Presentation of Reporters Without Borders

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“The right to say and print what we think is every free man’s right, of which he may not be deprived without exercising the most heinous tyranny.” Voltaire, Questions sur les miracles, 1765

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© Peter Marlow / Magnum Photos

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REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS freedom of information


its mission

Freedom of expression and of information will always be the world’s most important freedom. If journalists were not free to report the facts, denounce abuses and alert the public, how would we resist the problem of child soldiers, defend women’s rights, or preserve our environment? In some countries, torturers stop their atrocious deeds as soon as they are mentioned in the media. In others, corrupt politicians abandon their illegal habits when investigative journalists publish compromising details about their activities. Still elsewhere, massacres are prevented when the international media focuses its attention and cameras on events.

Reporters Without Borders was founded in Montpellier in 1985 by four journalists : Robert Ménard, Rémy Loury, Jacques Molénat and Émilien Jubineau. This association, registered as a non-profit organisation in France since 1995, soon took on an international dimension.

To continuously monitor attacks on freedom of information worldwide;

Freedom of information is the foundation of any democracy. Yet almost half of the world’s population is still denied it.


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Reporters Without Borders organises its team of researchers by geographical area. The organisation also gradually developed two essential and highly specialised spheres of activity : one focused on Internet Censorship and the New Media, and the other devoted to providing material, financial and psychological assistance to journalists assigned to dangerous areas.

To denounce any such attacks in the media; To act in cooperation with governments to fight censorship and laws aimed at restricting freedom of information; To morally and financially assist persecuted journalists, as well as their families. To offer material assistance to war correspondents in order to enhance their safety.

reporters without borders :  key figures Correspondents in 150 countries Annual budget of 500,000 euros in assistance funds 2010 budget : 4.3 million euros Over 1,000 press releases issued yearly on violations of freedom of information 3 photo albums published per year, averaging annual sales of 150,000 copies Its website,, registers 200,000 unique visitors and 500,000 page views monthly.

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KEY ANNUAL EVENTS 12 march: world day against In addition to its press january: world press freedom index cyber censorship releases, its factfinding reports and its This annually published index measures the Since 2008, this event, first initiated by degree of freedom enjoyed by the media in Reporters Without Borders, is intended to periodical publications, over 170 countries. A world map shows re- rally support for an unrestricted Internet, Reporters Without gions in which press freedom has improved accessible to all. Reporters Without Borders or receded. This index provokes a wide range marks this occasion by publishing an “EneBorders schedules key of reactions on the part of governments, re- mies of the Internet” list and awards the events to promote gardless of how their countries are ranked. Netizen Prize, which recognises an Internet user, blogger, or cyberdissident who has press freedom made a notable contribution to the defence of online freedom of expression. throughout the year. 3 may : world press

december : reporters without borders prize

On this day, observed since 1992, Reporters Without Borders publishes its “Predators of Press Freedom” list of politicians, government officials, religious leaders, militias and criminal organisations who openly target journalists. They include Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Uzbekistan’s President Islam Karimov, Taliban leader Mullah Omar, Mexican drug cartels and even Eritrea’s President Issayas Afewerki.

The international Reporters Without Borders Prize has been awarded each year since 1992 to a journalist and a media outlet that have made a significant contribution to the defence and promotion of press freedom. It is presented in December by an international jury/panel of journalists and human rights activists. Notable recipients include Liu Xiaobo (the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate) in 2004, and the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory of Iraq, in 2007.

freedom day

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Find the Press Freedom Barometer at

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KEEPING WATCH around the world sounding the alarm Every year, some daily monitoring 500 journalists This is the mission of Reporters Without To identify all attacks on press freedom ; Reporters Without Borders’ website is constantly updated. All press releases and are arrested, Borders’ Research hub whose activities To verify information ; are carried out according to geographical publications issued by Reporters Without To forward protest letters to the authorities 1,000 assaulted area : Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Borders are made available online in six to exert pressure on governments that do not or threatened, North Africa, and the Americas. Each zone’s respect the right to inform and be informed ; languages (French, English, Spanish, Farsi, research specialists observe and report any and Chinese). Using its “Press Freedom and over 500 media attacks on press freedom worldwide. To send press releases to the media to mobi- Barometer,” the website tracks daily monitoring efforts are a prerequi- lise action on behalf of persecuted journa- in real time the number of journalists, neoutlets censored. Their site for any action undertaken by the organi- lists. tizens and media contributors who have All of these sation. Information gathering is not always enough; been jailed or have lost their lives while a Reporters Without Borders delegation fol- doing their jobs. The website urges Internet violations have lows it up with an on-site visit to gain more users to show their support for the release serious consequences insight into the working conditions of the of the detained journalists by signing online journalists concerned, assess the status of petitions. which need to be press freedom, investigate cases of imprisotracked in order to ned or murdered journalists, and meet the country’s officials. better counteract them.

