December RSL Monthly Newsletter

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Angeles City Sub Branch Philippines ‘Lest We Forget’ President Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer

James Curtis-Smith Rob Cairns Bob Barnes Dallas Drake Vivian Hart


Larry Smith

Email address’:

Clubhouse: Ponderosa Hotel

This is a typical Australian Christmas Day scene at the beach

2 NEWSLETTER # 57 ** December 2011

PRESIDENTS REPORT December 2011 At the time of writing this report, we in the Philippines are swamped with Christmas carols in the malls and even in the subdivisions from private homes, decorations and lights and a countdown to Christmas Day which started on ABS-CBN Channel 2 on the 1st September (being the first month in the year to end with “….ber”), the traditional start to the Christmas season in the Philippines. We finished our monthly Children’s Medical Missions for the year on December 3, with a mission at Mt. View at which 939 children attended, were examined by medical professionals and received medicines as prescribed. My thanks to the many supporters who attend the missions and assist, the nurses, the RSL “wags”, the members, local tanods from the barangays, but also to the many expats and visitors who support our weekly raffles at Emotions and Phillies which provide the funds to purchase the medicines we dispense. Missions will recommence on the first Saturday in March 2012. The other source of funds for the missions, is our annual Australia Day Fiesta held over a week around January 26 being Australia Day (for those who can’t remember!) Planning for the 2012 Fiesta is well advanced and our distinctive polo shirt is already on sale and available to all through many outlets. Tickets for our Monster Raffle (the big fund raiser) are on sale at most business houses along Fields and Perimeter Rd or from RSL members and I encourage members to get out and sell the tickets. Our annual Beauty Pageant on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 is organized and we are looking for entrants and also invite you to attend. This year the pageant is to be held at the Shanghai Palace reception area (on Mac Arthur Highway near Saver’s Mall) and tickets are available from Greg Harbutt at the Perimeter Sports Bar on Perimeter Rd. Numbers are limited and I encourage you to book and purchase your tickets early. Viv Hart due to work commitments, has had to suddenly tend his resignation as Treasurer. I thank Viv for his work and your Committee is urgently seeking a new Treasurer. If you are a member, (Service, Affiliate or Associate) and have any book keeping experience and can assist, please contact myself, Dallas or any member of the Sub Branch so we can discuss with you the job involved. Just this week we have received communication from the Branch, that our capitation fees payable to the Branch for 2012, will now revert and be held at AUD$5.00 for the year. This is a reversal of the earlier decision by the ACT Branch to which we were bound to increase those fees to AUD$24.00 and which was received with an angry response by our members. To those of you who have already renewed your membership for 2012 (now due), the effect of this reversed decision by Branch and details of your membership Affiliate, Service or Social and amounts paid, will be addressed by the Committee in the New Year and you will be advised. My thanks to Secretary Dallas, Col Whelan and Simon Mann for their efforts and submissions made to Branch which has resulted in this reversed decision of the Branch. Your renewal options remain the same save the increased fees, to remain a member of the RSL. Finally at this time let me get off my chest my abhorrence at the use of the words “Happy Holiday” to express greetings at this time of the year. It is a Christian festival which we celebrate and I unashamedly and with tradition in mind greet you all a




ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS We cordially welcome the following new members: John Davis (A/C) * Rick Sprinkle (A/C) * Michael Roath (A/C) * William Richards (A/C) * New Life Subscribers: Terry Clarke (A/C) * Mickey Carrol (QLD) * Brian Crawford (A/C) * Wilfred Dodd (A/C) * Scott Sims (Subic) * James Gillespie (UK) * A special mention here because long time member Guy Conley donated to our Sub Branch $US100 plus ₱10,000. We thank him greatly for his generous donation.

