
Page 1

Vol. 3

ocToBER, 1958

No. 3d

3 1-"".&".!. t('

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r-] Tyi:"38





?-:99!qb*L r9ra

.Feed j€rriq! trbratlonl _r3ti:-k:_!e._(2 l,/: -df6:)_i:t:13s_t9 gltv_qcg!:af, !e:vlc!,B: Octobe! !i, 1958

i6DiEd€ !J .t!e Nti--!oq.a?tn''fhe


glg93 I 2. 3. 4. 5. ?. 8, 9. 10. It. 1,2. 13. 14. 15. 17, lA. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35,



contestant John J. Kel I ey Robert A. Calnen Ted Co!b:. tt EIII Sntth A. sapienza



HaslIton Oly. Club

2.20 " 53.6

2.30.2t 2.33.35

2.34.II. 2.36 .42

J. Booras D. Pi ste^ea Jose Dones R. Pa.la! d J. Latlelty J. Botden A. Scandulra G. S.o tto

2.42.\9 2.4 3. l5 2.45.04 2.46. L \

Glynn ll{oo d uon ray J. Dl Conand.te

. O'Hara tet Su tto Jobn ConBay J, Couctll J!. K. E. luue I I' e. R. Do.ohue R. J. Blgelo! U, w. ulphy S. G, Smith Eall Fost6! C, Kotteako s C. R i 6h€y l . P. taLy A. F. A.nis J. Kel I e! E. Medaq! ia P,l, Sntth John Da !y

2.46.55 2.49.35 Soston A,4, "B " st. Anthony B.c, St. ADthoay B. C.

Etectrlc Boat A. c.


2,tr6.32 2,56.a7 3. O3,0 3

3.04.2I 3.05.0


3.06.30 3.08.29 3.09.28

St. Arthony


St. St. St.

B. C.


Anthony B.C.



3.42,43 3,47,36 3.52. 36

Anthony Anthony


3. 10.20

3.14,16 3.23.58

3. 34,50

*6rt bso w4e..roo'ooo !6opl. elorg tLe @u!6€..po11ce '0!!6r" lrto !'ce sot uld€rrav !oc.i alit 58 .tstt€t shoved up r€al '!!!!s! thalj tbe aqreed coDpetltols lriz€e the p1@ut dooFe <ratr.All 55 a.i4 6 s ai loloz A




- ? - I0 -6-8 3 -14-15 ll - 12 - l3 2






l9 l9 .t2 36

as he i5! Ealt_vav m!. tl!6 tlesi 4€t. Eel1stt. tloDht appoaled tear prl'es ird.1tldlal YtD.ts 1nc1ud6d 1. I(ellet' 2. Sapi6za, 3' carllE"Salf-vat Z. 3AA {Bn TeaEr (Scotto' Gree!! t. r. gu nAn t@; (Keuerr aapt@ & Islfeft) "*t ci"s" ti xeriev tor 13 nir€s' at 20 Eltes 1t tas lt€I1ev! sapienza r.*.j.e"nr*.t"v.u leallv rw:o ra". o"ot o* coe! to @atrrc! &olns Bob ca!@) dd sEith' T€d colbittav' tloa ud be dtd lust that todav' B€r1eY i.t a*.. tb€ laco ,t .ii-l-. liti-ti*i 1;sa4 lrleEl Ev6!y a3!€ct ot tnts !ac6 llm vlth p!.cislon.. sanquet rorlottns th6 !ace.

!!5T INAI R ACI ilalrrl cJe€k. ailiforiia, Sc1't, :lrrt, (r:,r5 .i.!,) 1! starte.l, i3 iiri:h.-:i r. !ill r.1.igar, 'r!atr. frri/1 B.rr!i1l-ij !tat. l9:2: :i. i. n-.- :r1 : i:

ui ir: .!. .f 2C ni1e . f.r,."alion.c runri,.f in ba.€ leel ii,,.i:.ri aa.. ,i lt-ii1es .'is thls ilr ir!sror .: do ya! irj !:.f--i.e! or i.,rt-

,f 11.., nrr,'1r, r. :r:rr.i I r'1 r.;.Lct: firr:

]r'.r t:. i1l :-'i.n +iti.r I rj ti!, I :r.1ii €i.lt.j/<,ir ): .-rti l{rir.


r: .:|iirr.

irasg' Ir r:i:i. Ir int f..tar., in.,: rr! sti li':. r'r:.



. ;..:,i: ilri: 1 ,,.r r r :rj.l r::!

h: ..)r,:ll!i

.:- Fit r,ril rj!:!oi:. j..-].:5.ij.!o;l].i]t. 5. irur t Ii..:r,



r. 2. 3 , 5, 6, t, 3, 9.

Er.{ning Jack Barry, Je

nc, 53:59

Shanahan CC,54:14 sse Btrrde 1le , Penn Ac, 54:37

Bost.n,aI. s6:37 Bob Chanbers, ShanalanCc 60:13 stan rindncr, ??nn Ac, 60:30 r-arry D€1a.€y, shan. ca,60:46 L€on Dr€her, Shanahan cc 60:50 Toi Osler Shr!aIar CC 62:24

fii.-;fi-t;ar-" n- sn-n .rc , T;,


lri on tr c r!b! wni.h .1. nter 1o all as:o.iatlon

?th INNTJAT i{!o)nrnY, r,..1, r0-il11! vARATToN r sat.j Sert. 2t (11 A.x.) ]]ot & !ery hniid! troFhi.s & tt. bais. AC-1-,1-5=! !ts; 2, Shanahan


:]1.Iq h:]il ";e rTes .rr gra.n '1. rli, t !.rri .f rr .erri ls , !ni.:, 'r Prlzis vart, In the .r.ii.r :r.npi.nshtr a!eils, b r . !i z ' i r d a 1 l i . a is A{aei !h€ ft.sr th.e. pia.: Aert€rsj z.d ir the t-":ni €aents

rr1! t. ti.:r (exne!1.L ni.rrnan tlS, 9:)rl 3. \ft Hrin.nnnn, rral, rr:21 9. ?i,i {eily, lrat, ,;2i ln. iirrry r;ca1:rr, !rit,!:35






ain vary in restec! to th€ linarces of +h€ tronottnS c1ub. these are g€neraltt c!!s wnlch are Tal!€d at no nofe tia! 5 tolnds for the wtnner , 3 !6!nds for se co!d fo! 3rd. rnd 1 pound,t0 shIlli!gs F.st€sl the Pr{ze wo!1d be aro!r6 wo!1d vork ost t.r ab6{t$4o to E45). who sFo n sot s The oten races at€ sFo!sored ny a c1ub. (Aio{t tso open events

Unat {s tne stze of tn€ nYerage

.f t1le narathon? rh€ slze of a r.,-na!!thon fl€1d would be ab.!t 1CO entrant6 blt IISTANCn RON.XING rli AUSTRAT-rA (1N?!RV1!r{ ldrTr the scratchlngs could NelI brl!g thr field d6wn io 70. AX AIJSTRAIIAN FOAIT RUNNNN) a. ridw nary c1!bs are theie {r yo!r N.!toen. li, S. N.. lusLrriia 2 Se Ft. s3 The atrrber of clutrs in th€ stat. Q. What is yo!r nan€ and address? wo!1d be a!proxtnatelt 20, 10 of A. I an Sfan ?jsani, 117 Chlr.h St,, N.s.{. uhich a!e ir the city aiea of Q. 1s there a branch of the load R!!rers c1!b in A!stialia? A. ln N.s.W. rher€ is no nRc, trrat is a c1!b Q. Is wate! o. other i€freshn€nts that caters to r.ad running on1!. r{ost clubs proalded in races of 3 to 15 progrannes aie nade !p of one satuiday road, nile s dn hot days? t1'. next x-co!dtry. Ir victoria they have a A- No $ater or any assistence ,{aratno! clrb tnat rolds long runs on the narath.n drsltani. a

(rlar risani -int€rviei{) Q. Aro a]:l .re som: tnaltr.ned:l q.

,1, O. l. il.


roaLl n€n havitrg uor !t€ Itidlati!r a!o!t ten tines.n:l a15o tne

llerr€ do^ thr ind. t: ii tlte l5 si1. .\en1 tiies, trr i a t.:1), A11 rlnners are nenldrs oI c:ltrs; o!i s!1p.n thes€ h^s !-"-"r br.ken ati no rnatta.IicC runnere. it.i. lrt an.tncr .lul:, TIrjs if. lone t: i '1]ry ,io J'or .rn iong 'iistan.cr do s.n.ihlng abcrt ! I I r:: ir rong q It uit.h ilis't.r.eli a!. r'dtt6lrl 1ie.1 tlat it i: orlr tn tl-. l..E ahanrir.ci lis Iie 1d:. ores that t cr stloi,e gettina .n in \. alianl,ion:i,1?. ar. I .atc J :tt1e loang€r,,.r, trats has a in:i. e aross-..:rtri t{t1a-opri lnal !1r f.ei that a1:L the traint.g i. r!ar:.s i!ra1 nar. ro:1Lrisl..d rrr:t. be dcn€ t. b!coae a disr.n.. ix the;ifst titl€i tr lie -:&a r.r is rot tro.th it, .naitir,rsll!. ir i,-rsrl a:r.ri.u ran. t l. € . c . rr I a : i o r ! nr : .itsn1 i:: r:!ice .1 1: flti. cliai!, r:ir-:et ot Ioir. r jmrrsr ;.onshrrs nr iirsi .selce iu 1a,ri.. )tri1. c rr a . I i r I s t I I r . 1 i-r cl!i.r i ro.,::,1 .i 1,i ne.a.rr.,I rry rrast f€ars. r.:li.rs, :1 rrnI a]1::i, ! co!r:.i1 rt.i),10 1.::ers ar!a3s ao!1tr: ir::aat: I !n!csitn. I l'aiatrr, 'r:rf1:.j r,.'Ilre 1r".!: Ci:1ri! Inr-!nir, l i irr rir€:. '5 I,r t1. rr.1i {.lh!l.nsn:L!. : riat.r r.r1ra.i., I Irjr.rrir-r:1ra.nr. t1::r. inin ilh:.ni:i.rsh l ii. r. nosr ol r.!r :Lfn..s t) xiJr !i ih thi s rlir r.vic! r.coi.1 tr lirli :. )'i. '' .c? r/ Alh'j/ !irn"j, :l :5i. i19,i.r.) r,lar2ahrr rr..rd: ].e1':l 01re:.rs35e lhat is the age r:Lnse .rd th. av.r:t. .a rh: rrnners i5 fitl.: Ai l-aur.!rce: t:16,1:. rgc iloulr t)€ aLrori :lC-.15 .!ears. i.r ti1.: t.re ?ower: .19:53, l1.r narr l0,{-rlnrt. i-.r Al tawrcn.e: :i2;10 (rni:.o!rs. r2r 1€ s each !eu ln races ar., run ir a y.^!. liJhe, Coes thc ra.1ns season b.git anl _,lj,q-L_]___,_ ia.es contitu€ in th. tirt.r? DlaESOri !{ t tis aANArraN r5-tlrrnr starts tLe I rst sat!rdzy 1x '. r - l I u a.r'r "i, (oui winter seaso!), Lat€1r o!A rin+pr i3t,, sett, 20. loronro, ont. !etrEied his crt dars are sonettnes near the 70 .a.i. S. time of last year ny orer 2 f,lns. Ne loot fo! the cold dats: as hr .r!t{red tn€ 6*]r Arn!a1 conn€nces tn octoler and ends in F€br!arl. xhtlr E€g1ev tr€nortal 15 n11€ What i," betng done to tnp!ove long dlstroad iace i& t hr. 20 n1tr, 0.1 arc€ r!nrtqg and road running in yo!r state?

of clrns.r

tean tltle.

Tn. {€atner was tdeal for r!nntng Ntth the tenper at!re 1n tne ntd-sixtles ard a s1{\a c of y ltrb i. .orl. ght breeze blowlng. Colours: Red & G!een..'I'e have regular offlcri.e b, -!id.1L-,10r: -rs: p,-stdFnt,lr; John Chu! ch, runrlnA for the sponsorttrg Gladstore AC ot Secretary(1); Snnne! Secretaiy(1)--he loots be ttered cordyr s after the tracknen; hltnter secretary(1) -]1e tine of last year by 29 s€cs. 1.ots afiei the lonC dtstance nen; Handicarn€ ld in ElCn p-rs/ I,. .: A r--pe ?art and neighb.rtng streets. recordeis (2): rife ' rienbeis(6); T{o ca!tairs (track & distance); and a connltt€e of ten" Ite hold.onnittec neetings once a ncnth & t!e 1. Gordon D{.1rson, H. o. c- }2O04 2" John Church, GAc, 1:22.16 !sua1 ann!a1 neeting at uhich ve elect the rdar 3. Sd Johnston, CAC, 1.26,25 donrl '{' years 4. Blrl Snit!, toc, 1r26.47 s!onsor ary open road races. 1,Je did 5. Bob Euchanan, SCY 1:30.23 ago, blt no$ loot forward to olr .1!b races ndr€ - t{i11 send . progianne of oui clrb events 6. Arie tandeine€r,HOc t:32.54 7. ?at Boyle, AAC, 1:34.11 wnich dilt sire you sone idea of ou! activiti€s. Foi y€ars South Sydrey has s!p!1ied nary 3. Geo!ge Nornan, GAC 1:34,12 9, whltey SherIdan, HOC 1:3423 Aood road rlnners and ke are notcd for aur

a. D s, rib"

tl-F organlz"r.ion

pf,d iu_.: ron o,

ir!1,rrtiri.. ?:.19:tt,5 a rl. Finni.r, \r.ri..! a. a,.::jogr.n. l:54..01,3 ir-frJnS.1.s) -tr rr. ii, a;:railt. ljn: V.rcarv.r. :]: j.:. 3n , ] a!iltcriio


H.rilt.r or, 1:3li 1lr, slC i:'l,1' "rr.ln. aa.rau, alla, 11. IjearJ 12. 11 'rr-11:r. ]]rnllr.n fa. 1:rl 1r. !.!r n.jnner,.!.) 1,1 . rr:d ,lr i,. toi{, cAa, 1:rr Ii, irercv Saitn. HarC, 1:5'1 i6, !:jb J...rr., siYr (:qjl€jln: lr':ra ii:r 11i.. (rll'ri. .rr!rii Gr\rj, claLlJt..e .'.,.. t !aY.

5, D.!g (i:,,,;. r'r1'._ -iry r.r. .,rljr|n]:.nli]l|:

. Y.rtn vi rl. ir , r:ira!d, i. ron J:i.lis.

r..'s Fi.nish rlcir tati: tc. :, anar. Wr1k, :i.a1tl. s.Lrt. rl- 1. IaId€r.'r

_!]1.j-_Ijj:. r{a'-",,!:!

