STAR Board Recruitment 2023-2024

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STAR? Board recruitment 2023 Apply now to become a member of the XLVIth STAR Board and lead the biggest study association of Europe
Are you ready to lead RSM

STAR Board

Are you ready for your next challenge? Are you looking to gain managerial work experience? Do you want to develop yourself both personally and professionally? Apply now to become a member of the STAR Board and start an incredible year.

A board year at STAR offers the unique opportunity to experience the real business world while developing your professional and social skills at an exponential rate. The STAR Board is responsible for the entire study association RSM STAR, which is the largest student-run study association in Europe. As a member of the board, you will initiate and supervise projects, manage people, display leadership, and develop and execute a long-term strategy. Together with eight other board members, you will learn about your strengths and

STAR’s rich history and professional image enable valuable connections to hundreds of companies and university staff. STAR organises huge recruitment events, study trips, study support, and the best social events.

Supervise a total of over 300 active members who are part of committees and boards and find ways to best cater to the needs of RSM students.

At the core of all that STAR does is our mission to enrich the life of all RSM students. What innovations are needed to keep adding value to the students? What is the best long-term strategy to stay relevant?

Work on answering questions like these in the policy every board gets to decide on every year. Leave your mark and pave the way forward.

Besides the learning experience, doing a board year is incredibly fun. Attend drinks, dinners, exclusive events, and the best parties. Meet hundreds of new people and make friends for life. A board year will keep surprising you!

This is your chance to maximize your personal and professional development

General information

After having received the appropriate training to start the board year, the members officially start in July 2023. It is a full-time job and you are expected to attend STAR events outside work hours. However, there is a lot of freedom in how the Board decides to schedule its work hours.

Often, a board year is done during a gap year. However, it is definitely possible to still finish some courses that you may have left of your BSc or MSc. It is not possible to combine a normal study workload (i.e. 60 ECTS) with a board year.

Selection process

After filling out the application form online, you will be invited for your first interview. The first interview is meant to get to know each other better, talk about a board year in general, and to provide more information about the specific functions and to manage expectations. After this interview, you may be selected for a second interview. For the second interview, we will ask you to prepare cases for specific functions after which you will explain your choices and answers in your second interview. After the second interview, you will be informed whether you are selected to be on the Board or not.

The STAR Board members receive financial compensation (“bestuursmaanden”) for their work. Dutch students also have the opportunity to keep receiving DUO support.

For general recruitment related questions, please contact our recruitment officer Sander Bruggeman via Do you have questions for specific board members? Schedule a coffee with one or more board members via rsmstar.

Application deadline

23:59h, 16th of April, 2023

Open to all RSM (Pre-)MSc and BSc students.

Workload Financial compensation More information

STAR in numbers

Since 1977, STAR has been the official study association of Rotterdam School of Management...

We are the biggest study associaton of Europe, having 6,500 passive members...

Every year, we organise more than 450 events and 20 study trips, made possible by our 300+ active members....

We have over 50 committees and boards, of which ca. 22 members work full-time on recruitment events and consulting projects...

STAR is led by 9 full-time board members and governed by a Verification Committee and Supervisory Board.

XLVth STAR Board

Stijn Ouwerkerk Chairman Anouk van Balen Secretary Patrick Stam Treasurer Mickey Kuiper Commercial Relations Manager Marc Slokker Brand Manager Caroline Janse Project Manager Bachelor Sophie van der Zandt Project Manager Master Lotus de Vries Project Manager Career Sander Bruggeman Information Processes Manager

Application process

1. Find out what position suits you best

Read this brochure carefully to learn more about each position. If you need more information before making a decision, schedule a (virtual) coffee with a board member at

2. Apply online

Apply online through

3. Don’t be late

The application deadline is April 16th, 2023 at 23:59h. Late applications will not be accepted.

4. Schedule your interview

After the application deadline, we will call you to schedule an interview with you. Please call us back when we could not reach you.

5. Have the interview(s)

Based on your first interview, we will make our decision whether to invite yu for a second interview. Before the second interview, you will need to make some functional cases that will be discussed during the second interview. For the positions of Chairman and Treasurer, three interviews will need to take place.

6. Congratulations!

After the interviews, you will receive a phone call from us whether you are selected for the position or not. Let the adventure begin!


