. T]1. th. Ertv.rcliy of B!1t1.! ColEb1& & only crcopttoD 1. .ro.. coultly t!.ln!.v. Drybrousl ot th. Unlv. ol fianltoba. 1nE (Iutl.k) ov.r 3 to 10 oil.lJ dtter Cr.goft r.t th. c.rly 1..., th. rhlch rc r.gud r. t.cr..Elon rutDrng. l.aal chAnr.d haad. tlfr rh.. i: .hc one oth.r Follir s Y !o k.rp .ny lrlt f.r ieDs. nlth.o.L ar frdn e tncl .t dch a. !o.!1b1. NOUC



P'iTO${'i IN


IlrJIl t9

olt R.A.A, IIARK lostor, April 19 - Paayo Xduard Xot,tla l?, a limlt-laeked tame. trod linlard. rearils laIe bfue tnnks & a Dlst rarch ,hich he .onsulbed regularly, clocked 2:20.54 to €rr@Iy niss tle record in todeyrs 6lrth l.it.A. nararhon race. 'Ihe fleet llm took sudd€n lltehr ar: Naiick, flew like a nlErarinq bluebird fron there to the nilta in auburndalefashionine so fohldable a lead thai he defled carture, dl. onty serlols conDetttlon thereafter raE supplted by nunar, SECSIIJS

the checl-point records by l{artae Alex Bre.kenlldge. Kelley paced under

{1thir nimself 1n the last conpany of lilc(enzi€ & the No. 2 !lnn, Jukkl i{oinMkt.

@s racihs well

The aggresBlve



proceeded to nake his sdltest run 1n mrathor hi€tory between the Nat-

ick a.d We11esley cleck loints-1t nlns. & 1t secs. - cohlur:i.E a 200 yard leadr neaniine. Anlbody conver6ant rlth lle11ey's stlateey ln ihis race Es aware that 1t vas traditionally ove. the dro! ous argunentatlve canines along rhe Iron lleltesley sq. to lDbundale to!. plunEing niles, that r{e has Itdtilais solo perlorbarce nissiu i!€ always nAde hls dov€. Iecord by 49 secords, ras 500 varAs too They mited colfldently lor him io fast tor Cordon Mcxe;zie, also'lZ. a counter-artack - & he did not keep ctrll €ngineer fron New Yort, lho ian a then Haitlng lore. He accele.ated, brilliant 2:22.18 h tbe second naradepaitlng fron uci{enz1€ & Koi@k1 wlth an alpalently etfoitless nove Im€dlately after the rac€ came a on the dobgfade fron vlellesley ro dranatlc post-race amolncenenr of rel,or@ Fal1s. Blt ,(eln rore tirenelt fron the dtsconsolat€ Anerlcan Newton a wo.rted look, uncomon fo! hin. chaDptorr Johnny reltey. lle broke doh bro{ €s fulrored ilth concern, at 16 ntles, E1l<ed arhlle, & conilet€- Hls not because of the Ern sunllght of 1y abandoned the race ar 21 nlfes. this id€a1 tl-deer€e laclnA day. ]lis flGt iailure 1n eever B,{4 tests. nI @de a try fo! htn t!e4,, ie under the prela1I1ng llgid tul€s, €ra;Fs corfe6sed late.. ras concern'ButI I had.a trearey lron ulyrplc tean com!€t1rlon, of ed even th.r. I kn6w bed {hich todayrE of tvo 4ner- bllster or the lett foot that was go1ne to get rorse lnstead of bett6.. Kot11a, Ehe rimer, th!6s up nts nsnd6 lui the leel polnt @s thls: de6lite ln disdy rhen he heard the news & said: his rally, desplte his conpetltive 'This 15 folly! In llnland re wouldn't reslonse to the llying ilnn fho E5 perDit our very b€st lan to be dlscalded bonndlne alons 11ke a tlreless Shett,ecause of one bad !ace. Ne 1s, bv tjr. rand pony a fulons ahead, Ke11ey your best dn. $e rere a@re that {ellev conldirt ledlce the dlstance {h1cn had foot lrardshlps d*lng the \.Jlnter & sould not be at h13 beEt today.n Slddenly h1s protestlnE gans shrlekBeaten Lr rhe f1!6r rlne 1n 13 @raed tron the elfolt, The b1g !115te! thons by a dodestlc oppon€nt, t(e]ley vas brote. tust. as sudde41y, Xotlla wa6 adacnt in nis declaratlon of rerlrefarther a€y thatr ere!, & rusilng Bent. nFrankly, Irve been cubJected too doh lpon the sirlcken re11ey caee iKelley long to the asalnsL the volldr l'lcreazle & Jimy Creen, Atex Bteckpressules,n he said, lrP€rhaps Irn too erldg. & A1 Conlalone- people tho tnln-slinned, b!! you have to heke a had n€ve. before be€n close €nough dlstinction betken nnninq toD lacea at thls stage of a mrathon rac€ to or alipshod laces. Th€ periect_loresr in see 'l(e1r5' n@ber. ie hntt pernlt ne to continue raehE.n ev€r The end of Xe1ley cane at the yiclnOddly enoush, 1n the drly 3tages oi a tty ot Nerton-Wellesley Hospltal, aliltoueh be €1ted ald ran onErd coMenced to b€ revealed- teltey ;!Fear- for fire nore B1les befo!. ecceptlng €d to be racine ytth his usual vlr.r & re6otv€ on the 26 sil€, 135 ysrd ;our!e. By tnts tlne th€ lurlously generatWhen ltottla pu11ed tho triaae. on liie ing llrn had Eh€d aU !u!.u1t. fotsudden spurt out of Natlclr 3q. to r,te111ta cane bar!€llns un to the fllst e6ly sq., frod the lcch to llih mi1e6. blP h1113.-at !ra6 Blrn C.C., of lhe K.lley pehltted h1n to delarr !i+ioli 1n 1 nin.-4t €eci. under the record a cort.st, But rhls Esnrt too indicat- (n6xt psEe ) 1ae, since the fteld had Frerlously been

were, respectively, the second, t!i.d B.I.A. . CONTI].JLIED) & flfth fastest ever recorded upor the Pre.ent lloPLt.ton-to-Boston race rlth the tastest dash 1n hlstory lron !ne helleslev halIEv po"_ +o r). r:l-5 cor!ee rn:s ,acers cor panion Dre'e, the - ?1 1!ns. tl ,e ), \;ne o' salles saH h1n alter that. ItotiLa rode conte6t for Anerican cilydllc tee sestesdlty, 1f noi 6vitti7, upon tle bil- lection to !e r€guned on MaX 22 ai tJts 'ng-N'l!., !herir6'n, or oTonH.cl'n av.! rror .onl/"rs, I. 6-zrp, pror:se :. onfalon' '6 salf cILl !o Bosror 'ol-.c.. _odnding pos;Ljon. no{.n a tohl pojr_s tt al_. rdl/ inan drd r\. dore ./ Jdlner troa / 'dr16y a3 .o -1n-, rh. -_ai.oy, or coir6e, _s ierlpvts ver;11 r1 u1s s .ad.aar, dosred ?) _", sNi+ 3 sudoen' 3 rules-r's!lar.d l6 5ecs. rodal. r"ll6y, Io. ln3ra rhr:ce na6 toirr"d i" ni11e ln lese _n- ".ift1--r'on f.oa e 0lvi!1c pl.turP a.L.r.l.arly pro.irg for six-years 2? nlnrles. h€ drearesr nMe. oI Bu.. n:Lh the rdc. uor, -he rinn ds aard rons h:s nat:on.v€r Drodu^ed. assuil.E hlmself of saf. oel;very, n aJl L r! !if,e no qrerican contenp.oaroina aIl t\dr €s rec"esery sno.ld the nonant eve! cooe vhen he would be orary has even vaguelv chalLene€d htE ru1e, or cone close to anv of his fabforced to neet a late cornter _:0d.15 atiack, nEven lf I ran t.coro ofl Dlo s.'cords - )e!-Le He l^ad sDed Lo d nev Itelle3lev. o a 1:10,{8 mrk Lo auourn- a-d do_ "' )olners,nnI obs'.ved in couldnrr Ele Inlo rke s-.. ir l:51,2r, u'-.r t.s's€ ion, da1e. & ia the teen. But, Irve lun nv last race to! ldothe!"as ch€ck-polnt lecord, a.]day.n But his teo-n1luto ede€ on the recotd !ac" l,8d 1r4 sLarLers and polt^hau oom rhe olke had afindled lv 52 seca. ar'Lske s!. over th€ s.aLle '3ri€'d (here were a h31f-n.t11tor flve-n11e conclu€lon io the famous Pai- slecirators. had li.isl"ed rio!€r Dev evanL t! "anl!h.d a1'oaetl-t, -he llo-pound hoLl].8Elro 0!san€n oI and Kottli r€tt1€d lo! tne eecond fa3!. toLr-h here'r l9tr. Ilnlsnd ron tbe lace last tear. (ITOTILI WTIIS


