
Page 1

In the Long Run it's fhe

.4aaq Deoanrz y'ag' APRIL 1959

No. 40


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Apllr, 1959--3 TIIE I"oI(C DISTAI{CE





Yay ?l- Oktahona A35n T&l Clrdp3., BUI{trERS

volubo 4, Nuntro. +0. April 12, l9J9 Sult3criptton Rat€s! 25d a aopyt $2.50 a y6ar. ipulrltsh6d donthlyJ Dditor:a1 Correspoid.6de, Brohlng Rrss, lo5 {. c€Dt3r st"r Yoodbury, taJ. Sqbscltptlon C6..€spond.n6.- Xrenk K611y, 1? Euelld St., t..o6dbuit, Iu. Put,ll5bed bt uarlne Prlnttba cd., 15J $, rtth S!.. ?hlta.. P.,

Conl.lbuLo!s Lhrs monlh: ott tar!e.!1; Bilt Jtn.3oni Don lat; Stat Pisanlt- Dot Jaoobsr Alne Rtclretil. i Aob Cratbi Jaok Gr-rlln€! Bolr Canpb611l trank tsatloni altt l4arot! Botr i4cc{1r6, LDL



24-25- Penn R€lays, PhlLa,, Pa. 2,+-25- Drak€ Rolays, Des nloln63 25- I }i11e Run! Yt, sa. Antonio

25- 1o bir6 handlcap, L.A., calif. 26- :A rlfe h'.ap. san lranclsoo 25- Colo.ado Rolay!, B.u1alo. )Colo. 26- on6 Hou!:arack Ru., Coop€! Rtve. track, Cardan, NJ {RECI - Inettatlonal A&r, Da11as, Teras - Art schol€s uero.ial 20 Mil6s Op€n Run, Giadstone AC, Toro.to F61ay3, van.., B,c, - oaanea Inwltattonal, Cbapban,Cal. 5 itl1o Road Rac6r r.st6!1y, R.I. !1o.tala -{s!n. T&i Ct@ps,, talahasr€€, Ilortda" 2- Mat Into!.o11ogtat6 T&F, Nee Yo.k 2-3 - C.\.o, l&n,Cr!1oago, all. ctty 3 - Boaldwalk l1tr6, Atlantt. ) - 15 mt16 ha.dlcap, gandlcapt Inglevood, Caliiornla a-9 - U13sou.1 lalley Conf.' D6dton'Tci. 9 - W6st Coast R61ay., Ilesno, Caltf. 9 - Rocky Mt. Asstr. T&1, Bou1d6r, Colo. 10- 12 ht16 handtcap, Culwe. Clitr Cel. l0- lo diI6 rodd !ac€, Cr-!copee, Uatr. l4- 4 oll€ Olyftptc l€v. Run, Rodondo Boach, calt!, r5- Co1rs6!h Rolays, Iis Ang€16s, callf. 15-16 - B1e a T&I, Non'anr Ok1a, 16- Hep. Gu6s {tvy L6aeue Tei) at Yalo t6- Olyrplc D6v. T&t, Baltlhora, vd. 16 - Ralnboy R€lay!, Ilonolulu, tlaFali 16 - Pacltlc Soutlry6st T&1, san Dleg. 16 - 5 n 16 road rac6, ahh€lrt, Malri 22- Oc.lalental Inv. T&i! Ca1lf. 22-23- Pa.tflc co.st conf. r s.attlo 23- Gulf Arsn. Cltarlps., Housto., T6r,

No man Otl.laEa It 2l- Havaltan, Assn. T&l CrEnps. 23-G6orala a6sn T&I chMps, atlantaj e€d!€ta. 23- r3.? br16 Handlcap Road Run, tontana, Calttornla 2,|- Naitcnar !-4U Maiathdn & Pan Ab€.tcan car6e Trial. l2 Noon Yonkels! llY (Entrles to chlppeua club, 116-114 l-ak€ Ave,, Yonke.s lI.Y, {p!1zas t6 3oth plade & *atohsr to f1!st 10 ft.tshersi 29-)O- loll! chahps,, N6r Yolk 30- callfo.nta Relaysr Jod6sto lc- U of chlcago Track club op6n l0- uarathon D'Hocb€1aea 15 M116s Yontleal au6bec. Mlct{ea.' Assn. 1f&I chadps,, fo- (a1@azoo, utchlgan rontucky Assn. ctEhps, tort lA-(no!, Ksntuoky l0- Pe.n AC T&I, Olney ns, (open) Entrtes to Jotm st. clat!, 29?2 A.Isood st. Pbtla., Pa, 11- 20 ktlo J.. Natlonal Run l4ethuen, Uass, :11- Canadlan Nat!.onal & Pan-AD TrIals r Stal€y ParkrVad.ouvE. June 5 - coFpt.d anvltatlodal'Cal1f 6 - Ohio A.sn. Charqrs' ,ayton 6 - uuntolpal GMes, Baltlholo 6 - Iashineton Statd ,AaU T&I chasps., It. !6ris, vash. 6- ilbltlnsvlllc, uass. I&t & 10 ht16 t.ack !ace. 6- Unlr. of Hou3ton Moct of chMp:ors, tiouston, T6xas 6- Pacifl. Assn. aat chmps., Stanford' Calttotnla 6- south€ln Pacxflc assn, 50o0h & 10,ooon Arins, Los -Aneel.s 7- N6{ Eneland 10,000fr track

chanps., RaEdoxPh, Mass. 14- uonson, uas..101116 Road Rln 30- Danv€r3, u.ge. 6h1. (Jun6l0) 27- Portshoutb, NH, r0 Ell6 2J- Junlo! Natl. l-AU Odo Hour Run & Norlce half-hour F. Chtcaeo, Iltinols 27- Paciftc Noribv€st AAU2o rtlo Run & f0 ktlo Na1k, S.atilo s€pt. 12- tunilas, ontarlo 15 Mtle Roaat Rac€ July 4- 5!. Xatlonal AAU 20 KlIo Run Charp. ! N€edbMr llass, Int€rnational rlrtur€s yta! t6/t7 - IniornatLonal xa6t

fiay l5lr& Brltlrtr c9!.s' London, Enc. 23125- Int. Eost-sctla 30- €.rt G6.d!.y ve; gul8orl.


r--lD!tl. l9rt BOOi


tlU,L Ott! ton flt *tLl,. ltr O.c!3. srtlht Bdtt.t, aoE!,, ft.to-otd.r dt..ot f!o! LD r.a. ln r9lt. of tb. fr.! tb.t th.r. I. no r11. .t.nt Ir t!. O1F !,o t&aru .nd tlr.t ti. <llrt.n.. ir b{t !...tt lun or tL. Cortln.nt, tb. !t1. hls l.! v.rt rlt t.et b..n t.8.rd.tl at tb. clr.rlo.v.nt oa tb t...t. !ro. tbo op.n nll. ha.dlcap to tho !.l.ct ..fuloh r.a. oo!!tn.d to top c1.tr .b!q)ton., tb. rtl. hat prot.d p!ob.t!lr th. roe! !Dpu:,r! of, .11 .v.ntr. And h.t. r. brv. . book d6vot.d .l,iort.ntl..lt t. r bl.tolt of th. ro.i acoo! Dtl..!. fro! tle Y,G, G.o!a.r .nal J.. E1nkt.. of tb. patt to tb. Lrndyr .nd D.l.at. .t to-d.t. It l! . book of:brorblnC Lnt.r.6t vlltt.n bt a r.n.rhlr.b1y rutt.d to tb. t.!l., ao! G.o.!. snlrb, b.!1d.3 b.ln8. rll.! of no !.an abLuty btrr.1t, b.r rlno. hl. orn r.chA d.t. b€e. nott of ttD a..at rt1. D!...!t.t ..d 1,rOO r.t.r .t.nt! t. Blttal. b. trtt.r ln ard.b.o.d. turth.tu..' tleh .. .rbihr.ttna !.rn€r tbst tbo !..d.r hN dtfft6!1ty 1r putttng tbe Itool< at on. t!.d. untll h. b.. tu...d th. !1n.1 pra.. c.rt.lnlt a book to b. r.ood.nd.d for.11 a.llcr.!. of Tlr.lr .nd lt.ld. X.rob l- Pff OlFplo lr.v, t0 UtI. n.rdtoa! t.lt, snoholt.h' Y.tbl.aton. EdolD trrl. | 0x11. r, r!.nk srrErt 5;F- EIT6T r r-19J" v.ncouvor. B.c. 2. DA!..I Iorrt.od, z?t''d. 49t45 ttq?.26 S.attl., Y..b, f. B.b E n<trtok.oo, r23ln. 5or3o rt36.55 S.attl. OlFplo club. lr, Don Jro.br, or..,19!1n. 55too lrlra.25 27tln. 52tr5 2to5.o6 5. Y.tno Ytl.on, d.n.f. (DtrqueLl.d) P.ul tr6coet.k, B.lnbrlda.i i.vtn L.v, l.coe teti .A1 clott, snoboElsbt Don And.lron. s..tt1. Olrrplo c1ub. coRBfan fiis 30 vrLa ilc RoAD RU{ sunday! x.rdh 8th' B!on., X.Y.C. r.ath.rt about f5o and o1.ar d sn.pPv. Prlr.!! J D r.s {f 6!onr. rr.lt buok1.. .1.otrlo olook e 119!t.t. sEol! tloptlY to ft!3t ftnarh€! ot.. 40 r..rr or .s..l cour!.r 4 rong lapi ol J 5/601r.. A 2 rbort 1.D! of 3 J/6 oI1... Oaflotrl.t Ttr.r!- Davtd L.v] & Born!.d 1'.

6tr* or C-rr|- E !t r Lt.b*.rrr.t. t.o|r.F a.r.t lt.dr oLtt.c tot tl'|tfli*ll tltrl.rr ror tt.ttcrt tlt ttut.h.r.| (4tn $e l..l .l tL DF-Bott.n trr. uD. !! tb. x.t'.tollt.n 3-..)


t.d Corbl,tt, rltc, 3:Oa.rl.l r Vtn r..n, t|111F.. tr, 3122.2, l|tL. orE^r., st. A.thonyr. B.C., ftea.05 E Jtt xslrrrv' Un.tt., lr55tog r., .ou!r. r.cor.lt old r..ord 3r3f.01 br Yik. or8a.., St. lntb. E.A., t.b. 22' 1958. t.r.tboo t1..3.1.3 ot to lo rll.3t co.bLtl, 2t37.59t !a.d' 2rir.23t OrE.!., 2rJ7.l8r tlgtpbt, 3! r7.o1 5 5la l. 2. f. 4. r'

i*.rn*tu,rr.*#on 2r2&a



tro.28 .12.26 t ra.o8 rLz.z4 t r5.oa I r t3.04 I I tE.07 1r2e.29 39t lr3 r.r22.t7 rr29,43

t.tt5.52 rt49.str ?tzqoo l !56.011 2t4rOl r.49.55 2t)V2 rr56.0l 2r 49jtl rr55.20 Out 2r05.10 Out 2r09.to out 2t13,29 Oit 2.20.25 Ott r.)z,to 2.\?.5a olr

fIiS trullo. Cannon, Phll.. ?loo... c1ult, rrC !6 tlr. Junlor (la ".d "oa.-.) (Lar'a) rrFnsor.d 5.? !!1. o! todat 11 27 rlnrt.r lnd l9 !.oond!. tlt. r!6. Yat h.rd lb oonjunotr'on ,Itb tb6 I([A.AU 30 rtlo cbdplotrsblp &r ln talrourt P.rkr Pbl.1.d.1Dbl4. 27.19 l. x.urlo. clnnoo, P.C., 2. Jlr Elu, Plon.o! CIqb' 17t47 3. D.o aat.., Sba.ahan ccr 28.05 {. Cra!.n6. sloud.! P.C.r zAtO9 5, {o! o.l.r' sbanaban CC, 28t36 6, Ea.ry B.rkovlt,' F.nn AC'e9t19 7. L.v sE1ih, BaltlroE oOC,29!2rt L E ory r.ltor' Lasal1. n.&'30!02 9. Jotr B!.rtadar sban. ccr f!,19 10, aor Admt' Sbadahan CCr 3lt?l forvinn€.&4E.d.1. 5SaAINUA! rtrlooR far clral{ProlasElPs of th. Pubtlo Sobool. Athlct!. Le.eu., r.r Yolk C!ty, lozd EnglnPS!,IIDELPSIA PIOIrEENSI


!M.. 1. Rlotard Cola!{nno, Brt.nt Hs, rlr 2a. a. .-!!9q! c1a!.no. soott,

rt.v Yortt Ctty! PSAI' colttru.d) Srootltn Alto qs, 2t 21.1 88Or r. L.ey Burobott' Boy. gleh, Tt6-6'.3,, T.atrr r, Bot. sLsh 2a ptt.


b. l.o|..al a1I ot.! tn..rt vlin.t, goliG flrth.r .nd auilb.r .tuy .nil, alnt.ltlia vltt! . lona .P.lnt, t..td R.aobtna to b!v. pl.ltY tn r.r.r.. bl. p.at at lutt tb. rtabt tL@, rr. l6okr to t!.v. th. X.tlonal tltbln 32d AXXUA! CATEOTJC ESr! !-A Indoor bit a..3p. Ttr6r. e.r. latt .b..!t..s! Chupl.n3h1p! at X.dI!on Squ.r. .pld.!to. lal3.tt b.oau.. of .'tlu Card6n. f,tC (r'{arotr ?tb) 1. Stan Etdon. 4At25r 2. rr.nk 11116. l. Jotu O..agtrty, Blthop Sando, l+9tO0r 3, e..!a. xntstrt, L;EEEirn llst 2, c6o.se L1p!.f€1.!" lrgro5t 4. Mtk. tlatnald' lr9.12t 5. t. Si. rranol3 Pr.p {rO yilt Back)' sea1, lr9!f1r 6. A. J, Ll.v.Ilyn, t+9r\5r ?. E. Iajo!,roodford c. 5O:OO' a80r 1. Johh R.IUy, !it. st. xlcba€Ir3, 8. V. e. B.lb.r&, J0to6t 9. r3d i'i37.9 ( rb€ 17-r6ar-old !.dlo. !.ai3xo!f,ts, 50trot !0. D€nnlg Orcor.h' t.!€d bt! et8hth vtctoly! tlls fltet at jio!lo. T.@! li Tlrar.s v.11.v Il..169' tbt3 ltl.t.nc6. for a6 und.t€atsd Lndoo. ..asor. aoonE Reillyrs 6igbt r.b. 1lr- ltdl.nd c.c, cbabpr., Ha10ttoto.l€3 afo flv. 1,oo0 yard ruEs! loroB, Savtng had troubl. ttttr.n . rtl., . 500 and todaYrr tralf i116. inal@.d knoo. 6astl E€at1.y v.r not R€llIy von lodaY" !ao. d.rPlt€ at hts dyn&16 b.rt but tre ttlli tvo aa11.l F€ f611 at tbo 5ta!t, Iolt von ..stly ln 38t31.. 2. Pot.! V{llr_ 15 trrs,and th.n trlt the dook aealn 1nson, 19!0ot 3. B. Brovntnc, f9t .7t lldyat tt olah th. raoe.) a€M! Bt.rbP 4. u. P.rc., l9 t 5 3. .T!g!j -qgI!'I! 6-i., Loulbl1n, 22i st. rrancts, 20*l cordIn.l ErML!6'r se. Johnrt P.cp" t4. r.b. 1rr- ilortberh c,c. cbaEp3,, Bolton. tr.d Norrl. teet3t€..d b!5 :btcagor JII., uarch 6- Tho U. of chlthl.d rlcto.Y ln tb6 .v.nt tn a &ort .1go ralsity, plattne host to th6 c.nvln6lne Dantet. Equallv .otrvlnc.cbool. of tho Vldr..t C6nl.ronca tnr Yar ttr. tlfth.uoo6.slvs t€e (B.roIt I ca.rston' co.' C!tnn611r Xno:t cb;Dpfonsrrr! rtn of Str.fftold unltod Lay&de., !{dlrmutti anri Riponl | .a3t1y So ts 1.<t a1t ih. d.v and flntrbod Yon tb€ ted tli16 {n te!13 annual a hq!d!6d- yaras aboad of runnsr'uF r.ot at th€ iJ of c Fls1d H.use, ttle G6.ry i!ortt{. " l. t. Nollle, 4?.39t onlt Eces 16s€.t thaa 860 dors rii. 2. G. i{6ctt!' !}7t5?i l. De!.k Taik€t, teo-dl!€ a.€ the last te. 1o€e o1' '!r a€d1ey !61a3, ?h€ ! *l C 4?:1?j 4. nlaa a5trab' 49!3lt 5. slaa th6 dleta.ee :ek.!. a9t41r a. A, Aaldqn. 49:.5i, tonk tbe dtseance aecr€y {al'C-89!-r140611€) rf, r0.q].5, qqualll€€ LE6 saet C!teag*: 511.! -$6b. eE _ Th€ U" 4f r€c6rd 56* 1D 1t5? bY gbs ', qf Cj ,bG gh1.ag6 'rraFL tldb d€t6ated lnd{ana 1at: th!6€ lsss H6re bt !1d t.t1: U. !n a dual !eet! 52-:0" i2:o?"J), Iead t.tr1sdn { j:1?.lt) an,: ca: dl1ilelsr shoeln8 that L!€ iras Ga. tsl1!l ss tra;29"?I. .€aov6iod fcl1t fron h13 lune lnj$ttL Th6 tae E1!. r€nt to !ae! :r{:sllq tlesb€e to ab 6as5 ?-!t16 elt l-d ithrt,s P.€11ei 6t B€l.ot! ar!:l6sB :d 9ri\4,,?. tJ:lftans thlppsd Ron LobG! 9!41"?, }]!.;;t€ nh6 c.€a !E!era.6,ot lddtanats 9!6 x{ra lndoor z-Etio rn !954 bt A!!o tiehards! t 4a c "?t!'r. .Ir,@. a6d ulr66:4}" 5oarlt ba.k !r Pc.lie, a e4nlot! aIlo holdc r"!6 xldtost toF 3hap6,?cr t'eth th. bt1. nad ta,B Codt..onc6 a{d taetllnston Par* :-eU6 880 1D lrr12 & tr57.t. :-oou,try t6eord ot lIrtSd! Eet 1ni:rt tail1" sumarlost l!tl!- l. ?od Vbq.l€!' E. 1arD63 @rt of tt!6 l16lrt" hltt:Rs !ra1c" 4ri2 {n6r d€.t barkr old r€a, l+r19r 4t4). f,tr?' A.)2. 56e,2i2r,lrt4, 411!.5 br Plrl co1.man, UC,IC, r95A]t 9t4:,7.,. sumary! 1. D5v€ teexl.r 2. Dlok edD': ! ucat,,r:2lt f. B:11 'F?Laeo. B€1o'.t, o'41"?t 2, vt. drll Ab61€. ldd, z-fitle- L Oar fl11laoe. l0!09; l" Dov. Houk, ahl€ado, r,'.tl?t (n.!r !o.t Ealki ol,d !66 4, i,.!.6lli Luttqt' Stlnnoi1' lnt*:r 5. 'Jc't., 9tt6"? blilliad3 ir 19541! 2. Rot bt 9,2E a.16tb 1|on Jonas. " Lod€;, I$d,, ,.2:i l. s.L sladon, uCFc, ,.:6r lr. k:t obdhundr6, Ucrc! R€.!1i. fro6 En€land-- Tho gastt}.:r' 9rt6" aao- 1, rad Yt!d.16rj !t?4, C!osr-CoE6t!J- C! bpionsiilt! 5e?d lEl-l lrJt/.1, :. xralg lo€si,nc! Itd., 3. ov€. a tasi coq.ris qlt& h:68:t c5; 'dal i Pert4!:tc. l-ta'rr*, ,r.: J. ".1 : .' f. t:.r a


