RSN 2024 4 July 2024 9.30 am to 3.30 pm RSN 2025 Coming - 3 July 2025 9.30 am to 3.30 pm
Kevin and Susan Lane Directors of RSN Events
RSN is far more than a trade show it is an annual marketing and profiling journey, reaching its crescendo every year on show day.
We were absolutely amazed by the footfall that the show provided, and are immensely grateful to those that turned out to vote for RSN on election day, 4th July 2024 !!
We recognise the huge support we get from our event contributors Rail Partners, Jobson James Rail and Railway Industry Association.
The show has a mission to bring low cost, high quality exhibiting to all, from the huge internationals to the one person entrepreneurs.
Many people ask us are we going to 2 days? Will we upscale to a bigger venue? The answer is no. The reason for this is that the show meets its purpose, bringing the industry together in an intense, high paced event, that is designed to deliver opportunites to exhibitors and vistors alike, with a minimal outlay on time, staff and cost.
Our Organisation of RSN 2025 is Well Underway
We firmly believe that RSN offers a community feel for the rail industry, where visitors and exhibitors are enthused by the buzz the event provides and the relaxed but efficient networking experience. Many candidly comment that it is a friendly event.
RSN 2024 saw a step change in the visitor profile with so many more coming from new builders, train owners, train operators, heavy maintainers depot facilities management and tier ones. It was particularly pleasing to see so many younger rail professionals in the hall.
“ It’s been
a conveyor belt of highquality people right from the outset.
It’s been absolutely non-stop, exhausting but brilliant.”
Gareth Roberts UKRL Exhibitor.
RSN 2025 - General Stand Sales will commence on 9th September 2024.
Olivier Quindos, Alstom Europe Services Procurement Director, Opened RSN2024
A busy and successful day at RSN 2024
By Nigel Wordsworth Rail Industry Jounalist and Commentator
Rolling Stock Networking, the UK’s leading exhibition for the rolling stock supply industry, took place this year on 4 July –election day!
Held once again at the Derby Arena, RSN2024 was busier than ever, breaking last year’s attendance records with over 150 exhibitors attracting more than 2,000 visitors. The show is aimed squarely at the supply chain for rolling stock manufacture and refurbishment, depots and train operators.
Designed to offer exhibitors a lowcost way to show off their latest products and services, all of the stands were approximately the same size. No one company could dominate the others around it – the largest and smallest exhibitors all had an equal chance to shine.
To add to the show’s appeal, Rail Partners organised a co-located one-day conference on enabling innovation in rolling stock and transforming depots. In addition, the Railway Industry Association (RIA) hosted a Trailblazers breakfast, where young and experienced professionals from across the industry could get together, learn from each other and make new connections.
Opened by Olivier Quindos, Europe Services Procurement Director at Alstom, visitors who had been waiting in the Arena coffee bar quickly made their way in and the show rapidly filled up. Exhibitors reported that they had a very busy morning, with good quality visitors asking sensible questions.
Innovation and technology, particularly digital systems, were everywhere, and there were overseas exhibitors amongst the British ones. EKE Electronics from Finland was showing its SmartVision train condition monitoring solutions for train modernisation. A predictive maintenance platform, SmartVision enables users to monitor the health status of their fleet conveniently through a browser-based user interface. EKE’s ‘Monitoring as a Service’ capability empowers automated fleet monitoring, irrespective of train manufacturers.
“ RSN was busier than ever breaking attendance records ”
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“ IM Kelly R&A Showcased their Interior Products”
Exhibition continued...
Lantech Communications featured its range of Ethernet products for both onboard and track-side applications on its stand. Luso showed its range of rail-specific power solutions and RSG Engineering explained to visitors how it is now a market leader in the manufacture and supply of machine parts for the rail industry from its factory in Leicester.
Yellow Rail was exhibiting as a Buckland Rail company for the first time, presenting the capabilities of the Rail Group and its sister companies WH Davis and Davis Wagon Services.
Craig & Derricott, a leading provider of high-quality electrical components and switchgear solutions for the transport industry, featured its latest innovative LED lighting tubes, developed specially for the rail industry.
The team from CB Frost, manufacturer of silicone and rubber gaskets and seals, was so pleased with the visitors they had, that Business Development manager Daniel Brock has already booked for next year!
Canadian exhibitor Infodev EDI had an interesting exhibit. One of the leading manufacturers of Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) systems, it tells train operators when and where passengers board and get off, as well as how many are on board at any time. Now it has improved its data capture systems so it can identify potential passengers before they even board. This makes the counting when they do board even more accurate and allows the counting of bags and other objects as well as people.
The display was intriguing, and visitors were stepping forward and backwards on the Infodev stand all day, watching how they showed up on the screens on the stand – red blobs for people, blue blobs for bags – even backpacks showed up. Fascinating!
Train Bits and More (TBM), which offers a wide range of services from seat-cover cleaning, fabric protection and CET tank overhauls to nylon coatings for carriage fittings and door sensor switches, had a large model of a Coronation Scot locomotive on its stand. It was actually a soap box, due to take part in a competition in Crewe the following weekend. The team seemed confident but good luck to the intrepid driver!
The Mäder Group was promoting its specialist coatings and composites while Rollon UK had a table full of spherical bearings and telescopic slide rails – simple components with a myriad of uses.
Sabre Rail, from Newton Aycliffe in County Durham, refurbishes mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems and components for the rail industry. Safety-critical components can be serviced/refurbished, tested and then returned back into traffic. New components can also be supplied when necessary.
HS2 also had a stand, to update interested parties on the project’s progress and to meet current and potential subcontractors. There is still plenty of work to be completed, not least the new fleet of trains due to be built by Alstom in Derby and Hitachi Rail in Newton Aycliffe.
Two Train Manufacturers had Stands
CAF has a factory in South Wales while Stadler, although its factories are in Switzerland and Spain, has a major service operation in the UK and needs to buy spare parts and services for those. Both were at RSN to meet existing and potential suppliers.
Both CAF and Stadler can be seen in the show video interviews on the RSN Web Site.
At one end of the hall, several independent companies with noncompeting products and services had come together under the Enigma Seven banner to make a bigger impact. Enigma Seven coordinated the effort and supplies consultancy services to all of them – an interesting concept.
“Meet the Buyer sessions give suppliers the priceless opportunity to spend up to 20 minutes talking with potential customers ”
Grinsty Rail has been refurbishing train interiors, particularly seats, for the last 50 years, It also now works with electronic components such as data recorders and remote condition monitoring systems. On a busy stand at RSN, the team expanded Grinsty’s network within the railway sector, successfully connecting with a wide range of professionals, from engineers and project managers to decisionmakers and influencers.
“The event provided an excellent platform for us to showcase our latest innovations and solutions. The positive feedback and interest we received were truly encouraging,” the team reported afterwards.
Their reaction was typical. A number of exhibitors were very positive about the number and the quality of people they had met. RSN is primarily a networking event, and certainly a lot of that was going on – both on stands and in the aisles.
