ln the Long Run it's the New
Dea*na ^(ry' No.43
.luLY 1959
WCAC, l:ABtu,tt+rq \jV*
Vlodirir ti .3;*j'..-
Gordon Dickson winning lst An.rual Fr€edoh Fesiival lO M'le Road Ra.€ in D€ttoit
3 Athletics In Britain - llxy 12 T. n -t o-35-.an-ddse univer€ 1 t y 161 al -.m-r's :n p-r.-c. .u. - o . I,ti1e: 1- Joha Dislev (l!Al li:1,r.5: 2, iElii r-uuotsor' {ra,rr 4:11,1; l. ^.s. Fmin (c) 4:11.'1..i-1,111es: 1. Laa"ie Eeed (AAA) 1l:5t, diTi-i6n) F-dru! (xM) 14101.2i 3. Irar.k salrat (A4A) 14:04.3.,€gg: 1. Bob Haxsey (AriA) 1:J3 'h- . er- oL..y "_0" - iJ I( - croria Park, East l]ld, London (De6pite the ahsence oi to!-liaer. lred Norlis, Dehls orcornan, Eadie rlrku! & Dob ?ape, 67 load rMers represontine the cr--3rL ot 23 Erglish couniies siart, n- ejjh'r.Ia!. course).-"d qrrfur , - -aFlry \Ja !r.-oiai-, rt4),)t ,. 2. Iror id onds, 7.43.47\ 3. 4.1-in ]!e!ball, l:4l.J9i &. Joe lieilr, 1:44.05i J. leier i,Iilklnson, 1:4J.+4 aejin: lerDysnlr. trj.r.1ry, . ).e1!y, .: .sor) T,.-. thc "llousc of lieilt" c:llxclri.j the iear nc. ior lerbtrlire iee.use leter iJilklnsoi ue! cr.n! r,i h:adi imte3rl he i! r!.u beaiinlinit t. -ootr :l.ilie otre -'l.rnch!r.h ll.rxi.r'r, intir':1ti.rn Il,1 r: r.l'r, ., i ii.- l!i t- ::1:-.llt '-::l-; l, s!5! , lllacrli :a . ii.: 1. ar.rlir ja1!rt. ;:i'1.1r:it::0 :. ne:.jl: : . . t :1 . : . . . . 1J0Cn Srclla.,r: 1,r-ri.. ahi: e:i, rr!1;.1 .r -a G :._..,. _ I--: 9r!0.-(:or loCaxr. Der ih. Il!/'n i.bre.
C!., 1:49"7i cudlffe' !: i0-6,. !411e:1. Or1€l. Fo].. 4:a?,1! 2- Her-rmee,'Ec, t:02. ?i constantlnidiE, cr., 4:08.5., 3. '1000d: 1. Janke. 8:07: 2" !,l'rller, c-:;?i14. ? Lenol ul]an, !i,aly, !!aly, July 1- 9!llg! 1. Lenolr France, ,/ 1 : 49 .0 i 2, szentgall, Huns., 1:49.1i 1, Bareldl' Ita1y, 1:4{.'r! 4. v. lazr, Fr€nce, It51.1..1!!!!! 1. Szabo, Hunsary 14:11;2. contl,
' 14! 16-6 lTraliar
olyDpic Dev. T&F lleet, 01ney it,s._. Phl1adelpbia, Pa.,Thurs., JulY 16 lt1le (Haidlcap) 1. Harry Berkowltz' Penn ac, 4:14 {1Jo yatds); 2" I€roy Jolinson, ShaGlian cc, {:i00 yds.ii J. loser H5mon, 1h116, rioneer Ac:
4, fatt Slnsleton, Peru Ac. IIXIIAES - Aua. r.' New EnFland r-iTTii-nm, laltr, laine
10-Mi1e Boad Eace" lroridence, R.I. 6-Mile Beach ilurt, Aralo4' N..j, 15-M11e Eoad Race, ltrflalo' N.:, Aua. 6 : 10,Mi1e 6ace, Detrcit, l,{ich" Aue. 7 - Ne{ slgland A3sn. sr" 25 Kilo Eun, Cloucesteri xasE" Aug, E - 10-H11e Handlcap. Eulltl]1gtot
eue, 8 - 6-ni1e handic4t' x-.otn!ry, Chieago, IUinois AuE. t - 9 l,lile Eu?), lshiord, Con!" Aug. 15- 1o-Mire i.ad Fa.e, s.ineis lolni, li.J, (Ert.ies to 1,I. Shaner! 102 s. iimso.. -{ve.. l.largate, Ii.J.i Aug. 19 - 5,0008. x-coutlY fut, Aus. 20 - Ij- Iitle Bace, Deiroit Dusseldorf. Cerdanv. Julv l- 800m. 1. Aue. 23- 9-H11e Bu, coope!' niver Depa6Las! Grecce, I :12.0; 2. Schnjdt, -. Parkway, camden, ji-J. 1.5:.4; Cullffe, US, 10th in 1:54,, Aug. 27 - Natrl. BnC t0-r'111e Bu in. ' . r4ulre!, '. , )147,9t 2. t\nn, chicago, IfllDois !.-:r!9.0..1000n. l. nleefeldt, c., 8:12.2i Aug. 30- PNll l4arathon C]€nPs.. H!neke, d;;-3;12.4i l. Leena.rL; BelJ, B: 12,6 t 4, lapavailiou. creece,8:14,0 seDt. 12 - 8-1,{i1e Em, Concord, uass. sept. 13 - 6.8 Mile Dipsea Rm, 'urich,'eroahy. JLrr.- 800n. l. '4o-ns, Mil1 Valley, Calif, ere., LtL9.2i ,. Orr+i- ,-F-oland . 1:4o,2 T&F - Aug. 23 - Iiatloel Belay chanps Schniiti, a., 1t49,7i culiffe, 6th atd Fj,re FighterBr Assn. l1eei, J. l:51.?-. Miler l - He.nan.- C- l,:06-4 Bulfalo. N.L 2. CeEIedl . AusLria rr:J6.9: 't000nr 1. sept. 9-- Arcenteiuia] Iee!' PlttsJad<e; c., 8:06.0; i. (reef;raT;?:, 8:11.6t Iaufer, 8:1-l ci chlotis, c!ee.e, sepa. 13 - 3,000n. Tean nace Naiional 8:11.8i Suarez, 8:12(Ne, Axsentine erd Chamltonshlp, Baltlnore' !ld. South Arerican Eecof,d), Hoeer, 8:11.3 lniel%tloml natches in track and f'eld lroiecteo lor tha fllu.F Zcal. Switz.. Julv ?- 400m: Carlson Zulich. in.lud": A618, Ausrral:a ard t', u!. qoioi x",r,ia*." ci,,":-T6:q., aoo', 'r, gld v6. USA i:I this coutrY Prior lo sci|!Idt, c., l!4?.it uaeslr, 1:4i]F the 1960 olynpics..Poland vs.UsA 1961
:='-:---_ a
lieeilhm, fias,r., July l| (3 pn) - The Sreat 1-2-l pr:rh rf coacn Johbly 6e&p.le.e Bost..n rLA Do$eret the tob :'.S. irFtrrc- rrub :J anothcr Nal,iorel ehaFplonghlt iroday. ,.]rq l. j{eliet Brsbb.d off anoiher Aatlo:ie:i r:Nle io erce agaln l6ail ihe 1r€ ald eoliL i:ad Bo8tonla*6 snd ev€. l.r.p;'oeine t1na. CFeen hts ftEest l.e.e to i'lrtll r !i*rY1F:e::ord.gl)th "aix i(eUay srd Gr3€a rere ar i,he eecnan UcEorlal xraolr at lhe safl.r r,:!me for tha |1rBl r|sJr"r fl].i!: 'j.+r I '3.r2€s: 1i 6:i+ee Frlzes a\i rsual srrttoDal fled.ls.,:r"nn. 96 .iea.eea. 19 starlere t r,i 13 :.'3islris1, .t, i!.::!itsy, e4,r6&:C3"6 ,?, 'i.ll1 Jin Gr.ea, !i;iA *t", "4", {it:i3.0 ll, A:1 cod'a1+!,e. En,r "a". b't.\6 j], cr.alFr laneli. ]lql {-bi, ?ar:1? J" ilBdy xerd€:. !"TPf i :Cj54 a. ii. Dave ri.steln,r, i[,4t. 71:C2 i. lohx., 1cr1Ey, rur: i1::l u. Pele arfl\.J, tst-,rE. ?i.+1 9. star, tie.!a!, lllic,*Es- 7Z.At: 10. Paut Scoi;-, BAri 72r0b.1 .11- Xei ilur1re., E:A "Arr l2t5? t:. llad Sri:el, Nqi, /l:C0 1J, Ted Corbltt, lryi]C, 73.12 14, !d nunc6n, u6ireched, ?l:20 1J" Dick ?ackard, BAA n!-', 73!40 i6, ,1lCc !:alLCdrrar ritlrose 7l:J0 17, .lod rracl,.clrotl, trylc, ?3154 1d. Dr. 'nas" lobbins, rryr'l 74:Lr; 19, Dick Dorrohue, ll4.{ "ts', ?5:46 ?t. .rose Dones, NYP4, 76.04 21. Don Fay, FAA 'Atr, ?7,48 22. Ilke EigeloH, BlA, 78129 ?3, John lir1scott, 3AA, 78.34
2i.. Dlcoaandrea, Br,a, 78.40 ?J. "rohE i;at tirulnickJ NIPC, 80:07 2b. Joln 4ray, BAA) 82:03 27. J10 couc111. E:.c. So3i.82: l? :8. 6Fre Dniron; BAj, ALtil 29, 0:ii. i!$ninen, liA, 85:i: jc. Ed E.j.ti.Lrr, BAAr 89r1c lteieihouse, N}lC, 96:20 31. ceorg. 12. nd cc:rnol1ir, sl" !'!dc15, 10?.00 ies lreders n, fiC, 109:00 ch.. .. ll..1e.tr-j 9 - -n " .i, - L_2_)-. )_!' 4-7-9-10-16= 46 --.1 prs" 2" 9.q-A '8", J, lIY Picrcer Club, 6]i 4. No.th I'tedlarSLio-. - /ctley. 6l'r.15t F^<s, 6^jtli Sept, 7 ' Sr. i'latioDal One-gour AUI Chan!,
Cosia l,iesa, Calitolnla.
'.t clarerce tease! du}111o
& Iarcos
The ?an Arerlcar caDer ale lust a aorth aHay, chlcaso betna host. Is {e}1 o. its Fay as far as betDs on 3cl:edule" Il6ad:og lhe :jsL of ieoplo /ho are aerotlag tloe aad ?ffort to ihlg er1opd.ils lroj6oi are C616ae1 Jac! neilly one of ltayor Daley's rost *i:irtng {o!knen, .4bc lE ilrrecior ol ;peclal event! for it€ city. Another is Ted Eaydon eoach .t boih Lhe Utrinersity of Chlraso a&l Chlcapo frack iflb {hD 16 BctlDs chEtrmM oi lha l,ienrs T&F CobnlUt,ee, 1,Tr, gaydon haB ieea eftlcleni anat .esFot4lrte in ihe lie1d. of track for me,4y yes!€. He noi or-]y a coacb but a!: A.nbassa4or "!ias trel], so that 1n all ceriaiaiy he .en be essrr:.ea of haring na4y good itllrgs come oui of tne track phase of tilese gases. Hot 1aq aii eU the !l!es h€Te be-n ccopleted. Sald tti. nel11y, 'U- hav. *le rllet mde up end approv6d rry the .ompetine mtlone.i The 2,500 abhletps md o!'iiclais DartIcIDaiinE rn rhe l9J9 Par Aoertca; cares_ tn " chlca€o trllf be housed and teil at the Untrer8itt oI Chlcaeo. It seens th€re tlll be € lot toore efficlency 1! houalrlg all th€ persorDel at the urlv. ihan asstA:ing athleies to sono 10 scatrered s.nools and 6llitar! insLallat,.nE in 116 area. Fei--y s;,d plus lor rne Beh€s were progre€shg at a sablEfactofy l*ce qd requlred con€troet1on wo.k has beetr conpleled for some tln€. At soldleis Fiefd, where bhe track srd field eveats will be helat, replacemeat of an asphatt clr'u1er sirlp nas alr-ady beF! conplered h ,rEe by the rDx !o!i Cas Ltd. fron Ensland at e cost of 85,000 tor rhe speclal 3oil and superrlslon 1n the c!^raiaction of the lrack. This coopary aa. codsiructed a:L1 the iracEs in rhe korldr vit,h the exceptlon of one ra Hhic! tbs niIF has b6en.ur tn less thaE forr $1nures. Concedhg that ihe ganes blrdAet has had to be ::evlsed upirards t. alowd $1,000,000, aellly sald bhere lias no the fimnciel ospeclE of the €rent, "our problen ot the nosent is io eet across Lo -he people of ChlcaAo the ldporta!.e a.\d quailty rf the P6n AD cdes end {h6t they nean tu the c1ry. Th" lrack dil flelil .omlttee fo. the SmeE 1s at aork on supervlsory phases of ihe conpeiltlon. (eoEtlnued rcit pg,
q (?ar As ptans- contlaueil) ffiffi. urr, !€1tlnser, usar, rope rhan 2ro s'palrsh ll;i,j:8',il iilli, l. reto Tabn"r Cbtuagoea!, qa4/ lrLtb atbletlc sl!:dors. i,i50.Zi backsrouida, bai6rolulre€red uo scwv,-in'jr.6:-ji,,ir"" ri=,li-ii,l' .erre as ertorpret€.s or oftLcla16^i oklaboEa St3tE" 14:J2.4r c. J6rr.y E€1]]I €a1il ho ras coDftilebt :'ol:. " snartt. EousLo;. r5:2t"2 rc6l ;objllct, Bucb ss cLur.:uly (De:ti;€er rratns(L tn_!6bye! for l prcrgl1l.€,Itr Cuba aiil befri3 that tseeke p;ior to tbe nsei. ge tu:B€a 1n Vcuezugla, floulit aot eftes! tl:e 1r a silor! rac€ & ha4 hls usual Far Atrlrlcan csDs6. Th€ !4tioral good kick irnlsh). Orgalizatlo!! of a coutry, ao9oo. s'chss6; L phl] Cal€nar, UCTC, 9troplc blstory haa EhoE, r6nain cdrei&t 9;i9E-?.-CEEFse rour€, ArlzonL, rl€Bpr r€ sovernnertal oharses. 1! 9!3L.1, ). chaa, (Deaoo;) Joles, umt, cblca8o recgatly offlclals of rhe lo{a, i:38.j, Barry crarfod, urar. rar Aoerloan spor!6 orceglzetlor & j" iree4.ss:eeni, sc!"Jv, 9:j1i 9:j8.gi repre8eatattv€s of the dlflersDc 6. \t!r'z;$aa, lsrja, 9ijr..5 I,atlD Anerlcen cormtllss ror6d to 15oob. r. XJrot Bulieio;, bles.rBr o!)en ihe sardes *lth a|rtval of a J-:F73 {!er Aqu be.r rcc;rd. 5to. torchl'erico-cltt, .alflsd by i{exlcan Boy scaure record, l:42,9 by liaii€r Ieht, ',ilB* liod scene ol !h4 1a3! ^oasj!, .:r,,'; ?. J1[ crer]e, oreqod, caEes jr 1955. !o rareqo. T6rss, & 3r4A,a i6 r..,:)t l. Ed Iorar, rryAc. rroE ther6 to Chlcago !y ),600 olii.d l, iiaddeon, ue,rit,, Olrta. )!rt6,9; j:51.1: 5. L1!t steies Boy Scouts, edch n:!!lBa oDe b"b seM;x. i,.s. AF!. nlIe. Dlreclo! of the f€stlral of the ltj4,2, 6. Je.k radan. sCVJ.f. 3it8,8 ADerlcas Coonlltea, Vlctor u. lerrnut- iTne ti-yeer.-ord, rhy, cre$-cut; {est ter, r€ported th. fg8ttval ptaDEed !D coasr pienon srrirtea r"o elcl.fr ta colnectloa rlth th€ geneE 1111 1nrhe ia;r 4c ra;ds.. One of ihe ;o€t aluale cortetrpo.ary art, Eoilo"li arehercrred Darticj.Dants Ea6 Ai.ny lreuL. Itectu!.€, folklore, tlraaa, edu€etoMl Bobbv 5€;:nan, fie Cattro:r:(ai, $as €elilars, a dohtoF! rarker falr, ard Lhe ijrst athtere ro shatte haild€ and a.flesta 1n Soldlers F1eId, all eveDts !a1k ro vtce kesident Rlchslri Nlxon, streB€hg cultre or iho Aoerlcas, Fho sp€lred Eobby,s lClA jerEey and. Tbe Pan Aoerlcatr GaEes r1}1 sta.t here oleEeit a .ol1 er€at1on.. .Be $ai totlAuansl 27. 1959 an4 clos€ sebt- 7, ing oe hoF ro rl')l1 1r0O rciers,'sald r Hish t had ov calr€ra r{ArroNA! oon r&r cr{anps.. Bourn!'. co!o, ffii";"]?1"' (JItliE 19-20) looca. lrai\: 1. Elltioit Deroar., !|pc. 1st day -:9r9!9sr 1. l,{ax lruex, strid- -.52:21-::-roiu Hreoke, NaAc, 14:05:? erg, 3!t22.1+i 2. A1 I'an}€nce, Eou8ion, j. Budy iialuzs, xTpc, lri:17.5! 4. B. Bob SoLh, st!!der6, 32r12.6; racDo@1d, .:YDc, 1l!:11.1; 5, Dorald 3. 31t35.5r r,. Alex Breckenrtdse, Is,,lc, J2:40.6; KuIl\, flonrclatr:te'e colleee, /{"J.) 5. Eussel} B€I1:leirt, Strlder8, 32:58.9; 15,)2.6t 6. Warde Yarcho, 5ayron 4C, 6. P6ie llcArrdle, I,eB York ,1c, .J2:59.8t t5tt3.5 ?. car Lll}llaes, UcTc, 33!21"31 8. hvid -?:-T6"one -rgqoq. 1, ron- r,iur.phy, jftAc, 1:47,?i. iartln, Flint olyrpiaa dlub; li:J7.1i lratteri,'Siri4eis, i]}'ds); 9r vl1ford Elus, sante clara touth vluage, 3" E:'nle cunlitre, Srrrldersi -" 14:14.1; 10, John Kopii, l,sllc, jt6:10"8 t{?1 spencer chicago T!; J. Gearge l{o oi;her finiehers due to inrtru4tlo:rs Katt6?[ar, peE! 6. Toa carrcU, :AC" to qult hhetr lapp.d ((opll oay kee6 ?ull {HurphyhIiooh the leed 6c yarcs !"oB e:t!a lapj,.Pom.r i.u'-h.-r{ Ca1 siar i:oee. dl{!!li kaots f nassed ii&ltere lrax Tru€:( €arBed tlre bigg3st ovation uril soruebody.otd ne ;ien the.ace ot the daf ht HIa: ,ne Lte Sruel.ljne t4urphy so..l. Itr Lhls bile-hlgh LoE-, 4d s3 d 11"€ !q n! l. :cc.. :or..icn, _eras, .6.1; eilltude dldrlt bother bin at a11. z;-i;ve uiUs. unati;." llur.dre" !5"k:' "I rish they had EeL a ras-er paceln t. iack yemn. sFo.. rt6.6. r. rero;r Inslsted Truer. The l1trle eay {5-5;, lrdds, rJesas SrbLe, \6,,; i, Lte, 128 poeds) raa_ alal fror Lhe flelJ & dr, :peace, U.jL &;ob D.vj;, ri-\4, €eeD sprilleil tbe lasL J00 yam! ollpiue , A .' a bad bliEtor oE the bis too of h1s 1. Srrlders. 144r Z. I]YAC. 254: 1eft foolt frorn ihe concrete-hard iraek. ieam: 3. Sanra Ctara yr',3S*i 4, ucTc, Z\+i i. $YPc, 22i 6. thila. Pion€ers 22
'r]"diTllisviiiE nOAD &. E iia.5, tiilLj.ns!111o, l1ass. (Sai., 9a.E I So.uar€ ! Pluiner, : irile scrercir - fienoriai r, a€r. 1,-.'./o i.,js,Fr 1.r1nele, 4u : ar'-rs .ta.s-F. J la flB-51-?-... SLrootedl. il!! ' .r .. bjl rio:r: t+cr^.' arLd BestoE AA R--r. ih€ only oie3 t. ii4ish ilae nea cr dore i. 6.o.e, 1. lro"ea! lit6€tir,., E1ectrl. Boa_, la, 2:j5! Lt:|. ?, DerriE l,ifteha., I.A.,1.a., ::5-::-' AA, J. Djck ?3fka:tl. Boston a?'i;: !, Jth4 Jsr.eit. '11.9.!'avt, 5, Eobert rr)nn, vra3i;reti li,5., lLless,:?:t-i liloP!4 iitGClNS [r1t{S
??::rc 6. jiE_i:oh Busch$alrrr, snr!. Ms!s.. 7, Stan TIeFF:;j 1l'!!11 tieiiorc cl.tb ' 21139 2?tt': 8. J:E s5lLa raP1a, Natlck !.s,, 28t',).) 9. Dlck Atklnson; -J. nB!3,, 28ta2 10. tl1l.1am Fe€,1ef, Fostor. l-(. 11, laui Woodlard. i{o.ihea6""e!a U., 24t25 12. ike Baaelo*. scston a-!," il.3a 13. ton Fay, Eostcr 4,i,, 14, Jdsk lleeedotr, ur4t!" 15. i:is iouci11, llectric' Boet Ac, t9 t3t 16. Don ilacQEttle, F.A.A. C. " 29:,.9 17. Jin laine6j ,i. ilass,, 29t44 1.q. E6y i1!ter'. !.,{.-{"C,! 2t),43 19" i.nr {aulpinen, Bosto. AA, 20" Dlck Een!1eyj ti.1-r", )Nlri 21. Bobe.t Ucl,lahoa, Nolthbrtd€.e 1i,S 3A.26 ' 22, lay vasuor, PlorldelEe collese' 3C:36 23. Haral.' Bafron, U. lrla6s., 30143 2t. Jake Fr€dersoE, North Medforll c.,30:54 ?J. Ddle D.acller, ', \ezd!:. Col-,r^u:'c 26. Dlck siesens, N"U., 37t29 2?. Ii111iar Fitc;a, N. "c.J 37.34 28. Jon! lrazee, Unattached, 3'r,:2 1:, ) 20. Joh, r,r, o._or r,. )4,13 30. Ait Stea':it, li.lt|,bridge il:, 31, charles Dyia"ir Firish Ane!. i.a, lb:2? 3at5! 32. f.a': ttad.rgar,, lrrettached' 31. iimeus Sirseni, u@ttadhed. 35.!e 34. !rei, ?i1tka, Eleclrric Boat A.a,, 3tr+1 35, oharies BledeEon, Norih l,led,C", l5:5i l?:08 36. Paul schel}, x, 14. c.' { 68o, ?ei... Ten piace prlzes & one tean trclhJ) Teafl scorlner: 1. Boetaa A^' 79i 2, Icrtl: lle.1iold Club, 36 - U. l,less. 4 qerj F-AAC, 4 aeni El. Boai AC, 3 aen, rh Inters.nolas:ic T&F lieet foiic{ei rhe Eo4d Bace a'r 10 A.rl, ci ihe litLitlnsvllle 1r..., 1 . Te.t codne'ced, ilternrpi,eal bX rain squalls'on an encelleni 2 1!l1e: 1. I€rry Dmor, rr'l€ti,. 9:1P,1! 2. ' thonp3on. Eoly cross! I, Itn. Atdt sinnons, 1t . oe ..:jo . h..\ .- ; r. "., I.e]r-r. D3nn1s I.!i.i 6. !lom:lieiglis, 7. ' i f . o/.'Ei.!t.IC; 'I, 4. .nl_r, I : r" ' n:1_ -DFr 'or.a_'e al ''or1!ra:1Ias\ 'r. s rorl' r " (!.nE...ft las the firs'! tlne ir a year he had nor:n splked
shoe8i ihai 1s, It ras tba tir6t tlne ln a y€ar he had re on a cl.rder treek. Whatere; 1o-iriie races he had ru: ln ih,. pr:'rtous 12 eoltns eere on paYed ro&dE, in starililg qst!-asir, iidlrnes (ohleDainer, ii. t cld ,\ilericaa recort-hclde" aa rlrol.4 iAU-ccre?s .e.orn). usei' !o rir ilYe .u4 te3 nlie r6ce: '-io.si: leeiit cr: c14de. -.a1,h6 r reie.: lie$ 1o:t i.,)itlrtj iro4i ill,-.:. !t6c:r'nei . rii.rsi'ori ir 16:_ 1.f;: o! ti.i -r,:i,!ia: \'te(, i.rL. ?"-ei-!ih dr-ni !rti:]:i'ir :ic blori .i .'i€ iire-rl}e l]arlr, 'dirictL hinc,e&l (a1l€y so$x!aa. na..e startci .:red Faller hela ihe cld Ei;ions-- I.ecor'! oi 5?132, because ot rain. The:: iir iei u!r, tsui ten ninf,Nes afire" ihe ?ace i.i rained ai,:in catch:rng tiitir !1sce ilhicher Cecre? lerttr riitl on the trecii.. 1'hen Las! see:, Ceor8e &a5 dodgiqq rair arroPr; 14 a irerrlltc dompor:r & qa; deiinateli 1:1 eeeC of a 11leq"ra!!1!,, lie11ey's indi!1.!La1 mlies Fele ra in 4t53..1t59.. +t td.. t.rt. . tt u).. t,ra, . ti L). . at09..5t1'1. ,5:!?.
