Angeles City Sub Branch Philippines www.rslangelescity.com ‘Lest We Forget’ President Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer
James Curtis-Smith Vivien Hart Rob Cairns Dallas Drake Bob Young
Larry Smith
Email address’:
Clubhouse: Ponderosa Hotel president@rslangelescity.com
secretary@rslangelescity.com treasurer@rslangelescity.com
PRESIDENTS REPORT – September 2010 Since the last newsletter the Sub Branch lost Vice President Noel Roach who passed away from cancer on 31st August 2010. Roachy was a great member of the Sub Branch who gave so willingly of his time and his resources to the operations of the Sub Branch, and I personally miss him so much as a back up to me in my job as President. Roachy was never backward in contributing his all to discussion and debates concerning the activities of the Sub Branch and had an entertaining vernacular in expressing his views which was entertaining but so meaningful. Once the debate was over, Roachy was always the first to get into implementing decisions and had a great skill in enthusing others to join with him. I have authored a Vale to Roachy appearing elsewhere in this newsletter, and had the honour to be asked by him before he died to lead an RSL service and deliver the eulogy at his funeral. Vale Roachy……………you are missed. Our September medical mission was held last Saturday 11 th September at Sta. Maria 1, Balibago and 1267 children presented, were examined by medical professionals and each child received medicines prescribed and donated by the Sub Branch. Our thanks to Barangay Captain Tony Mamac and his staff from Barangay Balibago who attended and assisted in registration, erection of tents, tables and chairs required and acted as stewards and crowd control. Another successful mission, and my thanks not only to
2 those Sub Branch members who attended and dispensed medicines, but to the other volunteers, who checked the dispensary against prescriptions, and packed and handed out the medicines to each child. After a 7.00 am start in packing medicines and a 12.00 noon finish after dealing with the large crowd of children and parents, a few beers at the Ponderosa went down well. The next mission will be held on October 2nd and the venue (including a map) will be posted to the web site as soon as final arrangements can be settled. Please keep this Saturday morning free as we need as much help as we can get. Our membership continues to grow, and each week, I receive reports of additional members joining. As at 7th September we have 175 Service members and 278 Affiliate members, a total of 453 members. This compares to a total of 328 members as at September 2009. Enough for this month JAMES E. CURTIS-SMITH President
WE WELCOME the following new members:
Russell Cheshire (A/C) * Paul Obney Jr (A/C) * David Rixon (NSW) * Kevin Cook (QLD) * Ian Downes (ACT) * Stephen Innes (Porac) * James Williamson (A/C) * Phillip Cox (A/C) * Graeme Nicholas (MNL) * Frank Williams (A/C) * Eddie Byrd (A/C) * Max Corbell (A/C) * Rodney Brown (QLD) Thomas Hastie (QLD) * Bruce Dreffer (A/C) *
WELCOME BACK TO: Dale Sprinkle (A/C) * Jamie Flannigan * LIFE SUBSCRIPTION: Terence Davies (WA) * LOCATION CODES: A/C * Porac * MNL *= Philippines *** NSW * QLD * ACT * WA * = Australia
LIFE SUBSCRIPTIONS We have covered this subject before and we still encourage SERVICE MEMBERS who are over 50 years of age are Eligible to become LIFE Subscribers. Email Secretary Dallas Drake with your Date of Birth and he will give you the ONE TIME Rate in Peso or Dollar. Contact him on: secretary@rslangelescity.com You will never have to worry about paying Annual Dues again. We have 21 Life Subscribers in the Sub Branch at present. So think about it. It will also save you money in the long term. DISCLAIMER The Angeles City Sub-Branch of the R&SLA, the Committee and the Editor take no responsibilities for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in this newsletter. Nor do they accept any liability for loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly for use of information contained in this newsletter. Nor do they warrant that articles or opinions published in this newsletter are necessarily the opinions held by the Sub-branch, the Committee or the Editor.