attlred ln a H!J9€ tEct sult *lth tnrcccable naroon 6ockEr & tote lIack Elove. as Iirel folDal !ot6.., 28, Hans Hallacbei, Iaromo, 2'.54,3J Er€no;e !ae. aiientlon io the leed29. !d Hlld..th, cebrldee' Nas6., €!s._but ioi abcli th6 lalt to t1n{sarvard) 2r5o.35 tsh? Ir Bay b6 rhst 8on€ Etraegle! 215\.1+2 30. Iarly Fune1l, NYlc, fldtly got to lxeter .t. alout rldlI. Sld sDlth, HenlLton Oc, 2:52.09 nlqht. bui th. flnai tun r€sJstered 12. c€rald rarvey, soston 14, 2!52.117 b9-ofilclals @. Harry H4ndollan of 2rr1..2' 33, Don lay. B6ton AA, loeton Untv€rEity, t! a3d llaco. . l!, carlton Constock, Bo.ron' 2155.27 Tho!€ s! a touch of scl.nttflc 35. M*. !18.1or, aolion AA, 2:t6.31 c1a65 to tle !!63s cotrtlngant thtB 16. Royce Sawyer, N.M.dfor<t C.2:t8./rl 37. Flsn,tu3tin. so.Shore A0. 3:o0.02 !€ar. AnonB thosc cot.rlng th. r4ce @3 Ilvlne aer.r of s.oFe, a ronthlY J8. C.orse Bron, Baltltore, l:oJ.O9 d.dtcal dagArtD€, & Dr. ltatren culld 39. J1n 0!connell, St. Anth., 3lol.13 of lexi,neion. [448.. vho ha! dons rro. John ward. staren Irland, 3:o4.50 sone lnt;!.sarDs .f.t1gu. !t!d16. on 41. Mlke o'Hara, st. Antl.ac, J:o4.53 @rathonen. nI €nt !o .ee if the !2. MAlcoIr HI11. Boston AA. J:06.30 docio!. lrecllc€ tilet D!. cqlld !sril. John OrDonoEn, HaDd€n,cE.J:07.17 aohe!,':ald roport.! 3.r.r... If l.lr. Ha!!r Mlrphy, Mllllo.e AA J:12.1o gu1l, be tz.ra Vemont, 3r FUrr€ e n6rvou. iyp., It Dlght fr. Atan cor.ollns io not6 lhat Jult aldl tn6 46, Dlck Stan8ky. cadbrldse, l:11.15 loEt fluttery guy ln Hopkhton bsfor6 47. Rod ri[.cl{tcho11, NYPC, ]!1,+.29 the rsc6 d. P..To foiil.. T]1. €x!6/+6, John Dloonandlea, aAA, 3tI6.O2 1n1nq Dhv6lcian dld a doubl,.-t.ke r.9. ctril Gonrol1k, cl.cland 3116.30 50. Par€ LeaEue, PhUe.,Sh.n.CC,3:I8.10 rhen-h; ah.cked Psvor! !u1.. coatof at 92. codlaled to . nornal cont aboilt'?0. kot114t. Fldi.h-Anorlcan Me!.rhon lot..: The doctor. elcount€ted rlrked . r13. ln thelr o*! ;i_iifrE1-tid5t6r stth s dlsiu'b-lteth- fll€nd.pres.s6! f,lih Y.h6!6nt e*pl.thlood oEcore fhdlna otr ted Corbitt. fomer th.lr boy qlr e!1oN that narr;dl cha lon. fron Ner lork. T.d F aet! th€ Ittter. b6fo!6 e race. nHer11 !. .11mE tu1ed out tro y€a!. ago for th. ilshr alter tl,€y 6tert,n th..de13Bane csu!€. Slnce then he hse .oD€ ahed ulth a sh€af ot e6ltlflcat6! tEr- 6rE tn61!t.d, Ard h. ma, to b. 3uo.. Notnlne mch d1!ta!.d Pe.vo on h1r tlfvtne to bi8 lound neslln. F. €s progfes. lnto Borton orc6lt tho.. a116Ed to 5ta!t afte! a reetulnatton & t1n16hed I'th. Dr. ThoE..t. !te11ey (offrc1a1 BAA lhysic1.n for 30 yearBl hla fe6t lovtne calY.!. Plttc shdboat eaolE the dtt! n. a cnot vdo descrlbed Corbtttt! p€culiar condlttoD wlth Tach- r6.te th. D.E cee!.. 1n 6n umY.11.! nr€ncllculd prelond6rance nor yor rlcht yc4ldta.n Then h€ add€d: tns .tlack on !h€ leader .Ions coqonave...Erelv ob€ lonc. .s.rnl call lb .ldp1y an aprshen.lv€ neuolts.n m.Ith qulte up.et 6n Oly[Ptc potnt 8y!t.dnhlch c16ar€d thlngs up v€ry !tc€l.y. @i- no 046 I!.r a.k..l uho & vn.!€ flian} Fu doctor... For tb€ fl$t tlns ;re the ren on such co@lttc....nI d!6s!1DE !ooE3 w.r. Droeld€d tn the rcnd.! tf xa 6io!1d haY€ blt ons t!tHor€l r;nox, Exoter St., sod.n Bldc oui 1n Jun€ .!d held ln a .ectlon ot bElE not !va11ab1. flor not on...rs aIqts, 10 trolhi€. & 4edat. to & incl. the countrv und6! .uch condi,ttoM tlat mv rirgt rt th6 tald oly[llc!,fr 35th rere adrdsd...5lr-. tatf Flnd- !p to 15 n!h...A dr of t!l!I6 dtsilnctlon N.€d yai6!.n rac. offj,cttl 8ob CatrFb€ll fouorln! th. rrce. m. J&€s H. Montasue of ttLlhttrgton' AA Ulofftclal T€Ed scorlns: 1. Botto! 0.C.. rno mr.ly E. tl€ old€8t, heaYc.ltl., I5i lest and no.t placed entry, l4ofty' .t!o l2i 2. cul,nr clly Ac, 23i North ctub l. dlstlndlshed a. a !€cond .ou51n of the 3, Ner Tork Plotuer Durch.;d ot lrhdeo.. 11 62 & @1sh! 212. M.dford Chb, Itr!6., ,9. ln,Farr crotdr lug.lt BM svent. 0n. oI th6 ln h$ It. r.6 .r!6.11@ 4oth turn.d out to Fich lne thlr[lng H..ta!t;a ertb E!€.i de11b.!et1on, & c1e!!!c. Hhll€ ]1e dldnrt prog!.ss Ery fd doh (conttnusd n6r. p.8. ) th. hlghEy!, h. Gr ltll1 tn &n Gxc.l- TROPHIeS - Ve BD.chUr6 1n re aroplont bood .l th. b€6f tiev s.ih.rlnE ai ihe lenos. . Scrtoll.l hono!! rculd heve s;"lt B:if :*:"iu"i::'il* ro qo to Adllen V.Il, a natlYo of Elton- il"liiifl St.. Uoodbuy, N. J. l..-nd fror vencouv.!. ctn.da. He Br B.A.A. uarathon





?osltions of llrst Ten et clecklns S"aiions rn B93to4


oriienc. lesd;rs I1!.


I].5 Rtles 1t08.5L I7. t mi1e3 1r10.43 22., r\]-ez 1.5).2)l lale st, 2tA?.3I CooUdEe correr 2b 3 n!!* 26n.185yd5. 2:20,54 Flnlsh-

5or@ki 9r94s!4ss 4115 Lr13 6712 563


-10 10 11 7



IlrsL T6n at Checklng Starlons !€ll€-919-y le!:rranlnEhar !!g!!S! 2 confalone - i4crenzi. McK6nrle KelLeY I rolw@ki rotlle I McKsnrle Kolll@kl l(olw@kl K€11eY Kefley 3recl. t 6 con. Confelone Confalo,e

weiilt u,o rolEnkl +llp ar..6Ftdr. 1!6 -1,36







dr6en . 1t8 iIcf.Drl. 135 !o!!roMo


92 77 ?2

68 80



4,1 !s.1-E-!3& gI.e-C4 Cqjg.!-9.!.e


? 2

7 7

2 2

3 3 3


6 6 5


IF- ff" 129 1L9 109 11 10 910

Itrbulrdale IEle 9:. llcKenzle Mcxeui. contalone Kotnu;kl ro1frEk1 B.€ck, aardn Hlsdon




colblti Tt-


vlll I2o cadtr ItZ r. Strith 122 Hlsdotr 141+



76 !.S

sEnlrrNrRuirNir{c $r:I"i:"e"i":l"i'i:tr:;"i"q::""i9*,"".

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:::"::i;"fi:i:i::!l*:"":i$;::!!i !iilili::E ::.;:::: .Ti*i'rillii"i: ti!";rrtT;.."r:; il*i'tl.lf:f !:.;ri?:it:;'i,:4*.r;";;,.:r"r.


,tiii*rlti"i:n.':::ili,.t"it."3L* llii'fri:'"*,,':'.::lri; t:!,5;,"*'' of !b;,t!& Ct.cl€. for sod€ t1ne. 1b3 ?!' und

i;.it "f";t;;i;d-;-;odns







J2 (raavo

xotlla -


up some yet. rt qhl? spling I have a s1!1.n he adniti.d_ rBut.€Frybody lE. a gtil,n he exltaineo, dladsslns ih6 subJect rust llke rhat.. Paavo & reamate Kolhnakt 11v_ erl and tralned in scltuste. Rhode Ie_ land altrce Ap.il Isr. rTier€ Yi1l be lui tn Scttuate fo! a Eek,rh. !ay.. There r1il be he11_!als1ne, h6 hop.., rhen tne pl.rc beck !o Ftbland next Tue8d.v for Eore tral.lr' fo. th6 trl.l! & th6 olyEplcB. !t,obab: ebly a n.v Job !fr.r rhat. 1! h6 d6.: r.r1. But b.ck to th€ far;? Not lf h€ ca! help tt. Th6 sry ha! leen cllv llfe and he ll}.d I!, eEp€cla]ty rllntlq drstnon. 1n th. tls toh!. he could

Altho no tetu 3core8 were keot. the Illlnl clearly held rh6 upper'hind, of the 31x r€rev3 and

vdnnltrg four


IFr.2l- ohlo State,€ ielav celulval. . D1! r .t1.d16v: 1. r"l1.h1san larFr clb soi;-f6;f-Dedd orfi, Dave [1Brt1n, Ersas r€ps) 10rl?.9; 2. W€irern l4lchlaan; l. l{tadli L. Norre DaD6: 5. Mlch;State..15oo!: 1. Ted [heerer, UCTC; 2. C. nA;Gl, ?r!due; I, Ron qalllnqford. uoatt.! !. ?obert Ross, Mtanli 5. Toia !edps.y, Notre D&e. Ttn.: l:t5,6..1ro l,!11e lelay: I. r4lchlear (schafe!, c.i3-t;-Efi€ii;: Lepsli 2. Mlcb. statei l. ohlo Statet 4. Kentucky; ,. U€Bt€r. M1cnlsan. Time: 7:36.6 (m, oId crk 7:J9.9 by IUlnols tn 1a52)..80Or: 1. non cr€a!-begg 9.! !-e, lo colyine s very erro!- oryr ivotle D4de; 2. Deve Martln, Mich.; eoc 6tort unthlnklnely. on ru laEen_ 3. Harry stoke€. lttt Fro€h; r.. T€d cer3 29:16,4,,ta8ence dtd nor better lleeler, UcTci 5. 8111 Hamerst.ettr, e olydllc reco.d, qhtch x;I; set ln unalt. Tlne: t:t1.2.,30O0n.Sicha6e: 1. jlst barery rlaurl 1?.56, 3!j4ljri. . IjEei ce !LE! rord kka. Easre;;-fr f dFlerT?. Ray Flerine, udtt.i J. Mcoelk€y, oI 29:40, whrch is aboDi 55 secods M15D1! r+. Doue Carroll, E, Mlch.i r. srlftr th.n {uts'olytvrplc Mark a.d :o {alllnEford, unatt, Ttm€: 9:49.2 secs. off ffutsr vorld record of 29:lo.l.. non Notre Dan. ls.hyaenor. that nar .rr- ,.sDrlnt Medlev: 1.n€Dphrl, Ron clesory ) ct1ca11y all r.ack 6to.1es 1n al1 ri€r- rtt;-Frr-A.ET;8, 2. l,llchlgani l. Pltrsburgni 4. c.nrral ac{r n6Bpap€f. ioday..& such a flae_ rant erro! of u6lng the same cov€r iwo stat€: t. BAldr:I n-Le11ac6 . tr27,L, doftb! .Lr . roi!???*+l laFenc€, Xen*6, l5th FsG.! R.teyg glPbpalcn, I1I., AprII 23- Ths Uhlv. of AFIII 22r Unlv. l-Ui,I. R.Le! 1. M1!.rrraEolg, laceo by 3€n1or c€orse x.r!. knnekan) t7:474 2. Arkqi6.E! l. Kandorlnated tle thlrd annusl lllinols .as Stat€ (Eousror fa1led ro tlnl.h).. Relay. held at Meborlal Stadlun today. Wlsconsln ahd Mar-

