RTRS Management Report 2022

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1. Round Table Activities

a. Consolidating the role of the Round Table

b. Strengthening the Membership base

“2022 was another year of challenges and opportunities for the transformation of the soy value chain.

2. RTRS Certification

a. Evolution of certification

b. RTRS builds up its actions in Europe

c. Asia as a growth driver

d. Market in South America

e. Market development

We believe that jointly built spaces and shared responsibilities have enabled us to address the increasingly challenging sectoral agenda. Along this process, networking spaces, multi-stakeholder work and the pursuit of continuous innovation have been key factors in achieving multiple accomplishments and expanding the impact of the Association”.

3. New opportunities

a. Expansion of the business model from soy to other crops

b. Adding value to RTRS certified material

Round Table Activities


Consolidating the role of the Round Table

As part of its main strategic goals, the Association works to add value to its role as a multi-stakeholder round table by strengthening and multiplying networking actions and activities.

RTRS engages, cooperates and collaborates

Global multi-stakeholder platforms, such as RTRS and its voluntary certification systems, are widely recognized by governments, working groups and sectoral initiatives for their role and relevance worldwide to manage the sustainability agenda, including deforestation and conversion.

Agenda with the European Union Commission and Defra - United Kingdom

New European Union Regulation on Deforestation - Free Products (EUDR)

A s a global reference in the soy sector, RTRS actively participated in various working spaces within the framework of the development of the new European Union (EU) Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR).

In this regard, the Association conducted a sustained engagement strategy and activities with the DirectorateGeneral for the Environment (DG ENV).

Furthermore, in order to ensure a holistic approach, RTRS established an agenda with the unit responsible for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), and with members of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) of the European Parliament.

In addition, the Association had the opportunity to meet with the permanent representatives of Finland, the Netherlands and Germany to the EU; in the latter case, a meeting was held with the Agricultural and Food Attaché.

These meetings provided RTRS with opportunities to stand as one of the leading voices for the sustainable soy value chain worldwide, share key insights about the sector and highlight the importance of voluntary certification systems to tackle, among others, the deforestation challenge.

Forum for the promotion of the European Union’s action plan to protect and restore forests

RTRS made a presentation at the session of the United Nations Forum on Forests, co-hosted by the EU and the government of Costa Rica, named “Towards deforestation-free supply chains”. The aim of the event was to present the European Commission’s plan towards increasing EU actions to protect and restore forests worldwide.

The Association emphasized the significance of adopting RTRS-certified soy as a key step for organizations to achieve zero deforestation supply chains.

The European Union Regulation on deforestationfree products, published in June 2022, includes certification. The Regulation clearly outlines the Due Diligence requirements as well as the obligations expected to be fulfilled by operators. Within this framework, although certification is not considered to be the “green lane” for companies to meet upcoming mandatory Due Diligence requirements, certification or other third-party verified systems can be used in the risk assessment procedures, although they should not be a substitute to the operator’s responsability.

Due Diligence on Forest-Risk Commodities –United Kingdom

Further to its regular interaction activities carried out since 2020, RTRS participated in the seminar on “Public Consultation on the implementation of Due Diligence on Forest-Risk Commodities” organized by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Afterwards, the Association took part in the Public Consultation focusing on topics such as: Due Diligence system and evidence reporting, certification systems and standards, calculation of volumes of raw materials

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Cooperation agreements

RTRS and GIZ promote sustainable soy production in Brazil

The cooperation agreement was signed in 2021, and within this framework, the organizations jointly implement various initiatives to promote the expansion of sustainable production chains in Brazil.

The partnership between RTRS and the German Society for International Cooperation (in German, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ) aims to promote sustainable agricultural practices in the Maranhão region and, at the same time, strengthen the role of the Association as a global multi-sectoral roundtable.

Thus, within the framework of the “Sustainability and Value Creation in Production Chains” project, a partnership between GIZ’s global AgriChains programme and the Government of Maranhão, RTRS and GIZ decided to expand spaces for information and visibility on sustainability in the soybean chain in that Brazilian state and to promoting studies, events, and communication actions to achieve commitment to the production, trade and use of responsible soy in the region.

To this end, a series of sectoral meetings were held in 2022 to facilitate networking and cooperation between actors in the soy chain and to discuss future actions.

Virtual Virtual

In-person: San Luis - Marañao, Brasil

62 91

50 5 speakers 5 speakers

5 speakers participants participants participants

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September Focus on production November Focus on logistics December Outcomes and next steps
“Conversations on sustainable soy for the Itaqui corridor”

RTRS connection to government institutions and initiatives


Danish Trading Ethical Initiative (DIEH)

With the aim of aligning on the role of certification in the soy supply chain in Denmark, DIEH and RTRS work jointly within the framework of the initiative "Scaling Up Sustainable Soy Partnership. Cerrado Landscape, Brazil 2022-2025" (SUSS).

The SUSS partnership is built upon collaboration between WWF Denmark and DIEH, which has been bringing together the main actors in Denmark's soy supply chain since September 2019, with the goal of reducing deforestation and increasing the sustainability of the Danish soy supply chain through a collaborative approach.