VALE NOEL JAMES ROACH (Roachy) Born 7th September 1950 – Died. 31st August 2010 Noel James Roach passed away on 31st August 2010 at his home at Sapang Bato, Angeles City following being diagnosed with terminal bone cancer in July of this year. Roachy became an Affiliate member of the Angeles City Sub Branch of the RSL on the 24th September 2007, was elected to the Committee in March 2008, and was Vice President, first elected in March 2009 and re-elected in March 2010. He was still Vice President at the date of his death. From the moment Roachy joined the Sub Branch he enthusiastically adopted the ideals and objects of the RSL, and participated in every activity that the RSL was involved in, from being active in the ANZAC Day and Vietnam Veterans Day, planning and assisting at the annual Australia Day Fiesta, active in our raffles to raise funds, notably attending and a great salesman of raffle tickets at Shano‟s and later at Peanuts. When the Children‟s Medical Missions project was formed, Roachy immediately volunteered to co-chair the sub committee and put in much time and effort in coordinating the purchase and supply of medicines and of organizing each mission. His compassion to the needy children at the missions and the less privileged in the community of Sapang Bato and Angeles City is well known and respected amongst Filipinos and the expat population generally. Our condolences go to his family and his close friends. He will be sadly missed by us all. LEST WE FORGET For our Sub Branch tribute to Roachy, go to www.rslangelescity.com/vale/noelroach It reflects in pictures what he was all about. This tribute was ably put together by our webmaster Gerald Slide. Ed
HOW TO VIEW OUR WEBSITE Our website is quite a comprehensive site. It contains much information. There are subject headings and under these, sub-headings. Depending on how you have your computer laid-out, you may have to enlarge your page by hitting the f11 button. Then our complete home page will appear, thus allowing you access to all the subject headings. When you pull up a subject located on the left hand side of the website, look along the top of the page that appears and you will see sub- headings. This is where more similar information is stored. If you haven’t done that before you have missed half of our website information. Have another look. Ed
A bit of forward planning
La Union Trip 27-28 November Chili Cook Off at Bali Hai Resort (see notice later in this newsletter) Dreamland Annual New Year Celebration Dec 30- 31 Jan 1st 2011 Lingayen Memorial early Jan 2011. Australia Day Fiesta 26th Beauty Pageant, 28th Bell Ring, 29th Pool Competition, 30th Street Party on Fields Ave.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF A SUBSTANTIAL DONATION (There is a story here, as it unfolds) Hello, My name is Jonathan Burnett, I joined the RSL last year. I am currently working in Ireland at the moment. My sister who lives here just recently closed a creche, child minding service. She has a lot of learning games etc. She is looking to donate them to a orphanage or children in need. I said I would send a email to yourselves to see if you are interested, as I am aware of your work with the children in Angeles. My sister and myself would look into the shipping costs, so that is not a issue. The items are all of good quality as she was a member of the Creche of Excellence which have very high standards. If you could let me know when you can, because if this is not of any use to you we will look into Africa. I just wanted to give you first refusal so to speak.
5 Kind regards Jonathan Burnett Secretary Dallas responded … I responded YES however freight costs proved too high to send stuff here so she sold all items and gave the proceeds to her brother to give to me.
And further: Hello Jonathan, Many thanks for bringing the donation of P40k from your kind sister in Ireland. The Receipt Number is A0241 with your name on as I do not have your sister’s name.
Our Appreciation of this generous donation will be expressed in our September News Letter, Regards Dallas
We wish to sincerely thank Jonathan and his sister for this wonderful donation. They can be well assured that it will be put to very good use looking after the kids in our area. (J.E. Curtis-Smith Pres)
IT IS ON AGAIN. A message from Frank Hilliard in La Union
August 27, 2010 Greetings Chili Fans, On Saturday, November 27, 2010, the members of Colonel B.J. Smith VFW Post 9892 will be gathering at the continually improving Bali Hai Beach Resort, in Bauang, La Union for our 19th Annual “Chili Cook Off.” Our theme this year will be “Expat Chili.” This is truly fitting, as our history has proven to us that “Expats” from wherever, always show up and compete in this exciting event. All Chili aficionados are invited to join us for a day of fun in the sun. The festivities will start at 8:30 a.m., when the Chili cookers crank up their fires, and commence their individual efforts to show all and sundry just what is simply the best Chili. It won’t take long before the aromas alone make you happy you came. The specific objective of course is to determine which team cooks the best pot of Chili, judged solely on quality. An exquisitely carved wooden trophy goes to the winner, with plaques for the next two places. There is also a “Commander’s Plaque” awarded to the best decorated cooking booth, and team attire, as judged solely by the Post Commander. We also attempt to fill the time between the actual cooking, and the completion of the judging by conducting a “Miss Chili Pepper” bikini contest. This is a favorite of all the admirers of the female form, and the young ladies are only required to wear street wear, and participate in a bikini contest. They are judged solely on their appearance. Cash prizes are awarded, as well as a Plaque for the Winner. There is no additional fee for entry into this contest.
