November RSL Monthly Newsletter

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Angeles City Sub Branch Philippines ‘Lest We Forget’ President Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer

James Curtis-Smith Rob Cairns Bob Barnes Dallas Drake Vivian Hart


Larry Smith

Email address’:

Clubhouse: Ponderosa Hotel

NEWSLETTER # 56** NOVEMBER 2011 PRESIDENTS REPORT – November 2011 The month started with a public holiday here to celebrate All Saints Day and with a holiday in Victoria to celebrate the Melbourne Cup. Quite a contrast ! The Sub Branch held its monthly Committee meeting and Australia Day Fiesta Committee meeting immediately following the running of the Cup so a busy start to the month. I believe that we are well advanced and our traditional Fiesta shirt is now on sale already and by the first week in December the raffle tickets for the Monster Raffle will also be on sale. Our submissions to the Branch on capitation fees have been ignored and we are thus left with a 480% increase in fees to be sent to Canberra from your membership subscriptions should you wish to belong to the RSL as a service or affiliate member in 2012. We have reformed our RSL Supporters League (RSL) and I anticipate that a very large part of our membership will transfer to that at an annual sub the same as this year’s membership of the Sub Branch. In operating terms and membership benefits, entitlements and activities, there is no difference. Canberra can’t help themselves when it comes to money.

2 Your executive now must deal with a motion put and passed at the October meeting that this Sub Branch seek to move from the membership of the ACT Branch (from which we have no benefits in being a member) to perhaps, and with other overseas Sub Branches (and there is only four of us), to a special part of the National Secretariat almost as a separate Branch. I will examine this further in the various constitutions affected and keep you advised. We have been busy with our Children’s Medical Missions. On Saturday 29 October we attended a mission organized near San Simon, some 30 kilometres away from Angeles upon receiving a special request. The mission was organized as part of the relief to this area as a result of the floods and tyhoon damage recently suffered there. 881 children were examined and received medicines as prescribed from the Sub Branch free. In addition two wheelchairs were donated to two children permanently disabled with cerebral palsy, and four nebulizers were donated to the four barangays involved in the mission. (See pics on page 9 of this newsletter) On Saturday 5 November, we held our regular monthly mission at Barangay Ninoy Aquino, Marisol Subdivision, and 1350 children attended and were examined, and their prescriptions filled by the Sub Branch. Our special thanks in the latter to the medical professionals from the Holy Angel University and Angeles University Foundation who attended. Of course thanks also to the WAGS (wives and girl friends) and the members who attended. Again to Darren and Myline Rothnie (Hannah Cabinets) for the use of their closed truck to transport the medicines on each mission, and to Viv Hart to carry additional “stuff” on his ute !! . It would be remiss of me if I didn’t give a special mention to Lindsay Drury (Committee) and Rob Cairns (Vice President) who between them brief the Barangay Captains and physically survey the site of each mission beforehand to make sure that things run smoothly on the day. This is invaluable, and our reputation amongst the Barangays of Angeles in conducting a slick, smooth running and secure mission is now recognized. Enough for the month. Don’t forget the final Children’s Medical Mission for the year to be held on 3 December. A map and details will be published nearer the date on the web site. JAMES E. CURTIS-SMITH President

Administrative Matters We welcome the following new members: Ian Rice (SA) * Anthony Lowe (Dumaguete Phils) * Ashley Hicks (Sth Aust) * The following have made a smart decision and become Life Subscibers: Paul Baker * Gordon Winzar * Grant Walters *

RSL ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP The RSL membership year is 1 January to 31 December each year. This means that members will need to look at renewing their membership very soon to remain financial. This is also your last chance for this year to consider taking out Life Subscription. Secretary Dallas can give you a quote on what it will cost using an age equation. Obviously this will take effect from January 1, 2012. See full page notice posted at ends of this newsletter. Also see Presidents Jim’s message in his report on page 1. Ed


Put this on your list of things to attend in January 2012

Fiesta 2012 Conducted by the members of the


Grandview Towers are a major sponsor of our Miss Australia/Philippines pageant. This logo is found on the back of the admittance tickets.