SUSS results from a call by the Department of Green Diplomacy and Climate Change and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Amsterdam Declarations Partnership (ADP)

RTRS took part in the event "Enhancing collaboration in the production and trade of agricultural products". The multi-sectoral meeting included representatives of the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands, as well as sectoral organizations, such as Amaggi, Aapresid, Cargill, Bunge, EFECA, European National Soy Initiative (ENSI).


Working Group 4 (WG4) on Biodiversity and Communication | German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUV) and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)

In the second year of participation in the WG4 and within the framework of this approach, RTRS presented on the role of communication in changing consumption patterns at the webinar Tackling biodiversity loss by communicating the links between biodiversity and consumption.

Also, the Association attended the WG4 in-person meeting in Vilm, Germany, organized with the aim of facilitating new spaces for work and exchange between the members of the group, discussing best practices and success stories in biodiversity awareness in the context of sustainable/responsible consumption and to defining the new WG4 goals for 2023 and beyond.


RTRS got in contact with the Argentine Chamber of the Oilseed Industry and Grain Exporters (CIARA-CEC), and was later invited to join the VISeC platform, led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA), Peterson and CIARA-CEC. This initiative aligned with the EUDR, fosters collective actions for Argentine soy to be internationally recognized as a zero-deforestation product.


Floresta + Agro Programme by the Ministry of Environment

Within this programme, RTRS certification was highlighted as an added value for producers who could apply for the benefits it brings. The Floresta + Agro programme provides an economic incentive to agricultural producers who render environmental services (i.e., they carry out various activities that result in environmental conservation), promoting the implementation of agreements among different members of the agro-industrial supply chains.

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Participation in multilateral platform working groups and local sectoral initiatives

Multilateral platform working groups

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

RTRS participated in the multi-stakeholder working group of experts from OECD-FAO and contributed to the process of creating the guide titled “Practical Business Tool on Deforestation, Forest Degradation, and Due Diligence in Agricultural Supply Chains.” The tool aims to explain how organizations can identify and mitigate the impacts of deforestation and forest degradation and apply Due Diligence recommendations in agricultural supply chains.

Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to undertake partnerships in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

As a member of the Global Compact, the Association submitted in 2022 the fourth Communication on Engagement (COE) report, which periodically reports and describes the actions that member organizations are taking in line with the Global Compact commitments.

In addition, RTRS joined the Sustainability and Communications Project Working Group - Global Compact Brazil.

Gender-Responsive Standards Initiative of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE | Gender - Responsive Standards Initiative)

As a signatory of the United Nations Declaration to promote gender equality, in 2022 the Association continues to be involved in the various bi-monthly and

quarterly activities and proposals put forth by UNECE to promote the integration of a gender perspective into technical standards and norms.

In 2021, the Association introduced Version 4.0 of the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production, incorporating appropriate gender equality terminology.

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Sectorial initiatives Collaborative Soy Initiative (CSI)

As an observing member of the CSI, a collaborative framework that promotes the production and adoption of 100% deforestation-free sustainable soy on a global scale, RTRS maintained its consistent and active participation in the regular meetings of its Executive Committee and in the virtual events organized by the initiative throughout the year.

European National Soy Initiative (ENSI) and EFECA - UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soya

In various meetings and activities, RTRS presented its Chain of Custody models for responsible soy physical supply chains and had the opportunity to explain how companies can include them into their supply chains.

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF)

After being convened in 2022 the Association presented its comments on the Forest Positive Soy Roadmap Guide V.0 developed by The Forest Positive Coalition of the Consumer Goods Forum (FPC of the Consumer Goods Forum).

The Coalition first launched the Roadmap in 2020 and it consists of a collective plan that outlines specific commitments and actions structured around five elements: (i) Self-sourcing; (ii) Suppliers and traders; (iii) High-risk origins; (iv) Landscapes; and (v) Transparency and accountability.

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RTRS strategic partner in the value chain

As part of its engagement activities, RTRS visited production facilities, ports and processing plants with the aim of consolidating its presence and connect in the field with various stakeholders. These include both RTRS-certified members, as well as non-members of the Association, who embody the responsible supply chain.


Meeting with the acquaculture industry

RTRS participated in a series of meetings led by CJ Selecta from Brazil and Kabsa S.A. from Chile, bringing together various stakeholders from the soy supply chain for the aquaculture industry, both RTRS members and non-members.

CJ Selecta, Kabsa and RTRS visited together around 10 companies in the sector that currently support responsible soy production through the RTRS credit system.

RTRS serves as a tool to help organizations achieve their sustainability goals, recognized by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certifications, both of which recognize the use of RTRS-certified soy for feed production or its equivalent in RTRS credits to support Responsible Production.



Kressburgo, Departamento de Itapua Iruña






Bhopal Indore


Madhya Pradesh


Montecristo, Córdoba


San Pablo Goiania

Puerto de Itaquí – San Luis Marañao

Mina Gerais


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RTRS goes to university

One of the priorities defined in the “Beyond 2020” RTRS Strategy | 2021-2026 proposes to strengthen the inclusion of the Association in the academic world and in the sustainability agendas of universities.

In this regard, in 2022 RTRS continued to establish links with academic institutions and engaged with Leeds & Erasmus University and the Institute for Sustainability Leadership at Cambridge University sharing information on the role and value of multi-sectoral initiatives, the development of sustainable supply chains and the impacts of tools such as certification, among others, along the soy and corn chain in the regions.

