OCT/NOV 2020
Virtual Classes and Workshops
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Excite. Inspire. Create. Learning is a process; it never ends. Such is the approach for Venice Theatre’s education programs. We offer a “no shortcuts,” high-quality theatre training program with topnotch, caring instructors. Graduates of our program are currently working in the theatre field as professional actors and technicians. And they’re studying across the U.S. in prestigious theatre programs. Our graduates are teachers, medical students, and emerging writers. All of them will tell you that their theatre training─the problem-solving, the collaboration, the public presence─helped them grow in their careers. Each one will tell you that Venice Theatre classes and camps afforded them some of the most fun they’ve ever had. Whatever career young people pursue as adults, they will be more successful as a result of our arts education programs. They will be more creative, more disciplined, more conscientious…and more fun to be around. We also are proud of our adult students who keep pursuing new opportunities. They truly understand that learning never ends. So, whether you’re in kindergarten or in your retirement years, Venice Theatre is ready to make a dramatic impact on your life! Murray Chase, Producing Executive Director
Sandy Davisson, Director of Education & Outreach
Grades 3-5 Virtual Classes Technical Theatre Grab Bag
INSTRUCTOR: KELLY DUYN Lighting, Sound Design, Costumes, Set Design – Are you interested in one or more of these? This grab bag class will give you an introduction to each of these technical theatre areas and some cool resources for you to experiment with them on your own time. There is no class on October 27. Class size limited to 8 students.
OCT. 6-NOV. 18, TUESDAYS, 4:30-5:30 P.M.
Creative Dramatics Online
INSTRUCTOR: LUKE MANUAL MCFATRICH Join Luke for fun games and exercises that will hone your acting skills in the comfort of your own home. Guaranteed fun! There is no class on November 10. Class size limited to 5 students.
OCT. 20-NOV. 17, TUESDAYS, 4-5 P.M.
For your best experience, please have a dedicated space free of interruptions. Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 / Register venicetheatre.org/vt-education/
Middle School Virtual Classes
Middle School Speech
INSTRUCTOR: KELLY DUYN For grades 6-8. Learn how to write and deliver multiple styles of speeches from National Speech & Debate Association coach Kelly Duyn. There is no class on October 29. Class size limited to 6 students.
OCT. 8-NOV. 20, THURSDAYS, 1-2 P.M.
Think on your Feet!
Acting and Improv INSTRUCTOR: LUKE MANUAL MCFATRICH For grades 6-8. Join us for some fun acting and improvisation exercises to hone your skills. Actors of all skill levels are encouraged to sign up! There is no class on November 11. Class size limited to 10 students.
OCT. 21-NOV. 18, WEDNESDAYS, 5-6 P.M.
For your best experience, please have a dedicated space free of interruptions. Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 / Register venicetheatre.org/vt-education/
Teen Virtual Classes High School Speech
INSTRUCTOR: KELLY DUYN For grades 9-12. Learn how to write and deliver multiple styles of speeches from National Speech & Debate Association coach Kelly Duyn. There is no class on October 29. Class size limited to 6 students.
OCT. 8-NOV. 20, THURSDAYS, 2:30-3:30 P.M.
Rocking the Repertoire
INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY For grades 10-adult. This class is designed to augment your song book with more modern music for auditions; especially audition pieces from sources other than musical theatre. Interpretation and song choices will be discussed and worked on. Group collaborations on weeks 1, 3 and 5 and private lessons on weeks 2 and 4. Class size limited to 5 students.
OCT. 19-NOV. 16, MONDAYS, 5-6 P.M.
For your best experience, please have a dedicated space free of interruptions. Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 / Register venicetheatre.org/vt-education/
Teen Virtual Classes continued
Karaoke Konfidence
INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY For grades 10-adult. This class is designed to increase your confidence in singing when you go out with your friends. Whether you need to increase your confidence in general or you would like to eventually audition for a show, this course will help you find the best songs for your voice. Interpretation and song choices will be discussed and worked on. Group collaborations on weeks 1, 3 and 5 and private lessons on weeks 2 and 4. Class size limited to 5 students.
OCT. 20-NOV. 17, TUESDAYS, 6:30-7:30 P.M.
Listen! Look! Illuminate!
Technical Theatre Workshop Series INSTRUCTOR: JOHN ANDZULIS, JASMINE DEAL, BRIAN FREEMAN For grades 9-Adult. John, Jasmine, and Brian will highlight the weird, the wild, the complicated, and the magical aspects of technical theatre. In this workshop series, you’ll explore sound, scenic techniques, and lighting design. Class instructors subject to change. Class size limited to 5 students.
OCT. 21-NOV. 4, WEDNESDAYS, 3-4 P.M.
The Emotion of Music
Introduction to Music Theory for Teens INSTRUCTOR: NATE BLAWEISS For grades 9-12. Learn about reading and writing music and about the theory behind what you hear. If you’ve ever wondered why happy music sounds happy, or why sad music sounds sad, this course will help you answer those questions. And you will gain more control over the music you create. Whether you’re a singer or play a musical instrument this class is open to musicians of any experience level…including none! All you need is your ears. There is no class on November 12. Class size limited to 5 students.
OCT. 22-NOV. 19, THURSDAYS, 3-4 P.M.