The Enigma Seven Zone had the feel of a much larger event
An hour and a half before the RSN exhibits opened, the event was already underway with the Trailblazers Breakfast, organised by the Railway Industry Association (RIA). This initiative brought together both young and experienced professionals from across the industry, to enable them to learn from each other, make new connections, and celebrate a vibrant and diverse rail workforce.
As part of the session, David Basset of Network Rail presented an early careers workshop. In it, he considered how credibility, confidence and connection (the three Cs), when working in cohesion (the unofficial fourth C), can be a formula for personal and professional success.
David also shared top tips on how young people can grow and develop their careers through those three Cs.
(more on page 16)
At the back of the hall, a group of procurement professionals from several major railway undertakings were conducting ‘Meet the Buyer’ interviews.
Executives from Alstom, Hitachi Rail, Porterbrook, Keolis Amey, Clayton and WH Davis spent the day meeting exhibitors, discussing requirements and opportunities.
Organised by Jobson James Rail –the Rail Insurance Broker – all of the buyers were kept busy as exhibitors took advantage of the chance to meet buyers from several important organisations on the same day.
Clare Brecknell from Jobson James, was running the area with aplomb, alongside Antoinette Stevenson and managing the appointments, Claire said everyone had been “very busy” and judged the sessions to have been a great success.
(more on page 17)
For the second year running, Rail Partners organised a conference on the mezzanine floor above the main exhibition. For 2024, the programme was divided into two parts – ‘Enabling Innovation in Rolling Stock’ in the morning and ‘Transforming Depots’ in the afternoon.
Mark Gaynor, Rail Partners’ Director of Operator Services, hosted the morning session and introduced the first speaker, Greater Anglia Engineering Director Ben Parry. He spoke about procuring innovation, and the lessons learned from replacing every train on the network using two different manufacturers. Aligning depots to the line of route is important, he said, as is deciding whether you are buying a product or a platform. “A platform is developed by engineers, a product name is picked by the marketing department,” he quipped.
Matt Prosser from Angel Trains was next up. Angel is a Rolling Stock Company, leasing trains to operators such as Greater Anglia. Innovation gives him a competitive advantage, he told his audience frankly, and gradual change and improvement is going on all the time.
Kelly Warburton of the Global Centre of Rail Excellence talked of the role played by railway test facilities in enabling future rolling stock innovation and then all three speakers were joined by Daisy Chapman-Chamberlain, then of East West Rail, now of Transport for the North, for a panel session on balancing the needs of the railway whilst pushing the boundaries of rolling stock innovation.
The afternoon session, now hosted by Rail Partners Head of Engineering Neil Ovenden also started with Greater Anglia, this time Steve Mitchell talking about transforming Crown Point Depot to look after the new train fleets. James McCaffery of Stadler, which supplied Greater Anglia’s new Flirt trains, also talked about depots, particularly about the new Gosforth depot in Newcastle upon Tyne for the Tyne and Wear Metro fleet.
A second panel session, this one asking ‘How can clients and suppliers unlock the full potential of depots?’ followed, with Cat Appleby of Rail Forum and Richard Carr of the Railway Industry Association joining the discussion.
That concluded the Rail Partners’ conference at RSN 2024. Afternoon session host Neil Ovenden commented: “It was great to return to Rolling Stock Networking for a second year and to see so many people attending and participating in our conference sessions throughout the day. “As well as sharing best practice for those undertaking fleet renewals and delivering new and refurbished depots, there were plenty of insights for rolling stock and depot equipment suppliers around working with operators, train owners and others to deliver innovation in the railway and develop new solutions addressing safety and performance.”
Morning panellist Daisy Chapman-Chamberlain added: “The Rolling Stock Networking conference 2024 in Derby was a superb opportunity to see the very best innovation and development in rolling stock; from accessibility to sustainability, encompassing some of the key needs of the rail sector.”
“The conference, organised by Rail Partners, featured knowledgeable and engaging speakers from across the sector; it was a pleasure to contribute to the topic of innovation and specification in the future of rolling stock. “Events like this are a vital opportunity for the industry to come together and collaborate, ensuring rail will be in the strongest possible position into the future.”
The end of the conference coinciding approximately with the closing of the accompanying exhibition. It had been a good day for all concerned – new contacts were made and much learned.
In fact, it was so good that 50 new exhibitors have already expressed an interest in joining the exhibition next year, which is scheduled at the same Derby venue for Thursday 3 July 2025.
Make sure it is in your diary.....
Retuning Exhibitor Hoval was approached by the mechanical & electrical contractor working with Siemens Mobility to supply heating and ventilation solutions for installation at the firm’s train building facility at Goole in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Annual Exhibitor - Jewers Doors would find some difficulty in displaying products at RSN! The picture shows their Swift fully glazed (SWT-E-FG) bi-folding doors installed for Stadler’s depot in Gosforth, Newcastle.
The TrainFX robot “Pepper” uses AI to provide wayfaring advice to travellers in a multiplicity of languages. s.
Scottie, one of the Belvoir Rail robots, is designed for rail and rolling stock inspection. Poised to revolutionise maintenance tasks and capable of operating inside and outside trains, as well as on the tracks. They assist with maintenance, fault detection, and minimising failures.
Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality was an increasing feature of the show.
Hexagon demonstrated an interactive 3D built concept facility with their VR headset experience, providing an opportunity to step into the future of rail design and see projects come to life in virtual reality.
Infodev EDI also counted everyone going up and down the centre aisle live at RSN.
Their latest innovation combines their proven APC algorithm with advanced AI technology to create an AI-based passenger counting and object detection system.
Commercial & procurement advisors to the rail industry, providing:
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• Passenger Counting • Seat Sensor
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• Supply of internal & external door systems
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• Intelligent at seat power solutions including 3-pin / USB-A / USB-C
• Wireless tabletop power solutions
• Cyber security assessments (penetration testing) & consultancy
• Software development including a remote digital gateway for rolling stock
• Middleware services for accessing / connecting data sources
• Simulation for training
The Meet the Buyer event in 2024 was joined by Porterbrook and Hitachi Rail, adding to the impressive list of companies all of whom were seeking meaningful discussions with companies of interest to them.
The Alstom procurement team were prominent at the event, where six buyers held a full schedule, meeting with twenty prospective suppliers. The team also took time to get out around the show and visit exhibitor stands.
Porterbrook provided 3 buyers for a non stop whirlwind series of appointments.
Keolis Amey Docklands have been a long-term supporter of the MTB event and as always had a stream of interest. The face to face meetings are the ideal way to initiate trusted supplier relationships.
Clayton and WH Davis were seeking engineering products and manufacturing capability.
Antoinette Stevenson - Marketing and Events Manager, Jobson James Rail was on hand to keep the event running smoothly.
Antoinette added a personal thank you to all the procurement panel who supported the event.
A Total of 71 Meetings between buyers and suppliers were held at the Jobson James RailMeet the Buyer Event.