This is this year’s official ticket for admittance to the Miss Australia/Philippines beauty pageant being held at the Shanghai Palace restaurant on 25 January 2012. Tickets are only available at Perimeter Sports Bar


Our annual Australia Day Monster Raffle tickets are available for sale from next Tuesday at the monthly meeting at the Ponderosa. As can be seen by the list of prizes, buying a book of tickets is a good investment. Grandview Towers are sponsoring these tickets.





RSL EVENTS SCHEDULE Weekly Raffle NOW EVERY Wednesday at Emotions Nite Club at 6.00 PM. Phillies Sports & Grill Raffle every Saturday at 6.00 PM. MEDICAL MISSION SATURDAY 3Rd DECEMBER * (see web site for details or meet 07.15am Ponderosa) Tuesday 6TH December * 12.30 PM Committee Meeting Australia Day Fiesta Followed by General Committee 1.30 Later at: Stargate, Blind Beggar, Silly Hat Tuesday 13Th December * 2.00PM Ponderosa Social Tues * Honey Ko's * ,Happy Rock * T & A. Tuesday 20th December * Monthly General Meeting 2.00 pm Ponderosa, followed by President’s Christmas Drinks 3.30 pm Sunday 25th Christmas Dinner at Clarkton Hotel 2.00 Pm Tuesday 27Th December * 2.00pm Social Tuesday * Garfields * Drill Shack New Year Family Break DREAMLAND 30-31- and 1st Jan Tuesday 3rd Jan * 12.30 pm Committee Meeting Australia Day Fiesta Followed by General Committee 1.30 pm then Social Tuesday * Emotions* TOC.

I emphasize here three major events: our President’s drinks at Ponderosa on 20th December and Christmas dinner at Clarkton Hotel on 25th December. And as per usual we expect another good time to be had with our New Year break at Dreamland Resort, Baloy Beach. Ed

The Balibago Ambulance Our Local Balibago Barangay Captain Tony Mamac has been very active in collecting lots of P50.00 from many Business houses here in Angeles City "SUFFICIENT to Purchase an Ambulance for Community Use.. WELL DONE TONY OK guys so now we have a FREE Ambulance service. RSL members NO CHARGE !! Right-o, so nothing is FREE !! but, ALL YOU HAVE TO Pay is enough Funds to cover the COSTS, Gasoline, Toll Fees and something for the Driver.

IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY Call 09167414386 I am sure Tony will reply "this is your CAPTAIN speaking"  Here it is and you should support it. Ed

6 LOOKING FOR A VIETNAM MATE I would like to make contact with WO2 Lester “Jesse” James who served as my CSM in Vietnam in 1969. Can anyone help? My name is Greg Ray (Sgt). My contact email is: My phone number is 0412 109 870. Thank you. Lester (Jesse) James was born in August 1926 and would be 85 years old today. He came from Mackay Nth Queensland and may have returned there after completion of his Army service. If anyone knows ‘Jesse’ please contact Greg as shown above. Ed *****


WHAT IS REMEMBRANCE DAY Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day or Veterans Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries to remember the members of their armed forces who have died on duty since World War I. This day,or alternate dates, are also recognised as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the official end of World War I on that date in 1918, as the major hostilities of World War I were formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice The day was specifically dedicated by King George V, on 7 November 1919, to the observance of members of the armed forces who were killed during World War I. The red remembrance poppy has become a familiar emblem of Remembrance Day due to the poem In Flanders Fields. These poppies bloomed across some of the worst battlefields of Flanders in World War I, their brilliant red colour an appropriate symbol for the blood spilt in the war. Actually the Armistice was signed by the German government representatives and allied representatives in a railway carriage in France at 5am that morning but was to take effect at ‘the eleventh hour’. Most commanders in the field stood down their troops, where they played cards or slept awaiting the eleventh hour. Some commanders didn’t believe that an Armistice and not an unconditional surrender, was appropriate, and so continued to commit troops to warfare. One such commander was the notorious US Brigadier General ‘Black Jack’ Pershing who decided to continue, thus causing approximately another 350 casualties to his troops. He is also credited with having the last KIA before the eleventh hour came into effect. His decision was subject to a congressional enquiry when he was returned to the United States. He was heavily criticised for his decision, but he steadfastly maintained that Germany should have been forced to surrender rather than have an Armistice. In Australia, Remembrance Day is always observed on 11 November, although the day is not a public holiday. Services are held at 11 a.m. at war memorials and schools in suburbs and towns across the country, at which the "Last Post" is sounded by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed.