As Chair, you are leading the association and ultimately responsible for its performance. The position of chairman consists of many different responsibilities, which makes creating a clear structure and overview a crucial part of the job. Your priority is to support your fellow board members in their professional and personal growth in order for them to perform optimally. Also, you will represent STAR at numerous occasions, both internally and externally. In addition, you are responsible for determining, monitoring, and executing STAR’s long term strategy and policy, in order to make sure the association stays relevant. Can you lead a team, make difficult decisions, and track the long-term development of STAR?

What will be your responsibilities?

• Bearing the ultimate responsibility for the association;

• Leading and supporting fellow board members;

• Representing STAR on internal and external occasions;

• Being responsible for STAR’s long-strategy;

• Guiding other chairmen within STAR;

• Relationship management with the faculty, university, and other associations;

• Communicating with the Supervisory Board.

“I enjoyed the variety of my tasks the most as Chairman of STAR. By engaging with my fellow board members and committees, while also working on STAR’s strategy, every day is truly different!”
- Stijn Ouwerkerk, Chairman of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-2023)


As Secretary, you are the backbone of the entire organization. You facilitate the planning of all events and trips, keeping you in the loop about everything. You manage relationships with multiple stakeholders, are the first contact person for (active) members and supervise the board assistant. The best part of your job is the freedom to be involved with various modules, policy-making, and other projects through which you can make a huge long-term impact. All these different responsibilities make your days very dynamic. Are you ready to work on a diverse range of projects while keeping a perfect overview of the whole association?

What will be your responsibilities?

• Knowing STAR like no one else;

• Keeping a perfect overview of the year planning;

• Being the first contact person for a wide range of stakeholders;

• Enhancing the social dynamics within the association;

• Being proactive and picking up various projects;

• Working on a variety of projects at once.

“All of the freedom allowed me to maintain control and overview of my job and the projects I supervised. It is an honor to do so much for the active members and make their year successful!”
- Anouk van Balen, Secretary of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-2023)


As Treasurer, it is your task to safeguard the financial health of the entire association. In general, you will be responsible for STAR’s overall financial policy, making payments, invoicing, and financially guiding the board and committees and helping them where you can. You will learn to combine financial knowledge, hard skills, and people management. Are you up for a challenge, do you have a structured way of working, are you decisive in difficult situations, and can you handle the financial responsibilities of being the treasurer of the 45th STAR Board? Then this position is made for you!

What will be your responsibilities?

• Guiding the financial continuity of STAR;

• Making a budget for the entire association and aiming for a zero-budget result;

• Supervising all flagship budgets;

• Guiding and challenge fellow board members and active members in budgetting and financial decision-making;

• Making tough decisions confidently;

• Finding solutions to financial and operational challenges;

“Being the treasurer of the biggest study association in Europe comes with a lot of responsibilities, but also many opportunities to develop yourself. I learned a lot in the field of financial management and developed my interpersonal skills through collaboration with your board and committee members. In addition, through the financial policy you can really affect the direction the association goes to!”
- Patrick Stam, Treasurer of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-2023)

Commercial Relations Manager

As Commercial Relations Manager, you are the money-maker of the team. The success of many projects of STAR highly depends on the acquisition revenue you generate. You will also lead the association in its long-term commercial strategy to sensure the association is future-proof. Besides, you are responsible for maintaining relationships with the biggest multinationals. This means that you not only focus on short-term advantages but also need to have a longterm orientation. You will also provide guidance in reference to the commercial processes of all committees. Strenghten relationships, create win-win situations, and negotiate 5-digit contracts. Are you up for the challenge of managing and improving STAR’s relationship with the corporate world?

What will be your responsibilities?

• Being in charge of STAR’s entire corporate network and leading the contact with STAR’s corporate partners;

• Guiding all STAR’s commercials by giving commercial advice;

• Thinking of innovative ideas to introduce students to career opportunities;

• Closing 5-digit contracts with multinational companies;

• Selling the biggest recruitment platform of the university, Erasmus Recruitment (ER);.

“The unique value proposition of STAR makes it a pleasure to be STAR’s Commercial Relations Manager. The largest companies are looking for the value you have to offer and that allows you to enter into unique partnerships”
- Mickey Kuiper, Commercial Relations Manager of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-2023)

Brand Manager

As Brand Manager, you are in charge of managing all marketing-related activities. STAR is a strong and well-known brand at the Erasmus University, and it is up to you to maintain and improve the quality and value of this brand. You will create a marketing strategy, design promotional materials and will be responsible for the social media channels. You will guide every committee in the field of marketing. Besides this, you will develop and launch campaigns for STAR as a whole to bring the association to higher levels. You are organised, creative, involved and interested in the results of your campaigns. Can you capture STAR’s (potential) value and express it?