A FEW REMINDERS ****FIRST**** CHRISTMAS DINNER CLARKTON HOTEL * 2.30 PM DEC 25TH (ESTIMATE COST AT AROUND ₱750/HD. TWO TRIPS COMING UP AND WE ARE NOW TAKING THE RESERVATIONS****LIMITED ROOMS SO FIRST ON OUR LIST WILL GET THE ROOMS AT THE RSL RATES 1. NEW YEAR EVE FAMILY TRIP, DREAMLAND Subic Here’s how it works: DREAMLAND FRIDAY 30TH -SATURDAY 31ST AND JANUARY 1ST ** 4-DAYS 3 NIGHTS (SEE NOV NEWS LETTER FOR THE RATES) ECONOMY RATE STARTS ₱ 1300 ADVISE BY EMAIL THE ROOM TYPE YOU REQUIRE (note 5 deluxe already taken) ADD ₱ 500 PER ROOM FOR THE FIREWORKS AND PAY DALLAS NO LATER THAN PRESIDENT DRINKS DEC 20 ADVISE TRANSPORT !! BUS, PRIVATE, OR WANTS A RIDE ****SECOND**** 2. LINGAYEN TRIP +100 ISLANDS JAN 7-8-9 2012 TEN ROOMS ONLY BOOKED AT CAPITAL RESORT (note 5 are taken ) ** 3 DAYS TWO NIGHTS. ADVISE TRANSPORT, YOUR OWN !! OR REQUIRE HELP. ****THIRD**** PAYMENT OF ANNUAL DUES 2012 FINANCIAL YEAR Annual dues are now payable for the financial year 2012 January to December 2012. Amount payable is only ₱700.00 (No Change from 2011) We will issue a Special card for Philippines. You may choose how you pay by any of the following methods now available. Offshore Members can pay from any country outside the Philippines by PayPal found within our web site WWW.RSLANGELESCITY.COM and can use any credit card or Debit Card. ( $20.00 ) Australian Members can DIRECT Transfer to our Commonwealth Bank of Australia Account.( $20.00) Account Name = Returned Services League Angeles City Sub Branch BSB 062 905 Account # 10153195 Philippine Resident Members living outside our immediate area may pay (₱ 700.00 ) DIRECT into any China Bank Branch Beneficiary Customer=ANGELES CITY RSL Account Number = 281-028301-5 Branch = SM CLARK CITY

4 Members living in Angeles City can pay cash (₱700.00) DIRECT to Treasurer Vivian Hart 09278995842 or Secretary Dallas Drake 09165243084 who both have receipt books with them every Tuesday (2.00 p.m.) at Ponderosa or every Saturday evening (6.00 p.m.) at Phillies Sports & Grill Bar charity raffle. (see Bob Barnes) We trust you will stay with us and help build a stronger RSL Sub branch.

Kind Regards,  This is the new card that will be issued locally for those members who wish to join our sub branch as social members. (you won’t all get the name Dallas Drake however) Ed

PRESS Capitation fees that were to be charged at the full rate will not be instituted for the coming membership year. This is why the above rates have changed from previous notification of membership fee costs. Ed ****RSL EVENTS SCHEDULE*****

January 2012 Weekly Raffle NOW EVERY Wednesday at Emotions Nite Club at 6.00 PM. Phillies Sports & Grill Raffle every Saturday at 6.00 PM. Tuesday 3rd January 2012 ** 12.30 PM Committee Meeting Australia Day Fiesta followed by General Committee 1.30pm 4.00 pm. Eruption Bar & Dr.Holms Monday 9th January 2012 11.00 am Lingayen Memorial WW2 ** Liberation of Luzon. Tuesday 10Th January 2012 ** 2.00PM Ponderosa, Social Tuesday 3.00pm then Stampede & Cherry’s Tuesday 17th January 2012 ** Monthly General Meeting 2.00 pm Ponderosa ** 4.00pm Angel Witch ** Coyote Ugly Tuesday 24Th January 2012 ** 2.00pm Social Tuesday** 4.00pm Body Shop**Lollipop**Rhapsody Wednesday 25th January 2012 ** 6.00 pm Shanghai Palace Ballroom ** BEAUTY PAGEANT Sunday 29th January 2012 ** AUSTRALIA DAY FIESTA** 12NOON **FIELDS AVE (be there for a great day) Tuesday 31st January 2012**2.00pm Social Tuesday ** Paradise** Walk-About