C.luDbu!. Ohlo. 18th

tfd$:,i',T';::,9i'iH"s.llli';. *.-

qu6tre alao paItlciDared. Co1br, i'Ua.!ot... *tth rer anchorlns {n 1:50.j. th. Itt- tud, X.n!!!i {,. cuprnEh.d I.5oo..Eun: 91.8 sprht bedley j:21.6, 4p!r1-2J: rean clocked .1n1 Asnsali z. rcbl€ san oranns lne deet and ,tadlun r.c.'diRo@nt, Wichli4i 3. PauI rhlr€I€y. IillAolgrjHalotd Hsrrts 6er the bec6

;ll3:i: I""il3 :.':";::.',;:il:


';?1.$:il;"9' 9?,,]i]tu,9'?3i"n;li,i3;.. iY,3:

{:i Bii:ii'ir.liit',31i,::Ti:''



h"jiiiisi'rlll?' i'


iiim;Sffi l;,fdi'i;:

g;i I


Eryo.la Statei 4. Dav6 Drybrou8h, r.{.nttoba U. Tlm6: !:01,l..UDiv.Dkt.r{d: 1. ,t!t1en6 chrkt lan ( Pat-FcT.-d6;,-To-n t{ard, Ja!!et1 Ed€!d., Toe O'Neal) 10116.4i 2. Nebleskei 3,oklaloGi r:. ]]otston, , ColleEe Dlst. Medl€y! 1. Ed'stBaat Kealnat X.€n;! 3, co1o. rot23.5, . i 4. loto16 ot Ohlcago. l0!23.r.. lo00 S'cha!6:-.1, ?on 0ak1.v, ,r!kar6a.r lar16!. ]tblt€na chlllilani 4. lob n tBaylo!. Ttr€: 9lt6.rr..UDlr. 2-t{t.Relav: I. Kansa.! ,?, llakei 3;-T;EE;k"A:7TtB collee€ 2-ut.nelav: 1. Horsrd Pavn6 T]Tt.'iz:-trdrTra stet. i 3. Hefltln

mND sPRT\_tclyDn lood I6ByInq Jor 861rur, L€ban;;-; E -15.h or:rn6r.B$b.r!' vnlon of a!tda.po!L, conn., v11r sronlo! roc&r boy Ed rord r.clna p!o8!e n.x! v6.'r,..r.r ro.k A,c. rrrllanc. rce, J99 Be!!.1 1. back ln L!.lDin8 rft6!. !i. ltouch dlrord.r... cr.cl dtlranc. nnn.r, Bm o'leale or 3o.ton uorr€s., rho rte! run . 4:14,5 nlre End e 9112.? two q116 3 fr€.u.nra, Euch.rcrt.ment at-rrnlv.r8rty uerBhrE rchola.Llc aeereg.... lel]lEa rlhe youneeri na! been l9l!!ry. D.s€r oy a nu6D3r 6tnce Januuy, Probeb_t rhe no6l serlous handlcap.tn Lbe-relIev rr!1nlng proE AD dereloped our of a cood saGrita! ecr 1n.Janu4ry. l{htl€ h€ E6 ovt rudlng, Jonnny encdnL6..d rtrck rn rhe 6nor..rln1_. h.lElr' 16 p$h Ln€ csr [.Uoy .uff€r.d vhi! h. rlrst b€tl.y€d h3 an lnllds an}1. lDraln..rT tlibl noy l nrt havs dad8.d a t.ndo! o! a ljga@at. I! both.Fd r. long.r th.. a lpraln u5ua11y routd,n b€ ca1d. Dy vlt€, olr yoLtrgtr.r & T aU had'-h6tr th. A!1pp.. lothlng !.rlou6, but .nough to detract tron ilrllltr8.n ll.rD1t. thtt K.u€y .!t1@!.. h6 n.. .ub oye! f20o btl.r on tb. road. .1Dc. J.Duart. ilrr. don..the. prop.r uouDL ol nMlna but I rtl11 h.yonr! b..n

!e! S.bSh oI lndla nc.nity ran 8:t9 T;F itri-Lc€ptcchsr. fo! .i! rndlan record and nablnde! StMh !.a 3:55.? i;i iiooil.-ffit=ii, ifrTi"'ilj"6i61 taclenr culrara slnEh lan a NArhon in 2:lr.ZU.T1i!-_ttil-.d r.o rhlEh rn rhe chatrDlonlhtD,sc€,on bv !a1 trrcl( & fl.td cosch j. ral Bro;:

"hand rn 2:23:22.r...ceddaig o.lEDic


Broh h.! .oeched North-Tor;;i;a.t I _ eslar! .tnce t9to and xon olpbL cltv r!ac* .oach'ot !h. unt;. or To,onto fror t949 io 1916.nd h. coach.<t canadats r6pr6..nua!1@g .r rh. Dantr.rjcen Can6! In ChlcaEo iest Ear. N.jt terrelt or leo roi ns ih6sen A|t-&T-@ds{.... "Wortd r€cold!.r. 6oon rolgorien, bui y1n an ol-,nplc rtrt. !n;i rou dE. 16 a1Ey. r;D.Db6r.d.' 3o rald Ley zeataldr! Iturr.v :g&EIc lrl"er h€ hsd run I b!liq-I!_ uD calDel.n ro vln lhe o1mDlc 5.ooo D. llri€.-The run. h Aucltindia orw_ Dlc rrrdtu. blnr,ad thAr Uslb.rri!' caD6! arbltion Dlsh! b. fuullt;d. Coach.s etrd crlr,Ica jn N.v l6at.nd h.€ b..! ldbctllns Hatberer. .tro.r .! rh. vorldr! d6ii.r! toi Lhe dlr_ !aac., rhoush Ii E6 0.6 !.c. outlrd. !n6 rartd racord ot Atb.!! Tbo@r. Thod!,rh.t !ey, yr! plrh.d to hl. !.co!d bv i ro;:ck!.- fl.td on th. .bto to.it.ln rh. .h!rpn.r. I'd llk6. s.nrry {6ubtln) trick, rtt6d o!. of Eood !.c., but that l.n'L 6nouah. I iu ht. tld o!.;... t'r.ck_ Drir.d mst b. lerdy ror.A.xc.pLtod.l !rc.. .nd bupy ln pt.c.; end r.co!ar'troEr r Eu.L cobc6nllar6 oD en lntery.l nnth.n rh6 lrl.h chd.. ctralt. I1.o. nlns prosle for .p.ed .nd .hspn..r. b. n. out on hI. on for rvo rhtlda ruMlng aL iop .p.€d fo! dlrlanc.. of ol rh. ra.., rnd coycr.d .xr!. d1.!_ .u! yam. up pau.6 bltE.n .!c. br nNllM .lllhlly *Id...Hrtrun! th.n anotb€r ft1I burlt. Thli 1! b.!r'! tst..! ils ;ut ilDo.t, 16 ..c.. pr€d1cAr.it on rh. ld.. of roush.nlq oft hlr N.z. r.cord. H. t. !o hai. by folclns r.cup.!.t1on,i X.11.r r.yr... .oE rnt.a.tv. .{chIM froE Au.trelhn r6c.tY.d Lh. ultlMt@ vho nr-du. ro ss1v. 9gIg9P.!1€!!!! - . c.6L on hl. achlD8 &!!r!!4!.!I, .r rh. .nd ol .rch for . Dro6u of .ch1U.. L€ndon or po!.lbly p.tu!.!L I.ccu.. .rd c6.chlnc r...1o;... dus.. so cegt lt E8,to oo41.1,.1r h.rlc.r to4 lllihdr P.t.! Mcbd1. tmoblll!. lt. H6 yllt mi!. !h6 BrA dr!- .uss..t. !h.t ot h. !^y ch.rt;iF.i;6iz;_ Lhon, ou! ho!6. !o b. .€adr for th. liio! Oly[plc r.r.Ltlo! Ior-rr.l.nd: cAddl.a lhrArhon Ju. 2tth ltr Htutltob irhi,l. 11 lisl.trd. irclldl. n. 1! th. ...mo th. h€ck Es th.t, plctu!.d lb !!.D.!ded N.l,c.A.! h. b.!d Irt.t !.cSport! U1u.!ra!.d rllb Don Bom., run- oldi bur cortd lot cmp.L. Irt.'fltllns b.r.fooi€d? Ej,th.b h. lolsor rh. lonallr. nor, e . E.d!.. or lttAc, h. achl.tr.! prln .oo! or h. h.r .noLh.r achlll.! qultty for .! holor rnt.h bEId .nolh.r dy qudlly tbsory. loy! rh.y look.d !.ush tD h.@ tha! be.a d.nl.d hlB hrd h. .t.y.d .t '. on. ptctur. on rh. ll.t ..nd. F'brt hoM...a.rtl,. l{...!it, Irt.h !.oordt1!. I,r. ...! D.rby look !..lly D.rt. hol.d.! I;-J-idf6;Ifa., b.tl..y.! b. .u0ltrvb. ihyb. h. n. nr oDt ytth x.U.y Gr.an th. lrt. !h. !t. .pa.C .Da..t lo! 1.t.!4!lour .u6t.cL. for 1.t.!4!1oq+ pr.vlou. ntsbr. Ylrb . tu. Iik. that c... .t g.th. .qulnl.ll ih. lhoutd [. r[1.! x.r.tho! o! t]. USr. uc.t. l. to.t! t. coDt.tPLt. th. (qolt1nE.al

!.!c Fa.,

(,,,lndsp!lo!!-conlhn.d) Bil",.ili"l'sril";:::'"i:"':*":::' ,l!":!iilil;' riu:l'" li:!li:l:iii::*Ftli#'!i#-'. il!\:I::l ;Itft*"#.iaPi6_iiil'::;_ i;;;;;"';;o ;fr.f bulrdrne lhen rn,o