:'lI- ]!ri-!1{L{iA-: l!lllii:rlt! ! Forsrtn,foitr€r CCNY r-c.hxrt r.., xon the R.ad,tn!n€!s'.rhrl (tr"1 x.s..inti.n) hrs f:i.st.pen ra... He lo.t:ilrrait'9..r linif ltarili.at: to {in tn. x-c.untry bI:r00 y3rds, rr.t tin. h.ni's reni 1a ret,"r Ir.ArCl., tYAc. ihe orlv in the f t: 1C. (i''.r, c ' in:'1:j;, arornc tne tw6 n1r€ lur,\.orrse) x-co!ntrr we alne.: Coo1. ';{n.i-'(p€rf€.t {et. rearhe'.) c6!rse Sept, 23 (11a.n.) Iat aortlandt Gen€






:r:1i 3i' ': 3. \. rorr fini-.i-"'s -.1 n!.i di.t r.t ij!is1l {!iri1 1'oo.r.r, saIY!. ilst..jraonetr, liIYV. a;e.- x.rinc. L. l.) haC a l:,!ifet 1un.h riliraj.{.er'! .f th. rr r krls €rj.v'rd

r€ai: i. Fai11ton 01Yr:li. a1nl_ 1-r 6.,9..10=3o a,ts,2. G:j.dstnne q!l 2-3-7-3-'.1-:ll I ts. (ld, !1!. (l:radston€ lc ls cne cf th. o1d€st adh1.1l. clubts i! a:t.adtr orgarizpd ir 191o 1. l1.n'.tc .rein athleti.-s,t'i is 1.311€n rt 1::larr i-nr. da{!e r.!.tlne, ,I.rotto. , Fr. se:rt Iifi..:s r\. ticlrd€, -lo. Ctysn?1., r'r.sid.nrj

1. cere F.rsyth, Bi!ce Tc, 2. Jaclr Myers, l]natta.ned, :-r. P€te !e!in, t'arrytov! ?c, 4, nichard OrCoarell, 11i 11r . s , Jose Don€ s. NYPC, 6. Toly i\laxs€ 11, NYAC! 7. Jo€ f,leinernan! ililrrose NY!a, 3. Caron l{it!anl, 9. Jjf, o'conre11, st,Anth. tsc 10, !d lYiri. d, 11. Ted Corbttt, NY?c, 12. Rod MacNicholl, xYlc, 13. vin k€!n! !t11rose AA, 1.1. ?et€ rlcArdle, NYAc, 15. Jer rI O'Connor, Unat. 16. N1.k Gr€co, rnax. 17, tlorton SchrLart2, trnat,




I'iALJi, rOs ANG!Lts, cALlF.

S€p+. 21, nltsian Park (q 1af' corrse) .orrd hav€ been a 1ittle 1ong.

rtGt-rILr .iL\1{)R 15 !rl,0r!r!T!R rrirar.i!loNfirr]j riILrIR a ]J!r l lll s iraTxiT0lJ)r, irAss., .iuNl!rJt ftr lJinr !. Srt., a:.F1. :7 (t:r5 r:,:,) :r ei!rl :,ane ..nrs. r," last t.rt. I ats i:l smai l l'.niins raji 311 lh. r.st fl:1). 3.- riaitirs & {ril- iro d.gr..s. rl.r.har.1ise to ih. 3n finish.rs. t. !'i:st 1ir ainisliers t,,.!lris ard 22nd p1ace, also trotnirs rilA,\r nedals, ref re:IL regrr.tior ra.e a+ i.ca1 F;re nents i.1l.ijnS in a th. firsl tii. !ad lorg nhi1., tnc tlrtl.ilants atisDl!t€1y ro r.el iot riter fr.n 1ne FjtzgerniJ," as jt i?incC harC f r.n statt to firish1, A1 corfrlone. BA,r,.l3:at 2. John A. liel1€y, !n,50:25 BAl s0:.17 ,1. Jonn taffcrtr, .r. cnas. Dtson,FAAc, 5J:56 5 . Grahan ?arne 11, 1s+-- Jln lo! crr an! 6. ni11 fiar.t, Nuc, 51:1li 2nd.Tr. USA, j1:32 .lrd Jr 3. rarry Bertrtrn, 11IT.51:4s 9. sian liernan. Nr{c j s1:j3 10. i{n. sq!ir€ s, lAA, 52:lg 11. cnnzales :.otto, 11. !ar] 0r!.onne1l, rAA, 52:51 53:15 13. ricli Pa.larLl, llAA, 53:21 1,1. Allan Sieg:1, xfic, ilrrrhy, EAA. 15 - Bill 1r, , ?axl !h lnney, NtiC. (r'ontirned n€xt Page ) rrar,l


(NraA_d 15 (il_ l{ATnRTOliX, liASS.)

r7. john DlC.nardrea, nAA, 53:5,1 is. \'i11ian iIt1.oa, NrlC, i4:2.: r!. r)or F:t', noston AA, rr::t:l

20. tin na1er, Jr. Nrc, sr::3 21_ rllk€ nigelor, E.sr.r aa! 5?:il

22. \,11.\. F:,+zeer.ld. r,vn! !-c, 53:03 23, I.n Iurio!, n.ston 1A, 6t:27 24 ?ax1 Scheli, Nl{C, a0:33 25, Frant re11:., Nrlt, 6o:s.l 26, Geoige Gr2ebien, N\lC, 61:r.2 2?. Jake Brederson, N a, 6l:r2 23. A!t Annis, r.at., 6a:29 29, Cnas, BrrC.rsoi. NirC, n?:2a lo. O, Caidr€r Sp.oner- \fla.,31:2,r \. fr11 Jtrrlor feais ca 5 ..n ea.n €ntered. -_ {INr STRTNTS - John frhe.rdrr) ti.lr:r.

" ,t'-'.3 !il. tlass.,


the C.!11sre, R.alj R?c,, .j, ." ^i s" r. rr. to-n 1 an five Iears, as l. gallcfed to ah easy vt.tory,to celelrritc nis Jlst blithdat. Ile rronFtly strared rhe.akr sith rLnn€rs and 1ri.nd.,,. .l- nn/ (trre roarrer) relr€v'! no,r llfu da!ghter-b.in S€pt.25thj 6 7n. 12 ..., naned l!1ia.,, The ohio Tractr Clrr nade tneir ftrst teal elfort in a natlonrl charrionshl! walr ( 2s r., rhila,,Pa, ) qrtte s!ccessfn11, Jacr B1'clou'-. "ho ?i;i]d E rrshr up !irh rne leaders ln a l,eai or so, ll€ starfed salkirg last s!itrg ard has really sh.qa p!oe!ess. He has a very strorg dlstance .lnniDc backgrornd (6th in 1956 OltnFi. trial 1o,0oon) w!t.h las netped nii a grear deal ard h€ ts st111 runntng nore rhan {arttrg. In Dayton tnis sriiner ne conpleted the h6st un!s!a1 double I have eve! neard of, wtrning. tO n11€ walk ln the afterroon in 1:23.31, j dv-n, dnd: ll. t B 4o:20, beloH par tin€ ! brt coniendable consid€rinA the conditions,(He had to valking snoes!)...New .oach at I'atne Vniversity tn D€trotr is !rank ficBride, lorn€r n11ei fron So!tn DaIota i.o ju.r ts".o b]. InB i1952 AAU ne€t,-,. No A s s o c I a r t o n fi o tr',-1 d be awa!ded a Nat'1 run !n1€ss they 1laye held thelr Asso.tatton oi Nar!1 !un at that distance the !iewious yea!... The t hr. !un shol1d be on the 1Ist of Nattorel ,\AU ru!s.., T11€ Ach11les c1ub, O*lanona's ltrsr AAU has.cheduled stx.rossco!nt!y neets for rhls fatl season,

i..r, fnri.ria s1:t.r 1.acL'i1l L., onlr, rrka:sa-. 1ar1 aaayJ ard ats. co.!ei. ir th. srr!. ri!]J ie€t on .,o!. tirn rt i\torrrn, akla_ 1,ora, and rne \rljorar Jf, r.:!rr,i.er I r.t.o:to r..ind ou'r ihis anbit ior! .l!n . fiist s.3son. aitciii.r.rt'



lt1s rr.rtll nolsreic. +1. sqr.d.s t zt '1 l:€rgr:ah, Jin ir.rit. air.rc !aniLls.ri. J''": e.i. I icr1.: of intti road ra.es nat L. ar..ng.1 6r lle 3=t.{r !11.: a /rl ..r r_i. tins in i!! ... .bLi_ld-']:|::,r.x

rl 1o rr!.!1r. i.r rr. iir'toir:,.:i3, ni11 is rea.Njig it 1rnrli.1d, i,,.;.. ' .Jo_. . o lard Ric erI..t t. .isn !r soln.r lal i.c!s l\I^rtir rrd !rn.. lril.h (r3.:u_6-e16/i: imrr.!ea .n th.: J,erio.rair. ot t... Idd ie !i1is rrra. ee1r, xorth ani his r1i.lpo.l .o11.as!. knocted tlre tind dorn to 42n.:3.is, th! 'ic u d ,o "4. -. tllat there Nas oriy.n. offi.iat iiiek€eL,er rltn rris rarch cr No


(r €ryt!ing

,,1aic on! and acco.!11sh. d 2 (a/9/j3) rf ich rirl tahe a lot of lenting. 1. c. ra!.1-rn.]ns, :iI. r.. s alPra, o! !ert..th. - 3 r.e surs.ribers '.8.in. tndr Bob Carnan- tittsburgh; rav. Voge1, tiYC; John It.itrno, llnn, llass, i Ai D:, b-_ Ing1er..d. c31il,; Kd irh Burgessj Harr inglon j Irelraarei Lo! N€ish1.ss, Norristowa, la. i Baxter Berrynillj Baltinor€ i riar Darena!, chicaco; " iI. ; c' ' Tat'1or, Cricago; ravid Benson, D!xb!ry, !rass,i Iroie. Larin€i, leclair€. Io$ai e!y rrhjdden, Baltinore: Robert r''on, o drto; Tonr "' n/". or!f ' T \'on -.'.'., !i \.Y.; t,-l fit..



, dv roLto.. T ulli\... ,go; sprinefi€1d, la_; tarl Fost.r, Haltfa; va,; Regis hebb. Ne!t!!e, N.J,;

i!l Nt !PnINrs - lf.ntinnc.Ll


dea.n, (ral iJ . i Jin l{earoY' Irhiladellhia; non Tasket' Ri{trey ]{oodbury, N.J... year iD addition to the one lou! r{!.

sodeti@ rretvee! A!ri1 ald Nov6bire! on tlacks (aAt district 'lberorqindt io .!n the sare day--thrt be s€nt to national RIC chanpionship

nnc viDer d€crared lrob headqErt€ra results. The lrawel; ard ihe eiddte lach oi titu of the veeh schedl t!! rould us!s11y sorve the co,Jricttns date the AAU does RRc vourd be addirs sobethine

In C€se of heavy 2! to 4€ hou! {ov€bber 2 t,.

Eisht be alloted

1rn roxe trsTlxcr


lrtx lreetern Eet1sllero its.ahon and Tle s.?,A.A.1.u. SoEior Chabpiots!1ps. crive! city' carrfordia, 8€pt. 1t' 1958 (9 of 26 liEisbed) 1. Miclael G. A1len! 2r32.fr.lri 2, Dave Rrck1a!d, Santa Clara Youth Vi]]ese.. That's Io1€I,BBR Soredtr16

,\au ro

xilo Rq,


Nov, znd S.. N.tr1' sutrdar, Nov. ?!dr 2 ?1L

to E b Eof{FEr ,1


Bload st"! Yo!k, !4. (also ilc eetiDs'

Y.rk City tralr lolrovins.ace. xxcelrelt/ sat. Nov.zr, J", Natr1, a]|u c.oss-coutrt.t valley Goli course' Detrcit, IncbisaDB. snit!' 39ro Lrv€.n10, r[ch.. sat. Now.r5- Jr. Nat'l AAU & 9!:: Lbrathor' valt€v rotse,t-

GRniT rlrTAlN

N!r,s rnori auslRAr-11

1r rrlrr N!,,r

i Ll.rtcn.i:1


no\, crl]\r.rrro\5lri!, (:tn S€pleibar 1s5!)

t{}:firc, .i1C ?esterlt (ind, {iorr!r: ritrren ro3.! of 3,1 lais (r) flus 2.0. l'1rl ,.,it1l oae nili alr.rt 2 ni1," aft1!p. .r .acr ..:r!l.t€d j:ni.i-!s: rji Sfarters: .l2i Friishrrs: lc. ih oi {in..r

in./!) -,.,.,, il.t:irr),,...

- r. ixrnii:!r, - . ,, j. r1:lrrrt1 ._,,




r1, 15, 1r, 13. I9,

I r, l_ R. tl,

ii.ddox..... li.ling.,,., rierce. ..... Cl arhe.,.,.. lorton-----.

At lolorhes

12r, TRANCn 33 (T&Ir) stadiun,


lron th. Freach p.lnt 6i vie$ thls nrst hrre seen€d a s!rzY sl1.{, ini rot only dld the heet fatl l. grcat.nt!rs1.3n r1tn tne Ful1l., r4lth sonettirg liir€ 3,0n0 nr tne larst .i.r ?n,1 .i:_c f,ii 0 .i tn. !.,-.3nd, rrl t1..r i.d! .r ir.ref€ fh!ash!rg 1! io:i hei s a:,1 rane! i 3 nat.hd s. !0oa: 1. Briarr H€{s.r, Cll- 1i17"rii :1, ai{rc Faus!n, Gll, ::!?.r,'; -'. .r. Fr r:.1o,3; r. l:. l.irir, virro.rtr ii- 1:rir-li (Ratso: l:i:l n.:it or- i,',r t.r rakE .arry pacefla*ang ior:risso! ard rnra .r:i j!sf bel6r" l!!-- !.ti iif .. r. $1n thouSh re3ilr.argjr': 11i3.n11.agae in1. in. srr.iqhi1rL f.rr a.h1€....1 terenn.i brstr,i s,ioon, 1. !ct!r c1rrt, .]A! 1::a:.3i

!i. TIstar rrrton, i|B, 14:oo.c;3, 1....rj. t. 1.4:(i3.6i .t, r. Brs.v, -

) (lloi),.,...,,1:29,1 ( 3athur st I . . i:2 e . r " (lL.sts)...,,, r::1.i! iSolths).,,,.1:32,ii (r6tl.. -. -...1::r2.2i ( R /l ) - . , , , , , . 1 : 3 3 , 1 r 20. ri- tlilter-..,., l.€gend: rilt nand{ict Iiensinp:tari llest. !re:rtcrn !ub!!bs; so{ths Sortn SIdney; not Eot:nt. - - Oldest Stait€r: F.rrliights.nJ (st_ Georse) 2.1th 1:44.12.,aee 53

Nsn sor-'TE i,iA|ns riARATrl0N cnnNPl0Nsrr!

satfiday, 27tn SeFten!er 1s53 L.. Greenfielri, So!th Sydn€t, 2:52.04; 3, l. Ha s s.11, notanv, 2, s2.5 3; 1 . sonth Sydn€y, 2:59,3.1i 5, S. Chor1to,,, RandNict/liensineton, 3:00,04;.6. J, Ward, Eotany, 3:09,05; ?. ll. An!ts, Ranc/lIers,, 3:1q.03;3. F, r{rightson, St, Georg€, 3:2S.31; D. !age, St. G.orse, 3:irS,31. T€ an race: Botany. This yearrs fjeld was the veakest to start ard m!ggt ca!sirg n21f t!e field to retir€ at 13 ntres, Tne Hin!er jogged and walked the last fo!r ni1es. The second nan ran t]1e last six niles iD very fast tine. 1t $as only his t]]ird narathon havtng dro!ped o!t of th€ otner tro. Itiost distiessed nan tas cho!1to!, tnis na! is very good,(tth lots of ratural s!eed. He nade the nlstake of solag nucb to fast in the early stages tlr e 20 rile nar!. ri' 1 y'.r lhar a ljnp I: :1 ra" ilpos.d (3:0.0or c11 F,d" tb. ri ",

1:,14t2r,a ( liarl i,ade i{s usn.t .i_icrl oi tl,: 3th 1aF and !ent a$at i. 1 :l:i yard iead {hl.n trdor c!; n.rn s1igxllt.a the last 1aP. alark,! 'l n11€ tinc vas 1_ir25r tts best t0 3.t€, and he seens ceriaj.n ar:ater +n tngs at thts l5ooi, 1. B, fieFsot, GB' 3:41.5: -.--tl{-. slaeroee , G!, 3:42,:r i 3. !t, Jazy, r,3:42,5i !. Ii, Gtllhaundn, !. :l:55.7 ( He{s.n vas content tn let Blagrore and Jazy ftght .ur rhe n"ln !art ol tne 1500n. e then ccne tnrough oYer tne last 3C yards to {1r in t]1e fas't ttne of 3:41.5, due naInlt to tlle F!enchnan!s pacenaling.) tO.0OOn, 1. Martlr EYrtan, GE' 29: 3-i:5;-:. a, Rhadt, F.30:1q.0! 3. -I.ntr ]lerrtnan! GE, 31:01.3; 4, N. Cntclet, F.31:07,3 (Wlth fierrinan obvio!s1t not at hls best' HInan s€lzed t]1€ opportunity to score ir the r0,ooo*. r qbtch h€ did tn tnDres6tve fashi6r,) 3.000r. srchase: l. D. shaw, GB, ]]-6l]3-2. -l: s.r"ours, F. e:28.2! 3. ]j. Anerr, F.9:35.6;4, Stan !1don, GB, 9:37.3 ( sraw ra! a ue11 J!ilged race, a11ow{rg soucoure t. do the early 1ead1llg and tnen ptled on tne !ace to get a{aY t. a ftne utD. hether nldon was {ts€ to tackte thls event as substttute for Gordo! ?trte, w'to bad tnJfed a leg, ts debalabl€, but he d1d hts best even tf he erovid€drr!.%l conic

repons"' rdig-Irietsce-R@rjn5 Coudi;l'€e of the Sorihlh lacific .{tlj S€.tdb.r 2'r" 1956 - l0:l-r5 e'L' i.it. 5s^ An!.do Coikrrr, llalnu'J lal:itor'ia ?..3:E!?--!rs3-a:!9m!t'-li!r o

- el starids 4L


. -auI -i



l_ - -l -!