Monday 12 December 2011 VA112 CONTINUING SUPPORT FOR VETERANS OVER THE FESTIVE SEASON With Christmas less than two weeks away, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Warren Snowdon, today wished veterans and their families a safe and happy Christmas and New Year period. “I hope that our veterans, serving men and women, ex-service communities and their families enjoy the holiday season and have a well-deserved break,” Mr Snowdon said. “In particular, my thoughts are with the families and friends who have lost loved ones this year in Afghanistan, for them I expect Christmas will be a difficult time.” “The festive season can also be a challenging and lonely time.” he said. “I ask everyone to think of others this Christmas, please take the time to visit elderly relatives, drop around to your neighbour’s house or give them a call and make sure that all is well.” The Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ offices will close at 5 pm on Friday 23 December 2011 and will re-open at 9 am Tuesday 3 January 2012. During this time, a range of important DVA services will be available to the veteran community including: Crisis counselling - 24-hour crisis counselling through Veterans’ Line. This service is available toll free on 1800 011 046 to veterans of all conflicts and their families, including members of peace operations; Transport - while the transport booking service will be closed, transport remains available if it is booked prior to the Christmas period, alternatively it can be paid for up-front and reimbursement sought from DVA at a later date; Hospital admissions - doctors can admit DVA patients into hospital and request admissions approval, if required, when DVA reopens on Tuesday 3 January 2011; And Defence Services Homes Insurance - help with policy and claim enquiries is available 24-hours a day on 1300 552 662, while payments can be made on 1300 304 989 for the cost of a local call or through the website Pension pay days will not be affected by the Christmas and New Year arrangements. DVA offices will also be closed for Australia Day on Thursday 26 January 2011. “Again, I wish all veterans and their families a very happy Christmas and New Year,” Mr Snowdon said.

Don’t forget to buy your tickets in the RSL MONSTER RAFFLE associated with the Australia Day Fiesta. Look left and see the value of the prizes. Limited tickets are also available for the beauty pageant and are available at Perimeter Sports Bar, so get in early.


US stands silent for Pearl Harbor 70th anniversary PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii — By Rob Shikina (AFP Survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor joined in a moment's silence Wednesday, as flags were lowered across the country to mark the 70th anniversary of Japan's history-changing attack. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta recalled how the surprise Japanese assault "awoke a sleeping giant" as the United States responded by joining its European allies in World War II. Crowds gathered at Pearl Harbor, west of Honolulu, bowed their heads for a moment to mark 7:55 am (1755 GMT), the exact time when the devastating Japanese air bombardment began on the morning of December 7, 1941. "Seventy years ago... our nation sustained a cruel and destructive attack. Our enemies thought that by this sudden and deliberate raid they could weaken America," said Panetta, in a letter read out to the memorial. "Instead they only strengthened it. That day truly awoke a sleeping giant." The crowd applauded as dozens of survivors of attack were asked to stand, some saluting, shortly after a flypast by three F22 jets in the blue skies over the Hawaii ceremony. Ceremonies were held from the Pacific island state of Hawaii to Washington DC on the US East Coast to remember the 2,400 Americans who died when Japan launched a devastating surprise attack. President Barack Obama called for the Stars and Stripes to be flown at half- mast on federal buildings across the country, to mark National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. "We salute the veterans and survivors of Pearl Harbor who inspire us still. Despite overwhelming odds, they fought back heroically, inspiring our nation and putting us on the path to victory," Obama said in a statement. Some 2,400 people were killed in the two-hour Japanese attack on the US Pacific Fleet, anchored in Hawaii, while some 20 ships were sunk or damaged and 164 planes destroyed.

7 Denouncing "a date which will live in infamy," President Franklin Roosevelt declared war on Japan, leading the United States into World War II at a time when many of his countrymen had hoped to avoid the conflict. For decades, some conspiracy theorists have believed that president Roosevelt had received intelligence about the Japanese attack before it happened, but willingly chose not to act on it. The theory goes that Roosevelt believed the shock of the attack would persuade Americans of the need to enter the war. It is based on the fact that US military radar failed to detect the approach of six Japanese aircraft carriers with 400 planes on board, which stopped 220 miles (350 km) from their target. But the theory has been dismissed by some experts. "It's a legend," says military historian Daniel Martinez, who works for the Pearl Harbor National Monument in Hawaii. "This is the kind of conspiracy theory fabricated for the profit of writing a book." Whatever the truth, the day after Pearl Harbor, the US Congress officially declared war on Japan. Three days later, Germany declared war on the United States. The US entry into the war was to change the course of the conflict. In his tribute Wednesday, Hawaiian-born Obama drew parallels to the current "9/11 generation" which went off to war in Afghanistan and Iraq following the September 11 attacks in 2001. "We resolve to always take care of our troops, veterans and military families as well as they've taken care of us," Obama said. Republicans vying for the chance to succeed Obama in the White House also issued statements observing the historic date. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in a tweet urged her supporters to "please remember the victims of the PearlHarbor attacks. The 'date of infamy' that forever changed America happened 70 years ago today."