:::"iii"s*1 lt;#;li:qiffi i;:a,,. i:ii:'i:illi:riiri!\;':i"iilnri"l" :l:: ilT,:i.$"r1:"':I:":":H.5iii:' sadsse, 2:2e.r6.) xue9 qtlol:lldaflPr fi!*!"H :ii"k"*:1,:i::.!:;:;*;li--i;;;

slr r.ir por. veuLchMp-

i::iii.i::"xifi'":i"i."::::1*.{!.:l! ffil.l"i;:il*:::'1,:ti":::i;"i,':i"_ "'ri; ii'Jii-ai ctra;]:s g*sr' 5::l:"':i:1"ii

l#ii.iiH'i"Illl.ilt"" fifii


**r::"i:"t*f';:"li{r:.ii*;i., illlll:ili::rtil liii::*ll,tn::".

l:I"':Ii'#i'ili:iyi':::;":;)ll:i:il' ii"i:iiii*:"*:'""+cl+'t *"i::";$::iiiii i" ir" rs,eck; nor,3, !6pr€il*,"ii"l,l"ll;19il)r.l:i;i.li.lr""

si;:i*$ll:*.n*il'*'i,ifr'Ssi" ip:i,*l#-,"*il;,*::;:iiif !r40r could o!r-nr. Jo1.ob. iien le appairea .EAln fi T9.6 ro frn'vrM6n :::TL:'9,:1" ;5 :3:",*"*E: Ey :ii:"i: t*"li* irx":r:: *.t*:dl"i:' . bulf ch.!.d theD on th.1! -elrr'" a.* ;;;;" ;i:; il-i.iJ. "" sli;.Hif il"ffil"'ii;;; i;$d:;i *iiirr"t*.;Fi":'i:',*:'{1.:ri:"',, ii:;.'i: 1919 F o.h dlItns 8.ru&tlon'Olaronrs ii!i"i;":!.i;:'i!:*{!i,liho6e

ii"t..:"i:."?:-iflt,1""i"€ii:r:*' :" lliH6++#;';::";;::"r'fr:ll"it,il" a;hl.t!r. .@u.1 H""' 9""il.i:t*t:i,*:;;ii.i"li'.. tt" rortr'm$ iirii, th. l{orthre.t boli to-rlii.nir"** r.*r. g.rlerr^ihr'r' 6i-i d.i.miue ltl: l.^,""i,'"lii ?Xh"-'.1$T.;'.;:i';''


iiii[d:*l*s$iln;i:i*lt#i*i:ffi #""H#;:"

i;':*"lii:}":':i"r:;.3i;-!lii"!ii*, nr*::il,::t'"i:sl"""ll::"i?,;"1:l:" Iitslon. Els tFphle. .nd a .r.ax.ora.r !u_ iii ,:-"i iL.rt"ir. lsbiddupln b.lloEd An r\thr.rrc l"i"-'ri'irii-i--li",r"ur t.'ai !h..

&; ..rln .cb.dut6d..'


iiiili"li"l"i"Ti"!;::""*,'i;"i,"!i';:"" iiiiiiq:"*"#:fr ;lh,[iil":l:' li.:. i:i:::#l, f dopoils hl' brd' 'rY'rv if,lii-.ii'piliiriir pirur ri Yllt'nova' ;'1d !r'ro'nt'"rJi:l';''i'tli:*l'#i:" '

n:1.;t";*i1;" :H"i#qJiilil::il.::tfi:riliF' ifi*:"lfn":::"i: on !h. 6rA. oI b.colha a

rh. rr.cf i..s'.'::"-!n' ;1.;;; a.."-ir.r. or c.o.!: o!-iho-rld. r.cor.t. & sot '.nro 6i'iii.il.rr.foughtc..P.r^i.l'-.td!u*ifgh11:;oY.r1ook1Dgth. Iliiii:-it i.x" ;rrct * rl.Ic r olg tlEe dld !h" il(!l rh"rd b't ro at ob pcy.! ttr

'Port.. btok. ad n D vho

iF*";:"YlT:::ii';:*":;.nli"i;ii* !-[:r.q.ii;l]tr]ffiililrd'ilg'i

!:{r}t.tlT#:i{"4!i:i,l'lii:H. iii:ilFt *i:::ftH#i;:iic$.:-

oeolee 1'laEhlDelon Htsh 1n New Yo!t. S!l1!is - contlnu.d) sls ftrst nile vas nabout 5:30.n fi1r second E3 43r|3 &, bafole th6 yesr n3 8€ar on the gxass... Tne Baltlnor€ 01u.1. ClubrE diEtanc€ c@w Fn !o!€ ov€r. he Ra doh to l+:41. It has b€€. s;ai rc1a16 ard {lfhout !h.1- ace, solnE dom €v€! Etnce. And he holds -Rurr sasei,who cdla no! sot of4 froo ahe bartdouth cas€ lecord at Lrl!.-, ln the RPc llealrnE h13 om are6hcn dr! of /+:13.2. rclk...wilf filchards stalosircad nr4jrC { hMoious younesr€! who stanJs rearly N€r3letL6r (Cna-aro, in&L becones r.rse ite day Is nouning lll,€ so pop-:a- 1n othcr E1x'eer, larls counrrles as lL he8 becoc of a neet. nge .!ad8 wlndlns up 3 re gay Brlraln, T-. poElrlon 1s ceruainly.Ln- doorr hch to hln rlal day,rrJDartlare6outh.dcf Eodi. Io)es say.. lrovlng ln Lhe Unlted slaLoe and tJ-'t Lave DoE- really lake on over Lhele one can 16y to g:v€ htd oucl or6-race rlm a no loo dlsirni of.hooteasilv vr6-a11ze iNrnctlons, H€ I3 t'ln*:ns pos€kner !he\ ,l_J havo: Fealr\ of filst 1nE fo! an olmDlc leea berth. c1a., dierrel tuon {hrch t" choose iolv ln the r.ObO nerer5...tha anly tnelr ,,000, 10,000 and narathon ld, rhe Dosro! aI l,lalatbon three tralne urd-r dlff€rer( rihes runnins Es Clarence P. DeI4Er, condrLrans. Proba!-y re cou.d nol fino Jano.s lor 1i.,B!t-are yd- EwaEISa' ll rl^. uhole iorld rdo runrers vlo hav. rohnnr Iel_ey ('he \ouneerl, would iav€ rh. stue lroreesion, ph.s:ca co-d I tl ons,-;;ii,;=;;; stx year3 ln a roh lf athl€tlc abi11ty, cbalactellstics, daily tlere had boen, as 1n D.l,larra day, no rourlne ano pelsorcl l1fe a d ir is for.iAn nnner3.aclrg agains. hin? -f.refor" -€ceBerry ro sdJlsi lhe rraln- /el_ey, Eh. "oung€! has b€-n tn. tI:6l, 1nE !o rhe reqriftoents 0t the lndivld- Adericsn !o flnish ererv year h€ h.3 (7Lh). 10>6 LAi...lorrer r.vtl ace runrer. nsrold Boa- (omlered: l9tl {5Lh). 1954 !ow. charmn o' -'e re-ropi,l:ran,l-,tI (2d). I9)? (let). 9i8 (2d), 3 lato ,2d). "e rs the anly nnn6! oI haraLn"ng omlL ee, and h1€ 5o-, Berraro, -T redlr lr crlLlca: condj-jon lr Unlt€d hjs ratlon €vat llodncod Lho ha3 b€aten Hospltal, Port cnesre!, N.I., as a ?:_.: for rl€ 26 mlIe 135 yard dl8l,ancereeult of an autonobile accldent 1n erd he has don€ lt no l6ss thatr flve Ma@roleck vt--LaEe on Mond&v nlEh!. ADr- tldes..,Jobn a. (The Eld.r) x6l1ee t. ll l3..qosplLal 6llicralE s;y liai !9s- apr to !EEiE-5;iEi6f=;--fi;;GA1e.r ros 19. ard ,:s son. 12. sre .lfferlns l4a!a!hoF!. Ar t2. 4orever. he 16 Lh. patrlarch of !h€ iev.D6nte..01d Johr. F;r 0;_rlFl€ lnju!ies,..r'e trc fral drcthoa ld€a to p:cn out 0lyoptc Gta- har gom poslrlve thought. conc€rntnA r\on leed ls rldlculors. If rhc i,dea of ile rBo offtclal olyEplc l,ryout!, u. rhe lona Distanc€ R-nnina coMl-tee E3 3av5. nthe fl!!r and s.cond aEe!1can !o Ehacile !L- U.S. .ean: thls nelfod to'finlsh rh6 Bo3!o^ reco snould be ls abo!! aB erf.c.lve a5 plactns pact. autoMilca]ly cho.€n, & only Lh. No. 3 on lhe !q.ls of tte runn.rs..,Dst!outhrs E.lectlon should be lequlred Lo nn road Lo Ltecl ram. sraft€d botn 1n Bo3ton & Yonkers, vlthl' on€ I9A j:bl ilth .hronjcr,lhe tronchltl. wh.D he F! l! Eonth. It'6 unfal! io burd€n a luDor ysar6 old. Docto_ 6!gg6sL€d a drter of vounE Johuv reIleyr. clalr vtth cllGr.€ Lhsn l\er York,r he !aid. nMy !{o trv-olr !aao.. \,1€r ve nove! hA6 a molher 3 I went ro Pho€nlx, 4112., & oarathan Mer-tncludtns D.!tq- *ho slayEo ri(h relativeE.!rToo aLlsndsd could tace young Jobrrs 5ho63. I thtnk lvorLh Phoenh Hleh 3 thaLrs rher€ he thar, voutrE Johnr! 4.aie.t rac., & on6 of eI1 Jor.q an lnlelesi ln !rac.. ntne lcnool or Lh; be;i Nei$n.ffort3 ploerM,r h€ dd a rr.Denoous tlack rir€. n6 th. dsy {19561 ho & vllkalI rT pound€.n ep.rl. John !eid. we'ch€d ontJ about 1]5 ot Fttrland rore th. courle one of hl! clals@L.s 1^ . freEhoan ms odr 19 eecond. behlDd. Ii lhou1d .clehce clasr rher6 €. D.1h! !one, tho h.e6 co;elnced hlD that h. m. €qulI I ttdted nnnlng'' to thE srldrs !e.t.n ... som.t1re3 ihe lhotlut sts..,sinc€ Iarl! conllnred, nl,y. n.re! b€en slck ID loi com! off Lh. Pr.8. f,lth on€ or a oay ln Ey 11fe. vy relgi! lt sp !o mr. peg.s bl.nk. It tDu g.t on. of aooul t5l Dounds and hor. lD.t..d o.f th€3. I.!uer. doarl h.!11.1. l,o slt€ iqa to 15 bll drng up by relsh!, I hAv. to b€ to. a nsv ona...u€ !.celve lnfordllon csefir1 ebaD! putLins on too Euch. I let!.rs . Eek r.quaqllns about l0 Dounds about track oe.L! 14 dlstrncs rac"' u.u.llv de€ ta 10!€_h€ !..ck in!.!6st P1.a3. f€11o4 hd !bout-3o!' r'rurn befole'rne !6a.on.' he .caulred .! t\orrh Droenlr l6d hld to .6lf-.dd!.!sed .nv€loPgrr so oui for tr.ck rhen h€ retDn.d to (Wlna


cotleil llegL wtrhllgtor srete Indoor ..t, tElch 19r 1, 11s.r l. R.y Hatroa, Idaho. 6:t6.o. BrlshM Youna 79 at Nee M6rtco 52. lolch 19: Dupr.. (i{l'4) 4:21.1 & 1:5j,9i Griff6t, (Ar) 9r/./+.9, tatlngtotr Stat. 32*, norrh ?ea. state 53} at South.h M.thodt.t 73, rt^!.b 25-