Furthermore, the Association explored possible mediumterm comprehensive projects with the University of Ghent, Belgium, and with the University of the State of Maranhao - UEMA in Brazil.

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As the protagonists put it: s

RTRS Meeting Points

RTRS 2022 Meeting Point “Seeding Common Ground”

The first global international in-person meeting after two years of virtual interaction took place at the Bayer Crop Science campus in Monheim am Rhein, Germany. Key figures from across the value chain convened to collaborate with a shared focus on the future and a common goal.

November 22nd



“Those sectors of the industry and those companies that are ahead in their compliance regarding deforestation and traceability systems will be the winners in this new stage,” said Diego Torres Policy Officer at the European Commission during the first session called EU and UK Regulation: Status Play, Future Challenges.

“We believe that RTRS is the right platform to encourage regulatory compliance, as it provides a market-accepted certification process, which is the best way to assist producers to evolve,” said Michel Santos , Global Sustainability Director at Bunge, while opening the second session, this time focused on how the global supply chain - from producer to processor to market - can adapt and evolve in response to EU and UK regulations.

participants organizations from RTRS members and 80

49 31 non-members 16 countries

5 4

speakers sessions and interactive and networking events

Access the report on the event and relive the sessions and main topics here.

Special thanks to our sponsors

“There is no need to have nature conservation come up against agriculture. There must be a way in the business model to compensate and reward producers for providing ecosystem services,” stated Walter Fraanje , Research and Communications Officer at Table Debates UK, during the session Future ReGenerations - Youth, Agriculture, and Sustainability.

“It’s important for us to understand the perspective of different stakeholders along the value chain. We need a lot of collaboration. If costs increase, this needs to be shared by the entire chain. We need to work on this,” said Hermann-Josef Baaken , Managing Director of the German Feed Association, during the session Coalition of the willing: Routes to Impact

“We prove who we are and what we do in Brazil. We produce food, promote social well-being by generating jobs and income. We are on the right path to supplying food for future generations,” asserted Gisela Introvini , Superintendent of the Foundation for Research Support of the Northern Export Corridor (FAPCEN) of Brazil, during the fifth session of the meeting where agricultural practices including Regenerative Agriculture were discussed.

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Task Forces

Local spaces for connection and multisectoral dialogue.

Task Force Brazil

In 2022, Task Force Brazil met twice in the city of São Paulo, on April 29 and September 27, gathering over 70 representatives from more than 35 organizations.

A significant part of the first meeting of the year was dedicated to developing the National Interpretation of the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production V.4.0.

During the second meeting of the year, participants of the Brazil Task Force exchanged ideas about the new regulations from the European Union. They also had the opportunity to learn about prominent projects involving regional producers and received updated information on new RTRS projects and innovations.

Task Force Argentina

The first Task Force Argentina was held on September 9 in Rosario, Santa Fe. Representatives from more than 20 different organizations - including producers, certification agencies, agro-industry companies and civil associations of the sectorhad the possibility to network and discuss the most relevant issues and challenges of the Argentinean multi-sectoral agenda. The meeting provided an opportunity to review the main activities of RTRS and share updated information on the evolution of certification and the adoption of certified material at a global level. Also, the Association presented the main guidelines of the “Beyond 2020” RTRS Strategy | 2021-2026 (RTRS Strategy).

Additionally, participants worked on the National Interpretation of the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production V.4.0.

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Strengthening the Membership base

22 New members

As part of the RTRS Strategy, in 2022, the Association focused on strengthening its membership base and creating new engagement opportunities with its stakeholders.

As an expression of the sustainability commitments expressed and demonstrated by soy value chain actors, RTRS welcomed a total of 22 new organizations into its membership base, thus closing the year with over 200 members.

All of them are committed to contributing to the increasingly responsible development of the supply chain:

Access detailed information about the new 2022 RTRS members here.

2 Producers

Argentina Neocampo S.R.L. Parra Agropecuaria SRL

1 Observers

The Netherlands Puerto de Ámsterdam

19 Industry, Trade and Finance


Abbelen GmbH.

Kaufland Stiftung & Co. KG.


Agrícola Alvorada S.A.

Nuveen Natural Capital – Latam


Oleon NV


Camilo Ferrón Chile S.A.


Danish Crown A/S DLG


Empacadora Grupo Granmar - EMPAGRA


McCormick & Company, Inc.


A.I.A. – Agricola Italiana Alimentare -S.p.A.

Salumificio Fratelli Beretta SpA



The Netherlands

AchieveNow B.V.

AGCO Finance

United Kingdom

Delifrance S.A.


Olam Global Agri Pte Ltd


Nutri-Potential Biotechnology Co., Ltd


Arcos Dorados Holdings Inc.

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RTRS members | Global community

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CUMA de la Vallée de la Trouille - Fulsingh Bidwan - Gaec Noury - Hootway Farms - Madhya Bharat Consortium of Farmers Producer Company Limited (MBCFPCL) - San Félix S.A. -Supercargo, Superintendência e Comercio Alimentar Lda.

New Membership Fee Structure

Approved by RTRS Members

A numerous and diverse membership is the guarantee of a feasible, autonomous, and more representative development of RTRS.

To this end, RTRS members approved a new membership fee structure encouraging producer associations, RTRScertified producers and local and international civil society organizations to join the roundtable.