The Jobson James Rail – Meet the Buyer is specifically aimed at providing access to New Builders, Tier 1 suppliers, Train Owners, Major Purchasing Organisations and Government Services.
Jobson James Rail is the market leading insurance broker to the railway supply chain
Sponsored by:-
Following its success last year, Rail Partners hosted the conference at the annual Rolling Stock Networking event in Derby
The conference addressed two important themes: how innovation can deliver higher performing and more costeffective rolling stock and how depots can support a high performing railway and create great places to work.
Hosted by Mark Gaynor, Director of Operator Services at Rail Partners, attendees heard from leading industry professionals from companies including Greater Anglia, Angel Trains, the Global Centre for Rail Excellence and Stadler.
“We had a really engaged audience and it was excellent to hear from insightful speakers from across the railway.”
Mark Gaynor, Director of Operator Services at Rail Partners, said: ‘Our conference at Rolling Stock Networking this year explored the importance of innovation in making trains more reliable, more affordable and more attractive to our passengers. It was also great to shine a light on the critical role that depots play in ensuring our trains run on time.
We had a really engaged audience and it was excellent to hear from insightful speakers from across the railway.’
Kelly Warburton, Chief Commercial Officer at the Global Centre of Rail Excellence said: ‘It was fantastic to take part in the Rail Partners Conference, which is always one of the most engaging events in the rail calendar.’
‘This year’s conference was especially important because of its timing. Following the general election, we will see critical decisions taken about rail’s future that will have important impacts for the industry, for our economy and for our collective path to net zero.
‘I believe there are significant opportunities ahead for rail in the next few years, including establishing the UK as an international leader in rail innovation and harnessing the high-quality infrastructure that the Global Centre of Rail Excellence will provide to the industry. It was great to set out that exciting vision at the conference.’
Ben Parry, Engineering Director at Greater Anglia, said: ‘Procuring and introducing new train fleets is far from easy, it is fair to say that as an industry we have yet to develop the recipe for repeatable success. Challenges are magnified when undergoing a total fleet replacement, especially if the incoming stock is novel or features ‘first of a kind’ innovations.
‘Greater Anglia has just completed the largest total fleet replacement project in recent times, procuring bespoke products from two different manufacturers - one of whom had never sold into the UK market before.
‘It was a pleasure to have an opportunity to address RSN and talk through some of our successes and failures, with a particular focus on lessons learned – which I hope was of interest to anybody involved in future or ongoing fleet procurement activities.’
The majority of this article was previously published by Rail Partners.
Rail Partners exists to make the railway better by harnessing the expertise and creativity of private sector operators for the benefit of those who use the railway, passengers and freight customers, and those who pay for it, including taxpayers.
It provides technical services to both private and public sector train operating companies through its Operator Services division.
The team draws on its wealth of experience in railway operations and engineering to facilitate industry collaboration on safety, regulation, new technology and skills.
Together with train companies
Rail Partners Operator Services drive positive change and improvement through industry guidance, conferences, webinars and technical visits.
Join the conference at Rolling Stock Networking, hosted by Rail Partners, on the mezzanine level and follow us on LinkedIn for news and to hear about upcoming events
Rail Infrastructure Networking (RIN) events is the only networking event dedicated to the Rail Infrastructure supply chain.
Held annually in Derby, Harrogate and London, RIN events are run by railway people for railway people and provide the opportunity for exhibitors and visitors to:
✔ Meet with Tier 1 and Principal Contractor buyers
✔ Develop rail relationships
✔ Engage with 150+ Infrastructure exhibitors
✔ Network with 1200+ visitors
✔ Collaborate on contracts
✔ Source innovative solutions
✔ Increase brand awareness
✔ Share industry knowledge
✔ Achieve business growth
This popular event is competitively priced to enable rail companies of all budgets to exhibit and benefit from the networking and growth opportunities at RIN, showcasing products and services to a wide visitor audience.
Thursday 12 September 2024, 9:30am13:30pm | Derby Arena, Derby SOLD OUT, free for visitors
Thursday 7th November, 9:30am-14:00pm | The Yorkshire Event Centre, Harrogate, SOLD OUT, free for visitors
Date 6th March 2025, 9:30am-13:30pm | Business Design Centre, Islington £475+VAT for exhibitors, free for visitors
Free to attend, a visit to RIN is easily accommodated in the busiest of schedules.
Tea & coffee are provided through out, along with a hot breakfast roll for the early bird visitors.
For more information visit www.rinevents.co.uk
Book your space and join RIN!
Contact Antoinette Stevenson Sales and Marketing Manager Tel: 07849 835412
Email: antoinette.stevenson@jjrail.co.uk
By Nigel Wordsworth Rail Industry Jounalist and Commentator
As Rolling Stock Networking opens in Derby on 4 July 2024, the UK railway is not in quite the certain place it was one year ago.
For a start, today is the day of the General Election, so there is the uncertainty of not knowing what government the UK shall have tomorrow, and what its rail policy shall be.
Then some rolling stock manufacturers have been running out of work. There always seems to be a ‘feast then famine’ approach to train procurement, but the recent announcement of a circa £220.5 million order for 10 additional nine-car Aventra trains for the Elizabeth Line will be very welcome news for Alstom, Derby and the wider supply chain.
The general famine should be short-lived. Rail Minister Huw Merriman wrote to UK train manufacturers, Rolling Stock Companies (ROSCOs) and interested parties on 31 January 2024. He said: “New competitions are now underway to replace trains on Northern, Transpennine, Southeastern and Chiltern, subject to business case approval.
There are also several major fleet upgrades underway, including an upgrade of GTR’s Electrostar fleets, a planned refurbishment of the CrossCountry Voyager fleet, and a major refurbishment of the Pendolino fleet which is being carried out by Alstom at its Widnes site (now almost completed).”
The list of required trains was certainly interesting, but, with orders not being placed until 2025 for delivery in 2029, it may stretch manufacturers cashflows somewhat.
Up to 450 units (nominally around 1,000 vehicles)
Indicative contract award: 2025 Indicative earliest expected delivery date: 2029
Core order: between 350 and 570 vehicles with an option for an additional 70 vehicles.
Indicative contract award: 2025 (but could be December 2024)
Indicative earliest expected delivery date: Autumn 2027
Between 20-70 new or converted units (nominally 90 vehicles)
Indicative contract award: Early 2025 Indicative earliest expected delivery date: End 2028/early 2029
TransPennine Express
29 units up to 195 metres in length with an option for a further 26 units. (nominal 174 to 330 vehicles)
Indicative contract award: Mid 2025 Indicative earliest expected delivery date: Mid 2029
On a more positive note for train manufacture, the first bodyshell has arrived at Siemens Mobility’s new Goole factory and manufacture of the first UK-built new train for London Underground’s Piccadilly line is underway. Meanwhile, the first complete trains, built at the company’s factory in Vienna, are under test at the company’s Wegberg-Wildenrath facility in northern Germany.