70th A$nra; -{es Ergled r1n! :i&: R8ndollh (H.s- ) l{ass,, suncy' Jure i - 6-{i1er it 1aD tBck
Jo'my-iCtu.-t. b,l,!i 2. A1 talone, BAA| J. Thonpson' Harvar{; 4. }-1s S1ega1, N!\C. Tlnsr 30113 (0.1y one day after hls 50:51.6 ten Eile race. Thatrs the quihiessence ln speed and ;tmiD! 1.. r.-l'111e: 1, 0sboP-e. luor, unat; littgfieldi Ji@ creen, nAAi BAAi 4. scorrJ Scoi;tr 3" Jln Green, J" scli'Ete" T:ine: t+t 52.0.. 411a Eob ioFe, Brom Unlv.! 2. orl€sr?, hA{i f, rJo)d, US ^myt 4. ELanlrlo' Fltch- Tire: .r:28.3.. 880: 1. Uc:orley! 3IA;2, sieele' BevetlYt ?. 'di@ood. BAA, !1,fte, 1157.7 4th Amual Phlladelphia Pioneer I.c. T&F ueet - sat., June 6 (6pd) at Booseeelt Fie1d, llorristom'Pa. 2,l4i1er 1, Demi-s Jol son, Pion., 8i1,7 Shirn, shanahan cc' 9152) q:50! 2, l. John l4arsl'811, Pen Ac. l0:12! 4. .ob Chanb:rs, Sh&. CC' 10:14! 5. Klau6 Pfte6eni, Pe@ AC., I'i11e: 1. RUBE BradEhaw. Pe AC, [:-]€:1 (ea-colaate u. niddie di6tance ruuer)i 2. Frank r'tzPatrlck Co
[, {tqlra.
?&F _coNTrIIuED)
J. rlke Elselcw, BAt, ?3t5d. 6. ,on Faco--ittlej FAr1ji ?. Dlre H ,{Ct 8. i,.€ Fit2_ ;i+:i; 'dson, l-yhn "iiii::":;r1:' -eratd, It&a Ac! 9. :-r,tk !r lctso!.::i, #ffi rosicn ira i 1). t,/1i,12, lijlLFron. -o. 4:GrF!. 'i.eS, \ E3F*3'"#.1|'Fii;"ff11.:., : l, ;1. . 1? nerctr. pft:es, r *i.. :D & tean plaoue ( qon-.J_!t!_ a,l jg;j,-*_ "-" ".., lfoi - . tlair-n Urders Club rewsLctter (Sou L liricai __ JAC]{IT iIEKI-EB IIEILJES Tn I-Ei!Icdone. " (Bob c,opbelt. B;;;;n) rsfl AtsoUI npioLDUFS" iI ',STatS,, .r1"tr :- 1r q recenr )uirtirrrion coolleted tist oi finlshers in :lat, . or n..ih qf.i4aa st :ti.xi 1L ... r.! rers, . "\ :1' ts*!!e.. :i n 4jDr l 1 i.e "o11o1{.:,;; .' .: rrviF:..r:r i,! +]1e .r_r :;: ?;3 s:r:oI: : r.t z/. "ahn D--.o_ rtuj.- , r ) _ t;st ;0.. iar-;e 1-rlrj: n!!tlons ilr{rfe <o. .rohJ a.r-Lt, ,,S.\.r vor ,,i". , :j.r.!e:trr ::r.:nleti a.n J,tiirirn r! ^ P:r !n.1! ae:r- ii.st aijtre.irt; .t ;,: ii;" ': I . drs1i3n.!, iadicates th.t ii:. rlLjs i.rsi-: .r. : .:i: rr s!rc.;: ls EpeeC aad lJt ._.Fr_ 1rn.F. It f. irr f.i"re r..r.-t,.r inaMr. r 'LiFrri.:.1 tr'. -:,: %i;kr: , .' , . , !;, :-'., aor e1.n!+t-Fd., ft, Ldir- ev_:!t" rori !-o?ee .: 81 ??. lFnb .,o€r,d disianc.s ionJ,r r,:.. i,r! Jor q, , . c. ,i o._ l;va.-o . srlndard,iaraiho4 are orty n.a.t_ iced h lt€fald -n4 Soath Ai:ica. i". ""L"iil,:tr u". :1 . 1 . .. ,. [rgtend r'1rt i:c thrj:-n!..L 1]n . - rjfrI.Ic.a!-!Frl :: :. str: Jl :t: F1'.ri - . Jo- {-1 j". ' . 'J-',.. r;-'::. r'1s.Fn. - d6lirltFly .1r!11...{ 1 w;;;--' ;re lfii ^1e lten -.i of i,. .1.r I i1; {ii. .i..;": rh'i Jan DarDrd Lr, rfEr/ oiAhr !a!e b,-e; Di .bae-tc mat,ch Dave lowel,rs ,j.earer +). l!evt, .lchot-i, tlenr rac qeve-Lcpmert rr- .pe-r ri -!fliltt ,rb. chdfles Lrede.6oa. Illf n. I -n 4ot r.rt Fr. ,.- r r.irti_ 1u!_r1 .u:j so earlr in his ca.e.r. ;{: il:";i,:H::"1:i,"* T srJ tl,i I Lras rrr _r 49,t0rIel]hst@rdm, hart - c],tu : r. i rxch .oi - rii sa!rt 1:.n_ "€o-!5i t-: I tr1 | 'irir1 .rr , ri, .q. i!{ :I iea i i'itrtio.r j-qns -"t.r. e.. ," .-.,r.-!: 9ps-t o: I rL .JiLr. J z-b-rl-1or I1?. :-8_. -,.1 :t _r. try I .,!r : ". re. .1rr sucir rt {L:r.rr.s ' rd.. h1, I t.irr ij d-r4itrP 1r i rL thr .r _r_ ''"--: -:l-1" ! ess oi SoDfh Atri:c.r malet:roi rrn_ .."".1,U].4.|-,.]5:..r.'."' rerE, :liE._n oil r'+r_-iI.jra1-? F: -1r r .t: lenlng serrenc€ oin 'oeo '1 :re. . fot.r. rNr . ir.rrr L,1r"1lrs ..;1-. .. :; :li!!:r"' ?9-, - =Y,r rr= 1:r irr . I,r l,r _r,tr)-1s ri rrFir r.rJ Ji:.- r-i:rr-:i '!":E*i5ii;;";li*i",Ii."""-,"t" i" -" th. *uii,i-i.; ir-lir.","0" ,li.'"";; I l- ljslr,-i irLlL.s:r i fr-r -i lrs s ' 'd ahay to a turro! e: (orv" !.rrFr.e,. lly |or1, ir-t l stiic_ Jut:day, June t4 ' .ent | :x!.rirh.cI Tao"e ,rh1e!.:. 3nd especielly zatopek ald li,roui3il'#'J:"i;"Hi"i:";#. :t::: lr. r.- F Exrelienced lnrernlt_o4,1 .;h1ef.; 1n thF l: 3ji*'*i#ff: world rith dozeni^ upor doze4s oi ^^,
iiff t*l.i,-jl"{j
;i'\'; :-:l:' jj:",';:;
+,* ;:;"i";.'"^::' i.!1i1.'....1'..
j::)il;"i"lii:11..;:' j . ,-r",
j;: ,.'-,ii:;:'e..4!.''
a:.^ii':;i^;:i?lli::t'i."...,.-.lr;,, t' 'l;ll'l;"'''.
fr|ili*Sie:], ldllr . .. ..'
clt r-! i ttlci I - cotiT lNjlt) ) 'j_{} l,:,ra r'!.:rr .!reat orcr narl J.ax. i.iira i:h-r. ilorienef. :ii is sir.i..i.:1lr l..ii aorae cj i:rene athlete. r:.1. refc!iea.- l]leif inagnif jceni irllil.i ;irc.es. ia sllrse.!eni !a!:.in.!ri : rolli..: set lh:rli cactr qori be.al:. !t ras jrsi lis dat - ., dar. trh.. :i.r ju.'; fe;L ilL.t trou c.rri, lr! e.:rr,e:!! {her tor afe 1x illsolrie rtp rorji. r. uI cB.e everio.rD Lr.rs ibair Zltcrek ras coj.nq at ie:trsi 3i jx.:i a m.iledge ia iral-liDg a. ary ol lhe raraihoa rxnx.r." I Lherclore thfi} i: efonelous to sa:r tnat these ,rc. rroa on speed at.r:re. liJo :iorih Afr.icln ru.rer uir,' e!er'be able to eiijoy sueh vast exPerie.ce iL i nte4ELlrn3l race; oner. shorter dlstances. Ip .ar. ca.e. for eacb oi urese ruccesses, ;ne can poitt to at leaBi 10 fa11ures. one ha. only to look at the compleie results ol these olrrnpic oaraihoas. To s5y thli ilar n?d sqitched to mararrhon rumin$ too early in his career, i ihink is nonsense and thar, BarurC hios!1f orld be the fir6t Lo say sor. l,'hy is it that so nany iusilali4r sh3ltert4l world srin r.cords over a1l .lisirnces? lhc lact is ihat tnel. spend na!-v hours corerihg n3r1y ml1es la trainiri. Today ''sialeaess" are jrhinljs of the !ast. lodal, an aihlele trains as hard as he possibiJ can irhile he has the uxEc aad enthusiasr to, ald lher he can ro lonjc. star" ia the iop .lass he o)t .ad nake. tray fo! sorieoD: 'frols else riih ireater enthu.iasn. alettir\l |.:k ic tare Pcper, qil€r jleib DlliolrU {21) lar loxer intc the :t..!id in r :laining run shorili .1licr ih. Genesl Ellioti r.,3 stiil 3o11t stio'3 Ihex he siopp.d afier 2il iii:.., tona alter the other trio l,Jho is to say thet allloti couldnri have {on the daratho4 at CerClfi had fLe etccted to do so? Itrs roi sheer speea th4i has nade llllolt suc! a supe.D rlrder over ihe nile, itrs hiE sdpelb conrlii:ioninat lniL suprede siite ol aihc thrt aivc! l]1r his success. rind il the *orliirs Are.tcsi niler can run oc.2slonai 3c nil. traini4; runs wi!hou'. iosi4g his sp.ed, rhn canrt (or shouianri) 2b l1e specialisis .un occasioi-!:l 40 or j0 nilcrsi i:t!:t::rD
I lresrne ibet it ls the Com.ades IEraihon r'hich i.s referred to as a examine 'rlfc,l.11ng lece,n l.iel1, letrs trupo rhe iacis.trd ligtPes. the reccrC is 6 hts, 12 nins. atui 5 nxF" i2 fin5. givirg an aver3te ol n hrs, 2 tr:Ls. io: 54.il1es lor lhe ta1!e .ii 1l n1ns. to b:jng til. .!isr.air.e to J2 niles flhich i: a corble i.:at:ron, 3$ the bime yculd b-c 5 irs. 4,1 Fins. r. 2rxs. 54+ ains. for Lwo .ons.i.!ii.ve n.!.nrhons .!r the sanc eou!oe irh3i .IEr ;arr::rl .oulC 6F]ti ruD.r sl.g1c 4aioth.J1 irl :ilb siri on {hici Iieitn .r'an.rs uol the 19it 5,!. cham jcnship in 2:44. lhat's sDie Ploddir\g! In ihe sme riay the Loncor-lrig,hton 53 nl:l.e!. has been nrn i o corsecutire speed
i.aininE and pleriry ol lt, is
iL llY 'ss"l d_, Lt
easY Pace can do '1
noihirg but inpmve
cL.e-1.rh drd con-
l rs s!6-d. rv6- sp"int_ ers jog and ru,'1 slowly at tlnes. In ract, ihey even tralk at tlnes du?lng
trairhg, lly doe3nrt lrhat slow their Tiiee and .i! Dilers who ium to nilrathons and donrt do sxfficte.t distalce rr.alnins (or miLease), ca@ot see oui har\r marethons in a siigle narathons al together. I talie mr hai oll to the courageo'rs nen often ca1led "plodders.'l ( siered) Jackie I'lekler {liJote 3t l:-di Lo.: LIon did Zatopek traln
ni4dj he rab !q to Ll!l. c.ai1y. He rr.rods on soli grounrl. lle trained ln .o 00 Lo 600 melers sonecs: ornin-:5,000tr. .n ! oJ In ru., 10 ri 2C0 i., 2C x 400 m., 10 x , '" .u :. Lh- roods. ,,ooor. I .- q00:.. " -00,.. 5-10 l- -"-':- oo s. ) 'or abo standards b- t .e' fo. oiiicials to r€pregent th6 U.S.A, ln the 1960 olrapics --Ton tyoas, races bei',€r CaEdisn r6rrlad 'r SFPII ,0nl' 12tn" Irrcell r:rt nrtzes lor a-rl. One
el!!'4.Jits m arrr jo",,-s,,iu,e ro,q :r .rep- -l ,b b.:rjr-l^:n-" \cF -rd :o ii:i r::ilji .l tha trAc la belrop.lltarr t&i_ ?1?31es i.dai/, F." irr"r i,l!e secotui :iine 11 :1 : ;:-:1r'! i1.' i,'ie-e_ reoi.trni.1i{ i; , :r r;ae ii:1i 1,i,. ,.i,i.i TIOIEEE
1:!. iJ6hrr
:L$l:i 1- :Jer Berer,, !1Ac; 2. .r.n ,'.' :- l"i";"]',-:1.: 1'.:;t,:.:l;' y!r.:,
.e t.fi,-i :.J:4!! I rrE '] .r.j66 B!1r'.1r1. \{-" -l-fiii::?rG; 'rlri:ri. jt.!€!d t:). l.f!C! --, ,!,L. +.?c.r,:r : ii r r. .: ,-. r?, ]t-a3 i.r. iri:.A_:drai: reh!, ir\,ii, :.,i.:.! ,-._,.'7,,=:: :.",.. i,l..ar .,r ", ^,.r:ha.
ire Iar"e]'r; lr,ireer' iL e:eE ..,", -tr. ,- -.i .. N,r- .---.r -, L:rrr'c li ir,lied t.tJa reerr, rhich !3! iiii,"i tt1: t:+! _" r:1.c ."::-,. ernipie{br\iearyra-l:rsior i!.-li-:,jj.:ls--*tL'1j_.1_,__''_,, f.ie !irl6 ai'.]:frcon at 1nar'tted.r'ia1 Fief(. i{1t[ 102 ,o1iis, :'i;;:,.";tl:,'l;.?il,,l'i:,",','.:1::$qcnri tF 1i i , ;cnria;ri I t'r ,r,.r:ri1!.isirip) I'arida:t;: ano.tLor Lro yollse5lj ird€r ere. i. xh the ,r.:,,-. ,,ii slx lnilr, iorgest €c. of 1,h. 69th "..i". :,,",..,..",," e t"-r.,:., f--*-i;:.;": i. ,ror."-:.,r:!,r:t:." rErisJ jusr ba.k 1.ron 1is r?esbqar ;:l:'l':'' il,.;11'i':.. =' ;1",''.; J.:- at -qrta.u;h. :.rr: cL. :,. . ! ctuy an 4our uelore r_he .ace ire i{y.sci1 I.C ibr?ue.-n at).s - Z:t)\.:, Lh,-! decided i,o r-m ia it in ihe irte!r:liipoaa roorr iihe :ce,t o; rle "nackests of lbe Pioneer Nfrbts team b1d lhe ihi:4 iuart.:." . ,- .,.iterash_ as,'rst L|. oercM d: Ixr. crfo o,!.. .tr;tch a .""i oi . ;,--., ,;. Larlr ratei! hlmEel.f olt bhe p€cc .f fijal 1a, and Cb.D ar "i re4:14ed iie rri.h-bon,peter r,rcAture, Ji.:he !r/A4, iJ""""ii. *tr. il,iii'-::i,"..iu.ai r,ft uztl1 the.la8t lap t don tt' 10 /ar{s --he.e tjie :ac kn 1:r! d r.e.rt uaili 1n lt:^i.o. chapman t.ok o?ex 01 ih. ftmi turn o.1y 8J inuies rest lhe fome! a!a.'!on gcine atray., abalnan ts s t? -ltith Ceeuge ,Ia6hin8tor liigh Jchcot nl1e siai :..ear.-otd Se"i"o. :,* ol,na l:. iiled ior a doubfe ih the tlree oj1s, lome11 in :h€ a1it. "i,a jie is the 1158 his p.Lie l,areet of the day. -Lther ]i5d< 1,,y. jt6!e ChaoD rS59 N"r, _ra,e Ieeh, {i Nl1,', quit !r!th three & a h:tt r;irer_r!., rt ;as 'n1rhe iirrt .ut,lor" 89: Ie!16 forud hios€li in. 11 lefeai f;3 rerashiy. ,11!"-i9 -,ooEHe ha,i aon.1,,os. rro.1r r:y r0 !ar$s. ne s-ercJ " .'ncli oT 20 s._.e:. h.. 1( _oi I wieer rlth a 5o-l'a"d leai on the beli ,z_iiii" r.rav, r, rro.ir"i, r,.i: ;. ,1a!, buir tbo sr'rair jEii;A-t-sr. of 5he doulle j.OO , .;iii"r.ali,", ;i","r, prcved_too nucn 'o" yo.... Tom. Frotr . c:ty, r t"c";.n,,.i 3 b_ocl brh:r,d qqn: Pe-e. BeJe!, ttaffa :-nrs 9iL, .r;sed:n roLA Lm rire oed":l6ir cr -re r#..ri" rr"ri"""ti.-rq.ll ilid.i flor_ ro-l:!-C t1rlng LEflsr h'- Lr) ,.- shorj etlEtch &_whtppe4 ]r1n b.u ten yar.ds :a ilALTl ltEE OLIlIttC CMg Ro!{!S ,i so. ?ae on Lne verge or ATI"{ TIC AAU ASSN. T&I OE{tlPiONSirTS9 corlapse ar ihe rlnrsrr, jrr'rc & .lnddles J"rhe 1l lleavy lhe c4e Xear o1d Yorke.s rrack do€s jir;ld) "ah) 3a1t!n6r;, Fd". lHom;,--od uoL.LoterRfe' €Lcr v-lr. 'or.. n-\1, .. cr..r oJ..., ._,o it0: !0,] ,rl;tuse.is- ous.. --rrr .,t. .:! .r_... ., :9i _-. -- s; 99":.il9l.t-r"!l : F.e, .nd be"ore !.be aeei erded ir a,!e;n; ,t-;" oooo., no., ::,os.r, 'ained 1cr iri6. \yrc! r. pe.e, d.-- iaril?"f 6:Iil-c-:1. :.-gH;' ;;, ii;l:' -:OC, .';;; ,di;"..., Ardle, ilYA_ci *V€r; _N:rAc, 4. .'otnl]CC; lr" coy -3._Ired Donova, i,rYAc, Tlroe: 31!09.5 "riraali, ffi;t:._i9!:;_i",;;:. .ffi 1i."", r4usosa, try^ci j_.-_trddr (rurorer, \|'rL:,:;;;:.,:;,i,: iiii*",,0"io.j.
