
Page 1

In the Long Run it's the

.4o*g Deaanea y'ag. FEBRUARY, 1959

No. 38



Horau ,4thenfelter






rngir€r olyet€$.,.

tlst i.drrt tniFclat lr! (3!tr.odet61y 4 ilts.) BsLredeF laLr !..i !!8.1 . - !@d!g, Jesry t, t?j9 ',os

Do!?.!6r ...., !9127 !@1! gaBolot . . , . , . . . . , t9:A5 &Lche{B.B.b1€6 . .. ..,,. tt3il, q$tare DEArle ... NttT PhlUipUe€]a1 , ,.,... 2st5,l lieh.ld Va.qte! .,....... 21!10 !l@te 2!t)), .,." 'trto biSae.do ,.. 2l:jo JobB rro* 22,0.1 ,,.. 10, Eob.rt !. Tll{old ..... 22,22 ". :l-!. !I€sd6] A, E.plDora . . 23tar 12. JolD lsqd*l 23t29 13. tuy CaU6.!or .;rtril'l " :*.. Co.lae ltrh . " 24:30 i5. B@le I&1or.€ .., &:45 1,.

2. 3, 4" 5. 6. 7. 6" 9"

6s 1tl Ju4tla the g@ nn thb !osi, o:f tr3 5or{ded, !h. .s,ired e! ely.t4rt Fttb tlEir Itdt lEi,rs.llt B&, 0r on6 6J tnor6 ldo 36r"!-&d-c.o1 &tB en€olut,k pclreci, ?of, !r@ii€, tift€d renba?s ioed ina rir€ to' th16 fl*-]3p jaui cslr & r.elsed w$lon ol iie hi*-$ehro: c.use. nitho!€h il]- talli ed AlMEdo 16!6! h:d ti slldsk back ro tori orJ b€Jore the reB, ed tjic€ Cqsies w 1'redij to 6.t+-16 r,! e o1flcl3tr'. losi-...auEe oi a 661d, i;he Ei{ed t1.li ..? vei,6!&F &d toba8tu* leflai !o11no rb$.t, 1'I"{0 L3 n..k t! sctld eedrr D6 Pqrer ot idhi:ilia! Cou.Eo - Souiher CdtLofnia latE..ol-1edat6 ad{ercnce ha*16! ela!?ion 1E L9J7 - ce brs s ile)er todBr, ilt do! 5.foE eeetTjlo6 6 bU bc6r. fro Di.k f.qll-as, . solh@rB eelle lun t.r ddc& et i,!ont3b6Uo ltts! dr sprils {6! tLe J1.6! rjs, lob14 hxg 1Jl f,lre.e fD! J.u bpsr *d sdi$L1y !1ac€d a .{eddalle thrld, ,tuis iL.ebi ..t tlt€ !&i l,as Ad6el6a .tC {o*es ehe{€d Etd5*d toh Yi."b L15 r:1sera! sfrorrr rtus D!&-tF, e yateio albr@1s -rL![ Eis eal,tls still to !s ih ilh€ ua!ln.i, pia.ec tlltb r! tbe rtrdSJ-h ot ht, ioti4v-r}lorgh ieL rec4! er.$s-core+'4r co,pxtsdn6 el, carF ?.4dle*or. n Pddlolo! @te, !h11}&reLU, teL!6red qr5 ov6! !&e Use. l:&€l-:-t's .suex xa+ir6 E6 ddrs at cldc.sqre ltorge ?en F!U:a.y lcaddv. net6rblned ligek Vequez, i.D 4 q-liftne, ,6Ll!ed siri,n b stye tn. c.!!. a ld€h rAi-rqg ln th16 nB. ta.lo t@{. rl RonseE:Li llrgl, a eiho! €enBE ia! ib IA City i.ar.i€r .be16B fesi lar1, 6s cq the h€€16 et !*que!. ,to!. arlsl,o* "leti at S"UC ed nld- !s!in.!a, . cesp€:.srlve 4d@-! t. ludig at Csthed!&l" Uleh, aa cthels ldo har€ a lahool t!4ck seso! sheed. Sl-L r!1! b6d Ei.Irirg in tbelt re.p€eiiv6 lea4ue€ ad conl€!$ces thls epdrs. t,i@et of the flral oodel, Eob tiuo?d c@let€d at 1nd6!ro! C61f.8€ in In.tlea bett!. celns v€st to he:p de€dlte tLe @li alona.ide thee C{s-16€ et the Tednrsl Ad*, Tirj,s

C'Jr@:!es god


-2? - EaYaltan 1|'1ru 5!?-oi1€ Run 1, liarold Cor6, +?6.lJ.7 r€nn€th lanan.ha! 2 8: 18.8 sanu€l Blacl$an ! 28312.? Joe Par.acat, U5 Ar'yr ?9:40.5 cu!1y Rodrigu6s, Esil2:14.5



?. l. 4. 5.

]_-n;4;;l_Tnzar, llro9.2r ?. Roe6. shioabur.u!o, narlinet.n, 39:oZ,5 ii "--? xalrnoa, RiIAc, 16.02,4 2. Chas. walteF, -qavuar,4t:11 ne..6 - Idte.scbdlastt. X C Pr6liDs at Punahouj 1,8 rt" i, 'fona, chrts.n, ?unahog! 9:49 2" nicl:te :i..lee; l, Eodn6y An?ait 4. Robb:e rtstdu. Punahou: 5. Bt11 t.€eran, Purahout 6. Keoki t{cl-anahan, Pu.ahoui ?. Herble Austtn, Punf,ho*i 3, llike tlroderkickr Rooi€v61tt t. fiorhaa lodCrsst. l-oui3t 10. tlCene llAlNAnrr \arNs Jx nRussnl-s Ii1,-e xaynnrd llierne llr11

lI.) of Erelard qinne: .r rlr4 tniori,!5. ro-iu.{,ble ndti6nal cr.ss-country .a.€r oleanizec by the nactne Crub of Bfuss61s, tc c€reb!.oto th!1!- ,oth anntversaiy on su.d.y, 28th tecenber. A l1€avl .oLrse did not Porry aynard, vho soo. took comadd and won 6astly arDto 5a6nen (Belctum). Georgo Knlght aDd [1ik6 cnrooran {Dneland) we.€ n6arr-} a frtnute t'ehlnd rne wtnner ln ath & L IJile Iaynnrdj En(land! 28:25i a. sa€hon, ne1A. 28:4(l, .1. liuyl€bro6ck, Bclg. 2A:!a; L, hD' Fa, HolldnlJ ?c:01, 5. re!,auw, Rele! 2troJi 5. F6rrarnr nelc, ' :io' 7. r€osseG, Be r- 2rtt') a" Geo" lintght, rneland, 29r21: 9. r,{.J. corco.an, nn{i1.nd. 29i22t 10. Scheere Bo1g. l0:15! 11. Jonkers, Hol1and, f0!2li 12. vts6t, nolland, l0!34.


6)* to \5* ri.st trbe in I ysars. v6st Potnt, N.y., Jan, 10 u1ld 1. !l.k Green€, Amyt 2. Drc& Loalyr Anrti Getr6 Marttd, fian. Tt-e! 4r18.S,.-i, 2 Mlle. 1, P6t.i B€yo., nan" ! z,-5Ti-dreens, amy. f. Lynn B.nd€., Afr'y. Tls6! 9:2?.1 I,OOo-Yald Runr li BJl! HeAns. 4, lE ---;aet-::-Bot, Moxay" r. j. r, {o.tan, ri. Tlro: 2:14"1". 600 yds: l" Ron col1no, u. rr*c: t:Til3-,1 T{o-Ut1r R6lay. t! t{anhattan, Trta I9.fE,qN.CI-D




Utsunoalya, Japant !e..7- Japa. llas fou..1 tvo ro.e vorld-.tass lons-d:stanc€ .u.d6.s i'f v€nil,.-ntn. y6a.-old Nobuyosbt Sadanaea beat fra.J il€11-ostabtl3hed cotr,lr6tlr,o.s to clock 2:24:02 and rin tbe i2th anDuar A:abi na.athon, trre fi6tsh !:eing one ot th€ nost €rcit1.g €e6r se€n 1n Jala!. \1.re ren:rkalrli ka5 tiro teifc.{ance by I t-y€a.-it.a ciru-vkc Univ. student lakal,qkt Nata! thc f,as ftfih ir an €rc€lleni 2:?,5:19.: sadznaea ari:v6.i ai Lrro i:ILsunohlya Siadtu$ neck & !€orr viih !_i.ntsh stz!- YelLko rarva.en. l{:i',h 4oar nrot16r to cor Sadaqaea.lo.ced hirs$lf i.to a sll€hi 1e5d t'b;.h b. managed to ldcr.as. t. I se.i. at lhe ta13. Olyh1)1a s1l'er-h6.ta:!tet Franjo i,'!hallc {Yuseslarta) las tt,ittt tr 2t24.4O.a ard t.ri.€!. wo.1d 2o-File'a.ord-bolde! Ia!e1 (antox€k {cz€chdslo'akia) r.uiti in 2r2,j: J6..ottrer pla.es- 6" lrk:ra llazrku. ?-.26tA5t ?. asadar.l saka!t 2:26"ri: A, Isa. seto, ?-t?6t4a. 9, rrtden Hd,a*r\., 2t27t44t t0. Kazlnri tdaranab6, 2:28,O4 (tiai.ou.se on aE ldeal qtndl.ss Cay sith the t6!ip.,ratu.€ 1tr ih. rrieh 50, e. l

Auct ta.d, New Zoaland. Nor,6- Versa_ tire Bill BaI1li€ ra6 a ha.atrlon ln PERC1 CNIUI?Y .-A.CAIN! !a4l:]!! to!13y. iI lire tb. b€Ioro-brealfrit runsi they g€t thine.s €oine lor the day, rruild in lrllffE! ALL cOltlRS }t!!l' Stanford, ca1rt. lec.1i - aao: 1" -reuastas6asily and vlthout st.ainl giwe you a ) :51,8i 2. Lanie;;;;, beaut{Gs in r:J6i lrrr€; tbe early norn that the lazy knor nothron Bowden. aro6,ti ? Nr16: l1-frfll Kins,9tc2")i 2" xerl;i;510.6r 1ne abouti a'uild up your psycholoetcal 3. ralrace,9ri!,9. factor be.ause on€ le61s he 1s dolbg ,ec.2C - AA0, l. Bowd€n. l:51,r: son'ethtng abore th6 othor fellos, and s. h€ ts- The run acts as e kind of 50oon: r.-Tl;e, l4:jl,4j ?. K€ri€y, Frellninary or pipe-€lener for ttre r6al vork lator in the day wtthout dtmintshBovdenrs tn shap6 for Australla! tna aaof th. lrt.r .t..natb or .trorr.'


sUA.RrZ htNS

rN SAO ?r!ti,C, 9llAzr!,

osvald6 Suarez, A.eontltrn!3 great di3tanco rrnndrtpr6v.nted Dlaio.ql iose Faria ot Poflue:l lrnm gaiqids an lhprBcqn.*te.l thlrd stEtglrt *ln ln tb6 xxxl:r sio s1ave.tre lnt€lnatiana! "Ra.6 around tlre Bcuse3" on Nev tea.'s Eve, suaroz J certatn:ly io d€ve1.iJ in sorih irie.l63, $.6 cl.vo.1y and rt l]aid off, fhe.€ no holdlnjr the Arceatlne 'as Lz- r6' fhrrush hrge i:hrone to a popula. rictary in 2l :4a,l. nnb sdth, 5C stilders, !a( a!'Lor1d o1as3'. ra.€ t,o flnlsr| id Jth p1aca, Ih v:Ls the best perfo.man.e ht a U,S. Cult Stoae tlntshbd:nd to vxtlo Iratno of linland in 1951, Resulti sao 5il{€st.e, De.. l1-Jan,r -- -J4 105? yardsl 1. Osvaldo'ile" Sua:!z j i',r5€niina,

2. It{anoe1 Faria, rorruerl, l. An'aros, spaiR, ',, !1oliar, spatn, J, B.b :ioth, !,s.4., 6, Leeraert, B€lc iun j ?. nlorr:!,3paid, a. tr:so Stritof, Yueoelavla, 9. CatlxLo, Br:zt1! lo. Halter Lohos. ]\.s€nh1tr:, 16; PaL6r c1a.k, tnsland cerrany f2, -ir. $od6lrine, ranada 4or'ion !lck5oil ..usosrAvt:r 86. v€lisa rrusoia. 87. Bala1dt, Ital]. i230 c.nl)otlto.sl DNF - 141.h€1 B6ina.d, Ira.ae nslJo Edylrtopuro, !lnlnDd rac€ lvoleF flon Gordod ttcil!6n; "il]. lrip tc sa6 Pa!:lo iraj n ish i had . ^o,td 1.\-,,'-f r- rur r( Iirir. be.t..- r,h] sicallr e tn Lerms .f tinr. | .our4rr( -t.. .or I rolloLrinc Jie€t (.tan,l). l: t!Lec to .h.nqr i1i<llrs to ran-An on the suidn"!r Jan" 4t\, Dut r:rre srronso!ing orenxiza.iox a c1z!.TA lisrotltlvr (nosslaperl t'ar a gooC ,l.ii !itir Va?is 31r1in€s a wo!]dtr, , /ait

lni I I

As ior ttr. bie rac.- !e11J I teallt ma!i!d u!, but hnd lotr of coijrr 'ny. , r,r ol rh.ro'Fle"ars rlzzle.ar:fi I vas ieally disaDpolnted the possibili ty of future invlbations for othe. Canadlans, ar.tr sb.t you anC curt stone had said I .6ai1.I t1a5t6d !t, out staitcd to fold-

but about l+ milcs jdst

fioci.od bld hill- thrn the nlii'es bl., 'lhg stari (as !ea11J a 1ur-u a: you maY knls the oreanizaitoD 1s sorelrEt laokins- Clark. s.th 3 l p]-arnod oi !_3ttjns rr tr1e fDnt iow toeethorr blt when trairtad ut sulden.tv ho ncti.ed nr runn.is,

Frnrlly wf '.u -l '. ,re r" inc lot nsal tt!€ statt, -111 .f


sudden €vgryoro Li.lre oui .t th€ 1ot an.i raoed to llne ul] b€.hlnd t..

.ot6, lre v€.e teft to lend 1.. ourselv6s. I foueht t.lr t5e secrnd lln€ behind Leinos, brt Soth & clatk w6.e n€ai th€ r:acr.. L..,ds had i'he ropo ots! hls 30meon6 brok6 (lrft{ bofor. the anth6d *as flol3hed) tr€ took off and so dld l. Cons€.:renLlY I s.i out ir eood positird and r13!rt up ultLr f.hi 1ead.r:. 1]rc noir.: .!nd ,rfL.r eln.! of l.iehirs nas t.rrif!o" a Ni1. ;r.rnard' ll:trtr1ai .n4 I 'ere 1eadt".s - iai€r ritrr catlei us {1\c Jila5er' rlter t1$,![cricin "rctct lay I leltl rt\ an,i rl!;'!,s ih. r:hrd I :toth .rie rrl clfk and / a5 I lrs d.oNin:?,, sorh Lnn !.rY L/et1 and probably !ou1d h!'e donii beLter tl he hr.1 be.n tn the f.ont ro{, of courre,suare .iot1c ilr: l2 r...n t 5aN, Jan, I, Prcenrbu srndirDL ,^j,tr!rr, 5pnin, l0: lti, ? ;TG;-_' 2. Lsnos, lrreonttna, lo,!j jo:jrl rlD.o\.,.1. StritDa ! Ydfo. .'r! Rrrzi 1lar )1.4j " *5. s5rhj


5,ooon:. l. 5u,,.e2, !.s.ot!nr,14r 202 14: q3 C1art, Ijnit1a.d, {1, }lolina, srain, 1i:00 lJ00'n. ;i, *1" rl.

Rornard, r.e'l:.,

Husosa, Y!6o.

itat'lrrnrd.o, Iirr, sarardt, Jtaly:


l:j3.li )| 511. l:jrl :i:J5

1. rrrnu!os. sral i

inLo tho 1€trd jusr botoro the l. batr a rill,c vrs 50 yards u! rn Iarlf, finner lor the !ast tkc yoars, and )liclrol



At the finleh su.lrez, trho had pla.od second tast year 1n 2i:58, l1i,t ove. 20O ra.{ts in hand ove. his rd.tuguos6 rlval, ,4

*!I!eIr::-:-:l-:-l ! glmartse4 te.slon cf the Lectrr. on 4thl6tIc: otganissd tr:' lho R'R"c' tha australlan coa'h and slve. lrr il., P6r.t c€ruttt' t,6fort a la:ss aldl€n.e at th6 Con'aj Hall, Londod 4!t Notembe} 1953 rJ!r'Prastd.nt' John.t.{c11 wsl.om6d all Fles6nt and sat\i itrrt tr:tcrs t:!o p€.lom. !tr' ceruii:'r hac v'!v l.c"ure B6 tE.t a v6fy p16.sant kildiy t!€eentod 5 c;p" to the RnC as a pohane.t tr'phx 'o ba t51d:r! :u'cessstrr''1 rre l".,i"i'"r" rf Ioo hii6 !a.€s olganlsod bv the RRc. 'r'hs flrtt 'it:d6! Ron Hopcrolt rrlo, lD ii1€ !oc it16 tlB€ rrlal on trle t!$ zJ;h octob6r' had s€t up a llmo of l2 hou.s !8 ftinut6s 16 se'onds' scn€ t*o hldut6s be*,t;r than tiae pr6Yrous !'6st !e.ord€d tlme fo' a 100 hll€3' H6 as*6d Mts" ca.uttty to p.ssedl bhe t.ophI to Ron lio!'rof:' llk€ tt thank P€.cv vert huc! fo! ptes6htEon fiopcrofi .uia tuit tt. t56r€ sould b. a rct frore inter4st ln long dictine ide c;p, Ilo thoq€ltt that 'outd *h13 trophv a,d that ie vould slvd ri6op1€ ttroru anie roaa i'utnrrs ""o FinoUhidg to Ao *o!.""i Th P;6sid;dt. tntlDdu.tne Mr, ceruttv, said, 'aat6r ibe lmpirs eames' Ponet u6nt o?€r ao s"od6" to t.1i th€ su6d€s rtot to Lreat tli6 Engllsh s' b€at ths australi:ns'r! -pros;nably tontgbt he is golng t. t€11 us hDs torbJ( shtle no{h'ne woul' rlr. ce;urty irtun.pol.. rtL hov to b€dl ptoag€ d6 Deil€r .trat anvbodv e13e has not" Id fact we 'ou id that) Fc hav€n't af,ythine 3p6cta1 iack nost of these t].tng3 and lt Is perhnps this undeldoe business hha! naLer bawe r_ar io4 nanv to bo on tcp. In 5{ed6n tbav deft.ttor/ uB ltght to as in tho u.3.A.r and that!s a softenlng and undemlnlnc Lnftuen'e' ta.11it16s" 'art In Swed€n i had tt!6 opFo.tunity shetete. I went to sp€ak fo! tvo houts ot so ea.trday.o.tBoorth'e6daysa51el1asg!wed€m6nst.atio prt bef;re Eo he.e tlnisht lihits oe to about a. hour so itrs pret'v hopE16ss" 3o lnsiead of tookins for[afd to .unnrns (tho3e uho aro llBtEnine '-o m€1.l:Jo hltu to t'6 co'raaL rjlh "5o"i a'i4' 6s dad r:r53 throe r,t!J5. ' he.! !ill 'il:51 ml16s an; p€llraps rl:05 th.ee nrle;l iLaushtal) tlo!6ve'' ws'11 do our bo5t rrou! ny !)arttcular aPproach to this rhits 13 a fruch deePer one t|la'! ordinarv 15 onlv a neans t' sosotbire athiot;.;, it's to cc wrth human11v1 .:hi€!!cs els. vlin n€, l'n tot a .oadh, itts qr'; a sportr :!'s sotnelbin€ vea.S o! stldv 4 thoush'i & s'!6 (l'ousands ol nllcs ol runnin€. ald that i iel1 vou is :ne ceaseiossrv. I n€Ter run noF {Ithout exp€rlh.ntli€ 1'h€ro ar€ ie, texthooks. l!r. liostti, frc, at o{! rl!:t I'?:16aEt he set it alr Adlns wit5 'ns mJnv vears a€o and hJi boo! lodav prolalrr't d€ars as €ff6ctivery witL soae cI th63o thi.!93 a. anv I k4'!r ii' But f feEl T€ 'nrrv running sborter To"ic1rt v6 are no;tlt..ncarn6d f;r:t'6.. 1t a little ieal in anv rav dritl a.f6 populat' .t an 1oi Etltg to 'lirr dtslancos trs th6!.ro lona dl.stances. frr.., as 1nh svnpatbstlc t. the', much a3 I ain loet io ailtir rati;n of vhrt iopcroft d{d rn tho L.ndon to Batt! tc0 'ii14 ia'e, I ttni ro' vill tome a16n/t rho seso the lik€, tl s€ods ln.otceivat' {i11 6v€n run fastor and lt ki11 b6 qdndetfrl to see th€m {aiit'uah I ah slre llorct.ott 1111 be hard to toss by hb€ tav) e i! all enss on. to n1l loolr ba'lr e thoteht lt ca& rarvellous" sclroolbovs t'€ to then Nuftr !a. the 4:tu hll€. and noit do.r to 1t. 't_11 rv assu'nPbidns doirs it nok, at least ia !!stralla (1 like to tir"k thoy are a rrtile r.re than that! Itts t3t a hvpotilesis vrth ne, ltis sonethine I've said t'we sp€trt manv nanv vea's on) I uant to inv6sttsatad, .o.itt i"c ". I rEv6 ;ocunulated sone th.€e hundred torttlooks wrrl.h doat with 6v6rv aspect anvt_.ide vou 1!k€, medlcal books' of oan, sverJ partlcular tht.e, artislic' th€ 1oi, Yot_ h;vs to ir vou vant to knov io th€s€ Dodeln tl4es add tt!s evident to ne th€!6's sohothlne can be trac.d rn this' I afr brioflv goins t6 run ovor what can be t.ac6at. !t.st of all, on a tin€ scar€ four fdet lons blsto'v as *6 kno' lt ov€r about six thousard vEars ls one olghth of an inch on th€ 6nd flatte' oa that fdur foot tin€ scal€. Afl tho !€sh ts prtnrltive nan. tblnes th€ yourseil that 16 are a1rays ltke this o! that voutre itotns all'6nrt 'igtrt


! 959

re g6t in trre tubo o. in a bus and.at d€-nntur6d t!od! Yo!r!€ craty, anil thatts llst ny attltude: Lo so.lcht 16 v6r. and tf you doo.t you dto o. jolr!6 sooothl-ng 6li1e.',hao you ftay hav6 b66n, Tttatt3 ny partl.ular n€3sage and thatrs vhdt I.r5 Learned. No,! ye alt kdor and bavo a la{r ldea rror the Frlatti!.o Neanrlaittral car r.v6d oyor tb6 e.ound. T.eat:,y tborght th6 basls oa good .udtri.6 l.y ln ln lhet many yee.s aeo and I d€volot€d lt an4 tra*6 cf cru!36.*J6.t€.t i. bo.ausd €yolutt3a doesnrr sra.d rttlt, ttrs tro! dlthout an adalo€y in lunntnB t6da.r, I:!E no sood solrs rrack ta iIdM!1 tatopelr and thoi. brye, th6yt?. yashod rp and flnlrhed, th61tf1n6 rFco.ds ar€ goin6 BECAITSE