ANOTHER REMINDER We advised everyone in the November newsletter that the Australia Day Fiesta is on in the last week of January 2012, starting with the Miss Australia/Philippines Beauty Pageant being held at the Shanghai Palace Ballroom along MacArthur Highway on evening of 25 January 2012. Also our Australia Day Fiesta polo shirts are available through the RSL at â‚ą500 and at other points of sale locally. Get one and wear it during the fiesta and promote our RSL and their sponsors.


RATS OF TOBRUK REMEMBERED 70 YEARS ON Australians are encouraged to remember the courage and ingenuity of the famous Rats of Tobruk on the 70th anniversary of the end of the Siege of Tobruk, where their legend was forged.

A patrol from the 2/13th Infantry Battalion at Tobruk The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Warren Snowdon, said 7 December marked 70 years since the end of the eight-month long siege of Tobruk, one of the most famously fought battles of the Second World War involving Australians. Between April and December 1941, around 14,000 Australians from the 9th and 7th Divisions fought alongside British, Indian, Czechoslovakian and Polish allies to take on the larger GermanItalian army, in the North African port town of Tobruk. “This group of brave men, came to wear the name of ‘Rats’ with pride, while courageously holding the town of Tobruk for 242 days, despite repeated ground assaults and almost constant bombing from the Germans,” Mr Snowdon said. “They encountered terrible conditions, enduring the heat and the dust of the desert, some of the men took to digging tunnels underground to take shelter, as they bravely held Tobruk and dealt the Germans their first defeat on land of the Second World War.” During the eight-month siege, more than 800 Australian troops were killed, more than 2,100 were wounded and 941 Australians were taken prisoner. The ‘Rats’ earned their name from German propagandist William Joyce, known as Lord Haw Haw, who intended it to be insult, but the Australian soldiers embraced it as a badge of honour. “Today, the ‘Rats’ conjure images of resilience, tenacity and strength in the face of great adversity.” “These men are national treasures and we continue to honour their courage and triumph against great odds,” Mr Snowdon said. Major commemorative activities to mark the 70th Anniversary of the start of the Siege of Tobruk were held across the nation earlier in April this year. ***** ****** ******

Another wheelchair has been donated to a needy family named Gueco. 16 year old Raul’s life will change drastically now that he and the family are finally mobile. This chair has extras, which include: reclining back, adjustable footrests and a toilet potty etc. RSL WAG’s Jenky Cairns and Jane Drury, far left, made the delivery. Special thanks also to Grandview Towers- Philippine Land Group who managed to make availability of this particular chair possible.


AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIALS (a continuing series) HMAS SYDNEY II Glistening in the sunlight overlooking the City of Geraldton (in Western Australia), and the Indian Ocean, the stainless steel Dome of the HMAS Sydney Memorial is comprised of 645 seagulls representing each of the 645 lost sailors. The concept was inspired by the incident, when a flock of silver Gulls swooped over the assembled crowd, during the Memorial Site Dedication Ceremony, 19th November 1998, while the Last Post rang out in the evening air, at sunset, the last recorded moment in time when HMAS Sydney was seen. Traditionally, the seagull personified the souls of lost sailors and in this context these elemental symbols form a link with the men of HMAS Sydney II, as spirits flying free between water and sky. The canopy thus formed, becomes an open filigree stainless steel structure, redolent of the sound of sea and wind creating a sense of disembodiment and peace, as a graceful distillation of the overall concept.

