Venice theatre
FALL 2021
Class Catalog
Elementary Classes Dance for Little Stars in Grades K-2 INSTRUCTOR: VANESSA RUSSO
This in-person dance class with Vanessa will have your little stars dancing and moving to Broadway tunes. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 15-NOV. 10, WEDNESDAYS, 4-4:45 P.M.
Telling Tales!
Creative Play for K-1
In this in-person fun-filled acting class for grades K-1, students will use the body, voice, mind and imagination while increasing social and communication skills. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance.
SEP. 16-NOV. 11, THURSDAYS, 4-5 P.M.
Shake It Up!
Creative Play for Grade 2
This in-person acting class encourages grade 2 students to have fun while exploring the actor’s tools - body, voice, mind and imagination. Bonus: increased self-confidence and presentation skills! There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 16-NOV. 11, THURSDAYS, 5:15-6:15 P.M.
2 | | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
This in-person acting class is for actors in grades 3-5 who have completed the beginning class (fall and spring semesters) and are hungry for more. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 15-NOV. 10, WEDNESDAYS, 4:30-6 P.M.
Broadway Bound - Musical Theatre for Grades 3-6 INSTRUCTORS: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY & VANESSA RUSSO
This in-person musical theatre class for grades 3-6 will integrate dance and song, utilizing music from Broadway. Michelle will get your singing voice tuned up while Vanessa teaches you fancy footwork. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 15-NOV. 10, WEDNESDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
The Other Side! Technical Theatre for Grades 3-5
In this in-person technical theatre class for grades 3-5, students will be introduced to all aspects of technical theatre. There will be hands-on work and guaranteed fun! SEP. 15-NOV. 10, WEDNESDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Acting Level 1 for Grades 3-5 INSTRUCTOR: LUKE MCFATRICH
Once students get a taste of the theatre in this beginning acting class, they will be hungry for more! There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 23-NOV. 18, THURSDAYS, 4:30-6 P.M.
Register at
Payment plan available. 3
This in-person acting class is for the actor in grades 6-8 who has completed the beginning class (both fall and spring semesters) and is hungry for more. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 13-NOV. 8, MONDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Acting Level 1 for Grades 6-8 INSTRUCTOR: LUKE MCFATRICH
Improvisation! Theatre games! Movement! Discover the actor’s tools – body, voice, mind and imagination – and have fun! This in-person acting class is for students in grades 6-8. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 14-NOV. 9, TUESDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Broadway Bound - Musical Theatre for Grades 3-6 INSTRUCTORS: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY & VANESSA RUSSO
This in-person musical theatre class for grades 3-6 will integrate dance and song, utilizing music from Broadway. Michelle will get your singing voice tuned up while Vanessa teaches you fancy footwork. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 15-NOV. 10, WEDNESDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Song and Dance with a Twist for Grades 7-12 INSTRUCTORS: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY & VANESSA RUSSO
This unique in-person class for grades 7-12 will integrate dance and song, utilizing music from hip hop to Broadway. Michelle will get your singing voice tuned up! And you will be amazed at what Vanessa will get your fancy feet to do! SEP. 18-NOV. 13, SATURDAYS, 11 A.M.-12:45 P.M.
Technical Theatre Making the Magic of A Christmas Carol for Grades 6-12 INSTRUCTORS: GRETCHEN BEAUMIER & JOHN ANDZULIS
Come explore the magic of the technical side of A Christmas Carol with John, VT’s tech director and lighting designer and Gretchen. Students will be exposed to all aspects of technical theatre. There will be hands-on work. During the last 2 classes on Dec. 2nd and 9th students will watch technical rehearsals of A Christmas Carol. SEP. 30-DEC. 9, THURSDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Payment plan available.
4 | | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
High School Classes Acting for Teens in Grades 9-12 INSTRUCTOR: GRETCHEN BEAUMIER
This in-person acting class is specifically designed for teens. Have fun with improvisation, monologues, and scene work. There will be a corresponding spring semester class that includes a performance. SEP. 14-NOV. 9, TUESDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Song and Dance with a Twist for Grades 7-12 INSTRUCTORS: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY & VANESSA RUSSO
This unique in-person class for grades 7-12 will integrate dance and song, utilizing music from hip hop to Broadway. Michelle will get your singing voice tuned up! And you will be amazed at what Vanessa will get your fancy feet to do! SEP. 18-NOV. 13, SATURDAYS, 11 A.M.-12:45 P.M.
