Newsbytes 26

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newsbytes Issue 26– Spring 2008

Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning

Independent Learning at Contents the e-Fair - 4th July

The first Eastern region e-Fair took place at Bedford College in 2001 and now the eighth of this highly successful series returns to Bedfordshire on the 4th July, this time at Barnfield College. The first e-Fair had the aim of enabling colleges and other providers to ‘show and tell’ their in-house developed approaches to using ILT such as online key skills assessment, an interactive recipe book, NVQ tracking software and beauty therapy resources. This theme has continued with ensuing e-fairs and this year’s will be no exception.

From those small beginnings this annual highlight of the Eastern region has expanded into the inclusion of workshops and an exhibition area with over one hundred delegates attending. Furthermore we provide all attendees with a useful item for their professional activities, for example last year this was an MP3 player; which could be used for podcasting, memo taking and creating voice files for PowerPoint presentations. (continued next page...)


Independent Learning at the e-Fair - 4th July


JISC RSC Eastern Podcasts now available online




e-Skills for e-learning




Web 2.0 technologies - developments in the Eastern region


Useful information for Web 2.0


Last year delegates said: “Everyone will have come away with at least a few new ideas they’ll probably be trying out tomorrow!” “Networking with other practitioners was very useful.”

In this issue: an interview with Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, Chancellor of the Open University and a keynote speaker at the JISC Conference 2008; Why identity management is so important; A preview of images from a new JISC Collection; Libraries of the Future: let the debate begin!

A range of exhibitors will also be present including Netskills, JISC InfoNet and TechDis. Bookings can be made via our website at: Enquiries to: events@rsc-eastern.

On the 4th July after a keynote address by Sal Cooke of TechDis we anticipate a wide range of workshops and show and tell sessions including wikis, photostory, mobile learning and Web 2.0 tools.

Gerard Hayes Manager, RSC Eastern

To find out more please visit:

RSC Eastern Podcasts Launch Exploring Tangible Benefits of e-Learning: Does investment yield interest? This new publication summarises a 2007 project looking at the diversity of current e-learning practice across the sector and seeking out evidence that technology-enhanced learning is delivering tangible benefits for learners, teachers and institutions. To order your copy follow:

RSC Eastern now has a new podcast service on offer via our website. Here you will find a variety of recorded broadcasts covering news and developments in e-learning from across the region. Some of the podcasts currently available include:

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An introduction to NLN Materials - Rod Paley, Xtensis Ltd.

JISC RSCs involvement in WBL – Carolyn Lewis, Work Based Learning Co-coordinator, JISC RSC UK

Similarly, if you would like to share your ideas, experiences or examples of good practice and would enjoy participating in a podcast, please contact our Information Officer via:

TechNews - March 2008 TechNews is a technology, news and analysis service aimed at those in the education sector keen to stay informed about technology developments, trends and issues.

An introduction to Podcasting – Ray Robertson and Niki Kearns (West Suffolk College)

Visit our Community Area web page and you will find a selection of podcasts that explore:

Good practice New resources and materials News RSC Service Offer community (Getting to Grips with Podcasting (RSC Eastern event - resource available online via:

eSkills for eLearning


eSkills for eLearning Training Transfer Strategy was launched at the eLearning Forum on the 25th January 2008. The aim was to recruit a maximum of eight learning providers to take part in this pilot project. The response was very encouraging with seven learning providers having signed up to deliver the course in their Institutions.


The eSkills for eLearning Materials were originally developed by RSC Scotland South & West in 2006 and are aimed at the FE sector.

The course is comprised of 8 x 3 hour modules which cover the essential skills and knowledge which are needed by teaching practitioners to enable them to use technology for teaching & learning.

All materials are covered under Creative Commons Licence so these can be tailored to meet the needs of the institution. Each learning provider taking part receives an example course folder with a range of printed materials, electronic materials and online activities. A comprehensive tutor pack with a set of implementation guidelines is also provided. Catherine Bone & Malcolm Bodley are acting as mentors for the institutions taking part in the pilot and are available to assist with the planning and implementation of the course. “eSkills for e-Learning” Pilot will be completed by the end of June to enable us to evaluate its effectiveness. If successful the programme will be offered to all RSC Eastern supported learning providers. If you would like further information or have any questions please contact Catherine or Malcolm.

Sessions comprise of a mixture of presentations, discussions & practical activities. Tools and techniques used are suitable cross sector, although demo materials are FE focussed.