HMAS Sydney II On November 19, 1941, the cruiser HMAS Sydney II (eight 6 inch guns and eight 21 inch torpedo tubes), was commanded by Captain Joseph Burnett, RAN, and approximately 150 miles south-west of Carnarvon, W.A., and steaming on a southerly course to Fremantle, W.A. About 5.30 p.m (WA time). she sighted a merchant vessel about 12 miles range. As the range closed Sydney tried to ascertain the stranger’s identity. After confused signalling the other ship identified herself as the Dutch ship Straat Malakka. She was actually the disguised German raider Kormoran (six 5.9 inch guns and six 21 inch torpedo tubes). When the HMAS Sydney II ordered her to make her secret call sign, the German Captain, Commander Theodor Detmers, realised he could not bluff his way clear and had no alternative but to fight. At 6.30 p.m (WA time), Kormoran unmasked her guns and opened a devastating fire on the Australian cruiser, simultaneously hitting her with a torpedo. The Sydney was soon ablaze with her forward turrets wrecked. However, her after guns returned a short but effective fire, hitting the Kormoran in the engine room and causing a fire that eventually was to prove fatal to the raider. Down by the bow, she turned as if to ram the German ship or to bring her starboard torpedo tubes to bear.

10 She passed close astern of Kormoran and narrowly missed her with a salvo of torpedoes. All the time she was under fire from the raider’s guns. She limped off into the evening well ablaze and her glare could be distinguished until 11 p.m (WA time). after which only occasional flickerings could be seen and these had vanished by midnight. Meanwhile, Kormoran’s crew had abandoned ship and the raider blew up at 1.30 a.m (WA time). Seventy-eight of Kormoran’s complement of 393 were lost. The survivors were picked up by other ships or reached the West Australian coast. None of Sydney’s 645 men survived.

STAND TO’ TIME I insert this article as a ‘stand to’ or ‘heads up’ on a subject very few veterans would be aware of. It is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which both parties in the current government are very keen to set up and get implemented. Thanks to Jock O’Neill who has always has a finger on the pulse, we have managed to get a bit of an idea about the NDIS and the possible effects on DVA pensioners. Here is what Jock has followed up and wants known: All Ranks. I urge you to take the NDIS matter very serious as there is potential in the negotiation and draft stages leading to legislation that may have implications on our DVA Disability Pensions including the Special Rate. The situation needs to be clarified at every stage of drafting before it is ready to be presented as a Bill as then it will be too late for protestations as the matter has the support of both Labor and the Coalition. The NDIS is an issue long overdue to be addressed if Australia considers itself an enlightened society the mark of which is how well we treat and looks after the needs of those unable to care or need help in caring for themselves. However we should not be foolish enough to think that Veterans entitlements are quarantined from the effects of change such a national scheme will bring. Indicated in the heading paragraph from DVA. If our entitlements with their current defects can be considered best practice then our civilian disabled colleagues should be raised to that standard. Not the converse which governments have a tendency to do and shift standards to the lowest common denominator. On the positive side progress could be made to enhance the lot of both civilian and ADF disabled while maintaining revenue neutrality. I refer to the impost on workplace participation by the spouse of a disabled that the current income test to the disabled pension incurs. Where the impost was removed it would encourage workplace participation by the spouse leading to improved productivity in utilising an already skilled worker. There would also be less need to imported labour with the inherent expense thereof while at the same time contribution to the raising an Australian impoverished family’s finances out of welfare. The government coffers would also gain by removing the income test impost through the contributions of the working spouse to income tax, superannuation and Medicare. Thus paying for their own health and age costs. I urge you all to keep a close watch on the development of the NDIS and to participate actively and thoughtfully in the process. NB: Concerning the politicians with portfolio responsibility for DVA, Warren Snowdon (ALP) and Michael Ronaldson (Liberal) neither chose to respond to my prior enquiry on the NDIS which may indicate nefarious undertones. I enclose the response from the Department of Veterans' Affairs as directed by Secretary Ian Campbell. Jock O'Neill (address and contact details deleted by editor)

11 From: McCurdy, Fiona (DVA) To: Cc: Campbell, Ian Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 2:43 PM Subject: RE: Politicians unite to hurry disability insurance scheme Good afternoon Mr O'Neill, Thank you for your email to the Secretary in regards to whether the forthcoming National Disability Insurance Scheme will impact on any part of the Department's client base. The Secretary has asked that I reply on his behalf. I have been advised that there will be implications for DVA clients in that benefits and services under the proposed and the existing schemes will overlap. The Government will need to decide on the extent to which benefits will continue under the new and existing schemes, as well as access arrangements for those who are eligible under existing schemes. Veterans, members of the ADF and their dependents will continue to have access to compensation and services under legislation administered by DVA. We are continuing to monitor developments and are consulting with all relevant agencies and authorities in the lead up to the 2013 introduction of the proposed scheme. Kind regards, Fiona McCurdy Executive Officer | Repatriation Commission GPO Box 9998, CANBERRA ACT 2601 P: 02 6289 4832 | F: 02 6289 6257 | M: 0424 588 009 WHAT IS GOING ON AT ACT BRANCH HQ ?????