Here is a good chance for a change of scenery. A great time is always guaranteed. Ed
7 I thought it was about time to show members our Presidents board located in our Sub Branch clubroom in Angeles City Philippines. I know most of them so I will give a bit of their background. In coming newsletters I will also bring in our Secretary and Treasurer board. Ed Our inaugural president was George Bradman. George was a World War 2 veteran of the Middle East (in particular Libya) and later New Guinea. He was machine gunned in New Guinea and medevacuated back to Australia. George had extensive RSL background knowledge, having been a past president of Bronte RSL in Sydney. George agreed to be our first President as his knowledge of RSL workings was needed when we set up for business. He wanted only one year and said that Vietnam Veterans should be taking over from WW2 and Korean veterans. He nominated Mick O‟Brien at the AGM 1995. George is deceased. Mick O’Brien. Mick was nominated by George Bradman and took up the president‟s position in 1995. He ran a more relaxed organization than George who ran the Sub Branch in a more stricter manner. Mick was a Vietnam Veteran and was a very popular president. (More on Mick later) Max Opitz. Max was vice president under Mick O‟Brien. At the time we had an „ad hoc‟ arrangement with members located in the north of Luzon, based in La Union. This was arranged to enable members to have a say in their Sub Branch despite the tyranny of distance. Max was the president of that organization, until Mick O‟Brien was incapacitated and he became president of the Sub Branch. Max was Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and later worked in the newspaper industry in Hong Kong. Max is deceased. Mick O’Brien. Mick took over again when his health improved and Max‟s health declined. Mick is deceased. George Lovegrove. George is a Vietnam Veteran, serving in the Royal Australian Engineers (RAE). He took the reins of president in his 69th year. He is
8 still a very active member of the Sub Branch, running the attendance raffle, despite having turned 80 in May of this year. Ken Hopwood I didn‟t know Ken when he was President, and the present committee were not around in his time. It is believed Ken returned to Australia. Doug Errington. Doug is a Vietnam Veteran serving in the Royal Australian Armoured Corps (RAAC) in personnel carriers. Later on in life he was policeman in Australian Northern Territory police force. James E Curtis-Smith. Jim is our current President and has been so for the past five years. Jim was in the Royal Australian Naval Reserve (RANR). He is a Barrister and Solicitor (in other parts of the world he would be called a Lawyer) but has virtually retired from that vocation. However his experience in legal matters has been an asset to the Sub Branch and its members. Jim presides over a very good committee, who have been very successful in getting our Sub Branch to its current standing, both in the League and the local community. There was a TV advertisement in Australia many years ago about Mortein insect spray which went “when you are on a good thing, stick to it”. That encapsulates Jim and his committee pretty well.