"t#;;".,",.".,ri#i.,,1T1t,:y:1":. .-"n..##18 j: l"';1,3i1,..F; ,: dgl'
4. Jobn K1+t, XYPC, tine: 11121-6 _gjlg r. irm"i.-.yi wiiii :i-rii"'y,,. lTPcr 3. _Jo6ue_Det6.do, Brrce rc; "oh! Eot tcn, l{YAC. Tlde! I|5I.2
;;!; "cc,.b:,_.d tn.xt o.e.j
iSorih Arrl antlc nAii T&F-CcEiinuedj .earc ea,C! _. !ou;q. ,1,I 1jj-. .: _ _ 1Lrdl., rc; curiJerit;f;i :f.. ertli 1. :-..r. , !rt-i t- !n1d, Brr-! rLn.: t, l. ..rit i,:s ttre.I:i At:1e rir Lr-.i, m-: tr:,1- ir-.!!Jr ! r.r ior.';h€ !1,1 rri:5r- i)i L-t ,". tr/..: .:Juz, :ji1,rye. :atrei .{r din.ri: ail a:i,t.r,. h.r:,r. rlr ;e.aus. e: ii:. :iirxr*-r -.rlr!. e rf.'.r I rq d*ct.i.:a i,. ,ci!:, -c-|*!-€,-::rii:,!:|":i:i;r--,.1i;J9.a!.|-'j
1. iohn-.i" ilel1€y, BAi, jr ar confalonei B4r, BM. +. iiei ,lueuer, 8A6. 5. P:t. Condr,t, V.lUss. r, Jc.jr. r:. Ne.rley. \jmt. !.r. rn!rrEerr p,c,, : j..
'.. t: l.:ir,r" -rr:,:.i,:,r.
1. artitt a. s.'i,rr.
---lr-t -.:-" | 1e=- - .t 'r.. r:horiclr :...r. . .F'on"].
rli r i'rr -.t', lj!\, ij::r I r: r-ea i,_.t .:tl
14 efsor, ill!! L '. t:".i, cJ|,,- ltx,el
-d': 4 -n: Yl' ,rc :e1i ir'1. rhc flftn '6r'-smrEl n3i lr::^ uni'er Cnalrna. iritl "-1ltbo. ".r. /J.r, r. f. !.\l!". . . . .. rl;cJia, .. rl ..-,oI .rj.r_ . - o ., l: : oof.-J .. .r.. r-Brc5--., .., -l:: . . -:F- ,i-:r;.on. Joliii.! !l-.-i.iat ',qilts !E5ti1I1{STm: [qss. ]trju
,.1":: n..,.' riit
t:- t:' r r.,.: 1-
:. r" c' ' ''.f,, -a a_
:"'or "d, .-!.,"1 :.:,iF. I!r_
r F: .' . ir ,. t)1 1 '11.!t rJ-i re. ..-.,1 ri::!r,
i,' .
54t52 jt:15 ItrC, j:4: pAA" 5a:0{
-''* ...'.]'',
!.,, !;" .i:!:.1.." 1,\:,,i 'a.'.. I..r: i: rrr!t. r:r.:ltt.j
ir:. I :i.
4etz? j1:0e
. _..c t-,. arl,--. r.-::, l!.-r -i ':-!., -rFr,. rAl- ,i I a'' r,!--.r r; c-,_ .ir.t. t 2.:er : , ,r. E.d -.t:Zl E-r1," d?r-,1 ','r\ leriaihio.-"q1]1 J-re 1iud31i, tC bzji'l Jrr dod"-1 l1!o. 9r.d):46 (:2... Ll]llar c. llllco:. Nrc 3{;c-1ri, D.lr [a]Qri3liie. raia €4::-, :1-.. Fra-d {el;J. nlrr? 65.-i {orr,j: 5a}Ye:. tit4c. 6..12 lt. j . Erll.: EirLkiDc. B,rA. 6Z:it 34. orlte rJMinei. BtA. 61:ia Jo. Ir'1k- rir.Ep.alc, Lyin Ai 70148 Lc. ji Rax lrlEueier, rm:i. llrrold Lik?rds, t!'1t" ??: 84:4i 'r1. +1, F.€a Ero@. lJlta. ?4 rr:, iobert JonE6, trj,lc, 118: 1lr:i6 4+. Ray _Ahtt, lftc, 1.46.-oj i:-r 1!!t 1ocal finlsher
-i . :i I a9 Jn. ll, 11,
AA' f&F
i': u::ii,,"rufiiil"$ftd" i;;jn*' ;:;";
id'i!,,5'T:i,IiilT'li:i' ',,iii't.,'';ii:,.,i; .;;fi;:"'-;: i,jr,la,';.";ii'"""IiI,-, ., ,^' ";,:";.':rj.." .;-i :. o. ... ,, .,-.:,;..,".", ;i;i;""=.i. ?i'j:ri u;-ll.f:-': ;;:iU:"#gi+*:+ii';. !i;:;r,...-,,, r; ;!1..:^;:' i;l; : gi;","",".".8191tr;.y"i;;:j?"i:;":;"i:*. ;!i ":;; ;";, ;:l: ." ._, sta/t t : "."i-., inlsh !t:rLiiitn School. i;"Xl"ili. :ffi:;; Agf+ 3;"iii' Ii;;;"-,,, :;.';;;i"..'j;;;,""ru"ig:: i;l;:1, ;",rj;:;:i l.i:=i,;t"i,;iil. Sili;',3i;i igl,i?,,?1,";"*1"{,*,,.
1. Eob 5oth, Strjdal's,
z. liea Ere.k!i!^id€e. lllrtt t{arines, 16:oj,t: l. clram r,,lcoa' lltarind, 16r!4.31 lr. Frsher, matt' t6j 59.4.. 800m: l. Jerone l,ralier6, s'ri4.16, Ti!6:r, (m, o1d ]e. L 1 50,1tr E:b ;eem3n, UCIA 'jbr 2. Jrilrtr, i'l-..,r+,I : <1; l. t dY. J..ks.r, ututi.l nnP,tt,, \153.4\ t:55.r. 1!54i 5. B6lzarett' \tsc'r,?.?: t !0: 1. la.rabee. Sirr.. 2. 1t7"8i 3, schreif;rl,:r, E;iio.:, si!.,( r,0rn sir,. !t.0 ) 3ooo; |{alk: 1. :.,o rer,. !E , it'):" -:c!i Z. Jln'-r.tie, s,;.t r. j,JLi.,rr^, _ 4. racobj" ua . i {!rrL., alrla, ii:itj|ed ii"st iu! rns
i{8r5, luil,llAx',' uAsn., rrA1.1l- 4qi 1. BI11 Prat'' a:rr'Y Ilelor'hee I Junro| uile: I. ''. _r Johrs.rr r f tL14 nr !l,li.rrt 2. .roi! :astne4' iE;-t1"; sedro rrool,ley. r!!3I '1i-. -*.---l1l': ff iin- rfr F J-,.. ,. :, .:,1 l alj.v, ,_ r:l- i. ' Ge.!!r : oril.ds, tli. dtc::Ll'r ir"ri_
viAsHrtiotoN STATE HS
o!..".!-.r..llr 'rr i rF - 1- -r-r ,| '"'-rr ar;.rv. irri, -, r r ' n il ll,. rrr lr I 1 '! i, .1 .ir 4t,i1lIr i:1. ., l"r., =t.?i-. "-.-., . r -. .i ,:I i: r,_r_ ,'l lj ,_ .ll r... jir.ii ilr. :'.r 'ilir l;:.'1 tr'l1.ir' ', .! ,: rli rr' -.f1.f i !i ,rrr
irli.hlJli::!oli :i:1,!rl !.1t !-l]i aliA: r:l l. i r' .1- rr- L,,.-. rr , a -,1:i:: il:-it=ra
!rlrr-. i,. l : , 'r ', ' .'-,4t2':t ) ii /l i 1r, '0 ' 4:.8.2 2ilar l" let-r,le. lrii,2: -ln. -'. i:--f;i rpaoerr, xoj, nii2.4. l, !r,!i.ricr.. W.. 880: 1, \Ll'a rl'F' i. I:j1..i . iFd .rcouLer,rry,iii ,r.bran6, Lirani jl5 i?o.';1andj ore{oal 1.56,5i 3. .arro1.l Tqck.r! s.al:i:1. 1. r.rr, olvnlic, 2:oc,?..r40: I'i..'t;:939-ydJt ..Vp)&)L! ''i' ' t'ini lob.,Z.o' ,oi"i-o, Lr,a Ltt, t+7 a. iriil iriil llendri.lrson,' 5ca, i:t,i.7i i:t,i.7i(evia 1.f,l.fLc.r soa. l:!i5,4! ,1. ne'|r\ L.t, ian,lonr rioa, 33r;t,ai.,1. T.rcoma T&rr, lr5rr',?i 4. Al crns., iirer.tlr :iiks. l:jl"? m :]i;th ilhocl !lo-: 1. Ea.ry Ari3.ri, 'Ic'., 2r ,j, r.. 1,1 l,llla: 1. ,.r.y 1i!r'a: , sq, !,!,1d. r::iZF u0!,i14!' AAU All iitsjlo!--r i.1AI 30 111]e:1. Blt-L DellrnAer. UaAF, 4:11.? 1:niTe: r. 8111 Del lingF,'! L]SAF,14:48,5 6Bo;-T. Ed6ey, USAF, 1:56 II!-EEGBEEN CoNFInENCE l'iEETr sPC(ANE, I\'A5]I'
iEr. - Mile: l. 'lyle l.I|c l! .. ,ru'E :c r'E, 4r18-8r.L8!: i. Drr€ .. o. , 1:.r.6., ,r:,,:,. 'fldy a2-23
':': il,.r t',o- il 14:5l ",1. 0., ii.rirl r I I:rtiaclr.a. '-:r. 'l_r-'' i-1a^it:r:'.r,.,':!cren ih: !'.i ai lt!:1i5,1 iilrl.n ':tl -,.rfl: irlrt.f.:Lrr" . l. ur]' rLrrLr,r r -, tn'xe ne sclr6ol irtm 1t:! e ilnit.trlit i'.r -qc yea:lr' r.r. cl,css .ourtr-,/ rr'niar.n rhe -1. f, he od:; 1i' '1hP' 1J" 1r'j" ro f€ Pl'.'j i4d-tn'!. e!! y) l-r snrlF*'" rdl.i : . i-rllr er l-. teu. -I iiiT.6_u,rr-", r'i-1-\ j I Jrtr: "j11I' ri- al,: !. .lcseDlr 9..ii i Ii^.+1.'r'" rrli.r i, -.'./ iln.i :+:;r.8 icn rre!tr;n C| nil al. I'ifC 1. llel !-!:.d "t -h.Isi- I r lr,i !'1:r -r, 'lafenre 'ii! 11.r1t.'d l.S. i 4' F_9!! L. cen" rr:1. r :1:-5.!.. . ! ; . arrpn !ea..t, licnrrth, T1!ror- tsruce TC; hn ii! ,r . n=rjd Lli.dt jrYli, 1r5f2.l 14ir.p r.1k, l. Pofl Danl-'1. Nl?Ci )riiiti )' :i'trt :")L' ti ' i-i;---!:::l|l| \ryPC: I )ar":lard, rl1€s loix'. -rmo: 1:sr.r".1+Ol 1" 4..t, :h.a.'-r=' ria,;"...'.".?* r':i I " ll-/'l
'ri:riri.al::llr.i.!ar!: i- i: ri ranr-r ltt liI].:_lll :.lil, r.L iii:-ri::tll lilalr'rlr ltli llo|Dlr1ll' ii"t' i'iir i':il]rl OBEGoN Hs 0l'11'Mf IoNsilMT coLl/Al,Lj s illll 23) -rini 15,4:21.2 l4i1e: 1. lFd lirlff! r'1,.r, j .lull i- _ Tto L: .. :i.colit,Dryr 1'1- "- i..., -r -- -. .o .- | r.i.ord,. lell. ard anotie. tas jf' 'iii't aln 7t,Lt.7)t 2. l:ia:rl,cn :lteirlieJ :o" .t iic ,lnth a:;nuF1 :]c.a.brrY 3a:-en, 412i,7, :1. Fred fe1.1in::.r, sprir!!rii!tu..x1._ .1: n.ei ci Conr:rce frpad. 4t25.9.. qeg: 1" j).r'rr rl:'st. i.Lrrburrr Hi in Sch.ol Srrinirrr, .-earctl)r i',-, 1151. / lrlr !h: -lr1.L .h,ri l'irL-" r, riirln. lhe tirT IIoIrtI Jlrr I ' l,litb Corutty" lerclr ceruttyrs "numirr ireaLise on runnin'r. 1959 r:1,00 I
& JoHNliy KELLry
":1.:, :,":i:;'_..,. i;.1. .J. 1' nr r'.
-lr':T.ll;.i.,l f.1o;131", .,,-1 z;;il..;'#ii i::: ::.::i. l.i ",'".:',,.1.
i;.,",,,.i1 l"
i:trr.€<irti! . I !.. lJ i-,. - lrj"r !ocr- .: rDt- r€r lorre I F, 2C;ir
iifl:i:ii$i'ilk : lEiii i:ii " "' ;+;'; a;'i\i** 1i, iii,liiliirll^*0 . baobersen.
:;ii_",, ,:;i;; ,,;j; ,i; .'-;i ,;',.i]1, ;'i," . .-l,il'i; ' .' r.l,;. "
.: *"il,Ilil*'' ,"1':9' :::l: t,i2 sa,'a ";fi: o-;.!i,e, 7. 91"t ;?;:i l:i:'.'r, i: Bi;5 fi:jffi*i,..F#i ziii; Liljti:i: 6. om 'jjesjns,-n-.;r.'.Z:ti i:-i Zei?]
. ,
j';;.':;T,51J'.:' .,' l,t;.:;,"=
iiiri'"-iii'i";i""""::.: ;fi;':-". :1.*ni,o;f:q;:i.;; -';.:= ., = -.; lE.li;.'"it:tlii-T'r"-r-i 10: ^.' ..
.r, ,i,
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.i.'rri, 'lfr,.'I: . I :,1:" ..J orlor -,'.':i ,i e/r-_,
":;i." ,ii i':";i"":' i,.-.'i. ,'l;
:i:.":it;,1 if j:l;.i;;
;- iil"
mi:*it'#, r.*i:i";"*,.. :i:ti. :i'ff.i: l';l*'{,:TiJ"$,lt }, it: *' '" *u'i.r';T5;1. ""t 1iiii ;tii'illi;*j liii"rt"i+' |n. Reliarlr, Lynn ;1. i,.. .r1n{rena}d,-,m r., 66;iA i.riil :"Iri: -:.*iiril 1P' ;{, iiil*e#ti.ffi:;:l'""",i:i; j,: iii: li;:;il:r t
iit,ii" f
{it"q{i;fil;: iiim -iiiiitr#i:l'#;' f;;ii ii:j jd:iiql;,i1;';;,".^-. iii . !i:ffi$5li'iil;,iT'' ii:!Yry",x3**|i';;;i::'.,
i i.'"i"it;Etj",:?:l f:i,'ri
i#g.*r,i"}"ri:J:i, ; n
z|i!r," :ei)d'
of Jr,)i1.1.1 "l:1l"t,l:t^lr"
,re resien ro. t5 ihu.es at
-" ii,i:il!
":;i:ir#i.x::i:ir..;itu :;;: q'.#!irrlilil ir. : :'is"&r,
;ti"gi;:i ;il":*i!ii.ii
a NorlirE t{At! flo!:a nuN: j.lhtly by ibs [n1ve.sit9 .f ih:.caq. 1-!ack clsb ead Il,iresi 3nC D6t.: TLU'sdal. ?renlr€r 7:00 J\me ?j Place: soldier !!e:Ld, scene .Jt lhe Itren-Lb Caii.s 18NL 5t, & Ieke ri. " :. Ii I Hl _dor. Uc-^. 16 nltes )a: r'as. ?. Dc. Fritz, 10 niieu 918 ydE. 3. ca. diillaIls, 9 Riles 9?:! sdr.. 4, f;ay iien:ie. 9 atlee 61j t.:. 5. !rn1e llj_ho1i!s, 9 erles j39 J']l.r, !,talk l{llr11lc - did n.t flnls:l crEN !tcri!!
i. Fhl.I inreLe, _1' ,1lies 5i? ysrd$ 2" !*ve !a!che!! , nl]e: 2l yard-q 3. :.rty Bess, 4 mlie! 1€iC ya.ds 4. leorard Euvoar, rr rlles 1581 yalae j, Bmce nele:, 4 di1e6 1511 yards t.rrr.,a r)o! .-. :2 !,!. of I'BCI bete.e tas 15:17, ;i1s 10!t.C6.tiee wa. j3:3j 'in_t: .re : hi o::. a. "! .L:)1: l-_ -" .i,1.!6ti: iimer: to! annole, I -r: terp. o': c. 6 rl. temp. 8i_ I. lirriditr,?0{ the Centrel AAV,I iru€ iom.rorid'11r! 8alictlon ihe raca as a lla!1ona1 !-uilor Chepi.onshlg sayinlt that ent.y blabr<s wete!.i serrt 4i:t early enoueh (or[y 3* seeksi - s. tire sDobsors lan it as an open .ac€, witiout areuo€nt as only efesFn shoqe.l u!. at'hq €:artlns llne. Usilg the Paa-Ao irack p.oveit itrter.sti!'€. The offlcia1s i. the Pa?k D!sirlct *ant $150 per eeet fo! insurano€, so th€ .me.s couldnrt off iclaliv use the ir.ack, ?ed tlayaor raFii!ffiEd tc gei Persission to dse tho !:'ack ar a lreetlce sesslon lrli 4idlrt so flre hoses and olle big dooiteE rutral ior lreavl mch:nery slretcberl across ihe irack {i}en ihe rume.s appeared. They decided to rB it there atryway ratller thp-n tro @ck to Siass Field. Tne ,r6ci! t. ih roof sh,ar r'.nce nobody rilP nl itgigaon ae{ iore u! easily. sl3rted fsst hittinE 5:05, latta, \5,r7, and 20:3r, but iir€d even faster anl soon {ae dod io 90's h lattet stage of the rac€- lie developad a bllstet ear.ly in the race an4 fih3Uy had to nake a p1t stop near ihe end. He ras a 1ap ard a balf in froht, chaag€d shoes, then joeeed hooe fas! enou8h to wla" (P.S. Ee clealed the sooden runway ai tso strlde6 at the siari oi the rase, ihre6 1n the nlddle, aDd
foE at ihe eDd.l
Sub8crlbe to Lole Distance f,oe -$2.50
Deyto!, Onio, June 6,
Cent"ai stat,e conpletely nonlnatod tte dlstancs ev€nts as JI'i 5,i.:etN ?oii tht A8O tL it55.?. .:o;h Ru€a ihe nile iD ,+:19 ar:A
l-es!:f lIerrecris ihe I d11e 1n 15!12. l. ihe .eldr', tbeir t€alll c.6iro e.tjhcsores ar"a tirc FoEed .I'n1le fre;ir:qb, rel e ee* oi 3:'r5" Brnel! r,ror the neif'.ecc::L bt: :,i r:1.'it!3€i Oh1a Sraiei,. :,ricL St.eti€!. r! r:,r 11e, Eti!-e t:.3i i4r:klnr:6.i: :iei ;h..rr r:1 ihe i6st lc ta!'i! Ei'.ri !4o Ccmer ar1]: i!'1.k 1i1!i, of lliaEi e €iose thri{: abd iourth. lep:edri.r ' nor ihe 3 r11e nuctl as he pieaued The rr.'la hDrdles weni to ex-i3$3 r:dd1e dliiaree rulrjler, Tau Ecker, acr ril3alr€ ior the (enluckia)a Chder Cl,rb. of l,ouisvifle. {ts as lt ras ihe first yea. for thls e"eatJ ioo' The sane t{aa tfus j.a the case oi the I d|le, iac!: tslackluln, ohlo TC, Has rutsiandlng i.1 the dlsiece eventsHe qo4 the n11e walk of cours€, wlih 6:J8.8 and then cane !Eci. later to run the six Et1€, Errnnlile his om pace h€ ra! about fi!_th ar 3lxth tor ihree q11e.. iit thi: DeBrie, cf central siate, by abort 2?c yards. Iiodever, as ihe onhe"s start€d to fo1d, .rack hcreaEed his pace ard f:FUy caught DsSrle at about llre 6i1es, lar ahead ot ihe !e6t of ihe fleld. They staged e duel fcr the fiEl aile wi!11 Detsrte Passlng €ch tlne as theY came past the .i:abds and Jack tsov1ne l'r froni again on ihe backstretcb. Jack leil at the $rn' but
DeErle Junped hlm as they startetl down the tleckstreich aad €stablishee 4 qulck lead of fi?e yards which he held to the tape wlth both
kicking furiously. DeBrier 3 tine nas 33.18.4, a rrew reco.d as ihis also wa5 the first yoar for ih6 eveni" ,lack lqd J3r19.l' about a $inute and a half belter tha4 he elpected olf the .!lo1ied amount of ruDiDg he has been dohg. TE the tralk Jack had beer better nen
than a halt ninute under the forner'lecord. _ All 4AU Assoclatlons Shoul-d.Pnjqote TheS&5x11eBlDs.