€.tfut:y of, rjh€n" Irs:6st:n admiratlon fo. vh.i: ah6y,6!6 tn thsir dat4 Thcy w€re th. s.dat63i ft:o ald t!:6 chanirloe. :,n :b6!f, day and ssefythlrg i! ro:3vBn. Ye ar€ dot st.at6r but vo can rbrP ti*t s6 oan ero f!:tho. be.ars6 ,e bav€ e.oab*I krorlbde€ a*d etyays vhan yod haqe a talestj t+'s .a316r *. ai4 ]sst a tlttlo btt abore, Sc tb€.6do.1is y!11 go cr b6t.€ b.eie., Nou. ldaraer..hat do con.ept ot }antlna af, do antiriins llk6 th3i" ti! unloss :r€ tud to. ilrngef and a na€61ng vlte probahl,f rt.or,a h;rr o{t to lind a.od to teod tha faml1y. But tro was urs€1fc.trsotnusr be had ar .ongcioesioss aad, vt!h itris ltlg ans and plocn3cious ja"r he {4rd and sruffle a1+!c 1ik€ ihis. itii 4y65 Frrld !6ve. stlrb.! atrr rarc€ u" 1n bo s6uid rero! t51nk of eo.lj rnc slnries rr acylibln,r_ hie By6s *or1c.aae* tfr..ounttsie:n:trrn's ct J6arrs nr\:tJ:r1t) e-11:!vs ci cri3 y6 ::ae6tr, t tlre .I'f4.tunt.r' r o.irrh. :a seeine \:a!.irrijl€1 m1. zl t.ri!.:!: !.!!e -aad trih la.anst.u.tari b) aur 3.1?.i:i:rr ire tha ardii f:e3.! *e and lat.h r':I:iean r.i i:he ,lrq:i( Ie.6i-' rrn 5.js inlr. 11r!1e eo lc the ti.trr63 aEes r{i aD"ui:. l'11 slor ror hrv lhet, d. \t. t.:.! zr,-!t !s a 2r'an:a6 i,.!1t th€ aPes rdndlbg rn no5t :t th€ iuining ti.cks coo'L €1\,c ,si 50 lt {f,s to !ar!r€ thlt t 7€rt io loa!.N6e! lt 1l yaa.3 ago {11h Eord€ b:.kr ,)a ro!J.se! bofrr. tn€ ttn6 ve Edeliieei! r6rs runnln€ around td sktds. r,:i:I.. io thr l,{tdcj€ East 1rd t. !6ypt) it al_t. co..,':trat€d tlr a..:nilt thai suljr.ssbd f6r r!y121sai!.r-crsocr. And rf rou iake the trolb1e ta dc inic th6 nrreuhs tr6!€lv€ re.6 cntJ ria'I,!s il look a: th€ Elglh ]lalbler tlr rtrrer day, , dif,6 anC 1) y.i r:ri tlrd thrt .he G.eeks had the pera..t pert€ci f,an, a.Dp6.1y nusJled evexyuhDre. Thar€ sas oo such thing as dn:_41at6d brdt.s and lhei. irl.as and of c.{rs6 thotr phil4sophr: ttrsl. altltrrte to Grt.€.nm6et .!rd so aerth hnv€ onI_i, bean e{ladded and altered sinc€. Thet haye not heor inlErov€C f,lob i! d: .rl|!.n. vor.o?e.> ttrey.stabllehcd the nltolpic cao6s nn<1 shat 1s .faft b€tr5. i\€y st.ppsd ra! rhtle th€y ha6 thB Gaoes" te'.e !:i4bky anru€ht ta let th€ sa. uo .:! and stop th€ caaesl r 4ou1dn!! tsteli€vc !{e .oald be 36 !tl1y bt3d1f, No{ vhat happened aft6l the Greelr ci'l1j.3ati lntr th€ dark i3.6s and ?e hafdnt coco olt of th6h tetr athleti.allt 3!oakr.g. The ereoks uere l kjnd cf lmr|o.ai ra.€ ln th6 3ens€ that tney stood 6roct. Tl 6y h.id c6.ttrin id€as and thar Dei16voil tn b€tn8 sonething aod the:. eav6 us saanda.ds v€ hawe nern. realry equalflos,frost oi the boys .unning on the t.aoks haye no i.iea hor r!, h!: rp an.i run oq6r th. alourd. ilo id€nt fhose ol us who b6riewe we ranj :eactr tltrj:," Ar<t:hars ttrd b4st3 o. Rt Fo.ts€a" ahey ar. tausht, to b,- &€n an3 s61w!3 rjr, Ir11 jdsL lnte.Iolate !i1is lor.hose be up is.!:!riag 1i this fasbior, boun.ins 11.tre w!ttr th!ir 16Cs fu11 ot tinsi.!i, l Has {r!kr..: slth a couple of your s.6atesi arhlot€3 who .rn dlsrancs only ibls vael6nd. l jt <rlsas.eB rlth ev€iy noveneat of then. Llut ts ica aF:re! iJ6.hal s, to b€ t,co harsi!. But th6.€ you a.e. Th€ro ls huch 1fe61, nuch to b. learnt and ih€ evidends of our 1ltt1e btt of Esachlqg t. a rittt6 baeklood !1a.€ In Australta is in the lunninn of th€s6 tFo ?hersts never b€€n a dozen df tb6n €?e. in my lilotih€ gathor€d arolnd n€. I traro n6y€. soushr posltlor. l tkv6 io etandlns in ny opn.ountry 6lftc1a1ly and I da iot van! rL, They Lte I'dr dowlllYou nust be r.oe! r an freo to do as r ltke anC tal.L as I 1lk€ dorn tberlt alth.usn they do t.,y to silence liot I dofirft€1y t€61 ?tr.a lnnt scad Fr€..hna. .e-€stablish6d th€ Orlrpt. Ganas {and oo' ttr€ra

r9b:u.-a.Y, 1959--7 thaa rt ea3 all th,€'o r6ndqiful coFpetiilon3 ttiar tou haye but s6 d.rlti .\ lonatssan.e and ver.+ strueeltd€ olt of ihe da.k as6s, arh6 bots ar6 boelnnlns to !6a1tse it. 1'b€y vant to bo fre€ and thet vant to rlse. lnd tha! 1! 1-he r,asts oi our partt(u!a. teachine, !o b6 I thes tu.n6d n. agtonti.n to tha stqcy of, ailsals, ?het€ ts dlcrl -{a !€ad in 1salnod if I.!!ire a tir.are seoksrt if you (ant !, kAot ihe i.ut11. the t€rt bock. stl1l tilat you lanC on thB ball ol the {.ot and d.cp l-h€ hesl lnst6ad ol golrR f. ib€ !1Gl t5 t!!€ s.ound and arl thoe3 sor: ot stlptdltlos, to e.d I! alf abolt tventJ vea.s aeo: dlvinc otf a4c swlming "!c Iti)- had a.d most of t}1. petp16:n rt ttelr:dtn€i zi!6o in 'vdrythln€ 1 up to lhe .ac6oou.se on6 nornttg and I tat.h€d ',Jietl, '€nt lidntt I se€ tt!6 pdr6r 1n tbose tlro'oushbred:, those 910r10u3 a.lmrls ihai ar. I ect strenCib and roarn€C Nu.tu' A th:n8 b€tre. t:un most n.n 1n tbat hrs stru.k me vith bb€m was! 5nd you vill noiice lt tc i16 ploistes vbich you don,t rrare too oa.y ol !n yolr t€{spalJers {'€ ru{6- Ohl- papels io $urt vtrgD ih.E€ 5or3.i tlnlatl ov6:lh Australta, €laat pa65s often of pictureslthat id r.a.e th6y'r€ stthou€ties one ol ttr€ otaor. Ona ho!8o hEs.rt got !:ts boad dorn. ancth6. rith irts hedd up. Cr€'s rot s3t a hteh lrnee 1Ifl and !h: olbetrb{fflirs aloalj. th. €round. th€y a1l tlt tbto on6 an!the!. oro of your c:ear I sa:d r'Bv co.l. atb16t6s tr3r€ 3aid to mo lhat ait {€n at6 b.rn d!fl€.6nt. uas e:F.eseed in that's tI!€ tlui:ht" Ito sald h€ b€1!€r€d ttbt lndlgxduatitt on6 pert€ct say to do thlng3 and oBe on1y. I re3 each $an. Nol lovi.to*€ 3td tbet eb6t taken along by Terry O,Conn6r the ottisr day on a .ouFle of tnslrsla rudners and th€n t:rot shot ox ibo sc*.6tr ?.v6 aulilatl.nl on6 n€a!1y str te€t, th€ oth€. onlt' freo foet flve. Eotb fa* v:tb tdeni:cai ?€op1e lrav€ sald to bs" and ]tve been rhocksil to lttar !ir theJrv. said, ,tYou run 11k6 e11r.tt.,t But !11tott runs like n6! ?ha€,5 th6 sho16 Faia!1 Y6 all run tho same way, b1g or s*a1i, rher€ i3 6.ly.no aay of dolrrs anythldg p.opelly and lf you ntsasreo Flth di€ 6n lhat you a.s 3ai6ktde cp lt. sos€'-hlng tlnt s111 loavo you or the of tho four nlnutt &l1cr th. srotg 51d6 ol thiltoen mirut6s f.r thle€ s11€31 Thacqs the ray youlr. go* to ioltr at l*, My iin€ ls vd.y ltnlaed: So a oaanot trace tn dstarl al: th€ thtacs that I rant t. tsll yoo and parhaps vin you ovsr it you feel anlaeonis+,lc to rt Point and I o*q to.:dostep of vi€u. I r ave a v6.y eood stoly and a ie.y dtificult iLnoF t} at b..aore th€t!ve attacked oe vil€.6re. 1'?6 Cobe. I esp6<tai1r. in adstlalia, inbo 3oDe of our 11ttlo .ncourters in but I feel fat.Iy c6nfld€ni of harln€ giver rjh. arsser iot catt ii $c.ds tlxt 1n ny orn acts aod d6eds" Lrhen you can lun fast, .hatrs tbe ans{e. lsnrt it? Itts not much €oo!. talki.€ thedriBs and aBel.s and all titt sort .f thtn€, ftis d.1ne lt and that's tlre rnpdrtant tht*e and tl ,uou kniF irow to do it. tirat inspires th6 b.ys. ft 6iv.s in.i truo cont:donce, r'-a! fte ta1l tholrre not pa.Liduia.r] u€r1 t.ai.6d, If f€lloss ale a1laJs pretty.onfl.l€nt, you think that i thtnk th. Australtan3 *ord! tdu vad! sd&6 of the r€marki I Fako tolltng thon what I thln* of th.Er Iou lot to l€ar.l Ert tf ho Cod b1€ss ia soutl li€rs eat, io Nr, gertJs.t llliota! vilf l6arn and !a he dt11 4onttnu3, do'n wl:lr o3n€ h!3 'iile t,lmes' H6 'as se! to run l:55 and he just eot tn lt by the 3kin ot iris t€ehbll vrote to hlm. t{e vero eotne io .un l,5os or 1J6tt6! n€xt 5ea3on, ;lors ootv a 1ad ind I sa:d no. Ba.ontent vith rundtn,: about l.J5s tor tlem 4e:t y€ai, th€vt11 clap vou rest' (e'il iust as tlard. We,ll hav€ a rsst' yo! must haYe th.t haw€ a.ost and w€!11 con6 with s.nsthtne ve.y eo.d tn 1960. tle d111 do that :l ttrese monsie.s ttut try to unde..,ine thesa youth3 donrt 6.t hold of hlh. If adllatior.ioesn,t eot rrold ot rtlr too. lt'3 a v€ry w€ry ioush raad fo! boys. Tbsy.ar do lt, othdls bling th€m 1ov by fl11tn€ tb€lr heads, buylng then over. etc, Ellidtt!s had a very v€ly hard ttd€ to €nalur€, nuch harder tban anyihlne on the track in these ratters, 6sp6clally sldce h€ vont hom6. Nor, you a13o, il you Rant to be a sood ruddar(or good ln the flght gaho, I 1016 it all, anythlne to do ritb spo.t) you havo to put yourialf lnside thg o! devolop itr If vou have.rt eot lt anlhals, hav€ to have that characte.lstlc novo, trrov itts bad 1uck. You hav€ to fo€1 and mov6 ln sohe way. T116 r.ors€ with his stlooettr, th6 tte6r and the che€tah' you'vs cot to lDv; alr tbat in you and b€ ablo io shotr tt tn you! own 6uscularityanrr .4!91

9:--I-:E!-1rL-1,21: lil your;vn Fhyst.al body, If y6u oanit 1.61 tb6s6 thingsr you flbd soqebodt sho can. In.srerloa thet had a ble baad11n6, rt11lott 15 aD anlaalr, rf corree he ts ehea he:s o. tb. track; but h6 anytody otse: tarehe to pdnish hifrsetf and a.quit hiss€li 1lko a man and loolr dlsdainfofly'l6'sat tlDshers gdins to beai. Ua th.dr:ng.ul la1s. pra*so a^C '.H.pe you forg€t a l6adinc Arstrallao.unne., a g!6at one, sho tas e6trE ta c]€an up Elltott and 6i€.ytlodt 6116, satlns to tl11ott befor. a !aca, ras ohly t{61v€ aays dr€! ntaete€nl l'r0O"4 tor thB n116t b6tt.r thar 6n the battlefields, th6 t.ack! You saparat€ ny athloticlsn l.om a.yt:rt.s llfe" Itts all ltfe to he, on€ and tho safts thtne. \ov id thls 1lle I bave thins3. Th.i€,s rre6i er6at 'emarkablo to so to th6 top of av€lest, s6B€body to eo lo tb€ borton o: th6 !6a, soDebody to t.anslate th€ Btble)Itv. r€ad four tr.nslatle.3 rt the Blb16, 4spoctatry the Ned Trle.e al{:ys seend to b€ pr6rtt ot mad does dt E^g1isbr6n lho aulalr "sstamsnts). th6sE ne6ds. Itrs a r.ma.kablo thtns" And 30 lt l3 ln oth6r countrl€s! pgj:ldsopbors, srpe.lnrentors, s.t6nitsts, stut-hava-you, aluays f1ll1ne ol hlaan kcNled8e. seektng you ftnd. At tFenty yea.s of aeo I raui€d tc com€ to Europs and Paits and f ranted t6 be a painta.,sut no I couldntt or l dldd!t !r! r.q€!hins. Anyhod) lt.3 luit as wo11 becaus€ I rolrLda,i be on this p.r-atforo nc?. 1r6u1d lrotablf ltro.n th. itottod 6f th€ s6tds lnst6ai df lalkln.: i. all tncae inl+ilis.nt rerrlE !r.i! st.aishtt


G1v6 nr quarte! and ask nd quart€r and ttrs

ld Australla, trf..! ot t5ase ;!!re's a.a..,:f p€otl.-, s1:. hlve b.en .ri oll fhm !nq r4iL .f i,a.kli:l ni14 .:rliisit:.n :rr .!ri:tr,rsr thous.ids .l yea.s. ireT {! :l:art as ns< ttl D,R: .tn.r ,av3 tLan Juei .o1.tr., anc ao 1.obtb! pa.ilcularly ttro!r cuit$fn. i!st as tn 1lrt16 trodt riari ani rriB ''rdd o6es. llk€ :he p:iatypus bi.d ana ieaet. ,t J51ic !1j.1! 1a]5 sses but yoLr'l;. llsE tbE:r :!:'rl: lhe ft..,t t,4 r^/ d tu. r'e! d .i r1J.r r ' thjustlt tt a loke rh;t *is hcti3 plt .v6r rho , r;i anlu.i n r1i1 t1l. 'r 'r.:r t rtL..!,% ,ll 'asihes. o!;:.! .5ar..teri3tlcs. to! th. t!isrtari.:n rbJ.:E;44 i:ari been.ut 6tl 11k. tbrs, anirrals" ilc h:s dreilop€d r1.Er. ,1j J r:ati4r cl:.*url laot, trs lags !!sua11r.' hav* nn calfr 1i's a !es i:1dt.3 !!i.ttc.3ly dsvoic oJ n!:c1o.i tiet pol.r" Jt rs €sl,a.ra11t thtd. It!s not an1i1.6 3 t4rse l!bi: hnr na mlts4le lrt i(ts 16a3 a: r1r :bat yr! ..t)eclaltt r'r tl4 1.tj.r io brieflt !:r'"" Tlr:s ,^usi,ralian aborlgtn.i i slEIl hare t. taL€ a lqs nirriei doscrilre l1im. such ti rris jr.jFttiy€ clitur6 ttBi hs n.t.r.on:r:reij ni a h.!scr r.t anyihtn€ w!tn evcn t,o ra1ls, tlis oily torh of sheii:. ras a in! i,r:nc\.sH€ n€yar thousht ot usi!€ th6 sktns o.' iro arlnali fo..1othes, Lrelier!:i c. around n3lrsdr il3 .€v.r tlroushi ::t €s3Df,tlar ne.t" Fo has d€v€t.totl out ol tho sr!nr ag€ ,ith no .on.epr oa a!q!iiiilvenesr. 1t sounds ircledible dnosnrt it? {ttrl the$ there!s no su.}r *o.d o. coiN.pt .l n'tde and thin€, Eae.yirrl.e is t!!1y held ir corion anJ ev6.ylrorlt 1a rr'r: <!r5u :s on an 6qral fodttng" Thoy vl11 llEton to iho €1der5 experirrce" Thet hawe no orde.od so.I€iy, hiSher p.laces di anytililei, xrrd, also hare no enas" Th6r6 is nr raci ln the rcrid, unl€ss that ie si' 3f..t, 5o dlaFn rp and; took the tlolb1e !o et n:ni. lrom lther .taCies ot rtren, t6 sec a .oup1€ :bat b.luChi fros tho coitre 'e.€ 30. ThGi rln as:_astl ot Australia and vatch thee.rn. abe, dD on€ t€Ilor do concept of ,hat h€ ras lunfltre f.!. Tn€ noaninsless. it, Have yor 67oI s€on th€n put a cycle on the stae€ and 1t !id65 around? You can t€actr jt to stt on and to dc certaln th1.6s but ih! thlne has a erpress'aoantlan 1,be ton. Th6r6 is do cods.tousness in tt as lt sits th.ro. The3€ fsllows sanq. Ths.ets a dlradful t.acedy 1d ny'countly over a gloat rrborlglnal painter vho has: sift rf puttlne dold a lrthttivo itrts countlynen, itrey all have trra! parnt, his thoy 3.6 and tirey sil't 1r6ca'r:€ they a.e so.bse.tant! pictur€s srli !'er 1un.1:td3 af pounds nar. Great peop16 froo thte t:ck. :{€ tas 5'ooo pounds cruntry 4oDe aid trlt tLeE

t9bruary. 19J9-:2 n 7aa! anc gialss lt aray to bh6 flve hundrrd at irle trrbe, I{€ was constantly tn tho lisol?ancy.our€. tbsy d{dntl L-not hou to bandle hth. Th6y got hold of hj.! rnd t116y tork triE t. Sydn€y' inarodlcsd hlb to Diglat-clubs and cocktall aars" Tho pco. l€11ov tlas had to b. Put aday now in p!13on t'scau3€ he had no L.3triano6" Thoy hav€ ro rs3isianc6 aErlast oux dteoa3o3, no lesistan.s at all aga{nst alc6hol, t. v.€ks ho vas a ohtofli4 a1.ohollc. Uo cnnit r6.11:e hor' ovo the.Dntultos, rsrva bul1t up a r.s1stanc€ but h6 hadnrt. It!s a1l t6ly rntst6silns, t obsorye4 tha3o fo11o!,t. stu{iIliiPr ili.e tior Ee!16 had NoarderttEl ean, the unaralr€n€d ..ns.tduinsss, thrs,'ltun!6 I'rha ll€rty.un lik€ i1im, c.nntlng aEd sro.tidel Th6n e4 r'a 1.,: elsek !n6al and ii is oostly oi the peti.l,blcn, da.athioa 1lnes. rt b. a.!.:i,,ii tltnr hr5 ton tou also had *o Hr!:6 .des. l{e tea.h th6 b6ys ptetry. Ellioit h.nd at 1t - all part at ta6 bu3lne3s wtth us, 5oDo .i hr f.!ob€a.s 11s6<i ln t6votr and I oan clain to bo Pariiy aaslish 2t 16:st" I ras brousht up on Enlr1,ash Elstory' n€111neton' $61Fon r.d ail thD llnny t.'ririjs iei!.,a the b6ys.:r.; no! altoc€th6. lnFressed by a:1 tbdse slilt ih€i..hists. ;hrt --.!.k.n iXedais) Glve tbsD to.te a4ott]er you krcF- L-3nd th6y go to Pa.Ls they add anatrler 51r,:iitt n€'ertho:6s.t v. ?o pur a.t rsirt :t' !. s1:. 6!r ol6tlrBt and thi.es , ou. bdd-g€., tt': al1 part ,f lhcn yo{ Irvn "he But th.ytre r,o! r€dl.t:aheytre phonEyt lly eye! Touire only r€a1 we get ou: c1o:hes no oloth€s on, And th€o eot tou and elf - I oouldn't tea.h 1n cloth.s - I souldnit be mys6tf. Iiotb€r toid ne 1 dtdntt hav6 any oo *hon I uas t'orn :lthough I don't r6hembe! mvsell. ,e run about nak.d on our tr€achos, Th€ boys ar€ nade Datural. out Aborlsines knew nothtn€ of clvl1lsatton. Thoy out of th€ busL 1lko th13 - Iln a '31k euilty ono! {rh a c1ri1lsed on6: 3. I cantt r6a11y do tt - tLei. feot so to soE€ttrlne differsnt io all Europ€ans, Aslatici a.d trro ground dtfferently" €ve.ybody ols6 I'v6 obs6rved. I t€acb th6 boys that" th postur. and thoso particular hov6nents a caln and a di€nttt fa115 on you, vou oan run, toutr€ ready to do tt, fhe oth6r Hay? aholors overythidg in postura !!€6in€ up trr€ should€ls. Wo doort tam up tf {6rre !rot. Of cours€, most tn Australia do. I'vo seon tben, 95 in th. shado' tn t.ach sxlts, ofa then, vamt.g up for a thlee ni16. A.ound th. rtve! a b1t fu.l54a ls ths itt3 orer.!.sd€dl ?o3itiv6 t.uthl But th6y son!t lt3t6n to ho lte.ause ^sy1umth6y 3ay t!!at 1n Ergland a, Sr€.ron (*har€ tb6r6!s 6now on tfrd erou.d) they rea. seeat suits, Tho swodes - a boy car6 out- thcy satd tbls is a ecoc toy. A bi.6 ,ain aft€l.oon, at least l uas rudnlne around 1tk6 this. I said will y.u run for m6. Ee sard, tr,ls I d? I satd, "No, take off your clottlBs s ;oolc at you.r so -s | -ould s66 n's nor€.anLst )or-lj.c. Ho pLll"d olf ir'ok suit +op, Lhen four r-€ai th,ck uoori€n s;"-tgE-9 Alhtgbty boJ, you.ouldq't run kith afl o!_ tbat, yourra jDt before you slfE. Get out of your clotlios and C€t stuck lnto itrt rrnd thatrs oL. ali:-roacb anil I'v6 von theo o?er I ttrtnk, Tbey just D,ake siesles of th6trisQlves an.i we uo.k (Arstraltans beios th€ other rat) quite tb6 oppostie. Ite ed dt and Le slfaer and up :n ou! ray. Thes6 are fu.car€nta1 no'eD,en1s, yc! c!n..t b] stll 'ax$ tea.hins, adopt th6s€ p65t!r65. You can odty ha1'e tlrat !]osirr€ ta rire.€'s or by up any wlrtue in 1t. r'our le6t eo 10 txe erolnd a.d torr *ho14 b.dl ls i;tt.d olt ct tn€ p€lvls br th6 stiener.h.i. ]ou! res.1es. ft's no Coo.t lalking ailoli it - r evonrt gcc then t'ut vhat I,r'6 aot ycr can se6, t had a verr seriou3 illness in nt middle ae6. I roa:i56d lo. oe a.d i joibsd barb€11 cllbs and alf s6rts dt thtngs. Tbo lif,st y€a. i joined th.y oloctcd he Senior v:ce-P!6sldont ol the victorian tlrele ahaleu. lleieht Lrlteis Assocl.ttdn. TheI. vere only ttro oLhe. otficials sr tbe]' had to maho h6 on€! But, nsvelth€less, tbe tloys tn tl at veight llttins lots. burl!€ss - and ve had our chanpions too- th6y taught re lots and I16ar.t llrds oa n t6ather .olrect toeetber. Ianatics all ower the sorld, I s6an eot to knor B.L Hdflnan t. Aherica and I also knoe anotber s.€at hah h€re nan'6d G€olg€ il.ckens.lntdt; These f6lloss, they knowl Nobody ltstens to tben. I was €leht sione qh€n I star!6d business. lbon I put oo about elslrt or i€n pounits of huscle ard I startod to lun fast6. {t was also you run rrth str6.eth and nus.lel Eavo no dolbt ab6tt it, sane ttne,; ot.o!rs€