The structure of the Returned & Services League of Australia, known as the RSL, has a National Headquarters, each State and Territory has State HQ and under the state HQ we have Sub Branches. Overseas sub branches come under the administrative control of the Australian Capital Territory Branch (ACT Br). Each HQ have their meetings at whatever periods determined by them. In the case of the ACT Br, each sub branch are invited to send along two members as a delegation to put forward sub branch business. This is however difficult for overseas sub branches to send a delegation. At the last meeting in Canberra, our sub branch asked one of our Canberra based members to represent us at that meeting as we had some pressing issues we needed presenting. For reasons unknown to us, our representative, when asked where and when/time the meeting was on was virtually fobbed off, discouraged from attending and when asked where he lived was chastised for not belonging to an ACT sub branch. After being told he would be called back with the information on timings etc, was not. Hence we lost the opportunity to present our concerns to a meeting that we rightfully had entitlement to attend. Not to be outdone, one of our members who now lives in Melbourne, Col Whelan made the trip to Canberra and had meetings with the hierarchy of our Branch and received a good audience. Col presented our sub branch, what we do, how we do it, problems that we have (they are mostly ACT centric and tyranny of distance). As a result of his representation, the capitation fee issue that we had has now been placed on hold for the immediate future. We thank Colin for his taking the time to drive several hundred kilometres from Melbourne to Canberra and speak to our Branch executive on our behalf. Well done Col. Ed


BOOK REVIEW New Release Just A Nasho (Revised) Fast moving informative and to the point. Not politically correct. Calls a spade, a spade. Veterans will shed a tear and will relive the good and bad memories when they were ten feet tall and bullet proof. This is a story entailing the national service background history 1951-59, 1965-72. Personal stories, poems, and the vivid, almost fact of nine men, nine lives. A section of soldiers serving in Vietnam in an infantry battalion, both regulars and national servicemen. Price $20.00 post and handling in AUSTRALIA IS $5.00 CONTACT AUTHOR BILL PARRY ON: email: or RING: 07-32040950 OR MOB:+61419706975. NO EFPOS. Money Orders or Cheques preferred made out to W. O. Parry BROADBAND NETWORK PROVIDES IN-HOME HEALTHCARE The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Warren Snowdon, and the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, today announced an $8 million trial which will enable chronically ill veterans to have their health monitored by health professionals without leaving their home. Mr Snowdon said the use of in-home telemonitoring technology, combines the best of the National Broadband Network (NBN) high speed broadband with chronic care management to benefit many in our veteran community. “This trial will take advantage of reliable, high-speed and high-capacity broadband capability to change the way health services are delivered to the veteran community and allow veterans to access high-quality health care from home. “Vital statistics will be monitored from home and veterans will also have access to high definition video consultations with their GP or nurse coordinator when required. “This will ensure the veterans’ health can be observed, any irregularities can be identified and appropriate GP intervention provided in a timely manner,” he said. Around 300 veterans will be able to participate in the trial in the NBN early release areas of Toowoomba in Queensland, Coffs Harbour and Armidale in New South Wales, Mandurah and Geraldton in Western Australia and Kingston Beach in Tasmania, commencing from July 2012. Mr Snowdon said veterans in the trial would have an individual health care plan developed for them in consultation with their GP and a nurse coordinator. “Overseas experience has shown that tele-monitoring can have significant health benefits for those involved, including more responsive management of chronic conditions.” Importantly, the program will be closely linked with the Coordinated Veterans’ Care Program, which provides ongoing, planned and coordinated care, led by a general practitioner (GP) with a nurse coordinator, to eligible veterans who have chronic conditions, complex care needs and are at risk of an unplanned hospitalisation.