:r, 8111y Sbithr H"C.C., 52r3i 5" Gaottr.i Jati, A$t.alia, J2:5tj 6. !.qr Sapienza, Bcstri 1A, 54;15 lJ. Je"ry :r.cc.l, !€troli !c, j4;tlt a. nlan! roliFiln.lr., i;15i i". J7;01, 9. ,rrhlieJ She.iial, :t,ir . , . J€rtl! 1c, :"4es! ItecDonald, ,ii,::!,... Sittlr. 1i. E. Thos,es i Ua4i1i,ri n,ij.? 5::r?1 12" ?1r0 rluiion, Dct!'oi1. ic, 6l:j.i 13. Errres! ceilaril, I'rirt rl" 6-r!46 14. John lzrer, ullartecned. dd:4.J lJ. lnb ]]olDes, *raitached, 65.it: 16. l?iI lr$1.ehad, unar.ached. ii3: l.l 1i. ri.i; r.rIa.n.r. at;csroe.l,l: .r,i1t6 11. )Lck 1r! r ,'CTl, lr. Brrrc ff-... uFt -,.!:ej -,:?f
filc\lJri, .IMe 28 - 1'he _Deirolt, lzlrematlout Fro€dom .FeE!ir6f rit olf b a r'u'rlnA start SMda?. lE las a rathei hot alc cor;, rDei.olt+rs, strolflls tLcar L,:e Clvlc Cebter, xerE s'jirt_?.:d r! ihe alreeool rr--. L::o !o,.. , ..o-cy.-66, iheir slrens blariirq ard tjj.ij rad 1lshts €i1aring, siziled dom }oodwo.d, A 01D. h!! : r-1L.} r-ack ed to his bcdJ by e rudder:rel:e, r.n after the cJclists. qe ras Cordon Dicksoil. 2?, a stln JF , 11 r ').. L..1-r.! r accormtani lron ltamlltor. onr,. ean 2:" Coe:..i.1.:r!i r, !i3;i," i.ari6 he had r,,tirdr;rrs 9"r ciles ftun rrr.ii lrar! i, r,:J!r!ri,.. i9r.r!s1or.r. city lla11 'l:n tr DFr!.c: tr5 artl,_cod.il ?feri*.r;, rli:!ti.:r:. !..i Nr:darrs ar_,Bulldrng, tt kas d !.ad flie, ana re "The i..e r'.' hder'{&, .1i : :,!j. .: a lici .uli_ iile:.no.rr. -c b:i r.r-:Dickson linrsb.d t!e .-ru!L1rrS t, 11 !n'l]'en!].J".'5liLL!lrrr!JL!Ll|.!-_D 46 ninutes .,d :5.4 5-. t.e r€.F.,i _-r.1r !i i.,€ r,-,. r, : he said *a6nlt bad trine, out be.iJuse ci the e..i-ene hel1: a.d_ i1r.! id1ty, 1j..o rti j-i..s: ner reaa iai.i DlcksonJ who fintshed thinl tq the to ihe hos9lllii fo1. lrrstnert. ijicL: ADrrl tso."Lor. ria-sLho- .!d whc rr.L.eL cor akat rror liig.coh ?.ainE rii tt. for Suday"< race rtfh a nine-;i1-;Anbassador Bfidite aid noveLl oui r:. : jaurt Satun:ay, alnost beat otflclat! irsu.nounlab1e leei .iurril|c i!:c si:ti in the 9l-degree-p1u6 heat. nl1e. Thare {as {luite a .ic{ar :.i in: And he x_hlpped the seco:d rmer bv tinlsh in the cente! of ihc !€t:,oi. more tnan fou mlnutes. lat HlPdon. Cirl. Center. !,iost ol ile ra.e on ot Lhe Univ" or- htraoo Tr6ck alub_ i}:e Detroi! 3:de {as ihroush cdrries: finlshed in -50 nrnvfea, 16 seconds. ed araa bui the po11ce rrovrasa i:c: luenty-one others oi 27 starters lent p.o!e.t1cn rIl al.ng tir. 1ar. : ma@eeil to run ihe dlstarce. Three thlrk ihs race did a 1ot t) ittndl:fell cut of ihe race betore the ,{mlnierest 1n road rDltng in this ar: bassador 9!ldge HaJ .ro6s-d. ; fol"rl and r. are llahning to eet ste.ied col]apsed on bhe Detrcit 6ide of the earller with our pleparatloa: next year and perhaps :ome !P klth a About 200 persons, most ot them exaL_ or Bn nan iield. r;yor |{lrlani of70 1ng the m186i1e dlspl€y at the Ci!1c Detroit lresented ieh nlce trophies cenLe., d.ldnrF .edl,ze LL.al eDd-lng rntll the crcphies werp present_ to the ten toD frnishers.' ed oy nayor Ilriani and h16 wtrcAUSTMI,IAN NEItS {by Stan ?isani, 18: Dlckson kas eiven a key to the Cltv Chulch St., ltewio!,J!, U.S.1./., nnstra: and a bic cDp for uimlis uhar was 1959) - Australlan univerdity thoueht to be the fi!6t Foad rece bep_ua rntefhampionshils, PetLh, lt-^" 5/2) iqF A. B1ue, ln. one countly aDd ended 1n another. !!!-i Queensland. t: t1.r l.q. 3-Mi1e: E. vagg, rI.s.1,r,, 1lL:11.3 (Ij runner. woutd have to be sropped at the Ambassador Brldae to - ?€siera suburbs 6 Mile Cross. pay ihe tol]. Countrt Handica! - 1. Dale Pouer {S threateled 'ha s@g, howeler, ,as -ThlEJ, Atterton (1:00): 3. n. ]2ta7t 2. oa Lhe had aILh !tu a-d Lhe to-t1 Dalo Clark, (6:00) rastest tioe: io;ep ror th€E ahead of tlDevi4t..ian 10,c00n. ualktng chaapion D1€tance: 1c, m1. (adlusred tu 94) i\, t4elbourne, 5/23 1. cordotr Dlclson, HantlLon o.c:" \6t25.4 !:, 1. E, Alfsop, t5r59t 2. N, Fr.eed 2. Ha1 HlAdoh, UCTC, 46,51i 3. A. hancock, 49:31 l. Bobert fiarth. Hanllton O.C.r 50t36 52t 3a _
i5.ii!alin! i!-eqs- Coniinued r., lta'r4oclr _.roire his om J000 and i!,!!0a.r.Dio. Aurtraiian & Vtct5/30 - soui,l! Sydney 6l4i1e CrossCourt.y Irardicap 1, c. ieadjf,s t3.55) )?,ali 2. K" sievens {4:1J) 37:54i 3.8. Doyle { 3:00I 37,39..F&stest llne! A, l,la.tin,35:1! (scr, ) 5/3a - Botaar liax.iers 4 l{11e Senio! & Junlo. Road Handicap. f. i!. southwooa, (10r00) 27:14: 2" G. orion, (3rlJ) 22tzti 3. J. coro11y, (4:50 ) 23:40..Fastest tlne: I. Hassell (3rsecs. ) 20:10 6/7 - south Syabey 5 MiIe Eoad
- 1. A. llartin, 26:10: ?. {. cleerrield, 2?:161 3. o, Pawson, Championship
Easteln suburbs 5l1i1e no€d Race 1, Dave Po{er, 23t5gi 2, B. lale, 23t59t 3. J, Ait.erlon, 2rr00; 4. B.
eother narathrn 1. Australia.. Ee feels they apFreclate h16 capablllties over thir di ste-lree " Despite hi6 g!e.t tecord, Pore. i3 no certainty io ga1:l selecllon ir e:'ehp. rac-,. No& 32, Power has bound iess .hergy ard itar,17la, bui nay rct have lrre .Feed. io hold yourger mea oui ot i:re 10,000 netres. Ualess he is Froperlt equlppeil for a naratholr he 4ould be defeated. Power probably vi11 see the ;trstralian seleciof$ lnnedi.ately u!4* f,is returo fron Eo::ea and Ci,scuss lxls Dogitiotr wlth then. ]1 CAN HAIPEN IN A1JSTIALIA .BuI NqT I1EEE ! {0n a hot sultry d-sy, Jaek E€rry deciated to enulate Percy Cerutty by rou.dins up his clotries tor sone ht1] runlns ove:. the sand dunes on the beach at ocean City, N.J, Brlght ali earlyJ leader Jack, nalph I.i1berg, LFmy De-ar-y eld "oo ilurtld 0s1er- Dinus Har.y Berkowitz,
didnrt wani to niss hi6 ncmlng iap, started 6taggeri!1g up ihe sanit itunes rith gleeful joy utll a policeoan rushed up, on conplatnt of the beacbN.S,t. Eoad Eelay Chanpionship ED flont r-6!denLs, dd orderco Lhe quarat cou1bufr, June 20th tet to halt and depart. I . Ias-F"n SDbLrbs (8, V J. Ar!arl,&en the "eve! a1ert" Ber.kouitz ton, B, Mcltay, D. PoFer) 'ge, 1:40.i6 arose fron hls slwber he took pen in lastest 5 nile ol d.y - D. ro{er, 24:13 hand and xrote the following trlbute to the chastened lonr... Dave Power has accepied an invltaiiion to ru in the special Earathon race ln The old l4an and the sand Dune Korea in Se!terbe?.,!he race is part of (A Poen of a B6rious naturs fanent"leacei celebrations held .frual1y 1n (orea,.United Nstlons who sent forces ing the struggle between our beautlto the Itorean rji.ar have been lnvited to ful and conforrlable clvllizatton tn 'he race.. The !e!scard those elraree, vlle-Rme11ing, t1- rtX of Porier ealned him ihe irip. beastly road-rui::efs. ) Last yea! ?oBer took a double al the British Enpire lanes in Cardiff. iie won the six-nile anil the naraihon Ran a band of hot road-rulBers, events.. lower is adrous to try for Bathed in perspiration a repear 1n n-axt yedr's ol}]rplc Ganes As thel strode across the sand. ih qore,. In decldl.tg to v1s1t Korea Power broke a p1a! he had rorked out ior the none ol]rnpic canes.. He had As the sea wave€ roareit the1. i::.::..jj decided to shy aeay lrofi the rLarathon hen oui f.on clvrllzatlor1 disiarce betore the OaeeE but to {1n Cane a ifri!l<1ed, hoary danselection in ihe 10,000n. He hole'i {ustra}ia then would eater The rurmers hadnrt seen hin hio in ihe Bonie naraihon..No{ lowe}'6 deeisiori to run in liorea has set h1m They foUowed thelr rnystic 1e3der problens.,He hopes ihat il he does Jack BaL.y was hls nane. well in lorea the ol-yrnpic CaBeE tean selector6 wiU aot ask hln to r'rn (continued next paee )
the SaDd Dlre_Contuued. Tlre otd nan iatled Jdt tc ther r4eD ne rcached ihe FA'r "--i _1r O1d
*lt' :l'
Lt;:-"':.-::::'l;:"":. . '-'
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or your
i_;i1.i.":"*"fi ':I"i,:';:il""= *no
rore do@ odr 8red, sad !utr"n Harty Eerko-4itz
15-year-o1d Bms Great 3-D11er
ri;*i!'#i=t,:iiiti:fi :'# ;;:'i:r:;'"i:ii?;il!:*#.#i' jaladia, itcieqr . fDnre. rurxer. lTjL
J4ctr :a:i!.l:tng,
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lreacJ conFete in other:irii'*': ,.6,ts-
iffi i-ii"': ;l;"i3,i,. !i5.#$:'.*: lrtus t'r,o har'e beer rerrere;ted :
it'i'i:*i+*'*'ll:**keil Fi-!;tr;nh.tll;ik#q: erecred Erack uaptain at ror
comlls eeasoa. He re
I ,n
iJJ G:!.-Ifug,s oanadian taoi:es- coDttnued) '€s:3h1! -lrvC perrj ,.li , o.1 ,tt,i or.rl, ),. le: .y .ededL ionrer !1 l -o 4e. Ind d!.ejE. I I r)"idr-, S!,1!1, oAs a specraicr at iie reeen, cl '1..-..rlr,o. 1,Lora..a rJ,:.,.oltariu qe.s r.- r.ri\_t* fL rn.Is.d| -n LL., .L :.d .'rrr..,-he_ _ac_ itone AC i::. . -,-r L .oach wrth ,:.j,!:r.rr-t: ., en:..r.'.e..1 !4e ro :t;nsltjon. rie r: a foroel, tirs. fcr| {h1z-k1d,,.1!r rr.nsj wt! 4ates ulth lale ,io..-, es(LD5 , Ih Drrde of l,'c L.d0pLoni rs /.e or rh- i ra.:-rvmqyb l:' i U il-d 4a.s Lo _oce1 rra4k ond fie:4 cirLleF,. rons cor?1eicd Lrrr ilrst ./e6r r4 elEln€erlhF ar.Iissi.s1!:Ji Sra.F. lie sq; inetis: he aftebned Viltanoel rjm/ers1:, for , /. a:ai^ : :7.. . -a i: _ivera open ne^rsr .jning rn I !est-ni.e o1 r:r:. :IroLF in-,e4di tc take in
r.loTS oi roroarr Ctraarc than o:c athlete, a!a{_ 1o:d Kereedy, tfacl. c.Fialn at xich_ -aan sLsLe, h .t ra-..,r 'n lans_ rrA rnr6 ;ump!, (ehe.Ly as:e6L 6hcrt -ne lrre years' lesi rence reo,rired of I .r- CaDdiln ciilzenshlp drd -thus 11.lt oe tneligibte for cte (anadia!1 iah-An€rican Crames I rean.. (em.d!_ {ho caDe here froD scotlaad. bero;,; go:ne 19 irichlsan, corld beaome a 4:cn fereuson, who lLaced thlr,l in thc r'ltraele 11ile at Vsncorver belrina iloltFr llaMister and tohn landr rrth a.crocun oI 4.04.6, J tu iv; reco.d, !141 :ssisi in iihe eo.koDrs of a ne, lrronio track club to be knoln 5s the scarboro T&F ciub, Bich hes been auav rrom rhe irack scele tlr ihe Dasx eeveral years,,Tallr of Camdisn athlete6 trar-r,ed cot;ece6 is "r Ane/1can .ris1-aadiqj, Thcse Etnletes kout.i ner.. l€re been olfered s.hot€.shi!s ha4 th:t. 4oi been devetored 6t home !o a eqEl to or bejrte. tlEn 'leeiree Aoelican boy.. ITa4J tt6 lrave retuned lrod the previous year. Coftleiitior ani schooling are the advantucs €'hcj_'h.. .o.chir'.. Iu-.1-..y Coc^c r-.. acri on, His sliDDed disc 'esponded to treatmeat.. ?h; orolosed lnrer-city track and fleld lrear _ and. goru
bet(een Toronto and New Iori!. scbedu,led tetrtafirely for Aus. 8. neJ have Lo be csncefred Cuc to lack of a aponsor. pat ter:ned ltte?. the hlgLlly succe3sful I,ondor_Uosco* Feets i+ iLlhtie Crty. xhlch LireH upr€?"1-of 6t.C00 Speclators, Lt @6
oolpeillg ln the ?an-Am Aanes latea 1! -hr ro.th ird as a taate of iat_ ei.neriohat corrpetlticn aor youru rihleies lround iDr54to who ordin_ ar11y wolrtd ?rot get s.och fo. sev_ .1 sirolg NeH yofk teao or Jo :limerr and oliicials lEs be,.n 1lned !D, $2,0t0 woujd tje re_ qul.ed to profioie ihe neet a!.d the comltte. in .barge feel ttat mosb tirls mcneJ kould ba returneJ es ^1 cne n.er, qor4!. tEy tor itseli. {)sllaila, JMe 7, I1e}i Oaklev of oEhatlr* shan"ock 4c, $on ihe Tor_ onio-ashawa {alk for the thiril veai in a ldw, and brcle tre ior the l:-mile t1ee1€nd-toe "ecord evenr with 3 rrn: of rlve hours ll rirs, 25s. 8111 rrudy cf Gtedstone AC, T;r_ oito, wa€ secobd .n4 the earlv Bce_ setter Nho helc a lead of uD i._ eighi rjrvtes durlnE the fiist t? ni1es, Erlc llait,e oi !erd1 AC. phitaPleced thl.d.. Tb€ tko senioi nembers oi the lartje fjeld. Herrv l-ei.aan, 71, and Harold carter. 6c. lroth rrom clad6rone aC, uere imo# the firishers..the Shainloclr c:Lub " rto11 the teall pltze liith lern Ac. rurrdng secohd. 1. Aler oekley, SAC| 2, Bilt Clandv. aACt J. Erlc llaite. PAC: 4. c1.r Kufr, Pemr rC; J. lou lraishloss. PeD Ac; 6. Jolu rU. E6ltihore CLjC; ?. FFm]lard SrorrD. C]\C: 8. lJalter D.esclier, lr.y.: 9, llcvin tc!114!s,"oodir;ven. ;AC: 10, Ted i'arye1l, sAC; 11. 5iti He11e., Ealtinore CcC. i.lay J1- ontalio Federation ot School .\A I&1i.la.ps hetd:t Atherlev Sehio. flrier i. !,rdi! L/eaver.'parts. CFni.aI ort. ir2t.? recold 2-iiite (open)-1. Bluce iiidd, 'rororto secordary school, 9:2jI,ralvern rec. l. lreEverr parls; l. Ilarsh. CuelDh IbremedEte 680:1. Kidd, ji6tvein, iune 6 - provineial Jwior T&F Chauipionships ai East yo.tr Stadim. Totonto..gast Yofk track Clubrs Bruc6 Kldd was tbe olay tripte
rleer on ttre progralE Fhich decte.ed chanplons 1r boss, srd alrtj, !l6reD!8. Es sor the lr4C (hlda.i tu. 1D Jl.9 at the wrrer Lhe J;.6? r-.:e 1n 4:26.4 (2:08 rast half) i]1 r{hlch he left Caadlan lD|erscbofasbic recod holder FraDk weaver of larls well b€hlndr Ard lhe m:dgei hatf e.LrE in 2:01.5.. Eraas r€ps oi E€st York. a studelrt at U. of l4lchiEaE fer\lEea to the loca1 scene, erd tained a cooparatlrely easy w1n rte Juior duu _n 1:ru.4, he also Eon Lhe lu4lor. +40 i! 49.4.,.lhe open 1 n1le wan! .J Eandy FasoD rf Toronto OC by inches ore. lcd \'/alllnsfo!d. East aork. Th.-. f-."s- half €6 ruE alDosL i! Etep by s_f, entrles. tia-|] ons of North Toronto Cr's trackirleford. doachina staf,f, anil l,tason then noveil into th; 1ea(1, aril malntalaed rhe steD tor stop rujl to the ,ape.. A €lo; tra.k {tr1ch shorced the effects of so oany racos in the day coltrlbuted to ih; "offr 4:20,0 tine. JiB Irons of Brampton aad uiss. srate vrdv. $as 3rd. Toroalo, 20'h aeu- Torolto s-coatafr school AA f&F ChaDpionship - I{alvern co.t.|eglalors nlddte-dlstance narve_l. Bruce K1dd. 15, soa6h-d - Z?-year-oio uaradlair lnrerscholastlc recold bv ruiltlins a 4:23.6 nile. lrevlous m;rk 1.e- jz4 in r9J2 by 19_ve6r_o1d Earl Moore of HaEilton aentrar . I(lild a16o clocked 1159.? to w1n rhe half d1]e ln the jlm1o. divtsion, Ilternediete Bill t4asoE of Central Tech had a record of z:ot.i fo. lhe half-mi1e. I
St. I-aobert, Quebec, Juty 4- Bnrce Ili.Ld, who earfier in the Neek .6c..ded the fastest-ever l_Dile tire lc,' a boy ulder 17, tod,ey eaueUed tbe CaEdlan nideet 880 iecdrd ed ran arEy fron ihe field in the Junior 2-mi1e race. Ee wor rhe 88c in 2:00.6 then bane to ru 1:J7.9 1D the 2-d!1eback ro win bv 2oo /ards orer A1 Ducan of Hanilion ard Bill l aclartare ot tlont!'ealts HELSINKI IIiIIITATIONAL, tune 29: U00m: Jerobe Ualte.s. LriA. l:5r_2:
?. Stlacke, 1:53.4.. tooOr: i._ 14:07,4; lew Stleglitz, l4:11. O ( iblrd best by Anerlcan)
Huenke, 14:07.8; uoykTi!-[i6. Frn.
la00p Sc: 1. lapavasilicu. creece. !:r::.?.^Jue l0 _ 15c0q: Satonen
!;:il:' r:i?;::"*! ffi Ii", Strscke. c.rl:47.9"3;li;'1, | ?!a?: a:.]!"!.Q-Q:ri r. serkrrr, cB, il'il;ii,tl"llli;"1;ii6 ;,?liii;li, aaho, Fir.
14.4: KorDi.:o:16.8
LeonBld (Dud) Edeten. itihlleioia" l0:34,8 (4th test ever bJ Aneri;an
Cotebofg, Suenea, Julr Z:
BOOE. Belslw. 1:51,b: !aj:{E;s. rrJ 1t 52.+i \laen, s$edea. r:51.4., 1500r: 1. T, Barris. Cpe,r. l:50!