.:l::l-e!:s::,rr1 st.€.igitr is tbe ans!€., prope.ly uscd. $o dolbt about i1 at all. Ou. boys €et stroneor rnr:l ba.d13 lJaibellr.nd do cthcr thrnes l,hat nake then st}.ns. .tf !'6jsbt overrr.dd ri s.tr'c forn (anJ r crn .crj yor ther cannot vhy yo! should do that. onl.' i hav€tr,t ib€ tlne) thet are too {dak arc thel hav€:i go away. Th.t don,L so.rJ nlch lbrLl runnine uni:i ih.y nake trren'sefwos st..neej. Those lho a.6 lailly strona, bh.y darit it on para1l€l. Bui we d0 h.t te€1 ru.nine entirelJ i3 tbe:dsuor'. at 16art the distanc6s *6 a.€ int.ryou havs to altcr iy stater.nt i.f you vani l. run a csted ir, ,etinltily lrundred ni16s. lim not talklne to rl., H.pc'!tt - h. oueht io be hrh€ anylbr aft.! tiat €ft.!t oi half htles, qua.te. Bil.rs sFrinte.s, etc. Io. i.stanc€, .ruickiy th. impoltanc€, not ol a stlone back, bul sone sotl of a srper- nomal back, After all Napcleor said you ria..n on yolr stona.h! tut I recko! tor do a lot ot tblngs on ya!. baok. Nos, yrD rilst t'e hard, Jou nust bs lrdverfll, Iou n'!st be ablo to lr{5. thl.cs apart. lre you! o{. streneth if you uant to llft u! and.ua, t, tn hy laie fortlest h:v€ Fored seventy thousand foot day,s ,orh outl I hea. ol bdys bere ltfitng twenty fiwe pounds about thlrty iinesl 1h6j ht.re nudrr h'ore a\irtiiy :' th€ li.st'!1ace than s.7 boysr dobody to tonci! t11e'i hn{ to'r. strone thatts n'y ccn.lusion, ne lift thenohobal woiChts. Ellioti: and l lIfL up twr and tlree hDn.lrcd l oands! I e:n't 1lft ih6 thlee hundr€d but h€ ca.. Hers eot pectorals on hin llke a reicht 1lttor, I dtdntt aohlco therL draa'teine hin, bark. Iie ls y.r'_r stxanej and lrre iiad. hih slro.C. lre set ost ir oal:e oq.selvos st..nc blr al.t the he:ns r. tnrv" It seenied 'io r. l.-il flJ frl.$ai irss.il thai ev.n.y.1ists ilJ il.:!-ridsej do.rt teclDe a gooil clciisl ari:.i srren3 frieqlreeiiEg d3vn d b1.li1 6r.jding dn.ler.j suraa.o. i,Ioc\rlc$e sp6nt hoars an4 h.rr! solo.tir€ lrt115.:n.1 niounrnids ?a liire a.d ltdirA u, tnoni" t read orly Jusr .e..nblt lrr3t th€ peolle in n s!.rrrlne Falis s51ri h3 {:5 pro-oab1! th. e.€aiest .y.1ina lh€nod,eda. n: th6 ae6 b€cads€ ho was a ran rl:d ..bbtn.d both sprtntl.g ) thld€: r:.r'e. tretoi€ ddne so suc.ersfully by any cyclist.'Ihey are tur oplios!rg thlne: ln the.y.ll.e can,e and -rlorkrtdee Nis able to do n di5rance cyclist hosi.ly be.ause qf his asso.iatt.n uitri nr€, H€ rtk€d to haye lrui the untcltun:t. fe110? with his heaC do,n le:dlnc a bunch crashed rnto a bus. The bus .o:led cv€r hlt and be is nou d€ad. I lost cne.f hy gre.test triends- i haleld: got o!.t it yet and I newe. ril:r. You can,t set ove! those thinss" H. was of ag6. :tt ro.ked ne, Bud, life. Anyhok, Iockridse had.uo up aaste. ttian roct ol ttre anc tso otbe. felfors had th€ strenciht Talk about 5!t16! ,t na. wh5 ,3lr.ed !r the tt.st six in the l0 kilo valk in lr€rbourne .ane d.wh to !6rls6a, I set hin or th€ sand htll- h6 couldn't e6t to th6 top. ii6 said bb€ snnd?s tco hoavy. I that's riChi,r"fio seid, "Irh to. big.n I soi r!.krtdge lui of ny pocket and held htn' Dp. lbout tw:ce hts waightl trave the strencih anrl sot a blt strone€i..-nd h€ has run Thails a iactl Nice l€r1ow, nind your tlliott{and this ts a factor in lhis cbarpiorshi! bL,sin.ss) be said, often, six .uns ul] rsrd to be ha.d, 1!ve s€€n tbea(and iert ]lke tt mrs€lf tool after.unnins up the sf,rC hill trr two cr ttr.€€ ti'nes, sit dou. and vonii. L'h6n th€ir fac6s Dal€ and sreerlsh, Ellroit a 1ttt16 rhite belare re 1el', ran up sir ttres and saidr nI feel crooliedl" :ltrs !'er! sr!611rrc" Blt th€rels all tht5, O. you. day th. pbenodL.nal. Too Fust iake no noti.6 ot h.s you teel on orrt6i dats. 8111 Baillieltbat toush N€w zealanCer {ho wa3 a (.reht iiata. belo.e he yea.s in successlon) be.aDe the N.z. balf-mil€ s111, he tras dve. 1n anythins about run.i'e. I don't kdov {beth€. this count.y. Ties hin,s6ll up but h6 sti11 sot a 4,4 ntle out of irlns$1t, Ncr he had the reco:d up th€ sand ralll. Yor to, com! {iotd add rp tt rithout stopDine. T{entyI Ellirtt had a co oi€ day. I{e had a tellov that had look at hln troni dnoth6. stale" Ii. took htn dovi si:b a stop vator! an.! snne ptrlje.. t:11iott ran th,irty Gieht, 3ot si.lr of it and:pe€ded up.:fho ':a.t ti:ree,€re hi3 fastes! and h6 qutt at forty tvo. blt mo.e- vtrat hope bav6 you got aearnst a f611ok wlth trEt sort of spi.it: He canlt al'ats do tN lrd Irv6 roer hlD rlndo - tu6nty has

Ierrrudr!,l9j9--11 !"rr.i yo! rant 1b you.an pull lt.ui

if, you'w6 b€.i stlengtrr€ned a.d sot irlo

t.or st.ensth tn a bte ?ay. lt€ spend in ou! sia nolth. of the ccndtticnlnc p€.iod fcr lunnlne, about half th€ enersy {not.ecesea.tly 1r ye sp€nd ruanins, l!h de:llnsj nou !1r.u.s .. itles) in a.quiring streneth:s nlth *iddle dtstan.e runnors, lello*s froo one tc thr€€ ni1'€s, round aboul you can do p6rhaps vith runntns. as you eo 'na!e dodn th. scai6, sprinte.s, 6tc., you dad d6 wlth codsid6rabll" less.u.ntns. ,iltholeh I hold that ewe.!. spil.ter shorld tr6 ab16 to .un r6asonably lir to li'e nrjlesj €speci:Ily if he vanl. th€ stanina 2?0. yh€r thel oar76 the sta4ina {and rany oi Lhen hare th6 strenetb) that h€ans rhe vhol€ ,s lirled (o 1, ac- 1ev€15_ {e11, are you eoing to 3ee soon 4l seconds tor the 440? Of cour:e you.re! Ie116v! are eaih€rlne around ne rho I thiok yilt do that. There uo:e boys sa.lr6r6d rcu.d no tn am€rtca vho .ould do 1t now aft€r a yeax or so! That i611ov tavi3 and the otheisr th6r mear business. I ca. iell yout they,ve .ea1lt sorj a l6w c1!€5. Talktbe at'oud rawis and inter.rptins, I saw a very great race, so!13.€co.d for 440 kas beate!, *ith Dawis and soDthe.n. nll the donkoys sat !p in the best s6ats (it cost3 orsr the.e and iart sc.t ol lhin€ lite €ve.ywhe.e e1s6), Trley have a lons dlst6nc. vtew. I ftewe. pay to eo in, sn..k in $itb the arhr€ter, Iou wa't a 'rcn't s€at and that forces you to stlnd around soh,6rher6 {b6.e 56 I sot dorn nt tho b6sinn1.e of th6 stlaisht. Tlrat's th6 viial pa.t o: tbose ra.es, thatrs vher6 il youtre e6ins to se6 anythine you'rr s6. it. so I 'as tb€re as thoy cee around the b€nd, I courd soe then corine tDvards n,e. ah6y lassed ne, southorn passod ft6. I could hav€ tllck€d hts oar, be r:s rtsht on trrat lnside 1an6. Ther I sav th6m eo. of tire two h€n solttlern had be6n dcins vely rer1, But tn tbe strateht (1te told 46 afteryard.) he tert tt€d rp add de trlec to re1ax, t{€l1r tf h€'d eod.n a btcycle herd hawe dooe better, (Relatatlonl se.ll cone to that 1at€r so.d on€l 1 alvays f..eot :bout lt be.ause itrs a wo.d ttratrs bann6d ar lortsea - ir's onry sanetlrlne and th6 a.ad6ni. on6s talk about. sot a clue ab6ut !t {n our tdea. R€rarattonl) Ilrrev.r, Sdutho.n l.e.r well Hinnlhd.aca! and all tt'at sort ol thlng. But lavts vas lot rh6 s.rt ot frllo! to b6 ltshtlt put asid€, A,at thoy cah6. ?oo. o1d 9duth6!. vho is €rtrehsly porortul - sreat,ilscltar d€yqlophent - ha wa3 t.ytne to ret3x! I cnrld see h€ sa5. That is to say, tryrne io punch awal and dotng i.t trith hrs oti.i hanci lre ras t.yine t. go fast. Ther .ane .3utrd the bend p.acttcaliy td trn€ and lravl3 eawe tt tbe works. llis hands clen.hed and he droye like thathe ope.ed up three ya.ds soins up ihe stratslrt, 1ielr, in a 44c ya.ds.ace th.€. ta.ds th.ee nlles ln a Fa.n!h.n. jte\i. wortdis !€...d. c...flhine eve.r bit ot 1t thnt you ju-t ed for y.ur life- thirrs jr yo!''e sot adylhins io s. r'ith, Itts no eood eointl oul ta Epso'i to break th6 bookles odt tho. vith 2 pound3 & 1o shillines 1n your po.t6t, Thatre whar mo3r Th€y,r€ tryins to run Fith about ttfty dollarE kolth ol €i€rcy thelr body !ns!6ad ot fiv€ hrnd!€d, They t€11 you nDsclebound. {he. I startod I couldnrt e€t sgvsnty pounds over a. s a.e very pury at any tine, :t vorked away uitll I coulit eet apprd*inately nJ body veisht oser ny lread. I -as a blt handreappod because baturo doesnrt favou. the ased - shers on the side of your;h. Thoy In fou. months he had erou aoazlnelyr ,\n Eneitsh boy .am6 out doubl€d what vtth the barb.l1. U€ {as srxteen. It tak€s nc lroys rtll set In a modth, and i:hon you rsa.h a polnt, tea.s to e€t !€1any, H6*son nnd thEsd ferro\rs Lrawe cot sr€at oalves. Lik6 katrsaroos tb6y run on thoh, Tbo horsa tras four less wo.klne fo! htn. ahey a.oosl'rhe che€tah t.avols at stxty hrles fou! 16gs. l|e have como on€ tin.. Babtes ar€.3'b6y,d n6ver lea.n to dalk tf you didnrrteach th€n. If ttrey ve.o bltnd and could sufvlve alotre on an rslarru son'ewhero th6y'd th€i! hands and kn€.s, You .lroD thoD into the *ate. and they our arms play eve.y talt ln runrlns. our 16ss nis the wtloels underdeath. ault€ a dilfe.€nt concept, I knos. You use you! loes to.un vith. You don't run on th6b or ulth then. Th€ body's Fh6ro th6 pow€!

1?--reb.uary, r95t hors6 1s. Tlr.t's *h€re tb6 spirli !s. The spL.it,s not 1n the br3in. You've ltrs m€ntal anil rishlul itrinkins, Tru€ conlidonlt sot a v6akly ccnlidence.il €nc€.tses from the ml1ltons of muscle c€11s. Il ydu haYon!t cot them ydu!r€ deficlent t6 soh.tblne that can s€nd nersae€s of tru6 coniid€dce. € f661 conlldent bocauso ue feel strong, It{s tot boastfulr a.d ve fe€1 that confldont and aseresive som€tihas that we atteck peopl€. Then the poli.6 cohe 1ni You haye io feel that way on gh€ tlack. Tbis silly e6nt1€nanlv busxness! t{111 power is use16ss, Vltt tt€s you up. a}rs only use of w111, as t t6ach Dy boys ts to get tbe'n out of bdd 1l theytrs feeltde lazv atd eo to the traok and ses If thsy vant to tlatn and can tlain. You cantt det6rhrn€ anythtns condltlcn today sur€ly 1s €wldonce of scnsibly rith your bra1n. tbat, Ths shockin€ muddle and ho.rible state ltis b66n In 6vor slnce f vas conforonce tab16s, lrho blg shots. bortr, Thatts brainst Sittlns Th€ bis t6n, the snall +,€nr the loqsy ten. It's tdiotlo to m.. That! 5 playine at Fo.k. Plotttne bigger and bette. atonic b6mbs and bor€ vays ot blastioe this country off tbe nap as I se6 tt' and thatrs a se.tous statenent. Bv Jov6' it is to ne anyborl ile sit aod look od. Two votld ta!s. Madl B.a:n at tolkl Ne've lealned to dlstrust it. ue t.ust our h€arts and 6u! lnstinots. nlllo*t bit of plannlns. aid our boys, tbeyrre weak and th6y sometti€s do 31rttl€ Trreyt.e taueht to enter a race elthout any p1ans. Does th€ hale in urehare|1ansfhooit3ee5thodogcodtnetoit?Does He just run! thoy do all th€ rieht thinss and that!s Erliott! Ins!inctlvely No manrs te115 hin & th6 mot6nt h6 strikos..'"1 alons ndywhere his i.stinct eve. pass€d htn o..e h€'s struckt He ooly struclr the Jackpob once at the Nhdn he {edt t.to th6 lead at tlre 1l1)1t6 citv. Tri€d to load a1l th" he das flat out' H6rd beon axound uar i.n desteratlon - no altllie fo.411i.ott, totrn for too lons and ro tralnlns or anything. He fell asle€t ln the d.essin€l .odm before h€ went out. I was shocked bafore and aitor. uo dldnti wor.v, tle kne{ it uas only a lapse. Ncv, if vi1l is cv€rused i. anv wav tt ties vou up. I've s.en any ahoun!, of tellows almost so backvards $tth ri11. Thatrs not trre answe.. That just Lurns you in ard tlshtens. Good tunntnC ts an outPou.rng. I knor yout1l say, "ve11, this forlov's a closn,t lruf l get, t].e bovs bv l,h€nF selves, ther don't ltke hakins a sp6.tacle. Tlaey wd.k tn priwacv on our baache3 wher they t.ain. nN€\' techniques,,'you sayr "Itrs all c.azy - nakes nD eente to me'r'you htetrr add. illell, v6're dovfor eolns ba.k. Thts is no f1uke. Bovs a.q t'eelnnind n6 froh oth€! aount!16s aow. The boys vontt bo fooled 6vod {f tbe ar6! hav€ no doubt about that. I wanh to tip then alr coaohos and olflclals out ot the Hotrse of Parltah€nt tn Australla. Everybpdy ov€! f0 ousht to bo bann€d llos the Hous6 of comBons. Youttr should tak6 tho helfr wlth a 11tt16 aitvic€ lron tLe oldor on€s, But theylle been !.opt back and tt uas alvavs so" Thatrs my 6ptnioi anyhou. ahey havs to b€ fr€e. Th€ boys bav€ to be tau€ht paih bafler. Ttreyt.e tealfut. Thelire brouerlr up th6y .rn run rThe polic€Ban,11 1. asar. nlook outlr "Do t do that JotrEnyll havB yoult,And a hund.€d trnd dno othcr thtnsr. B.ed tn fear and I t.y to frco bit nare out, h'ltt wontt do that. ILls CbeD f.on that a eiving of yourself, a' outpoulins. 1 te11 you, €ven with Eltioth and the rest ot thei,. they sti11 hdld a,ack 1n the li!s! !,art of the.ace becaus€ th€y donir: feel quit6 c.rtaln that thej.ab do ihe second Part. Arso dona of us athl6te vill likes Loo nu.h patn, it!s w€ry painful rnnnine fa3L 10o mil6r sort of whistline haPPy tutres te1l you. f didnrl notlc6 and doine a t.p hand sprines: Aft€! about 50 he!s boelnntne to feel a bit tired and itrs a serious hanelns on. him starh off Talktde about latieue and that fe1lov, Irm anazod. (and I lan trre first tto ro tlr66 miles) I sald, rroh, w.t1 wo'11 be cartios hlr last Drile vas off tn tho car" He.antt ke€P trlts up!$ Ood bless me souMiis th6 fastest of tho vt1o16 lotl l ktd hvsolf I can.un - frt6 got a 5:12 nile at 5f - rre ran me otf my legs tlnt last m!1€. God bless h6 soull He was intd ttrd hdtel qutck€r thnn I uas toot you canlr te1l these boy's. you hawe tc a boy cohos to I take hin round th€ vltol6 forrsea I eo uP the sandhll1 ft-st. crrcur(. I shor hln !11.t puntshn6nt ls. It!s alFats been nv policv. The world

xebfua.J,, 1959--r 3 r6ade!s in thB arhletic wo11d. Tiley don!t want t6lrows {iro stand fith 'a.i3 a sto! watch mor€ l!ro.sr" rost dy 1Lr€ rhroush t.yrne to do llltott on tl€ traok ln xebrudry. _r ::,:1.1" t.r5d to Junp htm, Th.n I tll€d ro b6 cunnlog,he,oat that,ay and I roor. lurf & tt roo\ re ou,. Ll l10rL about brine it.ool.. Th.t f611ov, rhen he do€sr,r teei tik€ runnine,,hen hers a1i rouad athl€te as was Mook.idse, not just a a.e dedicaied !u tr6tds suc.essufl but d€ dcntt rh3n tud hoir.s a day 1n-our trf,tning f,lttbuzh ue srve ur, the weekend. we wo.k rik6 evB.ybo.ly crs6. lhrt he has to do! H6 has to vo.k from a:t+J to j or.1o.k and do a p.oper itcb in a fadio.y {here hers a cosr olerk, on h1s fe6t and trottlne aroqnd. Ha hurrtgs a(ay frod that job on a trtrl; nororblk.t eoas to soneqh€r€ and Lrains to! so ol a nrsht, burries no!,e for !€a anal ts dolos a tull accountancy cpur3. rn his sparg time. Th.n h. ran a 1l:10 thre6 rniles he.€l rf h6 could o;1y har€ a bir mo.e ttne h. lar .et to.un 1:l niDutes her€ not 1:,r10. He tar16d, blt I attrlbuta lt to thar r- lJdnrt the prope.ly a.d a loL of study tn tne ane the.efor. trre !.incrpls ooft.s 1. thar if your.o gotne to set aoyrbo.€ in rtr{s 1lfe at all1yo! do ar,out doublg srlat ttr; oth6r-f6rror roes 1n hilf.the €xrensiwe txai.dLne rJUsiness of prrl€, :.':t l1'...f9*.thi5 rJropok, r.ndy otnars is gon€ for ewei. Th. boys coh6 out, ttrEy .un ltte I do, nostly ba?..footed if they can, and tbev're into the t.;ininG straiehi away. ta.riln.r up down- rtt s ridiculous_ excelt pe.hat_is in th€ coldest have a utnter rhts.,rhsJ {ril ;rirt strai€ht into it, and r sprint st.arshb a,dy and tic others can rod. tl ,oud" nave th_. pov.. and can tifr the b4dy out of that pelfrs ard knoq how ro;5e .an sp.int straieht musctc_bounc be..ruse ontt bhe slrone ro rhese rtrrnsj cDe 'oacl<f11ps, sonrersaults anc all th6 otrror a.robatrc rnincs= tr!s '3ur.e (.:Lrj Llrn

ir" Therers no need ro wor.y about r.laxarion. uo you Lea.L ib r. !11! \o.r.r, th" do€, ale j1e!a., th. .lreere-h? ot don,t!,lheir feet f,o ro ih,: cFd ro r'!ak lelive.ed in 4rerr way ),ou jike, 1{n f,n:ntburiasa, ,.cr!i never Po.isea K6 1!ve !irh Lh! e.en1. the s!ente5r rhtntr..j. 11t.1 ,iy t,oys- iunr oi-At_ th€ni ju:a ro.lriis class reiross, a1l 3nrre.i odd j1b5, I srv;1r.:,,,,,"."_ i16. the bo6Ls a.e tho.e, rhey 3ee o!lre.j reaain.: !tato: sDrj.aa..j a.d,tr6 resa, -lhey Leautltul b.diis ;na p1a.€s .a Europe. Tho bost.l o!iit-srtne youi.by p.esr.j.. Tn, ihdte eahul oa liie !s oter and th6ir nLinl5 qrD exLand€d. ?he saore aj jhnr cdme io me, s",,,. , rr(!a !'(rj€ . e run i':lo!" a.ouod! thoy canrt beiieqe:t5 c"ni. ir. ., a conh6n Lbine fo! thrfr tr t'prowe id rhe an6 "cl,.ack seaJrn 2a sr.oIdr'rnatoi s€cond3 b€twe:n i"ao.utrs, once the'. cosron on l. yir.r rn.l,,r,: i., osi oi thenr hav{ th6 s!renstn - th.y d.n!r kn.v, poor f.rr.'s.,rh.r!l as t s6e !t for no.e terd€reiir, c.achos rhn ee! ou! "coie 0,, :.r's, ofa ne,n a.,1 .an slrow them hcv lnst;ac of the.rri,,,r: '1th -.:j:a1(ins aDouL it. Itell! thar"s hor xerre eel,iinG at.as. Th.:.!ve a5i<...,,! tim€ perlra!s r ha\. !osi, tcr stloneth, rn rhe reiqht s:m6 iE !hrcr! I aE.1ose1y jdon!iaiej a: : ri ?itb runnine atrd {as f.r y€a.sr il.rclr fiea€d o:cep5 nr! qoL rs bir: -! a.d ydrr neck, tou!.e ujeak. a d6v€r.ped J'F r...o.cern€d {itir uinniis os.r.oacbos or th. otj." a€li.q:r,. ?h"r rrr:l :r:i r.i" .lysi,a:ltsed trr s.! s.t .rer a;o!! rittrLi !err! (,: ,rf . :..:. hls ..:li la€. th.rj r.u ro:.tcj. :rrl:1i... !r, :.rr: : r.!r.i:jr,r:i ^ _,.. at,d o!1. ro!.5e1i ilia|l:. ,:t: rr.: !,,.. .er:r j ,



