Vol. 3
, C-a'-,fi'u '
t1 r1 tt
v/ zY
a+* fl, ?
7/ t'/
, 2--Septenber, 1958
senior l-5-kitoneter Chanpionship
Sania Monicar Ca1ifofida Uonday, Septenber
Sponsored by Santa ilonica Chember
siart (fO:O6 a'4.); ldeal ru:]rdn3 conditioos' of 26 startlrs finished' i'Jo club had fuIL five-oan tean'
lleather: Cloudy at 25
Blgt-ojl-l inish 1. Pete McArdle, liew lork Alhletic Club ' ' 2. Rober! Drake, Cu.lver City .Athletj.a Clu: ' ' ' 3. Tboroas C. Rya.nr u.]1atbache.i . ' ' . 4. l,lichae1 G. ll-Len, ulatljached .&.Field -'^ssn' ' 5. i"Dllialn Cookin, San DieSo Track 6. Peter B. }lundle, SouNher4 Jalifor:1ia strirlers ' ?. iobeit Larson, San tieSo TlacL & Iiefd -"'ssn' ' 8. Eddie Rosas, lmalriached ss'1' ' ' ' 9. TonJ Sucecr Sal Diego Track c :iefd jLrilc'r 10. Sil;eeter ViILa, roLlhern Calil)n;' ]-L. Paul" t. Fisher, Ca.lp Pendleton Uari-nes ' l r'ji
46:0a.9 46: C6.5 l+'l I
' ' ' ' '
'' ' ' ' ' ' joulher1 Californ;'a ' ' ' ' ll. 'Lr:ders 1,1.. Lraesu G, Schu.Ilz r Soulnem Caljfor:1ia -Lr-'leri ' ' i5. l"g"fo CoraLlis, Sa.1 fern&ldo Val-!'. iroa'l- lu 'r' ' Ib. Charles J. ihorLr uiraLLacled . . ' ' :loaa-:'rr ' "r ' I?. Je35 O. ,lgurrre, San Femaado Vel-L'./ 18. FtaYio l',adariaga, RiYersiJe YI';CA ' ' ' 19. Roberl, A. Wil.Lians, Long tseacn Slate Col-!;= ' ' ' ciLJ 'll leLic ilrb i5. 0,"*f." C. hlann, C\lv'r 21. JotL; Garcia, calver gity ALI"I't'ic Club 22. John DistY, uattached 23. I-olris R. tardenas, San Fer.-anL'lo 'aLI'',/ oal_ u': e' ' i. fe-nern ). Slrong, cu-vir city ^tl:Ier'ir :luh ' ' ' 25. MichaeL Kish, Riverside ]liCA ' ' ' l-2.
l,i.ax ChaneJ, Sa,'l L. J s.nes sebio,
49 t2-, 5C: 2a
5a,Lh 5L:55
Diego lrac,r & _:iel
53|03 5L,54
55t52 55t 56 56: c8
62:35 61+t 31+
Did not finlsh:
E. Slnpson J?., lrllat'iacl1e'r Peter McArdle, a transFlanted Irishnan Notes: Race no\a llvlng 1n New York, p.evented a west coast sweep by snatching the wtnner's laurels fron iitproving Bob Drake of the Culver City Athletic C1ub.. The course was obviously short. They used a short and a tong loop course, r,rhereas they probably should have gone twlce around the outer 1ooF,. Not even with five gold nedals and a senior titlâ&#x201A;Ź dangled before then could anv club Droduce a five-nan tean. Roland
Tlne is 2d Fastest in Historv.' Two Others Crack '1 Minutes ran the second London, Sept.4- Australian Marvel flerb Etliott fastest nile l! hlstory yesterday, 3:55.4s, as two other runners in an invltational race at white city Stadiun also broke four nins. !11lott's clocttns, hls lOth sut'-four-ninute nile in as nanv trtes thls vear. r,Ias less than a second behind hls hlstoric 3:54.4 1111e at Dubltn on August o. (Contlnued page 25'colunn 2)
SePtentiet. 1958--3
that we dre progresslng In the rlght directlon. Probably the -ost dtsturbJng letter to reach our desk thls nonth canre Editor- Bror{ning Ross' 306 l'/. Center St. fron Ted corbltt statlng that the hjoodbrr y, N.J. t'letropolitan RRC canBot be apprqveal Circulation i'lanager- Frank Ke11y, by the AAU. They feel that the RRc 17 !tc1id St., WoodburY, N,J. ts t11ega1, that 1t ls agatnst AAU ru1es, that It 1s a ParaIlel ortanPublished by IIar1/lne printing Co., izatlon to the AAU and ln confllct 155 N, 15th St., Ph i1a. , 2) Iawith lt. "The llet RRc ftled a forfla1 appl lcRates:25 cents a coPy; $2.50 a Year, atlon for nelnbershlp ln the Met. AAtr ( publ tshe d nonthlt) last Ju1y. In SePtenber theY were f{na11y coflsldeled bt the netnbe!shlp contributors thls nonth: Don FaY, (Boston); Bob CainPbell, (Boston) ; conrnlttee. The answei r,Ias a urtaIrlnous NO, Thetr nlnds seencd to be nade uP Ha1 Bob Craib, (So. California); and nothlng we could do would change H igdon, (Chlcago); Arne Rlchards, r"hi.ago); Blll Jir eson, rBaltlnore) I that , " Ted states. We suggest thst the subJect be brouNat Cirulnick, (BrooklYn, N. Y. ) ; gh* up at the Natlonal AAU ConYen+lofl Ted Corbitt, (Ne1'/ York Clty) i Gordon 1n the Lorg Dtstance Runtrlng Connltte€ Dickson, (Canada); N€i1 Farre11, rPiltsburgh): or: be referred to the Rules Conillttee " anada); Bob ,:rrar, for a deftnlte declslon as to the rrrolal colby, .Canada\i LlJarren leddlck, (Greenbelt, Ijd.); Dick P a c k a i d , ( B o s t o n ) ; fact of the RRCS belng agalnst AAU r[1es and that ln the eYent the RRC Dain Oliver, (Boston) ; xd Johnston' (roronto); Don Jacobs, (Pactfic Northls pernlsslble, thea what are the Then 1in{tattons of lts actlYlttes. west) ; Dick Hart,(Northern Callfornla) re-app1y to the Met AAU. John FlahertY, Me trop6l ltar AAU ?resldent ls very nuch in favor of RANDOI1 POT SHOTS FRO ALT POINTS the RRc. lle belleYes the RRc ls a good idea ard would te a lot better nach nonth the !9!g Distance !9g e.ot'" u"a than nanv of the paper clubs alnost in expertence, nunbe I of .-.ttil"t"ts every Assoclatlon is now loaded wlth new subscr ibers. letts hope that everyone ltrteresteal Uithout the wonderful and generous 1n the developnelrt of U.S. dlstance efforts of all our original subscribers runtrtng wl11 nate a stncere attcnpt the Long Dtstance Log would be inpossible to get to Yorh, Pa. on NoYenber 2d to publ lsh each nonth. fo! a general Natlotal neettEg of Don Fay, Joe Kleinernan, Neil Farrel1, the varlous RRc clubs that the AAU Curt Stone, Fied !li1t, George Brown, Bl11 has approved of(How can sone Assng. Jineson, Ted Corbitt, Ha1 Higdon' Don approve tle RRc & sone not?) 60 that Jacobs, Nat Cirulnick, John A. Kelley' we can act on the furth€rldg of a Bob Craib, Charlle Robbins, Bl11 Marot ' unlted Natlotra1 RRC. s tiong, Botj osborne, Gotdon Dickson, John sterner, Fo!ner LD RunnlJlg ChaIrtratr MarY Gttltng, Bert Nelson, 1{ar!y Groves, Jack Thonas has askeal the Mldwest RRC to Arne Rlchards, Bob !lcGulre, Dick Hart, nake suggestlons (P9.21) for th. A.L. Monteverde, Dlck Cohe!r, Dain Oltver, picktng of rnarathotrcrs fo! Pa!-An lowe I I hji I I ta-s, Hugh Jascoutt. Enerson Case, Harold Co1by, Bob Harrts, H.E. Mattin, and 01ynplc 6ancs. we wo{1d lltc to Dtck Bank, Gar Wi11tans, Scott D, Hanilton, thro{r lt open for dlscusslol h thc LDI . Why shouldntt thc rl1trdcls, Keith Garnan, Johnny Senple and ou! cover alcteinhc how artist Henry Kinkaid all deserve recognltlon not the offlclals they are to be se1€cted? as co-editors. They, and the nany others Dont forget:'Aroulld the BaY' race and results t r ibute d arttcles wtr o- tiffin nake the Long Distance Log truly a publlcat_ Hanllton, Ont.(Oct.25)i J€rset Cltt Marathon, (oct .11) | caIradlaE & opctl ion for runners !I runners. Cross-country Chanptonshlp, 6 Elles, We re al ize that we have a long way to go Dundurn ?k. Eamllton' Ont. (Nov.1) before the Log is conplete in its coverage Mtddle Atlarttc & open 15klr Atleatlc of d11 U,<. distance e\ents, and ftee froFr znd printlng errors, but we feel c1ty, NJ, (Oct. 19)--Th€ rdttor. editorial
A PUBIICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNIRS vo1. 3, No. 33. SePtenber, 1958
D 2--Septernber. 1958
Nelj-ona1 AAU senior l5-kilo.aeter Chanpionship Rr]n Sa.nta Molr-ics, Calif ornia
ltondat, Septernber
Sponsored btr sanla i'ionica ch€,mber
Co :rerce
''leather: Cloudy at Stari, (10106 a.m.); ideal r'rixdn8 corditioas '
start;rs finished.
l'lo club had fu-11 five-'lan l'ean'
Pete MeArdle' \'e]^l
lork rlthletic Club . '
Dralce, Cu.lver City AthIeU'c CLuD ThoDa3 C. oYs,a, unaLLac'-'
2. Robert
. . ' ' ' ' '
i{.. ltictraet G. Allen, unaliached . . . j. difU..* Gookin, San DieSo irack & Field I'ssn' 6. 1"t". g. undl;, Soulherir 0a1ifo!:1!a Stfiders i. eouutt Iarson, San Diego Trac| {a !ie1d -i'ssrl' '
+9:49'L ' ' ' ' ' l+9t25 ' 50:2; d. laai. nou"", tDattachea :!'?o ' ' ' ' ' 'r:41+ 9. Tony Sucec, Saa Diego Track & Field -{ssn. Stride's California fO. Sifiu"t"r Vitla, southern ' ' ' 2!'r7, t!t)' U. Paul. !, Fisher, Canp Pendleton liarines . fZ, Ur. Ctt..,"y, San Diego Track & !-ield Assn' ' ' ' ' ' 52t+ ' ' ' ' 5215\ f:. f,. ,1"-.u i"lio, sooih".n california Stridefs Strider'5 ' ' 53raB . n."""t G. Schuitz, southem ca]jiforniaRoac-iturxlers Sa-n remanalo val-feJ' 2l'5-a^ G: G;"i. coral.l'is, )'2? i6. c"l.i"" J. jhori, $atlached . . . . : I?. Jese G. Agujlrer San Fern3.ldo VaIIe"/ ?o:'i-_:t1 2,t2". 18. Ftario lladariaga, Riverside,!I'CA . " " " "' ?"'Y: Coll";= tseach ilab' Iong 19. Robert, A, dlllisns, ' ' '.o:.?? 20, Dru€las C. Klann, Gulver C:L:/ 'L -Lelic '1-b ' ?t'?: Cr.rl-ver Uity tNhlelic ClLb ' ' ' ' " ' 'b:)o 21. John Garcia,-,-attached . 90t4 ii. .loi,tt oi"ty, u .'j' zl. 1,.*1" n. iaraunas, San Fer'.ando 'aII'J ioalt" )5 24. denneth f. Strong, Culv'r Citj ]thlelic uiur) ' ' ' ' ::t): t1i4 25. Michael Kish; Riverside IC- . ' Dl.d not firrlshr Rol,and E. Simpson Jr., tmatlached Race Notesr Iete. NcArdl€, a transplanted Irishnan now llylng in New York, prevent€d a West coast sweep by snatching the wtnner's laure 1s fron inproving Bob Drake of the Culver City Athletic C1ub.. Th€ course was obviously short. They used a short and a long
loop course, wh-raas 1r.Fy probablv \ould hzve 8on" twlce around the outer 1oop.. Not even with five gold nedals and a senior title dangled before then could anv club Froduce a five-nan tean,
Tine 1s 2d Fastest in History;
Two Others Crack 4 Minutes
ran the se.ond London, Sept,4- Australian Marvel ri€.b xlliott fastest rntle in htstory yesteiday, 3r55,.1s, as two other runners in an invitational race at White City Stadiun also broke four nins, xlllott's clocktng, hls 10th sub-four-ninute ntle tn as nany tries this year. was less than a s€cond behtnd his htstoric 3:54.4 n11e at Dub1ln or August 6. (Conttnued page 25-colunn 2)
SePtefiber. THE LONG
tfat we are progresslng ln the rtght diiectlon. ?!obably the most dlstuiblng letter to reach our desk this nonth came Editor- Brorvning Ross, 306 lI, Center St. fron Ted Corbltt statlng that the WoodburY, N. J. Metropolitan RRC cantrot be appraved Circulation l!anager- Frank Ke 11y ' by the AAU. They feel that the RRC 17 xuclid St., WoodburY, N.J. ls 11lega1, that tt ts agalrlst AAU !ules, that lt ls a Para11e1 organPubl ishe d by I{arvlne Pr int ing Co . , izatlon to th€ AAU and ln confllct 155 N. 15th St. Ph i1a. , 2, Pa. ' wtth tt. Rates:25 cents a copy; $2.50 a Yea!. "The Met RRC flled a fornal applic( publ lshe d nonthly) atlon for nenbershtp tn the Met, AAtr last July. In SePteflber theY we!e finally consldered by the nenbershlp Contributors thls nonth: Don Fay, (Boston); Bob CanPb€11, (Boston); connlttee. The answer was a ttnanil!!ous NO. Thetr nlnds seenatl to be nade up Ha1 Bob Craib, (So. Caltfornia); and nothtng we co[1d dlo oltlal change Higdon, (Chlcago); Arne R tchards, . hi/ago\i Elll JinFson. (Baltinore); that , " Ted states. We srggest thst the subJect be b!:ol!Nat Cirulnick, (BrooklYn, N.Y.); ght up at the Natlonal AAU Conve[tion Ted Corbltt, (Nerv Yoik City) ; Gordon ln the l-ong Dlstance RuaIllng connlttee Dickson, ( Canada) ; Ne i1 Fa!re11, (Canada); Bob Carnan, (Ptttsburgh); or be referred to the Rules Conrlttee for a deflntte declslon as to the Ha-otd r_ot bv, rCanada) i Warren leddlck. (Greenbelt, !1d. ) ; Dick P a c k a r d , ( B o s t o n ) ; fact of the RRCS belng agatnst AAU rules ard that. ln the evetrt tlte RRC Dain Oliver, (Boston) ; Ed Johnston, (Toronto); Don Jacobs, (Pactftc Northls pernlsslble, then what are the Then of tts activtties. llnltatIoIs west); Dick Hart, (Northern Califorflia) re-apply to the Met AAU. John Flahertt, Metropolltad AAII Preslde4t is very nlch llr feYor of RANDOII POT SHOTS FROII ALL POINTS trte RRC. IIe belleves the RRC ls a good ldea and wotld be a 1ot better !ach nonth the !9!€ Distance !9€ gro}rs than nary of the PaPer clubs alnost in experlence, nunber of .ontributors and every Association is !!ow loadeal r,{lth new subscr lbers. letts hope that eYeryone lnteresteal !lithout the wonderful and generous 1n the developtnent of U.s. dlstance efforts of all our original subscribers running w111 nake a slncerc attcnpt thF Long Dt"tance Log would be i-possible to get to York, Pa. on NoYenber 2d to publ lsh each nonth. for a general Natlonal neetltrg of Don Fay, Joe Kleinernan, Neil Farrell, the vai:1ous RRC clubs that the AAU Curt Stone, Fred Wi1t, George Brown, Bill has approved of(How catr sonc Assns. Jineson, Ted Corbitt, Ha1 Higdon, Don approve the RRC & sone tlot?) 8o that Jacobs, Nat Clrulnick, John A. Ke11ey, of a we can act on the f[rthcrlng Bob Craib, Charlte Robbins, B111 Marot' strong, united Natlonal RRc. Bob Osborne, Gordo"r Dlckson. Jobn Sternet, Fornei: lD Runnlng Chairnan MerY Hdrry crov-s, Be-t Nelson, Jack clrI lng, qrne R lcfards, Bob i\'cCuire, Dtck Hart. Thonas hBs asked the Mltlwest RRC to nake suggestlors (p9.21) for thc A.L, IloDteverde, Dlck Cohen, Datn Oliver, plctlllg of narathotlcrs for Paa-An Lorvell Wi11tans, Eugh Jascourt, Inerson Case, Harold CoIby, Bob Harrls, H.E. Martin, and O1y!rptc Gsncs. Wc would 1lke to Dick Bank, Cat \',i111ams. Scott D. Harttton. throw lt opetr for tllscusslor 1n th. LDL. Why shouldnrt thc tunncis, Keith Garnan, Johnny Senple and our coYer alctetr[Il. how artist Henry Kinkaid all deseive recognltio11 not the offlctals theY are to b€ selectcd? They. and tl-e nany others as.o-edi1ors. Dont forget: rA!outrd the BaTt race and results who have contiibuted altlcles nake the Long Distance Log truly a publlcat- Eanl1totr, Ont. (oct.25 ) ; Je!3cy CItt Marathon.(Oct,11)r Canadlar & Ope! ion t9: runners !I runners. cros s-colldtr y chanplonshlp, 6 lrl1es' We re al ize that we have a long way to go Dundurn Pk, IIanlltod, Ont. (NoY.1) before the Log is coinplete in its coverage & Open 15klt AtlaEtIc Mldalle Atlartlc of all U. S. dtstance events, and free frollr editorial and printtng errors, but we feel C1ty, NJ. (Oct. 19)--The xdttor. A PUBLICATION FOR RUNNIRS BY RUNNBRS No.33. SePtenber, 1958 Vo1.3.