There has been more good news for the Goole site. Initial plans to manufacture half of the 94 nine-car trains in Vienna and half in Goole have been changed. Goole will now build 80 per cent of them – around 75 trains or 675 cars – a major increase for the East Yorkshire facility.
Once the new trains start coming off the production line, Siemens hopes that Transport for London will confirm the next orders for the Bakerloo, Central and Waterloo & City lines. However, with the existing Central line trains currently being refurbished, new trains for the Bakerloo seem likely to be the next ones ordered.
Alstom has won an order to refurbish c2c’s fleet of Class 357 Electrostars. The work will be carried out at the company’s Ilford depot, where all 74 of the 25-year-old four-car trains in the fleet will be repaired with corrosion treated and other upgrades. The work will take two years.
Hitachi Rail trains are being delivered to Avanti West Coast (Class 805 and 807) and to East Midlands Railway (Class 810). These orders should be complete by the end of 2024, with the order for HS2 trains (jointly with Alstom) to follow on.
CAF Wales is assembling Class 197 trains for Transport for Wales and a fleet of 10 ten-car tri-mode trains for LNER that were ordered in November 2023.
Grand Union Trains - Class 802 in its potential livery
Network Rail’s new Control Period 7 started on 1 April 2024 and will last for five years until 31 March 2029. A total of around £43.1 billion will be spent on the railway infrastructure over that period.
Digital signalling is being installed on the East Coast main line. The upgrade of the Transpennine route continues and various other enhancements are being carried out around the country. The Levenmouth Rail Link in Scotland opened recently.
Freight routes are being upgraded. The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport has estimated that electrifying only 500 extra miles of railway will mean that 80 per cent of rail freight can be electrically hauled – and that will create a demand for new electric freight locomotives.
The number of passengers travelling on the railway continues to increase as the industry bounces back after COVID-19. In its latest report, which covers October to December 2023, rail regulator the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) reported that a total of 417 million rail passenger journeys were recorded in Great Britain in the latest quarter (October to December 2023). This is a 20 per cent increase on the 348 million journeys in the same quarter in the previous year (October to December 2022).
There were 1,570 million journeys in the year to 31 December 2023 – a 20 per cent increase on the 1,300 million journeys made in the previous 12 months (1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022).
Total passenger revenue was also up by 20 per cent – £2.6 billion in the latest quarter.
In March 2024, the office of Rail and Road (ORR) approved a new train service between London and Stirling, to be operated by Grand Union Trains. The new open-access service on the West Coast main line will commence in June 2025, offering four trains per day in each direction, calling at Milton Keynes Central, Nuneaton, Crewe, Preston, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Motherwell, Whifflet, Greenfaulds and Larbert. Larbert, Greenfaulds and Whifflet will receive their first direct services to London.
Grand Union Trains will offer a new service linking Camarthen to London
The line will avoid the congested Edinburgh and Glasgow stations, giving passengers a faster service without any changes required. Electric or dual-mode trains are planned in the longer term, but, with current power supply being an issue on the WCML, the service is planned to start using off-lease Class 22x trains, which have a potential top speed of 125mph.
The company has previously applied to start a new service between Carmarthen and London, operating new bi-mode trains calling at Llanelli then Gowerton, Cardiff Central, Newport, Severn Tunnel Junction then Bristol Parkway before operating non-stop onwards to London The use of Gowerton and then a new station at Parc Felindre, close to junction 46 of the M4, as a parkand-ride station for Swansea will reduce journey times between these parts of southwest Wales and Cardiff and London by around 20 minutes. The service will also stop at Cardiff Parkway when it opens, and some initial investment in Severn Tunnel Junction station is planned to provide improved passenger facilities and to allow direct access from the adjacent M4 motorway.
Although HS2 has been cancelled north of Handsacre junction, it is still a massive project. Work continues on the infrastructure, and the rolling stock order was only for Phase One anyway, so that will remain largely unchanged. In February 2024, the company building Britain’s new high-speed railway confirmed that its construction hub at Quainton, Bucks, has now received more than a million tonnes of construction material by rail carried by 646 trains - offsetting the need to transport the material by road.
Situated on an existing freight line north of Aylesbury, the railhead is expected to welcome an extra 1,400 freight trains over the next two years, taking the total amount of material delivered to around 3 million tonnes. This is on top of a million tonnes already delivered by rail to previous railheads in the local area, which means that around 1,300 freight trains have already delivered materials to the HS2 site with another 700 to go.
All of those freight locomotives and sets of wagons need to be overhauled regularly, another boost for the rolling stock sector.
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Mattei provides technically advanced Rotary Vane Compressor solutions for both onboard and infrastructure applications, precisely matching the needs of the client throughout the Global rail market. By offering reliable, efficient and durable products, Mattei is helping to shape the future success of the rail industry, together with making an important contribution in providing lower cost of ownership, utilising well proven and established technology.
In January 2024, Drax, the UK’s leading renewable electricity generator, completed its investment in 30 new rail wagons, with the delivery of the final wagon to its North Yorkshire power station. Manufactured by the British firm WH Davis, the new wagons are significantly larger than the rest of Drax’s current fleet, allowing for a 30 per cent increase in biomass transport capacity per wagon, which can carry up to 71.6 tonnes each.
WH Davis also built 25 new JNA-Z box wagons for leasing company VTG Rail UK. Manufactured at Shirebrook, Derbyshire, the wagons will be used by Direct Rail Services, a subsidiary of Nuclear Transport Solutions.
In another move, WH Davis, Davis Wagon Services and Yellow Rail have together formed Buckland Rail to focus on bogie overhaul, maintenance of freight wagons and the supply of materials.
Buckland Group, a capital investment firm which specialises in manufacturing and service businesses, such as renewable energy, construction and rail, now owns 12 sites across the UK, including the multi-service delivery centre at Shirebrook.
Many of the exhibitors at Rolling Stock Networking are small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). There are a large number of them in the rail industry – 60 per cent of the membership of trade body the Railway Industry Association is SMEs.
In January 2024, Network Rail released information that over 3,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) benefited from £1.3 billion of business from Network Rail, with SMEs making up a record 75 percent of Network Rail’s supplier base.
In November 2019, Network Rail set out its SME action plan, making it easier for small to medium-sized organisations to do business and increasing the number of tendering opportunities. In the last financial year (2022/23), out of the 4,130 suppliers directly contracted by Network Rail, 3,107 suppliers - 75 percent - were SMEs.
Clive Berrington, Network Rail’s Group Commercial & Procurement director, said: “Small and mediumsized businesses make a big contribution to the rail network, and we remain committed to offering them opportunities to work on the railway.
“The UK rail network is the lifeblood of the country and vital to moving people and freight around. By supporting SMEs to work on the railway, we increase competition and drive down costs while also increasing efficiency, creativity, and innovation.
Ensure robustness, e ciency, and low maintenance with Rollon's cutting-edge linear motion solutions designed for passenger entrance systems, battery rafts, and train interiors. Trust our industry-leading expertise to enhance the performance and reliability of your railway applications.