6--4i)d1. r959 1.bMltolr ?--l€.t.h Chtcn3or Itl.' ta.! oriv. ...11t d.a.rt.d lott. Dur to! t.p *.d tbr.rr l. trts &nrlal c.ntral c6lt.al.t. conf.t.ne€ Inaloot U..t, b.ld in th6 U. of Ctrlca€o tl.1c hou!., flotr6 D@rr! do, {;r.Ao:t Y.h tb. a6O .rd otta and;.6.ry l.r!d** of $X too& tb€ tvo-bll., er68rry .bo!6d unlluel ?.?3at!11ty rf, ta.ilcs: tb th. bil. ii. i.d alf th€ dar (61r, 2rot,, though Art EEo.rol. 6f ttl, pllad oa e ?6ry fast last 2zO add b.roit bllsod ntpplng hrr 5* alr. tapo, l-t.t,!n tb. a?C AaO! Ron roaf.d tltroueh ihi tlrlt d6.d lalt tn a fl.!d ot a nr 9. vorLe.l bls i6=p to ibtld at ttle d6o: and ror.d lnto tir.l only tD tbo ftnat @ ia.ee. Ron B6pLl.5 at lrx lct th. !sc. rn tb. tyo-drr€ l)r.5, {tt, 2t1 a,')t?'r, 41351! ond A.td.or6. only . 3ophoEor6, 1€d th. r€st of ih. ear {5t1.5, 6!56, A.o?, ?.171. saY€ cotton ol ino Ecrod lnto 3.oond on thq r3!tt lep qnd h61d on rl!t:6 lloilkr.ce aad6d a lt:t. Ytla--l. Ron erogo.y, {r, rt316,i 2" Art s?or.ote: tlr{, 4116.3 l. tor aanohott! n_d€ator, {!1?,5 rt, A1I6n, Uarqu6tt6r rtr ! ?,5 5. g.lon Cagl.yr }ID' 4!21 2-Ulls-- r. t.r.y AstDor€, V}' 9r17,0 e, Da?c c.tton, s!, 9122 3. Ron Fopktns, Wd, 9t27 4. llor!.y, D!ak€, 9.34 J, Art a?c.so16, rM, t:36 aao-- !. Ro. cr6eo.y! lfD, r,55.7 t.55,9 3. ii.r.ados Marqu6ti€ 4, .Arft , Certrql t{lcblgan llosb !1e--1. ca?l R6l,d, vU! 4:?1 {osi) ?. Tob !.@t.y. Nt trltNnd! estuantj !.b.28- X5OOnr t, loLlov, ?t50.2, {G6.ban tndoor raeordi Er.nno.r l:J0.4, 61att! 3:50.5, R.nt3cir. 3,51.5 ! Blaglov6, Gs,3!J2,o. looon! 1, l,tuller, 6r1E.0,1fiM, A.lr.0r tlo!bacb.8!20.8 lrll(D SPRImS - 'J€ ,t.l! all 3p.rts fan3 cnd atbl€t.5 .ou!d cubs.rrbo -o t!.rncul so.ttrr.st Ath16t.. noi.a do11ar e y€s. ltr! a llor€ndou3 blv. (Edaior.,Jth Floldr, 912 Rorth 48ttt St.o.t, S.att16, sarhtnGton).,, Rot€d rlth loi,.r€st ln tho m Atblate ra. th. fol1orl.e parat*ph--rIh€ ROAD RLINIIIERS CLUB eas .tls.ue.€d by the Lona Dlstaaca Ruodlng lomltt66 at the A4U Conv€nttor a.d englgod rlth an rfflstal ts1 ,- .n ih. nahd. rsGe..41r Dtst!act a.soe1atlon r€sl.tration colettt€e. ldlt '{t tould

pr.r.rt t.o Dey .oapltcAtlonar, Conr.gu€Btly th. Ft6d n!.n.tr t.r. ortra6l!.d ,lti! a ftt. r6ntr"o€ rtat6!.ni,.to tudt! lrrovlty pfev.ll,.d rn eodr.ritten a6t1vt!y on tbai sfq.sooE iiiFAde. to /i!O .a.&!, t'r&E tI{ATSR 6Pein'lS{IAC, {d&6 nov .b3ngsd to n$€E.!,etttle. SLtndlt{ne' {n st {u.leeEssfe! *ht*.!ash, .di lrast 2? ttb.s a$ eloE neet.lat:Y. t.port1n6, a con.oqu€nt.xpGnd*tuie of iurds' on tl]ts 4686!.t{1 aoti,vitY as on rroo"i 4id, +4iopr+sant.d! uavani.d' Road RuExlbA.6 .., aha X6r,L.6a1 -4-4U 3f Canada Ctrqryrlr.shlr, '!]9t eset 9or EGn add s6D€u f{11 },5 {.! gtndlF6a of July :r+-?5 ilno {ee5 af,ter tlr€ raclitc ?I.rtr1r66t ebahptonshtps 1e oltEpta). Tbe lftdrd,bo€ 566t s:11 hslp d"t6rBtro ihe saLcu9 ol Canana.. !at!osa1 toa6 at ibe ?an-.ldealean Gae€s tn ab:.+a3o -t-u6, 2?-53Dt. ?... !-r.aut. arl!1 tolrliea. oJ }€ah Bay {Vrch.r 'l.55 ts ti!: $o!ttrvost Attlt6te of itre Y.e! t9rAl tho su U, rl oleEon dtstarc.ean ieltlsd 5l p!1ri! t. crte }!_w ATB.LfE EaBszino.! a.E!61 po]1 o{ subsrrtirlng lon.bes and ath1ot.6 to ?ln 643i1y,,. i1L!91. tE€ Nv atb.let€ of th. ]6a! i956, startr .o.oblng thl. eprtnc nt santa cla.a unlv€rstty tn Caltf6mla. l.€q rad tb6 440 tn 4j.8 rn t956 for a vorld Re.o!d. He res a star at 5eatt13!s loo56to1t H5, ... Unlref,eity of Brltltli co1ur5la ray pton6er lndoor track n€6t tror Fl.Y, 9!.vldin6 Ir1a.s for n€s $500, Rusg 000 srort3 Alena b.terlallr€,.. B€nneit. DcotdEntal {cat rJ. ) colG€oEfiTEioe oaa, 13 a stiatsbt a f,611ei6r.ndl ltsXo.opby dajor... in 6a.1y strlal.rlr llsl a9rii6 tl8€ itl.:.rllt Rob.lt.oD d ii.roa6 !falt.!r .&n 4!13,7 and 9:1k,3 lesPs.tlvaty.. r Tbia soe e!5 ?olnt-Ode4d Clty! N.J. KlY.nls Club sa11 prorote a loaar laq€ on saturday, aqeus! 15tn as palt ol a cltv deleirration-., 9.O,Cr s lrank Pfl+l.s ran a s.od 9.1?.? ti--?:I;l3bthe iar L of c sane!... Iss 3;-r. calif.!nlan,berathon ac€, lrlk€ !+!e9, lnJor€3 nis ba.k 6ar113! thts y.a!.. Il€r€te hopl.e a!! i fa.t r€covoryr., Jth lia1dn ia3 6t Ma!c! t] kas sble t6-bs out anil rri! 6nrt tloubl€ 1s rtth soe€ kte€ ru3cles (os1t an one tr66) that Eado 3tep5 up & dorn a cerard cote cants to difft.llty,.. _orlns an Engllahaan evor fo! ht3 Canadtan Nattodal ualaihoF and has Jaok L:lrlt'le t6 a.k€d lc.nttn!€<t l)z€l. ar

5:1!r-!2::::Z scdrtrsi {rfs (crot. countrr) t.rnl.rld., ldtnrrursrrr l.lt. 7- Ah. rnnu.l Int.r-Dt.trlot Reoe sa. run

TRITIC( EUf,S ad ttSTBSr ITDOOR AtO_jILE RAc& - Oo€r Dl.tano. 1n .8r4?.at D.I..y S.t! td..t R.oor.! at !lt'lrau|..o xrlea{k..! rlr., l{.rob 9 - Ilr t.u.r ot.t . tltr..-lap oourf.6.lln€ th. tqll, <lt.t.no. about 8* .11.r. bad to r.ttl. fo. th. toco.d frst..t Grqhas *r.r.tt l.d .11 tbq Yat to tvo-bl1. .r.. tun Lndoo.. tonlabt vlr ln ta6r,t5! oy€! Adrt.n Jaok.on b.cau.. ,otld r.ooril leld.r At L{fof E.tt.bulstr itnav. (L6r3Oi, l. ,.. ono. v.. too ttr.d to oha.. hlr t. Re6i, 4?r?1, 4. Jo6 coono11jr! 4A!0rt tb6 .lghttr llllraukds Journat ce.s. fltb La*.tr.€ n..!lt a 1al) b.blnt 5. E. Iryllo,48.031 6. J, tlocdmaok, 4e, z, (911pp6ry, tleaqttorous .n!!r., ht!. Tru.r rblrk€d a.ror. the fl.lsrr T.s! !. $!d!.nd D!.triot: 35i 2, 11n. ltr 8r47.2-on1y four-tontlrs of a Eastorn Dlltlton, 54, f. souah-r€st s.c6nd !lovr! ttran Larr.no.rs Foqdlne vrlld nar&, yht.b tb. bla.k batr.d a! t3l6 r6t tn N.6 York only tro nlgbts ctL.B a!{$tFl0EsfiiFs r F!6. tqtb. Th6 blgg€st.roFd 6v.r to !€e ibo 6.L1a!xourt.* E. - !, JoE Co.no11yr gs6$- 4or. thad ll,Ooo-roar€d ar 4Atl!8t a, liarry Fedtod. ,i9x!1: 3. Tru.i ba.ro16d a.ound th6 ftlal tqo J. Iry1n6, 50r9o 1aps" 1t6 took th€ lead froe L6r.enoe ctrydesdate !{, - 1. J" s. {rtght, J1!21 aft6r th6 first btl€ and a.adqa1ly sa!s.db6 E" - 1, J, D,L" Spenc€r" 115!06 tstd€lod hls 6dA6 as Laf,..nc€ tllo.l Ellbahook !I. - l" 1,, i. !4oro! 19!36 qurckly.. 'It rasnrt falf, to elpsot EarytllXl R. - 1. J. A. et9sonr k3rf1 lavF.n6€ to rua a e1l after shat shottl.stoR H" - r" c.ahaE Ev6r€tt! tt6!rai ?. c. sorah. k6r116 h€ dtd ln $6v York tho otber nt€ht,r! Vlotolla Pa!& A.C, - l" J. Mc'-d:en, ?rusr! ot tb€ :,oE Ang€1€s 5trtd6rs, 41308t 2. J, Ftrsss11r 45r0?r f, Andy had held ths b66t tecord of 4.56.7 I.tatean Ron D6lany .aptu!.d hts scogTISII Y"M"C.A. g!:,t!'IPf OnSHaf ai; fii:ktnt11lo.b, rolr. l+ - 1. a.!t. Broen, f2nd st.algtlt hlle vtctory as h. nll)ped Eungarian f styan Rorsavoleyt {itoi!!6116rl) t1t5Bi ?" tl. NItch€l1: ']2rir9;3. !" L.o6ha!s. i?r 56 by u vards. Poi's tih6 of 1105.9 i).6k6 tl!6 b€€t roco!i!, ,dnotboi n6ct !.oo.d f.11 to Paul BR1TrSg UlrlllrRstaftts alln u,A,u. cEAxps ! lob.?1 at tfyth€rsha?€ Faik, tlanohe3t3! s.tFld!, v63t c6many's 15oo-b6t.. ohanpton, rt\6n he d.thron€d Aroie 1. Sos€ll ln tb€ 1000 by thr€6 yartle In Jaoks6a, Edtnltureir" l8.O?J 3, Pat Montaeu€,o:tord, l: . 4 ". crll! rlanoh- 2t09"7, Scrhldt took tb€ 1€ad rttb tBo lap€ to eo and kept Sovelt at a sst€!, 16r2+i 5" J. B€yBood, E6adlng, saf€ d1slatro.!.sore1l h.1d th6 noet la:30i 6. K. Gtlltnea!, orff6!d, lEr37. T.dr !. Orford, ?lt 2, CaDblrdgo, 105, standald of ?, 10.0 " Pbiled€lptrla Flonoe.' 6 C|!a!lsy l" Dlrha6 Un., 1o5r 4. LondoE U..: 199" J6nkins took the 600 in l:11.5-a turl A !€oord ontry oa 2l t6an! aros all pa!t3 ot th6 Brltl.h I31.s coep€ted o{€t s€cond b.ttsr ttran tbo o€€t r€cold sct br !,Ial rirrtfteld t. r956. Hrs a llat cours6 tD a st.ady d!{zzle. iro top pursuors also b.ttered vhtlre aa.k. Purduer. Ro. Etbolton cuo IRDD NORRjIS IINS ST" ASAPE-RI{YL ROAD h6e€ ln 1r11.9' vtrll6 outdoo. rortal RACE (l€b.211 113 stait6ls r6cord-ho1d.! ll1111. Att.rb.$y ras olook€d tn l,l?.2. Josh Cutbreoth ftnlsh6d folrth, lO0or 1. scbrtdtt 2. souellt 3, E.cas L.ps. Ann Arbo., xl.b.t 4. Dlck Pond, Ch1cago ac. 2tO9.7 Mil6t:', t. D61any, rr.05,9; 2. Rorsav4r06i 3, PhIl col.ban, uc'rc, ;iE l,oat L. T.d sheolerr udtc ! 4rlot 5. Barry ALbond, Eouston {no oth.t rtart.rs),. 2-l,r1et t. fruet. a:4?.? l\ t 25. \t 2t.V11-24 LaHr.noo! t:0li (r6:t paso)

A--Aprtl r



(ul1vauk66 Journal Gs€!l

3. Bud Ed61€n, ulnno.ota, 9:09t lr. Ron Lon€, rndlana, 9!12i 5. ca! vtl1rab3, u. ot chtcdgo, 9129t 6, t.r6 l.€11o, B.lottt tr 45 d.D.f. - D.acon Jon63t galv6yt A.idor€. IIND sFRMTs {conttbuod tro! pae6 5) Glrllne ts htgh on coltn X.ntaX1, but r11l sueg.st r-6d No!r!! ln vl.e of hit r6c.nt ftn. p6.foManos.... Plans tlve b€e. conplst6d for tho fo1l6u1ng ae6nts 1n and alound Atlabt{. ctty, I.J. (1) Ttl9 BoARntAt-ll xIL! - sunday, Y.t t' 1959 on. P.M. Nor cou!!€ (1e33 p€destrtan trafftc) sta.t:Rbod6 I.1and Avo. tlnlsh: Paclflc Ave. od th€ Baa.b. (2) 3 ur16 Sc!atcb B.ach Pun, Maleatc' N.J. Sun. ' Juno ?. ll) 1o r'1tlo Road Raco (sc!at.h) spo.sored by Sooels Polnt Xlranls club as pait of a clty-ttd€ c.l.brallon. E:co11€nt ptlt€s lncludlng rat.h6.. ([) Ble ee6kend 3p6cta1! sat.r Oct. 1020 mt1€ - 4 ran road r61ay. Atlantto cxty 11 A.li. sta.t at soFe.s lotnt. Runnors lsDort to J€vish C6oterr Virglnla

X$ob 7! 1959 all.sh.ny xi. a.rrn. Indooi Jr. Cb.Dplonrbtp.

2-111.r l. Joe Thobar ! uololtorn E:-ffinio., 9t55 (R.co.d)t 2. Dlct l.n1lton, ca!a.al. T.ch! 10ro91 ,. Bt1l |llttlar, carn.al. T.cbr rorr5. Xl1.r l. Btll l1ttEa., CT, 4!32.ft z. J-6o auoras, unto.toyn Es, 0!fl}.5 (stat. HS r-couniry ob.!l)) t 3. xrct Juptna, Prtt r 4!3?.4. l0OOt 1. lio8..., I..t V.. tto.tr, 7!57i6t z. J.nkln5' Y.v^. rrolbl ,. Iurphy' 9, Va. 600! l. Hinohb.rs.r' Ptti' 1tl7.2l E;;frhston, Pttt xro3ht 3. Adabs, Eis T6n Indoor TlLl Plac€ TtD€s u11., l. Lak6! Ms! 4t10.9! 2. Blotn, Tll; trt12,5t 3. uarttn' l{rcb.' 1+rr),6r \. Entoks, Pulduo, 4rr4.|1, 2-ut1o. t, Long, I\d. Ito9.6t 2. E?iilil xrnn,, 911r.l}r' ]. c. 6cnn.d-

- MIlYauk€6 Jour9r r. Brown' IU.' 4rrz.rri 2. Abincton) Vabd€!b11t! Ave.. atla;t1c ctty, (5) r5 rl1onete. f. Edlcks, Pulduo. Fandicap Run. sunday' o.tott€r 1t, 1959 Hl6nosota 59 2/3, rlsconsln 55 1/3 odo P.v. start and rtnrsh: In front of iadl!on! 11!,,2/28 2-nt1€r L Bud the Spenco. M. Bennett lield Ilouso. {6) 15 KrtoFoter chdlplonshlp Run rlltdols 5f, otdo state 50i 2/24 "Cobbtnodn 5o.loi at Lonar cltanptonshl! B.orn, It1.r 4.r?.a & 9t21.6 senlor ulddte atlanttc chan4rlonshtp. lrtro: clenn taet.,4A.7i x.r!'L 49,6. sunday, octob€! 25' 1959- on6 P.u' rlrtnolc 6E+, Nrchtsan 5a+ Start and Itnlshi In front ol th€ sp€ncharpalsnj 2/2r 880! r. G6o!e€ cer U. Bennott lteld Hous€' Atlantlc K6r?, I"r t352i 2. AonY Seth, U.' Ctty.." ConsFats to th€ tn1€t So.lal ir52.rr! l. uontour, M.' 1.53.9 a.d Athletlc club and 9!-!93€99 ior t}ls 2, Uaitlr' 11€r 1. Brovh, r..4tr5i anbltlous schedule.. lor detalled lnro tXch,, 4t 15. ? vrito Ed L€aeu€, Ctlalmdn Athletic 2 ui16r 1" Brorn. I11.. 9.23,rr coMitt€€, P.o, eor 25, Aelsnttc c{t}..' Bob Eoffhar ha3 sch€du16d tbe sodto! Htrdond! IndlaEa: rtarch 15' 1959 TET1;;:i-6-rrlo Rud aor sundav, octct'e! 'lh6 caiu!,€t F61avs, tur on a flat )t, :!o59, !3 a r6s!1t df, t::o oaill.r i:te rotd t co! Pitb banked 56.t1obs at b; !'1.ss to aeold tl1o bardshlp3 carsed ths corn€ls, tAcludsd a:OOO, br , i vsait!6r. Last yoarts !:co das c.ll€e. and open sil€3N t! ghastly ueata€r- tbe lani ean: b!1e. alla€ tlaok vae 18 laps to tbg dovh '1ei.i ln tr.ients and lt tas rtltier cold. n{1€i t!'6s uors' naturallv' hu.tr As a result only a flactl.cn of ttro c)6rd sto'6! thaF on a loasonabl6 tlaok. anttclDatec aav ths rac6,snd onlt thlrtv IOOO! 1. B.!t Obland€!' Lest6rn Il1. .ut rf 42 startsis arntth6d 1l.6 18 314 ZaVE, 2. Bud !.iscbkcr UcTc r 2t3o.5 n1r6 :!1nd.,. nate! cot" lts lluscl6tovn, Corl6a. XtI.. l. Dan qyan! ld.3t. I11 UsA r!6rk- Pa. ).., Tventy-rro t.ar.Id F,ZEi_?:-T;i-t(u ja,lnst i Loyolcl \oehrrak. lsLI.!t of toryo ldu.atton u', '1. Hueh lnickst Purduo ' runnlns brs rirsr 'ararl-on. .apturpd fh€ op.n ltl1.: l. Plrll cotorrnr ucTc. 8rh HJrnich: r4ardrhon ov€r soE6 66 0f reuill!s BLr?. B.rt ohlander, u.dt. rll' [I?B:EI raDln.3 be, " 4t35t 3. wayn6 Duff, ucTc,4t!6.a hi;e tlse blok€(-rh€ courso ..cota .r ;ii ^sh:fle 2-Ul16r l. ltuEh Entok6! Pur<lu6! 2!25,\6 set by 2d b6.t €?.r by a i ."n.iJ \., Jap'1- 2! 23.4o.t;30:3i 2. s.yn tq?f, scTc, 10:o: Co11€g6 M11. Run

na1 G@6s' uarch

ADrlr. {Ca1u;ct. Indtrna R.l.ts, contlnu.d} 3. Rar l'I.nrlo, UCfC, lotol.4t 4. ErnI. Ulhollt.. lJCfC. l0!q2 QqAXTICO XARTIIES


Patt.rlon P.d., Baltlno!., Md.,

Sundat, Maroir 22- or.at ps.foFance! by ttr. tiloog Quanttco Xartne t€at rnd ttt Balttnole olYDPlo club!. lrlnk Ptl.alng'f€atu!.d tbe 3rd aunlal 0, t 2.1-bt16)d1stan.. r€lat tod.Y

ov.! bllly Fattellon Park. Quantloo'3 A1.r Br€ckon11dg., Glynn {ood, Bob l!tn.! and Johnny Kopil aohtrtn.d lor a nev t.u cou!56 recold ot 3a351.J. br6sLlns th6 .1d Eark ot 39173.3. sot by tbe B"o.c. tn 1956 and !.ank Pflagingr3 tltre of 93r8.1 .@!h.d tb. old lndtetdual old ot 9t29.7, lot by Buzz Saryor, BOC' rn r9J8. r.aua{Trco - 38!5!.5 r. .uer ere;I;trrds-c, !;'iJ;t


PRIZESs Sor.n prlz.. donat.d by urirdlg Atlantlc RRC Dr€3rtna roon3 & lbov€.s provlrted at tb6 v6.pe! Eoat club. l. st.r. vb61an, vbsper Bc' 3'a.2L 2, uaurlc6 cannonr Phl1a., Pc,34!f4 74tu9 l. Brornlns Rose' P€64 Ac, 4. Botr ct@bsrs, stbnaban cc, f5r25 5. Klaus Praosant, P€n! Ac, )5t+r )5t55 5. rlank Bailon, P.nn Ac, ?. John uareball, P6nn ACr )6.24 a. c1.r6n.e cloude' Prrlle.Pcr 36r10 9. Ha.!y B€.kovlrz' P6tn Ac' 35t15 StEnatrad CC, 16140 lO. Dan Bat€s. !t. Too oTurtl€- o.rer, scq. 35:44 '-_rz- .tr--;ai-Bu-!dta1;:..- . 35' 55 t3. Matt sl,nslaion, Fonn Ac' ,6t56 14. Stan tlndner, Psnd AC! )7.t1 lr. Larry Dslan€y' srbn. cc, l7?31 42:au 16. Bob ti..nan, Unatt.r 1?. toon Ray, orltstosnr Pa. 43:05 18. l.adk K€IIy, Shanahan cc, '42:-rj. tt6r)5 19. J€.ty Eoob, Po.n Ac' t2O s(a.t.r!) Offlolalqt J.ck Ptrdh. H6nry Ktnkalatr L6on D!eb6i, John CunnInehaD.