Aug. 16, 1958 = Mile: 1, .]a.k Uarder Ollmpic Club, 4:15.5; 2. Pres 1'rhelan (U. of Kentuckv), p.rsonal best of
2-Mile: l- Don Kc11ey, SCIV, 9:29-2; ;:--Di:: H"-r, Lr"r., 6:so.4; J. \ir'sriangler, SFAc, 10:0c880:1- Gordon lilartir. lnat. ,2:alt.9; :-!rank I'iurftang., ScYv, 2 l. Kur iz, urdt,, 2:!:.6, Ar\u ALL COMIRSi U!!T, PORII-CND, Oi!GON Aua, lo. l 8 $ lF: l. f" 'l H_..o , RoDbins, va;couve' o.c., alfo.l; 2. Ma.k U, of Oregon, .r:51.4; 3. L.n Llliens, Portland stat., 10:20,5; 4. Dick Pries, Benson HS, ?ort1and, 10:25.2; 5. Archle Mead.ws, OSC, 10:54.:l; o. Jin Tcnple, 300th. Srchase: 1, Mark Robbins, U ot Oq?r:i:-7..F-,:.B.8" ir- /. , ,.. 9:45; 3. Paul llendon, VoC, 9:46; 4. R Nicholts, VOl, 10:04; 5. Johr Burns, Notre Dane, 10:12; 6. Trunan C1aik, Abilene Christian, 10:42I Mile srchase Hish S.hoo1: r. IullL Bent, Nekton Kinsnan HS, 5:10.j; 2. Dave Dukehart, Lincoln HS, Portland; 3, Dud NlcKenzie, Lincoln Hs; 4. Barry Adans, VOCi s- Kevrn Ley, I,ATE DITAILS
Thc greatest T&F festival ever held in the Eritish Isles. That just abort suns !p the sixth Enpire Ganes hef.l at Cardiff Arns Park frofr Jtly 19th to 26th. The situation regar.ling tin.keeping seened tc be tlre only r'h.adache.r A11 of the positions below seventl! in the six oiles scre of doubtful auther, ticity and in the three nrles alipa.eni_ 1y only the first nine finishers wer€ tined, This is not good enouglr for any chanpiolship neeting, 1et alcne such an inportant event as the lhpire Gan.s. Most Dainfur nenorY: the calfous iippirg up of Biitain's finest track sithi! ninutes of the end oi the closire cere_ The Ganes were a tiu:Ly oltstandlng s!ccess- slrpassing the eapectations of eventhe nost optinistic- The next Ganes at Perth, Australiar in 1962, have a sreat tradition to naintain. i.L\ lo,. _ \-r1 .r.. 1 d..d \"-idLl" si-o. i , r ir p" ' ! .o di lion,
Aocut 30,0Cr0 s!ectators. 6 Miles: Th€ heat Dlayed havoc with
l5 sta;ters- Alastair ntii6-the (S.otland) an.l Davi.i Dodds (Rhodcsia) dropPed out, and sev--ra1 others r ircluding lngLandts Stan Eldoi and llugtr loord, Nere cnlt a shadoN of tlicir usual selves. Ildon cut out tne enrtl Pace and to$--d tli. tield arotrnd, first nile of:l::14-Ll toc fast fo..c4lort in At t{o ri1.si Eld.n (!:18..) was jrst ahead.f Da\.€ Powc. (Anstiali.) the (--ntans Ar.re Or,-nlta an; Karuti Sun, and laft1n rltman. ?.de. us in tronl at thr.e miles (14:14. c ), fol1ose.i.1os€1y'J)_ l]l.ion, Hvian, the 1(€n,!ar dxo, and lile:lshnan Jonn Metriman, tJro had igno..d the.arrt ruslI. Sn.rtlt after ttrre. ni 1cs !1.lcn started drcpping Dack a lictin of the su!, a blistered foot, an.l his extravagAt f.u. niLes (l!:0i.a) Powcr reEai!ed tlre lead from M.rrinar, with onLy Orentia and fiyflan in cont.ntion. Eldcn \tas tt0 vards behi!d. ?orcr slill 1e.1 th. tric at five niles (2.:1:0-t.d) a..1 just aetore the bell Hrnan tuas diopPed. Togethe! sith the llelsh boY, Poscr lrrolre asar fron olentia 350 yards frofl
hone and went
ere ciallenges aron Me.ridan. Pc{er collapsed at the finistr, i! cont.ast to Mer.inan, sho seened v.r1 fresn, onentia sas a great third and nis perfcinanc. was a1r the nor. renarkable lor.cavering abort 50 yards extra by contlnually rurninEi ride.. Half mile sptits. 2:15.0, 2 :19.9, 2t2A.7' 2t23.4, 2.2a.a, 2127.2, 2t24.9, 2:26. J, 2:28.2,2:31.b,2:11.6 ]1 e first tour btoke tn. Ganes 1. David Polver, Australia, 28:47.8; 2. Jo|n Merrinan, wales, 28:48.8; 3, Aiere Olenti., K.nya' 28.51-2i 4- Martin Hynan, Ingland, 2a:54.b; 5. Fred Norris, Englald, 29:44.o; :10:03.6 6. (dxti Sumr Kenla, 7. Joseph Connelly, Scotland:20.4 b, Ba-r, MogP, \'q ZF . 10:--. 9. StanLey Eldon, England, 30:30.0 10. l.1!barik Shah, Pakista, 31:03.2 31:03.2 11. Hugh Foord, Englatd' 12. Raynond Puct€tt, Nc{ Zealand 13. Georg--a de Peana, British G!iaDa
- A.apa.jtI croNd cf 32,000 wat.hed onc of the greatest daYS of athl--ti.s in histort. weather blrst.r) an.t rathe! cotd at tines. Track JULY 22nd
38ar Yarcs:(!ina1) The seven-nan iinal ?at:;i-ai .r tne third attenpt. nlliott made trse of his irside position arl 1 :.{i the fielil a.ound the first t!rE, Bt tlre tine tlre pack had sorted ili1l out at th. 220 mart Locke was in frcrt of Farrell and Rawson. Th. lace {as in.rcdibly slow conside.ing the presence of six sub-1:50 400n. nen. !11iott glided !xobtrusiverl into s.con.1 ait..250 lards, with Fewson rigr't behirrl hin i! third place. Tli. b.ll ctanged ir a ridiculous 58.8: Lo.k€ l.ading narrovly troi Elli.tit Hewson and Snith, {ith the others at th€ir heels srr.rrly after the be1i, Dltiott beea! his filishins burst(:) and without the slightest tet-up he whizzed around the s€c.!.] circuit in an lnptecedented 50.5. uewson welt with hin a1t the flay, but altbolgh tre narrowed a three yard nargin along the back straigllt to a foot or two at the finish he never h€aded the Arstralian *onder. Rawson, no hack when it cones to quarter niling, co!ld not live wlth Illiott and Hewso! over that second 1ap and finished nearly a dozen yards behind i! third p1ace. History repeated j.tse1f, for at Varcouver Hews.n had finished second to Derek Jobson folroting a protonged dash for the tape after a slow bel1. 1. Hefb€rt EIliott, Australia, 1:49.3 2. Bridr HFUsoa, ilrC d-o, l:44.5 r, Mi l"-l Fakson, Ergl.1d, l:51. 4. Teience Sx11ivan, Rhodesia, 1:51.3 . 0o1" S",r,, \.,7pdland, J:5t.5 6. Micnael Farre11, England, 1:52.1 7. Lesley Locke, Scotland, ftREE MILES: A iace that will lons be gr€atest ever nass display of thiee niles or 5,000n running. It resulted in a corprete trilnph for the Antlpodes and another set-back to England's distance running prestige. After Maiyoro((.nya) had covered the Ji-.i lcp in 04.o, l!b-r( T"onas, lh Australian, who recently broke the world thiee niles record, with 13:10.8, surged in front and at 8a0 (2:08.0) l€d fron cordon Pirie, Maiyoro and Ibbotson. lhe position Nas unchanged at a ni1e, which was reached in a brislr 4:1a.4.
The Nev Zealanders, Scott and Ha1b€rg, moved alread of the Enellsh pair in th€ fifth rap, and at 1+ niles (6::14.8) it was ahonas, Scott, Maiyoro, Powe!, }lalbelg, Ibbotson, Pixie and Onentia in a blnch, Thonas destroyed any.halce of a world record when he led the fietd around in a shaobring 73.4 eighth 1ap At t{o niles (a:55.6) Thoras vas shadowed by the N.2., llglish and (entan duos, plus Power. Peter Clark led the second bunch sone 30 yards behind i. about 9:01,0. Jusl Jprorp,,1 nilPs Halberg (5rlri, 1361blr a real1y dedicated athlete wl'o hdd .odp.letply over.ore th hdndicap of a withered arn, raced inlo a ten tard lead befote anyone knew what was happening. That vas the ead Running as if the previous nine 1&ps had sinply constituted his varr-up, he sped alound the last three-quarters in 3:11.41 Halberg breasied the taPe ful1y 50 yards ahead of the Sreatest middle distance field ever TRo excitirg duels for secord and fourth place $ere ro! by AhoDas and Pirie over Scott and Clark relpectively- lbbotson, {ho sas fifth at 2* si1es, faded to tetrth. Halbergrs tioe broke eY€ly recold in the book, except tbe r.orld oark, and it was the third faltest eve! recorded. !ersonai reco/ds sere poated by everyone in the filst Li!e, save for lboEas. Last half-lile ti&es: ltalberg 2:04, Thoias 2:13, Scoit 2:15, Pi.ie 2:15, Ibbotson 2:26. tap tiEes: 64.6, 63.4, 64.6, 65,4, n7,2, .9,2, 67.4, 73,4, 6a,0, 63.4, o4.2, o3.8. HarberBrs eigbt fa.te!t Iaps (two sires) lotal 8;37.0I offic.iar tines tere tate! mII fo! the filst !ine. Ibbotson clocked ab1. Murray Halbelg, Nei. ZealaDd, 13r15 2. Albert t1tosas, Alstlalia, 13:24.4 3. lleville Scott, N-2., 13r26-2 4. Gordo! Pifie, l!8laEd, 13t29.6 5. Peter Ctark, lnglard, 13:30-6 6. John Merrif,an, Ua1es, 13132.4 7. David Pover, Austlalia, 73137.6 a. Areie Onentia, Keflya, 13.42.2 9. Willian Baitlie, N.Z., 13144.4 10- Derek Ibbotsotr, ntrgldd 11. Michael Bullivant, Sngland 12. Nyardika l.{aiyoro, (enya 13. David Richalds, llales 14. Ian Binnie, Scotlaqd
road and feturned along a secondclass road running Para]let to the outward course. Spectators, follofl-.rs and traffjc nade it vert difficult for lhe spread-eagled field on the The tenlerature was just over 7q degr ees and th€ rlnr€rs encosntered a stiffi,"h breeze aft€r the turD at 11 rr ^2s,:J0 p.!. ,hen the iield ii:-., thc packed stadirs into sw.pt out of the equallt pa.ked stieets towards the first sharp gradient at 4 niles where irp-'ir;|d.'dl/Jdno one had tried to bake a breaL. A ity.rord r 32,800 ) . nile later it wo!1d have been diffic|.-_' ,ol |)-(P|' Or vil-(l u1t to nane a purposefll leader when of a fev secondq iiiT;; Ti!:;Tfn€at 1: 1. H.J. E1liort, 15 passed in a natte. r\ust-, 4:07,C; 2. Gordon tirie, !n9., bxt for record purposes Keftba11, Dav4:r?.9; :3. Milre Blagrove, Eng., ,+:04.6; ies, Niid and Barnard we.e bracheted 4. Grahan I\-erett, S.otlatd' 'l:10.0; at 26.50. A11 those who finished ir 5- A-F. Plnfr.y, v,a1es,4:12.3; 6. rh the first i5 {ere less than !0 secs. away. At t€n siles Davies & PoHer Baillic, N.2.,4:1l.2.,.Heat 2: r. M. clocked 53.4a and Earnard, tilkiaso! Linc.1n, Aust., .1:a3.4; 2. Mike B,'risford, Eng., 4:04.6i 3- N.l. S.oti,NZ; Dougall .Fre .lL i!iiop 54nins. " o tdcde (eily, Dickson, lranklyn, 4:05.9; ,1. !d Morton, Canada, .1:07,li; Then 5. Ian Botd, Eng., 4:11.6; 6, H. ClarL, rirlup ald Suft all inside 56 oins. So. Africa, 4:13.0.-- fieat 3: 1. B.S. The Wetsh leader(Davies) was forced Hewsor, Eng., 4;lJ9.6; 2. M,G. Halberg' to ease considelab1y *ith an attack NZ,4)9.9; 3, A.c. Thonas, Aust,, 4:10.2 of apparent cranp and, by 15 niles, 4. A-D. Cordort Scctland, 4:10.7; 5. N. had dropped to 9th Prace. Maiyoro, Kenla, 4:16.1; 6. B.I. Kitch V"a'il ile Pohe- had held Lhe pace and ner, Gibraltar, 4::12.3. r,-ached 15 hiles in 1:20.03 yith Barnard only 10 seconds aBay- a distdc€ MAiAaHON - I. Dave PoHet, Austral:ia' uhi.h s -r p1) "lle_-d throu8hout tlre renainder of the rac€. (irkuP and 2.22.15.air 2. Jar Barnard, So. Africa, 2:22.57 -4i 3, Petei xJilkinson, Eig. r Dickson vere rith Barnard at this po nt ,itn hrl\inson anJ Sun ctose by. 2:24"42.0i 4. lddie Kiiklp, !ng.1 t"r"d' The tr26,000 volt Power-dit' was -:-_. 1..; -. c r'r Di l_o1.England, nos h.ading toqards cafdiff rith the 2.2n.42-2t 6, C.lin Kemball' 2129.17.2; 7. Alelarder McDougall, same deterninaticn that soq hin the Scottand,2:29.57.2i a. Kanuti sufr ' 6 niles tit1e. This 2e-year-o1d bank (€nya,2:30-49.6; 9. Rhts Davies, officer never looked 1ii<e faltering as he passed 20 miles in 1.47,49t Ba!Wa1es, 2:30.54.6; I1l. Ronald Frankfrn, nard was lrts down here followed by Wa1es, 2:3r.24.6i 11. John Russe11, Australia, 2134.56.2i 12. Arttrur Kei1y, *ilkin:or, I:4a.18), SumrI:4a.55 ), (i r (up( 1:49.09 ), Dickson(1:49.47), MacDoulnglard,; 13. Martirus Wiid, ga11 (1:50.30) and Kemba1l. south Africa, 2.36.a7.2; 14. Raynond Puckett, N.Z., 2:38.5a.8; 15- Dyfrig light nen beat the o1d GMes recora Rees, Nalesr 2139.17.2i 16. D4!ld of 2:30.49 (co1enan, so. Af.ica) set Do l,<, ,.r ::r'. 0. : L. UIi l1in 193a.. Chaapion Dave Po*er tas jan Kelry, I.o.M., 2:50.3{t.2i 18. heard to say that he would never run another narathon- incidentally this I 'o "- 4ood, \-1. .. ?: .r/. : l'. J Toddr N. Ireland, l:01-28-0;20. John qenning, N. Ireland, :l:07"51.0; 21. Walter Dass, B- Gxiana, 3:08.58.0; JI(Y -brl - Tra.( :n sLrp-isrngly firo Sew ltwaroo, Br. Cuiara relired at 3; stat€ after 24 hours of continuous nilesi Ja.k Dawson, N. Ireland and rain- Dutl and olercast, with occasional bright periods. Heavy rain d!rHarry lenion, Scotl!nd at 19 niles; B-/b/y- Arlth6r LJpa.Hugo Fox, Scotland at 23 ni1es. r,, ritF.i."). oNlj. MILI FIN'AL: The nine-man field {as A not too easv colrse, which extended .o di".\'hPo l lo- o'F- M:PF BI"e-nvp f4:05. r-. ri . a d, -ll 15. Barrt Mage., N, Z. 16. Joe ConnoLly, Scotland 17. Will:ian Mccue, N. Ireland 1a. (anlti Sun, (enya 19. Gecrge de Peana, Bt. Cuiana 20. Mubarik Shtrh, Pakistan 21. Abdut \iiallab, Sa11eh, (Saiauak) Chepsi.or Chepkwory (Kenla), .Tohn Disley (fjales) ard Alastair liood (s.otland) did not finisn. JULI 14th Sutny, ver' tanrlt, grsts ex.e..ling li n.p.h. at tines. Track
5) Das the s19{est'nan in the-]q?l:e.
t S€ptenber. r95a--i
Neville Scott cut ort the earlt !a.e an.l at 440 (61.3) was 3 Yds. uP rn a bunch including B.risford, Hewson, !1Iiott, Lincoln, l'irie & 'rhonas. Lincoln had novec uP to third and lirie to fourtl by th.660 nark. The snooth-stridins S.ott oas stil:l ahead at a80 (2:03.4) uith the whol. field buched into a space of 10vds. St o-rl\ a'r"k" . Flliort " _l_' ated inio tlte 1ead, hotly pursued by !irie, LiDcoln and lleNson. Ar Lne oell( : '. ) Ll :or r"- tv yards up cn ?irie, sith Lilco1n another +hrpp wards back- thcn.s three Y.rds aNay, ;nd Hewsot and B.risliord a fur tner six yards dowr.(!lliott piled on a 58.9 third lapl ) i:Iliott increased his r.ad to l0 vds as he ent€r€d the last tu.n and at the finish line his advantage was close to 20 vards. His last 1aP was 5b.? an.l his second half sile das se11 Lincoln pass€d ?itie on the last b€nrt I a14 | oaas rlex I 'rr r' | . _i-"i I'. r:0.4: r, rll or'! : o,0: l. li 3. Thonas. 4:02.7i 4. Pirie, 4:0:r.1; 5- l]d1berq,.1:ob.6i 6. Beris{ord, 4:07-a;7. Blagrovc, a:08; a. Hewsor, .1: 11. 1; 9 - Sco1t, 4:11 9.
