09.1960 LDL

Page 1

In ihe Long Run it's the New

Data"t* /aV'

Aoag. Y01,.



and ED.


No. 57

2 DlICln rr[s e. BRIDCEUIIEn, IASS.'10' 7/2/60 - Sarvfi.j. 6 P,tl. 1!t AMual S;oiuo.: E.B. cou6!c!61 C1u!. P;It..r 15 tdphl.!, 5 d6dal!'D!.!. gta.t & litrllht E.B. Squ!6. .t llEh School..Lor h11I!, e flsule 18' .6ure Ia 4 nl1e & a 6 ElI. looP) B.lF!h!eDt!..d.o11.nt lace all .eud..l9 !tar!.!!, J4 thi!h!.t.4o' tl:48 I. Ed Ducen, Botton AA' t{:4, 2. Stan Tle!.l@. NMC. Muell6r, B,!,, 5515\ t. x.n 5610? 4. c€ry rlafr6y, !AA, Bt. ,6:5o 5. An@6 ,ooien. e1€cttlc 6. BlIl le€ney. B4A. 57t38 ?. ULke Bi,Eelor. EAA. 59122

6. 9.

J1D cou;111.

€Ieci, Boat.


John DlcoDandr€a, !AA, ,9t5? 10. Pere Todd. Roch.6t6r. N.Y.60:ol

60:14 JoEihon aha!6. ut.ti., 61:19 12. Don rev- BoEtoi AA. 13. Callto;'co,ltock. Udtt., 62t11 14. ao! cull€n, Boston Ak, 9?t?9 15. Dan Dulop, aocton ,qa' o4l4e 16. Ed oueuett, uahe, 9?tt4 bo:ry l?. Tou Uccrath. Unett.. 66159 IB. i4. af.tetr. u;att.. 67t1'l 19. rrlc Er1!*so!. B.{A, 20. Bob clalloton, Lnalt,r h7r+2 21. JiD Ad@.. unatr., 67r5t i 22' tred Rutks. Ei,ai.. 68:r8! 23. c.rrv Karch. F.T.c., 69:J2; 24. !6n chapln!k1. Nqc. 69r36: 25. Ken HsYd€n, aaa. 71:19i 26. chas. Bred€rton, Ni4c, 7!t27t 27. Ed Machado. NMC, 72:28i 28. liu Hathekay, nnelt., 7l:21; 29. cl€nn Cockes. Unatr:.. 7J:40i rallc, 7l:54; 31. Paul lo. Don Davey, Ou€ll€tt- Malne. ?6rl2i )2. tred Brcrn?6:a5i ll. John Dirlu11, n.I.c;, '\I]'lc. ?8'.5)i 14. J1E orconnell,



IA MOTHE WINS SOUTHARIDCE' MAsS. N5T 7/4/60 15 M!!e, s.letchl 1. lllah6 r,al4othe. North Medfod club' 25:21.i 2. DlAe llerchant, raa,2t:29; Club' 3. Diak clark, N€w York Piones! 25tt+2i \, ceorre ConefteY, slattan' 25r5li 5. Lot Schlavo, NTPC, 26:0li 6- Di;k rlonstloo. NI4c. 26:10i 7. Dave aaIch. sDaltan Ac, 26:21; 8. Al rournle!. Mac:26:28i 9. \{0. Potte!, SDa!ta!. 27:21+: 10. Bob Youns, SParr;D- 28itl: U: Jln.qcD€mott, Nrc, 28:irl: 12, Dav6 r,Lonks, NMc, 20:L?; 11. llio. |{11cox. NMC.29:12;14. Jake a!6derson. Nr4c. 29:42; 15. Bruc€ Ald-

dch, Unait., i0:20; 16, Dave l,\Jl111ds, Nl4c, l0:/.t; 17. lor€n schave'

c.Dtral Cou.. l1:i5i 18. Erlc Erlc*lon- Bo!lotr AA. 31:28r 19. Eusene 1€o t c;rth. cont. cod'. ltr3oi 20. nav uatrylIl;- southbddR., lltl9i 21. Joue, s;utbbridge, 31:40; 2?. ToE

ffiIl'l,lall',??' ?9;"'3;liT,"iil':*;'',' aob NMc'

Jl:28;26' lh. uliu&s. xMc. ll:Lii 27' PauI l.rBb!e, J;!e!.jo:4oi 28. sklp si0Pso!, lrD, -. Nl.1c, 3?r25: 29. carnne! sPoor€r, fle, ,r;r4. 25.



Eas! Natlck. R.\.. 7/rr/60 15 p.M.)Johsy {elley qutcklv bul1t u!. a huge Iead then €a.€d hobe a coDroftabr6 ,1nn6! 1n the r.N, Vetetds tthlotlc A6roc_ iatio! 9+ nl1e scratch .oad race.place. Th. r.a1 battte ms fo! eecond Duncd. Lsl4othe, i4u€11er & Tieman all leacheal the t,tnins Polnl in a dead hear. {4 l/4 Di.) Ducan & ldYotne b€san io bill atav at ihe .tx nile @ik ard ;dt,b 1t0 yards to so, !8]'Loihe, ulth 10 ralds or Dunca!, ,aB 3elzed rfth stonach crmpE and tost JI secE.I

1. John J. (6Uey, BoEion AA' l6:38 2, Ed Ducan. Boston aA. 46:rr 4q:{? l. Yayne ra,qla,!he, r"l4c ' aa, 4u:rl 4. Ken Mue11er, aosion 43156 5. Stan Tiellu. NrLc, b. cern Haflev. aostoh AA. 50:02 50:08 ?. Bob Zoui.hdi6!. BAA. 5Atl2 6. Jonn A, Xelley. Unatt.' 52rOA 9. Royc6 Sarye!, iD4C' 10. Diane,q6rchant. Boston AA, t2:21 u. Bob Blo0stroo. BAA,52:24;12. Jln couciu. E1.Bt.. 52:27; tl. Jih seb10, calilor;la, ,l:01: 14. B11I r4urPhY, BAA. 5J:05: lt. Ray Menllet califomla, rr:il,! l6- G€orEe Waterhouse. NMC. !i:i/,: u. John-Drcomndrea, BAA, tL:21; 18. Nike Blem1ey. connectlclt AA, 55:17; 19. J. r,Lelnsd, llnatt., 56l5lri 20. Bob cullen. B,{a. 56:56r 21. 3i1l Flenine, BAA. 5i!22r ?2. Dsn luntop, BAA, 57r59i 2l. rr€d Ritka, llectdc Boat rc,58:14; Bam.s. conh, aA. 5a r2i :5' 2/,. trank JIE _iemey, F\1, )6:1 i 26. :r'c tdc\son- BAA- 59:l2r 2i. Corlton 0oD6tock, rfic: oo:b2l 28. Tom r4ccrath, NMc, 60:i0: 29. Jatre Blederson, NMC, 60:53; .11. !jJL Jo. Div€ MonkB, rrrl'r, 6I:12icaltlbatzen, Yilcox. }TJqc. 62rL7r )2. E. u.s.a.; bl:2?; JJ. len ChaPlnsklr Jil]'lc, 6l:51; lrr. I. Hatnawav, unait., o>:?)i 15. Challe3 aredet3on, rne, o):io; !ardJ_. R. lo. Dol Dav-Y, fAA,6-:r0; lna. A.s.C.,68:t1 (A11 flnishersJ

l'ORcA\ ililr\ER AJ Pl lISAUrEllr l\.


z pa.: .arroll Nerb6lth, anoelson. !.ita. blorFer Ac: Bob chdb-rs, Una!!.r thjte.i Joe Spenc€r. uns!i., ;r.iii.r j."i *jiiiaiel-ri,!t ch6s!"; rc; iinn Ai: "rius rra"e".i.iirt-ii:.til vJin rr.-gii,'-oei_vi_-iri 0naLLCo--se: tlve a 1,1 611e taps on drd roads. psc": teacue, ,:Jl,: u:Jr: BtasEer, 1?:Jri i)t'oli 2s:12 p""". ofr-c:;is: ri ieane.'Jaci Brcmlna Ross. - '

,reo., aususr )ro - :r> far pa , cov"rvernon-vorcan, .d a 5 l/r nltesrorrisLom, colrse ,r tr:tr ro rin the lo€d spohso.ed by L e cdden 'unch ta A dd lhe llayslolnos cou'y Erar or, teMsaukff ard.verclanty111.. or a Dr.v_ groJnd Jebor-e o' spoit6 d s!e-ied' and Iinjerred et lhe Benj@ir Fle<un I0._r!oph-€s."!tz"si r. vemo, ,o"gan, ilrsl ?l!llt :. !?* Le.s!e, 0e--va1 aa,




frEesenr, fehn ar:r



qc "&a i&_Ti 10 pccoRDs

i1'1!r"'+#BkSile"3i';i;',11;;"',,j:'l :;Ji::.H li: i"H:::i::.,:{Isf John chepoan, Penn AC, lj:26; -. rtlaLt Ln€ dirat {;sL chester AC

5ingleton, P.nn A-, lL:l?; 8, Bob cneb€rs, unatt.,-11!2t; a. HaIry B6rkoh.l -z rem.,u,.r):uui ru,-H.hry -osi, rem At LiIq !6rene), !.r-var A{, i?:1+i ll. 12. Blll Pr8Lr,IJnalt,, /.t:08. lb:lri pa-



r-2-.-zi 2.




lpa.J In k"eo:ns itrh L1; He;!her.

ArrteLes Eunch;d on ralemeron diE_ pens"d sL Lre refreEhnenls sLand vli.1e &alrlne b€Lfeen evenrs. rher6 ,s5 otenLy or colo soda on hand, and !a._

:;"ilil:ri:1."::l:i,i: ;:::l;::":lt_ e€ }ath wdderirg lasselg by.

I sIA ].lE R N ,.t e".,"a r,iinos 6hoI.a I €ncouraeeh€nr "'**, du'1hg tne events, bur \ sea Isle_Clty, N.J., Suday, A"C. ?- 't in geneial, noEr of-rh6 tine wa; spent nobe'r Bra6sei, 01a!r, x.r.; a I renlvine .ia irienashils t i"iii";"--uate.of Nlagara lnive.sl!y, {on Eraauhe I urac<. I:rog.rr,"", 10 iield herks' nr.3pon€ored by !h" r.a / w.rc toHered, reai-red by BlLl Attey's ?!:adle rocdlre n.a. trc,er€ Loday 28j-Ieer.8 in(r iar.tin !h&w. allevrE q2o ln.5t6.ilng hea!. Lhlod doirr be reaoentzeo as rh€ FolL Blaesey, s prjvsle aL D1r, rn rjeld sloled ov6r a-tooai 116 Amy six-monl!. reserle Frcgrd, 880: .. !;m volqan. Det-Val AI: 2. ljntsh€d tn 2a:l2r a6 13 of 2? srs.r::-Tesat, Unar!.; l: J. porLee. Cent_ ers finlsh€d. ." I r;..;. Pe!o league, Plea6ahtvltt€,,{..., i:ii..-rAi repreE6nrlna rep!eE6"t.1ng Delasaro Valley AA, vas Mii;: t. ven vorEan. 0V: 2. John por_ 6€coad 1n.J0:02. , ree, CJTC| J. Fra;c16 caryer, penh tci i;-i";;i;;.6;;;;;"iiri;"ij;';;'a;:' rorr Dlx, 2B:.2 1:'ii::'":;":i"El::*", 2, r! rere t6ague,061-Valley Pete L6asue, l-A, J0:o2 tqQEi Bltl shirk, Shirk, DVAAi 2. i4. i4. an_ anlJ.QEi r. Blrl so.D-tR rTN\cF

:: i::



nlT"l;l il,51"i"i:;:t.;irii:3i"

t. Dlck Donohu", Bosion AA, Jt:1" t-OOOb stc\E!e! I: cr6n Can6;, psm 111A: J! !. 1."" c'"1s1't6",-i;ir"r,'ire c.il Jr:rr, x. i z. nenry dorn, der'sours *ioi6:.fin. 'oii-iar'u,, ' a. roo ;: iil"3:i":1'B:r-il;i'"i1"*"" olier, :lt" ;:"i;;;L;-i;:'i 9!"pll3r-:"il""lii.r;"9i9 trH ia..ia ;;;; iil, 9. rronee.. j;:oo l/L Mtre eandicaD: r. Horrair- *cac! ir. "o5-Fr-ors6r;-?Fn6. Har!, tsg'kowitr, f€nn Aa, lj:12 ac:'1. n.' j3tr7 .-:-T6i€-FT6;iE:-?ro"6er 11. Henry Yost, Dsm Ac, lralrace: icAci /,; t. rhilllD;. cJrc" 12. Edl bdl s41ih, Salih, P.m Ac, Ac. )1111 Ttbe: Tlber 3!16^1-_ )4144 l:16.1. 11. larry Delsrey, Del-Va1 AA, tt:40 +O-9OOr. Hudlcap (Roldl: :. Vlc fcHle, 14. 3i11 Bayl.B, t.st-cbes1.efAc 35:5/. Leviltorn, N:;E 7; Bm snilr, !orIt. J1E Johnrton, I. ch.ster rC J7:14 Vat AA; 3: Tod Ort€!, Del-val iAr 4.


ii: llii-$illlr,"fil;"E]"tl;."".]{ii3 i:i}."i:3r,:il-l8+"ii'.;r:ii.ii:ii i:;.i:":,il:"'pilliJi"il'il3i^ji;t'i3i- #j**#3#,'i. Y iil#r.\ili i:

('€EL chosL'r ac 1&r-

con!*usd) ;i;:i;31'*ii:9ir#tl;i;:fiJ,

?!Li,ti',liLLl"'ilil!; ii:'3a,. """ i:.'lll";,:' ;:"::,:'";':3;;;"'!i1"i""-


:lf;i:ki,ilfii3: ::;ii:*il:.l iu;,i?'"iiq, ii*l!r.:lliil:riili:*=-.iir:::" "arsd' Hw'a?e' '1:ij""i 3'