3;,:*,'3;:1,1. "f i ;. ; : i ?' i;;.,*" : 14:27.+i sii€5t 1tz, USA, 14:30.4"@"*
I4EI4oBL\L, fioscow. Jutv 4 50000t 1. Botoirlkov, r4:OO.4t- 2. ari}inJruk, l4:0:.4..800n: 1. Is b van nozsavolgyi, Hunsdry J-;49, ? : 2. nflvosheyev, E. 1r50.?,.150ofi. 1. s tharos, H. , l:42,8r z. u;;6T-rcd - p, J:48.J; J. valJavko, 3:48.4 10.000m: 1. Parmklvl, 29!25. 2. (ovacs, H., 29t25.6rUSSB. eerii.ar tr1a16 for Russian tea; vs. us. ZNAITIEIISKY
ffiffi'+*.Y'ii?H:,1Ti Jekuooqakii p,, tt5a.2i J, oalioulil
q, floDlotkov. I:52.0 r:)!. j000n:/i 1. Borotnrkoi. USSA. 11,5?"4, 2. z\nny, p. 14r0.t,+: 3. .rocrriai" p r4:01.6t 4. Arttd,.uk, 14:04. O
uillil"3l?; #,,.sh*ffi ,:;. Ztikoaski, p.,
J. 4.'cr6i- : 9rj2.8,.. Jhe. 28 9:o0,Oi - 15oo;L: 1 r,^;:il
!:"ffi;.i;;"i'ilt"f; i i;49:#'.': i;th: ff .3:!3 : ui' iili#",*$*.' i,:63:i
ro:23'6i 4: iro*e
Cologne, ..emaqy, July 1- 4OOn: t. carlson, usA, lrj.9j 2. sey;-tr5.6
liii5l ;:"ii5J;Piftul;,'ii"!:,,*i
r:ad.d;4. Bremer, 1:49,31 5. DepaE iaR, creece, l:49.?:6, curtlfre- rr. iiiS: I ;'.*ffflt.i;,liflitl'.1!!:;. It J0.1..3000n: l. r,rtuI]er, c,.8:04.(
;:ifi;:: i:iil;a.ei?8i:;,'ii:;,:i9:l 6r09.4: Boaeyt France,
S: 11
',{IAAfOl{ GA1,Li,P
?AC$IC IIORTAi'EST AAO CAI,BIDAi AusEt 8 - ?lil",Mu One Hour Eur { on
At lhe 1,l1arton' leatral Onlar1o Falr c.oEd5, UedEe.dqy' .'.ily 1st' 4 p'm' o!e!1 I x1le 01.1.i!*sN to l'larton Boad B;:!c..Ei]ly cod"ee.. l0 naa rleld" 1. Glldolr !!ck!.nr -d,o.C" 42:51 2. Iea ste{srt, i.t'6:}ic O"C"(r4:0? (blerand e* ]|ustaalia) Ivo. aobb, $!&dsic:!e 4.t, ?. lr. A1 cle:,eDol1i, ouel.ph, 5.91L1y sEitb" n,O.a, 6. !o! r'laft.llr. ;'i.o.a. l?, iohn Churth- c.A"C, 6. lo]3e Au.L, t"lleciere 0t!, 9. Eilly lera*ids' Cali 1c,',]€oif*3t {ait, Arrt:e;la lrize I,lst - Broru:e flctle Cacefar t.i6i llai;ch, 3hnes, Eust1t Ilght tabl.e, Co&'ht.1e ilub ii34, i-arn ahair', liehing Rod Erd Eeeil 1N Uhlleilish bon€d
dd packed'
- the lraok) BeDtoD ot vest sealire b i6 - E.itish cofuDbla 15 Etle - chMDlonshlD. VaDcouver' B.u. P$,IA.AU Maratho[ charploEAullxr'i 3o-- .hiD. Athens lo olYnplar l{asn' s6Dt. lc tr1lo CbasptonshlP _ 19-- -DN!,AAU Soatlle' tashirstcr , u1y 25 - U.s.c. 3, KiIo Cils$Plon8blp Wallr (3od) v'esl s€eirie sepr, 15 - PlwM_q 50 rilo l.larl.. sea''lle El"Eopgcr,i RESnLI'S - (ue9s!.c!=!-IrggllEl \.{3xsas. iutre 13 - .1-5!!!: 1. I'ryg9t: Poland, J:1,5.41 2. L€/M4oPBkr '-?oraro' 1.ur ?! -- ,rD.h$a!. PolaEd, J!.d'Ji Ba€id1' ,i. eii.i"; roruna, J,+8.7i 5.ussF'
IEB1y,3i50.8;6" SokoloY'
Enatcnd tOA" !:asr O.ncnj r0L, :o1do. Julv I - Boos! 1. B, lleFson, !:1r8.8;
mrd. Frarce,
S:10 ' 2
: 5i:3;'i3; r. B*s#qi€fff#'rJt59,at 2. ozog. vor't 3
JEE(. czech., "i'?fi B'^14:11"'ilme 1r:06. o i l. PafiIaklvl' 20-
rt03.o5 (30t44l
7..34.t6 (31r 11)
2ta6.o5 (31t49)
lta4.45 131.5L)
i1\1.:,21 iti?$:^",
(dropped out)
T,Uit4 (28:16
Johr Conslallo. Arlttsnla HS 15:54 1:15.58 (dropPed out Gold Russeit, varc, o,c. 39118 (out at 5* d11e!)
(Erik Cbrlstersen) mofliclal run
Dllec 1239 yna. 10
zrEna]. u:+r.4
Georee Nomaa' Glads.AC
t o1les 93? rda.
looom! 1. C.?odoEzkt, CemanY' 7:)6'o; z:-fiNN, Dolana'4.?:58.4i 3' irerndtu' Geff,any, B:00.0; lbbotson'-!'Bt 3:oo.4r t. ArtYaluk' B' b:0u.bi o' Bolotnj ka!, F,8:01.0i 7. Eovklrputb' Fr!-tarld, a:04.0t 8. Jochoarl. Po.|.and' 8:09.6:9. Jan.ke, G' a:04'6; 1u' Bet-
41 S\reeneyr Vadc.
2I!d Racer
?. 11. FaF!i;; E., 1:44.8i j, r4atuscherski, G. 1:48.9i 4, Kruse, 0., .. 1r5c.q..llQ4! l. v1:ent1n, c., l!q4.8 ?. rrinch, E.,l:47.1: I, Blasfove,_!. 1!4q-q--s00Od: 1. Stan Eldon. E. l4: 06.41 2,'A;mtzki, i. 14:12.2! l. Clilipan. !. 14!lli 4. Hersum' G. rq,1s:B.,10.J(co:_ i. .rdn]{e, i. ?9:u|.6 :. r. svn5"ilii-zP, 50, J' B. lFatreY, rr. Horicke. '.r 30:10.3.' t",2915)-Bi 'lc0Qbst, 1. Bl'Ln1, G., 8:51.6; 2- DorIA-:--.,_a 56.2: l. torbqdrjl,.c. er00.2.
Adrlan va1l, vaEc.
l'33t*; il'ffi1" ;iiia?a:.P9S* i,;rozsavorgvr' dutrs' 2. Swj-tz. 1:50.J1 Porarc' 1:5r'5" ii!ol;; -i. j6[-m*utr. 1!4.!v, r!rr./-^
15 dlteg
1541 YtLa.
- 3to\'23
'2-|-2t39,1 129
2.39142.0 (33t311
{F9"!olll E9E.it'11'
33,'i*: i;;,iii:1,p;;;,
-d... Yrld=.rliJi boo mnbrl -,wou r:-8 sre.Jv. :, .ub,.,.. .. .r
n1"hr of lebrr.rt Il. .thr nearlv ccrtleted ._port. rrcL ior.. Ilajs.' .oo.L l^ r .,, ;,t 1dc:l sFl tln! io irr.rrtt;! e oja;r or o,h-r --tho . r....!tr . . ...f_ 4 it!.,: fiii 6f ,'roa.d' De..forirs r. tlr lie.t f^F.i for ihF f1z-.1 :1:: ly'i.-.. ,.1.rr- ' .. ttnc. tr 1i 1aF, i.€ck r"it1 }J. rpDorrr:tr to oj......J a.f buiL;",. Jack Iorhie4 ard Jactl - o - o-re I:-. ...ir-.:_ lorL r,h Blackirurt h41e t,eeb 4islf,sst@ .oD:d b.o :o" . o ;;; . the !os61b111i,7 of hc:dl'e a I{o_ ,- 1 rl rne !arF lor.q!a1) pbbl€Ds.., p-.1dey .-lstarLce cAi-nira1 1n aol,dbie" ,o"_-L I or.aL to ey._oEe unro ulrh aeqera: dLf:eredr tuE .oi Lrard rei'!6 epreaa olej :te tyo ilays, ..i:L: .or_. ::l-::o-... aif inF cor,Lroe6r: rn, .-trcr-q .d, xlqb' n !i thet a-F ;nrll]llos t:1 '"ern: of r- ,, t. and l', rll* lrlne enc !, j. 10r 1nl 1j 41r.F \'a.Lff 1'hetr wof,ld be 1? te"e-:rc3 io rjoe tor.: .: .- 8 rl .o -f d.d .. .,.. lrilat ihe *-ster: ard n!d_r€$t.b o. l -, c 6 t' .!rrer6 r,hin! oI suci rn ailalr. L-: L,o t_:: ILrel !.,u_c , ^eij ? :ci,b€! -t;rs1 'tl .(. l: .L,re "evcnr. r-F leirer rrie-- L o - ..,r flelJ! ::r n!.r:d. to fil] eii tn.. n-.r i:". eve:rti, e.i!ir.:r} ot eourse ihu!1ss -'''' '' :r'd: eid 681! iribrr- ere !.r8slble. The . i .v s... r:.u de: 6tr:.ri s to rhcrDEea l " I thts. r^irc .\.'.!i ,rels or, rnie tc ,reck E, li.' lq-r :0€! znllirfe:n-"sl cti -l -"E.ad, Ccl'Flus ?1, chio.." 4 ;ace ol 'ts111 be held tn Leci".1r. Io{4 on -.r_. 1o - !t€-.. July 25 in3t6ad cf Chlcaa.. DistItotr. rtc!.,ot r,r.1t a.s!tue [i: ance ri1l be elounc ten;iles ann ne|lruii.s rLcy.i frrr r.h,r ihe;-r,: itrs part of a c€nt€tule1 cotelr_ :: ation. Detalls i.or Eon-. htrmoretr--d-.ieClai!., Iosa-.. Th: lrtn/isot,-Dei_ .1 ,, i.4:c:-&--er2!: rolt ten aile race 6hor2td develoD "."' ".-- I :;'.-H+*+:+!a.r''1nio a rea1ly fine race" It's a cours€ as soon ae thev qet Ford r.in!roir lnd leter yxre 1",lLrf_..".i ttre disi.nce stralAht.ned (]ut Th€ 'iecordholn.r venb to the r-., ii.*., Acbae€€dor brldge cotuectihF Car__ , ro 1r. . : .nuo1 thlFe ade alc ihe USn ls ar the haifeav verrs :-" r" terch EnLj.:lri!.ra t" i,romoie his f;r_ lrhi a4C is a Fnod 1andoa.k- Itis a hal! e nile dp the br1d.e aDd . o-L-o '.,".-. a h:lf a ni1" Jowa. rh€ bildFe ie .-b i- or.. ,. prettt high although you donit 6ttt.e the irclloe too nieh -,-use I.r;oitrs rery 6?adudl. The f&sb hlte s. a r i-r:'s soorroiofe ,icrne-,, i. Bill " ol s. is rlght through the middre cl Detr)it,.. itr. a bov tor pcsF, - :. i..' ard sleva rdornEs (PeE rc ,11sta;;; .'.I nll e tlr. o: /+r rt.,r_ - ifr.- . _ ruLler ) Bofr_ July L ulranert as _. Jet. H6ytre tbeyrll call hin Elbll - .;...-; .aa diri... Th-^ Aealor I6f a rff.he.i.. ;r.ti.. iil .iriBte rhe prizes i.r lhe " re !sed to h..:.1 i" . ,.;.;;-:l,'.-"r.. '"1,. <nd Elnual Aeaton.(N.J" I beach ' a-. b ol1e rur on satDrila:r, ?-ugust i,r, A qood tumout {1I} insure an 16t. . _: " ".."^ :. ann1)a1 race. Tne race nu6t stalt -. ._tr ' . orL tiBe 11:J0 AM 4ue t;r_h-e tiile. .r-o. d -:. to. ...ro. "r{.1e. wiit !o $1tr1es to Steve thoDas. nD 2. ralre1 4jrcle, Malvera! Pa... . )- ''61, \e.4'.': Jrb ure€n rs ntthout doubt ihe | 6 .a s. ' Dosi hprored long dtstance nrnne! r;ai€. -tr-.oor at th€ soorts AreE, the rtl tne coutry.. st€aily hartt rlns_ prus pace Is dol!€ the trtck. ..
'i i
J:i-,.-r. ,ero,jL '' ,t!"J1l i, -o-.r tr +-r -0. : :. 'L "j l_ :.:! t. --t-: -i:_ _le Ir!. ;-r_t:_:_dll'i.. ' .;i l. 'i' ' ..-'-. lf]:..,.:ri. i,.r:i , :::::ilr.'., ,.,,r,.]1.:: -.:!1vgi.:" ,id!d, 1" l,;..:.ji::, l":.:_riri:. il,. -;4q"i., I.ieoP!;j-ri ::,-_LEl.l -
lQne --
nijtict!:: tir:'t _ - i:!.iAtiF; !t, itraa!.s.-; r'fu ?0: -.'!L 1. rc2_r.' ._ti, n, E ..1 .,.1 ). -,ft.Bj --,.:..efer1.,5-,.:p.iAt i l,-Iu:5es, l-.rJ9yk?r J I . .sz:,bof H..-14rCl"6j!,l. ji-eft,ar.} ,la:t:r.A_.. . o.. 'rr.1l 1.. .rune 2l: gu_qE_i 1. lzeLtsalj, !., i.19.0; ?. rrrlloEetie". f 1:',c.8,,:r.0o sg: 1, .:+).r; J. iyeplnJ u" rrr4d.!r benjaDi!, of
is oonlrg becir as a ssraitlon qan. i1e i:J a srh;cta€acr.e! in .. sna:i y!4i'riaa rolj]itrI ior'll slr,lorD,ied'!r io11ln€ rari1iry {txiejt :s :rdoat i.or !ra!rlE-. jr"i - t?:ie.st!om1 T&F js6ait. .,,.: - ,i!r:, !dnE: i, lycir ictvtatrhr,v, prs. .;-_: itr e.sstuj_- A!ri.turov, duE, r" :tdllr i:iodrky. lllast Ge!i6r.y {sosiei -:. i I ra !.:lo r:e.o!'d-hnld6r V:ladinl? i_:is, a n3!a1 ofl1rer., tar.icel:.ei a rctleiule4 peli1,-narc€ .,li the taEt i.iEute, He iai o?, ihe srdellnes rB cyel ,."{"ofl ft ,-ockeL LI.. 5001n, rf. ir an jusi:ror fir." he sald,irh a shius. _ 1i,oO0 watch-4d the seet t$ ch: !t._ao-seaL tcnll jtadim. JuiJ'. 5 : 6oou: 1. Abran Krlvo6hey6v, ..-.4,+),r.,r,.:5ood: 1, :.qgelLv fioror_ peftolaance ) . .1gj.jl!!sr 1. rop Bu66!aa quberE pvarukl! . USSB. 29!?l!0 Oslo, Noflay, Ju1,5_ B.lslet stadj.ub,
ran ],wo Diles 'loRdrd, ;::i*i:"i:J3a: :?:.";; $ ;::.,""". (:lffnltt4iti:";:ntrJ BenJauiin {ereered scorlald.s crar@ ;;it,.;::: ;oo;;,"i:'iJi iiifi"iii. u""u.*!!rifi.1i,* nEvelett, top $idd1e dlstance ma, br way, r4: r9l-d6lraon prrie, foerlsi star ' 90 \rarrs oler the erceobromuv ras! tiirished itAth. satrtry track out31d6 Dubl1n. (*9r121 Ererett caltu.r€d th€ nlre tu 4:06.8. u!l}|ICH, ctAtulr,tr, Juty L- 80On: 1. Roger A conbil-at1o! tracL tean fron sar.vard t4oe4s.'BetErM. 1:49.2: 4, Ernie cira: alat Yale vas goepet1'1g gealast e eroup liffe' Sta;ford, 1:51.?..4oon: 1. Ctuck of Trish a]xd Brlilsh athletes. - , !erts6n. co,oraao. L6.9 iul1e 16! !!!Ei ficcled, IrelaDdr Lr52.4j2. srorlk, Iale, 1riJ.&,.4-r,1U.e: 1. B. ErruU. Geruny. JtExe 6-7- !:!l]!:1. I'r€sBptt, Ireland,la:q0.4i 2. Dyke Benl- VqIeEtln, EC,3tu0,2i 2. E6!'nanr, sr'ir, $arvald, 18:48.4 (new lBerican 3:40.9i J, Grodotzkt, 3,+).2, a, DoNrecord) aer, 3t44.2t 5. Konle, 3:{'4.2i 6. staoer, lri4.8! 7. cameaam, J:r6; 8. Scb(rorrseaJ Buhl' J:45.!t AUSTMIIA (rortseai - Dea! Thackeray, AUSTMLIA Thackerav. !idt, !idt. Jr46,Jr lr46, l! 9. Buh1. 3:45,!r 10. 1956 U.5. 01yJ p1c daraihone!, sbo is {-nse, J:46.4! 11, sabt. 3:46.4i 12, rot{ teachlng ai nosebud High, about Xahler, ).46.5i 13. Neuhof, l:47.3 12 niles fron Portsea, recently lan {soae race!) the eecond fastest tl e of Po.tsea bush citcuits of 1 bl1e Cuatemala. SuDday, June 28th 284 y&.ds, a 5:38.0., etsht seconds 35 ElloDeter Race (servlne as ttyou! olf Helb Eillcttls record. IIe did it for the ?a-lDetlcan Canes !n ba.e leet ra soft golng, Altitude: J,000 Eeters above sea 1e?€1, Doils lllsor, SJdrF, n:ler f4:06,5 forpera-ura: 80 deE!€es F. fir6t :!e8 of qorld rou. nile .elay) course! 21 kilos t1at, 7 k1los easy hes rur tbls circult ir the ihlral goia6 up: and 7 kl1os easy coBlle fa6tesi ,htne, 5:tr3, Cerutty thlnk8 he dom. startels: 25. nay be the next sub-four iliaute dlller. 1. Iaca.lo subjuy Cboc, 2hi. omln.1J rlandy cou'd rot:.u 4oer 6:00.) 2:01.40 ?. Sebaslis! 6arc1a, A 6tretch ot the l,ielbouiaro-Sydjrey 3. Jan viUasrall Carte, 2!02.40 high?at is to be n€ned nl,ll1coh cause- 4. .'esus Quetch€ coEez, 2t05.o9 !ray" in homr of Ie-e lir.oir. 2,05.59 ). Pedro Buluche, 2.46.2u BLnors aj"e llyllg b'€t Dale sL€phens, 6, Floretrclo Boche, ex rorr: recot ho-ldec tn the 61i nlles, ?. vloclte Vetasqu;z, 2tA7.1\ 2:04.06 8" ?eilro Bosalea.
(cratenals 35 Kuo ailll) 9, Glilleftro aoJas, ?:12.4t 10. Juar N1J Ga]liru, 2:1t.3. (Fom€. B.A.A. Itarathor cocreLltor i,ul€ VelaEquez r6t1.ed ai 25 kl1ot vlr116 nrII]I1ns ln 9!h posirlotr. ) The flrst three runn€rs h€ve b6€t .electeii to coEpeie tn ChlcaAo at the PaE4Eerican cao€E. l{AlroNAr sENroE 25 iiu,o !1948 cE.tip_ IONSI1IP . 'ldE {IOYEBFOB{S Ii-A!A!ITON Sponso.ei b] Screnectaitr Coutv S6earic atemial gobEltiee
all*-ji;! s.:. ro
SoHENECTADI. X"f" rt3*lenber ?c, !959 - Z ?.rt. Saictic$e'a. bt' the Adl.on4ack Assno{ !h€ Adai,ev.! Aihletic U!1oe.
Prlzes: Nat]. tlu l4ede1-{ i]dd" & t6aer lee Tlophy aic irecJcl Prlzee to the flrst frrreel. oen .c f!Disl:. " Eltiiee close SeDt, 1:.
vltn l,r11'ira6 fl. ]]6omr sun":ri*rr, chs,lb€rs .- .r' no.: -. ;,'n=iec'a3r. li Cour8ei The r": -da6i1:irgtor: "L besl. il ih, Irer-r€"rentrra;ce tr tne Stsi.e CBFrinr 3: r:-br1!-. N.:- ena fc11.c :.acil.:el:-r e stia,.qhr Lrn. 1r:e .'rjr -i 1--.!,1.t.4. $i.";,e i "ers:lnr la.illi1es eii: :r 4iar.la;ie" :,! dressin€ rooD ': .i€n te arailab:a at tha s.ar.
- Te.l AbraE of ?o.ilatuiis oraai !r16i. .ialdout ha;Lf-Eller aai BjlerJ iE! chosen o"esoa Uer,v" Nairura1lyr., Jei: Slo-y ot Oranee, CEi., natii,nel EiJn s(hool reco.dhotds! 1! the nilc {!:r1l reportediy di1l eriroll ai 9r6son Staie.. Shoutd be r:..,ie eood nlaldle dlstance r.acee ur -:r i;he ?actilc Iliortltses.r i! a reai, or i::),..Pau1 Scoti of sclt-date, rias6. US, pfeas io ent6r the 1tnlre.slt' oi Uichigan in the tai1. paut hAlds ihe all-!lEe fiase. scbrni-bry x-cos!r]. 'ecoFl (i2:0J - 2+ rr,rsl 6no thts PEEP NoTES
N.J. BAC' 8th - Z !s) ctear l JacE urry, verers! chaEtellte. N.i. d16tec6 ruEer slo runs fof shan.hqr catholrc ctub alto j.5 currsnt Ilddre Ailarilc AAU lO k11o cnaaploll, ron Uto 6€ooEd arrEl olle Olrdplc D6Y€loDe€at road Jt !ao6 ld Fardheo tsk tonldtJACK BAIEY VIIIIS CAIEE}I.