Lincon jrst beat ltessitt for 2td place sith the Irishnan settine a ne{ Natlve record for tn. third tin. this sedsol 88: . !o1 D-l"iy, r:8. ,2. D. M-l
;;;F, r reland, 1:i3.2 lli1r:I. Dav. P.her, Arst , l:12.6; ..
ugh io,
!.glli I . K. (.ter, 1:52 re.. !1!lc'1- Misati, 2. S. chelino, 3. 14!1-e' 1. N. Maiyoto;2. K, Sufl; 1. A- Arenli a, lo:54.2
Guatenala Sun.iay,July 27 _ 21 Kilon.ter R.ad Race. (1ar siartcrs)
- d!\ ol i Iil,r.P-- s-.. kjlors of easy goi!Ei up, and two tilors of eas-r coning do{n a.d 200 ne!ers flat --ach 1aP) Florercio B.,.ne aDd Macario Subtuj Choc took tn. 1€ad fron the sl.rt rt a vert go.d pac€. Th€y Lrassed !h€ iarst 4 laDs togetl€r, but B.che !u1led awar or/er the last lap and son ir t hr.l7n. 5.1 s. 2nd- Ctroc, 1li.1an.12s.(rat I{ELI DONT {ALES I :rrd Gui11.rn. RDjas, r1I.20n.10s rhe Doston Maratnon in 1952) 4tn Pcdr. O}]S1{I ! S , DU]JI-IN,6-28 ALL-IRII-AND Rosal--s, tl,2:m.55s (ran th. B,\a in J6) '1]A!IPI V I :L \j.-, " -q q nfr'o 880: 1. E. !ord--, St. ndwards Col1., auez of Cxat--mala. Luis is !uslring 40, 1:56.3 i;,+,re is stil1 one of iluatenatais Mite:1. J-.Mclgughlin, 4:15.1; 2. M. blttE! runnets, sort ot d Latin Johnnt ETiEtLane, rael1€r. the e1dcr. Road raclng rs a 3-Mile:1. B. l4essit, t4:10;2. F. 1,!hi te major sport in his coutrL esleciarry frIiiifron: r. H. Mc!1cney (li e lu}! ) since !lor.s and Vclasqlez placcd lst :t:]:F2. R Crossan.2:35.23 and 3rd in Boston and lst & 3td in the ?an-American Ganes ir Mexico 0ity. You INTIR,\ATIONA! MIETING B!L!AST, INII.AND may notice that their tines dolrt conpare favorabl! to olr correslondlng c o"t P or', or l" 'd' tines too 1. L Iur\ 8 8aO: .u for the sane distances but o!. li' otn. cL-r.. l: o.4. nust considei the rugged terraa! and l;5-.4; -l--! Uile: 1. At Thonas, Aust., 4,O7.4t 2. the high tenPeratur€s ol Guatenald. craha-n Everett, scot., 4:07.4; I-nis was ir a notor-scooter acci.lent 3-Mi1e: 1. Dave Power' Aust., 13:56.? about 3 montts ago and is having sure1;54:t2. Ir. Mccue, Nr. 14:29:1 ery done on his face {hict was badry INTIRNAAIONAL METING SANARY STADIU}'I Luisr so. Luis .Tr' is folro{ing in DI'BLIN, IRNLAND JUL' 9 his father's footsteps and .ecentlv ran in the fiv€ kilonetcrs citv chanv 3-Mile: 1. Al Thonas, Aust., 13:10.8 ionship. He finished seventli in a 6eld :, uen- tincorn, Aust., 13:43 a; 3. r", r'-s. , of B. Messitt. Irelald, 13:44.0... Tbcnas fitsr and Lincoln ran tosether for the OlvnDiar Dean Tnackutat and fanilv wirl 9 laDs (4:27-9:05)as Lincoln dropPed r--av; for Alstralia in octobcr. Dean back Thonas went on alote to finish r Uai h,l oo posr'-'" rrl n with a fantastic last 1aP of 62.8. versity of Austr.lia & train " undei P.cer '1r-
".,tr. (]\vo 2oo meters
:,ri.os.. course: r.uglL stcney fcad arrl 1'.rt iri11y. T.rripcra1lr.. ar d.grees.
i\'J !]1. 4Jn rhe Iri i!ra1.ld!k 9arr-r.|]rr rivFr.io:s DinF-riI- L ' in th. race wtri.h starte.l at the collirgswoo.i Yacirt club. 3unlLay, Aug-24, collingswcod,
n v.
" ..,
rn iiaisl! 22 s.rc.nds ott the c'rtsI ir.o:.1 set Di last y.ar's vjctcr, Bromi.g Ross, Peln A.r'. 1. TaLl: !a,r\, snrnf,hrn CC' r7:24 2 -t.nLn fulrinrt,ar, !.r. AC, _18:17 ou . tr-, P'.. c, . i8r ,. i-r" 4. Dicl, lackard. Boston AA, 48:?7 5. llck Donohu., |.ston AA, 49:38 a. -Ra1Dh l.ss€ Bxrdell€, P.nn Aa, 51:04 Dilberg, ?€nn Ac' i2:i8 7. 8. la.i uirliaas" ltest clrest.: Ac' 51:J8 9. Df,\e Wlrti1ms, Sljrr'ahrn L-:l:5lL. Stan Lrn iner, Pcnn A ' 11. Larrv Delanev, Shanc!an cC 51:01 5l:n' t2. llenrv \'.:t. P'nn 'l I. V ' nv .se\ n lio ' ' : RCB! IIINS MO\TRLAL 1: !!1II
I!1v 6- Ivor lobb olj t1I. illaastone
63:2rio'i"t", .." a gcoc 1.1 nril.s-in t. d.fcat 2a ctf,er sta.t.rs (2U ri.1sr
rai!. .d) in a t.rf.!tiaI 1, lvor Robu, Ll Ldsl, r! \C. !li:! - R.lrnn MiLltd,.1. Nl r t: Jl, -': t. In ln lstli, Glaosl nF { Ll l' 4. I!hn ar,r,l, ClrJ;l-!L rf, rn:zu Co;rse fairlt flat, six milLes.ou! and n niles Da.i -. :lhe Ncre ba.i' brt i t k!!'t ihc ruDners fresh.. Pri2es: ner{nat.j1 e. ne'r sooo rD Joll\slor\
Horinrr rrrF nJ in Cd;ddr) I1!v.r, tn..r.t: ir t)r A'trl d lo ?:1. sfartin€ iin€ dnd cov.rel l la! rn th. patir, th-'n rar 4: nil-'s .Lrt irl' the conntrv rrd l: tri 1es rrtrrn t' .onplete the ra.c Nith a i nile laIJ rd .loihslon rui.ing in the R'rl anri il nni L. i r, rt- r, I 'EL l i ro T Club finislre.l sccond in ri5:52- LIrll in 58:'l' Snitb of Hanilton o.c. tas lrd 4t! 1n and Lorne fihit. .l' Cu.]ph was
Aupust 2 rL,ri.
nL!- r,n is!
ilotrd.y, Argust 25' (7:i5 ?.M. ) \Ir\AU Olvtrtiic Dcve1.p.r..1 neet or. r.. rri8). 5 Mjle irar.ti.a!' ir m!ggl, .I.trit weailr!f - :t/4 h--1.1 i. tL. dafk \: tnrt .l tn. ir prd.iles aitcr a dat.f Iain. 10 st.irt.rs 3 olJnlic D€v. n..iars. E1!!L Larrv ljer af, !!-1,f. il0:17 z1:32 2. J.h Bo.ras, ]JN\, -rI;04 3. tsran Cc.n.r, 'Jnar. .i1:22 Jl:43 4, Do! Iat, B,AA5. Du DuntoP, B-AA. 33.4) b. ltarLld ariror/'
l-l.NJss r5-l
t/21 2t):]n- N.I" tialk Cnarpi.nshi! surDv, S1'r 't2 firishLawr.r.., Miss" e.s. H:l.l ir., LLa{..rce. l..h! Club." '. P. \i.n.1. U,S. Arnv. 1:5j.i2i f. ed !ra.i:et. !nat.156:0?,. '1. Dani-'1 Clancl u.rit.2:Lrl.rr5; 5. C;rl Stinso., l\MC. 2:1,;,2ii c. Ceo- 6izc!i-'n' NMC, 2:0o :ii t, areu Drokti L!t' , 2.'.)7.44a 6' l11n Ted tr1i1ler. NUC, 2.0E.53; !. 0. - '8. B- ' , .L j :.o.rr: snr. NMC. 2:11.51; 1I' Relben BiteIo{ S_. . : /, BA. , : " B \a!c.:l:r3.07; r:. J.ln R.itan., L-rILi I : 'l l..., ' un2:1!,1?i 1j- llrilif Tho.na., ]jLLlOTl RU\S :.! FASTISI liri{l
Os1o, l.l.rxav, S.fit-! HefJ lllliott, .f ,\uslrrlia. tl!. t.it,i's iastest iastest niier. r;n nist.rtrs se..n.i(StsPt.4) tj0! nerer,s Ttrurslia! niqirt wir.r ir-- aas.locli"ri in irr-'. ninite:rj 37.4 sc..Lls Nhile dcle.tirf lhtrra-! llal!er!, ot' New Z.aland? irt :10 varids Th. orI) fastet 150!'n trne.x r...,.r is tlre -1..16 clociiir! llIr!tt Post.. \u:,. -. dt !!r ! r-, D!Foe!. -E1lfas L"t i11. r.tt rJr tlLF at Du.rin. 3:54.5 xrg. o^.rlors H.rir ra! the lirst'100n. of tn€ rac,- in 59s., w..t Dt 3arr'n-, .Irost cractlr, a half iiiIe, in 1;59. His
line f;r l0Lr0 nct,'rs {trs::28'! and fo. i2tr0 n.1.rs 2:55.4. ' '' H,, ed thir.i in 3:-19,a ard set a n.d N.r w:.ia,r r...,rc (tle €quival.nt or 'ol rii1. in -l:5?:). u1f !ertil Lxnd' i\orday, f irished f o!rtir.
S€ptenber 1q5a--9
IN AAS1ERN CANADIAN T&F Toronto,(viaterloo), Sat., Aug.30- Heavy rai4s and a nrdd_\, track slowed conp--tit.rs tc.iay in the Eastern Caaadian tra.k aDd tield .hanlpionships o! tne Waterloo corleqe s tailiun t r ac!. i\ r:rrc!tia1 do{npo!r intefupted tlie norlr i r.rents an.i th. pf.gran was delayrri turi lr.rrs Nhile punlers rcnove.i folr inch--s of water fron the track. Hanitto! Ollnpic Club's cord Dickson ron the six-nile rrn in 31:24.5s just betore tLe rains cane in the norning P,-l r.r. tril d \r .l i: t i ' afternoon, three-ni1e run in tne going the distance i! 15:12-5s. Resllts: Six-Mire: 1- Gord Dickson, HOC, 3r:24.5 (5:10, t5:18); 2. rddie Johnston, Cladston€ AC, ToroDto, 31:58 (5:10, 15:18); 1. I\ ,. Ctoo .o q.... I :2_ r'5: t, , -s: .ri Fo . lo i. L, . Toronro. _: 4i (5:15, t5::3)-- l8 starters and 14 fi!ish880: l. Ergas L€psi Toror'!o. 2:03,4i 2. BiIl Ko2ar, Hanirton; 3, Fred lrlontorr, Hanilton.Jurenile Mi1.: t- Bru.e Anilrews, Guelph, 4:34; 2. Brtan Cnalners, St. Norbert, Que. i :J, Bill Parlson, Aranscona, Manitoba A fine reception for all conpetitors after the neeting-.Guests of honor vere Franz Stanpft, the L.rd yayor of Waterroo ard MPs. 5r"rbI q FwFll of rhot slch distinguished suests..Tle Canadlan L€€iion organized the gigantic meet-.So!ry {. can not alve }ou a nore .j€tailed reDort. ELLIOTT TANDS tI500,i COASTING IN AT 3:41.7 DICKSON SIARKLES
rnpire Ganesr three-ni1e chaflpion, The Austla1ian showed no signs of seariness. Halberg Nas clocked in 3:,15,5, while Josko Murat, of Yugoslavia, las thiid in 3:49.4. D.E. Stealns, of lng1and, finished fourth. Peter Clark of Great Britain, who this year has covered two niles in a:37.6, equal to the fourth best ever. {on the 3000n. in a:1:4. Oslo, Nor{ay, Aug.25- Goidon Pirie, Britain's great distance runner, made his first start as a 3000d. steeplechaser ald fi!ished second to Russia's great Rzhishchin, wllo crocked 8:54.6. Pirie ian 9:0.6.6. Mike Rawson, of nngland, beat Audun Boysen agaln today at a00n., but this tine there was no postAhis neeting ir the Oslo g4es was their first since last week's E!ropean chanpionships ir which RaEson was awarded the decision over Boysen after being disqualjfied for stepping off the track. (step off or be staughtered:) h contrast to the jock.ying & plshilg during the EuroPed Ch., tlrc pair didn't cone rear each other ir this one. It was a close race and both were clocked in 1:50.1. Rasson {as in 2d place nost of the ray and cane on fast in the final turn to grab the 1ead.
,r''1oi js o,r. AuE,/.- HF.b clliolr -the 1500n. jn 3r41.? today in an infornal Barson Eas two yards in front. race in this Nooded Slockholh suDurb. The Boyse!, hone town favolite, nade ctockinA was equivalent to a 3:59-9 ni1e. up ground, blt lailed to catch the British Isles after his 3:54.5 nile at OsIo, Aug.26- 1500n:1. Merv LlrLcolD, 3:45.4; 2. Vale!tin, Today's race was staged o! a 385-neter track Geroany, 3:45.4 (c10se:); 3. cut out .t a slburban count!_\,side. It was Jungriilb, czechos, 3:46.0i run in semidartn.ss and in a slight drizzle. 4, lamarstand, Norway, 3:46-2i llliorl lrorrr I r.e 'iise-t. Y!r nis 5. Lewandorski, Polaud, 3:46.3; c1..ting was tro-t-anths of a secord faster 6, Pirie, 3147.2. than the tine set b)' Britaints Brian Hev5000n: l. Gordon Pirie, G.B. son in winning th. Iurop--an 1500-neter title 14:03i 2- Ju.ek, czech-, 14r04.2i i! stockholn yes terday. 3. Zhutov, USSR, 14:06i Pudov, Tr. r irs. r0o F .-s *d r .. i1 ooq, USSR. 14:12.0. wlth xlliott traililg a swedish pace-setter. At the a00 neter nark, Blliott took over 1n Ac.o!dlns to Dan Ferris the 2:01 and began stepping away fron the rest dates oi the 1959 u.s.- soviet Union track meet at Franklin Fie1d, on the fast ra!, Eltiott slurted easily ?hiladelphia, piobably di11 be and br.ke the tape about 30 yards ahead of changed frod July 10-11 to July New zealandrs Muiray Halberg, the Blitish 17-14 to avoid a date coqflict rith a Russian event.