2, BAIIIUoF OLYXPIo CLUB 40:39,5 t:-81!T-:il;;t;;;-'i-i';B:3 2. Bartor B6r!yrr111l 9:51.6 3. Lo!t3 castas.ola, 9.54.5 4, rrank Pfla€Ine' 93r4.1 -



"A" 1.-5l;t-;;d"--;3t;5Yayne Gallailn, cRoss coUMrY CLUB

2, 3. G6olso Blovn' k. Dennl! volth,



cnoss couN'rRY "Br 42150.5 l. Btuc€ caDpb€ll! lo. i6 2. Don Ma3k6n' l. Rteb ltallPtct, 4. lks sniih, R€1ay Not€s. Cold' very stndy.i. 'tl:e tlu€r eot all f,oulori *p oE br€akin4 dorn the t6ans and did!'i aAd uP... ,|be t6ar totals aro.6cural-6 and th€ a.a.C. b!€akdovD ie c4*e?: thov6:t,,. B!zi 56rye!, a.O.C. acs, dldnr!.id a! n€ i!.:{ a srrot the del 5slsr: f6! ar Llu tru? on l4areh ;! : Jt ni.de htt rr S:r.1 fev.:l n... Ccz'l!,5::r "nn s?Eria dI5:.AE L.rNS RFa 6.5 irlLl: ?:Lt


Srndiy! i'1arch 2? ilpEl

Coarastr ilEt & ho*. .6ur'3e! atoEs t!.

t:s? R:r.. nltt€ !6 i'atsdsn'. V9ATiitF: inli: a t.r-1" stnd:,





By Fr6d uilt One oa th€ tbr6. or four sr€at€sadlstanca lunnols of ou! t1@, i!6d \{l1t tr oou atr lndofattcat'f€ r6sgarch€r uhos6 af,ocatLob ls aocur!latlng th6 tralni.nc b€thods of all ths wo!litr ! out3tandtnA drstanco

fils book ts poslttv€ly dazzltng, contatnlnc a tantastlc Mount of tnfo.matlon on th6 tralnins anar po!foFancgs oa about r75 athrst6s of all atlltttes flod aany coqotrl63. off6led fo! the flrst ttn€ tn tnaltsh are lhe sp6.1f1c tiatntne dota113 rt such l6g6tdary !unn6.s as Paavo tumt, Alt srrut'tr (9106 for tFo Ft16. in 19c4). Joh. Paul Jon6s, J.o Rlnks! {4:16 h1l€ Forld r€o,}r holdqr {n l9o?), e1.nn cunnLnghail vlodinlr (ut3' Brtan ilorsoni Dan Ita6.i, }lerb !11loit, Roge! Mo6ts, A..d6n Plrio' aE.: host3 of oth6.s.., rlus- aios fo. €5i, flrst t1n6- cotp1€*. and dstal16d Folrrout Progtai. for -oc"'s as3d l4 t. i8 t.aldlne for the oile and 380. Oih.. book! st.63s hoc tho 4-nlnutt hlier Fho!1d trarn. Thts on€ t.113 bor a toy rbo ita. nqve. rac€d hefo!3 31t,r1d t.aln- specltlcally aod tn

o--Aprll. 1959 nttrate detatl-- crr11. at the sa&o tm. llrovLnE hov th6 gr.at. of th6 r63.nt and part actually tiatnod on . dally barl! to aohlere tb.l! .€cords. tb. athlotse thoEs6lvs3 te1I thotr vn stoly ol th€lr struggl€ Ir tho t1d6!n6ss of t.aLdine, .earcrtlne lor h€ oasls of traok succ6rrt Fosltle.ly a bust fo! tbt eraok r.f&no6 sh€1f. OBMfY I(EIL:EY III STRTDE AGAI![! {ratlonal runlo! lo r11o & op6n Run) !n., Yaloh 22r 1959r N6v B6dford, Mas!. . Jobn J. r€116y, Boston AA, 1.45.0a . A1 Confalod., Boston AA, 1.49.06 , John A. Xolleyr Unat.! . John Laffortyr usNr I t 51t.29 . John tarr€tt! us{, . rst Jr. l '5J.oA . Ed B.ack€tt, Lynn AC, * 2nd', 1rJ8,l2 . Rod MacNlctb11, [Yrc, * 3rd{ rr5a,3A , Ted colbittr NYIC r . Dlck Packa.d, Boston A-A, 2,02,54 O. Crahm Pa!d611, Bo3ton A-4, 2106.10 l, Do. lay, Boston AA, 2rO?.54 ?. !{tlltan Mulphy, BAA, 2toa,15 2.09,3) f. stan T16r@n, NMc, rr, Dlck Dddohuo, Boston aa, 2t09.55 5. Jln Coucll1, llect.1. Boat AC,2:10.14 6. Bob Cumlnes, North M6d.C.,2!11.27 2:11.31 7. ark ?6nnactrto, B-4A, 8. Jotrn R6ltano! Lynn -lC, 2.1t.52 2.t4.54 9. vlks Blg€lov, BAA! 0. non lturray, UnAtt., 2.17,2O r, John Grayr BAAr ?. John Boora!, Brra, J. Jotrn Ltn6cott, BA,{, t. Royce Savy€!, North Uodfold C., 5. Malcoln Hi1l, Noltheast6rn Untv., 5. John Conday, N€v Yolk Plon66r C.t 7. E!!ck V. Sieeal, Harvardr 8. John v. eu1tila, BtA, 9. Dan lunlop, BAA, t. Robert L, c!an6., sullolk U.' 1. Charl6s B.6at6r3on, Jr., NIIC, ?, Gevrd P. La Plaater Unat., N.r Bodtord, Ila33. N6w B€dlord, Uass. t. 116i srL :1 .11tn lioffe.' E, Nalaltn6 c01. i. o. c:1:,rl.,r spoono! (71-y!s. younel) ,Ul\ToP TE/A} l. B4'A iP6nnachlo, M, Bre6rw, r" Llnsoott) aco Nrt€3: Tt'6 Touohdo{n clut of Gr.at€! s* eddford, Inc., 3ponsorsd ttt. raoo or the 5th yga!.., ThB lao€ start€d at :15 p.n, tn lo d€eloo, oold r6athe.. h6 vlnds w6rs so gu.iy tt vas dtallcurt o dovnhtll ii spotsl... 20 prac€ 'un Ta__iii-Tropr'res-r€st b€lchandise) rtres ..48 startols, 16 ftdich6!s 1n dunbl.c eath6r...A ner, on€ loop cour3d thtough rlr.undine torn3-t/. in resldedtiat a.€a.. rcd..a.lt, bUlJ.

DEr,Ary vIcToR otlrDooRs, Doas





tLl!., Xaroh l?- trlrrE.n c€l.blst.d St. Patrtokr! lay by rlnnt.g bt. f1r.t oltdoo! r11o !rc. of ttr. 3.a!on ln ttto OptlEl!tr Club trvltattodal E€€t. Ron clo.k.d 4ro?.E tn tbo t€.tu!.d .v.nt of tbo al.st annual n..t. H. flnl.tlqd 15 yaldr ah6ad ot P.t. C1os6, of St. John.r Uolr.!3!ty, etro alnl3h6d 1n 4, 09. rr. Dslany, 3ta.tlr€ f.od th. tolrth (out31d., 1an., r.r contoot to ttay 1n 1a3t plao€ until lult b.fo.€ th. ltart.f th. ttrlrd lap, Th6d h6 Dov.d up to thl.d palt Toh OiRlordan of Idalb Stat.. Utdvay ln th. ftnal 1ap, th6 Iltsb r1t6r lad€ hle bld as h€. l..s!lo Tabo.t and C1os6 3ta.t6d ttlolr rpllnir. Eo oor.d past Tatlorl at tt!. h6ad ol tls .tr€tctt, and tlr€n tn tb. floal 50 yards oqtdtitano€d Trn€s for tb€ fou! lapr v.r.63.a, 2.o5.4. jtro.? and 57.1r lalt 4lro. Tabort finl.bod tht.al and o'R!.ord{r fourth anil 1a3t. A o.osd of 25OO vltnosseal tlle o6et In th-€4t6olne r.ath6r. A 1lcbt rdln bef6ro ttr€ p.oerao s€tt16.t thq ctnd€! t.aok. d6s.!tb6d as modorat.ty fast. Th6 progran tnolud.d sir stalstudd€d A,tU €v€nts wlth local hteh sohool racos-(rr Ila trIurohlson, 9.4 - too yald da.hi 2. Jo.h cu1trr€ath, 4as - 44oi l. Ilolld4 stat., f:r9,4 - dtl€ r61ay; 4. H6nry Wad3vortlr. Ur of r1a,. 14 ft - Polo vaultf 5, Cl!a.1le Pratt, 22.5.-2201 BOIIY9OOD, RoE D61.ny



Ualbourno, Aust.alta, Malcb 9- ,I€fb E11lott, rorldrs fact€st fti16!t .an a frnal quart€! rn 1€ss than 55s today yhl16 atsf€at1ne 3tr oth6! Australlans and Don Bordod, of San Jos., Caltl.r tn an lnvttatlon E11o race at Ol,rplc Park b€fo.s 9OO0. 2. !,to.v Llnco1n, l+,05.5 (a yds back)

l. John Mu!r.y, I*r06"9 4. Dor Bord6n, lrt 09.5 Pac6r 62s (T€rty Vtnc€nt, BovdEn, Ltnooln, Mufay, lIllottl, 2r063 (vtnc€nt, Botdod, Llnooln, Elllott)t l: o9 (Bonden' Elltott) !atn-soak€tl Brrsban6, au3t., Uarotr 14- H6!b tlllott .an hl. 11th s!b-4 ltnutg

i1,1. todl.y at Lan. P.rkr. &lto-t.rl ctnd.r track. Elllottr r lt5a.9 (iltr! tb. D.rt I o.n do !. !y p..r.nt coidltloni) .ffoft ,ar tb. ftrlt rub-four rtrut. D11. .t.t rur tr th. Stat. oa Qu..6rltnd and brought a roa. froB th. .roYd. 2. t{.r Lr!.olr, trlof,o 118 tdr b.6L) 3, Tony B1u., l''10,4 Bob ll1111.r, Brtlbatr.r s.t tb. pao. !n trLr fl..t lapr ftnt.hlns tt ln 591. Ltncold r.! r.oond at that .ta6. ertrr G.org. e61a, thliI, .nd E11l,ott iou.th. EtUl.r 1.d at th. halfnt1. Derk tn 2r0t.O, I.tncoln. C.1. and Elllott v€.. bu!.hed.t th.6nd of ths thtld lrp rith th. .lo.k rhovlbc 3ro2.9. Elttott trt n unloasbod bts !.nllia. bu.rt of spe6d and por.r and ran th6 1a!t lap tn . b1l.t.rlne 56 !.conds. COAOHES T'AMED



rR-6IK POrrS, of Bou1d.., Colo., y111 oo.ott ths lJ.S. E.n'r traok and fl.1d taa& tn tts r€tu.n Eatoh rlttt Rur3t. J!1y 18-19 at l.anklln ll.Id, Phtla. Pott! ls tlaok .oaol! at tb. Unlr. of Colorado. J63.6 Mo!t€n!.n, u. of southo!! Callaohta tra.k oo.oti| and Jobn Clbsont

S.ton Hall U. tlack coa.h, e.r6 !€1€ot.d lry th6 {attoual AAU l&f Co@!tt.. to arslst Pottr. Ea.old Bo.11n6!. ol San l.anct.oo v11l lanag. th. t.aD. Eoltodolo etoo, ot il€e Y.!k, aod Ch4r1.r lltaber' of Loulseillo! Ey,, e6r€ votod ar3rrtant

tlLAlgY fINS 1IILE 4T CLIVELAIIDi TAmRI rtaR ato-lfllf REcoRt C1ov61and! Otrlor Uaroh 20- Rod D.I.ny op.n.d up a lo-yard l€ad on th6 ftnal 1ap, th.n had tc hold off a fu.tou. fln.1 klok by lrtvan Roz.avolgyl to vln by a yald toalebt for btr lSth .tral€ht Indoor otlc trlunpb" Bov.v.t, tltq f1..t Irtltnanrs tan6 or 4,06"6 vas v.11 oft tdr yor1d.6co!d of lrrol"t, A croed of 9440 eatchqd e5 Ror.aroleyl, a foeo! Fun6..1an Atuy @tflc.!, took th€ l.ad t. tI!6 12-1ap stle yh6r lIr. tralf-rl1o paoa u&s 6nIy 2106"1. I.lany bune baok ln frurth !1aa€! h{} 3t111 1. +13se cortontton. Art STslsole' ot Y.et6.n l4lchlaan had s6! th. tlret qualt6r pac6 tn 61.3c unitl Rory t.o& of6! tb6 pac€-laktna. $ith Rory h614lnea th6 th.{-rd quarter r.ad at 3.o7, D€1.ny stalt.d runnlrc tn Barnest. iI. pu11.d

.Aprtt. 1959--r 1 rbr..rt .t tb. !..t-to-la.t l.t.n<t traal.d .lbov. vltb Rory on tba tu!i. Tb. 1l,ttl. lo.tuni utoh r..!.al to .l.tt D.l.nt .nd h. I'lckad up ib. pac., lhortra th. ltttl. lture.rt.n tb. fin.l qu..t.r hlr fttin3 t..t.. r.3 tun i.0159.4. P.t.r c1.!., st. J.tDr. I04-A .h.!I', flnlrh.d thtrd and Ba..y ArDnd, {u3t..11rn fr.lhan rt th. U. of douston. fourtr!, Trr. lp;lkllna tvo-rl1. at.1d prodso" .il a n.r ...t ..oord {nd t}r. ttltr.t f$t.rt lndoo! 6lo.klna tn tr16tor9. Eungarytr L.rr1o Taborl von ttr. pl.udtt, oa trr. far! ylt n h. .prl.t6( .Yay fld A1 LarF.n..! th. vorld !.oordl!o1d.r, on tb. ttn.I lep to .aptur. ttr. botly cont.rt€d !.c€ 1. 4.47.4. Larr.nc. alnlllsd ..cond ltr 8:44.4 .nd II.i tfu.r fLnllh.d tbtrd. ante o1d E..t !..o.d ras 8!51 s6t tly er.e Rlo. 16 y6a.3 ago. looo Ya t Run, 1. Paul sctrDtdt. Itcrt C.oa.tt 2. T06 l{urptly, laYACt 3. A.e. Plum.r, u. of r.dtucky. TlE.! ?!14., Tvo-M|1. R.Iay. 1. P.nn st.t.i 2, Yanhattalr l. Ylohtsan. ?rlJ.l {n€t n..t r.co.di o1d ...ord, 7.36.?r by 600! t. Dav. !1t11!! Purduo trosht 2. Jorh Cu1b..ath' Pbl1a. Plo.€.r clubi 3. flck EIltr, t{o.c.n ststo, 1r1r.8 llro-Vt16 Rolay: 1. f.rt€e t{tct$gan, 2, l-otoI. of cht.€got 3. cgntral stat€ (obto). ?.,!4.5 ln.. E..t r.co!, old eark, 7!44.7, by Y. lil.hrgao,19, Tho rpoclal, voo.rrs 880-yard .un p!odu..d a n6s a6or16an !ark. ura. Grs.o Botoh.r, of cl.r.lar<I, Dotb.r of tYo 6lrt1<lr.n' ton ln 2r2E.9 to olbp n.arly rtr r.cond! off th. r.oord s.t by ulr3 Elrrlot Doqtbltt 1a31 J.n. 24. l{rrs DoutbLtt, aI.o of cl.v1 land, ftnl.b.d r€cond. 5AI[ TERXAIIIO SIX-UII,E SATDICAP


sunday, Ya.orl 15, 19J9 Spon3or.4 by San t.rn..do R€o.satl@ D6part'ont. Dlrootor of Run! Cuf,ly Boyd, Sta!! and flotrb ai Re.roattob Par*. courlo aaaln ra.l.d

r1laht1y. loath€r: P.lfeot 19 of 22 rls.te.r fldleh.d. N.v clr tu16 :t61prd cut dorn ftsld.


l. Patrl.k o. Gonn.11y, Pl,erc. Jc EdaD, 6lap.TlD. A.t.Tleo l.tt E1rc.- -.tr-tE6:Z- -3r:t€iI ---Z2. L. Ju6r s.bto. so. ca1la.strld,





!?::4sl1r--12l2 f. Jole Car.I.' Cu!,t.! Cttt AC 4tr5 JAt?X 35tte '! 4,.ctratl.. Ri.r.n, ut.tta6b..l ..,. t9ro9.5 J2ro9,5 | J. Yltlts A, l.lltr Cu1r.r Cltt.rC

4!30 39t 19 )6t,t9 7 5. Edv.rd J. L.tin.on, un.ttr.b.d +t45 39t3a J7.r7 ro 7. J.!. c. a6!l!r., Stt Road-hna.r. btoo )9t36 )6t36 6 a. Loul3 t. c.!d.Ea.t stv Road-Ru...r! 50 37t35 tr 'rt45 39tVarqu.,' Eett LA oltqrt.nt 9. nloha.d 2t45 39t 59 35.\\ 5 r0. B.nl&1n Land.ros, b.rt La Oltrplen. 5rOO rro!20 J9t2O t2 11. Jo. E. Ct1!tr!p, un.ttacttsd 3t3O 40:90 37.00 9 1?. Pblllp 5. Cl.rt. Jr., culrcr clty Ac ztOO 41,59 35t59 a 13, Coorg. Rlvs.a, Ealt tA OlyeplaDs 5t3O 42t\2 4O.\2 14 1lr, E<t<lt6 Go.ra1.r. SIV Foad-Runn6r3 5too 42tr4 4or1b 13 15. X.nnotrr t. Strongr Culvo. Clty AC 5t90 42,25 \Or53 15 16, Donald A. Enor, uEattached 6100 lr2r4a lrr !08 l7 17. Tot. o. Johanson, ltatiactrGd 6.00 4'),25 1+2.25 18 18. ltfold Lovegr.n, Pt6r.. JC 16 3tt+3 t+tu1+5 lrl rlo 19, t.hae1 xl!b, Rtv€lstd€ YYca TiOO 45150 't5.50 19 Did not arntrht Mtllon A, Creane6' Cultor CltY AC Rayrond c. c.ntc.loz, BasL LA 01yF. Gultav€ Dua!t6, Ealt !A O1ylpiana

Ear1l.r ln tb€ bolnlna, tb!€€ &alatbon asptrant! ren a tlde trtal ot 20 btl€s, 6v6r a Eaoy-lap oour6o. Toi Ryen olock€d th. top porfoeaoce ot 1t51r55. Bobby Con! v.3 tlDe<t ln 2!02.02. Bob Drak6 st.ppod ln 6r!0r tlth on6 1aP to Cor an ostleatsd tso llnutes b€trtnd RvaD at tb6 ttne. Ryan.3 breakdoYn shots: 5 ...",,.2?.52 !3 ^L...?2t4\ 6 ea'..,3)128 rtt st,,,?8!2o ? hr.,.39r 4J r5 n!..,63,55 a er..,453 20 !5 n!..,49.25 9 tu1...5ar -17 17 8t,..95r00l?4 !8 dl.,.10oi 10e1..,56: fz 11Dt. "61r lr9 19 Di.""106:0C " 20 dl...111r55 rznt.,.67rt5 !!oq Bob c.6lb - lrp6rrtap5 you a!6 luoky that 1 donrl illnd tlne to qut€t1y cllts all D] tt\ooehts" ilt r6bolllous 56u1 chaf€s ?t tb6 {,a.J, ih6 .o1J.e6!, "e5td6dt E,s Cotuttteo rn louttr rtts€.sr p!of6s61ona1 recraatLon t.4, 4tc. got

tb. CII ha. p.odlg.t.d. tul. tlEt r.y. a blgb r.lrool boy oannot corp.t., .v.n urrttaoh.d, durtng th. lclrool t.aton. lntl th.t. apXr11.3 only to oro4-oolntrr 6nd traottlr{ stat. 51 O.cld..tal 70, ^tllona l.Ep.t Art!.! varch l4- Xl,lq l, l1€r E.ndorlo!, A5, 4t04.2! 2. lioColan,A5, 4r14.4.. 2-xll6r l. Hond6!ron, 9,r2.9, 2. E.nnaL{;_6it 912r.3t 3. p..r, ory C6Feny, Ott, rr52.rt 9.2".O..9:1. 2. tl6l sp6no€, As, 1r5li?t :,. Dornen, s.! Jos6 74, altrona stet6 U.! 57 T.hp€, Marcb ?O - A1€: E.ndo.son lcored a doubr. ytn In 4rr2.4 a 9ro78 callfo.nta 92 213, rta.no 3A r/3 B6!ko1.y, Callf., a.clt 2t- Mlld 1. sIeb.rt. c., 4!15.o". 2-tll1.r l. caylold; c., 912i.2..€6diT; r..k YorDan. C.. 1.J3.2 Usc 5ar st.titer5 63, Los Angat.s,3lzl utl6: 1. t{Blt.!s, st., 4!r1..4! 2. B. SEa;Erand, usc, lr'1?.6..2-M116t r, ricl6od, Usc, 9rr5.9l 2.65 'sor-b, st. 9.19.4r 3. Roe.r., Usc,9r20.4 880! t. Ardgrron, USC, 1r54,2 Ory lOO, Los Angol6s Stato fl, Los Ans6l.!, xa!. 2l -_!1131 1, Dan sch*.lka.t, L.ASC, 4:17.5..2- 116r 1.R. B.nn€tt, Ory, 9rl4.4i 2. P€ck, Ory, 9!2!.9i 3. Ba.kness, ory,9r24.? 88o! l.I6!sh6Y. t-asc, I:54.r: 2. E11f.Idt. O:y. 1354.3 IRISF SE IOR C.C. CHAMPTONSIIIP Sobo !unn6!s 3ta.tod ln tho I qll.3 70 Etrc S€nlor Cross-Count4 Ct@p lonshlp srr6n a€rtle Nl€ssttt took th6 tltl€ fo. th6 second y.ar 1n suoc.sslon. aonmy Dunn€, 5tb tn tho lntsrdatlonal !-c at caratlff last yoar, C <t.ot pro'ld€ the €rp€cl€d oppo3lLa,on and s6cond Flace r€nt to !!ank