5*+"i;.'31i,'i:!i:6. :;:',''i;r'3i:' ;*:!: thlb.rs, SMo,9:13.9, ttorld. 8.1&yr, C.1ary111€,


EiSi:';.ffi 4. North..rt h.t-i'+s. carolifl.. 5. Nolth ".};.Hll"i*", p1!ia^c6 M.d1€y:

1. Dul. 10:05.7t 2. Alab@i l. so. crrolldt /.. N.w.. 2-M11.: 1. txnkl., x.vy, 9t29.li 2. okI.hod stat6 ieLy! P!.yl.v, Ma!. 26r !:I1!_Lilan! 1. D'.k., ?r4O.Oi 2. r!!or1. St.t.! 7:/+r.3; J. Okl.hod..t1!rt. K.nr.! st.t., tolld]3l !!r9 49!!.L 2. Olla. st.t., 10:21.4;3, lrlchIta.. 2-r'1t1.: 1. P.ul lhlt.t.y, aDloriA S!., 9l0l.3i 2, ToE 0ek1.y. Arl.D..!i 3. Ut16. E1!.dn. Ok1A, st.t.. T.Er R.leF. Aultlb. aDltr 1r 5oooo: l. John Hourto!; 14r2r.4i Z.--!dr Bhlt€l.y,^cy, EDrort st.t. {1o rard. b.ck): 3. Tlnoco, Clu! AthlBtlc ll6ndo!, M.rlco cityi 4. J.n Ahlb.ra, S !i ,, Sl]Iy X1U!, (ln64i 6, c.llct.. Lhtftr!1d.d l,Lcloml d. I,l.x1co. (!aca !has!.d off 11! n.v coU.stst. !.co!.. nlt,-;arn't trt b.rt rac6.,I 6o1d lqv. rn 1t 19 !.cond. ta.t.r,! th6 .11cht,, ro-y..roLl Pollsh !€fu.. .ald. Uacv b.tr.r€d th. l9r2 rlcM Dirk of 14:36.i .et by W.. S.nt.. of r.se! and ih. R61e6 !..ord ol I5r18.1 .ct by aon Buchisn ot okLhod 1D 1916,1 rcr hsld . 40y.rat 1.&d golna lnto ih. L.r irc t.!r f..D hc aot a bis pu.h f.@ lhlt.l.y, hui h. h.Id on for tb€ vln. H. !.o.l€d a dc.! dt or hl! .tght rr}l. .t th. o!. 811. !r!k trco flylng .p1k.a, lur riltl rc! *1th pI.ntr h E .!8.. IIdlr.16r, Aur.do T1looo rld all tolD.d ih. old co11..1r!.^h1b.!r mrk-. sprltrt r,r6d1.v: l. x^ns4!; 3rr9.6i 2. |'Ilchlaaai l. rt.r trke!!e. & I.dt 5. Iot!. De.i 6. SU0 (T1.r !6cord ..t bv C.llforDt. 1! 1958. J,.Dt!t.ac. tbdr.y: l. abll6D. ch!16!Ln, IOiOdS{nEtr;h-d, {Ed, F,!tndr,0rl{..1)i 2. Iuli 3. Eou!tori 4. Iorth ?.n. tt.r.i 5. Iorri 6. &anr.. Str!.... Aprd 2: {hlah ylnt. .nd . dr!lnq !.1D) !-r,tl. n.hy: 1. Eou.ton (hn.!c., lFct-Cl6tr'l; , aldobd) 17rtt,l (11t yard. .h€.dji 2.

IoEi 3. vabelh {ody 3 t6a6 llltrhed) ,,2-M116 ReI.y: 1. ulcllsatr 7:L9.? n;Fd;i-ri-f;t rr, r€!s; s.rh), ?. fansali 3. North Ten! St.r€r tr. TeFr ,&l,l; ,. D!.koi 6. Not.6 DdD€..oren 1500r 1. Alchl. SaD ?oMnt. Jr.. UrcFt=I:-Z:Dotro!, K!da! i J. whlt€rey, enlortei /.. oakley, lrkangasi r. HodsBon.0k1..; 6. BEns, Ft. HayeE State. Th.: l:51.8 (Cst1 HodElon lel1 end lob M€lLElen of Barlor feII oa n1', klocklns tie lateer out of th€ rac€. Hoduloh Es ln...ond plac€ at the ilre vhite MeUsr.n E! thlrd. Uodgron Aot !p and {.nt on to rinlsh ln flfth D1ace.).. Unlv. colIe!€ 2-Mt1e !e1av: 1. HoErd PaF;i-Z:-t;;:orle Statci f. E. TeaE srat.i /r. BAit1n Slmodi 5, Fr, Ilaygs Sr. 7:45.0.. Fro!h-&. CoUep€ 2-Ut1e lelav: 1. Abll;;;.h1.rreui--Z:-tr;Fs]-T:-t;.f f €yrrtr€ Jr. couese (KaNA!); 4, ToE! A&!r; 5. ?.:<a! Tech. 7:57.1. Xoichslr ltvlrlo! nokys, Euaere, O!eAon. tlrll ?: Dlstence Medlevl 1. orego! {a;chored 5'i-EEldi6-ill-?1 leshrtreto!i l. oreson SrBtei 4. Idalro. 9!58,6 {01d oeer @!k 10100,8 by Or.eon r59).. 2-M11e Relav! l. O!.sor lwtncheli. Buleaon. Ia!8on. Oh16Md) 7:!1.9! 2. rl!h. st.; J. Oreson St.t 4. Idaho. (01d dlk 7:rr?.2 by v.8h. sr€rs 1958).. 2-u11e Run: 1. Rav Hetton. Id.ho: 2. D_GFflITEi, o!6g6ni 3. Fi.dk [ritr, Iitahoi l+. thonp3on, o!6aon stat.. 9:18. Slnta Clslr louth Vulrge, Contlal cet1lolalr l.C. at San Joao St.te. A!r1l 2t loooD.Srch...: 1. ch.!114 cluk, sJg;l-:dEI;-7:--!6d salsent, scVYY. 9:31.8..15o0n. (1c.. l2 yard! I 1. raa'lo r.borI,--Sdrw. 3t\1-ii 2. h.nk llotfL.lsc, sJS, 3:55.2; 3. stD!ron. SCVW, 3rt6.7..5ooodr t. Bob souac, ldit. , 0lrnpf;Tlu-b, 15:17.7i 2. Suc..c, Sc9'Yv, 16108.5i 3. Bloobc, sJS..8O0n: t. wtlcor. c.rr.&I callf. ac, 1:36:bi 2. Brom; scrryv, 1:51.2; 3. Ch.larek. SCYYV. 1l12.o. South.ln C.llfornla I5 at Ca11fo!!Ie /16. ADIII 2: MlI€: !. tane l.tunt. tisa, ir12.7i U:-Tfa' cayiord, cel, 4:14.2i 3, Eenc Ros6.!, USc, 4:17,1.. 8801 1, J.re Sl.b€!t. cal. 1:tl.7i t-T.!!.n Fdto(, usc,ltri-?i t. r.rn rcloY, osc, r153.7..?:U1f9: 1. rlin Gsyrold; cBl; 9124.3! Z:-T-dy SE1th.!!, Usc,9129.3i 3. N.Y111. sb.'. c^I. 9r44.5.. 1l Sdld.!. 81 1/3 at Arttod St.t6 l.!j*a""# : rAi:' h:,e{L;;:"i3:',,tEii}P.i.r!on, 5d1q'r3' er!, stri46lii 3. " {

co.lese TracL

- Corlhued

Clu.EoN coltesc 66, Cat Asde5;.

ffs.*i.lllit.-i6i'i: i+#;; 1. Ht pe!..'"on,

ii:tii"il,iijt;ti s;!,der!, ffi"iil"ffiit3!i'!;.'ili5l;i"::',iilliii.!^i:!**a^l;,?TT'1a,36: .,"."

.iEir+ii"#ii:;ffi'Ii,"#,igi,llil t;*iI*i"iill;lji;i;fi:i"i:;i, ,3uftd'",1'B:,.1:li.;:';,{i{:'},ii,.; il"r!,;;i.;+H:::-iif,:ti,i;":"i".