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FIGHTING YBER CENSORSHIP 12 march : world day against Worldwide, one in the internet’s crucial role in the information society cyber censorship three web users does not have Netizens now play an essential role in In 2008, Reporters Without Borders the vanguard of news coverage world- launched its World Day Against Cyber unrestricted, free wide. However, more and more often, censorship to pay tribute to all netizens Internet access. they are becoming victims of threats and who continue to express themselves freely censorship by governments who fear this despite repression. The Arab Spring new cyberspace of freedom. On this occasion, the association issues a report on freedom of information in cyberdemonstrated the space and an “Enemies of the Internet” list Internet’s role as which identifies those countries that are censoring the Web and harassing internet a mobilisation and users. information tool. creation of the “netizen prize” “new media desk” in 2001 Confronted by these new challenges, over a decade ago, Reporters Without Borders reacted by restructuring and creating a New Media Desk. The organisation was one of the first generalist NGOs to focus on this new sphere : netizen protection and the defence of freedom of expression on the Internet.

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The Netizen Prize is awarded to a blogger or cyberdissident whose outstanding efforts have contributed to freedom of expression on the Internet. In 2011, the Prize went to Tunisian blog Nawaat for the crucial role it played in covering the Jasmine Revolution. In 2012, it was awarded to the media centres of Local Coordination Committees of Syria (LCC Syria).

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anti-censorship shelter On 24 June 2010, the first “Anti-Censorship Shelter” was inaugurated in the organisation’s Paris bureau as a space where foreign journalists, bloggers and dissidents who are refugees or passing through Paris can learn how to circumvent Internet censorship and protect their electronic communications while maintaining their anonymity online. The shelter makes available to the journalists online censorship circumvention and anonymity protection tools, including : A Virtual Private Network (VPN), which guarantees anonymity and allows users to access blocked websites. Several Internet censorship circumvention and encryption software programmes, and related user manuals. A website that publishes censored content, thereby providing a means for those pages to be read, and a way to defeat the purpose of their government’s censorship. A digital vault that provides cybernauts wishing to entrust Reporters Without Borders with sensitive data to do so in a secure manner. Reporters Without Borders strives to provide as much support as possible to netizens who are defending freedom of expression despite strong opposition from their repressive governments. The organisation also monitors potentially dangerous practices undertaken by democratic countries which could lead to them implementing Web control measures.

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Reporters Without expanding, strengthening and supporting the media Borders’ Assistance Desk provides Reporters Without Borders materially and financially assists independent media outconcrete support lets operating in a sensitive or unstable to journalists and environment. In times of crisis such as war, political unrest or humanitarian disasters, media outlets in the organisation works to keep information difficulty. flowing. It was in such a context that the

association created a Media Operations Centre in Haiti after the January 2010 earthquake.

providing direct assistance to journalists For the last 20 years, the organisation has been helping journalists in exile with their requests for protection or asylum and providing financial aid to journalists needing

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urgent help, as well as to their families. This ad hoc aid allows journalists forced into exile, assaulted, or prosecuted for their activities to meet their basic necessities, pay their medical expenses, or find a safe place to stay. In 2011, 163 such grants were distributed.

winning institutional support Reporters Without Borders engages in a variety of activities involving national and international bodies, notably the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Since 2009 and Iran’s contested elections, French officials have issued some 50 visas at Reporters Without Borders’ request.