Hhrte, I!13h tlack star. 1" Be!t16 uesstttr tonore, 44!25 2. lrank Uhtt€, Avonital., 45:OA t+5t3a 3. t. tun.6r !onor6! 4. J, 9oue1as, tvorda14, 45r5o 5, Tomy Ounn€, tono.., t+'t5r 5. !4. connolfr: tono!e, 46.06 T6Ms! l. Donole,44! ?, Clonltff€, 54, f, AvondaI6 97t 4. crrIl s.nroo 145,



4P:1-L-92::! scotfrs$ xBrs TOOD YIIS SCOT'IsII CROSS COUMRY TITLE Tb. .ourr. at E Dllton lalk on 'eb.28 r.! lr.ary eat.! a Y..k'. rein and a !.v.r. t.3t.f stablna. A,J. Yood (RAl e Sh.ttl.lton) von th. S.n16r rao. by .oD6 r5o ya!d. frob Jottn MoL.r.n (Victorta P.!k). at half dlrtan.. raood va! lO0 yaftls tn fro.t. str.ttl.rton a. ylttr 31r tn tr.nty, r.r. ..3y rlnn.ls of th6 t.ar !aca. 1. 411t.!ar J. rood, ,0r29 2, Jobn Xol-ar.n! 5lro2 3. R. I-tde, (Borlarbulton) 51,04 4. eralu$ E. Ev€r.tt, (sbott. )5r r 07 5. Jo. Moeb6., (sh6tt.) 5rrO9 6. A.S. Jaok.on, {Edtn.U.) 51t16 7. Jo. conno!.1y, {B€lrahoueton) 51,rr9 8. A. norr, (Edin. S) 51353 9. J. r.ltsht, (clyd.tdal.) 52;oo 1o, c. covan, (st!€tt.) 52r01 t€arr stt6t!1e.ton E. ( r-4-J- lO-rJ-20= 55 pt..\t 2. vtctorta Palkt 1f7i 3. B.Irabolrioo E,! 157 IIT.5E SINIOR


' S.v.nty .obp6tltor! taccal thc sta.t.r at Cailort.n, Ba.ry on !€b. 28 for ttb V.13b C.C. CbaDplon.rltp.. Davld Rlctrards ron a3 t!. pIea3€tl att.f an lntsr.sttng rac. rltlr l{oman Eorr€11 an<l tobn vorllhan ln th€ 66rly sta8€s. At 8 Dl. Rtchard. 1.d by koo yartrs o. !o!o, but .t th6 ftrtsh ttr6 gap yas !.arer 2oo yalds..Thts ts tt!€ ftrst vioto.y for Davld Rlcbardr Ir th€ S€nto.r but b1s fatber von th6 or.nt ,^ \925, 1924, l. t. J. Rtcbards, {Po1y x"(5r!15 2. r, Bou.u, (Roatb E,) 5r.l+4 3. JotD H.rrlDAn, (Yatfold E,) 5l!Jq rr. R. Morsan, {south6nd, 52t50 To*, Roath E" 9? eXs, i4fCtIIGAT ROAD RUTiIER.9


fhB alrEt offlolal n6stlne oa t!6 Mtctican noad Runno.s Clutr ves brld on f€blrary t2, 1959 at ?rlo p.lr. ,tr,1 Pcrscn3 pr63.nt becuo prott!tona! b.sb6rr.f th6 Road a!nna!! cl{b" 8.n1. Setth, Ctbtman Michtsin AlLl Irank VcB.l<l€, Rob6rt dundte, Itugb. Ja!cou.t, sta; stankovlch, r;.i iicellne, Mt.btean tistanc. CbalBan. Coach lrank ltoBrtd6 6f layra Stat€ Unlt.rs:ty ,as otlosan a3 provlstonal p!631d€nt of ttre olub rnd Stan st.nkov1t6h, a 6.aduat. 04 tayn6 Stator vac aFpotnt.d prott6totral tocr€tary. Th6

proelllon.1 offlc.re 1111 stay to offlco utrtl1 a oonstltutlon bas trr€n dlarn up and Dorb€.s of th€ olub vl,!b to appoint n€t offto€ls. Tho sscord E66t1tre eas eott.dufed tor Maich 12 at ttF hob6 of Ernt6 Th. 1st RRC lun v111 b. Sunday' Aprrl t9 at l!10 at Eorle Isr€' 5 dr16! (lo b€darr) opon, E.ttl€s t6 stan stankoeltctr, r379 Lenor' Detrolt TAf' OVER llob Robort St.tt' 62 znd St.' T!oy, rrl bav€ Eqde a ratll6r oxtenslv€ coD. ptlatton of vallous (lalntng sch€du165, etcr, and I shall put th€s€ 6ut as a book {dot come.clallY, plotably by nert y6a!. I ad lncorp6!atlne nany topto. vblch I a66t hav! dot bo€n adsquat6ly tr6at6d plev:ounly. I .ha1l lnclud€ chapt6rs on stnto. tratntdg tn harsh c1lRat63, *6ieltt tralntDg vitb !61attoo to vlnL€r ahl sumer setr€dul€5, a concroto plan fo! a club sy3tcFr €tc, Uy hatn pu.pos. ln wlttlng this book ls to provtdo a tert vlth n6, ld6as fo! th. track t€an T coach at AlbanY Aoad6Ey. I plan to hate th13 t€rt 3o tlnt tho cthpt6rs vtll be 'ade noarly ooDpletq (on€ por .v€nt) and hay b6 taker out soparat6ly for indle1dlal insp.ctlod, I flEly b6l1€v6 ln th6 c6ruttytyp6 of Yo.kout'(no s6t qu!1lty, quadtlty) alttbueh th6.e ls alvays th6 dan86! of utat€r-to.k slth lDatundo! Ce.utty's tr6€tut th6.o are s.oate. syst6h, 'ork to. hald stlnulat6d I'osslbt!ttt€s runnlne, qhen Int6r€st ls hish.'t OUR READIRS


TEXAS RELAYS - Od6ssa, ?€i.r Uarch 21 - Urlv.-Col1oe€ Dtv. TvoItrL6 - l. .'oth \a^y, Hou3L.n; ?:-J i,1 I;;;ay, oblo staLei 3. Lyndon cathltght, Eouard Payn6; 4. L6o welss, sou3ton. 1|tEe: 9t35.5 (Rsoo.d, o1d balk 9:lra r'y wa1t6! ltcNew, t6*as,1958)

Mll6: L Dav€ Plthathly, Iluk€i ?. Ton O'Rtordan, ldrho strt€! 3, Prul Barder.Ma! Eovald Payn€i 4. John acj. Eoustoni 5. Ragsl6 Dall6yr Hduston. ltstanco l4sdlsy Rolay: 1. Duk€ (Tor BlaJ6eo!.!220r Dar€ Pltkatbly, 4ot, J6rry Nou.se, aAO, Caly t€tslge!, !tt.) 2, Houston; f. tloealat Pay.6; 4. Batlor arh.r 1o !,! a. j'

14--Ap!tI f 1959 CEmRtl- A,A.U, 59ttr ITDOOR TF.ACK



'IELD saturday, Mar.b 21, 1959, Untvs.slty of Chloago l1€1dlbus6, Spo.3o!6d bt Unlvsrslty of Chlcaeo Track Club 600, l. Rtohatd ov.!by, ?rlnclpla co1., 1000i l. Phll Colsman, UCtC, 2!13.? Tn€-m6.t !.oord) r ?. B€lt oh1and6r. v€rt6Fn ll1tn61!i f" Davtd Uulfordr vnattacttod (Lawrenc€ collee.) i I&" Laonard ttutctrlnson, {orth€.n lil. State Xtl. &rn: l. Dan Pyan. H6st6!a T11inol., \r22.'ti 2. Tod Hancbott, Uheagon Coileg€, r 25.3l 3. Jdtn R. Arndt, $boaton col-, Q:?5.4r lr. Harord llallisr Una!t. (U" on" 111ln61s) 4!25,1 {Ryan 1Ed all tr!€ vay} 2 itt16 Runr i" Ken Srorn, Unattact.dl iv. of Illtnots) 9r0J"* (N6v v.€t and Ft.ldhouss R6cora) t ?" ear slll{aftst UCTC, 9rlf.O! l. Ital :{1adon, UC'IC, 9.24.4i 4, Ron C!6eory, Unattachod, isot.€ ,ao6) 9.25.oa 5" Ray u6nzt6,9iJ6 f0O0 V6t6r St€€olecha!6: 1" r!L Crohundro l. Jld Ty.ee, I1llao13 Sa:ta l$o.oal, 9!51.6! 4. Rtcha.d Tovnsend. No.ttre.n I1llnols Stat€ i t 0.08 on6 l,ltt. \{61k: L Jlm cltnton, UcTc, 7:t6.5: 2. Notu Roth6. uc'rc, 7.24.21 f. John Maltln, unat! 4. s,Roer, unat. Taam Scoroe! t, Untrerslty of Cbtcago arack c1ub, 76*a 2" Nortlieln IlItnois stat. unlv€islty, 19; 3. 1111.o13 stat€ Nomdl snrra 10+ {Sto.y on Fae€ 15) AFU trtp t6 Indra d AsIa-Leavlac l,lar.h ?6 iruzz sary6r, Ik6 datra' l-lon€I s:€v€nEJ s€o!s6 Doanls! K.i Kav€ & Ittlas ScteolFNL .ts:. i. 'O.!ri (:... ,J^r' 'ORXr.c '.l. C:ll\tlPloilrsl{f F! I.::Lllll 9ll;ro SgCl}Il!

::::).rr.oto!e:1 ilatel:7 - tr : taJrr! r-:i 'LL-h . r .iFPar- l-.'.t . t:1J ilrc .:: t6a!, rlx,i ro:iat r1y -4!:y :.{. r.ra i : ) !. -:.:r . :!6 1 _r . t: thi af,+r racls' l:re.i l rrfiE rsa1i" clde !.tr :is .{5 .id :rlov€d th6 te5: .l ar:j !6n16. f1B1a 1 i,leaF lia:r ol l:e{!D. u+ r.ij Eul.kly ,6nc tnt6 gr:€ i6ail ahc .ran4d !P a €ap b6l6!o tb6 f16!d bad Ilr.ps11t i3t!16d do{!. t€11 bofore .b€ Gnd af lhe itrst 1a2 he aaE 50 Yard! .ut rn frci! and selna a{ay vltb €t6!y staE z!-!on led th€ .r.!a.. crdp.rslne G...Y gsrth, Sando, Jdht 1.a6..rn a.d srko X:yoaid"

9oor af,t.. 2 bt1.r no*b Y.n! uI, to r..ond and t!t.d to aot .r.y frod ttro bunch, bqt bt trrd .nd of tb6 fttsi 1ap trr.y r.r. a1l toa.tt!.r acaln. lt 5 rtl.s lofrtr tlad a load of !o!. than lOO yards tron Sando, rls Yar r.11 cloai of Ard..son and u.yoa!d, orly r f.{ tasl! apart. ftfty yardr fuftb6! back ode Aldon tltlr torth a fer Yatds b.hlnd, th€d a6oth.! gaF of n€a.It 100 yards t!€fo!. Eeatloyj Bullttaot and PErklr3 cm6 a1oil€ alDo5t toIa the r*:t Dtl€ flolth had a b.d tlb€ and dr.ppod back to !tr6 tv.ottas, sLosteg C.rn al@oet ta a satkldB PAo€ at oie Poina, tut .€coe6!1ne latqr to Eak6 up a 1ot ot cfcdnd lr!t.r6 ttLo f,!nl!t!, Frank Soal^ t6o, bed lttt.h troulrle aiil drop;6d rron 7th t6 14th b!to!6 !6coe.tlner to 11th atr th6 1a!t 1ap. E]6n tF.d *orris dcY61op6d th€ !s. troubl. afld.5ae b.,ck to Sando qultr e blt around tb6 6 mlt€ Eark' blt vas !u6i1ng a. stlotreIy a. 6v6f at l!6d Nofrle's rln ?as a eost popular onej for be t3 a er€at favorlt€ !n all ar6as ot Eneland. lraok e3ndo shoveat he ts back to sot.jnlne llko h1s old f,otu bY hls znd piacd and nady thlnk h. can vln t'ie ltrt€lnatlona1 C.C. Chanptons!ip3 tn Llslron, Portueal on Arch stan EldoirE 5tl1 ptac€ f:nlstt dt3apFolnt€d Bany, E1don3 vho 11k€! !o g6i oui; 1r fr6nt,io shov bls best trmr nove! irad ttlat opFoltln:,;_r trday ai b- aht t,1-h6 bo sott€d li:ria:f, dii tr.B.i1+ t:ii:ld l'ld*lc Lt:i: i:i. :... :tt :n trdrt. S..ntrir:- t.,iir-. !. n:r! n!.t1:. ir,':5?a ?. tf,aBk !. 5 :1?n. 4lr:ii l. ina-:.a Ha:fnaf,d' li,J>^: i. Jeih Aidsrsunj lr7!19i 5. ;li::1 ;il.nj 9A:lk-1 6" !51ko !)q111ri,:i, iler,.5i ?. easix rleattEY, tnj?1t t" 41ao 5, Il.kirs {{i6t6.d:.:€ cldrpl ir8r::J! ri. P" st1!r!n6o.! jrei:i?! tAc DaF4 llirhards, 44."?l ri:r" i. S€aI, 4ts:49r 1:, Gerly A, lilcrtbr lr9!04! 1-i, 3€..so fioleht! {t:o7r lu, a. t. GaI€, r+9:0?i r5. B3!€k ltal&o!. ir9rlJ: 16, t-au.re R.6d. f9:1Ai l?, a. Rodrup, k9r21 {oror 565 runn6!3 oorpetsd} ToaE: strofft.ld Utd, II"& A.C" 145 ptr, r6.by & cty. -q.c. 154 ptr. Souitr Loddon sa!rr..e! ?6t Fts. 55 t.ds.

April, cllloaeo, I11., ualoh 2l- so.or. tn tho C..t!a! A,{U Lndoo! 1000' Et1.' 2-111., v.nt to Pbil Col€Ean, atrd tt!opl..lb!. Dan eyan, (.n Brorn, .nd Ar! OEorlund.or A11 but Ry.n !.t rov !.€t !6oo!de. Col.han, g6ttlng ln a 1ttt16 3p.€d uork, brok6 Joey Ratr. t66t r.cold t. th. l00O yald run. h ths EllB. lettorn Illtnolst Dan Ryan lqd all th6 ray and ron 6a3i1y ote. fian6tr6tt and A.ndt' ttoth of t{boatod co1l.s6. (add.d frntsh€rs: 5. Ftank E€dgcooli, uotc! lrlrot 6. aln€ itot!a!d3, ucTc, lrrtl.at 7. Paul Mu.io1l, Vtreaton, 41 32,O t


er.go!y, I{ot!6 Dare acoj sat €}.e Pac6 ln the ?-E11€, tltti:lFB 6?3 aid 2115., 61os61y :atl€i! bt Hal algdcn K.n Brorn (I11lnots coph) j aud Ga! ' l{l11lans (dote.dtd€ ?-$ils .!!aDp a*d n..t r.cord hold€i]. Hledon took dva! th€ 16ad soon aft4! th6 half end assod th6 3rtr, 1n 3:25 an<t th6 h:1€ in trlr!,, At 9 laps, BFoBh tock dver the.166d/ pas.lne tho tt D € nalk ln 5:alr and th. 1+ D11. Eark tn 6153. Hladaa aDd s'.r1t;ns v6!s 3t111 e1o36 up! ttui G!€eory Bas nov ? seooads t,ack. On the tlrtr lap, trrAdon f611 bz.r! and Elour had onlt' v'"lltam! to bsat. ?.t th€ 3ta!t of tbo last laF' Btden acceleta!6d and pu116d avay flon th€ d6f6ndid€ clEep uith a alasby ?9 s.cond flna1 2?S! ostabltlhlng a n6u heat and tt6ldlsus€ !€cof,d ol 9:05"4. T}]e fo.ner U af t Fl€1al goss€ !6coid sas 93ile"2' bt lted nrlt in 195rr. {add€d rlBishsrit $. ear.t rnab., oltb€:n 111, U", tl5Ai ?, i-yr! Vt6ourj !SNir, 10!0f; 3" Vay.e tu1.t, UC"C, !O: t3) " ah6 j000-r€t€r st66Dlschas<. ldr ) se.i to art Obohqnitxo, of :hs l,aTC, Rrnnlfa ve.t: t . ) tb6 an €ven par€d 16ad at th6 aao i:rJ:.,1 arr: sleadlliy 1n6.easod the €ap ove! 36co!?il tia.e-F1.1 Htsdod. passtde tbs ili1€ ;n ::3CE' r* htl.! ln ?.ir5. Hledon, run.inE: ti!: J nlnutes aator ets t324., 'ol:asd onlrbaroly tf.-nl1e, 6dged Jlk xyf66 rl' I1llnotg stdte !{otual u. lor so.oRd, ahe ulmihe tiDe of, 9:4? 1s a ro.old tr.calse tbiE das a n€w avont tn ni'€ C6ntr.1 .qAU lndao! n6ei. Th6 r*ai+tr pltt va! .111-u wrth savdrsl. t... :o"n.6-d, .f Northa.n !11. 3tate, trtisrred ,4th la 1or08, then rae a raecrt!.eha oxtra 1ap ln a 6am6 €fto.! an lap 5tt! pia.. Jaok Glearshlo1d3, a&at.l iad<i.d fldtsh€rs: 5. e.€€nsliiglae' 1Or4!t: 6. Nolx Rotlr., chanui;€ ,1F5, ltrlj! toi:a!€. .aorns.nd- 16,44 fo. t*o nliss li Rod






IOR 2otrr Y'-AR.