The new membership fee structure became effective as of January 2023, following approval by RTRS members through Written Resolution No 1- 2022, in accordance with article 39(4) of the RTRS Statutes.

Access the new membership fee structure here.

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RTRS Certification

Certified RTRS Global Production

In 2022, a total of 2,028,070 hectares and 7,048,484 tons of RTRS-certified soy were recorded worldwide. This represents a 51% increase in production compared to the previous year.

Yearly evolution chart

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2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Certified Soy 4,114,443 4,799,011 4,639,071 7,048,484 1,006,982 1,157,583 1,355,052 2,344,466 3,266,561 4,149,069 4,465,232

RTRS-certified producers worldwide

In 2022, a total of 66,374 producers worldwide certified under the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production, out of which 66,038 are from India and are certified under the Group Certification. In this country, certified producers are represented by Ish Agrithech Private Limited, Haritprakash Biocare LLP, Landmark Agri Exports Private Limited, Silver Angel Impex Limited, and Soy Leaf India Private Limited. These are small-scale producers with an average of 3 hectares each.

In Brazil, there are 24 groups of producers comprising 267 producers and, along with individual and multi-site certified producers, they account for a total of 1,565,391 hectares and 5,988,052 tons of certified soy.

Conversely, in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, a total of 234,199 hectares and 616,470 tonnes of soybeans were registered, and Individual Certification is the type chosen by producers in these countries.

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COUNTRIES Individual and multi-site certification Number of producers Number of groups Number of producers Group certification Tons Hectares Argentina Brazil India Paraguay Uruguay TOTAL 45 17 N/A 6 1 69 N/A 24 5 N/A N/A 28267 66,03866,305 561,858 5,988,052 443,962 27,395 27,217 7,048,484 189,531 1,565,391 228,480 33,479 11,189 2,028,070

Evolution of RTRS Chain of Custody Certification


Organizations 3

Bunge Paraguay S.A.

LDC Paraguay S.A.

Pedro Hosttler

In 2022, 179 new sites certified under the RTRS Chain of Custody Standard in Germany (1), Argentina (2), Brazil (168), India (5), Japan (3) and Paraguay (1); this figure includes 12 ports.

Sites 9

Ports 5


Organizations 1 Camilo Ferrón Chile S.A.

Sites 1


Organizations 12

Aceitera Chabás S.A.I.C.

Aceitera General Deheza S.A.

Alimentos de Soja S.A.

Bunge Argentina S.A.

COFCO International Argentina S.A.

Kumagro S.A.

LDC Argentina S.A.

Molinos Agro S.A.

T6 Industrial S.A.

Tecnocampo S.A.

Varteco Química Puntana S.A.

Viterra Argentina S.A.

Sites 16

Ports 5


Organizations 3

Moy Park L.T.D.

R&H Hall uc

John Thompson & Sons Limited Sites 19


Organizations 1

Cofco International France SAS

Sites 4


Organizations 19

ADM do Brasil

The Netherlands

Organizations 3

Bunge Netherlands BV

Zesty B.V.

Cargill BV, Zaanlandse Olieraffinaderij Sites 19


Organizations 2

ADM Hamburg Aktiengesellschaft

J. MÜLLER Weser GmbH & Co. KG

Sites 6

Ports 4


Organizations 3

Kanematsu Corporation Nisshin Shokai CO., LTD.

Shoda Shoyu CO.,LTD. Sites 3


ADM do Brasil - (Fábrica Rondonópolis)

ADM do Brasil - Ipameri

ADM do Brasil - Porto de Santos

ADM do Brasil LTDA (Fábrica 365)

Amaggi Exportacao e Importacao

Bunge Alimentos S.A.

Cargill Agricola S.A.

Cataratas do Iguacu Produtos Organicos LTDA

CJ Selecta Choc

COFCO Brazil Overseas LTDA

COFCO International Brasil LTDA

General Mills Brasil Alimentos Ltda

Humberg Agribrasil Comércio e Exportação de Grãos S.A.

INBRA Industrias Químicas

Louis Dreyfus Commodities Brasil S.A

Louis Dreyfus Company

SAAG - Sociedade de Armazenamiento e Agricultura Limitada

Vegetallis Indústria e Comércio.

Sites 290

Ports 26


Organizations 2

Mibamar S.A.

Cargill Uruguay S.A.

Sites 1

Organizations 1

Sodrugestvo Turkey Tarim


Sites 1


Organizations 2

Cereal Docks Marghera SRL

Cereal Docks SPA

Sites 3


Organizations 7

Adani Wilmar Limited

AVI Agri Business LTD

Kriti Nutrients Limited

Maharashtra Oil Extractions Pvt Ltd

Shalimar Nutrients Private Limited

Vippy Industries Ltd

Sites 8


Organizations 2

Thai Vegetable Oil Public Limited Company

Thanakorn Vegetable Oil Products Co.,Ltd.

Sites 3

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RTRS Chain of Custody

In 2022, there were a total of 369 certified sites for receiving, processing, and trading RTRS-certified physical soy across 14 countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. These included 238 storage facilities, 75 processing plants, 41 ports, 38 transshipment terminals, and 32 commercial offices.

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This implied an increase of 100% compared to 2021.