VC CORNER Arthur Gurney VC WX9858 Private Arthur Stanley GURNEY 2/48th Australian Infantry Battalion AIF 22nd July 1942 at Tel el Eisa, Egypt "For gallantry and unselfish bravery in silencing enemy machine-gun posts by bayonet assault at Tel el Eisa on 22nd July 1942, thus allowing his Company to continue the advance. During an attack on a strong German position in the early morning of 22nd July 1942, the Company to which Private Gurney belonged, was held up by intense machine-gun fire from posts less than 100 yards ahead, heavy casualties being inflicted on our troops, all the officers being killed or wounded. Grasping the seriousness of the situation and without hesitation, Private Gurney charged the nearest enemy machinegun post, bayoneted three men and silenced the post. He then continued on to a second post, bayoneted two men and sent out a third as a prisoner. At this stage a stick of grenades was thrown at Private Gurney which knocked him to the ground. He rose again, picked up his rifle and charged the third post using the bayonet with great vigour. He then disappeared from view and later his body was found in an enemy post. By this single-handed act of gallantry in the face of a determined enemy, Private Gurney enabled his Company to press forward to its objective, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. The successful outcome of this engagement was almost entirely due to Private Gurney's heroism at the moment when it was needed." [London Gazette: llth September 1942]
Arthur Stanley GURNEY was born at Day Dawn, on the Murchison Goldfields of Western Australia on 15th December, 1908. He is buried in the El Alamein War Cemetery, Egypt
9 The article below, complements of the Queensland Courier Mail Newspaper covers military funerals that are sadly becoming more frequent in recent times. Ed
YOUNG widow Beckie MacKinney woke early yesterday to the pain of labour. Knowing she was already to face the hardest day of her life, the heavily pregnant mother steeled herself to first honour her soul-mate, Jared MacKinney. During the Brisbane funeral for the man she met at age 15, regular contractions signalled the coming of the boy who would never meet his father. FINAL RESPECTS: Devastated wife Beckie is comforted by loved ones near her daughter Annabell, 3, who is pictured in pink being cuddled, as a guard of honour is formed for Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney. Picture: Glenn Barnes Source: The Courier-Mail → Mrs MacKinney, 25, a devoted mother to Annabell, 3, yesterday vowed their son would come to learn about his dad – a brave soldier who died doing the job he loved. "The long journey without Jared has begun for Annabell and me and soon also little Noah Jared," she said in a statement. "Noah will never get to meet his father but he will come to know him for the incredible man he was through our love and memories." Lance-Corporal MacKinney , son of Jane and Ian MacKinney, was killed in a three-hour battle with Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan's Oruzgan province late last month. Mrs MacKinney was rushed to the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital immediately after the funeral service. With her mother and sister present, little Noah Jared MacKinney was born yesterday at 3.10pm, two weeks early. Heavy rain fell as hundreds of mourners gathered to pay tribute. Drums and bagpipes rang out as Lance-Cpl MacKinney's casket was carried into Ashgrove Baptist Church by his brothers-in-arms from 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment. "We have reached the deepest depths of despair since we were told of Jared's death but we have also been helped and comforted by the support and extraordinary generosity of spirit of old friends, new friends and strangers who cared," Mrs MacKinney's statement read. Brigadier Paul McLachlan, commander of the 7th Brigade, said: "We have lost a wonderful soldier and a remarkable Australian. His approach to his job, his sense of humour, his loyalty to his mates and his love for Beckie and Bel hit a chord with everyone," he said. "He could have run for mayor of Gallipoli Barracks (at Enoggera) and won." Brig McLachlan said Lance-Cpl MacKinney was a "soldier's soldier" who served with "honour, courage, and commitment". Father-in-law David Smallbone described Lance-Cpl MacKinney as "an extraordinary young man" who loved the outdoors, was a "passionate supporter of the Canterbury Bulldogs . . . and a staunch supporter of the NSW Blues". "The word extraordinary is defined in a number of dictionaries as beyond what is ordinary, exceptional, remarkable, rare, wonderful, or far more than expected – Jared was all of those things," he said. A very sad situation, but something that soldier’s families unfortunately suffer as a result of defence service. Read the following poem which was recited at another recent military funeral in Brisbane. Ed
Stronger Than Grief By Chaplain Jim Cosgrove Chaplain at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera Australians are all reeling and many folks are feeling dismayed with all our recent soldiers’ deaths We farewell a fallen brother then another then another and its like we need to stop to catch our breath While one family is grieving another is receiving the news that takes their world to grief and sorrow There’s lots of fear and tension, you can sense the apprehension as we wonder if there’s more bad news tomorrow. But the families will tell us the are so proud of their fellas even as they stop to wipe away their tears They say they feel inside an intense and burning pride as they face the nightmare of their deepest fears Their courage and belief are even stronger than their grief that their sacrifice is for a worthy cause They believe their precious sons, brothers, dads, beloved ones, have paid the price for freedom on our shores. They want to tell their mates to never doubt or hesitate, to fight this fight against the reign of terror An untimely made decision to turn our backs on this mission Would be at this sad time a costly error As families deal with grieving they are strengthened by believing that their soldiers gave their lives for you and me In the history of their nation there are many generations whose sacrifice has made our country free. And so in this time of grief, please don’t falter in belief that our Aussie boys are where they need to be They’ve got the guts to fight their wars, keep supporting them because They need support from their community
Decade of deception ends as veteran claims exposed Erik Jensen
September 7, 2010
(Sydney Morning Herald)
Gordon Tisdell is a broken man. For a decade he has been the public face of Anzac and Remembrance Days. His photograph has run in Life magazine; in the Australian, where he claimed to be a Vietnam veteran; in the Herald, as a survivor of Long Tan. In 2006, his portrait was among the finalists in the Olive Cotton Award. It was titled Shadow of Remembrance. The problem is, Tisdell never served in Vietnam, or any other war. His name is nowhere on the nominal roll. When the 6 RAR was in a pitched battle against the Viet Cong, he was on a dairy farm outside Gloucester.