{UedneEday, Ju1)
Barrr'a ,trElns !1ne las! yr, 28:15 {5.+ orles - 4 x 1.Jj Dlle IapB) irqfry ras rlEetr tI1 2g alDut€s anil 26 a6con48 lo:. th6 roDte" 2" [att Slrgl€ton, Pe',l AC, ZBTUZ Jolrl c,ha4Es!. Penn Ac; 2j":54 i. FarrJ 4. Berko*Ltz, rentr AC 10:10 ro!--a4er,--sba!a!a!-i(*--3!jli,. .r' b, Joh^ fiarshail. Peb rlc- 10:1? pe { ac: io'[2 7. Bob Burch, 8. Balph ElliEls, UC!C, ittZ: 9. I€rry Dela!.r" sitaa" gC. 11:50 10. nuglr JaBcorFt, 9erd2 !.x, 13ri4 11. For.€st BcsE. ?eEn .aC, J'rUc, l4oacAN I{IN\EE
rN lCliOI'Ail {N.J.) EUfi
Vef,omh, N,J.J ued." ;L1] 15 {Z !'nJ vemon orBel, Sharah,rr Cl, por th! znd doadbrrfy YII'CA 6 ntle I'oa,i race oref, Qgden E.r3d toaight rhen he cover?a the ii.stance in 31;40" orgrrt! e Ursl.rrs Cotie{e lBior. be4: ctr. llatr .j €letoi, Pcnn AC.
by :j seclnd .i t{e riCri4 Attantl:
AIU selciioie.t i-e:ri. -'cFler 01"i r.- .)!=! .cdntr: road. RoLins hl.iib. ,'r.r! 3 hunlicl oltrrpic developeeni q€de1s e*arded. 1" il e]ro1 tTrr"gaa, ShararEn ai,,rjB40
2" il3ti shsledon. P:tu A.,, l1:<!
j4.1L c.orxds, ni. "-:i;c+iEA.--, 5. Jo,i! chaFde. Ier ! 14' rr 6. Ralph E11berg. U:,r. o' ahl(aiu lxaclr clui. rc,ir !e: ry rerar--] s,u."r*" c"ij;iis i. f. E€r'- gdj tl,, !er.i rt, j6tz9 9. Huslr .rasc.u-i. leir Ac: 36t34 r0. t:arrl !rr^oFii-) p.N, aC, 1J?. -)a
* iorgan iron Nor.ietcm, Pa. l: going 14ic lis iErior yeaf al, rl..inu! (!a.l Col.leAe- ile is th6 qlddle Ailantic,;o:1egia,:e 1 1411e Chanplo! .ao:lege" in the dlr16ion" iJle iaidrln ci S!.iunlveisitvs Josephrs 1s nlle ctiae! i. ihe disisioa. T!:e treenbelt. l{ar.taland 9 t{L}e As will b€ leld th16 yea! oD Surday, Sepiedber 6th" Eace director. {arretr [eddtck has chargeit the stalarng tlne ihis year irco 2:00 P"M. io 4!00 P.I. same cowee ritb clocks. bo{ls, dtshes, ptaques for the flisb 20, As a sulvlsor Ded.al thts rear. Leddlck 16 uslng a very attractlve key chaln wlth rrlmer{ald er.qraeed. t Ee Flll agah be abte to civa aasoliDe and travel eftens6s fof ?lrlvels fron lh1lad€1phia and norlh.
surcly racororlDg. It's a tlr€soEs lob aryhor, ttepedt!a! or hor. bail the idladnatlon reE By Aribu! F.q. N6'/ritoa to-stari r1th. Fot ar oilitlEerv ca60 {}f Athletlcs,r iAutbor ! 49^ \ lprn46..i 4n41nl'r e couDls of sonihs or to shoultl b€ "ormotlge4re edoush. a bad one oay ia*e ratber lonq€r. tsui therers th15 to be Ba.id a l4tter !n atl I'as .irrt beei: $liotm fcr i:he' ireelneni: proeided yourve ailtlalj.e riEa:lie qh€i"e a :".lr18e., i,airi.j.d. lhroush it yourU dever sulfeNtrg Fith .i:r A+lllller terdod. a!6rn be tfolrb]eit h tbs ete wal, s.rrs irE doesEti .i::€lrl ro bs a}le to a;F ,oL! syoieo rlll hs"e leamt cure 1i" !|n*.i,; l$ch ror54 is s .eph Ia gcu noe to 3rold a !o th6 etfooN t)It ti;e thing 1s Afi leat :b!s elLber a cose o1l secol:d"epeli!io!.ui lrcLFrra r ..., rt,at the 'rLy Lhits iac;. of k4osleila€ tr a 1ac!. of gut6. io do 1s lri r*6t :t, 1! ializE !6 :a ov iav :l haa iroble !.1th both ,)udor H?rP'ner ,!rr $r.hl-:\ - nd, aoi oa.t.rlLy. reelF, tortBotell only o4e &t a a_. )f rher ,,/ .he,srl q:.:al illne, 'ine fi.5t was ret seoUt ser*ye. take ilrE :raub-l': In jtr€r bhe i.Er en.i €s eu"€a 3fter r' f'tk aor.ri't:,o133 .l1 lt,ire B!b1"4! troYld€d.'cr :E:; ',rB ,r+co:rd 1443 quite unusr$:l7 l};e 9va8er :i '!e eo.-e lrhail ,E€r:t3 tire !*g al.Bost to rere:'e^ as I tre83 slEc:] r le:$ar_r:.ii rjrlii-, f;r' tle iri a ItO-dIle ?ace. nrhl]fes i**a$t! euleau.e :,rt arn1o!.re. " a rralrd.ii:l "aa ::,1!. ,'rr,n€ n..nihs aJte! ltha! I tas a.4 ihe ire{iin:--11i h*6 rree* :e-4bt1s:1'r rrli:E end bad io .u! lly dst]y :d 4nre the, t::t" " io . Jiqr'. ne .i. aisaa;e dor! :1th]*3s1y, but affef, : :- . e5a-:! 'tlj.a 9e: cC: a i4ho1e t€e! ol 1i ihe thlne bae ?iaht aaeln aad I at o:rce {6nt out r -. h. :^i:l;{'! ari sa.iered i:i a.€{ 100-Di1e }ecar leasl anee a day *ra, 'tetler 3ili:, .ra- lNeitlie. hrel ha5 eYsr tloubled lov lFo .r :h.e enr:r,i Epe:.]s" iil :1e leflere lhat !!. 3inee. So tou ealr ,cionllst ;Dt i :ud€l'stexd l!.oti shat I {hat irm iei:ixrs you ls !1at ln6t haye .ead 9r5i the t4nCrn !r8€!i ie i:lclfaf r.]1eotY. trot llcb .rti;.t.i, 11,1 :'5s1 trouble Ydu shenid:€a_rlse that ihe i.ea!'celn€ inI:affiiai-ion ojl ljb€ rlrroud.ing $eni !)rele:pertse &d ddclors are shcrith, ln *rr case :r:l]i'f?te ihlDE ls ssle t.r iaee aalrlsed was ille revelse 9.1D8 !o ei-ic. i- rhe : egrir. s.d ihat of sbat ,es w1se. To xe€t 4 imsole ia rou. c(r.-i:cuiqi'on. itqs tcuf, o. r€4don for 6 fortnlaht or nore blrsinesa ihen io p!'criJo lbe cordllloag ne&s ihat rtR r€sllence a.d capabilvhi.ir t]1){,st the strcllaiory EyeteB & 1ix lave deteriorateit, ad noihln€ ,hu3 rea!.e th€ tl$e rsao€d io erlect blt extra ercercise N111 tben put it je- caa do ih'a h r{o says: br gtvlnts vlsht. me d€re tact lhat You take thEi extra exetcise nea6 thai tlre :h€ i€ndon s&alf do8e€ 6i the aotloa yhlch cadsee ti€ lebellion atrd !y ness- t,rouble is ilkelY io:ecur: {hereas t"tE ,r.l you c'.Ie and nork the 11tib 5inu1_ *glbg 'i.:ie aisaaged part, ilf "our3€, aEgraeate banaouslr !t soor iesms iro build uP sllght acilor {i1L leaFe}ar'lly 1is fo.tificatlons to tlthsiard ttlo th6 1nl1an"$siio., but f41r:1;r frea_n€Bt gerf :!l"gh, i'ctsF f.i4fn9e?std tlth ra.!!et- !{.! oLlr !hat, blrt 1! Ycq ian oii ?or lose : lot of rour fom Lo*jer r.rarjily4 lerlcdr {io a1los for dherF3r ;hiie tou conli&e dith dally r€co"ertj {1i1 {6urr lhrjt lha EyateB eaercis.r eeen if .ira6tlcaUy .edoced at l:igh€rijeis tn 1c+( lt :rsa rjt '{aFl: rbe fJ.riish ihat yourre ther-ulue:l r:,tlsura ic g.rt back te t., r_iad a!gor.d as Ytu ,€re betore :Leosi a,J :orv&:. :rl1e Pen*edure ii,e$ necoD€s ibe ',rouble 3iarted. :id::;e sin+le. :Iiihlr14 1n 1lie evet aee $ore .lte,!l. : r'lart 1aY dom ibe slnt8 .ru.:te ci,,11t ihere is a1?ats i3Y becaufe I ,io|1r! knoE fox celia1n rllher p.ogreislon .r retro8resElon, qheiher ::e i'tllhi 1n thisi but 1t 3o eu t6u have to do :s i:o keep aa eire ee€lla ,io re rjylaJ, lhe eonr0otest cause out to sake iurc !i!€ iendaa is ro nor'. rf i!ehl:]$8 lena.n iioulte !F tlie iodr.y, E4y, i,l!"4r1 lt sss a ie{ lalrld.aso"l!_ -€ari.be,la:!It nf bocts or shoes lhat lt !3' ytu are oeel.doirg dayfi cre rofk-cr!e rpnodJ; il to! feel .rl's- }r4re Eudh bighe! heel! thaa roa!1:18 6hoe.. Iljls Eust leed lo far gfeelet' rled th€ir 6lihoug! dot Eppreclably ibretchrnq !i the lfnd..r BheD:!lE_ 4n?3e, :t canot bo sald to }e^.ut -\e!iBr, ira LhaE ;Fa!_e u .8rrGt-r :I-f"'. t.u Eey lnoq irha, t! 13 slo,rly
(Achil1€s 1€.do!1 - contlru6C.l It alrays app€arod ic ne th4i: o"emuch rrt.ercuin€' Fss lhe cau6e. To pui; t,bis rl,:ht i hlj ihe he€1s of oy Fv.rl€y rhces cut es los ae Fosslble _ i, iaci; they we:e Ju*t abo::i as fiat, a5 ord!%!!' p;ios^1s !h s b- becJnltil rnoroughlit :ccue+cnei t,o he;1-iesE €noe6 rhere !e3 1 !4.1ed s-r!Il] o. €iFetch wh^r i :r ru:. !, Di1D3.1:rr 1. pe.-h-rr. P:r r rotl!, i43t \oi
--s ,.,-n.,. ,_;(b., ' a. n;::rE: '':...,..-,'''' rr: 1: bri-,ii-rilr h€.:ts iLijj vause ti;€ {.3icees rhiil ao ort.:. athi.ler ar .;*;:i'!.r5i:1ng +2€ltes perlearr:. l.Eo'i
rl,lEs T5Moir il, lea anr.:ii. ornrr U.i, tk.r!h.t i::jjirlr+:t)
\! -io i1e o - l
11-t -J .ennr.
r .-.E.Jr13-. oc ::_+j" 99 r; ! "r - i.. cr. o sLcj o, s:n6:b.4_ lfr: Ene. -.- r..i ,:.- ,_. .t th" (.._ c. .r.c an,. -n irr6- -a. . . c. -rc_. :r.:i a:c rr - 14 j , .r: r_ I ,:,os),nc_c , or* i i:!r.: ,. :. lrz. ur" rod., .,- bif ouscles by te.r1E| tft heel ctuo d.@ €i Ca: sB pc"srr-. us: nor'1tn6 ll tl-.e fo! 1.:c 5i ":rsc.;ds. sane 1ir ihe other teg.
,;,fr ;t:" :LH5#t+,.ffi
the health of the 1€gs. i ihi;[- thi€ res been respo.sibi. for . redujtior ir o:ssotirr cra.rpsEreat beh4r€ tth6y t4 .1 _oul-ec. tu-s"_"-. nohever oc;asi ),._ a . : bfreJ stlfl cccu:./ uslEt ljr ra a :I..:r_ru. Drinq r acrLe atrack oi 4cr:lrea rendon troLbie I r!flr i. lngsig?i thereev lor p shart .efrod fon, .,. 1o!. soaks 3, ho e -: . - o, '1ea: ulrrasolud or msElr. I @j scfte,or.! . .": L r.L .. .l9jo I anA Dy ;Lch111es r:diDa tcar:4 un on that leg io! lio.J..ireiumrrg r'l - .ci ,. . :o:eiendo, ha_labL year. oe€n sore slnce i9_q! iost ot the tlme lt's s,aoLor !:.., - lnar s, :. i touch i1 or bunD iL .cc o-.ir/ tt r-a,rJ lt may not hu.t as 1Ha]]r et least act afrer settlnc strted. AL olhea iire. it nuris ut" t-€
t ru ard 6rert s. 1t Fets ac;te. ri euch tio6so1't,eD I !^1y (i less ralo:ne ireduced slo,rnt dd.a 4it_ €{Dts ar epe€d {or, /, r sioppen t!a1nir" 1r ,-!,1l)inp shoos yesre apo ;rd abou |,. .--iy arn€ rsed nrulnE siro4c ra lr:rl1lnq @s T 'r rueilg o, a trac! or 1t I_toke r.6hori run 4!rl!: i: .,r:c.. ho.,{. rnus, Dra.iicrli-! .ir. :r ':qrFttE ie cone {1rr. sir€;ij ,,:.".-r,: nr;l rr rfl.r^ trhie n.-< ,. r .1I i\ suf;!?ri I .y r ]-,f;:r4 :::.r'ir -....:r i.erir, F .!l .r ..,- t,.r, r: . .i , . i1l ..Frii!: iiai .,:i:r! -,1a.-i e-"r,iiil I _ oai .!-i!: ! . . -rre, r, -] : Fi li:e:. ..! i:r:,e.:, Jiio€i :itr.i .ri rot i'e1;: :urirriri. :,: i,,..j ,:...! ::.:j.. .t, :,,r,.:.:;eiG.4eirn i.r rirrle i.,:,:: : i" :_.,i.ii. 1t::; oife... lrlrJ! ii..i.i_.ii_r: -.:i:rirr€ iilt ir'31 r.e .ocny e!ii\{.t1- iiai ,:ii, !ee! a.! mJcr: 60:i-.. no :, .,e-e {ire! r dti ab. f !'rl I I L:r.. :J,-li..r ' c rceie:s r..-t. :. t)hr1'^F c.-- st!,ee! ral:, e!c") ADd sleakiu,j jno.i. maqv t !,, !, h+r. rne Achlr.ies b.fa!s. jra,s lhat tnE czrlf ruscLps ii1.-r,_soie/; nrscies) i!v. I d: iEs-- .orr .Ls tlr !!sh oif berins. Th.,! r:rr: ar acute ette:k oi ncf'1ie5 iei._o. irol)le alr-n pui :ii .Lr s: :. e _rd; t th€ I iee, f. i,: r r: - . :. - bes: r€.riis v.. f,--t : :.:i .-rveri!tr oi s--oe ki:.1. ..: :.:-i!:, .n tcr-or irLF spnr-re - ...., : :!F heel.;et,lr ls !i:r.:- 1: ic note ti!r- t,.ah renoir '.r|i - t,r -: r,:et,e,.tt/ eLt we :rc iEe! 'r -s ,le!:rs:,rcDia. l.s:_t.:a:. -j. i, -1 :r.- i. - oi - ':..r trr i.;.r Joir(. rne -orr -r: nr srars -! .- _ : I r; -:s-rr-neiilssor;!" .L"ct:s :r: r.r]l1r-! cDntln o\rs ay. ,i tr!-:: n: e:np"ied :h1+ !'orrd ne sJc.-:c- tr su.h tenaonhtf.:-rie. .f, ir. o:.ez,hand heel :1rsi 1:.ier orJl, trses in. e icrer: dLrir€ tha iush oft Essiros" nJt :i ,'brakenihe irooy afrerDhase iardlhl :n. 5a11 0t rhe ieet. so uhv 'shrL14 a heet frrsi ]qder rEv; so nucn EroublF? percy Ceruttv claids .nei nfitr\q on h€ad Burfaaes is
ln.hi11es leidcrl- liorj:: !:3if ) Partly ,esport3llie irrl ilai ii :n F6atlt dr: !a 1be i:e! t:*1r re r.ijn Biil ou. iegi, r;o ruirt lsi iirt:- t+ "Be :'r.:t the Lirie" tl.j o13i4s _ - :" rj ,1,:t ...-r i;o. ri:.i1 :trau].:r -.tr. t:ii ri<i i :1ct^1n.. r. 're 6 ']- iia tre4iriten!. iti']j i.t :1.: .r.r' . .e.taLn ex€ve4!:$:^ i3J ,? c!;,t:naa*'_ 4l COI'FALCNn :.l ltis D.riittit?:l .r.i.yaEE-q l!{ A!,lllitri, , ri:!E ji rrJr i,r::{ja l,re.da]. :1re ia :tt..;.. !.tj.j Siart ana !'rln:rh: .Jf!.e1.: toR lar,tr DaDlers, iia6s, {a . La -. -fs, I f ,r.-F.., :-5 p.lres {iroph:est } lc-?ti aqard & :j 5pee14i S.hoolboy \.'ar',.is, nefaeshroeiiq ir!.r'|*er. rt e ioc"1 Falr, 30,, noi h.rr{" Cor,i'1rohe iorrLd -r1!o an :erL1^1 ald r:crraie.1 ,i:1.EJ lerd E1:h eeert 6!.:{ie tc set :r rler rourse .edcrd. {a litiie lnaer 6 rli1es) 1" nl Crnialrle" lorlod A. iO:12 i. Dick lrckard, j]<:-.n t\. 12:18 J. DrJ( iononuir B."Lon l2:[7 *. ^A, \.y" r2.r.r li^l*
^:::..:::1.'rer. :;;;;i:irric. trehan lernell. 6!A. ,ii;,;
)),20 !i.,:16 ?. Dlcl, L/eekts, ryin AC. ii'ii 8. Paul o,Domeli. 3AA. ii'71 (2rd schoolboy p.izel 9. Bob Russerl, lrovidence c.l4:23 10. ioha Llnscctt, 9r,t, lJ:01 11. .r.hr Felfuo. Lro AC. t;i2\ 12. Don lacQ€'tie, rAAc, tirt't lf. l,t, Jeyne ulchor, itt4c, jj:4-r 1t]'. Dare Hu.lson, lyr).q (C, 15:49 15- Ceorse larer-hous6. nlllc, J5:54 ro, r'on F:yt tosren AA. ]6102 17, J:o ticsFeeney! r,yro AC, 16rrl 15. 8111 l4a.ot! M'tC. 16124 i.,, C1ck,.fkLnsotr, ularr.. 46t 11 20, !6.ur, ^as4e11. ryn]l Ac" a6'ii 21. A]lan Buerett, irnarr,. ZZ:zt 22. Frank Ke1]v. ]U4C, t?rtB 21. John Drcomaurree, BAA. ia:io goyer, 24. Deuis uatL., itrot seals, Lyln Ac, je,\j ::. :,pn9. ?o, lob uoucettet urEit. ! 19rt2 2?. Elaie yaDer<akr s, tJ-an Ac lrri2 2U. ]'l11id BurkIe,
l,J'!.n 4C. 42:15
?9, Da! Dunl.p, Bostcn AA, 42:1? 10, F.ed :]!{)Fn, NdC. 4?-t46 43.t7 li, -ii.t liedr'€au, uaiit., 32. ilarold slipson, l,}?r AC +t:jz
aftold, 'r.!it,,
14. Jrs Coek, :rEal!", 5i.C1 :L-:3UL 3o*oue. Lx4! tuL 5?:17 i8i il.:.$, alr'dpic Developneit 1&F ileel - ;o_,ril1 lorto. (la.gc B'!1ding -rlaelq: Julr ,th, cadey, 7:1t P.X. tfcudy, iluotd , :7C 4ec.ees :-iqi1e:Iabdtcap: i. 9iek Dcbohue, BAA, i0:27 iAciEi :ire;:. Pe'rl Scott, BAA! 10:J7; J, Ili]laf; Fee,L4, BAA| il. loyoe ieuger, North llediord ciub {15 start:lr - i laEs a]l * nille !€.k) to clllE AtD GEEETi r'/rN rN 10 llltER Lyrt. inals.. Tuesdayj J!1y 7 {6:30 t.i'i.J B.!1Die's ?th AuEl lo-Iile liendicap Road nace Start & Flnish: Be!1riet8 Lurich, 15J Fradrlin streer, LyErx, l4as6. l:roph:es, nedals, nerctlandlse up to REC Plesident, Diek Donolrue rvon the race b:r ine kldest nargin ever to capilr. the Uayor thoms P. Cosiln tropby aril the Speclal Fraitco.rrDer14,an ltets Po6t 12 trophy to tbe !h. f1r'sli Wer Veteran to tiatshflhe newstEper reporter6 askeil Donohue lf be.d race betore. ile teplied, rl_ep, lest nighi iE So. Bostonl'That nearly threw th6E! Jlo] G.eeu .tpped over lhe aourso in 55,15 ta oaptu?e th6 l:1re prize, Ir1 eccoptioe b1s place ard tloe award€ he said he felt llke 'queen ror a tay.' iteail lrrze: Boston AA) Ellorts are belrg nade to holtl thi8 race or a sulday e?eni!€ next yea.loo 8oo.t a race for a $eek ilay" aefPeshEente Berved by 41 ail Bob Belliveau - omers of Belniers. 1. Dick Donohuer BAA, 62t28 59.28 ?. Dlck teeks, LJrnEnC 63:183 61:48
l. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
{I,oca1 ?fizeJ Paur scoit, B-Aa, 63141 5 58.4r {2nd tlne brlz€) aoyce saEyer, !Ic, 63:43 61:13 Br11 squrre6, Ep.A,64t0? 5 59tO? Ed Ducao, wra!t., 64t72 5 59112 ste tlei.naa, Nrtc, 64t25 5 59t25 Cer.:I lrarvey, 8,4A, 64:11 52:01 Joh! Llnscott, tsM 64:{€ 1 5J:48 Jin ltcsne€ney, 65.a4 2 6310\ pas6) icontlnued rcst"n.
t :
t t I :
{B€n!l€.s 10- lle Eard.tcap ) 11. Dlck packarr, Bee, 5J::? &. #H' rz, ,rrE cFeea, BAl, .a( 5.1iXj I;. Dor llacQuartl.,FAAC65tt51 b5.Jc 1r30 6rt:00
tl: |ii',f v,ilt 2i:,; 16. liii,iilgii;"T'l*, B1]1 Ierot, guc, 6:6.1c 2r3x 63t\A
17. Daae HudsoD, Lym4c 66!11 2t-30 6J!,r 18, Paul O'Donlbll, BM 66122 2t6a 6tr *2 yoEis, B,{A. 46.jj ztoa 64tS) *:. 9"9.c: .u. relenuo_May, BAA, 67tI9 StAO 6.2119 zr, uor rayr $A_s, 6EtLZ 2tAO 66r|2
;j: i3"i"Hiilii?'"."ry ' ii: i3fi1l!l'Hii;,f qricason, <o. Lrrx
.o. ,u, :1. ::' rr. i4.