7 In recent decades, however, Remembrance Day has been partly eclipsed by ANZAC Day as the national day of war commemoration.

This being November, the month of Remembrance I have chosen to include two plaques that I photographed on a memorial wall at the Launceston (Tasmania) War Memorial recently. The one on the left is dedicated to the Captain and crew of HMAS Australia who were involved in the liberation of the Philippines during WW2. HMAS Australia sustained two days of attacks from what the Japanese called ‘the Devine Wind’ (kamikaze). The ship eventually had to head south for major repairs to damage inflicted by the kamikaze attacks. HMAS Dechaineux, a current Collins Class submarine in the RAN has been named after CAPT Dechaineux. The plaque on the right is closer to home for me. The name in the centre (8 th from the top) T.J. (Tommy) Grose and I shared a bible when we uttered the oath upon joining the army on 18th June 1964 in Hobart. Tom and I both served together in 2RAR before they left for service in Vietnam. Tom was KIA on that tour. Of another interest to me is the name 10th from the top, B.W. Kelly whose army number 6410158 was just six numbers before mine which was 6410164. I did know Barry but was unaware of his army number at the time. A sad co-incidence is that of the 17 soldiers named above, Brewer and Banfield came from Ulverstone and Kelly, Coombs and Hyland came from Wynyard, both rather small towns on the North West coast of Tasmania. Ed


There may be some of our members who may fit the criterian show in the notice  left.

Navy in particular were surrounded with asbestos on deck-heads, and lagging on pipes which passed overhead in mess-decks as did Army personnel in Small Ships. We lived in huts with fibro cladding, crashed through the walls playing “Carry the Mail” etc., read , look and may be of assistance to you and your family........................ ******** Great Southern Railways are running a Special Anzac Day Train from Darwin to Adelaide next year (2012). Costs to Darwin and from Adelaide are your expense. Proposed Itinerary is :Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Tuesday 24/4/12. Depart Darwin 3.30pm for Adelaide River. Go to Adelaide River War Cemetery Depart 6.30 pm for Katherine and pull into siding at some ungodly hour. Wed 25/4/12 Dawn Service at Katherine Breakfast at Katherine R.S.L. Participate in Anzac Day March at Katherine if you wish Tour of Katherine. Depart Katherine for Alice Springs Thurs 26/4/12 Arrive Alice Springs 9.10 am Local tours (at your own cost) Depart for Port Augusta Fri 27/4/12 Take Old "Pitchie Ritchie" War Train from Port Augusta to Quorn & return

9 Depart for Adelaide End of Tour. Cost

Gold Kangaroo

For TPI $1206 includes all meals in Queen Adelaide Restaurant. Carers - Same Price.

Price includes all of the above except Alice Springs Tours. Bookings are now open. If you need more information contact: Veteranweb Network

MORE WHEELCHAIR DONATIONS Thanks to the generosity of the people who support and donate to our charity fund, three more children and their family’s lives have just be made that much easier with a wheelchair donated to them.