and talk dbort e:3 rail of nott tihlle thly al6 ca:!k!nG aboat th6i.rofoot lrftrr 1 an roalty ruBnlne. I 1016 iqnnlnA and I l,]ke doln6 tht^6s and thor6foro k6ep ftg. Oniy th6 flt are fear16ss. You d.$rt n€6d s.ou.ttyl I tra1k6d avdo6 lt st 50 y6ar! of ase and thr6v a3rd. sup.lannuatton, p6.manan4y and tlre Poet uaster Gcneral" Tloy eald I rca bad. Itfr altv.! Tho f611ors Fho sald lt, haif of ttleD af,€ d..Ct l got tlrad of Aotn€ to tholr foa.lals, I oouldalt afford th6 ftocols and vloaibrr Itls tho hon6ct trutht tl6 hqv. too muoh s€crrtty - I F!or6 it eoday - and too duoh f.arf uln.r. .r.ry*h€..,n L!.C.Nttt !h.r anrr6r€<t th6 qd..Llone of s6v6ra1 of Lhos. prss€nt. T.6nrorlb.d and sunmarts€d by ths BF|C's Eon, R€elstra.t John L6sC., 3 6lynd Foadr Stroud Gr€.n, N.&. London. (bdt "Pe&yr5 L..tu.. s66os to havo stalt€d a btt af, a rshpus tn Enelandts *RC ctf,cl.. ,{! ts usually ttE oas. vlttr dynmlo p.rlonatttl€s, Corutty tnspths botli 3t.on€ ltkes anat dlsltkos. Ho has a.ht€yod a ereat d;a1 of, ptr1rf,rcttt !t6ca H.rb itltott's rondar luontnC this fast slffior.:16 *ays vtEt hs thtd.3 ard lats tt forooaulty. Thousta th€ hajollty f661 h6 ha3 sloh to of,fq! and lt*r th6 dJn{lc yay h€ Duts tt oro!, th€r€ ale otb€ls sho hare sthtla. to tho3e-6:pr€ss6d b€1ok by an Engltsh harli6r ln a lottsr to th. 6atior of B.ltaic's Athl€ti.s *,66k1y! 1.e. 'I cin lnd€.stand )4r. Elnest N€v111€'s trnrloty to r1d hltus€1f ol th€ r6haan_ tre coliei .l the 1€.to.6 slr€n by ?.rcy Ce.uttt. wbat .ubbtslr it ts! .ltr.r readr.€ th6 article I ah unceltatn as to rho aotla1ty is ttr6 H6r1{tis fas:es. 611er, Eiliott or ColuLiy? No drubt that aftBr a f6k iof,e le.tur€s ri:e that Elliott hi6setf v111 bs lddecldod. Frsih5t6ro!3 is *he {o.d h6 us6s to d.jcrtb€ tb€ datly loui1n€ of an .itnea: ltu3tr:liao etht.t€ vho wo.kF troo ntn6 rttl fito" rrains ldr aD h3trr aa t€a tlbe .nd thea att€nds .v6rlne 3cho6t. ctfu 6f, tt, ir." Carbtty? \ln!ty-fl'. p.r .€it of B.t!:dtr athlgtes loqd an €quelly tnrtust.taus 1lfe. rortud:t€ly fo.,thts r6!1d th6!e ar€ p€op1€ rho .onstdo. dotne an rronsst day'3 vork aoi th€ comldtly nore tmporrant than rutrni.€ up atrd dor. sandhllls-

arli th€ro are vorld b€ale}s aodrs tbon, I ]sea.d .unninlt fou.teon thousaad rit€s tn flvc years ktthout .€achtne bot6 tban th€ ar6rae6 clubaan.s snanda.d a v6ry poo..lua1l!.[carto. r_or an coach, It eppea.s that ths eocatlon rith xhtoh irf,, aelltty ts €ndo!6d . atbIettc I t."FqL runntns buL bclna pr€.\6d ct th€ 3ound of his odn voice. Filq;G{d6nt alr y. I tlDnk thar rh+ ti@ h6 sF€nds t6achine 14.. sa.b.Ej!11ort to .i.ctft loetry could rre put lo b.ltor !r3e ln l€arnrns to corsttuc! a coher€nt etnlrnce .nd r.1t6 a .dnclusiwe o.spo3ltion lri rhB Qu.€n!! Enert.h. Aisuolng that he tras somethtng io.tb saylne! peoplo of awerase tnt611Ise.do {outd b€ ablg t6 unde.stand ht6. But itts a v6rt doubttul assunptton." But rheth€r dn6.erees yttb al1 ho bas ro say th6 rat h6 says Itr th6i6 13 no doubt that rtls b61i6f! a vert stlong rrell€f, 1n 3-oear srretrsu! vhlch ls at lasr betnc broreht hone e6n€.a11y. To quote the very able E.ne3t N6vll1e, fion. oen€ral s6d!€iaD, ot Brltains R'R.c.'nhuffan11facon3'3t5of5€rYi.eandconsequeoLiy!whi15tth€ badklnd, th€ whos€ rhougbts a.e babttunlly tu.nod 1.ward or cotrc6rn€d vlth r!1s o! b€rseli, ts L€t !5 all ln 1959 loe yhat v6 can do aor rhe athtotes of tlrts coqntlr and ttrus b6 ussfut to ranklnd. If 16 cannot a1t 6nulat. p6..y Ce.urtr, a! 1.a.t y€ can d.rlv€ conlldo.abte tnsptration f!o$ h1s sffolts and ?rtitnes"" ITIS NoT {!RE YOU LIV! . ITIS JUST THE lAY T!'AT YOU SE! IT I A.6c6nt tssu6 of'Track and rleld N€rs! .eported how tr6d \rr1tt was,aoazeo and astound€d by young runbo.3 1r Brtt.r.', i.€d vas qu.ted. dtd not bel16eo it eas possit,le for 1? anil ta y€ar old athl.t€s to t."i" 'ru. hard Ls son€ oa thes€ Ineltsh fads, Unddubtedly tht. t! a contrlbut.tng facror for thsl. t€rltftc resu1ts., But on anorh6r pa6e ln th6.ahs tjsu€, a reporr gave tt that on rorh Arsu6t, MrLe chitt.on and Mlh€ L6hn6r, t'c r5 y"dr-;ras iroh r,ro rr5nrra.tt Alto olooL€4 Io. s lvo nrn to_nrle .elay!t

lli:r€n Sgngl!:-.lttC t.Dl, ?? - r.&c@.! o&qln Clol ll.6llr f,.rt. t.. a.t-!" fiFffiA;ffi;Fffi_.Aid; 2.d-r.!k llilnltirqBc,.,,.ae:!5 I1666&*,r:sc.,...,.?a:rl 5.ta!ry ei'olAqrE,5t t rat{ c.@. ss!4 l,&{ 8od.,980.. ... . ,,22:16 J.faq ibrp!5.,ruC...,..22146 t.,Ir!n crD6i6!Jt,!B! lilah t.Aor! . . -,,t L.t"tr'ff !svj.€!,Vc{..,..,a2. 54 Il14 3o!61 - 2'5 rL. Ilii-wc niiqii.., iil ,.r- rs 6,1t1.!16 E!6b.U!,90C, .2?r 58 L&&. Je..j BrF9...l4i 2O'S 7.9crd6,idtie,arcllc2jr12 ?.Y1. 8..Y6".........14t11.4 J.File r*c. *!e c@', i!&rrl 3.t ona {@iark!89c"..14:?? 4ofd n!l1, t"6rdtyrs g4_!*9r,: 4!:_ai 5"f, elib Ca.t€?rs,E it&hia t.@ s[18!!ri:, vs.ds6!Lah..15:36.2 {e?" 9- t ei,f1. dg qheqi 2,t8 C6*:r$d,lbt6f f,d.16:!,1 0s!. l]' (Irrebiar, dba.) 36dcir- ,r.5 14, l*:is !s8ed, !i!er6-v. .16 r 5e Sectlon€i dild d*tng t(tFJ l.JtE X@b....., ". ,...eli23 t,a'lE 4".1-1e, orrAoi " "..2t:?6 de*-!e@6i-lq-d..s-gjs {1a4rds6r{}$.....1?.


1.!ou8 ty1., C.1ga:9. . . .*4! ?? 3,?ad !{,od6n,.,,.....,:.Lr?? 2.4@ry eltCo,Pddloa

.vi. scn*,nCenid ffiiA iF;;r*rGt.r-,rt *ne phriac!61 sconi 2.Joba lrratr{*hsr,, . . .14,!0 ::ii;-6;ii':.:.......2r:5i 3!Do! B.iii8nla,uarhst. .l/r: t g.nd 2,!e&1 .,...,.,..2?!01 Cct. n5 - srirl.h Cotr&bla Fip,! tlhorl - 2.i !i. Ct.s6-Cout9y C!]@s, 6"5 r. r.'t1t l&8.....,.,,.I5:o?.8 ElP.t school - 2.?5 !t^ r. itAr ra!?-;;:- :, :-: i-r j: rt. j 2,rt1k3 Je6.., .. , . . ...,1r,I1 l.IL.n lrulrlrrlll....U:5lr€ ?.tud !i*.d.n.....,..,,J3.t5 oct.8-llqB$t$ineter N$?. 15 Cnt!. of B.i!t6il leer Yscora€r oLr€p1e git} Colu$!1a' lqvitatlo4. t-5 61" 3otb Fultht HS T.aek x66t *ton trbvlnciai !eco!'l r.leqry crG;E i:i]. ;t1it O^. &11o L.YI. E".e,Beabrso. , *4:44 Parir school: :j?d:,,Dt. l.Vic &6er€,.,,,,,..,15 jCB.4 !,:4b .rdrs,....,,.,,.1i:25 oct, LL - goC C€6klJ Y-o6t l.ni! }{airh@, c'l€cn, ,15 ! ji le&r VeE.nw! 0C....,,..2! IF:[-&;i:of,:-...,.r], : 5s.e NoY. 1 - VoC ,eekty u€69 ai .l a!. Coltrr,!:n...tc s6aLo! - 2:71ii. u ot 4tne*a,",",.,,l? oci. 4 -


L.6kfJl &,sl


!or.? - rlarallan AAU/\!jR rJ6aLtr, A.sn. 2-r1, r-c Rur st'.6c1Itz,us\r. .9t?7 2, Hrlot<l c016: u, nauart, 9:]6 l. Sah!el Bla.knan. UH. tO!08 4. {.'Iananaha, sr.Louis nsl O:2r, Rabelt run€s, uE, 5. 1o:42 * nos t.r.lt6ry .6co.d Junror (20 starters) r, r. Lansttte, Kailua! tAtS?.4 ?. Rod Adrai, st, Lout3, ror5l,.5 ..!clrn L66, st, Loutsr :1. t!rtl 4. R. rodg6, Punahou, tlrll.,r . n6w Junlor rcco.d Nov. 22 - :lawattan aAu/chr.h co1l.s€ of Hahlr l-rr. x-c.

1. nakld .o1e " !.rr5:11.5 ?. Kern€th :laiQraha :1. sahu6l Ela.lrnin 'r'ctrt6}!ato.yj!.Jor.l

];_T;?n Larcrt1c., r 6:26.5 l;"?ff;r1a! Bu.ko, ra'ln.s z. Tlrob,as Lone,,\1arJi6s 3, Janes lavt€s, n*.in6s Teanr 1" Havant rra.r n€s Hteh s ch6ol l. Unrv€rsttt ol fia"at1 xov,l0 Hanaiind .L{ulxIrR H.alth Attn 4,EL X-c Rln i:-li"---r-i.ld ,u;. , ?. i.trn.tb 1dn.-uaha 22: O6.5



Sat. Jan,l/59 102nd E.s, ARlloRY aro Mr16 Run - Hqndloap A Rac. of tr!.6€.) {xllst oa s€ri65 r. JM6i llllls, Iona Co1lEee, N.Y. C r 10?nd ln€Inos.s ArmorY, 1?5 yllg., 9tr2.?i ?. Tom. Larisj DecoRbor 18' r95A Da.tmouth co1. s.!., 9r!1.4 avo !,1llo Run HandtcaP (5p11ts! 68.2, 2,r9.4, 3129.4. 1. thomas La.ts, taltrouth rrosh, 4t)a.?. 5t47.U, 6.56,5, 8ro&.3), solatch, Tln€: 9I r5.6 l. H€nly I-.vln, N.Y.U", ?5 yde.' (Lartsrs splrts: 7r.1 , 2.2A, it29.9' 9rl4.6r 4. Jon Btak6, Yale udiv.' ata?"),9tr5.6J 4,40.1. Ji 5rr.S, 6t5A.5, ro0 2. Bob Lo!€, Rroin Unta., vcs. 9t29,4 Tvo Utl. Rln - tlan.llcap ttBr' Race l. Ed Lalkl.' lo.dl:ar Univ. l?5 Yds. 1. Paul FhtnneY, Unat., r75 Yds., 9t)1.2' 9.48.l; ?. Thohas O'Brieo, ur.t. , 4. P6t. B6t6!, Sa.hattai Co1]eg6' scrat.b 60 yds.' ,:56,4i 3. Ed Larkln' rordhao li.1v,, 2J yds., 1ojo1.6i lotdham la1t Coop.t, rero scratclh€n Ott!6! 4- J, Ca.er, St.JoIm'5 U., 75 yds L6vtnINYU, and llonrv G€no rlartin, rlanh^ttan Mrl6 Run - gandiceP rt,{,t Faos no.. 2?!5e ?.d rleot I02nd'ingit66rs Amorv' on6 l. 4€n6 Yartln, Ilanhattan C61, 1/! $i16 R!n- A Rac6 - 13t s€ctton 80 tds., 4I1f,?i 2. Ed KEdnoc''' i. .ri. e".o.., Itoly c.oss, 55 lds. )to2.5 Manbnttan co1,, 1!c yds., {:iU.6j Da.tdouth F!. 35 " 1.01.2 3, id McA1116t6r, tlan.col.., 50yas Scr, St.Joh.s lI. P€t€ C1osa, )ta6.2 f. ri. Errc srors, caxBell, lr:r5.'?"i !^ A1 lriednan, Y316 UnrY.65 Yds, yds,, u.16.? ?5 l,'r fiir€ ton - A Rac. - :dd se.tton i{ile :luq - ilanLrlcap !E! Pac€ l. c.r€ !l:.t:n, llanhattai' :15 ydr" lraJ.3 oae 1" Jrbn (lt€, I'YPC 30 yCs. 2. .u Ttlosp36nr si. Johns! J5 yds" l:15,? ' si, Pst2. JAd ssenson! \t2t.7i yds. t:le untv-, t:o5,9 ,J t. -:!B'rrc€. rir3a.t, y.l,s., 60 sis co1.r 1, J. !. i.d For, $,Y.P.c. 1r06.0 l5 Yds. yd5, c€ntral J3rsoy,50 Forte6, ' lr!'.1eFln-ERac. 4:11.4, 4. Jtfr;{.qnhrnr rotdhan ' La..y st"c13ir, I;:nhatian, 5cr, 3! r2.l Un1v. j 40 Yds, rr.ll.6 .: ?i. n:13b, shanafur act ?5 rd.. )tt2.4 one !1116 uark - ' fiancl.ap iO Yds' :)r1?.4 .. !, Easiat, rordbas, nYF!, 50 7t yd6. ,1r ti -9 irhn i{!H.ke! [-,-aC 'd:., 2. 6t!!5.4t ! vrle Face i.:r )a -: Ron r-alid, sciatch, 6.46.2; l. Uoatt., .I)th.afis3r, 75 Yds. l:1r IYP{j, lo yds, , 5:1.6.5 i r r.55 vd,. 1: It]00 Jaid l]ln - Fandx.aD 'r!" aace a. Bob !1ehLns, liY":.c.c. r90 yds. 3!!l 1st S.ction - :. A1 Thdhp5ot, st" Ge419: iiirtir:,a. Arreets,50 yds. 3:!3.? Jahn!s u,, lo llta"' 2.1Q.)r 2' )1i }1ilrFra-l!:.€ . Pat6 C:o36,5t.John's 1.1. r sc.atch Jolin a.rrr, lanhat ian, lJ ?:11r.4; l, aaofr $aIbY, athatiirn, uob uc\ah:ra, Usrlrr,r, j0 Jo yds.. 21rE.6j !+" Ed slosik, Ia..lh:n, 50 -1. r. Ic!;ir, yds,, 2t15"2 Yale Udlv., a(Ar t-ar al3i.na, atlurbia, ?o 2dd soot:o. t0orl Yard Fun i. P€t6r Brandiesj CorDell' :loyds. 2:il.ai 2" Pet6. L6vln! Talryto{n rr.!l rLati^h.n or IrP , lo r.. 6.5t,o s.s.c. , 20 yds. , 2! 14.a, :1. c, a. 7.0).. r\r. 4 \u:r", C.uarpf€y, st.Joi.ns i ?5 tds., Rober! rrinr"! Pann,\.c, 5a 7tr6.a Z: 15,2 t 4, Robt"aa.t..,3e!on Hail rJllaRun-ARa.e unla. vdla o:?0.5 l0 yds. ! 2: l5"f nr !?0 vd3. td , Jo, 'a:v. ..?1,) r000 Yd. uB" tst 9e.tlob lo,d", , Joqn !o-1,, \.1.1 st, Johns 5 Yds, l. Jer.y Vicht, 5t, Johns 20o !d3.9.??.4 2,2?.6 -- znd s€cit.n L' Dan lete B€rer, !'anhattan, ?5 yds, 9:2?.8 s!11iv..r, !drdha$, 3i.r, 2t22"9.-.tlileRun-Bnace ' lrd sactior I Bxlan l,anbe.t, ..is. o.5?.< -ol. ,n Frtrrs, ron! t^ s!:ry closs all, sc!. L 21qr]rr q' j ! .hh ib, Bro/n ni" 1 vds. o: <n. : UETROPOLITI]I AAU NEVELOPMEiJ'T M6EA

3, Tdn C61andin6, st. Joirns :lJ ycs 1o!00.6 10r00,4 Sar. Georse iculds! Unatt.

Th6r€ ws.6 6teh! fu1l .il3tadc. rarathon5, cdnduct€d througho!i l{ite Relay ths U.s. a. 1t 1954. alarhaftan (J, C.r.y, L. !{d1bY, roldh?n 2. a r, !a.tin) ?5 lds.,7r55.at lrerh, 1?J yds. ! 7!56.ai f, liYAc, 50 vds'

t4l,ailY ]tfD gTttGt_ITZ tli: IN


s5t. Jan. !7, BostoR |( ot C (ll.d dn.-J1) n'ts' r. Ron DAr.ny. TFelcnd. Er.6.ir ?:--l_f. prr I D61rr4!;I , r.s. Air i6!o€! Jr:O9,?i l" Pnli Cotlaan. $CTC, !!lO.f! a. Pote CloE€, 5t. .]Ahnr. 'Jilrnrsit',. In rtntrrne rhs ts36y l1!lr nan Dolanyj iJMaiov: arailuat€ 3t{dont, {ea..rne the ca;..s of Irala.'c! Lr6!l trs 3oth etr.rst! itrdoe. vlct.ry anrl lrts ?trtL st.aj€it 1r th. btle., Ths ft€1il! h.w6v6r tilt.b lncluded lbe sensati6nal Ar11 netltnsof,, to!h6r1, ot orss6i bli no{ .: lha U,s, Air i.rce, ptat€d l.ro ru\iJnar,s hdrtJ. tha , trir ed4c-, 'h. wns 6'i.1, ihe hala 2roa.2 €! ard the thr€e-quarte.3 l,iO,, D€1aEy D€rery hoved un sh6n the end sas in slshr anri bloit€d aray, {tnnlbe by abour flao yards. Dellliee! look€d 6.od on his "ttnal ki6kn but hB aidr!t thr6alen t6lany. 10:25 P. , Lartv€e T*o r4t1.r r, L€v -!eiar, tz, FiT:E:3-;;---",' s."y"., E.rtIEo.€ olynprc ctubi l. rom ralr;. Da.tnorthi 4. Deacon Jonos. ro*a., L€r St€iglrrz, rh€ lalj u, of.onr€clicut aluonus un€xp€ctadly blinded Do-crn Jonp<. tno ."vorrte. dnd pve:1, body €Ise in the 2 mll€., steisltrz, onsten,tr€cane tho filst N6{ tnsland natiwe tc boat nine nl.ut€s to, iho distance when h. un.eeled en A!j3.6 run,. Buz, 5ary6r of Boc ras a .lua.r€! of a la! bebind hih, a6ilored by fr6shnan Tom Laris, a future sizzl6r f.on D:rtnoutb, and the'1) badly outrun in his fi.st Ga.den dofear rea.on Jooes, 1t ras th6 li.:: trfte Steiglr.rz had nin€ atnutes-indoo.s or ou!, i{6 dtsFlay.d a'nazing r6s..we ]J6w6: io the lods rac6 an3 clo.t:ed 0:61.0 and 0:61,4 for hts lasr LNo qualto.s ac hc ran a{ay froh th€ e.od fietrd, E{ corrymn,e, Ilglj:qon-Yard Ru',:?.i, Rury ,nl. rr. or!e-j l. r.vc Mrrir, purduer 4, ron uu.,hv. I-va4 i J" ri).k Etrt., u".i"n s+n.e..' T!i3 .ac6 turned cut ba a bln.dr affai!, Tvo hours b€f.re 'o th,: ,a.e. n"," !li11e, tbe pu.dui freshnrar *!ro r.it y€r. ds ashodtboy 5c!-ed I r6ma.k:hlo 9.? 2t.2 & 46,6 irlple the loo, 220 d ilro, rac hlt on theinh.ad br a rsck_ ' .r o/, rC hit--nJ-r cellnqu€nt i€a. hl.s hotei..s. iaa th.se stitch€s tsken i! th€ wound but .pp€aleo a Lho trrc! for (ho r.,h a \te ,htt. })atch cov6.in€"600" the sore spot. !. rh6 flnish, ca1ly,trore e Rudy sdith