“We know there is more we can do to further support SMEs and during 2024, we will review and refresh our SME action plan and share it with industry.” The Government set out a target for Network Rail to spend 33 percent of its third-party expenditure with SMEs. In the last financial year, the total spend was 34.9 percent, with £1.305 billion directly spent with SMEs, and indirectly it was £1.665 billion via Network Rail’s tier-one suppliers.
SMEs are the future of the rail industry. Government initiatives and ‘First of a Kind’ competitions help them to stay involved, as do membership organisation such as the Railway Industry Association and Rail Forum. For them, the future is bright.
UK rail network
is the
lifeblood of the country and vital to moving people and freight around. By supporting SMEs to work on the railway, we increase competition and drive down costs while also increasing efficiency, creativity, and innovation”
Welcome to FORTEC UK, where a team of technology specialists are dedicated to partnering closely with our customers to tackle intricate technical challenges across a spectrum of solutions including displays, embedded computing, monitors, components, and power solutions.
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As part of the renowned FORTEC Group, which includes AUTRONIC (now part of Fortec Power), we bring a wealth of experience and resources to meet the exacting standards of the rail industry.
Our commitment to quality and compliance is underscored by our certification in RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) for Auxiliary Power Converters.
Within the FORTEC family, AUTRONIC stands out for its expertise in customising DC/DC converters to precisely match the requirements of each application, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance in rail systems.
See us On Stand AA8
In addition to our dedication to meeting industry standards, we excel in delivering comprehensive PCBA solutions. Leveraging our extensive sourcing experience and strategic partnerships, we streamline the manufacturing process to provide high-quality electronic assemblies and box builds at competitive prices, managed locally in the UK while leveraging our Far East factory for production efficiency.
Headquartered near Munich and with seven subsidiaries spanning five countries, FORTEC Group offers global consultation and on-site services to support your projects wherever they may be.
Whether you seek consultation, customisation, or technical support, our team is committed to exceeding your expectations.
Stay updated with the latest industry insights and trends by tuning in to our podcast. Catch our latest episode focusing on rail, ‘Navigating the Tracks’ where we delve into key topics shaping the future of the sector. Join us as we explore innovative solutions and discuss emerging technologies driving advancements in rail engineering. Click here
Join us at stand AA8 at RSN to experience our capabilities firsthand and discover how FORTEC UK, based in Cambridgeshire, can elevate your projects to new levels of excellence in the Rail sector and beyond.
In the fast-paced world of rail, connectivity is king. But with 3G networks facing their inevitable sunset, operators now must prepare for a seamless transition to next-generation technologies. Enter HUBER+SUHNER, and our expertise in delivering uninterrupted connectivity for passengers on-board.
Meeting your operational needs
Antennas play a critical role in keeping trains connected. However, in an overcrowded market where ‘future-ready’ solutions are commonplace, it can be hard to choose the right one for your operations. That’s why HUBER+SUHNER offers a comprehensive range of antenna solutions, with rugged designs and enhancements to meet the unique challenges of on-board environments. Featuring 24 different types of antennas to suit your specific operational requirements, our SENCITY® Rail portfolio delivers unparalleled performance, even in the harshest of conditions. Whether navigating through urban jungles, or traversing remote landscapes, reliable coverage can be achieved, ensuring sustained connectivity throughout the journey.
Using the latest innovations
But it’s not just about reliability; it’s about innovation. With 3G on its way out, HUBER+SUHNER uses the latest technologies, including multi-band capabilities and MIMO, to optimise signal strength and maximise throughput. This ensures faster speeds, better coverage, and enhanced passenger experiences.
These antennas are designed with versatility in mind, making them compatible with a wide range of networks, including 4G, 5G, and beyond. This is crucial in an era where legacy mobile networks are coming to an end. When operators choose to upgrade their existing infrastructure, or build a new network from the ground up, HUBER+SUHNER has them covered, with solutions that align with the latest mobile technologies and advancements.
Demonstrable results
Don’t just take our word for it; our track record speaks for itself. Our 5G-enabling SENCITY® Rail ACTIVE rooftop antenna, developed alongside McLaren Applied, has won industry awards for the enhanced connectivity it offers commuters. Countless train operators trust HUBER+SUHNER to keep their passengers connected. From high-speed trains to commuter networks, our antennas form the backbone of reliable on-board connectivity.
Operators cannot afford to wait for the 3G sunset. Major companies like Vodafone and EE have already switched off their networks in the UK this year, so to avoid operation issues, it’s time they future-proof their onboard networks. HUBER+SUHNER, with our experience and innovations within the rail market, can help these businesses make a seamless transition to the next generation of connectivity, with a portfolio of assets to underpin reliable rail networks.
See our Antenna Portfolio
Lifting and inspection equipment you can rely on for all maintenance of rail vehicles.
With 40 years’ experience on heavy duty lifting solutions, Totalkare combines world class products with industry leading support to facilitate effective maintenance and repair.
In the intricate landscape of the UK’s rail sector, Totalkare stands tall as a beacon of innovation and reliability. With a comprehensive suite of products tailored specifically for the rail industry, Totalkare has cemented its position as a trusted partner for operators and maintenance facilities across the Nation.
At the core of Totalkare’s offerings are their cuttingedge rail lifting jacks, developed in collaboration with renowned Italian manufacturer Emanuel. These jacks are meticulously engineered to facilitate seamless maintenance and repair operations for rail vehicles. With features such as synchronised lifting and precise positioning, Totalkare’s rail lifting jacks ensure the utmost safety and efficiency in every task.
Notably, Totalkare’s rail lifting jacks have found widespread adoption in various rail depots and construction sites, including prestigious installations at Hitachi Rail in the North East and the iconic Snowdon Mountain Railway. Their proven performance and reliability make them indispensable assets in the maintenance aresnal of these facilities.
In partnership with Emanuel, Totalkare offers bogie lifts designed to streamline maintenance procedures further. These lifts provide effortless access to bogies for inspection, maintenance, and repair tasks, enhancing operational efficiency while ensuring the safety of maintenance personnel. Built with a focus on robustness and user-friendliness, Totalkare’s bogie lifts are trusted by rail operators across the UK to keep their rolling stock in top condition.
Complementing their lifting solutions, Totalkare manufactures rail inspection pits from pre-fabricated steel at their facility in the West Midlands. These pits serve as essential infrastructure for comprehensive maintenance procedures, offering a safe and accessible workspace beneath rail vehicles for inspection and repair tasks. Engineered to meet stringent industry standards, Totalkare’s rail inspection pits enable efficient workflow and ensure the well-being of maintenance personnel.
Beyond their top-of-the-line products, Totalkare takes pride in their exceptional aftersales support, delivered by a team of over 35 field service engineers stationed across the UK. Committed to providing first-class service, these professionals ensure that Totalkare’s solutions continue to perform optimally throughout their lifecycle. From installation and training to ongoing maintenance and support, Totalkare’s aftersales team is dedicated to maximising customer satisfaction and operational uptime.