:l;; ]::-!i::"i'i:":i:1"'';': il'l! l: liiii**ili;,'lliilll:: : : : : .;:1?iji;i';;. ... . i",i.:*" r.: r ": ..:.,;":";:-;;"' : j:., 1';";:" .:. . .j,' 1;'1"';.Ei*;.::.i,: : :: ;::i : ::".-; : .: . . l;: ",: ::ff"-"":i;:' '::: ..:: , :: j::. lt;" r):)r ;:"i;" ::::j:jl: .. : .


;, l;'j ::": :::: ;:iJ:"1:: :-:::19 : ::ilg,il::l:;;'4.: r.:, _r. nlLle cer ..e-" 5D- "....5.. ,-,::. :::.....:,;,r , l' .,i,T-,';,;'1.. t!-ie-, rr-4c.. . .. ..'--,'" 1?, l'-_-,'""':i:-; .".::"" "" . . . .. rL '"' ':: !' :; ,;. l . *i *nrii"t;:uii.i:";' "1"r""' j' : ': ' ;:: :: ::: :: "'" . l' : Iti i:1""t:t:L .:',,,::::':,::.;, 17. Jt! schdrz, 'l: lil ;r,*r* ri,ks, ... ... ... .,i y-"" ;"or3'+'rorr'o. 6a. "'+9:?' ::.:::i;jl i3: *3""i.*:ill.Sllil':: 4*";"*:';,f,,t;i; :. :,;:::' ;i"' i :' ",'1,;l l: :-;::.: :. ;-": :.i;;,, ;i'*#t':::l-:t uii::::::::::ii;tt 33: !ii: "1il. *li:: : : :;l;l: isi " ""'" 0.i "" -,.:c "i::d 3: ii*.ii'llil;Ji'il .:::-.:::;fi :.-.:t.!:tl 8. r-:-


s uai. ....

l' :1: ":-::::Ii"









?3: {11"5-.t-fl"i;#il:::::::::::::::}l:3: i;i :i::*:*i,il:u.:i':: .' :-'"r:,r,:.-., ".-..... .. .:.: n";i;,;;j::il:::l:?*: Hl',i:il,.i; i;'r' *" r"--'" r ;6: 6;"; ii";";"... ';.id'!3'r+"'r):o

. ii:l; l;.",*:i,";Il,,"lf'; ::: ..:::::; l ;i.;;;;;;i,';;".. .u...1i'r? L"' ***. sost"'".... iil ;9: S:;l;S:l; ;;;::::::::::..:13;tl ]4.,{.PeneEoge!.,s1....'''..'...,.L,:^,I.."::'::--i.";;'-_; "' ;i: l*l*1.li!i:..:: . :::,::::i:;:i'"' ; ;;:"';':; ;;;l' i;

;: *;,r";ji*:l:


:ilif ':i,,.ll;li." i calo r.'"

i;:::i;;; e' "i' ' il")ixii;"tr1';";i;i;:::: ... . iinlil*Ji,-c6,c.... -::i ::"" ?.'l " l iil ** i3:

t3:i'#'"Tl:.ffi;;i;;;:::::::r:::il:ii "r Unatt,.hcd , T lron oxt 12 lioi, So. ca1if. 1a fron UcrA 4 fron 11 state 1 fron I-ong 1f!on Chapnan







FRAliCn- Cont 1n!e d)

f.r th€ sfe.t alor s,l i,,riAhton (46.6s) & J, Satisb!rl, had tnings all th€ir orn say tbeir rr€nch r iwa 1s. a r!narar !ict.ry iJritish quartrr,(3:03.o ro r 3:17..1) {ith Sa:r-isbury lreii! at.l5,9 oler rtr€ 13sr 1.g_ rI.s.s,R,: ri..cox Jf rn, (lslh Jur.) 1. sergdi P.f,.v, 1:32.53;2. r. !-ili.,, i:11,,11i -i, 1$anorj i::.1.53; a. $ororii.tr,


1::r 6







audafest l0rri. 1. 2, S:inor, I : 17,2, BRlfrlF Ra,\0 N.ris Ra.e 'ir,. re Iere s2 s r ari;;:--l-ilitS iir.arn.s ro!gnest road inc-...rhe feather cord:tjonls t.r€ rer_r' aad! ther€ Lr€ins h.avy rain:nd thick njst rhro!grrort th€ day. T]re i^.€ 1s a sunnit and ba.r. (A !!!r t r € . . h e r o I s . o u . s e ) , 11 of 32 starters finish€d tne co!rse. t, larid Slcr.er, tsarrow.{C, 1:t6.osi :. f. Darson. an.h€srer Ar., 1:,13.s?:3, I,a+

liji-li,_-3sl 1l!r,1

e 5



::i ANNTAT SOU?nALr A.C. 1C Jl1Ln-c tOAIr itacr :at, se!ir. 13- 149 starters, 125 ftnlsh.r-q. 1, F.rnr Salvar, liin.t1..v, . !.


(ray, rir.


rJe11., i5,5ii; 5, \. naler, Hors_ i i.: J, , Tc rm: ll,\LIsOW!\ 16 Uile road ttace: 1_ aotin !cnb_ all, l{olve!hanpton, 1:2?,13.5;2. T. i{ray, Linraln. \t27.A?t 3, J. Tarrart, saltord, r:30..12; 4. ts. sha(. r1r.tv€rhanFton. :r:3t.06 nARATnON (Ads.3Orh)

Thre€-1at clrcuit in the lr{ayesbtook !arx eiea of Earting, ac.urat€1y neasured to r:r niles 140 yards_ 1, Jackie xaslan, ,rVH, :_r.l3,o: r. pon b-.t. ,ie .-. 1:r0.53; 3, Clriis Flentng_snith. norhe!nan 1: l ln qr" oo d"' 1, t:12.2?,,T@: TIll- 2s pts. 2, Irford jo. ^._ SOVTH LONDO\ HAITRIERS 3O

i\iIr! ROAI RAC! '\ ieco!d nunber of 65 startets srarted or 1n ihe closina stages of tne ra.e, 22_year_ .d i1.J- Kiitvood took ov€r fron,q.tri"" x"ir"

anl f t n i s n e d . t r o r g I I 1! trr -.rce 1ient t:ire Fr t!e dal. (ir.{s.od js a 1.2! .iIe d1,63 futrle is aery tiigtt, ]la1tenpr1c. (301 .ace by 6nr !otrr ::ron T.I.ri. 431) r,.rr iretby 3 s.cn r:hirc. F..ty .on!etjt.rs .onttf teJ th. dis:ar.e, 2,J of hon r.r. r,irjr. 1. trrc 3:.Jc sr and. r d. 1. \ ,1. 1.{rtrrrl, I' i1,., trr\., 3rn1.2s; 3. rob ?aFe, t.yrl {arr. 3:di.02;,r. r. D. Rj.h1rds.n. liJalro!. 3:0.1.26; J. T.tl. ts!riirgnar, r,.arir6ton, :l:i:i.,1.tr a,. i_ lil j n . h e s t e r , l1 a 1 t . x , :t : o 7 . 1 ; : r, h. 3:1.7 _ i:; 3, .Ii . "{ D.In i s, TVu, l:r!.:iij; t). .la.lijr Jjlsrai, TV!. 3:11.r3: 10, i!,!. Lar.rDoi-,1

&F crrarrroNsHrr!

q!rlinghan, l r seJrt. 1. J.D, rlrlsh*o., sotrttrgate, !!47.3..1!ll! 1. r. su11lvan, Black_ n.ith, 1:5.1.:., fiile: 1, B.S, pa,kes, Hanrste {.1, ,1JJ14..3 }.rt1P: 1. 1l,. col1dr€, q.r.H., fi:-.J rrrrol,r.' s DU}tIN irrL! tc have ti€€, a Cr€ri deal .f risreporring tr the press of Helb nlriott,s varld t...rd {.r€ elev€n rmn€rs. nine. rn addtrior t. rn. fii,e 'ot wr. tear four ni!s., therc ,€re Tony Prifrey, ath i!,1 nlrs..l_Os, erer Lry a rir€lsnnan ani trir.l fast€sr by a ntit.n this season; 7rh, Johnny r{.Loughtnn 4:10,5i 3fh, l,an Carbcryi qtt. \i.t c.nnolry: loth 11, ]rorr. and ltth A. o,non.gh!e- all r.cordinq p€rs.na1 bests. The first 1ap vras 53se.s. and n6t 56secs. as re|ott* eo 1r sone raaazires. ]-ONDON FIR! J]RIGAIT! MNXT l NG Ithite Cityj 3o1h Arg!st Invitatlon rvenr.- rOO0n. t_ F-sNe !r.n, ,jrtchan, ,2:_in= ,. rrke Bl agrove, E a l i n g , 2 : 2 1 . 1 ; 3 . T. cox, Nerh3rlret, 2:23.3i 4. J,l. rlcDonald, x,estbrry. 2:21.5. 2}1i1e: 1. ?erer C1art. TVg. 3:51.2; 2. luatt{n Hynan. portsnoutl,3:55.0t 3. D. J. p. Rtc!ards to1L 3: s 6,6; 4. !.F. Strolg. l r i s t o r , 9 : o 4 , 6 ; 5 , N,_1, te€ve. !o1y. q:05.0;6. c,l,t. Plupton;



3to.kirolfl , S4:den, 1ug.2J-(a1.rdt cloi, righr .air o! 4.Lzz1ei lishi r, n.nerate vzrlatrlr wl.d). fhe L!.ss"i d'niia!"d tnis.'.,]+"'"111 rars.1 :oro!,.?:nry ifven :1:.tr{.jRn, tt" ."i:.,-,r . "".,. ",,:" 1E,: ry rh.!;rer:,ii "rn".', r..._,,..,... F,.:,;"" t!. i.r:1e.: r*",.,. . . r r . t r ,, ' ., ,. . , ,

Filir "'''"'' crr.:it

irrrrr, r.r


L,iii .t !,rii. , .. ,.::

.nos re-.!ins

ititletl:s' r':ilr,

'l' ' ' i . I s:" -"-":-

a -

"r Ei, ii:i. ni.: jrr.." !i.nt r4i. rtet-r-.. l5 ,r!,,.- :."rs.:,i. j: 'Jr: :!.!rdt" rr". .1ie -:.r ,;r'€ t,,,"rl'.,,, r.:"i ".,,"_ri,

r:.!.11.rls r.r1:v llr. .aa r-t. t:n.\i r,i:r". :':i..4 !rJ:?.i";'-t'r,",", r.'.'.1.. rlr" .,_ .rl'..i',r..

, -i:":t,i.".





' . r, jrii:ilr.irs.r, jr,:




." ,."".."i"]

!!r.!--3n i,:ara,,ir.i, Jrd !a. Jtrrj t-rir tli. stacinn !,1, iltiilg lrit insl€r! rr _iEhr,1,. .a I Ii. 1ns aotrse,ras t.rgh. rn,1r13.ir! tnrottlout, errtcn:i;tes fhj fls: tln.s '1r ine ,.'. '.'.'kr;r".-;r cons1ste.jo'as1'gt.1aFt'!tn.:Ncrtj.-]'..' nfsto.Lhotn,i',Cnr.2:a2.!'t.a The Swede Nilsson t.c tn€ iier.i .f a 3€Iec* tvant)i-frve.ur.i: lnr staLiiJr a-lter n:ar1y tlree ]a!s.n tne rracr. illnolt, lhe olynFlc cnai!1.r. riiialj! Rulne!-ur, rhe t'o R!ssnans. iilssor v,.d de rr'tFss. re, ,B"Jrt., \a, rr/srarr) br.oed rF tr J :, -r- le s grot! passed lokh in 31:45. By 15t" -i ?.!;, ea" ao!.log th. Fa-F !ooor,, r:. o. .. r.





rr , i !f 1!:r.


. !-

, r.

' I !

I :":1i

r '

2ir -r? :l:rlr,:a),a

., 2.r,.1r

, . r_n. jrr r .,t:2a.rij.3 _ -..:. .ltx :: J.i{";l _: ^ t .:. r'1, 2:ra,5: ' -''l, 2:.1?,li.,l .-':l' i. ."'i-. lr- 'nr, G.r.,nv 2:2t.-:? ,

' ;

s1:51: \,Fa.t., r2:r._t20 r,r" ";r ..i, 52:l3r van de B!lessch€, 5:!ao: No.rls 53:03 & hrltltnson. s3:21) !r rorn ft-oun rh' rnltlat'!p, io^:, in r:02,0, rltr |t\"ric 2 se.s. slos do;n Br 2"rD. xorr{s r"a -..-. rr" :o & tr. ofder at 0(n nr" po o!, l:.., "."." .. Norrrs. ttir.40. {t.onr. r: b !5 , t,"ir _.,_ ,: and piri", r, s. -. ;"; r,,;;;;c!acred and rettred soon afrer trc :okn narI, bur h. hdd.r!c\ tc as n- {a6 .aDablp of dor, s so_ J_lna also rolad ti. pu.. too;;.;ode other conF€tit.r failed to";;';ii: fi!isx. Nor!1s, r@qlng 1l*€ a 10 nl1er ai1 rh€ way (5:09 nlle ave!age)r s!ttt the tldsstatr,s at 35kn. Itltn -3rd in 1:s4.30 behind roFowr" 1:'r.or & prad,s r,"... a; ,-. i;..1--;io!.€,1 to l-t rnp nu."ian so. Ar ro .- !o .\ had g6n-.tar' btg I d. "."nc 'nlo ihe -tadlrn -unnine r-\r .tn-cdr:tFrr h". , r,.s"-',""i' rii"i i,","" nic nc.r ur r.h i,p l"d ro.rr,/ rr,-; qlarre ou"rt€rr


I 1' .-


. '




,'ro, rrnj'r, YuFosrieia, 2.'-r 1r&4 . Au.trta, :j,1.1.0s.$ ,_: : 0 :1 "' 'or'"", rt/. : .. .B "'!..i 3.r0,0 -. -i."J-". "6'Land. : 3.r-. . ,,,"'"t

" .:.t,.""