3praf,16d all 6v€r tb5 tlank !n thstr firal lrne6 to th€ tap€. Botf! Cofry and gblih ,6f,€ badly oerkgd athlet€s sb6n ih€y got up. Blooit ri;i6an6d .iorr th6II l6es, vhilo colly qas t'16€dine f!6n hls. lor6tr6ait a.d dhin. Snith 1dde6d aar035 th3 1:r! ttks a ftilback eardg t.t . tlrst Irwn .-ed a9p.n:Ba to b.r3h Crtlyh6... trh. teFr nis balance lor a fsr t/a.dg. -tjr..n l€ii lrqrilj.,lirllynic16i I :ii... .,.:"-d r.:ro . r--L br.t_ (n ,_!_. r.r: j:.r 1nolrr3. sl:rrnLe. ardrj vilta(ova, e€orge c!x,:!q, had6 h1s 60C debut a.d b:.ko rt:c 4rrior lBcold. ahd.1le J€nLtni, O1/Dplc chanpiod, ,r16!d won str troph! 6COrs cr th. Oarcen i.acirl uas fcard in th. c.owd vatcnine a Bosrin tFack ho€. alr airs llrsr time 1r! il!r cire.r..rr srrud.nr at suftolk La! schio1 thes6 days. J6rkins has ttne an1l. for c.ackrnc rho bdoks. 'I -l€hi .un aealn,r ho \dIl. rbu{ rrn beernilr! ro dou\r ,L.n cu3tr1n3 100c. l. rav6 scur_ 9ar!rnai 1ook, Notth ctriiaiia Untv., 2:12.?; 2, N..m Ir11iams, c€o!e€r^!n !niy.i l. Joe soprano, NYAC t 4. ErCa> L€ps, U:.hlsan; 5. tsot] God€sky, Villanowa. ,-lrirejglj: r. ya16,(rim llade, r.ie.l ;td.\. ,oh.r 5rosrk), z, G.oreetok!; l, 5yracuse. -tinet? t+5. 5 L:1]:L6 F€r,y: i, Horr (ro"5; ?. F.our,; l. seton Hrll. TrB€: 7t4t.7, BoarC splinters - 10i1?O vatched youre (h6,ll be l6 1n Malch) J.hn calwln Tho'qs cieal 6-11 l/4 {.or a !o.ld lddoor r!i6h juhp.ocatd. H€ acbi6ved tb6 leap wlt,h thloe laps io co .tnat cortainin Rod's rile vl.tory,. inconslde.ate of ,thonas.r Ron sald wittr a t,lnkle ln hi3 rrlun sha11 r!se aeatn. r rant to !.edict anytldng, lI! tt':t .a.:. fett €asy, I sh.uld ttlre trl.ked earlirr.jn sa:d 3ill l.1i1ns€r," !']]611inBe. 1!rt64 e'3d,r' aer:en ll.1any, i.!' kihg 4a tlie ladoo. aiI.16. ,iJho. h€ Aets as.d ro dhR iacii.3 .! :ndo)! ruqtrins! I rLtni. he" ti l].€;cnr strrnB con'petirirn." ,. 7h1i ColeDan, ta !elan:, and "hi.d !€1ting€r, {as disappotnte<t tn jais tlmG of {4.1o.3), but told !€po.iols h3 ihrueh! l1e c.uld ed und6r l+:ol. 'lho infolhation was plof,prly Fass€d on to Deiady, sh.? orns tho woild ind_ oo. r.e.o!d of !tta).4,, ',If ho luns 4r01, I'11 rua lr:02!r'Ron declarsd. ,.Ie{r 1l any: of tho Boston fans \nes it. but D€lany sutf6red rn ulr3€t stomaclr 1j minutes before th: starr

-18oI tb6 seasonrs fI.st irl€ nrtle. rI was Ff;€tty slck fo. a 1.6y btnut,.s and a 1itt16 'a!t1ed,'r non raid. ,tE!t I t€tt Itn6 wh6n t}.e raoe start€d. It nlsxt har. be+n tlr6 hdt dresstne roor ot:3om.thtng I ate for dlnd6! that uisBt ny stohaoh.r' ," !6l11rg6r sot teady for hl5 boa.d d.l:ut by rolLtn6 o0t

4-S99r49jssi1-!-!-&i- :sl-g::

Jrs, 1?, ianot€!, N.fi. - uantrattan ?t'*, Dad@uth 3rt z/1. Mil6r L Mcal1lst6." 14. tr.25t 2. X.rtln, U. f. frirt1.i, D, 600r t. Ron Coltno' I. 1r12.2 l0O0: 1. X.rayr U" 2:r9.{ z-!M.r !. P€t6! B6y€rr M. 9!4r.9, 2. Kenn€dJ, U. l, Jaquttb, n. !-lti16 R6lay: Manhattan, 8:09,l Sat. Jan. 17, ltesr Polnt, N.Y. Amy'sque€zed,by lt.I.T" !c5 to l, looo: l. Bill tla.ne, -{. 2:12.7 (Acadesy aad lteld hous€. re.ord) uit€: t, nick Healy. A. 4:17.9i 2. Ted 6odz, A. :. iid*i6 Roberirs, ,r. ?- 116; 1. nick C!6eno, .4. 9:25.7t 2. Lynn Bond€!, A. ]. Cene Hi1s.n,a. 2-It11€ Rolay: r" ,\mry. 7,-5i.1 Chicaso, Jan. 17 - lfhrd€ iistaDc6 Ie L, dd ir ln i:h A"rual Cnicaaoland open nLeet, stodsored by the U. ol Crricag. Tr:tak C1ub. F.r tho ftrst tim€, a l0OO-r.La! Jterplechase {ht'b d 5d-du"r p,' tn3'6ad oa a wa.e. jump)j ri?st p1ac6 and 3 meet r-.Did ,-nl to Ld vrid€i q6u!el th 9!la,a. Yander H€ur€i 1€C at tbo 8eo {?,29), and at tbe frils {5r0?), Art oFohutrdro ted at I r/2 n!. in 7r42, but van<ter lleut€] .eeaio6d th€ l€ad to uin by f 3e.. 1. &d Vand€x H6uv61: C.hc. lrich,ac! 9t)A.A A.t Cichundro ! UcTc, 9:41.3 ), !ialne nufr! UcTc, 9.54.5 u, tlck l!*.s6bd, Norljh€rn It!la.it !f,h€aion Colle€6,10,?2

Paul Eurktialt r :fnabe, Itlu, l0 s45 R.ttre" cbanlte alg, l!:,!5 ce.!5on, tt. oa chicagc, 1o:J? 61e€pf6r, illu, 1t !02 Pa!1 it.ns€1l, vhor.}ga ct1l" , ! i.?4 ?on ldoodalli Mi116dgew111€ t11., ' 1o:2? {or€ lap shortJ :an the F1l€J nan Rr.aq 6t v6s+.e.r 1:t!. ('., tallod€d th. bost olubts ' tlck tond {finre! inrliana U" qr16t! tor 7 1aps, r,5 rtlen !oo!. or3r aid {.n ln 4tr)"},

ilary ;'" iloh t. Ivan ?" tlck

3ec, ofa Fhir co10 an's ns6t r6.ord. Lap tlhes: 3c' ttt \132,5' 21a4.5'

2t35, )toA,3tUo. ' !. Da. Ryan, wsst, I1l, U.i 4t\2.3 rrj1r.o 2. Dl.k Podd, Ucic, (r,3?.O l. JMos A11Bn, Xatqu.ttn U;' r.t3r.o lr, tick IoHnseEd, !'Iu, 4!rr2.O J, Ray Ott, lttu' 6. L. sut.1*n6or, NIU! 7. \i_to &6111' U. al Chl.aeo; A. Eoy Fo!t!n' iloyola U.; 9. Larly 9s1Ing€r, {€st, 1ll. U^l 10. M. artckiqn! Yh€aton Col1, The th66-nt1€ run also tcnt to flylne td vand.! Egurol in 14t29.?, blsrtng ttr€ e..t 6aFk cf llt.t?,! !.i by Phl! Co1€d56 en{t il.nry i<tnn.dy in 1955, Car r111tas, U. ot c!!tl!€o A UCTC, took 3.oond tn 34.i2t ht. fit.t .ace 3tno6 Lrs sufforod a 1un6 tnjult tn July. 'rl[rd w6nt to t5!07 afier Jack Blackburn, trittlns '€rsatl1e (indlnd tbo fl1e walk rd 7r0?,1 ide{ id€a Io.,ahuFl) 1. Ed v..d6r 1l6!ve1*, c€dt.,\il.h.?c, 2, eb! railltadst U ci C,, 1lr:Ja lJ:9? l" Jack Blaakburr, o51o 4, Aln€ lttohards, UCTC'"4, l5.A?.2 15t09 J. Rat}lanrl., UCj|C ' d. Isaulo Rtva., Ua.qg6acb U. 7. Ga.y rnabe' NIU, a.9, Ua6ronald' Cost. Mloh. ?c 9. Rtr1pti Ellbe.gr !nai!. *(r.portod by -(!de lltilrards rhc stlL.s! "1 hav€ doftr.tGly 56tv3d i:tlo systsry of hou ad vaod.r EBulol spe113 hts na'n€ .unndr.an claXr to hav6 had rrls nams rdsep61l6il s. naiy dtff.ront Uo;€r Ed vandor i{ouw€f, rho rtas b€6n star.j.ns tc! central Mtcblsan ior seneral yEars, lDs used rp hts colle6-1ato ellelbiltty ald i3 dot .urnlnir tor ihe Cer,tral Mi.l1tean 1.ack C3ub, lle won th6 IiAIA cros3-oountly title lLast la11J and todk 2nd in th. lic&r charpionshlFs at aait Lans-


c.oss-cnunt.t .ace a. Li11.,,rran.i l,aLlde hja!ryi3 tBslslunl ?tr ac. 1i_t€r a ereat iuvil€ iriih ..anjo t, i\:rr !. i'1us.s1atir) ?9!4r.. l" ts.dlaf! rr, 2t:j7j !. vairlant, !r, 2r:53; J. nitonsuis, Be1s. )o:o2i 6- Atseur, l!, -lCt10; 7, van J6 Eo.ra, 861e. l0tlli 3, tan de lloow€n, B€1s. 30r20t 11. !, walkBr', 5ng, ?0r40; 24, Ed :(lr.krrrr Eng.

chtca€r, Ii1., satulday, Jan. l -!i1-cqn..3 v€et Uller 1. tan n?an. !16steln I11!nois,


lick !ond, ucrc, lr!:8 at 7laps ln 1.471.

(Foa3 ?as ". 16ad{ne

3A0j ., tra,! Frilnp., Loloid, t:5..i1 ?.5}'i FoF611so., rr.r-, rrOO; l. Ton, su11tvad, St. Gsore6 Hs isoph), 2r01 3-!$lJ t. vayn6 !urf, rrcrc! 10:rJ. Chi.de., tlr,t JBi. t0 - Unlv6rs'ry of Cbicago Track alub Rolayrr !d Vada6r' Heurer, criuL :.ont.al tchiean Un1v6r31tt .unn6., an ealy ,ln ln tb6 op6n tro-nira that f€aaur.ed th6 UCTC ndlayr. l{o iook !ve! at th€ 22O and rrrt 2r19, rlr40, and 9'24.5. 1rt.66 aen tcugbt it out lor znd, as Ray lr6nzie and A.ne nicba.ds alt€rnated 1r, ?nd, ve.y closely tail€d by JacL Blackburd, Ohio State U. ,alktng aco, alackbufn nippec Richards rn ths last ftv€ yefdsl in 9:41.r+. Thef. v616 r5 runners SuDnary: 1" Jd V3nde.H.!ve1, Cent.14lch. t.att.5t 2, ra.k Bra.kb!.d, ohro Tracii 41.5, 9.41.&; l. A.nn Richa.ds, UCAC, 9:11r.Jj 4, Ray M3nz1€, tlc1c, 9:ltl.5i 5. n.t onorrun.l.o i ucTcj 9i57i 6, Blil Ca.son, lirhe3ton C.1re€e" 10!2oi 7, Ernie i{ilrnijis, lcla, lC::l; g. Car: K'labe, -'iorri,ri.. il1, lrniv,, 10::5! t, ?aul Burliirtrrnt, irrcaton l.jor1., 10:26; r4. !i. N6i1Ir U ol C Varsily, 10:11, The nlsNanc€ nrBdley .e1ar tteat to : pow€.trl ucTc qua.t€t i6 tc:14. Dlck loid! foleer rndlana li Bile., 1€a oal ulth i:J?j Ron llend€ls.n tuxed in a O:51s 440i Phll colenan iroti€d throush a a.n2 1324, rai L:sdon a 4::l nire. th6 time if 10:18 qa: a new hoet lecold, 'the ilid*6st Roai Runners Club ril1 spnrsdr a 1j i:tlo P{n on l1arcl' 28, ihts is th6 ra.o day .s the Da!1y Nev5 Perats, rnd ihet will iilt lict€ts for neel tbar nieht. Th3 rrni6!s lri1l. travn .o ::.t lt1.ir .i!ri65 iand hane:r f.r


3lJts ni$ 15 Kirc lialk, .'-1 4- C:6€o l-.:re, :rerti;.!a, rashjnst..,. i27" aad !rghl

Saltlnole! 14d., sat. Jan. 10- 111Nlt!.r L. PDzz Savy6i' Baltlnora " olt;;;i-ctlib, 9, orr,5 (01d .e.o.d, 9:19.1, by Pitketriy, v"i1.r,, 115?) t 2. Lou sti6E1lt!. usNj 9.11t 3. rorn Kopil, Quantlco uarin€3, 9.21i 4. V€.dlsco, Gso!C6torn Untv. Ii,1. &rn: 1. P6t6 clora, st, JoLs's, 4;i3lai--2. rlank Fflae1ne, ts.o.c,, LrrAi l; coIaflta, Ua.ylandi 4, Ik€ aao: 1. Ndm at1X1es, eeorsetorn, 1r5A"7t a. Marttn, !4organ s!at6! 3. Ed Math6r, U.att.r i,. }16rrtreath€rt 2 Xi16 nrlay nAn- l" Ollot6 T.C.r ar3'.Ji 2. Crass country Club t'Biri l. t. St. Varys Cotlege; 4, No. Va. T,C,.. nBtr hac€: l Calhol1. Univ,, 8:06.1i 2. Cross Cou.tly "an; l- ltd. Unlv. llosht q. Shanaban cc. "Cr Facc. t. Georsetavn, 7!56.7; 2. St. John.s; 3, tuket 4. IordbaD Unlv. ls dr!.n"4e aA ^ross- orn'., ch,nps. \'/ar Uomoriat ?ark, Llttle Rook, Ark. ll€s!i1€ ln:bltlty of rival t.anrs to a st.ans tan-ran Ltttle !)a.ti.tpate, a r:e1d Crxb i6aB.a. .g.\n:, itrerl :a th: L€do '\u'h) en1,, L!tl. lu€nl'-ao sro. . " on tato.s r.d th!€e n€sssln or ha.d tocombor 20ih. Tho race ras contost.d ower a tus friie courie {cut short by error by the vr.knou narktne tho coursol. Althoueh the 2 niles would lrave allow€d"fiizh s.hoor. students io entert th.t vere flxced to siay oub ior fear of josl're eligibilitr if hteh schools .e-opened.{Edr !r1.. a. R.undase and otbsr AAU !speak6.s' fail about trre dec11n6 0f inte.est in eoo,lotitlv€ athletica, tbe love. l€v.l rf U.s. p€rr_o.rance and suegest ihat the U.s. p.oelam should be cban-lot 6l uh6n sool pro€rafts a.d .tleopted tb6y fa11 fiat b6.ars€ of a ht1110. and one a..ira1c IntrascholasLX., C011!eia:u ard aAU uf,€s l._:!1sg!,:rc ariyhnnee! l st Conforen.r. cha$plon aod Uni./, .l fy Capra!. T.h aeklet. also a stespl4chas. ru..er1

i.*Va1d€n,a. Cracdy, Vlricduv€r, &J, 1.2?,26 allen Rennickr 5t!r.t 'r1'n€i, Crlns" .1, Eob H€.dri.ks.n, :6dttle Oil oaLtry, and Diit: Lrreier lnone :he -J. nerin l-.y, lacona a&! C1!ai! other r:sdaI1$is, jr. !on Jacobs. Tt3ard, Oleson, ;t.stite elrcut3tai.63 und.r rhicn jj. tdn An.:..soo, S6attle OC, | )r.55 ""h€ l-! Ciub sho!Ln colfair:e, tt has g.os! alr ih€ .t.!nCa! rad :3 1n€*tr 6. Jlh Fleidsl seatria cc,

:ras e.ovn all th€ 5tf,o.sar and i3 cn teaas for pr6sently 'orklos ,!1? Base a.d Liitle Llttle nock Rook uniwersity, and Pomlsslon for 3|udents ib thc closed 1!1eh scb.ols t. .ohPete i. club n€ets. Th6 c1ub, ty unan,lmous wote last alfb6ugh sumr€. ! t3 lnl€r-lncia1, A.ka.sas a,A.l.i. is seeresatBd. slate ot ofri.ors r rery ;1;i;; foi 1959 has b€€. elected, and each is workiie tlih ei'anCeli.al zeat to build tr]e .1ub in arkansas,vhe.€ the.e is ritt:-6 ru.nins int€I.st or int€resr in ninntne bY th€ -:u!. nach ofticcr uouid velcomc l6tters of en.ourasoFont and advice ficn Lt L6a .6ad6rs :n rhe hote aclan.dd ble-cIty*cl.ubs, (td: *'iA11 t!.€e o! four of then'!") and most especiallv t.or' so!'€ of the leadine athlotes uho.ould insrlre Pxesident - ThoDas 0a!1ev, unLv. of 4rkansas, Iayettewill e, A.ir. vlce Pres - Thonas Yo.k, Tu1a.6 Uoiv. xev orlea.s, La. (x-c) vlce rr€s - Lt. Enrnett Robe.iso.' Littl€ Rock Air Bas€, Ja.ksonwirr€, Ark. Se.r€taly - Charl€s Oakl€y, univ. of oklahoha, Nolm.n, okla, (2 6ilel co.resp. 9ecty - Jobn T€dlo.d, 2100 Country N1ub. Little Rook {:l.ack) , uLl i. F" l. l-itt1e ilock Lniwexsitt' Little Pock, UlND SPRIXTS

at ea hins6rr o.1y "o-i-?iiiffiIer c.ed1t for hi5 trai.ins Der'hods,


ndnril s that he lea.ned qurte a

lhc fund i' ol afrl- the I aLterr s nnd T.ainine! , 'comdnctc, ri11 stlll 5rrendsanse r1thletl.s, i.llv.epar readine, Itis ess.Y on in tho last menticned iemalns a'S1t1',inn, 6€s. , !]enton, tr.n C1e ea!1i.si dar s, .,," orr' i'.( y .dvo."L6a .lan'J , r u holdlng thar th€ 'pror! .roF ot "u^h n: urqr aF-r .'c, "_s to r ruch {:.cale. deslee tl,n. thRr. of consian{ o.st tunnins o. the fiat, loN (e r.. reea!ed sta.,ina buirdine runs of,Ie.f !rrtottrs tlJ san.llrtt I s. . Toda'' and tomor..s d.tJ.nd Tuo 16on,weste.dar... l.rr-o1.i F1:er: in lielborrne srrone on Doccnn)ir llttr, Ttrd) nr. lan ricrlecse { V! 21.:J a.d nt:ls

.f thlln

\r€k, on .-

rorrd 6-nr 1e t.acr' rco\r-horde.:alljl3l thar!' : i !: ced

sportsmdn chareed uith makine rrud-

justltred raterial mlni5i nerspap6. l{€pszab.dsae. Iharos 1s r€portea to ha!'€ askod hts .lub for an apartD€nt,,. A ren,ark teDoried to have b.6n made !Y vladin:l. Klts wb.. h€ announ..d his retlren'enl frds th€ t.ack .ecenlly rtll erwn Rlssla's albleiica .oacrras .aus. tor thouetrt, :rhe l1-tea.-ord wa.ld l0'0!! o.tres .ecorli-hof,der nnd dolbl. cl'ipic s.1d-h6da11st ts quoted.as satins tha+. hc susFects hts has ne.t! \hich caused his.eti.€aent a result ot ne!e. b6ine f,ll.t;ed' eir,hd. Lry i1s intends .Dnro bre.n traintne,,Luts tinutne his ca.eer in th€ x"avY and ui11 occasj ora:l1y advtse xouns runiers.., iose u.1rn uoi tte l5ti rJ6.n race i'r Ear.elrouin" ;;;::-;;uitr] lona, spain, beatins sereral .io.€ lancied runn..s Nitli r !im. of 27!,itr. 20.4s lor just over 9 kilo!s.,Ie1lovSpan{a.ds A1.nso and Ano.os folloLcd brn hon,€ {itb Portlguese sr.r riaile1 !arta rourth, T. na.is (s|ainl rrftb and O1yn,l)i. nar.thon chan'rion Alald rroeor Bannrhoun (r.an.o) sixt!.... ist6r, clr.istened hls son olive ctrits tiE;lr on .r"""ary lrd i. the Fresence of lbo two nlen ,ho p.ced riin to his re.o.d .un in 1954.. lloth Frash6r a ch.tstoplre (6.. actine as four-n$nrlr-old olivet5 sodfatl,ors, .econtly trnnounc€d trreir eneasen,ants Hithln 24 hours nf €ach other... Ron Derany iras i,.naeed to




into " his rtust ro.k Feek, trestdos taLinc 26 sraduaie c.edits in dr:d,.ric Ron is arts at Viil:nota Univ€.sit) ' alsc in hls slxt.h .i.nth locatlJ lor I.ish Air .er.esertativ. Lines, He ox!ects to conlinuc $o1Li.e lor tha air 1in. uhen h€ rrislusn !:nre th. nora.."1hat Iljiis newstap€rs sawe ie is a eood rre-in," .etu.nins t. riLt:nova, iron tds hac "rrrout f.u. or fi!€ re6ir. Ii ihe J ran barefoot >r\ 4rLPr '/ l Ji.. Tl^r I lntersters€d six o. io n'iles a dal' r !th the c.dss-countr) bcys on the ro:.ds., "Ir N.,sn! t . ha.i autun,n, b!r. ono-eood, !o:ax:.i it !as. s.tistlifg for i.a i. i r{. " rI!w€'atso don€ a sreaa deal of strenstheninA exer.is€s,t! rre !oints don€ 10o o. ni.re pushuDs . dat! for exar!1e. uo.ld Reco.dr?