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protecting journalists in the field In view of rising violence against media professionals, the organisation has made available safety resources for journalists being dispatched abroad. Preliminary training and information : The “Practical Guide for Journalists” developed by Reporters Without Borders in partnership with UNESCO, and the practical training sessions offered by the French Ministry of Defence, are tools that are helping to limit the risks incurred by journalists assigned to cover dangerous areas. Bullet-proof vests and helmets on loan  : Reporters Without Borders lends these items (marked “PRESS”) without charge. Insurance policies tailored to journalists’ needs. Working jointly with April International, the organisation offers packages which enable journalists to gain access to policies that include war-risk coverage at discounted rates. A free “Press SOS” Hotline for journalists in difficulty: American Express has partnered with Reporters Without Borders to provide journalists in need with emergency telephone assistance, available 7 days/week, 24hours/day. Psychological support : The organisation informs journalists on how to detect “posttraumatic stress disorder” and maintains a list of professionals qualified to help them.

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Reporters Without Borders’ activities are carried out on five continents through its network of over 150 correspondents, its national sections, and its close collaboration with local and regional press freedom groups. Reporters Without Borders is registered in France as a non-profit organisation and has consultant status at the United Nations and UNESCO. Reporters Without Borders currently has 10 offices and sections worldwide

Paris Berlin Brussels Geneva Madrid Rome Stockholm Tunis Vienna Washington

Our offices

WORLDWIDE PRESENCE The organisation also closely collaborates with local and regional press freedom groups that are members of the Reporters Without Borders Network.

Bangladesh Belarus Burma Colombia Eritrea Kazakhstan Mexico Honduras Iraq Pakistan

Democratic Republic of the Congo Romania Russia Somalia Sri Lanka Thailand Zimbabwe

Partner organisations

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The organisation is also present in 150 countries through local correspondents who act as information relays.

A network of local correspondents

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AD CAMPAIGNS The aim of the organisation’s ad campaigns, carried out jointly with communications professionals, is to inform the public and to create bad publicity for governments that violate freedom of information. For several years now, Reporters Without Borders has been circulating its campaigns in the media, international organisations and government agencies, as well as numerous educational institutions, to make young people aware of the importance of freedom of expression.

Ban journalist hunting In the last decade, 615 journalists have been killed around the globe.

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Left : The ad campaign conceived by the JWT Paris advertising agency using the slogan “Ban Journalist Hunting” is a reminder that 615 journalists have been killed around the world in the last 10 years. It targets all those who imprison and torture media professionals. / 2011

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© d’après Cameron Whitman / Vetta / Getty Images

Carole Bouquet, actrice © C. Kettiger / H&K

Crédits : Stephen j Shanabrook & Veronika Georgieva

Cet homme n’est pas un joueur de rugby. C’est un journaliste érythréen.

La Chine accueillera les Jeux olympiques en août prochain. Elle est pourtant la plus grande prison du monde pour les défenseurs de la liberté dʼexpression. Mobilisons-nous pour obtenir leur libération sur

L’érythrée est la deuxième plus grande prison du monde pour les journalistes, après la Chine. Des dizaines d’entre eux sont torturés et croupissent dans les geôles du pays. à l’occasion des 10 ans de la suspension de la presse privée et des grandes rafles de journalistes, la communauté internationale doit réagir.

La liberté de la presse est notre combat. Soutenez Reporters sans frontières.

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1 • International campaign, 10 years after the journalist roundups and suspension of the private press in Eritrea (Reporters Without Borders - 2011) / 2 • France ended up 44th in the World Press Freedom Index, dropping 33 places in 8 years (Saatchi & Saatchi - 2010) / 3 • “Only a free press can hurt them” (Saatchi & Saatchi - 2010) / 4 • A banner with Olympic rings changed into handcuffs toured the world during Beijing’s 2008 Olympic Games (M. Otruba et P. Lopez - 2007) / 5 • Poster tribute to Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, murdered in 2006 (Nestor Salas - 2006) / 6 • “At the rate they’re killing journalists in Iraq, you’ll soon have to go there and get the news yourself” (Saatchi & Saatchi - 2006) / 7 • The image of a mouth refusing to let itself be gagged has become a symbol of resistance to censors (Saatchi & Saatchi - 2005) / 8 • To denounce the gravity of attacks on press freedom, this poster simulates the assassination of Guillaume Durand, a well known French journalist (Saatchi & Saatchi - 2003)

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BLITZ protests In view of the urgency of certain situations, Reporters Without Borders also organises symbolic actions in front of repressive regimes’ embassies, and on the occasion of various summits and key international events. Photos and videos taken during these “blitz” interventions and distributed by the international media help to identify the enemies of press freedom.