Sept.nL.r, 1q58 10 Tln;i--_i;tsuto irn, r.r ind, 13:s3-4 VI. IIIROPATIASI]]RSI1?EN I 1'I{I II]FCTT TI:IJ (Re.or.): 2, 7iiny, roLand, l3:i,r.2: 3. Pir i., G , D . , l 1 : a l , a ; .1 , reter IuroF.an AthLeti. ch.m!i.rsni j.-s clart, C!, l,l:lrl,3; ahanlriondars !ir!uro!ie :.rAihleti sIrlls-ii, r4:o5.6; !:. sdrdor th3ro:r. 'r':, 1.:07.: (4tre. 2ij.d -b:!d nll) tirnsarr. I-:: Ot-r\-| -. (rt llatol.l trolD'/) lO,oor:r n. fin2l, n.Ll i5oIn. rinal: 1. Brinn Heason, G!. 1.7., lr 2, Yev:eri)'' Zlirlc!, Ussli, 3, Pn.iov t LTSSR, (likolat) lstran loszarnl gI j, li!ngar-r, :r:42.?,' 4. StaD nldor, Great !ritiir, i. olari rro r is z1.. 2!':il:J.: 5. ozog, loiard, (stanislav) i. S, llerrn.ra. G.inarr- j:,1-r.;i 6. .lohn Ii.rrifan, Crect Bfitlir 21):i]1.a 7 , 0r]':'a1 . I'o1and, :r :.:,r. ? ; 3. !ta. 7. Alalr Minoun, Frar.e, Jug;r j r th, . ? . h o s t o \' ; I i r . 3:.4 ..1: 8. Arro..s, Spair, : rr . 3r'.3 9. Drato Strilol, tuEoslavi a. zir:5I.2 111. Tbg.rs.ii, Dennark, .l:.10.3 record; r.lany, Irelanc, :r:4" 2tt53.2 ll, Torg.rser, \orua_vl h'3.r!- s\ieder, l:,12,1) r!g!st 24 12. Hog. r, (k.rnan_n1 13, Certrar(l H.ii.k.. Crrna!v, :or.Di 1teerl,..hase: 1. .1. l|.,rwar, 1.1. Sitsrik, 2, L]lrn: ik, r'c1and, 3:13.: re..tdi 15. lli I lt M--ssitt, iirr, IjiiI , 3:33.3; 3. H, !, RzIisi!.l]in, 16, Gr.(.,rscu, R lniania, r7. Ilein tuj., Fi.:1ra.c, y.r, !!!i,3:a4: i. lrlij., lonanja, 14, . ahi.1.t. Iranc., 3:.13,.ri 3:;7... i a. lrrtgn, !!igeir, :10:.14.I 19. Van Dc ]{atl!nc, !.lgr:in 20. Jonss.n, Sw.!i.., Gjear rian.is- Rznish.rlia, LrssR, ((cva.s, Hurilarl-.ilopte.i .tit b,iDt ' 3: a7.6 t ra!avassili lharos, llunEa rr s. ra t. h..l ) Stan nla.n Ie1l t.r r< niL.s naJe tlr! tar. rrKellyrt the Ninncr an:] lh. Riski.s lvait.u 50,Lilr!r ltalt: A!9.22- 1urtil th. bcil and tnen r!i1LI i rar: El.ion 2. ?a!ich. Ita1y. , I r s ir '' t. , ,l:13; 3. Lr€t,.r, Gcrn:nv,,l:t4.53,4; pass lof the iinrsl! to Ozog.. Terrific r:. ri -. .r:25.4r.'i korsh!nov. lisslL. tn. 7. 1000 m. ::J8 llcoJr (.r:ci : !ile) 20u0 n. 5:31.a ll.Lor (13.Ji- -l Miie) 5000 n. 14:12 Etdof tiiratllon- 1. foroY, 0!lil, ::1i.r7 BO0O n. 2:: 12 Dr!:.n r:sr, fastesl €!er r!ni 2. Iilir, Kovacs, a fa!oiit--, nev.r s.eded to be 1n GR,2:21,1ii 2::0.50 - 6; l, lotris, the rac. a!! droPp.d !!t.. v'ea!her cI.ar .1. jtiltinsdn, GF, ?.21,'i0; -<, L..kand cool 63! lrack tat.(Ausust 19) ert, Ge tnant, Iinlaad, 2:2.1-5s (DetatIs n.xi nont,'. ?0,000 n. a1k. 1- stnri vi.liers, I:3f.oc.0 (23:52 5ki, .17:r5-r0kn, r:10.00-15lir. ) 1. liite larson 300m, Final-,\ug-2r2- Spirin, USSR, 2.1:4r4, !r?.27, 1:1t).591 Gt - 1:,1t.3: 1:35.0.1-2; :r. Ba.l, Sw..l--n, 23.52, 47:|:1 1:,17.9 ('ard iact); l- r'aul S.hnjdt, I:11.21, l:.15.,12.2; 4. (lar1ss.n, s{..1.r, .1. i!ak2a\:-.2,47:a12, 1: 10. 5.1 , l:35.3!,,1; 5. 11arquis? Geri:ny, 1:.17-,ri 1:43 stanisla'i r s. I.a J. s .18:r8, SWI., 24.2., 1:Il.!-r. 1:3i"-5!.4; s2entsalo, Hlngarti, 1:.13,1; (!, lI. 6. Dor.lorLi, i t a I y , : ,1 : Ir ,1 , 7 : I 5 , 1: I l. -:n, M:issaia j Ger.any, 1:4s.s; 7. )erek 1:16.16.2; 7. L.f an.2ili, (lcir{any, 24:t:r, Johnso.. Gx, l :4 q,2; 3. ilnristian 4a:25, r:1:.,13, r:39.18,5;8- Reynond, SnI., Ii,a.s1i, !ritzerland, 1:52, .r, 1:39.18.6; Szts2!a, Poland, 1:39..14,r; (RrLrson ras disq!a1ifi.d after 10. Attane, ii.anc.? t:41 ,-l4.ar; 11. r'IDcrt b€ ins trsh.d off the tiach dnring ll.j4.4i 12. Hausleber, G.B., l: Johnson, nrs! snorjng 3t th€ sxi.id. coi- _ Poran., l:1j.51.1 n.r" !t:rl of the eight-ra! ra.e. (Lindner, G.r. :4:!:1, 17.IJ, 1:10.2r drolt!eil r.ins1!ted zlt€r .11 in lnd pI..!.. Jurk, lrssR, l:14.25 at jr s 11y arreeredl nrirish offrcirls 15kn. dr.pp.J ort ir tliir!1 p1a.e) Aug.i9tlr. c
seprenber. 1953--r1
3. N. Y. P. c. (25); 4. No,rled.(,?3)l 5. St. Anthonr's BC, (33) Ne{ l.ndcr, Conn., Sert, 7, 1s53 the 1st 15 runners at €ach 5000n irarC nork ly Geors. T.rrt and ra'ry cra.e narh. In 5one \...n3: ,' taten. A11 rtn.,.rs d€re ttned ra.es in years xs.I.hrny Rell€y ran awiy thr! the 10,000n na!k by th€ fro a field af 42 starters to win his 2nd checkers, Dle to the lach of ttne iitle in a Ieelr(Cnradian rrrathon !ect previt was in!ossibl€ f.r the ttneis iorsly) . . T{o- .A ni1€ loors .t rld-way I these to get the first 15 runne!s at had f.u ai11s, lrt hil1r at start and finish, tne 25,000n nark ard g€t to the n:ce1lent rrjzes to a1r flnishers ard banq!€t finisn 11 1lne, . . fo11.ring rhe tace..Fill ijarot ol \orth t;€d- (J!st leaders dle !o lack oi space) ford Clrb did a fine job of anro!ncing r!nn5,ooon - l Joh, J, Xe11ey, 13,22 as they finished_. T.nF_ 79 , clcar. co!rse (asn'i !! t. par:) l. Johr J. Iicl1cy, !oston AA, 2, John n.oras, 1::31; a, Ceorge 2_ John nooras, rost6n lai Teiry, 13:.11i .1. TonI sapienza, 3. Jin Greer, noston rA, 13:55; 5. Jtn Green, 1.1:2:1,,, .1. Ted rrorbitt, jcli York Pioneer 1:50.3.1 10,000n - r. rer1.y, 32:s0i 2, s- Jonn Lafferty, Boston \A, Terry, 3r.3ti :1. Bo.ras, :,1.57! 1:5 ?.3 s 4. Grr€n, 3s.56; 5. Saptenza,36.36 7. Tony sa!ienza, Boston AA, ... 15,0o0n - 1. Ke11er, 43.22; 3- Aldo S.ani!rra, r1i11ro-r. AA, 1r55,.16 2. T€rry,51.s3; -", Booras,52.17i 9, Ceo.ge Terrr, nlcctric Eoat AC,1:56:03 ',1. Gieer, 53,1q; 5. Corbltt, 5523; 1o- r. te Conray, 6. Satt-.nza,55.25 11. J.se lrnnes, r_er l.rt fi.neer, 1:5?,11 20,oO0n - 1. Ke11ey, 6.1.33i 2- B.12. Rotce !a{yer, }i.rth i\jcdford, 1:5?.56 oins, 70:0s; 3. Green, ?0,54; 13- Dj.lr !actard, B.ston AA, .r, Terrr, ?2:0!.; s, cor61rr,73.s6; 1,1. Dict D.norrre, 5, raffe.ty, ?3.56i 7. sa!1€nza... 15, x1 c.rfal.ne, noslon AA, 25,000n - I, Iie11€yr 31:23i 2. r6. G.ahai Iar.e11, E.st.n Arj 9o!!3s: !3:4f ;_3r !reen,*3e.41... _ r7. !ran T:ierna!, \orth )lcd.c., JOnN J, Kxl-r!r l{rr.is r.iE!\r FNGTAND sTATIs
rc Irro cHIi]rToNSHrr
13, Donald Fry, Boston AA, 19. irark Pennachio_ Bosron AA, 20- l\lik€ 0Ilaraj St. Iathonr's Ra 2:0!;.0u 2r_ Fran Coon€y, 22, Ralph IilbcrC, rern AC, 2:r. T€d s!ito. st, tnttory's Bc, 2:0?,03 2r. Jaies Co!cit1 -Ii, rl.ctric Eoat Af, croton, aorn,2:11,17 Dyso4, I i n n i s h - a n e r , at. j 2:71,49 26. Jolrn Cont{ar, Ner Yort rioneerj 2:12.2ri 2? . .l.hn Re itano , I-y!n IC, 2: 13.26 23. Frark rie11y, Norrh \1€dfo.d c. 2:16.15 29. rtlyror nigelo$, Boston,\,r, 2:27.u9 30. Art Arnis, Unat. Bosron, :r1. G.orge (otteakos, sr. Anthorrs 2:22,46 32 - rliLton Anfnonl-rs, 2:14.31 33. Fd nricrsor, 2.29.04 :J4, Dr, Charles
(25 riiro) Sett,1, (12 noon) ,{5 sta!ters, 25 ftntsh€rs..Tenp- 35-, t6lgh nany io qrtt, *1. John Booias, Boston AA 1:2q52 2, John A- Ierley, uaat. Lt32l4 larne11, rAA, 1:33.25 .1" Dav€ ?tstenna, Lrs arnt 1:37,13 +s- !ete Conray, BAA, 1:37.21 *t - i{n. tlrrpny, lA1, 1:3a.32 7. rd nracrett, Lrnar. 1:33,36 *3. Richaid Packard, BAA, 1:3a.45 9. Chas. nyson, F.l.A.C. 1:,19.o9 10. Reuben Bi3€1ou, BAAr 1:51.52 MASS.
12. Paul ?ninney, N, ,C, 1:55.0S 13. John Becter, unat. 1:55.2e 35, Brrc. Bourinot, North lledford C. 2:36.33 14. rjn- W11cotr, liirC, 1.59.14 :J6. €ugene Rosenan, St. Anthony!s, 2:36.34 15, Stelian B!takls, Erat, 2:04,47 3t. rJillian fit11er, Sr. Anthory's, 2:39,16 16. Dan Drnlo!, BAA, 21a7.44 :J3. A1len s1.sa1, North rtedford C, 2:4:r.06 17. lilyron BIg€16v, BAA, 2:09.11 :i9. C€orge Grzebien, N6rth ttedlord,2:51.o4 13- Fied Bronn, NItc, 2:13.0,1 19. Geo. Grzebiert NIlC, 2:3o,36 Neq nrgland lean rirle (3 nan rean) 1. Boston AA, (A), 9 !ts. 2, soston AA, (B). t2 lirs. qurcx NoTn: Tne !astern r{door 3, North edford club, 2.1 (A ?ean rJohn have sone !adlcal (e11€yi Jln Grecn, Gorzal.srrts. date changes t!1s utrte r. scorto, 1-3_5 ) oD€n auariL {3 n.')
GARDXnR, rr!1f S. ,
SrrILNTAi JolrN A. rnLL!Y S!C0Nll cnRDNf:n. l'iass., S€tt.r.l
To,rv sa!1erzl
{h!t!€d thro!gh 10: niles todaY to xin the rrd Inrr:1 Gardner "J3y.ee" rxc., The scrat.h '15 starters tn 75 d.srr€ teit,, i!ffet and ssjn in c.nn!r:ity indoor !ool fo1lo{ing ra.c..2? rtace prizcs_arr t€rrfurn:ittrte xs :if i c- !er.handise,(nostt! nannfactrr:irg tolrn GnrCner is a frrnjt!re in Ioilh cent'a1 rlassa.hrse+rs) donat.. by ilardn.r n.r.haats..:12 Jolinnr ]ie11€y (tre .ldcr) is like {ir.tetter nith asel.. ni11 Sq!ires. f.rn.r ni1.r N. !, schooltloy,l:,:0 totr of th. 1st ttne today after. {rntr tn Gerran{, lory saDie!za, nAA, Jonn A. r€1ley, unat, 56:01 rA]I, -lo]1n raff€rtyi Gr a!an riarr€ 11, 57:11 Jorrn Booras, tri\A, Ien llu€11€r, r-S.4, 57:i3 nd Bracre'!t I linat, 59:03 Jin raler, Jr. Ntlt:, s9.13 chas, rys.nj r]\r\ci lrt.t factard, BA.tr, iln. ririphy, lAn , s9: l3 Pete contay, x^,\, raul O'Donne 1t, Bostor ;\A, 15. Bill tarot, N c, 1'1 . $'q, Fc.ney, Bi'\, BA]\, 6l:50 17. John li:utpiner, 13. G€o. Younis, BAA, 19. John i\r€yiieris, unat. 62:15 20. n 111 squiiesl !nat. 21. R.bt. crnnings, Nltjc. 62:3s 42t19 22. Stan Ticrnan, Nrtlc, 23. John r)tConnandr€ 24. hJn, l,Ji1cox, Nvc, 25, \o!iia! cote, NtlC, 53:30 !.!1 rninley 26. A1 siegal! NlfC,.4::5i;2?, 23, naino lsbti, Reil€iis lc, 64::l9j 29. lt{1ke B1sc10t, BA,\i 6,1:\3: \rart r€rla.hlo, Bi\.q, 65:01; 11. John -10, o" I o, ynr 8A1,63:23;33, Rere loiron, naa, 70:16i 34, Royce Sa{yer, lilc, 71:.11: :15. Irank lie1te7, li]lc, ?1:,12; ]6. Art.\nr15, Unal, 71:53i 37- rltke FitzS€ra1d, ryrr AC, 73:09; 33. Jak€ Brederson, NJ"lc, 73:10i :rs. Ddn DunloF, nAn, ?4:3?;40- Nalt€r rinery, BA,\, Nl'ra, Nl; No linei .11. Chas, nreders.n,Jr., 42. Ci. .lardner sFooner. :irrl, (72-yrs-.1d)
for lrnv 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, 7, 3, 9, ro. 11, 12. 13.
sQflJrrs ftlN; CA\TON.\IASS "10
.rantoa, L1ass,, se!t-21 (srn ) 3ul r:o3 nirei ni11 Sq!ir.s tlrnang h1s secord r.ad ra.c .aftE€d th'ir(rlarer.€ lI, Delldi iienorial 10-rli1€ ntt (a.ttra1rt 9l n,i1es) ir 6?: clord.v to11lag xeath.! over a 1lo.!, troPh i€ s 4 ;erch_ ' andisd rrizes ! 15 eda1s..ArsD1'cs r l,odg. 17r5. 1tr1. B.lbo 1. lln. sq!1r. s, 54:36 2:00 5.::16 2. 1\ntholY 49:3s 56:50 53:20 ?,45 5i:a5 xoston .l- ri.hard l.clard, .::15 52:51 ^a' 57:46 5. Jands DaleY, Jr, Noitn \1€dfotd c 6. iill1ian FeeneY. Boston ,\n. 35:22 2:00 :.7 t22 7. Pa!1 rninney, North ti.dford c1!b 5 6.21 1:0 0 57,24 3. -lohn l-atfeltY, Bostoa ,\A. 51:23 6: !.o 5 7:23 g- r3!1 Otronr€11, Boston AA, 5t: 3o i11 !,i1cox, ]{orth rledfo!d r1!b' ll.
12. lo! FaY, BAA, 53:15 2:00 56:15 1:j, A1 Siegal, lL1c, s3:13 2 56:13 Lynt, 3a:27 s2.21 I r. Ir.1 Bra.k.it, 15. chas. LrYson, FII|, 53: 30 5l:45 16, S1:n Ticrndn, NIIC,53::i6 54:51 53:12 57:42 1i, .T.trn l-ins.ott,!A!, rs. .rk renra.]1io. BAI. :56 53:56 53:nS r9. Jin co!.ir1, r.R.Af,9:09 10. A1 confalone,DAA. :g:14 51:59 6o:37 56:52 21, John DiCoianl'e.i 22. rrt:on rigerov, RAA,6f:ij: 5t):5? 2r. Jo1,n !oor!s , 3a^, '40: sE R,\A, 62:03 56i J :.1- Grahan lainell, 2s- lien lt!!e11.r, UArnv, 6l:02 55:57 ,6, John Gray, lAA, 6:r:12 i'1:ll 2?. (.r rinno, Unat, 63:1r ?3. ranl Scne11, NIc (aroa,tine62:28 :r0, ur.55:45j 2q, -Ioht tl.tier:s. Geo,Yolnis, tsr'4. 55:49: l1.Ted s!it( RrA. .ir,antrr.a.2:2.1r 32. ran IurIo!, 64:11i 3r, rlike Fttzgerald, rtrn Ac 5.1:l5 i.4.Id Fr!ctson,FrtA, .5:01; :i5-noi clnnlngs, Nfal. 67:13 ('13
lo1€: .lrnior Natl rtlsratnon r'orj s.ncdrler fcr No!.1s.1{t11 start i NElrr !N(rr,aNLr R, 11. C. aFrrcriRs fjnish :t rn11€r rotge,r'a, il"rl !iresid€nt- Royce N. sn{yer, Nort! cdiord rnstitrte(res.nedrl. Iire rr€sid.nt- Jin Gre€n, Bo:ton rA silh Jo!rna1 !q- ltlara!!or flict secr€tary- Johr llooras, EAAi Tr.as. {rt 1n!is O.t. 11tn in Je!s-'Y cilY
Septenbe.. 195a--13
- SIX MILE RUN August 2,1, l!'58, 11:c0, Herry Hoerner lark cn chi.ago's noithv--st sid!. 1{eather: Sunn], t.nlcratrre in th-- 1od 70s wlth a str.ng win.i of about 10 to Ii niles dn ho!f i..ool the ilnners. 32: 3..J 1. Figdo!, UCTC, IIIi]T,{!SA ROAD-RUNNIRS CLUB
l. l, -ri.r li.rris, u, of I11.32:15.5 3 3: 09.2 :. Rat Menzie, UCTC, .1- A.t Onolur.lro, UCTC, 33:17.6 5. irick (ing, UcIu, 37.37 ,2 6. Geie Lausch, unat. , 38:27. 1 7. Dave Hoffnan, unat-,
up, Gutknecht won yith an etapsed tine of 9:11 on a uet, nuddy track. Gordon Dickson vas 3td and Ed -Tohnston 4th. showed
Sept., 1- Arne Richards, Univ. of Chicago Track c1ub, and Jerry Ashnore, Weste!n l,lichigan, set a 45:30.7 record, besti.g last yearrs 46:51.a set bI Ha1 Higdon and Lawton Lmbr both of the uclc. (Average per 440 for both runners --68.2*). 2. larold Harris, U of I1linois, & Art Onohundro, UCfU, 45:55.5. (Averase- 68.9* ). 3. Hal Higdon & lrnie Bi1lups, UCrc, 46:34 (Higdotrr s average 70.1; Billupsr average 69.5). 4. Lawton Lanb & tlayne Duff, UCTC, 46:59 (Aveiage- ?0.5*). 5. Jin Clinton & San Viagschall, UC1C, 52:3r (Clintonrs av -79,2 \Iagschalt's av - ?8.9 ). 6. Jin Ke11y, unat & Dick King, UC]C, 5 9:30 **
38:27.6 8- !rni€ l.liho1its, urat., did not finish: Marcy (unat) after 2 niles;1^Iagschalt (ucTc) after 3 niles; Lanb (UcTc) after 5 ni1es. The race was run i. conjunctiot with a .-. rr-' A-AU o^v6l p'.r I -0 Xi'o tid'(. The runn€rs started at the sane time as the Halte.s oltt fron a starting line ten vards in front, Tne race was held oD a :ide{alk tithjn He!rt Hoerner Park' Nhich was one nil-a in length, The early pac€ {as takcn by Maine Townshitts Dlck l.{arcy. lle 1ed at the nile in 5i16 Nith Lawton Lanb on his shoulder. l|ay Menzie was about :lO yards to the rear with Earris, Omohun.irc, Ilisdon, ard Miholits another 40 yatds *ahe lst, znd, & 4th place b,-hind Menzie. At two niles, Marcy had teans ian alternate laps of less dropped out, Lahb vas leading, tith M€rzie, Harris. Onohundro, and Higdon the sane dis- thar 440 yards. Ashnole & Richards ran alternate 330's, the tance behind as the first 1ap.(Lamb-lo:46). Minolits had .lropped back out of cont€ntion. other t{o tea0s passed wheleve! they happeled to idtels€ct after At tnree ni1es, the order and dlstances backkards. apart Nere about the sane €xcept liarris had walkirg ** King had to finish the last pul1ed up to Menzie's slio!1de!. Lasbrs tine was 16:16. LanD began to fade in the fourth half of the lace alone afte! his nile and lost the lead to Harlis who passed partner was unable to cont:nue, The race: Hallis and Onohundro oy in 21:47. Eigdon was third about 60 yards b€hind while Menzie and Onohundro trailed by bounced off to an eaily lead & {ere 8 seconds in fiont after another 30 yards. Harris passed five niles in 27:13, but Higdon had nade up all but 10 of a sile, and 12s in f.ont after 2 niles. They Daintained this his 60 yard deficit of the 1aP befoie. lead' give or take a secoqd, Menzie bd Onohlndro were by lod out of cottthiougb the sixth Eile. Rich_ €ntion and Lan-D, while sti1l it fourth Place' ards and AshDole, running even droDDed out. 1\{o hundred yards past the 330s and jogging across the staililg rine, Higdon had overtalren Hatris infield to nake connectious, and tilct spent nost of ttr€ tast tap tunning r,n along comfortably in 2nd even. with less than 600 yaids to go, position {ith Lanb and Duff Hledo! sDurted to a 15 yard ddvantage which iutrning fairly eaen with then. h.-herd to thF tape. urnners pa!e--5:28; tligdon & Billups stalted slot ln:56(5:28); 10:27r5:r1); 21 str(5:2.)i 27,14 (5:18)t 32:13-3(4:59.3) 4d by the 4th nile-had fallen d lull lko-thlrds ol a lap to the rea.. Lanb and Duff began BUFFA|o FIR! flGIlTERs !A|4ED GAMES Aug-24, Buffalo, N.L- rn the 2-ni1e hand- to lose ground on znd place , alter r'p alh 0i]e and by the .r rr lo.n Gqr(rc 1r, oi "p n-sl 7th nilP(or 28th ldp) Il-ey also O,io \. , -prFsF i'g rl.F L"\'sood tost 3rd place to HiSdon & Bilt(OL1o., A.C: HF ha; a hanulaap ot rbu yards ups. over the scratch
14 S.pt.nber. 1958 (T€n Mjl. Relat -L:ontinr!.) ileanrhil., trf it tlr. fr.rt, R1ri,tr,,s anrl Aslnor. beEan t. l.vi .n t ri 1rr-i.rs. -r!tn 1air. tl. aril Rl.iLarr s airi.,r..sLr.ngj a ar1l thir.l .I .r Ia! ii tr.:it .f s....d F,la.,r Ilartis iL, On.irurir. ard .r ir, riris in iront uf irigr.' & JOH\
A- (Iil-llr
]r1a! iN 5 viitR:i
satu.da!, s.tt. r, 1958 (ll:oo A.u. ) | ti \4''. It Nas tliF tirsi Liir fcr oia Jonut in J vear:i. al.l .n his 5Lst Dirthda-: Ti,,- rai,e {as ad'.rrl:i,J-as 3l niles, Nas a,roDa!l,f alrort i:, Rrr! fr.n carlisl. 'i.l at t1)e F?,irgrourds- Ti.c seitrcr dtls lr.t A.aieny. Pri2us n Pla.. troflri.rs. a nedals. thrre 1.c11 tr. ri.-c, itul t. a.r tr.Phy.