;t;t,^il'ni',1'iti"liifl ;f il ia.!l:l;

'inlv' .* 'lli"ili' :::1:ir-r:------------ ffii;ri;i;;:::-:ii'?li'uii'i',li:: 'i:1'"+;:


aAr O!f[1PIC !xV,

Phi1..' lnursday, Aue. 1I-



li;"l3i' ir .. iil"r"i"ifiil"ilfi.l:li *iF':*TL:':ii'ifi ;. 3'i.' ;i:::s.

sv.Il3rnltND ].i?, qo!14{! 141r srlc:lJt4

rri}ri:'' iii*Fi]iriii,,il,'*=i, E!e-rt. 1., 14:1r' -.lgulg-t!: r, 2

Rosl,ants,8.,8:t0.2" rralY 111I. YUoosl,rvr,' a6a' srFMe,

the beai aclua] tlde, blt h1s nandlcap oi th!e6 nlnutes save hin seveNn : ill"fit:' Drace rn 18:25.0. ,!1I11@sr overall tjme uca 1/: rv.u, tlta:3;'3:'I.ii"#d',}i il5"'*11.'ii, whlch included a hatrdlcap of 4) €eca' r.r 6:)o'4" orer h13 16:ra5.O actual clortins'hr'AUi L:50.1:.l00CE sCr 1, 11!fner, l-1411€ HdcaDr 1' Jack uil1iabs, CZEcxOgIOVA(IA lO7, swEDdlV IO5',Stock_ :;E6E-8;;ffi. tcAc; I' Fruce wit|, € 1a. 1i";;i;;., !BAfi o6d,'r. jii, Flametv, Penn ac. 1:25'1" 6_.--.-Z-.r5I.0i zhanal, c., B: 5r.d' "#.sg+",:$"1":::,



:ir;;rl**j;' m#*ffi $*ffii;g1ffi i:r.2.4;-6;otkov 3:t'.6..@ilgxj"





iiif i*!;i;ii,i:


?ir.+d i.::iri,:



ru;q,:it:"-o,i'li,lT:i, - :I'-. vr .:0,





;cr;fi *;ix'r:;i!ff utl$



said ire was nor.Eure ,,hat h's cal'orDta4 style shoes would haye been sulred to lhe llack 5! /hlre C:ry SraliuD, lcols le {.e 'he! rhen dklj.ying ye6!etda7.. r !en' olr snd bo.eht e nPw lalr.us( a f-d ho-rs o€foF rh" flnll,n h€ sajd.. Taborr ser rn6 p.ce lJt a z?-yea--. l Brjron, Mtk€ ld:egs, .d-5-(ord pl. (-an Jaz| in l,:01.2 to 4:ul.J. rr. al]or, ri:0?.li 5. c!an& tsver-plt, r:0?.4; 6. 0. Faith, r:02.8.) g:4jls-!-i l. c{rqon Pi.,", 28:0o,6; 2. rart:' H,@n, 23r10.6i .1" "onn l4er.:-

r{ek16r, who won tne Plete. dorkle


said tier he holed t. run i" tt"' ' _ordo|o er:e'io" rsc. 1at-r llis y€a- as a o"nb". of Ll" ern:slon athes praesna! te@. 6nnia -1e ,t9_9 ro. Af!_

i""n nrr-

"r*pii,, ".;;r, ;;;_r foL, rudn-rs. khlch s,afl"o rnl !a"-. lh- rradi.lo; reraLo-d rr. s.arr and iL ra6 6Li_ oa!/ nnen the neburl lr'iyo! rrred L-e lisro !hrc. ie1-!h€ .uners -i-j: qav tron lne @a,2a:lo.8i I. SLan Etdonr 28:1o,8,. Dlrban iLy o. Ha1t. glq l. affetr, l:r.o,J; 2.',{enk, lirdref i1 rhor! dlese.,: eoms +:&!..i l...ue!€onr -:ro.7; t. hrttold, /dr.Led th. ru,n"rs :n .\e-.rrty one hunoi;d

i:'3;,i:;:iSH;,'iJifinr.carva",rr:3ri r:i'iilg ell"t:i:;":"'; :::iiii";";;:. joham;s;ua. 'reed, 1l:13.3; r Derek lbbolson, LJ:Jo year-otd ).^5Lsn Eldon, lJ:Jo.4;,:,-.relc,ll:rr.8

Ian Jsr;ine; o lne near_bjlno !th1pLe.

#ii.*,ji,!il"ilt.!i'i;iiiiii"8iii...,l"ll3i.ii'.i; :i:;ifl.1i:"?:.::i":6, ; .r ; ;;,;;";;t;. ;;" iii!"i.ii.iiii:F;,:::;::r:iri#i:"_


ztrni es 8hd \a]" rey--!joe J:0a.0I. secono cr th:q s(aae In

rn a naer)'1.enr ri^ord-shattering nn tlat3h sas

uuroan !o ]v€rttzb-rg, _ seven nthL-e5 rseL6! tha! -13 tine o'{hr.t6aln.32sec. o!o<€s.a, "rdod *at'y H.}raro'E iire aL !Jis loinr. layrard,s wsr iy .e.ord sel in loSL for whtca ls 12 n:tes rroo Lhe ijnish. by 16njn.?lsec. 1r was lr'eLte! sleadLt / r:deneo the saD & tn" se.ord rasc€Er Conrade6 ever ru. putLed awiv rrom re rairitv Ualsh 146ller lef! \1s nearasr rivals n:1es clrrns ctaassen,'hno ras.e;e;;t;i""= bohtDd at the finish @d ted fron w€er- Irm1;s @eriflalen .y rn r,ii rirsir1ll. Lo i4a.trzburc. e"er Co,.s;"s. ,c no line drd h" Ehow.ny sisrs of Clsesen. rho xae tour,n In th€ s.Aldl.isue on Lhe 5l{lle ru, ihicn !1ses cheps, ijnlshed }n 6:J1.07_ 3nrn5. Lo oore tld 2,000 f€6r above s€a tevel, o6ntnd {atsn. He }CnE Lhe Hardv !at1_ snd ls consldered to be the mrtdrs lnsLon TroDhy for rne fllst noi,ic€ eosr eneltlnc road !ec6. ho;6. rv€(l;r 6n Lhls lroDhv jn I9t2. I6xl6r, who hon tf€ laeLrLln run 1n Trevor Atten. las! v€a.r6 *lnner- & Iw)d, D€et lhe nnnerup cerald {ats'1 R€Lbenhelee! f1n15ned Lose!h;i (urbu athlett. cfubJ, by l/.41n,3>sec. ln ^1ck foultn place 1n b:r.?.J0. Ti- flnat ruod€lbur€ Hlsn sc\ool th the _ranEirisl. Het{on. kho las nrntns tor !h; fr.s1 4j-year-old c.N. Claaseenr rho sas con- Liue r; !his rc!-id feoLs .ace. psting for the tlrs! ribe. AtI6n (Durban Ac) seL a leco,q wlLh fe(r€r 3t@bled ai a 6ua11 fooL bllds€, n1n6 gold Dedals. aft.r a plek had be.! ooved by nls -----:---------------noto!-cy.le 6icort, bu. othetrtse he SoUTHTR\ ILI]NOIS GETS Ir[{ lRrtcn pllnr had a trouble-f!66 nn. Iorchees! Loutstana SLet€ lrack coach tha! h6 eas thrlll€d to have Lew Fa!e!os, t.o rcn it. c,ii .He.cald bro*er Pataaldrs recold. "h.recheDlorshiD slate. coniarenc6 in 1959 alked ho{ loDg h€ had been tlalnins and 1960. has acceDEld a coechlnE rob lor the rac€ h€ re!11.d: 'Aoou! t5 at Sou!1arn Illtnois,, Hs!! r.-.^,0 vedsr_ EgA.eearlon







!ei""lf "*li!"Ylll,

!::"tT"(i"H:'::il"Lc . crlv

*'"" Halr ar

l:li::; ilTed:*::1,'i?:;l'ir.:3:: oltoPrc Seai!1E

CAIMR!a!A a!1-CO!'I'P^S

rruD Tatr

ilii!**5'*iii *ili:5ii:ir$'ii*t. li\t.":il:'i:ii:t:i::;; t;"d"H"i'i.-

;iffiqg#;#ffi;+;: isps*r*:*:nir.

:i*l;i{li' ii?t;!Hir}"i'iili#"#;*" li{k-iil?iiri'ii:}i.:ir,rri:"6iff r.. i:i'ffitr:I:lLii*:jiiru;i;i$::," Blillx.'l"ll.i'.?;*3;]'.iXill!i"8i;,."' iilt'i;.1fi ;r



: Lil\:ii t'ffinqrllri{,iffi: i::iliffif;,.';qf;e:

l:i. Iil'l"l;'$i:i"!l"i';i Boston AA "cn,



#l;iffi i*

l, frfl;ii,ill;iiq^i", ]i:i: ;iig ;::i; :l;:illil!1:,r,;,i'ii,i.i.ffir"


irfi 1* ti+






15 KrlO


tt'Allt- seattle' \rlash'

c"td aaibera r'L'

li*,:,p*r*lif ?;1t',,P+mi'*iout:,;.t**1*::'::



" m:i$:t*ntt,tt,


h1l€ ol the cou.se 1n ude! lr:45, bui - Contilued) tho heai DlbY6d to be too nuch for hle. aloni! h'lih a lack ol condltlontns' 22.8 In 22a, botb 15t !1ace, ) :J2!9!i and half-hl]e! JerrY aradY & Yoaget Redlatds HS, t. Dedis (er4edy, blother Bob lipp€d by 1n the last 22o. !?i22.Bi 2. (avanaugh! 18328.3; 1. 9r)9 r" Jerrv Bladv. Chaffey JC, Sieve Roul;c, San r6rino HS' 13:20.1. 9tL) 2. Bob fuafd. h;dl@ds Hs, 1- Larn waid. U, R€dlands. l0:0q santa Barbala, Jult 1r- Bob ca@n, 10:10 Dennis (avenarsh, sBAc, foser Natlonal r{,tu 30lin chMp, won an L. SBIS, 10:49 easy 5000ft tohighr fftm weak conPotli- 5. Claredce l,itt1efie1d. 6" Srsle loulac. 5d tl€lIno {S 10:57 idn t. sbrrk the all-coqers fre€t. 7. Ed laughton, clatehont colI.Il:28 FESUITS:- 880: 1. Dave ilurrav. unatt., (ca11fornla AU-coners

8. ,t1n Foaa. cnaffey 2:rl.t..M[EI 1. jena Brady, Richa iiade, chaffeY Jc, Jc. r.: lL:f::)-ulte: L.8Ld ro]@r, un. 9. 10. A1len searcy, Redluds, I1i01.8: 2.

Ea-Taue-hton, clareo'n!, 1I:18.2..5,q0Q!i 1. Pob a3ftah, 16:04.b.

!!iq 8eacn. Julv 16- Bob Soth ran a a!6ai doubla ln wihhins hhe rlle and a-dl]e. REs!LTs: !!qi 1. re!!-t Fc(ee, unatt.. 1r59,7:2. I. Co-Lpitts, 5l!., 2:01.1: l. caly loaeloy, I-one Be.cn cc, 2:ol.2r 1,. IL'la1 Robe!tson, 5tr., 2:04.0. Hs ii i. Jar Underyood" tsuena Park HS, );oo-1.-r411e: 1. 50ih. srr.. 4:i7.1+: 2. Bob silfi usAr, 4i20.6; J. Robeltson. 4:20.6i 4. Pete 0und1€, Striders, /.r22.0: 5. ie!ov real, fullerton Jc, t1r22.)i 6, I'iike ThomLon, Torlance ls, Ray 4:22.6:7, colpilts.4:r0i 8.r41. 1. Hueh€s, St!tde.s, 4:12.5..HS Fon Doyle. Domey HS, /r:1r5.o..2-141le: 1. Bo! Soth.91A5,2 169.2,2ri3.r, 'j127.5. Lr36.8. 5t)+1r.9, 6153.1, 8r4L.2) 2. Mundl6. 9:4r.lr j. ToD Ryan, culvor Clty AC. 9:55.7t 4. Bob Caman, Datt., 9:56.o.:Hs ++ 1. Mtke tholnton, 10:09i Jim c6;1ey, sants Ana vqtleY Hs' L0:10.


rOS ANCEI,ES. AII-CoRerE, July 5- i4a1 !obe*so' d6ubl€d ln 4:21.1 & 9:11.2. Jul-y 22 (Wllson aieldl Robeltson, 9:18.1,. Julv 23 - l-i{11el 1. lob SoTH. U:46.7; 2. [61 Robeiil6i;r4:2 2, o. STANFORD A!l-C014!nS, July 9- l41ke leake. SCrfi , 1r r1.0..2-li1i1e: 0rnlordan. Idaho stat€. 9:12.1. Juiv 1b- !1116: Pe&ke. /.:Ur.9: Brn, scwi- /,:lt;!: July' 23- 4I!!! 8rom, 1: 12.7...:i!99Ei

0rRlordanr t4:43.0!



olwolc DeveloDuent crosr Country ao;r; Mesa, Call,l.. JuIy 19-r,layne Van !e116n cloaed oui a starsiudded distat olsnge Coest CcUeee Tuesday rtght by conpl€t€lv shatiertng ihs Buc cous6 r6cord. Van Delleb, holdot ot the Plrat€ dl1e ad trc mlla r6cords, lan thd 3.25 mile course in 16:10.0, snashlne Leroy NesliE (of Fuu€rton Jc) fo@€r mrk 01 I?:t?.1. The o1d oranse CoaEt t.lln€lrg courBe r€cord ra! heLd bv ToD aos@ll Nosed out io! lilat bv thE sprlnlllg Van leUdn tas l4a1 Roberison oi ihe Strid€$ kho was clocked in 16:.)5; Ron !a!!1eu of cs1 Polv & Pete l4udle of the strldels @de 1t e even fout kho we.a und€! the record a! iheY Etopped th€ wetch in L?t00 and 17:08' 5- irm P6eEo. santa re Is, 17:21; o' ioe ca!!€tt. liest@lnste! Hs, 17:27i ?. re colrittE. strlderB, 17:11; 3. rk. rmoion. foFance Hs, t7:42;9' Paul liEhe., autver cttY AC, 17:/+2; 10, Bot catuan,