block of seats so tbat alt lac€ will 6e stttinc tosethsr To stnprify fratters, nak€ rtre check o. m.o. payabre to DatlJ News Veterans fund and above add_ aboirr r.b. 25, you vltl blank fo. th6 15_ krl6neter (rouehly 9,5 miles) ra;e. furth.r details. UeanFhlle It eaqld be ho.€ th.n nllreciat.d if you would spread nors of this rnce 6o anyon. sho 0isht be lnt'6iested, Ua hoF6 ttEt )ou vIl1 tuv. the oppot tunttlr tc set in shape for rhrs lacc, shi.h should bo the b€gt r.ad .acr. uNj1r3,htor. Inrury,6to,,, vetve h6ld t.t- r'ost runners, b.rt p.1zes, erc. L.okioil forwrrd to s6et3f6 E" Hyd€ park Bted, lng you on areh 21, (€ lehard. chicaeo r5, r11. Ray eozie, tr6s1d6nt ranuary 17, r959 !ildvest Road Rund6rs club 'do ar€ herebr givtnC you tko ronths Hal Hlgdon, secrerary rotice ol drr n€{i rac.. cn saturday! lldrcrr 2r, 1959j at a p.Ir., iroa Jobn Je{cr1, Hon. ?.csid.,rL the Niduost Road i!trails Club vill 'f Brttrl.,s Road Runn6.s club sr.nso3 tho 1919 caotrar -crru aod oDoE l7 j(ingj.\v.n!:J ! -(-kilon€t6r Chanpllnehips. ThE ;;;;!aiing! l{, 5 vi11 6. beld an the abandon€d Lako ranutr.!. I, t 9Jt Shor€ n.lvo strtp o. it!;caso'3 sd'rrr bes!ds bsf,rriiut r,ike Jrer.ll.4(lrinsi Mtchleen. Tratlrlos Fi11 so to the firsr, !"eiJ trny Lrr.Llrrs ror r.Ji rhlrll rrtr.e 1orte., I b,awe rt cours! norlrl C€ntral A/,.|i ni3dals vrll lJ€ arard€J fo! tour sref,tly €{pf,nded ,Lolc Jrisrnnc. Jirst, s€.rn.l, ann thi.d ptrces: and Loe' d: hr!a {ond.r€d hr( ih.-a fo.rih throlcbr-.n'!h r!rnsis uill ro !r.tdu.. jt, kn6vins lrtl !:Et1 olyn!i. rove1o1ric.t n'edn1r. Th6 odiry f€o Firl. b6 rit.0o fo. 1Ds li despatchine .rf nersletter. ot ihe rroad RunnDrs ctlut, l aii not a3nnool.dsr5te n! r!;.nrdj and 50 !enLs for n6m-oers. (E€ide on fh.r.ulcs !he,!1u trnd hcn.e.,!n_ .u. i'al l i ns tist di€sn, t not 1crt1y 'l ndvise tou on rtr. b.st y.u l.ust lrase i !at or soins abo!r thints in order !aid tha gz annuat du6s,) Io11.!tne th6 rac€, a sho.r h.etine rou. i_denrtty. I re.11sc yoxr rllulesn are .athe. 5ihtlar Co {here the aqf,rds wrll be th616 i{no diffr.t,r1,r present6di aryane ro ,jorn rhe ',ishirs n,ehbo.s b€loneine to l1re RRc, as a'n ctub '.nn€rs secoad c1a;n 01!b, Th.t dc not t. rohe to do so aa thts ne€itng. fn.l eve!..I)r.s61t th€ Rilc as {e Andr tn nak6 ii a porf6.t dayr or ut r€rns fo. eYtnis, rh!1 r]16 chrcnso Dallr N€rj is nit our l! rcrron. Tir!r! !s rb>D1ro sron3o. th€ uiely ao divrsi.d of loj.rr.r, !.rfocf !ai1r N.r. Relatsl !:1ub .,. rhe RRc. ile joinr o.a o! tho iop:.co.r n,ee:s !rbj.cbs sin.. {€ r.o h- r.i,). c: :ri. Jn.r, ,,.1 to nnd do nc!,rovt.:1e ''- ;ph' i- t r-, bhe !'n.i1rti,j slte of olr rac€. tf you desir3 ii.kers :tlr.:ruD. nur .!i.s ! sin,]]t e ard for ihe reot, ne wiil rn.toitake td !ro, ro{ rs teey ar€r se.a ste.i aiiallJ you, as Lhrs n6er lras rade {ith i11is Dnin! ln wi!-.. fd,, in the past. If tou rt11 a150 .ertls. rhnr :ln !'he nrni. 'il1 for...1 Ne do not l)rohore .aces, thrs for for $rr,00 bofor. }la.rh 1! 1959, xt wrIl ihe n$st pa.t !3 uadortaken rJ buy you. tickets and hope to ha.re r lori1 :rhl,jt:. .1ub3, rlrrtouri\ it

trotr' Bot' Earrt3, Clifto., N.J. rrDtstanc. rudnlne hele In j{orth Jerser ts about kaprt. Bt11 rrJiklund is 111, Ile eave up the Natr1. 25 Kh aft6r four y€ars du6 to cohpl6te lack ol support e Idl6rest! ire happy ao see that trr€ yttmto c treatigdt is ceitine son€ !€cognltion, All ,ho b.v6 trted tt on "y ".i.*."aj ation have had sood rasults. lrD now suesestlnB som6lhtng elsei latge dos6s fo' protoln

f,a, b€ pushod or PLr on tho tar bY ou' ,n€f,bers. A 5!Et1a! situatton in thrs counitv

6rl3Ls wlth du! sp€clailrt clubs' fhl'h tlre rorare 'e{ Y.""r all ' vu6s€;bioct i" to o"rne {oseth4! tb.ss r,,i.rsstnd in n r,,rrt u:ar tiel't €Y6nt, te. Trro Ha(dsr Crt.15, Th€ t1s' cus cirole, The H!!dler LIh!!d, €ta,

been 5l Jt( €d Droge our 1ow 5tlndrrds tn i1old Ev6nti

3 a to eenerrrrv 6nc.ur.se the ov€nt !o tho purtllc. ,rhov rtr thdn 'he PE. ;. ."-.se -"" "i""..t"t1." bu;r th6lr Denbo.s a!3 t6.hnlca1lv to 's€.onrt .1arn'i & be1ons of cou!50 frany atl{6t1c .lults th:ou€h.ut trrt country & dver36as, thte ts all Pitsibl. under th€ rltes of nur ovn $"{, be abl€ P..luis you by frakine 3one.onc65s_ your i.dentitJ 'i1! tons 'io thB A.A.U. a.€. tot confrned to nnc '.ent9!1 rrdnor. Austra)la. Jan.l'- Albsrr, rhomrs. runnrna tn htr irr5i can2oi r"ii."rr". etltive ra.. slnao lts eet a {.tld thre'

ri16 re.ord tn I.eland last tbo dtsian.. 1n t3:56,a trdaY r€at.' Thohas ron bi/ i5 vards dv6r roLn ltu.rat {14r20.4} a a nsot b€tdcen athtst€s lroe New stuth \r:1ss and vt.to.la at t4oota Park'.. aaol ,. o-.a4d)ij r:5L.ii rrdrchsr. l:5rr.61 TLordtrd ! t:54,?. 3rire. Arit.altnn l1ar;5. Jan.-i- Barrv Arm6nd, 4:0?.i f'.5 Ar ?l'cdag. n:r9'l John \lrrat, 4r lo"9 Jad. l0- Fl1ue, l!51.1 a€\.1s srst! scnool cRoss couxrRY !958 ts.s!1!5 Invitatiodat riosald Pal.e 2+ ni1€s .. 1, 31€nd F€ttv, .,drs.d. rl!l2r ?. 'o ,ru'rrlsrri qu5.rn, 11:ll.: 3. L6wis Herd. Midrandi ll,4l. eavtovn 2 nri165 - t. n"-wid Ds aoe.' tr.1-.1i;1;;, to:!or 2. Drb A116n, Uni!' 1 a.o). l. Di.k Russe:l' 5t. (h-ui, o"r, l0 \r!.laLh; -."..", 'o!46i O. .f Ter-s Invi(, ? mir€s - l, td Iilson. cranr Pe' rr. od€ssr' fi;l .i:;6;oi:---5. rO:oqi l. Jay HunlIeX. Au3tin! I0:,2. - lL", wind,, L cl6nn -SiTill oaoss", 10:19: 2. Ed ulteon, i!1dIand, 1o:2li 3. L6wi5 H6!d, 14tilland,

The ftftt! ,tniual Texas lis State x_C cbampionshlpr held in Austlr on D€c.13, 6xrer16dc6d tho rorst s.ath.r €vor '6_ .o.a"a ro" the 2 m116 raca" 0v€! r50 runn6rs brav€d foo t6bp" & a 25 mph narth stnd t. run th6 tou€host coutse ptessnted th6r durits th€ {'ig€ vears' A11 of thts

had 11tt1. .f,fqot upon E611at16 Junlo., tavld toBo6., at h6 Y.,npgd through ti!€ cou.56 ln th6 616.1I6dt tio€ ot 9!34.6 fo eta Dlvlrlan I. Although ll,8t slds6! tlan the 3tat6 le.ord produe.d lact Y€a. r,y }{tdlandrs Bobby Farr6tt. DoBoe!qe polaorhancs tas ou"standlng b6.aue3 of tho t.attre! and.oailt!€ouree.' {ho n6ss of a dtf,i6r..t fo!..d to rdn aealtrri th€ cold n.rth rlnd 1_or oY€r 3OO yard! thll! b6.6fltldg 6n1Y 3oh6 150 yards th6 oth€! eey. t6Boor ro:56d th6 8116 nat* tn 4tf7 anal il"r:r'oa tne s6cond sti€ ln 5i01.8 Div.l - i, ,avld taB.et' t!13.6t 2, c16nr P6tt}'' od6ssa, t!5li 3' 10to0; 4. lun Jay Il{nat16y, iustis' a1ten. Untw3rstty {ltac4), 10rO2J t0:lol 5. Phil 3ar..fC. illdlrnc, j0:,6t 7. 6, Ed U!lson. lrtdtand, 1|svr.e xsrd, !,tldlaid, r0.1e, a. L. Co16! tdland, ror20. T6tr: i4r.dfana tlv.II - 1. L€ooaril Gtdeon, a.3h J." Hieh (rt. worth), ltt04; 2' Raul riurll1o. Pl€asantoa IlS! tr!1q (Da?id DeBoct i5 16 and a Juntor. Ite startod runnlne ln ihe ath g!_ ads doins a. a50 rn 2.34. In tho 9th he ran r:-c tn 1!:?2 and a nllo ln er55. Last ye;. hs lar s 4:34 ts and has hit 1r.32 thls fa!I.ll. 6 ft. r.11 and v{1gh3 15O. PE"fER CI-OSE & JOH{ IOPIL C,TFTSRE llrLE, rl{o ]!lrl-e'tlal"Es alq sR. Mms

rriday, Jan. ?3, lt,l.C. - coBP€a_ ins ln the U6trop61llan A'{U! s s€ntor track ,! flold chamPionrblps at tt€ 1ozd Enstn€e.: rrn,o:Y! l€le Close iu.d6d In the seoond fast€s5 mtle !! th6 hlstdr'' of trre.lxtyntno-.!ea. 01d c€61. lt afao vas lhe snapplost trae lor a col1€e1an on th6 amoryrs flat-board tra.k. 'I he lho!t-stridtdg senlor from ancir€st€r, co;n. sp€d th6 dl3t' anc€ rn 4r11.3s, l.r 5ecs. 3roq€t ttan the m€et record ostab1lsh€d rn 1951 by Ired'ro€ emudetnsrt {t1t df the N€{ Yolk Athlott. C1ub. In l9rr2, L6slro lacMltcholl of lioc York uaiv€r3ity aleo .6.ordod a 4rr3.l b116 1n the a.a.u. doet. At that t1o6, though, th€ or6nt vas h61d on th6 tlank6d tlack of th6 E|ronx colls6um and acMttchell vo!6 splked 3ho€s. clo36 ras vrrt_ ual1y u..hallsngod and took tho took th€ lead Yith 6] laps .6batni.ae tn the I lap t63t" E€ hlt th6



: I

tap6 40 ya!d! ahoad of td Mc-Alliltsr ot anbattan, ytlo ftnt.h.d s6.onat. e.ne liartirl, Uanhattan & Itohn Xlne of th6 ISYPC ttntsh6d lld and 4trr. The qua.t€r D116 rpllts lo. tho St. Johd'c r!.n6r u6r€ 0t6r,7. 2:05.3 and 3ro9,r,, on th6 b€11 Iap, tho .ln of tI.6 tra.k uas 1lnod slih conpotltolr and m66t ofticlali tr plorlng cIo.. to brsak ttro !eco.d. Tbo spalss but €ntlu31a5t1c cforat 3lttlng aboro tho track slghod ln atlsappolntd.nt but th€n applauat6d th6 n116.!s fln€ efto.t vhen h1s t1n6 ra! annourc€d., 5a1d C1os6 afts! ttre .v6nt: Eood raoo on th15 traok Yotr I ras lhootlns lor a 2rol tE1f. I l61t I ras eolne fast€r than I r€a11y ras. Maybo I oould tEvo r€cdrd lf 1t sor€ ! tlehtor rac€.r .. Th6 nost su.prislns upsot war tho d6f6at of th€ Plon€€r Club's fiarry Brtgbt by a Ne{ York Unlv, lresthan, Jin B.odn, tn th6 1,000 ya.d .un..Blisht vas s€okl.C h13 slxth stralsht I ,ooo-yaril suocess ln tlds ho€t, Brovn,a eraduato of dorrts Hs 1n thd Blonr' lopeat€dly turned back BlICht's challenses & ron tJy about 2 yards 1n 2!16.4. Joe sop.ano,NYAo, a Pets Levln, Ta!.ytorn Spiko Shoe c1ub, fldtshed Th!66-n116 Run: t. Johnny Kopt1, IYIEJ ,.--fiE;--ouc^n, NYAC t f. ualtor Cooperr toidbMt 4. Poto Beysrr Man. !'111e r*atk: 1. John Humoke, {'aACt 2. Yr, Om6rtch6nko, il-aPc I l. B.uce Ma6Donild, NYPC! 4. Rondrd Larrd! \YPc. 600t 1. art n!'ans. i4anhattan: 2. To'n fti;;hy, NYA0! L jame3 eiant, NYPC! r'. Lron€r 9tev.ns, N*Pc. Trn6. l:l?.6 Two-ui1B R61ay: r, St. Joh.is (rtshe!, G[Gi;t;-'fr;;;1i{re, cros.) i 2. uan. l. NYAc! 4. Iordhan trosh, Tlho: ?i50.a Mt1€ nelay: 1. uanhattan - f:25 sDecl;I e.s.s.AA'rko-\lila R€|ay: r. Mc. sa. {kht6rt ?. s1. trdncrs Prep. arl?.1 ream \cortn:! ,. N6d \ork a.c. 4lrl; 2, uanhattaa, l3:i 3. N.Y,U. 27r 4. NYPo ?2! 5. st. Jolmrs,20. VIN DIS1ANCE TITLES IrI IASIIINGTON SAAR G!}4!S

la3lrlneton, Jan, 24 - Bill D€11InCor, a 3dlrd p.6-m6ot favo.lto tn trr6 Rod D€1any-l.ss mtle, das outklcked by P6nn stats,s !d rlo.an Id 4:14,1over a slou sllnpory flar

Uoran, a yald berllnil as the sun s6und6a for tlto sta!! cf th€ elshtt! lap, sprtnt€d past nelrlnser on tr!6 etratshtaray and s.oled by a solld t1v6 yards". Aust.allan Pat Clollessy, nos onrolled at tlouston unle6rslty, took ttlllalj ahoad of Balt:hore olynp1or3 lrank Pf1aelna, 'Lb 5€t tho paoq tttrough a 2:08 ha1f.. Bobby s6anan, tho aorher UoL.A ac€ lunntng for It. Le6, Va., sllppod badly on th6 turns and flntshed a dlsappotntnTh6 Ao.otatr lnvttatlon Tvo utle Run 1o!15 P.M. (!,Ie6t R6cord 9r02.6

by Jan ltaoy 1957) l. Jan Maoyt Houston Univ.r 9,01.8 (rscord)i ?. Buzz Sady6r, Baltlno!6 OC, 9!l0i l. al Lawr.n.o, Houston ud1v,! 9rro (ntppod br Inch6s by ra{r6.)i q. c6ore6 v6!disco, G€olgotown unlv. (Macy, rho sm.shed hts otn record,barr€16d out and away f.or 6arty Paco-s€tter A1 La,r6nc6 at the htl€ marlr & tn a flont runntne effort Fhlpp€d Buzz sawysr by nearly a quarter 1ap.) 4notber upset, abd an unhappy tose. tr.ned up ln th6 1000, von by eeorsetofnrs Notu Illliahs tn 2r16,1, Poland.s zbtent6u orywal, vho {on tho U.s, tndoor tttle last season, ftntsh€d last aftor fairias on the thtrd 1ap. nI *as lush6d,'r snappod olywal. 'rI uas .u.ning €astly ln third ptace a rhoev€. *as b€hlnd m6 push6d mo.r' tftlllaEs tlashod out of noyho.6 Ift ttta last 1ap to ,ln ovo. 6d Matlrafa hatttachotl of Boldsnto'n, N.J. .(Stt' a provi3lonal start€r haat plerlously tn a handicap 88O thn66 hou.s 6ar1!€r. O.yral had just.eason to codFatn,as trre m6et dl!€ctors bad no knorLedce of sho planned on sLarring tn the Invltatlon evBnts and late 3cratches (for any r.asonsl) n'ad. tho l!61ds bufky rith coacires 6nte! th61. bors in the bie €vonts then de.ide to run thon ln th€ relays wlthout notlfylde the neet ofrictJli untII rhe Id3t ninJ(€, spectators, athlct€s, offioials ( appointed & s€1f-appointed) a1t over tho floor --th6s6 thlnss alr lead to confusio. that nust b€ r6ct1t1€.t if th6 star Gahos ls to sros in statur€.) 1OOO Yards -9t20 P,U. 1. Norn CM1ans G€ole€tosn V.,2116,3t 2. Ed Mettr€r, Unat,, 2:17i 3. Tk. Matrar rorL Ny€r, va.i 4. Irarry Brleht, IIYPC (Dsf€nd1trs cr amp - 2.15.1 rast yea!) 600 Yarals. 1. Nlclt E111s, Morcan State

2. .Iosh Cult'reath! Ph11a, Pton€6. Clubi l. Cl6ni navts, Ohio statot k. !ranir B.N6nsr NYPC, Tlne: t.:1),a THo-Iii16 Relay: r. Fenn ttnte, (!on

T;nGn i;33;-.ed (srr, r:5d, Drck l:ne1€brink, r:5?.1, Ed yoran, 1!55,f) 2. ceo.cetorb; l. vilianovai 4. M6rTwo-!l1fe Ferlr (Soctrod B) L. LasalL6 -oIlFeo, {D6lRos"r, sd 'n-r, Jeffer"or_ I-!.naueh); 2. uaryland lrosht l. rm. & lla.y; rr. lela(are State I.osr!, a:1O,2 I|& [1i1e Relgli (11 P.v.) l, Norean <t,te; ?. tiinsto--s.,omr l. vrll{nro.. 4. rena. linet ).25.4 r. rdhn Hu'icke! N\'^c; 2. l!.1e_I3tli R.n La1rd, NYrc; jl, Rudolph ilaluza, ijsAIi lr. Ronnie K!11k, IloFtclair staLe ?ea.hors, Timer 6:4j.8. (Hulicke !intshcd wlth a patned e{pression to torple hls bark .f 6.5,1.2 set rast dBo rr\u open H^rdica! {6.lro P,rj, ) ';:L.ro] o.,.oa, -!,n. ,n . , {15 rd"i :r-.!; ?, ro r (r0 -d-.t ), rr-a 1.Ju I-tn, aeorsetotsni 4. Ken Shuuaker, l}est Chester t.. -r\ sellout croFd of 5loo in ttre National Gutr.d Arftoly vatched trre heet n,arked

TDI a0rrBrir rouTr{rcns, J0r{N LAtFERIY IO \at\r 5]l\NirHA\ aa l\iAlrATtloJi II 2!29.41 rhi1a. Pa,, su.day, Jan. 2j --red runaina f.r Pianee. c:lub, rh lr, 'r1ub 26-ni1e .un yest€.d-r.(i/ri159l !hJsica teacherj 5hnrei th. bonors the rlidrl:l e i.tianaic ]\iU maraLhon chaml]ionshi!i also at stak€ corblt L. dinre. of the inausural as tall as last yea., s even!, s.orod by n rd.sin oi 15 rr.ds .ro. JoLrn Laffe.rt! !?, ot rh€ !. s. Nn1.r. sou.,h,rrej,rtrouth, Mass, llrth had D€ei 0n even aeni: tdr lic 4.lire ro!io, exrondinE fr.h sltnnslr.n' 3 L. l citr aine t aeln'ont A!.. €dseir at,cad r.i !l ml1e 1a])si..or"Jttu :: 1.e:.til'1:: spi!or: totr tir tr!€ i( ';h! r:s: il'.r t1.rii j, ::!. a:ir.ti ..t!::j: 'r!r1t


ll!, .f lhFii !o r: antar'1!-,

linishod thtrd aft€! a lone 23 hou! d.tve froh Canada vith ttre oth€. twd mobbcrs of th€ rsnith ACn from c.it rton Olyr i :lLb! 5id .nd Pd.cv. ,.tt1€y drore all nieht, a.rtvln€ l rru.s jieforo the sta.t of th. race. Bad veathoi aqd car t.oubl€ d6layod thoh, Immodiatell :fter tho race thel Jumpod ln the car foi thB lons journol !la$, 55 d€Aree w€athoi tavorod th€ 2(t staiters, bui anly 11 finisbed 'h ,n.\dn

oJch. Jack Pyrah' prar€r to th€ flrst t€d ltnlsh-rs dd'l 'Ilv-r ers tollow:n3 tho race in th6 shanahan clubhouso. R€fr€sthe.ts {ere 6C tlophtes

A Ro enhoci , td LerJu., G€oreo wll, iai,s an.l Jack Pyrah acted as oftlccrCe. Of linish

1. T;a-r;rbiT;; i{,Y, Pionee. clurr, 2.29.43t 2, Jobn Lafferty, Boston AA, 2r29.4?, ). Billy sDitt, Hamilton, ont., olynDic c:iub:2:41,51i 4. tlck Donohue, Boston AAJ 2:45.51i 5. Don ray, Boston A-{, 2:47.55i 6, Royce sawy€., :[orth edlord Clubr ass., 215o.lAi ?. John Jar!6tt, u.s.N.: s. lieymouth. ass,, 2:55.11; 8. Nat cirulntok, N.Y. Ptdneer Club, 2:57,:lJ telaney, sb.nah;n Cc,?:-t6.08 9. La.!y<mirh, nanlltor o.c._ f:r..1, '11..5'. Hen.r Yost, ?end.a.c.! :3!16.58. One laF - T.m Csle., Sna.ahtrri CCj Hen.y {lnl.aid, PenD ACi ioLrn Abbate, Tuo Laps - aharles hashinetodj snar-chopf, P-, 4'r ch , .o,. \o.{-4rorC 'lr,; Le.i s..rI B. aaltrx,sre aross-couni,rt a l,rb. Th.€. l,a:rs - llod xacNlcboli, ltIPc i rsnq Aci rer..\ 5nith, lamil.on, ont.i Ja.k 9a..y a lranri I - .. , shlrdh 'n r:tr, (21 h{1ec l pae€: __. 9l: !.,!!! Larr trnerexr 5;tir IiDsUr-Ts Janui.J'' l: 115t r. Ber.ansrlerd- 7i ii;:-:_--;.-.:_-." t) 521 .. . -a.diinr:! 40:4tt 1. -"li." rrrrhoi +i r0.i 4iL1 c 4' \-i I -' l. i. i. smi.t.40r?0:2. n.E.coxe11. lf:!!i t. rl.! Pnr.:ri r,rrl in i,re;,;rori.r.4 ai li.;)i:11 ;- i;:-l;:: :'i1--l:t;,1;;L-i:-ltisnr 2.