o, |
l. J.hn r, K,-1lei . Untt., 2. n.ixard !ra.k.t t, IIL!t., 3. (e! Mu.]1er, Unat., 4- Ricnaia la.ha.d, |ti!, 5. Jancs Dale), NMa-i, 6. \di 1l ian Nlarot, NILC, 7. Jon! KarPPinen, ir,u, 8, Ton (irane, \!LC, Ceorg. Younis, Jitr\, '). 10, Pa!:l O'Donn.ll , B,qA, 11. joiD I-inscott, R{A; 1:BiceloN. Br\A (2? firisir.rs ROSS l,!IriS -d {Nlllrl
Sunday, Aug.ll , Gr..ni-.e1t, Mi.ylard Erovnirr Ross of the lenn AC edgec ont teannat. Lxihe. Burd.lle to {ir hi! 2d Gre--nbelt road ra.e t.,day in 92! hoi and hunrd teather. Jacli cunninghan, ?ALl sct t stifl pa.. {or I niles with Rtss' !arr!, llur.le1l. and Bob Hariis (.Jerscy ilatatlro! clrb) twenty yards back in ,l.l p1a.€, ill runDjng togethe.- ]\t th-'li nile nair' ioss an.l 30r.le11e no1,.d ou! ar( ran ,r" il I to; of a husc hill ar tlis !.iit ltfss .";"d i"+. ih-- led.l an! traintrircd it to the finish over tlr.r'1.;t-strililir.ei" The racc sta.ted ar.l finishr!i at 1]rd L.i
Fi.lri retor{: i lrrF. ar(l alrtr e.!riz--s: Si lver !Lrt.i irerrinn.ilse inrj tr.irlries tLr rLl linisi,rrs. l{.;r.sl,ients ioil.rainit t L. r1... t. Nr:.hnira . o3s, !ef: Ac, ,1-c:51 .:1. L!th.r rurd€11e, l]eri Ac, .li:lr il. Jtr.r. !!rrl, SlLarf,ira r cc, 5L:12 4. J'r:ri ar.iifal,ar,, l']Ac, 5. Gl-r'n: l,- i!!!,!i, US tl.1r itres 5.1:51 L;. lror Clran!:rs. Siranahal CC 5-2:a.l P.r. AL. j.+:l.l t. j.s:e llrri.li., l:ra !:- 1! !rl!r. \,,u,Jh.n t(.
rr. r..-<i]]];;--, . i;;:; \\-.5i1; (]alc
5?:l lO. Cc0rje bi.r.,laltino.! l1- .1.: R,[sei Ba]tiri..i: OC, 58:ll I2. .Jonr i l liris, Irr-<t Cn.ster, !. !).rcr '!i L1i ars, I' H.rr! Kiliaic, lcn! ]\a. j8:51 ti. n. L, Llar..11, OrioI. l!.t.r:ll :r':j.l D.n tr1:si.er . ilrll. OC, .rr:(15 1i. l'1,: f ir- Brrrr. lirari'rar li.rrr Y.sr, l'.rn ilr, -1.!: a.r1iir. Sl, Aitir.ljlr, ,-r:22 al- \.i I !iL:thn, a;...nL.lt Tiut alenlef, n 5:,15 21. v,-rn.n l,lL,rgan. SniJtatan a5:,<2 :2. St!n l-in,irer, l'.fD -qc, nn:2? 23- I]i:i. Ratluazo! liier.lale, I1.1. Ill:1i :4. Kiaus lraesant, ferD -cc, 71:12 7.1:ri1 25, Drt.h \ialre., St. Intl. t8:32 2!1, Pet--. S.ars, urnal.ii.i! 2i. lt1.i. R.s.rrrar, S1. Antn.?a:J9 ;21st N€rL c.eerDcl t fi!isi.r Y.unSest a.nP.titor +23 lrldl e ila.iuazo. l6 Yrs. .1.1. Ordest Comprtitor f,:icth J.seth |'e11.r,4li+ trsTl],qM llESlJI-TS: l. Penn -\c, 7; 2Shanahan CC of flriia. 1,1; i. St. rrrtnont's B.C. !f N.x Y.rh. Ra.. li.cor!i 4?;L)2 uy H. Brouring j$cei Dir..t.r i{arr.r G. Ledcicl', Dir.ct.r .f ne.rerti.n, Gr..r)e1t, ii 8 ^" .- toi. D.c. ) :, 5at. r\ug- :10, i{ashington, D.C, Track E Fie1.i N!eet sponsored L,)'' tle \asirrngt.n lr L.ons. truzz Sa\'ler ol t.-- Jaltinore Olvnti. allrD wrn tir. iile in ,+:17.6 llri: is t nel{ NOC r€.or:i :1na n t--.s.na1 ,.st ffr l!27. li-- fan tte .a.E ill Dy lrirseLl'as 2C pta.. !r.s s.m.\{nere arotrnd 4:461 Jo,: tr.!s..f t!. ! C Lvis ti.i.,l ix 1
septender. 1954--15 OI,IR RIADERS
"Here is sonetlrint )o! riight Nant to kick arorld in the LoG. I turned swiirnet ihis su ner. Donr t 1.ugh, 'Dnt I was ab:le t. get on. s.cond !1a.F itdll i. one of tlie t{c ne--ts I swai in. AN\dai t..so on, I have ahiays d ' to . ., \' s. n!.h u..k in^irtraiiing and s{in so nany ia..s ir a n--et, I n.ti.ed ntself that nc natt.! hor tire.i I {n. fron nning, I ras al!i_r,s abl-- to put rn a gccd 'io'. ..^' .ir-, T l{arslal1 :.dr-- nbcut this. He sald tb. ras able to do s.0r.h srinoifg, in c.nparison tc {hdt on. was ab1. t!.io in iunling, lias bec.tse in swinniig y.u 1.n(.r y.rr bodl ten!.ratur.(th. rat.r is \rhat itr.s tliis). Then I began tc think Lra.k, an.i 1t all adlis rt. IL rrnning tou !ais. yorr F ib JITL ablr to l]c r.!e wor( in th. late fa1:, wint!r and.rarlt sirring than 1n the sunnef wben it gets hot- lluzz sasyer, lho in.i.l€nta]lt has added a lot oi ... oi'. I i il. i.coning lacli Ir.n th€ Natiorals in california, an.l I lrere tolkirg abcut tiris, tnd h. sai.l he once read ltere Gr.der Haeg! and Artre Anderso. used to talie shou.rs bef.r,- t;ret.an. this was, I suF!ore, to 1.,N.r the irod! tenperature, ., d.Lr r.:.. s n rhc takirg a l,a'G if anyon. llas triril this sl'o{er befor! a r.rc. t. loNer the bod} tenrp.rntur.. I srre N.u1d Lik. tc prsh thjs fxrthcr. I nctr. Ne can e.t sonc re!1i!s.n th. ic.a. |!-.]1, crcss c.untrt.-tr,is.:Inost !pon us.n i. Bill Ji neson, 15Oa Sussel Rd., 3altinore, Md. rrl'.1 lik. to ad.l a couple of idcas or hunches that ni8nt b? horth passing on ti other runncrs. Neith--r one is really lc'J ronF 'r D ordbl ' h! b I r' r re-ed!hasi2ing. ln th€ first p1ace, nightrlt it be possiDle to do away wltn 'or I h-:6'r tro | .1 ,dl: t,- : : just bt carrting a cou!1e ot Dricks at tou( hancs in pfactice occassioraltlit. 1 I llris to ne sone 'r'^-d-o.,'i.tine ago, and since Itve started 1t the last tdo nonths n! ovD !p!er boily novenent and strengttr has definat.l, inp.oved. The bricks arenrt toor'oDJl tirat fripIt tie up, and yet by using
then {hile .unnine vourre c€rtain to tai-iiE:ieht n-uicles ald dev-
c. ordination (provided, of course, rat the practiced notion isnrt aault-v to begin sith- in which case, t[ough, the weights qight serye as reminders to straighten it out). Thc other observatio running xp hills. Fron shat I've noticed in nyself and a fev others, it seens as if moderate sprintitrgr eslecia1ly on a fairty soft surface, is a pretty adequate nethod of preFaring oneself fo! hill and dale running. I! both cases you .un up on your feet, lean foirard more, and lift you! arns and regs high€r than usua1, ln other words, lepeat work at a lace quit€ a bit faster than race pace is probably not only just about the nost valua{e forr of conditioning for f1a1 races but hay also be bette. for hi1ls than a 1ot of the uphi11 plugging going on in cross counlry practlce sessions at the present tine. Grinding up steep hifls at about + pace, or runling up and dosn stadiun steps (footba11 coaches tate notice) is prob.blI a poorer sethod of conditioning just becalse it enphaslies brlky strength instead of speed and hcavl instead of long and loose nlscles. Steady grinding ruming, such as slow ov€. distance sork ought to bc elininated wherevei it js found in a trainilg stster unless of coxise, it ca! be folnd to be no.e effective than interval rork Youis tru1y, 1{. Dain O1ive.,
30 Nod Hill Road, liewton Highlands 61, Massachusetts
25 KII-O
Sept. 1, Gloucester, Mass.-Couise rearly 16 ni1es. About 35 startels. Rapidl) inploving John Booras went into the lead eally atrd it {as no contest as he pu11ed avay steadily. Renarkable Johnny Ketley (tne e1d€r) {inished second and Graham Parnell improve.l his position selr in tne rast . miles to finish third. \ireatier: clear a.d quite warn (continled nixt page)
16--Septenbe!. :L9s 8 (NI]MU 25 Kil o- Continred)
1. Tohn Booras, Boston ,q-A, 1:29 39 t:12.21 2- lohn A- (erILr, Unit , r:11_12 l. traham 9arn.ri, B,cA, 4- Dave Pistcnna, ljs A.nY, 1:3:1.51 1:37.2t 5 Petcr Conwav. ljnat', 6. 8i1r Murohl, Boston AA' I:37.30 1:18.10 7. Id Bra.k.ti, Unf,t-, t:18 41 8. Dick Packrrd' 6AA' 9- Charles Dvson, fi! An AC l::l{r_16 I:52 01 tO. ReuLrer lSiaFlow, BAA, lI. fes PdwsoD. leu lllr4or', l:5'1.50 I2. !.r1 !L,1nnF\, Nortlr lqeLl. I:i5.17 MARATIION INTIRIiATIONAL CIIAMP IONI'IAT dC'
Dinanche, le 31 Aout (AuE.31) GR-ANBY ST. HYACINTHI
10. -T€an-GuY Grorlr, SFA, uontrcaL 3:23.13 11., Rovce Sa&.y.r, Noith l4edford Club, 3.2,,52:. 12- Alren f. Hul1, tsiownsai11e, New Han!shire, unat. 3:34.1! 1,r. .Tohr DiComandrea, l1r"A, 3:37.38i 14. Mark lennachio. BA-A, 3:45-11; ., sr, A r .t B. I , ^ortFdl 3i55.09i 16. Sid Snith. \eN York, Hanilton Olynpic Crubr 3:5'J.3:li 17. A.t Annis, Dnat., 4:0r1.07; 14. l.1c D. nrickson, BAA,4:08.43; i9- frank Kelley, Notth l'{€dford C1ub, 4:4'1.2rJ 20. Charles Br€detson, Jr', North uedlord c1ub, ,1:55. 00.2. r-- I n-".{ s OR-: L Bo ror .4A, 2. st. Francs Anis, Montreal, que. 3-5-6--14; 3. North l edford Club,
lrgo--Jetry Coters slccess, with holes for a cooler dar J. (NLLEY N!I'C CILAMIION: 26-Mile, 3a5 yds No. Anerican ChanPlonIROM TITI FAR EqST ARMED shiD. 12:30 D.n. fron Citv Hallr Granbl, RESUi-IS & F'ELD CIIAMIIONSIIIPS T]IACK FORCIS 31 P.Q. to St. HYacinthe, Qxcbec. stirters, 2o finishers. IIot and htnld (Both days: hot weather) llard track o- r,,ri tdo tbi -' ' i,oi o"*:"--, rrh;n ,l.Lnd tslorl. and.or- 'Jil io-. ooon: t. T. Dobroski,.l6:0a;2. C.l,i. Biddle, 36:40,.5,04rofl: 1. Larrv A fc{ ner even The heat was teirific. Tenkins. 16:11; 2. Chas. Sunmers, took a swift in the river alongside the i7r46; 3. c. ri. Biddle, 17:5?.. uP " birlr"'11: Bill S'chase: 1. Tad Dobroski, 11:04.. final ki'k: Young .Tineson, -I"tnnu n-tfoit"y that 1,50! m: t. larry Jenkins, 4:04.. spl d r4v coL-s -P ord s.me athletes trom the tat erst | \6ar o 5!,,rF i,".. i"e r'"t o,r5p, firals {e!€ setected to tour tith an (2:31.5?.3). Ted Corbitt {as the only AAU tean. hovever in view of the otnei conpetitor to break 3 holrs. Ted llmes in the <listance €vents, thev A.hirles with way shol€ linDrd the corceeded the distance events. have I l H_ iBfr l_9. \is ren;on Lro,Dr' in " Curt Mutlins of the NYPC nade tbe alnost decided lot to conpete becalse of tean after scoring a douba Dailfu1 left knee that had been botherltg tourinj: 1e sprint win, includilg a 10.6 hi; f.r the week of the race. But the arDlication of heat for two nights nust ha;e help€d as the knee didnrt bother AMERICANS BON ID JA! ATHLITIS hin during the race. SDonsor: Molson's Beer SAIPOR.O, JAPA.li, AUG. :lo_31- An.AnerPrizes: exc€11ent Rerclandise Prizes to ican T&! tean conposed or rourln8 failine those all starters? including AAC athletes and arned forces stars to finish (they deserved then tho,gh in the area won 1t of 20 events fros a Japanese squad, blt ]ost the Ban.;et for runners and friends atd nect on Doints, 111- 95. Jerone ir o. h.ret -ccondoddrrons "r' '1.."-. l'{alters, a s€curity officer sith a Drevious nile tine of 4:02.2, won r. toirn I. (-lr-,, Bosroa A,q. :'l <-.- ihe 15OOn ru! in 3:51.1 and the 800ft t'1 o42 \ s orP, r i.dc;rbitr. :0i o i ru in 1:56.2. Japan's Masayuti1n r- BilI Sni lh. "1l lro- O ' run 3:09 04.4 Nunoeako took the 10,00crnand 4- "Roland lim Green. Boston AA. Kanji 12-2 seconds 3I ninutes, 28 3:10 Michald. SFAnis, Mont. 5, Howard Dick i! 49.0s. 400n q-'. the Akasi 4 q o, do Sc"nou ra, Mtllros" " -:l< of aos Anscles son the 4Lr0 meter :18 48'? t- Don F,v. Bosloi M, hrrdeles in 52.7. Aseek €atlier he : o l6 8, los. D;D_. Frar' s-aris, M^1r ' 1:26 4o broke the JaPanese recotd with a r AA. Bosi S.o,Io, s. ionzat's
september. 1954--17
- Ben Osden, track coacr enpirasizes vhy the Pan-Aneiican & on Ausust at aenple unive;:fTt;Eid Olynpics trtouts should not be held 18th at his hone in Narbetth, Penna. on the l,lest coast, 1. No 5 nan tean Fe $as 65. Mr. Ogdet had just con(Nhat a farcei) 2, !'Jo westetn state plet-cd his 30th year as Tenple coactr. other thar California entered a conpet-F, lr., L H- irv--t-o 4n. 1 l6at J r3. No Pacitic Assn. nnner enteritor. ald field devices. a starting gate ed- All in A11 tlte intetest 1s !ot for "p inr' rs. "n ." rJl: i -l i 'o good:.espii-the fact that McArdle icator for junpcrs and a pole vault runs a pretty good six, Ke11ey Norld net- -. The Philadelphia Inquirer have wor by 2 ninltes or nore... The Charities will sponsor the return Russian title race(Ta11inn). on .i!1r_ U.S. Red Meet at Philadellhia's 19 sau vladimi. Kuts no better than Franklin Field on Jurt 17-18,.. €ighth in 14:12.2. 46, Cl"nn Lunii sh"n, lhc0p , iI_r, 1iv€s at Ceddr Point, Knn. J rhere he -oLLIOTT RUNS 1500 IN 3:36, FASIEST is d fa.ie "rd s.ddl 'o_" br'_d'r rvER BY 2.1 SECS. and also glest Preacher in the church ... And Gene Venske, {ho vas alvays GOTTBORG, S{eden, Aug. 2a Herb !11iott, on cle!n';-T€ETs;;uns a niriatur€ Australia, tonigtt shattered the worrd ,19. golf course in Reading, Pa- He is for 1500 net€rs vith a tine .f record ...Manv thanks to Stan Pisanti. 117 3:36. This is the equivalent of a 3:53 chulch'st., N- s. W -Ai:f;elj-t-o t niie. Thc listed world lecord for 1500 Aussie resutts, offering to forNard neters is 3:38.1, set by Stanislav p og.dnn s 'l .., wi'l it b' oo--ibl" C2echoslovakaa. one day, by special training or breed- Jungdirth, Hcrbrs ftactional tirres were phenon ing of course, for nen to ru! a nile en"l. P " 'r- fr:.r 4 _ i1 :5o- . at the pace 100 yards? Tlr. 800n in 1:57.5 and th. 1200n ir that would give then a tine of aboxt 2.44s. l confess I vould lite to He played thc sittcr for the first {atch a nile rrn as a spurt at sprrnt of the race, and ttr€n noved fron third speed. Is it rca11y so nlch in the into the lead at the 8o0n, and burned realns of {antast? esPecialry Nith so up the last 3o0n in:40.5. He fitished nany of our athletes who ar-- now weli- 20 neters ahea.l of Jungwirtrl.(3:39-0) nigh neurotic i. their fanaticisn 3. l.{urray }!a1Derg, li€N Zealand, 3:39.4i alolnd the practic€ tra.k- If they are 4, Istva! Rozsavolgyi, Hungart, 3:40.0i lnll of theories rLoa. That does tne 5. Dan viaern, sNeden, ::40.9; 6. Stetan futuie hold?.., A ve--k after walter Lewardowski, Poland, 3:41"1; 7. U1f ci,p-i dr L. o. spt n-" A.b .ri16 alJ So, Bertil Lund, Norway, l:.12.1; 8. In615 ki1o, 10 ni1es, 20 kilo and one hour vai Iricson, Sweden, 3:47.3j 9. Dertrack lecords, Osvaldo Suarez beat then ek lbtJotson, Britain, 3:50.8; 10. AI hirn pFrloro"n -s o .o: o.,rs, 1d: 4s. Thonas, Australia, 3.55.1. ( Pretty I hr. 02 nins. 00-2s and 19.34 kilos fair field! tne first fiv€ ran the (12 ni1es, 35 yds) resp--ctivery,. equivalent of bett€r than tour ninVarious 1958 narath.n chadpions in ut--s for the nile, ) !urope ir" Lo-- Popov, USSD, /:.2-0c; Uiftoun, lrance, 2:25.29.3i Uittiver, Bonn, Gernant, Aug. 28- 600m. , Parl switz- 1"1., l:47.lj.8: {Fil- i o, Schnidt, Gernany, I:46-a; 2. Herlert Gernary, 2:30.32.6; Waide, SNed€n, Vi "la, CF f r". :a-.0: 3. Vi\'D"h2:30.20... !'ihen the Boston AA's .TohD son, G.B., r:4e.2..llqL!!I: 1. Gordon Booras tinds time t. trlin riAlLt-ie Pirie, G.8., ll:51.b; 2. Miroslav i:ir1b-e to,rglLl fiod"rn trainini isn't Czechoslovakia, 13:52.2; 3. YevJurek, e.tirelv ner--Clarence DeMar was runrZnukov. Russi a. l3:57.8. nir ins 7 d;ys a wiif Si?iiEtne- present nan-A coaches ever thought of it and IIIRB RUNS 4 IIIN. MILE FOR NINTH TIME .linmv Henniaan had the boys trainine on the glass and through the woods ]\ALMOI, Sued--n, Aug. 29 Just 24 back in 1929. Fred Falle! alwavs advoc norrs alte. lotoering the Norld 1500 Da.F wo-r Lr at Gothenb!.g, neter recoid to 3:3a' l.r.rl" Jack Ryder had his b.!s rlnning \jl) HF o llio., orov r h' H.n!l ' 20 x 2:dl;-fs-and 10 x 440 in 60s alu tired toright by turning the nile 6 x a80 in 2:30 or bett€i back in 1935,. race at Malmoe Stadiutrr i.to a oneTte tesults of the sr. Na[1. 15 kilo nan affair although ne faced son. ot