Sa1t6. E. Chl1ds' vho b:s doo€ eo.6 tn tb€ pas.t quarter c€ntuly ln th6 lnt6rost of dat€ur athl.ttcs ln ov Englan.r tbad th. cohblnsd 6tao!t! of rqdy oth6.s' h.s agatn treGo rcYald6d fo! trt. .ffolts by b.1nE nan€d bY the N.v Ebeland AAU to ths post of.otuls.lon.r lo! ttr6 20th cons€cutlve y6arr Ee vas also ro-€lectsd p.sstdont of th€ Noltb In tbo days slrod chllds ,as an active qthl6to PaltlctPatlnB th balatbons tbrot€hoot part of tho courtty: he s.t ht-q elghtE on tho atay vt!€n h6 mlstlt 5e abl€ !o ko€p ttl6 sport ot toad lacing contlnu5lly e1{ve by 1nt6.esttng t.oE-a€e boys ln tho spo.'.,. Ttrs far, 1n ti!6 tnltlal plandtr,3 fo! 1959j Chl1d3 hae oon'pl6ted plans for l9 road rac€s add 12 track Roets" Asong th€ w63te.n Massachus€it! €otuunltt6s eb€te su.b events sll1 bo staeed durin€ th6 saasor t111 b€ ohloope€, uodron, Fanpdoi r $otyoks' ABherst aad cb!1ds a13o Plans to staee a hatsoulh !e6.-age t.ack n.et to. N.!. htsrl 3ch6o1 lacs. chl1ls a16o p.o&otos such 6stab1tsh6d rao63 as! f64)le, N"E, -10 nll€sj AthoS: ttass., l0 btl€5 (oct, l+)9 carda6r. t12s6., t0 nI16s(s6pt, ,?) and a -< D116. 1. southbrldee! Uassachusett6. _ :rlIlanova Untv€rslty3 .itb illlott! track ooach, has b€6n nat,6d !et6.€8 of tbe Penn Relat carnlval Apr:.1 ?k-25, .:6cuttYe dtr€.tor JeFrn fo.d ann.utced! SolrtlllRil PIaCMC rr-AU RTLAYS - )/ 7 J00On, i. Russ Bonnott, oc.ldouial Ti;n-6;e,. D1st. k6dr€y. 1. arizo,.a .r, 08 J 516!e, q, 5t;t-IJ;;a;;:;n,

2-flrl6 R€Iar: |, ort,7r3A.?i 2. u"c.L.t., ? t39")t 3, s.a.,7,47.5,. I,rlr€ Xe16y! r" i.C., lr16,7t ?. O'y


o..". :' r I,ti

san Jos6 stat.i ?9 5/5, 6tanfold, !.9 5/6. santa clara Youth vtlraea. ll ,./1, (at san ros€" l/?/5t) alr: .ll€ft . sr 48"k..490: ualon6v:-:J i'it"a,.u1r€r" Tabo.i. 4:o8.8..?-r41. Kreu56, YV-!!?i :. Bond, sJ,3;:Z

16__Ap.r1. 1959

##T"5:*^:Li'J3_3iS,,f "Jlff


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Aprll. 1959--r7 1r+ [rLA EAXD. CO]TIrUtr) 2 ?lA h!t4 - sisdon 1l+i15, roulds Cor. rJ:28t Lat1[.! t5.Jr, 1o7r. t5t42, lra. Paul collrrrr unattach.d! tt;Ul, €nr1€ l5:45! Rtcbards 16,08, Etlbe!er 49. c€o.c6 e!!.blerr {uC, Sorfl 16f17. Tlnos at 5.7 Ei16r v6t.29tr7, st611an Dukakls, 50. Unat.! 79t3A 3ot56, jrt27, 11.15, ft:15 {Iolt, a 51. t.l xo.ton, unat., 79t54 M.nzls eved), 12!3rt, ll:0a respoot52. .tohn Cor-ay, ltYPC, 79,O4 51. r.n Hayit.n, BLA, R6su1ts, rlth p6r-bl1e av€rae€s: 54. JID ,a16y, S!,, t${C r 41.45 55. Dan Dunrop, Bo3ton AA, Aor5o 1. lla1 Brsdon, vc'tc,4?t5A.A - 5to9 56, c€ors. uat€'hou.€. F c. ?at26 2. Georso lourds,Oh!o TC, 50,29-5124.9 '). son€r Lactm6!,cor$tr, 50t 53-5t2?.5 5?. John Dlcohandi.a, BAA, ?6!35 .r. Rdy v€nzter uc'rc,51t29.5 54. G.org. JaE63, fiaFard AAr 41r25 - 5t)!,5 J9. Androa Molsau, Nortt! I,t€d. E2rl0 t. Don to1tz, unat.r 5l:4k - 5t)3 60. chas. B!6d€rson,J!, ! A2,)9 5. A!n. Riohards, vc'rc, 53tL) - 5tt 2,6 61. R6b6rt Klan€r, Unat., A2tO3 7. Falph xilb€re, Uatc, 5qtL5 - 5t49.2 52. Art Annlsr unat., a2:19 8. Jin tloonBy, Leo Es, 5l+rl0 - 5:50.a 61. Tom Lac€yr unat., 9. John Psnit6rca3t, L6o ns, 54,5?-5t5) 64. Rob€rt Chevosj Syra.us6 U.77!Oa 10. Jld c1tnt6n, UcTc, 56t12 - 6.oL.A 65. Robort Ptk€, Unat., 11, Toh uoodarl, \nat.,' 5?t24 - 6to9,5 65. xrank D6l-uca! BAl, 12, Jin l€.ris, Uiss.St.U. 54i51-6:14.a 67, uulray {a1t! rloltheast€ln U. 83:09 13. T6d suth€.land, UcTc, 59:11 6a. Vltrlab Bicklej Lynn AC, a9.21+ 14. Dlck Xiner UCTC, 61!31 3 T1tr6 Prlr€sr r. J.J. Xellgyt 2. ,{1 15. Dick H@6r, 5t. G€o!96 n5, 63:29 confalore; l. ceole6 Terry, El€ctlic 16. DaYo 1llllles, UCTo, 54:ll 1?. Luk€ Sto6ls. unatt,. 65.4ta ChloaAo, I11., Uarch 28 - IIA! i4cDOX, sr. A.u.A. Champlonshtps - Indoor of ttr6 Untv. of Chtcaeo T!a6k C1ub, Ptttsbureh, Pa, r4arch 24, 1959 von tlr€ Contlal A-AU and Op€n 15-k11o(12 laps to mt16r dtrt t.aokl n6t.r road ruh, 6.tt1ns 9!9jg! 1. Dav€ Ke1ly, rrtt,, 1.14.7 .6co!,at of Ir7:54.4, taklna noarly 6 .!_9-9-9_J.qj. l . rln Burn6tt, amon Rc, ltnutcs off the o1d !6cord of 5l[51r 2:25.9 .. Ytr., , Ron Rush. Plrr.. .ot by Ga. VtlltaDr of tti6 UCTC 4:2r.a; z.-T6f christoff, irtr. , July 19, 1954. coore€ Ioulds. ot the 4r25t ). BtlMttban! Amon Rc. 4127 Ohlo T.ack Club) -es zn.t tn 5Ot29, z-Xll.t 1. Bob Carman. Amon RC. (Iova) Eoh€r and of co.ns11 9i19.1 ( er M6et R6.o!d); 2. Paul coll€s€ placsd '-atln€. thtrd in 50r5l. Sand€ls, Jeanotte Halliers, 9:42.6 i T.oph1.s r6re a?ald€d to tho fi..t f, Ro. Rush. Pltt,.9147 trroo. Ray M6nzi6 (lrtr! id 5r,29,5J & Arn. Rlotnlds (6th rn 5l:11) took trr6 B6rd6r O1ynp1ca, Larealo, Ts*as, Ma!.? 2nd and l!<1 plac€ Cent.a1 l-{u n6dal3. T€an: aera! 71.1, s. .U. 4l TroTb.6€ c..tra1 AAU rodals u€nt to th6 Mlle: Jan,4hlberer stlu, 9: 16..'rl_i;: fl.et I hlelr-rcbool lunnersr Jtn Moon€y (L6o |r,s., 5lr:lo), JoLh Psndereast r- UCLA R€Iaysr L.A., Iob. (L6o }r.s. r 5rrr57) ! and tlck Ham6i 2-Uxl6 Rolay! OCLA, ?t50.4 (st. esols6 ot Evanston, 5t!29). There Dtst. eil.Rolayr UCLA, 10 ! 17.2 s..6 r7 starters and a1l al.l.hod. woather vas cool, o16a., add trr€62y. Austlattan Nattonal Cbamplonshtp. The 4th tb.oueh l2ttr p1ac6 flntshors Aobart, )/2159 880: t. Totry Blu6. tore asa.d6d OlynDlc Dsv6lopn.nt b6dr ro.5; 2. M6tr lrn-;o1n, r:52.7 ' afs. Tne Mtdv6st Roail Runn6.s Club l. A1 Thomasr ll:4?r8r 2r l-Ml1.s: .pors6.sd tho rao6r fhtch 5;G-Tw€r, I l, rrl.rri LD.r. Br;ln, a 2.2 Dl1€ tone'abandoo6d stllp of ttr6 14:12.7..4!,0r Xoeta cosp€., 1r? s€ca. Lako Stbre Drtvs, rleht tr6sldo Lak€ M€lt'ourn6, Malch 2? - Uo-1d 4 tt1t16 Itllchl8aa, a noarly p€lf.ct 1oca1. fo! R6lat Rscord of 16125.6 tty r. Al lr!o6.5, 2. D6nn1s lfitson, qigdon l6d.rr tho kay, €rt,6ndtns hts Ttroaas, 4:06.5, l. Jobn uullay, Ir:o8.0! 4. l.ad steadt ty 6ts6. hllHorb Elllott, 4!04.6..Ttm6 lrett6reat tine 5:o9 {to tho n6a!6st s6co.d) por 16330,6 by a Blttlsh tsatr. trlI€, Th6 flrst 9 f,6n av6raseat und6! 5,OO p€. n116. Tln€s Psr€ oaught at Tor I'le\s - rtts th6 Lone Dl.tan6o Logr (HYDE SSOE

DrcKsoN slr!.ris orr cAeMAN, tlrxs l5-l,lLER HoC Star Naar Recold, Dosptt€ soatb€t, Wtnnlne S6cond Straleht Viotory Hdtollron, Onia.lo (flF€5tone la! V't6rans lotb Annual 15 Fll6 poad Rac6 cood Fltddy - arch ??, 195e. cou.3€ i' I rrhoe 5 mtr6s 152 vdt' 115 hI165 1056 yds).. roatho! id tho lou thtrtlee vr.d floo tho Eas+ 15 dlras 06! hout C1€a!. Iton I to 12 1.ch€3 of soft snos had to be cloaloat frod th6 coutse lust prto. ro th6 sldrt. Abo!t 54 6nrries t5 starters. Rola.d Mlclraud ed stth a bad h€e1 susta{ned

{9-om t}r€ EaEilton SFoctatarl - Oftic}a1e d{ t}!6 tontb an.ua1 Filestoio tlad racn had a dtfl_tcult doctslod to oaka b€tore r1!h rro-m t€-an-bour 4uer! b:dklqe : ih.o6-tnch snoutall ldta dllfts as !1gb a3 tbree 1.6t, th6v had to dedld€ in a hu!.y whottrgF or noi ah6 rac6 should lr€ Thev d€c1d6d i;o trshoot the ,olksr

a'd as sch€du.1ed' But thcv !i:n 1tt """ "".. cro3s6d *hen ttr6v bada t:!6 thei? fiaeoas Liitle did club lrlesident A1o: Vi111aa_ .har rrd. '. . rrj LYn.h a4. knot Eoon ths ha.d-sotktne off1.1ai3 toer tradc l\6 doct3l.n rhar "b" '6t !l'6 r'r- :iob)5l' .n, ".ri." ':tt,rnc rac€ ra tF1 rq^_v6dr hr-sl::: iosr GorC ltckson eas th€ winner fni the zti ceFe nhlt att€l r1e iine, Blt an ail-oui .hal16t36 ])j; ' ne!''. wltristood "l4iory cohe!. Prttsburgh!3 Bob ca.*an. tbn. a fett t6ei ru" €'aDr tlmo unti! tho ilc*t:t6i aDart:; "ttt er r(a! '' i rJi Lilrp . r ,D 3r".j arrr r-. ir'. last rral t 'i1i: iE :r:€ s!r!r leinEr" ia_: tlne .t ll r21,58, Jr5r; 1l sectnca r1o'te' tha. i11. r6.crd-br3:k!ne sf5o.i 6t i958. carna' crGssec th6 ftnlsh llta 26 s6crnas 1at.r erd his ttn€ of l:22"?4 das trrird fastest ia tho !nc6i3 h1siory. hallLnsfore, runnln- Jo, ldI'ntr "on \'6!r lrd:k c1uo, rd4q !-s'h'rc tlac. a tek' s6csnds nh3ac 6t .r6bn Chtlcn, aladsied€ Ac. r:altrs E:-1it R.vn.1d3 fas c1o.e behlad chtrch t. nati doet f:'th .t iba u.9' sert d)!11a ,ioai aaff6.tr, xavy, Sdurh \reyftouth, U:3s. ! 5*d llocri l]111y S.:1ltr f.1l.orr€c, runners an3re.ed ib6 startetrs l'.rtv-ftv€ qun ou a d.te' -:: ""c ;i3...c€...' _


part of th. Yat. 'It rar. clos. raco,! Dlok.on adEltt.d at th. flnlrb. nTb. !!nnln& oondttlons r.re P!6ttY eood alttDugh th. Blnd 'a. .trone caloan, 25' .a1d h. 11ked tht .our36 and nlrl1 b€ traok vlth b61ls on natt toa!. " It ras hts flf,st rac€ tlnce tltnlns tb6 B.rvtck 91 rtlo fac6 ttlt you thlnk thts ta. a b.d day, you ltrould havo b6.n tn York, la. last fa11i Tb6 tebp€ralure was 36 d6e.e6s and lt ralnsd lloav y a1r th:oueb ilro tac6,( l!6.ard. Dt.keo. and carnan, lunnlna n€ck ane n6ck, ,qto a Blnute aed 11 e€.onds ofa th€ 1ap loco.d vlteu th€y hed ttdlsh6d ote lap and thao tto dlnltes 3ltghtll'FotQ iff at tLe €nd of tvo, Lafforty, vboe€ siatri-l)laos ttB6 Has 1.2S. t A, 31ov.! tthd hts 1t28.17 vhon rre dos the eYlnt tn !951. The tanadlans asain son tt!€ International teatn ptiz6 and liOC took Jaok Git).1i3r rh. !3 back on his teet alter a r6c6nr tr1n6s5,3har6d ahe OtK6ol6!3 spoctar €v€nte cara_ No!6 llatstlalf, ?a4 micrcphdn6 ,ltl as ib€ pair k6pt th6 tttg aud:6nc6 ap ta data oe tbo rac6!3 Ptogt€ss. (nd" ..taclr *rr!€s, r!ft 1s iFpo3s'iblo t6 get stfong on hv preeent alrt" !t I loso an,Y Do!6 vel€lht I €!1:l €itet next yeatrs !ace" I ad d6'F io 23U 1bs. froa 262 15s. :n Jar. 1-cJ9 aad 279 lbs, id iai. 1?5e ana an all t1o6 hteb of AF :n past ,rears. a nunb6! ot

kicked ln t. Datr€ ta4 ev.ir ar u.qu:'.1f r€d CsiDs. ::i3.:: 1lLe tne voathef aco Eu.L. and he ti.4tgired Bltlr ieg nu:c1.sr badl y s:ift€ied lickssn- sl:4hi!t b1u. at?out th6 nos3, n.::rt anY !11 6faects and jnokri 1:k6 ]..e ooulii haY6 .dn ttte !! Irli clulohlli, e.ybo !i 9ltr6rla a3d, onc€ aeain' n. d.io43tr3ird that uheu b6 'ants :. .ir: It i.r5 a htre, {oorY a tr6ek ae. ie lan 3 blle lndoors, et iba tlst H:ehlanderet annual seetl 1: nl1es o. the fu1l haraLhrn dir:ancs, bers 6nt1t1od to ;La er.a.€st of rqsp€?e" { co6ttntre4 nai! F sal

(safirl.roir 1J-MILE ROA'


lrpd1. x959_-19 Just on. day b€fo!€ th6 !ac.. Bob carEan, ?ho bas bs6n .tudylns ar a p.ycEologlcal p.yolllat.i,!t, !60€iv.d a ulr€ trforElnA htD ttrat b6 lrad Just rec6tv6d a $2,00O f6llovshtp avard€<t try tb€ Nattonal Sct€ocs roundation. ,hl.h nea!. trorlt eo or vtth trls studtes, IDpirs to land d€g.€6s tlst rr11 pul htb ftj16s ab6ad of th€ cohon Fh!€nologlst.. Ca.ean is a srad stud_ .nt at tb6 untrefltty of prttsbuisb. g. .an fo. th6 Amon A.C. froE rhe jlo\Lctty. qustrallan Natlonal CbMoi.onshrDsr T'o lri!e halks r. n. r"""."",1vi".1 r4,r3.rt 2. A, _A1t3opr (vic.) 1432a"6i 3, I. L€onard {sA} lkrlA.z s1r url6s! !. tr. po,6rr (nsr) :a355.2; ?. G, Thohas, 29:zo.!r; 3, a. .oo\ (v{.. } ?:{$sk) : tl

l. cordo. Dlokron, HOC, lr?1.50 2. Bob caman, plrtsbu.ah. r:i2.24 l. Ron valllnafold, EYac, 1324.16 .r, John Chu.ch, cAC. r.26111 5. Bl11 R6yno1ds, unat. 1r2?.18 6. John Laff.rty, USN, rt28.ra 7. Btlly sntth. qoc. a. T€d corbttr, NyPc, t,28-;; 9. Ik€ Dayr RCAr. Tr.nron.tt,lo-lrt {NAro Arr ro}oo- Enrtan; } 10, ror6l R€ers, L6s-r;ancts_.4[is. ontfoal, Qu6boc. 1:1o- <r! rr. Eor, Martinr Hocr r,1o.:S s..rto, BAA? l41ch61 !ore. 16. 1!ancrs_an15i !5.t4.cryrtlo qtklns! Unlv. of v6stqs Cntalto (London, bor€ No. rtr r6" ari€ van_ alenee., HOC, 17, t.i Johnson, cladstone A,c., toronto (froi r!6randr! la. Ja.k c6dd€s, et:dston. A.c.: a:JiCI( rlollx - P€.ct c6rutty, tb€ vst_ 19. Jln xar€jn! r"e-t rancrs-A-r., e.an, nor.ultal athl€tlc coac! dshon20" I1 Dunoan, Hahrtton oc! 21. ii6k stlat€d to ih6 Vlctollan arhtetl. ,onohu6, Boston A.ri ??, Lo;f,e suck. offl.ials ttrat th6 o1.r adae6 dth. u, of Ue.t€rn Ontartcl 2?. Noman 6ar1y blld e6ts th6 vornn ts as ilu€ N€t1son, Gladston6 A.C, ! 2t. Whit.v today as lt ras FhoE fi..t latd down shorlddn. H.o.c.; 25. p6ro. Dub.€nlorf, by aesop a f€d thousatrd !€3-'rancis_Ahls | ?6. t€nnJ pucknotl Percy yho ha3 Dad€ a 1lf€ttr€ rork cradsion6 A.c,t 27. lr'111tah L€a3u16. cf e6tttns tn the hal! of th€ VA.4.A un4ttaoh6d, younsstown. Oh1o. {ent to Essendon Aerodrofc and D6t T€m rr1r6, (ciub)_ HamUton Aserican b11€! Don Borrten. ^vARIs: vlpr. cruo (Drcks6n.5'rth. u.rt1n, 3r fi€ stranehat6d htb off to portsea to vand6m€6r1.. Y.un€6st rueder, Jim tr13 ooachlnc.aep. Mcrsaacj i6r D6lta S6condJrv scrro6t_. Pelcy {as ab1€ to do thlsr because rlub utth frosf rJnnere! etadsron€ AC. wae at the a{rF.!t to meet tbe h6 r!rst sanadian 1ap DrlE€. nlcks.h-vlsrtlne athleter uhtle a Vr. La.ar. old€st punn.r -.,youn-n i.ed sr'stow, g:.iorl-an a athlet!. of?t.ial rho trad Iit.rEatrenal .r€r& be€r d€srsaai€c as eordan!s lrelird!.r€ P!t26. cRnnda I Dlckj4n, t{aittnsforc. mala€elr vas.ot. cLD.ch" :rejnold:l,. -.r.rt em il^" i-!; ln tact, !n ir:s o!.n adrilsston, iqr, runn€., -ir1 tuncanJ tatta.. 2rd cnnadtur ralal .as corretln€ ar sob6 snrt !i a arhlrr;c ieearn€, abd sent a L/c.,jrr qr .,-..,..., .;- . '': ; , !a.co5 UntTersity siudert {r i;. c6.t Irivd.n -.1 cdn:.lr a.. r1. L..h: !.c4nu6.,:_r.r .rd tste rltr td a b.i.1" ttrst r.t-r:1_6 crri / t;E {,F ir-th l, .:r7 case, Rrtr,nen rc daub,j !Dlitd 1aps-r!, lnC aap t.ir€, .J'fliisford !eref,:t ficn r.he .r.qran}' r':be€ si!rh.ds ...drco. se!bh {.3 usuat) !a: uc i,!i:! lrF taad, LardJ'. t-:la.rin and irnaiit {1r:.!r, 4 rtl!r Jl ic ,.:tn jrB1_ rr tr:ir€ R.r,tlrt€s thar bs *ru1d f.i-sn a noldsr cr_en .i.r-r:s:" :ir€aia€ oi .lrse assoctat:or t'{rh -be r6. lf E1_:) oe-..,i.rt adra_ .16 enal.e vtito.lsn tAA lrecutiv€. t..oner oa v6ar5 aEol *ho ,:sr. cn the !ad. rs.ob a. lustralian ne!rs!ep6., t?a olJqpr. T6ab dn I trp I .iLrsr rl. 6Fid6ntly rio ,rit€. ha3 h1s atuetes lnplr6 T6a., :ha ,'!c t:p Ha. trc fasu_ nlr€d !p. Llieo1r te froh the Stanpfl h{sto!y, about 27, ! t. -Ro^ cahp A1bl€ Thonas 1s left .ut td Natlinsford (6r-r,rchLean (n.r?,) rs rra!n_ tils and cold asatnl l! 1ne ror 5,o00 h€t.rs, H6 ra! lrd tn t,,e ffnrirton Tnd.o. fr1t€ rb€ Dc€vrous yo6L.. 5t{6sI1C, or Srele!1t!knor/t !. a iar€r ddf€ - rprtl lJrh. uGrtainty iot I I Ev€.yanyon6 prosran alltf€rent.., Runl prni Runt Runl 1s

39::A!!1L--!tl2 fl



Chtcago) I11.' Ma!.h 28- IOL DELNY and LEV STIEGLI'IZ to.k th6 bI16 and tso-sllo tn ttre chlcaeo ]]ill,y !13e5 R.Iay.. D61any corDl€tsd ht3 e!.at65t vtth a routlne 4!06.4 vtctory- bls 34th stralsht ln tho bank€d-boa.d 8!16- boloro a sellout crord of lO,21O tn tl1€ aDprrtth€at.r