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1 • Rally marking the first anniversary of the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. October 2007 / 2 • Famous French reporters pose for a photo during a rally in support of Hervé Ghesquière and Stéphane Taponier, France 3 journalists held hostage in Afghanistan. May 2010 / 3 • While Chinese President Hu Jintao’s official procession moves down the Champs-Élysées, several Reporters Without Borders’ activists open umbrellas bearing the slogan “Free Liu Xiaobo.” November 2010 / 4 • The Olympic handcuffs banner is flown from Notre-Dame Cathedral while the Olympic flame passes through Paris. April 2008 / 5 • Rally in support of Florence Aubenas, reporter for Libération and Hussein Hanoun, her fixer, held hostage in Iraq. March 2005 / 6 • Catherine Deneuve joins forces with Reporters Without Borders to show support for Cuban journalists. September 2003 / 7 • To mark the first anniversary of Guy-André Kieffer’s abduction in Abidjan, buckets of liquid cocoa and counterfeit dollars are thrown in front of the Côte d’Ivoire Embassy in Paris. April 2005 / 8 • In a show of support for journalists jailed in Cuba, some activists simulate their incarceration on the Esplanade of Human Rights in Paris. 2006 / 9 • Images of Hervé Ghesquière and Stéphane Taponier, France 3 journalists held hostage in Afghanistan, are projected onto the Arch of Triumph on the first anniversary of their abduction. December 2010 / 10 • During Rwandan President Paul Kagamé’s official visit, as he greets a Medef delegation in the Hotel Ritz, activists are gagged with a red scarf to protest against the silence surrounding press freedom violations in Rwanda. September 2011 / 11 • “Press Freedom Predators” exhibit on the Esplanade of Human Rights in Paris. October 2007 / 12 • On World Press Freedom Day, some activists throw buckets of blue paint on the outer walls of the Syrian Embassy in Paris, on which they have written the slogan “It is ink that should flow, not blood.” May 2011.

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FUNDING 83 % of Reporters Without Borders’ income is spent on support programmes.

Reporters Without Borders’ 2010 budget totalled 4.3 million euros, 3 million of which (75% of its income) came from private contributions. For many years, the organisation has been striving to increase its own sources of income, primarily through the sale of the three photo albums it publishes each year, in order to achieve full independence.

how are funds allocated ?

Support programmes abroad


Support missions, which account for 83% of our expenditures, are of two types : Information-gathering, fundraising, and public awareness campaigns: our investigations, reports, publications, advertising, etc. Efforts to provide assistance and support to journalists, bloggers and media in difficulty: assistance grants, payment of legal fees, media support programmes, etc.


Fundraising expenses : cost of appealing for donations and of seeking private funding and public subsidies.


Operating costs

1,7% Support programmes in France

61,1% Depreciation and amortisation costs

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where do we get our income ?

Corporate donors and foundations




Auction sales

7% The Roland Berger Award for Human Dignity

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75 % of our income originates from private funding derived primarily from the sale of photo albums, and funds contributed by corporate donors and foundations

Income resulting from the public’s generosity : donations and bequests

Public funding : European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, French Development Agency, International Organisation of La Francophonie, etc.

3,9% Other sources : membership dues, foreign exchange gains, financial revenue, transferred expenses, etc.

45,4% 3,4% Publications and related products

Other income, including reversals of provisions.


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100 PHOTOS FOR PRESS FREEDOM Since 1992, Reporters the albums Without Borders has An internationally renowned photographer been expanding its contributes 100 of his or her most acclaimed photographs to be featured in each new edipublication of photo tion of the photo album. Henri Cartier-Bresalbums in order to fund son, Robert Doisneau, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Helmut Newton – and, more recently, its work independently. Don McCullin and René Burri, among others have joined the organisation’s fight for a The release of these –free press. The association also publishes albums, three times issues devoted to popular themes such as soccer, nature, film stars, etc. yearly, has become a These bilingual (French and English) almuch-anticipated event. bums are distributed in France and in

some 30 countries abroad. The most substantial sales are currently being made in Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Germany.

our partners Thanks to the support of the photographers or their beneficiaries, as well as the long-standing work of our loyal distribution and promotion networks, all of the proceeds from photo album sales go to the Reporters Without Borders, enabling it to keep on working to defeat censorship. Currently, the combined proceeds from these albums and from advertising account for nearly half of Reporters Without Borders’ total income. The Presstalis network, UNDP and SNDP have partnered with the association to distribute the albums, without charge to the