13 Senator Conroy said the trial is an example of the exciting and transformational opportunities enabled by the NBN, and contributes to the Australian Government’s vision for Australia as a world leading digital economy by 2020. “The NBN is the platform that will connect veterans and their health care teams, providing an avenue for care that is ideally suited to many people within our veteran community,” Senator Conroy said. All information will be provided via a secure format and the safety and privacy of personal data will be protected. “The Australian Government is committed to initiatives that are innovative and improve the health of all Australians, utilising a tool such as the NBN to assist our veterans stay to in their own homes for longer is a positive step forward.” “This announcement builds on the key health reform initiatives such as Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record System to help streamline communication between the various health professionals involved in a veteran’s care, and the Coordinated Veterans’ Care Program,” Senator Conroy said. More information about the new project is available at *****



WORLD WAR TWO RAAF PILOT FORMALLY IDENTIFIED The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, Warren Snowdon, today announced the formal identification of a Royal Australian Air Force Spitfire pilot who disappeared in France during World War Two. "Sergeant William James Smith and his spitfire aircraft were discovered buried underground last month by a film crew producing a World War Two documentary in Hardifort, Northern France. "The film crew were searching for a Czech aircraft when they unexpectedly discovered human remains and stopped filming," Mr Snowdon. The find follows the discovery of another Spitfire in the Orne River in northern France in 2010 with the remains of Flight Lieutenant Henry 'Lacy' Smith, who was buried with full military honours in Normandy, France in 2011. Sergeant William James Smith was originally from Whittlesea in Victoria and was posted to RAAF Number 457 Squadron, which was attached to the Royal Air Force during World War 2. "Twenty four year old Sergeant Smith was lost on operations on 9 May 1942. 457 Squadron had been escorting a bombing mission over enemy occupied territory to Bruges, Belgium. The squadron had engaged with approximately 20-25 FW190 aircraft on its homeward journey. "Sergeant Smith was last seen by his Squadron near the coast of France engaged in a dogfight with an enemy aircraft at 20,000 feet over the English Channel," Mr Snowdon. In the post operation report, the Commanding Officer noted that Sergeant Smith was a good and popular pilot, "whose quiet calm way of going about his duties gave confidence to his fellow pilots. He had been recommended for his commission". "I am thankful for the service and sacrifice of Sergeant Smith. His identification means that he will receive a burial with the dignity and respect he deserves. "Sergeant Smith will be reinterred at the nearest Commonwealth War Grave cemetery in France next year," Mr Snowdon said. The Royal Australian Air Force has informed Sergeant Smith's next of kin, who request their privacy at this time. Identification was based on official war records, including last known sightings of Sergeant Smith's location, identification of the aircraft type and a number of personal artefacts, including Royal Australian Air Force uniform items and an Identification Disc inscribed with Sergeant Smith's name and Identification Number. GET WELL QUICK Our good member Lee Townsend is currently in hospital in Western Australia after having a third of a lung removed because it was found to be cancerous. Lee in his usual casual manner advises that all is well, hardly any pain at all, similar to getting a tooth pulled. He is hopeful of being sent home in a couple of days. He discourages visitors as he reckons the parking is atrocious. Lee thanks all his mates who sent their best wishes. Get well quickly Lee and head up to Angeles and tell us your hospital war stories. FROM YOUR RSL MATES

14 OUR UNBELIEVABLY PATHETIC FEDERAL MPs! ....Snouts in the trough again! But Veterans justice is not affordable....Military super indexation, Pension rises for disabled diggers, removing copayments for essential medicines....all this unaffordable. Pollies motto: Greed is Good. It has been reported that Prime Minister Julia Gillard is to receive an increase in salary of $90,000 PA whilst backbenchers, on which their over indulgent Politician superannuation payments are based, will receive a $40,000 PA INCREASE? This is of course courtesy of the supposed neutral "Remuneration Tribunal"? (confirmed on 15 December 2011) It just so happens the backbencher largess of $40,000 PA is nearly twice the average amount of DFRDB entitlements of $23,549 PA for FY 2009/10! And we paid 5.5% towards our superannuation pre tax so in reality we paid closer to 8 %. How incredibally pathetic is that, considering that only two weeks ago Treasurer Wayne Swan announced a Budget Deficit of $37.1 BILLION for FY 2011/12? and severe cuts to essential services and other community programs. There is still white hot anger out there with the veteran community over the knocking back of reasonable indexation of Defence Superannuation payments. This gives the appearance that the bill for fair indexation was knocked back because the politicians may not have been able to get their PAY INCREASES. How timely also was the announcement from the Federal Treasurer about the budget cuts. Left to right, in the cartoon above, what I thought was a real pig eating swill, the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition and the NEW Speaker in the House of Representatives. Ed