RTRS builds up its actions in Europe

RTRS is recognized by a large number of European organizations that consider the Association a complementary and reliable tool to meet and deliver their sustainability commitments. As a result, 84% of the purchase of RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy in 2022 was registered in Europe.

Strengthening responsible supply chains

The sustainability commitments of Bunge Limited include its efforts to reinforce responsible, traceable and verifiable supply chains and to comply with its goal of deforestation-free supply chains by 2025. The company, alongside other efforts, is focused on offering a wide range of certified products for both food production and animal feed industries in Belgium Brazil, Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Thailand and Turkey, among others,

In this regard, as part of its strategy and as one of the key actors in the global agri-food chain, Bunge is working to contribute to sustainable solutions with customers and producers in order to facilitate the connection of sustainable products with markets where demand is on the rise.

As a result, in 2022 a total of 39 Bunge sites were RTRS Chain of Custody certified to receive, process and trade RTRS-certified physical soy in Argentina, Brazil, the Netherlands and Paraguay.

Apart from certifying the chain of custody, the organization adopts the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production as an engagement mechanism with producers through the Group Certification model. Bunge acts as a group manager and is responsible for

providing technical and commercial assistance related to the certification process. This initiative, which involves 24 producers, in 2022 enabled the certification of over 600,000 tons in the Brazilian states of Mato Groso, Rondonia, Mato Groso do Sur, and Bahía.

“As a global soy supplier, we believe that certification is a powerful tool to build trust among end consumers and to provide our customers with the necessary input to meet their own sustainability commitments,” said Pâmela Moreira , South America Sustainability Manager at Bunge.

As an RTRS member since 2007, Bunge also takes part in various networking and dialogue activities and initiatives proposed by the Association, such as annual international conferences, Task Forces and local Working Groups.

“Today we count on RTRS as the main platform to offer responsible products to the market, support producers and build up a bridge to end consumers,” stated Michel Santos, Global Sustainability Director at Bunge, at Meeting Point 2022, the Annual International Conference in Germany, where Bunge was the main sponsor.

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Asia as a growth driver

The scenario for RTRS in this region offers opportunities due to the increased per capita consumption of soy in India, China, and Japan.

In this regard, the Association is working to consolidate as multistakeholder platform also in Asia, highlighting the value of its international certification standard.

As a result, four new members of Asian origin joined RTRS between 2021-2022, and the number of certified producers increased by 75% in 2022 compared to the previous year (in India). Moreover, 2022 ended with a total of 14 RTRS Chain of Custody certified sites in India (8), Thailand (3) and Japan (3).

Aquaculture industry in Taiwan

Nutri-Potential Biotechnology Co., Ltd (a member of the Grobest business group) was founded in Taiwan in 1974 and since then has manteined maintained a leading position in research and development of natural and antibiotic-free animal feed products for ecological and sustainable aquaculture.

“Respecting nature for the development of aquaculture is an integral part of Grobest’s approach to sustainability,” stated Edena Low , Director of Legal Affairs, Compliance, and ESG Officer of the Group.

The organization joined RTRS in 2022, and as part of its sustainability commitment, acquired over 25,400 RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy through its subsidiaries in Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

“Soy-based ingredients form an important part of the inputs for our high performance aquafeed products. It is of the essence that we source our inputs from responsible

suppliers whose commitment to the environment matches ours. We have a long-term and ongoing commitment to capacity and skills development across the sector. Therefore, being an RTRS member is crucial in all this,” Low added.

The following organizations, alongside the Grobest group, and for the aquaculture business in Southeast Asia, acquired more than 45,400 Credits Supporting Responsible Soy in 2022: PT. Universal Agri Bisnisindo from Indonesia; Feed One Co., Ltd; Marubeni Nisshin Feed Co., Ltd. and Skretting from Japan; Louis Dreyfus Company Asia Pte Ltd from Singapore; and De Heus LLC and Skretting from Vietnam.

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Certified producers in India

In 2022, 66,038 RTRS certified producers were registered under Group Certification in India, representing a 33% increase in the number of producers over the previous year.

In total, India reached 228,480 hectares and 443.962 tonnes of RTRS-certified soy.

Group certification enables producers not only to share audit costs but also to access new knowledge about the best agricultural and business practices, optimizing the diverse individual skills of each producer. Likewise, by working as a group, producers develop greater awareness of working conditions and the importance of adopting health and safety measures in the field, while also promoting increased efficiency in soil protection and water management.

Certified producers are represented by Ish Agrithech Private Limited, Haritprakash Biocare LLP, Landmark Agri Exports Private Limited, Silver Angel Impex Limited, and Soy Leaf India Private Limited.

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Market in South America

Year after year, RTRS certification reinforces its position in the soyproducing countries of South America: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This is due to the social, environmental, and economic impact it entails to producers and the community, as well as its recognition by global organizations as a tool aligned with their sustainability goals including zero deforestation and zero conversion.

RTRS certification continues to strengthen its position in the soy-producing countries of South America, with a 50% increase in certified production in 2022 compared to the previous year. The RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production is acknowledged by producers for being a tool that not only promotes the minimization and/or prevention of agricultural risks but also highlights and values the actions that producers practice within and beyond their properties. It also addresses differentiated markets and addresses significant social aspects.

Starting in 2020, Arcos Dorados, the operator of McDonald’s brand in 20 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean, undertook the commitment that soy used for animal feed for its chicken supply chain will be produced responsibly.