Vice President Rob Cairns is seen here making this delivery. Barangay Captain Tony Mamac (L) with President Jim (2nd R) make this delivery to a child suffering from cerebral palsy 

There was no information given to me about this donation, but it was delivered by one of our WAG’s 

Editors request. When taking photo’s of donations such as those above could the photographer please ensure that the photo taken is the best available. I have to mess around with some to lighten/darken or change contrast to make them a bit more suitable for publication in this newsletter as I did for the photo’s above. Thanks. Ed

10 HERE IS A GOOD ACCOMODATION DEAL FOR THE NEW YEAR The following special rates are offered for R SL new year booking 2011, at Dreamworld Resort and Hotel at Subic Bay Normal Rate

R S L rate

Normal Rate

RSL Rate

1. Deluxe room



2. Standard room

₱1, 800


3. Economy room


₱ 1,200

4. Jacuzzi room



5. Two Bedroom Suite



6. VIP room beside pool



In the October newsletter we put an article about a proposed RSL Memorandum of Understanding with the Veterans of Vietnam. Well the protests were flying thick and fast and the RSL National President then released a letter of explanation. Well here is the latest:

RSL Media Release 25 October 2011

Proposed MOU Not to Proceed The National Executive of the Returned & Services League of Australia has decided not to proceed with the proposal to establish a Memorandum of Understanding with the Veterans Association of Vietnam. For more information contact: Rear Admiral Ken Doolan AO RAN (Rtd) on 02 6248 7199 or 0410 627 873

Hanna is a great supporter of our RSL Medical Missions by providing their covered truck for the transportation of our medical supplies to the mission site, free of charge. Thanks Hanna.

11 A DAIRY ENTRY FOR EARLY JANUARY 2012 In preparation for the Next Lingayen Landing Ceremony Monday Jan 9th 2012 Dallas Drake has reserved some accommodation and a Wreath. The Capital Resort Hotel is within walking distance to the ceremony location and is the better of the two establishments looked at. It is also a Beach resort and has a swimming pool.


Consuelo Hotel is shown right (They have a Chinese Restaurant that offers Very Good food at low low prices) As the event is on a Monday Morning 11.00am and it might suit some of our Members to take the opportunity to visit the Hundred Islands at Alaminos. A Mini Bus can be arranged by the Governor (at No Charge other than pay for the gasoline) plus a Tour guide. This could be done on the Sunday 8th January. Suggest looking at travel Saturday 7th to Lingayen (depart 9.00 am ), Relax in afternoon Swimming or Golf Driving Range (within the Resort ) Sunday Tour the Hundred Islands. Monday 11.00 Ceremony followed by Luncheon and at 3.00 depart for Angeles.


Back in Angeles by 7 pm. For further details contact Dallas at ‘you know where’. A reminder will appear in our December issue. Ed

12 Monday, 7 November 2011

VA099 CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS FOR ANZAC DAY 2012 IN GALLIPOLI The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Warren Snowdon, today encouraged Australians to consider being part of the team of volunteers to assist in next year’s Anzac Day commemorations in Gallipoli, Turkey. Mr Snowdon said those interested have just one week to nominate for the Conservation Volunteers (CV) program with applications closing on 15 November 2011. “The volunteer program to Gallipoli offers an opportunity for Australians and New Zealanders to make a valuable contribution while experiencing the reverence of this symbolic historic occasion,” he said. “Anzac Day is a reminder of the courage, resourcefulness, determination and mateship displayed by the Anzacs in 1915. “The contribution of the volunteers on the ground during the Anzac Day period is highly valued.

Those selected are partly subsidised for the costs of the trip, so they can assist with a range of activities including site preparation, crowd liaison and distributing information packs to visitors.” The Conservation Volunteer’s program runs from 18-29 April, with up to 30 places available. Volunteers must be over 18 years of age. Volunteer Josie Sargent from Coogee in New South Wales said her trip to Gallipoli this year was a valuable experience with a very organised group of professional, fun and knowledgeable people, passionate about their work and contributing in a worthwhile way to Australia. Fellow volunteer Stewart Peace from Moama in New South Wales added, “Being on the ground with Conservation Volunteers gave us an opportunity to contribute to the commemorations… and see the respect and reverence shown by all young Australian and New Zealanders [there].” The Australian and New Zealand Governments, together with the Turkish authorities, plan and facilitate the commemorative services for thousands of visitors to the Gallipoli Peninsula, including the Dawn Service, Australian service at Lone Pine and New Zealand service at Chunuk Bair. For more information on the volunteer program or to apply, phone 1800 032 501 or visit For more information about Anzac Day commemorations visit