L r8--s.ptedber.'1958 (!11iott, 3:58.0 at Malmoe. Sue.tcn) thr {orl.its linest niaLlle-iistan.e TL. meet was staged in clliilt on a sossv t.ack but Ij i Iiottrs Frcs.nce iii.actea a to.a1 attendance record of 21,496, not. than 7,000 above the forner Herb irad no conletitior in the ^ rlnar stages, He defeated t)an r{aern, a s1{ede, bl aboxt 30 tards, Uae.n 0as tined in.:l:02.2. . 1,. - ,, \ h /-"t ., t:,1.0; r. \l i I T-/,r1,^..i. P^,1-, J:0.-; 5, Cor.ion Pirie, Ingland, 4:04.8; b. IlF.ck Ibh.ts.rr. Incran!1. 4:U!.0: --D. |.li L o, \-" 7 "l"r, r:0.d. 6. (ii. d. th. tirst-ha1f, doing the fjrst q!aiter rn i.r s.conds anit ttr. half nile in :01He tt]en .lropp.a .ut of thc race, Waern 1.ok thi lcaC b!t [eId it tor onty abont f0tr yar;s. lttiott then took .hargF after I,a{rC rards and casilv lull.a awav L'r!h ttre r.st of the lle1d. (-rl4- l:03- tast rr4o il 5ss) CIRIJTNIIIK I\IINS RU].JI\
Jinml lofden jrst .onpleted his 2n.l
sunrn.r rournancnt. !v.ry Tuesday night tnree ev--nts w.re held. This Nenr.n l!. ten Tuesdayrs. The events varied rron the 60 yard dash to tte 3 nire r!r, All events were handicapped. The final
1. ,\"r rt, dist"rce nen frircL LcttEr thin E strinrers. I \"1 .i ", i-.. bt, ts. :. PuJ) Merrdc-, pts. " 3. Jose Donez. -sO 45 Dts. i l- c. P1l6rim, a2 pts. sprinfrr . r. vrl r 'r.-t,.ti.! n 6. T. Tbonas, 26 pts, s!ri!t--r (24 nen ent.red) !cints w--.e scored as lollows: 5 pts. for rst Dla.e: 4 Dts. for pr.. ,or ai.: r ', |"| J.s. Dones Non last yeals tournamcnt with aar; Pts. tq nen wer. .!tered-
victoria Park, Scottand, a:57.2 (Scot. Nat. Rec.); 4. Hein Cuie. Hol1and, a:59.4..The tro nires d€veloped into a four dan race hith DeInoiE leadinB throran one mile ir 4:24.o, closety foiloved Dy his compatriot Cuje, Onentia & Birnie. Atl four w€.e rogether'at tI-- betf ard a teirific tusste ens_ !e!l ov€r tle final rap. At the be11, {as onry ior a short distance, Det_ noye Passlng the scot on the bend. Ttre Dutchnan 1ed into the firal straight, and Onentia plt on a spurt. The gap na.rowed, bur De1nole, uittr 50 yards to so. lenpth_ cned his srride, ro hin i; a ri0e lns1de the present Dutch record fcr the distance- BinDie trimed his ow! native record for the distance .g-E-q, 1. J. R. Boyd, M!, 1:50.a: 2. T, Cox, A{A, 1:51.0: 3. H- taaus. Hollandr 1:51.4;4. q. deida. Holrand, 1:5r.8..The 880 providea a k€en tussre vith taus leadinA at the befl in 53.8, forlowed bt Boyd ,nd cob. wittr d furlons to co Boyd ard cox mrde th€i! afforis which ended witn Bovd vinnins in 1:50.a, which is .r sec. outiiae his own Natlve recold. Gert Potgeiter won the 440 hd1s. in 50.3 for a neu Scottish Att-Cohels open Events: liire: D.B. Dickson. (BelIahouston) 4:1r.1 (75 y.t htdcaD) 480: Dickson, 1:53.6 (32yd;) a 1ap Srchase: C. tit. Metdrun, St.
Edinburgh Hi gh rand Games at ilurrayt1e1d, oth Aqgust ll€rv I-incoln rhwarted the iI'11 shoN then'r plans of Derek Ibbotson by winning the nile fion the Enstisrrna. in 4:06.a, to establish a ;ex Ibbotson, who was onitted fion B.itain's^team.to rake part in the iuropead Lnampronshlps, dd hoDed SUOTTISH Nm,lrs- IANGIRS SIORTS at Ibrox to re-estabfisn hinself by winninq Sta.lixmr 2nd Argrst. this race, finished secord. 10 v.;dc behind the Aussie in 4:07.9. Sc6i_ Invitation Events One lirilc: i. Ed landrs Grahas Everett droDDed ori Mort.n, Canada (U. of 4:tOi tlre end of the second 1aD dd r.q.A.. r:ro-.; at . l:i ^rkalsas) riqr '.. ',sldn 30,0o0 fans expresse<t disaD;oint'. \'1. P' 1r,r-r ir', /, 1t" , ,t:tO.8i 4. nent whe! Herb llliott & l,fuiray J. lv. il.Dondrd,(AM ), 4:10.o, Halberg, although present, decided Tu.\ii : . 0. 1o hotl".d, 8:..,o; not to run_in the sho{ery wearher r. u. o -r ti J. .r.o: r. ld. Oi1.ip, ( coatlrued next Daee)
dle 1o tneir re.ent heavt sche'1u1e. Mike B.risford of Scotland Nas 3ft1 Basil He.ttet, l,ngland, Fas a surprise linner in the tNo ni1., dasnint int. a IO yar.l lead it the b"l1 t".i , r lo,r v i " I 1" . ir a: .8 a G.m.s record" M.rriman ran 8:54 6 and A. on.ntia of Kenya ran 8:59.6 f( . ir.. J.r, li"a _ r\ I", 0 \ Do" lb
"! 'oio 'oa'iti scvcntl resPectlv.ly. Dav€ Lean, Australia? s.t rP a ne{ r.cc.d for th-- Ganls in winnirg th. 88 in :..rs - l,-i b r' | "" tin. rltxrned by Atthur l4itt in r'r49. 2nd- M. spence, J.naica, 1:5.1.4i 3rd_ 11- K--ter, K.!ya, 1:-55.1, 1ar0r !ards: 1, Mik. Blagrove, nngland, 2:1!,0 (Scot-A11-Comers Rec.); 2. J.R. Boyd, Scotlan.L,2:10.9 (Scot. Natl- tec) 3. !'.D. Barber, nrg., 2:11.0600 Yards: l. G, Kerr, Janaica, 1:09.3 (Scot AI1 Coders Rec); 2. Mili,' Rawson, England,:L:10,:l; 3. Mite FarrerI, Ing,, 1:11. 3 440: 1. Eearded I'lilka Singh, of the nnpire chamtion and record won the 440 tds- in .17.6 shich the ndinburgh Can€s record set 1952 bl. llerb .K.n1ey, Pres.nt 1
9. Har.t RuNjr, cent.al Hs (!lii1a) 23:48 10. .l.hn 3trt1er, V'.st Phjle.HSr 23:54 ES, 25:12 1tl Jerry Argert, C.ntral q.d r- loc ti .. tp rl,ai or i h'r. L jr:o, Coo!.r Riv--i and the Seriors continurng for arothcr 1aF.. Lou Burd.11. 1ed i.r six nri 1--s in ttre Senior tace until troubf..i hith a groi! injury Nhich .als€ri nin to case trt.. Th! rac.s tere .rigirall-v sch..iu1e.i for aO hiiors & l-5 rilo's, lut.1!e to the iLot weatlret r'' ., I vi r1 L -irr. e^ Atlantic ltl{C n.cting follov--d tlre run. ROAD fu{CE RESL'L'IS FROM GFEAT BRITAIN
Aui. 9- Middl€tor Fair 15 nile Road ilac. ( hilll & rilding ccurse-33 starters,21 finisncrs) ] S. Hardicke., Uanchester, 1:24:50; 2. H. Thonpso!, llothe!lian, 1:27.13; .1. S. P. Veals, D.L.C., l:2a.39. SECITNSBURY FAR]IIIRS IO !IIL! ROAD FACE 1. Dcrnis o'Oornan, St. Albans, 5l:2o 52:05 2. !- Salvat, Finchler_, 32117 3. G. Bro(n, Highgate, T1OI-BEACH 10 }lII-}j ROAD IACE 1- .johnry Nil1, n. Cheshire H. 50:51 2. )I. c1a.ke, Lin. \ire11irgton, 52:5b 3. !. l^Jilson, Lin. wellingtor, 56:41 SROCKE\THURST-BoUiI EMOUTH r5n. ROAD RACE 1. (en HonD.y, l.Jalton, 1:28-01;2. J R, Edwards, I;.ordci 1:28,01r 3. E. Richardson, l'{af ton, 1:28.51 nois, PRAESANT WII! 5!. & JR. RilC RUNS THE BT'CRAVI 'r20"(81 starters, hot & hunid) t. Ja.t{ llaslaE, Thanes Valev Sunday, Sett. 14, Cooler Riv.r,,?arktaX' Har.i€rs, 1:52.30 (2nd fastest {iniing heath--r: Hot! a5 collingswood, li,Jtime); 2. Frank Salvat, Fin.n1ey, Senio. Racc ( 7.6 nilcs) r:52.53; 3. Le! Eishop, Be1g.ave, 1. llrowning Ross, Penn AC, 4il:26 1:5J.12;4. Il. Gelrbett, BeIg., r:54. 2, Earl -Ieffcrson, Lasallei 41:28 4f; 5. H.vi. Dernls, TrH, l:56.41 3. Ja.k ilarry, Shanahat cc' KIM?SIDN l0 M1r-E ROAD RAC! (Aug-16) 4. Djck Doiohue, Boston AA, 42:35 r. Johnry Wild, cheshirc, 53:56; 2. R. 5. J€sse lur.le1le, P.no AU, 43:08 Davies, Godiva, 54:2o;3. ll- Wilson, 6- Luther ilurd.11e, !-ann AC 7. Larry D.laney, Shanalan VIYCON1BE 5 MILE ttOAD ITACTJ a, John Preston, Shanahan '. P-r- Dr i\-., S.l.lr-, : ; . . L. 9. Leon Dr.her, Shdnahan 48:51 Richards, lo1y, 25:14; 3. D. OrGornan, Ln,r, - Jo n.L nin lbl. PA': I" I Si.r . h. PA.: 'l n /o. I . PAC: I Sr, \1o", _t 5: l6: r- B. .odli1B, W/ combe,25:52;5. R. Dunkl --y, ?o1y, .,i' suiF',I soJr' 'orr ' I Jlnior P" . ('.8 1, ''s) I INCLISH T&F . QUEENS PARK H. MEETINC 1. Klaus lraesant, Pen. AC, 20:36 r 0: I . Jor. rlo r. s. ['s1 P, .H5. i.led c:citinE conpetition- In the 1500 r. fon | llF Dr ild- rls, 2l 0I d, io L "11 Stan nrdon nadc the pa.e for , n--ters P il"- h\. I 'r,4Fsr 4 two 1a!s but then drolped a{ay, Hhere.Jo!-!:Er:-!!4rs!4-c+----'". rr"rr, Be,.ohi- P-r' q . l' t l lDon Gordon Pirie toolr over t. naint:rin the hot Pa.e working in the lead 7- Vetnon Uorgar, Shanahan CC, 22:00 -i S i |1 o\- a,_" 'a. aon Jorrnso!, west Phi1a. HS 22:51 rnl' 1
4!-nlP!q!qil L li the back straiglt, but Gordon .an. agarr over the last 50 tards to g.t hcnr ir the rrc.lLent tin. oi :.48.2, 2. Eri. Shiriey, Finchl.t, l.:19,1; 3. Nike llagr.,!e, naling, il:49.8; 4. J. lvars, ?o1], :-i:50.7; 5. Joe Nurlirs' cana.la, :l:51.3; 6, R. ?arlesi Hatrpstead, r'i :- -li 7. P, rlr'lr ' 7 Ildon, 8, tsai11i€, N.w Zcalanti; (1. Sta. Winds.r; 10 E, }]11is, TVH. Discus: 1. S.Du Irt.ssis, s. Alri.at ilE}jTI\G (Aug..1) l:5{r.7 Alsltriia, 8a0: 1. He.b Illiott, (rr" . D ' I ,.1{r-: -o t.,t?--,,2 |i|: .li, l, \ 'r: .. 4.59,4 l track r.c. )
.,- L
, l, ..o t
LMRlilrlI-, Ell{;L{iJD NtARAltiON (A 2j) 1. lob Pafet r\Ac, (r... ) 2:27.09 :. K€n Honey, I'iatton, 2t28.12 2:23-34 .1, Art nr L!ily, Derbl, 4. Joe Kei1y, D!.lrr, 2:31.2.1 -i. ller.Ir1 Tn.ntson, R.th.riraa,j 2.4a.27 a. T. Ri.hardsor, rrialtin, 2::1.,4t (n7..nF.titors) Sprits: 5 ni1. 27:,111(H, Th.irpso.)i 1rl niles l. r.irJ; 15 niles- i:23..1(l: 2u niles 1:5-l.Oll(Pate !roved irilo 1.:d h-ar.e uhil-- tirr.c ot[.rs stop!.d for
]Jcst Britjsh p.rformdrce to date for Two-MaD, Ten Mile Relav is 4.1::4.U L,y 1.er Norris ard !,G,111is (T.V.H.) at Chathdn on 2 7 5Il. handi.ap road run, .rr abardored p.rrion th-- Midu.st R.ad lt,u!e.s clutr
Iinish i1:50.8
Acrlal Tinc
2r.::i0.8 t 1. Jerry Koehler, St. Ge..g. HS, (Ivanston) .11:43 8 2. Henry Ma!.v, Maine Itl, 32:21,5 9 32:51.-5 l. lrnest Miholits, University of cti.agoAl 32:53.I 3l :21- 1 7 ,1. Dick King, Ucrc, 5.00 5. Ray ilenzic, UcTll, 33:58.8 23:,11.8 4 1:15 6, !rnie Billups, LoIola u. 7. Lukc steele, xnat. 28.22.7 2 34:52.7 8. I{al lticdon. UCru, 2 3:37. a :15 9. Harold-ll.r;is, u. cf r1linois, li:1!.9 :l:00 10. Lcu Kujawinsti, LoYoLa Unrv., 37:43.5 1l .18 : 4:J - 5 1t- sam 1!a€ischal, ljaTil, Weather conditi.ns good; alt starters finished. (oeh1er, one ol the toP PreP distancc nen in chi.a;o (sinner of the Catlolic L.a:j!" nile title rast slrilg) 4:25-- took adv,antage of a gootj hardicP and.fitished alnost_.a fult minlte alrea'i r"', rl- ' o rl L, ai !! i rL " o rl s. onlDI" A LFT'IIIU FROM IIEA\ TILACKIIIAY at best tok.n attenpts to ,,,n re to the rul) 2 Daovers, Mass. ,i;;" (ace conmcntary, the collapse or thlL! Ti":":;::";ll:".',:,"i,1:';ii'I":ii iiratlt rrhlrte to thc ;ot il!,,.rr., runners doFs l]!f Point rp a nFed t!r t"r" irri. tot"i reslonsibility. r an prcnt) or halcr statrons: lnos. g!rs yet pessemistic. don't erp€.t hopeful, flopped because th.y had to busin.ss $akc up, Thet are too conpr, AAU'I; th-. runnrng sax mi1.s, la I r.u1!l\'1 rrn ac€nt, as is €vid;nt brr' their unfounded rl DD I'" " li " "r ir f€ar. dithout takjng a drink, I {ould hdng,p: ii, FEet. conplrclr.v ob\altes Robi)i.s Was interested to read Dr. to do tots. ir,. rnC i" i;,ositior 1 r'''c 'r'rp'o ,b I io ^'roo",rr jon do son€thing intellig.nt and.onstr .,o*'.e=.. fL," !IAA! !out.i br .itl)er xctiv. abort .€ctif-vj!g this apprrent i,.--, ^" ""."., r" I .- KFrretts , p obr.n. qrqo. ,. . -",,. :";, .,9! I . -. -, "l" n.ver repeatedl Such 1n.on!1€te an{l rF1,.". th; nL!ev..tol,r wout.i norant f,ethods as cmptoy.a by eranrnrng "...",t ;iv. :r..L1v s,nL t! !;k!;5ai.1.i ihis !hysicians, who arcn,t syi!ath--tic an\to s ) LrLrtnins. i. roo ii. ;.:.."i. way to the highlt tiained drstan.-' ' (Continued next pagc) .J
Septepber. 195a--21
lut .thcrs can - and I repeat: the LDL can b. on. cffective means to a bette! trend.i Jlst as the futur.. of the {orld in terns of politi.al pcac. lies in th. active parti.ipation ot a najorit,v, .i ol ru' inr li€ ir th-- --fforts of thc runners themselves. As our cultlre becones rncr.asingly confort loving the fight grors fierc€r- I realise tnat I an ' o' "a\i18 | - q|i a < Fn- - bJt that is n.t the loint- nole of us :lroLId tr\ to be better-aiaroles. A suj rak; Leruttl , lno Ii t?i?iinr) an eaanpte and {ho has the r€cords, is shorted doNn by strpid newsne!and coachcs! This rorld is ultrailrat the ortsp.h€. approach ca! acconpljsl is ni1d, st.ady progr.ss in the fa.e oi strong oddsIor're doinE oDe cf the best of jobs.