IAN DXI,I,!N NIBS SIX-MIIE CIIMD (Costa Mesa. Caltf., Sai., Julv


9:J0 a.d. )- lialdo van D611en outs@ed l4ike Drsslta tir tle flnel fet yelds slx Collese stxt6 v1n tt€ Oranse oranEe Coast College to ri-ln ti€ nrra n'n t6dav. Vd Dell€n. a sraduate of oluEo Coalt, YaB ir@d 1n

llu-cookr';. AsEn.' :';,5!%3i"5i JJ:25.05t l. 'ir'f*31' "k!3:

T&r ',1;,'

rlBnerr raur r1B 4. YBur Sd U€so. J-]:l+6,4i .-r"-. dlay iii" J.]:r+6,4i rc- 14:12.8; il,:32.8: 5. t. Ron Ac, aanrNo sioNsoRg r?s rrRsr 1960 x-c lirtT culve! rerr{.n- CdI cil Po!y, Po1Y. 35r29.O. 35:29.0. !a!!Ieu, ia i:uie: I. Jo; oan€tt, wesiDinster, JulY l?- Dtt!&ce: 2 E1]es, fasi ald Rey !€ ta cs!, se Fe!nfl,ar:.Hot. ov6! 95'i Etalled at 9:t5 d. I6'itl3i-". Pe53d6!q, t1tozi -ninanaeg, 3. Dar. Eby,riest."n' IlrF ltaid of R.dtand! lnlv€lsllY took s]d';, l7t02 l8: 17:r3i 4. 11 Hesa nde!. " tle.t€rn,16:aLoff 1ik6 a ligh! and !as6.d th6 fllet TT! IIIIAND




lets1led accou! or tb6 Sf,A.|IU l,2ri4ue OItbpIc o.Floroai Ru sdmor€d bt o..mgo Cdsi Col-t€gt - r'-.d.v ft\' 19, il"ii rl"a..'caruJ'"rr D'rec or oI ru: oCC Co-c' Nol:@ C. llds /3 3ia- €d dd flnished


- ?'2




o!de! of J4:eh

-,.;;..;i;;. -'i_ lJ'" ii".t.



ad si!'-:.r !.ror iieaL'3 couse reco'd 'r i?:r?'a schoot Erk oJ t?:2?. croii Jor asslst3 s'eg 16"!1," ."a r". -i. i-b"tt..". r3rricu 3nd lindie, od lotide ihai the r*1 tm ri.i"L*. I t -'ol" of Yerx r€cn'! hi&-scdDorars - a}€o iorch€d .ne of ihe foner siandards. ifi€r a dax "hich lrashinsllr cool at ra'e'tue' th: fi'1d to' {ae lh: r3ir:r\il:. af,c' riL:xtEB ot seasonec enihusiar'vs ' schrr}ct Jitarcs 'tuiraisr:e'3 place

i8l,'E:L j!:"::'!iii';:ili;:;::' i:;ro,i"il':i*'i3,f;|f 1,6iili"i:";:t i'ai;l: u.li.l;'::'',1: :,11"," l, .. ;:,".3: !.lu;i lii,;i:':i'; ::'I ti;--Td:;zt-slro.o: -:;; :;rr"i;" ; .i-r;-.:..:: i1:;;ffffi.:i:9!: 5 cio.."i. :3 d; nrst'ia'.^ :ll l:, i:t,:;:::',,.i: ,1.rta" iteinbach,

tf:r,:l,i ::I+ffi"ii,'r,"i,,*' "9"":i'"1";;,:':;iiili.''li:'i,ii.r i:48.1; :. :i;iil ndie 1. 9:18.8..4!!s! c'rn


Poter cdan, 1r.!et.a:'rY

2 ;3d@ kora Deldtr.iri.l

3ec.nil rmMr Ga.d€.! C.oae

nedrDation 4d Park. ad the iPrLuLr p.oduce (oa]jfoula, of .our3:) r0Ji1€ Handica! n€trl l1u

Sudax, ,rxl-r:1r, rt6C,,.r',arn at, rO:LL a.o.




!4*- "iil:* "il*' in:

1. rrlla riu.on, se rie:o rdrl....-.-..... .. 3'r'o 6i1E.5 tE e.5 -a: 2. ron.ar.irj car ?ol1l ( Fdnota ) . , , . , , . . , . , ).45 6+tL' ,2119 3 j, irf,r i:. tarn:na3, OrtYe. CitJ 1C.,...,..ir.la 66.41 63:37 20 /,, !_,ri.i iGcr.ra/j ]gttached.......,-.,, ,.,1J:00 6a:?0 6l:20 16


rf .iJrr.i;l

6tao 66:35 56:3'


6" :..rri consr culte. cltlxa..,,.,..,.,,,. se. 67:10 ,l:1o)' I rj ?, ddr. !. rjolr aranqe couil' Pac€rs...,.. ?:o0 67:1s 53:t 3. Ja-3 H, E:.riia-.n; crrlver citx {c...,.,B:00 61'37 6)+t37 2r t. ihlLi! s. clarke Jr., cDlv€r ciiric...., 6t3a a1:52 53.22 14 62:29 L7 1r,r. !. ilenais l€rs.usl, rdia;uba.a Ic.,,.10.00 6r:2t 11. -'ilmond ,e Ii c.e, baii.4ned..,.,,,,.., 6:D-i 63:11 t6:31 15 Scf,ultz, cenl,rzl. carif.nia ic. :lo 63:4? ,l:r? t . \.3a 6ti.56 51.26 L 11. jrdiit c..kD, !i. Ieter;" IiDdlr, so. ca11f. s!rider3..... scr. 69:03 tJ:01 4 lt, J€ss c. n$ire, so. Calit. stridd;...., 1+.3a 6t.I3 t7t43 ):l 16. ohesi.r Cdg:r uaf+-acir€c..,....,...,..,.15:Ao 49.5\ 6e:5\ 23 6 1?. J. ThoiE 5tur3h, so. cal-f.;tridaF...,1:L5 69.56 i,t)l 13. flicird rerez, s.. ca.1ii. stt:I1ers.,..... )tt, 7oto2 57'L7 \2 7 Lr. drri& Grokir, ro Dleso r&Fa..-..,..,,. a.15 \C.Oe ?J. tonau esre'"i, uEitaclLed.....,,,...,,..lo.3A 7O:2t 61tr, 'it2t 22 :1. iicha€l e. rr.1e!!, culrer ciiJ10.,.....,. l:Jo ?0:40 56.10 a 22. hiniaa a. ,Jells, r,-dlver citr.rc.,.,.,...D:oo ?2:1o 69:10 2r' 21. slrr 1ain, rar ti.so T&r,r..... .,.,,.,.. ?r00 12.22 63.22 19 24. L. J4es:ehio, So. Carir" ;t d.rs.,..,, 4:0r ?l:n3 61:04 16 25. rlb. fena.dez, wttrch:d.,.....,....,io:o. 75,r'1 69t4i 25 :4. {eiarefh D, strong, ain.e citr ac.,......t6.co 11.\\ 771r!4 21 9a:39 7ra9 A 2'l. iii.nael rih, RireFide 11,i0,r . . . . , . , . . , . , , :* eA.56 2A 2d. Ionr ira,1.g.i, cuher Cli,t IC,...,,... ,,;a:a, tlt't Did not fini.h: Rob€ri cuMr, uatach84...... :45 tNgtr lecold; ord E.kr tu..terick 1,. Dwisht, uaitaoh.d 6:00 5L.12 bt ?€i€ Liudle ,jmest Ga11€Aos) cllwc aitr -4c li:Co r.4r.iwed 1ate, siated ted f. lanerJ uaJtachsd...,. 13:10 l::10 bebDd scral,ell@ ndt lieimch, @attached..,,... l':00 'ihoms c. nrd, cnl€f clt'y r!c. ::lo | !..1e ve.du€o, uaitacbed 4:3o Si-,q. Sorlinq, @ttached,... 15:00 | Ph ;th€aton, uatr,achcd, 9100 ror Cood reasue, ih€ ihin {hite Llne 4edderin3 u! tud dom Garde. Atuv€'s rrre.l! ms 4fresia.d lhiri.' dinutes b€fore 3r.rting ti!e, &d 37 contesiats t..red th. '"er, niles nith ndy a one going a31,ra/. The size of the tleld Ms fcr a fnl-1 ast.nisninS, co$id..inJ the heai th.i xad lederiled is probablt one cf ou {eek, supris.L43 too 'as ihe oreEll 3peed. 0n rdrai'ie;ortblalr 1i @e.s fjnished hder d hod, arainsL U in ihat or:cnet a /er aso. hd eU fittedL cle taster tha tht nlnih besi'"ne ot l?il. i'"mdout inciridu2l Ferfordinc:s ,er8 {he fr1.. ooeu3ide Hi4 school brothers ,no m?ed al1ln 1& lled.spher€ i5hih.n, iit. 4i..,jr: eff.r{ i?s second in i;jre .nlt to inat of nobbr cons . !m l4rieu fi-raU.r herd t! to! a Lone EI;d and jusitficd t}]e faith ol his t&3 . irieht dom thc jjiLe, .a€ JIm alier hotner .e hie arf tire i*i - destiic a couple of naiion:i cha.Eiotu fallins bX the E . *jn l€r a r.wrs3l ol hi3 foEth b*t ono ,Yea Oddl,v, Consi ras "iDof Pel,e lr.adLe, hirie]J foldh fssi€st tod6.v. aa. - ro betier the rcccrd In irfoncl i.I1y shoNs lul}er aitJ iolPilg sd Di€go ud the 3L.i.rar6. c! a ur.e-lm ba3ls it ras 9-15-21.; cou,ting tou Een rt res l-1-10-14.


!o! cralb Relorts -on-ax@ c0,1s1


.bther neei fo! 5Pi1-AU distece Mars... tt" .*ro", cGta i{esar €allfouta - sarrdav, Jull ,0, dlh tn€ xaath€r siill hoi 14 the southl&d nr€sents -on


illpllcnaol nu€€-liile Rm (a! 9:16 a.b.l . . . , 16:11.6 1, Joselh sdratt (llest.lnsie! 2, Rartund D€ IE cdz (sa IsEddo 'ls) Hs) 1?:02 r1t33 3. lsrid l. rbtr (lssedena Hs) . ..... 4" rJb3lb Hertudez (r'r'€etEh lrs) . . . . . *r1o 5. siephd !. Flurac (54 ilaino tc) . . . 13:15 6. chesier crtes (54 Fernedo Hs) . . . ' 16:54 ?. I]Jlsd rbher (Ii4o, Nee', xs) . . . . . 4)t24 ir's.@ C. rr_tutn€ (Tlslttn Hs) ar4ted laiej ie one 1ap duine op3D m ln 13:27

@e!_!l]r$]!-34 (:t 10,04 a.!.) 1. ,,Iarne F" vo Derla, uatiachei . . . . . 2, iaie D.aeilar sar ti€so l&!A j. filfiui& Goo]rin, sd Diego t&IA . . . . citt ,{c . , . . i. Paur !. Frsher, c vor(P@*) . .. . 5. Eo larder, car PoL. 6. ndu! Goolln, 54 Dl€go T&Ix , . . . ?. aicbad Perezr 5o. caltt, stdders . . 6. Latface ranr Sd Dlego T&fa . ' . . . 9. Pnilit S. alarke Jr.r Cdver Citt AC , ro. J&€s H. Ea4ingior, cnlTer Citt !.C . . . l-1. i{il1id tott€r, 12, Tjr Draeila, Ss Diego TaIA . L. Jo3eFh frfu;h, raNtadrd . . . , 14. John t]]fdd€s, uat:ach3d . . .,, 1r, na&n rGidn€!, mat'.ache{i . . '. 16, Ilichael Kish, iri'erstde rric,c . . . .