Abo ttr€

vasn't €rtrtlalatlne,


He's a Canadtan ln tho proo6ss of of tr.ooDinC an AEollcan cttlzen and on. of tho bllehtest bop6s fo! tbo 1960 olyhplcs ln Rob€. H. can run 100 yards now tn 9.?s, but spectelrzes at k4O ya.ds. nEe!s Cot the natlral 3p6e.t,n said Dav€ Ra.kl!., th6 Pu.due coa.b, iplus stahlna, In fact hers an td€al or@p1€ of th6 dtfl€rent tratnlbe e6thods lrlth€re a bot us6d to t.a1n fo. bls ev€at by lunnlng lts €ract dtstance ln Eayb6 alielnate tast and 51ot tlre, hoe tr€ over-dlstanc€s blBselfj llk€ so bany Australlans tralh r eoine to lun the 4rr0, yo! traln at 880..,or for the 480, you ru. a bllei.rrlthoutJoa cours€! !€€a!d

ln ttr6 stockyalde. Ron ran thlrd 1n tho Bankels M116, c1o3e lteblnd pac63€tt1.e ?h:I col€ban anal Ed Moran for Eore tban 3/4 of th6 ra.6 {corenan h1i 51 & 2!O5,1. ttien plcked tt up a b1t! rltb lro?.5 at l/4). Ea!1y on i:t!6 10th 1ap Moran pass€d eolesan aad Delany follov€d su'.t! ttl.kln€ r4fy c1o56 to the dana6lou5 1!!01.7 ortdo.rs) P6nn Statar" Mldray throueh tbe f!na1 lap Ron took ow€t anal von Aolne aray in lr:06.4" lro.an clockad 4!o?.5, corenan 4.12.8, and Dan Rvan llost6lb I11. u.4!19. Untv€rsity ?wo-Mlle Rolay - l. P6.n In th6 Paul P. tlarlts- Rotary club Stato (non Davles, 8111 Scbvatr, Cbas. ths 6a!tv Tro-Ht16 Run, ax Truer 36t X1.c, Dtck tneelbrlnk); 2. uicrrlsani pac€, httttns 6*' 2.r2 & l!r9r tail.d l. Uestern tll.bigeni 4. Notle Dan6. by Bud f,dsle., Lev stl€glltz' nsacon Tim€,7:14.2 Jon6s, Ron Lone and Gar {rt1Ians. At ttB ni1€ (4:2a) tbe tal1 €x-Ucodn' At PEAK PEr_SrCrtLY, RON'S GLAD SEASOi,6 took ov.I, passtne l+ ntles rn 5:16, ovER - H€.11 rac€ Io \lo!e this sprine or1€s ln {rruox } s€cond back).r+ Ytth nI suppos€lisaid the Ga61, lthat Itn 6:41 Tluer aeatn ln irie 1€ad Stlesllt! & Ed61€b .isrrt b6hlnd and as physlcally ftt as I'we t,€€n all nBut 1 olst't t,e eettlne a trrt Jo.os besrnnlne to d.op back..1-t I 3/4 y.ar. nll€s' Stleslltt 1€d agatd tn ?!50, h€dta11y fatisued. I Tru6x 7:51, Eder€" 7.54, Jo.es (last To Ron l61any the lone ord6at uas y6arrs Flnnor) not far bohlnd. In th€ slad ltr 3 all ower.! last tso laps Lev tarned on a fthe ki.k! He juer. kon hrs thlrd srrJi€hr Bdnkratched st.p for 3t6p by 1ttt1€ !'!ax " 6!s' tttlo tn Q:06.4- the sIo'est of but.ot unttl the flnA1 stra:sht dld th. tlre6 ,innlre tlB€s. Xlar haks a bld to past, In xhe last ,O rE !d! tbe trnal race of a 2r nonll. yards Lsd passed Indlanars Ron Long 6n tn uhlch her.l [wi.( t1|6 thstd€ -- Lon4, kno;ins h6 sa6 abo,!' for lhe lndoor elle... to b6 lappsd, r.ad boved w611 dut frtn, a seaso, 1n rr-6 poi6- b!r for rruei. b€hind ctr-e.. t.rann). ove. the ml1a 1151C. ltiz and ln ian€ ?, atu€ne rrnnl.e a.l hor€ ihts 6n6ugh !6on, vhat hl.eht h.t. b€6n a q6rn sp:ingir'. sats Dslant. {not un.!1 1 .1o3€ ftnish t'6tH;€n Big L6I f' L1t!1a i'lnish 3cbc.1 I. Jun.." Xaa turngd out to be an easy 5-yard vtn ]it3 te.hn1cu6 lor rtndt*€ his ihtrd 1. 8:5r.1" 'ru6r fol tho tor-. ,", q:17 (6st.i,,13nes tr rL5: foitoe,i ",.,,... ln aiJi,.7, Ed€l€R 9:02 rhe trr6d l{!i1rds rn 9126"5, -q ;t. oIa tna(. he !a.je..d 5",i. rne p"". -iust ode1ns r,onc - a.dTom Murphy won a !om6r i{anhattan star Fa. nor to..r,.j. 0io! iarre t. hsye a ta3t sariy roustng 1000-yard rtu6l vtttr ?idt erad Alnl6 Soyell. rurphn t'aok6 ib€ tape i* p,.e of a .a.a.d-brcaklne r,irc,,h6 ?:io.5. 2, Lt" A.noid soegil,.u's. rrn'y, :ays. 'r,E lncrlrexerr a; to sho l. Br11 rrleiison. l{t.horota: 4. Ed .... Vand6rb6uv€1, ltt. Pl.asert' Mlchl8an. H1s sr:.iesr rort!ne! ire sf,js, !s tave !it11s r.ored !:1s s€cotrd, thal he oaratalned ht; rroa1r,.r 1oq vir over so..t!t6etr!s Jo.l c$iltrr.ath l: e.nueh tn u. anotho! unbeaied "3ck.6;y srar.ful ro lbo th€ 60A" fi:l:s rlald bft cllbr€att! by . 'r,r '".=... 5tat6's }itchtean yard !n lr11,B, wttt lian ab.r. tdr givlne h€ rh6 n6alt:: 'a'ltlre Atte.ber.y th1r4, to y1n aea:n!,t h€ says.

sax af,cD!-o . (TEXAS)I{EL


Sat.,llarctr 2l- !lll.. tr Jo6 Vtllarr.alt r€ra!: 2.-TE6;a. o'Neat. Abrl.n€ Chrt.Ltani 3. Jan AlUb6rg! Sl]|l.rr lr. X.n 5.Yae., T6rar. TiD6.4r20..t1I6 R6r ewr r. rera!, 3! r1.9..sprrnt x;al6-i;--i:abl1.n6 c hrr. t 1an.-Ti?_tlET.tu. I. T€*as aot 2. A.c,c. 5rit l. qill.U. 16r q. To:!s r.cb rs;. March 2t ! Baton Rou.o. La, Lstr ?tr r/), T€ra3 n}u 52 2/3. Rrc6

Lsu. tltzi.it z. fli r. s€6rerd, Ib.et€., Rtce! 3. Hlcknan- rr*il 2-nlr., 1. fr€d Durock, arlM, 1o: ?. Alngr AeMi 3. Car€r, A&I,t,

?t, Occtd€ntal tOO. Los Angel.s slate ll -- 880! l. x6..ha,, l_As;1:5,r.r xrr$ . l.r -. Danit-Ech,erkarL. D,n;t-Ech.erk".L. LAs. ,;' ii:rt iAs, i,i7:i: I-!-::-i ?la rr,rt.u,"o'y. 4;i;.i; t iy;: 6;,, 14ar.h

Russ 86n"eL t, oxr" 1::jl.i.._?-Ill:,-'. reckr ory! 9r2r.9, l.

:l!l rl tlil

il tl lt r



tl Il tl II

tl tl tl




l4arcb ?1, Los Aneol€s- Soutlr€lh Car

68, sc st.lders 63 a alr lnch vl.rory In th6 File retaj, (h€ last 6venr, yon for sC. rt las ttre aotb dual fr€et elctor' rn d .oL {o. sa, r5oO sc!€aBlne track nuts aatchod th6 close boet .t crohwell ft€td. Tro bad b!6aks cost tb6 st!1d6.s the vtctory. J6rofl€ llalte!e vas dtsquallfled 1n th6 a8o and a f6v forher sc ;rars ducked the b6et, cosring th€ St.talors 5r r rd€rs, lr:10.(l !hankrandt sc, rrr 17.6; L Bob soth. 2. strrd€rs, lr:21.9 r. :;r+]g, .rlrd6rs. crto,ai 1. Roc.rs, :c, 9:?0.4 1, And€rson. s^, r:5rr.?: ?. rir.r, :9!_1 >r., 1.55i '1. sniLh. qc;::)5 (r,rre!> uon 1n r:,<2.4r bur has dr3qua11fled for blockrng lhen boa6d rn.. Boos & altolt 6quat in volu,re wheu

Aprtl, r 9j9_-21 Iresno state 3a l/l Tvo-lrtre, Gaylord, c.l., 9r 21. -2!-?:-F,r c€-.t.c. 9rf9.4i 3. PF6scop, c,, rorlo.5 t. rack Y€tuan! lrJf.? 999: Mlr.! l. St6b€!t, c., c., lrtr5a 2. Cas_ p€r, c.r 4!r7i 1.. lj6belr c.,4:r9.3 ltar.25, Stanfo!dr Catif,. _ pato Alto IiS dlstanc€ lunn€ls sDashed tb€ National HS 4 h1lo r€1ay balk tn the Easts! Rolays at Stenf6rd Stadrum today, lRlc Blady 4rto.4! tk€ !€hn.!r 4r25.6; Mtke Chlrto; 4:ll.a, G€oree i-ldn 4:22) Tl,,e17r51.8. Tho tib6 is 2j.9s the o1d hark of 18.1?.? s€t und€r bv Cross4oDt tIS ln 1955. Lln. has a l+:2r {trd best DleD b116 :n natlon this y6a.) t; h;.s cr6.l1t & ctralton bas rlD 4,22.4 Tlu.s,, Mar.25- aeras lOO. T€ras 36r at nlc€ 13. ^&u r. ro€ vlrr:!reali r,.4:!2,j I:-13-i 2. r6n savase, T.! f. l(en Lynn. Ilritrl€ Jo6 v. of Housron said b€td lun a 4:l? nrle b€for€ the ne€t a the Teras s6nlo! delive.od a3 prohle€d.. Th6n Jo€, vlth hls h6 r1f6 & pa!€nts in th€ stands, doubled back to uin the 2-h11€ ln 9:44-a over lr€d rulock & Jrh ltrnf, of aaltl) r. rre$ Dunra!, rera;, r:rr.9 !9q qqo -- l. Iddle southern. r,. q6.e Frosh Mi1. - L John Escbre; rexrs. 4: ?4. ]. Mar.2L, ar UCLA 104, ca1 ?oly lr. Santa Ea.bala 2A 880: 1. Holland, U]LA, 1,54.9..2. Jultan, UcLA, l:54.9 Hlre: 1 K€n Ridtne, IJCLA! 4.lj,bi 2. charlton, ucr_A, 4:t?.4r sB. 4:?5.4r !r. cordon, lcin,l.,awis (oid re.ord. 4:17.5 by Larry 4t2?.6 cr.rer 2-i111€: 1r Rrdlne, 9.fd!.6 lcoastod to. .an easy ?rn) i 2. chn.lton, t:46.5: l. fi6wins, uc!_Ar io:2:J

da.. 21 , Eudtinsron B6ach l8th annual Iarattonal"(scbolastlcl callfornje l/28 - oreeon 91;, lal€ Stoly of oran€e :an ihe I.esno stat6 l9a -- ,lih c!611a, O,, hlle in calitornla Hieh sclrooltastest rrlstor, and th€ s6c.nd b6st of alr trne todav as h€ c:rc6-d or.. 06. C5.o. 5^,tt -,ti]'. 86ILrcl6y..q:tf.. l. ?8 _ d,iro!ntd rh€ srlehtly bu!rt 5.9", i?9 oound€. dr, banta otar. yourh vt11-a€ lrastould snash :ist "pr r,€ San lranctsco o.C, lo. by oyro: aur:eion,,ot"ae. "p cror-. ore xr:L:e. \ ).. r,:r-. :13: r, N""d.' soho t1n € th!s sD!tnprdnt 6rhdh. o!. 4.ra.2. glqt t. rack xualon,-er caron. r.5s.s r. poe6r pnce. ..,,,,ip."i.iioi't l Jack Yorhan, c., 4?.9s,,a8o.--I;-r. ar.2lJ Berk€1oy, ca1tf. - calrfo.nia t? ?/l i!6berr, c., 1t52,8i .:T;n uroi,r, scyv! 1r 55.6 {de{t pas€)

z2--Ap!tl, 1959 1. A1.. Caytord, TEiiC-?;1 soprr eot hot In 9'1?,6t

50.!) i ?. Nando!

I{ETIIILD TO COACIT IN ATRICA 1€ay6q vay t5 for Lib6, !a, _xal Yhitfl€ld af,.icar to Ettedpt to put th6 sntt.o nation ta sports shap6. MaI hrs acc6pled I two yea. castennonr aq 4atio4aI sporLs dl16cror of Liborltlth the 1d6a of it.vgloplne th6 natlon's youth and fl€ldine a !tronc MAL

Ilal 13 taklna his fah1ly rtth lrlD, anri that 1nc1ud6s hls q9k baby daushte.,

5at,! Dta!.28- znd Annuat B€tIflover. Callfdrnii Nattonnt F€cor.l Retavs B6llr I od6r 1nr e.sc;olas t, sprlnt n6ill€y r€lay.ocord of l:10.? rc t'elte.rns tho 1:31.j mark qer tdsr v€Jr by L.6 ll5 of Baytodn, T€ras. Itrq0- ll1ke Cor_esrovo. 50.8: ?20_John nobo.ts, 22,oi 220- f,1bie ia.l. zr.r, ' 480- Lar.y canovi, r:rj.9) z. Lo;s Beach Pory, 3.)r.1,, 4 man 4 nr16 i. i, Mlra co.ta, r 8: ?1.;i--Z:-=T-{r-ii 1A:la.6., rlst.!l€dl6y F. l. Oran;6,,!:Jor, rn6u r€cor.ti o1d nark r0:17.1 by conptod H!, t 958) vdr,?8 - 0ccrd€ntrr ?Z.t Sranford 1r Ytler l. Elnre cunltff€t S..4:t2.r: 2. Bertir LunLIa, s,, !!12,'; 3, Mon: by B6b l1.ujllen, o:y. j95r) Dertil Lurdh is a rrorkeetaa,ransa€. srudenr wtrh a 195? best of 4:rt.7 i1o>lns Lhdr rdc6 Lo Evdnsoloq r frsslman fron cre€co. rho lanDeDastd: 4:ll) Lundb ts 5'9" , unde! 1ko tbs", vetl muscred trlth a 1on€ stlido fo. a sbo.t nan. H6 has dark brovn hatr anat an o1lv€ con'ptsxlon--ndt b1o.d as tho !opular conc€!Lion of a ]ic.ks€tan. Lund5 1s ?J old dnc d eoph)no.e cunlrrf6 is'eJ.s rF. onrr.nan calr3 Don BD'd€n in a du-I m6et","i "o r,u.. gcE ory. r,rr.?; 2, r.. ', " c€.v6ny, I r 51.6i 3. RartIl Lundil 5., 1t 51,2 2-lr1e! l nusrc'r Ber,,oLri o{y.9!19,. 2. Bt11 Peck, orr! 9::,.rqr l. (;rth \ta!3acR! s., 9:26,3 stanfo.d's N.lhan Lloyd a s.€at runnc. lnJurios add 1a.\ ot r.-thrnc, ,""t u". . r. lr._ 1ro In 5l.I q6con{.. )tr cdel u^cL "o r_:er wr.ttt a rr9+so.onds r€1a], 16a.

Ida!. 28- Sports Cahlval _ Untv. of XLsl, F1o!tda.. T.iansular T&r M€€C. Ya16 92. c6oPra T..h !8+, ]4rahl 20+.. Mir€: r: Jln L.d Yar., 4.22.bi 2. Er;F;, y.! l. ca calt, Y., 2-!it1.: t. Molllson. y 9:16.9i ?. Ei:;bt.fu-h. y. l. Xad;or ea.. !99: l, T1.- ca..olrj sloutk & Roach€. YaI6. 2rO1.8 Galnosvlll€! tla., Uarch A8- Loul lana State u!Iv,r .pa.kod by AIIAJrellcan footba]I star Biliy Cano von th. annual Ilolida R6lays tod cannon Hon tho t00-yd dajb tn 9. anil anclro.ed th€ ktnnlne lr4o-!e1a Tear! I,sU 42 1/3; 2. Malyr.and pl, l/4! f. rloltda stat€ 2f. (N6v aspbnlt track) 2-Mtte Run: 1 Brrry Lathan, so. c a;6Ti;;;-?-r, Abtnetdn, Vande.bllti l. TaynB Bl boF, No, Calollnai lr. 116trt Mtr1s. l1a.St,U. Tth6r 9 r 22.9 Sprtnt X.dt.yr I-sU | )t29.) 2-M116 R6lay! I1a. St,: 2. !c! j:-Ttu re-;h--{.t. xE La. st;t.. rr; 7 ! 50.6..1t3t.red. Relav3 l. nuk€: z. Mr 3 !.-3i;J-t-Tt:;-t: rrorlda : tO:07.8..Mt1s Relay: 1, I,sUr l:18 Mar,26 ! Abl1on6 Crrlstlan



Acc 569! obro s, Irli sMLr ll+i Hou3ton t9! Baylor tl lle: l. Cliff cu.tban. XansisE;?- z. rhdnas o'N."r, r.brr.n! ct l. Ton Skutka, ransast lr. Reegio Dallsy, Eouston! 5. Don Loadnan. ] 440, cI6nn navrs. os. 4?.2 660-; !du.!ds, acc, Li 55.5 2-ut16: t. Jan A borer SMU, 9.21, 2. Bllly MrIlsr (an.as, li Ralstor Kansasi 4. O,N6al, ACCi 5. Mass€y,

t""r*, t-,, t""-"-

"* ibility 6ndod rlih tbE month "t. of tiarcb, ohlo Stai6's ctenr DavIs wound up hLs oolr€er.te ca!66r iI! lso blaz'rnc 4+O's that t!€1p6d hts team to tlia clrabplonihtp of th6

.a1n-Ear.6d,l&6r!can Buslnes3 CIut 1€ab: os aB !/li 2. East T€ra3 st. 42t ).3141J, i'1*,. 17 records s€t I lhe 'j divislnn dost althoush the aihletes .ohpet6d on a track ftad. Co:i6Ae-Untr. 2-!,111€! l" JaE Allf-

bs!s, s14u. 9l tl=--Z; o, eai! -qcc! f. i€*y snarlt, HoJstoai a. ilassa obto stats; 5. 6a!craj Batt... {rdnt. nant l'ae.l



i:*' l!i;.i'3tu?,,i. !!' ,ail€yr :'^:3:";1',1 ]Iou!ron; 5. neevas, eayror. spllnr


i.-otr" stii.l-iiiil,,

\ord r€c, ,. \ero 1.15.9 15.c bv by Teras, T6ras ro<e !av1-s ancho16.1 1n qZ.l), 2. 1958__ sMUi

3;"i3f iil; :,!i"_.!iii#,I



a 6,"",-ts'5a1 :::l:!*n 9a111,inre57 Davr3 anqhor6d 4bs.



ev€rythtng kealine abbr6viated -Not rhe roads these dajs Is c ror€1en sDorrs car. sooe of teb ar€ torelen n,arcthon run_ Ausbralran one Are6nt rnJn ro.""ra. s,"..,j.-i",1 !rnn!, one Bume>. are r.o!rine ov6r

Lo be jorned shorLrt S.hta Barbnrar Caltfofnla, Malctr 2g_ Dy rhr66 Jdpan6r€, t !as!€r Folays _ Daltas l-one 1B_v€a!_ """ "."." ,na ti,o cal r fornra frs!rna;. eot Uho ftr.t insrtedr6d tnts fo!elan tad o!r_a rorltt record 6qualing hoav€ ;, o! rinnrns th€ ell"{? H€-ts srytlanos hy!1Jktd€ s r Yaousry th€ sot6 ovn6F of that ra;k rho ,htpped his saunr P-ns r anr3h6d thlFd. O,a!r€n, 6 dedtcat€d ln,46 hoptna lo rdo kerr. iL perrorbe. rho regards d6t6a[ as tf rt F€!€ th. black plaBu€r dtdntt aDbear ! ::,d k6€e cre€h r.riur eor"!, ry..",..r_ cralr hIs thrrd_ptaa€ tlophy. probabrv .ltild-€y6d rn hi. raa"rrc nissron. r. he Hon .h€ ras ouC tn back prJcL I crne. fell rteht ahd t€fh a3 lesuttanL pubtlclt] r€dch6d -,oLnq tDc l5o0 athletes vytns 1n oDcn. Jc -Tbororld. fdr"haF rnd fr3re. rho a hlsh schoots dlvisrons, dr;" Lh€ ;6.f6cr sdot li.ed at tbe crude brrd,. Lhr. ar concord I72 y6ars €aI116!. rn6 op€n claqs, 3ov6n marks ruhbl€d c trts mononL ot etory sr Irred nor_ rh.,n tl6d.. Riak Babtd Eol off rno tn8 thlrd ]rest rhlow of at1 t!;6 rn -imaein:tions of peopte rn othe. 190 ft.2 in. ,e"d!"J the r. hr.dt",. Laszlo T.trort, despire scratches bv nlebuay hoof€rs h.re to cmutrre Jerom€ I'a1t6!s, Bttl t6tItn6€r nnd !h6 sre6k_ "l torlh non- sia-e hci bacn s, hcdl ds h,. rook th6 hrr€ in record ::or] !n ,eed or d !oucre jntarv6aLn j _r-nr r< dhy, in the )odrr, A Natlonnt tc record uas ach!6w6d bv rn€ santa Ana quartoc of ThoLgL th6 sports writ6rs. roor fer_ lzrry spluldtnsr chas. crark ra l'lax 0rieardts c r inn.. :.:l"Y ' inrh"y covered the.!rsrance of pre rucice, bub .aih"r reoroy lo:l?.o r€d: r. souch€In cal 99sper.rr"n it is eood for rh6 Bost6n 9F.1=l-i.r..: <>t .. )rt -trrd€rs rlo ?/ir 3. s," :" rorrdurde !ubllcity t" tre tune .r !. LcLr re 22lr5r reast a mIllton bu.ks. "r ;:";ji:ff.,:,,,,, But t.ting ro lnt€lpr€t th€ i. roboli, scY!, .e.s nas b€core the.ou!1hest lll++.:"'-I}r:1!oth'5trrd€I9.lr:t1.: unting jq! exrant. r. Larri€u. und,., _,,5.r:4. r.; ',




L, -,-r-.