3;:e3,,SB :?:A3
f8:e! ?:83 ig;;!
BM, ?0118 Ao ?o:19 r.,70.53 ztla 68t53
a, _vn.7tr3!. 2t00 69r)9 ,Llar€ ranakalri FeebeJ, BAA 72t16 zt3o 69t46 Jonlr-rjerreDo, L.A.C.7Zr)? Lt3a ?t0? BAA, ?4.32 8o ?4t32 fa: irlaJop,BAl, 75t21 ?1t5! 19ln IaY, ' Ar-(an Doe, ulatt., 26101 3t3o zt|O ?4tOI Phll calve!. Bevere Z?!tA 2roo i5:??
coRps cEAMls., cA!f? pErDltEroN, _al!:lAlTtr CALIF.. WNE 10-11 !t99gr 1. shepard, ?€ltlleton, l:55.1r 2. Breokenrltlee, QuaEtlco, l:55,2! 3. sBjizsr, caop L€JeMe, 3:591 4. Hood. eB,tlco.4:06.8 &!E: 1, Pl€n1!s, Q., 1:54.?;2, Llps;ll;ii.8;; ,. E€D8er. Lereuei 4. shepald, Kopll, Q., 1r:15r 2. A1e! 5!llll8! 1. Joh!q., B.eckeDlldee, t5tt7t 3, , Snitze., Lejeu{e; 4. Prltcbar4, teteune 1000e sichade: 1, vlc Zwolak, LeJeune, 9t72i 2, Gllu lrood, Q., 9:18 esr.! l. shepard, 9:30 6st,i 4. nuler, Q.,9:!5 esi. (short oour8e! ) 19..8.q.9s! 1. Alex Brsckerlde€, e., 33:J4i 2. John Kopr1, e., 14rJ5t l. vio Zao1ak, LeJeEe. '15!2!i 4. olJru Lrood, Q, 't7:?7 (rleerE ran ope lao exbrat ) NCAA T&F CHAI'IIIONSIIIP
lincoln, neb,, Ju.ne 12-13 nito: ilD Cr€L]e, oFeeon, [rcJ.9:- 2;-F-erer1, c1oee, St. Johr,.,4:05.6;3. Dlck Elselbrink, Peu State. 4:06: 4. c€il Hodgson, oklaho@, 4:06.11 5. Ton Bodala, lkasas State, 4r46,?! 6. et l{orsn, Pee state, 4:05.8 (t^B.!oa, Laker Gregory, Ueislee!, Abington iLlC, Eo! plac€) C.eU€ burst out of tbe pack rlth 300 tarer to eo and kroked io a l.r-yard vlcio.y orer Pete close. Ee legseal th€ la6t gurter ra 56 s€cs.
3).ll9E!_!!cbasq! L Joh4 [acy! loustoD" 9!t9,1: 2. Sm EotiSaa Jose state! 9:?4.?! l. ci}"-/ EliaEoE. Erlsher YounE. 9:2?-8, 4. Jerr'y Soarti, Eousaoe, 9:lz.Bl 5, Barry crasrcrd, Ka46as, l4.i: 6. Press !'|helsr. KeI1'ftky, 9: 9:&9.2 (tlaet splked or ihe fr!!t sete. slrffe!6d a aleep, !br6€-1rxcL Jmp! gasb alcae tho outslde of his r.leht anlrle. Later Flth the gaEh llttcted up ard baDilaged, h€ stayed close vrtli the laet 1ap ot lhe threen1le r.nr arn ftnlshed thlrd. ) j:!!fs! 1. PauI t/trlteley, tuporla {I(aas. ) stete, rl:59.1; ?. ul1es EiseD.ratr, oklahoda Scate, t 4:o?,91 3, Joh! rac]', Eouston, 14:09.9: 4, Jerry A6hdore, l,testerb fiichlssn. 14!1l,Jt 5- Rus€ BeErett. occlilanta7, 74t15.6i 6. Cary Crtifrrh, B!1ghtu You4e, 14:24.6 (Mi1ls,
1, ceorse Ks'r, rllinois, !!!a 1:47.8i 2. ToDy Seth, Mlchlgan, 1:49,?; 3. EFaie cunl1ffe, Stanford., ord.. 1:50t 1!50! 4. 4. ll6h f,elr r'r6r!lEant{er!1E4n. ltr.hl'|lch1t6. Lta, 1t50.4t 1:50.4. J. 5- I'461 SbeD.6- Arlzxel speloo, ona State, State. 1:J0.9; 1:50.9! 5. 6. Georse cedFe.^r1,rrii ratternan, Pe!n, 1:51; ?, Joe Iluluna. Nebraska: 8. l4ike leake. Colorado (cutlllfs 1ed at the ourter bv yard6.
On ih€ back;tr€tch oi 7 the secolil Iap, Kerr tlarreteil amy to aD easy Eib. Seth causht curllffe iD the stretch for Zid. ) 1. Eddi6 southem, l4!! rr6.4; 2. Chuck Carlson, TeFs, Colorado. +6.5i J. r6rry Tobacco, waEhtDEt6r. lYal speEce, AFtz. staae, 5{.9i 4. ttalter Johnson. North 5. 'ro.ut Ca.olhE collese,47.2:6. De Loss
siate, b7.l; ?. ot13 T6am Polat scoree- 1. l(ansa6. zt: 2. San Jose State, lr8,rl l. Hou;: to!, J8;4.oklehom,31! 5. Otla. state, 22.1! 6, Boston Untv. & E.
Dod.il3, Kaasss
l{lchLA&,20 14lh Alltual IBrry Conover uercr1a1 Utl6 (Seholsst1c) Bader Fleld. Atlantlc Clty, N.J. June 1J 1. stan Elelras, Foly trtntry llesirleld, r.-tua 4:14.1i 2. BobHS. Burch, Vinelald ES, 4:!l: j. Jerry stueer, Dayto! EeEloDaI ES. SDTlllEfle1d, N.J. t 4:49;r..Tea0r r.-Eo}; Trll1lty, 12t 2. lrt, Ho1ly.20t l.' wayne HS, 23.
( l,orA Dlstalcs l,og BeprlDt or otee taler by coralon Dlcksob oE leciureg alyea !y F ez Sleoptl at gaua4lan E$1bltrs!) --m. 'Cne of !h6 riaesi artlcles €yef pubtlshed !n ihe L qadillon, log rastns f,o]IonlDs artlcl-e sent ld by aubscrlb€r Corilon Dlckson of Olterlo tlo yea.s ago, IIE are roprlEtlr€ tbo artlcle ln to the moEy requ6.ts $erye bEiL fron youDg,a6pl!1ng atlslance '88ponselor trahlDg blnt8, llllref,s I" :n!erra1 !.elnh€ by Fraaa Staelt1 (Beeomelds shdy of saas S€1yars {SttesE Ad.'.ptio[.' {a) Stress lerelopeat 1[ steadJ .u olly orce. By l[terval tralElug lt 16 d€veloped often, {b) Inle.val8 nu6t be car€fuI1y tlned, $oasuretl, ariL recotdeil aloDg u!!h othe! varyln€ coudltloas 1.e. r.hil, teaperature, huEldlty'eto. {c) Boity oust lqcoupe5ate conpl€telt, oth€rr1se lE'tetval ti6es rlll drop, ihu€ hur!1ag ihe nody - too nuch stress resuus lE stalensss aDii becomi!€ lnjury prorb" u€e .r pufec ac hdloator of reaovery fron prevlous tlayrE rorkout. (rlerv LibcolD - a:37 {811e) fllne8s - l,loraal A.14. puls€ 6? --After 5 sobthe of Sraor,ll's hralnirl]< P.R. {€ ald tlde of 4:00,6t) {lihaut ihe$e oorxlrols (b) ard (d) iha athlete wl1l have no &nowledse rf bis lDDroveEert. The athlete must kDoi rhaL he ,lU do or Fer doEe". rh, s, 6rB!i si:er Ei6n-iF fiE-erar 180 @l1es p€r nolth la hle workouis, he {ou14 ,)ut d.orn i[s ,|40 tln€s 2 secontk per ronlh, If you knotr your r&te you car luteulgently predict future leveL or rusbe! of rontbg rsqulrotl, Tho athlete can ke€p condltlons colstant arit th€B w111 knor it soaetlulS goes rrc!€.. Each tralnfrg level is Dalni:atned fo. four rceks" Ihe best .ocov€ry lap for 440'3 ls arculil 2 rlEutea. to d€re1op a.il lrltAt€ ar lEdlvltlral schsalul€ start dolr€ rr40rr ,ith 3 ninutes recoye.r at a psc6 tha! 1r coEforiabl€. As soon as Jou fall belos Lhr! psce aril le€I that you ar€ forcina tou8a]f !top. Build up untll Jou can do 10 at thls !sc6 {fo! a ol.Le Lo 3 orle3) or po8srbry 20 for ]ola€r illEtances, then begin to shortsn rhe r€cup€ratl"e Jos. l,Jhen lt ls dorn to 2b nlnules, coDforlably, d€cr€ase your 440 ttne by e eeoora or tro. work at th13 level for o nolth and thea arecreeso it, corilnuB 1. thts danner. TI. Baralod Noterr Th€t'e 13 a s?eat slnllarlty ! the t.alnilg or Ear413t€r, ChataDay, gewsoa atril llrcoln. Baslo rorkout for nr1e! 8 1aD6 lor {arn uD - dhu!6i 16. ltes-2 !o *_ 4tlo h 6os. - - niruteE lo. !'IlIes-J (10 * lt4o !€coYe.y laps 2 dlnqles) Joe 8 laps at 2 dI!. per 1ap aE lilsrD dorn - nirules 15. |llle6-2 (Toi;at 9 tr11e8.. 62 rilutes. ) Thus 2+ !l1es fssit 5+ Ero{..Otr thls tralalng Chaiaray fulroveil hls 3 Erle tlBes ud. Aerson h1s 880! Tbls tialnhe ltlessed IEdy ard nisjL lnte..elation saat lnten61ty ol rorkouti quelltX Dot quDtiiy. isleFf] says he ioproved aD AuELr.a]laD froo 15!58 ho ,r,:01 in 7 hotrths, al5o 4:)? to 4:08. lhe ethl€te had b66! rulnlne 15 to 20 rltos poi oaJ. Lh6! h€ 9.U! !.9!S hls traiD.ils. ) .. A gr€at loproeeneDt '3 dDe yst 1n fat'gu€ resistaee- ths rolld's atlstarc. r€cor.Ls are poor. Stanpfl b.l1oves ary xorld-c1aEs I n1ler shotlld be capable of 13 nlautes for 3 ErLoBl Speed. over the ahole dlsteceor enduraBce 1s important. Only llnitlng factor 13 speed of nusoular cont.actloa. E llalency aail €riluarce can ea€llt l4ptove. Liaoolnrg t€Ei {orkouts wef,e: 10 440 1! 63s, 5 x 880 ltr 2t1O ad 3 t 3/4 t! '. leprovsat h16 880 froD 1:57 to 1:51 atln hls 3:1J. Tet be ran 3!J9 and 44! fron 55 to ,3.5. ThuB ooarErins the ditference b€by6€n Llncobr. fa6cesL q40 &d the average 4J+0 of hi8 880 alEI Tob courtney'B co@Darable tlne8. SlabDfI Eho{ed that Courtnev'8 rorltl 880 r.cord of 1:{i.8 rE poor aid shols lack of enduraloe: 1.€. Lllcoltr- 4+0- r3.5i Av. 440 lD best 880: 55.J -- Dilferetc€ 2 sgcoEtrs! (a€rt PaseJ
.li,***.'",r*,*i;l ;;?iii"ri.i",r;r,r"ii;,
gi'*"i;li!il:{l':i;i:l!;iii:+::iiki'i,fi ;l"i*'iri;,;i ;ri ft ;ili:ffi $i::il:i!:::;:t]:;'.:;ir#lsr;:.:il*"iit!i!;i' 9.iI:iii". ?il;;i#"l3ti.t:-":ff "i. "$t :,S;ru::": ; :l ry;i ii;.: g, "1, ff
ij;{l!l !*"'ifi:rii:,lt'::'1fi";'::t'ti,iti,i**'";,i::: il:i..9.*
fr"i':6il:il:,ff ,1,."9;":";;r.;t,i::r_!: j:j,,,:,,,,,,,,,,tt,t.u"
'" iru:kri*;1,il;i;;i
T**j,'#ii1;il"ti,"t:'x," t., cocp:ie,e.:_,,r.n
"ffi t::
i*:I:tg*+tff ;',:
BI'FALO EVENTIJC NEI"'s OPF]'I 1-' 'i'-F IAUE - sponsor€d by,.,The Buffal.
*,Hffi*"i'ilil 1 il:i:ff,'i:i. rlDi!1es Too no:tz, B6ffa10 E €nlne "iif, L,o
xers, Buffalo 2. ir.y. Itledals and r.ophles to tte fi.st reN 11 ptace r6aBs. AdnltioMt suvivat xedals Hill be giweb fhe reEainlna rulnors that cotrF1eLe the race"
Jlo Fleldsr i r_.r rc Direelorseartle o1)Trpic clrL , "srnce u.sLrack Jlubs sra feJ-:apt:a_ly ae lbv-Labty wtlho!.r .,r:rde drd:lorced cd11!. iralel c earh o.\":!s j.ore LracLs fJr whar the counirJ r,e6ds to ebcoui€ae c.ruD conpeitr,:or lor Brad,ate rLniFrs ao! prov1,1e. olr athletes hj th a so!1rg schedule lrke the cotleses have tar prepare uheoselva€ for the -un6 fiat iua_ ar6. propos6 Letegraphlc dual oeebs From
on Sircat' aftenooDs. le.heps i! yeals to come. wlth lhe help of T&!ti and ,their nel{ club coonltnaio. iohn Tedtord. ree shal:L here a NetlDb?i .-atre of ireck c1u!s {..:h - fLtl saasr rs srr.bc,,1e ^- ic-e_ ;ra ni. ad rih:re ctoseness -oer61t€bJ a xarroaEt Track Ctub Chanr)ioti_ slri-r's a.d iayte or om- rela_1 oeets. r.ad .ru1s and llai,ks et,cthe one stllrrat:on to kee! the pmg?ai rroq !e.om1:rq tarclaf as a ia i{eP York snd i,os An€elcs iACn teans or past j6 fhat the athtetes i. or progr,aE dust be reai club srenbers .eeistere4 ritil the lau fcr comDet_ ltlon Hith the ciub invelseil alat not "pickdpsn froa coil6se team! tbat have finlshed the set€on. The obieci_ oi course, is io foster graduaie-cooIhe systen would rc.k 1lke this: the tso clubs hvolved woulil Drovlde each other wilh a rostor of a1l
Possible coltesisrts rL few daes befor€ aeet. lil.st aid lasr nanes a.e glaen {lth a nulber appearir€ before each pane. Ai 6:00 o.D. oae club ca116
rltb lhelr resulis ir
cotleee d@] oeet crder (tii]e.-lr4o. 1n0, HH etc). He g1ee6 a itne flrsa (the1r best Danrs cloc|lDA). If th€ othe! cLEb lmedtatery peicerves that 411 three of their DeD har6 b6ttere.L I-t- they stop hlfi sDd givs thelr rr80€ rlbes etth the rostcr nbbers of .especrlre ru&e.8. ydey sirap top Itree @!ks 1l each e"ert rittr roster luobe}s 0f 4en involved. In aDDroxlmtsly 5 mlnutes. the earl.e ;eer lesults can be skapped at a phone cost of $J or $6 (starlo! to Starlon. sundays) Fhlch sure bears Lhe tresportetlon of 25 dt}raetest Each coach or .eprescntatlv€ l1.9rres :he teao 3cor. after the Phor!€ call and fe1ea3e6 rEEuIts stofy !o thet! .e€pectLvs 1ocal papsrs rrth cerboE coples to fdir8l atc. n Corroctlo! - Daye listerraa's ttme ls firLi€hlns 6th lE Yo*ers. Nattonal AAU l4arathon laan 2:38.29 FOI,ts1H ANI'UA]- CNEATEB BAI,TIMOEE T&F ASSOC]ATION AEI,AIS AT C!]F?ON PAn](
sultlay, July 12, 1959 lZ p:n.)
fllly eniraDts dlsp-Layed lpProxleat-ly rhelr rrack & fteld ab11lt1e6 b6foFe a sm&]l cro{c on a ijrat, overcast arler4oon, wrth a thfeaL of raln hovel._ iig oyerhead ihroughout the elghtBill Jlqesor's Baltlnore Otynplc Club swept to iis thlrd victort 1a the oeeti ralliDg to qln only iL 1952. Sereral arguents ensued durlr.s the oeet bei"een ofriclsl€ and .i16e;on. JinesoD alnost loBi three for i is iean wl-rn he waE €nFdFoints ior :tleFal]y g$iar, tlDes dullna the racethr'ee reco-d6 were brot:n th the rljdlD€ erenis, tdo by the rleeruD Quatic| qclrres of Vlrsinia. sni ;he <tsohor rlher h.
e CarhoLic Ctub Jf 8u&1t1co, s iour-elle ard i;Bo-ali€ !"ao of rlke.Flen'ne, Jl ynn kood, !91av Ar./ Broc'etr'cge ald Joru Kop1l. ebsliy EEapped 4cet traFks in both reerls, wl.n .7, LL,8 r4e fouf-n:1e atuJ e ?159,6 ? ln lhe two ^ dlld. s|6@iErrs ojte reldy qurLeE of Joht. sco:i. Joe tILLlejolD, arti6 cr!1ter aurt r1chte Itall lat ).22-\ (xeet mrk) rr
- A few day€ after Boi Delanyr8 departtne sprlni fron V111snova unir€rsity for Dubun, an agen! fllod EroadFay tr.led to get 1n touch {iih hln. It show. baeeal o! the llfe ol ihe late l,!ayor. Flore:tlo Iscuardla, elit start thls fal1. rEere are pa!t6 ior four genulne I?l€hasn. rhey rant Bon to i.y out ror ore of then..Delany plans to rglu-ro ln late Ausust to flnlsh hls atudl€s. l,lh11e he comlloted hts cIaBElooD nor'k last year rith aood srade6, be fallsd to rinl6h hls thesl8..As of rror Bon iioesn't plan oa rurnlng lDd.oors Dext xlnter, He rants to speaal as tire as posslble on 'iuch clnd€Ps to louEheD hlaseu uD fo! the !!g metels-lr the 1960 oiynplcs ltr Bom€.. Assl8tant V1l1al1ova tlaek coaoh, J1m luppe4y rcports thst Ronrs sMer tralntng has been hanp€red soD6shat by achllles tendon lroubre..Fomsr St. Josephrs Co}leee halfnller, Ed l,lather, Dol{ r€presentlns Shaaaiban CCr has novetl from Bordetriom, (N"J.) l4lliisry Acade$y to cape uay (N.J.) tt.s.. EtL wli1 tesch E!g11sh ard coach lrack at the shore resort.., BAA dlatanco rull}ler, Tony Sallelza is atlenrliug school tblE s'mer at oberlin. Ohlo... Successful itistence rl:ser! should soo4 b6 appearlng or tlr€ road llurmlng 3ce4e from the xlchlga! area atue to the pronotlon and ercouragenent ot dlst5C2&-_E!9-C!-C
ance runnlng by the fl1ch1ea:r Boad Bun]1ers Ctub. A cobBltte€ has p.opcsed a lide constiiutlon to guiite rhe oreanlzaLlon tD future erdeavo.!.. s'halor bhalaai, fomerly of lsrae1 & now a rerldent ol New York City has suffered from alnost ubellevibl€ ianillcaps tn hlE runnins career, Ee had shlapnel in one 1eg, had beer affllctea oy tuberculosi6. had 6uffered fron storacir infections,aDd he 1s blird ln ore eye. Yelt he ran 1n tho 15e a!r1 tt9 BAA l,larabhons. sls i*Io!0ttable spirii is typlcat of the mea yho Ao in for this grueUinA but
cfa6sic event." 1! F,ritain, fo! exanple, Oqnis 6rcnmM, a 30-yea.o1d Ir: dhnaE /h. :s only 5 f!. ll lns, t411, has olexc,rnre such settracks as belrg in a collls1or $1ih a car' 1! a rece a!4 a seriou! teadon injur'.y to trecone ax ouislder lor Eone otlrpic 6e1ectio4, ". lolarldrs nltunderteanh hes net defeat only orce elBce August 1955. Thev won 16 inte.mtlobal eatches,IosL but on- - againsL Lh- l_rSA.
!ii€! a4lrff
eacvE i4,i{r,E tl$-4lcaP csrdd c&@, C41ltoftda Seday, JiEo t6, 1959
stari lat
aLo!.?, but nor;
noan Rlill
!,r,1 iL! ::d5b cr ilaii of necbc n1&ii,os li::j:,5c.on1. co.:. 30 oJ .J1 !ia!i3.3 floi*d.
:.+e, -o!br-c!-"{|d!! 1";chn Dtsiyr Mttached ,.,,," 1r1rl0 2. Joela.eti, uat, jl, Peter B, fiudl., so,""!,.,.!" Ca1tf" itrlder. 4. iobe?t Corc, C!1ver City 14 . . " " 5. fr&kneP6d4, eat . . r t, .,. 6. ililLid X. Pasley, aulaer CitI -4C . ?. dario t!a!ie, !:si LE o]-qaie3 . " L Vicior Pbiaeda, 9. Kefrotlr t. gilong: CtLvlr City dC " 1C, ntllie 3ee6, d4t ,..,.,, " 12. J@s n, sSerad, ca!+i P.ndletoi . . lr. lor€ O. Joharoo!,,rai;.,. ! ,. " 14. I.. ides sebio, So. Calir, st.i:1ers. 15" loBld,{. (nox, uat .,..... . . . . L6" ltoborL,{, llil.li,tu, mai,, i?. iicheit vasquez, i3s1 LA cL@p!a!6 . 16. )ouElas C. x1M, Cdre. Cilr_ !a . . :9. tlea Reisbore, uat . . . . , . , , 20" B.nlMin lede.os, iast i"{ olrnpiet 21. i6iC. AeltEe, Bat ., ., . . . 22, I6chael {ish, nie6lde lllCil , . . . 23. Iiobert S. tliichell, @!...... 24. Cerse Eive*, cs.t, l,{ oljbpltus " " 25. Ste!. sorlin€, rat,,, .. .. 4 ir.tdpla-6 2?" Joe!" Oirsi.apj u,Bi .., ". . . 28. giE Ev&s. oader Groee Rec. !.p!.. 29i r€lfis Ae5$r uat . i . . , , . | &n Pr!!.yJ si, Dld roi tinlsh: Edrud J, l€rinson, wai.. ...