6tri',?,',. iftiiiii$F.ii"iih3:ii,i4#i'*,", ,'lT#iiii;:1td$in1; m-":;:r;r'ij'l*l.r;:i':;:;ii-;:""

*#:::liri+":ll iiiii"iff



iiiitr'i"f;i"i,ii"llriio"l*iii"i"i"il;; i;,1i5{.Ii3'ill3i"jxl.ffil++#":*"+: -t:"n;i .;: ili.!"il,*"ft ':?T:#:i:i$ff *""i:," f::ff ),lil:;:t;:r;:"-;;;i,

I ", ii!;i!ii"ri.5i:'iit!":ia:iu,:i"i:*" s. .,.tit:.,::"?{:,":x::",3lil3r bo6 M.rls!;n, eayi.".rsophr iiiiz; ii"ill$"i,iiil'Bi"i,i;.B::::iHfi: ;iri'i;"iiil?i i :,";:';;i:+I;i,;; ?;.i:i.illgli'i: Iil'"i;"lii"ii-H:

". fr#H iilil $:]:fl"i: ili5,il;":;. ,,-' . Los.4Ds.r..r.siate 6a th aL Lo,E Siiii"i'ili'9"i{3r.^l;:,"?;,:i+*,1}. /.. rorsen {a:i1.rd, i.;r..sebr-i."' itiii:i: n, i:F:;: :,ri1;;'Rfi ;+F; 1.fl*'fiif,ftili:-fi'ii-lff*]i,

ch..t.! Srare 55 i/6 .t rsD r/6, z (r,iniiri,' ir"iar -ifi: 1. noy R.1!1na.!. P.Mi 2. i,t r B;ffi ^pnr q,ir,i-J.'i-ui.i,'T;;: lc;.r: 1. 1.1!1ni.!. PeE: 2. f,sn ShudL;;:-ucr 3. Jo; ctuh;;; rc.-i6:iitE-iiir y.u-old R€t!1nse!, vho !.r dL the raooor !e..on rlth . cr.ck€d rooL bono, rco!.d. doublo to otf.6r the ror! oi p.u dl.EAnc. .i.! a!n16 rlacr, out e!e' 1. p6te c1.!k, Io!_t

"' ;;;6.:iii:


{11..,i33.f""., Jo!.phr! cotl.s. -sr-



at Te4l. ,2



Il.;:""i.ll:*l;.l"ili'1.^Bill iirF"i*

f if-:;i:.*,.!: i3;3";?;;ffei;l;,'iT _--, -' ":i"i:H":TI,r:;"ii3?''?'ifi5+tr j;basi, pcd. J;h! 1!j5.i:

snrt.-."c'zi. .ror,"a-ii6rrrne ,.r at snrthoor., pi:: i;;ii t;. ;;din-;"r," t*iiriri"-6r-5iffti,i"il'il"i-ii"

*li..i:.:;fri1.;lffiif tJ$1;ii. noee s*dIid. a#it 12l"M1t€: 1. ltEht gii'l:':::',"""11i:1.:'"'"TI"-P;l:";



rr1lona sr.r.4l, aprl1 8r 4zr.r w..L cb.rt.r (r_I) T.@1. 11 .! 2-Mlt.: l. Ata H.trd.r6n.-As. 9r16,/.t r.dDl. srea . _iD;i195, ii: n.i" nil" 2. Grtr Hodsron, O.i 3. Sotih, O,; 4. tC, doubl.d tn't:Jr,., & ZtOt.t. ' '

iiiii!1"i."i3;;*#"*ii"il'fiill',H;* *il?!i,'1""i*"'1"lti*"3 liii'li,iH3'"$iil:m.:lr#H;;ff :i:.!;il6:l:tii:i: il'i:ikEi:t; As, {corLiru:-ir-l:N page) ',6.?!.




coll€s€ frack - c.rtlru€d 2. llld. ltnohberee!. Plt!. /r:28./.i 3. v'tn XlEEln!. n.. L:tO.i..?-tltil.: l. Robu. N., ku;[te.'N..9:.b.]! z:-T;i-ffacl.od. 9tl.{.1; 3. con Rush, PIL!, or14,1 lThe E. rec. oI th6 no€! tor roBL €rc1tlns sccond ltsce Jn rh€ tro-Ellc. !,cleod hrd Dn.6.ou1der tn trorL or Ru.h rnd Eave N4vy a :!._l:tl:x -spiiiiiiiii +1," colrese 108, N! 2^, AD'.9 spr.; lc;1d { sbowl) !tle! f. ialld.n: ).-i""iri.. vu.-r,-12.i..2-taile j'1. v":


(Pt€]d record, old d!k, 8:r'.5 by [td rn€x, usc, I9r7); 2. Mlller, o.i 3. schulrz, F5..880:1. Bul€son,0., t:50.L;2. AbraD, 3. qubbard,Fs. sLanrord, Aplt1 9- ransas 'EACi 'ellf.'StBnlord Lt rll,0O0 53, San Jo6.-57, !an!r.g.l.l3: 1: !rnle-' utu1rrs'-!tan6tre ln lbF u,r. r-lE ru,i

66- i;!i,l,llll.!;."il3ii;,aii";!;,?i Luldh' s , r:-o'9 r' aoo -aade'

D;;ia;-s:i ,. 'i'iii6, Nr-Trvo.u."t t iollt.i iri*i cov.r€d'br 6n;'.)

'880: x., ]:'1.6i 2. {om-T[or!, r" l:t3.6i l. cunllrf€, s., [. Davis, 3. ("1t5' 6 2-rirro! 1:rr.Ii 1' l'rk' "-a3' sJ; o:12'o; Z_TtrTy Mrlls, r., 9:i2.2;

Dl!tnou!\85|.Bfofr,9)/1a!M.'...,..Jor'.norih'ay|.J.'.!:JD nr' ta:/t 1 t-' reray, mn ror rh€ NLM .MDron Jey\avler.. re'saet tetu of cordon Davts, i...;r";-n-i-Io:00..860: r.'Huei!, lih.".i":;",ii:,1!'lli"li,],311"1"" cal Polv or sar .ut5-0)r3po o9l' 61. aL Parvard i;;a;-iel,-i;y ro! Aneej€s siare lDr t6 - I411e: Mullln.,.!P. .!16.2 2. Roberls, cllco srere !1 l/3 - Yjlgi l. Don, cP, 2-i411e: I. Flizierat d. I:--!-i12.6.. s3O:-r. soied. H. lrt22 bt. 4:2^.li ?. Dldeour, cPi l. rurt!, sI.. '{u Itl a[-FE-ode Island ooJ 'Aprrl 10 ?-ld1e: 1. *offa.d, 'P. 9:13.5i ?. ven p,itiio, w, to:ir..beo: 7e;i-sr.:3. Rrd.aut, cP,.4!9:1. r-vir:j'r. H€sL€!, _P, l:r1.5. tf.'I16;; Rt.2:oo.ar Sa61ore. RfDal1a8, Te*r, Aprll 15 1"-!_.atral ,elewi$ ir. swqthror. 54 aL No6rl. oklan.lr,are- adlit lb- Mlle: I. ca!f-018t 041136 Invtlatlonel T&Il -ead:rexas r.onen. D: 2_. rohn crti;Eion. s! 3. ire6 hoM 6?1i ?. T.xaE 50 l/Li l. L&v 15 3/L ar South€rn Methodlst ll. slacr: D. rr2!.r..880:-1. saacr. D. Mlle: l. Jin Per' swi 2. call Eo.ls2:or.;..2-1411.: l.-T;;.n, Di 2. c!€lghion ;;;ioklahonai t.. sblth'-okra.-{rr6;2.. si-i:i#d-;. i:t4.6. -1":;r"",r"_"i'"i u:rl ie, s"t., apr.9 BBo:1. Finco, okl.., l:55.,5;2. Dunt.p €:, ;E:;.?'elilo;r,,ifl ri+;*s"*; 3:t ;*;.ji.*::;t.ii:;:l:.!;';.t;k;il l,:28.8.. lai 1. sl€beri, i:i3.?, 2. Hol: 3. Par, s4u:.^ ^^ at occldentel iiii.-iiir:ir-j.-iii ; uai-a; i:ti'.ii': south6in carrrornla 80 20 {BllseE Fierd. canbridsc) Mt1.: I 1o. llri;. D.: 2. D. trh. [cA!dI;:B. ;att.l..2:,r11;r t. aob Low., B.i'9:10.,


#i*+,1j ii:i:':"i:iii,x:s;,?'*:;l ile,'xiil.i!-,it!]i'llQbi'f:fi :', €;"l3!illadi'i,!i1l;';:!8*'i;r'6;, .".""-"u, "i::i'"kl;-t;tl;t6".""" Mlr€: r: nofi@n. 05. r,:11 2..88oi l:^"".' l:51.0i l 1€' saFE & trr!!e^ Fetl ov' iiii*,,.d,1,-i:i6.i.:znrr;i r-nrr:"", Bi9: lilt:?;.fi!**".';"i'llrliil,r. .!'lI; 8l.ii'lhi".i"iii l"i!31"'?'Y' "Tlli"i;ili'"1;i3; i.rqvr,-!!nr-a ;i::*ii,ii:_*lii,l:;+:*.\;-:ia:aa. !!j!ri; 3it,6;at!l *i9"1:i9i!:it')

l;r;ii:"::'s:ir::f ri'|: "i;]'1?'. ':i ;!*i;n":li;"::t;;:,i;i?luF, i.];, i;'Yti"3":"t#fl::l*!;lnl""i.I*"t

."rr"tru;il**l:i;"Jfiii"l:f ".ofnds, 9:r?:..


Tsborl-bv lDcho...oDe

.*i:^3r.e!"f!"i rc'i;.!.11'!fi!1,!"r.

of th.-fa6!tt..,

iiiiil'iii:li:l:!li+!i'?fi"*ffi:I: ii,:,#F#i?i:itil, !:ig;ii*+l"li*:{r+^:1,.1i", also comoted but 1ts Dolnts dld not


co1l.ge Track - Contlnued (8rodh.ed, 8oIden, Csrncy,

iiarylend staL. 99 at Fort Iee 52 Sii€sl1tr), I0:0I.1: 2. San Jo.. Slate. 10:06.2i 3000D 5rche..! 1. DdacoD Jon.!. lt, cj.dc. roubs, tl,9:3-.i r.a;:1. sanlr l. strlae!!. 10:06.6. 9-:7tTt-. I. Youns' 9:L6.3..M $ rones, cLere va'ley eoulh vlltdse, ,2i ?, Sq 3:U!!qi 5!rld.!!. rrl!; 3. sen Jor€ sr,.L., 281; )+r25-,l' Illlnol. /.9, oklaho@ stat€ 31, \eb4. ohald aFB. l7i t. u.s. amy. l5; raska 26 at oklarod 55, Aprll 12: 6. Arlron! S!it. lli 7. rrlroE U. lo. $1le! l. Crtl Hodg6on, ok1a., I:-t.o.. lrelno, CaItf., aprjl l6- callfornl. l. c&ylord, Z:vIf.! l. trlr.! Et6einan, 0s, 9:1o.0.. 8- ar !r6!no staie iL- !1&! q!-mi cal. {:19,4r r. Balar, l. fthrt.: trsdlr: Ji! Bover!, r11., 1:53.oi 2. h..a. c.i.:i-Ml1e: 1.'ueb.t. ael. 9:15.5 fitn., os, 1:t1.9' rSU 41 2/3 ar North.alt Loul.1ana 2. S;hu1t!--lTT: OrtrsIU. Cat..880r s!a!. 102 1/3, ap!1l 1al Rapldly lnr. srcbeft: c.i. l:49., r\rR_(old !rec!Pccod. l:52.5 by Don Boeo€n, c.1, 1918) !!oc1na Don E11and, NE IA'' rcn the Dll. & 2-Ell. ttr a!10,o & 9:27.r, 2. ttelir. r.i 3. Luca!. c.rlJ. Alkrnsa! R.lays, Fay.tt.!111e, Ark', s.att'ie. lJlrlb., Aprll l6- or€son 7? $arhlndoi 55- MlI.i DFol Bu!-t.!on. 0,. A!!11 l5l J.-Mt.Fel.vl 1. Iulnolr. olta. state state.. h.on, 0., o:, 1i:r5.7i ?, 17:t5.7i Irr(ania.l 3. okta. !:16.1:. vii.:-T:-e€o;a. !:16.1;.2-vi1.: T: e€oire lr.on. ?;-FEEi;tq s:21.0..E!?ttlf: ohredn;. o.. 1!4t.2. sDllr! MGdleyt 1. rl1tno16. 3:26.4,. ucl,r atTtenforn {66-6i) r;!1r i5FiirIT-I5T-Zj!4!4!f!li 1. Iutnols, r{11.r l. E!nl. cunlifr.. S.. r:06.? Mn. ?:to.8t ?._XeEE;8.;=u11et 1. ToD 6'i?-ecord. 4:10,7 br B6b s;qdn, ucll: oaid€y, }!ke!.a!, or2l:fi-?: N.lson