," e 1< In. rj!ha11c rerir_

Frtrrr\D - r:ssa (srh ^iarJti.n 2:22.r1r 2. ?r'sllll ': \:-11,, r. Joen.u,2:l7,14t a o1i 5- rlolharen, "rul1d'n,-2:23 ('r:.0.. ; 1..: ,. !'\"-i. 2t'2. r.., i . : Jun.":"I i"or'r , :20. s,nn;"-oiyAl"-c-rLE !; -c"ia!.-oinsob u,o"_!be ukl :;h:3.",,r8,T;frEr.t1i, o,. o"

: Stocrnoln, 25(i. 1:23.3si 2. Nii ssont 1:2q Andersson, r::rl ,2t. SIr'l:i)!ti

!ienna, 25lin: I ^LijTRIA: 1:31,15; 2. Rotzer. r:31


tei!zig.'ieFi,?.lanke, L Geinant, ri:59,.1 (5,0C0i,) i :. Groa1.1zt1, LGernany, 14:02.0i 3. Hcntcke, r, e.ri.r_!j 11:0:r.0i 4. A1 Tnnnas, I n:08.0. - , 3,rL.n: I" s12, nr!TskoNsti, 1: .;9.q; 3. Ts! i.irgi 1:51.r lCrrtres! r.cord).. l5Caa_ \'i1LflansIraId, ijrlaia, 15iian. i, ,lbiE,rr.{ !ry,rrl :::16.3:2, r.lari:aro'€r, C.rnany, l!ar:_ r, r'lrn .j!,rgirirril,

./raljS !ola.l, " ajrir.rj,3:r7: -.:.:r.li. asr, 1:.rq,1.

trEnNs! cknliaar t/i0l53 ;a0i, l. c.rlGt, 1!dtiriJls, Gr.e.€, l:-5.t.6.:, T. Ea!ri<. i!at!(l:52.2)..4/i13O,iin,!'.las.: 1. rj€orge l)aFava3si1i.!s, cr.e.e! 3:51.4 14- 1500n, 1. nara1.tt, 1., 3:,16i 2. Rizzo, :r:,1i..1_

15 00 n. 1, Jlnsrir+1, c,3: Kolacs, U,3:.44.1i 3, (1ss j,C00r. 1, Jur.l, C, 1,1:14 aros, H. 14:13.2i -1. Szabd ,a;4. raveli.aj c, \4t22,a 1a i C,ron. 1, : onts j Czech. in,:r.e





riilali :..,


rr!itr \ .p,

i-11 _da7- la,oroi. Flnrt: , -r ..,:",

: '. ] :'o F 'r s Ir'. ! lo- J:,. .', 4. J1:^t !tj .:11jrai a:!.reaara. 5. c.irJ R!iz, !an.ra'r 6. ii.t:lg. lldrales, l"osi: Rlra, 15Oin Fjn21: t, t!.r.r:i, 3srr!r!, G!alena1a, .1.a2,,t)t :. Ror!1. lve,r .-, cr:+:a.ta. 1:;t:..,ii :, Jrti. c.saL i,j:.ji, C.sta Fic., 4: '7,.!. s.rt.:3, lrfi:r, 1_ ar.i!.r1 a. !1ai, +.n, ?araili. 1:5s. ri :. ltrl.k M.cFaitar.., randrai .j:c(;,i; I, Etratn c.rrdero, cr31ex:ra, 2:r6.aj ?, ?alr!.10 Nierfi ? a r a n a , : . I 4 , ? ; 5 . fr?rclsco j: srlr tor,2 r7,i,6. J!1io .: ^tpn,r., , lF, :o '. Pi ):) , 5_ao. I, 1. !arcart6 sobuyr, cuat€n:ial 13:12.2i >. p.dro nosal.s, clalertar?,

j. {:;;:."'t+:{::i;.1i"i:ii:.: i..cs,riuilc, c]:,,ljANy, sept. 20-21 li,ii.ii 50,400 daiit slrectators to dor. 1E:4r.Ei 5. xr€rardo yt.tor, pi!'ere tr.ated a rlg sffprise as hrest c€rnahy u!set ana., i9:03.j,6, r.jrtAo !loraIer, tne Soviet IJniar 11s to 10s. l{,cernany c.sta !lca, 2O:04.5, also led at tbe ead of rh€ first dat!s sept. 2qth_ 3 , c o o iL , c h a s e : 1. yl.tof eveDts 62-213. 1st day: The flaJor rps.r sola1.s, c!ai. 1o:27,0: 2, otr6:scoLruller's rlcro!y in rhe sCOOn. nedo, c!rt. ro:49.Cj 3. n1e!rer1o ''as Lrditg rnn, li.ith a ttne of 1,1:orj.3, ne llntsx-d Martl;ez, tuat. 11:OO,oi 4_ ttgob€rto 250 net€rs ah€ad of Yersenily Zhuhov, G!:nan, rt iit,ador, tt:14,0i 5_ c.r_ Russia's !n!opean rlrne.-n! in the lo,ooon. na,a a. vtsqlez, r1 salvido!,11:22. lhutovrs ttne xas 14r10,6. Aletsandr;!rt1!yuk Hall !arattlon (21 Ktlo,sr_ (5tt of nussla {n rurotean soOOn trnal ir 14: 1. }lacario Sobrylj, Clat. 06.3) ras thtrd 1r 1.1:13,3, ,1th- nort,o. t4:29.2_ 1:16,39; 2. cutit.;no RoJas, I one-tno ftnisn 1n the 15OOri. also gay€ the cuatenala! t:i3.15;3. F16r;!West Celnans anotner Enex])ectcd troost. !dnrnd cto Boctes, cuat. 1:18.54; Bren!€r won tn 3:.45.4 wtth [1aus Ostact secoqd 4. r€dr6 T;rr€s, !l Satvador, tn_:r:45.5. rhlrd {as J.nas Ptpine, ussR, 3r4a 1:36.00; 5, Jua; qlezada, c, and folrth Monottov, USsn, 3:49.3. Rlca, 1:39,2a! 2nd day: a00n. 1. schnidr, c.! 1:49.3i 2. Mlss\rtcroir ?anana,, 1:41.57 a1a, c., 1:50.3i 3. Coaorov, USSR, 1:51.8; Other wlnners:1.(4OOn) 4, rlline, USSA, 1:52,2. lrtck McFatlane, pan2na,, 50.1 1. Ludsrg uu11e!, c. 2e:52.6; 2, pudor, secs. 2. clardi; ?ayn€, ?a,_ ,19:9001. trsS,c, 3.:0l,bt I. Parnakt!i, USSr, lO:3?.2; ant, 51.1..110n HH- 1, Lurs 4. r.aler H6gpr, c. lo:12.2, L6aan, euat. 1?.5.. 4 r tOOn_ 3,o00n. !!.nas€: t. P2htscntn, U).n, s:54.:tt 1. ?a;ana, 2. ciat.3. !1 S. 2. BlneLke. G. o:10.4r 3, ronomarrea, USSA, Tt:ne: 42.s,. .4C1On H- 1. Arna_ 9.14.6; 4. lalfer, G, 9:33.2. ndo Arevalo, clat. 59,3.. 100n, 1. tlts n. ca!+e!, ?anBUDAPnST, S€pr, G7, Czech.sl.vatta tt2, Hurgana, 10.4.. 4 x 400n !e1ay: ary 9s. a00n, 1, Szertgalt, H. t.49,Ai 2, 1. !atrana,3:30.0si 2. elat. Jlngwt!th, c, 1:50_0;3. Ko?acs, H, 1.50.2 3:30,3,.Tean: 1. c!rtenala 73i 2, rananir1:3 L xr s;lrti .'?' \J4.q'.. r.P'' J|.1. ,s

MArllJrrr- & rqcARDr-r ltJlN 11!T RrC X-COrN?RY \a







Octob.r J, 1953 (11 a-r.) 4 Ml!e arois Co!itrv iu r1.r:t il c.so.irtlof niL, \.I. l\Iralie.: fair, a: !a a.!rse: 2 iaps .l tht : iile 1c'?1 .r!f.e start€rs: 2c f,itn !l ir.rish.rs to 1&r'\eas eriz€si One t.ar :,!br:!iFtjoi to f1:it tni:.. iiitsnels, orDzA nr F l)i l sfl



||;!/ na-".x, x--{ lork a., r, I loy,

L ^rl


3, -L tsesse1, 4. Tor i\lrrthy, (xx !annsttan) 5. reter r-.Ytn I UAatlacned,



a rir 31-31 N.rft!i il.dford C1nb, rirh the E,lA 1st d!€ to Conf,l.!-.'s {inrr-.., Refr,":r,ierts, t 1a.. i: iish).. 1. .qi lrr.tr:l!n. j Bosto,. 41, 55:54 2. cr.rlis ri iinat,, 3, i.hn,l,Lr,'f


NYAC, 21:o4

6, ferry OrCon!.!, li.u Y.tt A.c., ?. !d l{tnrod, Ned Yorl A.c,, 3. Jo€ B!rns, t.Y. Pionecr C1tlr,

2::!u 42132


9. B. a.obore, NYrC, 1o. ?el€ L2t1er, i!snnattar AA ' 11, John lqye!e, rJrattach€!t, 12. ?ete O1et, Tarrytonn Tract Cl!!, 24:22 13, Nlct Greco, NYPc, Ttn€ tst lap- 9:,11 L'iin !oI & Bessei tn the lead pcsitlo.s, s M11e Cross !o.rtrY t!t lS.talch) 1ap. ' +l e ''.ur.e: (very rorgn d!e to recent ralrsl Strrter.: 1.1 Nith 10 flntshers. P!tzes: T&F Ne{s subscrlpiioas to 1st 3. oApir oF F rN:lsll 51,131-l-119 1. Pete {c^rdl€, xew Yo.l A.C., 15:19 2rn !at- 32.21 F1!ish- ls:13.7 2, Jacli Barry, Shatahdr CC, 76:32 34,42 52:12 1?:13 35:19 52:i3 : . red corbttt , NYPC, 16:56 45:0n s3:1q 4. Jose Dones, NY?C, 1"4:4 s 35:35 51i 3a 5. Jact ronaean, xYAc, 6. Jin Borden t NYrC, 13:16 37:20 5 6:03 7. Vtn Xer!s, ulrlros€ AA, 17:14 34,:34 56:16 3, Jtn O'C.nne11, St.Ant!. 13:27 39:51 60:ls g. Jonn Conva', NY?C, 19:21 l0: oS a2:n-l

rt, . .


S!nday, Oct. 5 (2 P.ll.), Itho1, rlassachrsetts '!onso!Fd bl: \ltol .oul r' 1l3r rnlgi r' ' hi11s (gieat co!rse) Conrse: 1 1oo!, rollitg laallp': parlty Iondc, r{ady, 0 dFsi_' Starters: 34. Flatsllers: :13 good iercnPrizes: 19 !1a.€ prtzes, iostlI ardise donated by the Athol hercharts dg Race started and tlnlshed at MenoriaI on Maln Street df Atho1,

r.s.lrny, 53:23 U. ila,"s. nostdn AA, j!:-:,. L r1. Ll,. 6a:14

, ir.f, lay, l:.r1.n aa.. ,i.nn fieyJraiai, iJna t ttr.he d,a.I: Ia 61:r.t 10, Bill lllaroi, l\11r, 61:al 11. I.: Fra.hctt, 0i.t1,, livc, lrniings, 12. lt.!'r. \rla:, ll, ri!1 rtin€y. ir. -lrhn ]]ico.n.ndt. a2:33 1j. j.hn nluf;firen, ai\nj I ":. \..n l.t.! Nlial, : !-.!j u'ir.rn.11, BIr, l3. rl: r: !erira.hio, Rr\4, 1!, rri.1 ra.tard. BA1\, :la, !. t' tlach, riIrCr 6S:i? 21. Jrrrv ii.rr.tr, liA, 22. aarl Stin:on, NlC, 2-:- \i!:€ EiEPlo(, slAl r:, :rul !.n.11, \fi, ]].r-]ar|!n1..i,B,\j' :.rrine!, lla,r, :6. lllie 2?, i:t rrai!, anatt-, 13, lo! Lizlr. r.rlr, 2e, T. :ar .r1. lthot, tlass.t7:03 lr. F, anrter, 1th.1, irass. 73:44

23:5C 49:io Nl f 10. John Daley, NY?C, ou't at 3 nl1es: R.otconn€11, i!i11rose AA; Fran! Snlth, St. Anthony's B.C.; A. Mtrtrani. Olt at 6 niles: !, iv€daga1i, Br: Unio! Y\{cA. {nace chaiinan) Offlclals: Joe Klelr€rnar, D"rld D. r.!y


rer r1a-.r1.r. r.te Convay, ni11 s.t!:lr:: stan Tierr.:

31, lr€: aron, \uc, 3,:



, .1. aai.ro!,

raris. S.Pt.?- 150on- 1. 11!rraY Halb.rgr r"elr Z.a1and, 3:43.:,, iilli, Frarce, Sef+.?- 150o., 1, I.rh€u€n, Frarcc, I i.l3.9; 2, x.rrr a


, Fran.e.


(1at.) J!1v 13- victoria, n.c. 23:lile A11 S.ohc lay Ilarath.n 1. la.r rartes. IOC, 2:2,1.00 2. Aiiian valir \|oc, 2:2.1.01 vOC, 2:3s,15 3. Ri.h lii.hotls, a. Jin r'loore, Victor ta,2:40,22 5, Gordon tYe, Sdoft€, 2:55,00 6. Go!dor }lartley, rtct. 2:53.06 7, \le1 Cha!nan, !tctorja 3. Ge org€ [rhit]ran, soote q. D.ug n€ 1d, !ancorver 10, c1f ]lo1n!ood, ft.t6ria

11. Jti rtct!!,


12. lon Ricardson. victdila

GAfi!s, softa, S€tt,22: 15oon, 1, ilurat, Yago1:50 & l: a3.3; 2 - l)€pas-

.1.3 (Gr.el te.ord); I3zic, Ylgo. constantinidls, Greece, 3:,15.2. 1. Clrges.u, Rolania, :0:2.1. s'.irrs.: 1, IararassItrto!, Gr-

!s.-q1\ irteb.rs,


1!rqj Gree.!-i!7r1!



s.!,i. 2l- r!0Lln, 1. Drn i{a€..,

rrag!.. i t1.2:- ii0r.0n. a-c.rntrt: 1. -IrreIr, {:'..1:., :!7:.r;: rr. l.!,erni2!skt, n.? 17:i5; jli]n.rc,:,r7, 17:.r 3. ii,zig. G.r!iarr, J.Ii,:7: sj0a,ln: ri;t ?.1end, 13:53.2 (n.rsonal best)i:. lrarns, r!nerr_a. 1:l:i7.2; 1. .:t1.h., !. Gern. ,.e

osln, N6fdat, Sett,27- I'ri1€: 1. Lran l'!a.rn, S,, 1:01.0; 2 _ nannaislandj No.lrar,4:f.1..r, I-eit:it, Cernlnt, Scpt. 23- Internattonal tli1it1|;. ra.cs tlron r-uiiair), 300i, 1. s, jlngtirth, iz€ch,, i:50.3; 2- Isti'an Rozsavol3ti, qragar), 1:j1.c; 3. llaritcnev, Russial 3:.16.3 i 2. Jlrsrlrth.:r:.r6.a; r,.locrn.r, r a l a n ri , 3 : .1 b . 9 ; 4 , Ro"salo1sti,3:.r6.9i

5. It{;iitr1l.v. ::.1?,4,, 10,000i: l. (rzts2torriat, rolanC,:19:!ii-3;2. oz.g, I o I a r d , 2 9 : 1 2 : :r . orodoishi. 3,n00n, -sr chase: l. Buh 1. !G. 3:13,3 i ::. ,i. li2bishctin, Russta, 3:r!,9i 3. J"lte, XGr 6:15..1.. uarathon: 1. f,.ntoret, Czech,, 2t25.32..;; 2. Szrth€1one, nast eernant- 2:25.43.s;3, senioroy, R!ssia,

Latest A!str2l {an rthlete s to set U.s.A. s.holarsnlps ef,e fori.i nB!ainor cham!l6r Bryce rla.raai, {xo has featen 2 h!s, 25 se cs, fo! tne .listarc€ , ard half--11€r Barrt A1non.l, shoring a good ret!rn to f.rn, ro.! the Ne{ 3!lth Ii'a1€s, 10,000n & 10 n1:les x-c .I2fl:iioishirJs {n Sydn€y, A!stra1ia. Hts ttn. a.r tne 10 ailes eas 511:1.1s, 1:26s ah€ad ot St.a ci,rr11.!. rer€i uoofe ras 3rl and ste.,!1e.hase .han!lon G!ahan thcras foa!th. lilak ft.nzs rut.:hie! w.r the It.torian naraino! tltle, ove ! the 1956 llelbn!fne Oltmtlc .orrse I in 2:41,:13. al]tef R!sslan !&F coacn cab!iet {.robtoY repo.ts t!a: Yladlntr Klts ls t. t!aln hrr4 this Btn ter. lie c.nstd€rs tn€ dorble CrlynFt. chan!ton ra!ab1e .l cnallergttrg hls orn so!1d 5,000 and 10.000 n, re co rds . Di!u Cristea, age 47 {o! the nattonal nara tno! tltle of Itrnanla ln 2 hrs.41 ntns. 7s,

NOT!: |nC BRITAIN - ratrcashire o!en 2a lltle Roal Race, se!1.13.l 1a! co!!se, free f!oi tralflc. lirarn, sunny day vtth ltttle {trd. 1. Fred \orrlsr ll61ron, !:45.11 2. J.rLtr Tarrantr Salford, 1:55.50 :. S.n l!clver, renbrol€, 1:56.23 a, Joe narrlscn, suttonr t:56_2S it!nperta1, GcrnanI" Oct. 1- 300n, l. Sch idt, Sa1f6!d, r:56 ,50 Gernany, 1:50,2; 2, rllssa1a, G.rrany, 1:50.7i srltts tor N.rrls* 5 nl1es, 3. \il(e na(son, GB, 1:50.9; a. Kazri€rshi, Po1., 26:37i 10 nllesr 52:30i 15n1,, 1:51.2i 5. Stracte, G. 1:j1.2. vil€: 1. Dan ljaern, str€den, .1:06,3i 2. Lenanilo$, sti, roland, 4:07,6; 3. verneuen, Belgtua, ,r:03.3,. T&F- A. A. \. ?a, B!lltrgtran 5.000n, 1, Hunecli€r,G.. 14t72.21 2.3, n1don, G.8.. 14:13;3, scnade, cernany, 1,1:1?,4, syntnonla 43 t Sept. 6- }1{1e: 1. Pete! C1a!t, AAA, 4:01.7; 3000n. s' c]lase: 1. re€rae!t, B€1atln,9:o.1,4. 2, Cralan lverett, sc.t lard t ttaly 110, France 91, rIon, France, Oct,,1- 3oon, :3. Dere* Ibbotson, AAA. 3,o00n Stchase. 1. ll{he llerrt. !ara1di, 1., 1:54,3,, 1s00n, 1, Baia1dl, I., 3:51.. 5000n, 1. Aib!, I., 14:.i5.6,. 10,000n. 1. lott, AAA;2. Darc Shr{, AAAr Rhadi, 1., 3o;16 i{-ast Cernary 112, Eangary 100, sarrebructr, cer_ nany, 0ct- 5- 300n, l schnidt, 1:49.7, cernany. 1500n, 1, Rozsaaolgyl, H., 3:,r.1.3.. 5OOOn. 1. S.

Ih:r6s, H,, 13:s3.2. Gotdon PirI€ ls neadtng L,acL to New zealand to 1lle, 96irg !ta So!1h afrlca, in conFany $ith lurral' Halh.rg,for

Saltsblry 4 3/4 nl1.s


Race, se!1.1:3 (flcld 6f 179 ruuers) 1. Hlgh loo!.1, B!{ght.n, 22.52 collse !€.ordt 2. c. ?1!npton, ?ortsnouth, 23:06; 3. .8. T!116h, !drts. 23:14; 21. Bob Pape, ?oit3. 23




,i.A.F". t{diron, ser1.13 i\oR!0tK 15 llrttS ROAD nAC! J, A. Strrtnpto., ranpsread, 1:2c.:3 2, L.! Jotr€J. 56!1hend. r:20,3n 3. |l,I, nirLraod, HalreaFri:e, l:11.5s day rtrh a fnst, fairll flat cours:.. t? runnersl . srJsstt 6!r, IRICK CijtM!'. (Ang.?6) 1, liretr V. Foord, Frigtlton. 2t:32,5: 2. E-!l. Tneu.., BrlCnro!, 3orlC,o. 3. !ater, Eershan 8.S,. 3O:23; 4. .J. l\1.J.r.!. rlxj.rd, Ildrsha:t B.:, . 3arl,l.o.

.r.,o .... l"'.: ir)1. r:oth, Bllsltto. sf,orrs 1rt.a, t':''::,"i.i crirahais, ;rtgntor. 4: 16,,1. :. iJar+ln !\ r: r r.,r.mouri, tr:s2.rt 4, I.F, tcrti..s, iliord. 1.i:ao.2_ Ir?TJN r6

|r-rr ro\) PA,. _ sa,+ r,, ,,r"," .", ", ""t, 'l" lo:, 1. "d

s.dond vtctory 11 1wo .ac.s.r.r thts dislarce sincr firlstlng si.xth in.!hc !flptre canes at Cardtlf., r!!fttne over







.., d" .! .r, Pro-, .. 5.r:.rt r.laney" uhan2ha! ac ! DicL Dci.jr!ei E.ston AA; r,, .Iotn c.ras.




F0!s i caNt{oN l{rN Ritc x-cou\lRy rLrNs i!n:a;.0.tober i2. pni1a.. pa. (5ii co!rsr: :l nit.: rt1 :.:i fjr,.r irire, ra:1rn.!nt p;rn t r,.ir.rr l.o!.se actralrl ;i1!! r..,r the te:.i:t

i.i miles), the h:tf.,n11e

tt.- taF. i! frorr of c1!b 1,23 i inrte s

As tre did s., the rrir Er.J3rj iljtddle erl j 1unlor cnJ ' 1: !ian aid ilesi rr:rrre: :1?t. T€ac!.rs, college stu r:r!:is..irlng aro!nc ttre Bo a tn. trs. :lnish 15O l.ards back in \Je

? :.-. IrI:i"1ass.ed nard rlrainr: in rt. last 3Oo yards. !:rr:.: I lrot htes donared by the rl r:::. 1:r:ritc R\rl an:,ai ari iriis;:: r, :i.::ii1a Aa, 2:t:11 . . rer:i.:r!:., sha. anan, 23:37 r. :1...? t;i.1rr, rrcsaer Bc, 23:.ro ,1. ar:::tr air:rrrri.ti, .qh:n. 23:,j6 j, -r.:.: r:.i:tt:. t.nn 1c, 24:oo

out thaugl! c1trb aete Shaw vas oriy 5 scc r€htnd htn ar r2 n11es. Lenball's 1a! :hrr2h"n ac, 2a:i? i ?, J1:-{ i:;:rr1, 2 i:3 3, ,13:23, 65:13, 1:26.55. p..r Ac, 24:30 3, Iii:!. :::::arr. .naq ran 1:27.:,1; 3, c. Randa1l, lirol!.r g, Eirr i::r.:j strai2h:n ac.24:3g



Yop\.. t\-pP ., tuB -01.. .or nP,ocd ld-s. ",o^ j to xrrle' iddlun. Ioie!] e, t-- fJE-I.p.,


the f.Frrng "" i,- ia. r" .ri.r, i"r. ,1. \ort|.r. .| "r!ion P",tl"c 31.o irbD6rs6n h.n {tp 1, ,:1.,-, lMIl€: 1. M.t. Barratt, 't-- t1:2.... BURDN!'N


'!O s,!dat, 0.r,t, d de., \.J. , r utrrderl., Penn A, C. , and h is broLurn r€! Jess., N6n trr-a tFo_na!, rr"" .ii" ,ii.y event spo.sored by tn€ Middle Artanttc

i I I

!!:o-: a1 :E4a!-1Ir eS, 21:i1._ I1-: penn AC, 25:12 rr. J.ir C!nri.<lj.r, 13, l:i,"a:s:r, shananan cc.25:35 14, r{ad€ tja:hirgr.n, shan, 25:36 r5. -rohn r!:sr.n, Snarahan,25:55 1.4, Ror T:strer, r.est Chesre!. 25:5a Shanahan,26:25 13, Bob q!r1er, Shanatran cC.26:31 r9, H€nir iinkald, ?€nn AC, 26:35 I 20. H€nr{ Ycst, ?en, Ac, 2?:03 j 21, Larrt DelaneY. shanahan-2?:os v€sper, 8c,2 3: j 3 c. r] I 21, ' 2q: Frant Ii€11t, Shanahan, 2s:40 ( 25. Stese Thonas,' Penn AC, -- -" I ' 3O:lO Th€ 1st of .t Falr tRC snonso!€d Junior ( 13 and under) x-co!!try Rus, 2: r,i1es nast Rtyer Drive (This e!ent sta!ted 5 nrnutes h:rore tne 5 rile rln. )

1. Ma!rice Ca!non, vesper BC, to:5.1 2. Ha.ry Bertoritz, ?€nn AC, lt:23 3. Janes Lewis, ?io!€ei, r1:50:4. 221,,\i*,),n'.,.;:.t:"1"1"E|,t.i*t)*ri..,,,1,e"

In.ij-lista.ce-rlmi.g Conntte€ ot ihe Soultren liaciJic irssociatlon,rtti lBports,.. Iirst chapM Cot-legc l-id1e Cross-Couirr is leieN CdJor, orr;eJ Caliiornia - 5atudalr Oitc-:re. 41 1958 anr,!,ciiro.: if, i.:i divj.3ions .d in a riaEle race, ?9 o.f 10,! r'ier'ers ljnisli€d. ;ta"i a! ililC F,r. ?erileral:ire in d.rniln,n Oreg6, 9al; let.re Car"yonr ? glliq_lryjqLcj lJ-. n'"[ene Rosers, sc,.. -... ,....28..ittl,S i lt.ri., iotn: lirider........,.!",14;3! l?. 5d iievirs, 'loil rni., .....2r..\7.5) :. lri ,ll11 lec:r, i,!:',.,,.,-.,,...2..1{:rj ll, ;iaFre Lcdoi.s, e0,,,..,..,..,.?0",i?! irl :, iicl,.r, , ljJ:r j. lar'r rr'!i...,,,1.,U:!2 lr+. I.n ioi.r; :C.,,. , .. , ... . , .,.. , ..16:aa

,, .;.lr ii*rJ 0-{:...... -,.......,!.,1i:I9 :. Jaili :i.:jn.i,rt: :r:.dleton,. -, j,.i5:2: ... , .. ),.-)t j t- -ri5 r:.f.rs.is. )a. . . . . . . , . , , . ,!5t)1, 3 - !.:.!..':, F-.!j i..n, iialJl,, 1,,..,,..3,,1 t:/+5 r. il:l.:.Ii :loc.r:t.Lj iiril.!r,.,9,.lirl, 1., l:': ;.!" ;'.ri"::.:t:.rli. rjaj-{ xn tr,,,.1n. . 15 : 50 .1.:i. Ir'atDt rlar ])eit"r, feddl-ato...l , f6:06 12. rr:ll.i.m loicn, 5;:rI3J{..., ".,..,.!6:ot :l l, li.irld i"l;a-ki., ]..Jri.letor.,, 12..15: t:r 14. .I.r-h.LLs tiEak, siridef s....U..15:l? 15. .]6ren. Jria:'!; r jien.llei.n,,.. 14,.1b: 1l i{l. iii1r, ttrnl, LcLq'!i...,,,..,,..J,.16:25 1

jaa . . , . , . , , . . ,1d.C6 li, lincl :aie.. lro]i " .r:i.,

,.,. . . ,. .,,!6j0? ,6, CiFles ll!k., r,rla:]'']i irl i . . .. . , , . , ..1! 17 l?. lil-L rrL.cke, i3. J.se C&r, eai,,.. .. . , ... ,.. ,., ,1811! 19. Joscf reiiht, i+"rrc:.i., . -. , .11.,16:;9 rlr.,.,..,,.i,i,.16.:5 4i, Ied !&i:., IJCIA 41. earJ lr.rc, _d,..,.-...,,,,....,.16:j7 42. oeorg. oaDor.o, hat., .. .,... . ,..r8r!2 4J. Ted SLith, rji,. .. , ... .. , ,,,.., " , ,19:09 ,iri, ladC (ei!, sf..,...,..... -,.J2,.i!.09 15. R.belt sne;klad, SC. ,, , , .,. " j3.,19:09 r+5, Ton lnder$onJ


47. Jorrn Paslido, W..,....,.......79t33 48, r&arajasligMr UC1,4.... , ,,. , ,. ,.1t:4C 1iJ. ila ae..ror\y, crn'...... , . ". ...17..1ij.37 49. Richud ilehalislr rad.6t on.34, .2!,2J o1,..,,,,...,u..4o:4, 50. i1ai6 leslorttz, rddleton...J5..2O:24 20. J.b "r.nle, UcL\ i-! tr . . . . . . . . 19 , . L4 : 54 51" Kemei! t.strona, Cc.{C..,.. ,,....20:26 21. lEd ardaizr Crq/...... -.. -.,20,.16:56 J2. ilarold e:ashirEton: 4C,,.,. ".,.,.,21:08 22. ?fiil.l1i, 14e1lir r€Lrdlct or. . .21. .1t:0o iJ. ij.rechel l.tuiileii, c{s.. -,....,,...21. 50 2). rtinllelo@, a'tJ.,, . ,.. . ,. ,,22.,V.43 ,4, nd@rC J. rdv:lson, eat...,."...22:01 ?4, eFsell L.aeDei;r ca'J., . .,.,23..I71at+ 55. itetrt i{ekeL], sc,..,,.,,,..,..36. "25 t 25 :ri, HeloJa liarlaees: a\' " , . . . . . . ,21., ,\1:A9 a!. iEldr l,:cc1olkinr @i.. ,.. ,,.. ..1?:1, :jar1 q.i.Iorley, SC 27. iioel Troui, !CL! iri"..,,.,..25.,i?:15 24. fhirlr S.Clarke J!., CCtr1,,...,,.i7.3)tici Flhco, UCI,I rBn 29. lron il€,.e, UCLq ilr..........26..17.33 Sid lelston, UCLC {8tr fo. ileaqer l]&son, Sl,riders,...,,2?..1?!14 Juli&r ijcld tr!tr .


{!r . ., . . ., . . occidqtal Ccllege. . . -o, c- 'o^:1 L-:d"-e . U ol souiheE CaLiJorda. LJCLi

Cep tendleto. Ij:adnes.

prlTSIg! 9l!Lr,1, Co ,rcr

3-6-10-15-19 5-U-12-U|-15 2- \-I7-78-m 1- q-U-27-JL




55 58 67 81 rc3

Q5-26-A9) l2a-3!+-35)

\22-23-U) e3-36)

f. iiom Kjncaid, St gtate,.....8..16:1€ rc. nobe.i iia:la.her, st stale.....9..17:4? [. iack !iic]r, ',filittie!,..,.,.......19:02 12. T.schnetder, h,ldttier.... ..,.10..20.11 ]-3. I!€el l"lattinr ilhittier.,. , ..,!1..20!42 14. Daf e i.Ialtir,'tllittie!... ...,.12., 22: U ,. nob€m urs4, 5! oiaie.,...,.)..Io:J, 5. Iar.t Gor4on, st stai,e........6..15:36 15, Dlck tye!, -x:ldtiio!.......,......23!49 t. Jack rlo{tord, Cal !ol-v (:rc)..,..16:40 1b. lor Eicer ftittie!.,......,..13.,23.49 Nnft1Fr.. ... /. .1b:41 1?. Bob Yai4, i{tdtiier..........14..23:rl Tee:c.rlr.s: Jd tiego s!a!e Cotlege . f-2-5- 6- I -- 22 19) i&ittid Co1-1696 . . , ,-1,-?-10-.11 -- 35 \r2-I3-U) 1.

state....,,....1.,15,24 2, liiLm .lallanelj Sn :jlate,,,.2..15:39 1. ta! tetez, iilrittie!. . . . , , ,....;.,16:10 r+. ahil o'3iien, rrldtlier.. . .. ,..4,.16:3r: ror]lr slcecr sD


Dlrl3lon- Medals to ftrst tt:ee & 5 s.ile!s ot 1r+, 2od C 3rd ?1ac,F tean. aolleAe Dla4!h! - T€an Tr.!h, to ftrst & second !1ace reans. rtrd1y1dtra1 .narn! 1o n.rbers (3) of vlnntrs t!afl" rndtvid!ar rrophy t. frrsr,"""", t; ft,r"r. Jlnlor C*11?ae Dlvt6Jan- (Sane as college Di!1s1!n) Atgh Schoal tt?lston- rnd. tropt, t6 ft!st high scnool frnner to ft!tst

{hlARDS: Op€n


rr . .rJs oait. ......r::r,l l!.,l. trtl. 4_ rr E, iL iiet- i,,: ....9. l-:a. i5. !r.ari.: ctu5, ,t .ar-iroj, ,1n. t^:_, ir -t L_ .r!_r.rt., i.L




6, ?. 9" 10,

il. -J2"

T6& scoring: Sera dE CoUeg€ ! . , t-2-.-t- a -sa !!ego state !!oih , r+-,r-:-:.t-!: m0{ 9o1(Fi pIIt3rOq

1- Ds.Le story. trat (o.@ee) . 2, P€ter vitt, unaL (IFs Anselcsl . 3" 4rt Osof3ky, tset (ro. rlneeles) Tl€ South.!a !a.1ft.




j (





. ' :::::

of the A.{!.aiis




1e5a, west{ood, ros Arasles.

ialirirnia_ r..ra caurse,l!a "";;j"6I"ii,iili 1-_Aorje!t Soth, Strtde!s, 16:1t.4;2. I'cs1€r I.r..j! !i2t., 16:3,1; 3, li€naet: ucu, 16:4.!, 4. Fe,,ando l-!91"g, Usnc,_17.00r 6. Rob€rt Ho11and, ucI-A,-1r:.ti -. r"...".;., i;;ir, 3. t{111lar cootlar sDr&lA. 9. Joln ti,,, 0,,., r:,u:i ,".i., 1;.'i,;t;;; M!!d1., str{d.rs! 77r41i 7r.17:i?i j, rob;rt l:.rr; ir. ii;;.. sturat,-s+!ld.!s, 1Z:53i 13. Wtllranrarsen, ,"Jt,. rr;r,_ rrlse; ri. i", i""y, !rrt., lar05r 15. Anand A!datz. Oxv, ca1tan.., laJCoi 16, rter lersbo;d, C,";, 1;;or, 1?. Dicr D!ake, ory. t3:rr: ls xd Drorhnig, plosb. ?not$1.0" t3:21;:0. petF,ortt;_". :",_r n.",li, i;11;;,i".';"r,,. ;"i;,;,,;,.,,, Hrrt!.3s,-ory, 1a.32t 22, E.bert sna!k1atrd, ,".r,,.,. Ls,-.i; "";-i zj, r""" r."...., 24. rcbael c. c1rfn, unar. r3: : -{) .ranprrr. .,.. ib: ::r.,1lllll




]J, JL. -1!'eL4l, O4 rro" , .. , .. , , , .19:tJ 19. Jir ii.Iirainj Fitj.e.ioi j:r.. ... ,,:ta:06 20. :'r.d ijkrrron: sar!.- ,lna. . . . .1:l. .20:rt 21, J.rr q:::nra, ldia ,.oa... ,. _ ,..20:1,.] 22, rq-.n jard€rs.ir.id, Sdta ua,..2t,ia ?3. !!.. E.E.. ri.t Siate !.r.sh..i!,..21:r: 24. A.i :.a.r4.) O.dr:je Coast...., ,..a2:!O


: ar.!ttt, "'l;.li'i1^ililit culYer city Ac. 19:15: 31- "i1ij.";:::::l' , , .i:..:,1J" "; , cl.!r,tr. urat., ro,rs, 1.. u",!r". 1 ' : , : ; ; I " " ; , , " ;"::r::.::",1:i.i':::',,:;: . ;: I t"lrlc!, ,D't.i le:2a: <, ron a,""", .o,g s",.; ;;,;'... 1, ;:'",;,"._ ";. .rts, t6n6 Beach s+at€, 1c:at; r?. John Rocr,ood, s"uih ic,-iq;;;;,,", ?htl.!!c€ro, soatn Ba, {c, ro:sl; 19, "., it,i.,"is,:r; L.l"r., r."g s"i"h 40._Alb.rt r. Ray,Jr., SDT&IA, 2o:1oj !t1t .1r. 1""" c""., Dlrts, ortr 2at50i 43. Walrer !. Deltrer unat., 21:1;i"i"t., qr. ,i. ,:o,j+i-jz.-*,", ,r,,"i,a,ii, rolg Be,c! st.te, 21rt6; .r5, B. sp.tnsei, rons Bea.h-sra;e, j. t,211 ua!aan, t.ng Beach stzte, 2r.36, 47. c.o,ge e,ro.to, ucr,r, ,:r,ii1'rr.ii-.-r"""". c!1v€! clty Ac,22.a7,.j9. Rot,€rt oral.., l,Eonnan, _s.t-9, so!rh Bay Ac! 22,3o, 51. Jtn Ra$1er, ."*, i"r",.t., zz,ri, lo. rrt uut!, culver ctty ac,22t51i s:, lioy"" wrrii.,., "c;'r;;;;;'r;:'*:r. ,i,,1;.;.-;;";r" Kn.r, !!at., 23:49t 55. raru,a;. r,."rr"o", !nat,,""^i., 24:06; 56. Roland sul1npson. n!at.24:,15_


long-DislruLce-]-drit; CoMin'v.e

li!6! ltilersice 5!o!t3 l^temaiional 10-4i1e iload n@ ljv'.6!deJ CaLilolnia ra1.]ar, octob.! i, ltia :iia!L: 1:r5 !.n:, realher sr,iii hot. ,{1,1 22 sieiers tjniEhed,

5rrN.A 1. ?hoi€s C. F,]'e, ua', iiedo.do seacn) . . bCroA., 2. lii.hael ;. 111a, uLal, (ro.iane) 61:48.? j" iolelt Drake, Cu.Leer Cii- llc (Jleadalei 62.55'5 4, ilre.i Cors, C!1ver Cilt iC (anlver iiUt) o.:4.1 . *' '-".. ' . 6q:04.1 .. .4.-r , L€rr o5r1d.,..! ia:r !-.- e"G.. -!! :o-.1 F ' 5. Ilatio |i.1darid5a, dverside 1:ia{ (iesr liiY€rB!{ie). 6i:29"0 65t3r.5 -"...' 9. r!tr !,i11e., uat (nedotido Beac!) 68:U.3 10, cnarles J. iholt, uai (riiall,o) . 69.U.1 1,1, l,:ah1on i\jo-ilhajre, unai (LqLkoodl ?0:11,0 12. Jolh !is!y, uai (Ibs !.age1es) . . lo,!9.4 .., b- r:-EoJ. Je" ."',,ome) . 7I:06.5 L. Do. .:c..Frson, n! { o. rc 15. Jees G. ,.sidr.ei itu Ierrhdo tauev Eoad-lmers. 71t29.7 . , -/t 6'' rs'es) b. 01 ol--r5, ua- i t'eLc ,C a,:"4) 74:).9 t. (-,.- .. -.J . . '74'u4.5 ls. roe t. Gifstrap, wai (rorr&rce) 19. l"Eehael i"isi,:.iveFlde ni0; (ronl@a) . . . . . . 76.1!3.8 't o3'. . '. *, -.a o .aba"q) o ,.1'. o"o_trr'_< _ '?.7 | " "'.r BO:47.0 a2, ]Ji osoltkv, uai (ros qlEelesi

lace Notes:

thls ra.e could becoie blg-strong g!ou! l€htnd 1t. ?ted {tr tnts j'ear w1t! Rty€istdes 75th Anniv€rsart and ra.tnA ca! t!t?1s foi Grand rrlr Octobei 12th, DriYers had to sto! for start of rrn, then for flnish, oht.h nad then gil!lng: Tne runners w.nt 7/3 nt1€ ovei car and cYcl€ cou!s€ at start, thea: nile at the linlsh- offt.tals had last fo!r rutrners onlt ftnal: iile so ca!s co!1d ro2r :gatn, Coqrse probably a 1ttt1e tongr not Foliced at coriect cot.s.). t!rrs too se11, (Ryat p!obablt only ran to run .ons alnays goes arong lihe' he has a cholce (!d. Soutrds fanlltar:) SDonsors adnlt !J'lntsrr -sent 6ff corrs€ t$tce- brt never..n!ralns. & will iron then out. Rac€ had good p!l1lctty, Tled tn race.! sh6u_ cards ulth aato races. Sponsor€d by R{tetsliie SFo.ts Interaattonal. De Anza !ait Fatr Gro!nds, North lljverslde, lrophles to 1st' 2!d & 3rd Dlace !uu€rs to ftntsh. lledals to all !unters who ftnlsh€d. P.efreshnents folloving .ace. Riverside Sports Internat{6na1 vas orAanlzed three years ago to !!onol€ interest In all types of s!o!ts. T]1ts run as the ltrst narathon l! the clty's ]1tstorY, A ne!t flne !rogras ltsted all th. c6npe+tt6rs and.fflctals as se11 a6 a na! of the co!rse, well done Rlversidei (Dec. 6th- cLlcalo' I11.' rriace Dates: 6,. N.trl. A}U,-c6untry, lo,oooE. NoY.roth Atlaltic Cltv Alr slorts 6 141€ olotr' [bJsate ctltr x' Jt 'rt!1's Pq' op€D. Entrles to Jolu St' C]allr 29?Z Ar@!d at' !L1r6'

@iob€!, 1958--19

Dlstlll(* r-rE + ErEsrroNrl4.Iia No. f - io.\alr MlqrIL DElrxy (1956 OlyE!1c rroo u. cber@i.n). 4ddlose ! 35 at. J.!r3 nd.! eallsb.idsej lublin! ireland and d29?, vrlreoE irnle-,srtr, r".e oj_-gllg: ( lts-c:-. le?r. :p:roc: p..<: o


f!. rarr; rt6 .bs, L. 3b€pe! Lrz tha.-o _ 6! r!€ aqe o: r.. ]u ztro r6c€ (s3o di-;-;i-;;-r ra-b vlth a_beat 3ao or 2:or, ,|. 8r r r:ar 9 or 10 trbes or r.rs (8Bo) & itF (4iro), rralD.d all rllts f.r t}|e firsi tie b€tye.! &y 18th ad ltth years ald 1n |qr lirst slllns lzco.u l:trrr? (tralled o ilieFar srd t4o yds., oa 2!.s3 $ltb vatcbr r usuarry lan 7 or I44o's .r to o! tl 2zots)t 'o iLe 1954 r!!o!ea cilnbtoasrdps (Ed: "rl.re..r th. ase.r rrj h€ swpriseq br leachins r}!o aooh, ftna1. Tired b, rrE ea.rie! etforrs or th€ tlaat! jle fintsred €isltb dd 1ast.r) on ar stnleuc scjrolelshr, (tyrricar lrlirabora r.!61arslxp, coislstt4 of b.oks ard tuli.ilr roh lc4a (3 djld {:os5 !..e) sd ra! w firsr rndoo! .:ce -cout.y in 2rto.z, r9 best indooa tooo 2t1o,l, nan llro.a o! $ llrblrr ald d1: iL 4:115.6 (!ra53 track! Duilln)" v1113r.ra in selt64ber 1t95 ,€s. srd rlnisled 2{d .io Fe!!y E€ueiv ai rhe rclrA:-ccbtry dha@lonsldls, El1€s (besr rr:16.?) eld ;n ,rue 1, 19rC cl.crred 3:r9 btr€ to beat rerelkis eruar liierser si c.D!roD. !e6t aao rldt r6ar vas 1r49"r, Jul1o} eealr b€st tlE€s,e!. rrrs,i ad 1!47.s arte! a irro5 dle. !i-.i or'ybrric 15oc h. f,iEt 1a Mrlbo!$e, Iclr4 ,-.ou:t:y 6!d trla! to a xetuedr:(Ear .edrn .:ar..!d) 4t51.5 ejr.! 1rrs.' 88o oJ a rr:or - 1rt8.6 ra.k sr:6ney (ids bthe4rlcs .arhoritEl;:=- scn.oli ed.! c.aclcd tD 4otlese br Jjd.JuDbcr !11j'tt. r& crub foach, . B€1!ia!, .! 1.C., tr Dlblin alEo llad a hanir r lorio t. be lbro ro d.vote rlo rie to t.ainilq as blrc as .r!e.-;E;;;;i;i;:;. Iiobbl€s! :boatr€.{Irh a }esute' ed dlsc.nils tteairesoe.) I stlrl !1ey tbo !@ l!eq!e.1ry. Ei-r.1 €rrhusias!. th1!o. I €at l*e e ho!6€, vltajrlcr rhen 1l riainia! : ::!e Eate-rer rley are b.adrn! ori st s,5oo1. 4lg: rir la;-ak{! !o a1!11n€, (144 rA11156r aee., NN yorrr city) ad p.oelior vo*. so! ljtea nq Yor rralb? rive to sL dars da, ot .esr belor€ e aeer and 2_days ft6i_beforc b1e tusrsr Ar vbs! S!!!qs? 6os!1lo's.Tb-e€,bl ilalnad tor the 3ao b y€43- b1le oitlertl t.5i!14 at hoae Dors tla

a larf-hoq. I! !b6 hiddle o? tLe vorlour, Tr11 ro !L 6ldrd to frltr€r, 30 !d:€s a y€6k, poolL€srr adrGs (ce,@r cde) !."cr--:E;;;-E;-lin::rmd vtI1 f1lr rhe bill a. koll ald slbklns: f.r{e a slass ot !!i!klEs r.irer I,o hom I usuarly d!1.L a b.ttl€ of cuL.65 stour (dd cale) berore b€d, :!o sbL_!q! Febur-s rlob herla: acout!6d a Aerlcu educsLro! vrdcb iourd!.t haus b€n p6s rb1;:fi6ni-ib1e(Bd! pdsoer chlt-cb3r vilb Bo!)-- hrtst rs ob proreEsjobat T!oc].? r tlrlnt shdr Eet'rr tffited Delanr, Lircoltr,€tc. this n€, fteld colrl h6ve glv6 E the @terial tbrngs h life rhile a11ov1!o us to coltinue ar ou, sport. rblr t! you.p€xsobar ollnlon 9f selb Errior!'s r€ldldbre pelfotu.ces? Jus! - r. Be JEt L'erls ha!d6!.2. s€ hsi e Fireaa -i:i;;-t--r1t€E a! o{tdoo! llte. 4. E6 tratE all day..-A!ro!€ ca ru a 4 lduts lito nov days. It.s orrr a DLr€! or rsluEqr chdrr i€ Je!!1s p:ggss_1b..!_ p.r-::!r:-46,2_999E: k ovredse? \o,'j-Eisd tEltPsl1 va6 Lt."€61ed r"-tiiiG;;:-IIT h.


vtould you sar rosils ttte lroob t! rhts E@.'s

@i];-de;_E;;i cla416n3!1r. I raslt

lurop€dd cdBs

dlsappohted at a1r rn the

fi -rrE-Ycrt-=:a-

ltooE. coDlne 1n to

th€ laei ro @tets I ras !1aui!s ob jat s6ttlls lD abead of lraeE. I5i6ri6d lauollns I could do row ir rhe lasr

by 1tk€ 6 cafulbalr.




r,.rdq. I aostd4!.t belies. it!

!r:t (.s

auca'est, \uMnia, 9/1t/tc- aao^. 1. Joluboskt po e dt :co.oi r. JonqsoL" s'.o.a' . :50.d,,



fooon stchase: 1. J€rse*ky! arase.y' 8:rz"I..

9/!6- r'oo0 r. v"iss! ;ruf,5rry, ,r46.4i 3. 3146,6; 3, Ellcssnn! swe. 3:16,9: rr, Le4ndor-a1t prlonq, 1r411,2. _ ___.

Iiml nt *!e tr€cled neo!, E tY von easrly then ns!6d Jo! the q!^teriul qlit! _l*..,l,pr::!:::!€_? ihe ;.:t rs !e"le r!es.i i i ! ! !r.:t! b$r:. rrirte!s


oct, 12 (srnday):rtj






liroar nlr:s 43tn .!,]ij|i.L D:lss{ 6.t rir.E I! :.ii1l ,r:r:llc..' io 3.i':s.. tsecL! arliJoant.


citj .!n h:aind Scrn'$IJt:! sl.rsdr 7 Dile ccutsr :r il:r5. n di.aF llfar!. l,asrlr Tebori s.art€d but tr.!!ed out a1 I ndre du€ ro the rorsh


!1114 sc?atcn

Rac.. 29 si3rlarst Za f1n13iet5, ,5q, crea.


scr. 5i:r5 tl:1' stoo 5Lt26 56.26 3,rrilrrod itire! Scl'yv, sc.. ,2rt6 52.t6 )r. Da':rl tearrArl, tL. Traa 52iJc t9t34 t.tnKelry,scrl'v' 6. .i!sr1es cu'Nlr! sx\:' zzac aLt\6 56.!6 ?, Ied lenedict' !@t, itoo 54.11 5r.11 a" rib L.!dor, 'l4t, 9" 3in:.o1r.y, $at.

sFoc, 5t\:13 51+t)1 zro0 ttlo9 57 to9 i1. resse ocloa, sloc! 'cr, scl/wr scr" i6r31 ,6rfl 11. 3111 rerl€tt, srac, 5.oo 57t26 62t26 1rf. Rorr cordon, sc!.t'v, 4:oo t7 tL1 6lr4t 15. lbb trole' $at. 16, ,tohn saitl' sracr 9too 5ata6 67ta6 17. Bl1r r'b.sar, sFoc! 0:3c 54132 t9!a2 4:oo 5att6 62ttt6 13. val lrescoFt uat. 19, Jacrr (irk, Peisp. 59.27 6Ltz7 uMt. '.oa 5!oo t9t59 6t+.59 2r. Joe Xr!s, Sctiyv, 3;0O 60:11 6tr11 22. 23. vi. Duratr, petsp. Irroo 6r.b5 7ttL6 24. r€!!y Jorne., sc!-t! z.uo 62.21 6tr.2L 25. ryes n1l.beth, !'at. ztoo 6ztbo 62.tro 26. ray scrnole, uot. 3:oo 63t17 66tr7 ztoa 6Jtrr 65t3\ 27. lan clbsor, ua!. 28. ts la.aMssoj sr^c, ltao 6)tt6 67136 63t46 6?.L6 29. codor IA!ti!, scrv, ' 30. rrcd F,rrimer, sat. Stao 64,35 69135 3r. a! sutcbklss, 69.)rLi )2. n-. Ramy, 6tro2i 33. C.Scotr, 69.o3t 34. R.Batz, 6ar27i 75" Rar r'tsnannarr, 69rz8i 36. L. arom, 7orz9; 37. c. cea*art, ?orrr,, 34. x. caEi4, 7rto9 39. D.stone, ?1:16; 40, i.Rico' 63,26


.l i!a1r.

Jf t.a1y parlt Ea3t F!idqelai:... 15 !lac. p'ize3 crnsi:ii!t lt9:l' t) t25 a1t)2 ,, Ed lrEcnett, ,re.t.c.ed, l. 6tar 1i€na., Iiottb rledlord c, 51.57 ,. ]'iur !hiru6y, N!c, tj, Dick lacksrd, a.isto! /.A' 52t2\ ?, rlll speleer, lnartach€d' 3. Paul o'DoLrelir Bostor,t4, '?t)o 9. !o. !il.ox, No'tb lltdJold c. SJrLa 11. Ceorse Youtls! losion


1r. Ib* Pedachio, Bostor,l4t 14, l,rrl BFke! uaa!t3ch.d'

1r" 16. i7. 14. 19, 20. TONY

rohn clayt tuston

Iran\ ryd.r!





rohn Dicomtrd!€a, B&{, ce4y Farvey! sAA'

r.a.k rerry, NrE! stelran Dul<eLis, unal.



51! nz,r tL\S r{.!1. SR. 1' XlrO TrrLE

rbnday' oct. 1r! I,EDch€stsr

chanbe! ot colfurce & ( of c.' council * 92

St3rtt 12r} P,M. Eooksett, N.E. to fili3h at x.of c. Eall! lEncr€sta.. A]ffei Luncl & ex.elr dt^erclardtse suDy, ,9'' ,4 fhlsh6ls' 9, stalters. feaEt 1. aa-{' 2. !,{A "Dn 3. North l4edford Club. 1. Toly 5api.!za, Boston AA, lr8r1o 48151 2r JiE cleen, Boston 1,r, 3. Clabee Pene1l' BAAr 5O.O7 4. rol1n A. x€rr€r, umt. 50.22 50.34 ," Jor$ tallerty, BA,{t 6. Joln looras' 3.!{r 51tt2 ?. Pet€ Contay' Uo l€3s. 51t26 8. conzates scotto' BA-4.' 5r.!) 52!2r 9" Dlck lacke.dr stA, 11. Jio Daleyj NIE! 12. Etrr Marotr NlC, 13, noyce aavyer, NIrr' 14. r{ llaE r!i!!y' BAA,

1r. Do! rayt Bosto! A.Ar

52.5r '2ttto 51tL? 51t4b



21.--October, 19ra

N,E. L KIno lrn'E (cobtinued)


16. Rabo Erg.1or, BNroL A t t4r27

I?r Ed Il!a.k€.i, dattacled, ,5t12 ra. ]l!" FeererJ Boston u! lt, Dlck Weelsr LyD, iAss. 2Or J.n! lllscottt sarr 21. ,{nr!Y PoulDsr E{A, 22. lre &*xer Ulattacrr6d ' 23. JolrD DlCo@dr6a, !n"{, 5At1!1 24, ltrL€ Fllzserald, Lym Ac' 53:19 25. B6b Breck! olth l4adtord c. ,t:rl 25, DEb !q!16p! BAA' 2?. }!e -{u6t1nr !$nr


6rto9 celbr rGt, 61111 29. 3rs* (o1ry, N[!, 62r)2 to. A. orlis lbtrrla€E, B{At |{ote6r lbts hs th€ iblrd 'ace 1t 3 dar6 ..Dlck Pdckad (the 1!on r@) rd all tb.e€ (a total .f ar?rox,4, e11ae) End str6! ljto the l€ad 1n !g!l!E 3o. tn€ Bl.t yedly t.ophy a€rded to a lAr !6rtorM!! . JolEy 6ee1e kopt acllvo slvltg all }lis boy3 a @ssas€ lo @€ th61! e.lllq 16ss.




s.t" I o.t.4,1913, xalaEzoo, li,tichiom or a nillt soll

A fisnre elght

.a]rbe" oi the fleldr Ashble bulst out ol tbe lierd n€e! the besiMlDs headed, evea tloush lt vrs bis test and tbe fleld contained at 17 yrs. or aq6).

28. .t!rti!



O{!d! At. N6!tom' N,S.V, Auet.etia. 117


Olr tlacL s.*or ts 6bout t. start dd €:!dte ttp tbat it v1ll b€ olr dullest Jo! r€de as Dst oJ ilt€ stas ttll bo le3t1!o up t:11 qfte! cbllst@s, but I shal1 t€6p ry €Y. ops Jo! adt lesults

2. l. l, J. 6. ?,

.o@! (rtrl & 4::

teslefn lAcblsa! Uriv. 20:: Br--y R"re.dsr [dc]loab s[oLe un'v. 20rr'

Dale Reddrds' vesreh ll|c!, Lbir. !-l Jrisoonr cnlv. orcsso Fo! E P T' rburi Jormlka, East€E Michigdr .lfi Evelsole, hr.nrr tl!r?; 3, Dav€ thrtir, r.rrtt!, 2::l-: 9. Ib Tlrne!t scur 2r !4Ai 10. VandelEeuvelt ciE' zzrooi 11..tack Croee1l, LEU' ?::o:; -?. Jrb BoIanr IBrr 22.ori 13' 2 1r!.e1e., l6U, 22iO7; 14. Ric]] Tfler, Irujll, 22t15i t6, Jlk zzttai It, za^ gcott, qls, 22:16; 17. Jin llyEr' Iru]N, 22rll .8. L€*y r-trort 4u, 22:20r _9. l{a1r sh."t \6r, 2zt29t 2. 0Mrr, 22r?l: ErE' zzttli 22, I€al satYer! if 22trji 23, Jerte E c.1! !r-u, 22r37r l[. sLah stsnr.ovic!, mc, 2:!)$; 2r. Dave Le@r MsiJ, a?:ltr".ii 5be!s - 47. ' -3 prs.; 2. r'tcblqan slale U a T€ah, l€ !ts: t, llc' ari 4. Bau, 89; ,.cll 98 ltsi 5. idch,st. rBn, 117 Pts.

u or ltr.blsan, 9.r8.?

2. 3d GraYdo!' ldchisaD State' 9rrt 3. clart l/aldr M.chlsan stet€, 9rr9 4. calr Reid, wrm, 10!11: 5. re!.y Youg! Ir Io!15i 5. Doa Ealcock' II"IIF' ror17; 7. rE 2rr7.47 (16 sta!t€!s' ,. x. Iro@' cl.irutly' Eslr itrger, w[i]Tt lot22i a. ol10 Borseso!. 9 .lm!!od 6ut' oe boiDs fdre! olylpie t€s iftttF! lor2ri 9. To! }ErtlE, ',r'l|Jl., 10.Z4t !ear. Ase .ouse as 1916 oly:qgtc6. Thl€ vas lr1lctorl@ Ibrathor Ora@ io!sL!! I'relbouEe, ' 3.: E111, lrth octobo! 19ra-- 1 F. Trtch€@!, 2t\5.12t 2. fr. Duftj ColllDsvood, 2!17.54;

Tuicbdrs tLtfd elathon titlo b €1!ht v€ek! havl!! alroady !o! r,Le aouth Aut!a116 tltl€ ald lhs lllctotou ibldthor ctlb tltl€. A v6!v .trcD! vlld Yd @o.utd€d o! lh€ boe roTtD at itle tllF I E!k- 1r1r.34. T!tob6s.'3o' ttald eeelt d96t o! tb€ rcad !€at llit rroc' th€ dlgtecea vaty ftoE a to 17 til€s. N. Dttf' 2!d praco ti!i$!6!)vas lEvtls h:le l1!st ro A11

ilr€ b4ti

rBtr, 1ot25l l:-l::i4::: feaor 1. t€slem l[cltsan U!1Y, l5 ptE.i : h€sten [d.c!1eso u. ns|! 62i 1. Btu,721 l

clar 1ri ,. 8.ARB, to1. (ldchtsaE i6 a hor b6d ro! ! rcc!- - 16 ci Isa. a!.t c@rrel Mrchlson ol. have go6d colles€ tee@. l6ry ldchiqe collese slads rcu1d k66! at nE ns lf o!r: th€t harl the oproltulty. letrs vake u! our th.!e!) Loks ltlie ve !6t otrry bsv€ th€ uliv€Flty ol Australia (Eolston n.mch)'t( arso th€ udv. of c€nada (i,Echlsan hanch)l

cF E coutry Apeclal !'Ces! coutry T€chltqueo by Do! cadu& 92.ooi"ra!t1€k", r& Illstratgd' 19ra NATro.{tr, A{u Jr. cros5 coutly cha!@: TlabtDg(t r€lrht, 9.50.. saturdayr xov€bb€t: r@o Ildlvliuar !d!t6' $l,ooiillteral A1r tbr6E ju6t 93.OO. Ord4 dh6.t tFD l,D Los. Dot!o1r, Mtcblsan. SpREt.D TEE NIWA

zz-cEraher' r95a BRTTTSE rEA[1

SmS tOFr,D



t.{d.n, selt.2?- n-ke 31asiove, (4:or.2),

Porer clar!,(4:06.5), D€.€k lbbotso!,

(4r03"3), & ariar sev€onJ(4r10) cor4bir.d lo! e rolrd record or 16 Blnutes, ,o.6s

City. rh€ ti@ bettered t!6 li€t€d 16i41 set by FttalD'E chlis oEtaway, Bill xankevilr€, Drc, B@ist& neie r!s,l ! 1991.

t1I6Br1t19h. Itnn1sh dEl t!a.r< tu.t!(result. l,61oy) p..babty rilr be !€cos!1zed ao ! rorl,d

brle .e1ay ev€. ro. a co4oslte t€aD of l!st:al iaru and N6v zealand€'d ?o'e tlb€d tn t6t26.4 to, t}re rec.rds 'elay tle ieaD are of the saoe !611!el1ty. lhe !!1ti6h terb !a'1 euoucod 1i vould dlsalpotnt6d.5top

3bo!t !6:?0, but olly cla* old Blesrove Olawi Salsola, e! ad olawi vuo!1sa10 0f

Olawt salon-

1n the rxlst raF or the {l!st los & Clar! opd€d a v+fdxct. splttsf Blast.ee-59,7,62,L,62.9, 6o.8j clalr- 54.o, 6t.o, 62.r, 61.ri tbbotsor, - 57.1r 6r.8, 64.0, 55.4; Eerson, 57.2,69,5,66.3,63,0.

lIXrAriD, 1?O, hslddr 11O <Sept.2cz?) llt day- rr!13nd 69' c.!. 48

1, ltrre Ramon, E, 1.5O.a; 2. rrcor! E, rt52.zi 3. t. Kortio, r. 1!52.oi lr. E.


Eapeasaalij I. r:r2.8. (R.rso! piled or ibe

to v1n ea311y), lrooe. 1. olavi vuorisalo, l. ,I&4.2t 2. Ee"s"", E, jr44.6i ). tt. Derek rbbotsor, !, ,:46.6. r,3rtt,tri (E#son & Ibbotson -B!r"" ils losltions ultil the lonq filishiEs 35o eds.


,oooE. r. Jorm xarr}o, r. 1&:o7.3i z. R. i;E:;prto,!. 1lr:o8.1; ,. ste Eldon! E, llrrro.o; &. i,! <e tu11ivant, Ej 14:17"3. (Eldor t.:isd his tre ,ooob. bur vh€n rh€ rtms took ov€r &

star could not close).

F, e.55,ot 2. ,ooob"sfcl€€€! E, a.t?.)tt 3. o. irtri6enraa!!. -"i.-Ei;i;t; 8:r9.6i l. i,[ke E6!!1ott! E, 9roo.]r. hvttarlo! Junicr !4!161 1. lster u!h€!r ralton' lr! r.rt z. a. EaF6y, cloyddrr 4:1lr.7i r" R. rioeeDnr 6!s, lttrS.It !" a. lnlDerr tarion, lrt15.6r ,. R. ctvarj v#tDlEto! gch.r l1r15.or 6. !" !&Mcntssue, Ihrr! 6d D1st., |rr?.r. (ae En1t16]r socond Dar: lroor. l. Job! vrrighto!, E, 16.tr, 2, v. Eerletorr r. 16.91 3. E.sa@sorr E,4?,oi 4. P. R€lola: F.47.6. ro,ooont 1. r,E.tin nrel, E, 29t35.o, 2. B44tt F;Ti;; !, 29r4?.Ir ,. E. x'uoDala, r. eo:A,o.!i lr. R. soyLinruro' r" 34:04.8. 4 r 4ooor 1. srsland (saDp6olr 6esa1r ravsolt vr'llshtor), rtr1.2i 2. ltllddr J119.8. Ilvltatlod 3v6rts: !993:1. M.c. sp€Dce, so.Ar!1ca, 46.7i z. rrbr Ysrdley, !, 18.2; ,. .t. !!I6aacj €ooh. r. D.Shiihj Ner zgrantl, 1352,i, 2. T. c.:r E 7r5).9i 3. Ian lotd' R l,.rrrr. l. clshab"' E 6!ott' acotlald' 3rr3.o; 2. Alan coldotr, 6coi1ud, ar53.5t f. B.a, parlesr Er arrr,&;4. A.N.tro!!el1' Italesr 8rrr,8t ," M. lulrlvut' t, A.55.at 6. D.J.P. itclatds' Hales,3tr6.a. Teare! 1r Acotlerdr 10i 2. EDqlald' 17:3. V.16. 18"

('r]clooD ,//rNs LoNroN To BRIGFoN t, U.1es,tz9yds. se!1.27 (7a.&,) At th6 strok€ Sunyt cool. sllit6: 5 dre6' ,1r2ot 1o dr€B' 63.08i 20 d1es, 2ta6"3a, 21+b,r256t, 2.36.25r ,or,l1olry, r:tr.2oj r9d,|7zyr xhL'ood, 4rrr.4a,

r. r4rle (1rkrood, 5bt47n.W9. 2. Jo€ Falrtuod' (43 Fs.) sutton' E 5.5l2ti t.

Altrru! r4au,(r6yr5.) !6!l,yr ,:r9.o4; 4. ao! Eo!croft, ri/E, 5to1.54(vtm !{ats!'s .€co.d fra o{ 5:?6,20 last y6a!)r 5. P. C6odse1r, Yrdltolr 6!o4.rlt 5. E.W.DeF!s, TVE' 6!O4.48i 7" d.P.Xei1y, Ib!}ry, 6109.49 (34 Il!tsh€.3 ud€? t hou!E). Solth Lndoa Eaarl€.s 6 161€s clul, cLq4, 1. P.

rrlve!. )or2o.za 2, J-G. lusty! , Mir€s! l. L.D. Reed' 1lt20.6

w.B. PNv



A.A.U. oiynlic Devetop@lt i6.athon (26 l4lesl yds) nh - seattl6r vasunsto!, aepi. 2atb. vdncout€r oLrr@lc crub, 2 tt7.20

('ooon. sprits- 79t2o, 17t'r, 56rza, I.7r.2t, r,rt. t5, 1 rr5,o7, 2.77, z.3a "zo> z. cele c!@i'!s (13 rrs.ord) r,boreliM Ac, t!)r2,59 aeattlet 3. Robelt siartzerr, (42 y!s.old) capltol Ac, Itoz,45 or@1a. wasbinston, rr, no .the. finlsbers- BryaD sr.eney, larlald Itsr seattler ort at 20 Bfles (4t38,oo)i Colby vhit€, sbor€lile E, Seait16, Out at 3oh (Jtooroo); Jeity Blav€ns, sholeriG ssr' otri a: ,okr (r:u.4o)i ra,1n1!r up@iek€, seattr6 oc' clock i's r9r20, t?trg, 16tI9' r:16.1r: D6mis Atkl4olr a{ttl. 0c' o1t at 20

October! r9r3--z:

(n. (rr30.07); Jobn nlbbs, ubattached, Ilcoe, ta3}lnltonr out ar ?okn (1:l,r,t7)j capitol !c our ar 4 niles.

of tLe lolean ,{ihl€tic Federation. As far as Ir!€ be€r 3b1e by tne ra. A. t,

THi!! Br'].ftR K1aI'S SIiASOIi OP'NDR I]'nG

sept"27- rhe



ati0.61 rasbion i.at Utiti5h CclrDbiE ruD€.s the 4t D1le .ours. zr,lj secolds eet by Irr 1@!ta1 !o!€ Iryla tr lie lasr rlr+o)r4,ir 5c,ace ot i9r6. ar tle y6a!. neJ,lled ib 6 t1E!t !acr' fo: thre. Dtlee :!iatrt (6'1,1tu1 P.rr tcar.!. rl|-€d eray to ''"

@s!-bcwi €:ists.

ixr to nid-dlsrrt) lrir!€r wc:d 17-19 (!isb sdo.1 ss€), ir. xrrean 'ea.ntederetion Athretic rr.7s

-iL.2 r.)

rh'c. dir{er.rt harriels: lruy !4erorr ir:'ie & P€t€ na:r:s) ore aj i.11ovsr r. !a(r rea,j4r, vori :2ro5.8; z. tt-aa,22r\'a ?::14; )t, nsr '. lvor te?1e,, 1t@, zzt,4a 6, Rlcrde lricl.lls, \ttta' 22t54.,. Cotci€ .Ionnsor .f arctlc 23.32 7. read f risni (cr 14 @re ue!s) ?h!ch lbc1lded ile blothels steghds {yic & !t!ry) or vOC, sre.n6t sld olc eiie! stan 2 l/4 lt e Rac€r 1. lon lrzivdcour€r rechr 16:16.2; 2. rsn



cop6ratrd, Abbo18.o.d, 16r4r; l.



I-s!r€y, 16.52: .t, EaEy AdsE, {ins Edvald E8i valqlq! e!, 17.9q& I &l€ rlpi!!€{s"

Irve leen litti:

ooyr if reodrr

htsx stboois lsle

r!u€.s iive (tneirre b!.utnt tnto se.ul Jron cuitrino distttcts or oc.asior). oiherYis€ ihe (aow robb6)


Jelan. Eis rat€3t p.ot€set l,aEy.ledrhs, juet dipled uder 4:oo tor tre lroo. r,o.ks rllre a real ccrer if thE srlrroR MItDr,E Arr,alt"tlc a{u cElMpIo}IsEIp





1, (Iro


atldtlc citr, oct. 19 (1 P.rir. ) a!o*Eln! Ro5s, Ped acr tliutrlbec by a step & vi' tio secord adual

€11€. a P€rEc

sr. [r{t{'J !, E


todaY o! tb€ RrJl]orrrc rLxotr4, by EP/l css.les Blddlet S6ou1, x.!e., Sept.z6,L25A, BoardElL alors The Boru Mbs €Itu.r.to! is velr rltt-e Rosst &:de11€ & Steve Vbeta!, V6€p€r lC' led at Nevto! Ave.& ih€ tBv€ olsulz€d 1l th€ usa old cleat nritaln fo! 1o!g dlstalce. Aciua11y, loaldtsa* ( 4.6 n er & ,r8 ft.) and Boss & a!!dthe xoleu bloch ot tn€ IIRC est ne ln th€ el1e alte@t€d ihe lead ove! th€ r€ttrh route disti@tty ascst stao€ for I ca ltld e 50 YardEr vher€ the rr6y3. Ko!6ats tubberto 6 sE€pla! 6 llch vlctory! Rossr for@. .Ea 5hb apr@ls to be 6o1err a ette! of p!€sold of 4A:94.4 of 1a5t yoa! vas a15o clach€d bv fo!@! TeEple t10€ snd fac&ltfths. Iirs hardle.t by te &!d€11e & t@rovlDg ro!€a! atLletic fedolatlo!, r!.lcb lrandr6s athl€tlcsi.,Ao 1. 3!oEt!s Ross' leE AC, 47124 ol li*o the lAU sd Ilc !.11ed llto one" 47.25 z. Lqth6! lurd€Il€, P.n ^c' 48to9 Th6!E 15 36 ecb €@ha3ts on here st6v6 [r!e]aDr v63p6! ac' ,. tlai €verr s!6de school b.y 1€ 'i@iEs 4. Jack Ba!ry, ahara!5n cc, b9.1r3 !€It yltb tbe rlope of dev€loplls into ory49.52 5. J6ss€ aurderle, ?6n 4c' !t1c potdtlalr SDdre& of pe4€es plod 6" Job! clEiusbaq res ac, 5o!r, a16ns ihe sutte! itar ald nisbt. At tle ele sbaDshe cc. -i'zr 51.01

rorq !M4IqE

aldb'alch€3 coach, but 'Et'€

rry blgh schools, colles€sr

tbe l1E1t .f

-8. B

r-t;;1q-36;"f;" cc,

9, tad€ ltasbDston' thaD.lan CC' ,2;r2 1o. a!s!a Eatsor, PeD ac, 1r. Gus Colsturt' Vespe! BCr 53112 r2. Ia!!y Delaey' slalalran cc, 53.2, <@t De.,




t!i. oet. ,r s! !!l!.eto!, N.J. !'ircetoa 15, setoa sa1l 47. !. arralles Budsort !. 2610r.r. 4+t5i I lri. Oct, ,, st Nek EnnsYick' N.J. 55t46 1 Ont!" ot PeMsylvado 5613' t x-c t!d. *lMer stDce i952 today but 3ttr1 is.n4hsb cft ,6r'16 I lost ii3 rrth stra:slt re€t' bovins to tuts€rs' rlacy' P. 27:26i 2. La. Llelly !{daldr eFd ac, 97to0 l 26-29 <5 tuiras>L. Emie 48t01 3" rd naE€f, R, 4. J4bn rrGerro '9. roo rer,-' v€-pd. E ! | tt. 5. Dlck rarlab€e, P. 6. nick Lewtre, P. zo. Gus lsEsr va€r.' Er! t9.r5 I i,ri. Oct. fr at \{€st chesier' Pa" ?1. r?5n! Ee11Y' sr,,nnia! Ccr 60:30 | ?:, 96b ,crota!' v.sler Bc" 6|112 \ rest cle't€r stai€ leachells colleqe ia, I4llre.lreschers' rl3, (41 D11€5) 1. Itsnln I'cE I,C. r-2-5-6-10= \ svlrr.e "4 arya!, {rc, :o:ir4i 2, ail touse, ?c; :, Eilr 2" snandr. ?C' A'7-3-t-1tF 4ol f' Yerpe. i Eecklriehr rf. lr. Jin trr1115@, r{c, nc, 3-ir,r3-1!-1+ ,6" i Fri. oct, to, nace ]r.!ss, !r I I t7, c.rsete 46, (5 brles) 1. at il1€ !.e!€trtatlon .r i inlet *a+ c:dr oltot tbo r3ce." { 26.ttt z. pza;'tes, s, ll, 9olr o'bom3, s, !.csrr- sxL, 19! a.rrat€ !o, 1" rre rBcs strr 'd and \ tyh (! q1€3) lr:43 course Rec.rd. st, J.s.dlrs 17' viu.n va f ',:I1 5n.d nt ih! spelcel u. gtuett r.e1d i c?eek Oolf course' Pbila, 1. Bemy tynch, sJ! ..nn rb€ soqrJt.Lk. fbe I 25!29"2 l5 t]j.!es) | 2. Ea1 Thorsen' sr; 3. Roes ,ours€ lo,oLed 9.J L:les do I s.r, 4. J.e ucctF, sJi t. flb lbNare!. ro8 Poer". p.I?F+tFq rr I coMerly, 6. Dob Codesky, vtll. clLJ -' 4r:u(Ir c,ty ' b@Is {. r9lb pldce I vfll. Se!t. 27' {ortleosl"tr 37, {€i IIdlEs!!re I and i!6 $11113s Scholy Tror):r to ih€ t1eer. 2z (!.6 diios) r€au edals t. th€ rlret i ieaG. !a'E! | Z[:24; 2, [b.cres.r, IE, 2]:23; 3. rbultoD, o'Coarc1r, ) NE,25rr5, 4. Fovlef' NU, 25:2oi iii: NE,25t29i 6. crosbyr NU, :r:ro. '. oct, rI! North€asten 21, Rhode Islald rl coll€oo CeFs-Coutl! Rcsutts! <5,25 bTres' 1. toEsla' xj zarlrr 2. c!ehMc, Rr, z9!r9i 3. trach! RI,29t5oi 4. s6t. oct.Il,r at alusLlrs! Que6n3' N'Y. ^trerob, Nr., lorz!; r. closbr' NU' 90rt2.,FroshAlrv 21j 9r. Jobr6 39, N.Y.IJ. 80 Rr, 17, lrn, 42 (2.7tE reE) 1, 1" P€te! clos€' st. Jo!!rs,21153., rSrlri z. Ri1€y, RI' rrr3r. (, r'r rss) sr. J.b!'E fLrst Oct. ir,at F!a!kli! Parkr Boston u. Mass. 19! u, rElno 42r sllilsft€ld E6' ssi, oct.lz! at van cortlddt rb*, Yc. Nolih€sstem 91 (Thls ls a elo! ulset b€cll?lnatto 23, Foldhab 34, ltovldelce 82 & ause lBt!€ ttas lr€o N.l. cbaD! fo! tbe p55t co:&ctldt t9. 1. r€te! 3€ye!, !{. 25:28.3 (, !11es) by 95o yds.; 2. Ed ieA11ister, u. 3 r€sls). t. s€sreyr rblle. zor'oi 2. Dattl lEit ' 2o.54t 9. Atktrson' ltsss. Zltooi 4. 26to7i 3, cnna l,b:tt!, M. 26t18: &. Toh Convsy, 1,b55.21t13j r. I6lobet! Sp!,21t34 Kea!!5, t" 26t2or ,. rarea Mclbbon, I. 26I22i r!o€b- \.s 2?' u of 1663 24. r. lortoE & 6. ralte! CooD6!! P. 26rt6t 7. Do!:u16i,F. stlonach! nur rr:roi 3. t€eksr !'bss. 15!to. ?5rra; 8. La!!y 9t. clalr, M, 26!42. oct. 11. 6t atrr*, o11o. Piii lrr ohio Tu€s. Ocr.I4r sL cobbs creekr Pbtla., Pa. LEiv. lr5. r. Roa &!shr !. 22113 D4 courge l€sa116 23' !€@tlrabla ,5. (4., dr€s) rec. z. Joh! cbrlstot. P. 3, !sr6 Fau€eltP. l. lEie T.acvr !. z3rr7 ( old couls€ lecotd lr. ldcky JupiBa' P. ,, vhce vrollart !. zlrru tr Tyson c.6are! of larytsndi o1d P€d oct. 9,at Be.v€! !ar1s, pa. (1.[ D]€s) rocold zlrrlio tlr !F!k fl6be!) i 2" Estl Jefte!&n' casesle Tech 17, G€leva &5. 1. ri6' Erlc r,aaatl€. 24:or: 3! JID suD€r' Ls' ottervi!. 3i1r r'itt@A. Dick EaDllto!' alt r!1, oct.10' at P!!tl3nd' o!€gon, zz:22.o; 4. Don lbar6t' c. Portled 6tate 91, Le15 & C1a!k 4?' U. of (4t! sttaisbi lor caF€gie Tecbl) lortrsd 63. 1. r,en LurroE, Psc, 9:t4i 2. sept.2?' ar Pittsbursht roD. (1., u.) PBC, 9t25: 3. Pitt 22! s1ipp3!y Rock 34r Oberlla 76 u.P.9!Z6i 4. Dlcli lrles, P6cr 9.z8i 5' Jtn r. Ro! Rusht P. Z\tOg) 2, Jorr ClFisloJJr P. arde., I*!c' 9,16! 6. Lva! RouMsou, r&Cr9.@. 24129. 3. DaTe ?€N€r! P. 24t&ti !, mcl !!1, Oct,l?, at PllDc€ton, N.J. (5.1 E11oa) shi!€y, sR! 2r.r6i 5. Pat M,ote-tt sR, zrr22. at. Joseehr! r2r roldbaE rS' l"trcetol 62r oct.r. at Ptttsnullb (4.rd.) rttt 20, I. vrolte! Coopelr r. 25122.2 <..!"e. lac.i 1t65tEln5te!, Jo€epbr3, ,9. 1. non n!sb, P. 23.24i 2. St. S1o4' ord $c.r 25 15 bv Jo€ 'tr r 23.)zt ). 1257>1 2. J.r'r Lvbcbr 6J' 25:I2i 3' Don Lur'ir F. 4. Eudsou, P. 5. x€aFsr F. 6' I'Ercb65ei'3J' z\tLo, re!€ cot1.s. &c lAi etb. it. Ea!1 sdtbr Ped AC' rr. roe Rocco, Pe ac, 1r, J1D ASSer! 96ep6! lC, 16. Jlh sesr, Vosp6! tC,






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