11 �Gordon Tisdell in Sydney on Remembrance Day last year. ''We can do without pricks the like of Gordon Tisdell,'' the acting secretary of the 6 RAR Association and a veteran of Long Tan, Graham Smith, said yesterday. ''By doing these things he robs the honour from people who are quite happy to be understated. They are impostors of the lowest order. It's like stealing someone's identity.'' The Herald tracked Mr Tisdell to his Department of Housing flat in Petersham. Confronted with his deception, he was stricken with remorse and denial. ''I've never been a fraud in my life; I was just wearing my relatives' medals,'' he said. ''Defence came here today to see me. They said I'm not allowed to say anything. They brought the photographs out and showed them to me. They said not to say anything otherwise I get six months in jail.'' The Department of Defence was acting on information from the Herald when two of its employees knocked on Mr Tisdell's door last week and ended his decade of deception. They gave him a warning and told him he could no longer attend veterans' marches. ''Award recipients receive great respect from the Australian community,'' a spokesman for the department said. ''And Defence supports the investigation of such claims where necessary, so that the service and sacrifice the awards represent may continue to be held in high regard by the community.'' The president of the NSW Returned and Services League, Don Rowe, described Mr Tisdell as a ''bloody fraud''. ''We are disgusted by people presenting themselves as veterans,'' Mr Rowe said. ''I'm not sure why they do it. Maybe they're big-noting themselves. I can't think of another reason.'' Mr Tisdell claimed he had only worn the medals of his uncles. He said - at odds with a decade of interviews that he had never claimed that he had served. ''It's an emotional day,'' Mr Tisdell told AAP on Anzac Day this year, identifying himself as a Long Tan survivor. ''You remember the times you had in the army and the mates you went away with. Some of them didn't come back.'' And some of them didn't go.
Editorial. Wannabe veterans have been around for ages. Slowly they are being exposed. Real veterans are becoming more vigilant at commemorative services and questioning those that appear to be have the wrong medals or in the wrong sequence of seniority. There is an organization in Australia and New Zealand that will check out and question any person that is looking like a wannabe. It is an offshoot from an American site. See http://www.anzmi.net/
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ANZAC Square, Brisbane (continuing our series on shrines) ANZAC Square, which is named in honour of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, is a Queensland state memorial to men and women who participated in overseas armed service.[1] It is located between Ann Street and Adelaide Street (opposite Post Office Square), in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. ANZAC Square is adjacent to ANZAC Square Arcade. �ANZAC Square set in a sub tropical garden which contains bottle trees and date palms. Statues of different wars are dispersed within the area. The Shrine and eternal flame is central to the rear of the square. ANZAC Square contains the Shrine of Remembrance and the 'Eternal Flame of Remembrance' held in a continuously lit bronze urn, dedicated on Tuesday, 11 November, 1930. There is also the World War II Shrine of Memories. Daphne Mayo sculptured the Women's War Memorial that forms part of the memorial's wall. The external wall of the Shrine of Memories is dedicated to the 60 000 Queenslanders who fought in World War I. There are also war-related statues, for various wars, including memorial statues for the Queensland soldiers who fought during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), as well as World War II, the Vietnam War and campaigns in Korea, Borneo and New Guinea. On 25 April, every year, a Dawn Service is held at the Shrine of Remembrance and ANZAC Square. The Shrine contains the Eternal Flame→ The 18 columns of the Shrine represent the year of peace after World War I - 1918. Also symbolizing that year are the number of stairs leading up to the Shrine - 19 stairs in the first row and 18 in the second row. The bottle trees commemorate the Queensland Light Horse Regiments which served in South Africa's Boer War (1899 to 1902). Before Federation, Queensland sent six contingents of soldiers to South Africa. The palm trees are Middle East date palms and they represent Australia's success in the Middle East during both World Wars. Palms are also a biblical symbol of victory.