"iy;ll, i r." i6li!i3i ;PfiirF#?i.'#iitr 3t :' 661, cna€!. steL€

Ir19.r; 2.'rroid, l:r1i t_'loden, ucll, I:t1,2..2-M116: l. Bob vontlnao. s.. o:io,?i t--7:;-Rrdinc, ucLA,9r46.'1i 3. i111 Daht, UctA, 9:26.?, Abl1sn., reur, A!!11 16- K.nrq! t9, ,tb11en6 clrtrtlan 57, HourtoD 41}, x.r v6xico l2r. \o!th T.ss S!dr.2a - Hll.: Barrlo Ali;nd. Hou.!on, 4:0?.{i 2. r-f tan.nc., H.; J. Btll Dol6on, K.i 4. Pat Cloh.a.y. P.l ,. John Coo!6r, ITS.. 2-Mtle: 1. Ti,e. hFclc. & cloh.r.y, H.. tl?rn-i 3. ron o,n a1, abll.D. ch!iitt.;, 8801 1. Dur!.., !l{. 1it0./+i 2. Edtud.. Fe;3. M9nch.ci, mt 4, Sp9!c.!, m. Duke 451, c.o!st. T.ch ,2t .t Floltd. 8t, llqch lo: cry v.t.ta.!, Du*., voa rh€ otl. ln r:2r.,7.nd rb.88o 1D 1!tr.6, r'e' Mexlco 36 1/, 4r 93 2/3, ^r!.oil A., 4!12.2 tB6l'r:,D"qre;.'toi.ii,Hud'd, -t6;n.I1 6i, virsGra s!a!. l8i.! rolt r;e, !;. a6l, ap;rl 2: !!19!- l: ch... {D6icon) Jd;','Ft. r,..;-1-ir9, &. .?:!1!9: Jon€!.


oklihod 6?l Al1ron.631. ADrlI t^t okLhod. ton ti. dls & 2-blrs Ii /.ri3.3 & 9:29.0..660: f.- irn0.. 1151.6. -ro.ieE; Arr t5l, sMr 1.9 aL iIc.6/.1' Mb.rB. smj, ADIII 6- !,rrt.: i, Jsprr. Li11.d..dmr-l. Jri s|lli. ti5i.r.. Norlh l€-! i.IrE. D€;!or, T.n.. .{Dr11 9- Oren 2-lr!i.: 1. hYi.r. ice ti;ah, e:it,ti-t-'fi"!', ?t. 31i1.. 2-r41.8.1.r! 1. North T.!r ?:rl.Oi 2.

i.xA. st.r. loul.l&m St.tc 8Ol, lpr.l6: Dor. El1and, tfE la.sc., rcn ii€ i!11. & 2-M11. 1n r:13.8 l[ 9123.9. 0h1o Untv.rllt,y P.!ey., Don c. Ped.n sradluE - 1th.n6, ohlo, Aplll 9l rLl1.r I. Josh Ruqa. c.nt.al stat.. Jttt 2. Rlchard-ShlJ€y, sllpp.ry Roc}i An8.lo clolo3s, sllppery Poc\i a. l.rron. SolLh. Central Sletei 5. Cary st.tut. ohlo Udrerllrv..Dilt.ncs [.dl.vr r. onlo univ. ( aol@-;--%;s, FAffi;: Palnsll 10:40; 2. .enr*I Sht.i l. l.nnelse€ a&Ii r, 3a1dr1nl|llrc.i 5. sllppery Rock..2-M!.R.lev: l. ohto SLAte lM4lon.y, Iry, stleycr, no3.!t) 7:5ti 2, ohlo.u,i 3.-lenn.AlIi 4. c.ntral sLat...!ELqU_@!lSri 1. Ea6t




Sill$l.'ii::' liiili'rilil:,,9i,#i; rrD 2-!,111.: ]. nev tlenlns, udr!.,

TofiIo Il.'--T'9'h! ) 9i34.8; 2 ,ar st6ien' unalt.i 3. €slle EsEedu!, c.!t!al-sti 4. ni,chcld sbbey, sliPPert Focli 5. Ar!.1o GlojotA, slrpp€ry Rocl. {The 1951 0h1o UntY€rBlLv Pelev! vtll bs

0h1o on &4! -q, l9.O!' h.ld 1n Ath.n!,uaver'ord {Pe.) 76, !!!1m! ,0 at Apltrrg- 640: I. vern i4or8en' u.' 1i5r.1..!EI 1. v€$ ilolEan;u., r:38.,

ht.v.tl. 8, rt T.41e Lo, AP'I1 23x1l!l 1. Dj.} v.tne., L., \r)7-7..2-

EE r. Eob urrcu., 1., 1:,:2e.8.



vrc z!/olr& l'llNs NoRRlsloI,lN REN ElsIl,Y Ha.kln!, rdttachedi 41. Burton, BaltlDole ccci d2. ran y, udit., Nort6tom, Pa., sundey, rpdl 3 (zpnl B!.ho! r.d1ck hts, {old.toEi 43. Vlc Zrolek, Sh.laheD CC, lool ih€ foad Sld Fe1d6, csntr.t JelBey ?c; afte. th. 1 i11. Elk and p1led on the BuehhoL!, the!. Cci &5, Flank44, B1lss, pace to drar aE to a l1naI @rsln ol Poh ACi 116. Jelry Hocb, Penn IC. 2o0 F(t3 on recond plece {aFe 0a11aT..d: 1. I.s Yolk PLon€e! Club- /.-?- l tin (Belt1oorc Cro!. Country club) tn 2. st. ro.€!h'. cori6es : ETa-r6*5t; the 3!d lnnual llmod Pat iun totl.y. l-6-9-17-21-t8: 3. Shauhatr Cc- I-LO- l The tvo l.ad.ru b!ok. th6 o1d cour!. r2-L9-2a42t 4. B4lrlnole Cros! Cou- / !ecod-32:37-orialtlrhed by Ea.1 Jefl- rly cla!- 2-6-16-21-21-73; 2-6-16-21-21-?3; 5. ?.8 AC iI 68on, lasall. Col1.se, 1959. riz*tii iit-i ;Ii6. rn u:55) I heaw ratn bothcred ih. r.lln€!! \ sll thoush tb6 race, but desplt€ th. condltlo il6 0f the t0 rtarre$ l1!1rh6d th. 6.3 b116! of c!o36 coultry BoORAS, C!6EN SIIAR! HolilORS M lo-lOLEI nMlng ove! @csdae !o.d!, rlth .nough cholce htfls lcatt6r6d throushout, to Eorton, S.t., Iprll 2- t! loon.a h. dl,e th. eolng a l1!t1e 1s3s rhan loush. sot back Lo ths h.Ind, JohMy 3oo!.! dzkolah.p.InLod acro.B l,h. filllh llr€ used h15 e.ne!ou! bea, Ilke. !Dlnin ih6 exaelteht tlo€ of 31:{3 Lo ber- ndko! ar io roae aon !.6 br.er; .nd ter Jeffe.sorrs coufte recold by ,rr through all opposltlotr ro rln rh. CATHXDR-{i, Youne Matri! Cethollc A$trt! Lt. Il cani.llo rss the offlclat ltart- SOth amual 10-n11.! (p1u!) ro&.t !ac.. 6r..u.d.1! & trbplrles to 20th !lac., The 27-ye4!-o1d ifnliu!. butlat.r p1u. Lrophl.s & dedal! to the f1r5! tro trod tfinahrop, {a!!., iho!€ t}aE. !!Eq6!t! f€lE.' lllLlna rather rhan I. vtc Zrole!, Shrnahan cc, )1113 !!;;d. eo! ht! blr ltJa sfter.rjbEtu 2. UaFe celler1n, BalrlEor€ cL,l2:20 ciltla llt.nd and rr.v..ttns cn. tIiL. J. clFr l{ood, Bal!. 0lFptc c.r3r:16 loooth ro.dmy Jr, !o co1uo5u. ^1rc1e. 4. Ir.nk Pflaahg, Belt, 0C, 32139 In ther !pan-J$r .!our . n11.-h. h€ ra. 5. steve uhelen, Si. Joreph'. c.3r:34 letl€d froE lourth r,o flr.L &ret,er 6. Ander6on, Phjla. PC, 3?:36 ch.U6ns.d onty ar h. nlpp.d a. caroll P.t. Ue1h61i, Lasatl. Col1., 33:t0 Conmy by ien y.rdr tn h1! flrlt oaJot 3. Dlck $l Ploru.r club, 33!5J load llclory In tvo y.ar.. o. J..r. ClApp, lud.l1€, Penn lc, 3115, lvtih , Ette ro go condy rent byr.ln10. v1111ar FoI$!, Phll.. Pton. ll:56 80016! by a wrld.. Th. .Entn.l ll. R1!u! P!a..€rt, st. Jo..ph'! 33:59 ner rook the t€rd rlsht b.cl & h.Id up lo 12, J. oiDou.li, NYPC, 34tCA on !o Union P.rk rt. chugglDa 13. c€ors6 8roh, Baltj,dor. Ccc, ,4:40 !h. Iln. ln tlo/+.lrl, rtfty t1!. for. 11. x. 1t. F. cou€lly, cou€Ily, St. Jolephr., 34:41 cbur*y cbunky dn. 15. T9r "tudl.n 0s1.r, Shan. CC,34:,r, JIE c...n, tun!1ng rolo flotr !cr.tc! '16. tob.d l4o!gan, Phtt . Pton., 3rr:51 .nd glvtog up 10 61nut.r to Lh. 16rd1". T.ry And.!.on, c.nt!.I J€!. J4:51 6r. d. ln 61tt place aolDa llto c..1q. John Port!., c.Dt!.l J.!.cy, ,l+r55 t1. l!Lrd. lnt rh.l ir. rAd. th. iur! 19. {.tt st4t.toD, P.D ac, ,5:0o JIE took olf rlth th. rlnd to a.t hoe 20. Bob cbBEb6r!, th.dh.n cc, 35:02 lorh oaly a rlrur. .lt.r aoore.. H. yon th. t{!. p !. r.!th 1!ln. 12..c!. 21. !o! gcht€ro, N.r tolk Plon., lStl/. 22. Al SEn, udtreoh.di 2J. Joi. Don.r, to !p.r. over Al cod.lo!.. [TPci 24. Clc.nc. C1oud, PbIIa. Plon.; Th. cM.. n. ]o0 r.rd. IonE.r tbln 25. Dlluc.h, uiatt., (Blrho! K.d1ck 1r nr 1r!t y.u. lsl llt gs loy tropny; 26. H.rr l(.11.r, P.rf.c? p.irolin8 Jo! don. by tn. hs.ll. Rli 27. Johr Xrlrh.ll, P.M ACi Dollc., _6] 28. sEtib, MrPct 29, schu4}.i. B.!t !t.!t.r...l.to. c1..!. t1ndr,.30 pI.cc p!Ir.., loltly.r..Il.ni Ch..rs!i 30. rlcQut11.n, St. Jo..lhrri tropht.. prlr.., 2 it!. p!lr.r, i.u, 31. JiE IcD.d6, !.lt1!or. 01rE!!o clubi , su!o!l.!: 32. Dud, Br1i. CCCI 33, L.o! DFh.!, ELD. co!. 'rorlc. sh.tr.h.n cci 3rr. R.lpb E11b.!a, sh.rrhan 1. John Bocrr., 3r.[, !!ql.|l 1i9?.11