!IIIiS 1o-MII!
I-atr.uo.,.l, Ohio, .Iu1I 2J- Tne ra.,- was sF.nsor.c -cr iire L.kcwoo.t Dept. oi Re. r.ation an.l starred Bith on-- nile of rrniirg .n lta!hs i. a snal1 park. The
:riru! sas stll1 felI |juche.i as th€t ,rlt tL. lark ard t.i r to th. streets .r !uir!rDan lak€{.o,i. .!ick Cost€s i@ed1atelv took il1: 1.dtl, incrcasirg the !J.F consi.l.riul j, ann sprcrJir. tIe I lto . ao r .a t-- i, J.hilJ \iclr and remaired there uatil the a: nile mark. D!.i.r! this tine Nick used nanr blrsts of sp.ed in an.tt.npt to shalre Carman 1oos., ljut th. gap never oP€led to nor. than a few tards. At the 3j rile point Carnan increased the pace and loot tLrc 1.ad occasionaill- With one n11e to g. Ni.k 'Degan t. fade a.d Carnan incf.ase.i ihe !ace again, goirg on to L'rn in 52:4.. Cost.s t.otted in about t: nrlnut.s later. A clcse ttrird in the .ace \'as.J.hn Gutklecht of oni. ltesleyan {Arl Oni. and Ohio c.rlerenc. cross.cuntrt !-hanp and llth in I\CAA, running in his airst road rac.) slLo arcv--d ovet r, I ro,g ro jl-t rr . ,n I il th. faLlins c.stes. J!lius ?enzes(ra! I r' ,o\.1 :r8,a Irs,.rl.i anil r6mirg'rjrst lor funrr) Hungari;n r.fug.e .unning for the clevelanii uagvars finishe.i fou.th, xial1y Gue.tli.r.,f th.. llleveland Stride.s uas C!.nar's uinning tine b--ttered Gucnth.rs
course record by 2:36. The couise vely leve1 vith only one quite noderate hill (up:) The finish was therefore uphi11 fron the start. The coulse was neasured by DePtof Recreation officials and is supposed to be accurate. carnanrs wiriine tiEe aas 52:49. costes said that he is in the process of retuFing to hard traitritrg with an eye to the 1960 O.G., arthougn he suffered a setback ia August in the forn of a D!11ed nuscle. was
nngland- Tridgula! T&F i4atch--A.A.A. 96 pts., cosbinEd services, 68 pts., U-A-U. 32 pts. (August 16) 880: 1. .J.r. tsoyd, CS, 1:52.3 by 3 -;a;. 2. Mrke rarrell, AAA, 1r52.7; 3. T. Cox, CS, t:52.ai 4. P. Davie, 1:53.5.. Mile: 1. P-R. Clart, CS, +:oz.sr z- ltir<-e Belisford, ,$A, 4:09.5; 3. G.{. Coddard, AAA,4r14,3; 4, B.J- Turner, CS,4:15 (65-4, 2:08. 7. 3:06.8) .. 3 Miles: 1. U.rtin UY' nan, uAu, r3 :3il-b--(!iiv. !ec.);2. John Merrinan, AAA, 13:34.0i 3- A.J. liro^d, CS, 14:00,2i a. F.A. S6afr g& l4:11.2:5. J- Helaood, tiAU, 14:15;4. MerriBan red for nine of the laps
witt Hynan taking the tenth- titb 600 yards to 8o Uerrind legained th- lerd dnd neld on until Hysan rao his challenge Fith 40 yards to go. Running shoulder to shoalder over the last 30 yalds, H}t& just got the verdict at the tape, toth runners b€ing given the saFe tiDe. Separal- mile rines were 4:30.6, 4:15.!, and 4:2a.0,. 3000 Metels Srchase: 1. M. Herriott, m;- e;la-;-Z:J:-r ruiq CS,9:28.6;3. D. Gallaghe!, CS, 9:33.8: 4. R.-T. c011iE!. 9r35.0 SUGCESTIONS FOR
MCES- Subnitted by the Midyest Roadrunners C1ub.
I. It is our feelin8 that one fault of the nethod of Ol)epic narathon s-l-crion in l6<o sas thal roe lunn e.s Dho ultinately oade the olynpic team had to ru! three hard races o\.- Inp Iull daratloo-zT;tan.e Niti. in six nonths; the Boston Malathon in Apii1, the Yonkers i'{arathon i,n Septenber, the Olynpic Malathon in A. rlecause of this, {e feel that they had been noverextanded,i thls
were not ready for a suprene elfort {heD they firally ran in MelDourDelI. Vie tne.efore suggest that onlv ore.ualifvinE ra.e ne use.r to s.1-
eLt tre rEnr€>.ntariv€- of i € la1Aneiican and 01]rpic teans io 1959
A. This race shoutd be the Bostor Marathon, b.caus. it pr.vides nore of
i r-r '"rio d. op-|i1- 1t a1s. trorld provide for an ample recoverv tine b.for. th. next'rsuprcnerr ef f ort. B, Whil. w. b.tievc onry cne final ra.e sho!1d be !se(l to rl!alify, \'-"''g ,-", i" i ; ' 1. ln ord.f lo nake the teai, tll: rurner Nill hav. to'rqu.uifl for consid.ratiort'by Placing ir the tcp t1lree oa a s,-.ti onal eli.iin2. This race would n.t be cver a full naratho. distance, ir!t iather ove..l0 (ilomete.s ( dpp foximdt.rt thr.e-q!art.rs tire futl narathor C- Sectioral elinirations would De hcld i! thr.e Faris ol tne c.untrt. Th--y could be billed as 'rOLl,npic Triats" and tLus would help to Doost the sp.rt throughout thc ljnitcd stat.s. 1. The distanc--s nort.i Lre .10 Li1.ts. 2, Tire races $ould b! op.n to runn.rs fron all over the courtrv. a. Different dates for the race'oLIo . '- 1, s "niglt,,--bci"iabt.i in one elinination to travcl to a secolrd elinination and stirl qua I ity. 3. The race sho!1d be het.l !o €arlier than !0 days b.fore tlc ainal (Boston) race, and no later than 30 days before the sane race. D, ExF.rscs for thc first thr.! runn.rs to conp€t€ in the firal trials will be frrnistred by thc Natilnar r\r\U out .f its Olynpic fund. IlI! IIIDViIST ROADRUN\I]RS CLUII Rav Menzi e - Prcsident tal rliedon Se.reta.y afreas. lltPllr & coMMo\l\rlALTu 1t9, GREAT BRITATN 162 (White City, London, Alg.2nd & 4th) vi -s: , A 'l\o_"_, Bl , Ir: 0. : ,. Stan Eldon, GB, t3:23; -r. Gor.ion ?irje, 13:34.0, GB;4, Peter R. c1ark, GB, 'r:"6. : 5, r'i\ J. r. CB. : 57..1;6. l'J.D. Baillie,'rulli," BI, 1,1:07.6..
b80: 1- HerD Il1iott, B!, l:47.3; 2. rrian ltewson, GB, 1:48,o; 3. C- (rrr, BE, 1:49.ri 4. D.I.B. S itri, BE, 1:.:r'r..1 5. Mike Rads.., GB, 1:49.4; o. Dereh Johnsor, GB, t:,19. 5. i1.. 1. Murra)_ HaLDerf, B!. 4.01.J; P. CL,4: . : ii . Li' dl" B.risford, GB,4:03,5;.1. !1. D. Bai11i. BE. 4:0i].5; 5. Gr!ham Iv.rett, GB, 4:06.6i a. Ed 11.rt.!, BEt 4:1tl-1. 6 NiI!s: 1, John uerrinar, GB, 24.13,2; 2. M. rt)nan, GB,28::13.2; 3. A. OnL.nt ia, lll],2'):05.8;4. A.B, !ai]e€, lrlr, 2n:Co.8; 5. Il{gn Fo.rd, GB, 29:13.2r ii. K. Srn, lI,31:01.8. l flo, ' ls: Nz, 4:0b.5; 2. i\i.rv r. IlurraI Holberg, litrc.ln,,\, 4:0b.5i l. D.r.k INiiotscn, GB,4:A7.2;4. ]\1.n ll- C..do!, GIl. .1:09.1; a. (jrahain lv.reit, S.otlard, 4:14.0;.. tri. sLirf.t, 08, 4:It.7, j,llaron. sI.has.: t. ll. sharl, rj]], s:0:,8; J- \t].T. llultt, (lB, q:0!.ll; 3. D.J. Ctralnan, CB, c:10. 860: 1 Joc Mullirs, C.nada, 1:5r.4; l, '. D.!. , : .L; Lo.t --, cr, t:52.9. 2 Uiresr 1. leter clarn, Gll, ll:.17.4; 2. Gordon I'jiri., Cll, 6:48-O; l. Ai..n Gordon, GB, €r:48..1; :1. Star l1don, GB, 3:49.2;5, Basil Ueatl.L GB, tj:50i o, Alan Pcrilins, GB, 8:52.o lrJoners's 3;a: 1. Dia!. L.ither, GB, FICORDS C,1]
l'Jal t.n Stadiun, Sat. 2rd Augustlred Norrjs plucl:cd a fcr Britislr ie..rils ond ! couple.t tir€ {orldrs choic--st pluns t.o and it 1o.led tire.i as int.rtrcte.l !,v a distarce runner. Ir..i did his first 10 niLes in 5t:/12 - only 2 nirut.s slolder than iris llritish l0 niles rc.orLi and car.led on tor !et another 12 3/4 ni1.s. His scconi ter -ll_1fl uinaL 2 trcurs R€suIt: 1, Ired Norris Eoi6;, ::- fiGt-i;6r .r yds, 1 ,8,, ; 2. Kc! Honney, \ra1ton, 21 nilcs, 1,291 t.ls, L!9'r; 3. Jark llaslanr Tl1{, 21 ni1€s, 1,109 )ds, lr8rr; 4. Len Jones, South--n{:1, 2l milest 1,109 yds, Lr5'r; 5. s! BedL., shaftesL,ur1", 20 niiles, 1,7rt8 tds, 1'6'r; 6- L-C. llishop, lJelt.av€ II., 20 ni. ao9 tds, 1'--. Dcrnis O'Gorman kept pace Lith Norris and after l4 niles set off ir pursuit of the British 15 nile r--cord. A last nile in,1:56 gave it to hin in 1:17.10.2.- Notris ,,,,1..) 't,r.tz 1.
septen'Der, 1958-- 23 Durdas Maratlron Racc DTCKSON
F.r s.,ne !.ea!lained rcaso!, the field for the.iglltL ann!al Dundas, Ont. Canada l5 njle na.alhon rvas woefulty short of Unii!d Statcs conp--titors on Saturdrl, S{:pt--nbe. lltlr, but in the srallest fier.l in the histo.v ot tlle .f.nt, on! outstandirtg runner, at least, nai ntain!!l tle Iigir standard .f.on!i.tition in th€ Va11ey Tom evert. .,IFt"ri ,O).i alubrs b.ightest star, gained his ,, , i .,t i r. - 6 r..J,s he.d.r] a pa.h or 11' rrn.ets bt ^tF, a good nargini somethirg lihc two lull ninut.s ah.alL oI t;re relt near.st man, L.lNard .lohnstor, a tonthfut Irishmln fr.h trre cla.lstone A.C. ol Iororto. Di.kson rr.1.d cll the 15 ni1es, ovcr the co!rse 1ai.l ort b)" the spoqsoring Canadia! Legion, \o.16, ot arundds, 1n 1:2n..'?6. S$ith {as clocked ir 1:26.10 aral liL- leld ! goori eoge on t]Le third an to firish BirL snitiL of the Heilton Keitlr Dunnctt, of Dlldas, for years o!. of the I-egiorrs Dest running r€Presentives, fjnished in fourtlr spot, b!t his satisf!ctior wjth this placing was snarl conpared with t[c delight he too]i in '" I i- irr,s.':1 ,' l,, ..iLe.l the big event in tic s.nior ev--nt, f,aickson 1€d fron Ni.e to wire Nith a relllaccd gal1op that l.ft him son. .ight rinutes .ff the _l' : . f : ' " 1954' in an Finning the trundas griDd in --ti..lual wi th Dolg kyl--1, Gord Dicksor, Hanilton O.c. , 1:24-36 :, In Johnston, Gla.istore Ac, 1:26:30 :1. ijitly Snrith, Hanilt.,n O.C., 1:27t44 ,1. Keith Drnnett, Dundas L€gion, 1r35.02 5. Arie van.lermecr, St, Cat[, Y, 1:35,20 6. Ted Suito, Chicag. (S1.Anth-) 1:35.30 7. Sid Snith, Hanilton O.c. 1:35.45 " 8. irob Jacobs, St. Cathcrinesr 1.37.57 q. Wlitet' Strcrida!, Hanilton Oc, 1:42.51 10. P.r.t snittr, Hanilton OC, 11. A1 Mitchcll, Guellh Legion, j. r r D". r c ip,r rr,r J.1io 'o di. p .r 'o ,n 15- .d t 1'.r of the 22 original starte.s, 19 finish€d, ",, t, ."d.s ot ot ,"n io a fiefd that ranged fron 10 to 14 yeaxs. 1. Eddie Bodden,l?:02; 2. Mike A1k€rtonr 12i26; :l- Gary Bodd-.n,I2:27(r0 yds bac,r of 2rd & 10 _rears ol.il)
35 Robinson St.
Hanilton, Ort.