13 Thursday, 26 August 2010
VETERANS WARNED OF POTENTIAL SCAMS Veterans have been targeted by scam-artists claiming to represent the Australian Government, Secretary of the Department of Veterans‟ Affairs Mr Ian Campbell said today. Mr Campbell said the Department of Veterans‟ Affairs (DVA) had been made aware of several approaches to members of the veteran community asking for personal information in exchange for new government services such as free electricity or pension benefits. In some cases these people posed as officers from DVA. “These „offers‟ are false and my Department is investigating these incidents,” he said. “Veterans in Queensland and Victoria have been most recently targeted however veterans across the country should be aware of the potential scams. “I urge the veteran community to exercise caution when asked to release personal details. - Be cautious about when and to whom you release your personal information. Visit Website
If you receive a phone call or letter asking for personal information such as your DVA client number or banking details, do not answer straight away. Contact your nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers) to confirm the source is legitimate. “It is disappointing that our veterans are being targeted by these cowardly scams and I encourage members of the veteran community to contact DVA if they have any concerns,” Mr Campbell said. The Government‟s Scamwatch website – www.scamwatch.gov.au – contains useful information on how to protect your privacy.
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Tuesday, 7 September 2010
REMEMBERING THE NASHOS The contribution of more than 287,000 National Servicemen to Australia‟s armed forces between 1951 and 1972 will be honoured tonight by a thousand invited guests at a national reception at Parliament House, Canberra. The Secretary of the Department of Veterans‟ Affairs, Mr Ian Campbell, said the Nashos – as they are affectionately known – served our nation proudly in times of need and Australians are grateful for their strength, courage and dedication. “Australia has a proud history of national service. It was introduced to boost the strength of Australia‟s defence force during times of international political uncertainty,” Mr Campbell said. Those who served in the scheme that ran from 1951 to 1959 did not see active service. The next scheme of National Service operated between 1964 and 1972 and 20-year-old men were selected through a birthday ballot for service in the Army. During this time, more than 63,000 were called up for two years full-time service. The first to serve overseas were posted to Borneo during the Indonesian Confrontation, and many more served in Vietnam. Australian units began withdrawing from Vietnam in 1971, with National Service abolished in December 1972. In total, some 200 National Servicemen died and more than 1200 were wounded on active service.
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Mr Campbell said that even though the war in Vietnam and the National Service scheme were highly controversial at the time, it is important today to recognise the sacrifices made by National Servicemen. “It was only after the government increased the size of Australia‟s commitment to the war in Vietnam to include the deployment of National Servicemen that significant public opposition arose. Despite this controversy, there is no doubt that our National Servicemen overwhelmingly fulfilled their obligations to our nation. “Tonight‟s reception provides an opportunity to give thanks to the National Servicemen for their dedication, to remember those who served, and especially those who lost their lives,” Mr Campbell said. The commemoration of National Service continues tomorrow with the dedication of the National Service Memorial at the Australian War Memorial.
WANTED- WRITER/BLOGGERS It has always been our intention to provide quality information to our members. We started off doing that with this newsletter. However there are other means available that can enhance what we already provide. Two ways are setting up Blogs and a Billboard. Therefore, we hope to tap into an unknown talent from within the ranks of our membership.