Since then, the organization has been supporting responsible soy production by encouraging its suppliers to purchase RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy. As a result, its suppliers in Argentina and Brazil acquired 14,600 RTRS Credits between 2021 and 2022.

To further build on its sustainability commitments, Arcos Dorados joined RTRS in 2022. “Through RTRS membership, we have gained more representation in an important space for discussions on this topic and access to concepts and tools that aid us. The company uses, for instance, the RTRS Soy and Corn Footprint Calculator, a globally validated tool with scientifically proven foundations, to estimate the equivalent volume of soy used in animal feed for chickens,” says Gabriel Serber , Vice President of Social Commitment and Sustainable Development at Arcos Dorados.

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 24 1.Round Table A ctivities 2.RTRS Certification 3.New Opportunities
Arcos Dorados joins RTRS to strengthen its commitment to sustainable production

Market development

Evolution of the uptake of RTRS-certified material

Globally, the uptake of certified material (including both RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy and Mass Balance) increased by 7% in 2022 compared to 2021, reaching a total of 5,304,639.

90% of this adoption corresponds to RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy, making a total of 4,781,759.

81% of the global uptake was adopted by Europe, which reached 4,313,880 (4,031,956 RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy), while 281,924 tons corresponded to Mass Balance, mostly RTRS EU RED.

Countries uptaking RTRS certified material

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 25 1.Round Table A ctivities 2.RTRS Certification 3.New Opportunities
21,45% 18,15% 14,93% 14,27% 7,14% 3,93% 3,40% 3,11% 1,95% 1,75% 1,71% 1,25% 1,02% 0,98% 0,90% 0,60% 0,53% 0,52% 0,41% 0,38% 0,37% 0,31% 0,26% 0,13% 0,13% 0,12% 0,08% 0,06% 0,04% 0,02% 0,02% 0,02% 0,01% 0,01% 0,01% 0,01% 0,00% The Netherlands The United Kingdom Denmark Germany Brazil Belgium Ecuador Switzerland Italy France Chile Sweden Ireland Finland Poland Vietnam Peru Honduras Argentina Thailand Turkey Indonesia Paraguay Spain Guatemala United States Australia Nicaragua Austria Latvia China Norway Malaysia Japan Taiwan Estonia Slovenia 2022 % Mass Balance Credits supporting responsible soy 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000201220132014201520162017 2018 82,962 43,080 56,000241,225 95,772 83,753316,742 2019 555,562 4,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 441,053 691,635 1,297,7122,118,0851,944,9492,110,4262,485,9803,395,847 2,802,722 2,194,179 2,040,721 2,359,310 1,335,712 774,597 484,133 3,951,409 202020212022 634,759 4,115,403 4,750,162 4,974,091 716,868 4,257,223 5,304,639 522,880 4,781,759

Top 20 organizations adopting RTRS-certified material worldwide


Country Adopted Certified Material

(Mass Balance - Supporting Responsible Soy Credits)

Arla Foods amba

Tesco Plc

Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG

De Heus Voeders B.V.

Sun Valley Foods Ltd (Cargill - Reino Unido)

ADM Hamburg AG

Danish Crown A/S


Nestlé (Nestec Ltd.)

Agrifirm B.V.


Belgian Feed Assoociation (BFA)

ABZ Diervoeding


Cranswick Country Foods

Solae do Brasil Industria e Comercio de Alimentos Ltda

Inbalnor S.A.

Rothkötter Mischfutterwerk GmbH (NMU)

Agricola Italiana Alimentare S.p.A.

Gebr. Fuite B.V.


United Kingdom


The Netherlands

United Kingdom





The Netherlands

The Netherlands Belgium

The Netherlands Ecuador

“We’re proud to see that our sustainable actions over the past five years have had a positive impact. As members of RTRS since 2018, we seek to create sustainable supply chains that protect the environment and benefit communities, while still delivering highquality products for our clients. In addition, as a major food retailer, we acknowledge the importance to make progress towards sustainable sourcing through supporting responsible soy production.” Hannah Mittner - Sustainability Consultant (Lidl International).

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 26 1.Round Table A ctivities 2.RTRS Certification 3.New Opportunities
Germany Italy
520.000 C 328.785 C 320.334 C 315.930 C 280.000 C 266.055 MB 236.740 C 205.070 C 158.195 C 151.000 C 138.000 C 120.000 C 105.000 C 88.132 C 86.485 C 83.000 C 73.593 C 65.000 C 53.000 C 51.000 C
United Kingdom Brazil Ecuador
The Netherlands
Mass Balance Supporting Responsible Soy Credits

69 new adopters of RTRScertified material in 2022

In 2022, 69 companies from 29 countries adopted RTRS certified material for the first time.

This represented an increase of 9% compared to 2021. In total, they adopted 1,256,803 tonnes of RTRS certified material (1,245,033 of RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy and 11,770 tonnes of Mass Balance for the food, grain processing and aquaculture industry).

To mention a few of them:

“In 2022 De Heus LLC adopts RTRS Supporting Responsible Soy Credits because it allows us to make progress with our own Global Green Goals” Leonard Brandhorst, Procurement Director of DE HEUS Vietnam.