13 Australian War Memorials (a continuing series)

The Royal Australian Regiment Association of Queensland Division volunteers have built and maintain a beautiful memorial to those members of the Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) who have died in the service of the Regiment. Firstly they acquired a large area within the confines of Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera, a suburb of Brisbane where they, with donations, assistance with labour and stores built a tremendous area of reflection and assembly featuring their memorial board of names. Behind the memorial building they built a meandering pathway through a planted area of trees depicting the wars that the RAR has been involved in since their inception in the Korean War. Each tree has a nameplate at its base of Regimental members who died in service with the RAR. They have incorporated picnic tables and a rest area near to the car park. The Memorial Wall and reflection area  Ceremonies on Kapyong Day, ANZAC Day, Vietnam Veterans Day and Remembrance Day are all conducted at the memorial. Entry is through the main entrance in Lloyd Street. As Gallipoli Barracks is a working Army Base, signing in is a mandatory requirement. Security buildings are just outside the main entrance and that is where visitors sign in. Everyone is welcome to visit this memorial.

Every member and ex member of the Royal Australian Regiment should put a visit to ‘their’ memorial on their list of places to visit when they are in Brisbane. The regimental volunteers deserve great credit for the unpaid work that they do in maintaining the memorial. They could be spotted doing something around it whenever I visit the site, which is often. Ed


Vale Lieutenant-General (Rtd) Sir Donald Dunstan AC KBE CB Minister Kenyon joins South Australians in paying tribute to the former Governor of South Australia, Sir Donald Dunstan, who died on Saturday aged 88. Sir Donald, who served as Governor of South Australia between 1982 and 1991, was a career Army officer, he graduated from the Royal Military College (RMC), Duntroon, in 1942. He served in infantry regimental appointments and as a junior staff officer in New Guinea, Bougainville and New Britain. He was second-in-command of 1st Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment in Korea in 1955, twice a member of the staff of the Royal Military College, and a member of the directing staff at the Australian Staff College and the British Army Staff College, Camberley. In 1964, he commanded 1 RAR and then the 1st Recruit Training Battalion. In 1968, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the Australian Task Force in South Vietnam. Subsequently, he commanded 10th Task Force. In 1970, he attended the Imperial Defence College in London. He returned to South Vietnam in 1971 as a Major General, Commander of the Australian Force. On his return to Australia, he was appointed Chief of Material, followed by the appointment as General Officer Commanding Field Force Command. Major General Dunstan was promoted Lieutenant General and served as Chief of General Staff for five years from 1977 to 1982. In 1982, Sir Donald succeeded Sir Keith Seaman as Governor of South Australia. “Sir Donald was born in Murray Bridge in 1923 and throughout his life remained proud of his South Australian connections,” Premier Rann said. “He served his nation with great distinction both as an army officer in three conflicts and as Governor of South Australia. “I remember the last time I saw Sir Donald was at the unveiling of the Vietnam War memorial at the Torrens Parade Ground in the city. “The memorial depicts an Australian soldier standing alongside a South Vietnamese comrade. “I know that Sir Donald’s attendance at the unveiling meant a great deal to the veterans that attended the service and to the families of those who lost their lives in the conflict.” Premier Rann said he and the Government extended their deepest condolences to Lady Dunstan and her family. As a former Governor of the State, Sir Donald’s family has been offered a State funeral.

VC CORNER Leslie Starcevich VC WX11519 Private Leslie Thomas STARCEVICH 2/43rd Australian Infantry Battalion AIF 28th June 1945, near Beaufort, British North Borneo "Private L. Starcevich was a member of 2/43rd Australian Infantry Battalion during the capture of Beaufort, North Borneo. During the approach along a thickly wooded spur, the enemy was encountered at a position where movement off the single track leading into the enemy defences was difficult and hazardous. When the leading section came under fire from two enemy machine-gun posts and suffered casualties, Private Starcevich, who was a Bren gunner, moved forward and assaulted each post in turn. He rushed each post firing his Bren gun from the hip, killed five enemy and put the remaining occupants of the posts to flight. The advance progressed until the section came under fire from two machine gun posts which halted the section temporarily. Private Starcevich again advanced fearlessly, firing his Bren gun from the hip and ignoring the hostile fire, captured both posts single handed, disposing of seven enemy. These daring efforts enabled the Company to increase the momentum of its attack and so relieve pressure on another Company which was attacking from another direction. The outstanding gallantry of Private Starcevich in carrying out these attacks single handed with complete disregard of his own personal safety resulted in the decisive success of the action" Leslie STARCEVICH was born on 5th September 1918 at Subiaco, Western Australia. He died on 17th November 1989 and was buried at Esperance, Western Australia.