,i:iJiil'":Hi*""il,i,illf,iir -tr# "


,*".;'.*+-?" *z,i; *li:jii:ii:l'":':":;,:; rt5r. r!13.1? iim 2. L^ff.ltt, )5t5t ;:i3:il t:t1'.:? ?iii,Zi ?i:h:x!:' ;iii; r' ;'k' ;;ii:ii i::i:-::":il;,,*:'s, ;i'oL:;6 ;i;i'.i'" 1: illi*'' iili6 ::I:':::"'i,.4''56t ,.ttil ?,o4.)e t'22.3e 6: s;;i.", 3'19.!9 :::::::':-"i::?' "1.-;3:":"**';. '.'.'* :: iilili . ?:iii iiir:i: ::zt::i ::l;:tt ,:'06.29 b. ci*rni.x.ie,trr r:?0.15 ;:;;:;i 5l'l-2 ;+*:+ i;;;:;d

?t iiililii"'iiili !: :;iy:yy 2':112-1'"i'i;iR":'l: 11'u' i;."::"ili;,,Ji\Jt31 """' ''-";: 2' r' Edward 3rH#:,;:"?i"'.i:'":; tr-.il'.4 ::ii:12 1;iz:12 13 €Ei6;E 2'24'0t ?:i:: r'29'43 11. Yort, ' 3?'o6i :ia-unds,l?r23






i::ii:li" .'i:i"" i:t1:1i 2to5.55 1t2a.14 tt12:\a. n.x"oliiuorr.lgroz I tzl ,16 2to7.2o x,rr sb{th.jgrlro ::'r,:Tr:"'il:?r 2t)A.r9 tt)5'o? ;ill:?i r, x.rrr I ,.q,qs iiii:i!

s.rii,, :e,q+ 1:21.08 rj,lt..J4 i""r,i.ali"ir,r i r Ir rrr3f.34 C.Lashineton r-o"

out vur oui out


si: out


;;; o;i -"-;: ;;;;:i", i;,ii ;;; Fue,aps) ;:ilij:;:;'z;;;; .

16!0A '116: N. s.leDa. lI. s.tloDf. !6:04 T" Osl6r. 3At lrf

1:la.5l 1:la.5l

i:#:d; i:""":fl::;"";i:;; Oul


BErrrsH couNry cRoss-couurRY clrAMProNstrr?

staffordshlre at aolvarrld-

-:'"i:'.i*:; **;778: 26! 3. c.K. K6hba11,



]:_T:36rth, 42219i 2' "i. cot,4r:tsi ?:1'*'1,"1.11107 !Pso' - ?+El1es sur;€Y i:--?T;k"trlrlh ' 4o'?'ri 2'L ;-;l-',"t"i1il';."9:'3:.:;"'

ro:3ii-q' R' Foarh' 4r:07;


Rrsulas i:-T:-H'rBilil'.liilit rl'", q2r4l

A' Rosenan' Dorbyphrr" cL Derb) - 5 vttes Bu-rri'anL, 15:?0, 2. Pere! -lr.l:1.-'15'qzr ;t":i::'=t ?avlo!' 4, 35:5{ 61 A.P. xetly, 15.1 3. "ll9::fsl41I9 ii i".ii-ir'."tri,v, :ei;rr ^. 6: mlles !€von:hira ar '{ertdn Abbotrrr'24; loh. ?. !r.B.s.Iur i':E:S:--ft;n t -..i1h, f4:ooi i.-:1.."":::,:,"'"'"" " "' 1. x.J. pd.sons, 1q:??i rr..D. Burnort,')ri.27 -i Ess€r at Brentuood - 7; blros "llll!'*iil-Ir.,.". F]_i;:--i:--f-Ha!rrs',,27t56t I:-. t; Pq!kr.3, t!315?i 2. R. cupbsrr, lr4:ol 2' M' callowav' 2E:49 Glouosstqlshtre at chtpplne sodburv - ?* .1165

i- \!k6

2. D' snrth, 39.16 t:-l:-T;I;;-iE;r7; so,,rhdnpton - 75 Tlr.". l!s.p:!!19 ,,^.,^ 'i-:-T;;4r n- "L - +u:"u Hrn-n, )9t2ai 2. c. PruBpton! Eo!t:&l$!9!gi 5t Barn€t - ?l .rr". ,,.,,. T:-T;-TiEE;-rr , r a . i 2. J. I,e.rrdan,4<:,,; ").,.n pa1n6r,42'rr+i 4. a. raylor.42,53 H€r.ford at H€reford - 6 Bll€5 rrr,lr; z, r.e. f,ent at lafnlneham - 7 nlles

Bedford ro sl.tr6o(s


i.I.-l ri-.rr.,:r; "u..,, ,l_r."y n.a""r, r:i.:!; .r.v. iij**. sr,iizr r..x.c. 6iii"*lil'r!,;o iz4 ""*,_ ers' 22 f,rnlshers)

Bradl€v,46rla ;. s"iao, :gioo; 2.-r. Nvatt,, re:06; I' J. I:i:'i:"."i:::":t;"::;r.. i;=""i" xo!.iron, 3e: r],i 4. B.r. Hawk6s, le!54 iii'"ili:i."!.-r.;.;;*,, L-ancashllo at Royton 'ta,$;- ?2'nll.s e. *a,e. ro:io, r. c'dv l:,i:Ji,''ll;ill,i'.i'"1'rffi"1',


North, la:L!i lr. J, salt, l9'54 L6to6st6rsht!s trnd Put16nd at Lelce!ter - ? mir6s r .--fiT;-E;fo-,-Tl-' tq-Z:-EL.ak. , 14t12 Liho6lnthr..'at Lrn;orn _ ? l/4 Dlr€s

iffi, xiaai"."x

ro:ii:i z. x, sii-".a.r.,


cooxroit€.. - ?] hl1es ii--REE-rrr"t s ,-r+ar roi ,:-j: l+8:49 4at2?t ), K. crllle.n, 4A!i7; 4. r. sea1,";ll,tl.,




I: I

' '


t {r' i('-Pd{-

t'12'2')"'T'a6t RothortEn' troavv rarn) '?^:"::1111-u"u LD Lo€,.rebiuary r959

i:r:"i', it;:^;;

la-t.lns Arset€s CrJn.pidns r6p._r on,., 4ns.r.., rdt rrornl{...r"rlJ,y. .is. .a), ordei ol ni nl srl r , ]]cD.lr n.ak6, ccac 2C:O? I z. x1.h:e1 c. Atlen,CcAC. 2ltzq L Phil crark6, ccAc. 22ttt 4, Flchdrd Ila.abeo,gI-Ao. 22; la 3 5, t4Jrio rusrre, Er-ao. 72t42 5 6, Plchard vasquez, E!_ao, 2r:ii C. Ktann, C0AC. 22:4 5 u. Andrel c.stro, !fA_o. 22,.4 ,. Hilfiam r. relrs. caAc. 2.r:iq 10. Robert f. rtlford_ ErirJ i.,; ,r, Kenn.tb D, 't.."e;ccAc,i;,;6 Land6ros ,rLAo i26:1a rl. Geore€ Piyera, ELr\O. r. canar€s, ELAo,2S; tl Tn sdmethlne ol a illst fD! 1oca1 AAU rr crrrrrr\ pclr. the m6n o. cLlvor cttJ oty{pran3 .._ J 1 c..1- , - bu.s6oni had to 'e bove fds. ! r - kedF -" I" ,:. 1..-oroddu-)fro. 'lr''d) :ro rjetil.,t':L




lfe bresesr

'' ' , b\ i\o yo and1 a dere.hixed nick '.c-r va54ue2,, ?.obabtf 'j,"'^ r,: -,rt 'h r[3 ] !i , hflt but st:wed

': !l r''t

r' .. r" o-j , rFr vFrer r. ,.. -o




.,or - - toat \

-, ,do


rLr i Lou drJ€4,., .-{( Js but rhey do lrk€ ro dtovo 50 niles troh

8 rt

Srvrnj 1!F] Lso!,,, "c .r.."d -,;"r , lun. Nlke ari€n lontana fo! thts

r'rJ,qH No'rES _ Nos Cal€n 19J8 . in



z. seaal! r0.os, r. ron.ronos.ro.il

Resurrs 4 nrl1e (New Yearrs r,y;_ 1958--ror th.r rs the translation

r, stdn E. Irdor, (wlndsor und E.l rb:46i 2. IrJnk 5aLvat, (I1n.lrl€v, ]b:52r l. Mlkc Prtce, (Brrs,:o1)' rb:55i !, r, strone, (Brisrot) l.:05r J. rohn !t€rrinnn. il{arford) 1e:obi 6. N. lro.rer1, tio,fh) rr,rl La: LJ; 3. P, 1._ l': "..I9.{Poly) uorrln., r5hrft€sb!.y) 19:2), 9... Ia:,a; lo. I\eh l_ !orrir, lT.v.i{.1 trtrlors , l4i t. i.rtf ri._ 41.


oal the srv!.1. her, 1n the stdeltne thronir and, in an efI.o.! , o \r- ir h,, t!.r rq o ,l o.r d- , , tr .r."n:,t , coa(-.' \irh r\6 o(\" !.nr p,rk on !ebrurry i._arl o1 thi3 Jcrivity ,srur€s a few well_ oreno. on Iebruiry

€v3ryon6 junp out cf rh6lr slirns. lhe sty a3 thov lenr off. thc l0t runnors s€r o;r od th6 fleui€ of €1ght coulse alound th6 str6.t! ol rh6 !o?n. 1.on thous and p€6pf6 *uf.bed che sDectf,ct€. David nlchardE , of poly ! red at tl!6 halfHay staeo, blt at rh. lrn_ 1sh rt vas Stan lldobj ,Itb rrank salvat seconi and M1k6 !!Ice of Brlsrol, thrrd. A sood natur.d crowd, a.3isc€d by rv€nry R,R,c, offrclals. henv€J 6acb oth€. ba6k channet ras fotu€d i.r rhe frni3h ar the lodn Ila1t_ B.rtish sprlnt6.sr peter Radf.rd and Df,vo seEa I nJve finish€d a2nd a it is b€116ved ?ete. ts sttlI on . !arlr3. {4 !.v.) they 1in€d Lrp for ths Nos t 00 yar\re sprihr in !rfhout bro!ki or ranes. tho 16sutt! l Radford.9.9_

rl:45 P,!1. EyE exactlv ^t arter iqo t.L1se starrs, the !r milos A rock€!. which mad€


l7_ Her L ^ust,.Jln. ro an unhorJlrled 1n a h 1f_mlr€.a.Erliuft! runnrd! it 91t.r.," p".r... hed, ! led lnto rh6 stretch, buL faded in the f1na] sr.!nJs. Th- {rnnlne ttm6 ras l:57. oakl€y, vith Fjtrtorr rDrroR ao Enthusiastlc boost_ a w.lkrns rn the suffel€d ao attack of f,olio oh ranuary ?rh. rrerlmlnary..tlasnosls indtcrted Cet bJ utth a rarD_ orar., stlffness 1n the neck and shourder region, and that a1t lhvs. r.al faculti€j !outd prob.rbLy

il:r;i;H+##!s1-jrs!I1! Jih Iields

,6 d.n Lo lrld al f.I 4 irsr"oi of r! c-t 6:Y, JIF cobpdted rn th€ FNv ,-ril t5 Xl1. !alk LhaBatan.hr! on Jtrn. trtlr prlnar!1y a! a Lralnlnc spln d€3Fi!6 a 3tb-par fscllns cau!3d lty th. fiu 65$r. aho oreriroE ot ttt& ealk and thc .d46d b..di63p ,f ah3 .o1d roather could har. bedn taota;'s hast€nlns th. thd tofloi !.8 vodnesdaY.


Sorx.ctlon -- Th6 dat€ of th€ C€ntr.l ,ts3n.Op6n 15 ltilr & th6 Datly €ts c.1rvi Ls Saturdav. Maroh 26 rn3t€a4 cf '4Jr.b ?!., Fro,r6 drsro6'cd ald dalo.

the iri€rr jrbp for {ant !1f any othe} iracl.r and ftoli anbltinh. But it ra!nr+, 1.rs untll h. r€a11z.d h6'd a5 a hr€h jump€!, delrut as lhei care bls tli'fat6d a Btt€!. flBt falluro only plodded trld on to prov€ tlDi hs cogld slDd hlmsolf and th. vorld 'hat h€ could rsl€nt1€5s.Ly, blt 6v6d thon Ii las 51of, eoing. Hls proer€ss th.oush the ctass6s of SJdn6y club co&petltron was to.tuously s1ov. But tre betts.ed 5 nioutts, thDn 4:45,

Flna1ly he att.act€<i th6 att€nltoo of Alstrallan P€.cy Carutty' the lG OI{IS 9ICOFDS - AI-EJi i:GtnlRSONr s s'tOFY nan vho36 prlse p!Dl1, g€rb E111ottr J' OIVI- OI DE,rERI{'I{AAION 1s the yorld!s fast€3t nl1€- {l!54.J1 c€rutay started li€nde.so! on tho a s.ra?ny 1ttt1e factory .lcrk, stung rtsorous tralnlnc sohedele ]ra fraxnby h13 faillro tc b€.on' a ]rieh jun'P8.' talns tdday: ,tsht ntles Df runnlne ltnod rp tor th€ Bi1€ rtra :n a Finor 1n {ho ornins, adother stx dtles :t r1!b in syatney, Aust.alia, halt a ruddrnC tlr6 evening, s€ieht liftxds! yeals aeo, d.teni4ed rjo lrlove dor..! 'eet t}lroueh sabd and in sh311o* sat€!; tni! h6 do! r b€ an 3thf.ie. a spartan dteti and an unsrorvina ,ct ri : .:.u r"r j^dl bds node>t €4d€terhlnat10n c.::{i. : :-r:nut€ rile - sonethide nost 41ong vith hi3 n€{ deL€rbtnatlon !j.-iith! .\r:a.i.an htet: s.hoo1s.s cnn to b.coho a sr€at .unre., H€t1d6.son achtlr€ rtlhcuti roo nu.h effart. src.6€C itevelopGd a 1et, he.ollarsed lar shoxt ol rhe "o fd. rn 1rf., Itis 5:r<1ney jolr lexr alnish tiia in his tlrst cohp.tit:y€ be1.w his heleht.ned eoa1, and tlrus elfort. {hatrs )ncre, he yoeid have bee( h. laaped at t,he ohance vbe. Arizona ]ra,l he bee. vell .v6. 5 Slate t.ack coaci S€.on Castltto able to cnnrlet€ ihe rur. lnvitoii hih to .one to tho United Tdcel, qed;erson 1s sti11 aflve, blt States to tsolk fo! a collese d€er66 h6rs no loDeer sc.asnay. :aho plide of aqd athlettc slo.y. He 3claped up Artrora 5!ato Uniwersity t]]€ oor€y fo! a on6-'ay allplaoe 1.", 1l-tt06 ra-nrd in r'ott lhe troticket and alllved at tenpe €ar1y tn hlt€ r.r thrs6-n11€ .uns. r957. Es€rt 6ajo. U.S, indoir track & li61d A 1tage.1ns siege of l1u hatupo.od neot has beon him tbrough muctr ol tho 1957 season, e'rce tnrs *inte., snd li6 coupton but 1a5t sprtng b. Pas a national iCarrt,) rnv, cimttt€o a1.6ndy bas seusation. He lon tho lrake RelaYs tnvrted H€nd6.s.d tD .c$rr3L. ln tts 2-n,l1e t i tle, Jund, 1959, 6rt.avaganza asairst a fi€1d field in thc Loa Ansinteinitilnai ot !h6 {oridts frncst dlstance n6n. eles coliseum relays to ser a n€s Thr A16r H6.d.rson st6ry is n tiuly :ier:can ?-mlle roeor.d of 8rrr7.6, Insprratlona1 oner rt holcs out gre3r and then b.ouil] r Arisona state its hole far svolt 3tar.y-6r.d kld *ho nspfj.rst \alional coll69late Atr.f6tlc j..! som6 Cry to nake s!crts hardllnas. titfe wi tt1 lt. 1l aYor B:ir6,l iuo-nire crocki!e at 86!k61€y, :terr'd vrth a btsak .thloti. frr!rd, Crlrforaia in June. tt Fr! l16nd..s.n. F€ had ab..lut.I} n.thLns tur !n dtl .otrq1i.rrqt.1.sl.d 3oason at Bak€!sf161d, ca11f.! by rinnins the xational A-AU l-ht1e it lt Lu.r.n c.o{n and sebtics a n€v rrmsrlea. .eca.d of 1:r:l?.1 for the distano€t ns !r. llr!3xrd !-ho squrvnlent ol hlsh :ohoa't rn :!yLlro!" odd drt .1 ae11.f €nti.€ly n€f Non.6Ft of training,r' ti,trr h€ Join a er.u! castll10 says, I'lti5 dillirgness to ltr i sydn.y sake sac.Iflces for eoals h6 {aots parl. A16x trl6d out fo. to r6acn tEs laught .1r of u. nt

= ar!rona stat.

sodethine of gr€it

!alue. athl.tlde todnl eho ar3 cfylng tr'at re should bar 40!.1e:4 athtet6s froo ieo6lvlrA A{6!loan athlotlc aobo1a.3_ h1p3. I sat 16t,3 kdtooEo ih€D. Th6w 11ae6 son6thtne vttal to air6 our ydunest6ls in thes€ dayr 6f concero oYer Aftorican physt6al allnere.n I'Ird st!11 b6 erubblne aqay at an urlmFortant f"-ctory lob 1t 1t k6ren,t ror I I.o ch.rcF he d6clarcs. n'{ d 7.m ne .r'rnc rv eod. 4I d d6sr€e 1n plrystoal €ducatton, and I hope to ert6r ttre coaching tt€1d. Irm lootrlns tea.bire othe. younist€rr sdme of ttle thlnGs lrve l6ar.ed.n ilend€!ron h:s expr6ssed h!s eratit,de to tbe Un1t.3 Stat6s in th6 rost srn_ .e.e rat po5erb16. il6 II;REAIY has tak6n hls ttlct 3t€ps t6rard bec!!,ine an An€rlcan citl!6n" !om6 Ir.opi€ ,n Ab6lloan

chanploa3ttrp and pan-Ar€rtcaE {}ab6s to the Brtrirh coluhbia Pranoh and lh. crrJ ot vancouLer. The CaRadlan cross Colntry Chan,plonihips qlll aaaln be hFld rn paol I r^n. South Al.rca' slDha.:€s (hiehliebr6d by rlslt of Uulrat Halttr€rg A Cordon Fl:te--bolo{ Pa.--on th6ir say ro Now 26rlandl Oct. ra: iMr Hc1D6,e, tr |' 6.5t )M, Pr e, r5r18.5,.ocr.22, rrt. Ptrl.. /r:21.8; zJ.. tratber4_ 8:t_ (A1r.-co'ners F6Lordl ,.sct.?5: I rr. Harotd c1a.k, 4:0 8,0 (56.o. 5?.o. 64.a,62.oj, Runntne i..o1d, vl;dy conditi6rs 6000 fe6i abov6 sea 1e?e1, glark sdn t,.. :l0':] ya.ds.

Oct. 25: 1 , fialbor€ lr:1?.lt 3lt{r tixle I-:45.i..N.!. 6. c€-dtd LrdnR, t:5..1 68c yara3., Nov,,5. lM Fs1be.s, lr:08.0r c:rarir, r*09.1. lti;ie 1ast. oa tlve.. lov. 19r 440 yds! ny_ - ans +6"9 (p.evrous besr_47.9r), pot_ si6tar 47!2: 880r', Evads I !5rr.o (h€1d b-ror€ u+o), ile,.t"tbers rlrto<"lr (A11 SYi.ACUSE UNIV. ?.UTLE RELAY LOOIIS STRONC pr .ro ?Ooyds beFtnd.. Nov, 2?, lu, clalk k:04.1 {J6.0 at P€r€naral tu.-nll€ retdy poHer, !vlacr sd 44o, 2:01 at a6O), nalbe.e 9oyds. ts once aeaih ass€mblins a behindi lMt !1rls 15r16.6..Nov. 21,: flne foursooe of tElf-milers for rh€ l14j Halbore, 4:0t.? (A.c, R6cof,d). wlnt€r boald t.ack campaiqn, c1-rh.. !,05.a t1r(.,? ur tjoon). i64rr(,3) 4:r1.7. pltnan, 4:11.9, A paco_ Led by ace hlddle dlstance lunn€r 96! Johns, { 1! 5l.J ) rtD 1s .€cov€!1ns froo an lnjur6d foot, Bolr Mcsor16y. (t!54) r rrst .1ap, clarL pass6d 880 rn 2:ol.B aEd Lalry rvo$€y, (1:5rr)th6 oranee ctad add ,/4 h11e in l:06,1r_ but Ha1b6!s runrors iloe uppor Nav York Stat€ bop€ ov6.took trim a.ound th€ 1.sr batrd & io tap€at as Indoor ICr-r-A4 ctEnps. r3.ds. rr lrs 6ari1r Yg" br " d..""mass The fourth nerb€r of th€ t6an *tll m116 run rn 56urh protJably b6 .lther Botr osborno, (1:55.J) rlf.1ca.. Nov, 28. 3M, Halb6.er 14:15, soph. T6nr Anqe36. {t:5?t o. Joe Rss€t_ 2,. D€.,5: a80 Eyans, 1.55.a 3ry. tr:5:) all bat(:1ne f.r , epoL on scortl!h xo,s - 2 fillos Ierh Face. rdn rbrox stadlur, Jan. ,_ l. erahan b/,he cold Jh-v t - l0-^re"€irh tv.rett, shsttl6srod, 9.23.8, z. D. btt th€y airays da.aCe ro .ofre up ylrh rrckson. BeltahDUstDni l. R. iict\av. a €ood tsah for the 1att6} pa.t ot rhe I rrm: Berrahcusto;. rlrser