“Sustainability has always been a key driver for us, not only in our feed manufacturing process, but also in the products we deliver to various supply chains in the UK and Ireland. Our UK factory achieved RTRS Chain of Custody certification in July 2021, and since then we have provided our customers with the opportunity to source RTRS Mass Balance certified materials,” Sam Smyth, Technical Director at John Thompson & Sons Limited.

“We are one of the major fish feed producers in Turkey and our main goal is to use sustainable and certified raw materials in our products. Soy is an important ingredient in our diets and, to ensure and take our quality to a higher level, we wanted to be part of that platform.” Ozge Uysal, AR&D Manager of Gumusdoga Su Urunleri.

“Our main motto is to respect nature for a healthy aquaculture. This means that it is essential that we outsource our inputs from responsible suppliers whose commitment to the environment matches our own. This approach includes ingredients based on soy, which is a significant component in our highperformance aquaculture products. Adopting RTRS Credits Supporting Responsible Soy is an integral part of that approach,” Jeff Chen, Group Deputy Director Procurement at Nutri-Potential Biotechnology Co. Ltd.

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 27 1.Round Table A ctivities 2.RTRS Certification 3.New Opportunities

New opportunities


RTRS Certified Corn: expansion from soy to other crops

798,158 tons of RTRS-certified corn

In 2022, 18 RTRS soy producers certified their corn production under the RTRS Standard for Responsible Corn Production. They are Agropecuaria Dechamps

S.R.L, Agropecuaria Patagonica del Sur S.A, Caldenes

S.A., Delfino Llobet S.R.L, Francisco Sellart S.A., Hijas de Juan A Harriet S.A., Juan José Blanchard, Monte Ovejero S.C.A, S y D La Fuente, San Félix S.A., San Juan del Totoral S.A., Tecnocampo S.A. and Viluco S.A. from Argentina; Agropecuária Andrade, Cooperativa Agraria Agroindustrial, SLC Agrícola S.A and GGF - Agro LTDA from Brazil and Pradoten S.A. from Uruguay.

They represent a total of 118,708 hectares and 798,158 tons of certified corn. The first experiences of RTRS Corn Certification confirm the value of creating synergies and opportunities with producers. They also demonstrate that it is feasible to capitalize on the sustainability achievements of soy certification and continue the process of sustainable production by extending soy certification to a rotational crop.

The RTRS Standard for Responsible Corn Production was launched in December 2021. Most sustainability requirements outlined in the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production are applicable to corn as well. This is why RTRS decided to move forward with integrating a soy/corn certification system.

“Including other rotational crops in our certified production seemed to be the best way for us to continue growing in sustainable agriculture”, said Andrés Laxague , Production Manager of Tecnocampo S.A. In the same vein, Francisca Llorens, Production Quality Manager of the company, underscored that “the 14 indicators of the RTRS Corn Standard, which are added to the 108 required by the RTRS Soybean Standard, are those that meet the main requirements for sustainable corn production that every producer is in a position to carry out”.

“Actually, the process of certifying corn in itself did not mean an additional effort for San Félix in terms of production, because when we assessed the new requirements, we noticed that they were already fulfilled before certification”, said Antonio de Nevares, representative of San Félix. “We just extended the calculation of the management indicators and implemented some new procedures, for example, additional records of machinery cleaning,” added Javier Pepa , consultant at San Félix S.A.

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 29 1. Round Table Activities 2. RTRS Certification 3. New Opportunities
Countries Argentina Brasil Uruguay TOTAL Tons 182,102 605,912 10,144 798,158 Hectares 25,942 91,067 1,699 118,708

“Certifying our corn production has allowed us to confirm that we continue our alignment with economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable production practices, which have always been part of our DNA,” expressed Gastón Bottaro Director of San Juan del Totoral S.A.

“Corn certification enables us to feed our animals with corn produced under an internationally recognized standard, in accordance with sustainable agricultural, environmental, and social practices,” explained Gustavo Soto , Responsible for Agricultural and Forage Production and Certifications at Caldenes S.A.

“For us, corn certification was the opportunity to extend our certification scope to other commodities, and benefit from the synergy between the two products, soy and corn, at the time of auditing”, said Alvaro Dilli , Sustainability Director of the Brazilian SLC Agrícola S.A.

Building connections

In relation to the RTRS Standard for Responsible Corn Production, the Association liaised with MAIZALL (International Maize Alliance) and the Argentine Corn and Sorghum Association - MAIZAR to explore possible synergies and collaborative activities for the future of responsible corn production in Argentina and the region.

As part of this engagement process, RTRS participated and became a supporting sponsor of the XVI Maizar Congress 2022, an Argentine event aimed at positioning and showcasing the bioeconomy related to corn and sorghum. The congress presented technical innovations for producers and provided ample space for engaging with young professionals.

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 30 1. Round Table Activities 2. RTRS Certification 3. New Opportunities
2 MAIZALL is made up of the Brazilian Association of Corn Producers - Abramilho; the Council of Grains of the United States - US Grains Council; the United States Corn Growers Association - National Corn Growers Association and MAIZAR.

Adding value to RTRS-certified material

New National Interpretations for Argentina and Brazil

The multi-stakeholder process of revision and development of national interpretations of the RTRS Standard for Soy Production V.4.0 took place and was published in December 2021.

The revision and development of the national interpretations is a collaborative and transparent multistakeholder process involving all RTRS stakeholders, industry, trade and finance, producers, and civil society organizations.