As the UK rail industry continues to evolve, Totalkare remains at the forefront, driving innovation and setting new standards of excellence. With their comprehensive portfolio of lifting solutions, including rail lifting jacks, bogie lifts, and rail inspection pits, Totalkare empowers rail operators and maintenance facilities to overcome challenges and excel in a dynamic environment. Through their unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, Totalkare is poised to shape the future of the UK rail industry for years to come.
The future of modern Rolling Stock manufacturing requires the application and coordination of a wide range of manufacturing materials. Armstrong Group represent a single manufacturing entry point for products manufactured in Steel, Aluminium and Composite Materials. Experienced in working with some of the best known brands in the world, our extensive manufacturing facilities feature state of the art robotics, steel pressing, laser trimming, welding, painting and hand finishing, along with comprehensive Composite press moulding, autoclave and hand lay-up facilities. All working to full FST Standards.
We sat down with Richard Lindoe, Managing Director of Armstrong Group, to find out more about the capabilities of the company and get his take on what the future of Rolling Stock Manufacturing will look like in the coming years...
Armstrong Group has 3 interlinked units in North Coventry with 16.000sqm of manufacturing capacity. We specialise in Pressings and Fabrications using Steel, Aluminium and Carbon Fibre Composites. Automotive, Construction, Defence, Aerospace, and Rail sectors.
Integrator role? How does that work?
If we take a bill of materials (BOM) and understand how they are assembled using a joint workshop we can find a solution to reduce part count or improve the Process. This means the customer is gaining the benefit of less inventory to manage (parts) and improves their own assembly time. This has been part of my life in the Aerospace and Automotive Industries for many years. We are finding other Industries that are adopting this approach. I guess you could say we are on the right track......
What are you trying to develop with your Rolling Stock opportunities?
It’s not just about part development it’s what we want to deliver for our customers. Modules. If we can reduce the customers part count and assemble Modules, or Sub Modules we are part of a turn-key approach from Design through prototyping and Production. It’s a long-term partnership approach giving the Customer the ‘Integrator’ role.
What is your best asset?
Our Team. Without a great team we could not deliver, without the talent pool we have there is no company. It’s so simple, People look after your business. Treat them with respect.
• Subcontrac t Sheet Metal Fabrications
• Established 1977
• County Durham
• 135,000 sq f t Fac tor y
• Interior/Ex terior Rolling Stock Components/Assemblies
• Trackside Equipment Cases/Components/Cabinets
• ISO 9001:2015
• ISO 3834-2 / BS EN 15085-2 CL1 C WR VC Welding
• DIN 6701 / EN 17460 for Adhesive Bonding
• ISO 14001 / ISO 45001
Hydram is a highly experienced supply chain par tner, with an established and enviable reputation for subcontrac t precision sheet metal fabrication.
By work ing closely with customers to create long-term par tnerships, Hydram has developed its sheet metal fabrication exper tise, maintained multiple quality, ISO, and associated accreditations, and has grown to be a successful leading sheet metal fabrication company.
our 2024 and 2025 - Platinum Sponsor
Westermo offers networking solutions for the rail industry used to support both critical and non-critical systems installed around the world. Our wide range of robust, cyber-secure and railapproved networking products are specifically designed for onboard, trackside or train-to-ground applications.
Trackside Contractors & Supply Chain (Civils/PWAY/Deveg/S&T/HV & LV including Labour Supply)
We have detailed railway contract knowledge and are fully conversant with the needs of ROSCOs, TOCs and the supply chain that serves them.
Placing wider cover and achieving premium savings for our growing portfolio of clients using rail focused insurers.
Highly experienced in analysing railway supplier contracts. JJR create bespoke insurance programmes without rail exclusions to meet our client’s needs.
HÜBNER with multiple technology solutions for Railway vehicles, generating benefits to passengers and vehicle performance.
Theglobal market leader for gangway systems. A system supplier for the mobility field.
As the global market leader for gangway systems and a major supplier of sealing systems with integrated sensors for buses and trains. HÜBNER has been providing innovative products to the transport sector for decades. The HÜBNER Group employs more than 3,500 people around the world. In addition to the company headquarters in Kassel, Germany, HÜBNER has built up 30 locations around the world in the preceding years and decades.
Why visit our stand?
With a product assembly facility based in Derby combined with service, repair and in-field support for the UK & Ireland, you can discover the additional rail vehicle systems engineered and manufactured by HÜBNER Group, including articulation technology, vehicle stabilisation systems, cab instrumentation, quick change windows and intelligent door seal systems.
Contact us
Website : www.hubner-group.com
Email: zelica.carr@hubner-uk.com
Phone: 01332 447803
Carpets incorporates 250 year old craftsmanship intertwined with modern technology, allowing us to offer the highest quality carpet in the market using Axminster wool. Our quality combined with market leading kitting services weaves the way in transportation flooring. Luxury designs should not come at a cost to the client or the environment. Using Axminster means no short-lived designs or additional underlay required. Woven in Devon, England and fitted efficiently to reduce the downtime of your trains.
Why visit our stand?
Our team will be offering the most comfortable consultation area on-site. Samples will be available to feel the quality of Axminster Carpets for yourself. Please contact to book an appointment.
Contact us
Website : https://www.axminster-carpets.co.uk
Email: Transportation@axminster-carpets.co.uk
Phone: 01297 32244
performance, low smoke, low
Extensive range of unique elastomer materials for Surface, Sub-Surface, Tunnel and Rolling Stock applications - all of which are tested & approved to EN45545-2 and many other certifications, inc LUL S1085 compliance.
Naturally, we can also provide many other components & sheetings for applications where conformance to EN 45545-2 is not required.
Bill Smith is an international trade adviser specialising in advanced manufacturing and rail who supports the Midlands Engine, which is part of the Department of Business and Trade (DBT). He will be in the Meet the Buyer section and appointments can be sought through the Meet the Buyer application process, drop in appointments with Bill are presently available.
DBT is the department for economic growth, supporting businesses to invest, grow and export, creating jobs and opportunities across the country. It advises, supports and promotes British businesses wanting to grow and export by opening up new markets by removing barriers and striking trade deals, securing global investment from businesses and investors and championing free trade, economic security, and resilient supply chains.
Bill Smith has been a long term supported of RSN providing his expertise and experience to a vast number of companies
Bill is able to connect delegates with the appropriate services and information that is available through DBT. He can also help in developing an Export Plan, guiding companies through the process as he has many years of exporting experience in rail and other highly regulated industries .
F ol l owing an exciting year of research and development, Or an ge Train Wash is set for a m uc h -anticipated return to t h e Derby Arena for RSN 2024.
W i t h a revolutionary approach
t o tr ain exterior maintenance c o u p l ed with trailblazing cleanliness standards and ra dical e n vironmental, carbon reduc tio n, i ns ta llation, productivity and costsaving benefits, Orange Train Was h is set to become a disruptor i n t he r ail industry, helping TOCs and d epot managers realise their cos t and carbon saving ambitions.