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organisation, in 16,000 magazine and newspaper sales outlets in France, which means that they are on display in newsstands, at newsagents, and at mass distribution outlets such as Relay and Maison de la presse. The Interforum network also supports the organisation by distributing the album, free of charge to the organisation in major bookstores such as Fnac, Virgin, and Cultura, as well as in museum stores. Thanks to the support of advertising networks like Mediakiosk and Mediatransports, our album is prominently displayed without charge or at discounted rates.

success with the public and the media With 40,000 to 70,000 copies sold per issue, the “100 Photos for Press Freedom” collection has acquired an outstanding reputation with the general public. This success can be attributed to the quality of the photos featured, the reasonable price (9.90 euros), and the commitment associated with such a purchase. All of these factors are inducing the media to support us by promoting these publications free of charge. With each new issue, over 200 media outlets, display networks, radio stations, TV channels, websites, magazines and newspapers distribute our ad campaigns, and over 1,200 journalists receive copies of the album so they can

mention it in their articles. It is not unusual for live 8 p.m. TV newscasts to announce our latest album release, giving it the publicty essential to its success.

new formula On the 20th anniversary of its first book of photographs, Reporters Without Borders is changing the format of the “100 Photos for Press Freedom” it publishes three times a year, turning it into product that is entirely dedicated to photography and committed to freedom of information at the same time. The addition of 20 unpublished photos, a more flexible format and a more contemporary design, will give these collections a new look. The new formula highlights the work of young prize-winning photographers and includes an interview with a photoreporter working in dangerous or difficult regions. Another novelty, in partnership with major news agencies, is a close-up on a single news photo and the photographer who took it. The first of these new-look Reporters Without Borders collections will be published on 3 May 2012 and will feature 100 photos by Martin Parr.

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9,90 € / 16 CHF / 14 US $ / 14 $ CAN / 7,99 £

Reporters sans frontières

Reporters sans frontières

Reporters sans frontières

Reporters sans frontières

Cet album a reçu le soutien de la Fondation

M 03981 - 30 H - F: 9,90 E - RD

Vos rendez-vous avec les albums de Reporters sans frontières en 2009 / 2010

septembre 2009

decembre 2010




pour la liberté de la presse







Nous devons être conscients des enjeux et conséquences de notre activité touristique ; j’espère, par ces photographies, nourrir la réflexion à ce sujet.

Belgique, Luxembourg, Espagne, Italie - 9,90 € / Allemagne - 12,50 € / Suisse 16 FS / Canada - $C9,50 / DOM - 10,90 € / Maroc - 120 MAD / Tunisie - 13,50 TND

Martin Parr, plage d’Hua Hin, Thaïlande, mars 2012

100 photos de martin parr pour la liberté de la presse

PrintemPs | été 2012


EAN13 GR 0.9 T=15 REF : ALBUM

Imprimé en France

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100 photos de

DaviD Burnett


Reporters sans frontières

Sans titre-2 1


Reporters sans frontières

pour la liberté de la presse

FRA METROPOLITAINE – BEL – ESP - GRC -ITA - LUX : 9,90 € / CAN : $C 17 / CHE : 16 CHF / DEU : 12,50 € / DOM/s : 10.90 € / GBR : 10 £ / NLD : 12 € / USA : $ 15

9,90€ / 16 CHF / 15 US $ / 17 $ CAN / 7,99 £

Nicolas Hulot Président de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme


pour la liberté de la presse

100 photos de


Ne sommes-nous pas entrés dans une ère de double schizophrénie ? Et d’abord, celle de scier la branche sur laquelle nous sommes assis ? Avons-nous oublié quelle incroyable combinaison de facteurs il a fallu pour que la vie puisse s’épanouir sur terre ? Cette combinaison de facteurs revient à la même probabilité qu’il y aurait de prendre une boîte avec des lettres d’imprimerie, de la jeter par terre et que les lettres s’agencent pour écrire au sol l’article 1 de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme. Nous sommes devenus une force tellurique au point de modifier en cinquante ans les écosystèmes de la planète plus vite qu’au cours de n’importe quelle autre période de l’histoire de l’humanité. Et comble de schizophrénie, celles et ceux qui aujourd’hui témoignent par leurs photos ou leurs écrits des atteintes à ce patrimoine commun de l’humanité sont parfois harcelés, menacés, voire emprisonnés, alors même qu’ils nous alertent pour mieux nous sauver. La liberté de préserver notre environnement et la liberté de la presse ne font qu’un. Pour avoir posé mes premiers pas de reporter photo au pays de l’apartheid, j’ai pu prendre conscience à la fois de leur unicité et de leur force pour faire avancer les justes causes. Ces pages sont d’abord un hymne au vivant, un flamboyant voyage au cœur des écosystèmes. Mais que deviendront ces merveilles ne serait-ce que dans dix ou vingt ans ? Puissent ces photos nous convaincre de la nécessité de faire alliance avec la nature et avec les hommes. Notre modèle de développement actuel n’est viable, ni pour la planète, ni pour l’homme. Les enjeux écologiques et sociaux sont étroitement liés et ne peuvent plus être traités de manière différenciée. Economiser et partager sont les mots clef d’une vision renouvelée du progrès qui place le bien-être de tous les hommes comme critère premier.”

1 0 0 P H O T O S D E N AT U R E P O U R L A L I B E R T É D E L A P R E S S E

Ne sommes-nous pas entrés dans une ère de double schizophrénie ? Et d’abord, celle de scier la branche sur laquelle nous sommes assis ?

100 pHotos de


100 photos de martin parr pour la liberté de la presse

circulation and distribution /// Circulation : 150,000 copies on average per issue /// Paid circulation in France : 120,000 copies on average per issue /// Circulation outside France: 18,000 copies on average per issue

3 albums per year : in may, september and december

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get your fondation or company involved : BECOME A PARTNER enjoy substantial tax Together we can three good reasons incentives change things. to support our efforts Join forces today Stand up and be counted ! By supporting The Government rewards those engaged with Reporters Reporters Without Borders, you are de- in supporting public interest endeavours. Without Borders. monstrating your commitment as a cor- Reporters Without Borders is registered as a porate citizen in the eyes of your clients, shareholders and the media, as well as your future personnel.

Enhance your CSR. Reporters Without Borders needs businesses and foundations right now to reach its goals. It is crucial for all economic stakeholders to take a stand in order to safeguard the right to be informed. More than ever, you have a vital role to play in building more democratic societies. Join us in this effort. Rally your staff around a just cause. Unite them around a new and inspiring philanthropic project. Involving your business in a cause that makes sense will motivate your employees and give them another vision of your company. Join forces with Air France, American Express, Google, Radio France, FNAC and Roland Berger: support our work !

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non-profit organisation so your donations will be tax deductible.

how can you help ? In order for community and business interests to be mutually beneficial, a variety of partnerships can be formed, according to each party’s capacities and objectives : Financial gifts or donations in kind : provide direct support to our association. Skill-sharing : involve your staff in our efforts. Shared proceeds from charity products : part of the proceeds goes to Reporters Without Borders. Buying advertising space : advertise in our photo albums or through promotion campaigns.

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3 projects realised thanks to philanthropic support Tunisia office opened : In 2011, in response to changes that occurred in the Maghreb, Reporters Without Borders opened an office in Tunisia. The organisation agreed to support the press freedom aspects of the country’s political transition. Media centre in Haiti : In the wake of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Reporters Without Borders intervened by creating the Media Operations Centre in Port-au-Prince. The on-site facility provided an opportunity for media outlets whose offices were damaged to relaunch their activities, an essential factor in rebuilding and fostering political, economic and social development. Radio Erena : Set up in 2010 by an exiled Eritrean journalist, the radio station broadcasts via satellite to Eritreans in Eritrea. Since no independent news media is authorised in the country, news there has become a state-controlled instrument. Thanks to Radio Erena, tens of thousands of people are receiving information from an independent source.

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BERLINTUNISGENEVAMADRID PA R I S R O M E S T O C K H O L M V I E N N A BRUSSELSANDWASHINGTON Reporters Without Borders International Secretary 47 rue Vivienne 75002 Paris Tel. +33 1 44 83 84 84

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© McCaan Erickson Genève

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Reporters Without Borders is one of the world’s leading independent organisations dedicated to promoting and defending freedom of information. Thanks to its network of active correspondents in over 150 countries, Reporters Without Borders strives daily to maintain a free press in every corner of the globe.

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