What will be your responsibilities?

• Maintaining and improving the STAR brand;

• Guiding the marketing activities of all committees;

• Supervising the Eurekaweek committee and Marketing Team;

• Developing, designing and executing large campaigns;

• Gaining insights in your campaigns through the use of analytics;

• Supporting all full-time marketeers of STAR’s flagships;

• Initiating new projects to express STAR’s values;

• Monitoring and managing of STAR’s social media accounts;

• Designing and approving STAR’s promotional materials.

“As the Brand Manager, I was able to use my creativity to design new marketing materials and engage our active members. Thinking about a strategy, implementing it and seeing your ideas come to life is unbelievably rewarding!”
- Marc Slokker, Brand Manager of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-2023)

Project Manager BSc

As Project Manager Bachelor, you will be responsible for the supervision, guidance, and coaching of the bachelor committees. Social, societal, cultural, and academic-related events are all part of your portfolio, as you will be mainly responsible for a great part of STARs bachelor operations. You will manage many active members and be a part of their personal and professional development. You will help them to grow in their functional position, team work abilities, and the organisation of their projects. You will need a lot of soft skills, enthusiasm and enjoy being in touch with so many different people within STAR. Besides this, you need to be able to multitask and delegate. Will you bring our bachelor committees and their members to a higher level?

What will be your responsibilities?

• Managing the responsibility of most bachelor projects, including budgetting and keeping track of expenses and revenues;

• Coordinating, motivating, and inspiring the bachelor Active Members;

• Supporting bachelor Active Members in their personal and professional development;

• Identifying best practices and discovering possible synergies;

• Developing a long-term strategy for the bachelor committee portfolios;

• Managing relationships with all academic BSc departments.

“The thing I enjoy the most about being the Project Manager Bachelor is the professional and personal development, enthusiasm and the proud feeling of the committee members after giving them the support to reach the extra mile!”
- Caroline Janse, Project Manager BSc of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-2023)

Project Manager MSc

As the Project Manager Master, you will be responsible for coordinating all twelve Master Study Clubs (MSC) and twelve MSC Study Trip committees. Supervising the MSCs is an exceptionally diverse task. Every MSC is different in terms of size, identity, and event portfolio. This position allows you to develop yourself in many functional areas, such as project management, strategic management, commercial relations, budgeting, financial decision making, and most importantly: people management. Are you the one to lead the Master Study Clubs and facilitate their growth?

What will be your responsibilities?

• Guiding almost 100 MSc students over 25 boards and committees;

• Managing relationships with all academic MSc departments;

• Enhancing the exposure of Master Study Clubs to students;

• Facilitating cohesion within and among different master programmes;

• Carrying the final responsibility for all MSC budgets;

• Finding solutions to financial and operational challenges;

• Challening master students to be creative and resourceful.

“What I enjoyed the most during this year is the combination of having a lot of fun but also developing yourself professionally. Especially with the Master Study Clubs I feel very proud seeing what they’ve achieved! This is definitely an experience I could never gain anywhere else.”
- Sophie van der Zandt, Project Manager MSc of the XLVth STAR Board

Project Manager Career

As the Project Manager Career, you are responsible for STAR’s two biggest recruitment projects: STAR Management Week (SMW) and Erasmus Recruitment (ER), organizing the Erasmus Recruitment Days. To do so, you supervise the fulltime SMW committee and the full-time Erasmus Recruitment Board. You will lead, guide and motivate these full-timers responsible for organising these events and managing the Erasmus Recruitment brand. You have the final responsibility for the success of these ventures and the long-term strategy behind them. Erasmus Recruitment is a joint venture of STAR and EFR, meaning that you will have to work in cooperation with the EFR board. Therefore, you must align the interests and capabilities of many different stakeholders. Are you ready to make impactfuldecisions and pave the way to future success of our recruitment

What will be your responsibilities?

• Being responsible for the biggest events of STAR;

• Guiding, leading, and motivating the full-time Active Members;

• Developing and executing the long-term strategy of the SMW and ER;

• Being the contact person for many stakeholders regarding Career events;

• Managing relationships many different stakeholders.