iii'?l r?: iiiS Silii&.Bfi;. iiSr:3{ iiE :ii tct ,8. "$irtie,-iil'ilii'"Hl"lu;"It.nd.!.o!, Srdfi.hto!. coll.3!; / (conthu.d !.ti p.a. ,9, &r.!, sr. Jor.phr. CoU.a.; J.O. r

4 {cathedlal to* uUe Itoad &ace-cont.) tr, s. BlaJwaE, !,C., 1:05.14 1:03.14 5. !1l1 lseney,BAt, 1:05.17 1:03.17 6, BI11 Spen.eri 1.0.1:05.32 1lOl.02 7. Jerry Hervey,BAA, l:05.JL 1:03.04 a. H. Stockheuse, r'{. 1:05.J6 1:02.r6 9. John cray. E11, 1105,49 1103.19 10. JtE Cr..n, BAl, 1:05.t0 55154* 11. Ji6 0'Con!.U,St, lro5.53 IrAa.53 12, ll Co!ftl,on., 8A11,1:06.02 5'lro2 U. Tony $.pl.n$,!M,1:06.22 59.22 ll. Dtck Pa.kerd, BtA,1:05.30 1:02.00 :5, Dtcli Do!oh!e. lAA.1:06.15 1:01.36 16. K.tr !.n!o, uatt.i 17. Stan 116rran, {MCi 14. C, Co@to.k, uBlr.i Iq. Duane M.rclant, rAAi 20. lob Cumtns., Nr4c i 21. ionra1.3 Scotlo, BAt; 22, Dlc|. u€ek6, Lynn ACi ?3, Ratph El1b6!g, Sha!.beD CCi ?n. John DICoE^dt€a, tsAt; 25. alaD Bull, vemonti 26. Notu Hissln3, El.ci.lc Boai Aci 27. lon ray, !o!to! ari 28. Robert !ao!o.e6!, Prorld.rcc co1l.s€i ?9. Crahro P!!!.11, Bo.ro! Mt 30. Rod !'hcNtchou N.y YolL !lon..! club..Lesend: PC- Proyld.ncr Coll.s.! l|! !lc!1!e! i FD- rolt D.r.Dr, rh!.:i 9l- 9t. Altiont's a.c.i x c" Iorth M.dfont Chb. ;::11-::::.:l:::-1-::g. 2nd annal lr.loEn vood6

Ttncoe, IiYPC, 1!39.03.i J, Bluce McDonald. NYPC. 1:il.lO:6. ceorEe Sh1ll1ns, iIY?c, 1:41.19i 7. Ronaid

De!1e1, Nalc. 1:42.41; 6. Johr Shllung, NY?c, 1:r+2.17i 9. tou N.1!b1o...


6i 2.

Elc}.ld Jolilan. l. [rPC, l-2-3-_

1rq2.52t 10.

t{YPc,^C, 1!/,4.39..T?ab:

P.nn Ac. 4-5-6-15


Yov!fi iU!IS MtlE IN !t19

UnloAr.om. Pa., AprJl ?1- Joe r\otus.

ltnlonloh Hs seiloi. ran !h. nlls ln 4:19, the fa.t6rt ary Pennsylranla hleh school boy ev€! ha. done. _hodsr t6at cee ln a duat reet r1!h Conn€lllvlll€, phlch conn€llsvitle ron, 77 1/1 ro L9 2/), La8! i€ek, Thodas ran !h. nlIe in i:21 6! rh€ !4AnBfteld l0h1o) R.tays. Tho@r' tt@ t,odav i! rhe Eecond bsst €ve. rln 1n tile !ast. Tou Ia!16. oI NYc, ran.4:18.a nlIe ruo y-ars aso. The Elioml htsh schoot iecord 11 4111.

oDl To


19E F00t'

,-fi11. Ric Rq (The fouodnE roeo h! Fltt6r fo! Bllly srlth, Es;lllon olyhplc club s.Domh, .J., 4.t., Apl1l 2r- Rumtnf dlBtence ec€, by r lrt.nd .t' rh. o*! a t6!s!,!idy, irllr c6u;.. tn 91c Fo.llial the.e B1!Lr rcrk.. ) J E.th.! DroFd to b6 . ch.ll.nlle Drooi o!1r10n io! Mlddl. atlrllc RRC- r;n;.ri Bun Onl Run On! ot.! lifer. hard lath | .. only I flnl.h.d 1n th6 !to.!t Eath6.. Tt1l th. vlrou of thv v.uth ha6 Dr.iI hlr..: 0n. iropbr & 4 @d.1.. !h.n ih.n th-y pantlns b6dy !hlve!; lhy h.ar! huldlit p@nd lik€ nlehty , 1. M.tr Slnat6tor, uoodbuy, li.J., 27: t5., i 2rlqq-q!1..!, caod6n, N.J., Hlsr B.rkovtrr, Ceod.n, N.J., Slnk not thou IE lotbalslc reai I 23:2Oi ,, L6t lot t'hY 3D1rlt lau rh6 t€!r. I lo:l0i lr, larry D.l!n.y, P.D!.uk.!, Phlb., iln Onl RE; O;! tho ihy feet dli bl.ei 5. Hua! Jascouft, I I{.J,, ,ltllt /Ialv.rn, /Ialvarn, 6. 0.v. q.% Thoiplon, rhorplon, P.., /Fo11or rb.!. th€ lath doth lead, I J3tlrt q. LSrltt Ca6d€n, N.r., Thy flatllna ad 6ey thlaah th€ elr i ,4r34i 7. St'.s c.rk.t, qoch, j6l4J. 8. J6!!y rh11.., Thy eyes .h.t-bund loll b d.!!.tr. \ ,t!40; ln:-.:a------.:_=----=1-96 th.r ..r tb. fl..r} 1! hr* Proe tb.! EoE. th. nrcl.. .b!i.k. ?Xf ll! 15 Ello {.1k, S.E d P.!k, Ior re6t sob.d.t; Ytll b. thr prtr. ' s.art,le, Va!h., A!r11 3 sbdld thou bur,. tht! r..11r. 1, Bob H.adrickton. 1121r18.2 {R.cortl)i lho oth.r. ..oh ih. r,.y thou r.c. 2, PruI Mccomlck, il29r18t 3, lan Jac- L .U a!. run rt ob., Ir3)r3l.2i l. P.u1 i'hlttn on, !116 - bJ(MGottr. r'918..o.. .40.6i t. John {.rU1., tIr9Iroi 6. J16 IoE1.. i! 54101.2.


tMul P.m lc 12-fl11. vr.tk, sun., l!!iI lotb. t ltuunt Pek, Phtt.., P.. non 1,. htrd, trl'c, 1135,35 (!.codlt 0u.1rch.trk6. lIiC, 1r37.24i 2. 8111 l. E11toi D.dn, Nr?C, 1:39.04t l. Fr.d 4th

lut BOA.i'IIILK llIlE SpoNor6d by the Irl.t Soc1.l & Ithl.tlc Club stll tJ€ h.].t o! tunday. Jqne 5, 1960 &t on. P.n{.-xnkt.. a1o!. June l.d Ftth Ed !.ad.. r.o, Bot 2r, i1e...nttll1., t.J:.TioDh16! & @dal! to ltth plac..


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$d!h 1,26.52 r. twd 1,2?,L6 o. Afidis r.28.lr? R. I,EchaLd 1.'8,96 a. D@m !,29,59 A, c]*etutn 1r3o,3o R, r{a.irr 1r3olli2 C, o4ra L31.21 Mr l$nslgton 1.:1,t6 !, Po€ 1.12.16 p, os]!r 1.31.07 l| narrache! 1.13.09 D. Pwr@rr 1rj5.lo !r l{e.chai 1.35.38 lr. shertdd 1.16,1-0 c. lessele@ 1,36.28 r. valdemd i.lo,l,r s. saifi 1.t8,59 p. Sdrh 1.19,20 !. chaF@ 1,39,[7 C. {.''@ 1.[t.2o R. E1$6rs 1.!2,r, !. s!@ Llr2.t9 c. Plcbld r.lr3.lr? a. r'ar 1.lrlr.I2 ?. rM 1.lr8.2lr r. o'.t@ 1.118.90 t, gsltda!


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Bronlng nols J-Countly or Road sjth b€€l, 6oft b,ck, vlite a!ch, aI1 ft'1ct10n Dohts leEov€d, l,Iad6 froo the flE€it Augtraltan Ksnsroo Hld€s 1! cholce of !6d o! b1ue. $3.95

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