1:1i IIiCO
]-Lico e:3a
5h53 b6!12 :!l,l? ,.,r:,l 5r:)r :n.:42 :,::r4 -:.\7 :il2-4 '1:r:37 I,51 7ita2 'it.t5
6a:.rA P i9t\2 1t ! iL:',: 6-!i r:: :ttJ:?.2 a.li2 .,4.), ."3 55'q4 a l3r1't 27 t9iL,j 9 52.71 3 :;5:J6 t t3152 17
5t:a5 ? 12.05 (-!.o5 25 'i2r'j3 €1:;3 tt '12,37 ,9tfi 10 73:c4 i,r'.tE 1d i3.ab lir:;6 a 13223 iii?8 22 'i!.')t+ aa:arr 16 '!3.1't 3':.t J0 7t:3e tJ6.la 23 15.4\ 6'J:aL 2A 751!9 6 iri9 26 '15,'.4 62124 15 13:V. 69t\2 2e 30: i'r' 1:,:l'! a9 39:14 lr+ 20 Z9.U 61+tU! 21 :
oregcr, .DlJ'r - ofesc:: Ar. _.a C:.a J:F lrer.te. the \"a' ct€rpr;o a.o \i r{!rr !b.p r.. thr , -... r. Le e41:pFed . .-: -rar ar": A.i !-, , -ra-: ,tcjt.or- ly.J. .: 1, .,! Dy Irqe.v- . ii Lh: fl-e. .,.-. t(6-? i. : ._r.c$a c abd Cre]:e ker..o!..e.-t :o ^rel_d'r ,. r. 6. 6(a he:t o"ei 1.liisfat. by Or-gon'E 1€o_g- .*-"(n, Bur_e"on r. - :no r6ai s" f .-1, :hp.thrrd 1aD, btl i:relre nog6u pa6c h:d h':' abolt rJL'.. y"rds -o Ao. Burlesob Bas tleeit in rr:O?.2. 5000n. chamDj.,'r, Bill DeI:Irger. -a.*irly ot O.ego) ,fl qtrtr,:ns -AAUIthe tor Air r{o .rr.,Ei.:aL refu:ee r€s:]o_:aborj _: 9: . .,. rt6. - :. ni_a ry :-aii,u :_.: t LJrt;, ()t j t/t!". 2, terry OrlBrten, 62, ?+i) EueeDe.
lnl&ad ftAck
ed Fi.td l3soclaltd o! se B.lnd.dlIo
srl!@r Cross-Coutty xee{,s
a_-U*. ,,*. ar. ." ,1
dls{ts 0hivereiiyr 2 Et16e
. . 10:44.1 1. Chd&s r. Beel6, So. Califl strid€ro ' . . ", . 10153 2. lsry 1{sd, uei (Itedlands u) Clfy {C . . ' l. .Lc\a€I l. AUon, Cut'€/ 4. rd lauchioD, ssl (C1d@!i-heie/ xldd ool,1eEesJ u' 59 12?1,3 5. r!,ser rard, u.L . . . . 12:lli 6. chEr163 ,t. shortr @t , qaLley CoLrese) ?. Ray Derf,h, uai, (ss sonur.dino B. .r*ry Be@, uat 9, Buebee, asi !gSge{._lo:L,!L
Mdutaln arsa,
Bemadino, 3 ni166
(charl€s :1. B€@n, so. caiit. strid6!3 . " ' . . . . 1. Ed iauehion, 6t 2. nicha.d Vasqlez, East to6 Aneele$ O].wpians . B€@: marJ . . , . , l. JeFy {. /harlee J. thorl, re!. 5. John Disiy last Ls Ar€elss olrBlids " . . ' 4. Joi- 3squiv.,1 tu., East tts ingel€e OLqpi&i ?, tuvo Gatch, qct (iedlens dtgh schooll . . '
. . . .
15r 10)
tTto'1 1?:15
' ' L4.12 " .. 19:05 2I.!1 '
sieve she.mr, ]Et (Redl:nds ilen sch.oll Joe xoor€! u@i tYtc&ipa) Tt&nA a!3o i3 sta3ine 11l-Coners ]ieets on liidat €Y€aiigs, at ariou: b.at:ois in Ss aoriadino, RiverriC. a.d i6i11e&. .ruLy IC. 2-niie !s a." s{ 3e4ddino va116r collese 9,4\.2 1. cbsl e. H. !e€@, so. aeli!. Stliders -, 7 lauBhL.n, rnal L0t5)'7 ' ' .,.." I2:ra l. B1M;c-ab., [6i L2'53 4. Blll zel6., ulai '
lighinilg, flashed, rain poured do{rx in bucket fu1]s" lt 'ras a blzarte, of lhls d.matic aliod to one of the ereatest A$erlcan sports spectacles o. aqy othe! year- the r'etu.n atual track and field neei beiweea the UsA and Bussia,,Thefe fer rE6cheduled lauAh8 to rouit out the bie {eek end. T?re harlied P,! arource. supptted on€ of the btgeesl 1a!e Surday {t-.n he hqulreil over a live nika,, 'rhere the he11rs the r€lay liBeup?".. Tbe"e re.e coeedy overtones to ibe Anet'1can6r olflaial otftrack 'urdfoms,' too. lhey qore loud bttle and !&iteiIstrlFeil blazeradoubt lf Ir11 the khits that oay hsve h€lped to kl1l rauarevll1e.. 6ve! Rear that aeair1,i ssld U.s. coach !!adr Polts' shortly nefo.e €nplaning fo.'hls Coloraalo home. "Irn afraid if t sear that Uaze. oD the street theyrfl take 6e to the hospital tor a checkup.' .. ltle rnost lnplessive sisirt in ihe workouts ai Franklin Fleld was the 61eht ot l4lckey Mcl€ush1in, 5-5 Peu trarner, sivhg naFsage to Russian faiLy shoL-DuL-€! lanala P.€ss. "Looked 1llie llill'- Shoe@Ier trJ lr-a to.l:ab lhe qr6h-rcEon ltlonEe!!..Bil I De11jr€Er and:'q Stieglirz isLahed t\' 1o,Oorjm mes p3ss out. Perhaps it was a psychologlcdl barrle!..It Ra3 a nee! {ith a jlttle b1t of ev€rything.
i! lir r,.: s.ltiFr Fa.ijic tre^- . .r a, ,.ar{io,, .. r S&r s6r.i br ta . r'..- 54:4a :Isrr:c4 rsrDc-j!.or Csieta, C.lrlo$le - satu{dax, Jrrl.l: 4J tt5?
Se@e Nautl.. l5-kllober-e
l..ps oobd the c€e!6 o? Un1i4!.!t9 rf Cetifoqdz ai S&r4 Ba?bds tn. Ii.tori_ {&r:f, eia!;"ina,"1ie ot 1i:i5 a.n. flr.r ruFjiA !r inre€ . -a!5 Lhat 3a! ofl, -ed t. ritr.r:cl,, tuFr.1-.f Lr t.-o." rr" rtu.v tr.eh. .l.ee,. . :ee.a Na..-,s r.FbF:rsrerr.Ji.,.., L6o 6€-cr .t .r 1!,\ Tro
!:{9r..9i5r!!i 1. lhonao l', Bqr Crlvet c!i:! !.a , . . 2" P"ohed aoneJ Cdrer c:.!y,lC . . . . l, $11114 t. ?asl.:r, lliv6r ci,t jlc 4, til-li&1 sesen, ui:r:tacted .. !. . 5. laee1c n. Co.6!i!s, s5r rioad-qD.:rs 6. rr!.i !;drA, !.sr- i,!. ,:ri,,qri&s . . ,
i. liicirdln I'aiiez, a::t nL 0trq:i..iars . a. Jobn risti, l!a:r Li 0\nr1&r: . , " f. ile-i ! 1-, t rr L\ llyD_itus . In" i.r -dr.-., U -Yr' Crrl i . , ." .r,1. l5..hae- e. ,1ilea, Cufrer CitX !! . " 12. iicna.i 0. li.hz.:e iilrr. arcw, lJlst t: A:rF neseae 13. lenjalii ia ercsr lJFt !,{ oLynliars ]]}!sic 1!. lie.J Cr1ft! oity AC . . ri{\ fi.-..irelle tDea,Iast tu oltuda.s 16. i.hn iquivet Jr.,6sr Lq olqrriare 1?, (etreih D. iitrong, CDl*r cllt IC . 16. fiicMe1 (irh, Iilaerside 1ltCA . . . . f9" Ear.y r. {'rat\, urattached . . . , , 20, ]1icirael A. 3!€pie.i, uatilched , . rid not fidsh: Palmond c. Celi.€roz, llr oltuFiss.
:3* I::!b r'-_ 2-45t35
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Flsiolical sketch of n:mere _-- r"u; - lro:jro, "dr ro,r d irj.ia-1h.....,,:a.o dn. r rr r, -- _ rr.a.: ..e 1o.a Rol -1 .r 5.., .....,....0.o ,Lv: Ci:t . -.. _t .-..'.*- :i \.) R)D.-L 0-e:....... ..)1:q, .rtl.. .:. .\ _l i956 &oes i:. !lye..,....!9:25 9& iernaao !aits:. lnad-iiee.s 15 1959 Thods c. i;/ar,-....,+t::6 crtye. Citr ,rC 2:, ;ss: iA ol.i,pians l; Lohdor, ,LrJ r-.o.,r'. :Ltjor. _,, ro4 Ldb Ba -. 1. ,.. _) .:.- .t1rn:o.sh,o
:::1"-i:,':i:l' "";: l-t'rl:.;':il,';;,:; _;:"3: ;';;',;;l;"ti:i"ijii:",i3!.11,"-l"j;..).' ;-:j;.-i.r."r i;:";:':if:.';;;j;; ;;;;".:;:;';; vin-land, t...i Ir r.u5 j.r-r'_o. ch'cagi. .-..i-.r:.,. -;-j. D;;:";;:";: i;:".; kll"iElil .iii:.'li; ;;l'i*;i,i:;."1: :i"";"1;';j;1,.":Jit,::lir;":'-"1."i.
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5E -
A$mlcA 3-r' lery:i lierchant snd Jack ticKinney _ny ioy Io'l krrcF l1os lar ihe Bussiar:s ;unp! hox taEt Lhev roa, hos hrth !he.q lcEp adl bo| fa. ibey throv, l,16ybe, ior a cbenae oi pace, you wonf.1 be hte.este4 in how th€y tbirkr feel and r€acrr a3 peopl_e. r,,le qerer and tlEl:r6 ,hy we huddl?d siti _Dlo€d Jtup slar isor-Ter-qvanesra.r .6:.anil pulttr BTJsSIANS
!:t(E -
"Yau don't lock the car?i igo! aeked l.lsrchet Fhe! {e a.rlved at Herchet a6keal hIe. lgor s;I.ueged.,'rn Bussia, tlo,' nrJ he satd, 'Ie frl,h6.rs cdf co6: 4c,000 lr&tes ($1o,ooo). Eon nuch
*a6 yourst!! "Ab.,1t $?,500,i trerchart arcseled. Igor loolred ai hin I1ke a kid wou1d,
or I coepeaio!! who l€ft hiE jotlipoj) or i:ira p:.aygrolrad benci. 5l_,1 \'4. an 0ue6nyar a.d !lcr.14natr .o cer lqro rn o. gueded thenr iro forgei the prescflbea Caie fini. ri:eutlrf, t,. li.:r,"i: .:,i: toux io bhe Braidywlne liusic Ciicrs a rh.-. Destefaao, "Eussia;r *rir., coma rith us io Johnrs. Iiussi& sin6aii, Snti,rrii, tl?i:i:apin, Sobiaoffj le6!'larova- sli tixe Johi:Js, 1! .ase you d!d!r! knor, 1s iirc lietor Csl€" 13ii and Dickinso. great, 'roices, l'1rLl out a ilti:le Stree! 1;i. Souih thiladeipbi3, whele iretrune4tal slutt bX Factnaoiaor_f Ll,e nqop!-'s !o e-a.. ..n . r.1. .he18e of -d6.e, 1i:ir L i. ruod ouslc, aid rela-. the tno Sovi:i Atiientarl athtetec ij 1lke ihe classi6 nu!ic,'! sala ihe 1tsiere.1 tc tntrra Sobhoii sin€1lg elantJ Orrsepyan: through our interpreter, tenskirs Air i.oE E\igene Onegin, Jacii ltcoyoofljian, tle l-m@ian- !.ncrCbeliapin caresslng lhe ?erstan 1c64 grcc.r fr.d l?th and Spriq Garden. roee so!.q alrd the Soviet y Choms "Igor, he ilkes th- ifi]-clessic-lh- lazz, belloring ou! Across the '{" Steppes" al1d rcyhe the r!ock'nr.o11,n They !'era stalting rD foel at ;eso. ldor, {ho sDeaks a liitle English, gave tire tso Eussiah opd,.:.er lhbathletes hln a i:rly iool and s:id. n]'e'rs go. res+ o" ih6 -Bb!J Si:rc€ they anrlved here, tr.e two-ii/e Eine. The se;s1on was siarti:la'!o tha ot!-r Eu63i,r13- r1av.. been jrrrfed ^. -i:ofr to seleci nories" iv stuclos. his- ii"i"t"' '"i,r'iii'i."" ;;^a6;;;;;i";r'; ;s ,.oric :ii, ..". vi"ti.'."i-ir',-r-;;;;';: i;;;;"":;";;;; 'r;;;;.,""t " things Ilhe oh.lt. I really knou sborit 1r€ of Cino Becchi 6iigi{g "I1 Anerica are phai lrve seen cn telev:sion Strado de1 Boscor anil fo. that the f1o{er eendo. blr.st into €oE€, off re tsent. llerchant atrd lgor i. the Afier the recltal, Arfland p13yed Cosetie, Mcliiney and Vartan ln Jack the zanps oeeriure & the llower Kooyoomlis'e Desoto, rooyoonjim's vendor seized and Itallan bread stlik bieoe, ?€tty cholakian, 24, and nephe(! and beean ta conduci ar imagimry Marin Cholakian, w€re also in ihe entoEaee. orchestla. It Broad airi Lorbard St6.r ihere was a '!er8 been here fo. 25 yeafs,., sonedisfurbance on the soui,h--est co:ner. orc fold the euests, 'ahd he hasnrt IAor siuck his leaar athl-.tlc neck.ut chalged the routine of iris yet.i of the Corveite and recogltzed imediai, "The lray he's going,n qartan obserr. tll ihat se were lasshg rhroush a neigh- ed, "he night drop dead here tonltet' boihood loreiFn to the stald i-arHt.k Eotdl. Artand De Stefano shook hlE heait trAhr the lle8roesir he bubtiled-then tur.n- in repioach. ,Domenlco glves us a r:. ilerchant, slightly suspiciously: 1ot ol laughs,i he said: ibut he ing trIou :Like tbe {e8!'oes?n 1rut hls sons ihrough college tllis fiy.clEni grihed and replied: !'Su.e I raJ." ." then irhe tlanslatioD was wen'u to schooi ylth then, play€d spolts reldXed lro Ovsepyan, he noilded ia wiih then and cui up trith ihe,1]. lle gei new-iourd r€spect, iDooenlco is a alon€ fine. Sone people donrt, but tiar:'s eood man,n h€ saiil. "A real mn." their loss.i' Ieo.rcood sniled l€Dpl]], After a leE no.e leeords we.e nle6,n he nodded. pecple. Cood wiih played, Igor a:}d Valta, passed a jokes. thcooo {]th L\" s-ors. Happj fe* urdeclpherable connelis anoig people to be wlth.n ihemselves. But good old Jack (ooyVartaa, {ho still hadnrt coEe out of the oonjiejt $as on hand tc help the €ioical shefl that is characterlstic of Yab]<e,:s oui", ',They are {onf,eltng bie nen elerywhere, saw sane sileet wh:i thls Dtace is ;o rrtaib dnd mE scan-. C. rn.Ie I s eyes r-al-:ed.u-I iire the lancJ p-aces uplohr,i "he lous:tJ, '.'srll- n-snrf eJre enoueh of iooyoonrjaa eiDla ned. "TI^-. _,abre are hi8 grols.. o ask del i'are qresLioru. ,".sritu,ed br rhe c!ec^e. . 13oh
h. hor Elotit PattersoE?. 'Sure,' g?1lrEeal ttre ratter.. .Bs Jus! lost h1s title to Inaena! Johaftson.' Bartenalsr !ra* Kozar. a Euffar1ar by blrth, atulttsd he levar hear\n of Parry OrBrlea but h€ guessgil h€ 01ght be a slnger. A custon€r, s€leot€d at raldoD, lilentlflett OrB.ler as a norie actor qt bo !,zew nho JohaaEsor ter-orcr€aya.n ald OveepFn were vlslbly .hakon. "But lD Armenls, r Ovsept-aa X,!€l,esteit, "even th€ Uttle boys know nno lar}y O' !'hea, at la8i! it card€ iloe to go, Vartar nade us all feel sood lnside oomoeDtlEe. rThis by la not the Vnlt€d states as I erpecied it. Tllis ls a d.ee iforld. Everyore tBs the free splr'it. t{an to oaa, trlenal to to honor nou this *?y, '1 hope too, nhea you oooe to my colDtry.' so who cares how lar they lu&r) 'Does
Ierchart b€ae€il tlke tb€ Volce of Arerj.ca. .1e11 theE,. h€ !a1.1_ 'Ehl6 1s ihele people get togebbe! bo elJoy lneeaeJves, aad not to laDres! esct other. H€r;, rh€y preseF; th; ;i sphsFe of tbe flleDally Ira1lan btsttu. rne rlne ald rtre arelc ar6 |rnet oounl." perked up at rhe rol.il, Itstta!. -ov8epran loo{Ilg over ai orlnneyr h€ sard, iAh, lrers Itallatrr yss?' "No,r sald flerobaDt. .ucElDnoy 1s Jdsh.. aure,r sa1d. Igon, the othe. Busslan. -'411, 'Ee dri!-k6 n€11- " rrercha!r ileclareil cotrfldsntly, _'tloKiEey,r -16, the $challenged olyeprc chaEplon "Good,r bemed vartar, .Bs 16 salo uooried, llke xe Arl[str1aDs. Te1l |{cK1rl!6y, xbeE I ao flDl8hed rllh Ehe athLetlo thln€6, I rill chatlense hlli as a drtDl<lr€ @n. The! o alE11 soe who 1s 01yDp1c chanplotr" r ue?chant quloklr dlveriett Lhe toDlc back to lhe accepEed foms of conieEltior. oveeplaatr, he lesl.'icd, is a 26_yeai,_old, ul@rlied phtsJ.:: culLure teaaher. !1_ though he'e huge esn, standlDe d_? & Belchlag 215- pour:ds, rh€ Busstan shot putiCr ad-niLled he tlldlr t, cone by hls wer]-propor.LioDed phyetque by hanl -16r!_ tDg. a :ew 6ood tosses of the ehot put and. dlseus consiiiute e rcrkour for_hio and! :r-:illr€ dany .An€rtcar1 weight ee!, l- !i,Ls the bar bel1s only oacaslo..rl* "rour chaopton, r;r;v o,sii."-i"-Jlii!' qelghL-tifter alil he trajns harder the adyone, " ovsepyan volr&teereit. ,!ut. of cou.rse, he ls well pald on bts Job and n€ rura much rrbF to tra1n. 0181164 &tL Bafer Jobnso:1 are yor biA sDorts heroes here. I e onry a tty;icat cul_ lui€ lnstncto! iD Bussla anit (heD I cone rr€re it is a sacrlfice. I reoe,v€ c-.1y expenseE. i leaped ar thls opporLulty. --uerchanb he .o.&.ien,. totd rbe t$o Eisstdr-' rpork8 as a baak clerk lD Catrfornid. rrla not a l1i,gh pay-lg lob, but de can -€r our ar rhr.ee in the afler'loon tu .ractlce. Fe rcnr! bs here tmtil !h€ Jay-befor€ tbe oeet probablJ because ne doesn'i cet to lose a reek's pay.. The Eusslaas rerg insrEdutous. s-6 ucKlruey butted 1n ro calt uD its Vlcbor Caf€ brddies, -h, Bllefs ald r rl'rho ls Pany o-Briea?i h€ asked Joe ?€arce, aD Irlsh-,lnerican ralte! frou NorLh Phlladelphj a, Pes.ce r€slonded wlth a blaDx 1ook. YOtrR SUBSCRIPTToH ExPlRCa --* wlTt-l THIS ISSUE
A p.oposeat Europe vs. VSA T&F Eeet n1ll probably be held. in thi6 cortry or ln Euiope in 1962: The ldea has Eet rdth ih€ approv:
al of nost of the coutries irvolvetl. Tl i5 unllkely tlEt the USA could hope to defe€t the be6r athletes of Eu:'ope ln a dul
neet, but the collpetiiloa $ould be th6 besi ever seen outside of the oty[pic canes. Us offtctalE at€o plan to hotd the Scarduavlan couiiirlos vs. * rhl€ colatry in 1e61 N: rg3:: The Udtsd States ol,Tpta ConDittee ne€tlng in the {at,xlok Hotel, ?h1ladelphia, louowing the OSA-US6B neet, selected stadord unlversity at ?alo A1to, calit'orYa1a, as ihe site of the 1960 olynplc track and fle1d. Ttre co olttee, headed by lte presialeri, (eIr]1eih L, (Tus) I{llsor, sald the tryouts would be th6 Frlday artl SaturdEy foUowir€ the NcM(Berkeley) aDat the Natrl. AA! (Bakersfleldl sore tloe lD Jure.
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