Venice Theatre Virtual Classes March/April 2021

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Venice theatre

MAR/APR 2021

Virtual Classes

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Excite. Inspire. Create. Learning is a process; it never ends. Such is the approach for Venice Theatre’s education programs. We offer a “no shortcuts,” high-quality theatre training program with topnotch, caring instructors. Graduates of our program are currently working in the theatre field as professional actors and technicians. And they’re studying across the U.S. in prestigious theatre programs. Our graduates are teachers, medical students, and emerging writers. All of them will tell you that their theatre training─the problem-solving, the collaboration, the public presence─helped them grow in their careers. Each one will tell you that Venice Theatre classes and camps afforded them some of the most fun they’ve ever had. Whatever career young people pursue as adults, they will be more successful as a result of our arts education programs. They will be more creative, more disciplined, more conscientious…and more fun to be around. We also are proud of our adult students who keep pursuing new opportunities. They truly understand that learning never ends. So, whether you’re in kindergarten or in your retirement years, Venice Theatre is ready to make a dramatic impact on your life! Murray Chase, Producing Executive Director

Sandy Davisson, Director of Education & Outreach

Elementary Virtual Classes K-2: Imagine, Create & Collaborate

INSTRUCTOR: KELLY DUYN Use your imagination to create awesome characters that you get to bring to life in mini-scenes. You’ll also choose a costume piece for that character during class. Materials will be provided.

MAR. 24-APR. 28, WEDNESDAYS, 4-5 P.M.

Grades 3-5: Imagine, Create & Collaborate


INSTRUCTOR: KELLY DUYN Use your imagination to create unique characters that you get to bring to life in a short student-created play. You’ll also create a costume piece for the character. Materials will be provided.

MAR. 25-APR. 29, THURSDAYS, 5-6 P.M.



For your best experience, please have a dedicated space free of interruptions. Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 / Register at

Middle School Virtual Classes If I Were the Director for Grades 6-8

INSTRUCTOR: KELLY DUYN Have you always wanted to be the director? Well, here’s your chance! In this class you will learn the basics of directing and get to step into the driver’s seat for a directing simulation where you call the shots.

MAR. 24-APR. 28, WEDNESDAYS, 5-6 P.M.



For your best experience, please have a dedicated space free of interruptions. Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 / Register at

High School Virtual Classes Productivity During the Pandemic - Building Your Songbook for Grade 10-Adult

INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY Back by popular demand! Create your vocal audition book so you are ready for anything at any time. Or just have fun and get some songs ready for Karaoke! Frequent VT Music Director Michelle Kasanofsky will go through your book, find out what you are missing, what style is best for you, and help you fill in the holes. Classes will include some one-on-one time with Michelle for individual work.

MAR. 15-APR. 19, MONDAYS, 4:45-5:45 P.M.


Teens: Deep Dive Into Play Reading

INSTRUCTOR: KELLY DUYN Have you wanted to read and discuss plays with students your age, but can’t seem to get your friends on the same page? Well, here’s your chance! Each week we’ll discuss and work on scenes from a different play. Who knows? You might find the next great play for your school/group to perform!

MAR. 22-APR. 26, MONDAYS, 5-6 P.M.



For your best experience, please have a dedicated space free of interruptions. Questions? Call us at 941.486.8679 / Register at

Adult Virtual Classes Introduction to Method Acting for Adults

INSTRUCTOR: BRAD WAGES Method acting: the art of merging the actor with the character. Director Brad Wages will introduce training/rehearsal techniques that use your personal experiences and memories to fully develop the character. Learn about emotion, sense-memory and more.

MAR. 15-APR. 19, MONDAYS, 3-4:15 P.M.


Dynamic Drama for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Mon.)

INSTRUCTOR: BECKY HOLAHAN Prerequisite: Students must have taken the Monday Dynamic Drama virtual class in January. This class is designed specifically for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It will strengthen acting skills through characterization and storytelling, review stage direction, blocking notation, and theatre vocabulary. Students will need a notebook, pencil, and the ability to print handouts. Participants will need to operate Zoom either independently or with assistance from their caregiver. Occasional homework may be required.

MAR. 15-APR. 19, MONDAYS, 5-6 P.M.


For more info, call us at 941.486.8679 Register at | | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach

Adult Virtual Classes continued

Productivity During the Pandemic - Building Your Songbook for Grade 10-Adult INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE KASANOFSKY Back by popular demand! Create your vocal audition book so you are ready for anything at any time. Or just have fun and get some songs ready for Karaoke! Frequent VT Music Director Michelle Kasanofsky will go through your book, find out what you are missing, what style is best for you, and help you fill in the holes. Classes will include some one-on-one time with Michelle for individual work.

MAR. 15-APR. 19, MONDAYS, 4:45-5:45 P.M.


From Improv to Cold Reading for Adults INSTRUCTOR: SANDY DAVISSON Sharpen your improvisation skills and see how they can enhance cold reading, while laughing your way through games, monologues and scenes. For all levels.

MAR. 16-APR. 20, TUESDAYS, 3-4:15 P.M.


Scene Study Unbound! for Adults

INSTRUCTOR: BRAD WAGES Using established scripts, director Brad Wages will help you apply the art of actor improvisation to answer questions and define and expand characters and their relationships.

MAR. 17-APR. 21, WEDNESDAYS, 3-4:15 P.M.


Adult Virtual Classes continued

Dynamic Drama for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Wed.)

INSTRUCTOR: BECKY HOLAHAN This class is designed specifically for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It will strengthen acting skills through characterization and storytelling, review stage direction, blocking notation, and theatre vocabulary. Students will need a notebook, pencil, and the ability to print handouts. Participants will need to operate Zoom either independently or with assistance from their caregiver. Occasional homework may be required.

MAR. 17-APR. 21, WEDNESDAYS, 5-6 P.M.


A Story in You: Original Monologue Writing, Level 1 for Adults

INSTRUCTOR: SANDY DAVISSON There is a story in all of us - especially now! Through writing original monologues this class encourages you to write honestly about what matters to you. It is not about technical writing, it’s about finding the story in all of us.

MAR. 18-APR. 22, THURSDAYS, 3-4:15 P.M.

| | 941.486.8679 | Education & Outreach


Benefits of Performing Arts The performing arts increase the opportunity for learning through:

• communication and expression, leading to improved self-esteem • teamwork • critical thinking • creativity - the most sought-after job skill today • problem-solving

Did you know? Students who participate in the arts are... 4 times more likely: • to be recognized for academic achievement • to participate in math/science fairs • to win awards for writing

3 times more likely:

• to be elected to class offices • to win attendence awards • to go on to higher education Source: Americans For the Arts

For more info, call us at 941.486.8679 Register at 9

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