Thought I'd drop you a line,and giv€ yo! a bit of an "inside sto.y of tli. Marathon at Wales and sone of the gossip I picked up. It @s a g.eat trip-believ€ nent tirst (and I hope not last) international and I rea11y eljoyed it. Was disalpointed about the na.athon but got over it. Th€ boys scre just too tough- It was a fabulous experien.e tho neeting all the nguns.' I also spent a colp1e of d.1ys with Ceruttv and was reallv inpressed. Altho;Cn I donrT-aIgsom€ of his stlff re arns, valious rhytlms, etc,, his nain theolies are exceflent, and what slrPrised ne was his tlenendous down to earth talk- He has the greatest a4d nost understanding knovledge of track of myone Iive ever heard. Now for the Enpire Marathon. The fair, a coupre of ssa11 hi1ls and one large one-the first at a ni1€ nark. Afte! that it sas pretty {e11 flat- Viind sith us going out & aeainst on the returnTenp. between 70 and 75o. After a steady start around the stadiun we settled down to a nice quick pace with Barnard and Niid(So. Africa) in the 1ead. lirst 5 nl1es in approx. 27 nins. After that the lead fluctuated aqd the pace valied as sone one alwals *as ttyiqg to break away, first (enba11 & Nilkiqson of England, then Balnard, around 8 niles Davies of Nales responded to the cheers of his coutrynen and sled !p, he was leadi!8 at 10 niles in 54 nins. Bith 14 runners sti11 togethe!- I felt quite good and aas alnays right behiDd the leaders(a1ong with quite a fev others!.) At about 12 ni1€s !oBe! slddenly took off, altholgh I didrnt thlnk he would go all the vav after his sreat 6nites and 3 niies. I tried to go with hin. Afte! a nile se Nere leorganized wlth Powe! about 30 yds. ahead of Barnald & !e. Close behind came Kirkup, Wilkirson Sun, Leily, Davies and Kenbal1. At 15 niles(the pace had gone fror 27 nin. fron 5 niles to 26! l),
195 8
been training tco l.st and..rrt run I po^- . F" n"ro "io L" _ s l 1l' d i 'o l b l 'l l" I o-. '' i'S r'_ld d s l- ur l uo (',! I : .l o i t_". o.. n,,, .: | ' : : JD d'd .ao. "o "r.o '. r' i o^ Loale 1l I :rLarJ.tcr). r€ p.i 1b.ut lll !drJsrb lte anil Dcnis o'cornar tfaaert tlie lei,i ah<tru anJ slllFJ again Tnl r at .1.e.! + lDti1 14 nit.s {hcn O'cornu niles sun ol K.n\d .rmL !f. This riick;d ir f.r a new llr. 15ni. rc..tlt. rt sDurrrd iarnard orL - I hd 1 1. lct \e' The tra.k das dord.rful- C.r!tt-\ sa1' o't rz .ir.". sh.rtll dttcr I irklr $tls F.rth coninf: all t!r. Nat t..n ]\usl. thls tlne t. s.. that perlornar.". filkinson Nent b] foi gcoi rt\ tl F n r t"u I lLaa ErFJt 'ifli. Th. RRa oanqlet was exc.11ent. L.eruttr, nir.s br t 1r.uri 21 b qan toto Ltne Keti. son. sao !etris and otlr€r llreats 'sEn C.rtrttv sai.i that 1l.r.,rl l uD anrj !an d 1itt1. b.tter Ba'nari, dt1e.de.t. thc r.a.i ruD .rs ti!ish passing Su at 23 iles srl1'1'crint.f th. 4.ulrL lor E thr s.IY i! I ol'r!i Nho is a vcr] h€ari runner, pouncs 4rjlers Ir" .i .i'p rd i,| ,.r. rl- l .o i I I ''ds Po^ alstir LarLquLt Nrs lLFlo tl'..) Dave sai.l after the ra.-- that tLre .ds(Tl,e arce didn't u.)rrr lrin, on1-t his leet r.Dtt to th; toast to t,ie Corfl.nu.a1tb L.ar\ 'rd | " s i r 't, .po, ' .. r; I , I | '. , , tr n-r.L o.rir ' I 3ro!r.l alorg $ith tr'as stntiig ccflttr r, fer rcrs.nar r.tEs trun l.tt 1fe ttrcre to.sar' D.ui Ha.., Ed Mo.ton, Bill Bailli-'& canD. Elriottr Nhat is there ab.;t hin- H--'s betcrd nr conpteh'1sa'r1., RJ\ Pu.r eit (N,2. I rr I J.rn Mertiflan seen suLn or h]re5 (:nd in b .j LE ' ltlr in Iu.iust fantastic, AIso I've never frospeci nt a Doised. relaxcd, nodest young man_ oDean loku, a terrifi. p";e,: t;airs nostry on intervals' L.! tdltrrd ro us for.luite ):r)C.rutrl a whrre J.!L tl En Llr !F.t lqi to a 20 : 440 in ?o $itL 110 td. jog. or {as un- weekends ic rrns 15 nitcs on the trer h larh u,l trF ,lLF.i strit',i. It he \das Lh1' l ti'r'l r'n L thJt i''ri" ' bEf,uti- i'i L,,t r for anrtllins !r.r,rL, n,"i"i' i" rit-- a featner, just "rsn'ttc us an.l tlLen sud.ienly f!1 to uatch, His sttidc is sonclhinEr IIe rolld talk 'dr \ l-,P. ,, . or .!, ti\ e ' Dil1. r-* 2", o.4' .r felloss. llr1le.g i: v-r ). f,iLrdrv lje ;ad be,Jr dt Potts.:i ior 6 nonths i"' rle sn!s- rrc c-"uttr snls Nas.s tls r---tuttl rre ptepared tsd4lr hErprrr. Ile an. saiJ ana sair it \ras and h--1Dfu1. !r.prrtsd ror ll,:.q"1:: mai the stanarards aid 'tlLers trY & b! doir; thP san. buird!f as tll'ir s.ts a1hotr.r; (P!.keit ran Ir' to l4ri mlrcs f.r1or. lle will not !rrescribe ant iriLe Der !eek). sraJuf,lI) rcducFd ! rntlrv traiDina sch--dxle. At bork olt €a.h are nade,v d--.isions an,: inr'rovea q,,alrt). _iT!pi'iL d_Fkr\ infornai l-: \ rr ,ui-: s," .r: ., ,r.r =c, a\", 'Dro $o "r: -' " '. J5' 1:! -.' , :' "ro' .. .o r'd ;r i;pg:re, lu'!. 's ' " t1,.. :l i i i, b-;, -;. tr-.. o8.8o0.r : " ",r,-tr,rr i'zo- r."," rhurs. fo.-o-h€tl.\.t,e..ano teneis nairlr.gEsl€j! of mind .air [-,"ay, '"ii:t't tr:.i;];!:E;;v]- r'ts..& M.a;. ;"" ; niles in 2e:30 to l0:25, frluav: 8 x 22! f,1t ft. fe6 repetitions, t€sistance runnl'g th_ a Thrl iJr a MFli!1r Fe<Err'i l-etrtcr san;. over hi1ls, stter etc' th.u I courd gath.r rlliott uses shat ere a;d severar rescarch units trorr Lor!r.n r of this resistan'e rurninF,, don. Cardiff. Birflirghan and Canada. ri.t"tc itrter aL,outh€art nurrn "lons lsual 1trter_ doctois about rurs. and the !sua1 talked t^ to the do.tors l.nr stendy stendv rurs, talie,r a nearbv.rictet gr'und ai etL. Th.l stated thdt r mrtdtno'er urs vrl'1vD. .oul- t"\ r --. t- ,-) or ',.n'r ---of .f- :,i1,"o !l_-'r'lel q'l' |r.,.r| t-p..nL, esldDlr<n- rip. L" ll i-' wos ^t 6r,.I "r'-I ',.,-r. u '' l . L: '" ir: .r: f l'l ' li'-so" "!. :l One l"\ il d,pPl't"r/8ii o, i'-ri ,'do \ . l I : q.tv. o"d l/ i -. o' t! ',_ l_ i_ f il' "".t.. t. ...ot P.!- '' ,h,-'D,in]"'."Fd '1r r ot i"i." i,.--,' ' " p rl"' ioEeid for I r | "r r0 - 0I'l''' Tnoa)s lt rr' .I1_ l pic H_ 'l:l_Iq ,tru i,-i lor- r"o"_ro_.
Septenbe!, r958--25
{as the srperior nan. Again belore the nire c-.fltty wotk.d out a !1an whereby Tbonas, being light, uould lead with the wind and Elliott against the sind to def.at th. eneny (es!. Lincoh & Staflpfl), However, jrst befote the rac. rlliott sc.ap!.d the plan- Siving no ri!-..irl he jlst felt it {ouldnrt work(?) 3y i.' xav tne (e4ya boys inpr€sscd ...rn;. '. Onentia was 3rd in the 6 & he ran on the lea.iers shoulrler all the say, .unning q,ir " orl6\r'a. Xdruroi cq',6ri in 6 nile and sth itr marathon, Nas very !op!1ar and runs everything fron 3 niles up. Maiyo.c lrad a very bad day i! the Ganes afte. coning 2nd to !1don in the I guess I coxld ranbte on and on, but _vou hnos how it is, if you're ilterested in sonething. M.lbe Ir11 thilk of other lertrnent things lat€ r HopF to seF you soon,
(rI-LIorT 3:55.4 -conttnu. d f!on Brian Hevson, of Brttatn, {as second t! 3:54.9 and ztgntld Ortwa1, of ?o1and, t!l!d ln 3:59.4,
h{s flrst c1o.}ltg !!d€! tour f,tn!tes. Derek llrbotsor, of B!4ttln, wtth a b€3t ra!! of 3:57,2', ran lou. nttrut.s flat f6! tls ftnert effort ot tn. t.ar.ltnoug! flnlshina a well b.at.n fo!!tn, He!b's br1111.nt etfo!t to.c1ilse nls orn all-t{ne b€st das hindered by the tlct tnat no !rnn.r 1l the fteld c.u1d P!eE3 nln20 YaldE behin4 at th€ Itnlsh- and also tle heaYy atno3phete {lth a stoin lrenlng rtde bteathlna somevtat nole dllltcurl. Althous! he nlssed hts 3i5,1.5 ftgure, Herb dtit .rase th€ t!.ct tecord of 3:5?.2 6.t lrt tbbotso! t! hls !ace here on Jrly 19,1957, Keith Mafsd.n, ot Br{tah, 3.t t@ 1d!. +he pace for tne ftr.t toRr-t rllARK s!T FOR 1000 !r€Tlls 1{6tt 'It]j behhd, Marsden Fa!.lng th. q!rtTURRU, Fintand, Se!t. 19 ' Dan Naern ter-f,11e tn 59.6s .nd th€ half.f s{€den, who has r!n the nile ir less than four ninutes, today s€t a world Tn€n the barr.l-cne.t.d 111i6+ t .a.ord for the 1000-m€ter event in an 1!nged lnto tne 1e.at {lt} n.q.o! h6i on nls neels. Fo! o!. liD th. 13.I ':'i'.' dogged BrItor clang to +h. A!c!t'' 'F,: s€.ords for his rEcord-treatins perfornance e,! lace dd thet piss.d th. 3/4 rhiclr !riped out the o1d standa!d of 2:19 held jointly by Ardrn Boysen, No!ray, and Istvan Btrt !11tott P.!r.d 6n.v.n rir. oo ivo g) , a' I Po, d\olgv; pow€r as they svung int. tt. ftna1 1ap and std!ted to ot.n sP E big 1ead, dewson kelt t!yt!8 bdt 11rRLrNrS tr'oRk, sTUDl fO llllr DILANl tlURr, was obvtonslt beaten .!d ft6i was on nts om t6 then on llllott non Detany sals his post-grad!ate st!dies hts^ecord att€nPt. \{tth 50 Ydrds at Vil1an6va and his Job sitlr Iitsh Atrlines to so !11t.tt {as ln fu1l fllght are t.o inportrnt for hin to conside! becorblt tt was obYlous he w.!1d nI.s he wo!1dnrt tahe such a deal any$ay, lelany said, that althorgh te rlans.to .ontinr€ rDnntng {n btg ind6or neets s!ch as th€ Ied YorL, ?!i1^de1!hla & Boston Ganes and sone ortdoo! ne€ts, he does!!t !1an to devote as nucn tine to the s!ort as llliott doe s in Australia. GRXXNFItLD, I{ASS. TO SPRTNOFItLD,
HALI 50 ITN RILAY RACN 5 MAN TNAT{ sat!rday, October 13, 19sa (1:00 ?-il.) Prizes: Plaq!es t6 wtnntng tean6 (1-2-3). lndiyld!a1 trophtes or nercnandlse to nen .n {inninA t€an, 2nd ard 3!d plac€ tean nedals or nei.hdllse. !nt.t.s to t{a1ter ft'd
Itike Elagrove ! of B!ltatnr fiftn, also h exactly fou
stls, ard stefar f,erandowskl,.f ?olaral ras strtn 1r th€ ntne rar fleld tn 4:01 ttth the othe.s f.! b6cr. The race *as an tnYtt.tlon !P.cial in tte london es, War6as l&F On the san. !!og!an, r.rl-htl!€d l{uiray galberg, of New Zerlatd' p!e33ed by ?o113h !tars Jerzt Chronlt rnd K. Zlnlt, ian tn. second fsstest two tr11.s er.!3:33,0, o!1t one reco!d s1os.! than A1 Tholasi a:32 a+ Drbll! bn A{gust 7 thl6 y..!. (D.tal1s
Wnrrrrusvrrre TaacK & F'ero Assocrarrosr WHITINSVILLE, M ASSAC H Us;ETTS (c-o-r-T) ib.
!r.i Gr.c€,
I, -' corDn[e"tth ave., ;11sto4 3lt, l'. s s. i ir. ;Jromini lioss, lC6 ltest center' Strcei" Iloodb]ri, irov Je.seX
r. :.iierr :. aaNlrc1l, riice;h.lrnan, 7!r : i. .:urr.r:n !tr..ri, ;ai.Iio1rn, .s3cchusett. Ir..x i. N.r)rei.t.:: !. rilli6r ar. iiFrot, 3!.li r.lh strcet, r,rtlbrlhan, -.., ri -. ,.ou Lr"F, r''nr.:erts f.e lorih I ertford cLub 1. lonC Dista.ce !! rii ,, -ir r :ri. lo :r_rlrb ville todav io dlscuss vttir ne for.leseniaii.. ic .!r c.rri.t.., i. tiropo..1 to i.cludc on our Prorr.n for otrr g6v6nth r!tru.1 ,11 ii,j,!.e\.nn ii'i.ld -.et to be held ia Critlnsville. fiassachus€L!s n qu"rrer ni]€ Jvc o ' Lri-rl-; .6- l6' -{re l_ r:.cr1, or.ec.rC-q ln tlLe liten.itirte dist.nces up io ien nl1es. j !f,loil, oi c.ur3., ih.t Xou ?!e eniixeLjr tol]i.r ,ith the valtous !e..xd3 in t|csc distarces, .nd the po..ibitity oj tfertinr th€se blxtlcular . o. r,o ".^o-ot,3l L . obj-" ,ve "J I !. o-,s l.ot his sDr.cirt.d th.ir rje in.lude on cu! rel1dl! lroeran rn t.n ntle nn, ltif . fiela lesirictcd i. the ten iolr lron niters 1ninvllatroD the o ": ,ol! .,--re, o.sl.s liil-. Coroun . . -, c.: r. s o--, ,o.r tr" oi",' .-orse I .. l. .r..oses fulitreflcle thot the to.f Distence dumers end Otfictals ri rjL. ir telert-d in rlor:oting this p.trticu1a! event. estebllsh rr di:r rn6 tre n.c.se-r- .totalls, tnclndlng extensi;e ational ' o' _ ' :or '- :-o_o"1r s his slall'lctnt I o:r.a o 'tt-e; C€n"r6i .rr-e: C "Im,n-.6r, ^ ' ' :^. | :. r"r,eo, .a ':: '. r-.., 1l ,': . :o -.1 ,", -. . 51:i" Roob,rs: ', : r. 1!oL. .. Lo !"re. -! yo! f€oslo irJs oropolsl " :lr' _o sery6 tn "co"r -d I r.:-_ l"t 'L -,vj;u.r1, .;.""" ",.,. """"-., v- - .F s-d leE -a.,L-:j. uj.\'na 1d6,"r
''r. 1..
: :r/:rr r9l i ., r.i'
.ir l.nt
o. i,
tc !. '.i]]i.r G. :.rot. it.eet, I!: ril )r"'jn1.a. -r..ctusetts
Hobelt E. clbson, Presldent
s.it;;d;.[+e53--2i ,tlNs rrr A.A.u. 10,000 M!1!Rs S!nday, Sept. 21 {11 A.lq.)
l" d\ d:7 1. "ll
th€ race, llet tract, ;t.rters: 1i sith 12 Priz.s: rle da 1s to the first
3 to finish
1. reter Il.Ard1r, Nei Yoik AC, 2. Ted C6ibitt, Ied Yoik ?i.neer. !il Irose AA, .1, Rod Ilacxicholl, Nlrc, 5. l in.ent Chia!etta, NYAC, a. Jos€ rones, NYrc, ?. Jj.fl 0'conne11, St. Anthonyrs, 3, Jo€ rlejnernan, lrillrose AA, 9. Clnreace Richey, unattac]1ed, 1O- Ft11 llvers. IInaita.hed, 11, Johr Coniat, NY ))ion€er C1!b, 12. rotert orCont€ll, rnattached,
C!0nG! F. !!lTNllt, outstandins Track & Fi€1d Coach lor 39 y€ars at th€ Bayonn-", N.J., IttAh scnooli d1€d h his sle.! at nts nore in Bay.nne .n A!g!st 13, 19s3. c.!dol€!ces are ext€nded to nis fahIly. r.lary ouistardtng r!nners learred the gan€ rrCet Buttnerrs caa"bie suld"nce--John Xol)11, gr cdo-cF B-o*nF. '1 ere- o', o \Jll"lov.: Jo!1 -e--{-. M.I,T, ray Do!ge1wi.2, G€6rg€toun and a host
cafles I an polltnA sone of the ontstandlng, exPerlenced dtst' foi the l! suggestto!s, T!ese suggest{onE I shalr cof,!1re and sltnlt t. o!! cornltte€. I haae a3t€d the Sub-conn- I .l the olynplc Marathon '€nt'.!s tttee a1s6 to exFlore the l!ob1en, Th€!efo!e I vould a!Ftectat. You! conner*s on tne s!bJect. Qrestton: s!ch as:--1. I'lhen t!y.nts rho!1al be held? 2. \{hete h.1d? 3. got na!y tryout race6? 4, s.ortng nethott tl any. ?nls t6 tn. ge!er. a1 a!.a whlch ne€ds cliitftcatlo! ard to be re so 1Y€ d
I ho!. tne R.R.C. has b.en growi' rg ln r€sbershlp. I an Pdllttrg for tts s!ccess, s t!cerc ly, Mlte Port.noea (!d: nThere 3nor1d b. no con!latnts th{s t4ne f.11ot!. !v.rtto body has the oplortuttf r!Ite Mlke slt! t]letr ot! Pa!tlcula! ophtonr. the rethod u.ed tn t56 drew so nlcn fifaeorable c6nn.intrj|!3! and M)that a chance {s In!€ra* lve,n ) 1{]ITAT 6ERII
OII, A],I'
We11, !6 ot. wl11 qresllo! th. prenlse that ltYhs - lf tor .h6ose to call lt that - !n qi.eat g€rn and pfune! ard no1as5.. l3 lnclelTlzed, rlltoran ! sti.!g case c6{1d !e nade tnrt H!rb llltott to!1d cta6. d6m 3lltt The recextll orsantzed rittle noct Track & F1e1d S!11tvan dfter I s!e!t1ln3 club. later-racial in cnara.ter. has-.hool all but natch {lth a t{b 6f sptal.ttl. rsl d ",d ^, i.a' b.ys Brt c.rtat!1y th.!. ls rn!1. ordrcd 'rd johrd the €rodns to otn€t hlgh €rtd..c. ihrt the rutg.dr t!the s'!at€ and to !rivat€ schbols 1n !!e!aratt.n elegart wildc!!.Bs, r.t1 or for coltege, !ach of thes€ atnletes nas stood nrnlfrct!r. d, tr condlclt. to the test of noral coarag€ by joi!ing tn tn€ su!€! f.ata .f .!dnralce, nass prot€st by student leaders at 'the closbg Oft tnis, I suPPo!.Ir.4!t Hudson !!ln.d .u! ctancea fot of their schools- !rd€r the uhit€ glare of p!nltctt]. and pr€ss!re j the 16-y€ar-o1d ntle sult€ract w!.n he f.ltooaj!niors, especially, hawe shovr nat!itty ed the ladianE wtth s!tny t!t-
and rtsdon lachine tn thetr
offtce of Chairnan Natio!a1 !org listarce l{lnntng conntt tee r. O.I ox 3 g:l Tarzana, Ca1if, se!r ,1? , r95a In an €fiort to deternlne the bes+ !ossible (and falrest) n€thod of selectins th. narathonErs for both tlte ?an-Anertcan and Olin!tc
So, cong!at!1atfo!s and a buclet ol {heat g.!n tt ?.!ct C.luttt atrd his ut1d.!n.3s t!atnlng can! a* ?otts.ar llte!€ nls dlsctpl€a lce4 .n ilrI.d fi!{ts and flheat gerr ol1 ard challerge the sa!d 4n!.s to lnpede the 1! flyllg feet, cordolelces to cotntlynaa M. rY l-tncoln (3:55.9) anit ab.v€ all that blooilt congrat!lattons to .ar ?LL4 - l/cpa ELL/.'. i