Game-changing results for water and carbon savings
Saving 98% more water than traditional cleaning systems, Orange Train Wash brings sustainability to the forefront of the train cleaning market. Thanks to its modular nature and innovative plug and play connectivity, installation of the system can be completed in just five days.
Since last year’s demo at R SN, th e O r an g e Tr ain Wash team has been w o r king hard behind the scenes surveying UK rail depots and t r i alling its latest technology in th eir w ashhouses.
Results from the trials have be en impressive, with 16 four-car tra i ns ab l e to be washed at a cost of l es s t han £1 per carriage- an incre dib l e cost saving compared to competitor w as hes
Re cent studies carried out b y t he OTW team have also shown tha t an existing 40-carriage-per-day train w as h system can cost opera to rs u p t o £330,000 annually. With O r an g e Tr ain Wash, those costs c an be sla shed to less than £5,000, a n i nc r edible 98.48% reduction i n c o sts!
A powerful, intelligent clean OTW’s chemical-free solution uses 50º deionised water and powerful air blades and brushes, which push the water back down into the Envirosump water catchment system, ready to be pumped back into each machine for recycling. The filters clean the water at 15 litres per minute back into the larger clean water tank ready for the next clean, with no drainage required.
Its 60 water jets allow for an eightcar train to be cleaned within less than four minutes, and with a minimal footprint either side of the train, it provides huge savings on the civil engineering costs required for other cleaning solutions. The modular system can be moved where it is needed, rather than shunting trains within the depot and cleans trains at a speed of three miles per hour.
The Orange Train Wash system maintains the water temperature at 20º before heating it back to 50º for the next approaching train.
This means that, unlike conventional train washes, winter conditions won’t disrupt train washing programmes.
Featuring easy-to-use reporting software, the system also provides accurate reports of carbon and water savings.
Orange Train Wash’s revolutionary train cleaning system is on a mission to provide the industry with a more sustainable and costeffective way of cleaning trains –with significant interest already from across the world, from the USA to Australia and Saudi Arabia.
Helping train operators achieve their net zero targets
With the rail industry’s Net Zero 2050 targets set to play a huge role in the governance of TOCs in the years ahead, depot managers are now, more than ever, looking at ways to hit their carbon reduction targets, as well as reducing cleaning costs.
With Orange Train Wash’s technology, sensors can provide accurate and real-time data on train cleaning times, water quality and usage, power output and efficiency, it offers TOCs the evidence they need to demonstrate they are meeting their KPIs.
Live demonstrations coming to Derby Arena
At RSN 2024, Orange Train Wash will showcase its 1:10 ratio demonstrator machine, which is a working model of the live system, with all of the working components on display.
Discussing the attendance at RSN 2024, Martin Whitbread, OTW founder, said: “Following an exciting year of research and development, we’re thrilled to be returning to Derby to showcase our demonstrator at RSN 2024. The event will provide the perfect platform for us to demonstrate to TOCs and depot managers how Orange Train Wash can deliver significant carbon and cost savings while helping them meet their KPIs.
maintenance, coupled with incredible water and energy savings, is set to be a game changer for the industry. cleaning on July 4th at RSN 2024.” For more information on Orange Train Wash visit www.orangetrainwash.com
Choose the modular cleaning system that’s changing the game. Orange Train Wash.
• Slash your cleaning costs by up to 98.48%
• Save 98% more water than traditional cleaning systems
• Installation at any rail depot in just five days
Discover how you can meet your carbon reduction targets with our revolutionary train cleaning system. Visit our demonstration unit at Stand G4 in the exhibition hall at Derby Arena for RSN 2024, 4th July 2024 to learn more.
Multipulse is established as a key specialist provider of wideranging electronic communication systems, focusing on the ongoing maintenance and supply for the rail and transport sectors. We support programmes such as GSM-R, wi-fi, RETB, energy metering, passenger information systems and remote monitoring controls. We are also able to offer a legacy/ discontinued product service, helping you to find spare parts when you need them. Find us at Stand A8 to discuss your requirements.
Maximise safety, optimise train performance and meet passenger demands with our intelligent train technology.
With more than 60 years’ experience in innovation and over 30,000 cameras in action, we are an established partner to the rail sector.
Our eyeTrain technology includes: Forward facing and rear facing cameras | Track debris cameras | Driver Controlled Operation | Automatic Selective Door Operation | Interior cameras | Pantograph surveillance cameras | Illuminators |
news website and newsletter
Delivered to 73.000+ rail professionals 7am, 6 days a week
Social media promotion to 25,000+ LinkedIn followers
250+ news stories published every month
440,000+ page views per month
Home of ‘In the news’ - daily rail news podcast magazine
High end industry-leading magazine
Delivered direct to key influencers and decision-makers
News and views from rail industry leaders
Readership of up to 15,000 each month
Rail Safe Friendly was launched in March 2023 and delivers Network Rail’s video safety content about the dangers of trespassing on railways directly to schools via digital education provider Learn Live.
Already, over 5,000 UK schools are on board with the Rail Safe Friendly programme and more than 80 industry partners from across the rail sector have sponsored and become partners in it.
“The support of the rail industry is pivotal in rail safety education being delivered to as many schools and youth organisations as possible, across the country.
“Rail Safe Friendly is embraced by train operating companies, freight operating companies and small to large organisations working across the rail supply chain, with one goal, to ensure children receive vital knowledge to keep them rail safe.”
Stuart Heaton Managing Director of Rail Safe Friendly
EAO is one of the world’s leading railway HMI providers. We will be demonstrating the latest phone charging systems and market leading HMI switching products for driver’s cabs and passenger doors. See our new seat reservation and toilet occupancy displays and interior LED lighting solutions at the Rolling Stock Networking show.
EAO’s latest phone and laptop charging systems provide the reliable device charging systems passengers want, through wireless chargers for seatbacks and tables or high power 5V -20V variable output, 60W USB-C sockets.
See the latest Series 57 passenger door and toilet door control panels along with toilet status displays, the new EAO seat reservation display systems and Series 04 driver’s cab switches. Also on show are our energy efficient LED carriage lighting solutions.
Discuss your latest project with our rail experts and help us find the optimum solution for your HMI switching and rail interiors designs.
Come and see us at stand H6!
Contact: James.Bradshaw@eao.com
Phone: 01444 236000 / 07801 689951
E-mail: sales.euk@eao.com Web: eao.com
Formed in 1929 The Schaltbau Group is a global technology leader providing products and solutions that electrify the world. With our brands Schaltbau and Spii, we have been championing safety on rail for generations.
Guided by our values:
We are committed to excellence through quality products and solutions, a passion for power and how it impacts our future, supporting, consulting, and providing solutions through partnership, and with agility by proactively creating innovative solutions that meet the ever-evolving requirements of tomorrow.
Why visit our stand?
Along with our Brand SPII; Schaltbau are world leaders in rolling stock Electrics and Controls, Visit our stand and see our products and find out about our services.
