of India
Tilak Marg, New Delhi 110 001
Petition to Save School Students of India from Directionless Education
Dear Chief Justice of India,
I am a national award-winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation in Delhi I have been running multiple campaigns and publishing research reports to improve the school education standards in the country. I also established a free school for deserving children to provide them modern education which could help them get jobs in the evolving job market
During the past couple of years, I have approached different Central and state government departments to get the archaic education systems and pedagogical methods changed so that students could be made employable. However, all my appeals to get school education systems changed and save students from irrelevant education have fallen on deaf ears
Since the Legislative and Executive branches of the government are not working properly, I urge the Judicial branch through the Supreme Court to intervene and save the lives and careers of millions of students in the country. You are, therefore, requested to get the school education systems totally revamped so that students could learn and earn their livelihoods gracefully in the modern information-driven world
I have compiled a detailed report - which is given below - to highlight the flaws in the current education system and steps to revamp it. As I do not have resources to file a formal petition, please consider this document as my legal petition in this case. I will be available to explain various aspects of this petition through online / virtual meetings
The report as well as my contact details are given below. Request for immediate response Thank you Rakesh Raman
Petition to Save School Students from Directionless Education By Rakesh Raman March 2023 Page: 1 of 28
Campaign to Save School Students of India from Directionless Education

To: All Parents, Students, Teachers, Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Wise Citizens of India
After launching this campaign in April 2022 to save school students of India from torturous education system, I have been interacting with various state and national education ministries to get the education system reformed
However, I found that the bureaucrats and politicians in the education departments are so careless and insensitive that they are not concerned at all about the lives and careers
Students of a government school in Delhi cross high walls and barbed wires to abscond from the school. While the quality of school education is bad, teachers have no control on students.