Visit youtube presentation

(Push ctrl button and click on the link above to watch a video and the song)

Where the hills roll away, from a small country town, There are hearts filled with sorrow as the word spreads around, And the jackass won't laugh, as there's no jokes to hear, So let me tell you the reason for the pub with no beer. Broken down on the track, for she stripped every gear There's the old grey blitz wagon, the one with the beer And the driver's near mad, standin' scratchin' his ear He knows just what they're thinkin', at the pub with no beer. When the drover rides out and draws rein by the truck He joins in with the driver and curses their luck, "Where's Billy the blacksmith, we could do with him here" But Bill's moved on to Grafton where the brewery stands near. So the drover rides back, with a brilliant idea, He rides hard in the saddle 'til the town's drawin' near,


He dismounts in the lane and the dog cringes near, As the swaggie's just leavin' the pub with no beer. There's exitement all round as the drover tells where, The old blitz’s busted, on the plain way out there, 'Every man that can ride." says the drover to all, "Saddle up, lets get movin', and bring back the haul." When the boys rode back in, what a strange sight they made, They charged into the town, like the old light brigade, With tow ropes and tackle, they all pulled as one And the old blitz moved faster than she ever had done. Soon the kegs were rolled in, one was placed on the bar, They filled all the glasses, every jug and each jar Till the word passed around, and they all gave a cheer, And there was laughter once more, in the pub with no beer.



Dear Member, Annual dues are now payable for the financial year 2012 January to December 2012. Amount payable is only ₱1,500.00. for RSL Australian Service or Affiliate Members. OR !! RSL Philippines Social Member ₱700.00 (No Change from 2011) We will issue a Special card for Philippines only. Variation is due to the amount ACT Branch cash grab they are trying to impose (we leave it up to individuals to choose what you want !!.) You may choose how you pay by any of the following methods now available. Offshore Members can pay from any country outside the Philippines by PayPal found within our web site WWW.RSLANGELESCITY.COM and can use any credit card or Debit Card. (USD$35.00 or $20.00 ) Australian Members can DIRECT Transfer to our Commonwealth Bank of Australia Account. (AUD35.00 or $20.00) Account Name = Returned Services League Angeles City Sub Branch BSB 062 905 Account # 10153195 Philippine Resident Members living outside our immediate area may pay (₱1,500 or ₱700.00 ) DIRECT into any China Bank Branch Beneficiary Customer = ANGELES CITY RSL Account Number = 281-028301-5 Branch = SM CLARK CITY Members living in Angeles City can pay cash (₱1,500 or ₱700.00 ) DIRECT to Treasurer Vivian Hart 09278995842 or Secretary Dallas Drake 09165243084 who both have receipt books with them every Tuesday ( 2.00 p.m.) at Ponderosa or every Saturday evening (6.00 p.m.) at Phillies Sports & Grill Bar charity raffle.(see Bob Barnes) We trust you will stay with us and help build a stronger RSL Sub branch. Kind Regards, Dallas Drake .Honorary Secretary. November 10, 2011 DISCLAIMER The Angeles City Sub-Branch of the R&SLA, the Committee and the Editor take no responsibilities for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in this newsletter. Nor do they accept any liability for loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly for use of information contained in this newsletter. Nor do they warrant that articles or opinions published in this newsletter are necessarily the opinions held by the Sub-branch, the Committee or the Editor

“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance” Lest we forget

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