Using a Promethean Interactive Whiteboard for WBL/ACL, FREE event, Adult Community Learning Essex, Witham

16 -

E-Learning Forum Meeting, FREE event, West Herts College, Watford

20 -

New Build Forum Launch Designing buildings: A strategic approach, FREE event, Oaklands College, Welwyn Garden City

28 -

Using an Interactive Smart Whiteboard in ACL/WBL, FREE event, Adult Community Learning, Maldon, Essex

29 -

Innovations in Learning Spaces: LRC design, £50, SmartLIFE Centre, Cambridge

June 6-

e-Guides Regional Event, FREE event, Luton Adult Education, Luton

10 -

e-Portfoilios: Drivers for Teaching and Learning? (Joint RSC E and London Event), £50, Goodenough College, London

July 4-

Modules included are: Module 1 – Introduction to elearning Module 2 – E-resources & Copyright Module 3 – Interactivity – MS Word Module 4 – Interactivity - MS PowerPoint Module 5 – Making Materials Accessible Module 6 – E-tutoring Module 7 – E-Assessment Module 8 - Virtual Learning Environment

14 -

Catherine Bone e-Learning Advisor, HE

E-Fair 2008: Independent Learning, Barnfield College, FREE event, Luton, Bedfordshire

To book onto any of our events please visit: events National events for your diary: Centre for Excellence and Leadership: Realise - 13 May 2008, Leeds

Malcolm Bodley e-Learning Advisor, FE

Serious Games on the Move International Conference - 23 June 2008, Anglia Ruskin University, £295, Cambridge

Useful information for Web 2.0 For a national picture of Web 2.0, please visit: A JISC briefing paper on Web 2.0 and Intellectual Property Rights based on a research paper published by the JISC IPR consultancy is available from: IP issues arising from Web 2.0 engagement in FE and HE were covered at the JISC conference on the 15th April. Full details are available from: events/2008/04/jiscconference08/ ipandweb2.aspx

Web 2.0 technologies developments in the Eastern Region While there is no agreed definition for Web 2.0, we are using the term here to refer to applications which allow users to create web based content quickly and easily. Typically these involve the sharing of information; such as text, images, sound and video recordings for collaboration and networking.

Lawrie Phipps’ Blog: Brian Kelly’s Blog Andy Black’s blog: http:// For more Web 2.0 information, useful websites and further feedback please visit our community page via: files/community/index.html JISC infoNet: Social Software Guide: http://www.jiscinfonet.

Contact Details JISC Regional Support Centre Eastern Anglia Ruskin University CU House Southernhay Basildon Essex SS14 1EZ Tel: 01268 273277 Fax: 01268 293145 Email:

A regional example of this is the West Suffolk College blog, ‘eLearning News’ (previously mentioned in issue 22) Recently a message was sent to our mailing list, and from the response it is clear that many have put considerable thought into the issues, risks and overall potential of using these applications. Wikis, blogs and podcasts however, emerged as some of the most popular. Here are some of the responses:

“Oaklands College support the use Web 2.0 technologies, however initially the network became swamped due to high demand, so policies had to be amended and network infrastructure upgraded to cope.”

“Easton College doesn’t allow access to social networking sites during the working day. They provide facilities for document sharing, wikis and other collaborative work through their VLE so as to provide a consistent approach.” “Luton 6th Form College uses blogs, wikis and podcasting with IT and Media students but in a very controlled way. They host everything in-house so usage can be monitored. Staff development sessions are planned for the summer on things like IM, Facebook, Second Life, etc.” “Essex ACL have just created a wiki for the Modern Foreign Languages and Humanities Sector. The site will be used as a discussion room for their projects, and it is also anticipated that it will help to cut travel costs and time spent on call and emails.” “Bedfordshire ACL are using a wiki to support their PTLLS course. All materials are uploaded live so that everyone has access to work that was fed back to the group, links to theories and websites. Feedback they have received has indicated that this has really enhanced the courses.” One respondent strongly urged that Web 2.0 is the first ICT aspect that has a truly transformative potential. At our last VLE forum meeting, Andrew Hill from Dunstable College gave a presentation on how web based tools and technologies can be used to re-create much of the functionality of a traditional VLE. To find out more please visit: http:// Many thanks to all who responded.

Shri Footring e-Learning Advisor

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