. . . . . . . . ,

li!:4 .:! L6:46 B:m.2 $:46 )3t25'1 t6.\6 )3.46,1+ 16151 34t)2"6 r?:24 35129 i7:41 35'34 u:L? )5:):1 l?:26 15143 1R:4t )At2A 19:L? 39.00 2at32 39t3e 2Jt32 40:12 2ot32 40:24 20:53 44:34 2At5e \\.)'9 22t5A 4t:1o

ade, ad ioe iiaFe -fe !e!1s, orteoin€ hdEG C.&t CoUese dtuiece '' 'la* to. acn oF Lir&'r3 !:'ai _, ^s rh' +h Lr 'n m:r' ol (.tu.' ,.: : ; ,,0u1 cornrn 1el: theselwes do:n ihis surv norntng, ID vhat tas !1ded as a fest;e atiradtion lor lodaritee, sd lie€o Sl!!L€'i sev€n sisters, :a aJ.ntuLdo [a11.r five ad sa ;abriel !an€, tou' {ith even d entl, lmn distet lJ€vada. r.ik€ iraeilai so oriols-t.-be thas laIL at se Dieso staie co1lece, bai'"1ed !& i;11;.D. th. aat, bui in the stEich ihe lati€r 3rrinted ala..for his second n;ru victorr on ihe CCC coBse in txeLvo dalE' iiori:i!,! rcpraoeftrt for lar DeILe.r ;daeil ibFped a eeogrlghicar riek'

i*"r. l"rn_ua


tr" deidrs


t.da"', rirht {ior, to 3ld:oas

Forsonaliir- foa ih. a'a.& cerd@!t, ,i.chic [.]!a]dson, ltbll:ter of ilr.hie,s !i'"r,ie nhck BoDk'and.til_. aciirc at 61, ;.s & 'r'rn!Ei:u's''

.'" ths

lreaci! ci1,J and ,:as


. , .o\. :'"t: -.,: . r8f,. I1. -, ',L_--.0 .) ' I.4\.,.,-.. . ,'tD..lo.cn li r- ".d - " :s ' ore' ln d'ron-d on. lor 'h t;" .\e air ; ras rtaih'. onl' a .h. ra- "s"s 'r' rn i 'al ja:t .-15' r:i!'!6i r' sl. 2. I r 'd D. -;i,: t-.;aiI; 2:i;J2i L, 6. aaie, .r:lk:n€o., zr2{.r,1. 2t22._)i .

tI nlqPlr ^pra, lep o! so_then lhe olh€rs craneed csradjsn ;:i:: ;::il; 3;:1";';"'::.'?."i." Julr 1,-'b ^sa6(atoon, urlnll( erecllon 'fe wno huns on - he was "Idd nor xyre th. ndes of 11 nen and tou mhan Hho fanlesljc I u'ev reativ fter the ia3L klrr nake u!.anada'i r&f -ean r! lhe Jool eares:usi"eoi. hr;;t in;t;6i-jn oly1Flc ce-s Fore nex! bon,1, iiaa's t1:29:9: iTiolh lode drslsnc€ enners, DoLs .;;;";;;; "ro"[r"e;c ii;re" irrin oer"i:-"ii a .Trey_jn lyre & Loroln .anaaia! lecod. tt easll/ natlle .rsas De1, sre oit.nen, Lpps &.oe_ oeat (yl;i; rt;at:9. Tl,. a;;;i;.e.k usxrey ot us-ara dlrr ,qs tr:5l. conpete ln e ralklts events, Ofri;riis said (i.ld waE nor conslii6r_ The setect.rn co@1ttee loied thai the ithes upon whlch rhe contesranrs i:ii""?i:*;iffi"ilT:.i":, re-e judced vele^not he.essarlly llose ;i,:"L3 rJ:3q.6: {tt; \;; nn.r,6 ii." Jijt: rie urrlplc a run lhe equ.vatenl" oI t4 D.lns. !h15 .^yre s vrcrory-cMe ine race orousnr a cr-"r ta all llobabtlily t,he lsrd rractr lns stand as ihe een coveied rhe lasr hu;t Ktl; ib; ;;t ier.ie mie ir.i. tr,e coLple oi laps abosr sloe-oy-sloe. ertorr'of tO Iil;s. ryre s lrbe ues J?:?>. . urcesor, a J.000n Srcha6e: 1. lon lralllrErofcqolns ovpr.lhe.1ine, fi;fi;! ai"th;';; B;iii;i ' {:".yeros ba9l )2:2!.o. orvlrre Ark1n6 colubl!ii-.:in ty ,e vendei,t.t. helllon. l. of Torcnro .amp in L\ird. -i,e: S:it," 1 vag 3 hot, wjndy dsy and rre nnSOCn: i.-Sie Ohtenan. Vancorver: 2. n€rs conptaired rhar their teCs w6r€ 1?;;" -;-q'-.r.-....'r,,"" n,,i,,; ----""' vo.y -ieh, frcn dnnlns In spl<es * oi:;; ri,i.'r.s.-ii.3:-i:ii.i ihe cetre.r-tite Lrack. (Best t:;;s: oir".o, riie.i: repe. Dickson's perloman.e Droveo Lo Lhe j:ro.z: /cutitns. 1:tE.o:j ne ras herlrhy enolsh Tv vierer6 cta.!i0 lhey !d as jI they to ru ihe Ealathon ln Rone. w6re aflald of one a;rotnell Ceoff "al-s o, varcouve- le{r rLe tOOn: l. T€-.v Tobacco. -mber.and. lrials !i!h !rc chnplonshtp oedsls, B-i,: B;"; a;;;;h;;";i;;;;i;-' oy wrdlag lne a)uq and rn6 ),uu!n. cas- tork: l. Elaas Leps. Torohto r. caf66, rnerrs'Dre York. lio;: /.o.3; le& and.not qLElj fi,"d Lo sel cdad al Dlc<son ,opes !o tu _n rhe fded record8 becaL8c o. h,E r"c-rL a.-ivat (cze;h,) ,.rathon on o;iob;! fFa-EDeland, shaved sou6-t1[e l$n ^ostca 9ih 1f iis atline 1eg6 ritl hold torn,lhe.r,r00e when l!" 99*!19! 0ark rne rrne rh J:.o. z, agalnat the record of l:46.4. DOr{ MMs 94CA tRn^( (ttB (o\tApIOJlandy i{ason ran 2:01.5 then drolled T&r I4EET - Senlo! Men: BOO; 1..!r. out {hen EaleE toro by hln and !aE6€d fozar, s@ili;; atrd!ic;-1: j. $1de!, Lh!€e laps in,:01.. Bruce hldo.o".-or- i;;a t.;t; t. c. oi,"elvi ;","i".'nc.-' onro, a lo-year-ord lracx llne: 1:t9.)..2-Mj1e 1. AIa coftPotillons Lhis year ras k]l rp ^:rik: crardr. - oer.Iey,_crld3i;;;-Tc-i-::-v.;, heet5 In l:02.5t Eet6. pou!6d lt on rr.". rr,.in Lob. r: r rr r"" " ove' lne las! ra! ae xldo, fo! lhe f1!sL !"ji6"i;ii-il'1;-5;i., ir.ii' i"-r, tim6 in hie lire, really Lish_Lened up. j. i"oi riiotiti. i;;..;; "i. oa. ;:ra:t;: BUL lhe yoMa ste' couraeeou!]y fouenl, i:ooor; .. o. .imtcr,aai. ..rcnio oii throush to nn J:51.5 for !hl!d beatlnc _?;-c; Uu!r;/. c€nllal i,..": r. o:' vlc_reeve of oleso! unlve!61ty. Jln 1ron6, iii{;;3. eiJi'yoi;. iim": iiit6.>.' of.Brepton,.ontarlo,eas a surprisjns tco,p.iri:.. ii"o l":a in juiioi, lno ln ,:)f,o. Juvenlte, Mtds€t, lantM ano aLor u":sroni boLi ejrrs and iajs ) 7/e ,Il..lro99,_l::d.:: the..second day "f (yle EaleE & allerul.ed.lape and were CAI\AD_AN RIIAT CqA}U'IONqHIPS. qAls.r"t e9r(Lng_qqm ro 3h3x6 ugo, gur-ar rr staD.u,4, j0R0NT0 (July 8, t96c tne lacer unry ror a a-Mi1€ nelav: 1. Toronto OC lp. ,offcir\laD-Atr

i2 Chuliorlhlpa- CoDt. ) oan- J. Uoor6. ,1. Irons, R4dy Ma.on); 2. derden Tom, BuJfeto, N.1.; 3. EaEt lork TC. Tloe: 17t33.4. Nev Canadlen SDllht I'l€dlee: 1. xast York TCi 2, u. ii.iqi""Ei=itr l. r,." "".i pi"i"!i c1ub. TrI;e: 3i2).1. camdian olen, nallee & neeL r6cord, i:r,uii n""i-r. Ron w;tltnsford, Iorl"-iii3,"ucici-i. fiiii:iifri.i'z'.-ii. At Claroeont, ouelpn l€s1oni lr. Dicx i;#;;;;i; to.onri, oc.-o:16.9 !ti,

Xtli#*F3+r#!#+*t#B*IWe E-rii6n- coln,, l0 rilot Nor@b.! l2th-

Finf TG+','.=;l

lg0or-*' a;! H'li"Ah, "lli r"l

(Canedlan R61ay



IadluiDoli!. I!dI&i!,.cF.! coutrv! InuttitlL., r.ntucky.

Nov.d!€; 21,tir-

l-l0 c,lallPtonsHlPs, i{oFc4N srArE co!-Ece' 8'tl'lllt4oRn, I|lt'-LAN0 {7/2llq0) lUI6: l: Ed [1o!&, N€t York AC' 4:09']; Z,--!fke fledns,-Ba1Lr19f"0n' a:tr'o; LASTERN

,*"?il.,i"{"?9;,ll.r,iil,i!;..r, .. *" s"i!:r,i1"::i l1 li::":' fiii€rn, mrga j:i5il,"::"il'i;i"6;i"i:,ili;:;:

H;:lii H:"';jk"Fi'. j, jr*;;i. 6t;:,

I ?





i6l33o,i'i: ij;ii;ii ry"rs, D,55.oi.2. l::::i.'?ti8a%:f,:I.,il'1i,6,i"" cleF- B-rrrrFirr' D61aEr' varrev aAi J' JoB ef**,ll;:l i;ri:;tr":: 1l l,ti16 AM: (Junio! D€n) I. cnrls !GF5t;-c-s*ar l,ions, rorontoi 2.


l:i-rn; !i:i, l;E:;i:,3'.0*e'i"*an' itj[ii!'i]+xii:Tii^ii!i:{i:l:".,

;;il ;.:-;;;;;;;;;.; !lf;:i:i,.i;ii;iiii--nF*::ti:::.,, ;;;;;; 10:rt.'i J. co111ne, di!i'ri!i'"! i-6e0, r.,r,' rrcn.. loci Z:gog'--cous",80., z'. r'erto, iitri-T6.: J. 8!o rcoit, ---EIt9: ]'5i:ll'9li+"1' iIFl""r'B!1" orn4plc DE!!r,)prc^T

*:s;:r*irh"lrii:9;iltffii;i ?:JAfrHil:"1'ii"l5;"'lii;..0




*r iiliiti***,"il,illiu;ilii*re"l'


EiIf-E;;;An: GAc: J. xovjn vcvdls' ' .a..2211J.6 ('aiadlu open & n.tlve

106 Rouse, Boc'

15:t.i,?' Frck 'sp-

ton' I rcls uou!ry ' -uo'

cl-vAPrN! Acc or\ lor\c t_J"i'0".j.1.".""iti i-tri" *.t 1' w!-cs Bnce R1do.-TTc- l-7:-.ttrri-;Tl;;ey, --cii;i l---'u eucianin, Hoc. o:rs.6 '


T0 16r

"llfi 1Tl35r"i"il-Mi;:'?.";::il:",." iii"i""1, +:++t4-*-tie4 l :i:"i"i::l'g"gi::'-':;:":"i":"11":"1' ;:ff1::":"i:::i? $:"3130.i' ri; ii,ii: ;iH::;:"i*;i,:t"ff: ;;]:il,;l: :t;, ;i:,il:"q*:'"ti;i;;;";,; (CamdiM ooen & native !eco!d5. "ciiii'



;","",". ::"e'9";:i3ig :::*""i:u,::u3'::"::"":'

i|i\tfiit'i,,ih.l('3il'xi?"ffiiti""' ii.;ii;;;.'s ii*;;;.lrx:!i 91";:, ;i;;;iili'!,:illlt;$ii!."igl,ri i:'" lioi,'"" *"- i:3fll"':i::';" i:ii";X,*ili;.:""",. 3'.::,fI'.;"4"9::'o:l: io; lraraiho; winner) lith the cooler_ ::q":i:l';i;:: ;i:ir"'F"'*:"::'il;*, ri.'r":1,!:;"(;ii*:,:!i.'li:li:;i; #: :U;:;l'"8;;l;l;:'i;;;;i!;; iio, :$li":.:;1._"::":.,::ve d'!orio1 to ;i; :;:i_i. iorin''p",peruar r-ophy ;a:::":':3;";.i:"5":+;.i$: i:,":): i !"" ;;;;.

out 1le;e everY der lain

:3 (zlrlo!{K PIANS FoR 164- CoNTINUE!)

vi11€ uien Scbool fieId. The winlers massed t9 Doints. o. shire an<t plactice. My progld calls liorsan, rh; l4iddle Atlanttc confe!fo! vorkiDE out dorhlhq and evenlnq. erce colleslate Dlte chd!1on, won thet event and also caFtuled the 880. '14y buddy; ]\! k6 Flemt;s (a ol1er;r the Quantico t€d) and I think lothl.g The lionee. Cluh flnlshed second 1n of Aetlring out in the lain and rlmlng te@ scortne kith 56. vte6t Chester Ac thtuugh nud rith h€ary loots before nad 22, dd lenn AC' 10. Penr ACrs only flrst wa6 registered dam. Thalrs hor you Cei io be a good by cMdents Rlp van l,,Inkle - l]a!ry rulnerrn {Ed: cr a sood coipEel l Vlc is attending oregon Siaie 6@er lelkoFitz in the 2-mi1€ run. He rcn 1n 10:17.6 o!e! Pete league (Del-val AAI 8chool befoie he decldes whele to en!o11. Eesldes oreeon sl,at6, Villanova, aid Bob laBor (l{est cnester aC)" Marylard &ad Michlsan state all rculd M1le: L. Velnon uorss. neL-val AAi 2, ?;T-l,eane. D€I-Va1 AA: l. rin aarnshaw, u;rt;. Me!chMtvi1le. /+: I t.5. He also is not sotd or coachlng sys8d0: 1. otsan: 2. Jack reeves, De1tens 1n thls corntly. FifAl! l. Far \,Islsh, D€l-vs1 aA. "Most coaches iale out a stop watch Tine. 2rO2.5. {S1o, trackl and Bake vou an 220 ud irLo dashes dd teU iounIhoE faEt yourle Colns," rrIND sPFINrs - EgUs--p j-Q-e-!-!-e-l! elsthe scokted. donrt 1lle that, It doesnit do you nuch good 1! conpeili- whl1e Bosto, AI hartier nov urth the State te!t., is taklng speclal coulses 1on Hhe! your lu.dng into all sorts ai Boston ljnlvelslty tn plePalattor lor an Af!1ca asstsme.t. OrComeU do ny tralnilg by nyself. I "I can knor nyself. I1,hen I rD, I try to kee! is atso schedulod to becohe e Yanl ai a step or so behtod the euy I have to oxford...?he o1d 4d faded Shanahan caihollc club recentty dlopped 1ts !eat, then 1et 1oo6e at ihe end, I ifsck & cro36 coutry Prcgld ed nosr 1!(e to nake Ey opponelt do the wo.k of lts dnnels ioined the let Dolaware ot staying in the le.d. lihen I race Vauey AA... I}E nFc (USAJ i5 l€rd at tike that, why do I need sone coach holding a sio! {atcn orer de ielltns rolk Dfelarlna DeDhlets of interest to n1i 1;nE distdae enthuBiasts, Nat d€ ho{ last I ce so?n zmlak wantE to vxln tbe 5.000 meter C1n1nlc! is s€tiins out q rcrld 11st 4n i! the 16r. c@es ln Tokyo. lots of the fastesi barathon perfo@nces. (An tnedcab 1lst will !e cooll1ed by got a lons way to so, (Ed. Iou can nat year. ) other ptuJects tl]l includ€ find eanr sulDoltels for th1slj No A!e!l;d iver tras uon ih€ 6vent aDd, a dld6 oh ho{ io totu d nRc Associain fact, tie Arerlcah r€cold held by t16n. diei and neas@eni of coulses. l\4a Truex ls onty 14:01.6 (since lower- Joe rleinernan, Ted lorbttt, qa1 llgdon ceors6 !!oE, Bill \'/ikIud' Hugh Je6ed t,o 13:51.7 by Jin !eatty). Moct of lrhe top lurclears xould snee. at tho court ud EnEledts John J6H€11 have tlne tuled ln by Llttle M4. (!d. l44y- all cont.lbuiod valuabXe lnfor@ilon be the toD Eurorean soece! lane but not !o far. a soa11 le€ *111 le chdeed th€se outllnea N:lth ih€ !rcc66dE I'Irn not rcllyihc sbou! Dy toOO o€ter fo! solas thto the RRc treasury. , .llelg tie€ llshi now.n sald Zrcla}. "1 have MlnoE rcn the llench Ma.atnon on Aug. tth--;d said h€ l61i tlt to dsfend his a prosr;r au ljn6d u! for Dy co11€se car6er. I want ro eet Dy n11e tlnes ol@Dic titl6 1n thqt eYenl at RoDa. Mi;oir. to vears old. !a! th€ 42 lnt dom, then Irlt stali trYhg to Put (36.4;rreE) in 2:J1; tl+.4...saId tglg then ioeether. I hav€ tlne." E6 int;nds to !eco&6 a 1ary6! 11k€ lav afre! flni6hinEnI5th tb tho ol'flptc *aE lhe flrst hls ietherafter h€ {lns the ,00C1'! E-Gtho! in 1928. hrlJfu ro flniBh,n.,.Elrsg !s1!9.E1q I llles ir Brltlth neilonar recol{ MORCAN !OUBI,! VICTOR IN N.J. TIACK i1@ ol ll!17:2 ra5 r.636cs. fasier ihs De!€k Ibbot6onre o1d na!k. !4ce Merchantville, N.J., Aus. 17- Double r& 1n bs!€ fe€t. did the laEt 0113 flinne! Vemon Morgan led Delsware va1- ln a:15.0. last lap ln 59.4 dd fin_ 16y 1A io ihe iead iltle 1n the caaden isbed ll :ecs. anead !f ndt Ean i4altln cou.ty Branch YUCA senlo! AAti tlack xhanl - -.Ru..Ru.. Rur.. tun.. Run..Rw neelr, Wedle3dey night at ile li4erchalt-


NE{s F&ou


p.n. Rutt.!, i,2..p,.I'Og:L 1. g".9*. italth. l: !9.4;

igHi-h"*ifrfi'*Fi1,"'i?!:re1rr' HL'o;":':"1.':fi;"i:,1i"?1'rTiii!c r*::*[ ;jff i"F#.r;iri"i:;:;]l gli$:f .!;i-. Fj:fi:i!i:!l'i

"iffi l:"1:i',I$iil?ilirr.li?:';?t?'"i:l".lii:';i#;,3!ii\j!!ilii";."qi-ilii" "'i,ii:tiil#ili3i'il"i:hii,Hnt:' :::i:i;ii:;9lL{::"R::i:$:;:'ii;?:;;,


." . l:ik'il;i,:iil.!i3li;..ig:!1"i.'1.". .. i:l::i;,[:!i:te*l'a:tci:il ffiiq'r;r1*:;*.:?ii$::;#,r i\rner.1':0?'2;].MlkeB6r15fo'd'..M.!rid&l2a|zL.\iz. i:6?*i:**i:r'ii,j;I H€lrjns' e:ui i''#*i";jjfi:".lii;li; ii:??:i'


i?filii ii*f+"#,fr5'vdiln:'

illiit,ii{iliiiirrlg:'*i.ii'' ;l:itilliti*iri;aii:5li '' i?3"li?'rl' ;t*.'r.' ;lti!'"'!lll;l!l l3i:il?i:iii:'l: #;"#.i: i5i:t:-'



' :: !i,#i.i','*ri,. ;i:,i1lli:iillir i-'.:,, ill"lii!rii ", ';,ni:i"ry;:*;i,l:l,ii'!lli:a;:",. iiriii3ili:i:,i:li*ii.r-mi::, ", r"i":i::i:,. :

fr:9,llillii3i:"li'i:'3: t:2?.41: 5" P. Sal€, l:28.14' Po.lBn;uLh {C



Cu! e6t,hC



Haldtcker' zl2riuri L'

2'21'54' 5'


1ad Llchardson'

:ii' l;ii*i'i:lli''l;ilb,ti'iliii' vtl'


li;i::F*i:iil$$:lri:ii' Haro-c<er. 1:4j.4€i .1. B. Kltly, 1:r,r.oor

i*{#i:+H',:i(:.3i"!l"il!l!'1ii.' (22-yeBrs-old & l3t' haraEnonr z:zr''r;

;. E.c.!a.l6y,':,.5.1o.



Uarathor Club- 1. Ken Pa*3on, ?:u4.4; "3!l^Rli€';;!3I;i.i'#:1"'3:"ti:"





$'Ite r39e.)a )14 !. r21-Years_o10ii 1. ?'-Lon

ILder, 4:0!.5o

5l"liiti; il3i:ii"ii-i:'i:;:::l:;:0" "xl€'ii'-"3e"iitl",i?l.Yl}li !i'1;"

i;ini:hi:il#:::,i3*"Hii5ii,", ili*i.i,ffi#isiiiEiiilli+i:o,u j:iiiqiig' il i':ril,3' d,g ,h',:ili:'*i1 elli {1) J0:40.2i 4. ar tubu'-trlt' l(en! Olen 20 Ml1€s Poed Race- 1. T. Iti;:.llr::':: ?;,:ill."i:l::l;:"""'' e*H [i8i:i,"!:-ili:]llti"i; ii:i,T. .S:;b'i::.1;;:';il li:'!eH:'f:" €i.li,'iilTliff'l'f '!'"*1,::'i:;3:.




u. llon lneland - Cotrlhu6d) Io!k6hi!. i4aratho! Chat!!, !!on!o!6.t by Hull Ha!rt.t., Jd. 18 - 1. lrtu I500h: L. !.U, (ent-SD1th (EJ l:13.?l Coo\e. 2r33.26i 2. Chrl! Flelna-Sdth, Z;-'G6;don Plrle (E) 3:45.6: 3. Delek 2t44.02| 3. D.E. ltlcDolrld, 2r47.24. Halth (E) 3:46.8i l+. A. Rl;ro (I) (r) lalaldl a.t. 3tL7.2t 5. 3!48.7.. Gt. llltaln rB' 129, B.lglu 6/r et (non-sco! s) 1. M.. (non-Bco! 3.000r Stcb.s6:-rnon-8coljngJ Srch.e6: srch.e6: Blllllghe, July 2 - Th. outltddlnC 2.0006 T;.Flo H€FlolL, rr,-f:3t? 3:51.?ii 2. M.J, i'I.J,Psbcr, D6ltorunca of tbe Gtcb r.5 Eoc.! i{oeDsl 3r55.8i 3. D. SLearnE, 9rot.0. ):a?.2 800 dst.!6, b6et.y€r h Britalu. I T8F - sourh e1, Norrh 72, 5r (B) i:t0.0..15008i 1. D. alleya.d (B) aL Alder6ley S!ad1u, 'ldreds(s) Jue 16 - 1.(600'!) Lren-k 1:51.2! 2. i!r;8.0i 2. J-of-fnd.r!oD. 08. l:t8.1: 'o1v€rhspton, X.eIins (N) 1:51,9,.r500D:1, John And- l. F; v6'h6u6n,8.,3:/.6.94 1.. AUn (ll,:i'6''' (N6v.

i:,ll'riifili;.{l'i.':f i3i"k"itil

;:"!iJ'+.?i:5,'?i )';lPF,'1. tSnr,ii?;91;l€** li,i;:1f". !al!h's) 1r17.0..5000D: 1. E&c6 Tul- 9:*:l: (B) 14:03t l. s. Jd.., cB, 14!06.r; jll,' ! :'i;9' I i5 i : i: H:X-:i: iB i ]!: ::: e' i+:dP*'*, Bradfold Cit,r Police sport3, JLne t3- ?. F. !&d.rho;ve! (Bl 30:29t 3. A, ":.*1-1,i'i;:,t'3. a:1o.L, 2-Mr1es:'. Delek lbbotBon, B.om (Cr) lor42! a, a.". noad (cB) 9;'l!iliiir ";::'!:il,':ii:"':ifl":'!!6i"i."i.":lifold, r:50./r;_2._s...\rk':, lr50.6; ). ?ai'3;!;:*e8%i3r"li 8tbe.9i 3.'J. Ljdk6!, (cB) 9r26.2. Slith,-r,:Oo.7i-2._l/.-ir-IEgs, a:ot.?;^^ - Ryde! Trolht M66tlng (:rsss) &r l. l. Reed, a:01.8i r,_P. Jo,est r,:02.8 So;Lh@pro;.'Ju1y 2:3-irEtos! I.

)! b. rume!, L:o..Ji o. r. !E!ner, Btuc6 TuUo^. 1J:17.2. (Ner U.K. and r:o1.6; 7. N. eisher, tr:or.6; 3. t. A.A.A. reco!a) ruIe rlmes 4:11.4. Fose@!, l:06.2; o, Bnce Tulloh, !:28,8. !:15.0. Lesr Ls! 59.4. r:06.6..1-M1le: l. cordon Plfle, Brock;E Trophy lu€€ilng at crcydoD, ll:ll.b; U r 30.6t-2._'16fin l4"rrldaE, .r"i'"-ie - 6-tai13: 1. co".don Pr;e. ' M.a!!ln [. sLM Hydan, tJ:Jr.6; l. 29:]8.. { n;;T:-z, J. sosan, 30i12.0.. E1oor, t3:16.e! 5. PeL-r Clark, 3-Mi1e: 1. rau;ie Resd. t4t1?.a {R6c.) U:J7.6i 6. Alu P.rking, 1.1:19.4i Z:-J:-Fer!iu. u,:13.0, 7. D, Chapman, 7jrL7.2i A. 'ony Reonp Coeuls tloiiiy M6eLing, at W61*tn rr:4o'8"r'00'! sc: r' v' iii?:1":'llir:)l".li;"s*i ]: lil;:r. Ilidland Senior Chae!s,p, al {o'verh€i!- ltOOrh: i. Dick jones, J!52.7i 2. R. tonr Jure 25 saot l. r. rulir, Tuur, 1:!5.5 1:5t.5 Fe(s,3:r..ti 2t - !99! Glddtns6, 3!5e.: E6EEAan, 3:r..r; J. d. Glddtns6,3t59.7. Io!, q.,t.l.'riiitt'oi it ,ierryn, riri q4!.9j._1._c.u. c6-&Ero'-L:lJ,o,,:-r41le: v' Prrce' 14:1r'd; z' i;,1;l;.""'"'' \orth"-n r. _\sps, at nches'e!, l. s. Hara:c<er, 2r26,21i l. PasJun€ 25 - "80: I. T.4. Sc"orield, 1r5\. so^.2r2?.!3i 5. C. flalrl5on,^€n 2:2S.11i 5i 2. -. I;jl6!, I:t+.6..!Ll:i l; Mi<. o. 6orrr ieii,air. 2t29.1)t 7, B. caok6, aelie"o!d, 4:11.4; 2. D€Fk lbboi6on, 2t29.)+a| B. b. Rlchardson, 2:J0,07; l:11,6; L Jo\n Andprson, 4:13.6.. 9. _vo! (dnonds. 2!lO,0a! 10. ,ack l-lLti_-: -. rea tood, 14:05.3;2. SLeve Ha6td. 2r)!.22t \1. ren "ones,2:11.25 f,ffi]r:o?.Li J. rv.rk6 3L'rvan!, i.'r'.i'r.ti'. 2rJl,loi rl. i. d]n.:i. rad6. 2:31.J8: 14. G. {inchester, U:15.0. 5!. ch@ps, dt Caldlff, Jnne 2515..4. Weeks-P6a!so!, 2:l2.lO. '{elsh q30: t. {. tones, -:51.o 'N6t. ne-.J.. 4}2:aE A.A.A. f21- coftoined s"Nic"s 50.



ffi';.n1. iSii;,i:5i;9..i:':."":'l;-,kl;*,1?]l i:fr:'fil :iil'["-'36", mlr, :::5: .. ii: er ;5f+siid.:'i:ir,' I. ;l::' :: i:,6$::1,';lil:l 08: j,!. n.D, 03: D. l;,9:a:: n.D. Macdonald, Macdonald. 2:tr.lt; 2:51.r.5: l. D. r n F€aA:-Z!07.2: F-aF--tro?-2! L 1- P. P- C1a!k. clafk- r:0q. r.Da:09.6. ;



3-urre: _: ,!an lloon. rlrl-..i



Hau-Mala-Lr o.r r!"--19_-_1. ??aTE;-]l:J7.1; l. 4. Perklns, L4:92.9. _u.lElm J-.ry rdwa_ds, l:1l.rai 2. tslI1 "ah3ey lqqQ8-9ji f. i,4a!rj c€ ner!iott, 9:0L.6. l:14.00; 3. Trevo! Joyce, 1:15.10.


nC xr ASSN !M MIM 1!19.I0 2:14.11 5. Jlm Norris, hncoln Pelk Har!16rs, Jin 0rcon!e11. J.. l4et. A,tU l-nile )7rIo lr19.I5 lr5l.75 2t t+2.57. chdpion lroe st. Anthonyrs 8.C., Eon {!ace lor thild vas rot decldod unt11 the 5-mile scratch run spolsored by fasi 220 yds on the txacl wne! And€!the N.1. Ass! of the RRc. Th€ ra.e son too* lt bacl after Nev1116 psssed wa3 a trllteht aflair held ove! tI hir dalns tirsi par! of flnal treck 1a!s of the outslde walks of tlo Yank- la!.,ltalk held on courtly loads rith ee stadim o! Wednesday, AuCust l7tn. Hat Telper, fomer PSAL dlstanee ace, l€d fo! the first lap. then orconneU took over tbe lead and ras nerer head- IONC DISTANC! lOC QUESTIONNAIRg ed. The ble race vas for second ptace, es Al Slan (Daterson old I:ne-s lub) Nad€: rr€d 06lcoon,.Dare o. Billh: and o r t.rd (:. {1(hohrrs B_l.ba!- li;E-r,, 19lo cop6;thaeAi;-T€Gl= t led to s ouldpr "or 10, Laps. Adoress: 1!61[ SollenLo. DetlorL 27"ho.ld-r be"o!e sk6n ort<i.^ed raro. fiT?EilEi- - pirsonal !ar;: b,1"- r5oibsorLonneu, in ,rrnrnc! r!'red .n r'e Alhleiic .ill6;i;feean r$ninA in second 'a3'esl ,1n- ever Mde oe"r t\e !)i6 TaTT oT Ttstst lhe aRe or t6. be(er Srad:m course. L(ardle INvAr) Ran I yee* uS x-country {2-m!tes). lan th- cou_se ln 2l:ro last varch 2 years PS lreck (DiIe), 2 yeers {hjle 0rCo"n"l1 " ocled 25:t1.8 lodav. colleae x-counlrv & rraa<..Coached bv: rHen(y runn-.6 s1.s.teo rhe race wlrh !1cla;o rrunkoski (scroor) E--FC;['!c!r1de (ColleEa)..66n€ral Fe@rls: fl inisilnA.. teeth6!: c1e6r. fair, perra.r ror nnnlner Tr.rn on lepeal Prizes: l!oph' donrl60 oy Po'\ew cna- tunhjnE.. obotes: stop coIIe<Li@ A. l.nd, .wo c!p6 ( trc blonze neda16. nnnlhi.,tr;filTu- 8 sn;linar No. ilso i1r.i L.: \ rr : tion'u iariTS?-'iSiE6iSiif5Everaees.. l. Jlr 0rconnell. sr. A^-h. 3c. 25:51.8 EattnE habl(6: a.rtv lalg€ olea[fast. 2. aI skan, 'atei6on 01d Tir"r!, 2o:r.8 li!5-Tiiitr"-SErore {b,koui, snack oe-' l. John Wald, :(. An(lony!3 BC. 2615? lore oinne!. aedlu din!€.,.tllLrc: a. T-d orbiL!, r,er Yo-i Pro-., 2_:12 1 p1M Lo I;n aL t6asr Lltr T-I6:'E 2?:t9 collece .nd posslbty altena-ds. I & t. Dlck Clapp, NrP(, 6. rvarE F!ase!, leL-ached, 28:i6 a Bioloay l,lajor..How often Do You 7. :au: tanprin;s. lrutraclad. 2t.LL !arn':; s€ison.-?56:i-i-Zawr 8. ,In I'olan. IrYPa. 29:11 ;;;EI-no! du!1ha's@e!,;sp€;ds? rallQ, \ahee1 5a/-yed! Jnartached! 2o:t, 1.{0ta - 05s: 330rs- 2:20:-ElI;;: under 10. Andre Saund-$. Ne! Yo:k A . J1::2 5 E1ne,.sDrins- 220's- 26,tt r./.orsIt. cdo Bo:lss. , Pc. 32t5\ 6osr 88Or;- 2tto..ftar A]laic Do you 12, .oe uroy, s!. fi:th. Bc. lJ:11 cov;r? rall- auouu-'tr--i6--iT'ile_3-T51fv. 1). BirI slerner. vltlrose IA. 3\tr'7 ?;FI-ns- sbolr 2 !o I oilas oairv.. -L/r. Lrnie l"da6l'a, srod T.A, Jt:56 Warn-Lp tiats Eno spii(e6.. dnf - qa1 Tepper, Joe s(or L, .o dlanco, &g!!ee! naat]Llfrcb Rls1]ur Mlte: 4:J4.rl orvi]I€ rlrnr, !;'b Bens.,o; srusrr ZjFG1e-.j_-Tb;d.j6:_-t:mle: rj:19..4-f41. 1!ck6!. {htl]y) 22:02. ofticlalsr Joe xlelne:@nr Chalrnani lob hslor, John.oDwayr llDelEi Lo! J1x O'CoNnElt ANo JOE Sc011 SCoRL wniLe, John Slcrher, Bt11 *rlklDo, l,llis lN Ptc Nry AssN RUNS {ALctgl 21) lefy Murphy, Nlck Bitlotta, larry l6sEe.. Checlels. Tho Road Rlrnnors cfub NI lssn gtaaed !. ei- 2nd ano lrc rsces in L-6ir sulaR rEsrElN 2o(d, Eoa! urlr. ruc. 3f.$it:i;"1"il'i:i H::""H*;** SDohoElsh, Itaghtngton 18 y€als ot ese or urd€r and the othe! l. lob aenollcksonr Seattle 0C, Ior those ot aperlence r'llh AAU r€slstrstlon ca-ds: 31:50 (5kn) rol.17 (l0l@) 1:1i.00 Jo€ Scoit" unattached and e studont ll5lst) 2t12t!9.2 2. Dol .acoos, T1gad,olegoh, s! 1.he d. of \ebraska, csptureo the luntor rsce ove. Ray Jack6on (Uhatt.) 10:20 l:0),05 It3).\2 2tO5.5L 3, Don lnd€lson, SAC, 3Lr5O 1-ro7.2'l by 100 tards in 22:U. scott also rcn lt)?,La 2t)11.o) les! yesr.in 22:01, FourLoen l.ru€r5 l. John Nevl11e, soc, l?!10 I!07,1a slaftao rn th€ race & atl llnjsh€d. o'CoNlInLi W S




- CONTIIIIJED) In tle olen r€ce, run dircctty atter trre junior race. Jln 0rConnetl" St. Ahtlroayrs 3,c,, st:eaked in a;inne! foI the second tide wilrhir a week. Jin uon by 65 ya.d6 over A1 Sran of t.he Patersor {N.J,) otd ?i@!s club i! the tlae ol 21:{2. The ord Is 2I:04 held by Joe Eesget" of the N€k York -{c. hudy l4€ndez of l4arvland State Coltege tirrned ln a 2I:Oi c-loclrlns in rlnnlne last year. lb sralted a.i lt fillshed4-l!iILE




lTlle Handlce! Park, l4ont.oae & Callfornia Ave13. Chlcaso, IITS NdhrIl1inolB. ANn xEEDEDT' -Ent6r a Tee Heh to Dey€lop Lorg tistalce Runners creater Atlantlc Citv & Attantl. Coultv 16 Mile cross colntry Selay Race (4 Gn te@sl S,rday, October 2, 1960 - U:lod Tem Tropny & 4 Rdner Statuette6 to fiist flve te@s io be presehted et the afte! race lurcheo! at th€ Vlemr Rpstaulant..Entlles close Sept. 17th wfth W1tlald Shene!, nace ,iector, 102 So, Rmso! !ve., Mersate Ctit, N.J. II{TURES- U,C.T.c. 12 Wa.Lk,

Slnday, 18 Sopt. 1960..flome.

1. Jre bcotrr Inatt., 22:t-; ?. Ray Ja.kson, Unatr., 2?:J7i J, clar€nce 'Gt!', :': ;1 r1.';'"";' ;""',. RccoPDs -A-- IN _McK la r DLs' Rr LAcsA s & ' cLD IE!14 'tE'ct,.' 2 t2; ). "o Blalco. nar'.. 0- lr's' 0'"lvPic 6. l€-e.! ..jdsy S"yyid, Ut.r., 2)i)B 3J:,2i 4rs. t? _ for, rcrtd /. raui ramlrinos. Unatt.. 2l:!5: 8. -ecords liah!, {'r" oe I. r.ii"., r. '-eo and t,o,ero Ljeo ,,;60; iob:. l.rn..--, st, sran,'pienLiroii' igi.. :: :l:,"l::::J;i5:.*'*l::: :r.8;i: sLa'€' !r^ei- -eac! coac Ln"ereo a ii"i"i:!i.,',;;:i;'ii.':;;i"



l:"::1, Rh";"q?:;.lii,;.;;i;

UnI!-d AA. [T].

' i::"\:ii ffii:l:"[jlil.::']:",i1_:";::y;fi::":lI In ddoi lon, !rc Anerlc"n r"(olds

. in or.otuer, -!. r. 2.

rnr.ony,e. ,,,", X"l"'-li.!uiii"l,"i:"1:i:"':,":f,.";::iii:' Al rar, 01d'llners. ?t:,) Codst since lalp JJtv. ?. I"d _oy, Parersor nat!..hed, ??:jJ .o-na DyrcI Bu!leso;r .to{€.ed rte na!_ve r. Hal Teppe., lnar!a.hed, 2l:03 1,500-m€t-r Darl. Lo l:r,1,J (eqrLvateht t. Jose DonFs, Ula!lach-d, 2J:09 !o abouL e ):)a rite). r'rh or;te -tose. b. Jo€ Bessel, Ne{ /o!k rC. 2J:_6 -n€ foroer Sr,JonntE ihlv, runn€r. c1o;1,_. _ad qolk Corbi-t, :{ew Pion,. 2)r)2 ed lh J:{2.7 oehind nlr. a. Bob B-rrro.o, Pa+erson, l\.J.. 21,:09 Boo Soi! -eouced -he Are.lcan rc.o-d 9,9obelt Hel_er, It Pton;er, 2l:to lor rhe Ek-mlte run ro 28:to. lud C.lelu! Ji! No.Ian, N" Dloneer ClJb. 21:1.0 len ran 29:01.8 eallier ,nis vear-1. Illl c!e6n, lljllrose AA, 20:lo i"rrecr evenlns weqlher and itr€ €icer12, Paf Fol6y, Levlrlod, l]. 26:59 lent fec:liLies of'41. san Anrorio cotll. Ell close, 5. AnLf. BC, 2:11 _esa ald€d rh. sr-t.las se a clord of .tr. ohh ward, S'. An!h. 3C, JO:)L 8t00 was dazed by rhe ralld-'!re develop_ 15. Jo- liroy. s!, ArLn. 3c. Jt:24 4en!€. dnj - Pprb BFnarlo, lvrllros. AA Deacon Jones oulsDril!€q c6orq€ youz oy an evelagh ln a; 8:5a.8 Joodr s'ch;se u.N.,Ensr!r.or cHrc,{co rRAc( ,"u" i}il,!iit$"}3:i":":'"i[l"tii:&,ti::* MTir WAIr I5llday, 21 AueLs-, Io60) no cnances ard drcppeq ou-. ClaD.llDe.o!.T. tooon r'€nr 1;_Bj1t De lnAe. rn a 1. rr:s v(csnny, u 1c;Zido-.E T-:t5.25 1n€ taNicar ir.:os.i Jii,. ii.i iii,"i ri", llrar?" g!!gi Dayron, 2:o1,2) :17.25 t. J.rry sle06r!, callrornia, "archo, i.l. Fred Arno d, UCT!. 2:ot.L0 2:Ot,.t0 IjI?;l: cullire. sranfdriir. JsDes C1i.Lon, UCTC, 2:10.00 t:55,00 t:t,7,)a l.2. u;ie Jin DLDICe, Ne; Mdico. ,. clarr DuckhM. Dayron 2,13.J2 l:58.!2 l:a8.ai r. tm cftlle- or€!.. .ne;atd b. cichard s!ren, unett. 2:?4.40 2:2(.10 Enpire: 1:r,8.8..looodsc: Jone3. 7. I{al rleb€rGn, uc1c, l:J2.00 2:l?.00 8:5r.8i ?. (oune;-E:5!-; L; J. hay [lusunatt., 2:17.20 2!17,20 heB. !h.tt.. 9:19.4. {0ak1ev dnI) Dislalcp: o"obabty 2 niles eve1. 6-M-ile: t. sorh.28:ro: ?. 4aI noberrco,,se: t hlle con.rele oval ln a !a!i. ;68-26:5(.6; J: 1on pi€n, .one Beach



(!tna1 Pre-olyrptc Mo€i - contlnued) State. l1:11.6i 4. Ron larrleu, Cs1if. Poly lPoeona) Jt:34.9..15!@1 r. Dyrol aur1..on. 0.eson, ;:li"!:i:"s:l Jl:'i;l:l+L.l! 2. Pet.r cLo!." Marln€s. l!l+2.7i l. ld I'{o!an, A.chte san San Rooani Rooanl Jr., NYlcNYAC,'3:45.2; ?:15.2: i. A.chta 1tt6-2 3:00.3 - 55. 6.2 159-2,2, 3r0o.8 55.7 3tt 159"2, 2:01.2. l:ii,*t:"i"i":35:?:"ll';#H"1: 2. l4+-iTiu-ex, lruox, iSii IJSAi' urA It+ro9.7i 2.,4q !611!nEe!. t4:09.7: U{:15.It j. P.ul whit.16y, t(ans€i st. (3n:1;:U:1b.1)." Teacnelir. u.:t8.b. r;;ai;!;,' u:t8.6. (3n:1e-U: [6.4 ). "


?. Zan:'ab I6!t chalter Ac, 26:103 rarAlllen, !.I-val' 26t3rt 3. rhu cosD.nE. D6l-val.. ?6tJ7l !. !ta$Y c-cahe&. {.!t cbost.! Ac, 26;4}i 5. Joh! iu6se. gctc. 26!42i 6. 060. 7. Jto Johnlios? tolf€!" ItcAc. 26t57!sotro$, l&!t., vcAc" 2ot5?! 8. Rly 2?:1Ol 9. E.iFry EUl!, Plot..r AC' 27t27r \1. J6e DoFp, rclc, 27:29 (ll starte$l

trl{llln rn 9-MrIE crl{!E! nu[ *5-l-:l:::-:::11-3i1-l!:-lj:l:- cemden, N.J., ludav. (zpo) au8. 28lRL-oLYl1P:.wc,-LoNcBcAch,",AII!.Jedcorb1tt' co&BIlT

i?'i:"!,-'i,ffi;**iii;:iil*il li;iir:;t!d:rii:,::;;1;;:;,r"


:ir"l;il;ii.il6:;i.ti::,ui:i;":: ii#il.:llTi $i"ifii:iil-:i:l*t'' te! t;e' Clwric qualtrylns standard ii..ijl:it:iFj#+,::,1] H:"'i;;c^,^ i:::"i':':::.::'::":i:ii!il'll3T3!9' l:;3:l i;,f.:,ni;l;:,,,.;:;u,,]:i,1 uuhdre, I2 r;4, b. llgl-:3r4! 1. l1!' "

i;o;:i.:;i:;ri"iirTffi ,'i:'i';'








iil:'ldi: ;::;i-:iil;',;:


ltriii i"ii\? " l: lit-'Billl:,;,'Iii: iiiir'r! tlti!1,ifi 1|ifi iilitr

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iss;F;i'I"y;'t;!lE:;il:*i;llii il,!!:;il#*,i::;',;l:ii,.;::;; S-"1r1:."::;";:.!;i';li,I. i:i:.!;:- ::rffi::l"liltil::' iii;i ii"l:ffr':::il:';ii;:ir#H':,rig,:l rirl$i:i:x:":i:r'', i:,:!

1:'!:l;:}#H.' ;,!1.3,'il"lill"l'"'"' ;i:;i;o;i;iff;:ii;;-;;;oN-iil-ff:; +--n i.:i:il"li+i:i:i], i:;ii::i;: 1i.i:Illli;*ill.:ii;:,i:f :i.;:;";i;i;: +1i';;:;,1:.li"r. sl::; li'ii:i"l;".-

iiii"l;"i.i'i;:ii:;";,fr;,: liii.: u"";i ""i'r," - p,!s@i r. lll1191-l:ll9:3:----io.:A,ivr-o.,^r^^vi,rr, !*:!.i]!i;.rJlilr]111.;i"iiirii'-_ {irii:'ru!' #'ffi;"fi *iii:!d";ff:: i",;:t::l::,!*l;i,:ii;i i"lll,::q ; l;.:: ;" ;'llg ff "i I f ff l. rn* 'iil!:"?'i.:i! ;lT:;i!",i:;,","."", ::'l:si:l: Hi:"ii:.':h:i:L:?: '/' "


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li;ri"t:"":.::i t]51,i6::'j:i lll;"" ffil!3t\1ts5.i'i.'i!llf;"lli;,^;,tu,ii??:l


xttltI o]]Tnu{s 4€ nIvAIS rND CApTtinrs li rlalE u_acr frRoucH !t',(J0010n( clr!

of Colmbiars A.ke'Ile1d ard heacec lrto the !ror*. He {a1ned crn.iderSTlnxTSi Cnlnl! SEcoii!, able Arcund ov€r Breckenridse add l4cT.[nDs BACI (en2ie cher€, blt no! on delley, kho lreckenltdee is hslf-dile ia her ba.k as ae11€I sets pace ell ihe way coh'uinuei his llazins pace on Eroadhay 1n Lhe llarble Heielrs and inssNer Jorkr Iug" 6 - iohn J. re11ey of lrridAe lecCi.rs oj the 3rcm. the aoston iltileiic rlssorleNion, {no iGerwhile, aons had .ollapsed on ihe oi1/ rko ueeks aEr was naiej .o :n HarLen iive! nlive and had ',o b.,- r.(]lyDlic lrErathon red ai €r ar r1!r; lir/ed b7 cxy8en. Iie was ore .i orly .etre left, !!i, roi a tifteen-ftil. tho sta.iels lrno faiLe{t io flaisn. r.ad rece here yeslerdry, A nalf-r.lle aron the flnish i! van ,\ fr.nr-nnner lor the lait line Cor-tlandr Paxli Stadiun, Iefiey was riles K€lley sc.red a 600 yard rlc-,ory (istakenly dir.cred or'f Broad{ay et trest 2lAth gNi-"el ard :ad to turL a! orer 3 te;n-nate Jlrury areen, rn ihe .xi.a 100 yaris beJor€ 6ett,1ns ba.esoad i!ftt ri- t hour ?3 ni,utes 21,6s" The iace star+,ed at Ciiy Ha1l in Ia!o EloaCway a bl.ck l5i€r. nattan & .nded in '/nn cortlandt Park It had no effeci on th€ oDtcone, horever. (elIey rheeled irto tle stadiM Tne eveni las sl,asea 51 1!e llctroDcland sprinted arou.d the 44c yard tiactr 1td !a1ry tnelituie !!;€r thp dir;:ras h. frolsred, cfeen aas jusr aplroaicD of the !!.trololiiaD lnaielr ithl.c ilA Lhe stad:iM ard BlecienridJe was Aldost a half-nile lartner b;c!. Yesteroay, neuey was olL :o soLidlfy l4.Ie!!!e finlEh6d 200 yards behlnd his standlns rs Aneri.ars idrelo:r nelarhor 4ar. He ard Bobby coi.. an Kel1ey, vho is a hietr schocL tnAlish 0hD1. @rathon attemate uho ierires- te8cner 1n Groton! Conn., had won a ehts :n€ culver city {CaIiI. ) A{! bott- ten-end-a-half Eile race i! Saleer Pd out flont at th€ :'"artitrase., on lriday and broken nis (ours6 Th6 trc Et4}ed st.ides ss the resr of the folty-nine-nan lleld quJckly There w€re conflictine esti@tes condrolled b€ck. I{e1ley & con6 nainLained cerntlg the disidce of the race. It a blistellhs Eacs as thev waE orleinally dnoEced that lt {ou1d laced u! centre Streat, north to 'Horstor St. be thir.tee! hiles. the course.,". and tben east to !i.st Aaenue. Tley checked tater, hoHeve!, a.d foud to continued to battlo for the iead alors be a b1t over fifteen miles, a disthat o{e-kay thorouehfExo, whlch {aE crepdcy t}at, didnrt sppear to boue! kept mnarkally clear ot thilic by the Police Delaltoent. The !1ggest gel,herlne can6 i4 Hall€e. At 112th S'ereet and rtrst Avenuelut In the B.oB thele ras hadly a con6 suddenty drolled back, rlod ihele, spectato! oa the sid6ralks. fieltey wenE th. reoalnlns nlne n]leg RtSUi,rs 1€! ANN!.AL rl'{IlX RUN' wlthout a challense. Ihe siry, 5t6' 1. John J. relley, lostoh AA, 1:21.218 124-!ouder srus west on 116th st. ?. JaeB or€en, Boston At, It25.A? !L.1th a slxty-ya advetage over Cons. J. Alex Blecksnr1de6,-!iarrnes, lr 28.24 Ale] Bleckonrldee oI the lfrrine Corls Lrt9. ra waE a distant thlrn. C.6en fourth and 5, tl Confalone, Boston AA, l:10.,17 Gordon clenzie cf ih€ tiYPc flIrh" 6. Jin 0rConne11, St, Anth., 1:j2.21 The 29-yearold Mner kept lourlng 7, Jolu nolifr lied Iorl AC, 1:32.27 1i on as he louded toward Elehth A're. 3. led corbitt, IryPC, 1:14.40 as b€ headed no.th on Eishth 1n Ha!9. con2al6s Scorto, a4,4, Ir)7.13 leE, his lead had ba€n si.etched to 10. Johr Hard, St. Artholyr.. 1:l+O,ll two blocks. Eith Cleen second a.d Cons U. Aldo Scandlrra, i&llrcseAA.1:r+1.01 12. tlnc€nt {€m. r4lltrose AA. 1:al.11 Afie! ihe race, Xelle} 6ald thal th€ U. J@€E !od6n, Unit6d nA, I!41.r+6 toughest !ar't had been ove! th6 !ia.14. JMes Nolan- NY Pion6er. l:L2"2t 1ea Rlver ndv6 lnio upler aroadEay 15, Nat clrulniak" !rcoklyn; r:44.i9 th iilarhalte. le rald the heat end 16, Mlke orlldq, St" tnth., at+7.\5 laldity rer6 alltuaLly unlearabl-€ 17. lob l€lIer, i\-rPC, I:49.45 _!ne!e. creer 18. Ha!!y l4urlhy, M11hoE6 AA, 11r19.48 beaeL lds not6 a€ he crossed the Har16n Eive. lridge nodh icontinued lext paeel


iari. Lt Auutl illll} Bun) t! ey r.r(ou. tFu!l€..Jlb- Cree!, 1e. 4ar.!.! B6rso!, sr. chrr.lopb6"s Biff"*"i3ff'*:".::"'il'H:FJl: U51.30 r good lhorlag $ ratl.fy h1M.tf. A.C., Btlshelon, n.t., 20. ealI C.nov6!., l[I l1o!6er, 1!55.16 Cr6er. vho has b6€! 6tuCylne fo! hls It56.04 l{alterts d.gr.6 lb Educ.llo6 at l,Lss. 21. loE cod.lly, NYPC' T.ach.!r Co11eao ln Bocio, thle 3um6r, ?2. Tod UcClrib. no. M6dford, ra!t,, dld rot f6.]. lhdt be m. ln tot Ehep. Ir5?.\8r 23. !!dlo Saud.rl, IIYAC, a! lhe ooEert', but ihe ov€flh€tllnA 1r58.28i 2\. 160! Ce!h, Udt.d lA, 1159,!61 25. Chul€! H€bnlnet, NIPC, d66h6 Lo tu aee1!6L ths four OlyEpld! cau.ed blE to coaleLe.. He Fas \r59.L5r 26. M.J. McDoD..1d, uatL,, eiarod klth hiE pelforDanc., "The d152rOO.38i 2?. Jd6s Dahb!, IaFytom Spik€ Sho. Club, ?!OO.58i 28. Joe tdce raa b6tt€! sutted to Bteckonrldg€ K6l16r. 3r. Antholyt3 8.C., 2!01.15; sd r,4clb,!l. tha Eo," h€ cried jubr2o. ruiL sLelD6r, !,rlic, 2r0?.0L; 30. laltty,.ilre eole al ho4o o!.r !b. 2r0?.!r-i 31. fxll t@4thon dl8Lance. I dohr! L6M11y Roberi Firt!. lett., g6l Eovlng utjl ihe recoad ha1f of uil]i& Groge, SL. hth., 2:02.!6i 32, Mjlr Peraky, SL. Anth.,2ro2.52t lhe race.r JlMy added, 'Thlc lace brusb! bick all ay confldenc€," 3J, Paulct fol.y, dati., 2t03.07i 14, cles ldr1us6, N-rPc, 2r06.L5i 35. ---------------LeoD Dleher, D6l.v6ru Valley_AA,_, RECORD SET lN oNE_dJLh hJr\ 2:08.10: 16. uo$ald Morlt, St. cnrls- NEl, lt&ILhd, !4a8s" Aus' 11- Jlmv creen' t;p.;iti ic. 2!15.09ijell?. i1 sltia, ss-sus' Mase" sc^oo1-Leacher rutuIne bave v.eeri !il ii,ti,l-l:i6.j": the BosLon aa' betrercd Lhe are!;,iitl..-iird.:oi-16,-eltmr fiolEen; fo' i;!i;a' M: ,ia'].511' t'o. cus rot;eatos, ican recod fo!. ihe- one-hour -tu rhtlscland s!';eL Boya,' 2122 ]ii .r. Le'.y lfilh::::[:::"'#.T:]::,.1:""1:"h.:T, !I::::: ul1::9-o*r 2i2.Za5\i."?l ollilll rr ,'r"", ir- yarc3 EeL ras( yea! a. ;;;,;;;: ii;i;;":'in;' iljit i a:,' i i!il3,X5i'1,!"ll j;;""{";?'.l"ii: g:fi ': Randy neyos, unlled a^, 2:35.30i 45, 5;::'i;i;"; "i-;;;;;;6";-q;;;,;;: Pa! Aqulado, Urjred AA, 2:J5.31; 46. e Lra.!..Ih; doltd rurk fo_r onl{aller !.6scne!, St. Ad-1h., 2:J7,33; D holr Is 12 rt1es, BOo yalds neld oy lT..sylEste! Psirrsh, ultted aA, 2aropek r,ep!.29, di"i^.ir.",i"ti"ii'eeir 195!)..Bob to"e pqsl'd'r""n ror rl lobby Con€,-Cufve!.City ,{A ed M11i@ d1€s ard *as a srrlde ahead ot Jln at G!6e!6. Millrcs€-'ii"'i,;e;;".;i6;i6 AI did not flnish. the t'o-ulre @rr"'rhe 3pe(ca ors save iiii-i6-cs:-i i! a. .-i;ii"y ;i;;;;ea--viir a raurEr :i"il.i f;:"f,L"ii:":Yl,::":T.il'I:"leaf i@ediai61y afte! clossi4g ih6 jrdse bv the rinisf r.ine aid rlke rae l:_:'d.^.:++€!..::,f" -an rho touowod Afteruard, becde the aA, rrn.., erByds. ome! of a st.r11ne sl1"er tlolhy cyp.. il"'ji,i"t,"ii,'Eiii; t; a;;-ii;;;a;: NMC, ' rI,i.; idjid.. Frdk L€!€lre had to sDlint to catch i.i,13 i;iiL"i'.t-iri'ri;i;il-;; i; iii"", r. ed Dscan, BosLon AA, 10d., 1'52lds. ;fi"";;6il#";il";-$;'r$;d-B;;i: 1: Xi".*ili3i:."*il, 13fl1:l i??ff3:: ontaD. By luck 1r calsht hih e"u ."-, e.6* ;1". ro,j.; rj,oyds. the nossin.,The cour6€ waE a vely eood rj-i.iGi..trE rjiE#ili" i"i .ii rith l:creen's 5iii"ii3.l!ill!e,'All,iF1:; 3ii}3!: 1D h9_ t1!st field vent off corllse M1le.: qualie! nile snd added a eood.t 2/10 no! a diiiirire Lo l.he l' ::RS , l'2l.12'5 aa??i:l . cu1! course allhoueh 1! @s.-olr.ins ;: a;ii:.i 6'. iiii", __iti\1'.6 lor aboui thre€ elles tn ntd Mdhaitd. ..6"il-ii"'i-'i"ii''"r ih; p.;; i?: l:\1t :-11;L\ after e-"t-ina ti.ed ed.djscofased. \:|i'r!,,,, 6i iiiili _,i,irli he flElly s:opped 01. the.hot, hu'd I slaners..Tiernan rp in se.ohd o! stretchp6ii't-iiic!-ii"i" a10nE lhe llalled Rlve! north j7r,' i ;::'9j'L:li'B5;"$"Ji:";'i::l'i"" flon the finish line. ith1le he {as qeri,iL6,/ t:rsd, dhen seen ,aler ii:: ll.Hi::'ig"tii'ili*iil'3ii i"#;i. the Stadia, he lever aPPee!6d to !e (t(€Uey