***** ***** ***** DISCLAIMER The Angeles City Sub-Branch of the R&SLA, the Committee and the Editor take no responsibilities for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in this newsletter. Nor do they accept any liability for loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly for use of information contained in this newsletter. Nor do they warrant that articles or opinions published in this newsletter are necessarily the opinions held by the Sub-branch, the Committee or the Editor

This is where our members who have made bookings will be staying over the New Year Eve/Day celebrations. Better get bookings done now if you haven’t already done so !!!

15 Sequel to the pub with no beer (“Sung to the original “Pub with no Beer” tune.)

It won't happen again, at the pub way out back Since they air freight the beer, and are done with the track They've gone all real modern, as you soon will hear Now it's all ancient history, the pub with no beer The drover we knew, rests his horse now for keeps And he rides 'round the town, in the latest of jeeps There's the old swaggy now, he's a different man too With a joke he'll say don't step on my blue suede shoes The pub has no verandah, it's a new smart drive in Where they serve you with cocktails, liqueurs and gin There's no dog in the lane, and there's no hitching post The boss is no barman, he's known as mine host

Older Billy the blacksmith, shot home like a gun And rebuilt the old place, with money he'd won Now he'll service your car, with the greatest of care Since there's no need for horses, on the plains way out there When it's all said and done, there was no need to curse Although things were bad, they might have been worse The locals so proud, all make this their boast More money rolls in, than along the Gold Coast So it's lonesome no more, at the new Hotel Grande Where there's laughter and song, plus a rock and roll band But the old timers smile, through the laughter and cheer 'Cause they remember the days, when the pub had no beer




Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year !!! FROM YOUR EDITOR OF OUR SUB BRANCH NEWSLETTER I wanted to send some sort of holiday greeting to our members and readers, but it is difficult in today's world to know exactly what to say without offending someone. So I met with my lawyer yesterday, and on advice I wish to say the following: Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non addictive, gender neutral celebration of the summer solstice holiday practised with the most enjoyable traditions of religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice with respect for the religious / secular persuasions and / or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2012 , but not without due respect for the calendar of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make our country great ( not to imply that Australia is necessarily greater than any other country ) and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee. By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her / him or others and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. The wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher. Best Regards (without prejudice) Name withheld (Privacy Act).


I put this Christmas carol in a newsletter a couple of years ago, but we have had many new members join since then, so I think it appropriate that I replicate it here for this Christmas. Ed For those of us Aussies who will not be in Australia for Christmas, here is a little reminder of what it is like, sung to the tune of Jingle Bells Dashing through the bush, in a rusty Holden ute  Kicking up the dust, Esky in the boot,  Kelpie by my side, singing Christmas songs,  Its summer time and I am in my, singlet, shorts and thongs. Chorus Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way, Christmas in Australia on a scorching summer's day, Oh! jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut, Oh what fun it is to ride, in a dusty Holden ute. Engine's getting hot, we dodge the kangaroos, The swaggie climbs aboard, he is welcome too. All the family is there, sitting by the pool, Christmas day in the Aussie way, by the bar-b-que

Chorus Come the afternoon, grandpa has a doze, The kids and Uncle Bruce, are swimming in their clothes, The time comes round to go, we take a family snap, And pack the car and all shoot through Before the washing up. Oh! Chorus For our international Aussie Jingle Bells: 1. Holden 2. Ute 3. Esky 4. Kelpie 5. Thongs 6. Beaut 7. Swaggie 8. Snap 9. Shoot Through

members, some explanations on some of the Aussie words used in Australian brand GM car. Otherwise known as a pick-up or truck. What Aussie’s call a cooler. Australian working dog. Footwear, not what some women wear as underwear these days. Aussie way of saying ‘terrific’. Hobo or vagabond. Photo or picture Depart or ‘get out of there’


A Happy New Year fireworks scene from Sydney’s iconic Harbour Bridge HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY, SEE YOU IN 2012

“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance” Lest we forget

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