B:rsc 4i xire. poi r . AnJ' 3r. r, r:othFrue11, 2l;02: ?_ ITXFOIII'J]VE ON CANA'IAN TR4CK & IIEL]] !'- 11i r Cooortn Betlahorrto4, 2ljotrr Df l-e,en. 2t:05: k. c. 'rt1s $.ti.rat Re.crdr comrittee annour- rrq-. l:. i 5, ,oo connojtr. B€rrced thar a total of Ja cadadian -rcir l1e., ?l:rr i 4. r. Lrclson. ?l:21: 7_ xJIhohis t-\rn6,2t:2!;8, a, xo.bes. Jo nf rh3h hJ n"lo JrJ1erq.. (-nadrd, 2J:?7..lcJn: tse I I aho;s_ athlotes also surpassed cnnadian Feco.ds ton, 1l! 2, voth6.we1l Y.M. lo. 3" in slx erents klrtlo conr]etine rn !he 32. (ovo! 1oo !;nners) Brrl rsh Ehr)lr. cahp5... Th€ Natidn,t convention (ho1d tn vancouve.. roc. 1 2, 1r ava,ded rh€ Pan-{4Err.a; cdn€5 lo, ra.ua.y - r'1tch.h 'r5r (1J mrt6,. dnd Docatbl on chaEDronshir 1fl2 yaids ) Engltsh Road Rac€ ro lhe \'ini oba B.dnch. to be-b€rd i; 130 Start6.s. Sevo16 .o1d *eathor the tatter Dait ol Juty. Tb€ canadian l. lony 5hrirr,ronr l:?0.5u 2. Iuot.Ednr.A3, 1 t 2A. 5? t3. "ausdy, I

they Boof.d on th6 laps and aftof, i:. lj I.{e'idrz leto.t3 on the asntral tho !ac6 th€ Mericans clatm6d they tui.rrica.';e-nes l.6n venezu€1a one of the conch€s h.ld td Ca.acas, tls€d'Ilnoco rn 9r13. H6 had .un khe.6 lt is ahosl 1.000 tl. aboy6 b6tt€. than 9,lA in Mertco just besea 1€v61. The flon 80O(; f6r6 comt.s to 9en.ru61a. The 1ap up a.. afi6ct.d €.eaily bi ttlo altitud6, plobably lootring at the I didn't sin on6 srdal€ h6dar du€ tt p!6tty gi.rs in shorts playtne tennti the handlcap of dooin€ l.oF a s€a 16v€1 Lross fror O," coubly:,.Our .rr-: Pue.to R!c.n '". ,"".". ".*, one: n€.s didntt tlnistr 6ved ttbugh 1n roly eood.f,ndltlc. bofolo aFlvlae P€dro Ma.1a.1, a sooo.J y6ar engrn1. venoruela, A v.6k pr€r1!1us to th€ c€rt.al lhortcan yarathon (21 KD.) Tor.€5 eerlng stud€nt at Mayagusz Aericullur€ & Uodhantcal A.ts, has the PR aad I lan 15 X toon,trtth a lap restrat xocrrd ot 9:43. The !:6ntra1 nEorr..o 6?-618 rn on€ 0Drkout! so 16 kn€u v6 racord r6mairs rt !0:?f hade ln Ners tn sha1]6r but the alt:tuds 1d i954 by a l{ex1€an. Tinoco ooce ran ca.ac.i rkil1ed" 4s, in the T.xas R61ays and ran 2 nt.1es in hy opln:on th€ ea,ies vele v6.y in 9:26 last year (€ipects to do poorly olcaliz!:d a clnallcted. Th6 tra.k nucb beht6r ihts y€ar). lire ewer s66n. It ra! l50Od. I Harw€y Arqero. colosbla. 11k6 _b€ac:r rand" E;!-6-r. alfr.no rinoco. M€r!.o, U6 s.ored th€ most p4lnts tn hod,s a:0j.?! l. Palph comez, B.c,r l:06,? ithl€t!ci. {e*i.o Kor the distan.e runs 4, r, ilont.z, P.R. ! 4,03.1; J, uan. r,il ro rdn ue1 Luna, ileilco, l!1o: 6. A11ano &6ss!ts e Com6ntd.y! -q.ira, c6lddtr!a, Jri11..a nob of ?2 tJI}+h. ilerr: I - I, Raiair cc!'62! Cu.yan. ;in.t tlie iead.r f10!i inq.ra. lrlrifl-!h c!laira) t:5r.4! ?. c.r1ortrliln red rn 6,1s !t 2i09. I wns in ::_!rrel, no.:a.r! ar13,iib.r, ?:00.6; l. - :ro : : 2;^'. nr.rr" irali but taced , at the 1,COor ralk anci ftnrsh€d 9rh ir'rriqqua !r,1..2r, {e1czuet.a, ? j,l!,ll ' ..,. L ,n l:jJ.-i ,,.,a-,.J 5, Jo5o Lune, i:.:ico. ::ads. 5-.e!i-" il€xlco. -1,r00r. ., i.,rdro ,;r"c F:{--:1, : .rrr. rrro"g" ue', . 1:Ctrj ri. lriilr:;. 1:-g:j :,R.. ?rna.i; rt:t\.2 j. ir!g. r-i::.r, :.i;i:ic:: ?rarr,?' rr" r'!l IJr. 1. Nn:clf,ao .asr1110, lroa,, \' .yr. L onDla, it.nu j. Eod.lar lrah,. li!.:, f,n14,!i:ii.r z:i)r.li r6:1 5: i. c€rm.r' l-!r,not Cot)m\1iJ ,ire:, rtrtr.!r, ?;0 2.7. 16t17,7t 6, JaTie. alarcdn, col., : ,.i; 1, -,! --E; . r,, --,rr, 0 :.. ..e.rrr . J.'J€ 16: ".!. "e,!. a. Lu1: il. To..es R.sar |,e!ro nicd! L.11, 11.:., 1:5e,ei r,.. F'rf,i. Rivera, ?R. -; 9, nt1:h.in Carac\o. nonnzuela! to. l:,1:r.:r: :. nli6no lrir:r ciL r l rJi"ti lro.tolt. il€.dez, t!erto ilc.i 11. ." tili:r;do irile?. PLortr:troo, 1!59.J. car1.s M!j rca, v€nezue1a. t-,..ql .l:s, r'.- ! Halt-fiara{hin: Th€ ?r ki1oe6te. ;-;;a-3i;Td=at (uiana cD,r1)ere.l ir tr,i Cn i]ao€s for the I p,!|, and !r ras .o1.i ab4 drrzzllna. ThD o1d.e.i.d fr.st i'{fre tlris year. far Lho .ace was r:1e.lA by tcrda.o I ,ooon. L,o ri.,'..I rloros .f Cuit--na1a ion. tiiie iostor ._i-. j:-r r1'1.,,..'r. c "",.-""..ln"r rrnner) td 19-50 c:it.a1 :bor"..iames .an baref!.ted: 1" J. "Heriandez, l?r50 ir su:t.s.1a. 'lbose Dixed up ollicC | !\)Bt; ,. ,. "..or!,)3.?) {5J0oo , rtd, tals.u1.d lhrt po rn,'er $as to b€ idld 5eeuxa, laetic.i givan 1_or thc ftist 16 k:los thsn ne.l' l, Pod.o Peralta, fli26 il,!a!athon returnins tbey {ou1d sei some kind vransr)i 9. anue:t cab.e.a, co1dnblo, la1j0i 5, Ger'i:i La,ano, colchbla, :t5:15i ol aid e"ery 5 kl1os. Ithen tlro .ac6 was ow€.'rb€ runders clairad th€ 6. Javler Alarcon, colon,bla! l5:10 lnd tF€ -.1onbt41" \.d ch-ir {crat€da:la runners p1ac6d 7th, 8tb & 9th 'e\ic-n" ccachBs o. t.i€nds o. notdrcyc:l€s & e Luis H, Torres ol P.11. rtrt]1 in 16:12) btctcles gx$1.9 them Faier whl1e th€ 3r000o" Ste€p16chas€: 1, Alfreco Trnocc, F;ii6, -mjj-to-6;-Z;jucr ano onn€!, M6r., ott.e.s ilad to yalt tor lO kilos,ono of olr .!nn6r3, bhe y.uneest ot tho 11t11.16t 3. He.nando Ruiz, Co!oiibta , T&I t€an i16 yrsl -{eusiin Reyes .ahe lrt45,5i 4. Artulo Marttn€2, t4exico, lnto the .ladilr ln 6th place but 11t59.3t 5. vtctor nrrta.te, GuateDara, 12:o6.9, 5, Risobo!to Guzman, E1 salvador, .o11ap3ed abo3! j0 ne:les f.on t]io oxygsn and r2:o9,3,, I thcxeht lrcm ',a?e and irad t6 bo gxrrei -r j_i*:ri ..i.] iilredtrteij " re 60rrso

-J0halt a f,.{ h111s. Tha }{e:loans atDost nad6 a ot6an sFo6r acatnl 1" P€dro P..alta' U€!lco, 1110.29 F€s

-q.cold;2, 6tlco' 1:11.40 itont t reserber th€rr n&€s bBcause I 103t the no'spap.r dltt! th6 'e3ultsl)1r12.?3i l. tianusl CailF6raj Colosbla, 4. lle!tco, 1t12.34i 5. Lruaienala, Alarc6a!Colodtr1a! 1 r14.10i 6. ia'rt6r 1,t4.)oi ?, Gonn:in Lo,ann, c.loibra' 1:!5.20i 6. Gu3t€ma1a, !,15,10i 9, Cua!ondIa, l:li,lei 10. lJis fi. To.ror, !,R,,1!16.1Ji 11. c. x{ng! B.c., 1,16, 2li 12. carlos Rodriqu€s) 1:17,04, {Ld, eLd.',.s nsv Jddrsrs - lo0 Dorroco Mayaeuez, Pu6lio Rlco), JOHX TirOMlrS CLEAXS DELAN-T

7 r!f,T:t:{ r.-t'.;


N€v Yolk, Jao,31.- An early-ev€ntns lrlaz€ cr€at6d a 10t of ex.ir€nent for curiostty-ssoLo.s tonle.tLt on Tlnes Square. Bui th€ hott e$t tn lovn took place at Uadisoo squaro Garderr soBe four blocks alay, 'hofs a turnllay cDvd oa 161000 saw Ron Dclany's 25th straisht vtctory tndoorj Dve!"\

idoued D- r s6rlei




lontrancss tn the 52d U11lras. Cafras. "ho huCa lrors th,'t hdd -'hF€re.t etV11l3oovan tod Brage to tr16 best pore vdu ai .r . l lf. - l- FAl , 6: l n.h,s' 16t aut its blggBst uar-*hcop 90 nrns, s aoRt^n '|e J.nr-ttoaAl fr€:b1J.€ hau, Johr Thomas, booaFa th€ flrst nEn to hieh juirp sowen f,et lndoors, t3 o.ry l7 years ol.dr Do 1'y's Ir:06,5 !ar,am,;rer \l1l- erc'oryr s.o.6d by slx yard: ov6r fastl]ill ne1l1ds!!' a13o Ftay€d ll.ishins ro Leh't €-. ie'o,d:idl1o ln r:r':l t:tz, 6,55.1 tro-ni1e wi!, Ed collyEorer3 r!11.8 lictory ln the 600 and Tor. \ur'!ny!3 i!51.0 rrtulph lfl !he e80, 'Ih€ !ian&ak6! nrl€ vas a trpl.f,l D6tdnj hrcdso!s Phll -olon"n helped 'l.rory. tho Irlsbnan b€ttsr hls lr€vrour 19J9 cro4klnc by 1.8 s6cohds by r6ttlng the pac€ at 0,61.0 for th. qua.t6., 2:0a.5 at tbo tlalf and fr07.2 through ln th€ flv€-nan ft.ld t6r a half lap at th€ !ta.t of tha r6oond hllf, rtart6it hlr rov6 klth tto 14p! to go, sprintlng lnto !6cond pleo!. Polardrt Zbtsnlov olyvcl1, nonally a 100o-y.rd ndn, an4 Do111nge. k1.k6d lnto brl.f .ontonLton n.arlqg th. Aun iap, rnon Doldny, rurntnc 3r!Ity, tool. l€1any, folrth

mo3t of tbs ,ay and lart

l,.ad a:itb .na lap to go an<l dolbled 1t tn th6 !u.h to tb€ vir6. O.ycaL f€11 back, but,€rl1rser, a6aln drcpiay:ne a a€rods ttrl.h, .lpp€d Co1.tuan to! 566ond piac€ b!. 1n.h6s {rl tIBt,, lst 1ap- 0ot.san! t16s6, !e11tne$!rRo Olyrali znd lap- Sm6r 3r.l lap- San.i 4th.5th 6th Same Ord€ri ?th tao- Colosanr closor oryral, D€1any, nellLnea!, 8th 1ap- sd€j 9tn 1at- col€han, Rotrr oryvat, alos€, Deflingsr! Rod to.k 16ad o, lr6nd beir.6 sta.t of t0 1. t6lanyr Ix€1and, r.!106.5! 2. Bill D611ln,s6!t U.5, Air rr.c., er0?.1, 3, Phil colsDanr UcTc! 4r07.6 (otllc1a1 t106?) ;4. zbleni€,0rtF31, lotandr !!04.2i 5" ?et€r C1rse, 5t. Jobnr s Univ,, !1r C8.6. Thr66 bBn brok6 nlne ninut6i ln tho loaded two-htto- r.eu stl.e1ttz, th€ Flnner ln 8,Jj,1, lale Jan Mact, a:55.6 and Buzz snry6.; arSt-but A!ssi6 A16r ltonderson ras a b1e disappointb€nt.,11€nde.son, who sald b6 {as 'rin ftne sbap€," lEd.un only on.€ bAfore on boards- t}!o p.6vious dar tn a trial .ptn at the NeF York r.C, A1 LaFrenco f611 down earfy in the rac6 rhod H€nd€rsor step!€d on h:5 be€l, he sc! uP ln la:t !r1ac€ and, altbolsh rally:ne lr.1el1yt {as th.oush ,hen 5ti€e11tz, Macy and sa!t6. pour€d lt on.. il€nd€irc. lutrped lnro tlre l6ad anc at tne hali ai1€ ir: 2:11.5 1od !la.t", SaNye*i.lones in ihat ordor. li3 towed the tleld :h.ou€h: lr:15.2 nrle as rartnouth rrostl Tom Larls ju'np€d 1nto.;!tse 1ea.l briet_rJ Then rlacy jlmp3C ouu In fron! {1bh hIs patentid lush a 1ed stteelltz, sadyer! Tr!.r (lo yd. backl a ron.s through a 6.L4,6 mll€ and a half. ulth ?+ laps !o eo stieslitz jurped 1n front. uacy c.2ltrbed tno lead back br!ei1, sti:h 1; ra!3 to so untrl Leu blarted ln aront foi godd. 1. a:5J.i 2. uaoy, Ho!!ton Utrlv., 3,55,6i 3. B!zz srrys., nJrtrnor€ 01jnp1c Club, 8:5rr !r, !ni True:, u. oa sorthe.n CalIf.rtr!a, J. A1€x IIonderson, A.irAI LLrron €r souso1.t -r !€ ..!.t ton v. trl0 un,i 7. chl.16s (n€acon) Jono! | UnrLLachod, lora Clty, Iora; 8. -or L.rl3, D-rtmouth Ft"3han {ldtlJ6d trt trnr!lr by stLoelttz)., Said Johnny lqor.ls, H.uston track codchr lnt.r tn lhe HoL€1 tobby, iUE can€ by fa.k traln-soln,g baok by dump cart (8'55.6 stl11 rates a plan. tn 6ur book) I conttnu€<l n6nt paee


cames - continued)

lorhor Uanhattan ace afoa l{ulphy 3potleit Arnle Sor.1lri r€tu.n to ttro banked boaids rtth a roustnB ktck ttht naileC dorn a l:51.O tlturpb ln tho A€o. fiurphy Dis3ed Sovellts 1957 uorrd-in.loor lecord by a scant of a s€.ond,.sove1l rade e geo tly in his lirst iast€rn tddoor !.ack ii tro year's. A .lose thtrd with thrde of tho 5+ laps rehainln€! Sore:!1 slrrinted past urlrhy or tho luislde.. But inirphy vasnrt th.ough. The tocal ldvortto kicked rrast So$€ll oa the turn ar ra.€d to a Jive-yald lead on thc straieht-aF:y rs ihs eun sounded for th. last 1ap. i,lrphj easily lu1ted aNat frofr tho :t.aln1ne Souetl. Jo€ S.prano {as far iaok ln thtrd p1ace, 4tb, Nom lrillllms, C€cte€iownt jth, ,avtd Scurl.ock, Nor.rh a:..o1ina Unjr,; 6Lh, Ita..) Blight, l\'rlc, 503 tdsjl. l|d Cc:lly,rore, Vitlancwi, 1:11,!; 2, l1!.ll snlth, Bates (2 tds); orgas sijatei lr. $111ie l. !ici:1111i, /..1:rf.:rl, !".^ti, lr.lat ia. Jrin(r .n!: B!irliJ Se.h.n 1.:j1 b} if. y:irr1s tc.i li,r.Lr" runnrr iiti 2 !.1, 5ernr ol tt, re., lD td, bindj.r!, or Ltr. bend i,r. v11€ al !! A co1l.e. rel a) -Jlincic.t,: (90 rdsJi ?. !anhat. Ior.ilr.n, rlnlv, ^ayds) j L NY?c (25y.r.) tir co11re. AA (90 rr- \]:ac (s.r.t.b); J. villanora Irnslr i5c.at.h), Ti n'.: ?: r1o.9 iolrn li, rlaean Jnie.colres:: te 1\( lli1. Br.L!nf 4. rul,.r 5. I4.dhau. 'rtn.t ?t52,5 L Ceor{ltown {T.6ut1€tn, r'1r1..n, cariej, ui11:rahs)i ?, irrfhairc,,, .. Jroly cross; +. str...us.! ::. Ya1. j.Lr.1t rnn 1::2 h.\1f trtl. rn l_it firrti,..d.Lrr.lr"

.r.b. ?_ r..,n-..,: r fir. 7i, ]r,.,hrn,a 5"., so!tLl \lrir.,i c.,i1 llDar-.n, r: J_r. J n.i1. trre nt16 at 4i16 t1at. :i.rl

r,;i,'l , \,r., .rrf, 111.fru:trr cl his dlrl,li.ate bis effort f,3 \rrJ,r f.l).at.n rr,cii r.,rn ,jel.rtc(l 1\. Ir.ool 1)f t..r

, PRESSED, nulis 1r51.6 rl-u-I Iolbourn6, ]!ustralla, Jan. 31- Ilerb !11iott won tho Vi.torta 880 t!t1€ b.day in 1:51.5.. IIe was !r€ssed ha.d all the uay by Tony B1u€j a 2z-tearo1d 8u.en3land nedlcal student. Thc in 96-deere6 h.nt at won by a halt olyhpic Park. nlllott ya.d,,llluo, whon E111ott ca11ed rra fine runr6r uith a eood iutuae,r' proved a forn,idalrle oltonent in th6 fteld Df ni ne, r croyd of adc. in 1:51.7' thrillinaj lOoC rhen he r.. .ecl-and-ne.k lrirh Elliatt tbr.ushcut nosl cl the linal 1.p, t'I reckon I d about ao perr€nt trho tlt !$ said Erliott! 10 tir{,s. hile 1n uncer iour.rinlies Hls younse. broth.r Lrurie rh.l 'ron Th. jL,nior tii:1. in q!20,1, rii.toria 1a-Jear-o1d !aurie d€leated lrill l,{11ya..1s, bul lrls :itre lc11 far sho.L of broti:.r Il€rbts r!!:fr.ttan junior .ecord of 4:ca,l sct ii 195?. }larseed {a. tln,.d ln 4r20.6, tlLIOfl

rliddlo rt1a.!ia F|ai ]i.t.:s: Nlcli ronohue, ( Fosto. nql cf renn:.uL.n, N.j. yas elec!er ar.!ic€nt for i9jt at rho.1urrs iontrrly o,eetine (r.n.-<:,) succ.cds Br.rvni.e lt.ss,, ,.tc.ohr. Otlr6r 1959 offl.er's inc1ud., Irank Batson, {P(nr Ac) \orrlstodn, ra., Yic. Pre:iden|; Ton Os1€r, (Shanahan cc) 5e..itr.y, cahd€h, N.J.; Stewe Tho.ns, {P.nn Malvern, ea., T.ea^c) sur.r.. Tb€ r€etlne las ,1eld ln th€

l_irtuxesr !'al.ionr1 .!1lI J., lC riilo Run, \es D.dfn.d, rlass",srnC.}, ri.r.n ?2, 195r..- cathedr.l \ir..l 10 r'11c l!.ndi.rr I:ui, 1l!ri1 rr, 19Jt.,, ?nd riorrirtorn, fti.

tniries tq Ira.k lrar!o',J J, t9j9. 763 (ohn st., Norri5torn, la, riod.rrly, 1!rrll 20t1. -B.strn rrrr.'LI:.':. Lnt ert Lr I ce subscribcrs

tr.1xa.! 0ni-,iriq c.o.ite cridnj sai Ir.ncisco, calrl. c r.l c..a,;,rtraFoljs, rirrt lnrd A.(nro.c, t)en' sy l san; lon, {oodal1, lli11edsewill., 111. Joln Ja.rett, ri.A.s., souil: lre!.trnut!t! iser sru..], Ni.re.!olts, Easr !r.l i nI !inn., 91beri;Ir.itnetcn! Run! l]u,t; R!n! -i!trt Runt lruni i

rartaJ J. Novard, sca.torolgh,






vo1,4. No. 18. rebluary, 1959 ldtior- r!. DroHnins lioss, 106 x, cente. st., lioodbury, N.J. Ciiculatio. Iladaeer- Ira.k lje11y, 17 Euorid St., tr'oodburyr N.J. Rates: 25 .onts a copyr $2.50 a year.

5Alt lloee gtreet IitlsburtL L:, Is, ,r6nuary 15, 195!

ii. Brouiilg lloss 506 test aerrer,qtleet lr'.odl!rl', ]lew,lerset Lrir,

'le.eiv:a x! i.c.:{ti r .orr .f 1,,1e Lora rj.tr.ce to€j t.da'. nLd .a.tr.1t, derDLre,.. ir: .s u.ua1, ..! sutscrt!ti.! prr.e ras.n. !i rri.r ,:r.t r.vlr.".rtL. i!rc,1!d..ei. r.nrlr.t_ uLaliois or. ih.: c.r.:i::li:r! t iif.,: ,,.: ..r 1,!.n cuL. ' co!.rIdc,ia ira:i.rel.r. "ilarb i,i.r-, I noiic.a tirtt -ro! :o.c ,:erlj.{ Lnl'.riur.rtl,il 1!riln|.C rlr! ne{sla!:r j! 1ar.1j!i rae as 'tCrrre-ji. lech tracn coa.h,'. l.tri s i!i.rfuiirl ts .o. tet.1., iicorreri; i a1 ! ljradufl'. siu..!! in l,hysioio;licat 'svcl...Lo:rt ai the Itiiv:rsitJ .l iitislrurgh, woriil]q truard ry rh. i. dc1re.. Te.ching ...1 r.se6rch at tiir f.ovi.tc d,a o!ty iirai:tsf su!!ort. As a qrldlate studer,t at iech. fe4 yerr$:,4o, T loLunieered io hel! ihe rr'.ck 3nd cross-coritrr iean 1!.. tne r..u1ar coach, lir, luy iicl r":rt!, diea r.rner s!,1-:ja1-, 5in.e tien serei.,r -roi,rF.i.i,:r ..aciri.i-:/r: r..-.!r ...: ..:, 'hare.o.e verr Ne11. airlc. ih.rt rile I lev. ii.-1 !r . e r:.y ectl!e lf,t ilrg-er:i liofli.i !t - iit.rrcsi i. r.cf. 't o.rv .o ob ..,--"t l liovadsys, wir! a (ii..r.d n.!.,, .r:i. h.:.;: s.l.r!i..f trairi.ni, i h!v.n'L tiie loi .rch f!r,. r'!.r5..10.e, :lie 'tconch" libet frirhters 1..:r't -,,U orr i, i-,1s. ,;ia 11, i3. rttaitisols !re toucht !bou1, ar..iu€i. srrcenl: ,lro hav - 1r.. nany outstde activities. so hon !itoLi joinir,. itr: '5!v3 tenoan's Job' c1!b - nar: it l,.e -Pnitir:il irs.r.,r.,I..,:ist' 4ef,t iin--,0{? hblishinc thj. lirirt helr sDi!(j t!e r..rlea, Best o1 et.r'rt5ii. l. t.! in th! .,)iii,i.- r.,r - !3 bilh runner enc :c it.r.

'-'V/ Ne,1 tarr t11, arr.rd.i coht.ibut.rs lloL arntb, N€v Yorki Rob lrccuire, Calitornir; aannda; lleltodoro llico, xc{ Yorkt lkn Ir.oDs, Rudy ir€dde2, Pua.to ni.,di JI. t. M^rtin, Terr5i t.itlrc Rock' n.n Hani lton '

llJr llisdoD, clricaso; T.d colbitt ort ilornia; cdr.ton Dl( I sob, ntchards ! cI'icreo; 0r.go.!,1r!. Iri 1r JiDU5onj Bartin,orot s.olt


5ylv6rr6, De.€r5€r 3t, 1958, San Fiuto, Br.:it,

inoli.o, sllitDt, W.dekinq, Suare,, Musoi, &Gtdi, Fa,ia, teenan.

Altef !i! iil€: in t!e



Ai, B.hard, F€n.e idid nor linirh) G. Dickon, CanaJa 139!h)

L Leenar, goteuin {6?h) c, Bahtdi, trat l35rht



6' ..$



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