Mat105 objectives 2013

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MAT105 Course Objectives Chapter 2


Section 2.1 Objective A Objective B Objective C Objective D

Introduction to Integers Integers and the number line Opposites Absolute value Applications

Section 2.2 Objective A Objective B Objective C

Addition and Subtraction of Integers Addition of integers Subtraction of integers Applications and formulas

Section 2.3 Objective A Objective B Objective C

Multiplication and Division of integers Multiplication of integers Division of integers Applications

Section 2.4 Objective A Objective B

Solving Equations with Integers Solving equations Applications and formulas

Section 2.5 Objective A

Order of Operations Agreement Order of Operations Agreement

Chapter 3


Section 3.1 Objective A Objective B Objective C

Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor Least common multiple (LCM) Greatest common factor (GCF) Applications

Section 3.2 Objective A Objective B Objective C Objective D

Introduction to Fractions Proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers Equivalent fractions Order relations between two fractions Applications

Section 3.3 Objective A Objective B Objective C

Multiplication and Division of Fractions Multiplication of fractions Division of fractions Applications and formulas

Section 3.4 Objective A Objective B Objective C

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Addition of fractions Subtraction of fractions Applications and formulas

Section 3.5 Objective A Objective B

Solving Equations with Fractions Solving equations Applications

Section 3.6 Objective A Objective B Objective C

Exponents, Complex Fractions, Order of Operations Agreement Exponents Complex fractions Order of Operations Agreement


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