Career of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-

“My board year allowed me to professionally and personally develop myself, whilst managing the long term strategy of STAR within the SMW and ER”
Lotus de Vries, Project Manager

Information Processes Manager

As Information Processes Manager, you have the freedom to improve STAR in many ways. You are responsible for all IT activities within STAR as well as process improvements. Within your projects, there is a lot of freedom to make incremental or disruptive changes. By the end of your board year, all of STAR’s IT infrastructure will have improved. Projects may include maintaining the STAR website, launching a new online platform, and managing IT hardware. Rather than doing all the work yourself, you act as a project manager and interact a lot with external parties. Hence, prior IT knowledge is not a must. Together with your EFR counterpart, you will also be responsible for the new Erasmus Recruitment Platform.

What will be your responsibilities?

• Proactively evaluating and considering emerging technologies to prepare for the future;

• Managing the Erasmus Recruitment Platform together with your EFR counterpart;

• Maintaining healthy IT systems through contact with internal and external parties;

• Managing all data flows and implementing data-driven decision making;

• Enabling all flagship projects in their online presence.

- Sander Bruggeman, Information Processes Manager of the XLVth STAR Board (2022-2023)

“The freedom I had to spend my time on projects I was passioned about really motivated me in my role as IPM and made sure that I was adding value to the association.”


Each board member may have several modules that they are responsible for. Modules are a great way to enrich your responsibilities and broaden your portfolio.


You will manage the academic pillar of STAR. By focusing on academic services and study support, you will create value for all STAR members. You also supervise the Academic Committee.

Activity Teams

You supervise the three Activity Teams, which are committees which members are all first-year bachelor students.


You chair the Alumni Committee, which consists of STAR alumni. Your overall responsibilities are to organise several events, write the Alumni mail and to strengthen the alumni network.

Case Club

You are the supervisor of the Case Club. The Case Club is responsible for sending teams to case competitions and organising the RSM STAR case competion.

Human Resources Manager

You are responsible for STAR’s main asset: talent. You are the trustee within the association and organise trainings to enhance the personal and professional development of the Active Members.

STAR Erasmus Consulting (SEC)

You supervise the SEC Board, one of STAR’s flaghips. The SEC takes on international consultancy projects, undertaken by consultants.


You are responsible for the recruitment of the 300 Active Members. You get the word out, schedule the interviews, follow up on candidates, and organise drinks for the new Active Members.

Other modules

Compliance & GDPR

Diversity & Inclusion


Office Manager


Societal Impact & Sustainability

Vice Chairman

A year full of memories

‘‘Close your eyes and imagine that you are running a company with eight other students. Awesome feeling right?’

‘‘There’s no place in the world where I’d have, at this age, learned as much about myself, other people, companies and responsibilities as here!’’

‘Working in a team so closely almost turns your fellow board members into family’

‘Working in an environment full of ambitious people, makes you strive for accomplishing even greater things.’

‘Creating your own strategy for an association this large is an unique and worthwhile experience’

‘Being part of the Board gives you the opportunity to make friends for life’

FAQ & Contact

How do I know what is the right position for me?

We encourage you to apply for positions that will challenge you. However, you might need more information first. Via our website, you can schedule a (virtual) coffee with the current board members to learn more. We will also host a drink.

I have not been active at STAR before, is that a problem?

Not at all! An outside view has been proven to be very valuable when determining strategy and figuring out what it is the students actually want. It may take a little longer than the others to fully “understand” STAR but you will familiarise yourself with the association in no-time.

During the interview process, we will take into account that your knowledge of the association may be limited but we strongly encourage you to check out our website and the policy documents (also on the website).

Application process

After application closes, you will be invited for your first interview. This first interview is focused on getting to know you better and to manage expectations. In case you are invited for the second interview, we will ask you to prepare function specific cases which will be discussed during the interview.

Applying for the STAR Board can be done online at The application deadline is April 16th

Full time period

Your time as a STAR Board member will start in June/July 2023. At this moment you will get introduced to your position. This includes a fulltime week from June 18th till June 25th 2023. From July 20th 2023 onwards the STAR Board is full-time. STAR offers you a financial compensation for the time invested during a STAR Board year. Contact Head of Recruitment: Sander Bruggeman



Apply online before the 16th of April! More information? • Visit our Full-Time Interest Drink • Check • Schedule a coffee with one of the current Board Members • Send an email to • Give us a call at +31 (0)10-4081686 Location De Gele Kanarie Dates: Time March 3rd 15:00 - 17:00

To apply, go to

For more information about the association and its activities or follow us on social media!

Postal address: PO Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Visiting address: Room T04-53, T Building

Erasmus University Campus

Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 3062 PA Rotterdam

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