The new versions of the national interpretations were finally approved by the RTRS Executive Committee and are publicly available on the RTRS website.

→To access the Argentine national interpretation V4.0 click here.

→To access the Brazilian national interpretation V4.0 click here.

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 31 1. Round Table Activities 2. RTRS Certification 3. New Opportunities

RTRS Biofuels: RTRS EU RED Technical documents reapproved by the European Commission

The European Commission has reapproved the RTRS technical documents for biofuels, known as RTRS EU RED. These documents were also approved by the members of the Association through Resolution 1-2022.

In order to achieve recognition by the European Commission, the Association revised and adapted the documents in 2021, in accordance with the new criteria and scope established by the European Commission’s Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (EU RED).

Thus, the RTRS EU RED documents allow organizations, producers and industry certified under this module to demonstrate their capability to supply soy and soy byproducts to the European biofuels market.

EU RED regulates imports of commodities (such as soy) into the European Union (EU) to ensure that the production of biofuels is sustainable and environmentally compatible. The RTRS certification system was recognized by the EU RED on two previous occasions, in 2011 and 2017; and this year, the European Commission again recognized that the EU RED RTRS technical documents meet the standards of credibility, transparency, independent auditing and adequate methodological requirements.

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RTRS contributes significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals

The Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in collaboration with Preferred by Nature developed and published a report recommending organizations to join RTRS as a strategy that will help them to move forward on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and to keep up to date with the latest trends in promoting responsible soy production and use.

The report confirms the alignment between the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production and the SDGs and concludes that RTRS makes important contributions to their achievement thanks to its holistic model.

The benchmark shows that each SDG is aligned with at least one RTRS principle, and that most of the SDGs coincide with at least two RTRS principles, indicating strong alignment. Furthermore, the report states that RTRS specifically contributes to the achievement of the SDGs “zero hunger”, “clean water and sanitation”, “decent work and economic growth” and “life on land”. It also notes that RTRS demonstrates a significant commitment to the goals of “no poverty”, “reducing inequalities”, “sustainable cities and communities” and “peace, justice and strong institutions”.

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Table summarising alignment between SDGs and RTRS principles















MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 34 1. Round Table Activities 2. RTRS Certification 3. New Opportunities
PRINCIPLE 1 PRINCIPLE 2 PRINCIPLE 3 PRINCIPLE 4 PRINCIPLE 5 Over 20 matches 11-20 matches 1-10 matches → Access the report here.

New Corn Conversion Factor System and re-launch of the Soy and

Corn Footprint Calculator

The Association continues to enhance its technological package by updating and refining its tools and expanding its scope to include other crops. This expansion of knowledge, built upon the RTRS certification systems, goes beyond soy to cover other oils, seeds, and grains.

Like the approach taken for soy in 2020, RTRS, in partnership with the Center for Agribusiness and Food (CEAg) at the Austral University of Argentina and 3Keel, a UK-based sustainability consultant agency, developed the world’s first comprehensive set of conversion factors for corn. This reliable research, this time for the most significant cereal in terms of global production, led to the update of the RTRS Soy Footprint Calculator and its transformation into the RTRS Soy and Corn Footprint Calculator.

Now this tool will enable soy and corn sector stakeholders, organizations, and consumers to calculate the footprint of their soy and corn products, whether used in animal feed or for human consumption.

Try out the new RTRS Soy and Corn Footprint Calculator here.

Relive the webinar presentation by accessing the recording here.

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 35 1. Round Table Activities 2. RTRS Certification 3. New Opportunities

Continuous improvement of the RTRS Strategy “Beyond 2020” | 2021-2026

In 2022, the RTRS continued its implementation of the RTRS Strategy focusing its efforts on strengthening its role as a global, multisectoral roundtable for consensusbased decision-making, and consolidating its position as a global reference for the soy sector.

To ensure its ongoing implementation, the RTRS Secretariat collaborated with Malik Consultants to update the basic framework and documentation structure of the RTRS Strategy. This process took place throughout the second half of the year and concluded by the end of the year with thorough revision and adjustments of the “Beyond 2020” strategy with a projection into the year 2023.

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RTRS Executive Board



Alliance4Soy Belgium


Rabobank Brazil

GERHARD ADAM Bayer AG Alemania

LUKAS VOGT ACT Commodities (Vice President) The Netherlands


Woolworths Holdings Limited South Africa South Africa




Productores de Soja Paraguay



Salentein Argentina B.V.



CUMA de la Vallée de la Trouille



Madhya Bharat Consortium of Farmers Producer Company Limited (MBCFPCL)




Fundación Moisés Bertoni (Vice President)






The Nature Conservancy




Europe Outreach & Engagement Manager

ROMINA PIPINO Membership Ambassador

INGRID KORN Office Manager



Executive Director

(Left the organization in June 2023)


Communication & Engagement Officer


Business Development & Technical Officer

ANALAURAANDREANI Technical Unit Coordinator


Finance & Administration Coordinator


Communication Analyst

MARINA GARBARINI Technical Unit Analyst



RTRS External Consultant, Brazil


RTRS External Consultant, China

MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 | 37 1.Round Table A ctivities 2.RTRS Certification 3.New Opportunities


Round Table on Responsible So y Association (RTRS) @responsibles oy

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