Technical Theatre Making the Magic of A Christmas Carol for Grades 6-12 INSTRUCTORS: GRETCHEN BEAUMIER & JOHN ANDZULIS
Come explore the magic of the technical side of A Christmas Carol with John, VT’s tech director and lighting designer and Gretchen. Students will be exposed to all aspects of technical theatre. There will be hands-on work. During the last 2 classes on Dec. 2nd and 9th students will watch technical rehearsals of A Christmas Carol. SEP. 30-DEC. 9, THURSDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Keys to Unlocking the College Audition INSTRUCTOR: SCOTT KEYS
Get an edge! Make your college audition shine! This in-person audition prep class for students in grades 9-12 prepares you for college auditions. It will include selection of material, interview skills, and preparing a pre-screen digital audition. OCT. 2-NOV. 20, SATURDAYS, 2-4:30 P.M.
Register at
Payment plan available. 5
Adult In-Person Classes
Dynamic Drama with Becky - Mondays INSTRUCTOR: BECKY HOLAHAN
This in-person adult class for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities builds confidence, life skills, and helps students experience the joy of performance through theatre exercises and acting studies. At the end of the semester, students will audition for an upcoming 2022 production. Those cast will continue with rehearsals in the spring. Please note classes are not structured to offer one-on-one support of students. Students must meet admission criteria. SEP. 13-NOV. 8, MONDAYS, 5-6:30 P.M.
Dynamic Drama with Becky - Thursdays INSTRUCTOR: BECKY HOLAHAN
This in-person adult class for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities builds confidence, life skills, and helps students experience the joy of performance through theatre exercises and acting studies. At the end of the semester, students will audition for an upcoming 2022 production. Those cast will continue with rehearsals in the spring. Please note classes are not structured to offer one-on-one support of students. Students must meet admission criteria. SEP. 16-NOV. 11, THURSDAYS, 9:30-11 A.M.
Get the Part! Auditioning for Adults INSTRUCTOR: PRESTON BOYD
It’s been said that the hardest part of the acting business is the audition. This in-person adult class will take inspiration from famed casting director Michael Shurtleff’s book, “Audition,” and apply the tips to the immediate real world opportunities offered by theatres in our community. Some memorization will be expected. SEP. 21-NOV. 9, TUESDAYS, 1-2:30 P.M.
Payment plan available.
6 | | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
Adult In-Person Classes
5-6-7-8! Adult Dance with Vanessa INSTRUCTOR: VANESSA RUSSO
In this in-person adult dance class Vanessa will keep you moving to the beat of the music! Part of the class will be dedicated to preparing for dance auditions. SEP. 25-NOV. 13, SATURDAYS, 9:30-10:45 A.M.
Have you taken beginning acting classes? Are you ready for a challenge? Then join Candace for her in-person adult scene study acting class, where she’ll work with you on deepening characterization and physicalization. SEP. 25-NOV. 13, SATURDAYS, 10-11:30 A.M.
Creative License - Beginning Acting for Adults
We are born with a creative imagination and a desire to tell and to hear stories. As childhood gives way to adulthood, it can be a challenge to re-discover this imagination. This in-person adult acting class will encourage beginning students to stand before an audience, tell a story with flair, and embrace a world of creative license. SEP. 25-NOV. 13, SATURDAYS, 11:30 A.M.-1P.M.
At the Drop of a Hat - Vocal Auditioning with Michelle INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY
Tune up your singing voice for auditions this year. This in-person adult class will also teach techniques for recording audition pieces for a video audition, putting your best digital voice forward. Class will include discussions on what to wear, how to frame, and other things to consider. SEP. 25-NOV. 13, SATURDAYS, 1-2:30 P.M.
Keys to Acting Authentically for Adults INSTRUCTOR: SCOTT KEYS
This in-person adult acting class is focused on connecting to your acting partner. It explores some of Meisner’s basic techniques, including the independent activity and repetition. The skills will be applied to short scene work. OCT. 2-NOV. 20, SATURDAYS, 1-2:30 P.M.
Register at
Adult Virtual Classes
Playwriting 101 for Adults
INSTRUCTOR: RICHARD KREVOLIN In this virtual adult Masterclass playwriting workshop, each participant will develop a new stage play. Each week, Krevolin and the class will critique playscript pages and offer feedback and guidance on how to create a stage play and how to grow as a playwright. Each student will have time in class in which everybody will focus on their new material. The length of class may be adjusted according to the number of students, but not to exceed 3 hours.
Conversations - A Look at the Upcoming Season
INSTRUCTOR: SANDY DAVISSON In this unique adult virtual class, you and your fellow students will study selected shows from VT’s upcoming season. Class time will include hearing from guest artists who will share their perspective on directing, dramatic theory, and performance of the chosen shows.
SEP. 23-OCT. 28 SATURDAYS, 3-4:15 P.M.
8 | | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
Elementary & Middle School Virtual Class A Virtual Theatre Smorgasbord for Grades 3-8 INSTRUCTOR: GRETCHEN BEAUMIER A smorgasboard of fun for students in grades 3-8! In this virtual class, enjoy games, activities, and theatre exercises themed around the story of Dickens' novella A Christmas Carol. Tuition includes two complimentary tickets for VT’s annual production of A Christmas Carol!
Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 Register at 9
Adult Workshops
Master Class Workshop with Benny Playing Action: The Engine of Acting INSTRUCTOR: BENNY SATO AMBUSH You auditioned. You booked the gig. You got the script. You’re at rehearsal. Now what? No prep needed for this intensive 2-day in-person acting workshop for adults with Benny Sato Ambush, Venice Theatre’s Artistic Director. Bring your open willingness to Let Go, Lean In, Say Yes!
Master Class Workshop with Benny Stage Directing Boot Camps, A Primer INSTRUCTOR: BENNY SATO AMBUSH In this adult in-person Directing Boot Camp Masterclass, Benny Sato Ambush, VT’s Artistic Director, will cover the basic tasks of directing scripted texts: the play spine, how to talk to actors and designers, and much more!
Payment plan available.
10 | | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
Sandy received an M.A. in Theatre History and Criticism from State University of New York and an MFA in Directing at FAU. She finds great joy in watching the students grow in confidence and communication as they move through the classes at VT.
Kelly was born and raised in Venice. She has a B.A. in Theatre from The University of Central Florida and began her teaching career right here at Venice Theatre. She started at VT as a student, then actor, intern, and assistant teacher. She taught at Student Leadership Academy, ran a high school theatre department in the Nashville area, and was director of a theatre program in Chengdu, China. BRAD WAGES
An award-winning actor, director and choreographer, Brad’s work has been seen across the U. S. and Canada. With a B.F.A. from the University of Oklahoma, he served as assistant director to Broadway directors Fran Soeder and Joe Layton, and was in a number of national theatre tours and commercials. Brad is thrilled to call Venice Theatre “home” and to have the privilege of guiding the next generation of young actors to the stage. KRISTOFER GEDDIE
A North Carolina native, Kris came to Venice Theatre via New York to play “Coalhouse Walker” in Ragtime and never left. He holds a B.F.A. in Musical Theatre from Mars Hill College, and has performed with various theatres and cruise ships worldwide. As well as serving as General Manager and Director of Diversity, he is VT’s education liaison for area schools and organizations. 10 | | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
image of teacher and student
Urinetown, SummerStock 2019
Benefits of Performing Arts The performing arts increase the opportunity for learning through:
• communication and expression, leading to improved self-esteem • teamwork • critical thinking • creativity - the most sought-after job skill today • problem-solving
Did you know? Students who participate in the arts are... 4 times more likely: • to be recognized for academic achievement • to participate in math/science fairs • to win awards for writing
3 times more likely:
• to be elected to class offices • to win attendance awards • to go on to higher education Source: Americans For the Arts