iir"" *

!l \rth le!.1

Rmr! D*by E".r*tld l\spe@nt, Ct!, 6t d! -jr er.b Bs.h, C.l.foala il.te by J!.k !!€, cscn, b@tjl€rd lsacr Ud6 tS saiLdar! Awsdt !, ]t60 r.&ilie E idrcgb Es (r:rj !.D.) r"!s. *: # t*t lf: "-* {dMon, sd Dl.s. ?€F4 1i:oo . . . a:rt 4rru 1" Ers 2, 1lb*' Iiened€Z, @r . . . , . . -!2t3a 2124 44.t6 3. r&s l(lll.r, @, ...".,..]j.oo rrr4a 46!14 , . , t2tp 2rto. abttl 1. ldP voft4., ). rru6 Id9"*, . . ;:00 :0r!3 t3:r4 6" D6,ts sal'eush- sera !&nerA rc, $tp 26.56 47.L9 ?. Jw3 H. Rerj rLon, allrr cJU cc .Lo:oo 2o:d9 i,/.j2 a, I. Je* Seb:., 5o, C{Ut. 5r'ld6rs o.cn BlrA +A.r5 q, Irde R- CNqsr Cul"... Cli, AC . a'r) )it59 L?tj 69:A6.5 63to6.5 13 19. lrl]lal cgdh-:, se Drcso r(rr . . r:m 12,Ijl ,r:co 12. P.d_t. Ft6he, CL1T.I Ct+,r AC . . tt31 32.t6 SLrn [llM, Cqlver c1ty,{C . jftlj 25,9L \a12a !. lo'ra1ae c"cfed(, cUr€r crtt . +ty Jotzj tor)' -. 4. f,tiDp 1r, ItM! Crodn. :e Oregb tt-rA ^" . , 2:oO J2:09 jl:Jb 1(. Ricrdd Deez, so. cajlt. sdrio./s. aroo JO,4rr ,,53 17. Tots 0. Joa@.ir Culi.y CItg A- . l1:"0 ZSrJt r8f &rl.e R. Rlo.. ores. cs-.) Pacerb a:oo .3014: a€.23 5t:OB Li{lohEer r1sh, R1r€wrd€ atcl . . " r5.fi 22,% )itti5 '1.26 n,26 23 m. Glrrdou J. !ro1, Eai,..,.... ,.n 3ot12 rL,Lo 21. Idvrn iLeD, S& Dl3Eo 1&IA . . . Z,aO 32t3j 53.I, 22. Ioratd 1. se{r*, IrS Axw , , . . , \z$ 2t.2t 5A*9 21. Phil Rose, s& Dt€so TanA . . . , . 1.jo a8.5a 52132 ?4. J. Mlchd€l Xcgotutck, re! , . . . 2.F ItIA 56:3jt r.. Irrla, Ca1 Poly !6m , , , sct. 3r.clc 5st32 IBn needa.tn, @r ..,,... bt3o 3OtU Jeeo ,tgdEo, so, cattt. stdd*a . ,3c) 3a.56 - mq:s (u:r2 a.G./ i-Elr€ Rln - wdet 19 (x:.o..,.) +EILqE r. lJM hrpbt, ?::r{ 1 DanrL }u$r, R€oordo Beach 7:u },(:,,8$ 2. 3rD€ courklr tdial (ii,y. t:, ?, xllie I'.;,i, ro-*". . . Z,:o 15,ir -:3? r. Ra,@bd D€ La cru, Pucoha .). Jos€p calreri, *"r*",-;,r il,jj 1,. Ibr S@on, Torfe.€ . . - ?:J? a. a?4 U:!, "m or.eo rcre, f:+f U:ji Joh! Alroo€sj Llmod t. . . ?:r.t ,. Ron borto!, tt"!n. eiach . , l,it yiii 6. 1@ cols, lodorqo Beach . , r:r. 6. FI* DlE,., h-r'rn 8."@ ?,aI tir;9 Dona]d G$rdl,-y.€tri!s+ r:r2 ?. ?. cslmr d 0e G rru . . , , t,>t ti,ji r:56 $anh. 8€ach. a. ce.J QssqbEhrye}t,Ee.ch &d1 $:; 9. ?ep lr":r", irrd vlnlnAr seLa .9. ch.a+ C.c'iee, srlTar Ala d:0.,/. 9. Tory Bsr€lold, roe*". . . zrSS I?,!3 .Io, j . . B:0..8 10. Fra;r D€psdro; -" A4g-t*, s,ii ii,i 11, 5y 1":I i, tur're &ad e:3r rL. No€r Mobte.ch.io, smsfA , 3:4) 1?:ro ciiJ. A:ta L2. Cb@tercrlAg.. ....A,a2 leroj !. JE aft rudq,,4erredch t:oo Dtd oor l:irnsh: 14. lomld Seblo, ed.d@ Cbv€, Io:29 Joh! dhr@rlos Dlck Cerett j lrestulnste. {N4 re@!d. 0lo )r.r.5 by CsI J.r€!e, doh€tr, 1a5a +'xfl recold. oLd !sL, @k, 1{103 bJ Tod hhiLs, rrsr!.E E€acn, 19ro I0!l: r€cod 3a 10-dlr€ ru, !e 54:14.6 br Jos;lh Tyrd,'s; D1€so rri, 1956 Pres@aod





l(lirllol (26 r1ld t&J rirt) 'rd Jvtrol ntlotl! nlrtsl Rt l oBl@loilllor!@IoEBr ri^tn! Er sEr(n Eiiitirdii'i$eullot -iJ oii to .rr t.tt.t t.a .'i4t rtd'td 'l tht ldld tlt



6!oM&a &

Ita!aII0 toOlAL '!i If,!lt JlAtr! rit ottl' It!ttltrc 6utur, (I'to8 16' 1960 .i tr|ll! Dol s.riiorit ir rI! r6.dab-r:bj:.: I:1'j:':'-ig-r:q1': tBt







rna o"llrn ltd' tb. 311? .rd trxrSErllt t..i cAPt' 6trld'5 R!6tluRlrt' bls oori..!.'flrr tu .n rE. r" *l'::i:"i;i;.ll'l1"ii I"J[:"tl;: H,". rr-Lnd rr.., FIllIlt on lrr"rrnd rt" brt"Etarrr to !h' tuElls !oi't n" th' aoBra 'nd srta'ntb' lslr ; l"'iiL.iiil'r'..,


i".::illi*'i#,r,[ :i'$"if;1,$,{tifr Bl!d. $ Bri!,rtb. Blrd.' rEIT on q1S'ns".!!rd'

ri nq*""rillfffi b httLln lrl' iloHt 6 rrryrtld

=-, r"' t' |rl" Ir"'| uFl @ trl" rt'' 6 u' on ii"- - rtl.itr. rt*' raFI ^tl'!trt AlC'tuntm. . StrR!'S crP rr[ErH ri llSAslnlwIUa 'ri th. OoLqgB itll b. Fl'r'lltd td tbt IIUM OI!r' BI(tIttE' tEs[COS

lolt . D.P.tttcL.

llra!a rRopu'a ro lrssr, ssooED, nxrlD, .F l_.* !.rch.ndt.. .cri.' d.6tn ht r'rr' r'!ab'!t or

Jfri,f8#, Li!li$iii,lPB"!c*

!o tht trrd' sddd-'!d tbttd lAI'oM! o$xPlolfi'llt? lcLllt rrll b' r"rd'd ' " J@ror trrtl'nr r'rru' o[Drodhl.t' Ltrdr n! Jullor ro' .usrbr. iii.iiii; qtlrr'nnr of !b1' 6l!"' ^ th' t' b. "r.".l D!a.n!'d Eii.itii"r,r' --i' 'ur ln !h' runto' rot{o.r-orlx' xoi 6" tr' ;F',ni b..hd.d; rd o'll tb' rl'rt thr" !-b'r' "r 'rv b! @ !urr, tor.!g td! 'ta'1Dg-!-! "*;;;;-..;" ro ttnl.h rbll od! lD th' i'! 'oot1rs' l6aur r11r t .sta.i b ltrtt' sEdIoR |lIrDI! afulTrc lss.cunor{ oHA|{ to{srtP g.""ii ."a t'l'a pu". ooot"idnlt 'ltglhl' ro! !h' 3'ntor llddl' ^iLnito Ixritlot otfliii#o;t" )nddl' rlLntt' or"" b..-Fr.it !. !h. rhn1.a ;* -" rurt ror "v tnt 'nd nry ta' n!'! t!"' '-b'r' o' rry thrl .oui t! th' t-! JUnIoR

".;;;';;;i' t-! t ftnl'h mlat ol!! FoM.I


'dorrba' t6 r1t

rlll i. 'ntil'd


trlttbt!! 'fi" lltu

2 xE!t0r I 0EBtrtr0rfia !or' ooEp.ittor d.t- .dd rlth hl. dtry . n.dtoll o.rtfl;,r,. pF.t bn,..rtrtytlg io hl. flt!.rr t! oolp€t. ltr ih. n...

Iro!. duly lioa..il

BEPORIItrg 06nt .ta'i. d.t r.D.!t to th. Cl.rL o? th. o6uE.' 3.i Or.ab.!g, !t th. sPENotR ,{. IEq|slI tEl,D goUSB' Sorih eil of Rh.n. !.Lnd.' noi lgt r rhan lltoo lr Xr tot r.8is!..nt qf @h.tr. n@bd ett b. !Lo. on :1. non? o! tbll! tlth tdr !1n, _ cL. r1tn ..rrrh tbt th. n6h.r. !- .du!. - 1r..r. ol lo.t lMbca' pra...o.!.Fi.

!b. of?tont. . g1r. yoct oo*..i n6!.! rrc t.qu..t.d. nW nG -Oi{E lou.rR, hirt.! olo.. ono.t b.r l/', 1960 ylt.b lri.. Por{,snon, 0h1rn of i!.l|lilorl Llg Dt.1!e. Rentls oodtti.. .rd l, &d!t!g 3..., Obihn !f t'. llldd1. ltLitt! lr.ocl'ltor lorg Dast@. llellg so@ltt .. o.rt1flo'!.. t€ E . IaAAJ!' !. o. &I 2t, trtl rll .ni!i..' dtlt f.d a '.ntu.l P'!I3I!IIYIu;E. N. J. - l|0 TO9T ENTAI!s.


0r Drslf&1 cor6tli0Bs

RECrA$ lron col,ll{IltB.

IJST sBcusl




lm c&n|an oi


PREAB!t,ITION Oi l TRD3 Pr...!tu!lo! of rr.!rt. ,rtl b. Ed. at CIPT. A$RI rs Rlstrunallt - olE/H l.F rcUR .lt.! i)r. 1l.i cont.*.ni ttnt.h... Cont..tant. .nd 0fftoLl. tlll b. str6 dtn..r iLl6t -.11 otndr !b6 yrrh io rttdd &.t otd.t tr@ t!. !@ .t th.tr dn .rp.n... ' otllcIrt &n!\t roRx 3D. TIIGUI, P. O. &I 2', IjaASANIYILr.E, N. J. Lt.! $ !i ( ) JllllDR ialloM! lan^tFtl Rsn cB$Proxftl{! { ) shlrDn *rDDlE rruxfrc }at^t&! run cErMPrDxgHrF

( )


In ..dld.riio! o! td 160.!11!g !br. aw, t h.r.!yr for ry..1?' ry h.tt', .r.o!to!..nil.thtnlrthio!., r.lv. rna r.la...!V.na.ll llsbtr and oLr!. fo! d.rA.. I dy bt. 3art$t tb. tltitdl.ltbrilc l$di,t1on, 1.1.0., th. tal.t soctal olub, t!.1r !E.nir, !.t!...nt tlrd, ruoo.!.orr .rd r!.rsn , tor aw ard .ld .ll ^tll.tlc l.Jur$. rbt rr h!.uftd.il ty s, b.dor.r drrlns.r.ft.r rh. rruxTlc 0If1 )OirtE t b. h.Id @ auney, oot.b.r 16, 1960 .i b'.1{. nod.


ff/t o 3- Pepl.sau<ey E + U f


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