,rl.,l .old n{r. t. - rtrr.tors, iltr-3lLj:i 'ir i.e i.ral 2orq frark l:t!.t by sJ stnter rr. raL.\ Har connoilr , 2r2! l4!I:r-llt!9:' r. c,rr j'rs: .. | .; l ^-'.]'".''r,Y' 7:4t. hur h/" ru:UuhJ3l6t7r/lrn , .r,.01 . sr.(- rleL lI-:, ,a o !.dr-r' z. lcui _Jr strldorri lr. \c,.r5?,9 ,uu rdi: Bot-. Porntel. r i,

:;"fi)[:::"']!^h,::::"i.;i**** -1uo,

?rcd.ro__:thosr Lh.e€ ni."le. rurLnerurj, teinmate Erlt v


roJrr' ,10 rrr.h o.L, ror,. strrred the 2r_-r r erinl but ontr. h.1r d.,.",.,"

;;it:l i';":$.:.:;:"i;",-:iTi,:'::t;. lo mtlesj,.rrh r'o llul1lne aya, then.

fir5t lrhrteti, Bot)


24--Ap!11, {GU'LPE




Accordlne to the !6l6a3e folvard6d

!o us, 1t 3tates that lt t3 th. t€iv6nt hop€ oa ttr6 3pobsors tbat sod€ oth6r four nan t€s ytll att€ob .n assault on thts €ffort at s6hp tutur6 tIDe... oh rellt rt!s a eleat

\om Nett.on onty.an to 15,tt6s ulokson and sdlth !ray€d roE€ch€r unttl ab6ut 22 rtl6., vh€n cord sraduatly op.n6d a sap. 4ck3on knocked €ighr mtnutss off and

irod Bob n.cut.6,s l{Est coAsT IIr|nXIER, 'iAn lntB!€srIne ev€nt rook pla(e ove. the NEI YIARS up in th€ Hrg], Siarra3 or callfornir-Nevada rhen aour of Northe.n Callfornra,s road runn€rs coE91€ted a nocturnat Jouln6y around rho rdmed Lck6 Tahoo dr" ro:a) ha.vEy,- \aeon tjh6etr on6 .t .het-shion. prod_ srrots of th., a- ra e6n{ r!.- Iul: pcrrtcuta15 or lh:< _v€r! yltrLn ttl€y h61ped to promote. ThE aour {hlsb ertltudenhaFt.rs rho took parr rn r;ts rel.y nr.,ratl on, hhrch colrrua 7r an4 5'8 nt t.s .t an or6vJt_ 1on ave..grne a!6und 7000 ft. abov€ s€n I€ve1, v€re: Les lat,rltz. ao!m€r Coll€ee of the pacifio cohF€ting undor th€ olr mll. ctub colors; r'.k 14.rd€n. hir! identl.ar baclrsround rnd afflladrtons! r!.,nL Irrurat-nC6. of .dn JosF rtar; cott-ec d rer!] taild of tbe sctv wra c;rr,xs ch.tstj, T€xas, Nidst a eood siz€d c.o(d ot rnoubtrns Tllomas€5," photo_ erapbe.s, and tbe t{o ca! ca!.van tha! rh.s. r.ds. the race b66an dr tt:r.2 P.M. Dec. ar, ir5s, t.tje flrsr minut€5 *trtr Nulftanse t'l.rn- ovr, 55 ao: th6 r.rr <. rthutes. L:1rd rrpped oft arotLer 5i ,irdc,i (a r:r3 n.rFr) rrr!_ pod oft 5e hinstos 'ortb ol roac. Dabritz

resath6d rh6 bato. to caFv r,. for 6? h1rur65,s \\. c.urs. l.cr ;h! state oa Nevada ro f,110, ibe u6st th.cu€h caltr-ornla. tbe xu.J'-n--.1 .J :" (nrouei ter.aln, ard aai.d trotr ove. for +A ntnuxes ro... ljtth dayt!*::t irard6n to ok e.'L.s !.r t4 bl.uies_ nr r\abrlfz srarteC its !iiyd l.ston.n:r! 20 njjnL:res bet!.. th. tal€nts oa Lairc $e.e.;rrei rron ai cah!, Frch:ri,J:.n. ;re11,6.,a i,lt:t:,;r.. and Lat.i, rrtr..en cij.o: -;. r:aiiz: grea: . rest aDri .t .:55 iJa.d€. tcat r;nt!€:.. pa3s:i6 start{ne potr! a; e:it j:.ti, rdnnlna sp.r4{l 6,_< ril3s '.5 ., j . 1..,: !j J_ 7.t0 t.li,


tdlsT COTST UARnIERTS lltb Annual Atl sta! Funntne Tern for rhe pasr 1958 _ season lrrk€ AlIen, rohtana. caIlf. Bob nrdle! cutvsr crty a.c.. lr11 Kln;

santa clara VaIley yourh v1ltae€, ro; nyan. rorrenc€, oaIif., & Bob soth. sc st.ider-... retts tako r 3tab aa an EAST COAST _4U_ srAF reab for rgia --John J. Kerle} , Boston ,crr (that ;a easrri, Rob ca!0an, ptttsbureh. I,a.Ir confalon.. BArr l€d corbiti. rftR add the flftb man rould rJe a t;ss-!r


NyAc and Ton;

sapienza, Boston .a-A.,.of .ours€ se have Gordon .r.Kenzic, Buzz SaHy€r. Irean thack€r.y. peter cros., er..;r( but lb !934 raolns those stx me, Lould be h,rc to lsnore for 195a, lPlense no t€rt6rs _ rt's onlj 4 slr of th€ no!,e.r i€lectton! )

Austin, Toxas, AF.t1 1, - TIXAS nll.Al l.-, I-i.. 3 r€x.s tled 5a prs.

kon rhe.oltee€ di v t sion vith 42 polnts to 19 for lavored Iast Texa. stat€.. l,tr1e: l. Jo6 vtlr rrI€.r, r€xasi ?, Thohns OrNoil. Acc L rliles Elscnman, okla.!rat€. !.ao, stat.: J. Jan _AiftierE sllfr 6. 86!n1e trak6s, colorado. rin.: !'Ll.A.,rnrv. t-dlr€ Il€r""! i:ahsas, ( Mi 1r s:-F;-i?+;;:--IiTi::- ' cush,an); 2. Ner,.aska! 3. Arkan:as; 4. Houst.nr 5, Ioua stare; 6. co.n;l 1lre: 1t j 15.6..1so-!ti1e R€1ay! 1.

colo.ado; 2. NoT;;-;;;;i-J:-6i1ahona (, T€xas! 5. Bar1ox.7:l5.lr lcarne}, r{lrson -]i_f-r f!E_{' 1. rerastri.7 3. to.1beiisrs.elays rB.ord of t 3:10.k. set b_r To!as in it5a. 2" oklaho6:: siat6. 1e Rst"r': ,. Hoi.rd !:!:::--li::r'r 'l-...]l',

Eaiii:st j l. tnDolia 9ta!€, :.i-ee! : :r6 f. r, r.oxa3 F7r. l:13,j ci Kr.sa* rtscr rb€ idvc. ii. -7D, tE4 t. rru.re- Cul irerd.. ca 270! a.i Adh€rar . r.. .on lie rtrj -t 5r" I i,r' t/ rr". I aff Jsinnn, ti:r5.s don in.-d goo't. itridles !n i2.?s a)r,ti Jrrr L:.:::i,..rk1a.5ial. NoE tie ?r-1N I e;, il1 sirler harc b6!it. ?he rral lolnt {s krrli! '.rk, {ar!r!



Eanllton, Ontar{o, Malch 21- Dsaltcatgat Pete. c10s6 shook off hI3 brtdesoald tas h6re tonteht and ups€t hlehly touted Laszto Tabori 1n the hit6 run, featrr€ of th€ 9lst Elehlandors f4tb aonual l.doo. track m66t. Tho 21-y6ar-old St, Johnrs Unlvelslty studobt passed the Hunsaltan j0st aft€! the sta.t oa tho flnar rap and von by flve yards rh116 cohtne vlthln a fractl0n of a s6cond of th6 he6t reco.d. Th€ ttF. kas 4:1o.8, tvo-tenths ol a s6c6dd off th6 h€€t rscord. cIos6 16t th€ 28-y6a!-old Taborl, ttrlrd man to break the four-mlnuta outdoor tracks, set tbe pa.e unt1l the final 1ap and thon unleash€d hts flnlshtne ktck vltb about 140 yd3. 16fi, to rove past Taboll. Talrort adhltted th6 nov6 3u.prts6d hto. elound on th6 backst.etcb but then took th€ honostret.ti cuNe vido and lost any possibt6 cbauce of ove.taklhs close, Iollovtng th6..aco, clos6 iald hts ihhodlate ain is to .at.h a b6rth on th€ Pan Ah6rr.an 3quad a.d tben try for tho Olyhplcs ln 1960, rrThe 6xperie.c6 ot lunntne acalnst Ron tetany and Istvan Roszavoleyl bas been t.eaendous,r close conw€nt€d. nll-ltlr that klnd of c6nl)etttlob I hoF€ to hit my p€ak in the Oly.rpic yoa..( Tabori pa.tla1ly put the b1ah6 o. lds ovn tl.edness and the 31ok t.hpo of hls pace settine,,One qisbt eartrer bc .aDe up (itb th6 th1.d ta.teet tndoor 2 hile in alevetand. He sald the .ac6 dldn't eet over untl1 hldnlshr and he dldn't have bu.h 316ep b..a!se of bls t!:ver schcdule to Hanrllto.. ,.,Ioh6r Etddt6 distanc€ standout ta 9ng13nd, ?6ter Px.t. ca116d th€ ne6t one of th€ b6st o.aantred ...2bout LOO0 aans H6re on harc,., Co.don rlckso. cl Hairllton received the Iack Daw!€s Tr.phy for berng Canadars outstandlng tra.k 2rd ft€1d athlete rn 19t8,..a1y'p1. de.athlon wlnnor rll t :a-hpbe11 'h. !layert tootrialr tor lrantl'"'.""""y in th. hu.cles, . " : . ro .i 1. .bo,r; l L:, . ', 1.rh..ri:;:, 11:,.: )||.'.... . tFd .1r', d -iv.t ). rt,,.t.- ',t..r.n.i vypa. Tina: 2:11,5 1: n ii.

tt:. !!t: ':1.|



tYA.i 2. .. r:r-

1 |:.'

JiII€ n€lay: l. N€r Yolk AC: 2n;;-Yo;*-Fio n ee ! club, l. io!: East Yolk C1ub. Tln€t 3:21, aao yalds {la and undor) t; xaet Lanslngt 2. B. Abdlevs, 3. D. Plunb, Sylacus€. Tln€.

(r9 5nd qnd6r)- l. E. Leps, 11! unat,i 2. B. Kldd, Tor. East Yolki V. Macrallane, Mont!€a1. 4:23. JitIERSON 1{INS NOIRrSTOIN, pA.



sundayr Ap.lr 5, s6.ond annual Elhvooat Palk 6.3 btle run.. ll€athell Sun.hlner c1oar, sllght rtnd, t6np. 6lv natEolphertcn P.lz€s. donatEd by r!a.k Jones SDort _ lss Coods Stole (D€dal. A ftn6 trophl€s)..A flno clord las .n band at stesart Aihory to sond th€ alelat of ll atbl6tes on th61r ray ove! a voly hl11y .ou.s6 rhtch carrt€d tlren tnto East No.rlton Twp. and back to th6 Arhory fo! a itnlsh, J€lforson 1€d ov€r the €ntlre route. In the early soine h6 tsas press€d by €r-Ua.ine Jack lawcert and Vosp€! Boat C1ub,s Steve nh€lan. '^t the l-ml1o halk Ross noY6d idto Jofferson & Ross nov6d of rh€ dtstance 1n that orde., vlth st6v6 lhohas of ?€nn ac novlbe into thtid 6pot, Jeffe.son, Lasalle CoIl6ee clos soountry captaln, ras clocked in 32;17 ii a recold b.eaklne flnlsh approxln'ately i50 ydsl olynpic l,50on criamplon Ron r€1any sas tbe olli.lal starte...Fo!n6r no.rlstcrn collece nr6sr an. 1€d 1dcal .u.n6j3 uith an 8th Plac€ flnisb a ron the local plaque donated ir:{ Ta116y aa!Ee Eeart Irstltute.. I.ank ea:so.! e..ancar ol rhe rrce, runnt.E aor P6nn icr eas loth ,. iecond ro.a1 prlze. i, t:.t J€lle.so., Uiatt., .,:?:3?.1 2.,:.okntng Ross, P€nn Ac, jll:09 l. steve rhonas, F6nn ]tc, 3,1.2a

a. 5. 6. l ?. 8. a. !0,






stene \rhelan, vesler Bc, ll'56 Jack Iawc€tt, shanahan! l4:o1 Ilob ;hamrre.s, shanahan, 11,:t1 Kraus lraesant, s!.Joo i,llr!lr1 J€sse Bu.d611e, ?6nn ,lc! lJ:o1,

11" Luther Burdel16, P€nn Ac 15,24 ?!r11a. FC l5:15 'ioIdan, n6xt paee)


26--Aprlr, t959 (!ai1 J€ff €Fon--conttnued)


stan L1ndn6!t p6nn Ac, J5.J6 -rl.

iliitiiiil:i:, ri;'ri:".:r

*1fr=r*,.Tn?t'*i#+ H.s. frnr!hor)


;;: ;::i #i;ff.i:":"ff.'..

*1f ,,+li-,;:'l;l:;liil;:ir"ii

_.. r7. -rtt!rr Ha$y B.rkowttzr

;; :


Penn Ac 16:lro


i::i g::::l:-8xi"ilit;"3';11..


.,. ;:i:T::,:i:i":;j..u.n.0",'. <J. !rck q,1..

ock€r. strlL2Ir. Elrr€ BakG!.-shib" 9Tc 25. Park6i co116t. shilr. sTc

ii. ili,"lii;iIi;,i';.i:"i3"'" "-." z.- u€nnn3 coyl€. e€nh ac

29. Leon Dreh€I,




rar d6rnedy, Unattach6d:: J<r iffi;."t;i;#":ff";:ii r6.m s.ortne: i{ nan toahs r, P.nr AC _ i_2-6_2= 2, cc- )_\_.-s=2o 'a '.srianzha' r. "hrpaehsbu.g STc_ 9_iO_lL_rz:

;:t I :1":;'

!: ;iii 6: Jl;-":i:;lj;:


",1;_::t"::,,-l:l:::i:.:-i:' TInPs P€ra la


rIn( c,r.'xror:l


:ij rlrrsoi, I !. :a"r i;:::;":;::ii::.;.;!i:i ';;at-; ;;;;;;:;

\orlrstotrn rhler Trner! irank j !nral i,ri Lr.nuch :i:rlsrJclan: o, ,,r" L r ::1:a::9n:":.,.,.ria!.!, Lnrrl furran. Ja.r .:1ll': .." rlonasrero. iou Nslshross. IruLII_EF

iti+t*Hf*,s;.* r.,.l,ii" ; -- :;;i." ::, c..t,. e+iii iii ;.:n.:t:. z. c.=n-,

H,rxnIca" ro_MILo



ZZ:i2 Zi-,


3:::,I:i'I:ir1;,...,,:;jil u6nnls lln€ian. faec- 6c,12 iij,




r3. rohn cr6y, 8",t"" 4a; !1.k ra.kaldJ



";.ii 6!!; 65:31r

ie: ;:r.;::'3:t;.::.iil:. :::?; :::; i3: *lil :::f:::."3ili "*.:::l: :::l re. rorrn l'Lrley,

c.rio,ii ii,i

;;: ;:;":y?:ti;; '."",i. scr,.rr"r,T:; . iitl2



"""it., ;;;!; ;;;j

it:it:i;: ii,l::l:,;ilir,:;ld: t;'":ll.i;;li'l;itii:,:Ejii:ilii

;;it:::ii.:ii"i;"i:]l:,':rj,;:*;::'; .;;'lii"i:;;,';' :j"1,:i;,:,::;;: :""_ ;:,':::l;; ,jT;,:;:';i:,":;'l,i:i,_ ::::i.;',;":.:il'ti;;;"::iii::::: .i:: :"il:';:."i:::l',:x.;:".ffl';T,' :;ji;"rr:.:i:i* ii;:"::':i"""'i:'i:'" *:i;l: x:i il;.::iit:H::ii::i, .l::,*:.'iiil ;l:*:i;:":;i,ii;."1:" i;l':i;.if:, ?i: iii:,;ii;::i-*1; 'J;;;':ji;i,.:ilil,;1j,.i:l;t#:,. ::l;:;.":i.;"J;; :;.::::';:f:: :::".ii:,



":;i::;T:l":-::::';.#""3::i 1;;';: li:"":r.:::li'":ti,.:; by Br..n,re

F.".. h.".."""

::: """ nu'.c,, una,t., oc!o,.qd. ;:ff ::'!;'il.ii"i"i";,i:',:::i:"i..

:;.;":" 'i""..iT."*""1.'t;.i:l

;;"i!i; ",;;.; ;;





.Th6 ?nd ?b!14d61ihta_rlo* yo.k tAU Fb11ac€1phi a, tack py.ah. utddjc rLI:nr1. a_au rr..k ch:iroan has announ.od. py.ab satd tbe n66t rentatlv€ly 1s s1at6d for vlltanora \", Lndr4nd Dlsrdnco Funnr.s -::r1,.rqlf:l-t r,- rn nrlc handrcaD JDry 2j- c.arston, R,r. io oir€ aua. r- Pr4*ideEr6, R. r. 1o mire

{,r".,-_.?C r.to v.E, J., idrrasanlE(!,tu. retr., 7- 1..,,ra1r cnu zi rtlo, ftouco.r€r & {.x. sr. chabos. rert, ,2- a ir1e, Concord, sas;. , )- lo 611€, canton, rass. :"r:'. :€p!. : - 15 kllo, Ne Juntor '.Pt,.2?- 10 'ct, r_ to 01t-, Athol. Mass_ ,n- tc, Brockron. ltas s. , s3 renLoi. \ran4hee(6r,Nlr .lli: li- ,,. , 'odat€s laror {al<€fte1d !a:s,lO nii es " rJass.5 rt16s scu lhbrida:€ Prortdenc€, ?Pi, 5 hrres llIgIIt11, \oss, 1o .il e3 June 5- rhiladolphla !ton€6r clutr i_op€n alu I&F tte6t. vorrlstorn, pa, r,af i,r4 rf_ {rtddI€ A!lanrt. 4,1J Td! chdtup:., .



:l"u-' 3- Proposed N€v.,o.k Ctrr vj, -_ _Ll!Y 9r ro"ont". To.o.ro, rnrario ..d,,s! or" r,1{5.rnn -J J IO-

RelaJ -ftns..


.rn14rdn irro4ro,.rl,-r1o_-_ _ _ .r,,ru!, 1:':tIl-"'"r'i,!r 't€tr r,.r.-o: 'r'rs \o,:l)^t.ll" .!: 'r... :: ..-ra: " ..>?t heor, !:rr,tri r.. roh.5)n!




euaat"r, !!anco, 43:or.a 7. ". a. Bastl ,r€at!6r. rnS.,41I rO.8 Encrand, {l: 10. a 6, A131n yrDounr rrance,43: t5,4 /. A. Morosr spaln, 4l:tB.o b. Rhadir rrancs,4:r,20.5r 9" uvand6vattyn, 86lgruh, tlr25.6: 10, H.. cr6lcks. B€Ie1u., 4l:&a.Si 41,Jo,g;12. !, re}6z, spainr clj5l.B; ?6.krns, EnAland, []:57.4, il. Alan Abdalrah, rran4e r A4:oz.a; r4daynard, rnst.nd ! 4!:o9.rli r5.r1k€ Grlcrar spa1n, 44.rj.6a r?- l6.Luir H. 44 r 18. A! a. vandon.i€sscha, 86leium, 19. 44:!7:rr: scotland! lrlr ! ?8 ! qa1.s,44rllr.al E.1eiuh, {4:40. q; rranc€.4t!4r_!: 25. J. and€16on, x"a1a;d. aLi4r:s. ?6. P. l41rk1hson, lns., 44:qr.ei ?7. c. Fo6lanrs, 861s{",,44:4J:S. norocco. 44: tra_ 6: xanu€1 Fa,ra, po.tusar,44:is!4, bj 10, Andy Jackron. scort;nd44:51,0i t1, c.rbah rworerr. sco!, 45:00.2i 32. H61rlo Du..re" poru.. c5:')o,rr: 31. John l\e!rrman. liatesq5'rl.Br 3q. een.rs," rh.cin_ r."l a5t t7.4i )5,8..'t65sttj rreland. a5: rU.q: 36. Eau.h11b. jtoro.co_ t):tt..., )?. F. ALt1e6n. rlera;d. '!5t?t),6t 34, Jesus HLrtado^ 5Dr1; o5:3rr.0: 19. F. rorean. rLni6s. r5: jlL,0i rr0. 4.:4_i.,+: Ll. rose ar"r"". p;rr-: 45:46,oi {r?. rennrr otcorDan. -!;€-. 4-r:5q.r, igLalte4:t 6 Pr ro avord' lr4:srirle jr€.t) Frdd xorris .€Dcii_ :d hi! Natronal p"u..,",.." "itr, Hln and he aDDe:rs

ta be a strons p.ospe.1j fo;-the 4omE tlae h€ ''ararho.J bl' Nnich !y i6.€ exo-

i:ti lr: i. srockh,rih ias i: yea.i !.:J.55; rj"r.in, j :r.6.2: 4n.in, i:ro.t1i rono.,r r.lb.4e: ot b6aten nat]1 jrroajld kihh an .dd -u.{, r:1:.04r t6i'eo.., r:,3..,i i. .....c_ ,-No slope oi ro'n. r:-r,<r: 2.. ". for sa.!6tr!,5ando .:r . I ; rdr i. lris;rh "_,_-"aori. r; r:r^.r.: 2?. ."...;". ,.o.,-; p-rcr illll"l-ntf roc, r,t!.;i,.r. e_ G";,:-r, rq r;;--. - E:jftj= 28. "1. ro',,in.Jt"d. 2", .. -" r , r,i. i ,,; on. A.. r:,1r,?1. _0. urr >rone, NY49!_1:!8.4' :,Lela"-{!49,_1-199 'r. s!rrn. r67; r",r"."."". rri, 5. s.otl:n,.2rrri

rREO^ Ohqls.d LhcrAND

lrt\ rrFLi)v\Tto.t.L porrur


' r. a zr - rlsbo rr !1 . rrrd Notris ! rn!j1"nd +2:4tt"n 'lcl-,r.,,:<),"

. /a- ,.^_.-. "irh 1,.te.s

i, nar s;, :jb:

aeain io .atch dD q r6sutts irricrr

{€v Yo.k X. of C. traot U.6t I}ELAIY




r€r York, tlatch Ilolanat'. R.a D.t.ny ah.tt6r6d 7hts tro-r.ok_old yorrd tndoor rlt6 !.cord tonlgh! bj ,tnnlxs lr.t !tr.tcht b.ntod-boird brt. an !t! 4:O1.4. Th. e!6ar Irl.h ths gallant Eunsaft.n t.tvan nousivorgyr, at tbo-cardon by ?+ y.r<ts tn a Ltltrns flnal furlone spitnttns itu.l. !.rany, ylprne 6ur bts rr:02.5! not got rnto th6 l.ad untl, rh€ t..r dld i6n yalds. Potor Clos€, of St" Johnrs Daat€ trr€ pac€ ot 59.t, tr59.5. 3.ot"Bl.adths by 20 yards lnt1i be fad;d of tbe ptcrur€ tn th6 tast quartof,, out rF yas n€lany.. lzrh.r,ardhr ,nd;or vlcioby as h€ lound6d oui !o!_,r llli yaars,lthout d6f6at oE boar., rt r6ok h1h ross rrh€ to;,;,.;;';li;t!acks tbah to say tb€ Erank A. q!6nnad C.r_ ubttan 14t16 ror th6 cardlnat sDollna,r Trophy uht.h h€ ron. c1os6. ,llnond, 20yds ba€k, 0€tany, _(4/r0bacl! Rory. s6am.nt 8Ao_ cr;s6, 2j 5yds yds ah6adr clos€ strrl ied !trh i r;ps to so rrtb no stgn of cracktnEr Cros€ led by ,5 yards ;j[h 2] lapr a; o,". arrcnd and t6tan], Close red bv e" I vd! yith 2laps to so and d€sDit€ ihB' f.antic ursrne of th6 c!o;d, he.outdn,L k€eP up ht3 naenlflc€nt stsyinr close bebrn. Le,;ny io. t;;€d_ th€ o{rtrles. Ir€ nbrastedi tu .h. o.rrcl .J urLh a rant:s1t6 s!rrrl De:oF. and l6d_br I y.ts solnq irirfa!a€d ths farf rapr !€rany war stra 161e.._ 6unce of es6lay at idj €,,eand tc o;o:coh€ tn6 narsla. colna into the tr!'n, !i6!any .lo!6d lh6 eap. ,rr ttnaj tho the] v4re ne.f, and neck, puli6d th oor, t lron hor6. xn!:n! "I thrueh! ny 3rrprls€ strateey and ttrai r had ko. tl," ri."." s. LC I6?Y:?dlt. znieru.ei. , "ln ta.1, I Jrsuled ths r.6. rr .;_. crorit h€aBt that I had v6b, !I broke strlde 6tlghtly rn rho lasL r_5 yirds. I don,s kn.v eh]. At any ra!., ! cert.rnly 6r F6r! conlr.6,: no,i and I thtnk r ca! b€at Enp outSaid D61an1", oI h6rer ran so fast {ro*n tb€ stiet.L in dt ltj..1r t. Ron Delant, I.itand, ajoj,4 t60^ < !!o. i, l:i).9j;:.. r,,;., p;.,,";j;: dLngBry. 4:Ct,B {ft. rrar,.,. 1:.,r.:.. .r. Fdrrl. trrb...t! U" ): H^.r"ror r,i:.s. ; !-rr?.7:,(, D€.6- :Rro t c:o,-. :f,.dqr 56aa&!. tb6 9tr_,r! raE tr ilF -ai€t.i'"d1.ri?i

Itr6 €r-Vlltanoyan ,as forcod ltrar. ttr6 r.cord-bt€aklng 3pot-ta tlrtl. 41 L.xr6no€. doustonr frsarhan froE fa!_oti australla. Larr6noe racod to a .tunntha arE6.8 tvo-,rte vtctor€'aelng tlre balk of 8rjo sst fo;; ,e6k. ago by Bttt Dgt1rneer! nov Dack hon6 1n Oro€on. bts runnrn_ tour of E..t€in board traoks oe;._ Uhltk€ D.tany, r_arr€n.€ tEd ltttJ to vor.y about tn bts front Inco rrom eun to tape. Th. Aussts flnt! €ir tlr.6e-quarrers of a laP ah€ad or !6r sc16g11t!, tb€ fomo! Conn, 6.ti.ut sta! nou 1n th6 Navv. l. ,11 lavrenoo,8146.8 (2til-t4t22.?, -6t1-5.6, 1 3/4_ ?.42.5ri' J. Jonn nop11, Quantlco uallnos. (6st. 9:10)r 4, l'/ayne BishoD_ u. of Nortrr ca.orrna! 5. r!;;k Pflag1ng, Balttnor6 O. C. Runnldg tack to th€ fom thar sav. r1lh the fa.t.st 8BO and tast 6st 1000 of th6 ssason a uonth Tor MurPhyr of ths NYAC. lan a e clover, patient coha-f !oD_b6hrnd tb€ Cardtn.l riclntv!. I0oo..A clord oa 1l ,500 karch€; fiuryhy brd6 hls trr€ unrli tha ts6rl slgnalled the flnal tap. I.o rourrn praco ln a {omrdabl€ fi€l bolteo to tre floo in helf a doren pouerful st!1der and held oft r.€st cerhan!!s ktck{1niihlnc raur schDrdr bi q bie 9,1 seconds. i1ttl€ 2?-pounca. j.Eclraod to €ettlnq r hinself, b1..k ed otl 1n ilalti. jms on our nan had to .ob6 botYeen 1br3€s, l1leralry GltoFnne and sl6uicprlns hrs ra9 b6rHe;n brz t.v€ s.urlockr or Nq.rn car.r:;r. and sltb !.niB soFeu" to rak6 hi cba116ngs, rb€n the c€rban had rr€€ lunnine rood, &iu.!hy was a1roaily tour yards tn j:lont. scbnid. ned6 a fiEe tly but Fa3 boaten narrovriy as he vas, tor slntla! tb€ t(attonat AAU io.sbips sh€n uu.phy fade{ to .lrah lasi $urphy r6de€ned tllat fallure^ It .6qaI:€d vLlt poy6r, oonstderin€ rro, frll of rurnlne he yas. !o :at€ hi6salf off scu.rock.; dnt:1 the trca) ra). ScurlactDac. rlrlshec thtrc, slr yards t,ack ot schhlctr: ?: o9 ,5, ro€ soplano, y6:r in 2:10.3r !-!nt5t 30v€11 ftnr ebed 5:l rh6 t'!'Flis b" s.Frrlar di4 rlrnr; i

({. c. se..- conttnq.d) Lltt!. Joll! Culbr..tL o.v.t Y.! a ta.. ln th. car.l.n untll b. tooL th. Bu.F.y.. 500 tr!.c t.€kr .so. Xov t!6t o$rt b.at Etr. tb. n€tly o.or!..t AAU .blspton .an . front.ao. fen aun to taD. to Yln tho C.!.y 600 fo! tbo ftrrt ilEo ln a f.!t ltl0,9, boldtn8 off oltbplo .tlarp cbarl.t J.n&1n5 bt tyo f.6t. B.tes' Rldy selth (dsfoiitl,ne cbdp, 1110.6) ra. tttLral ! fiv. ta.d! baok. ltt Evan6 of nanltati.n r.! fourth. !|.nhattanrs E<l l4cAlltlt.r led froE ltart to flnlrh to rrn th6 Jobn J. Dohtns aao by t.n ra.d. tn 1153.9! . rooold f.! tht! .v€trt. Itllt.d to D.tropolltan oo11€9... ah6 sliD J..p.! vlp€d out th6 1t54.It of D.nntr G.tto of X.Y.U,, ..t tYo yoar. a€o. st. Jolrnr. Jack uoaullff. va3 r€cond, .tattnA rtth tt!. pac€o.k€. to tt!€ L.!t 10O yardr.. L Don Lu13tr forilltet 4. Rorrcrt Ca.t6r. S.t.n Eq1l, avo-61l. roley! r. F.Dn Stlt€ {Don Davl.r, lrod ts.rrr Dtck En3.lbrtnk! rtit.8, Ed nolab, rt50,2)t 2! c6oigotont 3. Ianhattani 4. Eoly Cro... ?.35.5 (n6.t !.co!dr old r.co.d ?r35.?. by G.o.A6to;n r95?) &PTAGOTIAI- CAUES (ITITACA,


lll1q t. Bob Latcr Utob. sTat.r 2. x.n Bror., IU.t 3. D.r. xartrir, Mtcr.. 4. Al11 Enl.r., Purdu., 5, JID Boy.r!, IltInoI!, ItDcr r,tlO.9 o40, l. G1.nn Davir, Ohto stat..48.8 IOOOr t. atlt Elt6LroD, Ilan€rot,, z. lrod MoDtour! XlcbtEair l. Dan Xcxtrn.yr IL.oorrlni rr, Ualt Shaft.!. Mlcbrgant 5. {.A. SElth! Mloh.St.tc. I J€.r. tt:oo, rr'con.lo. l:1I.f lgli Aaor l. tony S.thr Utobtean (Brtttrh culana) 1r55,li 2. s€o.s6 ror, I11., {Jearoa)t l..I.d B.astall, r1r.r 4i Earl D.a.sdo!f, Il{eblcadr J. Rob.rt E\rghqs, Xlch. St. 2-XI1€! 1. Ron LoaE. Ind.: 2. Bud Fa;I;;: xrnr.3ota: i. cla;ford x.nn.d€y, }{lchtAan stat.i t. f,6n Blovn. tll5. Rlclrald Schyaltr, Mtotrtgar! Ttno, 9to9.6. xr.1€ R€1arr Oldo stat.. 3rr5.8 (R€o.) BA'RRI' IIS

lo-Kll.o Phtla,, Maroh S- Jack Barryr of Sbanatran CC, c.ptur.<l !b. Mtddle Atl.ntlc,r-AU lo-kllo otiamplonsrrtp today ln t!. re.o.d ttu6 6t rt39.52. Brovblne Roee, of Psnn Ac, can6 aoross th€ ftnlsb ltno ln frort of Stradabin CC at lr6th and Lancaet€r avo., tr s.cond p1ac6r albo5t th!6€ olnut€s b.trtnd. (14.4 ur. ) tho oours. conllst.d of I laps ov6! B6lroDt D!tv. ln falmount Park. 1. Jack Ba!.y,scc, 28tr9-5.2nr., rro\.5-6.5b!., Ir)9.57 2. B. RosrjPAC, 2Ar40, lrO\.5,lr4?.53 l. G.o.c. Brorn, BalttEor€ ccc;30. r4, 1!06.35, 1t44.06 4. Dtck Donobu., eosE;;-:fi; 29t10, 1.06.48, t t 46,32 5. Bob cLhbers, shanEn -O, JACtr


A 3€ventb rtralAbt 3.11out o.ord of 4,5oo vlttness€d ttr6 lrlgblight of tlt6 Com.ll utoter .portr oa1.ndar. 2-1111.1 1. R!,ohatd Gr6.n6. 4ffr 2. ro-E-Forrtlon, Y.16r 3. E;n.3t'iraoy, PehEr Ir. Rob.rt f,unkl€, IaYyr 5. Rlobad B.njsln, Eanard. 91 2o.7 (Not b6p. r€co.di o1d r6oord, Dlck sllea, A@y, r95r. 9t2O.9l ?-vtl. R€Iay! 1. Yal€ (Uad.. Roaob.. 5fd-iFi-??;?6,r1) r 2. ravy! i. atuyr' 4r Earard! 5. bartlouttr. T!54.5 r. Jdss stack, Ya16i 2. c.ors. lggf xatt.han, Penni l. r.6d Mareh, Ndryt jzt12, rt12.25, t t5L.o4 rr. Dav. Grayj Aidyt 5' Ron saltsr, Amy 6. staD Llndn€rr P.nn_T;c-:lo:0 8, r:1o.35. r !52.05 tOO0! t. Ed slovtk, Yal6, 2. Too ca!r7. Larry D.lan€y, sbarahan CC. o11, Ya16t 3" P.tor Brandl!, Corn61lt 32.t2, Ltr2.tt6, 1r 54.4? 4. Rlchard g.allt, Alr5fi 5. Phlltp 8. Eotrry Yost, Ponn Ae;Sotluy1€r! Brovn. 2r1r.l Jzr4), I tr5.22, L t 59.4A ll s l. T6d B€nt, Ah)yi 2. Jotn 9. rrank relly, shanaE;;-tE; J.rbast, P€nnt l. Jos€ IEI€ltas. Co135r41, 1t23.26, 2,rJ.o6 urlrta; 4. tob Cathcalt, Ya1€! 5. lred lO. Bruee CMpbelt, Baftltlore CCC, Ilovaril, t{arard. 4.21!3 lr t50, r:20. r lr, 2!18.23 ( Bob Harrrs. .rersey-Tii5-tnon cruu. UICEIGAI{ V]]{S ISth BIC TEN TItLE ,tttrd!6k aft€r ono lap) adtsant ntr,, Xaroh 7- a.an: Uiolrlgah Prlr... donat6d by Ulddl. Atlantlo nRc- 5 tropbl.r e 5 Eodals. 71r I11lnot.,4A; ohl. Stat.25 l/ki Indlana 25+t vl.con.tn r6:r Mictr.st., Ci.ar, vlndy, 40 d.g.66s. t3 3/4 {o1d Fe.or<r, rr43.54 by Ro5!, r95a)



llih Amul

t4oniebellr 10-t111e Ru

b/ l4onLebelfo iec!6atLm Dop$t66nt,


ieorge !&noo6b1&, Supt, l,lont6b€11o, Ca11ioh1a.


R6co.d ti€1d

,lDdey, Itach 9, 19j9



stater3...2l flnisire'r

ofddr o! linish

1. Robe.L Drake, Cntve! CiiytC..,. 2. thor€s C. rye, Dat..,,.,.....,

J. Gary !. aees, ;aia Ana coUege. 4, ,{il1id I. Pasley, CCt....... ,,. 5. Robert Cons, CCAC....... , ,.. , ,,. 6, L, J&es Sebio, sc sLricers...,. ?. Charles J. 5h6fr, uar,.,.. ,,,... a. t@do Lpez, ij,l\ tbeljar.... 9. ablao l@daliaea, Rirelside 11tc! 10, nlchard Vasq&2, Eino,....,,,,., Ll. Jotd Ga.riar CaAC . . . . , , . . . , . . , , . 12. Je63 0, !.guir.e, Srll]]oaC-l nE€rs U" ,VllLi{i t. i{eih, CCAC,,,.,...., 14. i.uis R. Ca.Cenasr rlvtut........ I5. lricnael C. Al-1:n. CCAC,.,,..,... 16. lndre Eiou, nre;: C.. paceE... 1?. lrilton A. C.edde, CCIC,..... , ,, t8. Tore 0. ,ohaso., uat....,.,... 19" Donafd A, Knox, uai...,.,,.,.." 2C. f€met\ D. StrongJ CCAC..... ,... 21. c€or8e ilvera, illo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. add!€ Gonzalez, sfllR..,,,... ... 21. Iiich3ol !Gsh, ijve.sid. yMc).... Did noi ti(is:r: tobed 1, tllli:Uj 1,9 siat€,... !dw*d J. Lewjnsotrr sat.... ,... Don Bradeir usr....,,,....,,,.. lroqhs C. iifaq, COaC,... ,, . ,.. Joe E. Cilst.a!, uat.,,,.,..,,, lran iefis, unat . . . . , , . , , , . . . . . , &:!!91!
























u'37 ;1:19




I5ta7 3It24



)4.12 )4tL2

52.26 52126




3)r42 57.22

l1:19 \5t33 ,.1+2 14:11 J1:01 15!01+

.1.4:lO 29:06

48:01 52t26 54:01

lo.5 rGlter n. ireikB, d5Lra.tr€d lau 1€.-.g.r, iouth china Ac ronal'l rJ:@, i& Dlcro Jtii€ aotlede Josss


41' Ja

19tr tl:58.'/

!95i: 56t4I.2 195i 56:_19.s 1956 51:ol 1t57 ,2:11.i)






Ve :Mt,

@ar,1ch6d CitI tC n15€!t, t. nay J.., ss Dieao T&J.i J-Nsph Tyt€r, ;M 01sso NTc (core,

Fobert Cons, Culver

lnorBr c. rgqr uarirchel Thdus C. Br@r uatta.ned Itobed Drekc, Cnive. City 4C



l.-r l1

ri stco]lD \rlraTloN slti-i1IlE n@n RU$ ssdey, dq6h 22, 1959...ar Aviaiton lrjgh sdool, Re_Codo Beacn, CaLtfohla ao6F.so!s: iledoido Beach Dept,. ot Rec&ation/Arbtron Hi{h school



1, 161co!n lobert3or,J So. CaL.t. srlld€B



2. tho ca C. p/d) l. Pete.:. rludl.r so. CaLit. strid€ls 4. Jaes n. ShetE \iJ Csp Pendleton )4din6s . 5. Chdles g, B6e@, uaita.n.d . . . . . . 6" 4orelt 4oDs, ruver City Atlleric Club . . -, l-l- /ercd6o, 'r!a 1ru Cou+de , . . a. ,c.ri,s 'ri "! {, cMp PendLebl re.in.S . . 9. t, ,,'&es sebio, 5o. Calit. sr.iCors . . . lo, calt l. Rees, sanla 1ia Collese , . . . . l-1. tlavlc l:aCatiaCa, Rivelside Yl"tCA . . . " , 12, ionald lluesir Caap tondleton Msrin!. . . . li. .tohn Garcla, C\dv6! Cttt,4rhlelic cbb . . lL. qrdrr qlo-, 0.s? Co u 'j Pac€rs . - . 15. !i.ha". \'asa!.2, xa6' r' ,knpi&.s , . l(. Uj- is s€Esr, m'.iact.6d . U. tfillls A. te]]s, Culve! Clix Ac . . . . 13. Phtllip lteel11, cer Peldleroi riarlr.s . lo. .d,{i J. L-#.!so', raLL.( d , - 20. IElion A. Cr€ege, C!-1r€! City AC . . . . 2f. lionald {. ?€rd1eto., uai'"ach-d . . . 22. aenjsjri lind.ros, lasi r}\ obDE1&t . . . 21. Goolge I1@a, ras! !A ol{nl]ids . , " . . a. nemclh D, - .0-6, !-1. - .:rj A 2t. Mlcha€l ltlsh, Riv€rsid€ rllcA Dt{Ii

lst lAp FiniEh 16!:r? 32,44,2 \6t25 3_l,u 16!1? 33t25 L6.45 34to5 \6'V 34tL5 LTtLtt 35,05 L7t3'7 35,05 rs:02 35t5) \7'4t 36:0J I7.)7 36t22 I'1'r+ 3'7tco 74.23 37122 L2,35 37t 53 14,46 36:51 vtt55 39tr3 t8t56 391?,a r9t27 39335 L9t57 1+a:33

2at5\ 2at36 27t5L 23t31

[At 55 \3ta2, 1'5tr6 l+?tt+!

Patricf, 0. CoMeLlt', Pi€leo Jeior College U:16 cerald !. lio1l&ndr urai:aci,1d , 17:39 Rub€h Pacheccr tohg !ea.h State IFsh , . 2 Novlc! flro-i:!i. i!!i l. Jih reganr Lohg ;.aci Siat€ Collee€ lrosn . . 2. loren !iir.er, u,art6clrc . J. Joe.. .:i.. , l. Tor Duli, P, J - J- .o. ,o- "C. . . . 5. lddie ilonzalez: 5e Fenqdo ValLeJ lbad-Iiuiers 6. Tor. Jorcer ua'i:acL:d .


7, l(enneth n. Strone, CrLver aitt-AUleXic 1953 iJiitr-,grg



lC:16 lOt25 .


\2:53 13.35

b-rile ab..?horas ,. !xan, :I !a,in. corr.4e...i5t\7...321:.1.5 :-(ilr ib.,ri1lian E!o;.l..r uat+,rct ;.i.,,.........,...]O:16.2



: 6'




97= o iri P.9

.-n7 z; 6l


.t I


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