5 minute read
tame YoUr mane
By Mr PAUL HOEKSEMA RT 32, Southern Africa
YES, WE'VE ALL SEEN those gentlemen sporting manmanes resembling a majestic lion peacocking in a gentle breeze.
Whether it's a beard more magical than a wizard's fur, a pirate captain's he-fluff, or a local barista's shorter chin wool, a properly groomed beard demands admiration and respect. Any gentleman that sports a beard earning a wink from a lumberjack knows it takes time and a lot of care before you can snap that uber-male selfie...
As a young man's organisation, scores of our Members take pride in their beards, more often than not making it their grooming priority.
If you are thinking of growing a beard, or looking for ways to get your facial hair in top shape, here are some tips to prevent your beard from looking like a dentist's lollipop picked up from a vet's carpet.
Keep YoUr beard Clean and moistUrised
If you are growing, be patient and march on through the itch, you shall prevail! Once you are there, or if you're already there, wash and moisturise your beard regularly (2-3 times a week). Do not wash your beard daily, as this will strip the natural oils from your mane. Your whiskers are very different from your regular hair, so be sure to avoid the common mistake of using bar soap, shower gel, or hair shampoo.
With so many great products on the market, men have become spoiled for choice when it comes to beard-specific wash and conditioners. As mentioned in our previous grooming article, always use a clean towel as a used one could be a breeding ground for bacteria. A clean beard will not only add to the construction ladies' wolf whistling at you, but it will smell great and prevent itchiness and dry skin.
Consider a trip to the barber
The last thing you want is your beard to mimic an electrocuted raccoon. Countless first-time bearders have tried growing and failed, as a beard can be a very stubborn facial accessory. Fear not, mystic beings of male grooming walk the earth; we hail them, barbers. If you do not have a barber on speed dial, re-think your contact list. Your friendly neighbourhood barber will have Table worthy advice on the correct shape of beard for your face and help you maintain it. Regular trimming (including your moustache) will help you keep your beard's shape and keep it in line. Invest in a friction-free comb and brush, and give your beard daily downward brushes. With daily brushing, your beard will learn to adapt and follow your chosen shape. You are now one step closer to having your Club sergeant looking away admirably, even if you're sipping your single malt with your right hand...
a smooth-rUnning beard needs lUbriCation
Suppose you fancy your beard smelling like a World Meeting on an exotic island or like a genuine leather briefcase at your local AGM. In that case, countless beard oils are out there suited for all preferences and tastes. Of course, the great fragrances available aren't the main benefit of a quality beard oil. Natural ingredients such as argan, coconut, jojoba, mint and almond make it easy to see how these oils add vitality to your alpha bush. Regular use of beard oil adds to your beard's overall health, softens, adds a vigorous shine and tames the wiriest of beards. Keep as close as possible to 100% natural ingredients when selecting your choice of oil. It goes without saying, moderation is key. You do not want your face to look like a mirror ball at a dodgy nightclub. As for fragrance, apologies, but we haven't found a "You're The Tabler" trademarked oil, yet.
beaUtY Comes from Within
Just like your normal hair and nails, a healthy diet adds to a healthy beard. Ensure your body gets plenty of vitamins B5, B3, and B9 - that means nuts, egg yolks, milk, nuts, lean meats and leafy greens.
Now that you have adopted these tips adapt them to your daily grooming and improve them to sport your badge of full manhood!
P.S – According to statistics, bearded Tablers receive more pins, coins and other regalia. (Please do not tell our non-bearded Members we said that.)
41 INTERNATIONAL HAS LAUNCHED the first global e-club to connect all the lost ex-Tablers in countries without a 41 national Association. We need the help of Round Table clubs all over the world to share the message that Tabling continues wherever you are after 40/45.
You can apply for membership via the 41 International website 24/7. The membership gives you access to all the information on 41er.World, and you become part of a community of ex-Tablers.
You can join our two annual World Meetings (HYM/AGM) or visit one of 28 national AGMs worldwide. You can find lost Tabler friends and become part of the 41 International interest groups here.
If you read this and know about lost boys outside of 41 International, then please lead them back home to 41 International. 41 International has also established an ambassador position for every country in which Round Table is present but lacks a 41 Association. The ambassador is a local past Tabler who wants to set up a 41 Association in the future in their country.
The ambassador will work closely with the International Board and build up contact with past Tablers and clubs to make an Association. The e-Club is our tool to collect members and keep them in the loop until a national Association can be formed.
Please contact us if you know of potential ambassadors for 41 International.
Yours, in international table
Tom Albrigtsen
president 41 international past president round table international 2004-2005