Adult Virtual Classes
Rocking the Repertoire
INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY For grades 10-adult. This class is designed to augment your song book with more modern music for auditions; especially audition pieces from sources other than musical theatre. Interpretation and song choices will be discussed and worked on. Group collaborations on weeks 1, 3 and 5 and private lessons on weeks 2 and 4. Class size limited to 5.
OCT. 19-NOV. 16, MONDAYS, 5-6 P.M.
Karaoke Konfidence
INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY For grades 10-adult. This class is designed to increase your confidence in singing when you go out with your friends. Whether you need to increase your confidence in general or you would like to eventually audition for a show, this course will help you find the best songs for your voice. Interpretation and song choices will be discussed and worked on. Group collaborations on weeks 1, 3 and 5 and private lessons on weeks 2 and 4. Class size limited to 5.
OCT. 20-NOV. 17, TUESDAYS, 6:30-7:30 P.M.
Adult Virtual Classes continued
Listen! Look! Illuminate!
Technical Theatre Workshop Series INSTRUCTOR: JOHN ANDZULIS, JASMINE DEAL, BRIAN FREEMAN For grades 9-Adult. John, Jasmine, and Brian will highlight the weird, the wild, the complicated, and the magical aspects of technical theatre. In this workshop series, you’ll explore sound, scenic techniques, and lighting design. Class instructors subject to change. Class size limited to 5.
OCT. 21-NOV. 4, WEDNESDAYS, 3-4 P.M.
The Emotion of Music
Introduction to Music Theory for Adults INSTRUCTOR: NATE BLAWEISS Learn about reading and writing music and about the theory behind what you hear. If you’ve ever wondered why happy music sounds happy, or why sad music sounds sad, this course will help you answer those questions. And you will gain more control over the music you create. Whether you’re a singer or play a musical instrument this class is open to musicians of any experience level… including none! All you need is your ears. There is no class on November 11. Class size limited to 5.
OCT. 21-NOV. 18, WEDNESDAYS, 3-4 P.M.
Oh, Those Crazy Greeks!
INSTRUCTOR: SANDYDAVISSON Want to know who the bodacious Dionysus is and what he had to do with the origins of Theatre? This survey class will explore the magic of Ancient Greek Theatre, what it looked like, and why it is credited with propelling civilization toward modern day Theatre. Class size limited to 8.
OCT. 26-NOV. 16, MONDAYS, 3-4 P.M.
| VeniceTheatre.org | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
Adult Virtual Classes continued
A Story in You! Level 2
Original Monologue Writing INSTRUCTOR: SANDY DAVISSON PREREQUISITE: A STORY IN YOU! ORIGINAL MONOLOGUE WRITING LEVEL 1 For students who would like to continue the journey of original monologue writing. This class will delve deeper into creating original monologues, within the context of theatre. New elements will be explored with the goal of honing the writer’s unique voice. Class size limited to 5.
OCT. 27-NOV. 17,TUESDAYS, 3-4:30 P.M.
Intermediate Acting for Adults
INSTRUCTOR: BRAD WAGES PREREQUISITE: ANY BEGINNING ACTING CLASS In this intermediate acting class with the talented and fabulous Brad, you will explore the joy of taking acting to the next level, studying performance techniques and character analysis. Class size limited to 6.
OCT. 27-NOV. 17, TUESDAYS, 4-5:15 P.M.
A Star is Born!
Beginning Acting for Adults INSTRUCTOR: BRAD WAGES Discover the star in you! Discover the joy and fun of acting in this beginning class with our Lead Instructor Brad Wages. He will teach you to engage all of the actor’s tools: body, voice, mind, and imagination. Memorization may be required. Class size limited to 6.
OCT. 27-NOV. 17, TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:45 P.M.
Adult Virtual Classes continued
Scoring the Scene-Level 1
The Actor and The Script INSTRUCTOR: SANDY DAVISSON Help your character be more dynamic! This scene study class will help you discover the hidden treasures in the script that illuminate and embolden your acting choices. Explore your character’s intention, the emotion behind the words, and the power of variety. Memorization may be required. Class size limited to 6.
OCT. 29-NOV. 19, THURSDAYS, 3-4:15 P.M.
Insights, Techniques & Tricks!
Beginning Directing for Adults INSTRUCTOR: BRAD WAGES Director and Master Choreographer Brad Wages invites you into the chaos of the director’s mind! Take a peek behind the curtain at the director’s responsibilities, staging techniques, and visual composition. Class size limited to 8.
OCT. 29-NOV. 19, THURSDAYS, 4-5:15 P.M.
Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 Register venicetheatre.org/vt-education/
| VeniceTheatre.org | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach
Benefits of Performing Arts The performing arts increase the opportunity for learning through:
• communication and expression, leading to improved self-esteem • teamwork • critical thinking • creativity - the most sought-after job skill today • problem-solving
Did you know? Students who participate in the arts are... 4 times more likely: • to be recognized for academic achievement • to participate in math/science fairs • to win awards for writing
3 times more likely:
• to be elected to class offices • to win attendence awards • to go on to higher education Source: Americans For the Arts www.artsusa.org/public_awareness
For more info, call us at 941.486.8679 Register venicetheatre.org/vt-education/ 11