Contact us
Website: www.schaltbau.com
Email: sales@schaltbau-me.com
Tel: +44 01633 877555
HARTINGis a leading supplier of rail-approved cabling and connectivity products for the transmission of data, signals and power. In addition, we design and manufacture box builds and bespoke cable assemblies, including intercar jumpers, at our custom-built facility in Northampton.
The HARTING manufacturing facility holds the ISO 9001 certification for Quality Management, the ISO 14001 Environmental Standard and UL certification for Wiring Harnesses ZPFW2 / ZPFW8. We also supply retrofit solutions for the European Train Control System (ETCS) and have a wide range of rail-approved products to support this challenge.
Why visit our stand?
Visit HARTING to discuss products and solutions with our rail market managers. Recent innovations include modular inter-car connections for ease of maintenance and compact connectors for fast data transmission.
Contact us
Website: https://www.harting.com/UK
Email: salesuk@harting.co.uk
Ing. Enea Mattei SpA is an Italian company that has been designing and manufacturing air compressors since 1919. The company has continually evolved and is now one of the world’s foremost companies in the compressed air sector and the global leader in the production of rotary vane compressors. Driven by its continual and in-depth research programmes, Mattei’s vision has consistently created innovative and technologically advanced products to better support the needs of the rail and transportation industry.
Why visit our stand?
Mattei will be exhibiting a compact rotary vane compressor, suitable for installation into new or refurbished vehicle applications.
Contact us
Visit: www.matteirail.com
Email: graham.leach@matteigroup.com
Phone: 07976 308067
Infodev EDI is the world’s leader in raw accuracy for automatic passenger counting systems.
INFODEV EDI INC, a Canadian company, has been at the forefront of developing and installing Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) systems since 1993. Our latest innovation combines their proven APC algorithm with advanced AI technology to create an AI-based passenger counting and detection system.
INFODEV’s AI-based APC system achieved over 99.7% accuracy in high-density traffic environments during pilot projects in North America.
Infodev EDI passenger counting equipment is fitted to UK train classes 142, 144, 150, 153, 155, 156, 158, 165, 168, 170, 185, 220, 221, 222, 321, 318, 320, 321, 322, 323, 333, 377, 378, 442 and to HST rakes and to many more vehicles worldwide.
Why visit our stand
Passenger ridership reporting, passenger growth management, revenue protection and our data analysis capabilities.
Contact us
Contact us
Visit: https://www.infodev.ca
Visit: https://www.infodev.ca
Email: klane@on-train.co.uk Our UK Representative Phone: +07527 8117
Email: klane@on-train.co.uk our UK Representative Phone: +44 (0)7527 811700
GIMOTA circular connectors have been specially developed for demanding applications in railway vehicles. They comply with MIL DTL-5015 and are available with threaded or bayonet locking. The vibration resistance in accordance with DIN EN 61373 and the tested protection classes up to IP69 in accordance with DIN EN 60529 and the high fire class make them particularly suitable for the requirements of railway technology.
Modular rectangular connectors from GIMOTA enable flexible connection options for power, signals and data - even under extreme environmental conditions, such as in rail vehicles. rail vehicles. They fulfil the most important railway standards such as R22,R23 / HL1,HL2,HL3 of EN 45545-2, IP65 / IP67 and IP69 (high-pressure cleaning) according to DIN EN 60529 and category 1 grade b shock and vibration test of EN 61373.
The railway-compatible TRAC D-SUB, TRAC F and M12 connectors offer individual and highly efficient data and signal transmission capacities with maximum operational reliability. The TRAC connectors can be individually coded to eliminate errors when plugging in the connectors. The 360° shield connection ensures optimum shield transition from the cable to the conductive surface of the connector.
The RSN events team is especially grateful to all of the companies that have supported the show, we specifically recognise our valued sponsors listed below. We also thank Aura Brand Solutions for providing event graphics.
Jobson James Rail is an independent insurance broker with over 780+ railway company clients working in all aspects of the rail industry.
We design and implement innovative insurance solutions through a detailed risk managementbased process developed by our directors over the last 20 years, which includes contract analysis to deliver complete protection, bespoke cover, and competitive premiums with niche rail specialist insurers.
Westermo is a global leader in reliable and secure railway data communications, which include wired and wireless solutions that form the backbone of operational and passenger systems worldwide, working closely with train manufacturers such as Alstom, Stadler, and Siemens.
In the UK, our networking solutions are integral to operational systems such as TCMS and DCO. In addition, our latest wireless and 5G solutions ensure reliable on-board connectivity for operational and passenger comfort applications such as PIS, CCTV and Passenger Wi-Fi.
place where contacts are made, relationships are built and business is done
On Train is a proven partner for rail vehicle technical enhancements, maintenance and railway products.
Silver sponsor
Silver sponsor
Bronze sponsor
Railway-News is an official media partner of RSN 2024.
Railway-News uses an extensive range of digital marketing services to push your content out to a global rail audience with unique web users and social media connections, we have the capability to bring your product, brand or service to the global rail market.
Railway Industry Association is the trade association for the UK-based suppliers to the railway industry. We have been established for over 140 years, with over 360 member companies representing a large proportion of the supply chain.
Aura Brand Solutions is one of Europe’s leading brand implementation & visual communications companies. Providing branding and image management across all sectors from Road to Rail.
This publication was produced by RSN. Content is based on submissions from exhibitors. All information is as provided to Rail Infrastructure Networking Ltd TA RSN Events or is an editorial interpretation. All content is the copyright of the originator & or RSN. It is produced for the sole purpose of representing the products and services of client exhibitors. RSN accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions and reproduces all information in good faith.
Bronze sponsor
Bronze sponsor
Bronze sponsor
We provide managed projects for many train operators that keep their fleets operational and reliable. On Train is also a rail sales specialist providing international route to market services for OEMs – offering air conditioning, passenger counting and labour supply solutions for trains and trams.
RailBusinessDaily is an official media partner of RSN 2024.
Rail Business Daily is the UK’s leading platform for rail news and opinion.
It is home to the hugely popular 7am newsletter, Rail Business Daily news website, daily In The News podcast, Rail Director magazine, and the RBD Community.
Rail Partners exists to make the railway better by harnessing the expertise and creativity of private sector operators for the benefit of those who use the railway, passengers and freight customers, and those who pay for it, including taxpayers.
It provides advocacy and policy solutions for private sector passenger owning group and freight company members, along with technical services for train operating companies in the public and private sectors.
CAF is an international market leader in the design, manufacture, supply & maintenance of rolling stock and associated equipment for rail & infrastructure systems.
Young Rail Professionals (YRP) was founded in 2009 to PROMOTE the rail industry as a great place to work, INSPIRE the next generation of railway talent and DEVELOP young people to reach their potential.
Armstrong Group Provides Engineering Excellence. We are able to deliver outstanding results in all aspects of our business from the initial design and development stage of a project right through to the finished product.
Euro-Composites S.A.
Francis Kirk (Socket Screws) Ltd
Keolis Amey Docklands
Learn Live / Rail Safe Friendly
Luso Electronics