15 What we are looking for is someone who has the time and ability to create articles suitable for posting to ‘other’ newsletter groups, promoting our Sub Branch and what we do. An example is the 25 volunteer senior nursing students from Deakin University in Melbourne who attended and who worked in conjunction with 20 nursing students from Holy Angel University here in Angeles City when we conducted the Medical Mission on 3rd of July this year. That should have been sent to, say, the editor of the Deakin University newspaper. That is just one example. Also, providing articles for In-Flight magazines of airlines flying into the country. Someone who has the ability to set up a Sub Branch blog for posting information, and be open to others to comment. We are considering attaching a billboard to our website so that members (or anyone really) to give feedback on what we are and discuss issues. The person/s we are looking for do not necessarily have to reside in home territory of Angeles City, although an advantage. Our newsletter editor resides in Davao City, some one hour and 45 minutes flying time south of Manila. Quite often he sends the newsletter from Australia when he is there. So distance is really no problem. Of course, these positions will need to be of a voluntary nature. So, over to our members. If you have time on your hands and the ability to provide this service to our sub branch, please contact our secretary, Dallas Drake on secretary@rslangelescity.com and discuss what you may be able to provide.
A BIT OF HUMOUR TIME Two Priests decide to go to Hawaii for a holiday. They were determined to make this a real vacation by not wearing anything that would identify them as clergy. As soon as the plane landed they headed for a store and bought some really outrageous shorts, shirts, sandals, sunglasses, etc. The next morning they went to the beach dressed in their ‘tourist’ garb. They were sitting on beach chairs, enjoying a drink, the sunshine and the scenery when a ‘drop dead gorgeous’ blonde in a topless bikini came walking straight towards them. They couldn’t help but stare. As the blonde passed them she smiled and said ‘Good Morning, Father ~ Good Morning, Father,’ nodding and addressing each of them individually, then she passed on by. They were both stunned. How in the world did she know they were priests?? So the next day, they went back to the store and bought even more outrageous outfits. These were so loud you could hear them before you even saw them! Once again, in their new attire, they settled down in their chairs to enjoy the sunshine. After a little while, the same gorgeous blonde, wearing a different coloured topless bikini, taking her sweet time, came walking toward hem. Again she nodded at each of them, said ‘Good morning, Father ~ Good morning, Father,’ and started to walk away. One of the priests couldn’t stand it any longer and said, ‘Just a minute, young lady.’ ‘Yes, Father?’’ We are priests and proud of it, but I have to know, how in the world do you know we are priests, dressed as we are?’ She replied, ‘Father, it’s me,............ Sister Kathleen!’ ****** ****** ****** ***** ***** STOP PRESS (For our local members) WELCOME to Pinocchio's who opened on 10th September. managed by Brian Creek and owned by Jamie FLANAGAN and Chris WOODS. Pinocchio's is nearby to Silly Hat. A new layout that is sure to please the locals around Clarkton area. The previous Fire & Ice is now JUST MY LUCK. Jim Farrell has renovated the Bar area and is now working on the Hotel Rooms. Drop by and say hello to Vidar who is the Manager and see a remarkable change in the layout. Our Weekly Raffle for Saturdays will be moving to Phillies Sports & Grill early October when the OLD Sub Delicious transformation is completed and the NEW Phillies opens under the watchful eyes of Shano, General Manager.
Even if you cannot give blood, have your group registered as you may need blood products sometime. Read about the simple procedure detailed in the next page.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
SATURDAY 23rd October is the date set aside for a blood registration clinic for R.S.L. members. There are probably a few questions out there about registering your blood with the R.S.L. Registry so I’d like to take the opportunity to briefly answer a few now, and Dr Ong (Head of the Blood Registrar AMU) and her staff will be at the clinic to answer all your questions in more details on the day. They will only be taking a small drop of blood to determine your blood type. It’s only a little pin prick on your finger. No blood will be taken on the day. Your name and contact details will be taken and put in the registrar. You will be notified of you blood type later. All information is personal except your blood type in the register. If you think it’s pointless to put your name on the blood registrar because you are too old or you have a heart complaint or you are on medication or any other reason you can think of not to be on the registrar. Please think again – this registrar is not just to give blood but also to receive blood. If we know your blood type and you have an accident and your blood type is on the registrar, it will cut down a lot of time in locating blood for you. It could save your life. The bigger the registry, the better – so feel free to bring anyone of any nationality with you. The blood registered will go on the AMU Red Cross National Blood Registrar. It is all done according to international regulations.
Hope to see you all there on the 23 October THE BIGGER THE ROLL UP THE BETTER. There is an advertisement in the Newsletter with times and location. (see previous page)
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“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance”