In f he Long
it's the New
/rry Vol.3
Docember 1958 ./2.-),
t/':l U:'t
Ato. fr4,4,
J-n" M,4 Yttca
'i;*;?.$,,1*" Htr L*s F,f'.t.tA$iiRtf A&{0s
I TIIE LONG IISTANCE T4G Cht.ago, Dsc.6 - Jan l,tacy of t A PUBLICATION TOR RUIINEFS BY Potand, a sophobole at tho Untvelsit, , RUNIIERS of gouston, today .etaineil his Nat1, AAU 10,O0O oeter cross-countr) Lirte I vo1. 3 No. 36. Dgcenber, 1954 bY covorln8 the ilistanco ov€r the . Eilitor - ]4. B.ownirg Ross Iashtneton Park cou.s€ in 29t4?.A, au3trallan A1 r"a'.6nc6,{3rd in r956 306 W, Cgnter St,, lroodbuiy, N.J. 'I ci.culation Manag€r - trank K€Ily olyrpic 10,o00n,) a f.€slDan at 17 Euclid St,j foodbury, N.J. Eoust6n, ras s€cond, ab.ut 110 to 150 ' yalds bohtnd Macy. ar Tru6r, unattach- ' Publisl ed ty Ma.vine Prtntlng Co., 6.1, oI Los Ane6les, *as (hlrd ln thb ' 155 N. 15th st,, Phila.r 2r Pa" r Rates: 25 cents a copyt $2.50 a Ua.t, vho ron tho €vent oysr thg t y€a", (publish€.I eonthiy) Ln ll:l? ldst ye4!i ft.. co@unlst Poland 1n 1954 and stayed NAAIONAI CIIAMPIONS]IIP AUAN'S ln Yest Geaany untl1 ooeins to thls JUNIOR country, lI€ 13 studylne enelnea.ine. 15 L:lo Run - Itaualian Assn. Th6 rac€ ras contest€d tn arigld 20 KIlo Rud - N6t Engfand Assn" 15-il6g.€e reath6!. Mady ,er6 bundl6d ?5 Kilo Rud - Adtrondaok Assn, 1n 3r6at su1t3, lone undelkear, oar l0 Xilo Run - Nor Eneland Assn. Duff3! 61oe6s a.ii roolen headpieces, (Marcb -lth slnday- N6w Bedfo.it,M. ) Soa€ vora onty tra.k suits. All f1dI Hour - C€ntral ,tssn. tshod ercgpt on€. Iclcles and frost !ross-Country - MtchlBan Assn. st.€ak€d th6{r ta.6s. Ma.athon - l{iildle Atlanttc A3sn" The flrst seven b6tter6d i,1acy' s -----s6i,bF )r !12s of last y6ar. i5 Ktlo, Middl€ Atlantlc Assn. 1. Jan llacy, {ouston, i0ctober - Atfantic Ctty,ii,J.l A1 LaY.enc€, Eouslon r 3Or10 20 Ktlo - N6w Eneland -Assn. ). Mar T.!er, unat. (so.cal) 3c::19 (Ju1y 4ttr) Neodham, Mass. ) eordon Dtckson, ltOC, -30.51 25 (i1o - Ne* En€land Ass., v€1lsa Musosa, l{YAc, 3o157 {Sept.7th, Labo. lay, Oloucestdr 6. Robort Sothr SC Strtil., l0!JB 7. PbiI Do1€dan, UCTC, 31rO9 f0 Kilo - Uiddle Atladtlc -.lssn. a. tr.k Douelas, Vanc.OC, 31.1r, (York, P€nna. ) j1.17 9. lla1 }lledon, UCTC r Ciors-Countf,y, K€ntu.ky As s., 10 Eil vand6rE6uvel,C.Uich,:11 : 1 6 Thanksgivins Day, louisville,Ky, ?at Clobesst, Iloustdn, 31! 25 I ]tour nu,' - couth6rn Prc;l c A--n Lou Stiog1itz, USN, fl :31 +*Marathon - &etropolttan Ass n. t3 JeFy sea.tt, Louston, l1:rta (Yonke.s, May lo) Rtchl6 Nt.hols, Vanc.OC,l1: t!9 ** Avarded subject to provision tbat r5 Pete. I.tcArdle, IIYAC, )1.55 sponsor will assist flnanclally r6 John Kopl1r NYAC, 31,55 (6p Wo5( Coa-t runn6r as d re,TCult1s Ston€, ![YAC, ined by tds pexfomance in Boston 18 T.by !4ard611, fYAC, )2,OA Maraihon, This provision vas.ec19 Ree tarley, Eouston, 3?t r0 omnend€d bJ Ired S.lnorlzr -f(€r Ray Iianpt.nr vad.ouver,l2:11 South€ra Faclftc Assn, qithd.ew th€ir bid for the National Senlor TeaD S.oring. t, New Yo.k Acl 1.0 ((9th strareht tlnet))! i4arathon, and unanlhously. apl]rov2. Hcusron 6d by the comittee. T!a.k c1ub, 52j l" van.ouv€r olynpl. tcspe. t fut ly "ubnl t Lad; Crubr 61i 4. Univ. of chicaeo :frack tlicluel Portanova, Clurr,70; 5, Toronto Olynpio ctubr Chaix0an lOqi 6. UCTC ,tB!,, 118. Race Not6s: lrwhat a e.eat .ace.,A convotrtion Notesi Bill Jle6sonr s .€aI ca.ve-upl Bob soth, tormor sussestlon tor a chanee in r-country D.ake Untv. starr e:-11 compete in s.orine defeated llt to 2 (n.an lr,eloh, th€ Sao Paulor Brazl1, {sao SylvesKansas Stat€ and Bob Cmpbell voted tr6) N€s Y6ar's Ev6 Road Race as Max Traer d€ollned th€ t!ip,.E1ght oI for it.)..The rU$ sas dead trefo.e the the first 15 ,.!€ for€lgne.si
Nov.hber 23. 1958
1. ?.
!-4S !d licAlltstet t€!e. B€yer
(rl (r)
DoToods so
x0.32 ?0,41
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1.. a C*1Ie9e,1,^.
13, /r. Cdetellano 22. J. 23" T.
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N€r York Ptoneei{ r) r4onh.tts^ A. r. ( r)
1-: )
tLa) t15)
fia.h.tt.. n. A. { A] il.nhatt.n A.A" F! lo!dh.D d. A. "A' { 1?) Fc!dh&b A. A. "A? tl€l
2?" i. &cCuline
M.nhattan Fro
(20) 6h
"a 121)
31. F. &cN.n-r a 33, E. And er 6o n 36. D, i!c,be!1.h 3E, !. s!lIivrn 42. R. ,45. M.
Cunni nghrm
oi. Coll69. A.A.
lie* York Ptoneer St, Anthony il.C. F.rdhdB N.
Fordh.m a. A, "A"
20.54 2r"aa
!,09 21.I4 t
2i., t6
t22) (23)
t25) | 26)
21"2? 2l ,28
2L.'B 2!.30 2t,34 ?t.37 21"40
aarrytown 23.59
4.A !
S,S "
68. L, Schiavo,
42.14 ?2.1? 2?"2\ 22
Bruce AA'2b.ll
22. X5
B.uce AA,24:3?
2A) 291
32) 33) 34)
Manhatian r!os 23t57 6'1,, D. rreedEan
22.34 22.44
127 )
62.:,. Lanb!tsb l{.Y. comunity
Tarryrown Spik
2t,51 2t.a3
Y. Plo.e€r (i)
Fo.dhrm a, A. "B"
23133 -
20.2e 20"29 ?o.30
\4) (5)
r2" .1. ;tttts
19. t 3. 19 ,35 "
Bru.e AA,24:41 74. M. sch*artz
22.4t 23.01
TeM score.
Manhattan ColIe€ AA, 1-2-5-5-10= 24 pts. 2. Manlr-
50. l. rilenyre.ther 23.0 ? ) 51. li.5chr.rt. 23.1r attan F.osh' 68: 52. D. McDon.Id l\ew Yort Conn!nlty Ct (35) 23. L4 l. N6w York Ac, 51. P. swires, Iordhan AA' 2l:19j 54, J. cor.teanJ loidhan a'{, zltra 2Z-p!: 55. R" Ileoins, N.Y.connunity coLte.":e, 2).271 56. I. ratlan, NY
I'IN CONFERENCE RUN The 11-y6ar dooination ol Mlddle Atlantl c States Collegiate Athl6tid Confere.ce x-coudtry by St. Josepb,s Collese ended on Friday, Novenbe. 21st. Eall Jefte.son 1ed t-asalle Coliege to a one-poiat vi.to.y itr th€ annuat chanpionshtps 6ver tbe hi11y Cobbs creek Coll Cours€ and re€ained a ritie ]re hetd in 1954. cane vinsing home o'er the ltrenile rcute rn 2A'r49.asr winnine tire tarsity title by 12 yards ov€r Haj Th. r.-n. c Jeffe.son took the tead earl] a.t hel.d ii all the wal.. Od tLe Lore3t.€t.1r, Thorsen cadc a bid tc .atcil rrtb, 1r!t th6 1ttt16 bar outsp.'.rt6d lhor-en in th. final 100 yards. J6lterion!s tln€ Fas back sf last yea.'s ch.iplonshlp Fark df 2kr35.e s€t by St, Jnleph,5 toe 51Dan" The cour'se .ec.rd ol 24:3i, sas made by '!tlladova!5 R.n !e!a!,v tn a 4!al LASII-LE I]TIRRIERS
The leadDrs ! Va?s1ljy Race3
1" rd1 Jef te;;;;-;s;Ti d 2kr!*9,8 z. rjal Thorse!, St.Jaseph's, ! 24:51
L P!:te {alheid,, insalle} ?4,:51* !. ,t!n Suoner, Lasalle, 24t 56 5. r'lemin Bry3.i, Y'"cherter, ?J:01 6. John I"yncb, 9t.Josephrs, 25:05 7. Itck qai.6e. l,aaay€ttq) 25r11 A. io€ Sfefanowi.e, Lat^t", 25t19 9, Jrs Baldwin, St. Joseph's,2J:?l lo" R6be.t -Asl,i.i" RutC.rsJ ?5:24 i1.
td l{d1ner, lutBers
12, Dar Laynar,,lJuntatal 25t:?6 l.l, Bob farrollj St. Jaserht s,2S ! 29 1'l. Joe i{.C;.rrr, Si.Jas€prrr s,2Jr ll tJ. Dlck 11I.t. Lasafle, 25139 16. Johr Kinsella, Ruiae.s: 2j.46 17, Ross Connellyt St..jos., 2_5i51 18, Hrwald UDat, Dtckinson, 2_5:58 !9. Jobn McNaba.a, St.J-os. ! 26:C0 20. To6 Ltnaugh! lasa11.J 2610? T6ao gccline. i, Ldsaile, 1t3t 2.3r" .to3eph, s,. 4rr; l. Laiaye:tc! 1fB; r, test crren'er. llj; i, Putjers, 'rr:i 4,. Junr 1,. l8l.r 7. Lrt dr,, t9i 8. Dt.kinson, ?i9t 9.5r..tbnor3r 2?9j 10, Eiizabethtown, 251r, 11. 1'tanklir dr nrarshall r 27?; 1? ;if,verf.rd, 311; 11. cettysburc, fld:
3. Joe rdcAndrev, St. Jos€ptrrs,13!35 {. l(Iaus Praesan!r St. Jos"j 1f:bA \3153 5. Tom ca..r St. Jos6phs, 5. Rl.hard ochs, Muhrenbarg, 1l!5E 7, Robt, Eu.ley, St. JoreFllr3,1lr59 L Torfy V€nde1l, i4otavtan, llrr10 9. Jo€ McCandl6ssr St. Jos., 14rI1 10. P6tor Xitrpatrick, l.Chos,14rX5 TeaB Scorlne! t" 5i, Joseph!sr 20; 2. l{est Cbostorr lt2; l" Rut€€rs, 82! 4. Delaraxe, 122r 5! cetttrsbruC,153; 6. F & M, 157; 7. sa6nelJ !?1i 3" L-fdj 6tt6, l7t. lsL danudl PcF,,sJlrnEia State loacnoi's Collese C.oss-Couni.y Rrn Sat. ! Nov.A, CheYney, Pa.- Paced hy M.rv gryan and Std Dous6, test Cbester von the tou!-56hDr: deet. 1. (txe) Bryan & Dousaj b",C. ! ?6:rr? 26t52 l. Shi.loy! S11pperr.F cL, 4. l4oofleJ , 3l Ipp6ry n6cft 27! lo 2?r lb 5, Eackrltch) Ml1l€.svll1o, 6, Mddo€L, slippert Ro6kr 2?t3A leab s.orlnB: l. I.c, iOt 2. S.R,, ' l+. cheyn6y 3Jr f. i{tII€lsri1re, ?9t PROVIICIA!
i,tILO ?EAl, CAAU!:!OXSaqF
.ntr6a1! Que. i oct.25 (Uont.oal 1, Uoland lllohaud! lrans-lDls, 26t35 2. lete Jothsiona, {cG111 U. ' ?7r?J l. K6fy G!11, u. of Ottavar a?r35 lr. Rseis lorot, !!ans-ADl!, ?7!\A 5. eord Mackay, Mcclll gn1v" ?9tG3 6. Cha3, Goodfelios! St.leb..t?ArXra 7. pierr€ Aldriau, r.qns-Arl6, ?9!05 8. Al1an Grart, Mecl1t3 "9rt+6 9. J1a iiarttn, Frans-tbls, to r15 10. l,accnb6, cal1e6F urlrtRitar30!a8 124 startere, ?3 tlnalhef,ri sma lI 6€,ar.J'"r)phla3 rora prosani6(l to tha tilBt tb.ra runne.s aEd th6 t6M dinners vtll !oc€!T€ $a11 tropt!1e5 at ttr? annurl spolt! dlntr!.r Fa.e run.n e!;rd61J bll1y oou.r€ on ltount Rnya:...!oe.ir l. !ranc6rInl5r 21j 2. lI;3irl, 29; :. co11ss6 lj ir I !ar.6 ls!. J.anL j4. EAS! ecRMAXY 112, CZEC'TOSI,OyAXIA 100
1).o3ilenr O6t,:1-1!-5taD1s1av Jungaiith, th6 er6at C:€ch, eas beaton \/ boL\ CemaEe, g€!/!anr an, Var.n{itr, 1n a fightlnE i50O o€tres f1nlsh, To .ub ti tri X6!rean.r case out tlre falloein€ da' and arlelnlstBred a drLlbbine ao Ui.ko Jurekr csechoslovakia's ( contlnued pae€ 5)
inslde-1[ btnutes nan, in tbe 5000 Det€rs.5i€gfrled H€rrnann ts tt16 xunner qho snapp€d an Ach1l1€s tendon in tho Olynpic 1500 seters 1n Melbdurn€ ! and who made thts sumer after sufeical tr€atoent and proloneed rotrablritation. The blond Geman, va16ntin, who was se.ond in the 1500 neters on the 13t day! cab6 out agai. 24 hou.s later to run tlro cze.h NeA.a, HadkaJ into the grounit tn the 800 net€rs, PBrhaps the aost staxtlrde ol atl,the iesults was the cooplete flop of tl1€ nomally eac€11€nt cz€.h steeplechasols, Brliaa and zhanal' dho finlshed tldrd and fourth tn a fourl.nc tat behlnd the Gemans.. 1stl Dayt 150on: 1. rie.rnann! EC, ).!4J.0;2. valentin, EC, f !k5.oi 3.J!rd*&1rth,c, ).45,ai a. Eelldich, c.3:51.4.. 1000n sc: r. Dorine, EG, 6.5Ci 2. Bubl' tG' 8:5:l.a f. Brlica, C,,9!10.?! 4. Zhadal, c, 9,!5.,.2.d Dia9t a0Om: 1, valentin, gc, r::i3;--71 Eanka' c, 1:52.]i l. Sa11nsor. C, Lt52.6t 4. Petraschek, Ee, 1t52.7..,.5o0oh: 1. Eer.mann, EG, 14!1A.4t 2. Jurok' c, 1,t:21t l. c.odotski! EG, !P!23.8, 4, Pavelka, c, 1!:ll,A,. lQ,:o00n: r. Janker Ea
l2:00,.!x4ooi}: r- Ee' )t!2-2r 2. cz.
! 1954--5 Co1l€ee {'dountryi Oct.10, USNA Golf dours€, ( avy 20r Maryland 41) Navy coach: Jrh Gohrdes, Md. Coaoh. JiE Keiroe. q ni16s. r. colavita, Md. 20t5q.5i 2. (Tie) Mac'-eod & Modaahan
":.i . rr..",. i.7r,:i
Harvard 22, Cord611 17. Ithaca, N.Y. ccr.LLn. 5 r/16 :. Reco.d 27.2? MLd1er (1955) 1" n. B€njahin, H,27154.6t -. rjrz6 rcLd. t'. zA:06.8i I, Cubrn3, c,2A!59,5i Ir. Thonpsod H.29.2\.ot . cravener, c. ?9,)?,51' 5. Hi11, c.tr
oct,17, van cortlandt Park. 5 1,I11es ]da.!^rd 2?. coruhbra lt9, Penn i5. l. BenJon",, r. 26:0r.6r -. T'a.), P. 26:10! 3. Islesras, c, ?615!t.At I!. It1oopson, H. 27t39,\\ 5. Koch, c. 27!k3i 6. Brown. E, 2?:4ar 2. litzRerafd. H. oct.7, Iranklid Park' Boston. About 5 il1ss, Earvard 21, P.otldence Co!1ege 36, Boston U.iv. af. coulse .eco.d! 25.4?-Benlasin, E, 2. Jar€d rttzgetalit, H. 25.55, 7. Jim sctrlaoppi, E, 26:51, Ir. Banberge., Pc,27toL,5. Coat., 27.31r 6. Thonrson, H. 27:lI. 19 oct" van corttandt Pk. 5 !i16s. Navy 20, ilYU 4f. I. II. Levtn, NYU, 25tt?i 2. cbaaaz, N. 261!2; L Vintor, l\, /p:l5i lrl sor tn, \. ondshan, N, tiDal Resutts-itrst NCA-I- Collese niv. X-Count.y Chmplanshlps held at hl,-dlon Collaea! Vhe"lon, lrlrnois satuiday, {ov.1.5 (1 P.M,) cours6:
qolnjry gllb_Ggu goyr:e: Bnrtqt rs A,A.A. lfl 1ils ovEn $a!Es ?7-a thlc3eg r. p;ul Fhit;1ay; iiaisis-sEaiel _E-p(3 event nalch at cardiffl orla, Xansas... 20. lr5 :,' onlt a f6r peopl€ attend€d the natdh at Maindy stBdiu, cardtlf, on oct.25, 2. Jobd Gutknecht, Oh:o {esIeya., ao.49 for tho t}1reb ewent d!stan.6 natch" l, Ed Vander Heuvel, central Milet L Mike B1a6tov6, A!.{, Ir!11.5i 24r53 2:--i:i. Punfroy" w, b!11,9i l. Mik€ 'r, Ha116n Halr, vabash, Bprrsao"d' A-da ' lrr0o.3; { Peler Mr '5. Johnny Flafrert So. I11. ne., ,LA.A. 4r15.6:; I Male: t. Peie. 6. nan Ryan! V6steln 111. e. r"rs' A-nA, :4:o6iil--?. R. rJrrr, ', ?. Ton fianch€btr ]th€aton, AAA, 1b:o?.6i L B.E.Parkest,!.AA, 8, Uilliah B1ak6, DePaus, l1:lo.8i q. N. Horroll . t. l!:1o.4.. 9. Richard shivel. Slippery 6 Miles: 1. Bastl rleatl€Yr alLr, ZBiS-?t ,. rlii(e Bulri.-a!, qAn, 2a: ru. CarJ Prorrod, roura Dckol- /t!ro w, 29t07.6 51.2! l. D.J.P,ntchards! 11, nave Pistulka, so. Dakota,2t:4?' .' ,r. (ve1sh Natl rec.)r a.J. Radrup, 12. Ron ReinLrart, {abash, 11,l{arne. rri.ta, Kansas St., 21!50 :.' lL. LJr€ 5r"'n. DoK" b. ptor'idenc' ?tt5l Oct .'1! <--ountrv: Coltere | , oicnd'd forn.end, Del\dtb, /trJL uconn 8J) R,r.,iYa1e 25, Brovn 19, 16. Ga.y Knalre, Del(alb:, 22tO4 k.4 sll€s, I. Bob t-or6, B, 21356i Vem R€ed, C.ntral Ut.h. ?2.A5 2. B111 Ba.h.aoh, Y. 22!0?t 3' Blake, 17. 18. l(,Janes Mccoroick, So.Dak. 22:06 l. 22,23, 4. IrlEdhan, Y. 22;25; 5. (.dnt inu€d pas6 5) schsab, B. 22.k2i 5" MacDonald'B'
Iue€n6, O!o,, !ov.15- Or6gon UnIvor19. ntt1le Gagnon, Buffalo Stat6' sity runn€rs flnlshoit l-2-lt In the 22rO7 annuat A4U cleps toaiay, JID g!€11., 20. garolit Rieck' Souttr Dak.22t07 Or6eonts 6116 acer took oy.r th€ lead 21. L66 Ktng, So. I11, V., 22:09 at the batf:-ray ba.k anal {6nt on to 22. chas. Dykstxa, teKalb, 22!11 vln th€ 4.1 nlle oD.n !ace, 23, Rich Arndt, Wheaton, 22t12 Iornsr htgl! school D116 !.n3atton, 24. Dennls Mathoson, Kan.St.?2:Il} Dy.ol Burleson, bov.d up rh.n C!611€ 25. Ronald Dunba., so. 411.,22.19 bov€d to capturs s.cond froe uark Rotrrr26, rtrm, Lavrenc€, Ottii {ea. ,22t20 ins rho t,eat Idalbrs lrab}r Yyatt ln 27. Russell Scbelb' (a1amazoo,22! 21 28. Larry Ealnes, C€ntrat 1,I1.h.221r22 the final 6ptlnt fo. tb. tap€, r. JIE cre1l€, Oresqn UniY., 19t35 29. Gooree Jocher' Roadoker 22:23 2. ,yrol Burl€son, Unat. (O.€gor trosrr) 22,24 Taup, Albion' Jan6s lO, ,9r53 22125 DeKalbr ll, Ray Ott, 2OrO) l. Mark Robblna, Or€gon, f2. Don Perry, Central M1ch.22.26 lr. Irank vyattr Idaho, 20,09 ll. Jerry Robrnson, l'rabash, e?!27 5, Ron Adds, Idahot 6. Dlck X1116r, 14. BlIl Parh , YboaLonr ?2t)o 016€0nr 7. C6ore6 Larso^, Orogon. f 5. Gonzalo Jdvlor, ltans.st,P2r fz T6aD: Orecon,26t 2. Idaho,50! (95 flnisbejrst ) l. osc, 49. Tean: 1. Northern 111lnors, ( D€Ka1b) !3-IU-I5-2a-2A=9o pt3. 2. south Vancouver, B,C,- {orthvest X-Countrt. Dakota State, 9f; 3. C6ntrar Mlch2* biles. r. Glen Fsrglea.! 107t 4. tlr eaton colleee (coached Nov.8- J.,xloshr l{sc llr!25; ?. Jobn Bent, by ct1 Dodd3) 111' 5. Southern I11in- uson, l. Dod B6rtota, lSC. ois, 1lk; 6, !{abash coI16e6,Ind. 1(r0i VSCj 1lt:50, ..Dy.o1 Burleson had a stonacrr ?. Kadsas state, 1l+8i 8, Sfippery Rock' .rsp rh€n runnine se.ond €nterln€ pa. Sl d. - TeJ.her s Cot l6ee, 202i o, Ohio Vesloyan' 20Ji 10. it{ankato state (Minnesota), 217; 11. Roanoke c911ee6, Phl]a., Pa. Sunday, {oy.23- Jr, ?} va., 23ll 12. r6Pauv Univ",Ind,'! 258, Dile A-AU Cross Count.y sponfured ny Micb., co116ee, 13" A1b:o. 119. the Road Runners Club in *alraounli V€athe.: Raln. Tenp€raturs: 5Oo stae.d bofole th6 Cours- ' ondllio;! Cood, spliLsr ' htl€- Park. llhe evenhr l{!l[Au 10,OOOa ctEBps, sa! fo? 2:24' Vtle-lr!5a; 7*-7tz6t 2 mi16s-10r10i Sr. ttrose la y€ars of aee and und6r, 2i-I2,U9t 3 rlres-I5,l5i 3i-17 | 5? t 1. W{lfid ll01h6sr Ptrlia. Flanos! k siles-20:45., Lesislatlon adopted at club {wost Fhr1a. H,s,) iltr5? the r958 NCAA Conwention establlslled.a 2. Francis Cdn€rr Penn AC (CardlnColleCe Dtvision X-C Chanplonshlp des15t01 ten€d fo. snall6r lnstitutions, Tho l. Charles Mcshea! Fenn Aa Collese Dtv. X-C meet is donparabte lt. Lou Cdplj FeEn AC to the establish€d Univorilty chreP5, Jaees Elm, Phl1a, Plone€r Club lgnshlps dhlctr ar6 hold annually on Tbe race $as ove. a fl,at .ourse the Michiean State Univ. four-bils .,harting and finlshlng:n Iront of coursc in xast Lanslne, the ve3par Boat Eouco,.35 startors" ORXGON INTERCOLLEGIATE CROSS-COUNTRI
NoY.?. UniY. of Po.t1and, 3 Mt16s 1?:14 1, NoD Eoffnan, Udat. ! 2. CIlff Thonpson, Unat,, 17t15 1?t1A 3" Don iereuso., osc, I7t22 4, L6+ Lukans, Psc'
I?t25 5. c1!ff cordy, osc, ltzi 2. Portland Stat6, B,r! l. L6vls & Ctaxk, 105i l. Southern Ofegon Collese, 119; j, U ol Portlandt 14oi 5. o.oeon co1leee" 157.. {oreeon State F.osh had to run unattaott€d' but polnts}, 'ou1d ha'e had a total of 35
'l0eanr Osc,
sopt.14_ culv€r clty, calif. 1. l,tichael C. AL16d'' Culv€r CttY ac, 2.32.35.tai 2 Datld Budi.fand Santa Clara Youth Vtrla6e' l:03.1r! ll, Tom Ryanr Redoido B€ach, lrll'?O lr. Jim serrio, sc strtd6xs, l:?!.51, t. Dous K1nnn. cul.cl6Y Ac. f.?6.. 07! 6. Jth Bevin5,-P:1o; verde3, aa1a f ., 7. Itavio riadaariaga' Riveiside YMCA' Riwerside, ca1tf. B. John Distr;, l,otrs Anseioci 9' Angefo coraltis! s!t EDalr ,:nnners ( No teab rintsrred) ,
tD6cenb€r' 1954--7 llIIiID SPRINTS- The varlous A,\U dtstricts should hold a school s6sston for offtcials to stross ttre value of completedess--fron list of start€rs! through scoring anal final sumnary. There are too hany onc6 a year voluntee.s 'ho just so throuelr th6 notions. AAU, NC,AA and HS variations in rufes donit he1p... A runner eho really
aft€. th6tr warmup to increase thetr bodY tempsrature. fhey t6€1 that this is necessa.y as It ts so.oo1 ower ther6, Most U.S. runn€rs agree that a cool shower on a hot day uould he1p, Eowover, inst€ad of .unntne long distances duflng th€ "umor ve should hold eor€ .hab!!ac6s in tip fa11. AfteFlt ionshlp j i ts rha bds( trDc tdr di.L-ncF runntnB iooks inpressive, but hasnrt boen in ttro lrni?la--!,.ta-Ees (especially the eettlne any publtclttr is De east and htd-w€st...Knoxine no syst6b Poele of Beloit Col1ege. In tho ls aolne to satlsfy overyoqe on tho Midw€st Conf, haet id $ashinston manner in vhlch the Pan-da€rlcan and Falkr on a vet cours€, (Nov.15)'. Olyhptc tryouts should be hetdr we slnh€ tovered the .onferen.e ro.oid bt cerely hope w111 be polled aleost a full ninute' vith a specadd itr€ Olyhpic Long Dlstanco Comittee ta.u1a. 14:35 clockins, aith ndbody vi11 ablde by thei! ulshes and so notipressina hlb, Tbis brok€ Gar trillly the runners ol tbe s616ct1o! st3tes ies' c;urse n"'k "r rq:47:;:T-; ln slfflctent tine fo! tbem to prepale Taiucrc- xansas me€t last fa11 for the ganes... lglqljgglI, of t}l€ udder id.a1 conditionsi this looks li,lillrose A,{, uas known as th6 nold an 6ven ttetter thad PbiI colenanrs Rlvelo of the dlstance.unners. His 19: l}r 4-ei1€ vs, ffff;;;;-;;;:;t1yr care6. spanned 25 years--fron I922 ... s!ljgg!:, fome! holdei of 1.r,, !r5,1 tas a 1r€sman the ,o!1drs lecord for the indoo. to 1946--and he.onpet€d in rac6s fror life, .i3 track and cross-country I ntle to the ncthon during his aatult .dach at ifheaton Colleee {b€re hts career. :Ie also ran the 3,0O0n. st6ep16har.iers hav. son nine Illinois .hase o. sev6raf occasions and kon thls State titles i. 12 years and hts €v6nt at the P6nd Relays ln 1935. Io t.aok t€aD bas coppert the CofleAe 1912 Lou and Eino Pentti Nere the only Conferedce of 1111n61s chmpionAh6ricans to ftntsh in th6 Olyhptc slrip in 11 of 12 tea!e.., the fim i0,000 eetors. Hts record of Abelican of En Tout Cas of Leicester, Eneland oharpionships is as follo\rs; has an $a5,ooo contract to lruild a track at Soldiers rie1d, Chicaeo fo! nert y€ar's Pan-,4serican GaEes. They 6 ni. t29, tl0, !tr _ 31:26.tr ltSrJ Irutlt the Olyrplc track at w€obley r0,000b. in !kBr tlie Melt'our.e olyhpic .ircult 15 Kilo's' fl, '39, '41,tt+)-)2.)9.41')3) - 51:50.0 '41 and the oval at Cardilf lor this 20 xilo's 'fl, 1:08:15(tt3) '38,41,t!2yea.'s British Enptre Ganes. Not to 25 Krro'3 ')6, ')9 1.28.28('t9) nentlon an oddly shaped, one-third rl4, '19, .41 - 1tb6.\3lt)91 Kilo's 30 lile traok fo. th6 unlversity at ruvait on the Persian Gu1f,,. Many tou Creeory, in addltion to hls 17 sports consultants tn ToiontoJ Ont., Nat'1 chanpionshlps,also von nany vant the ctty to bid for the Pancanadian Chanpionships. H6 anit Mel the Olyhpics Asertcan Cahes in'63, Porte! eere th€ s@e H.5.C.C. teatr' in t6k, an.l ttte Britlsh Empire Ganes in 1t22, Louon earned his B.S, deeree in r65.,, Theie ts nothine like vitfron 5t. Bonaygnture College in 1931 abln c fo. tnjuriesr oolds and as an from Cornell anit beoane ald to hard work. laree doses vill Principal of ctevefand Unlon Schoot, nore sork in o1eve1and, Na{ York...Nous tlon Rudy enable an athlote to do prdctjce rtthou( -at dd\Pr>a a'l--ts. @, ,0" c^ur,or B.ntLo/t \aa):EiE?, ah6 vitdin c takes off ttre waste Puerao Rico- Rudy rrrtes that school datter around lnjuries such as shin is toueher than workins I hours day, spllnts, bad tendons et.., add butlds in fact school wort tattsues htoamore you up for th€ neat daY's routln€. He has iton€ 5j.2 Inst€ad of takine a shove. on a lbt and 54,2s in lro0m t!iats rec6ntty and d4y a" d bprrer wdy to fighr the 'r"-i of He cotr'p€ted for (ke€p body tehpe.ature downl and thls the P.R. tean 50,6s. Nov.29 to Dec. t'e leady for a better'ra.€, th€ run- 6. In €ar1y Novemtr6r Lr€ L.oko tho p.R. d6rs in linland and Sveden tak€ a 1500n. .eco.d with 4r0j.3 (ord record warm slrowe.
a--Decembe!, 1954 Wind Sprints-Contlnued
4:07.3 by r, Montez). Lat€r uendez was outspxinted by Modtez, a studont at Catholic University in Ponce, 4)03.3 to 4)o4.0, yittr tLre thtrd nad doine 4:07.4. Rudy also lost tvo ottr.r P.R. re.ords. 10,000n. carlos a!1nones, l3: {8. ? ( ofa-E;;;d, 3b,oL by vendez) 2. Luis H" lro.res (fom€r N.Y.P.c. runner) 35ta5.5t 3. Aelstrn ae]6s. (15 Jeare-old) 16:05. 2l KtroEeher; 97 neter3 {racea ovat iiF hoavy rains) 1. E:;;i;;T;-T6ll;;inB cailos Quinones, t:11,,12 (01d rocord, 1r15.1? by R. u€nder). 2. I-uls E. Torres, 1:16.rr0i l. Aueustin q6tes, 1.18.20.., A cttinese dtstancs runn€r shaved alnost sir bl,1!t€s 6ff tb6 nattonal earathon reco.d on O.t,8th, aooording to a report froo Tokyo. sun Yu-hstu .6v€!ed l+2 kilo's, r95 oet€rr {?5 mjles, ?12 J.s.) li ?'16, 1J.2s at a Perpins buntclpal conta3t. The o1d Chldes€ iecord ras 2t4)"A1.2, ... UC.[C's Car liillians is s]"i1t 61o{ly r e cu;;;a t-1;--;6h rris lude collaps€ of 1as i Ju1y. the Staes ni61d tract faithfullf eYery evenine and trDts thrdleh a Stahpfl-type worlrout but the lace i3 1rk5 for his blro.sl !{e run3 10 with a 110-ya.d ualk lretreen. Last:;ear at the sam€ tle6, Ga. va5 hitti.s hrs lr4o'3 in 70s, and joesine 1!55s lt50' s betveen.. . Ohior,{€sleyrdts John GutknecYrt slffolsd a ipiking iT--iEE?fe frirt in the r:n{ s',a11colleee ch.nps. Th6 ankle stiff.ned up in ttre 1a3t l!l+O when he ilad tbat appeared to be a sato 16ad cver Whltely , uho .ahe in strone a.C easily passed the struecrinC ohio runner. At l+ nrlos it Looked as la cutknecht had it in t|!e bag!... A fine er6up of high scharl .udners tlelped :r ell the startirg €rlup 1n thrs years {r9th Borslct Ualatirrn. Be.wick a.d neighborin€ Blconsbu.A rere also selI rep.esented,. "'r'b: hohor of belde th6 Berwick l"la:atiadn 1odal chanpiln was !€tr}t6d t! th€ lralnd fantly this y6ai {h€r Stan Fraind Fas Ltre fi.st local runier te fintsh.. Fr.!nd, u,hoso brctber Steve ras th6 1..a1 {lnnsr 1r i95{, i.i 195: cdme rl r. _r jL i dl- :: oc lav r-' 16!, last yea.rs rocal w;.nne., llaind was in :]5th irositio. tlth a tiFe dr 57t3?...'trr. rlrst 6 tlnishors tn ra.e $ere arerded 17 Jevel lirish Waiches, Loc.-l latches
ser6 a1.o asar<r.d,. ! !g!_ggL3IZ, 01yEr,1c tracL ltar cFr6n!1y studytne at llr,larova ttdtr€rrltyrs S.ho61 ot tru.tlo!' .np6at.il ln tb€ J6!t and creatur. cl!b,, 91a, ,ryAralronr ai noartry &t.srt Co11.r....Tb€ CLdt:nsvl11o! ta'r., 10 nil. tt.cr. rln {Invttation) ta sct 1.. tan. 6tb.." By a 1andsltde yot., aI$Fa. flDrts €ditors plcksai trerb t11t'ott ar ttr. spDr.tsean of 1954. t164turdf, {d*. r6u th. tlcl6 rF 1q57 ar€ 1955. _ souagrtst c0xFE48&)a x-c - r6sE lrortb, Telas, lov.17- ,ee. t *aisa, J7t SMU! 4?! T€ra3, 6at ?.xd lr6t, ?O. 1. Jan Anlbers, sxu, llhtar 5e v111a.!ea1, Te:as! 15!0!t 3. ""*t!5a" Arkansas, lJ! 0& tqrostrotr i!*rll5:45 I'TSSOURI VALLII AAU - t-ar.odaa, rer. Nov .I5 -,?. Tod SLutkar Yadsrsr ?€: dlt (1st- 8111t rii116, ransas! 19:51-3 o1d .edard 21."4t.5 rty skutka : 3. Travrs, iansas, ?itrr?t 4. r-usr.od, E. 2c:l+8r 5, Dotson, Eansas !roErr,20!ijo Ilti,IAd (G,8.) Llf,S Il{ 4&'MARII !,{a.tiD llyrah tod an 1n:e.nat1i.ai ra.e ii dntrs.' ;r ti*, clo6s-.ount.J 16th ld ldFr€ssiv€ etyl€. E Bai rnd !r€d !orri> *€:e $e1r "r !Jr -. | ,"just efter th€ etrit 61- ib6 1!.t.Lat, ab6ri 3* sil€3r rith hlLe layaaF !h : bu.clr ?tih and q!rj!--r, ilt3r norlts dev€1ored a 3t*Dt) acd la!'t it '-daaeri drop backr :l.avlr,e lrtnan t. &ake etl ,bhe .unnins,. llo.-i! l.!r!h: r:a!k lar 2d tlac? baltvay th.nu€n ihe 2i1 1:!], tu! ra3 lr€aten rn tho lun ir irl ii.san &r4 rr-.c,r |:aind.d {d" ,,,,) n .r 1L+. back in 7th.. 1. M. l:'a.n, lngI:114, 2?:10, ?, L€na6!t, Eeleuis! 97:?et 3, Iterban, Bsrs. 273)zi 4.2" R"rrls, E e" (.
?t::li {ll!nstue, B-1e. .7. "' evers, Bols. 27:Jdi 7. !'llt:r':: a . ,,t:!, :?:l9i A. V.n der Flls3s.!ej r'rsl{ 2A;1?,.TsaE33 :, L:,:.]'tri!, 1aod. 12r L }lo!:;.n,i. e-l !-r., 9LD0r rtr€ats R!.r1est5! (A.iliarrr' : ir, xeNrrd - A fe:ird eF|.? 1r .j. i'{stirer &ost oi thr :.3i, i:li:.' :.. ix ihe S6uth tir .:ixe ar.*r ?i f,r' I .rodn r'1': s dn tu.n€d:!:e tc:; ri !r: ::i:r -.1: ltllf Bile to kin bjf 6C r:r'ds i. :tr ':. {|}1d.6c. €j!oe, i!. )iniF:trN} : i:,!r. Kntslli j r:5r!Ar J. A, ShrirFrii.*r r:,;13, {..1- Hayatt, ?irlt. -1. .1,:rgles _'.::j
JEIF!!SOig WINS SEI{IOR MIDD!! ATI-ANTIo ,tAU 10,ooon. X-C Pbl1a., Pa., SundaY, Nov.2: (r PUI 'ihe 1o-yea. hold ol B.owning Rcss, Pen. AC, on tt,e Sr, lIAA'a'U c.os3..4Lrnlry cham2ionshilr ioda, tas D.oli_ en by Earl Jeiferson, a 1ltite tlY.r -: . ,4. L.so r- r " in Sairmou t Pa.l{. Attor runrine to:relher fo. th..nt'. r- s !r' i dP €lo. 'l ir! the:lasi 60 re€;:. rin it. j tards" Joller:on snot acr.se ot tbe ve.' fhe iinlsh Iin. i. i:'.rt ;..r e33r airb ir 29:lr!- i3! behih'] raco... :.i.' ..rri!: :tl ::s r.. 5econd naj.. t.ildph 1.{ in 'i::rre.i i-6 L 1?C-!olid J?ll.:si;r CajF, ha i'o. tir. r4icd:ie n-.1a.:!. State3 aollog!ate -.-tir1.ti. a.n1' lri .j:'.i ai :ir: nil.r r couniirt iii1. 'rq r.j i.ear: -i las the ;n?: rir:s had iai i€d t. si. tl.:: cha ions'rip, Th. tlti. {a. curttr Stone the oYlnt, spor3ored bY tbe tnila:re1!hia lnquixe., :1re i 5o strrtcis " This Iea.s ccurse Pas 20C ta.ds
€horter thao lxeelars tea.s. ?€nr Ac vor the tead t:t1-' tiin l? poiits as aeai4st l9 ao. La9alie r..11eee, UASCAC chaaPio.; Jt to. snanaha' cc and 80 ior lesper Bc.
2t, Bill ctlhaueh, Penn Ac" 3!!J5 lo, John 5t.c1at.rJx. ! Pcc, 15:04 11, Jolrn Caras, Lasairo Co1" 15:07 :12. Henry Ki'i.aid, Pe0. Aa, 3j:04 ll. Bob !ru.16j, srranah:n cc, :15:ll Sjtta :14. eus Ienai, Yesle. Bc, 9r, }5.?t lj. !{i Lucas, tes!,ar 16, .ti- Asee., rlesr,er Rc: ),ir:i 3).)a 17, ror.osi F-.ss, Penr Aa! f8" Jobn l1arsb.:11 E.tt j,a ) )i +t f9. Tor lthryd., \,€spe. E,a, 36rAa .rLl. Jo. Ha.tak, !esl€i Ba, :jari; el" Bob lxalk.r. Jesp.. Ea. l-:i:i5 .!:. Janes nlar.ert: te.n n.r j 15.i9 ill. i'ir.{: lJc1la ira1.l,j, fe!!er,l!3Iii .rL" D.r Hi;chei1, Iren. iiJ lil.li 15. lr:a,rn i(e111, 3hanaLai, lil:-lia li6. ah3s. vrashideton. thaE., la:r.0 ri1":l? ri7- Jarec dn.i, Fena !C, at]I'alili- Cii-iEa::iTll cQrtail9llir-i cLi|S: arOUl1PJ liult ar'.idaf5 ljorenrrier iii) rt a:i h
r ?art,
chi.aecJ Ill f,\oi5
ii€s:-€.. !l!ch. 20:298 1" A.t E'ericr.! 2, ier.y Aslbo!e, i{estern i4jch.2o.3l l" Ron Giesory: Not.e Dan,eJ 20:i{J t0:j{ 9. rlon !opkir:.r t. 1I:.hjsa.r 20.5t 5. D.ve cctton, Notre tame. 21:0.1 6, eale. call€ti! Notrc tari., 21t1: 7" lJarid R6dd::rt: l{, !:ohls:'r, I1ob€.ts6r, !ralreJ 2i:24 a. 6tir.Eie. ' , )..- r. , -i .j L-. e. \l: r .,: .: 10. |jike Hdvcrtl: liotr. ,an]e, 21:riil Ia.qretle, 21r5? 11- Jad€,i Aii.r, .^, P,.i iI L il""r 22:Oj 1J. joirn iiotsrLha, !iarquette, 22:14 1q, larrr Tariox, lt, ui.h:eari' 1i" L:Lbert liariirAt.i !
1. Darl Jeltersdn: t,asa11e Cc1. 29j{Ll 29'us 2. B.owning Ross, Pen! Ac, l. Jir Su6de., Lasafle Calle6er l0j!9 ?x.i5 4" Luther Burde11e. Penr.qa, 3112lJ 5. Richard }laitcsj P€dn Aa, 11:2. a. Stevo VheiaD, VesDer EC, ]1:ili ?. I(e! Shunakerr Sha.aharL lC, 3:|1) e. Jack lag.otli: Shar,ahar aa; r:. P6i! l{a!rr.i'rr la5:11e Cn1.. l2rr)0 il" -11r.hisaf, ?:l:fr 12]Aj 1?. ie:.y !o..i. i0. llIali P.a€sadt. te,rn aal " i1. J6ss€ Rurdeil.r Penn i.c, )2:C, LaSaile Or11cgc, 32:1rl 12. Dick Ilint' 9. 1-,.u r'' 2?,. tf 1f. Jack Barry, Shanahan CC, 32r?a 2C. Cb:s. Durai! , r.ak€, (t2 ai il cho.s l 32:2i 14. charles ne1 Rossi! Lasalic, 'i6as Scorlrs; i. !esbe.n uichisan. :15. tddy willians,shanahan ccr, jzt22 1-2-r!-l-9=23 pts, 2. 1.{otrc tame.40j l2rq4 16" Richard Clalp, Po.n Ac, !. la..|ret!:e! aa; j, 17. John cunninehan, Petln ar1 ll:0J :1. Drake,7l: Valparaiso! t16 lLrras had a. lndollr12 18. Pat valsh, shanahan ca, 19, {a11ace Jord.d, Phila. rion,,:Ji:rrr ll:13 20. Bob chanb.rs, Shanahan aar C'NTRAI- COLL'GIAI! CCiITERENC D 3l!2r 21. Jos€ph Rocco! Penn ACi iRESHirAN CROSS COUllTtiY - I MILES 3t?5 Pc, -11: ). Jin H€rn€] , vejPer l{este.n Mich. , 15:0 7 llr:03 cus constant, Vospe. Bc' 2. Tlronas Rivers, D.ake, li.24 wade Vashideton, Shanaha'l cc,:14: :12 Lorasr 15i1r! 3a.at l. J.j Nulhollaid, Stan Liddne.' Penn aC, 4. 1om Denps.y, Notre Dane, 15:44 }r:50 2?. tarl Smith, Penn Ac, 34.51 5" nonard Hancock, lt. Nich", 15:55 24, K€n sthrole, Penn -aC,
IN RECORD TIME Chicaeo, I11. Nov.22, 1958- Phil Colenanr ot the' host c1ub, Ho. the Annual Uni{ersity of Chicaeo Tiack Club OP€n 5-411e lun, s€ttide a nc( oourse rocotd ot 24r57.9.;{al Hiedon, IJC:lc, was second 1n 25t0j. Col€ftan & tliedon todk turns 1€adins throdeh the first I miles' after vhich Coleban slowly pu1i.d avay. Tlrtrd Place aon Rive.s, Drake U. t.osh! stayod up {ith the leaders fo! two niles b€fo.€ droppins baok. Tbe UCaC took ? of th€ tirs! a Places, but ther€ was no tean compDtitidn" St. Geo.ee IlS ot lvanstod, I11., made a su.P.lsidCly slrone showing, with 9th' loth, & 14!h places bY JorrY Koehle. (26rlrs) Ton sullitan (27:17), and " (27:\4), Koohler is the citv cathclt. Leaeu6 cLanP id bctb cross-co!nirt a tno oi1e. sultiy:!i, only a soph, sas Zd:t tbe Catholi. !€a€ue x-.ourtr,1, titls race. Ir'o .o 'rr€, in D6 Lt:rLr V"_l iaqro' roughf)' the sane !:ro!!n:l Pa.k, cotars as ihe Natl Sr, nl-U 10,000m, cdu.se, oniixing one tooP of the fieure-a in the Natisnals feifect ({7o, l+?{ hur,, ) w6at.her co.ditions favor.d bh€ runners. T, ?Erl-_eo1"-"n, vc'r., 24t 5? '9 z, Hal Hi€.ton, ucTc, 25r45 l" Ton Rivers' t.ak. !r" 25:35 lr. lrank fiedccock, UcTc. 26:01 J. Jlen Alnaeuer, ucTcJ 2E.a?.5 5. Art Oiohundro, ljc'fc, 2trt24 7" Arne Ri.rrards, ucTc, 26i4:l 26:1\ e. Ray l4€nzie, UCTC, t. Jsrry l!oehler! 5t,Geo.26: l18 10. Tom Su11ivan, St.Cea.27tI7 11. Watne Duff, UCTC, 27t25 12. vic Nei11! U. of chi.2?.38 13. Preston Grant. u of c. 27!ol 1!. Diok Hamm6., St. G€o.2?.49 15. Johr Sanfo.d, Itr. I.osh' 27:44 16, Jlm Pet€rson, U. of 111.at chic27t 5r ^eo, u. rr. 27:56 17. Dav6 Budz. Bradley 18. Itendy Carpenter, Nev Trier HS, 2?,57t 1.. Lrnrc llrhol! _. r'T 28t01i 20. Ted Schro€de., UCTC, 28.ofi 21. Ralph Eilbere, unatt, r 28!04i 22. L'r') Uosr. .l| . I'os\. 2a:06r 21. -'n c-o., '8:07i rr. Don sdnrj i ucTc, 28:0?; 25. Bot, Turba, Lane Tech ESj 28!16; 26, Rich Pete.son, Lane 1,, zat'6t 27. N d P'' -. I o ., 2a:11, 28. Jir we1.on6, I71,. t!. 2Ar32t 29, Bruce Ueyer, New:fr1e. HS,' 29:00i PHIL
,o. Jo6 Pruski, Lane Teoh, 28.39 11. Dave ilatcher, N6w T].ior, 29:0o 12, Toh li6at1ne, {rieht JC, 29r15 33. Joe Maeno, st, Georee I{S, 29t1t 34, Ted suthelland, UCTC, 29.2? Bose.s, Lane 't..h, 29.3) 15, 'ennisoh1e, I'Iew Titer Es, f0329 t6. Bl11 10:30 l?, aed cavender, U of c. i 10.38 38, Tcn clark! U of c", ft. Henx! Karatcbis? St. (ieo.,30r4l !+0, ni.! Kine, ucTc, 3ot56 Lr. Bill DopperDan, nreu Trie.rl2:12 JO'I]iNl (ELLIY EAsILY IfINS flEAAU X.C" Ned
E.eland Sr. 10'000 M€te. -'\.4.U. s-country chahFlo.slliF
, Ild"",,
'tiov.1 i {'
^ l\.\
and sunny. iotrn J. K€1tey easily ton ibe NE3AU X-C Chanpiotrsbip as he to!f,ed the Fradklin Paxk ooulso in
rrnr)l-od 20 )arns I'. lronl . on. rlone. firc q.s16,t 4.). Lor. o c: ",.r 1. John J, fielley, Boston ,14, ??:U 2. A1 confalone, Boston a1: 31r.11 '. J:n :.ceq. BosLor ,-A 'el. 't<:14 ,r5:0L .. Plui E r-oJ,. un. ld.h-J 5. rohn Lrr(er'), tso"tor AA 16!0a 6. John llurl€y, Boston colleeolii:fC ?, Robt, o!,-ea.y, Boston co11.l6!11 c, tlen tu€LLe! ! Bo.ton tu\(Bl , 16! lo 9. Paul Mcronald, sprtn€afield co11. i6119
10. Jobn Joyce' Boston Co11€ea f6:3? ,I Djck Pdc\^rd, Bo"ron AA(8J.15.1r2 tet46 , ?, Joh. 806.os, BorLon aA, '. cichard Ar*i r.o', l.i.dr>. a6r5? 14. John A. Kelleyj unattached,36r53 16:)6 '5. P€tPr 'onray' t, !"- ., rb, lnonr\ Hoqa1. B .toa -or1..17!.11 17124 '7. eob€'r sthuL-'t, uad l., 18, lhl1ip l{a1kded, sprinetield, ST !lr1 9. Pa' I PhinrAr, lio. !'ledtord c. )7rrrt 20. Roeer 14d.toncJ. st rlnerr€ldc.17!50 ?1. !-dnk ndrnPs, -n"t(dched' 18:ll 22. Bob cubmines' No.Medford C.larl2 ?'1. Ddn I Fl $'.li"m5.5prrnst,..la!j6 24, Jahes Duff, Boston colleee'la:41 '5. Joha rd!'e, 1, J-rrt-Lh-dr JA:qL ?6. lulrdn Ry'n, Bojron colI.,'la:05 27. Donald McQuaddie r rin-amAc,l9320 10:25 18. Don !a), Bo"1o. c4. 29. uaurice col1ins, sprlnf .c,,l9t30 1a:'15 Bre6lou. BAi ('), lo. 'ry.on aj | !,rorr \orrr Modrord, rotlrl l-. ,?. Dode Pduban\Prm-r, sPri4er .jo:54 33. rdrr-n e RPrndn, \.1.1. AA,40!00 40r18 1,. ' -d'rl RydFr, BM. ('), 35. Bill squixos, Boston AA, 40318 (continued next Pace)
-'=-_ 1954--11
{N.E. AAU x-cou"try-continued) 16. John cray, Roston AA (B) Lo:45 L1:00 l?, Royc6 sa{yer, \I]"lc, 38. Bob BLf,ck. llorth le.l.c, irl:0j lq. Jrm cou.i11, !1e.tri. Bort ::6 42:05 llo" Jakc Bredorson, NMc' r!2:57 l+1. i{i11id Burke! Unatt., rr2. $61ian tukabis' unatt., 4f:o2 4l:40 43. Rab".t Pike, u.att., Lk. paul otDonnolr, E"{A(u) r 44:ol ltrt25 t'5, Dan lnnlop, BAA(c), ttt!.12 46. Paul s.hefl, N. .c', 4?. rred GianP, !nal,tach€d' U5!25 Lra. cha.1€s Ka$a1ski, BAA{c) 47:27 {9. chas.Erederson,Jr. , r.I}lc, 1r?:JO
Tean Scoxing: 1. Boston AA, l7i 2. Basto. co11aee, 50! l. Boston LA, (B), 67i ]t. North Nedford crub,{,4. (Note. sprirsfiold collese was not
entered as r te.ir.
| . I oq"", L- rcra l lt not s, 2:11,5r 11. Storn! Eastern I11ino1s, 2:1+.24 2214.59 12, Euk, rndianapolis Tc, 2.17.98 13. webb, Indiana State, 2119.3? 111. ess6r, Iranover, 21 19.3? 15. Pasi.k, I]anove.' 2122-") 16. K.utsoD. Ea!1hd' l?. vasimr, t11lnois Noma1, 2:24.21 18. McAllister, I11, Nomal, 2:24.2f 19. Lauch, Indiana Cent.a1, 2:28.00 2.?8.28 ?0. Yazzi, Taylor, 2129.)2 21. rr€ud, Taylor, 24. Jascourt -- and 21 others sl1os6 nanes I donrt have. Thele appcars to be an alnost untappod resouroe of long distance rndiana. {lafayette smittr - Midw€st corrcspondent) SLOI{ AIOOa'TAST OI QUIP -- Amhe.srRunner ae1ls How It leels to Be Last
Llne (BY Joe Nov,21) ' runnine dxstanoe lons claih that 'ho last has coeponsations, Iinishlns Lak6s place only on the 6ast coast. if ore is fast enoueh on his tee! Th. {irsi annla1 Indiana Cent!a1 ays to caPiljaliz€ on it in ottrc colleee Road Run R.s h61d saturdav soplronore, who as a runn6. _, a An rrahe.st n i' Idi ,' \or"n lo' noon, appar€dtly saved oost ol }11s breath fis. No less tha. Ir? sta.ters lined ldr cratory, defit6r6d a speeoh th6 !p and no less ihai lrl run.ers other day that bxoke the taPe. ftdishe.l Lh. ra.e. n1 bet you n€ver have heard of the -iiTili-Ti1bors, .u..entlv d. ine the heartt.1a1s ard tribulatiors' l.rvola chicaeo!s Crad!a1"6 Ho.k .t aches and disappointments' the phys' Nho is an expciran.ert uni!r,ri:y, ical hardsbips 6f the gutsiest or v.t.. rrn oi easae:. roa{i .unne.s--the last all .r.ss-country tlr: racc but hc had t. comc fron the ftrish 1ine, r rre b?niiJ ln thc list tvo Bi:.s Ld do so. alhe ajority cf the runrers ue.e rrrn_ hefot' J ou (lr. ) ,u Lv nins the firs! lode race of Lh€ir slowest han to run the f.eslhan 1ir€s! vhich nak.s 1,ir. fa.l rtrat .ours€ ir1 colleee histo.y--and tbat Man A.ross linis]1
ATTENTION: A11 rled Eieladd runners
tas 6j Jeg!.:€s dnd Th. !cn'!eratrrj tncrc sas n 1i;lri ra,a, Sta.l,er of i,be race ras Ir.a u!tt: i'amcus v..dr t. '"r. .'rrncrs !ere: 't tv.r-\'b..i:/ :Dlie !i, ir - i:J ! !t,rr y.r:r J!tr:ii,' tr4d n. !!u'rsine,"'] rjorii': j:,13. was non I-ash1"-,!1 ri"ishc:sr ir-)r. .ou.se was 20+ 1. ;t,ri.h itribe16, Ln :chL.ago, Il1. 5l s.conds. I 'r.rf, .9 ni'trii.s, 2, 1ji.! Fo,lall! In{liana Stare:2:02"19 in.lianntolis,2:05.0+ -i. ( lris. Ilarir:,
!, rre{i rtu r .. ;r,.r.r." t,
.11i,..ls tsomal !
|' ' ? .7
5ho€han, N.Y.Tih€s
I vent out fo! cross-country to eet !n shap€' 4ot knowine anY nare aboui the spart tlra. that oDe dtd a an when my tirst {
tibe out I had to
contidue.t paee 12)
England- rrom nov runn€r Kon Bailet !i11 lak. his dtght workouts tn .l ust a praid ttis lurincus nrder, s!6cial1Y noto.irLs could spot :rlo rC the road, {^s i-ji, troLllr:' rd.l.iy,vi.ctiE i rr.tr nu!d n€iL paird-bcrjtoi)
12--pecenber, 1959 stop lour tines rn tq. r'iies and ended lry crauling to tne fliish on all t.urs" This ostabftshed be as lhe han to watch and two days later I lited up to ex})ectailons bY breakin€ th€.6cord f.r the aahere .ome3 a tine howev€.j in er.ry athl€i6?s i!l'e uhen ha t.€ts a cisappointhont that sinks his horale to suoh deiJths ;hat he ..nsiders eivine up nis car6€t. Trris happ€ncd to ne aErainst Deer'ru4ti€Id, vhen out of tventy-tst nefsr i cam6 ln tventy-fi.st. rcdlj) n,r idLrr, rhou A teab-hate had hurt his kn€e strd ". :I rrad to ltmp id. with to.tltudoJ staead a cooebactr ard removed the bfenish bt reEa',nins add holding ny positlon of ixrhat does the LaBt Man ttrirk atrout whe. he's runnins? You al€ supposed to co4ceatrab. on the fellou in front oi you !.d then sioFly pa!s h1h. r).f!€. ii!€ lirrt 200 yards, T ha'e nes.r b.en close en.uar r. anYone itr -!.r dts.r,nea:an,\'thirg bdt f.intly ine outlines. t dev.i. ha'e s6da . 6tccpb 0t.rL., c.ars. '!Tbis tear, tho varjitt has olferrd ne nany dii:rsions, hode.i... f.]1 nev€r iore.t the tioe i .oun{ted vhat rDked 1ii!! a lmiliar bcnd and founl bYseli vaisi dee! in a mlddy ir.nC. ?hen \a 'here hd" udtog an a boy and girl wh. apparently hadrrt lisurcd on anyone else stunbltne alone three nrnutes behind _rtF lh€ pack. 4t\ or r\ ,J- ','dn j l no-J i hav. treer hazardous and rpseitlng. ntpped at by dogs and d3graC:nsty b€aten by a lt-year-o1d in a sp.t.t past the l,annis .ourts,tn tho early fa1l! aftcx €etting 1ost, I enjoled sittins on a bonch listenine to the b1}ds. But now they hav6 lef+, to co
tako to it, :1sw down and deatll' ripped it lron chin to b61t, Atlanl-ic city! N.J.. ir'or.28- 9o!rth an.uai lihanke€itine rui sporscleit lry tr€ l6{iqh ,mLair.) .enLe' rnr lsl Schocl ..1s" t2; a1les on tha bo:ril!{a1kJ i. Dd€r .'.ja5!i:.e. cald:na1 tadshefty ES, Ptr!1.,.112!l:i :4" naiald Ren3chl Ba:tr.lB 11s1 e}:Lla., 12139i 1" Chas. lncsf.ea! tr..r!de€ ItSJ Fhiia. ! :1?:4li 1!" -1.anc1s Calvo!, D6uehsrty, r-2:45i J. iart!n Moleanr si" lhsaas itor. l151 lb11a.! 1?,46..T6es! 1. roush.rrl. oi .lt.rh.s-Mo16. 2!i JUdpe, 2ji lfinetand, N.J., 28i tobbirsr 41i ; | | , a t, _ ', ty. 5li O.-9an .l r., , 14.__ ia :D{e Six X-Coratr:r-1for. 10 j 1958 .i illxaftsbuxer Va. ttst.-nce-4 Bilss 1. Bob Del.nbe,'iAM. 2lt5t,5 2. Bill ccuen! S&!i, ?2!:5 l" Johf llr.eoug:e! llul, 24t22 lr. John Sarr.nochj {. Va. ?;1.21! 5. .ia..r Llayr vMlj ?-i!.34 6. !,rtr t{111iarsr 1}i.I, 22t}2 rtl.{I 22:_l,i ?, M1 Blaithrait..F. ,,!4., J 22ttin ir, :i:lph l{a*ens, \.1. t" C11 qcJailr Vai{, 2?:5+ iC. i{a1ca1ni Roblrson, 'd*r{5 t:3rtra a€ans, 1, Viret^ta ljil.ttart -i13iirjut€, 32t 2. {il1ie { ilEry, ,iri l. Unir, jl Vtr*inra: 6l: 4. gash;agton arC I"eo, i0:J {go s.ot€- X_.il"l" d iJ, Vl-rajto
:{ltd Oll-EAtJS 4a]jl-E.a:ta cLUgrS 51si Alliiu-rl. ag-ANrSSI llS trllr LM-li]-i:l-E LCi\t RlCi
Tt'ursdayr ]ior.27) NeH Or1.an3! la" Qo.d weabtrerr sood po1i.:nA. t7 .tart, r' .a rrnisl'ors. J-Fn.r'acJ pn €re{i b.t dad.!ot sho!. He h.1d3 cour56 xecr|c\ at 2).ta3.5" coul.s.- ts 5 !t16s, :loC ta.ds. Tlbe pri,e Finne!- Nas non
l4artlr of Lout3iad. 56.i ia ?6r!6.5oth!l 1. lt. SFitt!, F,Jelfe!sen Fjt.!9minJrC,Cr 2. B. Ila1l, UD.itht ltsr (thln) 1C.02 3" I.5qr1a, Ind" 4. K. sheppard, Mlrprry lis!{9din)lo!lrb 5" R. ThoDpsor, uurprr;v r$,i9h{^j30r.r9 llafhe Last Man runs on, h, day is 6. F. arctEanr trurphr Es!lr,ll7 (tninj r ona lJ 7. P, ltyait, l4urphy i1,5, li!4i (9nin) , one 8, J. Danos, Josuit Hs, l1:Ut i9nrn) ch€€iine c.owds. $hy do f do ir? 9, rr, sta!ton, Murphr lis, l0:0J (?nrr) Sonebody tlas to be last.rr 10. p. Petit, lda.re.: Eastod{6J 29:07 ( d. v..l {hr! .-'di...ft in4 o oi',5, lar 5 n11es"' IC. uodd6r the scratch Ou1--continu6d nan tinishsd 60thl Vllrptry lts ol The blrd e.s settlins d.Fn quietly li{obi 1e 100k.'e.y eood. ) the other nleht when along.ec Ken (coaiinu€d nea! pae€) i! hls luntoous suit, The oxl didnrt
t.cenbc., Orl6ans 5 nile-continued
10 t rot)hies to r11 finishers. "Ri !on !cKiernan, Pa.tlt
cloudy, -liD
1. ton Martin, La,Toch, 26!o6 j Mile Rr:n (5 - one nile lat,s) , a.m. ( scratch, 15:o6- 25:05-50th) Idtrl te=coope .,tordhnn, " ,..2q:23.6 2. Jack Uillians ! No.theast!26r1.9 2. Tom Hoffn,an! !niori,,.,.,,.?i:+0 i sc.aich, 15.19- 26t79-55Lt) l" Rr.ert OsborDe, St.n.nse. "?2' 5? l" Led cl]tsholh! t'lcNeese siate526::0 -.+, tt Durr..n " r! . t . s t c r , . . , ' " 2 r' : ; . i: mins", ll:?0- 25:20- lAtn) 5- &arre'r 'r'j.r ien, s).rcu.e-,.2j:ci 4. Ll. !3urns ! Mississippi 6. iih }l.Guin.ss, ilanh:!rLan,.2J: tia ?6r2? 2.Lr1) '\2 $in3.i ]1!?2Car I t.n Bian.ha.d, Ailred.?j:Ci) _ir ?. Grahan, oi A1at,ana, 25:21 5. c. s!racuse ". 2i 3 ii 8" Jozrel sz!r.i!, t2 hit="" )).2]- 26,21 - alst) :1, Jin J.uahoa, n.rdhini.. ",.,2i:1j 4, U, Hanson. l4cii.ei. Sta:e: 25.9r' i0 " Noxnan Marjn.ie, rn:rL!. " ".2j::l i2 rln:., lli40- 2524a - 231j]) 11. ;rred Ucsi. C..,Lri! 'iexsetr.2j!2J ;-. J. a.ou6ii, U of A1trl,ana: 26:{1 l?. r. trasierson" u. .i r.in."2.i.a5 i2 n1ns., 33!rti. ?Lt4\ - 2,!i^i .nhat.ar.,.."2-ri+2 1J. Ja.k ca.ry 9. n. i-.lste, NcN€cse Stai:! 25:44 ' Bosron tui"".2ii:CL i+. ti.k Pa.na,ri, (ti 0rns , : 12r |tlr- 26 i U4 - r4th) 15. P" Sch.pi nsLjrr !r1r1bo.o.,"?i-'':1, Sdai€,26::1) i. J, liooC, l{issi5sippi 1a" ilrt 5omtrL.r, 'rar.ti.wrtiI-4. "26:29 i2 nins". ll:45- ?5:45 - 9trri 1?. harry Neisoq' scotland... "24',li 1C. il" Itayes, !a,16cr! 26:4J 10. r. Eurns, N.i{ York !ione...25:4€ llnin.! l4:kj - 26:q5 - 52nit) 1t, T.n, airrv ! i4anbattan.......2?:ot 1i. J, Pithan, fiiss, S!a1"e,26:4,7 20. ?aul Luaas, ilf.€d Univ,. ".2?:20 (2 ftrns., rl:rr? - 26tb? -26tt\j (:lo finish€rs) cou.s6 a litrte 12, D" !i1add, Northeast La. !26,52 {sciatcir, l5:52 - 26t52 - ?ot}r) 10 M::le Run (rt - ?.-< nt1. lool)s 13. Grrrnn t{ood, U. S.Marire!,:i, c, ! 26:5? 26t5? i2 hins.. ll:5? - )r5t) Bosiod A4... ,52iJj.J i-o" Lou D. I az'c li"u )r-e"." rh . oll .e.ord set by Iiudy 111secr. fome! Phi1a, lundsi 1-rnisnel Tlrd endez, n!?a, ir 1t551 Irmhs. , 16.0? - ll;c7i, 2" Jobn Lari€rt.rr rrn]i-... ".5:l:5( co1:toee TeaE Finne.s: f. ia, Te.tr l. Tony and.s.r sy.aduse. ".55,rr5 qi i, i-.. and Mdroon.iLb o o. Earl -\ras1ir, Os(eec",..,j6:2!, of Alabanaj lt' ilcNeese State 5. tonalri Murphyl lo.dlhn. -56r51.5 Hreh 5choo'- :, ! 'cPhJ HrPhi : 'r.r 6. Jerry Riordan, syracuse,5?! ti ren Easton Ilish. 7. C1a.k Gonovese, I{,Y.P.C,57:19 8" Reuben Bis€1o9, BA-A....,5?t55 COOPER, GREEIf TRI!'I,IPH AA POUCI]KEEPS'F] 9" Jchn Jarrett, U.5"Navy.,-5aro1 10. Dldk Pa.kard" Boston 6,q.54:26 Poughkeepsle, N.Y. j L!..'r"2'- Jlnr {lreen, ir. Nat ctf,ur ricl. r lllrc....._5433? '. chon: t-a lor rra'i s r?. 12, ,on Jays BosLor! rr...""".-r!:1t9 ioday celebrated hi5 tsettv-sitth rl. Hy.on Biselod, Bost.n r1]l.tj9:ja birthday by {in.ing th€ f.atu.ed tet1q. Jozsef Szur..iu, syra.Lse.6o:10 nile test of the ?8th annual Y.)4.C"4. 15- Roee. ue115, oswe€o. ,.... .61:04 th€ route oovered road races..He 16. '{11on Carley, corttand..,61:05 trrloush city .streers 1n 52.55.53, 17. Royc. Sauyer, North lledi,6i:46 finishine 50o yards ahead of o1-v6ar_ rA. Jotin Co.say! N.Y,P.C.....62.o7 old John LdrrFrrJr dn dvidLlon rc19, Ted Suito, St. q.nthonJrs.62:06 anio in the Navy! statioded at South 2C. ltike OtHara, St. Anth..,.62r55 cobpeted. {6ymouth, Mass. Thirty-tvo ( ? I -t -r", r" ,. dr rors) walter "'r team In the ftve-ni1o co-f6dture, Boston AA won prize. cooper, a 19-year-o1d junior rron R6frestdents lor a1I follouiqe Fon with plent' University, S'hrneHo tnan o( Tor 'ordhm ro sp.r- 'rom 50, 75 znd 1o0 yd. dashes wele ctady" N.Y. the Unton Co11€ge crossalso beld for loca1 1ads. ' cooPer, I]offnan and oountry oaFtain.,
Bob Osborne of sY.a.use tent to th6
lead 1n th€ tirst nile and it vas sL, i^11, , rh'c€-ndr r.-- '56rFdIlFr. Thirty-one rr€re in the fteld.
Because of confliots with othet moets lreins held that day, the A.ksch€dAAI Open \-.ountr) nirl b€ hol De..20 h
itoa(l nace slal
l!J'.'.. ; e
"b. ;i. n.. ''.n r,"B-"
.A ;i. l_
SOUTIIERN COlr niNCE CROSS-COUmRY Greenvl116, South Caro1lna, f,ov.l7
. 1.4.." . i * ,i. n; t0'd''p'/''''' a D' n it. c". id"'i B&d is -",.ntr"" ti D . "" B-d.r F'id i;. !i bv, ' hre ; ,j", r'.n !i. Rr.!'E r ' ?2 rti r dn ro;.a
t3 Ron,f ', Ior,rd 13. EEh'4
43. chid€r vr'r.r1
v oI .on!{tictt
.,.......... .
{? winhD
sln€w sarqlnt .,.
!0. ilo!!
Decepbe., 1958--15
1, Bott DeTonber Il111M & [a.y, 2t:52,2 2. Juan Brovn, rorDan, 22142 f. Angus l4cBrid6, lavldson, 4. Ctrall€s 'Pltilllps! Iuman, 2Zr5) 22t54 5. larry ui111abs, vMI, 23r03 6. -rohn McDousal VUI, ' virgtnla, 23ro9 7. std vinal, Iest 8. Jack Murphy' west virglnia' 2J.20 9. cil McNai.r {111iu & Mary, 23t32 23t)+L 10. Harry RaY, VMI, 11. Jones, \'uI r 23!lr8t 12. ltqnt, tv, 2)t5ot I). Tard! citadelj 23t50"Lt !4. Robinson, [&M, 23t53t L5. lrartlnr t., 2)r5?t 76. Euddle, VMI, 24tj2i 17, Df6-c a' ! !MIi 24r!2i 18. Kronjcecort Yv' 24t22i \9. Coctran, Ficlnond, 2qt3li 20. M.Nana.a' \Ya' 24tb6t 21. coins' l{\rt 2q:5li 22. Jobnson' VMI,2lr!5ai 2f. tlcNeal! D,25:11; ?lr. Llvlncston, citaderr 25.?lrr 25. Recchulti-, f&Mr v rrf3 25t)At 25. quandt, ir&M, 25tt+9 \37 fiiishers) Distanc6! k.0 n11e5. T6a6 s.o!' ing: 1. vtrginia Militalt Inst:t!16, .r7; 2. West Va., 6lj 3. Vtlltad a l{ary. 68; q. Iuroad,80i 5, bavlcs.n, 1o1 {Citadel & Rictmond didnrt rrave fu1l tede) DeTomber s tin€ was e coulee .
ool. 25- Th6 London- Bath 'Iide Tri.al Although se'/oral ne.n eage. tc ta.Itla task of.ov6rine 100 nl]e: only ibree woro chos€n to do jlsti.e to this R.R.c. proDotion ln Eneiand. wert out to Ron rlot..aft Invltattons ''''2e:1 Jdlrn Legse and Btll t/arilet. I r 5r'oul4 c ob. io: a 'h"t .. l-'l ic". considerat!ons n.ed De entexed tn a conpetition of this sort .en th6 stoprat.h is the tru€ opponent and each h:s .Fr irao€ .on. individual sisteli vtth h:s o$n capabi:itil:s, The.ace st3.!.d at 5 a,4. ai rtyde ?ark Corner. iiopc.olt rai -_, tu!r?s 1c 2:19, i/o..1oc, 2t22 aud i,eCe- at28. Hopcloft did the araLhon ir lr02! tiut only a qua.+,e. of th€ v:y; that nea!1y'asthr€e maraiihctl3 froh the ttilshl j(6.rrine.iaridin to a 5chedlle d€si3qcd to eet hib to Btrth in ar.u.d 12.hours, ilcpriiolt !:psed air nile: ln 4.jlb.ri, 9t11 t{o.tley 1lad tr s€vere attjack of dranD :rouid l4 si1e5 ard tns ec{leile( to calL ti a day at l5 u1les rE +!28'-1( . . -. .5>-4 .o!.r'1 " / j:rtu,1?i l-ocee in '-5;11,1".60 Diles, a hrs, 59.,<53.. Les€e dr.F!.d o!t at
1U--Decenb€i ! 1954
overtaklng a1 confalone, BAAI ln a battle for s6.odd p1ace, First s.hoolboy runn€! to flnish Mad.hester, Conn., Nov.27- Iive ua- Dennls Linehan of gope HS, Provrhe C'o-6 hds rFciP,Po P€rp. J--ridgncet R.I. He comp€t€d for the ltnle',t of a special asard for being nish lserican Ac of Connectlcut. the flrst I'lanchest e 4Lard. k€re pt€s6nted foLIoHine th6 linirh in the lhanksgiving Day ltv€ aul I cours€ turk6y dinner fii1. Road Rac6. A year a€o he natched fo. all participants. The first ?5 th6 exlsting course r6.ord but had hen to ftdlsh receiv€d arardE, plus to take a ba'k seat in second place (vo thr66-ban and speclii as Johnny Kel1ey esiablished a nat Hieh School avalds. The.e 16r€ a15o standa.d for tho fi!e h1les. Today, nuDerous speoial p!tze3. Close, nov in his senior irea. at Youneest runne. in tha field uas i2UniTersitJ in Brookiyd, year-old Paul Phlnn6y 1111 of 61a5tonN.]., broke th6 tapo first in tho burrJ .onn., he Dl-.6d AJ1.rr. Paql is 22nd odttton of the silk Town turket tr. sof, or Vrnche5(oY H5 fracL : on( hone the majo. arards. larf Phlnney rho plaood 2lst in tilc The 21-year-o1d cotieeian paced a J iar I o 90 r_or ihe s€cond st.alght yoa!: St" a.cj crowd of 12,000 on a day tlr. John's ron ted honoas Yith C1a3:! x,- rhpr Bu,du rcl]orled ,s Lhe.old. Vichi add Ciepley accountine fo. th6 e3t of the yoar- The ienp, .eadine thr€e top places and 13 pdlnts, lols but it in do *ay hmpwas one of b! biegest rtns,n ered the runners or held doNn tbe a'Tlris happy Clos€.opo.t6d follouing hls usual fine spectatox turr ou;" euccoss. rwhen 1 found out Jotrnny relClose's narsin over runnorup td 1et and leter McArdti ve.e not in the l{cAl1lster of Manhattan Coileee was It6ld I vasnrt vo.ri€d" I kn€H tbat t approrihat€1y 25 yalds, Ahe sinner uas could b6at tbe othor fotlotss"n clocked in 24:41].2. Clos€ ls th6 foulih hor€tovn b6y t! nour of th€ t.p flre ltnishers w6r6 hin. John i4cclusk€y kaddl6d in fi!s: outstandin€ calleee cross..countrJ aea r I lo.?. Broth€r Jo6 McCluskey! MaAC thls ia11. Close co-Daptetnod St.Johdrs { oJ.h, uon :n 1ol0-11-l?-laq? dnd tr, and s6.r eteht tndtvtdual bo6ts as w€11 Chdrler Robbins trluDphod in t9lr5-q6. as placine fourth in the fC4A and Tho vlnntne t:o. or 24!4f"2 uas 2ls seventh in:he NCAA. sioxe. ttEn Clos6's second place ttn€ Jotrnny Kel1ey, strick6n uith vtrus of I957. The corrre !ecoral of ?l:59s ea.lier in the week, uas lredridilen *as set a yoa! ago tty K6116y, until Nednesday" Ithen h6 dtd not fe61 Close vi11 nou conc.ntrate on 1nd' up to par, th€ Grotod scboott€achor oor runnlng 1!ri16l and hopes io oak€ d-.ld€J dedinsl derendina hls titla, the Fan-Mer'.zn CabEs ln ChJ.ago lr. Horever, he vtewed the proceedines Jun6 b6for6 sta.ting a hitch in the slth 68-year-old ADos (uja1a, in a Marlno Corps in Ju1y. Police Auxiliary pick-up tru.k rhi.h chriet.nas ts l6ss ib6n a monLb ara, tou.od th€ dourse alread of th6 runners, and Close, rha wor6 gr66n vool nitteds Kujala etssod h1s first race after 12 and a brieht red .unnine 3ult Has a oonsocuttve years due to a broked n€ck fins adw€rtis6n€nt fdr Santa C1au3. suffered in a fall off a truck, Sadta cd6 6ar1y for Closo tho tEd to Another pre-race faworit6, Pdter i,Ichav6 asslstance to ca!.y tfs awa.dsj Ardle of the $YAC was a tast ninute scratcrr. The Irish runner injured a ]ee. includiEg the boautlful F€rguson and Schaete. trophles, to his Uanch6st€! Ior the first rt16 the lone strxdtne lyk€ Benjanin of Uara.d, tallest ean Tean Scortner 1. St.John's Unlv.A.A,rIl; ln th€ field at 6-4, assuhod tbe lead 2. Manhattan Co116A6 A.t' Ia+; 3. rltrwtth Ctose, DIck Dondhua of HoIy Cross nlsh lre.ican AC, Iat k. North M6dad.t charlte Dyson neck and neck in 2d. Iord cIub, Ir9r 5. Aton oId fam:,99; After I: miles th€ dark hai.ed 5t.John,s 5. Eadllton college' IO9i 7. 5t, ace showed his h6€1s to tho r€st of the Joh.!s Unlv. A4 (B), rrr! 8. central fiald. At the hatfvay point, Clos€ held Conne.ttcut AA' LIst 9. Manchestex a (!0 ya.d lead wtth McAllister second. Ear.i6rs (a), 1491 10; Mancb€stor 4t the three nile ma.k th€ load was Irar.i6rs {B}r 201, * Uanhattad vil.nner upped to 60 yalds. In th€ stretch Mofo! htstler Placenent of ist tnd' Alltster closed the eap to 25 yards, PNTE CLOSE CAPTURDS MANCIIES"ER RUN
15--pec€hber, r95a 87 oites, Eopc.oft went throueh 70 ni1€s in 8.19.10, a0 rn 9:16.2j l 90 tn 11,0.10. Ee b.oi<e the finish line in 12r18.16; tuo rinut€s 11s. ins1de the ereat re.o.d of 12.?O.28 set up by \{a11y Hayvaid of scxttr Afrlca in 1951, xYou need feetn arthrr me'ton) who ran irre f;rst Eath-London,r100,t :n 192a and asain :n 19la ln t4 brs. 11 fl.st bad io coneratulat6 ]lopdroft. The A.A"A" ro.oid this feat as a ol,Iot6vorrhy Perfomance,r {Stupo.d-
Perro'Fdn "- dr- tol-ror,ne !n \orrhern ireland! (A revie, of the lr€si narks of th6 N." I.eland sunne. season) ., co:lin shillinston 1cd both 880 and ri,tite ltsts uith I:51r.5 and 4:16,8, Bi1ly l{ccue l€d the:l nilers vit11 14.2t.4, lrut ran nore than f0secs, slowcr than ibts :n Cardiit tc t.-race l?th. navie Ha..isod recorded the best 6 nlil€s time of 30:f6.0. Another eood 5 }1i1.s lo:19.o.'r'odc ban both 6 niles and Uarathon titles, th€ latter rn 2t3'/.42s tn his lirst fulf dista'rce, Bolr Crossan re.ord6d the best crcr:{,L Ma.athdn tise of 2:l5,2ls in the ,^ L-|,-r"rd_ EtiRopil$l cltAilPtoNsHrPS ioR LoNtorf? pe' . \:!,tL_:1,19: LonJon '-k-rl Lo sponscr hare ofl6red the nlrotean cbanpianships i' LnEdon in 1962. Onc€ aeain the News of has done so huch lor .thletl.s 'hich tR the past, has core forta.d ltth a €enexous se3turo. 1t vould brine the Chabpioqships to London foi rt. GRE]II RUN BY IRXD NORRIS IN
- Now.a- The adnual 6l,/+ blles ro:d .ace pronoted lry i{at.--.1oo FI. and 1.C, had a lecord ent.y of 110 runners and 11 teems. Ired Norrls had a solo run afte. the first half-ni1o as h. knock€d 1bs frob ttre course rcco td. Bolton, l:-r:21 1. I.ed ilo.rls, 2. Denis O!Oorman, Avondale, lil:0:l 3, B,rr. craie, Bla.kpoot! l!:lr, 4. Joh.dy l/ild, E.Cheshire' l4::lti 14:47 5. M. corco.a', !ia.cresfi€1d, Ai.edd1c. l!rjt 6. K- sterirt. ROAD EACE
'Lhe annual Eahilton,
Ont,, YucA Te
Mile Road nace his lr6on postponed lntil ianuary 1, 1t60 becaus€ ol a very najor buildine construction at the rYr' :-id interior tducaticr colmittee of the Harilton Yl4cA lra: Promoted i"his fcr the Past l7 tradltional:rert
5jth hruai s.huylki11 Na'Y cross_ aountry Run tn nair ount lark, Phila Tirankssivlns, \ov.27 1 Steve uhe1an, vesp€. BCri lrr'i:l 2" Gus c.nr',adi, tresper Bc, l?r0l l. J:m :Ieaney, nesPer BCi 4. Jack St. a1.rrr, ?enn AC! 5. Ous l€nas. Ves1]er; 6. Ton tianond: Bachclors; ?, Jim Agser' vesriexj 8. Jxn Pettit" IairDounti 9. Joe tlastalski' ttndine; 10. td L!.as, Undine, Tem scoring: 1. !'esIer; 2. nairnounLt:1. Undinei i. Ba.h.1o.si 5. P.r. AC: 6. ilalta; ?. Lasalle R,^, T}]' IISTANCE RUNNER to !hat gane ot s.eati- Thc Llalatlro. Runners: P ,ti'6: -'.i.'.,1 ; h^ r (. b-.1 Rurstine lxnes i , i," : e, i,ig ; '.rrj lou!r.
ar tou have the .ace uell-von, Pa.ins : pa.iog ! rathor di6 r D. t.t ther bi'" .on!i:in ".r,ll sc1d, But touril stick !hc. you tird
rld say rou,r€ .: i! .vcry da],
Liwine : Stri!ins : to .rak. eoddi a rcal rbnd sbould. !! nl, dav. and on the lra.k; e.. y6ut re Later on anothcr run, Th.' you' r., teeline
Hor or \rindy! rrair or shine, You will
I osa
1l jou ar€ 1l it,s on the o1.r ljrint blue! €noush for y ou, Tho' the Jolr till n,ahc to! sroan, ..,
(conr rnued
pecehber! 1954--17 Runntde : runntne : early, lat€ . Flnnins dlth a steady cait' raou trho never quit or Pause'
sco. sha1l learn tbe p.1ze is vours. Strcne in vlnd, and bie in heart' You dll1 erow a man apa.t. If you'.e soft, add iust rrso - so' : Don't start runnins, Nor o! Nc t Iiudnine is not neant for You, Onit for ttre favorril fewi Ior tbe r€a11y strong and touell: Those who 1ik€' and take it, rcush. Runni.g : xundlne : flat or hilr : Running eosilt on Your wil1. It lo.ks aasy I just tho sane, Try it out - tbis running eane. Y6u cai run il ydutre a han: rre who oan I Ee 'ho.urts is Come then ninnine bile 6n nile : Run an.i !e1ax and Your11 sai1e, aho, you i,1iste., a.he and seaat, l\o yoJ no 'n 4d c"o-4 nd rl6t Urren tho race of l-i.fe is run, Y.u wiLl knor tlrah You nave uon. 6le/46. Mlnrr.
Cll/!.ii:IOl5allPS Saturria-v, ljJo' ' 15 Iashltr4tDn Pa!k, chlcaed. ] li4i16s
1, nave P6e1e, - B.1o:t,1+:f6.f 2, lic€. Dave St,Clafj 15:11 3. r-ilaner. Htn€.. aornFll ! 15:2rr 15r l: 4 . !1oE, sylva ,, ct. Otia, 5, Pirkcrton' Tadr'Lawrcnce,15!47 6. sinon, Ron, - Laurence! 15t49 ?.'ioak, Charler ' Grinnell ' 15:il C.inn611r 16!0o 8. i-.hs, !,u 9" Fus.a.l. Noh St. 01:f, t6:0r 10, iirssei, nrthur ciinnei, 16:12 16:16 l r. chase, lti.k neloit ' 1612) 1?. t6.ovan, Tad Knox: 11" La.sen, LaIy - Fipon, 16,26 co.nell , 16:ll 14. Lundy, T. 15. noushey, l.6d - Grinn€11' I6: l6 (J6 finishexs ) 1, Grinnell,59i 2, ao Tl lro.a), 84; ?. Laurence'96i lr. sri. olaf, 101t 5. rleloit! 110; 6" caxleton! 113i 7, uonnoutbr 181;
air-anle)- ParL, V:ncouver ! B.C"
Ray Eaoptod, 22, liohlta Untv. sraduat€, earnished bls retu.n to the northvest dlstanco .unntne scene dlttr a spectacular upset tin Df the Brttlsh Coluntla A-AU X-C ChMptonship, Oct,25, Running only fifth ln the ea!1y rl1es at Vancouvolrs Stanley Pa!k! the 5i9'r Vancouve. Ol)Bpic Club a.6 Eoved past ttrlng Jack Burn€tt and two t1n6 dsfendine.haDpion Rlchre N:.ho11s at the ]+: eile nark. stirl up frort w€re PauI Eenden and Jlh uoore., Ono dtle laterr Moore tr.oke contact & Eanl)ton drer abr6ast of the 6'5. Eend€n. Re-6nte.ing the stadimj Ray had a half Yard and quickly inor€as€d ilis marein in i:rte f!da1 fu.lon€ to win the gru€llng 6+ ni1€ cbaDplonshlp in 3l Din.Ll9.5. HdDtonr s teamates iEendon, I{Lcbo1ls, and Jerry Bain) }'lacod zndr lth and 6th to t.ap up th6 tee 1. Ray Eabpton' voc nA't 33149.5 2. Paut Eendon' voc nA't 3)t55.4 34113.0 f. Jib Mooro, uBc,. 1,. Richto Nicholls,vocrA't frr!-10 ')tat39 5. Jack Burnett' uBci 6. Je.xy Bain, voc "An 36.15 ?. vic steph€n:' voc nB'r 36!25 8. Bernie Barton, UBc t 36128 9, Adrian Valt! {OC I'B'r t6t29 10. Iqor Darlas, voc "8" :l6t3o 11. clen {aueo, wwcE, 36t54 )7tl) 12. Al 5w66ney, VOC iBrr
37t)A 11" l,tlke May, iJBc ! tLr. Erik cbr!steESear lJocoBn 3?Ilr0 nan l7j4a 15. Dorc VaE {essr lrBc (29 3tarterst 25 flnishels)
?.8 Mil€s Juv6.ile (under 18) champLonship:1. Vi. R66ve, South Burnaby fls, t5.08.lri 2. i4ike Jone., 3o. Burnaby FS, 15:25j 3. 8111 l,tatthews ! vancouve. T6ch Esr15:15 ( tr5 stalters! 42 flnishers, C!'14UI}IGS 1{J:N5 PIII{AAU
Gene Cun0ines' the PIWA- U Assoc_ iations r-country s6nsatton' oov6d into ttre chanPionship ranks O.t.25 at Snohdnish, Wash. as he annereit the 195a AAU Jr. tttle. In ul.lpptng 5 dozen othe. starters or€r the 3 Eile route, the unatt. vlctor regi stared 15:14,51 athletes flntshod. 18' a sraduat€ of seattLe;q shoreftno HS ln June, 1958 2, John EastDan, S6dro Woolev ilsr /t:-l
Beryick, Pa.r Nov.2?- rro0 26th plac€ 1n 1957 to fi.3t Placo 1n 1954 in lhe B€triok Uaratbon is quite a feat. Roirert carnant Caineele Tech tra.k coach, boast6d that renarkable a.ccmprisbnont sheE tre tr6at Brovrin6 Rossr in a i:tant du.l a1l arcun.r tr! t i-: rdile csur3n ro ca-Di:u.e 1n Lhe l+9th renew.l ot tr'6 Berdick raY. c.iasstc, on fh.nkisivlEg aflle tvo iook ar oa!l/ i.ad anc quld.1l. Fu11e<l aPat Co a bjs eargit run'ers lor"y-four orex the fieLC.f ;!1at ansrere{i ttr.: 3ta!:!!.r 4iua. '!n !'-t^i€J ,: o"e <geP 't Seana. and Ja.k id6s stttl Ross, '1.5 ' Barry for ? hall-s1le Ba.ty droppeJ ba.t. on the higrl sun€r E!11 {Mountain!} and catnad and Ross alternat3d the 16ad unt1l Dast *be c.urtr.- .j1!lr, At ihat cax'a. mad. his ;olnt i?.i nilesl, ahead bt I -sards, ltrai barei. held unt:1 the t*o ro rr' LLrnod inlo 'ind to a scant R.ss.losed hati-ni1e, yarC unil! ttre l'in21 100 vards when Caly,lan- eradualL,t videned the narg:n unt'l he sas zj-Yatds tn front at SeaDan! toree} UCLA track a'6at raced ln thi.d. four seconds ahead of Barry. (seMan indlcated tbal'. tha hi1l, bad baen a tou€b one ana ttrat he suffersd g.eatlv du.ine rDe latter sta€6s ol the .ace. Several tie6s, be indioated! he felt lik€ dioppine outl. CarDan was in deeP Paan when no crossed tbe flnish line and asked e mentioned for E6dlcal attsntion. that a ueok-lone cold had teak€ned hls b.€attrin€ sYs teB. Prot'atrty the rtieeest ovation 'as recetved bv annual favorlte Johnnv
Tbe 51 year-o1d runnor fron BostoD' as xlde a grln as tf he had takon flrst Position' It was his 25th raoe ber6' onlv on€ !!nn€r didntt finish the race. Ton Baltle, Berwrck H'S', droDDed out aftor 3: m11e5. 9'nn lt's' R iDh Ro!de5.hPllr tt.ljM o-,, -u i' flr:i) \ork. ro oo"l 're b'sr l:nr:1 'ad tiLe e!'r .u."-O.a ly a hterr scrbol tdnner 1n htstory, The caDe tn 5tb, rearing
AA cross CountrY-ChanPlon trre very
Canadian runne. Bill Snit]1 atrlv_ ed late and missed the !aoe' Iiis bus Pa" on broke dou. in {{lllidsport! ih€ las! 1ee ol his long iourney' Ii left tho Bexwick larathon vithout a tine Canadian .unner lor the ti.st The order ri finisrr! -T._;rm5 t"-.;n ad;on R'ic ' c e't e'r'? ! lf 4?ti?. 2, Er.sn:nE Ross, Penn A-c ' l. .,or-. 5 rbd ' rio' r€- v-. !ai4l I 4- Ja.k B:r: , :hanahan Ccr 4c -Jr?l 'r .. .. r . y, un, Bosto:.. ;- Rai.h Iic!desch€r1" lork lts " 50i5? 50354 ?. t..i: r.noaue, Boston A,t-, <1r!'? !\rypo. a. r€: r.J-t. ," 4-or=: ,ricyr i/rrrF..Ot i..51:!rl:54J. P oi lun' ffio' . 11" o il - G3..:. ;rosn, CCC, BaLt. 52:CO 52tA9 12, ,o!J neichard, Yolk tF' t:, -F.,. -o.'o, ,^, , ndrtrdore52::i 14. U:,1'ne :::1atrde5 cCC, tr 52.25 truards, l/lrdsIlo.t 52!al 1J, saufl!-: 16, zenr I -ry, Aman R6.. -rl'14 t?. Paul sheman. ccc, Ba1t" 51.22 i8. tsru.e ioDrasJ aneon Rec, Jl:37 i9" roE nlei:!.rnan, M{11.ose 5lijO nmon Re.:" 5l.:CQ 24. Glen! .l.!ac! l/{mspo!t IIS!j4r1? 2r, ceorrqe li.::1, va.u. j$r;:b ??, Huberr
26, Jil;mt',oune ' \'iest va.Univ.56r19 27. John \1a1tse,wei, Iork Ei, 56tl+t 28, Robert Beisrline Bloonslr.5?:28 29. tave De€enhardt, ' nmon Rec.57:lr 57,!5 lo. Don uasiren' c.cJ Ba1t. f1- Bru.e Cacllreii, CCC, Balt,5?:47 12. Larry BroFn' ui1riadsport,57 r 50 31. Ro. BasseitJ lihsport ss, 5?!52 34. stanley rriand, tserwlck! 57t57 35. Dav€ Hetler, Be.wt.k Ac, 5a.10 16. Adan \{a.d! York Hs, Pa. 59:]0 l?. John Dovett. B€rvick I{s, 60.05 61:00 18. Bill Paules, York HS' 19. Robt. Richa.ds, York IIs' 61!o1 1ro. Nathad senft, rau colt€ee,51:15 !I. Bendstt Ar.o1d, Fenn ac' 62t)u lr2. Joe senst, Juniata co11ege,63!02 43, Flafi6y Shaffer, Bsrvlck AC' 65:22 T€ab Scorine: 1. Amon Rec!6ation ce;6;;--Fittsbu.sh, Pa. 2? pts. (t, hen)i 2. Bartioore cross country C1ub, l1 pts. f. Nl11tam Penn l:Is' Yo.k, Pa. 44 pts, a. Pen. AC, Phila 51 pts. j" tflllianspo.t tts ' Pd" 57-
Thts va3 a special invttation.-. 'lhe €ood bursh€rs of Berwick, Pa,' instst€d trrat Jobnny Kelley the Elder and ru. td thel! Yisit theE Thankssivtng tay oountair clinb. O1d John had b€en an annual pa.tiotpant stnce t93l (sith the erc6ptton of 1935)' ?5lh sLarL tr -nd (his *as ro be hi'flnished 11th in he sbow6d up. Ee bad 1957, the ftrst tlDe ho had nissed th€ ToD ten. and ttr€ townsfolk ieared he bi;l't b; retrrine, so they appliod tbo
i4arsate N.J., Su.daY, Now'30' a oold, uaqdY,25o, Runntd€ over 6; rilo cours6J Brow.lne Ross. n6mber ol the Penn A.C-' ra3 clodked in l2:28 to toP a lteld
Juntor crdwn
vesper, captured t
as h6 flnished
Prizos- E!.611ent t.ophies and MA,AAU redals ' rceulatto., Dinne. to all athletes followine the race, sponsored bY the CitY of
o1d Jotrn, nos 5rt acquiescod. Se drowe dorn from Boston vith hls ttfe and 1s tiokled that he dtd. Iolks dotn in the P6conos Uountain coutrtrv are r6ry fond of O1d Man Rtve! and bade
Tro lap course over Mareate Streets alone the Ocean fronti Br.rrr! 32tZA 1. B.oxnide Ros3, P€nn ac' 2. 5t6ve Nhe1a., vespe. Bc, 3:]:07 3. Richard Hain€s, Pedn ACr fl:1Lr b. O{e' Naeuire, ?onn Ac-^, 3l:20 -5. Jack Bar.y, Shanahat CC, l?:25 6. Klaus Pracsant, Penn Ac, ll:f2 ?. K6vi. Quinn" Pedn ,Ac-A, l3::16 8" Irancis ca.ver, Penn Ac-a!:lb:18 f" Tl'or". rl.lo"uri, Podd Ac, lr*12
this Silver Annivorsarv a t.lurplDtt occasion, Be vas guest of tronor nigbt before th€ race at a banquet wh:oh 4OO attended, E6 las p.esont6d Ylth a vitlr the rords eotd IJlaque lnsortttod rloJd'\yr and nsporismansblpt and in aenord- had lh. rioe of his llro. xor was hts d{fe forgotten.
Plaudits {6re stil1 .inein€ in tras ears ehen h€ tood the nark the.n€xt l {ry tu -lbrr thP punr.trlne 9 | 'l mllF Jor.'l4:U: I r2-ce ,hich h€ had von fou! tiDes. ]lo a,d aq:5r I das iE nr' ac a eood field shi6t1 1n.lud', Rj chard ci-p!, Po .Ac-!, 3a:58 i od Bob 'ith Caman, second ln t!6 Jersey ltsd Corbi(tt No"1 11.5. 1'c!r Carr! Penr ic-A, J+t59 r ilJ o.:"rhoni Jos.rh Rcoco, Penn Ac'.AJ l5!02 )51o" jI Bobby s€Jn:n, ltubd o i. 15:04 r.,,o,,-r s..,"a', , r,:< l-:iq:, L,A. niler nor in the AtuY! Diok Dono_ .,.j., t? I, rt , L.sill. hue of ttre BAr\ (not l{c Dick)9 Brodnln€ \'.o': ' '| 7 noss, P€nn AC and Jack Barry' ahe ". tn all t Phi11y ririz ktd. I'orty-four ':
ro. .:.;i-- i:i.., """. ,r", ir,lr '',o- , PI r_-.P .ru:42 1...,J
r l:. -,i. ,.,.
" :;";:;,;, o, o 3l:il l: """ ,t lnmd|i i P-n. .. , M.
jl. .r, - M. r'nr Pcn. ^ 24. cr er sterf'io{icL' "6r.1-c f;:i '.-).rl .. .' .-, . BI 2?" Fc s{acick, Penr '!a,
., ?.i.
", 15:{r !76.o5 tt9) ,,,6:'0 16:14
r";;, ;1.;; ii,;i;.,;;. ;.,:.r.. nc,
!en.y Nin!.aic. Pein :J633J :lt. ''trck :jt,C1aii!.'r ^ !.)aaN.., )tt. 51
11. trarr SbiLn, l:err i:C :?- alrr'.i1e3 M.1ii. !e,,n AC, :17:o1 ll. .r,r r.:r qri::i.i, i-asalie, i?,21 ,a? | ltt! :lf. :lrr.ir Y.st. l-6nn Ac' li. i:rbe.t x:t:iLair fesp.--r Bcr:jA:ol 15. c:r r:1 e s iir.{s,.:er.Jo15oy,:18312 ler4l ,1,'. ir.t Llrner, Penn AC, 1.,. r.r r,b::r'1€! vespe. tscr Jrzlt:,-, rjrn.id:lennetlir ?€!!i ]!c' 90:C4 i, tiice !,!r1a tla1l€, ve:rn.r.r1;fj {211u: { - J:rad Hcch, Pd.n ira,
l 6J 'inished r.LFTgr b€ati49 slclColt'ttt and Donohue and a ^. Iot ot othe. eood o^es, toD. trr d!d 50:21 foi the cou.s6'r'satd o1d John, 'and tbat *as eractly one ainute sldser than Ey uinnirs ttmes in 19\4 and 1945, It Nas a.o1d daYl to6, and I do noi like td run in tbe ..1d" I iatbeled dYsotf vtth goose p.6ase aEd do.o a stockin6 .ap I had . ,'i."',ce ror thi.c as late as tho last ha:!t rtl. but Seanan and tsarlt Nete rc. -.ouog ...1 ioc sbrone fcr de. I ,rc Ji1{ tn a Dinure. .i'l ' er is'tLL j1r -/.t in iriBtd Haath6' It John LcDk \.:d cnlv oNt i4iNlTi lonA€r to co!.. li:he .rdrn!dl no B !a.n .' r. 5 . rjr horl se._ l.r rfE r,r.urr .
necenlrer, 19Ja--20
Pa. duds
Jolff - continued One nore thought: Old John ran hts first halathon on t4arch 1?! 1923 ..,just 30 y6ars asor He has tak€n rh-n 1000 rincF IFFn] record 6r.eed€d only by claren.e !€ l,!ar" -a€t a1i his.t6ne distan.e koxk hasn:t xobbod hlE cl h.r5 sPee:, foi. he st1l1 oar beat iive rinuios f.r a htls, and ho( hany aen past .hs ha]t-centuly sark can stry thai: gotrody ruis as fast a: jt as he does a.t 25 t! aJ5 aqd s., r!.tories have j.! o3d Jdhn durtng tbi last alre yeaas. 1t6 trad picked uF a thtr-j. 1, thE l{.t, ihre.-frite .haTlr:onstrip at Andcva. last iob.uar', had beon ri:th Ir thr Hyde SI.oe 1z-miie! !hl.d ir th6 Chi.opee !a1ls lt-ri1e! se.rnd to lony Saptetrra 1n trre Gardnex 10-Bi!e, rocond to John Bdoras tn tb3 Glolr.3stEr 15-n11-" se.ond to A1 Confalone tn the lratertovn 10-bt1€.".and then oare th6 bie surprise.- An Sight-nile race was 6chedulod S€pt.6 at Calltsie, Mass. Nov S6pt.6 ls o1d John's birilday. Ite lraC run the lJ miies at Clolceste. on i-abor layJ and tvo .aces ln one qeek can t,o ttrlde tD! a4 6id-tibor. But he ento.ed and $ON...his firsi; vi.nory:f; f,i.v6:r€ars ann tbus doLbly sva€t. Ca:lr31e folks .eeBe.i p.epared for ttr for the! p.6se.ied hib rtth - sdL.ulen( birthd-y (d\e Jnd mdoa him f,eei yours all ove. asatn. g1s outCoo. campalgnlng has ended but h-,Ir \bF! runnr ne nerexth€Iess, ser 11 t.ain outdoo.s shon Heathe. Fem:ts and eo In6tde (!ad'ard) vb€n th6 foa4. a.e siipper-", Ao{i! ba .eadt rho. :iA!- baratlo. tine x6115 around agaln, lor this !s his baby" E6 has flnlshed 10 the top t€n ln 20 of h1s lO starts, a locord that Day never lre al)proached! Ho.s tho erand old ban of gane, anat lt ts a pxty that lDertcans donit app.eclate feflow3 of hts ilL a3 soEe Europ6an countri€s dor If he the oc6an h6t d plobabty hav6 a nice eovernn€nt job as a coacb ,,.As it ts he has t1tt16 ercep: Bodorips. Plersant one.i rllhdl , Fspo.ia1lJ of Carl lsle, Mds3., dnd 96rqOLD
Tb€ 2h.158.173 Darathon at Stockholn
Popoq ts the fastest well be.onsidered th6
feat of th6 Year, supe.iof Par ,ttti E1liott ! s defastine mil.r despite tho ta.!: of Prbthe iorq€r recelven. 1i.itt a lv.rle Popov "popped atit'aroF P^tcnt {h,t h. .ttrss f ior put Dvei 5: frins. b6tseen his '.si; aid that oi his neaxest oPrione.a, a:hlelnl orill'a'l t,,n r".h r uj' es es i,ilrou; ain Mibafic 'reie forc€1 tnls greac t. r.tire,1':l.l ii "erarrr'jas.mes? ance sei tl€ r:cognittod lihrl io to! tlr:nk? 4.o lhp sul J€.1 .t Lr''' 4 .: .2 .r.bnna tre]lev 1rb. yo!neerj ne..1..-\ . -d?ed t:L: r,Ie' Enel'a!.!' blt;lasi i!fi;i..1:.:jt alrpriltoti,t ..acn the tinalist r'.:r b-\' tra€ so-called €xF€rts jio$ rhe Natl Ar\J. !,f€i11 Hacex ali tt,: iinalisl-E iogether dor't Fri in thc c.ueriing so.k, tlBe an<t effoll ii1 their orkouts ttun i;I 6 cons.ient;ous iielleJ do€s. He towers ov6. his -4rericar rivals like a oOLOSSiJSathletic
JIil PlfErl3 As CRTTIC - A timely conme.t on iraintne tlends tr Brtiaia ana else*here by ttre lotuer doildre...dhoide: in th€ narathon" r'P.rnals I aE out of daie and itriassedj blt i rebain Dnconviiced that this int€rrei trainine 15 the otrlt rr" -o( t e s-rerl o4r' But e'ertbody ts doing it and obriously !i p.oduoes results but, with the posstble ex.6ption af zatopek, not ne.essaiily :asting ones. Oi course, d l.L dopends on hos long one ':nts to.un oonFetlttvgly, $atne: las areedy and a tanalic spreadine ftr rarcer ove. tfedty y€ars, but ihere ve.e -e-d to rccF rn rop revdl .ompeiilioi Ior 50m" ?5 ro 10 JAdrsl J-ck IIotden Ton Richards, Stan Cor and eooff Iden are naoes vhictr sp.ide readily Since 19tra ke bav6 eone interal runnl.e Ead. Just look at the naoes v}]ich have .oDe and eode since thenl Fas ny o1d flieod Gordon Pirte tt€6u able stnce 1953 to race as otten as he used to b6for6 tlEt yea.? I know be has bertoied his 1,000,5'O00 and 10,000 retres tines sinc. then, but In 1952 and r53 h..was tr\e say Go.dor and the great6st rudn€i I l|ad ever s€on up to tha€ ti@e. Ee routd run ov€r rhe Surr-J hills lror don hoEe, ve.y often in arhy boots,
{JiM PqatRS {s ClaaIC- contrdued) rie soll.t bash at hts trdl.ine on.o e! ttiee a day, .rery day, ljis buil.l up ra3 tou€h and rueee.1. It races h6 Fould gd into trre Dd on tite lead at oncer dbetll.r:rt traokr r.ad or counlry. Ee todld :ust btn tba olposltion u! i ldos, I us6d to si7€ bin tvclwe lears and tiy tr caich htb. lt was lrdP6less! then he +,o.h to ih6 st3p da.ch ard ILA, 22A, 1)A a4d 4r,C Yards lrurstg dith intai.als of alnost saltr,arB Faa! iJi b3t!een. ihe l:3u1t uas tlai his speeit iup.o!€4. ile caae do?n Lo aln.rst !-mintrte3 fcr tir€ !ii1e: but lrarelf as h1s sia ai1. tiDes gocd. lits !a.e. orrrr'ir.e this disiailc.i add espe.jaljt ,n.r i:te .ounir! bG.Mc 13ss an.1 less t.ed,'renr, !x -qe had a 1on€r t1!!.il1r;lat,)F.!r 19,55 and ?as advts!n .n iidu.(-. liirr r.,r',v-t betw€en < h ind( qf,i.ken ih€ pace ot tire 51nu l{n h3tuef,r ea.h b!.st^ l'h]s h€ t/it.t1 !4!J har* to d'. Gordad. :D-da:r? ii:ir::i tsaqtl' eigiri y€a.s oi a€.e, lie prt; in sfine er€at racos a0t al3c srao thai: Jr€.r1y me.lio.re" tl! hai tu.i ldrig_ pnri.ds of r.rEt i*d ..i6:1r,65 1 t.nder tr. h3 sr:11 l:!trla rr..j.ne da4y ydnr: .:efore ho .r'rsln:::li) pjaa.e,i" ar.1 .r:11 n!t carrti .n j:ar ar carlt Y.ar3..s nts fa:L*r, Are; Pi.i"r,:r': t.,o'.d:.'/ Llu . .hF rtnE.r e /.i. . .f jlterval th6 tiar ari lunntDs sii.. P6ter lriv€r and trersL -bbotso!. F!i€'' 3,:5 a iine strod€ .tunior :-cclDljx.t xqn.er, ,L! uas ara.iica:lly lnbeaien rd his jrNlar da.rs, sinc€ he be.aoe .. sonio!, i ne!e beer p€rp1€x.d bt his in.1nd out for'. II€ is stil1 .!1y a yolng nanr yet lre fal1ed 10 t!aLa lhr iasi OiyDpl. Gai€s t€d and on. never kncws khat hB ls eolre tr do :n his Maybe 1,r, dlonF b!1- it js it belief that i'.cdccnl.atire for sp€ed, he rlas lost a 1at of tris stan:.1. ]1nd {nat s.-- rr, D.. i tbFo,., too{, il€ be€an t!e 195? season tn fantastid fom but in the latt€r half of it! ho suffer.,l 5.metrring 1ike l0 d.lents in Ll racca. His r''cou.try i:oxtu last stdter vas icc bad to b€ ixu., Now obvlously a top.ta33 ath1.te ri1l haye ]'is olj dats b!t, to h),nlnd, on th6se daJs h. shotrld 5ti1l. run fairly Hei1. :lha reader Bay thintr by rrow thai: r!::.gains! Itut I aB 1nte.1'.1 i!:l:ins
It has coB€ to stay and part'iot. 1.ul3.1:t over th€ short€! distanc2i, ld is r hust if you aI6 to g6t tc .h mtrorshlp qlandard. Bu( f.hrt, ihat :t ts onlt !a.t of the paloel o ro,Id cbmplon, Cl..el li triani.e. {oisht ixalnine, ralkirg -i>o a ousL. Tho e.b^-est dust of all, hotev€r? 13 ih€ eood o:ld lashi.ned steady run eee.y ddy .r -Jour crhlelic 1If€, I Lnor.1" is har-d uork and bortn8 to soEe ot )ou. r€a Nor:i5 s-Je h6 could Frt do Lhat ktrd of tlatnlne lof tbai a.!: ' -dson. I oniy hop€ bts pr€senr- Lr. bl€s ar6 not due to lack of stdiEa training. 3or youn€ athlotes tt.o e.rcual bulJd-trp is a !crv a5.6qt.tdl lnine, and I thlnk J,u'rg 4sl4at forBard eucir toe it$r-r:kly, E!!1 then Trh a tbas bc€rr rtrnM:1 and e€tting or a bii. But if i nav4 gir*A -. rtlLio fo6d foc lhoJehL, ; a! .::: Ary1)rr', .nj.::ne th6;port ls th3 i,blrE 1nd E.ol lu.:k ii4 t.'r ill dt
s!;\{trn nila ! RrjJti l,}Lisl$e tj3F!!.t a!"1 s4i,Ta tJl-ltlttc x-ctiul{tlitf . i:r l* 4.r:"r t--ore j1lr.e' B;1tj-ii.e ), +!y !h:drienr B')4, ,t42 * ? 'n/.nk t:ia..in€!n 5rf2 5:?;: !.17 _r, ;Ienry s.hrtj4rJi 5r2a 4!kB !. ar€nrce srot4r.c0! 5::9 4139 j.. sr3 cdrbel1,Boc, j:18 .li0l 6. Bttt.r:r.e!on,!r 5r45 5,10 ?. !a:iqe C'ilje::!r,Cc 5!50 4:50 3, jte Rouser Boc! 5t55 )!.55 (kcu5e.!q anro11ed. at {ln3tonS3:1..i, sith coach 1{jlbur Ross) lr-) - a.r"?( , 1+ ul1€s - BaltlEole *1. !. Pirlaetns, Boc, 4.56 7t4l 2, Jaian My1es, Mo.gan!a:11 813r l. Bolr Thorn6, Orlo16!a!46 arlL ,r, Jo6 Rcus6r BOc, 835t 8!18 5. Ggorea B.avn, ccc, 8154 A:19 6. Feuy Fchaffe.,BoC,At 55 At36 7. euy 1ltrldd6n, BoC, 9r05 9,05 L l-oe l4artin, llorean,9:10 8:10 9. tare Annadale,0r.,9r11 9!o6 10. 8111 Jrbeson. BOc ar21, 9!2! tlj - Nov.z - 2 nrilas - Baltibole ;1" irank Pflaelds! Boc, 11!09 9rl4 2, Een'y scbait€;; Boc; rt,1L lq1b L J.e Rous6, BOc, 1Ir21 10111 t. Bill Jln.son,Boc, If:JO 1ltI0 , qob fhurno, Oriore',1:16 10816
l)t-tzz 5
Dec€mb€r, 19.t8--2?
(So. Atla{tic 4-a.U x-count.v-contlnu6d) John Myles' !4organ, 11:41 -LOtlrl 11:45 11:11 7. euy Vtridden' BOC: 9.
.""'r'r.trr. .,o" . tz'o 2 ili".' Bob Thoine, Oriole'
r1:1r5 i"l n..x.tt, lior;an, 1r:50 Dave Annadale, oriol€. 11:51 lf:16
1r..56 11!
Bob Mccarr.tY
Nov.9 - 2+ Mi1€3 - Baltanoro, d' 1. uart Co16. Morean St. 15tt!2 \1r5? John Mvle;, l'lorean st.l5:rr4 1{:14 r't 52 14147 Thiddon. Boc, ). cuv ch;s. Bavlor, Morsa4'r6:o7 15:q2
u€] ralt;n, otiolo' 16:I1 il:?b Tom Rockett, rrorean' 16:1rt lJ:5o
n€rri'eather, "..f?lr!""ii,r, Ri.h Hovard, I"*"., l1::1 _' 1/r <' l!:11
a. 9.
lred oLtver'
BOC l ilike Smtth, Ccc ' 8. Mel {alion, Oxaote, 10.
6. Ron Buchanan,
{lr) - uov,S - 3,6 MlIes --ltashtncton,Dc ' 1- Buzz SauYer. BOC' 17:44 2, Irank Pflaclng,BOC ' 17:Ja rb:u! l. John KoP1l, Qunntico, ! ,{rer Br;"k;n.ldce, oudnrrco' 18:'a 5. BlLl gcbarf' unatt. 18:22 18:26 6" Jo€ Rouse Boc, ' soward unlv' ' 19:27 i. .rotr" rrra6", 19:15 8. John Tibtets, BOC, i, n"nry scrutror, Boc ' rqr55
tmor' vl' {6) - Nov. ro - I Mttas - Bat' 15:56'B'rBo i- rtanl Priae'ns ' te!s old r6'o'd ol l'!11 h"ld bY
thinrY crad than rne hote couraee 'udneis' Orprrad ann1e, Litlle fled a bttins wind atd f'e6?ins veatbei to go thd fu11 rouie rn i N'r A camdcn! I.J .t...t t,. todaY (5at', nB' 6th)
r"l - Nov.23 - 2i MtLe" eo|. r r't27-r:12?^^ 1. eirr.ttt..""' Mareanttbtz' \ot<'
2. Ricn Horqrd. 3. Ir€d O1iver, 1':-'' 4. Toc Ho.kett. Mor<an,f,o: BaYlo!, vo'sd r' 'a6: 6l :r' t-',;"t'"' i.J 0,"r"';. Mo'PJn 'L' 'rrir"o r6: '
(a) - \o , rlr' T6d,
cluh. l : '.
' ''
ross c r'r
Rlrllj PILACII{G TrM!'
Sirly-five erhibitins
Burz SaYYet, BOC) Joo Rouse, BOC, 3. i." !r .".';, r.rro;ean, 16:53 17:0I Ron Merriuea the r ' organ. , 7? to7 5. ceorEe Brorn, ccc ccc,17:07 irtzparrrct' J1n 6, ralt co1e, Morgan, 17tr\ 8. N1cr. E1lrs, MorEan, l? t26 9. Bob Thorne, O.Lo1e, 17t)5
9 2
(o\ - 1".. ? ' SundaY - 6 Mifos _ Soutlr Atlantic AAU ChamPs BaltiForer Md. ' Teanii Crdss-roun!rr c1ub, l1 pt5 1, Buzz snlyer. Boc. "1Y'-^ ^ Ner Recordr OId Rs'ord J!:uu <' l9ib' srJte Bolr 86rrJ, Morean 2. Irank PflaelneJ buL ' r"''Y r. Drck swehla, cCC, )t I J' f. l.Yr. Calrrtin ' CCc, 'lL:Il9 ccc , J,Z'11 5. Geors€ Brosn ' OtaotE, Jzt)' PJthboner A1 '?. Prul sholsJn ! Oraole'lr:o' 8. Lee 14 'rtrnt Mcrsan' ll:?i c. Lou smittr, fcc, Lo, l.nni. voalht' cc'.-11:Ir7.. liote: Onl) frrst L0 1:51Pd tn ara
'. -r"lr"n r"eo. C . Z, Lap,\, .r6:rr "r-? .;r' ;;; :"..';, !n', o> rr.''r,^,,". 6. i,*.. -ryi"IPs:'6:rr1 u
C1ub,,59 Oriol6 a.ack & rI€rd irank lflagine ' soc ' !6.2 6 tick Svohla' Ccc,
l I
ai.st acrots tho fidish tin€ iq the 4.? friles exind kas 16-Yearord td Ulnert cardinal totgne'ty Hleh .unner rePresa.tin€ P€d) A c' Th€ !outhful ?hiladeliihiat, handt.appcd rt lead about a hrlf m{l' t rrF t hs aL th€ Y and h61d rr thd .est of the waY. F.a,nr Pflagine caPtured tb€ lrest tis€ trolJhy cowertnC th6 ]1i5tnr''e tr 22tJq ^,c. nosin€ out brcrrlta Roe3 lry a 3e.oad 1n the t:na1 sP.1nt rr th€ ilntsh. O,rco a5.int a poorry r:!n f,.:c.. (l l Thl,, ;iai;; ',unbsrs bl.rw .r:s 1a rho 31.c,'a ,rnd causina oiattials to.stlrr:te aitlFli€-d-(2) nLrnr a.cide'1t I .ver ',o" IIJ ra|,iEsted " l'"'-_ 'i 11 !4Jr" of i 'r i! (i,e a-mas shotPersr
1958 23--!6ceEtror, rv)d 23--!6ceEttor, add vere at aMnt6.s6.tlons f6rced to ccne to an aDruPt halt llehts wer6 ted when ttaffic
I 1nt6.natlona1 sirve! tloprry lace rd tiil"ll;"".o orloprc crub yon i.h€ ev€ut I J titrt Cr"o"tott a'c' {Toronto) iaklns th€ r.?.i1s r6c in r.drrr's I ';:#:;" ra, si! s6'ond3 c'J tb6 prevrouc
?;;;.;:-;il; ""ii.a.t. t""".r 3i"l"iil1;' *"..
's'' """".,
s€iL tne ful:- 'ouL€, as h€ h'5 d,ro in
I "::i".;::,:*ii";f"i"*::;.""'" rt ""u the second yea! J.n a roH tbaJj tod uon tbo te; title.'rhs
ir.€ptior in 1922, the oldtirers p:r": f.'.,:Y:l':: fa and ower
I i
;i:i;""#';;;;;'. lifi :"":::'"*::;:: '.r<i. lan.t Hislr. ';1" .y:i, i:,,:::,g."first crmoen The Ti?I.
\'.il!;tii;';;;;-i'i""ai'r"' \ ;:;"ti:.::" I rh6 ta.a s'.arteA !n :906 as a ?ordat.
t;e Toc
eaiald ot. Dtdk catu1.tra€te Jl@y rr.ns,pau,. of srranahan.cc, ly i:i,l ::T"*ru"ay u","", r.1rk; Day! "" I ;;";;;, l;.:"i:;:":,":;,ll..ii!{ !:T \'!ce' Paul Eorrdan' r'or &"'"6rts'4"' :::ill.m"g:,y;i::';Y::t.i ?:::-";::.:'":i;:;'#":;;"::'.. tlre canadran c'oss-'cur*v vr"*.r ffi-il":;'"::.-
,. t"t 'lr.p sas Tor 0slP! in 25.1U.- _-_ Ponn Ac asaia roopec orr ".'l' ."= cande' cour'r€.-Post .haePlonstrie
th€ uinn€ls rmtdRetal., ?,"tr! l;:t"; ,*:,i;:"*:;:;..".i1 I a*lr!." "., s!lv6r Tropb\ r."..;".-""41 *-1"" th6 n6:1 ldnnrns" s{ncq l:;i."i:.;: ;"'-'':.:i;,iiil,:"'II ;;:.:;:.:;";::";;::":.:ii[ "oi"uo,t,e ;. in 1t3 preienr :oF
;;. i;';;. ;"H'i";ii:;:*;::.stj;:j::;,." .i;"'" ;i-;-:,:;";";;;'';""."nie,i :l-:":.::":"#:"'Lii":i{: \. \ :::'il',-:*"::'g$,::::;,., i:il 9!:Ysa ?I:{t9b 9!:Ysa ?I:{t9ti' i'ltoloi l " r'c€iiieti r.c€iiieti pionee. clur], a1s! clur], Fl1tch a1s! Pionee. \:rnleingtr-dn&l \:rnleingtr-dn&l c ,roDhv
roE t\6
2.;"'. ,20 25r5' r- "a i:t-.., pq 2l:&r 2- JaFes aul;Ia .rsR-.I?6 '4i ?5:o 5 I.20 r. alarenca louue,P.o ,4C ?6.0o ; ch-.- qc:i!s, Ddc.20 a'
iFW l';*irii:;*l*ii;i'ilii.'i l:ro ?r:ol ii. r,..--t' c,r!6;,ra( !: i l:50 ?5:25. John B!e3hrdba'MHI}IJ':t
i:' i'i',,:r;iTji::'zi:':iilzi"iz:li'
t1*#*ox*4) '"li.iiii;ili;,i',i\A 2i222iitri
f,LLor'ErER ryfrD RUx
:l: :,::.ii:ttil;;ii;:*i"";;?i";:lii" : i'ili:"rf:fiti:fi:'^:i:ri:ii:.:t'
i:::,'"?iil,iil'"iiiiii'.ii#'!3?Ei8f;'::::..,i'::ii;tli3"i;t.^;l;)"::.f "'l;;;lj;;iii":t;t;i"f f : :':;::l ++r .r:ee' vesper d ^i:"!rl:i,'; ":;"+Htff+i' st6E6 whelan' Itndy and cold :
rNrERlrArroNAr ro-Mrlc oNTARro sat,, ov.15th
(i Z/B)..y6ath€r!
;:.li;::#;;:i:i::5:":"i:];,'J;"' ;";",i;;: Bob orrrynn, Tor Byrnes,
REI-AY, roRoNao
loron(o o'yhpj.'Iub' Ilmllton
Olvoplc Club's Gordon urcx 1ec but hrs L6M frn)3-
':;i;;-l-.t:.i hod third in the 3o-uile(1or 3
12 startersi
Ji. r-y.i=, ArtI€ clsb6mant Jo€
xypc, r,53.15.5 !11es/ 'il't.u.o'or.r, i- vr" r"." xitrro"i,u, :":55.22
tqoehbox. 19J8--24
1(r1o -continued)
25. J, oLaonno.r NYAC "B", 14.06 2b. Vin.€ Cb{appot!aJ n r lrr:19 1.55.35 l. Jose Dones, irYr4, 34t3* 2?. Ted Cofbitt. NYPC, lr. c*o. st'arpr uanhattan Co1l€ee Aa-! 28, E. Adderso.J Mi11!ose, ll+:17 j.t55"59 34t4\ ?9. .ros6 tones, rYPc, 5" John Jarrett, St.Anth, 2;01.2? t{YPc 3tt.47 carl Gonotese! 30, 6. {at cllu1nLck, NYPor 2,Ata.43 ' li.r59 31. Rod M3cliicho11, dLPCtB( 7. Rod xacNioholl "D-1Pc, 2ro5"Xtt 35tr1 J4seph Burns, NYPC, l?. A" ctrarles Rrbbtns, $fPc' 2:C6,49 j3. rohn torovanr st"r-.tb., 15r.1 2ro?,2) K1€tn6lean, t4i),7., t. Joe :l!. Jin 0'conre1l, st. dnttr.35!lt td, J:E O'Cor.e1:, Si,,3ntb.,?:09.20 NYFC, ,.5, Johr si3.ner, _tlbye.sr Bluce Tl. lJ;r.! 11, urk6 c!Hare, st, anth., 2r10,0c 'Ja:'l j5. Joh. 2tl2.4B i?. John C..day, !YFa, ars r,'.i r lE Trtrytowr orey, ?e.er 17. i3, Mtlt Fata;.fj St. inth., 2i1e.tt6 ]8. Po!ort ltel!er, YPC orr' JB::2 i!,. :.a!!y l?lq.phy, rnatn. ! zt':i!"ao ]6.2n lt. ni.hari Sht:hr lirao, 15. .rse tteile!, St, {nt}i, ! itr 4i, Josoph $1einersanrMi11. ,f6,,+ ] 14. i;.r,I]. $1.k3c-i l,ti1ra36, :'a (6.n' ul11ro3e, :]7:0i Q1. tlre€nt {a!1 a i iii€3r 11!r. sraennall r 1r2. Louts 5.h!.v3, $!Dc 'Bnj3?:i1 lrl1:l:.os.r -!r!l 4:1i1. Scanduxla dlddir: .1'1, sid Go.rdi., HYPC rtB': )7t25 lrrr!t .lnn to $t.knars. llr. Dick o,conre11, ui11ros., :lB!:2k 'leii 1i.6r.lre: 1, Neq !c.k Pldno,:r 4J. rI:cE Gre.o. lJ!?C 'iBrr :Sr2j i:ri.ii: l--1-J=t tt1, ?" i4t11ra56:al 116. isaa Br'.ef. ua!tach€d' 30,lrr ':. ,? ).., r" S , 1'th^,J lr?. !c,ra.d t1ea.y' unatt. l9:?]t ,--i.ii ol liace rrt{i: &o:! '.-r nle. *Bnr ' 39rtt3 L3, IYAC !_!. Ca.io, a1.ns t.':. rrnn:.,r eo!6 i6rtnc f, .ri.t:!l r.r9, !lcharr: Dqirr s6rt stdo t.it.c.A, , .a:rrtiir;; d3.Ctr1l apPear to bs ti.4 kor2c :lrr! iry lhs 1o!E ,lorradJ sveat nit:rt Tear ?orn; Sco..r 1. I*ec Yor& -r"c :.lre at tool,: :ead a,l br 5 ']i:. :lJ016r: lsi i e : E . , i - 2 - 6 - a- , = 26 pt3. i 2. iir. youns runr..! .rr:..r! ar.a faught.ii ':o r- ). A. a-lJ-r--i-ti .-''': '' rd| c' ji{€! York Ac ts!"'69' =)) ra..\ Ll.'.- io d. iLs tu1J.,: rbey. !rE'!, 106. rri lfrlc '1':: at;9, N..PC :.e- rrl.orj rs. Lep {: 5/81 co.6:tt, tn itls 5prlr1. !^ugosa b.at lioA.ii-:i (lLi) rorbltt.1.c4.0j .:|,* .5i ? *:.r ve:: suflo.ine with Both 1.h1etes (:,rtnl i328"26 _::it 1a9 roru:.1 : '..,inin. b in. "5.r aoarse i..rrd- 1!5€.lB blq org!!-irJil-?,. a'.1 .on!.ting orer .he rorsh Vas a..iiandt Park Cours€. ilcrlrdle pas Sr4lil:!]:l lrEia$Pa!1-_!TAN X-cCU[f tlY Olttrli{?t abou+, !J se.onds 6 llir-!;s vtl{ coml--A}illr PAIrL ) ![5"{ YoPJ 1" V61tsa'l'lu€os., I'leu Ydrk ,t,.C. f0:0f'f iJaT lCR LoIxON, AITER Jil"l, 2. Pete! McAtdle, Itqu lork A.C. 30;lt.i ItJ Yclk Urlt Nes l" John touean' Chahpiorships in fhe -r:.!ear '44'li 4. P6tex Bayor,tr{anhattan Coll6eo Arr:fr:2: .r.9ri? qllij 3itex all, b6 Lald in 5" Gene Martinruanhattao coliece Aa'fi!23 tse1s.ad.. late. London, Beierra.le 6. Sanrr Levin! {e! York Univ,AAt 3r:23 and Buialcst had received I votes ?. Ed M.Allister, anh3ttan co1.aa'31r46 ea.h at the Baroelona b€et1de a AC, Yo.k 11:51 B. John l(oPtl, L6w se.oid vot€ eave 5 to Bel€rade, 2 )!t5tt 9. Jos, B6;s611, unattached, to Budates! and 1io London, the 31255 10. Dd &inrod, N-aAc '!Brt d€te€ate iEvtdC st.ess€d Yueoslav 32t]l+ t:-. Ggorge (lng' IIYAC r tho fact that no hajor athletic l?:o8 j 2. TobJ ttat,-ll, rYA event had ever been held iq the 12tze l:J. Curtrs 5(on€, mA-. Balkans and that thls was th6lr 1k. l,tlke MIdl€r, Tar.vtoHn Ss, l2:29 tourth alplication. 15, Ted foY, N.Y.Pionoer ciub' l2!33 AC, NoY York l2:fa Mason, Paul 15" MISSOUTf V,IILIY CONIiREIICE X-C co1. )?tUlt ri. r-"rrv st. cr"i", u""r'"tt"" col. ,31:01 18- Rlottard Briblev, Manhattad l|lichita, Kansas, Nov.8 - Teanr I9. Ike Mr'td! N.l. Pione'r nBr J1:07 Houston & Drake, 30 (Ttelt 2, rr. '?4, J" Dferse" vanhaLran 'ol. Frdsh,31.25 hita, 60.,,1. Jer.y smartb, Il. 33,1'5 ?1" E. Kenned;, Manhattan co1.A.{, r5tIo.), 2. Robeitson, D. 15:13; oB'!r tialx.r liYAc )3t51 clarkson, 22I Darloy, E- 15:lli 4. HarrineI'8", 31t57 2i. ra. s'ennan! NrAt ton, !, 15:15,5' Horr€Y' t.15:3E (o1. lq:0i 2rj" Ji. tl"Cuiness, M"nhcLrar
southeB Pacilic As:ociatio.! of the J.A! closes
iis ;.6a..
Eighih a4ua1 lost-TharsJjvia: r0,01)o-.l.ter ioad Ru srionsored by Culv.r Clty dthler:ic Ctub
Ciiiiiih Pdk, los {n!.les, califordia - !ar,r'iev, lovedtrer 29' 19rJ /{eaiher: perftct. .iLai! at 1o:21 a. . nacold fi;d of ?lr siariem; 7J finished. Coueo reco.d l-'ett'red b/ firsi three roE€4. ijlwen thr.e-lar t€am ran in 3econd ,ear oI i€di scortlE'
s.ti\ ;1dde.s.,,..,,,1,,29:28.D t.aler CCirC,...,,..,..2..J0:0J.0 3. ]"!alcob Eobe.tson, .jtriders . .l. .li: i'l.5 4. Tho@s C. rytu, a1 Caino,,. .r..il:li 5. Ju6s B, ShetaldJ feicI.1,on..,.5..1i:2t 6. Wilriu, P€cr, Oq... ........ ,6..Jr'14 ?. feter 3. iiurc1., stridets......7,"jl:l? B" iialt,er Ii:w.1L, Ure, SiC iir.. S..11:5t 9" riussell i. ,qem.tt, CrJ.,......t..J::0b 10. i,jctla:r c, illenj CciC. .. - - 'lC..J?:]rL 11" John KeE, 0r<!......,,....,...11..i2:24 L:, !?,me V& feL ear !eal1rt. ...i:. 2:ll 11, rrn 1, fisler, I.i. -'" ! ', .L.. 2:4 ,.,..U.. r:.1 14, Ton Gr..n, l;iiai.-..... 1r. n,en !-r!sbori, ait. - ,.. , . ... ". -.ll:i)2 16, Denl.:ed.!s.n, ;t. i a rr1r...li".r!:11 i?" Grdrt ?. Var Son., :r.ndtctor.lr.';l:1; 19, |.be"i; i " .'ialtr.r r i-e:t1eiot. ....'ll:41 i9" r..rr. N€de., at. 'rc tr.'",. .. .1j:5r r! 31, :,J!. :'3cheda, l-! ir.sh...........il: :r aid(s, orjr', . ... ,,...., -., ,ia:2? ?1" r' 1r-ae- ex, 5{,"i.ler:i . . ^ ...)k.)1 . )7aa!.1' ;r'-t'.. . . ..,. -.r;:12 .,...r se.i0. itri.lers...,......14i44 , i - ac].'.'!.rr, L- !t31. ,".;r':iu . '1. :7 lr.E\Lon' !.i.-r.Eor!". ".....17. 'j!:rc ::' ,-ae ;(i.ri. !:ii 1'.osh ......'..jlrtt' Eobert 2, Eobed
r,-:, . r-. "!j. ,,'.): ::a -
.J .
- _.,
.-, , ti_c.,.
!.Cler:rin, Ke, 'ff P..3n.
,.:t:)i ua:,... . .
r-.. :::l -: i.,:f'l'1
ie.,, rxar,,"..,. ,.. ...^.)ir)! . .. ,F-r.. ... . " . . .. ...J5:li) 3.r. i:! i-ar'-.r. . . , , . - 20 " -r::4r
lr. 'liltrM "€!enr '1 L,atrjnr. ._r"J5:4: r.. Iany ",auLLtln , Srla \nd.--.22,.irt41 LJ. Johr faEli1ro, 0"i'... . . . .. ,>:4/ rl. -r,.sr;. '.Lit1tz, JttidFre.... lr:52 !2. aha.lus L. r,hle.3r r; a..sh .. . .16:04 ., Lsvio i,a.i1:a, ,ivF.'ide trl'r\'.J6:Jll .J!:Id rrLlrndiaLcM... +1. (a l a5, lo-r1d- a. Llaur, ,t,11 . ...lJ.lo:20 . Jo:l? ut. ,.'.' lono..., Er 'aro. !i. 11.s. ija.nl.rJ dai. .... ..,.. ...Jt':42 !J. ;on iraLren, "anta ida . .. .?4..-l?tCL qa. JjjL i.iil.€r, Ei Canno.,..,,,.,..,.17:C6 54, tol..!t, ne.i, Mai.....,..,......."1?:12 .. ... ..J'l:20 iL. ih!c< !ald'i., ,t aarino. t2, iawid . ejino, .,t. irc trtsf.. .. 25..1?:2? t,,',,.t., ..i!t-.r' -1 ,aino.. ....... 3?.25 ja. tess ii. rlr,urrr€, !n koad-!wers,l?:2t tt,.rj6 iurt,r, uat...- ,. ...,....17:lo - ..,. ..r7:4r tb, IILler ;, .ie1r3J CCI.C.... " 51. 5i1-I I cLanor, ,'-1. 5,iC i3r... 2C..33 0? , Eai,. ..,.....,"..." ia.:.e:;e1., "36.27 5t. jcs€i i,eicnt, rtride.s, ... ....'33:5i ao. ared Eobee, iDat,,,.,... ..,,.,..19:31 .. .. .lr:10 6i. iich:.:i shei,herdJ bat..,. 62" -lus::l-l !,loo!e' L1t. j-c tEr..,.27..39:34 61, loD.,eLn, ua!".. . ... . .......1|:!+ c!. lii,;.,1 J. j,erinsotrJ uai..........40:17 ai. i,-:,ett !. :tro\g, C0^C.,........",!0:1? ;,. ..'e U. (irsLrata,: oai,.,.... -.....L1:04 !.r.lia,,eJ iIr,a1^r".. 26. .1:lr2 e i,.:r-r, i:. ;'eit r,cduj:iLi.., ual,...' .. .-...rr2:09 i|, :larold liarris, aii.erFnt. .. , . ,29.,q2:2? 7i" to.. !. Jon.lFon, ua'!.,.,......,,i2:il ?l " !:vii fjclieltr Clleoorrt,.,...10...?: t5 ?2. r:ictall ni3h, .v.rSice ll,lc!.... .,r:'r':?-i" '/1. Joi.!th ni.b/, st. iLrr'vnont's Ba-.,.49:24 i1Lj.{r l.luke! ll] lrosh
:l."iiitrr iaL!t.r.Lr: Jtril:.s. . . 1- J- ? -- 1,1 o-ir.,tirl ccLleg. !-:-t' . t-12-I' c.iE,.,iJi.ron lErt.es ' r: L0 - i2l a,nl, .r CiLy ,.lnl.Li. CiuL - !l - 15 i,r rr intoniD coil.ge 'rar ' :L-) .' ' . )lt- lr ' zr ,r.. rezcn.Ltj' 1lo'.1.,:e.. . I3 - 22 - )tl 3r:3 nna uc11.,:e C1:Fqoai-t1r-t:1 -! d.Ld ColLejes ' . 1'l - )? - )A 25 - ':o - 2'i r:ir- ri& ,ston:o Cnl1::e rlt . This one c1o3€d out eood".Paid otl lous Klann f.. iris Banv re.-!s .i sFtni..!i1p..Course retord .6a1It sna3hed.,'ast :-or J|rle€1es glyspian3 ,60rganiiod -tts Fatt<^.
D6c6Eber, r919:-26 R6su1t3 of prevlous laces for cooparison' .rLl'er Litv AthlPtic Clulr ::i: ;.."""r;;''10, o-n't"" mac cu - c-L'frtLh Park
qll - r? finisheis l:tOq f, I;u nen-n:au, CCIC " ,- !,a.1$ Donontre, 1mi. 'i'1' -rJ:>o j;-Jrso!n Blo '{5} rL' iiate" L D.ialn l@1. r 1. chester co.iEns, ^^.^ ')):4 D. ilber{ los5y, CC\i' " " " -. Darid Hol,eJ -ai. . " - ;>'>" "'o:vl l. .r.nr'ie1-Ls, aa\c'- ... . "" t. ior. Drc(, mac'., ?:::: iD.; rck ap!l€, U9a.. ".. '" "'' linish6d 12:? . 2c oi 21 steiere
lAn - T Ar 36 stalierc finlsied Staie.'llr5:L f. i,eonard ThomLon' Freso ,- r,jadeU $oniAonery, nSC.... .... , rz:u' l. Daniel r. iclrlPikart, dhittiertrJi:* l. je.rq- HoLl1nd, 5ta Ionica UU" 'Jl:z! rz:4/ t. Charl.r 3eeM, llJC. r. C"orq. lloot, L5C..... . " "'ltt"o r':u-' ?. iilliai crckin, .! state " d. ,1. rcn: ?);ers' aaL." "" " tttt: :'r:r' 9. la.tln ronohu6' uat" ' 10.
Ul! - 36 Brarted sd lilished 1. Jo3eth Tvler) USs Hanco'k3taie " "11!oO 'Jzlw 2. kon;rd ThohLon, Iresno l. lliliu Gookjn, iD 5lahe " J?:!t 4. Jeres Hut, iD SL.L€ " " r"''r 5. ;d Denbow, ir"sno stata" " " ?z'1* b. lob'r! con6, ,,0a... "t* Jr:/a ?. lona1d R' Ca?!s, uat l. BNce lebbr : asadera llazara'e '-":z: 9. JMes renlrL, @t. " " 1:'11 lo.Lleral,J llPck, I,BCC...""" " ,'":" Sbanahan CC1 Marathon
& u!.AAU chMpionsbiP
lC.t4sr3naL. Clarkt
*d tiii'h"6 1, XaI!€r L D6lk€, 6st.....".,.31191.8 :. Ros Rooelo, iACa.' ..'." " "',rrJ6 ''z:r !. fh@3 C. Rt&,'JMi.'."""i. 3ilv63ter v1l1E ELIC". '. '..... '12:)r Jz:)t 5. Robert C.ne- CCIC'.".'. ""'" o. toB C!6elr I,BCC... " .. " " " JJla ?" oerlj l. Trotb.ldgo, sr{d4j€"'-":u1 I Rs6.1] ]". Btu€liq uesr.'""'rrr16 rr:z) 9. i,l.€x Rojcbo.i! 6ai. '."""" lo,Ksn Pau1, {e5te'i. ' "'
l2:(? l" j. T.or€3 jtrak. 5D Stare' staie. ' " 'JJ:ur : !on{d l)dn, itjDr'?c j. Joser\h 1Y1"r, " "'4:!r " " J4;)v a. /t. F;r" !o1're" s1i. !^ Ra]mno lic.ih'Ld, o, Howard i4ifi, UC$.." " "'-"t;" i LJaLe Brooks) *t.. " r"'" "" l, Jd-- H6t, ). tr.Mis Foll.i.lay! a.i" :o'-'' -'l'J' rn"iotlr trel1s! CCI'C..". " '
Jan. 25-
I:5J - 23 Eldiod snd lini,h€d 1. Joeeph |^Y1€!, SDlttC' " ""'l:U'g '",rr'-! 2, lsondd thohionr ual."'"' L Robell Cons" CCA(I. " '"" ""t_r:!l l+, rtlen Bdlov, u!!::" """"'irlil 5. Atrest 3l.aue3! b- L" J@q S€blr, ?" 511ve3tor v:lb, BLA4'""" "'j4r:'r e. r]'eao hP.", EI,\JC''"^"" "J4r\4 ":1:i: ," !e3L[q tsI€@ste., !"ti"'_"
36 6t6r!ed
pt 4J 3*r!6ts t!n16hed 1,. J. thoMs stus!. 5C Strid6rs '31r 1J '? 2. noberl Drdke, CCAC........'', "')f rre ':,rr4, l. Fehsdo Leon, sat'......"" L. Sllvester Vl]!a, 3C si!1d'!3 ' Jz3u1 "',2t4 5, Th@aE C, RIs, ua1....." b" Rue3e11 !. Bed€ti' oq""""'rzrrz ?. Willie Oookfi, 501&lA"'"'" '-'ur'> 8. A1* Rersbor{i, 04"'-" "" " "2:t?: 9. DouR Xlrlfley6r, Chapl@""" "''r:vr to.\ialte! B. lelke, UC?C.."i" JJ:v/ !9!g (fo! fi!s! ti!6) so. -a]'iaon.La 9!_tder5 ' ' 15 (J-M) Occident4lcoDeee' A$d' : "1: 4 3s oiego flack & Fiefd Cdver CiiY Athlet lc uruD ' ' 4 :9j'! -
Track + ltoId - Jan.3_ Dov. lt..t, IYC Jan. tO- At1 East6rn Jan, 1ll- J..ltot. Assn ctrMpr., xYc Jan. 1?- Mass, !.of C. Boston' Yass. lrYC Jan, 2l-5..Mat.As3n.ChdpsiStrr' D.C. Jan.2!- tdshlneton Ev.nlngChlc.€o'I1l Jdn.?lr- chloagoland Op6n ' Jan,3I- llillros€ ,AA' x€t York clty'
chroaeo ;a;:-Tn-taTd R€lavs,U.€t, Baltlnoi6
Doo6!r,sr, 1954--27
Onahar Neb., Nov.29' 4 h11€3r 1. Etr Vander Eouvel, Central MlchlBanr ToD O'Rtordan, Tdaho SLalo' 2. '\a.6ti. 2.Paur l{ht L6l€v r EEPolla Sldt€! 2l !Or. 2r !1lr: lr. Dennrs Math€son, Eupo.Ia st' ' 21335i 5. t4ey€rs, Horard Pavn6' ?l !38. T€s: Esporia,57! souLh Dakola sLaL€, ?3i okl-homa Baptrs0r 77i Cent'dt Mtch' 80r San DI6eo State, l07.
Australla - !ov.22 - Jbbn ldu.rav lfrl'{.8 lor 3 dj t€s. BurstIt, 2l .lr (?20). Ba!" Albond 4r11.4 1lon {1bI6 Thoras 4tl1'o South Afrlca - P!€to!la' lCov.l9 - G6'a1d Evans U6.9 flon c. Potl66tor' 47,2. EYans had lun I!5lr,O 90 rinut€s oa!11e!' on Nov.8 lre 5rok6 natlonal lecord vltb 1:5o' 5. l{a1tr€re' N.Z. broke l$Ah altttuda rile record witl ,l:O8.O on Nov.15' froE Ilar61d Clark' S.A., 4:09.1. Ealt'6rg ran 8:5L.o on oct.22 & on Nov.19 he lat lr.t:l Mi16 - Stanford Unive!31ty laun.h€d c dlslance runnrne d€volopnent prograt D€c.6 ,t(h a tro ddy Lra.k m66t, lhe lir5L of s6veral Dlann€d durtne th€ xinter 6onth5' S trniord lroslr, EvarC€Ios Depaetas io. ,!1s AAU d6velopDental Dilq run tn 4:..J.2. Stanfotd sopi' K€lth Walfac€ !!16,3 and Dennts LanL6rman. sloc, ta t!tt?.9 for 3rd' Don llelley! san Joso state ran 4.19.1 for fourth pIao6, A natlonaltrxeh school r€.ord for ttr6 teab 2 silo run taE b€tt€.6d bY the P3'-. A' Lo H.S. qu!nL€r hhoe€ t,no3 LoL4lod 5o: I7.7 {Old c€.ord MornlnchdiYidual stds at Inel6Food-50:25) LlEer 5\ Lhe palo alLo Led vere ceoreo ( htlton, 9'lr9'7' Mrke -L'rn. ?;31, \4tre Lal-4or:-9f50! Rl.k Brad), l0t1? and Jlo g8o - Ernl6 cunllffe, s. 1.55.f 2 Uile - {11 XtnA, Santa Ctara Vallev Ybutb V111age' 9: 18.6 A socond dev. ueet, aealn featu.I'€ distani€ €vents *111 be h€1d Dsc'1fth.
sT-axFoR, rRosll TN
ton BoHdon has beon invlt€d to coEpat' in Australia. Ieb.14 to Marctr 14.' lralt Bc€id has hung theo uP, nor 15 assistant doach at San lranoXsco State.' Australiad. Allrert Thonas was Dafigd llov.28! 1s track in eood exa.es of clrtr neain. atte! havine b€en susPended for oitsr;ken criti6isr of ofticials' state i:',.r;ari.na1 ath1etl6 s€t_up. AlDte }las
h6€n knovn as the nstomy lot.olt of Sydnet aihlstlca, becau!6 of I.ls clitlcish and a3 nTtle shadoYr becauss tle ra.ely ruos for h15 club (St.G€ors€ of Sydn6y) l.n lnt€rclub E66t5. Eo says ha ha! hlglbr alDs ttBn that--qult6 rsa3onabl€. 'tt4has ' lqf€rlad to hl6ls1f.s anq€o. offlcials of St. 'outcast'to Yhen toloo&e bt! b.D€ aftor failod ht3 rorld recold ttrsaklnc ov€rssas
Charl6s (cblck) Y.nBr' ttack coach at Fonn State'vas nuod tr6ad.oacb lor tbe U.5. t.@ In th€ Pan-a&erlcan eu€3 vblch ttll lre b€ld ln ch{caso. (August 27 -Sgr,L.7 l l6.norr. asststants Yttt bo P6.cy asa.d bf ths Univ. of tlotidar Br11 Bor€man ot th€ Unlt. of O.6€on 4 Ed surt ot t{.rgan stai€ Cotl.c6t BaltiEors.,Tsd nanaSols Yt11 bo RalDh Colson. stat6 Recr6atron Dlr6ct;r of r[ar3.. Job,t T. Coro ot Rlobmond, Va.! ard PotoU {o.€hoad of Inillanapolls. Ttle Pan-aE larathon toM (3 !oq) rill tr6 ohoson on tho basls of t-h€t! shovtngs in th6 Bostoh Isatlron' Apr.t9 and tho AAU llatattron at Yonl€rsr I[.Y... Th6 tratl.A.AU T&l ue.t at Boutde!' Coro. JuE€ 19 A 20 tt11 deterDlnq the ba]<erp of the A&l Pan A& tse and th6 tod to lost ibo Russlan3 l. Plriladslphla ln Julv.
!(ldrest AAU - IqYa a U - De! l{oltro., Nov,1l - I. To! RLvB.s' D.ako Ft. 2orU2.3i 2. Pltll Ber.ey, Drak6' 20, 5bt 3. nyal B.tngt, FDU, ?1t25! 4. sy1 Robertson' DrEk6, 2rtf4t 5. Don cr6en16€, un,21t46 oklalbDa a3sn. aav- stll1Yat6t'okra. 1. itll6s *lsoean! OSU,21!20.4t 2. Reed l€.gu3on, tulsa Acblller crubJ 211341 3, Jact lrcPb!1lr uh' 21tJJ Pactflc xorthY6.t x-C - Vancouvir' B,c. !6v.8- 1. Jl! l|tors, UBCI 2rr 23r 2. JIE Grellor ot6gd' 21r26t f. Paul E€hdon' VOC' 2l!271 Il. JroL Bur^ett. l,EC. 2r!3Ol 5. Rav llarpt'n ' vocr 2l i3lr 6. Rlcb16 llcholrrYoc. pacralc coast conf. -stanto.dr0rltl Iov.29- 4.1 olle e!a55.Durso. 2' I" !4ar rruot,sc' 2oi15.8,r€c' l(elth Uallac€,Stan.
20!25' l'
(Paclfi. coast conferBnce - continu€d) Idaho, 213OOi +. Alan Caylord, cal'' 21:O?! 5. Poto Rodrlquez' UCLA' ?1:05r 5. Ron Adams, ldaho! 21:09i ?" rerdando L6on, Usc, 21:1:li a.Dack xt11er, oreeon,21!15i 9. Dvrol Bu.resonr o.6son, 21:18i 10. Doue Uartin' stanford. 21:20r 11. Bob Monzrngo, r' l?. Rod'r Pri e Stanlo.d.2lt?ti 2L:loi 2rr27i I). v€s !4.LG6d. usc. 14. Ernie Brcnnon. v.! !:a6r l5 tran Ridine, UCI-A, 21:UOt 16' Bob Holland, UCLA. ?l:43! r?. Buck nnieht, or€son, 2libali 18. Bob shankland, vsc' 2rr+5t 19, M;rt Rotbins, o.egon' 21:q5i 20 Dlck Bo) -6 r lddno. ?l:4o.. r. so. iar irornr", a ; 2. 5!ani u, di{at I oreeon! 53 {cr.11e :911^p.:9 "l: ta) led to linis"/: U. d"ho. 17: ' LA' 58r C-1.6bt Va"hindr.n, tlLi OtePon i,ir", rrA. ('lru-r odp'p,€r) obI't,rc"uc-e 1 re!L9t--3gl9il ir" "i.J
IN PEN{ AC RUN 'IRST Phatr.. Iairmount D...14 - r". carr,lr' 5_7 st Jos6Db's Coll6se fr€slban runner lron Pd.' o\ '' I ool J;an'rir,e, .Iop McDermottr Penn Ac on the DoarlOo ) dr'ls frvr rhe - a hous. rod tJend r 'ra .tnnudj Pai ' A' 5-qr I h";drc"L '-co". t 'v todav,, Brohrrrns Rorr recordrd tlre brst trne of 2?:?l !n rinl3hins 5tb' Mrn} of th' runne.s ruffer"'1 'uts ' ',.r"sr,ll_ dd"s€rous 1n !ery turf, ierpdcrrll] !r." *o"a"o aroar rhe.e r )'k5 rnd ao" dnd ;'. ^. 'r') "-.- ^.-"d,v and A1e: B.eckenridCer J.hn ltopil Foss rorrer vllIanowa sfars l'1ned
of jlJ >€tring our 5 mrn' 10se's' ra'6r\_a --e hdfliai: -fL.r rl.e lir't po !1cna1..Penn A.c. took the te:m r'"."r' ",tn 1? Poantsr ",. .1utr, handed ov€r the tropdv sorins Jo3P 5dn a]{',lPs. .ALlIORn A iIOFI IIERT'! cross countrY clutr ! t";"ittt... ' stan' fd11:c<, n|ov.14 - t. tteith finisher. second Dlace 2L:lLi sJ, 2rt22,8t 2. E111 organt d., i2: rlr'r:oo /oJ4 ,. i..,".,.p-.,,, 2l:40" st:nIord' laartl\ Do;e f, .- ro" {.D"mo t,Pr' , t.. ro ?:0o t038 ?'2t+5 )tL5 29t3r 1. Jo. st.fado,icz!r' Ailanttc Coast Conf€ren'€ - Chapal }{i11' 11. She.dan,ccc, )2.5) 2t3A )Atza Paul !I.C^. Nov.17 - r' '1aYni2:.lr ?:10 'o:u PA )' 5ltm lr" . , r8:4tr '" R",'." rsr!6: ?. aillY L/Lhdo' ". rr. 1liT :rro ?7:: ;. n , cdrv - ?. "',,,* rr:'l: 2U: J;.,r ""..'", buk". t1:l I '", 1'. : O'.! " T i.i"l,.- o"t.. r 9ro8; - Da'€ !, r"rr" " J o r I i . i p . , a r : ' z : i 5 20: d' Duk;, i9'16, 5.rrank coraviirl ccc-ll:11 1.00 30,1; !ennis voieht, v"r'e rurF'r 'r':??: 9. -:r0 ?7:1 ir.ii, z, c"t YFdrin. (oji Io.Joh' , Qu"n'.11:lL rdl tl_. l':10: ' 6- oa;e s -rlock. a{:r_ FrPA J:.^ .8:-1 ou , tl.Lou s LipTirer. clcsson, lo:1..i 10. oLl Masui.e,lAc, 3)t22 )!t25 24.5' r2.o{en Lzr no'ir^ L'. L r^,*i..r""m: i'"ii, nc, a :21 2:10 lt: \r 'r'' ' ,.F. lroocle!,oA c-."i:nu. "o: YdrYl"rd td: \ i2i praesant,r! 3)t"rt 3t50 29.) 14.Klaus r'{ \F rr-i \rra n!' iz', cr..."", ,' t5, ,. .^.;-, rb" sou'r 'ro'i"d ]gl.r .: -0 -o:, ro.oi ^ Dono \: l l. 0 1?:. rl"-e. skAli.'t r7.1om ql X- Of\r P) MEI ROPOLT I AN IN-l Lp ol-]'Lu 12: '8, ,l:.r l:,0 PA ..,r-.o"! , \ rd -'vi '.\YU' r", i",*, ""'.i - r' 2:10 ccri, 19.u"Iranlton, :)tr:00 eo1"".(r,' ... i.1'9' '' 20.Gus fonstait.Ync, 34tO2 2trla llit ..,:.iz,a' ;. e"t. 31.2 r. d r'a : M"n., v-;,;", ;:;; trr:or !:0i 2a:' PA .,Dr', !L'-rrr r'rrj vi'crri' JefY 'Ftr' v 25:37 i 5. r. n.,25:r7r 1sr^r. ?.J,Br' ' L-..F-n. 'rr:0'q :r0 il: r',i 5J' 25r 5r . 1:: 1:00 1': d'.,D -1.." o: o: !''n' 'rl'. Pr'. i'.-r"'',
il.-.i' i.'1...,
26r2-: lo. lo'K-"rn-. r ro-. 'ro .",,'".. ;:;; 'P"t ;,1 -; " i,.. rohc DD'c l:i. l:j",'q'-'
" . ill.*1.'i:;rqL::--L:r:,-
2lr. D.B.o{n5a.k.,! lu:06 1:qo :12:. 't. h, tr'/t . PA tq:rr l:i' Rc:t'fine Prizds - 1. B. Rdss, l, a '. F. .. \ , .7: r her Burc ?;:1. i ..L'':opr A,8r2:!Llsr'l Baltinore ccc, 23:16; 5. Alex Bre., enridse, Quantico Na.inos, 28. 51, Te,!o,: Pen. ac' 1?\ ?, Baltindre CCi 33r 3.shaDahan cc, 6 j. oct. 2?- Houston, ? Mile Run- A1 Law!6nce,4:2j.5 - 8:54.5 . (End)
CLEBAR sTOP WATCHES Less 25lo Discouni O. B. Phiiedelphia
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