JISC RSC WM Newsletter

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R S C Newsletter

a bi-annual update from the Regional Support Centre West Midlands

Issue 7 – Autumn/Winter 2011


What’s New for 2011-12 As another academic year gets underway, the RSC West Midlands is pleased to announce that our funding has been extended to August 2012. Over the next year, a number of changes to RSC operations will enable us to operate more effectively and efficiently as a unified service across the UK. Practical measures such as improved customer relationship management systems, a new website (find out more on page 8) and marketing and communications procedures will be implemented from Autumn 2011. Looking at the bigger picture, outcomes of the recent HEFCE review of the JISC will start to emerge over the next few months. The implications of which are unlikely to have a major impact on RSC services until Summer 2012. Naturally, we will keep learning providers up to date as things develop.

These are in addition to national priorities which, working in tandem with other JISC Advance services, will enable us to provide support for Business Processes, Shared Services, Procurement, Network Management, Digital Literacy and Staff Development.

The RSC team have been busy over the summer, completing operational planning. A number of key objectives are detailed in this newsletter.

Additionally, we will run our annual events programme and continue to provide advice and guidance.

Our regional priorities for 201112 are E-safety, Learner Voice, Strategic Development and Technology for Learning.

A number of learning providers have benefitted from our e-learning progress review service, which helps to evaluate your organisation’s e-learning maturity. This year, we are also offering individual components of the service. For example, if your organisation would like assistance in evaluating its use of mobile devices in teaching and learning or guidance in developing an e-safety policy, we can arrange to discuss this with appropriate staff and provide a short report. More details of this service can be found on page 3.

We look forward to supporting you during this academic year. Greg Vivash RSC West Midlands Manager

1. What’s new for 2011-12 2. Good Practice From Our Region - Excellence Gateway Case Studies Show Impact 3. Case Study: Plaigiarism Detection and Deterrence - Mini Reviews to Improve Organisational Efficiency 4. RSC Equipment Loan Update - New Service - RSC Assist 5.RSC WM Launches Tablet Project - Totara Open Source Distribution of Moodle 6. Microsoft Sharepoint on a Budget - Improve your Videos in 4 Easy Steps 7. Useful Apps for Education - Education’s Bright New GeM 8. Forthcoming Events - Assessing Your LRC’s Impact - New Look RSC Website

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